Meindert Arends's Posts (4934)

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We Are All Artists by Suzanne Maresca


I don’t think anyone would argue that we’re right in the thick of transformation now. We each have a different experience of all the clearing and integrating going on, and for some it might feel close to the end of life or even be that.

What is also true is that every single one of us carries sacred and unique gifts and perceptions. There’s no need to belittle one’s own ideas of how to assist in this shift or to limit them because someone else is operating from a different set of perceptions.

Nor is there a need to judge anyone else for how they choose to navigate these uncharted waters and do their work. Even those who knowingly or unknowingly are working for Team Dark have their agreements and sacred roles to play.

What if we were to shift perception from an us-and-them scenario to one where we recognize one another as a family of Earthwalkers? Doesn’t it make sense that the energy one intends towards any other being on this planet would in some way effect everyone here?

This is a frequency trip, and unity consciousness is one of the results of our continual ascension towards the frequency of Love.

Once I allow myself to slip into a borderless space and can imagine in my visionary landscape that I AM connected to and a part of All That Is, how then could I take action against any part of myself?

Even in states of non-bliss, we can access all we need to bring change to this planet here and now.

How often have we read and heard that the core of Human power lies in the heart? We can and do use imagination and intention to create our experience, and the full power of the Light is behind us when we source from our hearts.

Let that sink in.

What it comes down to is this…our visions are unique to each of us. Listening to a favorite song inspires me to dance sometimes. When the Spirit takes me thus, I might see ribbons of rainbow~colored light flying from my fingertips out into the world, eventually to cover the entire planet with peaceful energy and Love.

Maybe I want to have a look at where I am from a higher perspective, altitude-wise. So I’ll bring my awareness somehow into the part of me that’s not bound by gravity, and in my imagination I just float up off the Earth to get an Eagle’s Eye View.

When I meditate and use the Infinity Breath (1), I’ll add to it and bring the Violet Flame through my heart, or Michael’s Blue Flame…there are so many standing by to help with our work if we would just invite them to come and play.

I’m not the only one doing such things, and my point is that it’s just wonderful that we can.  What we imagine and intend most certainly makes a difference because we make it so, and when we act in service, our energy is woven in with others into a brilliant tapestry of co-creation.

We are all artists, inside of us a blank canvas of light and beauty.  We get to choose every day what to paint it with.

(1) ~ Infinity Breath Meditation from Archangel Michael transmitted through Ronna Herman


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Michael 23

Folks, I’m reposting this incredible discussion from Archangel Michael a year ago.  In it, in a very discursive and informal manner, he describes how the archangelic kingdom operates.  This kind of information simply would not have been available, or if it was not as easily available, say, two hundred years ago as it is now. 

“Archangel Michael: We are All Aligned with the Heart, Mind and Will of One,” channeled by Linda Dillon, January 23, 2014, at

Steve Beckow: I don’t think many of us know how decisions are reached among the celestials, the ascended masters and the galactics; among the members of the Ascension fleet above us; between the Ascension fleet and the people on the ground; how decisions are arrived at by President Obama when he consults with you, if even telepathically … or whatever. We don’t know anything about how decisions are reached, how timing is decided, how events are coordinated.

Could you talk to us about that, please?

Archangel Michael: Let us begin … by saying what we are describing is also a prelude to where you are heading, so it is a timely and planned discussion that we have this day, and we are completely in a unified field, as are you and as are you with us. And when I say ‘with us’ I mean what you think of as the Company of Heaven, the Council of Love, Ascension Command, your star brothers and sisters, the ascended masters, the universe. So this is a massive question.

Now, let us start by describing how we work. And again, I will attempt to translate it.

We have never varied. We have never departed. And when I say ‘we’ now I am speaking of the angelic and the archangelic realms, with the exception of the fallen angels, who have had the experience of variance.

But we are aligned with what you would think of as the heart and mind and will of One, and therefore the design and the plan in all its infinite glory of the Mother. And we can speak specifically to two weeks or two thousand eons.

You have a term on Earth, a word, called entrainment. And the example is when you see schools of fish in the beautiful, crystal clear waters of the Caribbean where you are all headed, spiritually, that swim one way and then without explanation, as a collective, change direction. You see it in flocks of birds, and you see it in human behavior. You tend to think of it as trends or patterns of behavior.

But think of it in this way — that we are in complete entrainment with the Mother. So we do not vary from that flow, from that ebb. If there is a thought, a desire, that then becomes a creation and a variable in the plan, then we are all flowing with it continually. So there is never any discord.

Now, that does not mean that we do not have unique and specific roles within that field, because we do. And that is part of our joy and part of our service to the Mother. So if you were to think of it as an org chart, you would think, of course, Mother is the CEO; Father is the chairman of the board. And the direction is set, obviously, by their collaboration and union.

And I suggest to you, they are always in agreement.

Archangel Gabriel, Gabrielle, is the central administrator. That Lily of Love is actually a very powerful being. So we do have roles. And you can think of Gabrielle as being responsible to administer the plan. Now, we are not speaking of someone who is doing a great deal, but rather overseeing — yes, there are incursions now and then — but she allocates various responsibilities to where they are most appropriate.

And again, there is never — well, I should never say never — occasionally there has been discussion, lively discussion, in your terms, about who does what. But that might be for another discussion, when we share family secrets.

So, through Gabrielle, an element, a fragment of the plan is assigned, and these assignments, as we say, sometimes are very brief, but generally very lengthy. We tend to think of time in far greater spans than you do. But within that span of time there are very specific goals, outcomes, benchmarks that the Mother anticipates to have come to pass. So you can think of that as the Divine Timeline.

So, Gabrielle will say to me, “Well, Michael, there can be no Ascension, there can be no movement of the entire collective until there is greater peace.” Now, she does not guide me or direct me on how to do that. She simply says, “You take care of it.” And if you know my sister, she expects me to do just that. And so that is an element. And I will come back to that simply because I can explain it as it is my forte and sphere.

But then she will say, to Ariel, who is in charge of beauty and the angels of pink, and defenders of the throne, and she will say to Ariel, “Now, we are going to have to have, for the fulfillment of this plan, a greater appreciation of the divine qualities, of beauty, of the inner and outer beauty. And, by the way, while that is taking place, and while you are taking some of your angels of pink, they also need to be assigned to the star beings so that they do not feel ignored and to Gaia and to several other planetary systems. But that is your task. You take care of it.”

And so on …

Steve Beckow: Well, if I can intervene for a minute, the angels of pink are seraphim. So right there you say something that probably collides with current knowledge.  In fact, I’m hearing more and more about the seraphim being involved in our Ascension. But ordinarily, before that, I wouldn’t have thought of the seraphim as being involved.

AAM: The seraphim have never been involved before.

SB: Hm-hmm. What has changed?

AAM: The Mother’s desire to have completion of this Ascension process.

SB: Okay. Please continue.

AAM: So, similarly, she will speak to Raphael and ensure that the healing, in every aspect, is going to be addressed. So, we as archangels know what our role is.

Uriel is charged with anchoring enough inspiration and planting enough of the energy of the future to create that bridge, to bring light where there has been darkness. The imagery I give to you is with philosophy and the cave, (1) and humanity has been in the cave looking at the shadows and believing it to be reality for a very long time. So Uriel brings you out of the cave.

Then, she turns, as an administrator, still, and she collaborates — note what I say, ‘collaborates’ — with Sanat Kumara, with your beloved Raj (mine too, as well) because he is charged with the unfoldment of this plan for Earth and for humanity.

And this is not merely esoteric or spiritual.

Sanat Kumara — and that is why he says, at times, that he can speak more bluntly, more specifically, more freely, because he is addressing human concerns, human behaviors, human patterning, human change, human timelines and the listing, alteration, transmutation of that to the higher plan — is charged with “How is this going to unfold?” in very practical ways. What is the logistical plan for this? So, you would think of it as equipment, food, “How does the army travel? Are they fed? Are they clothed? Are they ready?” And this is a massive undertaking.

Now, each of us, of course, has legions that we work with. And many of you, of course, are part of those legions. And some of you are part of several legions. You have volunteered, you have been seconded, you have worked in various roles and are working in various roles, particularly during this lifetime.

Now, there are allegiances and alignments. So, for example, St. Germaine tends to work very closely on many projects with Archangel Raphael. And he would say, “Now, what is the connection, Michael, between you and Raphael? Because is healing not the same as finding inner peace and the expression in the outer world of peace, of non-violence, of communication, of love?”

And yes, all of our roles overlap. That is not a problem for us. We are not tripping over one another. We do not have stringent, what you would think of as job descriptions. But we have these very broad parameters within which we work.

Now, the same is true of your star brothers and sisters. You tend still to think of levels — are they at the same level as the seraphim, as the archangels? No. But they are part of that alignment. They are living in the higher realm, the dimensions.

They have made that alignment with love, with peace, with healing. And so their mission and purpose have become to spread that love and that service to others, and their primary mission at this point in time, in this universe, in this reality, as we are talking about Ascension, is to Gaia and to humanity.

Everybody is collaborating. No, not by memo, but telepathically, energetically. It is like the finest ballet, or the sweetest orchestra. The symphony is heard throughout the universe. And when there is a single discordant note — and normally that comes from humanity — it is addressed immediately.From 2013


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Artist Luke Owen ~ Image title ~ 'As One' ~ <a" width="228" height="300" style="font-size: 13px;" />

Artist Luke Owen, ‘As One,’ at[/caption

With author’s permission, from a larger article by Therese Zumi Sumner”Ascension and the Event,” Prepare for Change, Feb. 10, 2016.

We can go through the process of ascension alone without a soulmate through a process of meditation and inner communion with our higher selves and the highest of dimensions but this process can be speeded up immensely through sacred union in a soulmate or twin soul relationship.

As many of you will be aware the cabal (archons) have focused SO much of their attention on the destruction of true love relationships between men and women on this planet for this very reason.They have developed and used technology on the plasmatic plane along with their implant system to affect conflict between and prevent the growth of true love between men and women.

The importance of true soulmates and twin souls coming together cannot be over exaggerated. This will be top priority after The Event and then there will be much quality information provided for those who wish to initiate this process of ascension.

Cabal Focus on the Degradation of Women

In understanding the importance of sacred union between men and women as an important part of the ascension process one can see more clearly why the cabal has focused so much attention upon the degradation of women on this planet. They have supported the creation of the horrific rituals such as female genital mutilation, used in as many as 27 African countries as well as Yemen and Iraqi Kurdistan and other countries right up until this moment. No less than 200 million female children and women are still being mutilated today.

They have created the religious dogmas that have labelled women as ‘unclean’ and reduced them to the roles of second class citizens. They’ve used the so-called entertainment business to further degrade women in as many ways as possible. Why do they devote so much energy to depressing female energy? Because the pure feminine Goddess energy has such inherent power to negate negativity of all kinds.

When we manifest /anchor Goddess energy within our being we become more balanced individuals and without a doubt our very presence has the effect of spreading harmonious vibrations wherever we go.

Manifesting Change – Being Ready for Change Now

Nothing – absolutely nothing is stronger than the power of unconditional love – the power of the use of balanced feminine Goddess energy by both men and women. We should absolutely place our main focus now on anchoring that powerful energy within our heart and soul. Doing so will 1) manifest The Event quicker and 2) make us ready to be the ‘islands’ of peace and harmony that will be so necessary at the time of The Event. Nothing is more important than being ready for this change now.

Being ready means the acceptance now that you are the physical embodiment of Divine Source energy here on Gaia. Dare now to openly express the loving being that you truly are. This might mean the letting go of some old ideas – some old untruthful fears that you are less worthy for whatever reasons. Know that until now you have always lived your life to the best of your ability given the circumstances that formed your life.

i-am-divine-expression-light-language-teleclass-jamye-price-300x300.jpg 300w, 600w" alt="i-am-divine-expression-light-language-teleclass-jamye-price" width="300" height="300" />
We are each of us free sovereign beings and despite whatever mistakes we have made due to fear in the past it is time now to let go of those fears and start acting like a free sovereign being should. We can only receive what we truly believe that we are worth. We have to set our visions on the highest of outcomes for ourselves and everyone else on this planet.

We should set our sights on abundance for everyone. We do not need to ‘be someone else’ – ‘do something else’ – ‘attain some goal or other’ to earn the very best. Divine Mother says we do not need to ‘earn’ anything. She desires that we accept now that we are truly worthy – that we all without exemption are worth the very best by Divine Design.

Source:Therese Zumi
9th February 2016 at 1022  AM CET

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These are monthly sessions of remote energy transference to help you switch on dormant DNA and open more channels for Greater Self expression.



EMPOWERMENTS are highly transformational experiences purposed to reprogram your DNA and entire energy blueprint into a higher vibrational human template.

These monthly sessions of remote energy transference are facilitated by a powerful trinity team of individuals who have each gained high levels of self realization and energy mastery. They are channeling divine energy together with their codes of accomplishment.

Join Christof Melchizedek, Tiara Kumara and Akasha Sananda to gain energy, clarity and body alignment plus quicken the manifestation of unrealized talents and abilities.


courtesy of Children of the Sun Foundation
Complimentary Registration

This is a year long series of inspiring ideas to give purposeful affirmation and sustained support to your next phases of consciousness shift.

