Karma's Helper's Posts (1073)

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...Bombs and guns are not needed, just the courage to stand for truth, to refuse to comply with all that is corrupt...Behave with dignity and honesty and you will succeed beyond your wildest expectations...The propaganda that abounds at this time is laughable...Though some appear to be above board, unfortunately...Money and fame are used to entice them...When the jurisdiction of the Vatican is removed forever, then and only then, will you have a just world for all...There are, at this time, people strategically placed around your world, who are ready and willing to come to the aid of those who need...This is your time to take control of your planet, are you up to it?



It has been a difficult yet interesting week for you, my dear. We shared your excitement as you read through the DECLARATION officially made by the SOVEREIGN PEOPLE OF THE ANCIENT LAND OF EIRE, who no longer give their consent to LEX ROMANA, the Tyrannical System imposed by Rome. The tears you shed as you read of this brave stand by the people of Ireland were tears for all those who suffered throughout the rule of Rome and not just in Ireland. The world suffered, mankind suffered, because of what was put in place nearly 2000 years ago. My dear, we inspired many to research what was hidden. Now, at last, people are beginning to see the big picture, and they refuse to be part of it. Bombs and guns are not needed, just the courage to stand for truth, to refuse to comply with all that is corrupt. When guided by the heart you cannot go wrong. The congratulations of all in spirit go to those who made this Declaration possible. Now let us see how many other countries will take courage and emulate what the Irish people have done.

The organic, natural essence of a human being is not hate, it is LOVE, and it is the eternal life force. If a human being consumes himself with hate, he will destroy his eternal nature. This choice is of critical importance during these evolutionary times as the illusions and deceptions are being exposed. Hate eventually destroys those who hate; it is destructive, it should have no place in your lives. I have reminded you, many times, that love is your weapon of choice. When you can look on your oppressors with love and pity, they will lose all power over you. It will make them and their evil plans feel exposed, naked, and at your mercy. Behave with dignity and honesty and you will succeed beyond your wildest expectations. This is your time to take control of your planet, are you up to it?


There are, at this time, people strategically placed around your world, who are ready and willing to come to the aid of those who need their help and guidance. Their work is to ignite and spread the light of truth. Go to your sacred places, reclaim them, they belong to you. Use the wonderful energy available at them. The energy you will release will bring the light to those places that have yet to wake-up. Check the ley lines. They will guide you to the most sacred places. Look where they cross and experience the wonderful energy for yourselves. Still, so many of you do not understand how your world works. This information was kept from you. Now, I encourage you to find out for yourselves. Enjoy the freedom it brings to you. You will begin to see life in a whole new light.

The propaganda that abounds at this time is laughable. They just cannot accept that you are awake and can see clearly what they are up to. Some people are being used to create a completely false picture of events. Though some appear to be above board, unfortunately, many have become tainted by the lure of the corrupt. Money and fame are used to entice them. They will find that this is short lived and they will regret becoming involved. You all need to be strong and determined to create a future where love and light will remove all that was dark and corrupt. When the jurisdiction of the Vatican is removed forever, then and only then, will you have a just world for all.


You were told, my dear, that when humanity cries out for help, then your friends from other planets will come to your rescue. You see them in your skies. They are ready to land and assist you. They will help you to create free energy for all. Food and shelter will become freely available as never before. Because you have never experienced it, you think it is not possible. Yours is the only planet with such problems, because you are living on a slave planet. You were made to believe that you were the only beings in the universe. What nonsense! You are embarking on the greatest adventure. We are all behind you, encouraging you to take whatever steps are necessary to achieve your goal.

The Dark Cabal has stepped up the attacks on those who try to expose it. This proves just how frightened they are of you. If you were not succeeding they would not be frightened of you. You would not be a threat to them. You are living in the worst war zone since time began. Your enemies hide behind every facade of democracy. Now, you can see them. You know who they are. They are desperate to escape your planet.


Veronica, my dear, everything will happen in divine time. The right people will be at your side. All obstacles will be removed and you will go ahead as planned before your returned to Earth. Sometimes it takes a little time for people to come to terms with what they agreed to do, before their return to Earth. Those who have a role to play must complete it before they are allowed to return to spirit. There is no choice, as you, yourself have found, my dear. Such agreements cannot be broken, no matter how many obstacles are placed in the way. The Dark Ones have done everything possible to isolate you but we continue to bring people to you. The more good people come together, the more light is created. It will extinguish the dark. When the 99% come together in love and harmony, they cannot be defeated, and the Dark Ones know this only too well. This is what they fear. Yes, this is what I am saying. They fear YOU, the awakened you. The ball is in your court, your decision matters.


It is time for people to learn about the God of love and remove all memory of the God of vengeance that was forced on you to keep you under control. Those of you who are still locked into the fear of the God of vengeance need to research for yourselves the truth. You were made to fear death, when so many of us return to assure you that death is a beautiful experience. It is a real homecoming. If you have harmed another during your life, then you alone approach that person and ask forgiveness. It is as simple as that. You are reunited with those you have loved. I chose to continue my work with Veronica. It is what we agreed when I was at her side on Earth. We have worked together in many lifetimes and we were together before Earth was created. Our love has survived many lifetimes on Earth and will continue when we are together in Spirit. Our work will go on. In the meantime, I assist her to accomplish what she returned to Earth to do.

Be kind to yourself, my love. Take time to rest. Everything will soon fall into place once more, as everyone takes their place in the team again. All is in hand.


Trust me, my dear.


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 As your surroundings are based on the choices you make, not the other way around...If you cannot spot the lies, the choices you make could be at times not the right choice for you.



The Sphinx speaks if you cannot spot the lies in your physical reality, how can you spot the lies in your spiritual reality?

Amazing isn’t it, just to think about this as many of you cannot spot the lie within your physical reality lots of times. If you cannot see through the physical reality clearly, how do you expect to see the spiritual reality clearly?


The lies presented to you by governments, but not just governments, it is even closer to home as you on a daily basis interact with others.


Your beliefs, your thought systems, that prevent you at times to see through the lies, presented to you in such a way that it all seems to make sense, but later you find out it is not the truth, sometimes a lot later than useful for your current situation.




There is some talk about releasing old beliefs, old thought systems, but most are holding on to their old beliefs and thought systems even though outwardly they say something different.


A lot of times, many are lying to themselves, as they refuse to really release all that they belief, as it is not about just releasing old belief systems, but also about releasing current belief systems,  Allowing you to receive the full truth that otherwise would not come into your periphery as you have closed yourself of from more truth. You limit yourself all the time by holding on to any belief.


And this relates to both the physical and spiritual world.


Let’s have a look at the physical world, your leaders, and the ones you chose to work for you. Are they really working for you, or for themselves, and the question is why did you choose them? Are they doing what you thought they would do, or not really?




Are you lying to yourself, fooling yourself, by having your belief system projected upon them, thinking that they do have the same belief system as you have?


The question is, do these elected ones tell you the truth, do they tell you what you want to hear and when they act do you check up on the truth of what they said and their actions?


Do you really question everything, or are you fooled by outward appearances and what they tell you?


This applies of course to the spiritual realms as well, do you really question the ones that step forward to give you messages, or do you accept their messages just because they confirm your belief and thoughts about your reality?


In this way not even questioning the being that steps forward to give you the message. In a way you are using a bit more discernment in the spiritual than in the physical but it is only by a small margin, as you are happy with the words they speak and the good feeling you have inside as your beliefs are being confirmed by others.


That is the most important part of why humans accept the lies, it doesn’t matter most of the time as long as they feel good inside about themselves.


This is where the biggest problem is for most humans, the feeling good about your self, and feeling good inside yourself, but is it based on truth or lies?




And many don’t care as the feeling good is the most important, more important than truth or lies for many.


The feeling good overrides the questioning mind of the human many more times than you actually realize.


Your elected officials use this to control you as well, they tell you what you want to hear, and they give you this good feeling about yourself.  And in this way you elect them, but when elected they become a different person, but most will not see any of this, they still see the outward expression and what they are being told. As what they say sounds so good to you, you don’t question. You don’t look for more truth, more truth about their real actions behind the closed doors of your own beliefs.


This is related to many all over the world and not specific to any country, as many let their feeling good about themselves lead them into situations that in the end maybe are not that good, but it is too late to change it.


Societies are based on humans working together to make a way of life that is balanced and full of abundance for all.




The way society is at this moment is out of balance, but you cannot blame it on the ones that do have abundance as you all carry responsibility for your own actions. Your own choices.


There are the ones that work really hard to have this abundance, yes some will walk over you as they do this, but not all, and the ones that do are less than the ones that don’t.


Many of you see it differently though and think that if someone has the abundance you think you are looking for, they owe you something.


What if you look at this from a spiritual perspective?


Someone you see as more advanced spiritually, you could say someone who has more abundance spiritually. Do you think they owe you something?


They worked hard to get to the point where they are now, they worked hard to be spiritually open, understanding, and knowing. What is it they owe you?




Or do you think the ones that are in a way more spiritually abundant, had special privileges?  The excuse could be, they had more money to take classes, they had more access to teachings, they had more time to study and learn.


This might be true for some of them, but most of them are just like you, working hard to survive, working hard physically and spiritually. They took every opportunity that came their way. Yes it might have been their last penny they spent on the class they thought they needed, yes it might have been they were exhausted from working all day, but no matter what it would take they would study, learn and sleep less. There are many humans that would give up almost everything or everything to realize their spiritual dream of awakening.


The same in your physical reality, many work hard to get to the point of their idea of abundance for them. They do not owe you anything. In some way you were actually working against them as some have the belief system that equality is based upon sharing the wealth.




Equality is based upon each person doing their part, it is not about sharing or taking from others, it is about you doing your part of the whole to the best of your ability, to create the abundance physically and spiritually.


Yes there might be road blocks along your path; you put them there, either by choosing them before coming to earth, or by choosing certain circumstances in your surroundings.


This is why it is so important to see the truth behind the lies.


As your surroundings are based on the choices you make, not the other way around.


If you cannot spot the lies, the choices you make could be at times not the right choice for you.



From one source to another



Petra Margolis February 28, 2013





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You are called Star Seed for a reason, for as you return to Self-Mastery, you will initiate the process of integrating highly-developed crystalline, Life-Code Seed Atoms; a new, advanced evolutionary process to be used in the next forthcoming Golden Age.



Beloved masters, what we term as Sacred Breath consists of the normal third- / fourth-dimensional air containing oxygen as well as Prana, which is third- / fourth-dimensional air/ether that also contains the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light. The magnitude and power of these Divine Particles increase with each higher level of consciousness you attain. The empowering Breath of Infinity opens the pathways that lead to the multidimensional levels of Creator consciousness. Your inner perspective will automatically broaden as you gradually change your way/mode of thinking and perceiving.


The Inbreath loop of the Infinity Breath passes through the Medulla Oblongata and out the back of the head as it sweeps upward into your Soul Star. The Adamantine Particles of Creator Light that you have inhaled through the back portal of your Sacred Heart are programmed to integrate a specific number of Life-Code Seed Atoms from your OverSoul-Higher Self as the Sacred Breath passes through your Soul Star. The Outbreath or exhale passes through the Root Chakra and enters the Kundalini Seed Atom contained therein. Monitored by your OverSoul-Higher Self, measured portions of the Adamantine Particles stored within the Root Chakra are added to the Sacred Breath.


The Adamantine Particles of Light which are stored in the Root Chakra are unique, for they have already been programmed with some of your special talents, attributes and qualities from past life experiences. The Sacred Breath then moves back up in front of the physical vessel and automatically enters the body where your crystalline Still Point Seed Atom is located. This Seed Atom was designed to magnetize, integrate and hold these higher frequency Particles of Light. It could be called a holding center, for it is directly connected to your Sacred Heart. The Adamantine Particles of Light are then drawn into your Sacred Heart to be activated through your seed thoughts and intention. These programmed Adamantine Particles are then ready to be breathed out into your Twelve Ray Creator Wheel, as well as out into the world-at-large. A dedicated portion will also stream into the World Pyramid and other pyramids of Light of your choice.


The Pineal Gland could be called a Light filter for the brain. The chakra system is designed to magnetize and filter into the body the appropriate vibrational frequencies–RAY-diated by the Archangels bearing the attributes, qualities and virtues of each particular Ray. There is a complex formula composed of a broad variety of frequency patterns that constantly penetrate the human auric field, which are then conveyed to the glands within the physical body. Your level of comprehension and awareness will increase with each download of higher frequency energy.


Once you have gained access to your Sacred Heart and have activated your Solar Power Center, the Zero Point or the Still Point Seed Atom within your Solar Power Center begins to store your reserve of cosmic energy. As you become a Self-Master and a conscious cocreator, you will have access to an infinite amount of Adamantine Particles to use in your creative endeavors and to share with others. The SACRED WHITE COSMIC FIRE, Adamantine Particles, that you magnetize to you as an awakened, Self-master, must continually circulate. Only a certain amount, that which is appropriate for each Soul to integrate at their current level of en-Lighten-ment, can be stored within the physical vessel.


The balance must be RAY-diated out into the world-of-form. Mature spirituality is not an unconscious experience. You must endeavor to develop a self-sustaining divinity whereby you are constantly breathing the rich Pranic Breath of Life / Adamantine Particles of Creator Essence. By doing so, you will begin to receive spiritual sustenance from the River of Life via the Eighth Chakra, your Soul Star, and through the back portal of your Sacred Heart. Each Self-aware person functions as a living star capable of receiving and conveying harmonic frequency vibrations according to his/her level of consciousness. As you are now aware, these frequencies are called your Soul Song. You are a point of light, a vibrant Spark of the Divine. This Sub-universe is composed of one gigantic Celestial Soul Song.


