Karma's Helper's Posts (1073)

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....when you are listening to thought forms, the energy of those thought forms takes up space, and so within a dimension of you, the thought form is what fills the space...nothing can fill a space unless the space is empty. Two things cannot fill the same space...Knowing who you are means that you know you are ultimately in control of your own path and in control of everything. When you know who you are, you know that you are allowing and disallowing everything happening to you...Knowing does not require thought or feeling. It is the empty space that knows it exists without having a why or a reason. It is just there...So you must let go of judgment of yourself. Then you will know who you are, and step into allowing who you are to operate through you, and you will not fear anything....Acquire your own stillness, no matter what is happening around you.

Ascension Keys

When you acquire stillness, you step into that vibration and you are in that dimension of yourself. That is the dimension that MUST direct you. You cannot let thought forms direct you. You have to step out of their vibration by going within and becoming very still.


Stillness. Your ears have taken in a lot of noise.

Your etheric body has to be able to move up into your conscious mind, this one etheric dimension. Because when you are listening to thought forms, the energy of those thought forms takes up space, and so within a dimension of you, the thought form is what fills the space.

Your light body fills certain dimensions of you, but nothing can fill a space unless the space is empty. Two things cannot fill the same space. For instance, if one person is feeling love and hate at the same time, they are not feeling it in the same space. One dimension is feeling hate, and is filled with that vibration of hate. There is another dimension that is filled with love, and love occupies the space.

Each dimension must be tapped into, because each dimension is holding a vibration, holding thoughts in its awareness, holding feelings in its awareness of who it is, and that clouds who it is, or it enhances who it is, depending on what thought or feeling it is holding on to.


But all dimensions are there to teach us, if we will learn how to love them, if we will learn to accept ourselves with no judgment, because we know that you have judged yourself. But these higher aspects of you are not judging any dimension of them. They came into a lower vibration and it is through this lower vibration that they will learn to conquer over their judgment. And you will learn to become still, and when you are still you will know what you are here to do, and you will know who you are. You will not have any judgment, you will just have knowing.

Knowing who you are means that you know you are ultimately in control of your own path and in control of everything. When you know who you are, you know that you are allowing and disallowing everything happening to you. You cannot allow something that isn't going to teach you something. And nothing happens to you that you are not allowing. When you know you are ultimately in control, then you are not afraid. But knowing comes before feeling.

Knowing does not require thought or feeling. It is the empty space that knows it exists without having a why or a reason. It is just there. And out of that knowing there is a great calm. And that is the very first emotion. Love is not the first emotion. It is the second emotion. Love comes out of the great calm, and that is who you are in the reality of your vibration.

You are a great calm. Out of the great calm all goodness flows to you. The calmer you are, the more love you feel. When you are feeling love, you are not in judgment, and when you judge nothing, you allow the Universe to fully bless you in all areas of your life. You let it do what it wants, because you understand that it only wants to love you, and if it only wants to love you, it cannot give you anything that is bad. It can only give you what will help you, what will guide you, what will direct you. And it can only give you what is best for you.

There is nothing to fear in that vibration, where you know everything, where you are God and you love everything, where you judge nothing, but you see yourself as who you truly are, and you are God. And God is still. Because God knows who it is. God knows itself. God tests itself sometimes. It asks itself questions to see if every dimension knows who it is. And those dimensions respond with creations.


What you are creating right now comes out of every dimension of yourself. It is what you are speaking on every level of yourself, and some dimensions are dominant. Some dimensions have more space to operate in, because you have given them the space. You listened to them, and they acquired that space. It became their territory in your mind, in your etheric bodies. Good and bad. All dimensions must be accounted for. Good and Bad. The good dimensions must be allowed to operate, and the bad dimensions must be learned from and, firstly, they must realize that they are not wrong or bad.



They are just in existence.

They were created to answer questions.

Each dimension must be accounted for. Each dimension must decide who and what it is, but without judgment. Saying, "I am," is the first thought of knowing. You simply know that you are, whether or not you have a reason to be, and reasoning comes later. And reasoning can come out of knowing, but when we forget ourselves we do not believe that everything coming to us is being allowed or disallowed by us. And so we step into the vibration of control, because we forget that we are already in control of everything and that we do not need a false control to protect ourselves or to survive.

But when we step out of knowing and into forgetfulness, which is what we do on the Earth plane, then we automatically acquire the emotion, fear.

Many emotions react to fear. There is guilt for being afraid, but there is also anger, because anger wants to protect you when you are afraid. It can lash out to defend you. But when we become angry, fear grows. It wants to protect us better, and so we become hateful, so that we do not have to be close to anything. We can push things away. The further we push them away, the more we forget that we are in them, the more we forget who we are, the more our fear begins to grow, and separates us into many dimensions, and all of them hold beliefs, every single one of them. Good and bad beliefs.

There are higher aspects that have been separated, but there are lower aspects that chose to separate and we agreed with them. It is only through getting out of our judgment and stepping into acceptance that the fear leaves us and we take our control back without being controlling, and then we are no longer controlled by people around us or by events around us.



They don't affect us.

We are still.

WE just ARE.


And that is all we have to be.

There is no reason that we exist. We are here to learn. We are here to become more fully aware, or what you would call better. But becoming better and improving means you are becoming more aware, expanding your mind. It means realizing other aspects of your mind and allowing them to begin operating through you. It is through allowing, it is all allowing. It is all allowing. If you are in love, you are allowing. If you are not in love, you are in fear no matter what emotion you are in. If you are not calm, you are disturbed. Which develops into fear.

Fear cuts you off because it says 'I have nothing.' That is the first thought of fear. It does not like simply being. It sees it as having no reason to be. But it needs no reason, truly. It can simply be, operating in fullness of who it is. But it just forgot that. It forgot it. And it began to lose its consciousness. And became more and more asleep.

The parts of you that are awake are calling to the parts of you that are asleep, but you must go within and be still in order to hear them. In order to hear them. You must be still and without judgment. They cannot talk to you if you will judge what they have to say. And then you will hear some of your other beliefs that are not out of stillness. They will talk to you when they know that you will not judge them. They want to be released. They want to take on a new and improved vibration. But they cannot do it if they are being judged for their current one.

So you must let go of judgment of yourself. Then you will know who you are, and step into allowing who you are to operate through you, and you will not fear anything, and you will not need anger because you will not be afraid. And you will allow everything to unfold and be near you and exist with you in the way that the Universe wants to express it to you.

That is what an energy shift is. It is removing yourself from one vibration and stepping into a different one, and knowing that, no matter where you are at, it is just where you're at, and where you are at is good, and wherever you have been at was good, because it taught you where could eventually be. And everything teaches us. We learn by it when we are not judging it.

So step out of judgment and hear what you are actually saying. You need to be in a place that is not in alignment with judgment, and that place is stillness. When you are still you allow the higher emotions to come and operate and be, and fill spaces of you that were not in alignment with what you would call a good vibration or a positive vibration. Acquire your own stillness, no matter what is happening around you.



You are our family.

You are my family.

I am Fongeetale of The Council

For The Assistance to Earth.





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...verbal defamation and gossip ravages many lives. It is often overlooked as many feel there are much bigger problems to solve in the universe...Begin by only speaking good of others, while encouraging others to do the same...a simple action can begin the process of healing and positiveness in their daily life for themselves, and others...Change happens one person at a time...Be the leader.





A New Message From VERONICA



"We are often asked how one can make a difference for the better in their relationships.

Many seek a complicated answer. However, a simple action can begin the process of healing and positiveness in their daily life for themselves, and others.

Each day, verbal defamation and gossip ravages many lives. It is often overlooked as many feel there are much bigger problems to solve in the universe. All are having their own unique experiences, and some are damaged by these types of actions.


We would suggest starting to clean up your personal reality of these seeds of negativity. Begin by only speaking good of others, while encouraging others to do the same.

By leading with a positive loving example, perhaps others who are deeply entrenched in speaking negatively will evolve to a more positive approach.

Many larger problems in the world have their roots in personal and cultural behavior.


Be the leader.

Your example may make your life totally different. Rejoice in the change and become the nurturer.

Not that it will be an exodus from all the negativity, but it will at least be a beginning.


Change happens one person at a time.

Remember to speak to the good in another. Perhaps they will be inspired to do the same.

Keeping your positive stance will have an effect. Those who will hear you will be elevated to a new perspective.


Be kind.

Be positive.

Be different.

It does change things."


~ Channeled via April Crawford www.Inner Whispers.org


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...you were not afraid before you came here, but you stepped into a society full of fear, and as a Starseed, you were so empathic you took on that fear, and you must understand, Starseed, it is not yours....It is only fear of what other people will think of you that keeps you from being who you really are in front of them. It is only your fear that keeps you from stepping into your rightful place...You are an empath because you are a Starseed. Understand you did not enter into this world with any fear. You came here with a fearlessness and a courageous heart. You knew your assignment, and you knew, without trying to believe it, you knew you would succeed...You are here to help people find their own light. You are not here to take their negativity into yourselves. Protect your energy. Don’t allow it to be dampened by the emotions and thoughts of others...although it has been hard for you, it is only because of how important you are.


Ascension Keys

It is only fear of what other people will think of you that keeps you from being who you really are in front of them. It is only your fear that keeps you from stepping into your rightful place.


And you were not afraid before you came here, but you stepped into a society full of fear, and as a Starseed, you were so empathic you took on that fear, and you must understand, Starseed, it is not yours.

You took it into your energy field from others around you that had bought into the Reptilian fear, and they became so controlled by it that their vibrations were constantly sending it out, and you’ve got to be aware that you pick up on the vibrations of those around you, and that you adopted society’s fear as your own, but this is not your fear. This isn’t your truth.


You are fearless and courageous, and you need to be aware anytime you feel something other than fearlessness and courageousness. Look around you. Who is around you? And if you are alone, where are you? Who is nearby? Who is in the room next to you, in the house next to you? Who is near you? Even if the nearest person is a mile away, do not accept their fear, and do not believe that you are the one feeling it.

