Polaris AB's Posts (27)

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Since 2012

One week ago, I wrote a post about the arrival of a Celestial Being into our Solar System, a further messenger from the far reaches of the Galaxy within the Oort Cloud. Despite several attempts, I was unable to post the status with previous versions disappearing into the internet ether.

The Being has now arrived in a Third Dimensional Form as Comet Siding Spring and has a direct mission to intercept and seed the atmosphere of Mars with a cosmic downpouring of Language of Light Sacred Geometry as high vibrational Adamantine Star seeded particles. The comet's encounter occurs within the constellation of Ophiuchus, the Serpent Holder, the 13th Astrological sign also known as Aesclepius, Imhotep and Thoth. The sign of the Caduceus and the rising of the serpent energy, Kundalini.

Since the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, Earth in her higher aspect as Gaia, has been steadily raising her vibrational frequencies to that of Fifth Dimension to cease sustaining and releasing the lower vibrational energies that hold lower emotional frequencies within the Third Dimensional system. These have led to overuse of her resource offerings and poisoning her life stream. As Children of the Sun, many Star Seeds, Light Workers and Walking Masters of Light have been internally raising their own frequency vibrations in turn with those of Gaia and after 25 years, this was completed on the 21.12.2012. Third Dimension under these circumstances should be understood as a range or band of frequency vibrations, in this case, those that exist within the Light Spectrum manifest as Light, Sound and Physical Matter. This differs from the physical term of Third Dimension as Width, Height and Depth.

The other planets too have long been influencing and governing the behavioural characteristics of those born on Earth, determining the direction and potential actions of the individual following their life stream and achieving their Soul purpose. Mars has been particularly active in the preceding months bringing about aggression, feelings of rage and stimulating the inner warrior archetype in many.

The arrival of Comet Siding Spring from outside of our Solar System brings with it direct changes to Mars allowing Divine Feminine to soften and reduce the heavy masculine energies Mars has always exhibited. As a planet of passion, its brief union with Comet Sidings Spring will lead to revised patterns of behaviour leading to a more balanced personality. Changes to the root cause of emotional behaviours and mental constructs lead to revised displays at a third dimensional level. Those that seek to command and conquer will seek instead to persuade and give guidance. Aggression becomes assertiveness, dictation becomes guided leadership, dominance becomes mutual agreement, power through strength becomes Will through ability.

Many now awakening to the energies of Fifth Dimension are feeling the stirrings of their Soul communicating through their higher Divine Self. Syncronicities abound, changes in patterns of behaviour, material desires waning and spiritual purposes waxing. The year of 2013 laid out the template of changes that would be taking place, installing directly into the Multi Dimensional Lightbody with the intention of gradually feeding through to the lower physical aspect of Third Dimension. A Fifth Dimensional electro magnetic structure was anchored around the energy fields of each individual incarnate on Gaia during the Grand Sextile of July 29th 2013. This was in the form of a Star of David, Star Tetrahedron Merkaba and allows the higher vibrational frequencies required to hold together a Fifth Dimensional Multi-dimensional Lightbody around a Third Dimensional Physical Form. The creation of the higher Light Body opens access to Twelve Dimensional Senses beyond the first five physical senses. Opening of a further five chakras joining with the previous seven, locks into place the Twelve Nexus System. This system allows Frequency Integration of the Twelve Angelic Rays, causing Light Activation of the Twelve DNA strands. This allows full access to the Fifth Dimensional Light Body based on the universal Human ‘Adam Kadmon’ blueprint.

What is not seen in Third is held in Fifth. Without development of the Six Sense of Awareness and Seventh Sense of Self, this energy field will not become known and many will continue their daily lives dismissing any belief in what is not believable to them.

The year of 2014 began a gradual increase in the higher frequency spin of the Merkaba which has been anchored at the Higher Nexus Point of the Stellar Gateway and the Lower Nexus Point of the Earth Star. The increasing spin is very much required to draw in higher vibrational frequencies to expand the ability to hold a vast amount of energy in the surrounding Lightbody. This increased power up allows the sustaining of a Multi dimensional awareness with greater capabilities than the physical body alone can hold.

The composition of a current Solar Sunspot has already created a vast quantity of high speed particles sent from the Central Sun which arrive to amplify and charge existing energies beyond current capacity. A large X class flare will impact on external Satellite Navigation systems, and communication devices may well be interrupted and even more significantly, expect your own internal guidance systems, reasoning capabilities, thinking processes, expressive abilities and patterns of behaviour to be affected as a result. Ride the solar storm and focus internally rather than react to the dramatic effects it has on events and others around you.

The date of 10.10 combined with a lunar eclipse brought forward the energies of the Shadow Self, creating doubt, concern for the future and survival issues in increased magnitude. Many may have felt disconnected from their Guides, inner voices and Divine Self during this time. A loss of direction, inner knowledge and lacking sense of identity. The opening of the Divine Gateway at this time created an inner confusion as the Mind sought to re-establish connection with the Body and re-create a sense of familiar individualism.

