OneSoul1982's Posts (4)

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A While Since My Last Post and Some Developments

Greetings all,

I've been away for quite some time, checking on my inbox I see it's been about 6 years or so since I've checked in. I've had my ups and downs since then, mostly exploring my own purpose of being here and going through what is known as the "dark night of the soul". It's been an interesting few years to say the least. But as with any person who goes through that, we eventually reorient ourselves to our roots.

Recently my interest in the Pleiadians, Arcturians and even Lyrans has been rekindled from reading the book "From the Galaxy with Love. A Lightworker's TextBook" as well as "We, The Arcturians", both of which are pretty interesting and fairly straightforward. Anyway, during an impromptu meditation session yesterday, around four in the afternoon, I had a thought just pop into my head. I was focusing on reaching out, so I'm not too surprised at the thought itself, more so just how it felt when it initially came into my mind.

The thought itself was an image of a half circle room, lined with quartz crystals along the walls and ceiling with a recliner/bed in the center. Colors of soft blue and purple permeate the area, with soft music resonating at a certain frequency for whoever would be seated in the center. The words "Crystal Resonance Chamber" first popped into my mind, that sort of felt seared, if that makes sense, within my brain. Heck, even coming back to this website sort of just popped into my head last night as I lay in a half away/dreamlike type state.

My question is this. Has anyone else heard of a crystal resonance chamber? 



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Stepping Outside of the Universe

Taking a Step Back

Hello All,

So here we are again, gathered together for a common purpose. From each of our contributions we can learn much about each other and contribute to the whole of Humanity. That's at least how I like to picture it anyway, everyone putting something in for the overall contribution to the species. This is why diversity is a relatively positive attribute to express in a social environment.

We can learn a lot from different cultures and sub groups within our own society who have a diverse outlook on the way things operate. From these basic belief systems governments are raised and laws of appropriate behavior soon follow suit and from that a functioning society is born. These beliefs can range from how one should act in polite society to what Deity to worship. From these basics splinter groups emerge with their own ideals and finally you come to the giant melting pot that we have today.

The normal, average everyday 'Joe'(or Jane) usually finds a comfortable belief system to settle in with and happily goes about their daily lives. This is in no way a bad thing, as people coagulate to what feels right for them. Some explore a range of belief systems before settling in, confident that they have found the truth and that anyone who disagrees with their truth must be on their personal Deity’s shit list. “God” is therefor made in their image. Whatever “god” that is currently acceptable to believe in that is.

“God” may take many forms, such as Abraham to a Zeta Reticuli (yes I have read books where it was believed that an Extra Terrestrial 'Grey' was Jesus) to insert your favorite Deity here type of deal. The great thing about the Universe that we live in is that it will accommodate you in whatever belief system you hold near and dear. If you subscribe to the idea that the Universe itself is an illusion as suggested by Quantum Physicists , this opens up an entirely new way of Being.

At first your sense of self and cherished beliefs are shattered. You may have at once been a Joe, content and happy with your existence. One day knowledge was passed down to you through some medium(book, tv, etc) and all of the sudden what you thought to be true ceased. You scour through books, turn to others or join a group for any sense of familiarity and cling to it with every fiber of your being. You cling on to that new paradigm but eventually it slips away and once again you feel lost.

Soon you're sitting at work one day, or in your car or anywhere really and begin to notice how insane the world seems. At first it's small things, like how can this happen or why does that happen. You slowly begin to question again the world you inhabit, the set rules and how they serve you. The shattered pieces slowly begin to realign into something else, something new and unique.

A new sense of Self is born which is able to look at the world around him with all the joy and terror and remove himself from it. At first this new found way of thinking comes in small instances, but eventually you disconnect yourself fully from the illusion. Once that happens the rules no longer apply and everything opens up to you. Instead of an active element you become Neutral, observing the Creation around you. Labels fall away and you become One.

It becomes obvious that this “One” is the only true sanity you have. Everything observed in the Universe is temporary and will change, a mad world indeed. The only constant is the One. From this view point you are no longer concerned with his or her life, beliefs, systems of thought, prophecies and if the Detroit Lions are going to win the game. You step back, breath and just Be.

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My Latest Acension Experience and Some Insights

February 1st

I wanted to take a few moments, during my lunch break at work to describe for you my latest Acension experience and to share a revelation that occurred during this. Please keep in mind that this was my own experience and that Ascension is a very personalized process and varies from Being to Being. My direct experience may mirror that of others, or it may be completely different.

For me, since I began my own personal journey of awakening, certain words or phrases would trigger an overall body tingling sensation. It usually begins in my lower back and makes its way until it covers almost all parts of my upper body. There are times when this is so intense that my eyes tear up from the sensation and I am filled with joy, as if I could almost float off the ground. Just thinking about it now, and writing it is producing a reduced effect within my cells. I call it The Quickening, taken from the Book “Ascension: Connecting With the Immortal Masters and Beings of Light”

As I sat Monday evening, reading over the pages I was only into the first chapter when I felt the familiar sensation spread over my body. However this time, I felt my heart Chakra begin to open and soon the most intense feeling overcame me. In my minds eye I could see the light pouring out from the Charka, filling the room and everything around it. I was One during this period, and the most amazing stillness fell over me, filled with compassion beyond words.

