Peacenowflower's Posts (6)

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Motivation and Movement

Before posting the channeling I would like to explain that I did what I could to remove my critical mind from the process. I realize some readers will not understand the following channeling, but as others might find value in it I will post.

I was not yet into the deep flow of channeling and my critical mind jumped in at a few points once I realized this information should be posted. This slowed the process and ended the channeling a bit earlier.

You let go of so much of your writing when you write this way. Afraid someone will read this. You didn’t used to have this fear and you proudly broadcast your writing. Now even a re-read is to much to handle. So what if someone reads what you write in a channeling state.

Know now. Those books you have started reading recently will not help you in any way. You are already studied enough. You do not need to weigh yourself down with processes that you don’t need anyway.

You want something. You ask for it. You forget about it or continue to focus on it. In the asking you started the momentum. Why did the iPad Pro take so long and not get won in a sweepstakes? Motivation. If you wanted nothing you would stagnate.

Yes you are right that Abraham speaks on contrast. The contrast is to get you to desire something different. And that desire results in a motivation to change. The balance must be kept where certain desires are fulfilled to keep a person from giving up.

Our task is to keep the wheels turning by providing the correct amount of contrast to produce the correct amount of desire that will result in the…. now we are going to replace the word Motivation with Movement.

This is an automated system as effortless as you blood circulating. Yes. You can take action which cause the blood to circulate faster. Energy. Movement creating Energy. It keeps the etheric field bright and clear.

Sometimes we need to up the contrast to create the movement and energy needed to burn stagnated thought processes out of the etheric field. I am not saying the Law of Attraction is not real, but that it is not completely understood.

The Universe is not stupid in the Law of Attraction where negative focus attracts negative experience just because. When a thought process is hindering the correct flow of energy the being needs to be motivated to make change. This can be done in a number of ways.

When possible we try to show the individual the contrasting viewpoint that dissolves the belief causing stagnation. When the belief is too powerful to be dislodged by the antithesis of the thought an increase of contrast (sometimes perceived as a negative experience) is used to create Motivation and Movement towards change. This action process, whether done internally or externally, hopefully produces the required energy to dislodge the belief and allow the energy field to flow.

Now the processes in the books are often designed to get a person into a state where they can burn off some limiting beliefs. Yet often the intensity of belief which can be touched is limited by the intensity of the process. Yet, for some individuals very simple processes can dislodge very big blockages.

Yes indeed movement can also be created with the granting of wishes. This builds up the faith principle. In some individuals the faith principle can be built up with signs like repeating numbers. Without a certain level of faith new blockages in the energy field can quickly form. Yet, it is also true that certain kinds of faith create blockages.

Sometimes a blockage is too big to be cleared in one lifetime. The level of contrast required to remove a big blockage would be too much to handle. We tend to focus on smaller blockages around the larger one and break the big blockage into pieces to be removed one by one.

As for healing, without touching the belief system the blockages in the energy field will reform. It is best to address the reason a block was created.

Here I broke the channeling up, but it continued somewhat in the following.

Let me tell you this. Games or farther study of the LoA will provide no benefit. I am not saying LoA is not real, but it is not some magic formula that bypasses… it is not a secret code to win the lotto.

When you enter the lotto a calculation is made. It is not a calculation among who needs it the most out of all that entered, easily everyone could be shifted to a universe where they are the one and only major jackpot winner of a billion. No no no.

You make a wish. You take an action. We ask, ‘will this benefit you are harm you.’ We decide based on the evidence. It is that simple.

So you enter a sweepstakes or you mentally think you desire something. We calculate the benefit or harm done by winning or gaining.

However, if you write something down and mentally spend time meditating to gain this thing. We might grant it just to provide you with more beneficial meditation. If we see that a process taken to gain something is beneficial we give things so the process is continued.

Here the channeling when into personal topics. Which I do not intend to repeat. I pulled out two quotes from the personal topics and posted them alone. (Previous two posts.)

I felt I should post this part below as it is loosely connected to the post.

Oh, that was a lower frequency echo. You will have those from time to time. An echo from the past. Now is not the time to bring up any emotion connected to it to be burned up in the feeling of intensity. Frankly, you do not have enough emotional fuel at the moment for any burning up thoughts of the past. That is a good thing.