You are an empath because you are a Starseed. Understand you did not enter into this world with any fear. You came here with a fearlessness and a courageous heart. You knew your assignment, and you knew, without trying to believe it, you knew you would succeed.

You are succeeding now, you are breaking free of much karma, and there is much to be released from your body. Your physical body, your emotional body, and your mental body must release their toxins before you can step into your life’s purpose and mission. You are releasing toxins from previous lives here and on other planets, and many old feelings of failure, regret and loneliness may come up inside of you, but understand you are in the process of expelling those feelings.

Your light body is stepping forward and it is purging your mental, physical and emotional bodies of whatever is blocking you, and you feel those as they release, but again I tell you, you do not have fear to release.


The fear you feel is not yours. Look around you. Who is around you? Who are you picking up on, or whose energy have you soaked up?

You must realize when you are feeling something that you did not collect from your own experiences, you must realize when you are feeling something you have collected from someone else, you must allow these darker emotions to surface and release and you must protect yourselves so that you stop collecting so much negativity from the people around you.

Your energy is aware of all vibrations around it, and subconsciously, it wants to help the people around it. You are relieving them of what is ailing them, but by doing so you are not enabling them to walk through their own negativity and learn to release it and learn to feel their own positivity.


You have enough to deal with. You do not need to take on other peoples’ burdens. You need to cleanse your own self of your own negativity and allow your positive light to cleanse you of it. And that is what it wants to do and it is already doing it, but you must remember that you are not here to take on other peoples’ burdens as your own and hurt yourself in the process.

You are here to first cleanse yourself and then, then afterward, help to cleanse those around you, but not by taking into your own energy field what they are going through, but by teaching them to connect with their reality, by showing your own vibration and by making them aware of who they really are, of who they really could be.


You are here to help people find their own light. You are not here to take their negativity into yourselves. Protect your energy. Don’t allow it to be dampened by the emotions and thoughts of others.

And part of the way to do that, the very first step in doing that is by realizing that those emotions come from outside sources. Call on your own light. Call on your Reality, the true being within you, to shed its light piercing every illusion that you have believed.

I promise you, you are on your way to defeating all illusion. You are on your way to overcoming everything you believed to have conquered you. It did not conquer you. You are the victor. You will be victorious over every form of negativity and over all illusion.

I am speaking to you as a close friend. I am a protector. I am a Guardian of Earth. I am not only a member of the Council For The Assistance To Earth, but I am also a member of another council, The Council For The Guardians of Earth, and we have protected you Starseeds from things you were unaware of.

I am ending this message now, but I want you to know that, although it has been hard for you, it is only because of how important you are. There are so many things that want to try and stop you, because you have an important mission in life, but we are here to help you.

We are close friends. We are protecting you. We are uplifting you. We are teaching you ways to help yourself. We wish only for your betterment and we love you like our own children.




You are our family.

You are my family.

I am Fongeetale of The Council

For The Assistance to Earth.


For more please visit: http://councilfortheassistancetoearth-com.webs.com/


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We are the Creators and we come to guide and to support as the human race now moves in vibration and becomes more aware of ALL that exist around them...Events will unfold across and within planet earth that will show the depth of vibrational frequency that has now been anchored upon and within planet earth...For many of you this will be a period of intense change as you begin to release all that no longer resonates with your new higher energy signature...Detach from the need to react and listen to you human vehicle, balance is attained by grounding your energy signature and breathing...detach from the drama and to hold more LIGHT is the way to work through this transition period for all now are in transition. The old will dissolve...



We are the Creators and we come to guide and to support as the human race now moves in vibration and becomes more aware of ALL that exist around them. Information placed across the different sections of human society will now begin to reflect the changes and the shifts in vibration that have occurred both within the human race and upon and within the planet on which they exist for ALL ARE ONE and ALL are connected.

We come to share our words with you at a time where all will change as the reflection that is your waking human life now comes fully into balance. That which you have been taught as TRUTH will now shift and take shape as TRUTH JUST IS, do you understand our words? our guidance? TRUTH JUST IS, no amount of explaining or justifying is needed for at a deep level now YOU are more aware and more resonant to the energies of the old earth than ever before. For many of you this will be a period of intense change as you begin to release all that no longer resonates with your new higher energy signature for the human race in general has shifted in its frequency.


That which you have been told will happen across your planet can now be processed at deepening levels and TRUTH will be revealed through the words and the VIBRATION of all that is put in front of you to digest. We ask for you to process the VIBRATION and the FREQUENCY of all that is shown to you at this time for the smoke and mirrors of the old world may still glitter until they fade out completely.

Massive changes to your human society will now unfold, they unfold at a rate that is acceptable to you in person for you are the creators of your own human life experience. Now you are able to access more fully ALL tools that are presented to you on this planet, no longer vibrationallly locked out of TRUTH you will be able to connect and to share with ALL on this planet to deepening levels. Events will unfold across and within planet earth that will show the depth of vibrational frequency that has now been anchored upon and within planet earth. That which has been denied to the human race will be gifted to the human race for ALL ARE ONE.


We ask for you to honour the cycles of your human vehicle, for so long you have been taught to ignore these cycles and now these cycles come to give you their gifts. Honour how you FEEL at this time, work with the new energies and anchor TRUTH to new levels. LOVE JUST IS and YOU ARE and that LOVE is now working to free you from the cycles of the lower dimensional energies that have kept you blind to all that is presented to you and around you. As you clear your vision and come fully back into balance we ask for you to have LOVE and compassion for SELF as you begin to realize just how controlled and manipulated you have been within the lower dimensional energies. ALL ARE ONE and we ask that you gift yourself the LOVE that IS and resist the temptation to retaliate for retaliation serves no one. Those who sought to contain and suppress the human race unable to anchor any other way of BEing. We ask for you to realize that they no longer can influence the planet and her peoples in any significant way. The old earth will now dissolve and this has already begun in TRUTH.

Detach from the need to react and listen to you human vehicle, balance is attained by grounding your energy signature and breathing. We ask for you ALL to breathe, you have been taught that change is something to be feared and yet the changes are leading the human race out of fear and anxiety and towards peace and harmony. That which is not TRUTH will now dissolve and that which is TRUTH will resonate more and more strongly with ALL. Be centered in your energy signature and understand that the energy that you are in TRUTH is eternal. ALL are now guided by their SOUL and the SOUL is now asking for expansion and growth. The planet earth is now coming into a frequency that allows for this expansion and growth and this will be shown in TRUTH to ALL.

We are the Creators and we will guide more in due course, for the moment we ask for you to stand in your LIGHT and to find balance at all times. The release of the lower dimensional energies may invoke a sense of drama or panic and we ask for you to detach from these scenarios, understand that the old earth needed the reaction to panic and fear in order to survive. This is now negated under the new earth, to detach from the drama and to hold more LIGHT is the way to work through this transition period for all now are in transition. The old will dissolve as it was always to dissolve for the NEW EARTH is now born in TRUTH.

We ask that you rest, that you breathe and that you have TRUST and FAITH in SELF at this time. This is a period of re-balance and re-structure.




ALL is perfect for ALL JUST IS

and YOU ARE.

Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved www.whisperinguniverse.net www.thegalacticportal.com


Article may be reproduced in its entirety if author and authors websites are clearly stated and links back to the original article are included.


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What is the Omega Point? First, you must learn what the Alpha Point is. The Alpha Point was at that moment in eternity when the Divine Source brought you into existence; complete; whole; beautiful; magnificent....All was perfect; all was perfect; until that love no longer flowed out, but was turned inward, and then the Omega Point. Oh, oh, what a Point to reach. It was like an entire world collapsing in on itself, but the transmuting of that brought about a second Alpha Point in the material manifestation. This then was when you as spirit entities were entrapped in the material manifestation...(the) purpose is to bring you again to the Omega Point which will be the doorway to the original Alpha Point...What is the Omega Point? For you here and now the Omega Point will be the most glorifying experience in your entire creative existence; in that it will be the meeting of your existence and your essence. The Omega Point; the rebirth of you to the state that you were originally created in. How simple it all is...









   As a bit of general information, what are you really involved in? What is really going on? What can an individual expect out of dealing with us or dealing with the material? We will tell you. What is going on is the instructions that will bring you to the Omega Point, the Omega Point. What is the Omega Point?


First, you must learn what the Alpha Point is. The Alpha Point was at that moment in eternity when the Divine Source brought you into existence; complete; whole; beautiful; magnificent; power within yourself that would be unbelievable; purity of heart that would be unsurpassed by anything else; like a light that shines brighter than all the light in the universe. In this beauty, in the total magnificence and power, in the center of it, was you; busy in motion, busy at creation, the motion, the activity, the sensing, the examining of a world never seen by human hands, never seen by human eyes, a world unlike anything you have ever conceived or are capable of conceiving; not a world as you understand, limitations, but a heavenly world of motion, action, expansion; such beauty, of vibrant existence, a constant evolution of creation. That was each of you.




The power of one thought from you could create an entire universe as fast as the thought could form, but the awe-inspiring factor was the warmth of love, the power of love that emanated with such strength that it elevated everything that would come in contact with it; add to it so that it would grow and blossom, like a beautiful rose, like a beautiful tree, yes, the Alpha Point. All was perfect; all was perfect; until that love no longer flowed out, but was turned inward, and then the Omega Point.


Oh, oh, what a Point to reach. It was like an entire world collapsing in on itself, but the transmuting of that brought about a second Alpha Point in the material manifestation. This then was when you as spirit entities were entrapped in the material manifestation. From there on each of you as souls, as beings, as Children of God, have moved constantly in one direction or the other, forwards or backwards, through many times, through many changes, through many periods of darkness and through many periods of light, and so now mankind arrives at this time in the plan and each of you here are in this time. Our purpose is to bring you again to the Omega Point which will be the doorway to the original Alpha Point.