Each month, fresh new information will be delivered to your inbox… all to give a great boost to your next steps while enveloping you in the field of group intention.


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Ascension Goal: The Solar Cosmic Christ

One of the first steps in the Ascension process is setting your intention for what you would like to achieve. Your goal might shift as you ascend. Some find the energies, practices and revelations overwhelming, so they rise just enough to open the heart, love themselves and others, get over past baggage and enjoy the journey. A wonderful path.

Others are dare-angels who push their boundaries to permanently enter a new state of consciousness. They embrace the Solar Logos reflected in Universe, Galaxy, Solar systems, Planets and HUman DNA. The Christed state of beingness is a Solar state of beingness, that’s why it is aptly named the Solar Cosmic Christ.

It is the template for a Solar beingness expressing as form. These are the Wayshowers, creating paths for others to follow and dramatically raising the collective consciousness by proxy. Thousands of Wayshowers have been participating in the Resurrection phase for nearly a year, and the result of that dedication is about to become evident to many.

Resurrection Phase

Last year Mastery was on the agenda; the path of deep internal work, deep spiritual work, facing those final fears and ever raising our vibration. Then we immersed ourselves in the Resurrection phase; the permanent merge of Higher and Lower Selves, the marriage with the Divine Mother in Zero Point.

Divine Mother/Divine Feminine is not dualistic male-and-female; Mother is the substance from which everything is created, the background energy which and births and pentrates all that exists. By marrying Higher and Lower Selves across the dimensions, the Divine Masculine and Femnine aspects of Creation, we reconnect with the cosmic aspect of the Solar Cosmic Christ.

Resurrection may involve some very esoteric practices, fasts, clearing, lengthy meditations, deep energetic connections in nature, and intense service work. It brings forth some very bizarre experiences as the pineal, pituitary and heart unify, and the crown opens to higher-level sensitivity. In our modern-day Mastery, it can involve Galactics or Star Family as much as the Ancient Masters and Archangelics.

The payoff for enduring this phase now presents; we are beginning to experience pure Solar Cosmic Christed states, which overwrite the multidimensional consciousness. Beyond the unity of Higher and Lower Self, there is this grand, profound opening up to Source, to the Solar aspect, and it rewrites the consciousness into Divine Service.

These activations of the Christ consciousness are starting to present in a stronger way than previously imagined. I described my own experience as best I could on Suzanne Maresca’s show last weekend. Describing the indescribable – again.

We receive glimpses of the Godhead in Ascension; moments of complete purity, absolute union with Source and all-that-is. In this journey it becomes second nature to operate from Love, from this state of non-judgment, from pure peace, discernment, wisdom, honor and compassion.

At first we receive the overwhelming experience of the pure power of Source, the God-drops; the reunion with our Higher Levels and Source. We lift ourselves to this level. Our reward is a few moments of bliss and unification; the pure clarity of the merge. With conscious effort we may hold it for an hour, or a day. It gets easier as the light levels rise.

In January, I spontaneously experienced three full days of a new level of Solar beingness, the Christed state, in a stronger, clearer, more vibrant way than ever before. And you know me, Beloveds. My experiences have been profound along this path. However this was an elimination of lower thoughts, emotions, the mind-level altogether, and the pure no-more-lower-Self state.

It is difficult to describe in words. It was effortless Source beingness. I did feel like a SUN of God; it was very Solar in essence. During the first moments I knew that my lower Self was going away. Lower thought concepts leave quickly, as if you can’t create that level of thought form any longer.

I did have a sense of Sandra is done. I barely had a sense of the body beingness, it was more like just being the torus fields and Ascension columns. Geometry and Light. The body felt more holographic than ever; a sensation which began in April last year.

Of course there is an overwhelming amount of love and joy; expansive and Universal. Also an overwhelming desire to serve higher agendas that would not make linear sense. (Note that this is coming from a Wayshower whose lifestream already doesn’t make linear sense to most.) It was the next level I have been asking for, and it presented in such a powerful way that everything suddenly was Source-clear.

There is a heartbreakingly beautiful sense of the Universal perspective on Gaia and HUmanity. As Source gazed through the lens of my eyes, looking upon its creation, all it saw was Divine perfection. Complete absence of concern or judgment; all was absolutely beautfiul, peaceful. All is well.

During the second and third days, I felt the surge of Divine Service and my energy bodies getting rewritten. The Divine flow; a river of Light pouring through my Ascension column and heart center brought a limitless amount of energy and the drive of the Divine Will. There was an overwhelming devotion, compassion, and a transcendent communication with the higher realms, without any emotional reaction or thought attached to it.

An innate knowing and perspective on how the moment was creating and aligning everything around it. The scalar operation of the heart center was particularly strong, as if it would automatically transmute anything of a lesser vibration. The whole experience was like being on Christed auto-pilot.

Effortless, absolutely no concerns, questions, nothing but pure beingness. I did feel like the pure presence of the Christ on Earth. There was also a deep, seamless awareness of being fused with the Christ, that intensely beautiful Solar beingness expressed throughout our Universe.

The constant message over the last year has been Embodiment will change everything. I do believe that, and have faith in that Divine level of Service. I see how it will affect the collective consciousness, the energy fields of Gaia, the kingdoms and elementals, even the Solar system when thousands hit this level permanently.

As that state of consciousness gently decreased its intensity, I received the message that this about to unfold for thousands upon the planet. Our intentions to activate the 144,000 – and perhaps more – are heard, Beloveds. The Christ does overwrite the lower consciousness, so in a way the lower Self is not much of a concern. The Higher Christed Self becomes a conduit for Divine Will.

While the experience itself was freeing, there was the overwhelming presence of a new level of Service, paired with the intensity of Divine Will flowing though the Ascension column. As with any leveling up, we receive a taste of the higher light – a day or two of the finer experience – then it recedes a bit so we have the choice to opt out or continue along the path.

With the incoming light arriving mid-March (before Equinox) and lasting through end of April, we will have a Divine opportunity to launch many out of the cave of Resurrection and into this higher light. It must be your choice, you must be relaxed and comfortable with it, and alignment with Love is key. Love Source, Love the Self and express it in every thought, word, deed.

Love thy neighbor as thyself, without exception. Service to others and the Divine Will. Divine Discernment with Wisdom; complete Non-Judgment. It is an active, alive, fully awake state of consciousness. I have disseminated the experience to the Gaia, crystalline, and HUman heart grids for those who desire to receive it and any support it provides for their own embodiment. I Love You, I Bless You, I Thank You.

In Love, Light and Service,

Source:“Resurrection: The New and the Next Wave,” by Sandra Walter, February 15, 2016, at

Source link: Sandra Walter Creative Evolution: February 15, 2015

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Peggy Black

We are here to acknowledge the evolution that is taking place in your reality. In making that statement we realize that you might be wondering just how and when this evolution has taken place. So we are inviting you to begin to notice and observe these sometimes subtle shifts that slip into the consciousness of humanity.

You see it is because of you that the outer manifestations have been taking place. It is because of your willingness to stretch beyond the imposed limitations of your known reality. You have opened the door to these shifts of awareness, these new ways of perceiving your life and your larger world.

Every time someone imagines outside the box of preconceived ideas and imposed realties, it welcomes a new realization. This new realization, this new idea then becomes available to the collective. The more individuals that focus on this new idea, this new realization of truth, the stronger it becomes, the clearer it manifests, until it become the excepted norm for all.

We understand when you look out at the reality that is making the most noise, offering the most chaotic and disturbing energy, you do not believe that there are any real changes taking place. We will agree that it does seem that the focus of most earthwalkers is on the chaotic energy and events. And it is their focus that is actually feeding it and keeping it locked in place.

It is using one’s ability to imagine and call forth energy and have that energy/thought/emotion manifest in a physical form. This is a misuse of the incredible ability to create; it is using one’s creative powers upside down and backwards.

Remember that thoughts and emotions imprint energy. You exist in a sea of energy vibrations. This field of energy, this screen of energy, is neutral. It is awaiting your imprint, your projection.

So even in the midst of these misqualified creations of poverty, illness, and any limitations, there is the opportunity to make a shift. That is what we are addressing today. That is what we are acknowledging today. It is this shift that you are responsible for calling forth and anchoring.

Realize that any revolutionary idea that changed the course of history was envisioned by someone who was willing to think outside the box of what was possible. The list of these events and creations is woven into the evolution of this planet and humanity. Every tiny step that shifted humankind has been a part of the evolution of consciousness.

When you review this evolution and acknowledge the phenomenal shifts that influenced and created an entirely new reality – a reality that everyone accepted, used, and became accustomed to – the list is truly endless. Perhaps the first, to get you started, is the discovery or awareness of fire, or how about the idea of people moving through air like birds. One of the biggest shifts was the computer and all that has evolved from there. You see what we mean.

Let us share with you some of the new conscious realities that you have been co-creating with other awake and aware multidimensional starbeings.

More and more information is coming forth about the quantum field and the possibilities of quantum entanglement. It has been proven that when two particles of matter have interacted with each other, they will still interact with each other even when separated by many miles. They are still connected or entangled. When an energetic change happens in one particle, the other distant particle will change at the same instant.

This quantum possibility can explain the story of your hundredth monkey. When one monkey decided to wash a piece of fruit before eating, soon other monkeys observed what had happened and began to wash their fruit as well. So when these groups of monkeys were all washing their fruit, their collective behavior/collective consciousness connected with other monkeys on other islands and they also began to wash their fruit.

There is an awareness coming forth in which more and more people are realizing that even though they have a physical body, they also have an energy body. Your scientists and free thinkers have discovered that the DNA of the physical body is influenced by your thoughts and emotions. They are studying how fear, worry, and stress cause the DNA to contract, while joy, gratitude and appreciation allow the DNA strands to expand.

There are new schools of thought in which it is believed that cells are listening energetically to everything you say and in brain-wave states of relaxation you can begin to develop a conscious relationship with the physical body you have created.

These are just a few reminders of the awesome awareness and abilities of your unlimited self. You are living in an exciting time in which more and more is being revealed. You, as a collective, are beginning to realize and understand that everything is interconnected. All of nature is interdependent.

Your words, thoughts, emotions and actions are always influencing this quantum field of reality. When you anchor this understanding, your energy field then passes it on to others, triggering their own awakening and understanding, and they then pass this awareness on to others and there is a big shift that will occur in the field of collective consciousness.

When you think that nothing is happening and that everything is still the same, we invite you to recognize and remember these new realties, these new discoveries, this new awareness being revealed.

When you begin to imagine the possibility of some new reality, a new solution to a planetary problem, when you imagine a possible invention or resolution to a collective mis-creation, you are truly seeding this reality.

So we invite you to begin to imagine big. Play with the possibilities; explore the unlimited. Ask yourself, if anything were possible what would you call forth. What reality would you anchor, what reality would you co-create with others. Stretch yourself here.

Realize you are entangled and interfacing with this quantum energy field of all potentiality and incredible potency. Own your unlimited magnificence. When you do this, you invite others to own their unlimited magnificence.

We honor you and your willingness to anchor these truths in this reality. We join you upon your invitation and request. Remember how exciting it can be to realize who you are as co-creator. We embrace you with our love and deep gratitude.

the ‘team’

©2016 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web FREE 88 messages available.

Source:“‘The Team’: You are Truly Seeding This Reality,” Channeled by Peggy Black, February 16, 2016, at

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archangel michael

An Hour With An Angel

Steve Beckow with Sue Lie and the Arcturians,  January 26, 2016. Thanks to Linda and Deborah for our transcript.

Steve Beckow: Good evening, everyone, and welcome to An Hour With An Angel. I’m Steve Beckow, Chief Editor of the Golden Age of Gaia, and I have with me today, Sue Lie, who’s going to be channeling the Arcturians.

Everybody I’m sure knows Sue and her work over – gee, Sue, since 1980 or 1990?

Sue Lie: Well, let’s just say that I was one of the first websites up.

Steve: Wow.

Sue:  I actually did a webinar, which was a test with a university, I think, in Idaho, about whether or not you could make money from a webinar, off the internet. So, we did this whole test, this whole talk. And from the research, we discovered that, no, we’d never be able to make money off the internet.

Steve: [laughter] That’s very funny.

Well, we’re going to be talking today with the Arcturians today about some Ascension-related topics, specifically about the energies that are coming in. So is there anything you’d like share with us before we begin?

Sue: Yes, Me, Sue, would like to say that there is so many people that are really waking up to the unknown. And basically because it’s so unique and beyond our third-dimensional language’s ability to give a definition or even an adequate explanation, but people are being so brave.

There is a “Wow, this feels really different. Something is happening here. Don’t know what it’s.” But they’re realizing that it feels good, and it feels different, and more complete, higher. Higher in a way that we don’t think of higher. Not higher like you go higher up stairs, but higher and faster.

Everything is moving faster. Everything in your body is moving faster. Your day takes ten minutes, and you wake up, and it’s the next day. Everything is different. And then there are people that absolutely don’t see it at all. Absolutely.

Steve: Interesting.

Sue: So there is a parting of the ways here.

Steve: Well, there are also some lightworkers who don’t feel some part of it and are very worried they’re being left behind or left out. What would you say to them, Sue?

