Movella's Posts (11)

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Arcturian visitations ✨

During March 2022 to March 2023, myself and my son Merrtro were lucky to have witnessed many visitations from our Arcturians friends. Although I am a Sirian starseed and first Lieutenant in the GFL groundcrew, I also have a special link with the Arcturians and I work alongside M’zupa as a GFL medical officer, we usually communicate telepathically.
The Arcturians specialise in healing, training, monitoring and restoring the health of humanity. This can be relayed in different ways including intuitive guidance, energetic alignment, and GFL training for many initiates who have reached a certain level of self realisation and many more.

I could continue to describe the details of the medical teams. However, I would like to focus on our experiences we had during the time Merrtro was born until the age of 1. This age range is when the GFL medical teams play a special role in monitoring the development of starseed children. This means that all starseed children are monitored very closely in the first year of life.

One night, when Merrtro was only a few days old, I tucked him in his cot and came downstairs, I was shocked to notice that his downstairs cot mobile was spinning around and sounding chimes by itself. This alarmed me at first, as the cot mobile can only be controlled by winding it up manually and there was no one else in the house. I wondered who this  could be, was it a ghost? I had already done an entity banishment ritual when I moved into the house with frankincense, so I knew it couldn't be anyone to worry about and I decided to ignore it at the time.

A few nights after this I noticed that Merrtro’s interactive toys would set off by themselves, playing music, saying strangely relevant phrases. For example I would walk in a room to hear ‘Hello’ from one of the toys, I would also sometimes hear ‘goodbye’ when we left the room😂. I did an energy check and did not pick up any malicious vibes and I also did not pick up any telepathic messages. Instead I felt a loving and playful energy which was a relief. The toys and cot mobile would continue to be set off for weeks, I would also hear knocking on the outside brick wall and it felt like someone was playing tricks on us. On one occasion I saw a green flash in the corner of my dining room and the colour of the familiar looking flash confirmed to me that it was indeed an Arcturian being, but I was surprised that M’zupa and the team did not greet me as she usually does when she visits.
I went to check Merrtro’s cot mobile and discovered that there was a splurge of only what I can describe as a ‘liquid chalky grey' type of substance on the top of the chimes which was quite easy to wipe off. I knew that the substance was not from here and I had some suspicion that it could be from another dimension. I left some of the strange substance on the chime, and I asked my Dad (Drekx) to have a look when he came over the next day.
Drekx confirmed that the substance had accidentally came from M'zupa's Arcturian medical teams droid that helps who helps the team with physical tasks, and they are usually very careful not to leave evidence of physical presence on Earth from their own planet.
We both knew that the Arcturians were closely monitoring Merrtro’s development, but after speaking with M’zupa we later discovered that the team had on board a very playful Arcturian toddler named Reez who was training and also learning about human beings. Then everything made sense, Reez was able to come through the portal to my house from the Arcturian ship without M’zupas knowledge due to his cheeky nature, he naturally showed an interest in Merrtro as he was a similar age in linear years. I immediately thought that his playfulness was adorable and I told M’zupa that Reez was allowed to come here anytime, as long as he doesn’t wake up Merrtro in the middle of the night. Reez continued to visit us and play around until Merrtro turned 1 years old, and this is when the close monitoring of Merrtro was completed. The medical team continue to monitor him less frequently and also when they are called upon, and we enjoy there company.

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A Prayer for the New Age

I am the creator of the universe. 
I am the father and mother of the universe. 
Everything comes from me. 
Everything shall return to me. 
Mind, spirit and body are my temples, 
for the self to realize in them 
My supreme being and becoming.

A Prayer for the New Age, given by Maitreya the Christ, is a great mantram or affirmation with an invocative effect. Using this prayer will enable one to recognize that man and God are one, that there is no separation. The 'I' is the Divine Principle behind all creation. The Self emanates from, and is identical to, the Divine Principle.

The most effective way to use this mantram is to say or think the words with focused will, the attention at the ajna center between the eyebrows. When the mind grasps the meaning of the concept and, simultaneously, the will is brought to bear, then those concepts will be activated and the mantram will work. If it is said seriously every day, there will grow inside you a realization of your true Self.


Questions and answers with Benjamin Creme

Q. I thought that The Great Invocation was going to be the new world prayer, and many have been using it for a long time. Why introduce another prayer?

A. There are three forms of mantrams, or words of power: prayer, invocation and affirmation. The Lord's Prayer is, as the name suggests, a prayer, a (largely) emotional supplication to the Divine to supply our daily needs of food, protection, guidance and so on. It is passive, asking God to do all, implying therefore that God is separate from us. The Great Invocation is not a prayer but a mantram whereby God's energies, through His representatives -- the Buddha, the Christ and Shamballa -- are consciously invoked, by an understanding of the ideas of the invocation and by the intent of the will. This is an entirely new factor and reflects a higher approach.

The new world prayer given by Maitreya is really an affirmation with an invocative effect, and will be a powerful tool in the recognition by us that man and God are One, that there is no separation. By affirming that "I am the Creator of the Universe," I can come into consciousness (eventually) that I am God, the true reality.

Q. Who is the 'I' in the Prayer for the New Age given by Maitreya? Is it (1) our Father in Heaven; (2) the Ancient of Days (as in the Christian Bible); (3) does it mean Maitreya; or (4) other?

A. It is the Divine Principle behind all creation. The Self emanates from, and is identical to, the Divine Principle. Through mind, spirit and body, the Self realizes the Supreme Being and, in time and space, the becoming of that Divine Principle. It is this principle that Maitreya calls 'the Lord'.


The art of Self-realization 

When you ask yourself who you are, you will find you are a spark of God.

"I have not come to found a new religion," Maitreya says. "I have come to teach the art of Self-realization," something which is neither an ideology nor a religion, but benefits people of all religions and those who have none. "I come to you 'like a thief in the night'", He tells us, "so that you will not become too excited. Slowly, as you become aware, you can 'digest' what is 'eaten'. In awareness you will know Me.  In 'isms' you will fight against Me".