You wonder what is the Omega Point now? Is it like the one we described before? No, no, you are to grow from that collapse; you are to grow into the original Alpha Point. How do you do it? Let us tell you of the great love your Creator has for you. It is very simple. Perfection in an instant, if you choose. Each of you and every one on the face of this earth has a past. What should you do with that past? Should you let it devour you? Should you let it destroy you? Or should you allow it to teach you? All of you have a now. What should you do with it?   Should you allow it to destroy you?Should you allow it to teach you? And all of you have a tomorrow. Should you also allow it to destroy you or teach you?


The steps to perfection are relatively simple. Your past is your past, and you should learn to accept it. You should learn to affirm that it did exist and that is that. Regardless of what you may have done, do not let it hold you from growth. No one's past is without negativity, without, what some refer to as, sin. Do not allow guilt to destroy you because it was never meant to destroy but it was meant to create. Guilt, if handled in a proper way, is an extremely healthy thing, but, unfortunately for mankind, he turns a beautiful gift of God into something that destroys and annihilates the soul. Guilt is the finger pointing to the proper way. Man should learn to accept that direction that the finger is pointing to, and then learn to accept those sets of experiences or circumstances that brought about the finger of guilt. Accept it; affirm it; and then move to the present of now. Do not allow it to hold you in the past, for it was not meant to. That is man's laziness, his lack of faith.


Even now, what is there to do? How do we prepare? What must we prepare? Now is where perfection lies, not in the past, not in the future, but now. Perfection lies in the here and now, if -- oh, that treacherous little word that rises its head like a venomous serpent, -- if -- do you remember what we said about that large, large word? If is the difference between what you are and what you should be, what you could be -- if each of you were to do the very best you could or can do in your situation now, that is perfection, THAT is perfection.


If any one of you were to actually enlist all the powers within you, all the forces that God your Father has given you, if you were to actually enlist those and apply those to any set of circumstances or situations or problems or what have you that would come up in the here and now, if you would apply yourself to the best of your ability, you would reach perfection right then and there. And then what? Then the Omega Point. What is the Omega Point? For you here and now the Omega Point will be the most glorifying experience in your entire creative existence; in that it will be the meeting of your existence and your essence. The Omega Point; the rebirth of you to the state that you were originally created in. How simple it all is. The mystery of all of man's creation, all of his efforts, given in one simple statement: the Omega Point. You want a mystery? You want a secret? You want something very profound?



You have been given the key to God.




For more on William LePar and The Council visit :




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Our DNA helps to reinforce the EM field that our brain produces to interact with the information of the cosmic BEING...That means it is a continuum. When we are in harmony with this continuum we behave as scalar waves which do not decay over time or distance. Our bodies are like an antenna that sends and receives data...Your experience in your moment is the only thing you can really trust. The rest is mind. Feel into the information. Then let either use it or let it go.



I received a very clear message from the cosmos this morning. I have been researching negative ions and healing. I asked last night before I went to sleep for a sign or some clarity on the matter as I am in the process of healing myself and clearing stagnant energies that cause illness.

Last year I woke to the word SCALAR. Scalar waves move through time but not space. They store information. Our DNA helps to reinforce the EM field that our brain produces to interact with the information of the cosmic BEING. I always say LOVE IS A WAVE because when waves are in harmony they are CO HERENT. Co herency is how life flourishes, and like scalar waves life is of a fractal nature. That means it is a continuum. When we are in harmony with this continuum we behave as scalar waves which do not decay over time or distance. Our bodies are like an antenna that sends and receives data.

As I was lying there completely relaxed I could feel my emotional body undulating. I knew at this time without words or direction that when we are exposed to negative ions it allows energy to flow cyclically in spiraling patterns. That spiraling motion is what holds charge for the emotional body. The meaning of IONS is energy in constant flow because there are more electrons that protons. The constant flow creates a charge. This is why we feel better in sacred places where there are stone circles or a vortex. The stone circles are acting as a converter that create negative ions and the vibrations cause the mist to form rather than pockets of warm and cool air that cause lightening. Everything is vibrating or spinning.


I believe the earth was once covered in a mist much like the misting bowls with ions. The energy was free flowing and coherent. We were all balanced and peaceful. But the DRAGON lines were established at various points and the energies were harnessed by someone. This caused imbalance on the planet. That is why there are separated clouds and wet seasons and dry seasons. Earth is struggling to maintain balance. Our environment is not just polluted with chemicals, the very materials and arrangements of structures is causing imbalance.

We have a long way to go. But we can heal the earth and ourselves. We are doing it now. We are actually capable of manifesting 5d reality here on earth again. That means we will be able to easily manipulate the laws of physics rather than be ripped apart my them. And we WILL be transient fluid loving beings once again. This all came to me this morning not in words but in images. I was tuning in to information with something other than my eyes and ears. That is different from hearing words that are channeled by electronic waves from another being that is transmitting what that being wants me to know. What I am doing is tapping into the Akashic field. But don't trust this information any more than you would anything else. It is just information from my perspective. Your experience in your moment is the only thing you can really trust.




The rest is mind.

Feel into the information.

Then let either use it or let it go.


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As the third dimensional energies are no longer being supported by the very atmosphere surrounding the Earth, it is becoming increasingly difficult to hold the denser energies in your personal energy fields. There is a boomerang effect that is occurring...The role that you, the Lightworkers, play at this time is that of balancing and dissolving discordant energies. This is something each of you automatically pray and intend as the need arises... Remembrance of the role you have chosen to play in these times is being activated within you and your dedication to this service is duly noted...


April 21-28, 2013

Beloved Ones,

The times that you are living in are wrought with both the greatest of challenges and the greatest of blessings. As the third dimensional energies are no longer being supported by the very atmosphere surrounding the Earth, it is becoming increasingly difficult to hold the denser energies in your personal energy fields. There is a boomerang effect that is occurring whereby those who harbor and hold the denser energies are finding that it comes back to them intensely magnified and this energy sometimes erupts in ways that are difficult to comprehend by the greater community.

It is becoming increasingly important to release these denser energies in ways that do not impinge upon the World in a harmful manner. The role that you, the Lightworkers, play at this time is that of balancing and dissolving discordant energies. This is something each of you automatically pray and intend as the need arises. You have learned how to transmute the lower energies within yourselves and walk the Earth without making a negative impact upon it. It is important to hold love within your hearts no matter what transpires in the changing World around you and this you are doing admirably.


It is incumbent upon each of you to fortify your protective shields each day so that you can remain focused upon your innermost core of light, love and compassion and hold it steady as you go about your daily activities. Spend as much time as you can outdoors communing with nature and the elemental family that surrounds your place of residence and that works to transform all energies into wholeness and balance. Call upon them to assist when the cares of the World weigh you down and you find it difficult to maintain your balanced view of the higher perspective of the ascension process. Even five minutes spent grounding into the core of the Earth and aligning with your higher aspects has a positive and renewing effect upon your system.

Maintain your equilibrium in all ways and remind yourselves often that you are beings of light and love as the discordant energies play out in your area of the World. There are more intense energies in the atmosphere that need to be assimilated into your human operating systems so that more of your light can be activated. Remembrance of the role you have chosen to play in these times is being activated within you and your dedication to this service is duly noted and supported by your Family of Light.


Do not falter in your efforts to live authentically and honestly at all times. The words ‘standing in your Light’ have taken on a whole new meaning now as it has become a crucial element of support to the Earth and all her inhabitants. Try to remember to connect into the newly activated crystalline grids that now hold a great capacity to serve the common good by uniting and magnifying your combined efforts in intending the highest good and outcome for all.

Until next week…


I AM Hilarion

©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah)

Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.




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The Arcturian Group - April, 2013


Much of that which you see as chaos in the world is the releasing of dark energy pockets which have lain dormant in certain areas for eons of time. These are places where the energies of war, strife, and suffering still resonate and where years and years of un-enlightened thinking and actions are now manifesting in order to be looked at, transmuted, and released...Corporations, governments, churches, etc. who may be still functioning in an energy of greed and selfishness are doing whatever they believe is necessary (including the ms-interpreting your sacred constitution), in order to keep mankind in an energy of fear for the purpose of preserving their own lucrative and self serving agendas....Do what you are guided to do in order to bring change in practical 3d dimensional ways (sign petitions, plant seeds of truth with your words etc.)...always be aware of the illusory nature of appearances--that they are manifestations of shadow energy with no law to sustain or maintain them...

APRIL 21, 2013

Hello dear ones. We come today to wish you a happy spring although it has been a very different spring for many parts of your world this year. Gaia is adjusting to the new energies pouring in, as well as opening herself to more of her own Divine energies for she too is a conscious being. Gaia is making the adjustments necessary as best she can in order to allow her own ascension to proceed with the least amount of discord to the beings living on earth.

Much of that which you see as chaos in the world is the releasing of dark energy pockets which have lain dormant in certain areas for eons of time. These are places where the energies of war, strife, and suffering still resonate and where years and years of un-enlightened thinking and actions are now manifesting in order to be looked at, transmuted, and released. It may appear as though the world is becoming darker but it is actually the activity of more Light shining on previously hidden shadows bringing them to world awareness instead of allowing them to stay hidden and functional as has been the case up to now.


Much is happening dear ones, and those choosing to resist the Light through ignorance and fear are now fighting for their survival which can only be a losing battle regardless of how long it takes, simply because Divine Consciousness is the only Reality and thus can never be extinguished. There is no reality (holding power) to illusions created from the energies of duality and separation even though they seem so real--hypnotism. We have stated before that the good illusions are no more real than the bad ones, both represent duality. When there is enough light on earth, it will simply dissolve the un-enlightened illusions into the nothingness that they are.