Sue: I’d say to them to begin to really meditate on a regular basis. To set down a cast-in-steel time where they go to the same place at the same time, and mediate for at least fifteen minutes in whichever way is their given way.

And take a piece of paper, or the computer. And when you finish with your meditation say “Dear One, do you have something to say to me today?” And maybe you will get a “Hello.” But it’s like any kind of a relationship. It starts off “Hi, how are you doing?”, and then it expands.

But it’s the commitment that we put Ascension first. And, yes, even first for our kids because we want our kids to have this new life. And first for our jobs because we want business to be done in this new way. And first in our friendships because we want to experience unconditional love with everyone.
Steve: What about our paths, too? I’ll give you an illustration from my own case.

My path is a human-growth path, and I’m focused on my internal reality. I follow it moment by moment.

I’m not focused on understanding the way the chakras or my aura work. Consequently, I don’t necessarily have experiences of seeing people’s auras. Let’s just take that as one example. That’s not a sign of deficiency within me. It’s my choice to focus on my internal state. Is that also something that may be happening with some lightworkers? That they may not have this experience, because perhaps they’re focused on that experience?

Sue: Yes, remember that my Father’s house has many mansions. And within unity consciousness, we realize that there are so many different kinds of people. All those people that are within a given road, a given spiritual path, so to speak, will seek guidance and sharing and leadership within that path.

And then all these different paths will be like myriad rivers that move into a big lake. And then they intermingle in the lake at the top of the mountain, and then slowly as one, the lake spills down all the way to the ocean.

So, yes, there is no right way. There is no wrong way. It’s just really your way; the way that works for you, whoever you are. And we know what our way is because we can feel the love within it. And also, we know what our way is because that’s what interests us.

We’re just suddenly drawn to that. Like I was drawn to multi-dimensions when, if you looked it up on the internet, multi-dimensions, there was me and multi-media. That was it. No one even thought of it.

Steve: I remember maybe six or seven years ago when you were talking about multi-dimensions, I was new to this. I was saying to myself “What’s she talking about?”

Sue: Yes, and so you know all of the galactics, all of the angelic kingdom, all of the ascended masters, all of the planetary logos, they’re all out there supporting us. And all of them have presented different pathways to get to the same place. So, whichever pathway one gets is great for them.

Steve: Ok. Well, hopefully that reassures some people that don’t have this particular experience, but may have the other, or have chosen to do a certain line of work where – well, again I can cite my own example.

I’ve chosen to do the work of a communicator. I need to stay within the range of the people I’m writing to. So in my case, I said Ok, I’m not going to go there [higher states of enlightenment] and that may be an example of somebody choosing by soul contract not to go certain places.

Sue: Yes, and the same with me. There’s things that are relatively new to me. And I don’t have a sense of mastery, and so I’m interested, but it isn’t something that I’m ready to teach. It might be something new that I’m bringing in. And you know, maybe someday that will get integrated into the package that the Arcturians offer through me. I’m always learning new things all the time.

Steve: We were talking about this before the show. I’m having many of my prized theories kind of knocked out from under me. In public! [laughter]

Sue: Yeah, yeah. Yes, in public. Ok, well, that’s good. [laughter]

Steve: Very humbling.

Sue: Well we’re all going through this process of releasing our ego self. And our soul self says “Oh, good look at this. Now this person, our Earthling, has learned how to move beyond that contained package.”

And each of these higher-frequency, contained packages already are one. And as they filter down into such a completely diverse planet, with so many different types of religion, and spirituality, and science that these packages get cemented. And [we say] that this is the right way, and that’s the wrong way. Right and wrong are third-dimensional concepts. There is no right and wrong within the fifth dimension.

Steve: Yes, can I just put a bookmark here? We’re discussing the impact that ego has on lightwork and I’d actually like to spend a few minutes there if you don’t mind.

Sue: Absolutely.

Steve: It seems that the thing that – ruins might be too hard a word but to use that provisionally – that ruins more lightworker team efforts than anything else is the presence of a person on the team, who has a sense of self-importance, or needs to have their own importance validated and reinforced. And they want the attention on them. And they pull it away from whatever business is going on.

Can you talk for a moment, drawing on your background as a psychotherapist perhaps, and a channel, on this predicament of self-importance and how it impacts lightwork, please?

Sue: Yes, I’ll start with me a little bit, and then I’ll bring in the Arcturians in case they want to alter what I’ve said in some manner.

Sue: Well, I kind of have to talk from me at the beginning to get started with it. Is that I have to always remember ‘through me and not from me, through me and not from me, and through me and not from me.’

And sometimes when I meditate or sometimes when I’m in a challenging event, I’ll take my ego self and I’ll say “Honey could you please go over there and sit down? I’ve got some toys for you. You can go play.” And I physically have to separate that part from me. And for people.

Steve: What gives you the indication that you need to do that? What is it that sounds the alarm bell?

Sue: Good question. Probably some sense of ownership, or defensiveness, or competition, or comparison. Any of those types of thought patterns are seperative. It’s a [conflict]. There’s this, and then there’s that. Where we want to live is in the middle between the this and that.

There is the polarity version of it: of “Oh, I’m the best” or “I’m the worst.” And in the middle: “Yeah I know my dark side, and am aware of my dark side, and I have to work with that me all the time. And I probably will until I ascend or cross over.” And that’s that humility, that we have to keep looking. Because if we were perfect, we wouldn’t be in this imperfect world.

So the mere fact that we’re still wearing this earth vessel means that we’re still using it. If you look at the Ascended Masters, they wore their earth vessels for awhile. And St. Germaine was popping in and out of them all of the time. But it was just a covering for them. It was like the channel that you pushed on the TV to get a certain show.

And so, when people move outside the cooperation format, it’s likely that they’re feeling threatened in some manner. You know, there are people who just are bossy and mean, but we’re not going to run into many of those people because we don’t live in that frequency. And when we have a group, or when we have meetings, or when we meet with people, we’re just not going to run into those people.

But sometimes somebody will get a core issue. We will just be talking about whatever, and bang it hits their core issue that they have not resolved. And so, instead of acting as the person who has moved through, healed, and released that core issue, they act as the person who created that core issue within them.

Steve: Right you mentioned the middle. Is one of the signals – because I can think of other signals like graft, for instance. But looking at the middle for a sec, if I depart from the middle, and I’m out on the extremes of passion, is that an indication that something has happened that[I’m going for] a shot of other people deferring to me and saying I’m important or something?

Sue: Yes.

Steve: And the reason I know something has happened is that I’m now out on the peripheries of emotion, rather than again in a centered, balanced place, which is egoless.

Sue: Yes, absolutely. And it’s when we get off our center for whatever reason – you know, maybe we didn’t eat, or are hungry and our blood sugar is crashing. Maybe we have a big challenge that we’re not able to push away now, or maybe somebody really pushed our buttons and we weren’t able to send them unconditional love in time. There are so many different things.

And the main thing is that as long as we’re wearing an Earth vessel we’re going to have these experiences. We’re still in the third dimension, and there are polarities. And there is good and there is bad, and there is fun and there isn’t fun. I know with me, if I get too tired, or too hungry, or too busy, or I haven’t grounded myself, or meditated enough, it’s hard to stay in that centered field.

Then you get pulled out, into anger or sorrow usually. One of those types of things, or, fear or anger. They’re all the same of course. It’s basically about a state of consciousness. And sometimes if somebody comes into an event, and they’re not really able to resonate to that state of consciousness, they’re not going to be able to understand it. And so, they’re not going to be able to feel camaraderie, they’re not going to be able to share the joy and the illumination that the other people in the group are experiencing. And depending on their history, they will get sad and slink away, or get angry and make a fuss.

Steve: Or they will want some reassurance, which is where the self-importance comes in.

Sue: Right, yes. And it’s really the task of the group, especially the leader, depending on how bonded the group is. But it’s the responsibility of the ones that are in a higher state of consciousness to see that the other person is sending out an SOS and to in some type of invisible kind way reach out and touch them. Or take a break and have the group ask questions and let them re-pull themselves back together.

So, I think that in most energy fields that are about these types of topics, it’s not going to be that “Oh, the Illuminati is coming in and they’re going to mess with us.” I think that all of us that are having these groups, we would recognize that person. And we would say “Oh, thank for coming, but you know the group is full. Why don’t you contact us later. Thank you so much,” and close the door. You know?

Steve: So you are actually saying that on some occasions the lightworker group might have to ask someone to leave.

Sue: Well, actually what I’m saying is that the leader or leaders, or the most secure of the group need to identify that person before the group begins, and deal with it as soon as it happens. Because once the disruption begins, then the disruption begins. But it’s a lesson. That in itself is a lesson.

All of us have good intentions. We go out in there in the physical world. Something disrupts it. It all falls apart. And we get angry, sad, disillusioned.

And in this case it’s the group that gets angry, sad, and disillusioned, but then the group can talk about “Wow, I really got triggered by that.” “Where did that come from in me? Why was I not able to unconditionally love that person?”

Steve: Right. Well, I know that there is a change in frequency happening right now. We’re having a leap in the frequency in reality. And I wondered if the Arcturians wanted to say anything about what that change of frequency is going to look like, and what it will require of us.

Sue: Yes, I will definitely bring them in.

Blessings to all of you and those of you who are familiar with our messages know that there is a built-in protection within this process. And that protection is that people can only perceive that which resonates to the state of their consciousness.

And so somebody who is in a third-dimensional, beta-wave form of consciousness is likely not going to perceive that ascended master, that higher being, that ship that’s flying over the top of the buildings.

They won’t perceive it because with every perceptual mechanism, whether it be a camera, a telephone, a radio, a television, there is a certain frequency that it matches. The information that moves through that has to match the frequency of that which displays and/or shares the message. So therefore, there is that automatic protection.

Now it’s back to me, Sue. I saw a picture – I think it was probably on your site, Steve – where there’s people and there’s all these space ships, scout ships obviously, because they were smaller. There were all these scout ships and people were looking up in awe, and shaking, and having all these experiences. And then there were people that were just walking in a straight line looking at what was in front of them and didn’t see any of it.

Didn’t notice that the people were pointing up at. Didn’t look up. Didn’t look down. They just kept going.

Steve: There was a triangular craft you saw over LA, right?

Sue: Yes, the triangular craft, absolutely. The cover story was that was a missile that was sent up in the Pacific. Now how that missile took a huge u-turn, I’m not sure.

I saw that as we were stepping out the front door. I saw it come into the atmosphere, make a huge u-turn, and go out of the atmosphere. I was like Ok. And we had a couple of guys with us and they ‘Oh, there is a missile.’ And my girlfriend and I said “Ah, yeah, a missile. That sounds good. We’ll call it a missile.”

But the thing is if people don’t want to see, this is a free-will planet. We need to respect people’s free will. And when we have a group, we can take a moment and focus in with our higher self and say I’m calling in those who are able to accept this information and who will not be frightened.

Because they’ll accept it, and love it, and then take it. But all of those negative reactions, they’re all based on fear. They’re fearful reactions. “You are messing with my reality. What are you telling me this for? I don’t agree with you.” So that’s totally fine. They don’t have to agree.

Steve: Yes. So, what is the nature, extent, quality of the change in frequency that’s going to be happening for us in the almost immediate future, I think?

Sue: Yes, again we say that this is dependent on the consciousness and perception of the people who are interacting. So, for those that have surrendered into their higher expressions of self into their angelic leaders, into their galactic leaders, into their religious traditions, or whatever it’s that they have that makes them feel safe, that gives them love. Because if you experience love in your life, then that’s a differentiating force.

Because if you go into an energy field, and you feel fear, leave that energy field. Trust yourself. Ok, this isn’t an energy field that I want to be in because I’m experiencing this fear. Fear is “no, leave.”

Now if you go into an energy field that’s like “Oh, wow, this feels like home,” then stay. That’s your energy field.

And there’s also another feeling for those that have really developed their internal differentiation of perceptual information. They can say “Well, this is interesting. I can see that this is a really great thing. I can see these people are really going to gain from this. And I appreciate that, and I support them. And that’s not really mine. And blessings be, I’m going to go over there.”

You can choose not to go in the door at all. You can choose to absolutely go into the door. And once you are in the door you can choose the room that feels like your room because there are so many different ways.

Now Gaia is a very, very diverse planet. There are few planets that have so much diversity as Gaia. And because there is such diversity in the environment, there is great diversity in the people. Some people are raised in deserts; some people are raised on islands; some people are raised where it’s really cold; some people are raised where it’s really hot. And this is going to affect who they are.

And they’re all going to be different. They’re going to see the same reality through the vision that they grew up with. So therefore, my house has many mansions.

Now we the Arcturians support this. We support that there are so many different avenues and so many different groups of people that are coming into this oneness because that shows that an overall percentage of Gaia is awakening.

Steve: Can you tell us, we hear that a wave of energy is coming in, but we don’t where it’s coming in from. We don’t know who is blessing us with this energy. Can you tell us where it’s coming from?

Sue: Well, first we would like to share how you will likely be feeling it.

Now this energy that’s coming in is for the planet. And the guardians of the Earth are the humans, and the guardians of the water are the cetaceans. And so the cetaceans and the Earthlings, they will feel this energy field. And they will feel it in the earth element of their physical body, the air element of their breath, the fire of their synaptic junctions, and the water within their body.