Looking for Maitreya under titles, even the title of 'the Messiah', can lead to illusion: 'Messiah' is a word coined by the human race, and to say "I am the Messiah," can create opposition." And although some may find the qualities of Jesus in Him, Maitreya says, "Those who look for Me as a Teacher are nearer the mark, for that is what I am".* The true quality of the Teacher will be seen in the teaching – which is that the Master is within you. In Maitreya's words, "I seek to express that which I am through you; for this I come".*

"I have not come to create followers", says Maitreya. "Each of you should continue to develop within your own religious tradition. A real disciple is one who will respect the traditions. Respect your own religions, your own ideologies, in brief, your own thoughtform, and you will experience the Master. Even when you see me, do not run after me. If you run after me, you will lose me. I cannot be monopolized – I belong to everyone."

"If you personify Me, He warns, you will create nothing but confusion, chaos, destruction. If you parade Me, you do not know who I am. Even My signs create only momentary happiness. The happiest moment is when you see Me within your heart."

"I have not come to puzzle or startle people. When people experience Me, for the first time they will know the purpose of life." You will not feel you are leading a futile life, but one in which the Master is within you, guiding you. This sense of inwardness will give you another perspective in life. You will feel you are enjoying life. Fulfillment will take place within. Everything is within you. When this happens you will not react in anger. With a sense of detachment you will experience the power of God. God is behind everything.

"I do not want you to believe in Me. First experience Me within you. When you experience Me then you become aware of My presence within you: it is not a matter of belief first. I do not want you to accept or reject me – it is your inner experience which counts". What you experience yourself, says Maitreya, is your wealth, the richness of your own Being. The living truth is a matter of experience".

Do not try to worship Me, Maitreya counsels. If you worship Me you are trying to lower yourself. I do not want this. I want you to be equal. You are a spark of the Supreme Being. Do not think you are below Me.

"The Self alone matters," Maitreya teaches. You are that Self, "an immortal Being." Suffering is caused by identification with anything and everything which is not the Self. Ask yourself, "Who am I?" You will see that you are identified either with matter (the body), or with thought (the mind) or with power (spirit). But you are none of these.

"Mind, spirit and body are the temples of the Lord; the Self experiences in these "the supreme Being and Becoming of the Lord." Spirit, in the Sanskrit terminology, is Shiv-shakti, which is energy. Mind is Brahma, which is thought-formation. Body is Prakriti, which is material substance and can also be thought of as material activity. These terms can be regarded as objective facts, but they can also be thought of as movement or processes.

The destiny of the Self is to be free. Considered in its freedom, in its Being, it is called Atman. Within the limitations of time and space, in its becoming, it is the soul, or Jiva. The Self is not energy (Shiv-shakti, spirit); the Self is not thought–formation (Brahma, or mind); the Self is not material activity (Prakriti, the body). The destiny of the Self is to enter and leave these temples of the Lord at will.

Shiva and Brahma can be seen as aspects of a trinity that includes Vishnu, the sustaining aspect. If a person is overpowered by Shiv-shakti, he can perform miracles. Yet the person looks withdrawn, blank. If a person is overpowered by Brahma, he can be a philosopher, but he can be imprisoned in that thought formation. A person overpowered by the Vishnu aspect can give, and give generously, perhaps become a saint, but that, too, can be a prison. During the 1960s, 'hippies' responded to the Vishnu aspect, having become disillusioned with power (Shiv-shakti) and mind (Brahma). Being is eternal, Becoming is temporal. The Self experiences both. Being and becoming are two modalities. Being is unchanging, whereas becoming is a process of unfolding in time and space. Man, in his Being, is the Self. In his becoming, he is the soul – the reflection of the Self.

The Self witnesses. It plays the 'mini-role' of the Almighty. The Self is the spark of the Almighty. "There are times when you become aware that someone is behind you, within you, over you, around you – something is present." "That 'something'", Maitreya says, "is the Almighty. It does not participate; it observes. No one need struggle for this step. Everyone qualifies at this stage. Then, as your awareness grows, if you practice the discipline of detachment, you will know Me in My totality. The moment you think of Me, I am with you."

The Self makes itself known through awareness. The Self makes mind, spirit and body aware of reality and thus able to make decisions accordingly. Maitreya says, "Let your awareness grow. Awareness, with intelligence, will guide mind, spirit and body. This will create harmony between mind, spirit and body and the Self." Then the Self can use the forces of Life to transform things, to effect 'miracles'. Mind, spirit and body are simply vehicles.

Awareness is the light of life. Anything done outside awareness leads to destruction. All thoughts which lead you to selfishness lead you away from awareness. In awareness there is no memory. Memory is only in the mind. All struggle and care is in the mind, never in awareness. Suffering, depression and craving for drugs are all states of mind. Awareness sets you free and allows you to enjoy life. When awareness is still dormant, 'isms' control mind, spirit and body and create divisions. This is maya – illusion. When awareness controls and guides you, 'isms' cannot come close to you. Awareness can even make a king give up his kingdom, Maitreya teaches. Privileges divide, denying oneness to the entity within you. 'Isms' are not thrown away all at once. They are steps on the way. Awareness controls the pace of evolution.

Yet in awareness there is no burden. You remain meticulous, immaculate, pure. There is grace, peace and happiness. These are the blessings of the Lord.

Awareness will come to be respected in the home and in the school as a sacred, God-given gift, Maitreya says. Awareness is the mother of creation. It can never be divided, nor imposed. Textbooks cannot describe it, because there is no beginning nor end to it. Awareness can only be experienced. It is a seed in all creation and in every individual.

Awareness is universal and does not 'belong' to any religion, nor to any guru, saint or politician.

According to Maitreya, when you judge, saying 'I am right. You are wrong', you are caught in the web of attachment. The Self must always practise detachment. In this way, awareness will grow. The Self is neutral and free from suffering. Awareness protects the Self. Just as the body must be bathed, detachment is the "bath" of mind, and awareness is the "bath" of spirit.



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77 Health benefits of yoga

77 Surprising Health Benefits of Yoga

Over the past several years, yoga has experienced an upsurge in popularity in the western world among medical professionals and celebrities alike. While many associate yoga with new age mysticism or the latest fad at the gym, yoga is actually an ancient practice that connects the mind, body, and spirit through body poses, controlled breathing, and meditation. The practice of yoga has many health benefits associated with it, so read below to discover 77 benefits of incorporating yoga in to your or your patient’s fitness program.