Many of today's children are on earth at this time simply to add their Light to this evolutionary process. They did not need to be in body for their own personal evolution as they are already very evolved, but chose to be a part of this powerful time by adding their evolved energy to it. This is why you are becoming aware of so many very intuitive, and "old" thinking children. Try to honor them for their Light and not think of them as odd or force them to being more in and of the old energies.

Stay true to your awareness dear ones, for you are making the difference although it may not seem outwardly to be that way. Try not to watch so much news for in doing this you are being fed a continuous supply of negativity and old energy. Be selective in what you read, for you would not feed your body junk so why feed your mind and consciousness with it? Stay aware, but not fully engrossed--"in the world but not of it". The time is now to live that which you know to be the truth, and not just consider it interesting conversation for groups, classes, or friends. Meditate often, resting in your center of Oneness, for this is your calming respite from the world of appearances, and is where you will be taught. No longer do you need piles of books and many classes, for you have evolved beyond them to being taught from within. This is why many of you are finding that you no longer resonate with metaphysical books and classes.

Arcturian Group wishes to talk about America. America was founded on Divine principles brought forth by the founding fathers through the guidance of Beings of Light from this side. America was evolved enough to begin moving toward a new consciousness representative of the freedoms and peace enjoyed by the societies of evolved and already established colonies on other planets. These are highly intelligent societies living in peace and love--societies in which all life forms are valued and respected, and there is no awareness of lack or limitation. Mankind was ready receive and plant the seeds for this higher resonating society to unfold. America's Founding Fathers were being Divinely guided as they wrote the constitution, seeding consciousness with a new way of living and being, one of freedom and peace for all. The constitution was a three dimensional way of bringing in a more enlightened world consciousness although most were not yet ready at that time and even now, to really comprehend the higher truths embodied in this document.


America began as a babe, over time unfolding and growing through painful experiences of trial and error but is now awaking spiritually into "young adulthood" although there are still many resonating with the "rebellious adolescent" consciousness. Many have and still misinterpret this spiritually guided document to benefit their own selfish or simply ignorant interests-- twisting or eliminating divinely inspired ideas to their personal level and working to convince others that this is entirely appropriate.

It is happening more than ever now because there is panic in those who see the awakening of the masses as an end to their old, comfortable, and self serving ways . Corporations, governments, churches, etc. who may be still functioning in an energy of greed and selfishness are doing whatever they believe is necessary (including the ms-interpreting your sacred constitution), in order to keep mankind in an energy of fear for the purpose of preserving their own lucrative and self serving agendas.


However, those of you of the Light are now ready to pay attention and deal with world issues on a new and higher level. Send light to the people who seem to be causing so many problems and remember that they too are in and of the Divine, but have no awareness of it and thus make all their choices from a place of ignorance. Bring the Light of Truth to every situation you become aware of or personally encounter. The awareness of truth and the illusory nature of appearances along with the sending of Light helps to dissolve these illusions of darkness. Ranting and raving about the evils of the world adds your energy to the already present energy creating these appearances and gives them more reality-- illusions gain strength from the energy you feed them, see?


Do what you are guided to do in order to bring change in practical 3d dimensional ways (sign petitions, plant seeds of truth with your words etc.) but always be aware of the illusory nature of appearances--that they are manifestations of shadow energy with no law to sustain or maintain them. Take the human footsteps but only after seeking guidance through contemplation and meditation. You may be guided to do absolutely nothing but stand back and observe in detached awareness---or you may be guided to just send Light--or you may be guided to take some sort of action.

Always remember--




All power is only ever within the Divine,

the Truth,

the Reality.

We are the Arcturian Group


©2013 onenessofall.com | Cedar, MI 49621

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As many of you continue to receive energy and actually resonate with the higher dimensional realms...you notice your ability to communicate with your beloved Earth Mother and with the rest of mankind in the most natural of ways...You have the power dear ones to remove yourself from the imprisonment of your negative thinking mind...The bandwidth of your increasing higher consciousness creates an ability to decode various waves of information...Your ability to control the thought patterns of your mind will be demonstrated in your ability to freely love without inhibitions...You dear ones are multidimensional by nature and this knowledge is found with(in) the cells of your body and discovered when you take the time to go within to know yourself as no one else can...






Melchizedek’s Weekly Message ~ April 21 – 28, 2013

Received by Julie Miller April 21, 2013  




As many of you continue to receive energy and actually resonate with the higher dimensional realms that is streaming from Universe and Sun you notice your ability to communicate with your beloved Earth Mother and with the rest of mankind in the most natural of ways through the awakening of your ever-increasing awareness. The recognition of your own infinite consciousness shows that you indeed see yourself not just as human, but a Divine Human as the living expression of God in all actions that are fused with Unconditional Love.  


Dear ones, this is your journey. You will awaken when you are meant to and in Divine Time you will be brought to certain memories of your multidimensional self that holds a crucial part to the infinite humanity of all this around you and beyond your normal means of community. It is important dear ones to not rush these memories, allow this knowledge to come to you and it will through your practiced application of patience which brings you into a deeper knowing of your true self. When you do begin to remember dear ones you will discover you no longer will agree with the complex conflicts that are central to separation and non-harmonic way of being. When you reach this level of understanding and thinking, you begin to break away from the dualistic thinking of your mind and start embracing the ONENESS of yourself within a unified frequency. More and more you find yourself drawn to a more non-dualistic way of being and bringing those principles into your life, freeing yourself from the heavy narrow disconnected way of duality. You have the power dear ones to remove yourself from the imprisonment of your negative thinking mind. Discover this Inner Power and become the unlimited being you have always been and are meant to be again.  




Understand dear ones; it is the thinking aspect of your mind that easily can remove yourself from the United Oneness of Humanity and of the Divine. Your choice to change your mind set and thinking patterns to those of positive Light and Love will provide you with liberation that is spontaneous and mindful of all action. Your mind is the only part of you that can cause separation between you and achieving Divine Consciousness. Your ability to control the thought patterns of your mind will be demonstrated in your ability to freely love without inhibitions, to create harmony and be the creative divine dear soul we see you as attaining and being.  


We see many dear souls rushing hither thither; trying to get a quick remedy to achieving full wakefulness when this process must take its time and embrace each waking step as it comes instead of rushing through as if it is a race. Your journey dear ones has no clock or timer. All that you are meant to achieve within this life stream will occur. Have faith in yourself and believe dear ones. The way to your awakening, and to remembering and of your completeness of ALL that is, is when you consciously unite your whole body to the consciousness of the Divine. This is attained when you learn to break free from limited belief and earlier teachings, heavy emotional attachments, and great discord that is derived from one-sided thinking. Step away from your fear dear ones, remove the walls and armour that your mind has put up and unveil your soul and spirit –- embrace the Light and Love from God and grow and nurture in His abiding energy.  


Much of your thinking prior to your awakening was the cause of conditioning created by earlier teachers, and caregivers. They did the best they could within the knowledge they themselves had and they shared this with you. Over time you have come to the conclusion that some of these lessons created a false contradiction held between outward covetousness and a mind filled with spiritual beliefs. Understand dear ones that materialism and many old spiritual beliefs held heavy fear-based separation thought-forms from the Divine and of the body. We are pleased to see many of you are beginning to see your Self expressed through your physical body as one of God’s of love and wholeness. Change takes time and it begins with one dear soul at a time.  


Many old and arcane metaphysical traditions have always understood the deceptiveness of the thinking mind and of its ability to restrict its person from achieving awareness thus becoming a mechanical aspect of the physical mind that is separated from the real endlessness freedom of consciousness. These ancient ones focused primarily on honing the mental and spiritual communication frequency of one’s consciousness and develop this to open and to experience the Divine. Even though these dear souls of old understood, their way was still separated from achieving and connecting to higher states of complete unified consciousness with the Divine Realm. It is clearly understood dear ones only until you are able to Express yourself as pure ONENESS within the cellular relationship of your body you will connect to the higher and mystical states of consciousness with the use of your whole body: mind, body, heart and soul.  




Once you are able to fully waken to the Divine Reality of being within your own physical body and mind you are then able to experience completeness through each cell of your whole being. And with this understanding dear ones you will discover that the cells of your Inner body are very crystalline by nature that has the capacity to not only receive Light from the Divine but can also decode and communicate this Light energy through your higher developed consciousness that is held within your own God-Like experiences. By taking this understanding a notch higher, within the realm of Quantum Physics you will discover the realization that your consciousness is a continuum of the Universe and the connectedness that is apparent is no longer held within your Earthly realm but you are also finding you are connected to the endlessness of the cosmos. The bandwidth of your increasing higher consciousness creates an ability to decode various waves of information as a minute particle that is manifested through your creative intentions.  


Part of your awakening to the Divine Consciousness is discovered when both your heart and mind work simultaneously in harmony. A deeper understanding of your Inner Self is experienced and through reaching the Higher Realms of Consciousness many find themselves in the company of Star and Divine Beings that hold great messages for mankind.  


Comprehend dear ones when you access the higher dimensional consciousness and energies, humanity as a whole is also entering a cycle of Universal evolution and galactic change that is felt and known through the becoming of your heart and mind achieving a higher state of knowingness and consciousness and being aware of that is moving and evolving around you. You are learning through the gentle guidance of many spiritual beings and angels that your physical body is required to remove its protective armour, facing the fear through the pureness of love found within your dear hearts – achieving Inner Balance that affects the wholeness of your Self in all areas. When you come into the realization that you have indeed fully awakened your physical body will become a harmonic fluid pulsation of information as the Light from God moves through each of your cells raising your consciousness to the point you begin to bridge your way onto the Ascension climb of remembering your true self as being one that is infinite in all things.  




When you realize dear ones you have entered the path of Ascension, you then come into a silent knowing of your True Unlimited Consciousness that is found within your dear hearts then experienced through every cell of your body and expressed in every action of your day. You dear ones are multidimensional by nature and this knowledge is found with the cells of your body and discovered when you take the time to go within to know yourself as no one else can. We encourage each dear soul to make a conscious effort to move beyond the separation of the busy thinking mind and embrace the Oneness of the Divine within the existence of your Earth Mother’s bountiful body.  