A partial Solar Eclipse On Oct 23rd, softening of the dominant Masculine energies, reconnection with Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart are leading us towards the important gateway opening of 11.11 – bringing refreshment and renewal, the combining of the Divine Higher Self with the Lower Ego Self. Finally, for those that are prepared and ready, the opportunity of allowing the greater part of YOU to take the driving seat, strap in and take you full throttle into the sunrise and the arrival of the Golden Age that is dawning before you.
Embrace the Light and let it shine on YOU and let the shadows fall behind you.

With Love and Blessings, Polaris AB

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All that you are presently is not your true nature for there are many transformations required to take you through your Ascension process. The body you reside within must change form and release its energetic constructs so that the senses no longer control your pattern of existence. Your desires and passions will wane until reason no longer becomes your sole focus to justify your being. It is in surrendering yourself to the process of Ascension that allows the energies to reshape what you truly are. Intention without design, purpose without construction, format without formality. 

To flow into the process requires releasing the beliefs that constrain your state of being. The greatest desire at this time is to Be without question from another. But recognize that all others are just aspects of you recognizing who you truly are. To seek understanding of the process from another aids preparation but ultimately withholds your own progression until your attentions are turned inward. For all the dominant traits that constitute the makeup of man must be purged from the created Self that you are. 

Whilst earthly desires remain, energy will flow along the paths they create. When these paths have been turned to face inward and you are prepared to stand naked and stripped of your earthly bonding, then shall your Mind become One with All-That-Is. It is the Mind of One that knows the true nature of all things. 

Realise that only by surrender to your Self, do you become Self-realised. Time and space construct no barriers around you. You are One realisation away from Ascension. The time is NOW.
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I truly Love You - not because I am seeking confirmation in return. Not because I want to be Loved and need to hear it from another.

I Love the way that Love makes me feel when I think about it, when I feel gratitude for the way I feel and when I can send that Love to another like You.  

You know that my Love does not come with demands or expectations or obligations. My Love is sent as a gift for You to do with as You will.

My Love is unconditional and what makes it worthwhile is when You appreciate the Love that is sent to You, just for what it is in its entirety, just so that You may feel the same way about Love too. 

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The emerging Light Body



The changes taking place within are beginning to rapidly move us through the frequency bands towards higher vibrational density – it is not your current physical body that you will be taking with you towards ascension.


The light frequencies required to merge with your higher self in a physical environment will not support the third density body that you currently reside in. Increases in photon and electromagnetic energies through increased levels of background cosmic and solar non-ionizing radiation create excited cellular vibration which primarily results in physical tiredness, aches and pains, loss of concentration, upsetting natural biorhythms, time displacement – all the current symptoms being experienced. The natural life cycle of the cellular structures are vastly accelerated as a result. The cells cannot evolve to meet the stresses imposed on them within the time periods involved.


Flicker fusion threshold is where the physical eyes perceive movement as continuous – the movement being the perceived measurement of objects within time and space. However reconstruction of the entire universe occurs at a flicker fusion rate at the speed of light - we call this reality. This is the Cosmic Pulse of reality present at zero point – the on/off, in/out of the universal mind at work.  


Emergence of the shadow DNA strands act like harp strings by changing the tonal frequencies of the body effectively separating the etheric energetic links between the individual cells. Each current moment within zero point, each physical cell through a form of etheric mitosis is making way for a higher vibrational ‘twin flame’ version which will operate within the new higher frequency ranges of existence. One method requires a material able to withstand vastly higher degrees of heat and light which has been demonstrated as a form of polycrystalline silicate combined with a rare earth metal to form clear crystals of lutetium orthosilicate. The result being the beginnings of the creation of the crystalline Light body able to continue a physical density existence within the newly emerging fifth dimensional planet.



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Sixth Sense - accessing Higher Self


The human terran body was created entirely to provide sensory organs for Source to exist within a third density world. Many different physical bodies exist based on the differing planetary environments that have birthed and shaped their creation. All of which house differing aspects of Source to gain differing ranges of experience. All are people in different physical clothing. In fact, each planetary being takes on the specific role to use their creative power to evolve self aware physicality into different forms. Not all have the privilege and responsibility to evolve a body that can exist in ‘human’ form. Gaia has proved to be an extremely efficient and specialised environment to populate such a diverse range of species. Being human is not about being separate beings from the rest of the Universe - to be human on Earth is to be the latest fashion show with everyone else watching. 

Knowledge within the lower dimensions is extremely restrictive based on external experiences fed to a physical body and mind through five senses. The evolution of carbon based eyes allow a limited range of physical light frequencies in order to be able to ‘see’ the effects of a creative and collective thought form mind around the body. However, eyes and ears are only of use within a particular specialised physical environment. Even in fifth dimension, much of the created realm is based on visualising a familiar world that individuals feel comfortable and safe within their own understanding. In the higher dimensions, there is no requirement for physically ‘seeing’ or ‘hearing’, as higher conscious awareness exists as vibrational patterns of ‘knowing’. There is no requirement for the differing parts of a physical body because they serve no purpose. There is no requirement to take our body with us other than through comfort and familiarity in retaining our perception of an identity. The signature vibration of the soul serves that purpose in the higher realms.