As you develop the ability to breathe in the Sacred Breath deeply and effortlessly, your awareness will gradually descend into your Sacred Heart Center, and then even deeper into the Vesica Piscis Mandala which contains the White Fire, Sacred Seed Atom–your own personal Divine Facet of our Father/Mother God. This is when you may draw forth all the Sacred Love you can contain. This is where you realize that you are the dreamer as well as the dream. It is in this Sacred Space that you will begin your journey back into the wholeness (holiness) as you strive to recreate yourself into a SUN CHILD of our Father/Mother God. This has been preordained; it is your Divine Heritage.


Please remember that only a minuscule Facet of your complete “Being” is incarnated in the density of the third/fourth dimensions. The fourth dimension is the astral plane, a bridge to the fifth dimension. The three lower sub-levels are filled with a great array of emotional-energy debris and a broad spectrum of discordant frequency, mental thought forms. The fourth dimension is the storehouse for the mass consciousness beliefs of humanity from all past ages on Earth. The fourth dimension also contains the mental body auric field of the Earth.




You are called Star Seed for a reason, for as you return to Self-Mastery, you will initiate the process of integrating highly-developed crystalline, Life-Code Seed Atoms; a new, advanced evolutionary process to be used in the next forthcoming Golden Age. Humanity is ready to take a giant leap in consciousness. At some point in every person’s Soul journey throughout time and space, there is a yearning to return to the higher realms–a Divine discontent sets in that cannot be denied. First you must become aware of the voice of your conscience. The whispers of your Soul will grow louder and more distinctive as you begin to pay attention to the call of Spirit. A sensitivity grows within your feeling nature as you become attuned to higher vibrational patterns of people, places, thoughts and actions. Eventually you will learn to distinguish the Soul Song vibrations of your Soul family, and of the different masters and angelic Beings.

Yes, humanity is in the midst of dramatic changes, an evolutionary process of profound proportions. However, remember, it is just a part of the never-ending spiral. All of you who are awakening to your God consciousness have experienced a great variety of momentous transitional processes throughout this universe. Please take heed: no longer will you be allowed to stagnate or even stay at a certain level very long—time and the process of transformation are moving too rapidly. Your language is changing; your thought forms are different. The old areas of your brain which contain your past are gradually being refined or dissolved, so it is beginning to seem as though everything that happened before, even last year, is a vague dream. New areas of your brain are being activated and you must learn to think in a whole new way. Light packets of information, holographic pictures of great significance and sacred geometric patterns will begin to come into your consciousness, and you must learn how to decipher these.

It may seem as if those whom you are moving beyond no longer understand you, or you cannot find words to carry on the old mundane patterns of conversation. You will also find that you do not need to verbalize every thought as you begin to telepathically pick up the energies and thoughts of those around you. Your intuitive abilities will increase, and you will not be easily deceived. You will speak your truth with spiritual integrity, and you will not be willing to engage in the negative games of the past.




We implore you: do not become attached to any way of being, any one modality, any philosophy that is too narrow or structured, or buy into any agreement that gives power to someone outside yourself. Discernment, discernment, discernment—we cannot emphasize this enough, for as quickly as an apparent truth comes forth and you incorporate it into your belief system, it may be superseded by a higher truth or a new concept. In looking back, can you not see that much of the knowledge you now accept as your absolute truth was beyond your wildest imagining ten years ago, or even six months ago? Be aware that many of the things you are so certain about today will undoubtedly change tomorrow or in the near future.


Mentally, new ideas and concepts are bombarding your consciousness. Nebulous at first, but gradually solidifying as you use your enhanced reasoning abilities to unfold and decode the formulas and inventions of the future. As you tap into the higher planes of the fifth dimension, you will begin to remember facets of the blueprint of Creation for this Sub-universe: how to hold a pure thought until it is brought to fruition and how you assisted in the creation of a great variety of wondrous things. Many of you will begin to see geometric shapes, sparkling crystals, and brilliant new colors as you move through and beyond time and space into realms of Light.


We have said that many special dispensations are being given to those who bravely step to the fore and claim their heritage. As the masses awaken and cry out for assistance, solutions, information and encouragement, you will be needed more than ever, my brave ones. We are waiting to empower you, to gift you with wisdom, abilities and knowledge beyond your wildest imaginings. You see, your brain has always functioned at 100% capacity, which may come as a surprise to you, for you have heard that the average person only uses approximately 10% of their brain power. Before the mid-1900's, the masses have only had access to that limited portion of the brain which resonated to the frequencies of the third and lower-fourth dimensions.


It is the mind that is/was restricted, not the brain. As you balance and integrate the higher frequencies, you gain access to more and more of your brain power that resonates to the higher-fourth and fifth dimensions. Some advanced Souls are even tapping into the lower levels of the sixth dimension. It is not possible to access those advanced portions of your brain until you attune to those refined frequencies. The major goal at the present time is to raise your vibrational frequencies to the level necessary to clear the membranes of Light which guard the portals to your Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart and the fifth-dimensional levels of the brain structure. That is when you will truly begin to make progress in your spiritual quest.


Be aware that there is an ebb and flow to the process of ascension. There are great pulsations of new higher Cosmic Ray vibrational patterns bombarding the Earth, with quiet times in-between so as not to create an overload situation. Ascension is not a steady, forward-motion process. It is an insurgence of energy and new information, and then a time of assimilation, integration and manifestation. Many of the sensations seem more pronounced to you at this time. You may feel as though you have taken a great leap into the unknown at times or taken a step backward into uncertainty. At other times you may feel an intensified sense of vulnerability. By now, you should be somewhat accustomed to the ebb and flow of magnified, accelerated frequencies; however, when you are pushed to the next level of awareness, it often sets off an alarm of varying degrees in your physical/mental/emotional bodies.




It is decision time, for this is a time of a harvesting of Souls. Everyone must decide whether they wish to move forward with the Earth as she spirals into the higher dimensional frequencies; whether they will choose to leave and return at a later time or move on to another planet of third-dimensional reality to finish their lessons in the physical expression. Many Souls will choose to leave the Earth plane as a part of their contract and Divine mission, and many other beautiful Souls are being placed or readied to assume positions of authority, positions of power. They will remain low key, possibly in the background, until it is time to step forward and make themselves known. They will be dynamic, forceful and carry a new vision for humanity—one that will serve all people and create the foundation for the New Age to come.


And so we say to you, ‘HOLD STEADY, BELOVEDS.’ This is the time to seek your truth, to once again take control and dominion over your world, to remember you are a representative of the Creator on an important mission called “the evolution of humanity and the planet Earth.” Accept your power as a master of cocreation. Accept and activate the gifts you were endowed with that lie dormant within.




This is a time of mass awakening as more and more dear Souls begin to feel the nudge of Spirit and begin to listen to the whisperings of his/her Soul Self. Therefore, in our missives of the future, we will include a few of the earlier concepts we have given over the past twenty years. This will be a good review for those of you who have been devoted students for many years. It will also encourage and inspire those who are just beginning to seek the Light of Truth, for the messages will include segments that they can clearly understand.

Do not despair, beloveds, if you have been led to our current teachings and they prove to be too difficult to understand. Our many messengers of Light have labored tirelessly to bring forth our wisdom teachings that address the basics tenets of spirituality through the many intermediate levels, and now to the current advanced cosmic teachings. If you will seek out these past messages, you will find your own level of understanding and you may comfortably proceed from that level forward. The evolutionary process for humanity is in full-swing and moving forward at an astounding pace. Open your minds and your hearts, beloveds, and embrace the infusion of Divine Love/Light that awaits you. Bask in the glory of reunion with us as we move forward together on this incredible journey into a new reality.


We are with you always.

You are loved most profoundly.

I AM Archangel Michael

Transmitted through Ronna Herman http://www.ronnastar.com/ * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael.




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This is what I humbly ask of all of you today. Look at everything that you have, up until now, just accepted as fact. Check for yourselves the so-called facts and you will find to your astonishment that you have been duped into believing whatever your controllers told you were facts. There are studies going on all over your world, checking "facts" and they are finding the correct answers. DNA is proving beyond doubt that claims that were made that a certain "race" originated in the East, are totally untrue. The facts refute such a claim.

Search for truth ! See it as a great adventure that will release you from slavery. It will also help create a better world for humanity. Look at your world today. Know that everything you see must change, nothing can stay the same. This is a great opportunity to create a just and honest society, with everything based on fact, not fiction. You will reconnect with your spiritual side and learn who you truly are, in the process. Then, our two worlds can connect once more. There is so much that awaits you. How long it will take is entirely up to you. Are you prepared to do the research necessary to bring this about?

Withdraw from those who have destroyed your world and brought humanity to its knees. They deliberately raise the cost of living to keep you in fear, and thereby, under their control.

Ireland has taken a step forward and is asking for your support to help create a better world for all. Together, you can achieve great things. All you need is the will and the belief that you can, and will, succeed. The timing is right.


You are spirit in a human body. This fact is conveniently ignored by those who control you. Take time to dwell on this fact, learn who you really are, and what you are capable of. Take back your power. You are part of the whole, All That Is, and ever could be. You have been in a state of mass hypnosis for 2000 years; it is time to awaken from it. When you look on your fellow man with love in your heart, you will know that you are awake. Then, you cannot be part of any war machine and the propaganda that is all part of the game that you see being played out in your world. This game serves to keep you in fear and poverty.

I ask that in solitude you get to know yourselves. It may take a little time to really open up to yourselves. You have had many lives. When you can bring forward all that you have learned in each life, you will be in a position to create the perfect world.

Sadly, many people continue to make the same mistakes, over and over again, because they do not take the time to reflect. Refuse to take on board the limitations imposed on you.


It takes courage to expose truth. Are you up to it? You do have a choice. The Dark Ones cannot fight everyone. If all of you came together and stood for truth, then the truth would surely triumph. It is not an easy path, as my dear wife knows only too well. You have to cope with all the blockages that are imposed, but you learn to pick yourself up, again and again, to continue to go forward. The Dark Ones seek out any weakness. They use everything at their disposal to destroy truth. They use implants and sound technology, scalar energy, the djinn, and so much more, to protect themselves from being exposed.

You must keep yourselves grounded and protected and know what you are up against and deal with it. Veronica is coping at the moment, with what was done (and is still being done), to someone who is important to our mission. What has been done to him may cause alarm to many of you. He is in confusion, he needs help. It is as though he is disconnected. Please send love to lift him out of the darkness. He has an important role to play in the return of the light to your world. This is the reason he returned to Earth. With your help, he will become strong and committed, once again. Because he is young, he thought he was invincible.

Come together and support each other, for you are all in this together. This really is an 'us and them' situation: the light and the dark.

Connect with your guides: your guardian angels who are specially there for you. Ask for help, get to know them as friends.


When I passed to spirit, I asked Veronica's guardian angel, Albert, for permission to work with Veronica, as there is a protocol to follow in the spirit world, just as there is on Earth. Albert showed himself to Veronica, long before I came into her life. Then, many years later, he came through in séance, when we were both present. You are living in difficult but exciting times, and you need guidance.

There will be another abdication soon. They need to leave the sinking ship. Their control system is falling apart. I always told you that the Vatican is at the top of the pyramid, and that when it falls, all will fall within it. Many were skeptical when I wrote that the Vatican would fall. It took a little time, but now you can see it falling apart before your eyes. It is responsible for so much destruction and suffering, while all the time preaching love and forgiveness.


Did the Vatican ever preach truth? Was there anything honest in what they have forced on mankind? It is time for the Light of Truth to shine brightly on the Vatican.

J Edgar Hoover, said . . .






This is exactly what you are having to face. The Cabal was so sure that you would never wake up and see clearly this conspiracy. They attack all those who try to open your eyes to it. David Icke has devoted his life to this cause and there are so many others, all over your world, who urge you to seek the truth.

The truth will set you free. Remember that the truth is there, before you, HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT. Think of this as you journey to enlightenment and freedom. Send love and light to each other. Come together as never before and nothing can stop you.



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...Decide that being who you really are, without the linear costume, is the only way to achieve serenity within...Masquerading as someone you are not will only create frustration...Turn down the volume of the chaos...Be the one who responds immediately to the whispers of their soul...see past the dramas to the core of who you are...(just) Be...( try to remember ( imagine ) the thoughts ( feeling's ) that raced through your mind when you were a baby, before you learned any language, when there was no language......KH )






Each day determine your path to your own evolvement.

Walk truthfully towards it whenever possible. Even when it appears impossible, stay the course.

Masquerading as someone you are not will only create frustration.


Decide that being who you really are, without the linear costume, is the only way to achieve serenity within.

All those who participate in the linear experience will have moments where it all feels overwhelming. Reach deep inside to realize your truth and intimate potential.



Be the one who responds immediately to the whispers of their soul. Turn down the volume of the chaos so that you may hear it.

Remind yourself often of why you are here.

Strip away the drama while embracing your soul’s intention.

By allowing yourself to become confused in the masquerade, there can be loss of internal focus.

To do this it is important to see past the dramas to the core of who you are.

At the end of the life, when the lights grow dim and the desire to move out of the linear grows strong….. remember.


REMEMBER THE ENERGY OF EVENTS. The sun on your face, the squeeze of a hand, the sparkle in the eye of one you randomly helped.

These are the strong moments of who your soul is.

It will not be the items that are left behind, and not the stairway of prominence you were dedicated to climb.

It will be the vibration of your heart, as it remembers the love.


Be the love.

Be who you are.




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Decide today that no matter what occurs, you will accept the probability of a positive outcome...You are a beautiful soul that has incarnated for growth. Accept that it is likely you will succeed. ( You, the Lightworker, are Chess pieces playing amongst "checker's".....the "board" is the same, however, the rules are slightly "enhanced " - KH )....



