Moonlight Lily's Posts (3)

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Here are a few that are about different true past....Twin Flames...etc...all in one blog! Just to share ♥ They are all separated by ---- I hope some enjoy them. ♥


Within the darkest hours....

the light always shines....

Within our hearts.....

beyond our normal mind....

Deep within our very core....

our yearning to be whole once more..... 

Our Guides like Angels..

.in a world that feels so cold....

Our memories so faded....

in a world that is unknown...

Open your soul...

your heart deep within....

Let the answers come....

the light within.... 

I felt the warmth within my core....

The human mind...

will never express in words...

The sight that beholds....

beyond this world.... 

Feel that light within....

for it has always been...

With you always...

with us all....

One day things will not be like this...

.this all will not exist the same.... 

The most beautiful flower will not be missed....

The most softest blade of grass....

will no longer be ignored...

Kindness will instill in hearts again once more....
Fragments of a distance past

Felt deep within my soul

Every part of me aching

To recall each memory known...
Twinkling high above me...

A dancing firework of lights

To the soul it makes for such glee..

.As your own light within surges... 

To see you again...

is almost hearing you...

I now know my fear is gone...

The walls I put up for so long...

The blocks that kept me far from you... 

To see you is a joy to my soul..

.I finally understand so much..

.Just another step in one of many for me...

The light within me grows.....<3
For all the tears I have cried in life

Both sad and joyful tides

A sense of longing and belonging within

Has my soul weeping to know my Birthright 

Once forgotten..once ignored..

Emotions in me surge with remorse...

For I knew you long ago...

Then I closed the open doors.. 

Now I joy and emotions

I simply cannot explain

To know in this journey on Earth

I have never been alone....

When the darkness sets upon the lands

The sounds of people that grow more dim

The time when nature can finally be heard

Her songs as clear as the cool nights breath
The stars above that flit and flutter

Like a Faerys painting so full of sparkle

The ocean does its midnight dance

To the Moons full glory and command
My favorite time draws more near

The time to dream and be as free as the wind

For in my dreams I can go to the farthest lands

For in my dreams a new reality is always at hand
When the day draws tears from my eyes

When I am sad and feel my spirit is alone

When I have no place left to go

My dreams are my escape to the unkown


Oh lovely child,what do you see...

What makes you cry, to be set free!

Oh lovely child,why do you not play...

Wasting youth, to daydream all day!

Oh lovely child,such sweet inner beauty...

The essence of innocence, within your grasp!

Oh lovely child,why for all the sadness...

Like a wilted rose, faultering in the wind!

Oh lovely child,why do you not dance and play...

With the other children, this summers day!


Have you ever wondered when the wind breezes by

The thousand words that float through your mind

A song calling out from natures glorious wings

Sometimes just a fleeting memory of things that could have been
Have you ever just laid there staring up at the stars

Wondering if someone was doing the same from afar

Wishing on the very same one, the very same thoughts

Words that cannot be spoken by tongue, but felt so deep within
Have you ever watched the candles flames

That embrace and dance in such magnificent ways

Have you ever wondered if those two flames were meant

To find a path together again.
The rain that pours in the storms of the heavens

Sometimes so comforting to the moods we may be feeling

Sad or happy just to dance in the rain

Pretend it was once again long ago so you could do it all again.
A few little words, alot of hope...

The candles go out...but still they are are not there to hold..

The rain dwindles the sun comes up in a blinding light...

Left with a dream and memories, a smile a tear...somehow you know they are near.


At time she sits there afraid and confused

Staring out her window into the fields below

Her mind wanders alone in this world

As her soul tries to find meaning and a place to belong
Very few friends if hardly that

She hides her true self beneath her mask

For her wonders and thoughts lay somewhere above

Somewhere where most people simply do not go
She feels as though her soul is torn

A part of her is always gone

Always searching for that brighter side

For a common link to ease her fragile mind
Her gaze always falls upon the stars 

That blink just out of reach

Her hands go up without a thought 

The air moving through her holding her near
A single tear continues to fall

On her cheek and in her soul

For she knows she is nowhere close to home

Her mind feels always torn
Such simple joys as a garden growing

She tends to it each day

For brief moments while she smiles at the new buds

She is reminded of her light within
Her friends are small but few

Her soul is split in two

She can feel the light growing stronger

Within her own dreams her soul is subdued
One day she knowsHer home awaits

Her soul complete

Her light as brilliant as the furthest star
Until that time comes

She continues to find her way

Her dreams her saftey

Her garden her soul


The Moon rose high opening her wings of warmth and light..

Guiding her people through a cold Winter's night...
Her people danced with such joy that their laughter carried through the winds...

