Karma's Helper's Posts (1073)

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I'm ready to be told
Time for secrets to unfold
It's our time to come of age
Time for truth to turn the page
Wanna be inside the dark
Live within a question mark
Be a friend or foe
Tell me now
Need to know
You say we must wait our turn
You say too much to learn
You say cover-up is fine
It's your plan, not mine
I'm ready to be told
Time for secrets to unfold
It's our time to come of age
Time for truth to turn the page

Wanna be inside the dark
Live within a question mark
Be a friend or foe
Tell me now
Need to know
Need to know
You say it will blow my mind
You say it will change Mankind
You say things will fall apart
No more fear, that's from my heart
Can we see the future, disclose the past?
Need to know
Can we live together with shades of gray?
Need to know
Look all around, are we alone?
We need to know
We say, now is the time
We say, this is the plan
We say, we need to know.



"Need-to-Know: The UFO Disclosure Song" -- you can get an MP3 of it from iTunes.

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Hilarion's Weekly Message 2011

March 20-27, 2011



Beloved Ones,

As you move through the Equinox energies, you will find many answers to the burning questions that you have held within your hearts for much too long. Then will come clarity, as though you are standing from a high mountaintop able to see the valley below, looking at all things from that higher perspective. Truly, this is the next step, the next level of your Ascension process – clarity. With clarity comes understanding and greater comprehension of that which has transpired in your lives from the beginning of your incarnation in this lifetime and in others.

The Light is here to stay, Beloveds. It will take some time before this will become apparent in those around you but it will be easier to observe in the people around you and in your own neighborhoods than by watching the spins that come forth from your news media. That way, unfortunately, is the way of distraction, the way into fear. Those of you who avoid watching your news casts and even today’s lower vibrational movies have found that you can maintain balance and equilibrium to a much higher degree than the people around you who do not follow these dictates. You will know, without doubt, that all is well.

There will be more certainty in your thoughts and your actions and you will exude a great confidence in yourselves and your growing abilities. With the blossoming of these greater abilities will also come humility, for you will inherently know that to be given these gifts requires that you share them with others around you and not hold them to yourselves simply because you are afraid to shine. You will simply BE what you truly are and will become magnets for those who will now begin to see and recognize your Light.

This is also where your inherent wisdom that you have earned through the school of Earth and its lessons throughout the ages will come fully into your consciousness and you will begin to walk upon the Earth lightly, in reverence for the Great Spirit that resides within this magnificent Planet. It will become your Passion to restore to Her as quickly as possible the splendor of Her former glory before the grand experiment of duality came into effect. You will be keen to right all the wrongs that have been done to the Earth and to her inhabitants since that time.

In an amazingly short time, restitution will have been made to all for all that was done and the truth of which was then suppressed. All that was hidden will be revealed in all areas of life upon Earth. There will no longer be any place left that one can keep hidden from the view of others. All will be revealed in the fullness of time and it is in this now time that the practice of patience and perseverance in full trust in the Divine Plan will help Humanity to continue to move forward in Love, peace, harmony and good will towards all.

As the knowledge becomes known to all that Humanity was born of the Stars, a great collective moment of remembrance will take place and from that point, there will be even more rapid progress made towards unity in all things. Life as you have known it will be changed through the events that are now occurring and what will come forth will be a more Loving society that cares for and about each other, the Earth and all the kingdoms upon Her. Love is the greatest force in the Universes and Love WILL prevail.

Walk then the Path of Light, of Love, of unity and peace and practice the Golden Rule in all your affairs; in return, the Universe will bless and bring healing, abundance and peace to your World.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included. www.therainbowscribe.com

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.



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Hello all.....



Just thought i would share with you a website that you should all have set to your favorites.  It is the USGS World Earth Quake Monitoring Service.





  ......We just had a 4.4 here off the coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.  Details below:






Watch the Earth shake..... it's incredible.....



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The Intuition Network, A Thinking Allowed Television Underwriter, presents the following transcript from the series Thinking Allowed, Conversations On the Leading Edge of Knowledge and Discovery, with Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove.