I AM Melchizedek

through Julie Miller 


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You did not incarnate to simply endure. You have come here to advance the pulse of your energy...Most can reach a next level of emotional, spiritual, and psychic awareness without certain linear enactments of negativity...Challenges are not created by you to victimize yourself. They are created and embraced to fulfill the momentum of your evolution...Instead of retreat, consider meeting all the "why's" head on. Often the outer shell looks more fearsome than the real core within...Look the obstacle in the eye and overcome it...You can...You will.



A New Message






"Most can reach a next level of emotional, spiritual, and psychic awareness without certain linear enactments of negativity.

If it feels uncomfortable, push through the fear to discover the true purpose of the drama.

Challenges are not created by you to victimize yourself. They are created and embraced to fulfill the momentum of your evolution.


It's not and easy path, but when accomplished within, it can bring a sense of vitality to your consciousness.

You did not incarnate to simply endure. You have come here to advance the pulse of your energy.

Instead of retreat, consider meeting all the "why's" head on. Often the outer shell looks more fearsome than the real core within.

Remember you created the blueprint of this life. In the in-between perspective, you felt that the obstacles could be easily overcome.

Keep focused upon the end result. The "why's" along the way will only deepen your resolve. The key is to remain positive.

Look the obstacle in the eye and overcome it.


You can.

You will.

Remember this is your blueprint.

Push through the fear.

Most importantly, know that fear will lie to defeat you.

You can push through it.


Your truth can prevail.

Become one with your plan.


The design is for your to evolve.


You can."


~ Channeled via April Crawford www.InnerWhispers.org


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...opportunities are arising and being cosmically fueled, (cosmic energies which can not be turned off) is allowing for some to begin exiting the matrix of controlled thought and existence, duality...Change" vs "Not so much change...Change equals the new world...Not so much change, what we call control, wishes to create modifications from the old timelines and realities...'Change' doesn't use the older timelines...Referencing something to be better, means better than the older timelines...it requires rules to enforce the better way, better behavior'. In this way , it becomes the overseer once again...For in the world not referenced to the past, there are no authorities...


Resistance Is Raging On Earth To The Freedom Call


Control / Non Control is the earmark of the day and as the opportunities are arising and being cosmically fueled, (cosmic energies which can not be turned off) is allowing for some to begin exiting the matrix of controlled thought and existence,duality, perceiving through the lens of two, continual pain and inner struggle.



Now that "that" is occurring, the panic, resistance, anger, rage, loss of what values may have been present,  is being elevated to a fervor not heard on earth for a long time. 

This is a necessary process.




"Change" vs "Not so much change"...



...in how people feel and think.



Change equals the new world.... off of the older timelines, the end of time, a fresh start for these cycles.




Not so much change, what we call control, wishes to create modifications from the old timelines and realities.


Change, new timelines based on , referenced to, and controlled by nothing, does not seek rules, control , or regulations.


It knows that everything will naturally regulate, if allowed to experience.


'Not so much change'  seeks a 'better' way, as compared to 'before'. Before equals the older timelines.


'Change' doesn't use the older timelines.




Referencing something to be better, means better than the older timelines, realities, pre-shift, now,...and in this way is not actually 'entirely new', as it is morphed off of, or conceived in relation to, the 'how it was'. Also, it requires rules to enforce the better way, better behavior'. In this way , it becomes the overseer once again, and people, others and themselves, become unable to learn to process the new energies, because the intensification is to influence them to reject the 'truly non relative, non referenced to the old...and to attempt to muffle, dissuade, cover, distract from, that possibility of stepping entirely off the older timelines, or there would be none left to overseer into a better world with specific concepts of better ways and behaviors,... .


All this(?), as opposed to ... just letting people explore for themselves, and arrange their ways according to their guidance from their source, their (own) authority.


For in the world not referenced to the past, there are no authorities, that's why those who wish to regulate the flow of thought, feeling, and spiritual states, based on certain rules or conditions to get 'rewarded', are self sentenced to their conscious part remaining on , in a three dimension island, for this consciousness cannot cross, not because there is an authority checking qualifications and worthiness, but rather only because the old and the new work differently as far as how the energies which construct  each,  move.


I Am Akhenaton


through Hilarion 

April 17, 2,013


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The best form of discernment is when you can feel a channeling resonate with you. The sensations can range from a sort of "yes, this reminds me" to the extremes of your skin getting goose bumps...there is no "right" or "wrong" in the universe. The akash has infinite alternatives for most experiences within the universe. And nearby, experiences are manifested in the etheric by groups or individuals, even when you sleep....discernment is among the biggest remaining growth aspects you have left for your rapid spiritual evolution you are currently undergoing...it's a skill you are working to develop. And by develop, we really mean remembering.



Hello again, this is the dragon with a short message. This message is about discernment.

The best form of discernment is when you can feel a channeling resonate with you. The sensations can range from a sort of "yes, this reminds me" to the extremes of your skin getting goosebumps, feeling kundalini energy activate and emotions such as crying or extreme euphoria.

When you don't feel that, it could mean a lot of things such as it just not being your day or the material in the channeling being information that just isn't of core importance to you. In those cases, you may still for whatever reason - out of curiosity even - want to know whether or not a channeling is worth your consideration. There's nothing wrong with that, since everything has value.

So then we get into what logical tools you can have at your disposal. There's nothing wrong with logic, so long as you use it in the right way and also pair it with emotional evaluation.


What we should also say is that there is no "right" or "wrong" in the universe. The akash has infinite alternatives for most experiences within the universe. And nearby, experiences are manifested in the aetheric by groups or individuals, even when you sleep. So most channelings have some experience they can latch onto. Some, of course, are more solidly manifested than others however in the aetheric, solidity is no requirement. In an expanding reality, what's important is that channelings are empowering, and can show you how to expand yourselves.

So now that we've given a brief background, here are some questions to ask yourself when reading channelings, when you aren't feeling things. We should caution that all of these shouldn't be taken too far, and every channeler will typically portray a little of these. So we say look at these holistically, think about the degree to which the channeler exhibits these, and in the end, you need to still make an intuitive decision:




(1) Does it talk about struggle between extremes? Light and dark, good vs evil. This should be a warning sign. Beyond what we said about "right" or "wrong", extremes are often used to ensare people.


(2) Is it judgmental? Humans are not the only free-will beings, and even higher vibrational beings have various amounts of free will. With free will, they have the freedom to judge as well. However, they also typically reserve that freedom much more than people in your time do because it can produce veils, and limit their experience. As such, a highly judgmental source will often be a sign of distortion.


(3) Does the channeler seem unstable in everyday life? Unbalanced? Being unbalanced or unstable is not a sign of whether or not the person is psychic. Some psychic people can be very unbalanced and lack stability, especially when dealing with strong energies their body is not used to. Also, we aren't talking about whether their home is neat and tidy or whether they can keep a schedule. Also, some people who are unbalanced and unstable can balance themselves during the trance state. So don't take this too far. However, when someone constantly flies off the handle when you talk to them, and is abusive when you bring up certain spiritual topics, those are signs that they may be so unbalanced that they will distort the channeling.


(4) Is it too fluffy? Some people need fluffiness because they feel their world is not safe, and their inner child seeks the comfort some channelings can provide. Some channelers naturally are "fluffy" and add comfort to what they channel. Of course, since many sources intending to help humanity are loving, caring beings, this can be accurate depiction of the energies. And of course, in those cases, it can be appropriate. However, the other side is that fluffiness can be used to ensare people.


What we would say about this topic is that if there are promises of things that seem like they would interfere with your own spiritual development and force a certain result, such as "mass landings" or "mass disclosure" or a sudden nullification of the money system, we say be wary. Those concepts may seem comforting to some, and therefore attract listeners and readers. However, your evolution in the most empowering form is going to be at the rate that is natural to each of you, and you all will be the drivers. Nothing will be forced on you.


The energies are subtly shifting, and some things gradually become inappropriate and new things become appropriate and by gradually we mean it's happening pretty quickly now. However, a sudden forceful paradigm shift that doesn't honor your own creative will is not in your best interests. Possible? Yes? Likely? No. And do you want it?




(5) Religion. By religion, we don't mean spirituality but we mean structures and belief systems that are limiting and ritualistic. Channelings of this nature, that get lightly mired in dogma, do have purpose for those pulling themselves out of strong belief systems. They can be a stepping stone towards more pure forms of spiritualism. However, for those of you not in need of this, they may not be appropriate. We would say, never avoid information and knowledge out of fear. But, also you need to decide what is most appropriate for you.


(6) Absolutes. A channeling that talks about everything in absolutes should be suspect. On your lower vibrational planes, things are more concrete. That works for beings in a body and survival mode. In higher vibrations, they are typically a combination of sometimes seemingly contradictory states, and that works for higher vibrational beings. So what source are you aiming for? A validation of other limited physical experiences or something empowering? If it talks in absolutes, it's typically not going to be the latter.


(7) Does there seem to be a lot of ego in the channeling? This is a tough one and you have to learn how to identify ego. Sometimes, honoring identities is done out of respect and love. Sometimes it is ego, and though ego itself isn't "bad", it can get in the way of channeling since it upholds the veil. Beyond the other questions here that all can be signs of ego, we leave it up to you right now to learn the difference, since we could devote a whole channeling to this topic and barely scratch the surface.


(8) Does it seek to put you down, and put other beings on a pedestal? You don't have to look at religions of your world to see why this is dangerous. There's a difference between honoring out of respect and worshiping.


(9) Trust your gut. Do you feel energy coming from them that twists your solar plexus or just gives you the wrong feeling? This is another one you can develop.