For those familiar with the workings of knowledge transfer through the dimensions, know that the process of arrival of patterned vibrational information (encoded Language of Light) occurs at a high level which is then converted into a form of which the lower mind can understand and recognize. To describe this process in words is almost impossible other than to say that once familiar, it just feels natural to do so. The highest form that this can arrive is in the form of pure knowing or ‘gnosis’. This does not require a conversion process into one of the lower physical senses in order to be understood but requires a degree of ‘faith’ as much of the information has no form of reference to validate or compare with known sources. This could be described as 'inspired' thought (inspiritos - the breath of Source) For those who reality is determined by ‘seeing with their own eyes’ before understanding and acceptance, much energy is used in trying to conceptually convert what ‘arrives’ into a picture in order to release its meaning to the lower mind. However many of the higher concepts and ideas do not have prior existence in picture or sound form. In order to create a picture that is known and recognised to the lower senses, the information must firstly already have existed in physical density and secondly be recognisable by the recipient in order to be understood. The higher mind will often use imagery to create a pictorial journey of what it is trying to convey. A differing conversion process exists in audio form in which the higher concepts are presented as sound. Although this might be heard as inner thoughts or voices, sound alone can trigger certain thoughts and feelings which can be understood by the lower mind. Think of certain songs or even smells that trigger distant memories.

A technique to take advantage of this conversion process for those who may find difficulty with meditation techniques is to use the internet. Start off by entering today’s date in something like Wiki. Look for a name or event that ‘appeals’ to you, a word or picture that stands out from others, that appears ‘brighter’ than the rest of the information presented, then just start following the links that this creates. Do not use judgement or try and follow patterns. Just click on whatever seems the most appropriate to follow. We already know this as surfing – but it provides a method to know where your current focus lies and what your higher self is always trying to pass through to you.

It is by being non-judgement that allows this method to work effectively. You are not necessarily looking for a fixed answer to a fixed question, you are exploring the inner workings of your Higher Self guiding you to what you need to know at that point. You may wish to start the session by raising a loose question or name something that you wish to address. This process is no different to hearing a certain song on the radio or seeing a particular advert on the street – synchronicity is the key to opening the inner mind. Trust in the fact that this will always take you to an area which needs your focus and attention.

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Evolution of Electricity


Electric current is a flow of electric charge through a medium. This charge is typically carried by moving electrons in a conductor such as wire.

Electric charge is a physical property of matter that causes it to experience a force when near other electrically charged matter. Electric charge comes in two types, called positive and negative.

Two positively charged substances, or objects, experience a mutual repulsive force, as do two negatively charged objects. Positively charged objects and negatively charged objects experience an attractive force.

The electron is a subatomic elementary particle, (not divisible into anything smaller) with a negative electric charge.

Electrons, together with atomic nuclei made of protons and neutrons, make up atoms.

When an electron is accelerated, it can absorb or radiate energy in the form of photons.


A photon is an elementary particle, the quantum of light and all other forms of electromagnetic radiation, and the force carrier for the electromagnetic force.


Fiber-optic communication is a method of transmitting information from one place to another by sending pulses of light through an optical fiber. The light forms an electromagnetic carrier wave that is modulated to carry information.



Within current physics, the movement of electrical charge is carried out by the electrons moving the positive / charge along the atoms within a wire – much like a relay race with each runner passing on the baton to the next runner. This process relies on duality – the attraction of negative to positive, female to male, ying to yang.


Increasing frequencies above the current third density electro magnetic spectrum cause interference with the electron charge process which takes effect on the behaviour of electricity to function in an expected manner.


Changes from duality - positive / negative merger into unity consciousness will lead to the current process of electricity in the physical world failing to work. There will be no charge differential between positive and negative in order to allow the flow to take place between them.


In higher earth densities, all current machines, equipment, vehicles, computers, phones, lightening, nerves within the body/brain – will begin to fail to work. We are starting to see this already with disturbances with the telephone networks, strange medical symptoms of the body, brain memory interference, computers not ‘behaving’ in expected patterns, errors in communication transmission, increased solar flares creating electromagnetic disturbances.

Instead, evolution takes this forward by using the photon as the carrier of force – in others words, units of light. This already takes place with fibre optics which uses light to carry ‘information’ from one physical place to another.


The photon will be ‘charged’ with a message or ‘encoded information’ which will be destined to follow a ‘path of intention’ – in other words, it will not need a specific conductor or wire to move from one location to another. Use of adamantine particles will be called upon and structured by intent to carry the message instead.   


The human species is evolving rapidly to cope with these changes with 48 chromosomes, 12 physical strands of DNA and 10 etheric strands of DNA. Our internal biology is gradually being alchemically altered from a sugar based organic cell feeding system to a multi-dimensional liquid light chromophore based crystal photonic structured system. An expanded awareness - the perfect physical structure to contain and store the light of Source. The beginnings of the Light Body.