JEFFREY MISHLOVE, Ph.D.: Hello and welcome. I'm Jeffrey Mishlove. This is Part 2 of a two-part series on "Human Encounters with Aliens." My guest, Dr. John Mack, is a professor of psychiatry at Harvard University's Cambridge Hospital. He is the author of Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens, and he is also the author of a Pulitzer-Prize-winning book called A Prince of Our Disorder, which is a biography of T.E. Lawrence, Lawrence of Arabia. Welcome back again, John.

JOHN MACK, M.D.: Good to be back, Jeff.

MISHLOVE: We covered some of the phenomenology of your clinical work with people who reported various encounters, typically abductions, with aliens, and we raised a number of questions as to what is the nature of reality of itself. Were these dreams? Were these fantasies? Were these physical encounters? It seems as if they're occurring across quite a spectrum of experience, and I wanted to bring up this. It was only a few weeks ago I interviewed a physicist, Fred Alan Wolf, who is the author of a book called The Dreaming Universe, in which he looks at the Everett-Graham-Wheeler notion of the multiple-universe or multiple-reality interpretation of quantum physics, and he suggests that according to this view, which is becoming a dominant interpretation of quantum physics, we might view dreams as being an actual physical space, and that the things that occur in dreams really on some level exist.

MACK: It may be that people when they're dreaming are tapping into some other reality that enters our world filled with meaning.


MACK: The notion of multiple dimensions doesn't explain anything, but at least it makes sense, because this phenomenon cannot be explained from a purely four-dimensional, extraterrestrial universe; or the idea that we could argue that this isn't occurring because space vehicles would take X amount of multiple years to get here from some other place, and that's not possible, and so forth and so on -- that really is beside the point. I mean, if these are beings who have mastered technologies that are way beyond anything we can now know, it's very possible that they can go through wormholes that collapse time, or that they can come from some other dimension and enter into our universe, travel by thought processes. There are all kinds of possibilities that scientists have conceived of, but which our technology hasn't even begun to approach. So I think that rather than look upon this as extraterrestrial, I think it does make more sense to use Jacques Vallee's term a multiverse, a universe of multiple dimensions from which it is possible that these beings come.

MISHLOVE: In other words, if the facts don't fit our current theories, it's not the facts that have to change, it's our theories.

MACK: Well, that's right. In other words, what's happened to me so often as I've tried to speak about this phenomenon is that people try to force it into some sort of bed in which it will not fit; in other words, it will try to explain it in terms of demands for physical proof, rather than to expand our own notions of reality to take in something which, from the standpoint of our Western notions, our Western mind, just can't exist. It shouldn't be so; it shatters our ideas of reality, but here is something that perhaps invites us to expand the way we know, expand our ideas of what realities are possible.

MISHLOVE: I'd like to, if you don't mind, go over a few points that we covered in Part 1, and for the benefit of our listeners let's review that a little bit. One of the questions that has come up is the issue of when people in a clinical setting report to you their memories, how do you know that that memory is real as opposed to being a fantasy? And you responded that there's good evidence to suggest that when people are reporting a trauma, that the trauma itself is real, even if other memories are not.

MACK: That's correct. But in this case there's also a whole other set of data which makes the idea of fantasy extraordinarily unlikely -- namely, the simple fact that these experiences are so similar, so consistent, so congruent among thousands now, if not millions of people, according to some of the polls -- people who have not been in touch with each other, reporting details that are not in the media. Fantasy isn't like that. Fantasy is highly individualized. You would not have complex narratives of being taken by alien beings with big black eyes -- who were not known, by the way, in the culture until quite recently -- up through the air into spacecraft, subjected to various kinds of what seem like examinations -- skin samples taken, reproductive procedures which involve taking sperm from men, eggs from women, reimplanting an altered egg, then pregnancies later, taken, seeing small hybrid beings on the ships -- a whole elaborate narrative of an experience extraordinarily similar among thousands of people who have not been in touch with each other. And, by the way, when the people actually hear of others having this experience they are both shocked and relieved -- shocked because they've often tried to hold it as a dream, as a fantasy, and then when they realize other people have had the same experience they know it's not their private fantasy, and relieved because they know that at least somebody can listen to them and they're not crazy, although people sometimes would prefer to be crazy than to have this be real.