"Often physical reality becomes cloudy with dramas.

Seeing clearly is a way to help resolve the disconnect you might be experiencing.

Remove obstacles that may be clouding your vision on the truth. Even if the truth is difficult to accept, you will at least have firm ground to stand on.

The challenge then is to have acceptance and application of that truth moving forward.

Knowing your own personal truth means acceptance of yourself. It is important to know who you are, while making the confidence of that truth in your daily routine.


Acceptance of your ability to create, even in a field of obstacles: Trusting that you will take the right steps towards your growth.

Decide today that no matter what occurs, you will accept the probability of a positive outcome. The more energy put in that direction, the more it can decrease the negative probabilities energetically.

You are a beautiful soul that has incarnated for growth. Accept that it is likely you will succeed.


Keep this tucked within your consciousness."

A New Message From VERONICA www.innerwhispers.org


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Enter_Galactic_by_mrillogical.jpg?width=150...many of you are now moving rapidly in vibration and this is causing many of you to become frustrated as your head tries to negate that which the heart accepts...The ability to go beyond human words now opens up for a huge percentage of the human race for ALL elevate in vibration at this time...It is this shifting and evolving that is now being anchored at a human conscious level and this is what your human logical brain is now attempting to accept...you have incarnated onto this planet for a reason, allow this reason to be shown to YOU from WITHIN SELF...The NEW EARTH is now born...We are your brothers and sisters....and we now call out to those who can remember in TRUTH.



Greetings dear ones we are the High Council of Orion and we come to guide and support as many of you are now moving rapidly in vibration and this is causing many of you to become frustrated as your head tries to negate that which the heart accepts. We guide this is a "normal" part of the harmonisation and ascension process for the head was always to play catch up as it were to that which sits at the seat of YOUr SOUL.

We are here with you as you read our words and many of you are now able to FEEL our energies around YOU as you read and digest these very human words. The ability to go beyond human words now opens up for a huge percentage of the human race for ALL elevate in vibration at this time, the new energies working to release the denser patterns that exist within YOUr human vehicle, this allows the new LIGHT codings to be anchored more freely by those who are now fully within the harmonisation process.

Dear ones we are here to guide further on the resetting of the human vehicle for many of you are now able to anchor TRUTH in relation to the physical make up of the vehicle into which you have incarnated. We send you much love and many blessings for anchoring this information and we guide that this will begin to occur for every human who goes through the harmonisation process, it is needed in order to regain balance for you are not "just" energy any more than you are "just" your human vehicle. Harmonisation is thus the balancing of both parts of SELF in order to anchor further TRUTH.


As the human vehicle begins to anchor more LIGHT and the codings begin to take effect then the actual experience of planet earth will naturally shift and evolve. It is this shifting and evolving that is now being anchored at a human conscious level and this is what your human logical brain is now attempting to accept. Often it will dismiss out of hand the energetic changes and this has shown itself as many different symptoms as the human vehicle attempted to regain balance with the logical brain trying to interpret this logically. As you move through the harmonisation process it becomes easier and easier for the human vehicle to anchor the LIGHT codings and the symptoms that you may have experienced at the start of this process may now fall away completely.

We guide now in relation to further information that will now be channelled across the planet and the need to allow this to sit within your energy signature in order to allow the human logical brain to digest all that is shared. The human logical brain function in the new earth energies is to allow the confirmation of all that is known at SOUL level. As you work through the harmonisation process and begin to work with the knowledge that is stored at the seat of your SOUL then you will progress to integrating this information more rapidly. To begin with you may find it challenging but allowing the human conscious part of SELF to interact with the information at its own pace will see this challenge diminish and then disappear.

We guide for YOU to understand dear ones this IS a process, a process that you undergo in order to come back into balance and clarity at a GALACTIC level for you may appear to be in human form, that is what is required of this planet of its inhabitants, that they incarnate into human vehicles, but at a SOUL level you are beyond human, this in itself is information that many may find challenging but we ask for you to allow this to sit within your energy signature and be shown as TRUTH.

TRUST in SELF dear ones for you have incarnated onto this planet for a reason, allow this reason to be shown to YOU from WITHIN SELF. The reason for your incarnation is contained with the heart space, you have incarnated onto a planet with teachings that have sought to negate the heart space and the journey back to SELF is the harmonisation and cleansing process that you now go through. This process will see TRUTH anchored within SELF to new levels and will change your human life experience beyond anything that your human logical brain could ever imagine hence the movement is done at a pace guided by your SOUL.


We are here to guide those who are able to remember in order that they remain in focus and clarity and to help those who are now on the verge of remembering who they are in TRUTH to remember. We will guide more in due course, we guide through our channel at this time for reference only for she will now move to other duties here on planet earth that may involve her channeling other energies that may challenge those who are not ready to accept TRUTH.

We ask that you understand her need to move into position for she is a channel but she is also here in here role of translator of ALL. This will be shown in TRUTH in due course. We ask that the role of channel be understood at a GALACTIC level for many look to channels and see different to SELF, every human vehicle has the ability to channel energy dear ones for that is how you communicate with your SOUL, the channels have become muddied by the teachings of distortion, the process that you now undertake as a race will see these channels cleared and cleansed and a new level of knowledge anchored upon planet earth. Those of you who can FEEL our words will understand our words from the heart space. LISTEN to the guidance of your SOUL dear ones for your SOUL is TRUTH as YOU ARE TRUTH.

We are the High Council of Orion and we walk with you as we have always walked with YOU. Now many within the human race will begin to remember at deepening levels, dear ones all that you have ever known sits at the seat of your SOUL. To remember you need only go within and allow the human logical mind to anchor that WHICH YOU ALREADY KNOW IN TRUTH.

We walk with you as you now move into and through the harmonisation process beginning to prepare the human vehicle for the full ascension process. This ascension process will unfold naturally as you move to anchor more LIGHT and process the coding that is sent within this LIGHT.



We are your brothers and sisters in TRUTH and we now call out to those who can remember in TRUTH.


The NEW EARTH is now born, it is now being anchored and will be populated in TRUTH. Let go of all that you have been taught is TRUTH in order to remember why you are here and why you have incarnated into this timeline and dimension. The human race now moves in its evolution and expands in its consciousness.



TRUST and FAITH in SELF dear ones will elevate your beyond where you have ever gone before in this YOUr human form.


Copyright Karen Doonan. All rights reserved. www.crystalline-sanctuary.com. Article may be reproduced in its entirety if it remains in its original form as is not altered in any way. Authors website and authors name must be clearly stated in any reproduction.



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...told you many years ago, that the Vatican had to fall. Now, you are seeing it happen. This is the beginning of what you have all been waiting for. It is at the top of the pyramid and it controls all that is corrupt in your world...it is just the first institution to fall, the whole house of cards that has controlled humanity and kept it in poverty, will fall. Those who demanded your respect and loyalty will soon be on the other side of the fence....The people are taking back their power. They are demanding their rights...You are powerful spirit beings who have been subjected to DNA interference and you have been bombarded by negative energy...Be strong and resist what is being inflicted on you... The battle has begun, my friends...We will succeed !



February 17th, 2013

My dear, I told you many years ago, that the Vatican had to fall. Now, you are seeing it happen. This is the beginning of what you have all been waiting for. It is at the top of the pyramid and it controls all that is corrupt in your world. The dam is bursting and the fall-out will be enormous. Though child abuse is a big part of it, it is the MONEY that will destroy it. The majority of you never suspected that the Vatican controlled the money and the wars. When you take into account the number of people who have lost their lives because of the actions of the Vatican, you will be shocked to the core. Its actions throughout history, not to mention its complicity in the falsification of history, will take years to unravel. The wealth that it has acquired over the centuries should be taken back and redistributed to the poor of the world. It would be hard to find a more corrupt institution. It will be exposed for what it actually is. Sadly, many of you are so brainwashed and scared of punishment that you still cling to what you believe the Vatican to be.

The Vatican has got to where it is today through instilling such terrible FEAR in people, about places of punishment that do not exist. Its corrupt practices, regarding money, have destroyed lives. Now is the time for mankind to sit in judgement on the Vatican. As you know, although it is just the first institution to fall, the whole house of cards that has controlled humanity and kept it in poverty, will fall. Those who demanded your respect and loyalty will soon be on the other side of the fence. They will then experience what you have endured for centuries. It will not be pleasant to witness, but it is what must happen for your planet to return to its rightful place in the universe.


So many of you are reluctant to leave the 3D way of living. You are still locked into the EGO and the making of money by hook or by crook. Those driven by greed, will fall by greed: because of this, such individuals are open to corruption. They so easily fall into the trap. Do they not understand that money will cease to exist? So, to sell one's soul for money is a very foolish exercise indeed.

You, my dear, were horrified when you saw this very scenario played out, this week, within your own team. One you had trusted, allowed himself to fall into this trap. He will not achieve anything by doing this, in fact, the opposite is likely to happen. See this as just a setback. Nothing on Earth will stop our mission. He may foolishly believe that he can do so, but he has not looked at what he is up against. We do not want ego and arrogance in our team. No one is greater than the whole; and even he is intelligent enough to work that out. The Dark Side will use everyone they can, to cause problems for those who are trying to bring light into a world that is so badly in need of it. Act always with a clear conscience and do so honourably. Uphold the truth in all your dealings with others. Raise your vibration to the highest level possible during this transition. Love and support all those around you, and together, you will create a world that is at peace with itself.

Welcome each change: though sometimes uncomfortable, know that it is all part of the great plan to take your planet from these corrupt institutions. The battle has begun, my friends. You know that you are on the winning side. Look to the future, when all has changed for the better. Then you can sit back and enjoy the rewards of your efforts. Truth, honesty and respect, will be the norm. Do not cling to the past as its rule is over. Take courage and move forward with confidence, with love as your guiding light. The old order is on the way out, never to rule again. Rejoice, peace beckons !

It is with admiration that we look at what is happening in Ireland. The people are taking back their power. They are demanding their rights. They are an example of what should be done and what can be done. They do it with dignity and grace. The Aryan Race is making a stand. They will succeed. They meet in each others' houses and they quietly plan their moves: therein lies their success. They know their rights and they are demanding them with dignity and confidence. This is as it should be.


Leave fear in the 3D world. It will not work anymore. You are wiser now, so you will not fall into that trap again. Stop supporting those who have brought humanity to its knees. It is time to stand tall. Know who you are and refuse to support the corrupt regimes anymore. They cannot lock everyone up. If you stand together, it is a win-win situation. The spirit world watches every step that is taken to move your world forward into the light. There are so many good people and they are coming together to discuss and support the way forward. The good ones among you, far outweigh the corrupt ones, so that when they find their voice, they will be heard. The meek shall inherit the Earth.

Take time to connect with your spiritual side. Do it quietly in your own homes. There is no need to leave your home to do this. It just needs quietness and a desire to connect. It may take a little patience but it will make a huge difference to your lives when you reconnect with spirit. This was discouraged by religions and so you have forgotten that you are actually a spirit in a human body. You are powerful spirit beings who have been subjected to DNA interference and you have been bombarded by negative energy. Even now, at the eleventh hour, the dark ones have plans to increase this negative energy.



Be strong and resist what is being inflicted on you.

Find your voice !

My dear, you are having a difficult day. It is always hard to deal with betrayal, especially from one who could have been a power for good in your world. However, it was his choice: he chose greed. It is people like him who keep your world in darkness. He was given an opportunity to make a difference but he failed miserably. Move on, my dear. Our work goes on.


We will succeed !


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LaoTzuLet-GoBecome-quote.jpg?width=450Are you not starting to believe that this transition is a hoax? For indeed, nothing happened to you...If so, it is so for a reason. You maintain the Old belief system that everything happens outside your being...Some of you feel that you do not know if you are a Lightworker...Your status is not created by someone telling you that you are a Lightworker. You proclaim yourself a Lightworker...No one is going to sprinkle you with star dust or wave a magic wand to show you that you are a Lightworker. You must acknowledge that for yourself....There are no assistants in this transition – only Lightworkers and non-Lightworkers. If you are reading this, you are a Lightworker....


Dear Ones,

Perhaps you are upset that not much has changed since December. That assessment is not accurate, but it is a reason for you not to note the differences you are expiercing. You have learned for eons that someone else is responsible for your life – your teacher, parents, political leaders – anyone but you.

More of you acknowledge that particular Achilles heal in your belief system, but many continue to believe that someone did something to you.

You are doing it to yourself. Even though you may comprehend that thought intellectually, you continue to harbor thoughts of personal injustice deep within you.


Those of you confused, angry or ignoring the shifts within you – despite many messages from the Universes – are those who cling to the belief that actions are generated from without. Perhaps this thought makes you angry. Yet, are you not blaming the Universes, channels and other Wayshowers for not providing you with appropriate information? Are you not starting to believe that this transition is a hoax? For indeed, nothing happened to you.

If so, it is so for a reason. You maintain the Old belief system that everything happens outside your being.

You created outer-directed ceremonies to celebrate events in your life from graduations to births. Even the activities leading up to the ceremony are outer-directed. “I must attend classes to graduate.” ” I must work hard to be promoted.” Events in your 3D life require diligence and most often, hard work.

So how can anything be different in your life if you did not see fireworks, did not work hard or did not say the right words at the right time? How can this shift continue without your diligent efforts? More importantly, how can any shift have occurred if your life is no different from what was true before the shift was announced by so many?

Granted, you have a few new aches and pains. Granted, you have become tired of or outgrown some of your friends and family. Granted, you feel, think and act differently. Granted, you love reading or listening to New Age/new earth/new being materials. But nothing is really different in your life for there were no fireworks or ceremonies to proclaim you a Lightworker in good standing.

The key to your Lightworker status is your knowing that you are a Lightworker. Your status is not created by someone telling you that you are a Lightworker. You proclaim yourself a Lightworker.