Health Benefits Within: From lowering blood pressure to increasing pain tolerance, the following health benefits can all be discovered within the body.

  1. Blood pressure. A consistent yoga practice decreases blood pressure through better circulation and oxygenation of the body.
  2. Pulse rate. A slower pulse rate indicates that your heart is strong enough to pump more blood with fewer beats. Regularly practicing yoga provides a lower pulse rate.
  3. Circulation. Yoga improves blood circulation. By transporting nutrients and oxygen throughout your body, yoga practice provides healthier organs, skin, and brain.
  4. Respiratory. Like the circulatory system, a lower respiratory rate indicates that the lungs are working more efficiently. Yoga decreases the respiratory rate through a combination of controlled breathing exercises and better fitness.
  5. Cardiovascular endurance. A combination of lower heart rate and improved oxygenation to the body (both benefits of yoga) results in higher cardiovascular endurance.
  6. Organs. Yoga practice massages internal organs, thus improving the ability of the body to prevent disease. Additionally, an experienced yoga practitioner becomes better attuned to her body to know at first sign if something isn’t functioning properly, thereby allowing for quicker response to head off disease.
  7. Gastrointestinal. Gastrointestinal functions have been shown to improve in both men and women who practice yoga.
  8. Immunity. Yoga practice has frequently been correlated with a stronger immune system.
  9. Pain. Pain tolerance is much higher among those who practice yoga regularly. In addition to pain tolerance, some instances of chronic pain, such as back pain, are lessened or eliminated through yoga (see below for more on back pain).
  10. Metabolism. Having a balanced metabolism results in maintaining a healthy weight and controlling hunger. Consistent yoga practice helps find the balance and creates a more efficient metabolism.

Health Benefits Without: Just as many health benefits occur within the body, there are many benefits that can actually be experienced from without the body. From better sleep to more energy and strength, this list provides several benefits found on the outside of the body.Aging. Yoga stimulates the detoxification process within the body. Detoxification has been shown to delay aging, among many other health benefits.

  1. Posture. The very nature of yoga teaches the practitioner how to hold and control one’s body in a more healthful position. Through consistent practice, your posture will improve so that you look more confident and healthy.
  2. Strength. One of the premises of yoga is that you are using the weight of your own body for overall strength.
  3. Energy. Regular yoga practice provides consistent energy. In fact, most yogis state that when you perform your yoga correctly, you will feel energized after your yoga session rather than tired.
  4. Weight. The benefits of a better metabolism along with the exercise of yoga work to keep your weight in check. Additionally, the stretching of muscles longwise helps to reduce the amount of cellulite that can build around muscles.
  5. Sleep. Because of the many benefits to both body and mind that a yoga routine can provide, many find that their sleep is much better. Read here for more on sleep and yoga, as well as some positions for helping induce sleep.
  6. Balance. An integral part of the yoga practice is balance and control over your body. With a consistent practice, you will find that your overall balance will improve outside the yoga class.
  7. Integrated function of the body. Yoga is derived from Sanskrit and means "to join together and direct one’s attention." This is exactly what happens to your body after you start practicing yoga. Yogis find that their body works together much better, resulting in more graceful and efficient body movements.
  8. Body Awareness: Doing yoga will give you an increased awareness of your own body. You are often called upon to make small, subtle movements to improve your alignment. Over time, this will increase your level of comfort in your own body. This can lead to improved posture and greater self-confidence.
  9. Core strength. With a strong body core, you receive better posture and overall body strength. A strong core helps heal and reduce injuries. This is why a lot of athletes do yoga as cross training (boxers, MMA fighters, etc). Read how this swimmer uses yoga to strengthen her core and improve her swimming.
  10. Sexuality. Yoga can improve your sexuality through better control, more relaxation, and more self-confidence. Read more about the yoga and sexuality connection
  11. Emotional Health Benefits: Due to the strong mind-body connection of yoga, there are many emotional benefits to be gained from a consistent yoga practice. Find out how yoga can help improve emotional health with this list.
  12. Mood. Overall well-being improves with yoga practice. The combination of creating a strong mind-body connection, creating a healthy body, and focusing inward can all lead to improvement in your mood.
  13. Stress Reduction. The concentration required during yoga practice tends to focus your attention on the matter at hand, thereby reducing the emphasis you may have been putting on the stress in your life.
  14. Anxiety. One benefit to the controlled breathing used in yoga is a reduction in anxiety.
  15. Depression. Some believe the negative feelings that you may be repressing are brought to the surface during some types of yoga exercise. When this happens, the negative energy is no longer stuck within you, but released through exercise. Regularly releasing this negativity leads to a reduction of depression in many people.
  16. Self-acceptance. Focusing inward and realizing through your yoga practice that perfection is not the goal, self-acceptance begins to take over.
  17. Self-control. The controlled movements of yoga teach you how to translate that self-control to all aspects of your life.
  18. Mind-body connection. Few other exercises offer the same mind-body connection that yoga does. As you match your controlled breathing with the movements of your body, you retrain your mind to find that place of calm and peace that long-time yogis know.
  19. Positive outlook on life. Continued practice of yoga results in a balance of many hormones and nervous system, which brings about a more stable, positive approach to life.
  20. Hostility. Most yogis report a huge reduction in the amount of hostility they feel as well as a sense of control when anger flares. This calm effect is likely from the relaxation and meditation that is incorporated in their yoga practice that leads to an overall calming of the nervous system. Less hostility means lower blood pressure and stress and a healthier approach to life.
  21. Concentration. Researchers have shown that as little as eight weeks of yoga practice can result in better concentration and more motivation.
  22. Memory. Improved blood circulation to the brain as well as the reduction in stress and improved focus results in a better memory.
  23. Attention. The attention required in yoga to maintain the structured breathing in conjunction with yoga poses sharpens the ability to keep a sharp focus on tasks.
  24. Social skills. In yoga, you learn the interconnectedness of all of life. Your yoga practice soon evolves from a personal journey to one connecting to to the community at large where your social skills improve along with your yoga practice.
  25. Calmness. Concentrating so intently on what your body is doing has the effect of bringing calmness. Yoga also introduces you to meditation techniques, such as watching how you breathe and disengagement from your thoughts, which help calm the mind.
 Body Chemistry: Several aspects of body chemistry such as glucose levels and red blood cells are affected by yoga. Learn how you can improve your body chemistry through yoga.
  1. Cholesterol. Yoga practice lowers cholesterol through increased blood circulation and burning fat. Yoga practice is a great tool to fight against harmful cholesterol levels.
  2. Lymphatic system. Your lymphatic system boosts your immunity and reduces toxins in your body. The only way to get your lymphatic system flowing well is by movement. The specific movements involved in yoga are particularly well-suited for promoting a strong lymphatic system.
  3. Glucose. There is evidence to suggest that yoga may lower blood glucose levels.
  4. Sodium. As does any good exercise program, yoga reduces the sodium levels in your body. In today’s world of processed and fast foods that are full of sodium, lessening these levels is a great idea.
  5. Endocrine functions. Practicing yoga helps to regulate and control hormone secretion. An improved endocrine system keeps hormones in balance and promotes better overall physical and emotional health.
  6. Triglycerides. Triglycerides are the chemical form of fat in the blood, and elevated levels can indicate a risk for heart disease and high blood pressure. A recent study shows that yoga can lead to "significantly lower" levels of triglycerides.
  7. Red blood cells. Yoga has been shown to increase the level of red blood cells in the body. Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen through the blood, and too few can result in anemia and low energy.
  8. Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps boost immunity, helps produce collagen, and is a powerful antioxidant; and a yoga regimen can increase the vitamin C in your body.