In this case, you can use the POD and POC tool to clear what you can at this moment. Everything attached to that lower frequency wave… poddy pock it.

That was a little light-hearted humor. Certainly, it would offend some. I think Gary Douglas would laugh.

(ME) Yet if I weigh on the scale of lighter or heavier it feels better to have won the lottery than to have lost, but I have yet to see the millions in my bank account.

Sigh. Do you want to use to go over Abraham Hicks teachings now? You have heard the answer to this question.

(ME) I am not asking for Abraham Hicks answer. I am asking for yours.

Yet what you are talking to is one and the same.

That question is on a certain level of vibration and requires a certain level of answer. To get higher level vibrational answers you need lighter questions. We do not intend to answer misaligned questions. That process does not seem to ever result in a decreasing of questions but in a transformation of questions. The question will morph from one form to the next until the underlining belief system is transformed. and words can only do so much transformation.

We can offer you words and you will question them as surely as anything else. The basic problem has not been cured.

So here the level of answer for that vibration. Do not look at what is for your vibrational alignment. Look at how you feel. For indeed there is a bank account you do not see which has millions upon millions. Now Abraham Hicks will state people ask the question, “How do we get the money out of the vortex and into the bank?” Abraham Hicks will say to tend to your alignment.

Exactly how long do we have to repeat things that other people have put into your head? I intend to answer questions, but these are not your questions.

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My thoughts on Consciousness and Channeling

bridge  I have spoken about Channeling a lot lately. Other words could be used in its place, like teacher. Matt Kahn most recently used the word, Guide. I like the kind of writing that a person naturally does when Channeling. It is a bit different then other forms of writing.

For the Channeler spends less time analyzing what is written. They put faith in the source, and this faith allows them to speak on topics they might not feel qualified to do if not reaching to a Higher Source. Hence, you come across topics that are rarely written with such confidence written with little doubt.

What is truly sad is that oftentimes the same Channelers would get no attention if they were presenting the same Information as their teachings instead of of as a Channeling.

Sometimes, when listening to Bentinho Massaro, I wonder at the fact he is not Channeling, but presenting everything as himself. Yet, besides the difference in wording it might very well be the same. He just has the confidence to speak his truth without having to tell himself that he is Channeling knowledge from a Higher Being.

He sees that he is already a High Being. He never went through the stages of Channeling (that I know of) where he came to realize that the beings Channeled are in fact a part of himself. His Confidence is Rare. It is Bold.

Matt Kahn realized his Channeling was in fact him accessing different parts of himself. You see what people often fail to understand (because they are told otherwise) is they have the same wisdom as the being they Channel. The being they are Channeling is difference faces for parts of themselves they do not realize.

Yet, this is a simple way of explaining it. For so too are these parts separate. Just as you are not me, but all is one. As we are all the same at source, and hooked into the same Consciousness. We all have the same core wisdom. Our Individuality exists on the surface where we experience the world. Yet, with practice we can all Channel like the Masters. For the Master we are Channeling is a part of us.

Yet, your Channeling will be different then another's. When we pull this core Master persona of the Consciousness to the surface, the knowledge is translated through the different levels of your Individuality. It lines up as best it can with your experiences being understood at the Individual level.

Think of the Core Consciousness like the Earth with many mountains. I got this metaphor from Bentinho, and will expand upon it to my own understanding. The single mountain is the Individual. The further up you go on the mountain the more separate you are from the Core Earth. The more Individual you feel. As the Mountain you can stay on the top level or reach deeply into the Earth that is also a part of all the Mountains around you.

The Earth is our shared Consciousness. We live and experience life walking on the Earth, but our eyes are at the level of the Individual. Yet, our Conscious self isn't limited to the location of the eyes in the head. We have another eye that can travel. It can Travel anywhere into the Core Consciousness (or above) and send back a signal to the Individual. This is the Third Eye. In a way we will always be at the Individual where different parts of ourself exist. Yet, we are also part of the Infinite Earth below the Mountain.