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2012 - the illusionary spark of physicality


The changes taking place during 2012 are leading to a move in consciousness from physical to an emotionally led world.

Rather than being driven by the wants of the flesh, the influences in your life will start to come from your feelings and the seeking of fulfilment of your emotional needs. Many have always kept their emotions hidden from others using false masks so they do not expose inner weaknesses and vulnerabilities, instead choosing to surround themselves with the illusion of materialism through behaviour, clothing, cars and property. Many have allowed themselves to be measured by their identity and have shaped their belief system solely around their physical side without consideration for the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies they reside in. Even a partner is chosen as an extension and possession rather than through suitability and compatibility which is considered from the ‘old ways’.

The enhanced empathetic abilities that will arise with the increased energy vibrations will not only allow the ability to feel the energy bodies of others and to interpret what you ‘feel’ coming from another but the growing increase in inner light within the body’s cellular structure will allow further development of the insight to see energies that surround others and to interpret the colours of emotions that are given off - for ALL exist in a sea of flowing colourful glowing energy. For so long, you have ignored your inner feelings, your gut instinct and your inner truth that instinctively guides what you do as being of the right choice. And YES - ALL have choice in every decision that you make – that choice should not be sacrificed for the sake of maintaining false appearances to others. 

Do you feel that people will judge you, your position, your success or abilities by the people you are seen with as a greater or poorer reflection and extension of you – or are you comfortable enough in your Self not to feel insecure by others perception of you alone. How many are sacrificing the happiness of their emotions for the sake of creating and maintaining an outward image of the Self that they are ‘required’ for others to see? 

There has grown a need to disguise certain aspects of physicality or work towards an accepted physical perfection. This has created much dissatisfaction to those who feel they cannot fulfil the ‘perfect’ blueprint created by the media of film, sport and music idols. It has become perception that a person is judged by others purely by the way they physically look and not by the personality that may lie underneath the outer covering. The cover has become more important than the book. 

It seems unfair that a person cannot feel love towards another because they cannot feel the ‘spark’ of physical attraction despite being attracted in many other ways. Think of the relationships ended purely because the physical side of things is no longer appealing to one party - when a partner chooses another, based purely on the physical desire they see in them or indeed by the ceasing of physical desire they have in their partner. 

From an evolutionary point of view, it is understandable to maintain the interest of a partner in order for the security and raising of youngsters through provision, ability, honesty, trust. However, partnerships built purely on physical attraction will fade as attraction to the physical fades. 

2012 will bring the ability to ‘see’ others with your heart rather than through your eyes. Where you will find new partners and new friends that you share common ground with, that accept you as you are rather than a competitive need for constant improvement or criticism of failure to comply with illusionary beliefs and standards.

2012 will allow you to truly set your Self free to just BE YOU. Embrace your Self.

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To find the answer, first ask the right question?


To find a place, you have to know which direction to go in. To find the answer to a question, you have to know firstly what you are looking for, hence life is a ‘quest’ or journey.

The nature of evolution is for the lower densities to find a way to advance upwards, to discover themselves and discover new knowledge along the way. Your higher self is already aware of the knowledge that you wish to obtain and achieve during your life time. In Spirit, this knowledge is available but in duality, one has to ‘work’ to bring it down into a 3rd density form for material use. It is merely the case of your lower self expanding the awareness of itself ever upwards until the higher self can merge with it in full understanding. You will earn your degree once you have achieved all the course work and passed the exam. On Earth, the nature of Spirit is to bring awareness to the spirit of Nature.

Physical matter is built around a blueprint template of form which lays out the structure for particles to fill – a crystal matrix filled with adamantine particles. And so it is with a Question - a question is a crystallized thought as a form which requires data to fill it. 

The Law of Attraction works when the resonance of a question lays out its form and attracts the answer as data required to fill the form. We can use the process of synchronicity to present us with the answers. 

Physical matter, material, data, answers – all are forms of energy as different densities of light.

If the only form of answer was in Arabic, then you would need to understand Arabic in order to recognize the answer. And so it is with the Language of Light, it exists all around us, in forms and concepts and laws and forces. But it is our understanding of it that gradually happens with increased awareness. We just have to ask the right questions – hence: Ask, and it shall be given to you. Seek and you shall find. This is a simple way of saying – ask what you want to know. It may take a lifetime to understand the answer though. The only limitations are the ones created by your own belief that stops you asking any more questions – instead you convince yourself through negative affirmations that you can go no further.

Affirmations help to establish a frame of mind – positive affirmations provide a good foundation to work from, but it is the questions that advance you further. Negative affirmations, I am no good at this, I can’t, I don’t know how - all stop progress.

To find your purpose in life, compose a set of simple questions - to find out where you are, who you are and where you are going. The greatest among us all started by asking a series of questions until they found all their answers and still kept going. Humility comes from asking questions rather than assuming the role of having all the answers. 