Some of you feel that you do not know if you are a Lightworker, that you are not qualified to be a Lightworker. Is this not similar to the feelings you often have before a new class, job or becoming a parent – before any large change in your outer-directed world? Society buffers those fears by telling you that everyone has those feelings, that you have the training or the courage to complete the tasks.

Now only you can decide who you are. Do you wish to live in the desert, but are afraid that others will think you odd? Are you tired of hearing of the new earth that does not seem to be part of you, but are afraid to stop reading or listening because others tell you that you must grasp the brass ring of the new earth?

Who are you? What do you want? That is the new earth. It is about discovering who you are including accepting – if you are drawn to New Age/new earth materials – that you are a Lightworker.


No one is going to sprinkle you with star dust or wave a magic wand to show you that you are a Lightworker. You must acknowledge that for yourself.

Many of you believe that such cannot be true for you continue to worry about 3D issues like money, relationships, work, etc. How is it possible that you are a Lightworker cornered in a 3D world? How indeed. You create your life.

If you are afraid of your inner-power, if you worry about leaving loved ones behind, if you are afraid to face fears hidden for eons, you will not feel like a Lightworker.

You and only you can decide if you are a Lightworker. Not because of new skills, actions or friends. But that you are willing to claim your inner-power and the rightness of your inner-being.

Do you wish for someone to tell you that you are a Lightworker? You are. How many channels have you read or listened to that shouted such to you? Yet, you continue to question the validity of your Lightworker status.


No one can tell you that you are a Lightworker. This is not an outer-directed transition. You – and only you – can claim that role.

Now you wish to quibble that you do not know enough, are not strong enough or are not good enough to be a Lightworker. If you believe that, then you are not a Lightworker. Not because the Universes have proclaimed that you are not a Lightworker, but because YOU have proclaimed that you are not a Lightworker.

This wondrous transition is not outer-directed. No one can tell you what to do or what your role is – no matter how wise they seem. For indeed, all anyone knows is their role. You read and listen to new earth materials for information. But in the end, only you can accept that you are a Lightworker.


There are no assistants in this transition – only Lightworkers and non-Lightworkers. If you are reading this, you are a Lightworker. But we cannot change your beliefs, nor do we wish to – only you can do that.

If this is an inner-directed transition, how valid would your role be if it were on the basis of what we or any entity thought? Perhaps your life is not what you expect. Change your perceptions. Change your expectations. Change your life. Accept your true power. You are a Lightworker who generates your life from within.



So be it. Amen.

Welcome to Brenda's Blog

Ceremonies Don’t Create Lightworkers – You Do Posted: 12 Feb 2013 07:38 AM PST

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Summary of Brenda’s February 10, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: You have all transitioned internally to Lightworkers even if externally you continue to worry about 3D issues. Instead of shifting from the outside or “fake it til you make it” as you have learned to do in the Old Age, you now exude love and harmony through your pores.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “So What Color is Your Inner Self Now?”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.”

http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. www.LifeTapestryCreations.com. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: www.LifeTapestryCreations.com


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We can feel the collective sigh as you settle into the shifts that you have experienced...Now is the time to think BIG. When you think big, big events and changes come about. Never be afraid of doing this, the bigger you think the better...visualize the best results, and imagine an outcome that is outside your box of limited beliefs...Invite celestial partnership; open the cosmic lines of communication...Call forth the changes...We are always available at your request...You know all this...This is who you are; never doubt this for a second....


Think Big Peggy Black and the "team"

We are here once again offering our loving support as well as our guidance and encouragement. We can feel the collective sigh as you settle into the shifts that you have experienced. There is still intensity occurring with your weather and there are conflicts across your planet. We wish we could say that this will change soon, however change in the third dimension does take a bit of time.

We assure you that change could come about in the span of a breath if all those who are anchoring a physical form together envisioned and called forth a new reality. You know this to be true as well, for you have felt and experienced the shift in consciousness.

We acknowledge you for your own personal expansion, for you are truly anchoring this expanded awareness into the collective lightfield. Even as you are adjusting to being recalibrated, even as you are expanding beyond your comfort zone, even as you are straddling timelines and dimensions, you are holding and calling forth a matrix pattern of your future and the future of the planet on which you serve.


Now is the time to think BIG. When you think big, big events and changes come about. Never be afraid of doing this, the bigger you think the better. The more vivid your vision infused with your 'passion' the quicker will it manifest. It does not matter how impossible these thoughts may seem. Remember, you are working with your expanded knowing and understanding as a multidimensional alchemist in partnership with the divine forces of light.

This is your time! This is your time to step out fully and bring all your gifts to the table. Put aside the limited thinking of your programming. Put aside all the limited beliefs that you have claimed of being powerless and helpless in the face of the challenges. These are all false. We know when you observe your reality with the current chaos and conflicts, the personal challenges you might be facing with health, family dynamics or your livelihood, they certainly appear real. And we will grant you that from a very limited perspective these experiences can be called real.

However, we are encouraging you to hold all that appears challenging both in the world as well as your personal lives, as the true opportunity it is. We have observed that unless something becomes extremely difficult and uncomfortable most humans seem to settle into a pattern of acceptance. And it is only when pushed to the edge, that they take action for change.


Let us say that there are those across your planet who are being pushed to the edge of what they will accept. They are taking action, but not always from a place of clear understanding of who they truly are. So their action is still generated from a very limited perspective of what is possible. They push against the things they hope to change, which only empowers the challenge.

We are inviting you as the aware being that you are to use your awakened abilities and understanding to call forth a new and fresh reality that honors all. All change begins in the energy field of possibilities. There is no pushing against what you do not want instead there is a powerful calling forth of what you truly want. Again we invite you to think big, visualize the best results, and imagine an outcome that is outside your box of limited beliefs.

Open the energetic doors to all your gifts as an awesome being of light who carries the template and patterns of a future reality. This is who you are; never doubt this for a second of your earth time. You have at you fingertips the ability to create in the most awesome, magnificent manner a future that is life sustaining and life enhancing for all.

Relax into our words; pretend if need be that what we are sharing is the truth of who you are. Allow yourself to imagine the perfect solution to the situation, occurring in the most incredible way. Invite that aspect of your higher self, your multidimensional self, to offer an inspiration, an invention, and a solution to what you are focused upon.


Invite celestial partnership; open the cosmic lines of communication which allow you to receive brilliant ideas for current problems occurring on the planet. Open the lines to this celestial support in your daily interactions and personal challenges. It is time for this exchange between the physical and the non-physical to take place.

We invite you to recognize yourself as an alchemist, a being who happens to be experiencing this physical reality as well as the reality of pure energy and expression. Use your tools, step into your personal knowing and power, and think big.

Call forth the changes, see them manifest in the best possible manner for the well-being and expansion of all. Anchor this vision fully into this physical domain. This truly is what you are being called to do. As an awakened being, stretching fully into your personal understanding, continue to exercise the possibilities of your unlimited abilities.

Get acquainted with the expanded levels which are available, notice how these aspects manifest for you personally. Invite your paranormal gifts to come forth, those extrasensory abilities which allow you to interface with dimensions of energy that are not visible. Get acquainted with your shadow, that aspect of yourself that is usually repressed and projected into your experience. Get acquainted with your future self.


You know all this; we are just here to remind and confirm this knowing. We are here to encourage and support your efforts and service. You are a member of the galactic family of light, on assignment here in this timeframe and dimension. You are the anchor for the new future. Remember that you are not alone in your efforts; you always have divine and celestial support upon your request. So while you find yourself here in this physical reality acknowledge and invite the loving and expanded beings of light to assist and join you in this work and service. Think BIG and Big things will come about.

We acknowledge you as awesome creators; you are seeing and realizing the changes that you are bringing about. Be patient yet know that each time you hold a vision you are joining others both physical and non-physical who are also holding the vision. We celebrate with you as you anchor this new calibrated energy in this dense reality. Each time you offer yourself in service to the light there is a shift in consciousness available to all. Be embraced by our gratitude and deep appreciation for who you are. When you call upon the beings of light, begin to sense their presence. We are always available at your request.



The 'team'

©2013 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available


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All the answers all that you seek all the questions you have, can all be found within who you are and within your world in one way or another.  It's as if you're playing a game that would be a mystery game...it's being able to “turn the light on to see what's in front of you.”  And in a sense see the things in front of you with new eyes, as clues, as tools, as support for you....You shift the energetic grid for yourself, and you shift the energetic grid for the planet...and you have it all here at your fingertips so to speak.





Greetings Dear Ones,


We are the High Council of Orion.




   Today's message continues the journey inward, to find a greater level of knowing and understanding that you are enough.  All the answers all that you seek all the questions you have, can all be found within who you are and within your world in one way or another.  It's as if you're playing a game that would be a mystery game, and all the clues are out in broad daylight, and you go searching in the darkness for them.


And we say this not as a criticism of course, we say this as a way of shifting understanding that's been put in place on your planet for many many years. Through regimes of oppression and control, over what would be many lifetimes on your planet, there has been in a sense a of sort of amnesia that has been put over the consciousness of the humans on the planet, and one can incarnate and reincarnate into it, with that amnesia constantly being reinforced.




At the times when you leave the physical body, and you look back if you will on the incarnation.  You could say to yourself, “Oh why did I forget?”  “Next time when I come back I won't forget.”  “I won't forget that all the answers I seek are right there in plain sight.”


Yet the consciousness, this grid, contains energy of repression, and our message today is not focusing on that aspect.  The focus of our message today is focusing on this understanding that, you have it all within you to achieve all that you want to achieve, and it's being able to “turn the light on to see what's in front of you.”  And in a sense see the things in front of you with new eyes, as clues, as tools, as support for you.


It's as if you've always been using a can-opener as a can-opener, because that's just what you've been shown.  But one day you look at the can-opener differently, and you see that can-opener as something that can do far more than you were ever taught.  This example is not the best, but the idea is that there are many things around you in nature and within yourself, that you can learn to see and observe and open up to the level of information that they’re actually here to provide to you, instead of what has been in the collective consciousness over millennia.




This collective consciousness that's been here, has put the veil over each individual's experience that they are not enough, that without the support without the guidance without the knowledge without the information, and without the judgment of external sources, one could not possibly make the decision about what is right or wrong or appropriate for themselves in any given lifetime.


Now's the time to actually go back and allow yourself to inform your self. It’s all there all the pieces of the puzzle all the solutions are there, and the question is how you access it, how do you access that level of knowledge that’s innate to who you are.  For you would not have been brought here by your Soul if the solutions were not here.  How about that for an idea?  Your Soul would not bring you to a place to evolve and transform, if all the raw materials you needed were not already here in place, and this is why our messages do not necessarily go out to lofty places.  For the loftiness is here, right where you are, right where your Soul has chosen for you to be.


And so the question is:


How do you shift your senses”?


How do you change your awareness?


How do you step outside of the collective consciousness to allow yourself to see what’s hidden in plain sight?


In this one message we are just opening up this concept of, all your solutions, all the energy that you need to come into the fullest expression of yourself, within this incarnation is here with you now.  You are not broken, there's nothing missing, and all the solution energy is within and around you.


As we move forward in our messages, we will dive into this more deeply and more specifically with examples and explanations.  To allow you to become aware of what's hidden in plain sight around you.  To empower you to have the tools, the fortitude and the understanding to uncover and use what is already there.  This is the beauty and the power of the time that you are here on this planet, for you are breaking through old paradigms, you are shifting the energetic grid on the planet for more to find those hidden objects in plain sight.




Isn't it nice to know that the answers don't need to come from other beings from the stars, the answers don't need to come from without.  Isn't it exciting to know that your Soul would not leave you on a desert island, without the resources necessary to fulfill your best idea in this incarnation?


In our coming messages we will talk about how to uncover and connect with yourself, for it’s all here on the planet now.  And some will be exercises that you can do with and for yourself to increase your sensitivity, to increase your trust in your own level of self information. Self informing self!  Which really means Soul informing Self! For that is the basis of the knowledge.


Sometimes we will discuss external ways that are current on the planet, that allow you to connect more deeply with yourself.  And might you need some assistance from some around you at times, to start learning how to connect with that Soul level knowledge? Yes.  But the goal is not to create new levels of dependency on external information, the goal is to perhaps have some guidance, and some education on how to connect with, and trust that inner source that’s already there for you.


The biggest key, is having experiences that allow you to really trust in yourself, to trust in that inner resource of your “Soul informing your life.”  As you see the positive evidence of that, you will then trust more, be excited to explore more. For as you explore, discover and uncover, you find the constrictions of the past, and the inherent fear of the past falling away as you connect with your Soul level divinity.


You shift the energetic grid for yourself, and you shift the energetic grid for the planet, and allow those old paradigms to begin to melt away and dissolve, in the light of that Soul level truth that you are enough, and you have it all here at your fingertips so to speak.




It’s an exciting journey and we want you to sit just in the knowingness, without needing to be in any action that you are enough, and you have it all here.  And that is a big concept!  If your mind says “Well I don't have it all here because,” and your mind starts listing ways in which your life is not heaven on earth.  You just ask your mind gently and quietly to be quiet, and just say “I'm going to just sit with the idea that I am enough!”  For my Soul would not put me here without the resources that I need to fulfill my Soul levels choice.


Just sitting with that knowledge and information that it's all sitting around you. Even if you don't know it right now, it's okay.  Allowing that information to infiltrate your consciousness on that deep level, will allow greater receptivity to our messages as they move along.


We see each and every one of you as enough, as complete and as perfectly executing your Souls mission or intention of bringing you to you, at this time on the planet.


We ask that you just sit and “Feel your enoughness.”  Sit and feel that even if it's not uncovered, that all the resources that you need to be fully present to yourself at this time, are right there around you, soon to be uncovered and discovered.