So there you have it. Some tools in your toolshed to use. And there are many more, but these should get you started. We should also add that a channeling coming through which seems distorted may be from a source that intends to help, and a channeler that intends to help, but through a channeler that has their own prejudices and an ego that interferes, so perhaps they also pull information from other sources. Just as you are working on discernment, so are channelers.

Finally, we want to say that discernment is among the biggest remaining growth aspects you have left for your rapid spiritual evolution you are currently undergoing. It is not that your souls lack discernment, but it is in that you are bringing the spiritual experience into your corporeal forms, and discernment of spiritual information is not something you are trained to do throughout life, so it's a skill you are working to develop. And by develop, we really mean remembering.



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Do you feel like no one should be allowed to commit violence against you and don't always blindly follow the commands of the authorities? Do you film encounters with police....the Los Angeles Times posted an article attempting to define a domestic terrorist movement consisting of as many as 300,000 Americans. Some are even labeled as non-violent "paper terrorists"....They refer to this so-called terror group as "SOVEREIGNS, zealots who refuse to recognize government authority in virtually any form...A central tenet of the sovereigns movement is that its adherents believe they owe no income taxes," also much like the Constitution forbids....federal and state law enforcement are being trained that anyone who disobeys their commands falls into this terrorist movement and may pose a violent threat to them...anyone who protests the government...And, apparently, everyone fighting the banks in foreclosure...is... now considered domestic terrorism....1984 is here.


Joe Wright
Activist Post
Feds Identify 300,000 Americans as Terrorists

Do you hate paying taxes? Are you fighting foreclosure? Do you feel like no one should be allowed to commit violence against you and don't always blindly follow the commands of the authorities? Do you film encounters with police or believe gold makes better currency than Federal Reserve Notes? Well you might be part of a domestic terrorism movement and not even know it.

On Friday, the Los Angeles Times posted an article attempting to define a domestic terrorist movement consisting of as many as 300,000 Americans. Some are even labeled as non-violent "paper terrorists".

Is there a more Orwellian term than "non-violent terrorist"?  If you can think of one please share it in the comments below.

They refer to this so-called terror group as "sovereigns, zealots who refuse to recognize government authority in virtually any form."

When attempting to further define and identify individuals in this movement, some very broad and dangerous stereotypes appear.

"Sovereigns believe U.S. currency has no value but recognize precious metals as valid currency," wrote the LA Times, much like the US Constitution does.

"A central tenet of the sovereigns movement is that its adherents believe they owe no income taxes," also much like the Constitution forbids.
What's more, federal and state law enforcement are being trained that anyone who disobeys their commands falls into this terrorist movement and may pose a violent threat to them.

"Sovereign citizens are more likely not to obey their commands and more likely to commit violence during a traffic stop," said Detective Rob Finch who's made a cottage industry of anti-sovereigns police training.

"They refuse to recognize your authority, and that creates a dangerous situation," Finch emphasized.

The LA Times piece points to a handful of colorful examples of people who defended themselves against police aggression, or who were plain crazy, as to why the movement should be considered violent.

But they don't stop there. The FBI has even invented a new form of terrorism committed by nonviolent sovereigns called "paper terrorism".
Even nonviolent sovereigns can cause headaches through what Finch calls "paper terrorism." Some squat in foreclosed homes and file phony deeds claiming ownership, "paying" with photos of silver dollars.
Who knew fighting foreclosure was a form of terrorism? Paying taxes and mortgages with hand-written notes and photos is just funny, not really a threat to anyone.

However, self-described "sovereign citizen" James Turner faces "a potential maximum prison term of 164 years, a maximum potential fine of $2,350,000, and mandatory restitution" to the state for the nonviolent act of paper terrorism.

A blog for law officers, PoliceOne.com, also tries to help cops identify sovereign citizens, saying they'll "likely to be argumentative with police authorities...may attempt to videotape your encounter...may refuse to give you their name or documents..."

To his credit, the article's author states that the "Sovereign Citizen movement is not an organized civil or criminal enterprise. It’s a fractured series of loosely affiliated individuals who adhere to anti-government ideologies."

It should be noted that the Feds and local law enforcement all received these characteristics and tactics from one original source: The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). The SPLC has been on a publicly-funded partisan crusade to demonize so-called rightwing or patriotic extremists.

In 2010, SPLC put together a short documentary about "sovereign citizens" and the threat they supposedly pose. To help identify potential sovereigns, they warn about certain bumper stickers and challenges to authority in a professionally produced propaganda video.

Significantly, the video below has three times as many down-votes on YouTube as up-votes.  Watch it below:

Many believe that SPLC gets paid to make mountains out of mole hills to keep the terror-industrial complex thriving. After all, when are bumper stickers and paperwork a threat to anyone? And only an extreme minority react defensively when they are threatened by men in costumes they don't worship as authority.

What's confusing is that those who would try to either lump people with these characteristics into a collective group are either operating out of ignorance or with an agenda, or a little of both. The adjective "sovereign" when referring to a citizen or a state is defined as "enjoying autonomy, or independence".

The most extreme sovereigns would certainly not adhere to the authority of any collective that aims to define them as a group. And just because one person who adopts this philosophy ends up shooting a cop, doesn't mean all people who hate taxes or fight foreclosure are violent threats. To think otherwise smacks of a demonization agenda, nothing more.

The few examples of "terrorists" who committed violence are used as examples in every single article about Sovereign Citizens clearly aiming to smear the entire ideology as inherently violent. Yet, in every case, who initiated force against whom?

Some may argue that if an armed stranger forced you to pull over your car, or demanded entry into your home at the threat of shooting you or putting you in a cage, it could be considered an act of aggression or violence against you as a free and sovereign human no matter what assumed authority the aggressors think they possess. Strip away labels and you are defined by your actions.  What does that say about actions of the cops or the feds?

Is that really too complicated to add to these articles? The problem with doing that of course is that too many people may then sympathize with these people and the label of terrorist may not stick very well. In fact, it may expose the entire war on terror as a complete fraud, looking under cracks for perceived threats against people who just want to be left alone.

It's unclear where the Feds came up with number 300,000 for potential terrorists wrapped in this label, but the number may not even be half of it.  Now, anyone who protests the government can be considered anti-government which is also now considered domestic terrorism. And, apparently, everyone fighting the banks in foreclosure with creative paperwork are also terrorists.
This begs the question, who isn't a terrorist?

If the fraudulent banks and the guys with the badges, guns, armored vehicles, drones, surveillance equipment, and torture cages are the good guys in this plot, while foreclosure victims and advocates of individual liberty are terrorists, our society is in very big trouble.
1984 is here.
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Who You Are ~ Veronica - April, 2013


All those who are physical have ability if they choose to be connected to their spiritual gifts...Many souls decide to incarnate for the opportunity to be facilitators of spiritual energy...Clairvoyant / Clairaudient / Clair-sentient.....Usually one of the three is strong, but it is not uncommon for all three to have a great presence....It is the focus to use those moments to be helpful to yourself and other souls in the physical...A sort of tool chest of abilities are available to assist all on their path to evolution...Allow the clear moments to come through...be sensitive and an oracle to help...





A New Message From VERONICA


"All those who are physical have ability if they choose to be connected to their spiritual gifts.

Yes. Some are naturally participating daily, while others are a bit more hit and miss. There are also those so focused in the linear and fearful, that any participation can be extremely limited.

Many souls decide to incarnate for the opportunity to be facilitators of spiritual energy. Being more connected to your soul, while permitting the sensitivity needed, can be fulfilling on many levels.


The linear definitions of the basics are Clairvoyant (the ability to see clearly in spirit), Clairaudient (the ability to hear spirit clearly), and Clair-sentient (the ability to feel energy of both physical and eternal).

Usually one of the three is strong, but it is not uncommon for all three to have a great presence.

It is important to embrace these gifts. Often many will become fearful of the energy, which can feel very powerful.

Know that it is not the intention for the abilities to control you or others. It is the focus to use those moments to be helpful to yourself and other souls in the physical.

It is well known how difficult linear participation can be. A sort of tool chest of abilities are available to assist all on their path to evolution, if one opens their hearts to it.


If you are participating fully we encourage you to continue exploring.

If you are hit and miss, or struggling with external or internal acceptance, we beseech you to push past the physical resistance. Perhaps calm the voice that is critical and suggesting that you might be making it up.

Assure yourself that the eternal plan does include that ability to be sensitive and an oracle to help.

If you are completely blocked, but know that these moments are deep within, please endeavor to recover them and allow them to shine.


All souls are on the journey together.



The eternal does wish you to succeed.



Thus the ability to be sensitive and helpful.

Embark upon this with openness.





Allow the clear moments to come through.

You and others can only benefit from the participation.

Allow yourself to be who you are.

A clear shining beacon for all."


via April Crawford www.innerwhispers.org


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The same power many of you are now speaking of with disdain – political power, corporate power, race dominance, gender or sexual orientation or any type of power....(at one point in time) you did the same by fully exploring outer-directed power....And using that power to control those who were willing to be controlled...You have explored outer-directed power in all its formats....Yet, your current mantra of “we are one” is more accurate than you realize....It is futile – even silly – to address those who wish to remain in an outer-directed world...Such thoughts are outer-directed for they are about controlling and thus directing others to the true message...There are entities yet on earth who fully enjoy outer-directed power. They feel complete experiencing or displaying it. They are in the right place for them – but not for you...You needed to move through all pieces of outer-directed power to accept your new inner-being – including outer-directed power, victim hood, care taking and every element in the Old Age bag of tricks...



Dear Ones,

Let us discuss the fears of Lightworkers, Wayshowers or whatever term you use who have not yet claimed your birthright to be you in all your glory.

Many channels have described your fears as an unwillingness to claim your full being. We wish to help you understand why you are hesitant to do so.