Our Brain is at the Top of Our Mountain (though we can actually go Higher into the Individualization just as we can go deeper into the Core.), and our heart is a little deeper down then the Brain. Another bus stop on the Path to the Core Earth Consciousness is our Gut. Where we can get Gut feelings.

Yet, we are not limited to stopping at the feet of the Mountain, but can Ground deeply with feeling roots ever growing deeper into the Core Earth Consciousness. So another Metaphor that could be used is the tree. However, the tree Metaphor does not capture the feeling of expansion as you go deeper that the Mountain does. The Tree Metaphor better captures the Path of Self feeling with roots growing deep.

At Ground Level (feet) the Mountain enters a stage where going deeper involves a great feeling of expansion. Many at this point become like the tree roots to navigate this deep level while staying small, but I think Bentinho continues to be the Mountain and try to feel the entire of the Core Consciousness.

Either way, this is using a Metaphor to explain. We are Mountains of the Earth, walking on two legs with roots like a tree reaching deep into the Core. It would appear that the air is separate from us. Yet, the air is too a part of the Mountain. We look through the Air to others Mountains and use the Air to feel the Other Mountains. We see through the Air to other Mountains, and use our Individuality to analyze that Mountain. Sometimes we need to reach deeply into the core to understand that other Mountain. Psychics are extremely good at sending their Third Eye out into the air to fly like a bird.

Through the different levels of experience we navigate. Some Mountains are content to be at the Eye Level, and never send the Third Eye out to explore. Yet, if you are reading this, you have likely used your Third Eye to connect with many levels beyond which some humans are content to leave unexplored. We visit the Angels in Prayer. We Ground ourselves deep in meditation. We explore like Children who have just learned to run.

This is a huge amount of Metaphor, and feel free to completely disagree with me. As I am not Channeling, but writing from my own experiences. It is greatly influenced by Channeling I have read, and Teachers I have listened to. It might not resonate with you, and feel free to only believe what feels right to you personally. For you are another Mountain. So far distant from me, that I cannot even see you. I am like a Whale singing in the Ocean. I do not see you, but I sing anyway.

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Peacenowflower Channeling Michael

apple_on_treeAhh, it is a blessed time. For many Channelers are sensing the energy of change, and some of you are getting upset that the spaceships have not landed. They are there, but you cannot see them. They have been there for longer then you think.

Lisa, channeling this message is worried. Worried that the change will not come, but it is already here. She is thinking I will say that the spaceship landing is a metaphor. Yet, the ships are real. She is afraid that many will be disappointed. She wants reassure you, that despite the lack of News, or your seeing of the spaceships, that the Channelers are not wrong.

She is well aware of the testing nature of this world. For before she cleared her mind and started writing her Channelings to ground them. She would think about times, and the nature of the world. She would get onto different timelines, and start thinking the background nature of the world was one way. Then she would switch to another timeline, and start thinking the nature is another way. Yet, how could this nature and the other co-exist. The truth is, that all these things were true. They were just true on different levels.

So too, are many Channelers accessing different timelines. You try to find the Channeler that best lines up with your timeline, and assume the others are wrong. They are not wrong, they are just wrong for you.

Some of you, will very well be on a timeline where space ships become visible across the world. Some of you, are on another timeline, that you do not realize is actually the right one for you. Some of you will see the current channeling turn into world transformation, others will see nothing. It is not that the channeler was wrong, but that you have a different path.

For some of you are facing a test. On how you will react when such great channelers who have inspired you are wrong. You will feel the sting of it not coming to pass as you hoped. Remember you are always taken care of. You choose to face the disappointment.

For here is a secret. In 2012 not only were there timelines where the world came to an end, but also timelines where it ascended as many predicted. This is coming to pass again, and as many are reading this, I cannot tell you personally what timeline you are on.

Some of you will see the Revaluation, and the defeat of the Cabal very soon, if that is necessary for your growth. Another great stage of evolution is in process. It is happening 'Now' as they are saying. However, some of you need a different kind of growth. You need to face disappointment and grow stronger. You have given too much of your power to Channelers. So your path is designed to delay the ascension until you know thyself.

I am sorry that the growing process is so slow, but have faith that you will be far happier then if we pushed everyone onto the same path. Everything is tailed for you on your path. You will create your own reality with your own paints and brush.