Be Blessed,

We are the high Council of Orion



Channeled Ascension Message from the High Council of Orion February 12th 2013.

Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood

Transcribed by Paul Marwood



Audio file is available at http://www.akashahealingstudio.com/channeled-message-high-council-of-orion-12th-feb-2013





Sign up to be a part of our Live channeled teleseminars with the High Council of Orion.  This is an opportunity to personally connect with and ask the High Council of Orion your questions.


These events will be held on:


Tuesday 19th February 2013 at 10am to 11am PST

Saturday 16th March 2013 at 6pm to 7pm PST

(L.A. California Time)

More Details at http://www.akashahealingstudio.com/activities/


The High Council of Orion taught us the 111™ Activation which allows individuals to embody greater clarity, personal alignment and authenticity in their lives.  This 30 minute energetic session can be experienced in person or at a distance with equal effectiveness. Please contact us to book a session.  For more information about the 111 Activation, please click here.


© 2012 Copyright Holly Hawkins Family Trust        www.AkashaHealingStudio.com This channeled message may be reproduced in it’s entirety provided it is kept in it’s original form and not altered or changed in any way, with the Author and website clearly included.


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Most people in Canada, the United States, UK and many other nations are operating on auto-pilot, completely ignorant to the fact their current governments have absolutely no authority over them....( Section 52 - The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms ~ Section 32 quote  "... "...the Charter only applies to governments, and not to private individuals, businesses or   other organizations." ) Add to this Section 15 of the Criminal Code, again, i quote: "..."No person shall be convicted of an offence in respect of an act or   omission in obedience to the laws for the time being made and enforced   by persons in de facto possession of the sovereign power in and over the place where the act or omission occurs."



Let the TRUTH set YOU FREE!!!

Americans, Canadians And Other Nations Must Take Back Their Governments

        Most people in Canada, the United States, UK and many other nations are operating on auto-pilot, completely ignorant to the fact their current governments have absolutely no authority over them. These de facto  foreign administrations  of unelected industrialists,   financiers, academics, military leaders along with representatives from   our elected government officials have been very  busy the past century implementing  changes into the nations who were once sovereign and free. This is even admitted by these entities, however they have no real authority to restrict public  mobility, free trade or limit  access to anything. That means  that everybody is free to drive without insurance, driver's license, license plates, free to trade any articles of exchange including vitamins, supplements, healing modalities and free to consume and ingest anything they wish without restriction. This is a right of all people born on any land, but they don't want you to know that and will silence and do everything within their power so you don't know  the facts.



I certainly will not be  silenced and neither will tens of thousands now joining these movements to educate the masses on what is really going on here.

            The fact is there is no longer sovereignty within nations.  The people of these nations have lost their ability to write their own laws, avoid arrest, injury and damage from corporations which seek to remove all the freedoms from the people.    

            They operate not according to the bill of rights of a nation, but their own commercial code which does not apply to a natural born person of any land. So they must artificially create people on paper, issue them licenses and then force natural born members of a country to contract with the government via licensure of any kind through these artificial entities which don't exist.  It's really quite deceptive the way it's done but the moment you register your child for a birth certificate, they become part of this system.  The cycle then continues with your SIN number, driver's license, health card and so on. It is all part of the grand scheme to ensure that the public does not enforce their rights.



            It is the awakening of  these fundamental human   rights that they're afraid of. This is the  fear of every official who deems their opinion can be enforced  over others through artificial laws that don't hold any weight in the highest courts. We are now declaring those rights more than ever and every beneficiary of the corrupt system is sending the police to insist that we are in wrong and they are right.  It is about knowing what absolute sovereignty truly is and embracing the power to express that right regardless of anybody else's interpretation.

            Some would consider Thomas Hobbes  to be the original author of political science.  Hobbes was principally concerned with the fundamental problem of human   life in the commonwealth, and the manner in which conflict arises from   those numerous plans, projects, and desires, which lead to the   individual's action, and which are usually at variance, one with another.   He sets out to establish that, if each individual were to be allowed   the liberty to follow his own conscience, then in the presence of a   diversity of such consciences, without constraint or discipline, peace   and harmony in the commonwealth would be short lived, due to an all   pervasive tendency to disagreement, and the associated danger of civil   disobedience.

            The problems, created by living in a civil society, do not merely derive   from conflicts of interest or the clash of passions but, according to   Hobbes, derive more fundamentally from a diversity of consciences and   the unrestrained exercise of individual judgment which, in effect, makes   common action highly uncertain or virtually impossible. Where it is   impossible to obtain a unanimity of wills and agreement, in which a   common policy cannot be determined, then the artificial will or the   artificial person is in need of creation and acceptance, because it is   the sovereign power - the artificial person that effectively constitutes   the state.    



            Those who are aggressively and belligerently dedicated to their own   self-interest or self-preservation, may not necessarily constitute the   principal threat to peace and harmony in the commonwealth. Those who are   normally honest, intelligent and decent may represent an even greater   threat to civil stability, because they believe they have right on their   side and they may, therefore, be even more stubborn in fighting for   what they want, and negating the legitimate demands of others. It is for   this reason that the latter may be less inclined than the former, to   enter into a calculation of the costs and benefits of common action,   because they believe that they occupy the moral high ground.

            The latter often constitutes a more serious threat, not because they are   fundamentally malicious or brutish, but because they are certain that   they are the custodians of the truth, therefore, they often become the   greatest threat to peace and harmony in the commonwealth.  For that very   reason, Hobbes was clearly aware of this aspect of the human condition-   human beings as active participants in civil society .  Therefore he   regarded this as one of the most serious practical problems, demanding   resolution by those responsible for civil government, and the rule of   law.



            There lies the problem. Well intentioned individuals within the political and  judicial systems, as well as police officers do not know the supreme law of the land. They follow interpretations of law which are false and contrary to the bill of rights every natural born human is entitled to.

            The only one Law you need to follow in life is - 'Do No Harm.'

            Let's take Canada for example. A gentleman by the name of Dean Clifford who has been instrumental in the commonwealth movement,  was recently detained and is  currently being held as political prisoner in Canada because he was simply enforcing his rights. He did so by quoting most of the following sections  to the police officer who subsequently arrested him.

            The criminal code of Canada (sec. 15) states that:

"No person shall be convicted of an offence in respect of an act or   omission in obedience to the laws for the time being made and enforced   by persons in de facto possession of the sovereign power in and over the place where the act or omission occurs."            


So the public does not  have to obey a de facto government, yet Canada is a de facto foreign administration  which the Governor General has even  admitted to on their own website (5th paragraph from the bottom).  Just in case they remove it here's a snapshot where it's highlighted. You can also see it on JJ's complete guide to Canada.

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in section 52 states that it is the supreme law of Canada and section 32 states that:             "...the Charter only   applies to governments, and not to private individuals, businesses or   other organizations."

            This is where  the biggest misconception occurs in which police officers and their higher ups including judges and court officials are breaking the law.  They are applying the statutes that do not apply  to private individuals and if contested in a supreme court, would be declared unlawful. A statute, otherwise known as an Act of Government only carries the force of law upon you if you consent to it.



            Demanding property tax, income tax, licenses, insurance and forcing private individuals to accept any kind of contract (or risk arrest or detainment) is unlawful and contrary to the Charter and Bill of Rights.

            Financial recourse for damages from unlawful injury (which could mean simply being detained or having property unlawfully seized) could then be awarded to the injured parties through other courts. In this case, a police officer  could be liable for damages and lose their house and many of their possessions since the injured party would be entitled to place a lien on the officer's possessions provided the injured party had established a fee schedule during the incident. We will likely see this more frequently in the coming months and years.

            If we use the  enforcement of  driver's license and insurance in Canada as an example, we find that it is completely unlawful.  Auto insurance is a commercial article or document that applies to commercial entities. By forcing the public to  pay for auto insurance, they essential create a requirement that private property (auto vehicles) are to be  under the authority of a corporation and in essence fulfilling a public service. Again, this applies to corporations and not private individuals. As long as a member of the  public (or private individual) is not  injuring another, everybody has the full right to mobility in any vehicle they choose and no official has the right to restrict that right. 

            If a police officer pulls you over and you fail to produce an insurance document, you will be charged with driving without insurance and you will  be restricted further access to your vehicle unless you produce a subsequent legal insurance document.            


Yet, under the charter, this does not apply to private individuals.



            If you refuse to produce insurance, the police will confiscate the vehicle and have it impounded. Again, this is unlawful and should be considered arbitrary confiscation of property, but it's done all the time by police.            


The Canadian Bill of Rights  in section 1(a) specifically states that a person cannot be denied  property without due process of law:

"Section 1(a) of the Bill of Rights recognizes "the right of the  individual to life, liberty and security of the person and enjoyment of  property, and the right not to be deprived thereof except by due process of  law."


Some opponents then point to the highway traffic acts which may oppose this in some way, however this is not supreme law and does not hold any weight against it. But try telling that to police officers who are constantly infringing on the Charter and Bill of Rights.   As outlined here in Bill C-235 under Construction of law:

"Every law of Canada shall, unless it is expressly declared by an Act  of Parliament that it shall operate notwithstanding the Canadian Bill of    Rights, be so construed and applied as not to abrogate, abridge or    infringe or to authorize the abrogation, abridgment or infringement of any of    the rights or freedoms..."

            It further reads that:

"...every person has the right not to be    deprived of that person’s property unless the person
"(a) is accorded a fair    hearing in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice..."



            Simply stated, the police have no right to confiscate any vehicle as per the above clauses. The police assume a person has committed a crime if they drive without a license or auto insurance. Without being convicted in a court of law, they unlawfully impound the person's vehicle contrary to the Charter and Bill of Rights.

A peace officer under the Canadian Commonwealth cannot contract with a person under statutes of Canada (which is a de facto foreign administration) since it's considered malfeasance in office, official misconduct and an unlawful act if done in an official capacity, which is exactly what police officers are committing to.

All of the above was eloquently expressed by Dean Clifford in a road side traffic stop below where he declared his rights to drive without a driver's license or insurance. Consequently, he was unlawfully detained and his vehicle was impounded.

Regarding trust law, I highly encourage all readers to become educated on these topics through the brilliant video presentations of Dean Clifford. They are simple to understand and he clearly lays out both sides of the story so that viewers walk away with a full understanding of what is at stake and how courts are clearly violating the rights of human beings. If you would like to support Dean who was kidnapped February 2, 2013 and being held as a political prisoner, you can review details here.


If we take the matter over to the natural health industry, the same applies.            


Dr. Eldon Dahl, now a Canadian hero for standing up to Health Canada,   serves as an excellent example of how Health Canada abuses its authority   and uses the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and SWAT teams to raid   innocent Naturopathic Doctors who sell vitamins.  Dr. Dahl and his family were held  at gunpoint for 11 hours  in a sting   operation by Health Canada because he sold some vitamins.


Robert K. Jefferson, executive director of the Dietary Supplement Protective Union (DSPU) has recently issued a warning to Health Canada officials that enforcing  Natural Health Product (NHP) regulations may constitute   criminal activity by denying licences to manufacturers of the industry, a   practice  claimed to infringe on the constitutional rights of Canadians   and thus subject to criminal legal action. 

Portions of the statement and Notice to Health Canada reads:

"...the Natural Health Product Regulations are in  contravention of The Constitution Act,  1867, the Charter of Rights and  Freedoms and the Canadian Bill of  Rights -- the highest laws in the land."

"Any public servant who violates constitutional law has  committed a criminal offence and is subject to prosecution.   As  an employee of the federal government, you are protected only   against civil law  suits. Health Canada cannot provide you  with   immunity against criminal legal action, however. You are vulnerable   personally for every  action you take that contravenes our   constitutional laws."

"...the following activities most definitely  constitute criminal activity:

  • Entrapment.
  • Initiating  a raid before a warrant has been issued.
  • Obtaining  a warrant under false pretenses.
  • Seizing  items not covered by a search warrant.
  • Seizing  goods after the expiry of a warrant.
  • Withholding  material evidence at trial."

            Dr Eldon Dahl - Life Choice - Raided by Health Canada and the RCMP for selling supplements

We must put back the law where it belongs--in the hands of the people who have rightful authority over the land in which they were born. We will not continue to allow our unlawful detainment or  injury, or restriction of our innate rights as human beings. The time will come when all members of the police and enforcement officers recognize these rights.

Between now and then we must pursue non-violent, mass education campaigns to expose all the information governments do not want people to know so that we may restore natural law in all nations on Earth.

( Bye-bye POPE....or shall i rephrase.....Run b***h run!!!! )







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When love and hate are both absent, everything becomes clear and undisguised...To set up what you like against what you dislikeis the disease of the mind...The more you talk and think about it,the further astray you wander from the truth...Stop talking and thinking, and there is nothing you will not be able to know...When thought objects vanish, the thinking-subject vanishes,as when the mind vanishes, objects vanish...those with limited views are fearful and irresolute:the faster they hurry, the slower they go,and clinging cannot be limited;even to be attached to the idea of enlightenment is to go astray...When thought is in bondage the truth is hidden...

The Faith Mind Sutra

The Great Way intro Hsin Hsin Ming

Channeled by Sengstan

Third Zen Ancestor

The Great Way is not difficult for those who have no preferences. When love and hate are both absent everything becomes clear and undisguised. Make the smallest distinction, however and heaven and earth are set infinitely apart. If you wish to see the truth then hold no opinions for or against anything. To set up what you like against what you dislike is the disease of the mind. When the deep meaning of things is not understood the mind's essential peace is disturbed to no avail. The Way is perfect like vast space where nothing is lacking and nothing is in excess. Indeed, it is due to our choosing to accept or reject that we do not see the true nature of things. Live neither in the entanglements of outer things, nor in inner feelings of emptiness. Be serene in the oneness of things and such erroneous views will disappear by themselves. When you try to stop activity to achieve passivity your very effort fills you with activity. As long as you remain in one extreme or the other you will never know Oneness.