Exercise Health Benefits: As a form of exercise, yoga offers benefits that are sometimes not easily found among other exercise regimens. Check out these reasons to include yoga in your or your patient’s health program.

  1. Low risk of injury. Due to the low impact of yoga and the controlled aspect of the motions, there is a very low risk of injury during yoga practice compared to other forms of exercise.
  2. Parasympathetic Nervous System. In many forms of exercise, the sympathetic nervous system kicks in, providing you with that fight-or-flight sensation. Yoga does the opposite and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic system lowers blood pressure and slows the pace of your breathing, which allows relaxation and healing.
  3. Muscle tone. Consistently practicing yoga leads to better muscle tone.
  4. Subcortex. Subcortical regions of brain are associated with well-being, and yoga is thought to dominate the subcortex rather than the cortex (where most exercise dominates).
  5. Reduced oxygen consumption. Yoga consumes less oxygen than traditional exercise routines, thereby allowing the body to work more efficiently.
  6. Breathing. With yoga, breathing is more natural and controlled during exercise. This type of breathing provides more oxygen-rich air for your body and also provides more energy with less fatigue.
  7. Balanced workout of opposing muscle groups. As with all of yoga, balance is key. If a muscle group is worked in one direction, it will also be worked in the opposite direction to maintain balance. This balance results in a better overall workout for the body.
  8. Non-competitive. The introspective and self-building nature of yoga removes any need of competition in the exercise regimen. With the lack of competition, the yogi is free to work slowly to avoid any undue injury as well as promote a more balanced and stress-free workout.
  9. Joint range of motion. A study at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine indicated that joint range of motion was improved by participants who practiced yoga.
  10. Eye-hand coordination. Without practice, eye-hand coordination diminishes. Yoga maintains and improves eye-hand coordination.
  11. Dexterity. The strong mind-body connection and flexibility gained from yoga leads to grace and skill.
  12. Reaction time. Research done in India shows that reaction time can be improved with specific yoga breathing exercises in conjunction with an already established yoga practice. The improvement was attributed to the faster rate of processing and improved concentration gained from yoga.
  13. Endurance. Working the entire body, yoga improves endurance and is frequently used by endurance athletes as a supplement to their sport-specific training.
  14. Depth perception. Becoming aware of your body and how it moves, as one does in yoga practice, leads to increased depth perception.

Disease Prevention: Doctors and nurses love yoga because studies indicate that it can help prevent the following diseases.

  1. Heart disease. Yoga reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, keeps off weight, and improves cardiovascular health, all of which lead to reducing your risk of heart disease.
  2. Osteoporosis. It is well documented that weight-bearing exercise strengthens bones and helps prevent osteoporosis. Additionally, yoga’s ability to lower levels of cortisol may help keep calcium in the bones.
  3. Alzheimer’s. A new study indicates that yoga can help elevate brain gamma-aminobutyric (GABA) levels. Low GABA levels are associated with the onset of Alzheimer’s. Meditation like that practiced in yoga has also been shown to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s.
  4. Type II diabetes. In addition to the glucose reducing capabilities of yoga, it is also an excellent source of physical exercise and stress reduction that, along with the potential for yoga to encourage insulin production in the pancreas, can serve as an excellent preventative for type II diabetes.
Symptom Reduction or Alleviation: Medical professionals have learned that the following diseases or disorders can all be helped by maintaining a yoga practice.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome. Individuals with carpal tunnel syndrome who practiced yoga showed greater improvement than those who wore a splint or received no treatment at all. Researchers saw improved grip strength and reduction of pain in the study participants.
  • Asthma. There is some evidence to show that reducing symptoms of asthma and even reduction in asthma medication are the result of regular yoga.
  • Arthritis. The slow, deliberate movement of yoga poses coupled with the gentle pressure exerted on the joints provides an excellent exercise to relieve arthritis symptoms. Also, the stress relief associated with yoga loosens muscles that tighten joints.
  • Multiple sclerosis. According to this article, "yoga is now recognized as an excellent means of MS management." Additionally, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine is funding a clinical trial of yoga for treating multiple sclerosis.
  • Cancer. Those fighting or recovering from cancer frequently take advantage of the benefits that yoga provides. Cancer patients who practice yoga gain strength, raise red blood cells, experience less nausea during chemotherapy, and have a better overall well-being.
  • Muscular dystrophy. Using yoga in the early stages of muscular dystrophy can help.
  • Migraines. Regular yoga practice has been shown to reduce the number of migraines in chronic migraine sufferers.
  • Scoliosis. Yoga can straighten the curvature of the spine associated with scoliosis.
  • Chronic bronchitis. Exercise that does not elevate respiration, yet increase oxygen levels in the body is ideal for treating chronic bronchitis. Luckily, yoga can do this, as well as aerate the lungs and provide energy.
  • Epilepsy. Focusing on stress reduction, breathing, and restoring overall balance in the body are the focus of how yoga can help prevent epileptic seizures.
  • Sciatica. The intense pain associated with sciatica can be alleviated with specific yoga poses.
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Studies of people with OCD have shown that practicing yoga has lead to a reduction in symptoms–resulting in less medication or medication no longer needed.
  • Constipation. Due to the practice of yoga and overall better posture, the digestive and elimination systems work more efficiently. If the practitioner also has a healthy diet, any constipation will be eliminated through yoga.
  • Allergies. Using a neti pot to clear the sinuses is an ancient form of yoga to help reduce or eliminate allergy symptoms. Certain types of breathing can also help clear the nasal passages.
  • Menopause. Yoga practice can help control some of the side effects of menopause. The bridge pose can help reduce hot flashes.
  • Back pain. Yoga reduces spinal compression and helps overall body alignment to reduce back pain. Find a yoga pose to help lessen back pain



