Lorias's Posts (10)

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I am Faleekastrina. Thank you for your question.

It isn’t something missing that keeps anyone from creating anything,
rather it is something there that should not be, something in the way.
For instance, if a person lacks discipline, their higher awareness has
all the discipline they could ever need, so certainly the person does
not lack discipline, rather they have a negative pattern that blocks
them from connecting to the part of them which is already disciplined.

Negative patterns are not taken seriously. People are taught not to
look at negative energy, but it is there, and it continues to be
there, because people will not look at it. They are taught that if
they have it they are bad. But it is not bad to humble yourself and be
able to look within and search out your own intents, both positive and
negative; that is a good quality.

All people have both positive and negative energy, as they also have
both positive and negative feelings and thoughts. Everyone has
experienced meeting a negative person, and in order to meet anyone on
a negative frequency even if the person they are meeting is normally
positive, they must have something within them that matches the
negative frequency of the person they are encountering.

Archangel Michael is a wonderful person, and he transmits very high
energy. But although he is a very powerful being, you must understand
that he is always looking within himself and releasing negativity.
People must understand that in order to be called upon, such as the
Archangel Michael is, in order to come to the aid of someone
experiencing negativity and remove it from them, you must have
something within you that matches it. Archangel Michael is powerful
and loving being, and yet he is constantly encountering dark entities,
because he helps people to cleanse themselves. But in order to
interact with anything negative, he must have something that matches
it, and he admits this and looks at himself.

None of us are so above you that we do not work to improve. All of us
are improving. Everything in this Universe is learning. They are
continuously becoming more and more of what they really are. We are
all here to learn about our true natures and step more into that
frequency which we are truly on. All of us are removing karma. All of
us are learning.

We are all on different levels, but you will find that as you ascend
there is always a higher dimension to get to. There is always more to
learn. If there were nothing to learn, the Creative Source would
simply create something new. It wants to learn. It wants to grow. It
wants to improve. That is why it created darkness, so that it might
see the light within itself and learn more about it’s true nature, and
understand itself.

The Creative Source in all of us wishes to learn, wishes to grow,
wishes to become more of what it is, and to remove what it is not.
When you know what you are not, you realize who you are and you begin
to move toward that.

People must look at their own darkness if they wish to ascend into a
vibration of light. Every person has higher and lower aspects. The
lower aspects must be removed before a person’s Higher Self would
trust their conscious mind with abilities such as flying, etc, and the
Higher Self will not allow these types of abilities to fully surface
until the lower dimensions lose their power and begin to fill with

All people are learning. All people are removing what blocks them,
even if they are far beyond you, they are still reaching out to a
higher awareness and moving forward, improving and becoming more of
who they already are.

As you increase your light, remove your darkness and meditate upon
your reality, you become more able to do the things that you were
capable of before entering a human body. But it takes time and
willingness to truly look at all of your aspects and admit everything
that is there, including the good, including what you consider bad.

Many people are unable to look at their good. They are unable to admit
their talents or to receive compliments from people around them.
Others are so insecure about themselves, that they are only able to
say good things, and cannot look at their bad. But they must realize
that underneath everything there is a purity that has not been touched
by their human experience, or by any experience; it exists in it’s
original form.

As you become more loving, as you become more honest, as you become
more willing to take time and effort for your own betterment, as you
love yourself more, as you treat yourself better, as you treat those
around you with more love and less judgment, as you learn true
compassion and how to set boundaries with people, and as you increase
respect for yourself, you become increasingly more aware and you are
more open to higher energies.

Each body, the emotional, mental, energetic and physical, must align
with the perfect light body which holds no darkness. These bodies
merge as darkness releases from them. All toxins must be released, and
automatically light increases and the traits that you in Reality
naturally have already, reveal themselves. You realize that you
already had them. They were already operating, you simply were
blocking yourself from knowing them.

You are the God Source. When we realize who we are and that we are
only good, we can look at darkness and release it, knowing that we are

Love yourself more. Take the time to go inside yourself and find what
blocks you, and continue to do this in all areas one at a time. Flying
cannot be achieved easily. It isn’t like flipping on a switch,
although it seems that way once the ability is uncovered.

People would like an easy, quick answer to everything. There are so
many books being written about how a person can learn a language in 6
weeks, or lose 35 pounds in a month, but the truth is, that this is a

Any physical problem in a person’s body is caused by negative patterns
that must be released. When they are released the body automatically
heals and the person’s perception changes without struggle. The person
isn’t ‘trying’ to speak and feel positively, they just do it
naturally, because there is nothing there giving them messages that
are the opposite of what they want.