It was then that I began an internal dialog, the contents which follows “ We are One. There is only the Light. Darkness will be transmuted into Light. The only Sin is ignorance.” I then expanded the Light as far I could, remaining in a state of Rapture for about 10 minutes. I had a clear understanding during this time, and again the only thing I felt was compassion and understanding. With the effect slowly fading, I got up to use the restroom. As I stood there again, I felt my heart open and released another wave of Light. In my minds eye I saw what would be considered a “Gray” and as the light overcame it, he shielded his eyes. Another internal dialog began, this time shorter; simply stating “No” and the light intensified until the image disappeared.

I leave this open to interpretation, since usually visions have a different meaning that what is initially seen. The elated feeling continued throughout the rest of the night, with a good deep sleep that followed. The next day, I woke up with some mild discomfort and began a very extensive cleaning out process, mostly involuntary. I do know that the discomfort felt was defiantly worth the pain and discomfort experienced the next morning. It did provide ample opportunity to continue reading on the subject.

Since this experience, I have come to realize something. For the longest time I have been searching for an Identity, to understand who I am. I have gone through many labels and ideas about myself, am I this or that, what are my origins, and so forth. What this experience has taught me is that the labels I thought I was or given myself were far too limited and constrictive, nothing could correctly identify me. I now know that I Am, and that is all there needs to be. Nothing can put a label on this.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you have any questions, or would like to talk then feel free to message me.

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Choice: The Road Less Travled.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


For the past few day’s I’ve felt a reconnection occurring, something that I’ve not felt for the better part of a good six months. It began with a small twinge within my body and has slowly made its way to the core of my Being.  It is a feeling that I’ve locked away on the inside, for no other purpose then embracing the dark side of my personality.  While this embrace has had it’s entertaining moments, once again I feel the shift occurring back towards the Light.


These phases occur much like the phases of the moon, with my personality and motivations waxing and waning through the seasons.  I am not at the point of re-emerging from the Dark Night of the soul and like the newly born flora reaching upwards towards the Light. I can remain within these Dark Nights for quite some time until an event, word or action rekindles the Spark that lies within. I then remember who I really am and that what has happened before what a mere distortion of my true Self.


It is within these rebirths that I sit and ponder the Human Race and it’s motivations, goals, fears, and overall path. Looking back on my life I recall having great moments of compassion for this race and great moments of contempt.  What happened to the Human race to have them turn away from their true Nature and become so trapped within the experience that amnesia is an almost permanent state?  Are forces unknown to the vast majority of the species able to manipulate the physical being to such an extent that too the Soul can become entrapped and forget its true origin?


I suppose anything within the confines of the Universe is possible, even to the extent of manipulation by an unknown force.  With that said there would be a balance required so that equilibrium can be maintained.  Whether or not this balance is required for the physical cosmos to maintain their existence is something I cannot truthfully answer. I have seen both sides of the coin and can appreciate both aspects motivation.


Each Entity in existence has a choice to make and sometimes this choice can waiver back and forth. I do not believe that a Being can be ever lost when it chooses Darkness over Light,  at least I hope not.  I do believe, however that a firm choice to the Darkness can lead to state near annihilation and I would hope that mercy would prevail for that Being to be saved from their own destructive attitudes.  How this Mercy is carried out is not known to me so I have no authority to comment on the matter further. I would hope that it does exist, but beyond that I have no solid proof. A sad Universe it would be if some sort of failsafe did not  exist for those lost individuals.


It begs the question as to the true nature of our existence. The question has been asked since Man looked up at the stars and poised the question “What am I?”  Here we are on this planet rotating around and around an ignited ball of gases, living and dying. Most of us are content to be within this cycle and never question why; why are we here?  Other individuals look up and do question their existence and look to make their time here productive.


So who am I? I used to think I knew, I was so certain of my identity that I took on a label for so long. At first it was called “Jon” and then as my understanding increased so did my Identity and it took on another name and identity. It’s easy to become comfortable with yourself at stages, it’s easier to just bury your head in the sand and live a content existence never questioning further. And then it hits you again the question of “why?” From there your identity shifts again into something new and expanded then what you were previously.


Along with this feeling comes a sense of sadness, knowing that what you had before will no longer remain close.  It’s a reason why I can related to the fictional character Dr. Who, every time he changes he loses something close to him and you can see the pain within his eyes.  With change always comes some form of loss.


I really am unable to place a label as to what I am.  Perhaps that’s the best possible thing I could do for myself. Instead of placing myself within an expected role, I should simply follow along the path laid out before me and not sink into a title.  I know that I have two choices before me, one is a life with my head buried in the sand. The other is one less traveled, but has the potential to help a great number of people. Identity is a silly thing at times.


A lighthouse on a rocky short to guide those lost to port, or a Nine to Fiver?  I choose the less traveled path.  It’s always been something ingrained within me, something I cannot and would not want to run away from. Do I really have a choice in the matter? I believe I do have a choice, the real question is do I want to suffer or be a part of something greater?

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