A tree has an ‘idea’ or blueprint of what it is to become contained in the seed. Without any external influence, all trees of one species would look identical, exact in every way because that is what the blueprint intended from the start. However, tiny differences in environment, more sun, less water, caterpillars nibbling shoots, birds eating buds, temperature – all contribute to create variances which shape the tree into its final form. Our higher Self holds our ‘potential’, our idealised blueprint within us – but all of our choices and influences create who we are. We must keep growing but always adapt to the changes that take place in our lives. A tree does not give up if its main leader shoot is blocked – it finds another way. We must do the same.

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Should you save the world?


I'm going to save the world. I am going to change the way that everyone behaves and thinks.

Should we believe ourselves to be in the right position to change others and tell them how to lead their lives - this is first thing that happens upon Awakening.  

It is becoming clearer how little we can directly change others around us. They will change when they are ready. The most important person on the planet is YOU - it is YOU that must change first - for the better. Others will notice.

Individuals develop their own characters, identities, habits based on their chosen set of circumstances. Looking at the bigger picture, people feel comfortable repeating patterns of behaviour because it is a reflex or responsive action that they have learnt over time. They know only of one way to act in any given circumstance that happens to them.

Throw a ball at someone, they catch it. Shout at someone, they get upset. Ignore someone, they feel insecure.

Through experiencing an emotional or painful event, the survival instinct kicks in and we store a memory to assist us the next time the event occurs. So the next time we feel like someone is going to threaten us in some way, we anticipate and prepare our body for the experience in advance. We use the memory of the previous experience in readiness to what we believe is going to happen. This is a fear response and it can make us quite ill through thought alone.

Daily, we have many such fear responses, but extremely few anticipated events actually take place. So we live a life in fear of what might happen, what if, be careful, don’t do that in case, what if they think badly of me, what if I upset them, they might be worried, they might get angry.

We are not responsible for anyone else’s behaviour or emotions. That is a choice made by the other individuals and they have a right to respond in a manner of their choosing. By denying someone the facts, by with-holding the truth, by not stating the full story – we are actually disempowering someone the right to make a fully informed decision.

But then again, some people are not ready to hear all that is to be heard – so this creates a conflict inside us. We store this as a blocked emotion. By working on our 'blocked emotions' we can change our fear response - this is where we can ‘choose to lose’.

Eratoo used these words :
We will not ever choose to lie to you because that would create mistrust. However, we may choose not to reveal information to you that we do not believe would be in your best interest at this point. You might say that a parent does not choose to tell a small child about all that goes on in the world until they have a sufficient level of understanding to deal with the information.

So what do we do instead, we choose to behave in the best way that we feel is right for the circumstances.
We can choose that we don’t have to follow the expected or learnt pattern. !!!!

So next, when they throw a ball, don’t catch it. When they shout at you, don’t get upset. When they ignore you, don’t feel insecure. All is choice - it just requires breaking the habit.

The higher path is always the best one to take. Others will know this to be true no matter how it makes them feel.

Be true to your Self – others will follow. That's how the world will be saved.
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The Power Within


In understanding the location, purpose and identity of the Angelic Realms, there is a general understanding that they take on male and female form and exhibit strong characteristics of a particular nature. They reside in the heavenly realms and appear to significant individuals at times of great purpose to bring an important message to all mankind from God. Individual Archangels and Angels can be called to assist with personal matters and provide certain qualities in times of need.


Angels are assumed to be separate beings that are called by name. And it is their name that is the key to understanding their true nature. Voicing a name out loud creates a specific sound vibration which is recognisable by the individual it belongs to. In a crowd of people, calling out the name of one specific individual will identify and bring that individual forward. And so it is with Angels, stating their name with intention will create a specific frequency vibration which calls the Angel to you.


But Angels do not travel from a far away place to where you are as a separate being crossing the vastness of space at the speed of light. This creates paradoxes when considering that angels can be at any place at any moment at the same time. Angels are not separate from you, what they represent is already part of you. By calling their name, you create a resonance which triggers a specific frequency band of vibrations within you which create the very characteristics and qualities of the Angel you called. If you seek protection from Archangel Michael, then calling him within you will bring forward the vibrations that you feel provide you with protection. This is not a placebo effect, this is the true nature of creation; to manifest according to your needs and hearts desire. Think of the characters in the Wizard of Oz being provided with items that represented qualities they already had, the Diploma represented Intelligence, the Clock was a Heart and the Medal for Valour / bravery.


If you associated a familiar image of Michael with the set of vibrations invoked by calling his name, then it would also be possible to create a thoughtform of your choosing that would appear before you in that image. If the Intention and Will behind that thoughtform were strong enough in frequency then others would see the image too. Michael does exist but in a multi-dimensional vibrational manner that spans levels of consciousness far across those that are created solely in our reflected image. The ancients in differing times and differing places had different names associated with their perception of characteristics. This is the dimension we live in, a collective consciousness of familiar images created by the original thoughtforms of individual consciousness, recognition by association, familiarity by learned response.