Any block in relationships goes back again to matching frequencies.
Even if you are a very good person, there is something within you that
works with the lower frequencies of others when they are being
negative around you.

Any ability can be mastered. The truth is that humans can fly, they
can do anything, absolutely anything. Nothing is impossible.
Everything can be done. Everything is possible and can happen. All
things are possible.

There is no one here to save the Earth. There is no one here to save
the human race. You are your own saviors. Everyone goes through their
own individual process of ascension, releasing toxins, increasing
Themselves, removing what is not their Realities which is taking up

Underneath every speck, underneath all pain and all disappointment,
underneath everything taught to us in the past, there lies a beautiful
light being, who has never been touched by this human experience,
never been touched by any experience, simply existing in pureness.
This being wants to surface within us and to be recognized for what it
is, for what you are, for what we all are. We are all the God Source.
We must uncover it, and it will overtake us and all of it’s abilities
will come to our consciousness, and so it is.

I am Faleekastrina and I bid you Namaste.

[If you have a question for The Council for the Assistance to Earth,
please e-mail the question to TheCouncilAssistsYou@gmail.com. Only
general questions will be answered. No personal questions please.]

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I am Plashdar. Thank you for your question.

At one time we all gathered together. We each answered a call to serve
the unprotected planets and help them in their ascension process, that
each planet could be free and uninhibited, that they could have their
own culture, their own government, their own religious beliefs and
their own way of life.

Some of us answered this call, and chose to remain above these
threatened planets, guarding them with technologies, sending
telepathic messages to the inhabitants of the planets, and we were
assigned to individuals on the planets as guides, and to protect those
individuals we were assigned to.

Others chose the hardest task, to enter into an alien body and have a
life on one of the planets, such as Earth. Those who chose this
difficult task are termed Starseeds.

If you are a Starseed, as you read the words I am speaking, something
occurs inside of you. A shift begins to take place inside of you, a
knowing that is beyond physical words. You are a Starseed because you
resonate with places outside of this planet. You are a Starseed
because underneath all ordinary, mundane experiences, there is an urge
to break free. There is a feeling that you have forgotten something,
that there is a sleeping part of you that must fully wake up.

It is this inner feeling that lets you know whether or not you are a Starseed.

If you are a Starseed, you were given specific instructions before
coming here. You spent months and months preparing for your entry into
your alien body. You learned how to keep this body pure, how to help
it to operate in it’s fullest capacity. You spent months learning
about your specific planet you were assigned to, and you went to many
council meetings on various planets studying and learning so that you
would be fully capable of your task, because whether or not you
remember what you learned before you came here, it is still in your

There is something you are here for, some task you are meant to
achieve. You are here for a purpose. You were sent.

If you are a Starseed, something is awakening within you as you read
these words. Something inside of you is beginning to dawn on your
conscious mind. It is the beginning of a memory, the memory will fully
surface as you work to still your mind and go within, connecting to
the deepest places within you, the subconscious parts of you that
haven’t forgotten this knowledge.

You are awakening right now. You are coming to consciousness. Begin to
repeat this to yourself over and over. Feel yourself begin to stir and
awaken. Feel your chakras moving, feel them activating, feel them
waking up and turning on. See your head lighting up with a white
light. See the light flowing through you, all through your meridians,
and see every chakra aligning perfectly, activated, turned on,
spinning, releasing negativity, creating positivity.

Every part of you will awaken as you go within. It is very simple. If
you are a Starseed these words resonate with you.

As this light moves through your meridians each chakra lights up and
brings you into a higher vibration. You are now operating in a higher
dimension. You are no longer in the 3rd dimension. As you continue to
feel this vibration you will feel an area of your body. Focus on this
area and the sensation will increase. This area that you are focusing
on has a recently activated chakra inside of it, no matter the
location. As we have said many times, there are more than seven
chakras. Focus on the vibration allowing all old energies to release
from this area, until you will see a crystal pure light filling the
chakra that has activated. This chakra sends the light into your
brain. Your brain is registering the activated chakra. As more chakras
activate your brain is sent signals telling it to increase it’s

You find yourself as you continue this simple exercise on a regular
basis more awakened in an area. You may be more cooperative, or more
intelligent, physically stronger; you may react to those around you in
ways you have never reacted before, or you may find yourself wanting
to do something or experience something you never have before. This is
the newly activated chakra sending it’s signal to your brain.