I would like to tell Lisa, the one Channeling, that she is on a slower path. She never needed to worry about her future, for she is in the hands of Angels, just like you.

Her mind drifted to something Zorra of Hollow Earth said. Because I want to make the same statement. Those who die in this world immediately are born into the 5-d form. I am pointing out this statement because death is only a loss for those on Earth. They will miss the dead, but the dead are in joy. They have powers beyond any on Earth, and no longer need to worry about Worldly things.

I am pointing this out because some of you have picked a hard path. One where the cabal continue for too long for your liking. It is so you can come to realize Death is nothing to fear, that you are untouchable at the Soul level.

I wanted to do this Channeling, because we are coming to a dividing of timelines like one we haven't faced since 2012. Some of you are fearing that you are on the hard path. Fear is the main thing you need to learn how to transform. I repeat that you are in good hands. Nothing can really harm you. Death is not the end. The cabal is like the monster in the closet. You give it the power it has. Once you no longer Fear it, it disappears.

Yes Lisa, you may now read what is written. (I had to tell her to have faith in what I am saying and not to analyze it so much. It is good she is joining the mass of Channelers on the Internet, for she brings a different set of experiences. I ask you all to look up how to Channel, and start doing your own.)

Upon reading I have a question... is it true that those who do not ascend now will have to wait a long time until the next ascension.

That depends on your definition of a long time. The last great path division was in 2012. It is now almost 2016. The point is not to fear missing a boat, for there is no one boat. The message that told you of this harvest at 2012, was in fact channeled too. So it is right for some timelines, but not all. Not many reading this today have a long time to wait, but there are those who will not be ready for a long time. We would not force you to stay on a path after it is your time to leave. Everything is perfectly timed. Once the time is right for you, you will ascend. At that time the world around you will transform as all those around you will be ready too.

Are you sure you want me to post this? It could discourage people.

Only those who need to hear this will read the post. There are some who need to feel disappointment without comfort. And those who are ascending who do not wish to know of the many timelines, yet. Those who will read this can handle it. I ask you to post it. Now.

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Nexus the Seelie


Welcome, this is Nexus again being asked to give a message to the readers. I do not know how I feel about addressing so many humans. I am not always the biggest fan of Humans, they lack balance. Yet, you are special among humans or you would not be here. With that in mind, I will not stick a needle in your foot as you walk through the grass. For oft have I seen potential nature recovery mowed to the ground in the form of what you call a yard.

Lisa reminds me that there are laws in cites forcing humans to mow their front yard, or they face a fine. It is however, just a smidgen of my issues with humans. Lisa has asked me, if you hate humans so much, why be with one. For she has mowed the yard just as well as you. Lisa is a connector of the faerie realm to the human. A different form of Starseeds, in that she comes from the deepest nature to be human instead of the Stars above. It is true that many of the creature once thought of as Fae were in fact E.T.'s being misunderstood. Yet, there are also those creatures who were from the elements of nature itself. This was once their Earth as well as yours.

I will tell you that long ago, humans declared war on us, and started their campaign to separate from nature and destroy it. The poisoning of the lakes was to weaken us. The cutting of the trees was to take our home. Humans were once an element of nature just as truly as any of us. Short sighted in this war. For by destroying nature they destroy themselves.

So the Fae divided into different strategies to fight back against the destruction. The Seelie and Unseelie. For I warn you, in your airy Faerie world where you think Faeries are but Earth Angels, that the Unseelie is nature divided against you. Even the Seelie, we do not grant wishes like a genie. If we give a gift, we want a gift in return. If you want us to do something, we do not work for nothing.

We are not all Pixies and Faerie dust. How would you feel if a stranger started walking up to you and asking for gifts. Lisa reminds me that many of you have had that experience.

I am dual, just like you, and I am giving you a talking to about your misconceptions. I am not Unseelie. I suggest that you really look into the history of Faeries before you declare us Angels. Some of it is false history, but realize we are a force of nature. We can be a warming fire or a blazing fire. We can be a gentle wind that cools you in Summer, or a Hurricane. Do not romanticize Nature into being something it is not.