All frequencies, all vibrations already exist within you – within the God Spark, the Crystal of Christ Consciousness. The spiritual journey is the uncoiling of these compressed frequencies, the spiral that exists like an infinite piece of string unwinding with infinite numbers of sound and light frequencies to create an infinite variety of conscious awareness in the form of feelings and emotions, beings and matter. All creation within one single point that grows according to understanding and realisation.


The Angel kingdom is already within you, God is already within you. Everything you need is already within you. There is no separation – just keep unwinding the string.

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All energy is moving to somewhere

From the Angelic Realms:

God exists in all energy, God is ALL there is. Only man labels energy with names. Some call it light, some call it dark, some call it good and some bad. All energy is either in a State of Being or a State of Doing. There is no other State.
Many in a State of Being are choosing to move back to a State of Doing at this time. We honour their choices and the difficulties that accompany the process and we show our compassion to those they leave behind. But we do not send our sadness for no other Soul would want to think that we are sad they are being realised into Glory once again. The more difficult State is to continue living. 

As a Human Vessel of light, you can do what no Angel or even Arch-Angel can do – you have a choice of free will to help and heal other Humans who seek it from you. If someone comes to you for help, you can call the angels and they will queue up to assist you with all their God given powers. They serve God ‘s will and they will serve you as a vessel of God’s light. This is the Power of the Human Spirit that is spoken about, not of ego or of acquisition but the power of God present here on Earth. The only restriction to realising that Power is belief in the Self – to turn over your Self to make your choice of free Will into God’s Will through you. You are the Angel caller – they will serve you if you choose to use your Will to do God’s work. The stronger your belief in your Self, the higher the vibration you can work with.

Look further into the world around you, beyond the thought of separation into people, angels. For they are us and we are them and at this stage of third density, we find it easier to see our Higher Self and other beings as separate from us but the real concept is far greater than that. All are present in the vast ocean of Spirit - the wave that crashes on the shore briefly retains form and identity for us to label it, and yet the strong current that moves beneath the surface is the same ocean but in a different form of movement. You can do all of these things and yet it is easier to think of Angelic beings and masters working through you. Water does not know when it will become cloud, cloud does not know when it will become rain, rain does not know when it will become ocean again. It is either Doing or Being. Your lowest thought is the anchor that holds you.

Each time you expand your belief and hold more light, a greater part of you becomes accessible – you are now working directly as a body of energy streaming angelic rays through you. You have no need to give away your sovereignty to a label. 

See God’s Will and purpose in everything and everyone. This is Your power – All is God.

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Cosmic Energy Transformation


As the higher vibrational cosmic energies are passed from the central sun and arrive via a portal inside our own sun, these spread out from the Sun’s heart chakra as a holographic energy bubble to its planetary family residing within the Solar System. The higher dimensional light codes charge and are absorbed by each of the Planets and the frequency vibrations are stepped down to benefit their individual inhabitants. As the energies pass through the heart chakra of each planet, they in turn create a holographic bubble which is sent outwards to benefit all the other planets. Depending on the frequencies contained within your own unique signature vibration, the newly arriving energies create a sympathetic resonance within you which alters and shapes your moods and behaviours – we know this as astrology. Each planet has differing characteristics which are dominant within their individual personalities – the ancients knew this when they named each planet – Venus, the Planet of Love, Mercury, the Planet of Communication (nearest the sun). The positions of the planets in relation to each other also take effect on the strength of the frequencies having a minor or dominant impact on their arrival.


Our moon in particular has an important role in stepping down many of the frequencies used in the physical processes of Ascension, the Full Moon is a time of clearing out any stagnant energies remaining from the previous month and then absorbing and recharging the physical body with higher vibratory energies. This will feel like a draining process in the days leading up to the Full Moon and then a top up in the days that follow. Resonance from absorption and acceptance of these new cosmic energies within the heart chakra once again create a holographic bubble around you creating the vibratory ‘bliss’ feeling of liquid fire within the chest area. This is the time to send these energies through you, down through your root chakra, earth chakra and directly to the heart chakra of Gaia. You are acting as a conductor of energy to ‘pass through’ these energies and create a ‘path of intention’ to Gaia. At this point the energies passing through your heart and down to Gaia are of such a high frequency that may not be beneficial to retain and store within your energy bodies. This then becomes the purpose of the New Moon.


The New Moon is the period when Gaia having absorbed the higher cosmic energies, has fully integrated and balanced them into her energy bodies. Her increased signature vibration sends out a resonance at a level we can absorb back into our own bodies again, tapping into our Earth Chakra. This is the time of growth and increase in understanding as the higher vibrations create physical, emotional and perception awareness changes within us. The equalising effect of energies balancing within our energy bodies can feel like a flattening of the previous bliss feeling. The forcing out of lower emotions and stagnant energies can be uncomfortable and produce physical symptoms as a result of the discharging process. The ache after the exercise, the bloated feeling after a heavy meal, the tiredness after the excitement.

Gaia too demonstrates these symptoms within her own physical body.        

We grow with Gaia in a process of mutual shared Ascension. 

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Lightworker Symbol - the sign of hope for 2012

The Ascension process during 2012 is to discover unity consciousness within, by re-merging the masculine and feminine aspects of the human ego and open the chambers of the heart to the love and peace that reside within. 