Those who do not live in the single Way fail in both activity and passivity, assertion and denial. To deny the reality of things is to miss their reality; to assert the emptiness of things is to miss their reality. The more you talk and think about it, the further astray you wander from the truth. Stop talking and thinking, and there is nothing you will not be able to know. To return to the root is to find the meaning, but to pursue appearances is to miss the source. At the moment of inner enlightenment there is a going beyond appearance and emptiness. The changes that appear to occur in the empty world we call real only because of our ignorance. Do not search for the truth; only cease to cherish opinions. Do not remain in the dualistic state avoid such pursuits carefully. If there is even a trace of this and that, right and wrong, the Mind-essence will be lost in confusion. Although all dualities come from the One, do not be attached even to this One. When the mind exists undisturbed in the Way, nothing in the world can offend, and when a thing can no longer offend, it ceases to exist in the old way.


When no discriminating thoughts arise, the old mind ceases to exist. When thought objects vanish, the thinking-subject vanishes, as when the mind vanishes, objects vanish. Things are objects because of the mind; the mind is such because of things. Understand the relativity of these two and the basic reality: the unity of emptiness. In this Emptiness the two are indistinguishable and each contains in itself the whole world. If you do not discriminate between coarse and fine you will not be tempted to prejudice and opinion.

To live in the Great Way is neither easy nor difficult, but those with limited views are fearful and irresolute: the faster they hurry, the slower they go, and clinging cannot be limited; even to be attached to the idea of enlightenment is to go astray. Just let things be in their own way and there will be neither coming nor going.

Obey the nature of things, your own nature, and you will walk freely and undisturbed. When thought is in bondage the truth is hidden, for everything is murky and unclear, and the burdensome practice of judging brings annoyance and weariness. What benefit can be derived from distinctions and separations ?

If you wish to move in the One Way do not dislike even the world of senses and ideas. Indeed, to accept them fully is identical with true Enlightenment. The wise man strives to no goals but the foolish man fetters himself. There is one Dharma, not many; distinctions arise from the clinging needs of the ignorant. To seek Mind with the discriminating mind is the greatest of all mistakes.


Rest and unrest derive from illusion; with enlightenment there is no liking and disliking. All dualities come from ignorant inference. They are like dreams of flowers in air: foolish to try to grasp them. Gain and loss, right and wrong: such thoughts must finally be abolished at once.

If the eye never sleeps, all dreams will naturally cease. If the mind makes no discriminations, the ten thousand things are as they are, of single essence. To understand the mystery of this One-essence is to be released from all entanglements. When all things are seen equally the timeless Self-essence is reached. No comparisons or analogies are possible in this causeless, relationless state. Consider movement stationery and the stationery in motion, both movement and rest disappear. When such dualities cease to exist Oneness itself cannot exist. To this ultimate finality no law or description applies.


For the unified mind in accord with the Way all self-centered striving ceases. Doubts and irresolutions vanish and life in true faith is possible. With a single stroke we are freed from bondage; nothing clings to us and we hold to nothing. All is empty, clear, self-illuminating, with no exertion of the mind's power. Here thought, feeling, knowledge and imagination are of no value. In this world of Suchness there is neither self nor other-than-self.

To come directly into harmony with this reality just simply say when doubt arises, 'Not two.' In this 'not two' nothing is separate, nothing is excluded. No matter when or where, enlightenment means entering this truth. And this truth is beyond extension or diminution in time or space; in it a single thought is ten thousand years.

Emptiness here, Emptiness there, but the infinite universe stands always before your eyes. Infinitely large and infinitely small; no difference, for definitions have vanished and no boundaries are seen. So too with Being and non-Being. Don't waste time in doubts and arguments that have nothing to do with this.

One thing, all things: move among and intermingle, without distinction. To live in this realization is to be without anxiety about non-perfection. To live in this faith is the road to non-duality. Because the non-dual is one with the trusting mind.


Words !

The Way is beyond language, for in it there is...

no yesterday

no tomorrow

no today.


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The apparent hack of several e-mail accounts has exposed personal photos and sensitive correspondence from members of the Bush family, including both former U.S. presidents...Included in the hacked material is a confidential October 2012 list of home addresses, cell phone numbers, and e-mails for dozens of Bush family members, including both former presidents, their siblings, and their children...The hacker contends that “The feds” began investigating him a “long time ago,” and that he has hacked “hundreds of accounts.” Asked if he was concerned about the FBI/Secret Service investigation...he replied crytically, “i have an old game with the fucking bastards inside, this is just another chapter in the game.”


Feb. 8th, 2013







Hacker breached AOL account of ex-president's sister, other victims

George W. Bush

View Document




The apparent hack of several e-mail accounts has exposed personal photos and sensitive correspondence from members of the Bush family, including both former U.S. presidents, The Smoking Gun has learned.

The photos and e-mails were uploaded yesterday to an online account that appears to have been hacked for the purpose of hosting the material.

In e-mail exchanges with the person who claimed responsibility for the hack, the individual claimed to have swiped “a lot of stuff,” including “interesting mails” about George H.W. Bush’s recent hospitalization, “Bush 43,” and other Bush family members.

Included in the hacked material is a confidential October 2012 list of home addresses, cell phone numbers, and e-mails for dozens of Bush family members, including both former presidents, their siblings, and their children. The posted photos and e-mails contain a watermark with the hacker’s online alias, “Guccifer.”

Correspondence obtained by the hacker indicates that at least six separate e-mail accounts have been compromised, including the AOL account of Dorothy Bush Koch, daughter of George H.W. Bush and sister of George W. Bush. Other breached accounts belong to Willard Heminway, 79, an old friend of the 41st president who lives in Greenwich, Connecticut; CBS sportscaster Jim Nantz, a longtime Bush family friend; former first lady Barbara Bush’s brother; and George H.W. Bush’s sister-in-law.

Both Heminway and Nantz corresponded with Bush, 88, about playing golf and visiting the Bush compound in Kennebunkport, Maine.

The hacked e-mails, sent between 2009 and 2012, include correspondence between Nantz and George W. Bush’s scheduler about an October 2010 golf outing in Dallas. One e-mail includes the street address for Bush, 66, as well as the four-digit code Nantz needed to enter at a security gate. A second e-mail includes details of where Nantz and Bush planned to have dinner after their Saturday golf outing.

One of the hacked Heminway e-mails was sent to him by Brit Hume, the Fox News political analyst, days after the 2012 presidential election. “Election outcome disappointing, but there are many silver linings,” Hume wrote in the November 9 e-mail.

The breach of Dorothy Bush’s AOL account yielded the hacker e-mails that were sent to her late last year about the health of her father, who was then hospitalized in Houston. A November 28 "Report on Dad" e-mail was sent to several family members by Neil Bush, one of George H.W. Bush’s four sons, and included specific details of the 41st president’s illness and prognosis.

In a December 27 e-mail to his four siblings, Jeb Bush saluted his ailing father’s “kindness and good nature” and pointed to “how kind he was with President Clinton and he helped restore his sordid reputation. A very tough thing to do but with kindness, dad probably helped Bill Clinton than anything he himself has done.”


Bush, who wrote at a time his father was in intensive care (and amid media reports that the ex-president was on his death bed), added, “Might be tough to say it that way in a eulogy with President 42 there.”

The hacked e-mails reveal that Bush’s health was so perilous in late-December that the former president’s chief of staff wrote his children to inform them that “your dad’s funeral team is having an emergency meeting at 10 a.m. just to go through all the details.” The Bush aide, Jean Becker, noted that this information “fell under the broadening category of things NOT TO TELL YOUR MOTHER.”


In a December 26 e-mail to his siblings, George W. Bush wrote that he was “thinking about eulogy” and solicited stories that best illustrated their father’s sweet nature, favorite jokes, and acts of kindness. “Hopefully I’m jumping the gun,” noted Bush, who added, “But since the feeling is that you all would rather me speak than bubba, please help.” The mention of “bubba” is apparently a reference to Clinton, whom Bush has referred to as a “brother” due to his close relationship with George H. W. Bush.

Another hacked e-mail showed that presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett forwarded a personal message in late-December to the ailing Bush from President Barack Obama, who wrote that, “Michelle and I haven’t wanted to impinge on you while you are recuperating, but please know that we are thinking of you and the entire family.”

One of the photos intercepted by the hacker shows Bush in a hospital. In an e-mail, the hacker said the photo was snapped in December 2012, and that he took the image from Dorothy Bush’s e-mail account. Reached on her cell phone, a shocked Dorothy Bush said she was unaware that her account had been hacked. “Why would someone do this?” asked the 53-year-old Bush, who is pictured at right. 

Other family photos show George H.W. Bush with Clinton at the Bush family compound in Maine; Jeb Bush; George W. Bush posing next to a cardboard cutout with his face attached to it; George W. Bush with Ralph Lauren and the designer’s son David (who is married to Neil Bush’s daughter Lauren); and Barbara Bush and Laura Bush posing with a military member.

The hacker also intercepted photos that George W. Bush e-mailed two months ago to his sister showing paintings that he was working on, including self-portraits of him showering and in a bathtub. Another image shows the former president painting at the family’s Maine retreat (his subject is St. Ann’s Episcopal Church, a historic seaside chapel down the road from the sprawling Kennebunkport compound).

The hacker contends that “The feds” began investigating him a “long time ago,” and that he has hacked “hundreds of accounts.” Asked if he was concerned about the FBI/Secret Service investigation that will no doubt follow shortly, he replied crytically, “i have an old game with the fucking bastards inside, this is just another chapter in the game.” (8 pages)


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For many it is as if you are awakening from a dream which had captivated you...Suddenly it is as if a new day has dawned and you see more clearly: 'No, that is not what I want, that is not what I intended!'....You were caught up in the ideas of others, concepts which had come towards you as you sought to understand the meaning of the times you live in...2013 brings you to the unity within the whole. Twelve is the cosmic completeness. One is the individual...the thirteenth element...individual consciousness...You are the thirteenth element added to the twelve...you are seeing the reality of the illusions you were previously caught up in...many of you have entered the Fourth Dimension with your eyes wide open...look up to the stars...Trust every perception...hear our call...



Message  from the Star Councils of Light

February 5th, 2013

Dearest ones,


...we greet you from the stars! We call upon you to heed our words as you undergo the transformations currently taking place within each and every one of you. You will have noticed that this period of time when you are slowly waking from the sleep of winter in the Northern Hemisphere of your world is bringing a gradual increase in the available light, not only in the lengthening days but in your inner worlds also. For many it is as if you are awakening from a dream which had captivated you, and ensnared you on a level of your feeling life, your emotional life, or your life of thoughts. Suddenly it is as if a new day has dawned and you see more clearly: 'No, that is not what I want, that is not what I intended!' And you begin to pick up the threads of your own life path without it being mixed in with the tapestry of another who has chosen to go a different way. And this is all to the good, dear ones. As the threads which make up the life paths of each one of you gradually disentangle, you are each left in the glory of your own light.

Turn that light inwards and see what it reveals to you. Shine the light into your own soul instead of casting it out to illumine another. And when you shine your light into your own soul, you see the perfection, the glory, of just who you are in your own right. You see the glory, the perfection, of your own life path. And it touches your heart, does it not, dear ones? You had almost forgotten how wonderful is the path you are treading, the path you have outlined for yourself long before your birth into your present incarnation upon the earth. You were caught up in the ideas of others, concepts which had come towards you as you sought to understand the meaning of the times you live in.



The year of 2012 posed many a riddle for many of you. What was it that was ending? What was it that was beginning anew? What are the powerful new energies that are available to you now in this new year of the 13, beyond the 12? Many of you were filled with expectations, expectations of what might come to pass on a world-scale or a cosmic scale, and many felt a profound disappointment when what they expected did not come to pass and things around them in their world remained much as they had been. And many of you had inner expectations on the feeling levels of the soul, expectations of this or the other person fulfilling aspects of your dreams, even dreams you were not fully conscious of having. These personal expectations have also in general terms not been fulfilled. What does this mean, dear ones, to experience such disappointment and confusion? How can this be understood in terms of the new energies of this year of 2013?

Your year of 2013 brings you to the unity within the whole. Twelve is the cosmic completeness. One is the individual. You are experiencing yourself most clearly as a conscious individual right now. You are waking from the cosmic dream of wholeness to the awareness that while this is true and undeniable it is not the whole story. For in addition to the holistic nature of the cosmos as a wonderful hologram encompassing all that is, there is the great power of the individual consciousness, the thirteenth element. And without this power of the individual consciousness you would be quite unaware of the whole, would you not, dear ones?

And herein lies the divine paradox. Each and every one of you is an aspect of the divine, and you are graced with this experience from time to time, perhaps when you behold the glories of the sunset, or look out on the vastness of the ocean, or gaze into your lover's eyes, or hold a little child in your arms. In these peak moments you touch into the divine nature of all creation, of all souls, of all human beings, and you know deep within that you are divine, as well as that which you behold.


And to be a spark of the divine living in a human body upon the planet earth is a grace indeed, dear ones, for it gives you a freedom to be conscious and creative in your own development which few beings in the universes possess to the degree you have it upon the earth. You are the thirteenth element added to the twelve. The cosmic dance takes place around the centre point which is your individualised consciousness. For you perceive everything from this centre point, do you not? You look out upon the world around you from this point of consciousness. You perceive the feelings of those around you from this point of consciousness. You set your intentions and decide what to do from this point of consciousness. You create your reality from this point of consciousness. You are a most powerful creative being, essential to the whole of the cosmos, for it revolves around you, does it not?