You will feel it on an elemental level. And so we’re saying to tune into to your bodies now because your physical body on the level of the elements – earth, air, fire and water and ether – are what is absorbing this energy field within this nowness.

And the reason for this is that this energy field comes into the humans and integrates all this earth, air, fire, and water. And then as you breathe out, it goes out into the planet, and it goes into the earth, and it goes into the air, and it goes into the fire, and it goes into the water.

And, in order for this whole planet to be able to ascend, there needs to be a unity. And this unity is beginning at a cellular level.

Steve: What does that mean?

Sue: It means that the earth element is in our bodies. The fire element in the earth is in our bodies. And so it’s going into the cells that create the physical body. And the cells that are within the air that’s breathed and into the synaptic junctions that are [firing] with the fire element. The water that we take into our body that moves through our body and releases from our body. And all of the body.

And then blood, of course, is a combination of the oxygen and the blood. And as humans bring this energy in, in an aware fashion, then when we breathe it out in an aware fashion, we’re realizing the immense creative ability that we have.

Because when we realize, when we’re at a higher state of consciousness, and we can be aware of our bodies on this almost cellular level, at least on an elemental level, and take the responsibility of filling each of these elementals with love and light, and then sharing it with the planet, then that greatly expands our wisdom, our power, our ability to love.

[Subsequently I tried this exercise the Arcturians describe and saw that it does work.]

Steve: How significant is the energy we anchor into the planet? Are we anchoring a great deal, or just a little bit? Do you know what I’m saying?

Sue: Well, the thing is that they’re more than anchoring. They’re actually working as a portal through which the energy flows. So the energy comes in, and through, and out. And if all seven billion plus people were aware of this and were able to proceed within this manner, the transmutation would happen now in an instant.

Now, what we say as the Arcturians, is that this is a planet of free will, and humanity has free will, And humanity has a lot to do with how this process develops.

Now humanity has fallen into the very dark ages of everything to be resolved with some kind of a war. And it wasn’t really the humans that were even initiating these processes. These were the Illuminati that were in the power-over [position].

And what needs to happen is that those of power within need to exceed in intensity those who are working under power-over.

And one of the ways that occurs is that those who have power within actually send unconditional love to those who have power-over. Because unconditional love is an antidote to fear, and those that have power-over, they eat fear, they collect fear, they love fear, they get a charge from fear. And love, especially unconditional love, not “I love you when you are nice”, No, “I love you because you are.” Unconditional love disrupts that patterning in them. It disrupts it. And some will not give up and change, and some will.

The members of the Illuminati go through horrible rites when they’re children. The things that they do to strangers, they do to their very own children. First they’re programmed.

And unconditional love and this higher light come in, and as this higher light comes in, it starts reversing that programming. The programming cannot remain attached to that frequency. That programming can only attach to the frequency of fear. And so if we send them lots and lots of unconditional love, and they get some, it starts to disrupt the programming.

Steve: I actually knew a woman who’d been treated to some of the treatment that you are referring to, and I don’t even want to say it on the air .
Sue: No, and I’ve clients and I’ve heard in detail about these things.

Steve: This was a person who was coming to Enlightenment Intensives. That’s where you go through really deep clearing processes.

She had to process the same thing repeatedly. Oh, my God. So I do get a sense of how deep the scarring goes.

Sue: Yes.

Steve: But we’re talking right now only about the power-over Illuminati. I’ve watched myself, you know just in ordinary normal relationships, and the control thing isn’t only strong in me, it’s invisible.

Sue: Yes, the invisible is the difficult part.

Steve: Oh man, oh man. I mean, we’re into control. Never mind the Illuminati.

Sue: Oh, absolutely, absolutely. Ok now I’m speaking as me. This is where the channeling really helps. Because I have this being that’s like right there. And when I really start lying to myself, I get this little [tap, tap, tap]. “Hello, hello. Did you see what you just did? Did you notice that?” “No, don’t bother me.” [laughter]

Steve: More than just conscience, it’s your PA, your personal assistant. [laughter]

Sue: So once that connection is made, you have a personal lifeguard. “How are you doing? You starting to drown there in the dark? Do you want a leg up? Come here, take our hand.” [laughter]

Steve: Have enough of what you really don’t want? [laughter]

Sue: Yeah. [laughter] Oh, wow.

Steve: What impact can we expect to see from this new wave of energy that’s coming in?

Sue: Well, this is me and the Arcturians and what we say is expect the unexpected. Because if you’ve known it before, then that’s not this. This is brand new, unexpected.

Steve: Unexpected? In what way?

Sue: Well, not unexpected. Well, unexpected in that it’s not something that you can’t. The mere fact that we’re saying I have to get better so I can receive it means we’re saying I’m not good enough to receive it now. And so we have to listen on an unconscious level. And this again is me and the Arcturians kind of pulling it together because it’s their information, but they want me to speak because I’m a human.

We’re feeling it in our bodies. If anyone has a pet- a pet dog, a pet cat, pet bird. They know everything. I’ll go for the refrigerator, and the bird will tell me what he wants.

We think we’re getting ready to leave, and the bird will say “Take care,” or “Open door,” or “Go outside.” So we haven’t even decided. How did the bird know that? And the same thing with dogs and cats. They know. And they know in their full beingness. They know in their body.

Now we have an animal’s body, too. This is just a more evolved animal, and in some cases, less evolved. But it’s an animal. It’s a third-dimensional animal that stands on two feet.

What we’re saying is we have to let go of all this self-importance. That maybe humans are more important than the rest of the planet – No. Every molecule is important and it’sn’t about personal Ascension. When people say “I’m sick of it. I want out of here.” that isn’t a higher-dimensional statement. That’s a fearful or angry statement, and it’sn’t going to get you where you want.

But when you say I have come for Gaia. I have come to assist the entire planet, and I dedicate my life to assist with planetary Ascension. Now that kicks your consciousness right up to the sky because you are unselfish and are thinking on a planetary [unitive] nature.

Steve: Wow.

Sue: So again, Earth is so vastly diverse that it’s impossible to answer how we will respond. There are so many versions of we. And so what we need to focus on, is how am I helping the planet. Seven billion people was the last census. It goes up pretty quick when you are starting at 7 billion as a baseline. I don’t even know what it’s now.

The most important thing is Unity consciousness. If you have all the humans on the planet focusing on planetary Ascension, now that would make it happen. I mean it’s going to happen. But it will make it happen more within our now.

Steve: So you say it’s going to happen, as if Ascension is an event that’s going to happen, say, a year from now, two years from now.

Sue: Gaia is going to move into her higher-frequency experience. There are many, many possible, parallel, and alternate realities about how that will occur. And just as every human is concurrently running alternate, possible, and parallel realities, every human can decide to go into any one of those possible parallel and concurrent experiences of planetary Ascension. Or if they want to experience planetary destruction, they can create that one, too.

Steve: Well, what I’m thinking is more this animal body that we have, this human body, can only take so much electricity, juice, energy. So, I think we all are becoming a little bit accustomed to the fact that Ascension is for the most part, gradual, going up by gradual increments so that the human body isn’t overtaxed. But then there is also going to be something, snap, ignition, whatever the person wants to call it, which can also be thought of as Ascension proper. The icing on the cake, so to speak.

Sue: Yes, there are basically two things – speaking in terms of the physical body. In that the physical body as we know it’s pretty much functioning off of 3% of the DNA. And that was on my blog. I posted it on my blog.

Ninety-seven percent of the DNA was junk. We’re not using it. Ok, that 97% of DNA is highly activated by higher frequencies of light. As the higher light enters the body, it’s that 97% of the DNA that’s first going to embrace it, that’s first going to shift it.

Everything begins from the inside. You know the Universe doesn’t come down. It comes out from the center. And then the other thing is that all humans have the kundalini force. And that kundalini is at the base of the spine.

And as this higher light is coming in, anyone who has meditated for a long time, or who has done yoga for a long time, or who is aware of it’s beginning to feel this little stirring thing down at the base of the spine. I know I had to kind of like stop because I was afraid I was going to go out. But that kundalini comes up and flashes into lightbody, into our fifth-dimensional body.

So we’re all hooked up, just like the planet is hooked up. And so what we’re wanting is to synchronize ourselves with the planet. It’s like any high-frequency thing. If you don’t ground it, it’s dangerous. If you have a high power cord and it’s not grounded, you don’t want to touch that.

Ok, so we really want to stay grounded. We want to meditate. We want to change our diets. Very often a lot of people will have to take some supplements because so much of our food has been so tainted from the Illuminati. And also, sometimes it’s hard to eat because the symptoms come in and the body is shifting and appetite comes and then it’s gone, and then you are ravenous, and then you can’t face food. And so, make sure you get supplements.

There are all kinds of supplements that people take. And you can all go to your own trusted health care worker to find out. I’d not say go to a physical 3D doctor because those are Illuminati medicines, and we don’t really want to take any of those. And you know how they have little markers in them now.

Steve: No, I didn’t.

Sue: The illuminati are putting little robot things in their medicine. So, you’ve got to be careful about things you get over [the counter].

But it’s all going to change. Let me say one thing – Me, Sue – that’s been happening to me. It’s very interesting where something will come up. Now I had a dream a long time ago. Well, who knows time? And I had this dream where I was in this room and somebody came in with like a shotgun, like the St. Valentine’s Day [massacre] and shot everybody.

But then I woke up and went in and wrote the Arcturians and said “What was that dream about?” And he said, well, first off you realize that nobody got shot and nobody died. And then they said that there will be lots of frightening illusions, and you do not want to participate in those illusions. And they said what you do is you say “I refuse to participate in that reality, and I send it unconditional love and violet fire.”

And there have been things in my life. I’ve done this maybe two, three times- not like someone is going to shoot me, but little things like “Oh, this is such a bother. I refuse to participate in that reality.” And I sent it unconditional love and violet fire. It goes away. I don’t know how it goes away or where it goes to. It just dissipates.

Steve: Wow.

Sue: My dissertation was about the right-brain, left-brain, and how much we use it together, and what it did. We have been using a very small percentage of our brain. We have so many untapped abilities.

So our physical body is a very modern interdimensional jet and we’ve been using it as a small, little city-to-city type thing. And so our body is good to go, and when we move into the energy field, and allow the energy field to move into us, and we live in unconditional love, and stay grounded, and do all the things we all do, the body is going to be fine.

Steve: So is it inaccurate on my part to say that the energy is being released to us gradually so our bodies don’t react in an unfortunate way?
Sue: No, that’s a very correct statement because all of these mechanisms have been turned off for many, many, many, many incarnations.

Steve: This is the 97% “junk” DNA?

Sue: Yes, most likely, yes.

Steve: Are these energies coming in now turning on the junk DNA?

Sue: The energies that are coming on are definitely igniting experiences in people. And you know I have been taking to people one-on-one for I don’t know 35 or 40 years. I’m hearing stories that I have never heard before. And then in groups that I’m with, and when I’m taking with groups, I’m hearing stories. I’m getting emails that I’ve never heard before.

Steve: Can you amplify a bit? Can you give an example of the kind of experiences you are referring to? I’ve been having a lot of bliss, ecstasy.

Sue: Oh, ecstasy and bliss, absolutely. Ecstasy and bliss. Also, the opposite of that is fatigue because we go into ecstasy and bliss and we resonate.

If you have a relatively old car and you’ve only driven in first, second, third gear, maybe once in a while, fourth. And then, suddenly, you push that car into tenth gear. That car goes zooomm, but then it like stops and says “Whoa, what was that?”

Steve: [laughter] “That’s enough.”

Sue: [laughter] So, we have to adapt. So we get a little adventure, and then it goes away. And we say “Why did it go away?” Because you’ve got to adapt to it. You know, you just turn this little mechanism on. The human body is really an amazing thing. And we have been using such a small percentage of it.

Steve: Yes.

Sue: Even within the physicality of it.

Steve: And this is an interim, adaptive response, right? At some point, we won’t need to rest after an experience of bliss. Is that correct?

‘Sue: As we have, I’m hearing the word amalgamated. (1) I’m not even sure what that means.

Steve: Amalgamated?

Sue: Amalgamated. When you amalgamate, what does that mean?

Steve: Well, amalgamate mean you take in external things, and bring them into yourself and become a bigger entity. Like a company.

Sue: Well that’s exactly what it is. As we amalgamate, as we bring these energies into ourselves – and see, we have receptor cells. You know if you are going to take something in like light, you have to store it in something. You can’t just stick it on your hand. You have to store it, ok?

So, there’s all these storage places. There’s parts of our unused body that are specifically able to take in these higher frequencies. So, we’re changing our frequency and so we bring in something, and it starts with our strongest organs. Because if you have a weaker organ, that will be the last one to integrate this energy. The other ones will become stronger, and work together as a unit.

Everything in the body works together as one. If we humans could work with other humans the way the body parts work within ourself, we would have complete, total unity consciousness.

Steve: That’s interesting because the weaker organs are the ones, which succumb to disease first. For me, it was my colon, where I put a lot of stress, etc. etc. I tamp the stress down to the bottom part of me, and there’s where it ends up.

You are saying the stronger organs are the ones that are going to show….

Sue: No, I’m saying that we all come with our own versions of stronger and weaker organs.