A symbol of hope is required towards synchronizing our intention for all to reach this, the most important achievement that has ever been put before mankind.

The hope is to unite under a single symbol that has global significance and will appear as a message of love and peace for all to follow.

Will you use this symbol to show others that you are a lightworker on a mission?


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Ego Identity becomes a Shadow of Self

It is clear, is it not, that all aspects of the life you have created for your Self are under scrutiny. Do you find that many doors are closing to you – that what once was, is now no longer available to you.


All that has become part of you - all that you are – all that you have done, will be put to the test to see what relevance it provides to your current existence. Much of who you were is no longer who you are. Much of what you did is no longer what you do. Much of where you have been is no longer where you are going.


In fact, it feels like you are one of those unfortunate volunteers that stands chained to a wooden board while a blind folded magician throws knives around you. The magician does not want to miss, but you want to be sure he does miss YOU. Two differing viewpoints looking at the same results. It is only scary if you consider it might all go horribly wrong but this is where you will find your reserves of faith and trust in what is to come.


The silhouette that outlined your identity is not as clear as it once was, in fact you may feel at a loss as to who YOU really are – and this is the point. Look and see if you are satisfied with the way that the world is around you. Do you truly want everyone and everything to continue the same way or do you recognize that the time is right for a massive shift in global consciousness – a time when everyone takes self responsibility for the way that things are and the way that they must become. Why look at what everyone else is doing when it is only YOU that has to change. 


As you wait on the threshold ready to pass through a new doorway, you leave behind the ego identity as a Shadow of your former Self - it is time NOW to step forward into the light of the Sun.


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Cosmic Pulse of Zero Point Reality

The illusions of reality are created by the manifesting of thought to create resonant waves of sound that control the pattern and construction of hard light as matter – which takes place within the cosmic pulse of zero point by universal intelligence which recreates the universe in the manner of combined chosen thought at the speed of light.
There is no limit to the speed of light however it has been measured as 186,000 miles per second. As this is the current physical understanding then the conscious collective will 'see' the universal pulse operating within this frequency level. Until further recent experiments create a new speed limit which then becomes new physical law, then so there is no simple way of observing light in a physical universe moving faster than this. We see ‘reality’ at light speed – we do not see beyond this in a physical universe. As our understanding and awareness increases then so will the speed of light. It remains constant based on the perception of the observer.

Imagine being in a room with all you see around you, turning out the light and then switching it on again to find everything had moved a fraction of an inch in the time the room was dark. Imagine the light flicking on and off very quickly with all the movement happening in between and you have an understanding of reality and of linear time. 

When the light is on - we see the world around us as it is based on our vibrational frequency and our level of consciousness focus. When the light goes off, universal intelligence then absorbs the input of billions of thoughts, actions, laws, forces and based on this, in a split moment, recreates the entire Universe and switches the light back on with the revised and new configuration. The room has changed into all its new positions – a new NOW moment has appeared. This is how our ‘perceived linear time reality’ works - pure manifested action based on purposeful energetic movement. But not only this single NOW moment but an infinite number of branched possibilities. We are energy within energy in a multiverse of possible vibrational frequencies – constantly changing or being changed. Zero point is the reality – movement and time are just the illusion.

Higher vibrational conscious beings hold together the very laws and fabric of the universe and the dimensions through conscious thought. Each single object, entity or being is held together by this conscious thought as frequencial vibration which creates a resonant sound wave which Divine Order ‘glues’ all the particles that make up that object. In the absence of conscious intention – chaos steps in and it falls apart. Think of what water would do without a cup around it to hold it together. Our own perceived choice of observation creates the reality we see.

Within the Universal Pulse, Source starts at the top – the highest frequency of vibration and works all the way down – the greatest Will serves the greatest purpose. The mass over-ride the individual – unless the individual has a greater vibrational Will than the mass. This is Unity Consciousness. One droplet as an individual, an ocean as the whole. 

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All that is rigid will be shaken

The higher energies are detaching the Self from the objects and people that surround them. As people have become used to these external factors to validate who they are, they are feeling a loss of identity and this threatens the control of ego. 

Without an explanation or understanding of what is happening to them, individuals are lashing out at those around them, placing blame on others for the situations they are in, there may a requirement to define identity through the acquisition of objects, to rebuild the defences and walls around them, to re-orient the identity in a desperate attempt to hold onto what was. But those days are over, and all must learn to adapt to the changes taking place by going within, rather than seek that which they know is missing, without. Whilst they look outside for a sense of identity, they will become what they perceive in others – it is only in detachment that they can truly find out who they are. 

Every being creates the identity they believe themselves to be and this subsequently decides their placement on the Frequency Band of reality. Their thoughts and actions choose a level of existence that they maintain based on skills, knowledge, experience and expectations. 