And when you begin to comprehend your value to the whole of the cosmos, you begin to value yourself. You begin to perceive the glory of a soul living within a human body, the glory that you are. And from this perspective when you turn your attention to the problems your life has presented you with, you see very clearly that part of the choice you have made in your path of development is to see what no longer serves you in your life and simply to let it go. For refining your personality self so it may serve you as best it may is a great part of the path of human life. And when you view your tasks from a cosmic perspective it suddenly seems easier to do what must be done to enable the transformation to take place on a microcosmic level with an ease and a grace that gives you energy.

For releasing the old patterns always gives energy. Consider for a moment what happened within you when you realised recently that something was no longer right for you - a thought, an expectation, a connection, whatever it was. Yes, you experienced a surge of joy, a lightening, for you had put down a burden that you realised you did not need to carry. It was not even really yours! And you experience this increase in the light within as clarity and a simple joy in existence. This is the energetic state in which many of you are finding yourself at present, dear ones, a state of being new born from out of illusion, of having newly opened your eyes and realised you have learned much about yourself, much that was hidden deep down within you.


Take a new look, dear ones, at what surfaced in you from the depths during this last period. First it appeared as a dull stone, heavy and uninteresting, something to be shrugged off as quickly as possible. But if you pause and take a little care of it, dust it down and polish it a bit, you will uncover the treasure within the stone. Polish it until it shines in all its glory, in its true colours. Be brave, crack it open, if need be, and let its facets be revealed to you. Would you ever have thought that with a little love and care and attention such a treasure would have come from out of the depths? Nurture this jewel from within you, for it will be the key to your whole path in this incarnation, if only you take the time and trouble to see it in its entirety. For there is always the danger of dismissing your tribulations too quickly, feeling so anxious to release them and sort them out, only to have the shock of their resurfacing at a later stage still needing to be transmuted, because in reality they were only banished once more to the underworld. Take care of this precious jewel that you have discovered in your hearts, dear ones, nurture it well, and watch how the beautiful crystal grows. Look inside, into its facets and see what they reveal to your inner vision, for you will grow greatly in self-knowledge out of the trials of this time.

And how is it possible for so many of you to be experiencing the re-birthing of yourselves in this time? It is because you are the children of your Mother Earth, and you have accompanied her through her re-birthing in the period between the 12-12-12 and the Solstice and have entered the Fourth Dimension along with her. All of you are effected by this transition of the earth, and much around you will be more transparent than before. And very many of you have entered the Fourth Dimension with your eyes wide open, and you are seeing the reality of the illusions you were previously caught up in. For to live consciously in the Fourth Dimension is to be able to steer your own path through the dream-like consciousness of the astral realms, to take up the rudder of your own ship and set it to take you where you wish to go. No longer will you drift and be carried along by the will of others, for you will feel this will being exerted, or see the energy being sent out, and you will hear the thoughts of others and not be taken in by outer appearances.

Trust every perception, dearest ones, for the inner reality speaks to you in subtle ways. If you feel uncomfortable, ask yourself what it is that you do not feel comfortable with, and you will know and learn from it. If you feel intrusions into your energy field, know that you can remove yourself from the path of these energies by removing your attention, and that you can work to make your energy field impermeable to all but goodness and love. If you hear thoughts which are not compatible with your energy, you have the choice whether to continue with these people who choose a different path. Simply leave them to it, for you may not ask another to change, and move on yourself to what is compatible with you, and to those with whom you can travel further with ease. This is the river of life, dearest ones, ever flowing onwards, and now you have your head above the waters, and can see sufficiently well to steer your ship with confidence because you trust in your new ability to perceive what was previously hidden behind the veil. You will rapidly become used to your enhanced abilities, and learn to act upon every perception with an easy grace, speaking your truth with tact and immediately to avoid confusion. And your passage down the river will become a floating in joy as you realise that the river has broadened, that the surface is calm, and that it is taking you just where you need to go.


As this begins to become your experience, lift your heads and look around you to notice who is there floating alongside and what is beckoning to you, for many of you will be receiving quite new tasks in the near future. This is something which is always a marker of trials well passed. There are new openings, new work, new associations, and new vistas ahead. Go forward with joy when the new approaches you. And look up to the stars, for we wish also to work with you when you are ready to hear our call. We are ever there to receive you and welcome you into our realms.Just open your hearts and minds and speak with us, and we will hear you and respond. You are in our thoughts always, dear ones. We admire your courage as you progress down the river of life with greater and greater consciousness, and we offer you our assistance whenever you wish.




Just call on us in your hearts, for we are only a thought away.




Channeller: Amuna Ra

Webpage: http://www.pleiadianregression.co.uk/8.html


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As many of you know...The experience of time is accelerating...This accelerated sense almost creates a space in which it feels like it's difficult to catch up...Yet time seems compressed and expanded all at the same time. It seems to be moving out of its normal frame of experience...for many of you, comes a very tangible sense of sensitivity or instability... it's as if the changes are making your nerve endings a little bit more sensitive. That sensitivity can allow you to connect with more and feel more...walk outside, look at the sky, breathe the air, listen to the birds...Allow your body to discharge some of that static electricity that's built up from its reactivity to the world around it...Allow yourself (the) opportunity to see a different way, and feel a different point of view...and as you do it for yourself, you do for others







"Greetings, Dear Ones.

We are the High Council of Orion.



Again we are pleased to bring you yet another message from the place where we sit within the galaxy, with our bird’s eye view, if you will, of the goings-on on your planet.


As many of you know time is accelerating. The experience of time is accelerating. As you've heard, the energies that are on your planet are in great support of you right now, but many of you are feeling how quickly things are changing. This accelerated sense almost creates a space in which it feels like it's difficult to catch up.


You might experience that in literally catching up with what you would normally do easily, in terms of the tasks of your day.  It could be catching up to do the things beyond your daily tasks, so you can enrich your life with other pursuits that might include hobbies or activities, personal development, time to read, meditate.




Yet time seems compressed and expanded all at the same time. It seems to be moving out of its normal frame of experience that you have had up until this point in time.  Because it's a newer experience, yet very intangible, it is easy to look at the world the way you always have and expect it to be the same way and respond the same way, yet all of it doesn't quite feel comfortable. I’m sure many of you can relate to this feeling!


With that, for many of you, comes a very tangible sense of sensitivity or instability. Because there is not much that might feel stable in your world at this time, or that changes in many ways are imminent even though you aren’t witnessing them, it can create a sensitivity and, in a sense, an over-reactivity to the world around you.  Many of you might say your skin is quite “thin” these days, where something that might have rolled right off your back before, has become like a boulder on top of your shoulders.


The emotions might be a little more frayed or over-reactive. What we'd like you do in terms of bringing solution energy to this, is to first understand that it's real. It's not necessarily strictly a function of you being overly sensitive. In one sense yes you are, but in another sense it's as if the changes are making your nerve endings a little bit more sensitive. That sensitivity can allow you to connect with more and feel more, as we’ve spoken about before. That sensitivity can allow you to start perceiving that unseen world around you. Yet learning to moderate it, so that you're not overly sensitive to everything that's happening in the world around you is the area of which we would like to offer support and guidance today.




As always some of our tips are quite basic, quite mundane, if you will.  But the idea is to support the physical vehicle that your Soul has chosen to be in during this time of change, so that it supports your Soul’s growth in the optimal level.  And so in order to do that, some of that support of the physical body may sound somewhat mundane.


The idea is to take good care of yourself. Taking good care of yourself so that the foods you eat, the liquids you drink, the sleep you get, and the environment you have around you is supportive of changes, and not accelerating the sensitivity.  If you live in a high stress family or a high stress job, it’s time to evaluate the ways you can create a little buffer around yourself.


First and foremost when we talk about the nervous system, the best thing to nurture your nervous system is to make sure that you are getting enough rest. Rest includes the sleep you are getting at night, so that you're not burning the candles at both ends.  Rest also includes rest during the day so that you are not going “full throttle”, as you would say, from the moment you make up until the moment you fall into bed.


Are you allowing yourself those moments of down time, of time to breathe, walk outside, look at the sky, breathe the air, listen to the birds, and put your feet on mother Earth?  Literally just saying “I'm taking five minutes for myself”. It does not take much time to give yourself that little bit of breathing room. As you do see and feel yourself creating that buffer, it’s like a little bit of a cushion, little bit at a nice loving buffer around you, by just slowing down for a moment. Drinking plenty of water, which nourishes and balances the nervous system.  Cutting back on the drinks that you know “amp up” your nervous system, the ones that have chemicals, sugars and caffeine in them. For they assist you in keeping going but they keep your nerve endings, if you will, on high alert.




You can soothe and nourish and give your nerve endings, if you will, on your physical, emotional and mental level a break, by drinking the liquids that allow them to relax, and supporting your body by eating the proper foods at the right time that you know bring about optimal health. Allowing your body to move in what ever way enlivens your body: walking running swimming yoga, tennis, gardening, walking the dog, or riding the bike within your house, because it's too snowy outside, whatever it is.


Allow your body to discharge some of that static electricity that's built up from its reactivity to the world around it.  Again it's so unseen that it's hard to imagine that it's there. It’s easy to feel overly sensitive to it, but it is impacting you. Your body will eventually make the changes, but giving it the support in the meantime, so it is not over reacting, so it's feeling loved and nurtured and not in a fight or flight mode.


For some of you it is as if your bodies and minds and emotions are battling with an unseen aggressor during the day. By the end of the day you could say from outward appearances “My day was fine, but boy did I feel like I was in a battle today.”  So understand that this is your body just shifting and changing with this increased energetic level that's on the planet at this time, and as your body makes the changes, which are slower than the energetic changes, you have lots of ways to support it.  Slowing down your day so you have some break. Enjoying something relaxing in the evening: music, meditation, reading, cooking, whatever it is for you that gives you that space in the day, where you can just BE.




It doesn't need to be at a spiritual endeavor such as meditation, unless you wish it so, but always thinking that you want to create this nice, soft, loving embrace of compassion to the physical body that’s adjusting to the energetic changes are happening on the planet these days.


As you allow yourself to energetically embrace yourself by giving yourself that space and time, you'll notice that the reactivity, the sensitivity, will begin to diminish as you support yourself.  We ask also that you are kind to yourself and not be overly critical. Be supportive of yourself. If you feel over-reactive and oversensitive, tell yourself you're okay. Tell yourself you care about you. Tell yourself you're here to support you. Allow yourself that breathing room and that breathing space.  For the energies of pushing forward, pushing through it, and carrying on no matter what, actually create greater reaction to the new energies on the planet.  The resistance is released as you step back and support yourself on all those levels.


As we said before, feel free. We welcome your calls out to us to assist you and as you do know that the light and knowledge and information from us to you flows even greater.  Allow yourself to feel and experience that love and that connection. Allow yourself that opportunity to see a different way, and feel a different point of view that will create greater ease in your life.  As you do so always know that you are not only assisting yourself, you’re assisting all those around you: those who you love is your family and friends, those who you work with, and those who you just pass by in the store or on the street.


You are all swimming in the same energetic soup, and as you do it for yourself, you do for others.  It’s a beautiful gift you give to yourself and others. Always know that we are here in love and support of all you do to assist you in traversing this new time with the new energies on your planet.



Be Blessed.

We are the High Council of Orion.”







Sign up to be a part of our Live channeled teleseminars with the High Council of Orion. 


This is an opportunity to personally connect with and ask the High Council of Orion your questions.


These events will be held on: Tuesday 5th February 2013 at 6pm to 7pm PST Tuesday 19th February 2013 at 10am to 11am PST Saturday 16th March 2013 at 6pm to 7pm PST (L.A. California Time) More Details at http://www.akashahealingstudio.com/activities/


The High Council of Orion taught us the 111™ Activation which allows individuals to embody greater clarity, personal alignment and authenticity in their lives.  This 30 minute energetic session can be experienced in person or at a distance with equal effectiveness.


Please contact us to book a session.  For more information about the 111 Activation, please click here.


© 2012 Copyright Holly Hawkins Family Trust        www.AkashaHealingStudio.com


This channeled message may be reproduced in it’s entirety provided it is kept in it’s original form and not altered or changed in any way, with the Author and website clearly included.




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Some dilemmas in the next few days will not have comfortable 3D solutions...your 3D life often requires more attention than you would like....With your new software, you will expand your search functions to include memories and patterns you could not easily access in 3D...Just as you needed to learn how to use a computer before you could explore the internet, you are learning the basics of your new software...You will find yourself exasperated with 3D solutions and cry out to your higher self for a better method of solving a problem. Discovering that method will encourage you to repeat and expand that pattern until it is as comfortable as your 3D techniques...Learning about your new software is a process...Such is so for a reason...




Dear Ones,



Some dilemmas in the next few days will not have comfortable 3D solutions. Such is so for a reason.


It is unlikely you would explore your new personal software if it were not necessary. You have the best intentions – perhaps are even excited about using your new software. But your 3D life often requires more attention than you would like. So you and the Universes have added a few glitches to your life – such as you cannot find your favorite necklace or a repair person is not available.


The thought that issues were added to your already full schedule is daunting to some and aggravating to others. In truth, it is little different from a pop quiz during mid-term exams. Even though the pop quiz is a small part of your overall grade, you are appalled that your instructor felt the need to add one more stress to an already full week.


Let us explain what will likely happen. Perhaps you wish to wear a special necklace to a party but cannot find it. As you search, you become more frustrated knowing that you need to leave for the party in just a few minutes. That frustration forces you to give up in 3D terms and to turn to your higher self in exasperation. That is when you will suddenly remember where you stored your necklace after you last wore it.