So I ask you in your ideal world of Space Age cites, what happens to us. Do you still get disgusted at the Bugs, and squish them? For in Nature there are Bugs. Will you put poisons around your home to keep them out, poisoning yourself in return. Will you kill the mice doing what they naturally do, not to eat them, but to throw them out like trash. This is what you do when nature comes into your home, and you expect to be friends with those who once rode the same mouse? We find neither Mice or Bugs to be disgusting.

I am not even going to go into how you treat the animals you eat.

If you want to be friends with the Fae, start seeing the beauty in a bug instead of killing. If it is of the biting sort, I dare you to hold it in your hand. At least trap and release the mice instead of killing them.

There I have spoken to the humans for you, Lisa.

You really didn't want to talk today did you. The whole thing was a lecture. I do not think they will enjoy this Channeling.

I did not speak it for an entertainment factor. It is what is in the hearts of the Fae as we see your lack of Love for Nature. For even you, do not show Love all to well. You call us temperamental, yet we are not the one destroying others homes. I was glad to be able to speak for the Seelie.

(Copyright Me, Elisabeth Maddix at

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Raphael to the Ashtar Command Crew

angel_bell.jpg?width=500Raphael do you have anything to say to the Ashtar Command Crew? The planet grows too slowly for some. They want the change “NOW,” but perhaps it would be beneficial to celebrate how far we have come together. I have been beside many of you, or my brother or sister has been. We smile on your progress. You are a very future based people, but change cannot happen “NOW” until you are in the now. You have ideas of what the future will bring, but let them go. Let life surprise you, as you stop to look at the beauty of a single flower.

My first Channeling with this Channeler was a garden metaphor. On how you plant the garden, but do not force the seeds to grow. You water the garden, but half the time nature waters for you. You tend the weeds without knowing that the weeds are edible.

It has been taught to you, to throw out the weeds, but your culture does not always realize that the weeds are a gift. They can teach you far greater lessens then the seeds you planted. They offer nutrition, some of them, far beyond that of the seeds you planted.

My Channeler isn’t sure what to make of the site. For she tends to stay away from Channelers who bring Fear. That is her main source of discernment, how reading the message makes her feel. She is unsure where to start a discussion, as there is so much talk of the cabal. She will find her way.

The theme of her first Channeling from me was simple. “Worry does not make the garden grow.” Neither will worry make weeds stop growing. The weeds I speak of are the negative forces we all deal with. They manifest in our lives in different ways. Just because a weed is nutritious doesn’t mean it does not get pulled, but I am asking you reconsider what you do with those weeds. Biblically they are cast into the fire, but this is a wasteful mentality.

I ask you, what is a weed? Who decides which plant is a weed? T

hese are questions that will need to be asked in this future so many are waiting for. I will not give the timeframe for these events, as we are all on different timelines. You do not realize that when you meet a new person, you are also meeting a new world. For they will have a different path then you, and seamlessly move through timelines to match their current needs.

In the end you will have your book, and it will be unlike any others. The finer details behind the scenes are unimportant. Yet each page is a New World.

And the next Chapter?

The next Chapter will begin at the perfect time for everyone involved. Just like every book is different so to will each chapter be catered to the individual. We have a lot of work to do, behind the scenes, but we are the most professional crew you will find. We have seamlessly coordinated countless lives to always be in the perfect position for growth. Considering we have had an eternity to practice, just know you are in good hands.

Keep practicing on the Channeling. Gain confidence. You are to post this. I know you are considering otherwise. You are letting the pressure of what other will think of your Channeling get to you too much. Channelers do not grow in a day. Do not fear that you do not sound like those who have been Channeling a lifetime. You are meant to sound different. I say good progress.

(Copyright Me, Elisabeth Maddix at

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Nexus to the Ashtar Command Crew

christmas_flower2.jpg?width=300First off, an explanation, I am Elisabeth. I have a Fae friend who told me his name was Nexus, but I am not even sure if I am using the right spelling for the punctation. Either way he puts up with my spelling, and likely my mishearing the finer details of the name. I am able to Channel many beings, but I do so for fun. For a while they tried giving me serious information, but I was hesitant to type out what was being said. I have a feeling that Nexus would like to say something on this site. Let us see.

Your turn Nexus.