Steve: Right.

Sue: You know, we’re all different. So maybe somebody will have a really strong stomach and they can eat anything. I have a very delicate stomach, and I’ve always, all of my life had to be careful what I eat. And I get huge reactions if I eat something wrong.

So, my stomach isn’t my strongest organ. But other organs are strong and they work good. I’ve never had like bladder infections or any of those kinds of things. As Matthew [Ward] would say, that’s part of our soul contract. We write this into our soul contract.

Because an organ like your stomach represents the energy fields that you take in. And if you digest that energy field, you disseminate that energy field in a healthy fashion throughout your body. A stomach takes that energy in. You know, that’s just a brief example.

But everything in our body is able to function at a higher frequency. And then we flash into lightbody. I’ve had one time when I was meditating on the beach, I was sitting down, and the Arcturians kind of came into my meditation. The Arcturians that I see are kind of like this blobby kind of star being that could be any kind of way it is.

Steve: Thank you very much. [I’m an Arcturian.]

Sue: [laughter] That’s what it looks like. They just move around. They don’t have a form.

Steve: Ok, Arcturians are these blobby things.

Sue: [laughter] Exactly, well, that’s how I perceive it. Well, blobby probably isn’t a very good word, but mutable. Totally mutable because from a very high frequency they don’t have form there.

And so, then it came down in front of me and kind of took on a human form, and said “Do you want to see what happens when you ascend?” And I said “Yeah, yeah, show me.” And so what happened is it had this little form and then this little white light kind of came up the middle and then it went whoosh.

Steve: Wow.

Sue: Yeah. Oh, ok.

Steve: Is that flashing into lightbody.

Sue: Yeah, flashing into lightbody. That’s what I thought. Yes, it’s a transmutation. It’s not a growth. It’s like the violet fire. You transmute what is into a higher frequency. And so that’s what it is.

Steve: And so there’s the gradual process, and at some point there is a sudden process. Correct?

Sue: Ok, now this is the Arcturians answering this question. Now we have to tell all of you that there is a collective version of Ascension, and there are personal versions of Ascension. Now if all of the collective had the same version, then Gaia would be ascended now, and so would you. What the issue is is that there are so many different versions.

Steve: Oh, my gosh. You say that in last five minutes of program.

Sue: [laughter] Think about that.

Steve: [laughter] Thank you very much.

Sue: And that’s why the unity is so important. And the unity of diversity. So in other words, we all have to unconditionally love everyone, no matter how diverse they are, so that we can unite with them. When we’re united, no matter how diverse, good guy, bad guy, saint, poor guy, street person, wealthy person, all united in unconditional love, now that could ascend a planet.

Steve: Now just backing up a sec, you said that’s the reason why unity consciousness is so important. Before that, you said there’s all kinds of personal versions of Ascension. There’s a planetary version. I haven’t quite made the leap as to why the fact that there are so many different versions of Ascension makes it important that there be unity consciousness.

Sue: Because it’s about diversity and unity. That’s unconditional love. When you can unite, when you can embrace, and accept, and unconditionally love a person, place, situation, or thing that in all of its different stages of diversity, think of the amount of unity that would be. No judgement. No “I’m better than you”; “you’re better than me”; “you need to do this”; “I need to do that.” Just a “we’re unconditional love. We’re Gaia.”

Steve: There are two things that I’m finding difficult to understand in this whole thing. One is the life lived without control. And the second is how this works that there is diversity and unity, and how the two are harnessed so to speak, so that they planetarily work together. That still eludes me.

Sue: You are correct in that confusion, as are many. And this is what humanity is in the process of remembering. Because all of you have the answers within. Now that remembering process is one thing, and the gathering together is another thing. But you are correct in noting the two things that humanity has the most difficulty understanding.

And so what we say is the fifth dimension isn’t a dimension that you understand, in the way that you understand your third dimension, or even understand your dream states of the fourth dimension. The fifth dimension is a reality in which you are.

There is a little germ of fear, not that fear is always bad. Fear isn’t always bad. Fear creates change. So that germ of fear comes in and says “How do we” and “How does this”, etc. And that’s wonderful. There’s a little bit of Draconian in the core of the brain there. So that’s there and so that is a quantum leap. Then there is no fear. You don’t need to understand. You just let go.

Steve: And of course, then you are in the flow.

Sue: Yeah, then you’re all One.

Steve: And you have just noted how we humans love understanding and labels. So, I’m going to ask you one more time before we go. Where is this energy coming from?

Sue: It’s being beamed to Earth from multiple locations in outer space. And it’s being collected in the armada of starships that’s surrounding the planet. And then being translated so that it can integrate without damaging whatever area it’s sent to.

Steve: So it’s that precise, is it?

Sue: Yes.

Steve: My gosh. And when you say being beamed from other areas of space, I think we all know that the original source is Source.

Sue: Source, yes. Yes, Source. And then Source goes … well, down isn’t really the word, but we would say down. It comes from Source. It’s like when you put together things – what’s the word?

Steve: Step-down transformer?

Sue: No, when you have a car, and the car comes down the line and you put the wheels on and the car goes down the …

Steve: Assembly line.

Sue: Assembly line, yes. It’s almost like an assembly line. Source says ok and then the assembly line goes down to the next frequency and then it adapts and adjusts, and down to the next frequency and adapts and adjusts, and down to the next frequency and adapts and adjusts. And this is important so this higher light does not just burn out the Earth.

Steve: Right. Now when you say burn out the Earth, do you mean Gaia or do you mean the inhabitants, or both?

Sue: Both. There’s a series of adaptations of step downs and calibrations and recalibrations. And so the thing is at first, Earth is resistant and “No, I’m afraid” and so they have to recalibrate it very staunchly so that [it takes ] a lower frequency in specific areas.

But then as that expands, then they can make the mix hotter. They make the mix hotter, and they make the mix hotter, and they make it hotter. So therefore, we get it, receive it, adapt it, integrate it. Get it, receive it, adapt it, integrate it.

Steve: And the beings who are doing this, I take it, have in mind that this is going to be done with another planet or in another context. And so they’re watching all this, are they not, to see the impact on the people that the energy is ultimately going to?

Sue: Well actually among the people who are doing this are us our own higher frequencies, our own multi-dimensional selves.

Now Earth is a very specific planet because it’s so diverse, and there are so many different cultures, and so many different people, and so many different religions, and so many different lands. It’s so diverse. So, therefore the people are so diverse and the land is diverse. Now Mars isn’t diverse like that. And there’s other planets that are not as diverse as Earth.

So, it’s a procedure. It’s a procedure. And the key to the procedure and the key to the receiving is, if it feels like unconditional love, bring it in. If it doesn’t feel like unconditional love, send it unconditional love, but don’t bring it in.

Steve: Very good. I’m afraid we will have to stop there.

Sue: Yes, that’s a good place to stop.

Steve: Thank you very much for that, to Sue and to the Arcturians.

Sue: And thank you. And this is me: when the channeling is to somebody who has a greater understanding and who can ask more diverse questions, then the information can go much higher and much faster.

Steve: Well, thank you, Sue, and I look forward to the next time when we’ll just pick up where we left off.

Sue: Yes. And for the readers I’ll give you the same challenge that we give to each other, that we journal about what we said here. I mean, how do we ground this information? I don’t know. Do you think I knew all of the stuff? No way, no way. Don’t blame me. [laughter] So we all journal it and all of you listening journal it and we pick up in two weeks, right?

Steve: Right.

Sue: So, we have two weeks to integrate this. So, any of you who want to do that can email me

Steve: This is an ongoing learning process.

Sue: Yeah. Let’s all bring it on. Let’s join in consensus. It’s unity of diversity.

Steve: Are there any last words that the Arcturians want to say before we wrap up our program?

Sue: We send each and every being from the smallest insect to the highest mountain, our unconditional love and respect. Blessings.

Steve: Thank you. Farewell to you until we speak again.

Sue: Bye-bye


(1) In retrospect, I think Sue was probably looking for the word “assimilate.”


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Beloved Ones,

On the sublime level, much progress is being made by each person who walks in the Light. You are seen and acknowledged by the higher realms and most of you have been put into service in ways that your Divine Essence can most easily affect to become a greater part of your everyday human life.

There is a greater focus on integrating spirit into matter and your human forms are feeling the effects of this in ways that are powerful and life transforming.

The result is that many times you simply cannot cope with the bombardment of these energies that are prevalent during certain cycles that occur. It is in these times that it is important to remember our basic and ongoing advice which is to get out in nature, connect and ground by placing your feet onto the Earth, breathe deeply, for such practice helps to move stagnant energies through your system most efficiently. Drink at least 6 full glasses of pure water daily and enhance this water with your blessings and prayers before consuming.

As alchemists who are learning the practice of creating the realities you wish to experience in your daily life, each day is becoming an adventure into new perspectives. New ways of seeing and doing things are now being embraced and we are helping you with this. It is perfectly acceptable during these times to take time out when you feel you need it, from those activities which you have been giving in service to others.

Your human bodies are in the process of metamorphosis which can be likened to the process of the butterfly emerging from its chrysalis. It is a burning and consuming process that is occurring within you, many strands of DNA are being activated after many thousands of years of lying dormant within your genetic makeup. It is an intensely felt experience but one which is necessary in order to move forward.

Be at peace knowing that this process occurs for each individual in the timing that was chosen before ever incarnating upon the planet. Many adjustments have been made to this process so that each of you can affect the greater whole in a more encompassing manner which is conducive to awakening greater numbers of humanity in order that the Light is increased exponentially. Relax and enjoy the experience instead of worrying about it.

All is unfolding in the way that it should. You are being drawn into participating in these activities which best facilitate this process within the context of the ascension process. The energy of Atlantis in its last days is being played out on the world stage during this time in order that the changes in thinking and attitude within the peoples of the world be recognized and correctly acted upon.

It would be safe to say that no one who is alive upon this planet during these times wants a repeat of the destruction of civilization that took place in previous epochs. You have all come too far to go backwards yet again and it is hoped that sanity, reason and remembrance of those times with their sad outcomes will prevail within each soul as the planet and its inhabitants choose the road they wish to travel.

Each soul has chosen to experience the shifting into a greater awareness of the events that are now occurring. Allow yourselves to observe and ponder that which is currently taking place in world events and become clear in that which now stands before you. Say yes to a new reality and a new life, to a new dawn that is brimming with limitless possibilities.

You can do this! You have the power within you to change the outcomes of current affairs into the highest outcomes for the greatest good of all! These changes have been and will continue to manifest in seemingly miraculous ways! You know how to transcend the patterns of old ways of doing things and injecting new ways and new outcomes into them. By your works you are known throughout the universe! Well done!

Until next week!

I AM Hilarion

View video by clicking here.

2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana

The Hilarion Connection©, Book One available here 

Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her. The Reason: Master Hilarion has indicated that the Scribe/Channel is a direct conduit for his energies as she speaks through the words and these energies go to all who are in need of them as they listen to the words and/or read the text message received by her.

Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe’s credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages.

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Source:“Hilarion: Say Yes To a New Reality and a New Life,” Channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, February 14, 2016, at

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Audio version available here.

Oneness can no longer be denied! Cutting edge science knows, because their experiments have demonstrated it conclusively, that everything is connected to everything else, there is no separation.

In the everyday world, where the majority of humans focus their attention as they earn their livings, separation is self-evident, but that is because of how you focus your attention on your bodily needs, identifying with them and with their survival, and with their avoidance of pain, and your desire for pleasure through them.

In the illusory world bodies seem very real because you live through them, gaining all your experiences and sensations through your so-called five senses. But those are limiting thoughts that you believe are real, and by holding those limiting beliefs you therefore make them real. In fact there are no limits! The limits that you experience are part of the illusion that you built collectively.

And of course those limits are an aspect of the illusion that enables you to experience separation as real. When the collective decision to experience separation was taken the collective wanted it to appear to be as convincing as possible.

Thus with separation it appears that many separate people are desperately struggling to accumulate as much as possible of the seemingly limited earthly resources that each one needs for survival in order to ensure that they can continue to survive. This leads to conflict and war. But, whenever people have cooperated together, it can be seen that in fact there is an ample abundance available to satisfy everyone’s needs.

What you do to another you do to yourselves. If you withhold and hoard the earth’s beneficence for your own personal use so will everyone else, and you see this happening all over the world, and scarcity results. On the other hand when you share that beneficence willingly you will always have an abundance, and some of you have already discovered this. However, due to your history of hoarding and controlling, trust has almost disappeared, and trust is an essential aspect of a loving economy where the needs of everyone are easily met.

You need to trust each other for limitation and scarcity to evaporate. But, mostly, you do not trust yourselves, let alone others, because you have all from time to time betrayed trust that was placed in you, as well as having your own trust betrayed, and you therefore expect others to behave in a similar fashion. And, because you hold that belief that is what you experience.

The first step on the path to establishing trust is to intend to be trustworthy and to trust yourselves, and if you betray that trust, as is likely on occasion, apologize to yourselves and forgive yourselves. As you become accustomed to forgiving yourselves instead of judging, blaming, or condemning yourselves, you will find that self-acceptance grows and betrayal of trust is eliminated.