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The re-birth of our planet- GFL message

Dear ascendees,

Lord Surea (the soul of the galaxy) has honored this solar system with the law of divine grace to open the path of galactic evolution from the 3D to 5D.
We are entering the age of Aquarius which is the end of a 13,000 year cycle, from Leo to Aquarius. This concludes our physical plane experience on the Earth.

Some of you may know that aetheric energy was discovered on Earth in the early 1900's by Tesla and other scientists, but it has always been supressed by the cabal, not allowing humanity to benefit from it's general use.
Tesla discovered wireless electricity which can be extracted from the aether, but the dark corporations only permitted grid electricity, which the energy companies charge a price for... So free energy has been kept secret from the general population.. One reason why the GFL stepped in to aid planetary birth and ascension.

Humanity is currently unable to function within the sacred role of planetary guardianship, which instead has to be conducted by beings from Agartha and other higher dimensional systems of consciousness.
They use Exotic technologies combined with ritual work, similar to ancient Lemurian shamans, with high technology. This takes place at all the planetary node points, ceremonies are conducted in the air, under water and also in higher dimensions.

Earth is monitered by the GFL at all times, the task is keeping the atmosphere, biosphere, plants, animals, minerals enhanced, vivified and kept in viable order, there is however a limited amount of help they can offer Humanity, as we must evolve to take on this role ourselves and as we advance that help will diminish, we are destined to take on this role as ascended beings.
The incoming energies of evolution radiate from the Galactic core, which is the defining energy of the galaxy's heart and impulses this solar system, along with the synthesising theme of Aquarius, eminating from the Aquarius constellation.. Like two tones of a musical scale. One of these energies is called synthesis, it's impulsing a union between inner and outer Earth and the bridge between terrestrial and extra-terrestrial, these energies are invoking a mass awakening amongst human beings.

As we know, the world is hollow and we have a seventh continent called Agartha located inside inner Earth. The capital city is named shamballa, which is directly below Tibet's surface city of Lharsa.
The GFL command base is located near Shamballa and this is why so many UFO sightings are witnessed, coming out of seas, mountains, poles, secret tunnels in India, Nepal (near Tibetan border), in the Andes mountains, South America and in Meso-America.
This concludes that many of the ships are coming directly from Agartha and not always from space as we would usually expect.
Although we like to mention the GFL as a whole, we must remember that Agartha is the primary driving force for the evolution of Earth. The Agarthans are able to navigate on the inner and outer Earth and assist our ascension in many ways. They look forward to reuniting with us as a GFL star nation, which will be named the 'Solarian Star Nation' when we Earth humans ascend to the 5D.. This star nation includes inner and outer Earth, Mars, Venus and Pax. Soon we will be able to use the wonderful technologies that have been kept from us for far too long..

We have gone full circle on Earth and are lucky to have assistance in these times, to aid us in our evolution. The galaxy has honored the Earth's status as an ascended world and this means that nothing can prevent destiny from taking place.

We look forward to what is coming...!

Love, light and blessings..


Lieutenant Movella

GFL Ground Crew

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Benefits of Amethyst ♥


Amethyst Chakra Associations - Third Eye Chakra & Crown Chakra

il_794xN.3219616312_db6t.jpg Healing with Amethyst - Increases nobility ♥ Spiritual awareness ♥ Psychic abilities ♥ Inner peace and healing ♥ Healing of body, mind & soul ♥ Positive transformation ♥ Improves meditation ♥ Brings balance & harmony ♥ Relieves stress ♥ Improves quality of sleep ♥ IMPROVES PSYCHIC ABILITIES!

il_794xN.2461624740_rnyv.jpg This potent and pretty stone is sure to sweep everyone off their feet and leave all those who wear her gorgeously grounded at the same time. Said to be the bridge that connects the concrete with the divine, the meaning of Amethyst has long been synonymous with spirituality and is famed for its close association with both the third eye and the crown chakra. Ancient civilizations including the Greeks, Romans and the Egyptians were drawn to the deep healing powers the amethyst stone emanated.

Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone, ideal to wear during meditation. It guards against psychic attack, transmuting the energy into love and protecting the wearer from all types of harm, including geopathic or electromagnetic stress and ill wishes from others. Amethyst is a natural tranquiliser, it relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety.  Alleviates sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities.  It has strong healing and cleansing powers. Amethyst has a sobering effect on overindulgence of alcohol, drugs or other addictions. Encourages selflessness and spiritual wisdom. It calms and stimulates the mind, helping you become more focused, enhancing memory and improving motivation.

il_794xN.3195028290_qxpa.jpg Amethyst assists in remembering and understanding dreams (TOP TIP- keep an Amethyst crystal under your pillow!) It relieves insomnia. It encourages selflessness and spiritual wisdom. Amethyst boosts hormone production, tunes the endocrine system and metabolism. Helps to relieve physical, emotional and psychological pain or stress. Amethyst eases headaches and releases tension. It can be used to awaken the third eye and crown chakras. Crystals containing Amethyst also include Ametrine.



The Enchanted Cave Experience


The Enchanted Cave is the largest amethyst cave in the world. In detail, it measures approximately 18 feet wide and weighs over 44,000 pounds. Visitors to Crystal Castle in Australia have the unique opportunity to enter this cave and even to sit for a guided meditation.