Starseeds come in already using 5 percent more of the usual amount of
chakras, and when a Starseed becomes activated a shift occurs in their
DNA which causes not only the activation of their chakras, the
realignment of their chakras, but also for their psychic abilities to
increase, their level of empathy to increase, as well as a feeling of
being different. Many Starseeds become very alone during this
transition, but they are simply becoming aware that they are not
human, and that they are in a system which is corrupted.

Many people list traits of Starseeds, but there are so many different
types of beings coming in at this time and their traits are often the
same or very similar, so you must go with what you resonate with. What
do you feel that you are?

You may also be a mixture of more than one thing. You may be a
Starseed, but perhaps you are faery from a dimension on another planet
and resonate with Starseed and Faerykin, or perhaps you are an angel
who has incarnated into many extraterrestrial bodies and resonate with
the angelic and extraterrestrial frequencies. There are also animals
with human intelligence operating on other planets, and entering Earth
in human bodies. You must go with whatever you resonate with. It is
resonation that determines whether or not a person is a Starseed.



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What is happening to our animals, specifically, our ‘pets’ who are
living a less than natural domesticated life? I imagine that the wild
animals are evolving just right, but is there anything we should do to
help our beloved companion animals? Do they also have ascension
symptoms? Diane

Thank you Diane for your question! Animals are wonderful people and
they have ascension symptoms like everyone else. Increased empathy,
increased empathic abilities. These empathic abilities cause increased
stress levels and sometimes cause them to become physically ill.
Often, pets who become sick, are sick because they are taking an
illness from their owner, or taking emotional stress away from their
owner and it develops into a physical ailment. When a pet is becoming
sick, the owners must look within themselves and ask what they have
been dwelling on. If they will clear out their own blocks, the animal
will become well again. Pets are always trying to help their owners.

Animals give so much to the Earth. People believe they are only
taking, but they are constantly adding their energy, vitality and
openness to the Earth, uplifting her. As animals ascend, the Earth
ascends, just as it is with human beings. Everything upon the Earth
affects her.

Each animal is different and so every pet will have it’s own process
of ascending, but the most common traits of ascension in pets are
again, their increased levels of empathy as well as their heightened
awareness to the physical, mental and emotional well being of the
people they are living with, or interacting with.

The animals that are not domesticated are having trouble ascending
actually. This is because of the blockages within the energy of the
Earth, because of the toxins affecting her; toxins being dumped into
the oceans, polluting the air, the water, and therefore polluting
whatever grows on the land, and therefore affecting all animal life,
because the animals eat the plants, the fruit, or other animals which
are eating what comes from the Earth. As the ground becomes polluted,
so do the animals.

Conservation is an important part of helping the Earth to ascend.
Decreasing plastic waste, and the use of any materials that will not
decompose, discontinuing the use of microwaves because of the
frequencies they are sending out, decreasing the use of all electrical
devices, and discontinuing the use of televisions. If you do not need
to use the light in the living room because you are sitting in your
bedroom, walk into the living room and turn the light off. It is
simple things such as this that help the energy of the planet you are
occupying. It is simple things such as this that increase the flow of
positive energy upon the Earth, and help yourself, the people around
you including the animals, plants and other life forms around you, to
evolve and to ascend.

Whatever is pure, pure water, pure food, whatever cleanses the Earth,
whatever cleanses your own body, this helps the ascension of the
planet Earth.

It is very important the kind of food you are feeding to your pets.
Toxins decrease levels of awareness and it is VERY important to only
consume the most pure foods, and this is also true of all animals and
plants. What you feed your pet can help them to ascend considerably.

When you are feeding organic food to your pet you are decreasing the
amount of poisons entering their body. And not only their physical
body, because although food appears physical, it is just energy, and
the energy of the food passes into every other body. The emotional,
mental and energetic bodies become affected by what passes through the
physical body.

This is also important and I cannot say it emphatically enough, NEVER
speak negatively about your pet! Especially if you are in front of the
animal. It understands more than you realize, and it will agree with
you, with every word you speak to it, because it is provided for by
you and you are it’s owner. You know what is best for it, and it looks
up to you. It will listen to what you are saying concerning it’s own
health and intelligence.

Tell your pet it is ascending. Tell your pet it is continuously
becoming more aware. Tell your pet it is becoming more telepathic.
Tell your pet that it easily communicates with you. Tell your pet it
is strong and flexible. Tell your pet it is healthy. Tell your pet it
is getting younger. Tell your pet that it’s brain capacity is
increasing. Tell your pet every disease is leaving it. Tell your pet
that it is immune to illness. Tell your pet that it is eternally
healthy. Tell your pet that it is calm and content.

Animals hear what their owners are saying over them. So speak good
things over your pets.

I am Fongeetale.