When that happens your vision or perception expands and you realize that what you were judging yourselves for is what others are also doing and that it is done out of fear! And by forgiving yourselves your fears fall away, you become aware of the fear that others are experiencing, and you find yourselves filled with compassion for them instead of judgment.

Expecting or demanding that others change before you change does not work. Over the eons that has been clearly demonstrated again and again. Change yourselves, intend to be only loving regardless of the situations in which you find yourselves, and be aware of others who are also doing that instead of focusing your attention on those who are not.

An enormous change has occurred on Earth over the last few decades because millions have set the personal intent to be always loving, and Love expands Its influence across the planet every time someone sets that intent. As a result those millions are becoming billions, and within the Tsunami of Love that has enveloped the planet angry conflicts are dissolving. Love is the infinitely powerful solvent that dissolves or melts all that is unloving.

A peaceful and loving world can never be brought into being through war and conflict. To imagine that it can is not only illogical, it is insane.

Many who are working for world peace are aware of this and are doing their utmost to make this clear to combatants everywhere. You can help them – yes you really can help them! – by entering your own inner space, the temple deep within you where Love is always present, and quietly intending – several times daily – to experience the warmth that dwells there and then intending to share it unconditionally and indiscriminately with every human without making even a single exception.

As you well know you are all the beloved children of God, and God excludes no one offering Love constantly to all.

God is Love and knows that Love is the true nature of every single one of His children, because that is how He created them. Unloving behavior of any kind is driven by fear and is a most desperate cry for Love. Hear that cry and respond with Love, that is why you are incarnate on Earth at this moment.

Only Love works because only Love is Real!  When you fight, thinking that fighting is stronger than Love, you are just extending the time scale in which the illusion functions and delaying your awakening from the nightmare of pain and suffering in which it seems you are embroiled.

There are very few among you who have not at some time experienced the warmth and peace of love in the arms of another.  That Peace and Love resides within each one of you, go within and claim It, It is your right.  But you do have to relinquish your hold on judgment, resentment, and blame.

You are all Love incarnate, but being incarnate means that you have accepted being beneath the veil that hides Love from you, separates you from It.  But knowing that, as you do, you can part the veil when you go within and claim Love and allow It to suffuse you.  When that occurs you will never forget it, and you will let your fears just fall away.

Here in the spiritual realms we await your call to Love so that we may deliver as much as your physical bodies can accept.  It is an intensely powerful energy that has to be personally adjusted for each of you.  None of you will experience it in precisely the same way, but when you do experience It, even very briefly, all your doubts about God’s Love for you will dissolve, and any sense of unworthiness or unacceptability that you may have been clinging to will be gone.  So go within daily and relax completely into the Love that awaits you there.

With so very much love, Saul.

Source:“Saul: Peace and Love Resides Within Each One of You, Go Within and Claim It.” Channeled by John Smallman, February 13, 2016, at

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Ya ever have day when the inability to see beyond a single thing became the most reverent thing you have ever seen.  For all five people on my dance card, a stream of pure white light flowing down into their life, their bubble of creation was a constant.  Pure Source energy, Love of the One Source…

My first three readings really showed up to rearrange me, my thoughts, my knee jerk bitching, to fully realize how profound this moment is.  And it IS!!  I am not even sure how to put it all into words.  The constant tho, this stream of pure white Light flowing down from above and the only thing I could see as it connected to my people’s field was the upper part of their bubble of creation, it was changing into this golden energy, a golden color I have never seen on the field in this spectrum of radiance.  Altho I was not able to see any body, any biology what so ever, I knew this stream was coming into the crown, flowing thru the entire human construct and releasing outwards into again, what I call your personal bubble of creation.  The only thing I know for sure about the visible golden energy that I could see, and barely see, was becoming a spectrum of magnetic energy like never before available to us.  In my field of readings, gold is the highest vibration of spiritual energy that I can see, well now, it is infused/being infused with pure Source energy.

The way my entire energy field was redirected thru my hmmmm limiting expression was like nothing I have ever experienced before.  Our teams is really good at love slapping me when I am using the incorrect words/expression of what I am seeing and feeling, but this was a redirect so powerful, so engorged with reverent love.  Using the words “that’s all i can see”  (which is more habit than anything) in the moment I was saying them it was af if my entire energy was ballooning out from deep inside of me, engorged with this feeling and I have not a single or even multiple words to describe it.  It did however, intensify an already building headache.  But lets just say, it was the most incredible way of being told to stop feeling so limited when what I am witnessing is so extraordinary, even if its only held in my vision as a momentary snapshot of what is happening.

But the conversations themselves provided so much illumination thru the day, so much more than I could have ever hoped to have.  In one of the conversations we started to talk about the coming equinox in spring.  I realized something thru that conversation, this Source infused love fest that we are undergoing right now is also feeding the new stream of energy into that magnetic pole, which, to my peeping eyes is silver, the higher vibration of earth energy that I see in readings.  So imagine this… by March 20th, the full force field of Source and Earth, as intense complimentary magnetic systems will be laid out, enlivened.  No wonder spirit warned us of so many power nodes embedded in March and also way back in January they said this whole first quarter was all about the full spectrum of energy we now as Shambhala, Heaven on earth, the new earth… pick a name.

Also, an experience I had the evening of the 13th brought so much clarity not only to my experience but the full energy of “knowing the arrival is imminent,” which replaces waiting.

It was close to my bedtime and I was just sitting on my couch (yeah, I do that a lot lol) and scrolling the news feed on my phone on facebook.  Suddenly i seen this advertisement for a hoodie that just caught my heart.  I clicked on it, and was thrilled to see this hoodie was also available in t-shirt style:


The feeling inside of me, was explosive in its own rite, all I could feel was this would be a great t-shirt to wear for my Mexico trip.  There was nothing in that feeling infused thought that separated the moment I was in from the 7 months worth of moments between the now and the actual Mexico date, both were in the same moment.  While I took a breath in (I rarely spend money on things I really don’t need and I usually hesitate to the degree of missing it or having to pay more for it) I truly felt the loss of months between now and Sept.  This feeling was so strong that I had to giggle after I went ahead and got this shirt that I realized I actually had 7 months to buy it, but let me tell ya, in that moment, 7 months did not exist, at all.

So, in one of the conversations yesterday, with my precious lady talking about that phrase, “KNOWING the arrival is imminent” must also live the feeling, the elimination of what we perceive as time.

I have seen already, several people declare they will go to Mexico IF they have the money.  This is one thing, shockingly (giggle) I am not feeling inside of myself.  I KNOW I will have enough money since I have 7 months to put money away, stock up for grand adventures!!  KNOWING does not involve an IF anywhere.  Of course, this applies to everything, anything.

Think about it all this way… YOU are the collective force of creation.  Your magnetic field is what is declaring your reality, your creations, even, your waiting.  Saying words is not enough, because often times, we embed doubt into the words, the stronger the doubt the stronger creation is.  It’s an unbiased field.

This KNOWING is also what collapses time.  Think about what time offers us… ongoing lessons.  Ways to use or remove time.  Last year, when spirit first talked to me about this Mexico trip, my entire mind was focused on the lack of money, christmas and my kids and grandson.  I already fueled the not going by the deeper energy running within me.  Of course, I didn’t see it that way because I declared I would go.  Then I couldn’t, everything got tangled up.  My birth certificate was wrong, and even when the new one arrived, I ripped it half when I opened the envelope, requiring another new one be mailed.  Of course, I couldn’t get my passport, blah blah blah and I didn’t even have gas money to think about it.  I Am powerful!!  Unbiasedly powerful.

So in this scenario, time had to stretch out even longer, giving me more time to get my shit together, to breathe out the bullshit lol.  I Am together Now.  Time collapsed and the challenges I created last year, no longer serve the agenda.  It’s already happening and we will just arrive at the event horizon Sept 18th with all our needs/desire met and exceeded.  Period.  (Hello ET family, we will see you in the zone of silence! ;-) )

KNOW THYSELF unequivocally!!

Now, back to yesterday lol.  By my third connection on the field, I fully gave in to the enormous reverence that today, God descends into the clear and open vessels I have the utmost privilege to witness.  So as I was pondering my last two appointments, one a man who he himself had to reschedule for months to get a date that was perfect for him and all i could think was, shit…  today I am rescheduling everyone.  Same with my precious lady after him, she has hit my reschedule zone the last few times we tried to connect, so her first session has been delayed.  There is always a higher reason, but us humans… well… today is always better than tomorrow or next week lol.

However, I wasn’t bitching just kinda feeling bad (not negative bad, just I knew we had to reschedule) then two details were added, one in the energy stream of my man, one in the energy stream of my lady.

When my mind was focused on my man, I could see the most amazing fires streaming down thru this white light.  The passion of God/Creator, the fires of God/Creator.  When I switched and thought about my last lady, there was this magnificent rainbow hue, as if we took the actual rainbow out of the sky and wrapped it around this white pole of inflowing Source energy.  The fires of Divine Masculine, The expanse of the Divine feminine. The radiance of wholeness.

I want to talk about an experience my man had, it is so telling of…. well… everything.  I pray I remember the details correctly.  (I think) He was just waking up from sleep and realized his body was levitating above his bed and her heard the word Jesus and out of his back feel all these black beads onto his bed.  As he was telling me of this experience, and I pondered what the beads could mean, I suddenly thought of the rosary beads:


If you have ever been Catholic, you know this is a structured prayer thingie, repetitive and filled with the energy of penance.  Structure, repetition, death (see the dying guy/Jesus at the bottom.)  We have entered, as a collective, whether you are catholic or not) the time of Lent, the stations of the cross (a horrific reminder of pain and suffering) and his experience was showing the full release of it all.  Dismantling the structure that once signified ascension by death.  No more structure, let loose, your body has risen and the Christ is You (Jesus.)

Let me be very clear here, he is not nor has been a practicing catholic, he was born catholic but not a practicing one.  This however, goes to all systems, all things, a full on release, dismantling of all repetitive acts to try to “save ourselves.”

WE are now the living embodiment of Christ, of God in body.  The Sons and Daughters that ARE the Living Christ.  Those that have risen above the chaos, the separation, the ascended ones Here Now.

All that was, was dismantled.  Loose and free and unrestricted.  KNOW THYSELF AND THY POWER!!

You are not only Loved Deeply, you are the Living Expression of Deep Love made manifest!!

Lisa Gawlas

Valentine’s -Master Builder Special.  Save 22% off all single readings or single meditation/homework sessions.  Type in the coupon code: LOVE to receive the discount.  This special will run thru Feb 18th.





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By Jenny Schiltz, 02/13/2016

The energy is very intense and it is going to continue amping up until after the full moon on 2/22. During this time we will be undergoing DNA upgrades. Exhaustion and feeling anxious and overwhelmed is common with this. Make sure to take time out for yourself. Get plenty of water, electrolytes, and potassium. Your body will act as if you have just run a marathon. Healthy fats such as coconut oil and avocado help to keep us from feeling as if we are "burning" up from the inside. Vitamin D either naturally from the sun or in liquid form will help ease this transition. Salt baths will help as well to keep the body hydrated. It is important to listen to your urges, if you need to sleep, sleep. If you feel the need to write, write. If you feel anxious, trapped and cabin feverish - get outside. Nature has a way of balancing our energies and giving us what we need, we just have to listen.

When we go through DNA upgrades, all that is held in our cells that no longer serves must be purged. This releasing will be felt in our dream time and/or in our waking moments. Many of us a cleaning up old contracts and past life emotions that have been held in our cellular body.

As our past lives are often themes that we have experienced in this life (from a different perspective) it is a good time to look at all those in your life and switch places with them. Can you see the roles and the lessons from their point of view? Allow your heart to open completely and forgive, forgive them, the circumstances and most importantly yourself. Once you feel the forgiveness wash over you, send gratitude for all that your soul has learned from these interactions. As you heal the relationships in this life, you help to heal the lives where similar themes were experienced in past (concurrent) lives.

Cord cutting will be very important over the next week. You want to cut all cords, contracts and agreements that no longer serve that go through your past, present, and future. Call AA Michael to assist with this, he is always happy to help.

There is a "pushing" feeling to this energy. A desire to buckle down and plow through this work so that we may walk fully embodied and whole. It's absolutely an amazing time as more and more abilities are opening up and more people are making contact with the unseen.

Sending you all lots of love and blessings


To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to 

If you need to contact me, please email at

Join the facebook group and keep up to date on the energy fluctuations!

Copyright 2016,  Jenny Schiltz

 If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **



Commentary from The First Contact Ground Crew 5dSpiritual Healing Team:

Feel blocked, ready to give up, wish to know your status as an ascension waver? We are preparing everyone for a Full Planetary Ascension and we will give you the techniques to assist you Home Into The Light.  The First Contact Ground Will Help to Get You Ready For Ascension which is Underway Since the End of September and will spiral this year in March and Another in August. We can Assist You into Awakening into 5d Reality, where your experience is one of Constant Joy, Wholeness of Being, Whole Health, Balanced, Happy and Abundant. Lets DO THIS! Schedule Your Session Below by following the Link! We are Here in The Highest Love, Honor, and Respect to Be Humanity's Representatives of The New Paradigm of True Freedom, Abundance, True Equality, A Completely Balanced Being and a Completely Benevolent Society! This is our Destiny as The Old illusion of power over and dysfunction dissolve. Allow us to be of service to You. "LOVE" has said "ALL POSSIBILITIES EXIST IN UNLIMITED THOUGHT, All possibilities of the HIGHEST Outcome for the GREATER GOOD Of ALL only exist IN THE PRESENT MOMENTOF NOW” ~For All the Details you can Follow this Link:


Connect with MotherGod~Mother of Creation on Skype @ mothergoddess8


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Quan Yin ~ The Current Energies


By Daniel Scranton

“It is I, Quan Yin.