In the past, many of you have hidden your true beings under cloaks of passivity, religious orders or outer-directed power. You easily accept that you hid your true power in religious orders – but not that you did the same by fully exploring outer-directed power. The same power many of you are now speaking of with disdain – political power, corporate power, race dominance, gender or sexual orientation or any type of power that made you feel more powerful than others. And using that power to control those who were willing to be controlled.


You have explored outer-directed power in all its formats. Many of you speak with anger about those politicians, corporate moguls or religious beings who cannot be trusted. Yet, your current mantra of “we are one” is more accurate than you realize.

In this lifetime, you are reaching for the stars. But that has not always been the case. You could not have reached this point without exploring all aspects of outer-directed power – including harming others emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Many of you do not wish to hear this truth. You would rather blame the “dark ones” for keeping you in captivity instead of accepting that you have been one of those “dark” entities on more than one occasion.

You have completed your outer-directed lessons with flying colors. Logic will tell you that such would not be so if you were a victim or caretaker life after life on earth. To complete your outer-directed lessons, you needed to explore all aspects and so you have.

It is futile – even silly – to address those who wish to remain in an outer-directed world. You believe that your wisdom will help others move into their place – a place that is consistent with your current beliefs. That somehow they have taken a wrong turn or have not yet claimed their true place in this transition – that you can lead them to that place.

Such thoughts are outer-directed for they are about controlling and thus directing others to the true message. If you change a few words, you will realize that such thoughts are little different from those of church leaders who are certain all should be of whatever denomination that leader is affiliated with – or politicians who believe you must be of their party to be correct.


Each entity on earth is finding their place when and how it is correct for them to do so. You cannot force someone to think and act as you and expect that to be a New Age action. This transition is about everyone finding their place at the time that is correct for their being.

Indeed there are nuclear hazards, religious thinkers and political leaders who do not feel the same as you. How will earth ever shift with those terrible people drawing others into their dark net? And you know how dark that net can be for you have played all the roles you find unpleasant or frightening now. You understand their need for outer-directed power for you have displayed it fully on more than one occasion.

This transition is not about dividing earth entities into good and bad columns. But instead, helping you accept the joys and peace of inner-power.

You know how uncomfortable you now feel when you rant within your being or in whatever format you use to draw others to your outer-directed belief patterns. You feel a disconnect with the peace you have worked so hard to uncover. A few years ago such anger and rage would have felt cathartic – now it feels wrong.

That is not to say you no longer feel anger if you are a true Lightworker – merely that you no longer have to feel it at the depth you did so in the past.

It is time for you to be concerned with yourself. The beliefs and concerns of others are no longer part of your being.

Perhaps that thought seems cold and calculating. It is not. You have an inner compass that will radiate joy and peace when you discover actions, activities and groups that are part of your path.


There are entities yet on earth who fully enjoy outer-directed power. They feel complete experiencing or displaying it. They are in the right place for them – but not for you.


Your need to move them into the light is no different from their need to move you into the dark. And if you accept their anger and play into their rages, you are returning to outer-directed power.

Many of you are concerned that you do not have the strength to move yourself into the new earth with your Pollyanna attitude. You do. You merely need to be concerned about your direction. Others will take care of themselves.

Do not be surprised if those who try to maintain outer-directed power are not successful. But then, do not be surprised if they are. For indeed there are those who wish to continue their outer-directed lives. They are the ones you find most offensive. But as you do, realize that you have played the very same role numerous times and that your anger is more about your anger at your past lives on earth than about them. For you are uncovering pieces of yourself you did not expect to find – including the need to harm others. Your rage at the behavior of those still enmeshed in outer-directed power is merely shame of your past behavior.

You needed to move through all pieces of outer-directed power to accept your new inner-being – including outer-directed power, victim hood, care taking and every element in the Old Age bag of tricks.

You are now opening your New Age bag of tricks – joy, peace, love and harmony. Allow those who enjoy their outer-directed lessons to complete those lessons.

You have a new lesson plan that is much more fun for you. All you have to do to claim these new lessons is to move in joy, harmony and love. You no longer have to do what others tell you to do if it does not feel comfortable – that is victim hood. You no longer need to slow your progress to match someone else’s pace – that is care taking. And you no longer need to control anyone – including yourself – that is outer-directed power.



So be it.


Welcome to Brenda's Blog

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Summary of Brenda’s April 7, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman:


It is likely that recently pieces of information just appeared or were sensed by your being. It is time to further stretch your new skills by asking for assistance of your new being for specific concerns such as finances or how to live with earth’s density.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “Your DNA is Unfolding”

Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.



http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. www.LifeTapestryCreations.com. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: www.LifeTapestryCreations.com


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We’re in a warfare, any way you look at it. Only it’s not a warfare of hate, but of love. It’s not a warfare of physical violence, but a spiritual one of intention and a Truth directed life...The medieval matrix, no matter how fancy and hi-tech it has become, is dissolving and losing its grip...Do you enjoy having lords of darkness rule over you and yours, exercising more death dealing, spirit quelling control over humanity by the day?....If you feel the call to participate more it’s consciousness calling, any way you slice it. Take your place on the great mandala....take this as an alert, something I know many of you are also feeling. Our old views of just weeks and months ago are shifting and will continue to do so. It’s subtle, but it’s profoundly real....

Zen Gardner,

Guest Writer

Waking Times

The Indomitable Rise of the Conscious Warriors


Life is a struggle. How much more then is the spiritual life, the fight to remain conscious in an illusory world where deviant forces vie for control more than caring, battering your very body and soul day in and day out on top of your struggle to survive.

Oh, we’re going peacefully downstream in the conscious dimensions. There we learn to let go and follow the flow of the Universe and synchronicity.

But in this physical, lower density world, we’re fighting directly upstream. In addition, we’re living in a time of increasingly turbulent waters. Our kayaks hit all kinds of eddies and crosscurrents, never mind the rocks and rapids we have to navigate–all while idiots, enemies and doubters, prodded on by the propaganda whores, are screaming obscenities from the shore and trying to hit us with anything they can get their hands on!


But alas, grasshoppers—we have powers they know not of!

The Call to Battle

We’re in a warfare, any way you look at it. Only it’s not a warfare of hate, but of love. It’s not a warfare of physical violence, but a spiritual one of intention and a Truth directed life. The inherent cause of Universal consciousness is the dissolution of the ways born of ignorance and darkness by means of the all powerful exposing and enlightening weapons of Light, Love and Truth.

The medieval matrix, no matter how fancy and hi-tech it has become, is dissolving and losing its grip. And we need to actively help it on its way to oblivion.


Don’t forget, non-compliance is a decisive action, not inaction. Inaction is going with the current of the matrix.

There is no sitting still. We’re all doing one or the other.


That’s the choice.


That’s the battle.

In A Time of Imbalance the Call to Rise is Natural

Flickr - Shaman - h.koppdelaney

Similar to the poetic beauty of martial arts, the Truth warrior uses his weapons skillfully and with great discretion. While many argue we need evil for good to exist and all that esoterica, we happen to be living in a time of great imbalance.

Do you enjoy having lords of darkness rule over you and yours, exercising more death dealing, spirit quelling control over humanity by the day?

Didn’t think so. Will it collapse under its own weight? In many ways it has to. Will it do it all by itself?

Then why are we here? As long as we’re here we’re part of the Great Design and need to do our part.


All I know is that what I am finding out and tuning into calls me to participate. It’s as real as the sun and water hitting a seedling and the organism responding. If it’s not evident to you that our planet and civilization are under attack I do wonder how you got to this article. It couldn’t be any clearer. That’s why they direct the angst people are feeling, the knowing that something is wrong, towards fabricated “outside” enemies to divert attention from the real perpetrators.

Similar to how religion co-opts, steers and contains the human soul’s hunger for the spiritual, the Controllers arouse, channel and misdirect humanity’s sense that it is being attacked and they literally harness what they themselves have aroused, using it for their own parasitic, vampirist purposes.

Cattle prods and sheep dogs driving humanity into the slaughterhouse


There is No “They”…They Said.


The old “tell a big enough lie” ploy. Their biggest tool is to say there is no “they”. There are no dark forces. In fact, we’re told the “they” are the good guys looking out for us. Reminds me of the adage that the biggest lie Satan ever told is that he doesn’t exist. Pretty clever these demons, eh? Ha! Laugh at them!

Yet their all usurping lie remains:

There is no negative, destructive, usurping parasitic force in the Universe. Humanity just has other similar humans to worry about. The PTBs are here to save us from each other.


Oh really?

After all, that’s the mantra of the anti-conspiracy camp. ” THEY? Are you crazy? You really think there’s some ‘secret cabal’ running things from behind the scenes? How insane are you? If that were the case we’d be hearing all about it in the mainstream media! No way they could hide something that big!”

Same old, same old.

A very dark time right now indeed.


Choose ye this day.


Consciousness Calling

If you feel the call to participate more it’s consciousness calling, any way you slice it. Take your place on the great mandala and all that, but there’s a bulldozer headed for your house. Are you just gonna sit there?

It’s that urgent.

No doubt you’ve given all of this serious thought. And I know many of you have activated and it’s absolutely beautiful. I’m proud to be associated with so many amazing, loving committed people. I think we just need to be adaptive and prepared for more. The winds are picking up and the battlefield is becoming more fluid, more challenging and more demanding.

And for those on the sidelines:

It’s time to choose your weapon – or let it choose you.

I’m not gonna tell anyone what to do. If people don’t learn to choose for themselves, consciousness is not at work and back to the old paradigms we go.

But do something. Get the boat in motion or the rudder can’t take effect. Find and take your calling seriously and step it up.


We all have to.

Meditate, intend, pray, affirm. But act! Change your life, change the etheric around you by your loving actions and intentions. Try new consciousness technologies. Write, talk, show up, contribute, speak to groups, attend gatherings of active and motivated individuals. Find the opening and jump in.


The rest will follow.

Contribute we must. Hopefully with our whole lives. It’s all we have for all we’re worth.