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Word of the Day - Faleekastrina

As your mind expands, the mind of the Collective Consciousness also
expands, and you begin to awaken the Collective Mind of all Earth's
inhabitants, and someone, somewhere is going to pick up on your
thoughts of awakening. Someone, somewhere will become an awakened
human being or an activated Starseed because of the fact that your own
mind started the process of coming to full enlightenment.



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word of the day - a message from Faleekastrina

I am continually learning. I will never stop learning. Every higher dimensional being that you are in communication with is a person, whether they are a deity or an angel or a demon. We are all people. We operate in a different dimension than you. I will never stop learning to increase my own vibration and become more and more the God Source inside of me. And this is my primary aim in life -- my continuous ascension.



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I am Faleekastrina, Head of The Council For The Assistance To Earth, and I am an eleventh dimensional being.

The only reason I am on the eleventh dimension is because I have mastered the frequency of my vibration, because I have learned to focus my mind into a single way of thinking and operating, and I am completely in control of my own mind at all times.

In other words, I am always aware of my mind and I am always aware of my vibrational frequency. It is a habit I have put myself in. Like when you are a child and you are not allowed to have bad manners. For instance, perhaps you are putting your elbows on the table all the time at dinner. You are not thinking about where your elbows are. They are just automatically placed there by you. You have a mother who wants you to have good manners, and so she is constantly, whenever you put your elbows on the table, telling you, "No elbows on the table."

Eventually your mind automatically sends to your consciousness the same vibration that your mother keeps sending to you, as soon as your elbows are on the table, and you do not need to be told to take them off the table anymore. And so you no longer have this habit, because you have replaced the vibration of the habit "putting my elbows on the table," with the vibration of the sentence, "No elbows on the table."

This is how I ascended. I became a person who wanted to think differently than I did. Then I began to catch myself. I put the intent in my brain that I was going to notice all of my unintentional, negative thoughts. I continued to give my brain that intent, and I began noticing everything that I thought about.

I realized what my thoughts were. I knew what I generally thought about. I learned about myself. I became aware of what I spent most of my time thinking on. I let myself think whatever my mind generally thought. I did not judge it. I simply noticed it. Then I looked around me and understood my life.

I picked a single area that I was going to change. I told my brain what it was allowed to think when it came to that one area. I sent a vibration to my brain, because I gave it this intent. I didn't always catch myself in this area at first, but every time I did, I first reminded my brain that it was only allowed to think a certain way when it came to that area of my life, and then I began to think those thoughts that I wanted to train my mind to think.

It isn't so hard when you break it down. It becomes a difficult challenge when you try mastering every single thought you have at once.

Pick one area and tell yourself exactly what you are allowed to think in that area. Begin to train yourself. "In this one area, brain, you are only allowed to think this certain way, and no other thoughts are allowed."

Your brain is a tool and should never control you. When it is in control, you cannot ascend to a higher vibration, because your vibration is never on the same frequency and is switching all around the board. You cannot ascend to a higher vibration when you are constantly ascending and descending. As you learn to keep yourself in a single vibration at all times, you ascend higher in frequency and you raise your vibration into a higher dimension.

Dimensions are all around you. If you are thinking lower vibrational thoughts and they are causing you to send out a negative feeling, you are putting yourself into a low vibration. You are bringing yourself into a descended vibration, and you will attract whatever exists within that Earth dimension.

When you raise your vibration, you ascend automatically into a higher dimension and attract the things that are within that Earth dimension.

The Earth is here to show you the dimensions of your own self. When people become more aware and begin to see entities with them who are protecting or guiding them, it is because they have raised themselves. They have put their eyes in a dimension that is open to seeing them. They have brought themselves into a dimension so near to the light beings working with them, they can actually operate together.

There are extraterrestrials all around you. There are even extraterrestrial cities operating in other dimensions of Earth. As this dimension of Earth raises its frequency, it will automatically become aware of all other life forms around it and it will make contact with them.


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Bless what you see around you. Look at what is good around you, and do not focus on what you don't like about it. People know when you are judging them on a subconscious level. They are hearing you judging them, and it is the same when you are sending thoughts of support toward them, sending feelings of upliftment toward them. Let the people around you know, whoever they are, that you agree with them. The way they are is good.


-- Faleekastrina

Channelled by Allinduath Aldebaran

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You are powerful. Understand that everything you are thinking and feeling is going out and affecting everything around you. Understand that this is not just something you have read. This is a fact. So choose your thoughts and your emotions deliberately.


-- Faleekastrina

Channeled by Allinduath Aldebaran

View all blog posts at: http://crystalchildmessages.typepad.com/

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