Many of you feel that such is not that unusual for something similar sometimes happened in your 3D world. The difference is that you most often assumed finding your necklace was luck in your 3D world. This week you will know you found your necklace with your new software.


Even though we labeled this piece new software, this software has always been a part of all on earth. You were just afraid to use it. For you have hidden your light, your inner-power for eons to better fit within earth’s density. It is a bit like purchasing a new television with internet capabilities and limiting your viewing to local television stations. You could search the internet on your new television, but you do not read the manual or explore your options – because of fear or disinterest. So it has been for you for eons.


Some of you will easily access your new software. You will not fear being more skilled than friends and relatives who do not wish to explore their software. Nor will you feel the need to describe your new skills to others. You will just be – as would be true if you bought a rug or a vacuum cleaner. You will accept your new being as a normal progression, not something unique to you.


That is not to say you are not unique and special to the Universes, but instead to inform you that everyone on earth downloaded their new (or opened again, if you will) physical software. What you do with that software will create your uniqueness.




Let us return to our lost necklace example. In the 3D world, you had several options. You could attend the party without the necklace. You could continue searching until it was too late to attend the party. You could replace the necklace with another. You could change your clothes. Or you could decide not to attend.


With your new software, you will expand your search functions to include memories and patterns you could not easily access in 3D. You will do so first by asking your higher self to open that option – and then you will do so as a matter of course as you become more proficient.


Even though the obstacles in the next few days will be minor in the overall picture of your life, those obstacles will encourage you to open and expand your software skills. Somewhat like a flower opening to great beauty.


Your new software (or newly accessed software) is a major stepping stone to communicating throughout the Universes. Just as you needed to learn how to use a computer before you could explore the internet, you are learning the basics of your new software so you will eventually be comfortable with new forms of communications between you and other earthlings, the plant and animal world, unseen earth entities, your higher self, various dimensions and the Universes.




The next few days will be lesson one. You will find yourself exasperated with 3D solutions and cry out to your higher self for a better method of solving a problem. Discovering that method will encourage you to repeat and expand that pattern until it is as comfortable as your 3D techniques. Once you have mastered communicating within yourself, you will advance to communicating with the greater world and finally with the Universes.


Brenda is concerned that not all will easily access their software so some will feel less worthy, less of a Lightworker than others.


Learning about your new software is a process – as was true when you first learned to use a computer. Like any new lesson, some will learn more rapidly than others. You all have software capabilities you can use today, tomorrow or never. It is your choice – and your joy.


The lessons of the next few days are to encourage you to better communicate with yourself. You will soon expand those lessons to communicating with the Universes – easily and effortlessly – as you once did eons ago and do now within other planes with other parts of your being.



So be it. Amen.




Welcome to Brenda's Blog


Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com


Summary of Brenda’s January 27, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: The next few days will present issues to urge you to use your new personal software. Your first inclination will probably be to solve the dilemma with 3D methods only to discover those solutions aren’t adequate – encouraging you to ask your higher self for assistance in opening your personal software.


The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: ”You KNOW You Downloaded New Physical Software”


Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.




If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.


Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. www.LifeTapestryCreations.com. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author:


Brenda Hoffman & source website link: www.LifeTapestryCreations.com




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Channeling the Ascended Masters is an honor. Those who do this, do so as a gift to those able to receive what is said without dismissing it if it does not agree with what they currently believe. Most of you can do this, but many cannot...every source must be challenged, or they will not be able to advance in awareness...by not asking each time they channel, "are you Christ consciousness?", they are being deceived at that moment....what's next (?)....Go within and notice that quality you are disturbed by and delete it. Work on yourselves.


January 30, 2013 

Channeling the Ascended Masters is an honor. Those who do this, do so as a gift to those able to receive what is said without dismissing it if it does not agree with what they currently believe. Most of you can do this, but many cannot. I was not able to convince a great number of my chelas that this blog is actually mine, as too many were already conned and deluded into believing other dictations that falsly use my name. What is the most credible thing I can do to convince you that masquerading is being done, other than the appearance of an actual materialization? When I asked to lead as Maha Chohan, I decided there would be no more materializations, and no more dictations for only the masses, but I would go into details about the ascension. What has been delivered on this blog, and through the other clear channels who do get messages directly from me, is necessary, as the dream being uncovered before ascension is non-negotiable.


As a conduit's commitment to non-collusion with deceivers, every source must be challenged, or they will not be able to advance in awareness. What most deceivers do is find a non-aware one who cannot tell the difference between an act of deception, and an actual Ascended Master coming for a moment to gift all with a message. All who channel must decree their non-acceptance of deceivers at every contact for channeling. When this is done, a clearer continuity in all that comes through as channeling can assist those needing guidance. What we have now is mass confusion.


Let me again identify what has been deceptively announced by others in my name:

1. Changes in attitude for those now in darkness. 2. Change in the attitudes of those controlling. 3. Galactic assistance in delivering chelas to another galaxy. 4. Money coming to lightworkers due to NESARA claims. 5. Changes in pending natural disasters. 6. Money lost will be restored. 7. Chelas going to ascend with less than awakened consciousness.

What has been channeled in other material that does not concur with this blog must be challenged. Instead of challenging this blog only, do yourself the favor of canceling your attitudes against anything, and then ask to be led to the most loving and caring vibration. Then use your dowsing ability to choose. When heart discernment is not done, the mind does not know how to distance my actual channeling from deceiver channeling.


Twenty active channels are not channeling me when they are getting messages with my name. Most of these are caring, loving beings, and do not do this to make a mess with their contributions. But by not asking each time they channel, "are you Christ consciousness?", they are being deceived at that moment. Only this question can guarantee access to the Master level of consciousness. It doesn't matter who channels what, but here's a clue about Ascended Master quality: its accessibility is determined by the level of consciousness of the channel.

My next words are for all who are now wondering what's next. Caring is the most important. Love all as they are, and give up any negative attitudes about those who do things not congruent with man's highest good. Accept their deeds and do the only thing that you can do to negate the effects: make your light stronger. Go within and notice that quality you are disturbed by and delete it. Work on yourselves. What causes you to dislike something is in you. Welcome this new detail when it is revealed, because once you have this awareness, no more dramas of this nature will need to be created in your energy domain.

Basking only in delight does not necessarily delete what is in the mental body. More awareness about what has been denied must be acquired. Freedom can be yours when you are done with the negative ego and can align all your answers to your own Christ consciousness.



Ascended Master Saint Germain

For more of Saint Germain's messages, visit: http://comptedesaintgermainsblog.blogspot.com This message may be shared in its entirety with proper credit and the above back link included.


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 I saw a dog by the side of the road,  and I kicked it...God said...This is my garden,  the garden where my ‘children’  play...in this ever dancing play of light and energy which each creature also is.



Master Hilarion  &  Source

29 Jan 2013


I was walking and I saw a dog by the side of the road,  and I kicked it, and behold, it felt good.

And god told me that from then on people would consider themselves and me to be enemies, and god said that from then on it would just be god and me.


I said thankyou for the heads up, god.


God said .. I see the totality that you are,  and the lilas played within it.


This is my garden,  the garden where my ‘children’  play. The planetary based point of viewing perceives itself as a creature… human or whatever.




The more galactic, cosmic experience is of a wholeness, of the same nature as source, in source, and experiences itself more like  source, in which all creation, and even one’s own ’ creatureness ‘ , is playing, experimenting, learning, and evolving,..



in this ever dancing play of light and energy which each  creature also is.

 Master Hilarion  &  Source


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Many are still holding on tightly believing all that their human eyes and ears can see and hear and ignoring the deep calling from their SOUL...For those who try to keep their dreamtime free from dreams we ask why?...the dreams that are contained within the core of your very BEing are TRUTH dear ones...The answers to your hearts calling are not found in those around you...do not allow the smoke and mirrors to show you “impossible”, “not able” for these are not TRUTH. YOU are energy, that energy manifests...the teachings of distortion will place you in a holding pattern that keeps the dream just out of reach...Do not allow the smoke and mirrors of the old earth energies place you into a holding pattern...the power is found within...YOU are vast BEings of LIGHT....Reach out to the dream...


January 25, 2013

Greetings dear ones we are the High Council of Orion and we come to guide and support as many are now calling to their higher SELF and aligning with SOUL purpose. The energies of the new earth will now heighten and expand as the human race now prepares to heighten and expand at SOUL level. Many of the changes that are now flooding into your waking conscious life experience are there to help you make the shift from the old earth energies into the new supportive energies of the universe.

Many are still holding on tightly believing all that their human eyes and ears can see and hear and ignoring the deep calling from their SOUL. Dear ones the calling from your SOUL is TRUTH for it comes from within the heart space. The human vehicle is not equipped to interpret the new earth energies for the human vehicle is now being asked to go beyond where it has ever gone before. Many are now searching logically for a reference point and we guide there is not one. In an energetic climate that moves you beyond where you have experienced in your human form there is no logical reference point. This is being exploited by many within the old earth energies, as many are now stepping forward trying energetically to hold back the tide of the new earth energies.

The dreamtime landscape for many is now becoming fluid, as you work within the new earth energies and begin to harness the power that is contained within SELF within the dreamtime landscape then dreams are created in your waking human life experience. For those who try to keep their dreamtime free from dreams we ask why? Why would you incarnate on this planet, in this timeline and dimension and cut off the heart space from FEELing? For the dreams that are contained within the core of your very BEing are TRUTH dear ones and many are now trying to justify their dreams within the context of the old earth energies. This is not supported by the new earth dear ones for the dreams are seeded within the new earth not the suppressive old earth energies. The codings that sit at SOUL level will embellish and harness the energies of the new. We ask dear ones for you to process our words through the heart space for the heart knows TRUTH.


The answers to your hearts calling are not found in those around you, those around you are now in the process of moving into the newer earth energies, even those who may be termed asleep are moving in vibration dear ones. This is represented by the chaos that is now unfolding as they prepare to unleash their deepest fears upon a world that is now moving to a new vibration. The dreaming of the new earth pioneers, the new earth architects and the new earth master builders will see the new earth seeded in TRUTH. We ask ALL to become mindful of that which they think for the thinking may drive the manifestation. This will not create from the heart space and will create the smoke and mirrors of the glitter and gold without TRUTH. Many shining appearances are now being placed in front of SELF dear ones and we guide for you to FEEL the vibration of ALL. The vibration will show TRUTH not the words, nor even in many cases the actions for the human race now moves beyond language.

To FEEL TRUTH is to align with SOUL purpose and the calling has now gone out across the universe. Many are now aligning with SOUL family and are preparing to move to the new earth in TRUTH. We ask for you to FEEL TRUTH at all times dear ones, do not allow the smoke and mirrors to show you “impossible”, “not able” for these are not TRUTH. YOU are energy, that energy manifests and anything that resides within the heart space is not only possible it is attainable, all that we ask is that you process through the heart and that YOU have FAITH and TRUST in SELF. For the FAITH and TRUST are the sails to the boat that you are now sailing across unchartered territory. The map for this voyage is contained within the heart space.

Now as many reach the ascension process and begin the journey through and into ascension in TRUTH then the patterns of the old will be broken and dissolved. We are here to guide in relation to the jumping of timelines that many are now attempting but many are also now ignoring. This is TRUTH dear ones to a level that has not been accessed or attempted within the human race prior to this new golden age. These timelines were denied to the human race for the human race could not elevate their vibration to the levels required. ALL is vibration dear ones, you need only align your vibration with TRUTH to reveal miracles to SELF.

As the human vibration is elevated then the shifting occurs, the timelines and dimensions are crossed and the lower level timelines are sealed off. There is no slipping backwards dear ones for that is not possible within the new earth energies, the expansion and growth always upwards. For many are now residing within the timelines of their dreams yet they are not harnessing the new earth energies to fuel the dream into the waking conscious life experience. Dear ones the teachings of distortion will place you in a holding pattern that keeps the dream just out of reach, to manifest the dream into your waking human life experience you must dissolve the teachings and harness the FEELing of joy and expansion that is offered within the timeline that you reside. Reach out to the dream etherically, pull through the FEELings of the dream and breathe life into the dream. The universe will then work to deliver the dream to SELF in the waking conscious life experience.

Many are realising the dream exists but are then placing conditions within the landscape of dreaming, this is the logical human mind searching for a reference point dear ones, as we have guided there is no reference point for you have never reached this level of consciousness in your human form in a waking state prior to this golden age. Do not allow the smoke and mirrors of the old earth energies place you into a holding pattern. Work to dissolve the teachings and pull through the LOVE that IS so that if flows through YOU and around YOU for in TRUTH dear ones it IS YOU.


We work with ALL at this time in order to show TRUTH and to help with clarity of vision. There are many miracles that are now on their way to the human race and we guide for ALL to anchor and acknowledge the power that is contained within, for YOU are vast BEings of LIGHT, as you anchor and acknowledge this TRUTH then more LIGHT is able to be anchored from cellular level outwards. As you change your cellular structure then TRUTH is revealed at deepening levels.

We ask for ALL to dream their lives into creation, the power is found within, it is not found externally and it is not something that happens to YOU, it is birthed THROUGH YOU. We ask for you to ignite the heart space and watch miracles unfold around YOU and through YOU for as you dream your dream into creation the human race expands and grows as YOU expand and grow.

We are the High Council of Orion and we are here with you as you read our words dear ones. The human race is now aligning with the power that it is in TRUTH. To harness this power we ask that you breathe and that YOU BE for YOU ARE. We are your brothers and sisters from the stars and we hold you in the LOVE that IS breathing joy into your waking conscious life for in TRUTH joy is YOU, for YOU are LOVE dear ones, anchor, acknowledge and accept for ALL JUST IS.




Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved Article may be reproduced in its entirety if it remains unaltered in any way and author and authors links are clearly stated.






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