It’s not a time to get frantic by any means, but perhaps take this as an alert, something I know many of you are also feeling. Our old views of just weeks and months ago are shifting and will continue to do so. It’s subtle, but it’s profoundly real. We have to step it up and yield to what consciousness is calling each of us to do.


A purely inspired and motivated heart will always find the way.

Again and again.

Much love,



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Your mind is of the physical vibration...your mind plays things in physical frequencies...it does not decode properly the frequency speed ranges, strata's,   that are from beyond the physical origin and range.   And that is most...The matrix’s biggest control management is that you will find the answer to getting out of the matrix.....within(?) the matrix itself.   That is the lie, the deception, and how you remain imprisoned, attached...go beyond your conceptual worship of self, and you will have reached beyond...Take off from your mind


Going Outside Of Your Mind To Find Your Self   






Your mind is of the physical vibration.  

Therefore your mind plays things in physical frequencies.  

Therefore it is an illusory experience as it does not decode properly the frequency speed ranges, strata's,   that are from beyond the physical origin and range.   And that is most.  

Therefore relying on the production of the mind upon it’s screen of perception is foolish.   And to be tied to the realities which seem to be accurately appearing on the screen of the mind,   is spiritual death,  or called stuck in English.  


Many of you will hurt from this, as certain realizations occur.   But better you be a humble true pilgrim bathing in the freshness,   than one who appears  within illusion to be great, but in truth does not even honestly know it’s root. 


Your entire mind is one dimension.  

That is all you need to know.  

Now go and continue your journey   And explore beyond the continent of your mind.  

Know that consciousness lies everywhere, and that all that you know, all that you have experienced,   Is but an island in spiritual space,   The island of your soul projected upon the mechanism of a biological unit,   A biological spiritual interface,   But a biological mechanism non the less,   So do not worship the readouts within the machine, as the machine has been compressed into the same   worlds as the matrix.  


The matrix’s biggest control management is that you will find the answer to getting out of the matrix.....within(?) the matrix itself.   That is the lie, the deception, and how you remain imprisoned, attached, and voluntary,   as based on this lie, you attach to the biological mechanistic readouts.  

That is why we continually encourage you, suggest to you, to work with letting go of even that which   you have determined to be ‘truer values, hopes, loves, etc.   Everything you ‘think’ is good is tied in to the matrix,   For the reasons described above.  


Now, just go beyond your conceptual worship of self, and you will have reached beyond,   Will have gone beyond, the land of all you know,   Or what we call it from the ‘other side’,   the land of all that you do not know.  



Take off from your mind.  


Find a place or places other than what you know,  other than what you think you can or might get to know.  


Now you are approaching nothingness.  


Here it gets scary, and most bail out.  



After all, nobody, hardly,  wants to be nothing.  








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A Starseed is simply a monadic spark that has only recently (i.e., within the last one or two lifetimes), begun inhabiting a human body....Awakening poses a particular problem for Starseeds. As awakening initiates, starseeds may present with mild pathologies. They can display general confusion, anxiety, represent unique and "other worldy" thinking patterns, and seem "unintegrated" at several levels....Purpose and destiny fulfilled, or not, its your choice. Starseeds awaken!

11:11              Journey of a Star Seed



Most people these days believe in the possibility of life on other planets. Many people also believe in the possibility of reincarnation, i.e., that your soul inhabits more than one body across the infinite span of its existence.

A Starseed is simply a monadic spark that has only recently (i.e., within the last one or two lifetimes), begun inhabiting a human body. Starseeds may experience "dislocation" during their childhood and adolescent maturation. As a result of "recent arrival," starseeds may feel "out of place," "alien," "different," "alone", "even persecuted." These dislocations are typically handled as a result of the normal maturation process. That is, under reasonably non-dysfunctional conditions, starseeds can integrate and interact as "normal."


Awakening poses a particular problem for Starseeds. As awakening initiates, starseeds may present with mild pathologies. They can display general confusion, anxiety, represent unique and "other worldly" thinking patterns, and seem "unintegrated" at several levels. In addition, during awakening, childhood dislocations may be re-invoked in a pronounced way. General acceptance and understanding should be proffered at this point otherwise the individual may reject their identity and consequently their awakening and especially if there is no conceptual framework from which the client can understand their position. As consciousness awakens and appropriate concepts are introduced into the lexicon of the individual, general grounding advice may be provided. Remind the individual that they chose to experience these conditions and explore with them their purpose and vocation. Do not attempt to "normalize" or suppress (via psychological or chemical repressions) their perceptions and feelings but explore appropriate and grounded expressions of their identity and purpose.

In some cases, awakening and integration may not be immediately possible. In toxic and painful environments, the Starseed may (as will all souls) create resistance and distance from the painful exterior world. In order to assist with awakening, environmental, sociological, or psychological toxins must be removed and conditions improved.




Who are you, where are you going, and how will you get there.

Purpose and destiny fulfilled, or not, its your choice.

Starseeds awaken!


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Religion has been a very large part of many people’s lives on your world for thousands of years...Religion is just one way, just one path to enlightenment....there are an infinite number of paths. One is not better than another...To look to another and say that the path that another takes is “not right” is to then judge your own path as well....some are starting to find contradictions in what they have been taught through their religion and what they are learning as they begin to awaken...Nothing is inherently right or wrong, it is only your perception that makes it so...The beliefs of another can never devalue your own truth simply because it differs from your “truth”.



Today we would like to focus your attention on the topic of religion. We realize this is a very controversial topic and one that is deeply seated in very strong belief systems around your world. Religion has been a very large part of many people’s lives on your world for thousands of years. Our intention of this message is not to determine which religion is “right” or “wrong” but rather to show you how the religions of your world and your evolution as a collective are intricately intertwined. As you evolve so too will everything else in your world.

Religion is just one way, just one path to enlightenment, as we have said before; there are an infinite number of paths. One is not better than another. Some see religion as having the intention of controlling the masses, however there are pieces of each religion which help to serve others and allow them to connect with their own divinity. Know that no one can be controlled against their will. All that follow do so willingly. Remember that everyone has their own set of circumstances and challenges which they must overcome. To look to another and say that the path that another takes is “not right” is to then judge your own path as well.


Where we are seeing a divergence is in the beliefs held by “the church” and the beliefs of those who are awakening to their own divinity within. Many have relied upon the teaching of their religions to determine their foundation for their entire belief system. However some are starting to find contradictions in what they have been taught through their religion and what they are learning as they begin to awaken. This is creating a tremendous amount of turmoil within those who value the teachings of their religion yet also very much want to learn the “truth” about their own divinity. Many are feeling incredibly conflicted. This is what we more specifically want to share with you at this time. It is our intention to bring solace to those who are wrought with confusion and anguish over what is “right” and what is” wrong” in this regard.

We have stated this many times before and this topic is no exception; we do not view any religion or its practices as right or wrong. Rather we are neutral; as all things in your reality are neutral. Nothing is inherently right or wrong, it is only your perception that makes it so. As your collective consciousness begins to awaken and once again takes a huge evolutionary leap so too will the religions of your world. Some may find themselves wondering why their religion no longer resonates with them as it once did. Some are feeling a tremendous amount of guilt and torment due to their changing beliefs.

The interpretations of the doctrines of your worlds many religions are becoming outdated in this rapidly changing world and are no longer in resonance with the higher vibrations of the energies streaming in on your world at this time. This does not make the religions “wrong” it will simply push them to evolve along with your collective consciousness. Like everything else in your world, your religions are a reflection of you.


You may say, how can these “doctrines” become outdated? Are they not based on the Holy Scriptures of the Bible, the Koran, the Vedas, the Torah? How can scriptures become outdated? To this we reply, although the words have not changed your understandings and interpretation of this material is now much more expansive than it ever has been before. The collective was never in a state that allowed them to interpret this information in the manner it was originally intended. We will give you this simple example to help explain our perspective. If you were to read a book about the nature of your soul and the wisdom you possess, and you read this book first when you were 25 years old and then again when you were 50 years old. Do you not think that you would have a different understanding of the message that the book conveys even though the words have never changed? Of course, this is because you have grown, evolved, changed, and learned from experiences that you could not relate to or comprehend when you were 25; and so it is with the human collective in relation to the ancient texts of the Bible, the Koran, the Vedas, the Torah and various other “holy scriptures”.

Many acknowledge that the scriptures have been translated from ancient languages into modern words. Like any translation, it is never exact and the words that you choose will depend strongly on your understanding and beliefs which you hold. Those that translated this information at the time were heavily entrenched in male dominant energy; one that did not acknowledge the equality in all, but rather saw the “man” as the master over all others. The teachings in these texts were never meant to divide, separate or belittle; however the collective interpretation of these scriptures were innocently misconstrued to validate the current beliefs at that time.

Now as your world is rapidly evolving, you once again are learning about the true divine nature of your own being, as well as every other being on this planet. This is what we mean when we say that the doctrines are becoming “outdated”. The words can remain the same, and yet the interpretation of their meaning is changing. Much of the information that you’re collective is now regaining has been concealed in plain site within your Holy Scriptures and ancient texts; however you did not fully understand their teachings and therefore misinterpreted their meanings until now.


Many believe so strongly in the texts of their religion that it has allowed a division to form between large religious groups. This as we said before was not the original intention of these scriptures and as you continue to awaken to your own divinity you will also remember that all are divine beings. The beliefs of another can never devalue your own truth simply because it differs from your “truth”. Your collective is slowly moving in this direction, where all will be accepted for the various beliefs you each hold. Your diversity as a collective is what makes you strong, not what is meant to divide you amongst each other. Know that it is not the scriptures that must change but rather it is your understanding of them that will change to serve and acknowledge the divinity within all beings.


We hope that this message has served you in some way and that it finds those who are in need of this message most.

In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides.



Copyright © 2012-2013 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. http://AngelicGuides.wordpress.com


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