Fashioned within the earth over 120 million years ago. Your heart will resonate with the grounding energy with-in the world's largest amethyst cave.


As a lover of crystals, I have to admit that this is my favourite one in particular. I love the colour purple/indigo and resonate with it deeply.. I'm interested to hear if any readers have an interest in crystals at all?..

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Reiki Distance Healing Service- available now


Usui Reiki is an alternative healing method developed by a japanese spiritual aspirant and teacher called Mikao Usui in the year 1922, using Reiki symbols as a form of healing. Reiki symbols are the keys to connect to higher levels of healing by a Reiki practitioner, this requires tapping into the universal life force energy.

Reiki is used as an alternative therapy, it works to break down energy blocks and Balances the mind, body, and spirit which helps to cleanse, balance and re-energise the seven chakras.
Reiki treatment promotes the consistent and unlocked flow life force energy throughout the body. This allows people to feel less stress, enhances learning and memory, emotional and trauma healing, promotes mental clarity, physical healing and/or pain relief and increases energy levels.

Reiki benefits:

▪️Increase energy & vitality
▪️Strengthen the Aura
▪️Balance emotional state
▪️Increase self confidence and self love
▪️Clear the mind & bring focus
▪️Helps to alleviate depression
▪️Reduces anxiety
▪️Relief from physical pain
▪️Aids better sleep
▪️Can bring a sense of deep relaxation
▪️Boosts the immune system
▪️Supports the body to remove toxins
▪️Activates and Accelerates the body’s self healing process


Movella's services and pricing:

Reiki distance healing/ 30 minutes session- £30 GBP/ $41.75 USD

Reiki distance healing/ 30 minutes (with notes sent after session)- £35 GBP/ $48.71 USD

Reiki distance healing for animals/ 30 minutes session- £25 GBP/ $34.79 USD


Requirement 1:

I ask that clients provide a name and date of birth. This is to provide a more accurate and personalised service. This information will remain private, is not shared and is deleted afterwards.
If however, if you do not want to provide all (or any) of this, there is no problem, as I will be able to connect via higher guidance.

Requirement 2: Photo of yourself or your loved one (Not mandatory).

Can Reiki be sent at a distance, How does this work?

In the healing session, I will connect to you or your loved one energetically using techniques from Usui Reiki, wherever you are in the world. As we are all one and already connected, the benefits of this practice are equivalent and just as effective to how they would be if there was no distance.

How do we arrange a session?

A session will be performed within 24 hours of purchase. Please message me with your preferred time and I will confirm or rearrange this if necessary (I am in the UK).
However, depending on your time zone, this can also be done while you are sleeping. There is no need for you or your loved one to be awake. The energy will be received just as well as you have conciously agreed to accept healing.

Can you customise my session?

I primarily focus on the seven chakras, but if you have a specific area of concern please feel free to contact me in advance and we can build a session or package specifically for your needs.

Can Reiki Replace Medical Treatment?

Please note that Reiki does not take the place of medical care, in certain cases it can, but even so, I recommend you to seek professional advice.

What do you feel during the Reiki session?

Many clients feel a sense of love, peace, relief, energy flowing, a change of temperature or slight tingling sensation in various body parts.

Have you been trained in reiki?

Yes, I have completed levels 1, 2 & 3 in reiki healing and am a certified Usui Reiki Master.

How can I proceed with payment?

Please proceed with payment using the following paypal link:


Thank you for reading all of the above, I look forward to doing a reiki session with you soon.. if you feel guided towards it! :)

If you have any further questions you are welcome to message me on here.


Sending love & light,





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The Violet Flame is a divine gift and tool for everyone, given to us by Ascended Master Saint Germain. It is a sacred fire that exists on the Higher Dimensions. People with the gift of interdimensional sight have seen it. Cameras have captured it when it was not visible to the person taking the photo. The Violet Flame is REAL and I invite you to use it to your great advantage.

The Violet Flame is Spiritual Alchemy in action. Just as Alchemy is said to turn Lead into Gold, the ultimate purpose of the Violet Flame is to turn the Human into the Divine Human. Its action is to TRANSMUTE denser feelings, actions, deeds, karma, etc. into a higher vibrational frequency, which helps prepare us for our Ascension. Ascension means becoming a Divine Human, also known as a Christed Being - a level of Consciousness obtainable by any person. You may use the Violet Flame in perfect harmony with any belief system, religion or practice. It is a neutral tool with absolutely no conditions attached to it.

Some organizations teach people to use the Violet Flame with pre-written prayers and affirmations that they need to memorize and say in the right order for them to work. Some of them are very complex and rhyme with much repetition. Saint Germain has always told me that the words are not so important. Too many people are spending their energy and focus worrying about whether they got the words right or not. This causes them to miss the really important part of using the Flame - the feeling in your heart, your desire, intention and sincerity. Use the words from your own heart.

There are unlimited ways to use the Violet Flame. This is the basic method Saint Germain taught me over 30 years ago and he wishes everyone to use as a foundation for Violet Flame work. It is very simple with only four steps. Once you understand the principles behind this practice, you can adapt it and use it in unlimited ways.

Step 1. Bring the Violet Flame into your body. Ask your Higher Self, a Master, Guide or Angel to assist you to do so, or just ask the Flame to "be made manifest," whichever is most comfortable. It is helpful to visualize (doesn't matter if you can or cannot actually see it) or pretend that there is a ball of violet fire above your head. Then ask that ball of fire to come into your body and fill every speck of your entire body.

Step 2. Spin the flame in and around your body. Keep the Flame inside your body while asking it to also come out through your heart chakra and spin around or encircle the outside of your body so that it's encompassing your emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

Step 3. Ask the Violet Flame to transmute everything you wish to be changed or eliminated from your life. Some people like to mention everything like a shopping list - all karma, negative feelings such as anger, poverty, frustration, sadness, physical illnesses, etc., which is fine. But you can also do a catch-all phrase, such as "transmute anything and everything standing in the way of my ascension, or of becoming a Christed Being." Again, it's the intent and the feeling behind it. One important phrase to add is, "on all dimensions, on all levels, through all time and space, past, present and future" to your request. That covers all your lifetimes and your multidimensional selves.