I am sensing that there is a great deal of turmoil occurring in the lives of those of you who are awakened. The turmoil is appearing in your lives at this time because of your willingness to take the brunt of the energy that is hitting your planet at this time.

Being on the front lines, as you are, means that you get to experience both sides of what it means to be an awakened, enlightened being. You are not only finding yourselves with new abilities, new powers of perception, and new ways of connecting with other beings, but you are also finding that much of what you have desired for yourselves in this lifetime is either slipping away or crumbling altogether.

The turmoil itself is actually clearing the way for something better, something that is more in alignment with who you really are and with what you are becoming. What I recommend you do is to always look forward to what you are being propelled into. Let go of your resistance to change and be open to new possibilities.

The game that you have been playing is changing, and that means that a lot of the parts and pieces that you have been playing with are no longer going to be useful. So whatever it is that you are experiencing now, recognize that you are making room for something more, and do not worry about what you are leaving behind in the process.

You are becoming, and what you are becoming doesn’t need anything. So surrender it all willingly and ride the wave of the new energies in joy and laughter, in freedom and in bliss.

I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”


Commentary from The First Contact Ground Crew 5dSpiritual Healing Team:

Feel blocked, ready to give up, wish to know your status as an ascension waver? We are preparing everyone for a Full Planetary Ascension and we will give you the techniques to assist you Home Into The Light.  The First Contact Ground Will Help to Get You Ready For Ascension which is Underway Since the End of September and will spiral this year in March and Another in August. We can Assist You into Awakening into 5d Reality, where your experience is one of Constant Joy, Wholeness of Being, Whole Health, Balanced, Happy and Abundant. Lets DO THIS! Schedule Your Session Below by following the Link! We are Here in The Highest Love, Honor, and Respect to Be Humanity's Representatives of The New Paradigm of True Freedom, Abundance, True Equality, A Completely Balanced Being and a Completely Benevolent Society! This is our Destiny as The Old illusion of power over and dysfunction dissolve. Allow us to be of service to You. "LOVE" has said "ALL POSSIBILITIES EXIST IN UNLIMITED THOUGHT, All possibilities of the HIGHEST Outcome for the GREATER GOOD Of ALL only exist IN THE PRESENT MOMENTOF NOW” ~For All the Details you can Follow this Link:


Connect with MotherGod~Mother of Creation on Skype @ mothergoddess8


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29 signs that you have healing gifts

When I first started developing my gifts, it was because I was told by Spirit through another intuitive, a medium who happened to be my sister, that I had the gift to heal others.  I was told that this was the familial, ancestral gift of shamanism that had been passed down to me. It’s tough to say what would or could have happened if I had not received this information at the exact time that I did, but one thing is certain, the gift was already present and evident through many signals and clues existent in my life - at that time, in the past, and currently. 

In fact, at the time, I didn’t know anyone who was a Spiritual Healer - at all. The only person I knew who had this gift, was a dead person. The Spirit who came through in that reading, my great-great grandfather, to tell me about this gift.

And as it turns out, all my life, the signs, signals, and cues that this existed were all around me. The key, was knowing where to look.  

You don’t need to know a medium or see an intuitive reader of any kind to know that you have a healing gift. The signs of your already present gift lay all around you - and below, you’ll find a list of signs that you too, have a healing gift.

Of course, taken individually, or a few a time, these individual signs and signals could indicate any number of other things and medical diagnoses; it’s when large swathes of these clues and others are identified in your life, that things start to point in another direction. The direction that you have the gift and ability to heal others. Take a look.

29 Signs that you have Healing Gifts

29 signs that you have healing gifts

  1. You feel extreme empathy, often feeling emotions and experiences as physical sensations of pain and hurt
  2. You’re often told it’s soothing to be around you
  3. Those around you rarely get sick
  4. You have now or have ever been diagnosed with anxiety or panic disorders
  5. You have now or have ever been diagnosed with any mood disorder
  6. You think of solutions for others to make their lives better
  7. You have a strong desire to help others, even at a loss of your own resources or needs
  8. You’re already in a traditional healing field - medical workers, massage therapists, chiropractors, guidance counselors, physical therapists, veterinarians or vet techs, and more.
  9. You have a history of healers in your family. Your parents, siblings, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc. are or were engaged in healing based professions - medical, touch, spoken, or otherwise.
  10. You frequently experience heightened awareness in public places - difficulty breathing or nervous butterflies
  11. You walk into a room and can immediately tell if there’s been a fight or a disagreement before you arrived
  12. You’re the person people turn to for comfort, problem solving, and kind words during difficult times. . . and you always help
  13. You find yourself feeling like problems of others are dumped on you for fixing.
  14. You’re frequently drained at the end of the day, especially on days involving large amounts of social interacting
  15. You’ve noticed that you have special touch with animals
  16. Small children and animals are often drawn to you, even when they’re shy around others
  17. Complete strangers spill their life stories to you without asking
  18. People ask you for back and shoulder rubs, or back scratches and you’re known for being good at them
  19. You like to ensure people feel comfortable when they’re visiting your home or space
  20. You often feel overwhelmed with the amount of things you’ve agreed to help others with
  21. You regularly experience shoulder and neck pain
  22. Your friends and coworkers often come to you for your trusted opinion on potential romantic prospects or new job hires
  23. Your preferred method of exercise is based in the outdoors - going on a walk, a jog, or doing yoga in nature while breathing fresh air is both stimulating and relaxing to you
  24. You have an interest in Spiritual based healing methods - energy healing, reiki, shamanism, or otherwise
  25. Your hands and palms often feel tingly - pins and needles, buzzing, throbbing, vibrating, or pulsating
  26. You’re attracted to crystals for their beauty and potential healing properties.
  27. You seek natural based healing methods, as alternatives to westernized medicine
  28. You experience frequent headaches or digestive issues
  29. You’re reading this list right now

Were you able to cross a few, or many, of these items off your list? I thought so.

What you do with this information now, is entirely your choice. You may choose to use it to pursue a healing based career, to develop your abilities to heal yourself and others, as a validation to know that what you’re experiencing is something special, or a combination of all of the above.

Just being you is healing to others, and that in and of itself, even if taken no step further, is a gift.

With love on your journey,


are you ready to activate, awaken, and open your healing gifts? enroll in the healer initiation ecourse for energy attunement, and in as little as 5 days, you will receive activation as a healer! 


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World peace has been achieved (at least on paper); including Israel & Palestine, Turkey & Syria, Saudi Arabia & Yemen.

Peace is one of the non-negotiable requirements for joining and remaining in good standing with the AIIB (Chinese Elders).

Islamic State funding has been eliminated from all private and public sources.

Buying illegal Islamic State oil is now internationally illegal.

All oil transactions must now be paid for in either: Euros, Rubles or Yuans.

NATO will be disbanded as it exists currently (less USA), and reconstituted as a European Peacekeeping Force.

Turkish President Erdogan surrendered all his personal/illegal Islamic State activities in northern Syria, northern Iraq and Turkey.

He did so in exchange for a percentage of the new Turkish Stream (gas pipeline) that will connect Russian gas with European population.

Both Erdogan (Turkey) and Assad (Syria) will be allowed to remain in power.

Rome's Pope Francis and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill are meeting in Havana, Cuba tomorrow, they will sign an agreement transitioning Christianity into the new Aquarian age.

This agreement will settle a 1,000 year old schism in both Christianity and the Vatican papal structure.

Peace talks in Munich, Germany between Syria, US, Russia, EU, Turkey, Iraq, Armenia and Kurdistan have ended with a cease fire agreement and humanitarian aid package to refugees.

New boundaries have been drawn to split land and take oil fields away from Islamic State/Turkey/Ottoman Empire.

Kurdistan will be given Sovereign Statehood, breaking free from both Turkey and Iraq governments.

Iraq will be announcing Mosul's release from Islamic State forces next week.

IMF's Christine LeGarde received a second term by Chinese Elders, who own both IMF and World Bank now.

Chinese New Year ends Sunday Evening 2/14 in China (Sunday morning 2/14 in USA)

World Markets are being gently positioned to exact RV algorithm starting points the Elders have pre-set for each.

Do not be anxious about the wild market swings, as they are final adjustments in a larger macro strategy.

This report was first seen at Dinar Chronicles

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We welcomed Linda Dillon and Archangel Michael back today after Linda’s recuperation from shoulder surgery.

AAM spoke about the greatly-increased energies at this time. Of it he said: “The most extraordinary change that you are experiencing right now is this shift into love like you have never felt before.”

There is much clearing of the decks and residual letting go. But primarily we’re being asked to allow this rising of transformative love.

“Your world is changing,” he said. “When I say your world, I mean your experience of what it is to be human, personally and collectively.”

He discussed how the consciousness shift must precede the megachanges, megatrends, mega-events.

Airs every second Thursday at 4pm PT/7pm ET

There is no call-in number

To lightworkers who are hanging on by their fingernails, he reinterpreted the place they were at as a place of new beginnings. What they need to do immediately is to let go, so they can begin again. “For many of you this will mean a slight hiatus, a reboot.”

He added: “When you are stripped bare and you realize that the only important thing is love and that you are love, the feeling of bliss begins to simply take over. The pure standing there in the truth of who you are, that is liberation. … And it frees you up to proceed as you are choosing.”

The changes we’re experiencing are “up-close and personal” and will unfold like a contagion. “This is the transformation,” he said.

The consciousness shift has to precede the building of Nova Earth because we can’t change the structure if the participants remain unchanged.

We talked about how new core issues will emerge as we expand our responsibilities. “Most of you in the reboot are being prepared for expanded or new responsibilities,” he explained. That means the many people who are at the end of their rope.

These issues will arise but they have nothing to do with truth or whether you are ready and prepared to play a multitude of roles. We’ve prepared over lifetimes for our role.

There is no room in transformative love for things like issues.

This is some of the discussion we had on Archangel Michael’s return to the program. Sue Lie and the Arcturians will return next week. Linda may need more surgery so we’re waiting to hear how any operation will be scheduled.

Source: Archangel Michael: Your World is Changing. This is the Transformation – Golden Age of Gaia


Commentary from The First Contact Ground Crew 5dSpiritual Healing Team:

Feel blocked, ready to give up, wish to know your status as an ascension waver? We are preparing everyone for a Full Planetary Ascension and we will give you the techniques to assist you Home Into The Light.  The First Contact Ground Will Help to Get You Ready For Ascension which is Underway Since the End of September and will spiral this year in March and Another in August. We can Assist You into Awakening into 5d Reality, where your experience is one of Constant Joy, Wholeness of Being, Whole Health, Balanced, Happy and Abundant. Lets DO THIS! Schedule Your Session Below by following the Link! We are Here in The Highest Love, Honor, and Respect to Be Humanity's Representatives of The New Paradigm of True Freedom, Abundance, True Equality, A Completely Balanced Being and a Completely Benevolent Society! This is our Destiny as The Old illusion of power over and dysfunction dissolve. Allow us to be of service to You. "LOVE" has said "ALL POSSIBILITIES EXIST IN UNLIMITED THOUGHT, All possibilities of the HIGHEST Outcome for the GREATER GOOD Of ALL only exist IN THE PRESENT MOMENTOF NOW” ~For All the Details you can Follow this Link:


Connect with MotherGod~Mother of Creation on Skype @ mothergoddess8


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Commentary from The First Contact Ground Crew 5dSpiritual Healing Team:

Feel blocked, ready to give up, wish to know your status as an ascension waver? We are preparing everyone for a Full Planetary Ascension and we will give you the techniques to assist you Home Into The Light.  The First Contact Ground Will Help to Get You Ready For Ascension which is Underway Since the End of September and will spiral this year in March and Another in August. We can Assist You into Awakening into 5d Reality, where your experience is one of Constant Joy, Wholeness of Being, Whole Health, Balanced, Happy and Abundant. Lets DO THIS! Schedule Your Session Below by following the Link! We are Here in The Highest Love, Honor, and Respect to Be Humanity's Representatives of The New Paradigm of True Freedom, Abundance, True Equality, A Completely Balanced Being and a Completely Benevolent Society! This is our Destiny as The Old illusion of power over and dysfunction dissolve. Allow us to be of service to You. "LOVE" has said "ALL POSSIBILITIES EXIST IN UNLIMITED THOUGHT, All possibilities of the HIGHEST Outcome for the GREATER GOOD Of ALL only exist IN THE PRESENT MOMENTOF NOW” ~For All the Details you can Follow this Link:


Connect with MotherGod~Mother of Creation on Skype @ mothergoddess8


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If you read the word "mantra" and think of a phrase that is repeated over and over again during a meditation session, you have a basic grasp of what a mantra is. For example, the ancient mantra Chanting Om is believed to be the cosmic vibration that gives the birth to all other sounds and resonates a high creative and spiritual energy. Here are 10 mantras for awakening your inner awareness.