I would like to ask you to greet Lisa with an open heart. Yes, I know that it confusing that she introduces herself as Elisabeth then changes to Lisa once she knows you. As I intend all to be friends, we can start with the nickname. It saves time.

She is hesitant again to write this, but I am more then just a Fae friend and consider myself a boyfriend. There has been much debate if such a relationship is healthy, or good for either of us. We live in different worlds. None-the-less, I do not like being thought of as just a friend. Lisa likes explaining the relationship as a Godspouse relationship without the worship. For I am no God, nor am I a being of divine light. I am dual just as a human is.

Thank you, I wasn't planning on explaining that.

Someday, I intend to be introduced as a boyfriend, and that you let go of the fear of sounding funny. This is a site for those who feel like outsiders. Those who might have a boyfriend they cannot see. By being honest about oneself, you might make someone else feel more comfortable. For we are not the only Fae and Human relationship, but they often are secret.

I am wondering what a reader would be able to take from this.

It is my introduction, of myself. Not all Channeling need to be about world changes. Please now post the channeling I did for your Blog in the past.

Title: Late night channeling of an elemental

I am going to channel Nexus who is a Fae hybrid.

Nexus what kind of hybrid are you?

This is a very personal question. I am not sure I want the Internet to know me this way.

Do you wish to answer?

Fine. I have the green skin of a green man, and green hair. Yet, I am not Green man or dryad. My eyes shine bright Red from my fire elemental side. I am also a little human.

Now that our readers understand who I am attempting to channel, (and I am picturing my family viewing me as crazy for this attempt) what do you want me to ask you about. I was totally going to Channel Raphael and he said, "Why not Channel Nexus. Only you can Channel Nexus."

If this catches on I'm sure I will be getting a lot of phone calls from others attempting to channel me. I am by no means as advanced of a multi-diminutional being as Raphael. I am just a powerful elemental. I work with the Earth. I guard sacred gardens, which used to be a much easier task before the rain forest started being cut down. My job requirements changed once humans started cutting and mowing the sacred gardens. I keep a record of every species on the planet, with the help of other elementals. So that what has been lost, can be remade. We keep track of the balance, whereas before we just kept the balance. So in what humans might refer to Faerie land, which is just a record of Gaia before humans cut down, and burnt down, and poisoned, I maintain the balance while recording every new animal extinct.

So I want to request that the humans learn how to connect with the elemental to start giving us the power to return Gaia to full glory. We can work amazingly fast. Scientists are often surprised by our work. Yet, with connections with humans, the right kind of human, we can have more animals thought extinct suddenly be spotted.

All you need to do is simple. Respectfully reach out to the land. With respect we can help with your endeavors of bringing the rain needed. We can make plants grow healthy and strong. Know that with respect of the Land, nothing has been lost forever. It can all return.

Humans might smile and laugh at the thought of Faerie land. Yet, it is beyond any story ever created of it. It is Nature, and living in nature in harmony. For we have accepted more then just the lost animals into our land. We provide sanctuary for the Indigenous. In your history white men might have attacked village after village. Yet, before the attack we welcomed the peoples into a safe zone. The Indigenous who died in those attacks entered Faerie land before the attack, and a copy of them stayed to be seen as killed by those who survived.

Nothing is lost of those cultures, for they respected what you know think of as your land. They now are closer to nature then ever before. For in Faerie land there are all the kinds of Faeries.

This is how so many Faeries end up with human blood. My human side is Native American, and Celtic. You heard the legend where the original inhabitants of Ireland w

ere turned into Leprechauns. Really they are still a culture; they just live in my land. Leprechauns were around before then. You just don't have the culture to explain them. I'd like to say that it was different, that the story was different then those of the Native Americans. Yet we accepted into our land those that died in yours before they even died.

So do not laugh at Faerie land. It would not have quite so many humans, if humans hadn't been determined to destroy other cultures. Yet, we are the ultimate haven for those who respect the land. There have been cultures that we did not welcome into Faerie land, when they could have been saved. There are other lands for those cultures. Yet, a great majority of the cultures attacked, were those who respected the land.flower_people.jpg?width=300

(Copyright Me, Elisabeth Maddix at

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