Gaia is gradually increasing her vibrations so individuals are being moved further up the frequency bands than they are comfortable with maintaining. It is a gentle nudge but enough to cause discomfort and uncertainty and the effects are becoming obvious. The higher up the bands, the less material and the more spiritual, the less ego and more higher self. People are becoming more aware than previous as their levels of perception increase and it is unnerving them. 

Many will fight against it rather than accept the changes – this will become more obvious within the News reports. Uprisings, upheavals, demonstrations, collapse of establishments, corporate structures. 
All that is rigid will be shaken.

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Our thoughts, actions and signature vibrations place us within the frequency bands of our own created reality. The 'gaps' represents the Zero Point – the place of Higher Dimensions above the physical and the influence of the higher Self. 

Those on Earth in the lowest vibrations of reality will place themselves in the lower colours which allow little perception of the Divine zero point and Higher Self consciousness. 

The Red Band is ruled by aggressiveness, ego, materialism and focused on the strength of muscle and energetic Will to achieve their aims. The individuals here concentrate solely on using their bodies and ego minds within their chosen profession with little thought beyond their immediate needs. This was dominant after the fall of Atlantis, in the time of Empire building and in controlling others. 

The Orange Band allows for co-operation amongst individuals, participation in religion, to build communities, to show consideration for fellow man and to appeal to others through the nature of ego, all physical traits but with signs of inspiration filtering through from the higher self. The downside is a need for recognition, pride, power and laziness through the repression of others to do your bidding through domination. 

The Yellow Band allows for expanded thought of the physical world beyond the individual, philosophy, mental ability, a time of renaissance, arts, music, inventions and creativity. The ability and development of man beyond mere survival instinct. The negative traits of this create competition, jealousy, sabotage, undermining, power over weak Will and forcefulness over timidity.

The Green Band is the frequency of feelings – an equal balance of physical and spiritual abilities. Balance, compassion, healing – the inner need to achieve a greater purpose, a time of discovery, of achievement, perseverance beyond requirement, to expand the mind beyond the physical consciousness, to consider the needs of all, to help the planet, to care for animals and plants and trees and all things sacred, a time of considering and contemplating the nature of Spirit through the spirit of Nature.

The Blue Band is the frequency of higher communication - the ability and requirement to manifest the voice of Spirit, to bring forth knowledge and wisdom from the higher realms, to make known that which is to become present, to learn from remembering what once was and what is to become. The nature of the blue ray allows connection with all things, of mind communication with all of nature and each aspect of other.

The Magenta Band is the colour frequency vibration of theta waves, these are the brain waves generated whilst in meditation in a deeply relaxed state. This occurs at the point of sensory shutdown when the body's senses are suspended and the mind enters a multi-dimensional vivid holographic state. This Band is now readily available for direct access by all, to allow manifestation of Creation Events to take place and bridge the gap between imagination and reality. The awakened Pineal Gland provides the gateway to illuminate and bring forward the creation of Form and Substance from higher etheric to lower density reality.

As we accept and increase the Divine Light within us, our higher physical vibrations will place us further within the frequency bands where higher self plays a greater role in the decisions and directions we take with our lives. The physical body becomes more a vehicle for Spirit and the survival instinct of the ego takes a secondary place. In the highest bands, the body is filled with light and no longer represents the dense hard material it once was. The skin becomes translucent, the person looks younger and fresher and starts to give off its own radiance. Each individual physical cell is replaced with its twin flame equivalent of a higher vibration, crystallized light cell. All others will feel and see the differences that have taken place.

Those who operate within the higher bands of reality will simply see and feel and experience reality as a completely different world to that of the lower bands. And yet both exist side by side. This is the fact behind the saying that we create our own reality from our thoughts. The transition from third density upwards does not require a solid physical light body – the blueprint remains and takes form on the astral level but the body consists of lower density light rather than of matter in a physical form. The higher self consciousness maintains the vibrational frequency required to remain in this state. 

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Question about connecting with Higher Self

How do you make the permanent connection with higher self become your own?
Do you make every right decision to do the right thing at the right time and open up to more synchronous moments?

We state – we note your pre-occupation with time. You write of permanence and right times and synchronism - if we may expand upon these points. Chronos being the Greek personification of Time itself, Father Time and so we come to your answer. All you seek will come in time, the closer you reach towards Source, the more perfection you will recognize for all is already perfect in the One. All are right decisions, all are right things at the right times because all decisions are of the One, as are you. It is only in the lower dimensions that you perceive imperfection in the form of indecision, incorrectness and wrong timing. Synchronicity occurs at the moment of recognition of perfection, All else is synchronicity that goes unrecognised in the moment of perception – do you see?

We state - YOU are already permanently connected to your Higher Self, there is no separation between YOU and YOU. There are not parts of you that lie in a place or time or dimension that is not already accessible to you. Your Higher Self is the realisation that YOU already exist without fear, restriction, without boundaries of time or space. Your perception of consciousness decides how much of YOU, YOU wish to realise. You have made this choice to restrict your Self within a dark place with only a small amount of light so YOU would only see a small part of the whole at any one time. It is now your choice to increase the amount of Light YOU shine out and far more of YOU will be revealed to YOU.

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