Mantra is a sound, a word or a phrase that has powerful meaning and significance. This is why the meaning of the words in a mantra are as important as their rhythm, tone, and cadence. Mantras work instantly. So if you limit your use of mantras to your daily/weekly meditations, you are losing so many opportunities to change your life by reaching a higher level of consciousness. Meditation and yoga work well when you need to relax and become more self-aware, whereas mantras are the vibration of mind in relationship to the Cosmos that unite and harmonize the mind, body, and soul.
1) Even when I am alone I will remember that I am connected to all
It can be hard to advance on your spiritual path if you feel separated from the universe. You are, after all, meant to be a part of a whole. This is true physically, spiritually, and emotionally. By repeating this mantra, you remind yourself of the connection that we have to source and to one another that can never be broken. This is an excellent mantra to use if you are feeling isolated, but also to use if you have a tendency to ‘go your own way’ too often.
2) I will find my path by helping others with theirs
One very important part of moving forward spiritually is becoming open to the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of others. If you can do this, you may find that you move more quickly down the path to full understanding than if you focus solely on your own growth. Repeating this mantra, you help create the needed openness to not only help others, but also to recognize those who are struggling.
3) I will not compound negative thoughts with shame
Very few of us have traveled far enough down our paths that we never have feelings of anger, jealousy, spite, or resentment. When we have these negative feelings it is important that we acknowledge them, understand them, and work to grow into a place where we have moved beyond them. However, it is just as important that we forgive ourselves for these feelings. Inwardly directed shame is just as damaging to conscious as outwardly directed rage.
4) I will accept everybody wherever they are
Of course, if we are going to be gentle with ourselves, we must work to be gentler with the people that we have contact with. This mantra reminds us not only to be kind but to also be accepting. If you find yourself going through a stage where you are taking things too personally or judging people, this is a great mantra to add to your arsenal.
5) I will look for and see beauty around me
It is so important to recognize beauty. Fortunately, it is all around us. There is aesthetic beauty in people, architecture, art, and nature. There is also beauty in human behavior, strength, and even frailty. When you train your eyes to see beauty try to learn the difference between looking at and seeing. In fact, when observed with an open mind, even the ugliest and most hateful things have beauty within them.
6) I will allow abundance and good to happen to me
If you leave yourself open to it, the universe is full of positive energy waiting to flow through you. All you need to do is maintain spiritual openness to let that happen. The more positive energy and spiritual abundance you open yourself to receive, the happier you will be.
7) I will treat my mind and body as they deserve to be treated
As long as we have physical and emotional needs, both our minds and bodies will need attention. Self-care is so important. Please use this mantra as a reminder to take care of yourself. You are important, and should not feel guilty for making yourself a priority. Repeat this mantra daily if you tend to mentally and spiritually neglect yourself.
8) I will dwell only on thoughts and emotions that help me grow
You cannot grow spiritually if you allow yourself to become stuck on unproductive thoughts and emotions. Repeat this mantra to remind yourself to make a dedicated effort to recognize negative thoughts and emotions and to train yourself to focus on positive feelings.
9) I will seek truth and knowledge
It is so tempting to fill your mind with gossip and other garbage that is passed off as entertainment. Now, there is nothing wrong in any case with enjoying movies, television, and other forms of entertainment. However, the problem comes when you replace learning and truth seeking with entertainment. This mantra will help you focus on seeking the truth in every case.
10) I will laugh and contribute positive energy to the universe
Achieving a higher level of consciousness does not mean that we have to be serious all of the time. Humor and laughter are two things that lift our spirits and the spirits of the people around us. When we laugh, we contribute positive energy to the universe. This helps us along our path, and it helps others along their path as well. If you find that you tend to be too stern and too serious, repeat this mantra during your meditations.
Hopefully, some of these mantras will help you expand consciousness and awake your inner awareness. You can also create your own mantras by finding areas where you need spiritual wisdom and positivity by thinking of something beautiful, positive, and affirming that you can repeat to yourself. Soon, you will notice the growth that you are seeking.
Featured image: Tote Orozco

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Guiding gently, your subconscious mind, through inputting your intentions, to the new associations (5th Dimensional Consciousness) you give to all things in your life, replaces endless clearing. Endless struggle. As the new desired reality (the new data) and all data and associations, work subtly through the subconscious mind, powerfully effecting your reality. Even if that reality, you struggle with to change, as the conscious level. This is the end of that struggle.

These words speak deeply to your subconscious mind.

They ignite the light codes within your Blueprint and subconscious mind, replacing old beliefs, with the new uploads of 5th Dimensional Consciousness, that is, the new truths that gift you, the freedom from the struggle in 3D consciousness, opening the way, to Live as an Ascended Being.

Although to the conscious mind this may sound far-fetched, and even more so create resistance to the subconscious mind, the level that this occurs, is simply done. You may ask how could something you have struggled to do, to create, to get access to, be done simply. The not knowing how to upload and change your storage of directives, has been the struggle, and may have felt at times, as if banging your head against the wall, so to speak.

This happens without struggle. That is how it happens.

Relax, receive, feel how this feels.

The New directives uploading to your subconscious mind, are an activation and transmission of Light, recoding your subconscious mind, now. The changes just show up, in your reality.

Isn’t that amazing!

You no longer struggle, you no longer try to change anything. You no longer wonder why things are not changing for you. Instead, you wake up each day, and feel lighter, happier, and life seems to just sort itself out better. The pain lessens, the vibrations increase. The Light shines brighter, just because. And your world, takes on a whole new meaning for you. One of Divine Surprises. One of Amazing Miracles. One of Dazzling Adventures. One of endless delight.

What, why and How you may wonder. Well, this happens, beyond the why and  the what of it all. As this is All Light Codes, from the Source of these codes. Being downloaded to you NOW.

The mind might even feel a little fuzzy. Or you may even walk around a little dazed. That is ok, that is the downloading of these new Light Codes.

Some kind of futuristic technology? This is, 5th Dimensional Technology of Love, of Miracles, of its time now, for you to Be the Glory of You ~ that kind of technology. (Wouldn’t you say it is about time)

It is all Light and Frequency.

The Sun doesn’t struggle to shine its Light.

In the 5th Dimension, there is not struggle, there simply is the New Way, and this new way, is that of ease. Is that of ~ Now its time for this, Time. As simple as waking up each morning. You wake up and it seems as if it is a new day.

Now, with these downloads, you wake up, and feel the change. You wake up and see the change. You wake up, and suddenly you are free from the questions, that once plagued you.

You are free.

Your mind is calm, even though you do not know why.

You just feel different, and life, as you know it, is  the Grandness of Love. With the Greatness of the Eternal You. Filled with the Magic of Eternity.

The world seems brighter, the excitement and hope feels greater, as you feel your Heart Beat ~ beating louder. Your belly rising, as if, on a roller coaster. It Just changes, just like that. Tune into your belly now. Feel it rising. Tune into your Heart, feel it almost racing. Tune into the Light within you and surrounding your body, see how it shines Brighter. Tune into your Breath, and feel how it feels like Heaven, breathing, and being alive. Feel your vibrations, tingling throughout your body. Feel how this feels.

The New You, this moment. Vibrating at a Higher Frequency of Light. Your subconscious receiving all the downloads. Feel the shift, feel the change. Feel your Heart.  The New You, now this Moment. The You Ascended, as you have always Been. The You that shines as a Glorious Sun. The You that is Heaven Sent, that is the Glory of All That is.

And here we are Now. All Frequencies sent to you, beyond space and time, downloaded into your Blueprint and now into your Subconscious mind. 5th Dimensional Consciousness. The Eternal Light and Glory of All That is, and So It is, Now.


Eternal Love and Bliss!



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copyright Pleiadian Delegate 2012-2016. 

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 Archangel Michael THE OPENING THE HEART

I am Archangel Michael: I come to you tonight, through this vehicle, in order to give yourself a number of teaching and vibrales plantings nature causes that it allows you to accept the tearing and opening the wrapper Heart . Freeing the Heart of Being and that is to allow it to germinate and bloom in the spring already announced in mid- winter, simply because this winter is the time of sowing . then I come to warn you, as a form of attention last within this humanity , which exists and will exist for a number of things , which we call (and how soon will call together) Meeting with the appearance of what these they believed to be loved , and what you really are.

There is nowadays a form of face to epic face , in the ardor of love that is proposed, with not only the illusions that had set himself between you – ourselves and the truth of what you are in conscience , but also , for the loved who do not recognize this, direct and final upgrade of a number of illusions – we came , in recent years , to dissolve the interior, and tear down the time come as a house of cards whose rotten pillars explode. Come , particularly come this afternoon will announce the meeting is proposed to live with my Espada, the Espada Mikaëlica comes to perforate the wrapper of the Heart. And at the right time , if you will deign you again to the possibility of liberating this Sword and this perforation, then I ‘ll come running , just in different ways.

Be assured of impeccability of the Estoque which will then be taken , and that does not come to pierce the skin of the ultra and excess that you had locked in what you are not in these veils thickened this enclosed world stopped coalesce around Ser . Beseech you to receive what is advertised in the largest of the levity , whatever concerns you may atravesaros listening to this announcement. Because what knocks actually comes calling with a sword to the door of your heart . Just to destroy it in the illusion of separation which this package still comes to allow to live on the surface of the illusion of the separate consciousness , which is called to come to die , for beings who deign to leave these old skins the coming months.


Archangel Michael 1

We come then warn particular that, in order to simply your mind can not, in any way , retrieve any or all of a number of experiences, quite extraordinary for almost all of humanity ordinary moments , but they are becoming more natural in this blessed time . And that consist simply of this drilling and the opening of the Heart Truth of who you are. What then shall live, for those among you who deign to respond fully to this call, simply seized , and utmost care I would say, of what has just been introduced and exposed thorough mode ( see the Fleet Marial message ) then simply you will see that what I proposed to live – a makeshift way, in the most favorable time – not only will not come to desazonaros , but will be lived as a healthy jolt of being your dead skin and excess .

Thanking in intuition and Truth being that you are , that the edge of the sword you free , and could do more to cut and what it is otherwise it is false, and becomes mowed naturally hastened by this Mikaëlica Espada. If you live then the physical feel of a tear of your chest, from front to back or back to front , single or sometimes rough , he understands well that it is the Love who calls at your door . And do not let the imposture of this mental come to chatter about a diagnosis or any hypothesis whatever, or heart attack , knowing that these different life elements can in no way resembling what is known who is on your world . Because it is simply the arrival on the other side of the veil , the Free Worlds – now free in you but rejected in your consciousness beyond this Heart wrapper closure , and separation .

And the packaging that came to be sealed by a seal, marking the Self, and so then I come to open, in one fell swoop or more (that is as appropriate and as needed) of the Espada. That anyone who understands these words with a form of entertainment is simply exhilarating to welcome good news. And if you point in this entertaining the slightest touch of irony, which is simply rejoice than be taken by surprise, and this surprise, whatever desazonante it will not have the less, the same liberating flavor. That whoever lives these words with a form of fear or concern pronounced understand that this fear is to simply live in the illusion that it presents. Because it is just this moment of awe and temporary dread say that the Self is finally found what it is. In this face to face for and this smallness of the illusory personality, and that is not in the background absolutely nothing of what you are, which is brought face to face with the shining reality of the greatness of Being that you are from all eternity.

There is at this time as a line of demarcation: between beings that open to it and in their commitment and light and joyful practice be advancing step by step toward the Reencuentros in him, he is the Self and which does not keep any distance, no maintain any distance from the body temple that houses the truth of who they are, and those who are intimidated, put or asleep, turned toward the hypnotic illusion representing this image and mental projection of this world 3rd Dimension, seasoned some number of mechanisms closures, which I would describe simply subversive mechanisms, respect the sacred principles of freedom of conscience in Creation. We are asked, if you will deign to listen, the largest Tranquility respect for what is coming, sure as soon as you welcome, come in your lives and in your consciousness directly. I invite you to not believe any of this message, but to try the announcement simply and foretaste of what is to announce and it will make a loud burst into your life, and the failure of the delusions of this world – this sword and this time simply come to tear down.

Our dearest wish is that they can, in this humanity that is yours, collect this vibrational resonance directly Joy. In order to simply support you firmly in this resonance including at the level of their vibrales codes, all the guidance and information necessary to enable you to live this encounter with the stranger you are, and that left forgotten, with the largest possible indiscretions. I am Archangel Michael, and simply come to announce that the final Sword Thrust is about to be born in this Humanity is yours. And live, while inside you, which come to break down the walls of Jericho, and these outer stronger than your governments built on the separation of consciousness and the relegation of the beings on this earth remains in these games externalized conscience, I must say well, they were long. The Fire of Truth come to consume all that has no place in straight lines and order of Righteousness of Creation.

And the show is simply lived in Liberty, he is spoiled of all time, the origin of consciousness which want to live well . Ie either in laughter and joy of the fall of the theater and all this masquerade , that is in complete awe. Because hereinafter will be all or one or the other – to the wise , greetings.

I am Mikael and I come to announce , in this world, the overwhelming Return of the truth of love that all are .


See you soon.


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