Step 4. Change negativity into Divine Light and fill your body. Energy is never lost nor can it be "deleted", however, it can be CHANGED into a higher frequency. That is why it is important to ask the Violet Flame to do so. You can specify what the energy is to become. Then call that new energy into your body and aura. Some people like to do the list again. "Please transmute everything into love, prosperity, abundance, peace and happiness." Or you can ask for specific Color Rays, which are pure energy. Example, Pink is unconditional love. Blue is peace and tranquility. Green is health and abundance. Deep dark blue is spiritual knowledge and intuition. Violet is spiritual advancement and knowledge. Either way works fine. The Violet Flame Invocation below turns everything into the Gold and Platinum light of the Christ Consciousness, which encompasses all the qualities of the other colors.

The following Invocation was given to me directly by Saint Germain as an example of the 4-step Alchemical Violet Flame Meditation, which will transmute your karma and negative thoughts, actions and emotions. Once you understand the process, please individualize the Invocation using words from your heart and say them with great feeling and intention. Saying the words out loud is best because the power and vibration of the spoken word has energy, which helps create the maximum results of the Violet Flame. If you are among people that would not understand your words, you can say it quietly in your mind.

Center yourself. Take a few deep breaths to prepare, and then say:

Mighty I AM Presence, Beloved God, My Heavenly Source, Please make manifest in me now the Sacred Violet Flame of Transmutation. Bring the Violet Flame into every cell, molecule and atom of my body filling me totally and completely.

Blessed Violet Flame blaze into my Heart and expand out and around all of my bodies, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, surrounding my entire Being with your Divine Grace, Love, Mercy and Forgiveness.

Transmute all karma, negative thoughts, actions, deeds and energy that I have ever created at any time, in all dimensions, on all levels, in all bodies, through all time and space, past, present and future, for all Eternity.
Transmute everything that no longer serves me in body, mind and spirit; including false beliefs, lower emotions, and physical challenges.
Violet Flame transmute this current issue I wish to change in my life (describe issue). . . . turn it into (state desired result)
Transmute anything and everything that stands in my way of embodying the Ascended Christ Being of That I AM.

Beloved Violet Flame turn all that has been transmuted Into the Gold and Platinum Light of God, the Christ Consciousness, The Light of God that never fails.

Send this Gold and Platinum Light to me now, filling and surrounding my entire body with its Divine Radiance. Raise my vibration and frequency to the highest level possible for me at this time.

So Be It and So It Is. Thank You God. Amen.

It is suggested that you do this first thing in the morning and last thing at night, or anytime you feel a little overwhelmed or upset. Just Violet Flame what is going on, right then and there.

The affirmation that I use along with the visualisation is the original one- 'I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity god desires' but like the above text describes, as long as you VISUALIZE the VIOLET FLAME vividly.. the choice of words is your own preference... May I also add that the violet flame is an efficient way of effectively burning karma, this can be on a personal level, regarding all karmic situations and even a global/universal level! The karma is burned with divine grace and is done in a positive way, in which you will STILL gain the wisdom from the lessons learned.. but in a much more peaceful manner. Lets use the violet flame to create a better future.. :)

Blessings of love and abundance,


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The Law Of Attraction

Many of us are unware that we have the POWER to manifest our reality... No this is not a theory, it's a universal law which makes it our birth given right...The only exception I make to this rule is karma... If karma is restricting you from getting what you want then this must be resolved first in that particular area of your life. All energy vibrates at a frequency, being energy...You also vibrate at a frequency and what determines your frequency at any time is what you are feeling and thinking. Knowing that everything in this reality is created by energy, it's a good idea to use the words 'I AM' to your advantage; 'I AM happy' 'I AM abundant' 'I AM healthy' 'I AM beautiful' These affirmations are all positive and will train and rewire the brain to think more positively, similar to HZ frequencies. Affirmations train the subconscious to believe and therefore MANIFEST your reality... 'as above, so below' positive thoughts and feelings naturally cause you to take positive actions to follow through with those beliefs. What ever you think you can or think you can't, either way you are right! In the past you may have underestimated your own power and potential, but with this wisdom you now understand that the universe is waiting to give you what you want, if only you would believe it yourself. Letting go allows for manifestation...If there's something you want but nothing is happening, you are probably resistant to the fact you don't have it yet, you are still creating, but you're creating the absence that you don't have it yet... Let go, move on with your life and be genuinely okay with not getting what you want, then lift up your vibrations by doing something that brings you joy and you will find that what you want makes it's way to you sooner. Let go of any difficulties from your past, cultural codes and social beliefs... you are the only one who can create the life you deserve, so why let others choose this for you? We are in control of our own lives and we must take responsibility for this, if you CHOOSE to play the victim role..that is exactly what you become, it is your free will. The more GRATITUDE you have for what you already have in life, no matter how big or small.. your money, clothes, car, job, loved ones,health, the more blessings you will receive. On the other hand, if your always frustrated about the weather, bills, traffic, news, people (yes it can be hard not too) and it is totally normal to have preferences and opinions but it's when your emotions get involved negatively, it creates a negative energy and you are manifesting more of it without being aware. All of the evil and craziness you see going on in the world currently is manifested by humanity and you have the free will to add to the problem or to raise your own vibrations which will greatly effect not just your own life but the world around you. We are all reflections of the universe and are manifesting this reality as individuals and as one unit. The dark cabal want us to believe that we are powerless to keep us trapped in the constructs that they have created, but that is a lie. You can attract what it is you want, Firstly BELIEVE you can have it, secondly be GRATEFUL as if it's already with you and finally, LET GO of guilt, fear, regret and lack as these energies block the universe from giving you what you want. For example; In order to attract money.. you can affirm 'I AM RICH AND WEALTHY' knowing that you are fully deserving of it and grateful to the universe for this gift. When you truly start to believe this, money will flow to you with ease and possibly in unexpected ways and this goes for ANY area of your life... it is the LAW OF ATTRACTION. Be clear on what you want and be careful what you wish for...