The trees bent and swayed as the leaves moved with their own melody...
The crackling fire that hands did make begin to twinkle brighterIt reminded me of a many of fairytails which bring children delight!
Take a moment to open your senses..feel the Faeries flutter by....

As cold of an evening as it once warmed by a Spiritual light...
Close your eyes now and drift off into the dream world...

Surrounded by Her essence..Her love...and Her warmth...
Open your mind to all there is to see..the wonders of what is really out there..

Be not afraid to follow your instincts and allow whom you are to surface...
For those who hide by fear or judgement...less not worry for we know whom we are...

Open your eyes and step is time for acceptance...and for our kids to be whom they are...
Be all that you are, for each of us is special....

Even those who close their minds and heart....have something deep inside dwelling.
Stop and smell a flower....take long looks at a beautiful sunset....

The smallest pieces of nature...cause the greatest bursts of happiness...
Let us grow in the Brightest of Blessings...let us band together as Sisters...and Brothers

Let us never know we are EVER alone...

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A Message Within a Poem I Wrote

Sometimes I enjoy to take up pen and when I do the words just flow and I do not even know in full what I write until I am done. This is something I wrote fairly recently I will share on here. I used to write alot of my messages in a poem format..not sure why it has only recently that I have begun to write normally when passing on things as well as recording my own videos. Perhaps some will enjoy this poetic version of a way to follow your heart. ♥




When your feeling lost without a thought

Take a look beyond the box you sit in

A simple glance at through a childs eye

And you can learn all that was once within


Our children teach us so much in life

Yet we assume it is us who teach them

Contradiction is what is truth in this

For society has destroyed the innocent


You struggle to grasp how to loose your doubt

You struggle to understand how to trust yourself

Yet once ago you did this with ease

When you were but a young child whose mind was free


Take the time to gaze upon Nature herself

Or stare in awe at the clouds above

When you feel the doubt enter within your mind

Enclose it within the brightest rainbows of your soul


In order to reach what you cannot perceive

Your mind needs to go back to where it was before

When doubts never crossed your mind

When you were sure that even you could fly


Please understand it does not take a day

A long process and journey this is

To undo all of what has been programmed within you

Could take even months to years


Open your heart and your mind

Learn to trust the instinct within

For until you accomplish this

You will not recall all that you have missed :)

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A Message to Wake Up

I continue with a plea to listen to this message. For some may think they are, but they are not. The urgency to continue to push this issue is strong within and comes to me at all times to get this out there at this very critical time.

What people fail to realize is alot of what they read is put together by what a majority seems to 'share' and is full of some misinformation, is not accurate, and people need to make sure they do not learn to 'follow' these things, but follow what is within their own hearts, for it is YOU that holds the answers.
I see so many posting information on different types of groups...children...etc...that is common knowledge on the web, that has basically been summed up into the 'majority' belief...a belief in which does not resonate with all and has been proven innacurate in many aspects. While the basis of some info you read has truth within it always make sure to realize what you read is not always what is true, especially true for you. YOU hold the answers inside of you that are meant for YOU. Just because someone says (for example) Well such and such type of Starseed has only been around for the past 10 years. Wrong. While you may believe this and that is your choice, I believe differently and have been shown differently. It is ALWAYS up to YOU to discern the truth from the mass of information that exists on the web. The information is both there to help guide you but at the same time it has been mass produced and shared so much that in some ways it is also there to HARM you and misidirect you. ALWAYS follow true to what resonates with YOU and nobody else for YOU are the key to who YOU are, what you are, what YOU believe, WHY you are here, and THAT my a fact.
Do not fall into the mistake of following others for their seem to know things or produce information for you. You are NOT meant to be here to follow anyone living on this Earth. For those of you who know what I am speaking of this message is for you. For those of my friends who have beliefs in other things, you believe what is right for you ALWAYS, for it is your faith and your right and your salvation ;) but for those whom are here as Lightworkers and such....comprehend and NOT fall into the steps of following others..that is not what you are here to do. ♥ Love and Light brothers and sisters always. ♥
Take all the information with a grain of salt and begin your journey. You are surrounded by those who wish to help, but also by those who wish to destroy and gain control. Focus on who you are. Focus on what you believe, do not second guess for that is your EGO, do not dwell on the past for the NOW is the focus and the NOW IS.....and remember through this all you have those of us who will stay the course and try to keep drilling this message through to people..for the following has begun to happen in many may not realize until you have already fallen into the trap..let YOUR light shine and NOBODY elses...YOUR light shine...and share your light with the rest of us...and together we can light the many faces and one followers...but together ♥
And always remember to love....even if you feel hate have to try...focus..learn...transmute it...feel love...find ways to trigger it back into you when you need it...if more of the world learned how to love more and hate can imagine ♥
“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.”
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