Lieutenant Movella

GFL Ground Crew

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The Great Invocation

The Great Invocation is a gift to us from the divine consciousness through Lord Maitreya (the Christ). Released to humanity in the year 1945, it's intended to be used by all religions/spiritual beliefs and cultures around the world. It is an affirmation that is best practised daily to raise the Earths vibrations and bring forward the 'light and power', that is needed as a blueprint for the divine plan. This invocation is intended to be manifested through the medium of the human race. Of course this can be practiced alone.. or for it's maximum results, it can be used in a triangle formation.. three people at the same time of day, they can be at any location around the world and this will still be just as efficient as if they were in close proximity. The Tibetan teacher and master of wisdom, Dwal Khul, worked with Alice Bailey to ensure that this ancient word of power was translated from ancient literature to the English language in a precise way. At this time, the great invocation is the greatest affirmation to the oneness of humanity and it only takes less than a minute a day to perform, you can choose to simply affirm the invocation or do so in a ritual manner with perhaps incense and crystals, said aloud or in your mind depending on your surroundings, the choice is yours.. This is practised daily by millions of human beings and practised in over 80 languages, it's beauty and strength lies in simplicity and expression of these certain truths;

  • The truth of the existence of a basic intelligence to whom we vaguely give the name of God
  • The truth that behind all outer seeming, the motivating power of the universe is love
  • The truth that an expression, (called by Christians) the Christ, came to earth and embodied love so we can understand
  • The truth both love and intelligence are effects of what is called, the will of God
  • And finally, the self-evident truth that only through humanity itself can the divine plan work out
The Great Invocation
From the point of light within the Mind of God
let light stream forth into the minds of men
let light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God
let love stream forth into the hearts of men
may Christ return to Earth.
From the centre where the Will of God is known
let purpose guide the little wills of men
the purpose which the Masters know and serve
from the centre which we call the race of men.
Let the plan of love and light work out
and may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let light and love and power, restore the plan on Earth.
And that is the invocation complete.. afterwards I like to chant 'OM MANI PADME HUM' seven times to increase the efficiency, but this is optional :)
Lieutenant Movella
GFL Ground crew

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The majority of ordinary humans currently fall under the category of NOT being on the ladder of initiation, but this does not mean they lack the potential... consciousness is increasing rapidly in these times. In many cases, it can take lifetimes to reach initiation, and these initiations aren't always on a conscious level, but the shift will take place in the dream state in most cases...Every human is a member of one of the seven ashrams (automatically) once you have reached the third initiation. For every initiation that takes place, an ascended master is with you to carry out the ritual and give you their heartfelt blessings.. your allocated master and ashram is determined by your soul ray, to find out more about this you can research 'the seven rays' by Alice Bailey. Your soul will remember where you left off the previous life, this means that you will NOT start the initiation process from scratch, wisdom is obtained and you will continue to evolve...

There are countless levels of initiation, but today I'd like to mention the five that we go through, as humans on the 3D plane...

First initiation (the birth to spiritual life)

Control of the ego over the physical body will be obtained.. even if this is not perfect, the control at this stage is sufficient enough to demonstrate that the initiate understands the basic principles of avoiding greed and gluttony. When the ego is balanced the initiate is able to overcome any addictions and understand the term 'moderation', in effect will remember to treat the body like a temple.

Second initiation (the baptism)

At this stage the initiate will gain full control of the astral body. The emotional body in it's natural state, should be functioning on a love frequency and the initiate will no longer feel selfishness but instead will have a fresh impulse of aspiration and an urge to serve. The control of the astral body also means that the intuition will increase and begin to play a big role in the disciples decisions and conduct in life. Usually several lives will intervene between the first and second initiation until the lessons are complete, a struggle to overcome the desires and emotions of the astral body.

Third initiation (the transfiguration)

The initiate at this level has developed clairvoyance and clairaudience. Once the second initiation has been obtained, the development on the third is a lot more rapid. He/she will have a vision and plan to give his share to the world, if this opportunity is recognised by him/her and reacted to, this work may provide control of the mental plane that the initiate is lacking. Mental control means that he/she is able to manipulate thought-matter which includes the laws of creative thought. For this initiation the disciple must also have theoretic and practical knowledge of the material world. The light reaches the initiate directly through the monad, this means that he/she serves as an anchor point of transmitting divine energy into the three worlds of human endeavour.

Fourth initiation (the crucifixion)

At this level, the initiate may start to remember previous lives. The fourth degree is best depicted by the life of Jesus, this is the most difficult initiation but also greatly rewarding. The soul is 'in between worlds' battling the pure spirit and the personality. This initiation is difficult due to the fact that the soul itself must be transcended, this is a realisation that the soul consciousness is not the end. All earth bound karma will be ended and the disciple will no longer be required to incarnate in the 3D.

Fifth initiation (the resurrection)

The initiate must have reached 75% light quotient to reach this level. This state represents perfection and liberation, at the point of initiation he/she is given various spiritual paths that have now opened. There are seven paths to choose from, only one of them is continued service on this planet (called the path to earth service) The choice of which path is not granted by the masters and doesn't occur until the sixth initiation. The initiates destiny will be correctly chosen and followed through with the ascension.

I hope this gave you some insight on the first five initiations...



GFL ground crew

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Hi fellow lightworkers

Hi everyone,

Firstly I'd like to introduce myself...

In the recent few years I've been a business woman (which I have a niche for with my 3rd ray personality) but I'm happy to have a proactive presence on here due to the current global circumstances.

'Movella' isn't the name I was born with but it's my soul name which in the Lyrian language (ancient language commonly used by ET's) has the meaning 'the rebirth of Mother Earth'...which relates to my life mission.

I'd like to give a shout out to my father, I'm sure many of you know him as Drekx Omega... like Drekx, I originally incarnated here on earth 13,000 years ago, during the time of Atlantis. I'm also a Sirian star seed and member of the atar clan, so I naturally have an interest in truth seeking and spiritual healing, this is related to our collective mission with the GFL..the end goal being the world regaining full consciousness and freedom once and for all.

I'm also a member of the ascended Master Kuthumi's 2nd ray ashram, he is often depicted as the bearer of light to shine by example to the world in order to demonstrate that we all have the potential to reach light at the end of the tunnel... we can use this wisdom and our strength as truth seekers to fight the dark cabal and no longer allow ourselves to be pawns on the corrupt chess board played by the dark elites. Let's remain positive and ready to welcome the new age of abundance, prosperity and happiness!

Love and light,

Lieutenant Movella

GFL ground crew

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