MISHLOVE: You know, if I look at the literature of these things and talk to other therapists, I realize that there's a group of people who are dealing with alien abductions very similar to what you've described. There's another group of people dealing with Satanic ritual abuse, another group of people dealing with past-life memories, another group of people dealing with spirit possession, and another group of people dealing with apparitions of the Virgin Mary. And they all, each group, has a certain coherence about it. Are we to take them all as equally credible?

MACK: I don't think we should accept anything as for sure. I think we should be skeptical about everything. And by the way, I'd like to define the word skeptical, because it's abused in this field. Skeptical means having an open mind, inquiring, looking into something, wondering, and not being sure. The way skeptical is used in this field means debunking, basically; in other words, something doesn't fit our notions of reality, therefore it's not so. That's the way skeptical is being used -- sort of vigilantes of the Scientific, with a capital S, paradigm.

MISHLOVE: I couldn't agree with you more about the abuses that occur in the name of skepticism.

MACK: You mentioned a number of different areas of study -- Satanic abuse; we might put near-death experiences in there. There are many experiences that people are having which don't fit into our notions of reality. You mentioned past lives. I think that what tends to occur is that because none of that is supposed to be true, or can't exist in our way of knowing, which is restricted to a certain methodology -- in other words, you have to have proof. You have an observer over here, who's quite detached from the material, which is the object of what he's studying with instruments or with the senses, and that's all that really we can consider to be reality. Anything that comes because we use our whole psyche, or we investigate experience by connecting with people and learning and hearing about their experiences, or the corroboration of experiences among different people -- and by the way, there is physical corroboration for this phenomenon. It's not purely an experiential, psychological matter -- but we have no place in our way of knowing, our epistemology, for something like this. I'll give you an example about the past life, because you mentioned that; that's very illustrative. What will often happen with the people that I work with is that when they relax -- again, we should talk about hypnosis a bit, because we have to detoxify that term again; there's all kinds of efforts to destroy this -- in other words, to reject this because, "Well, he got it by hypnosis, which is something spooky, and it's full of distortion." Not so; but we'll talk about that. But a person will say in a relaxed way, as they recall, say, an encounter with an alien being when they were a few days old -- and again, we're not supposed to be able to remember what happened when we were a few days old, because our notion of the brain doesn't allow that, but that doesn't prevent the memories from being real. So the person will say, "Oh, I'm back here" -- meaning born into this culture, this physical world -- "again. I'm back." Now, at that point I have a choice. I can say, "Never mind you're back again. Tell me what happened when you were a baby, and then what did the aliens do, and what did your mother do?" and so forth. Or I can pick up the word "back again," and say, "What do you mean, back again?" Now, I started to kind of cue on those words and not ignore them, and I would pick them up, and then the person would say, "Well, I was here before." "What do you mean, you were here before?" "Well, I was a poet in England in the eighteenth century, and I ran afoul of the authorities." And then a very detailed story would come, which is told with just as much conviction as you and I would tell about our accounts of an adventure on a vacation or an adventure in some kind of professional work, and those are told with extraordinary detail, and in a number of instances there's been a possibility, they've been corroborated by other evidence. That isn't something I've been particularly out to prove --

MISHLOVE: Dr. Ian Stevenson of the University of Virginia.

MACK: That's right. He's corroborated the stories of children who report past lives, in that there's evidence that they're actually telling about events they could not know about, which are then found to be actual occurrences. So one of the cases, actually, along those lines is a young woman who knew almost nothing about ancient Egyptian culture and civilization -- this is written about in the book -- who had a past-life experience. She was a male court painter in probably someplace between the Middle and the New Kingdom in Egypt. And as a painter she knew the process about how the paints were mixed and how they were made and what the different dyes were like, and that came about, again, because I picked up on the word "again," or "I'm back again." So it really depends, what we can learn, on what we are capable of listening to and perceiving. In our official reality -- I don't use the word consensus anymore, because consensus is really breaking down about what's reality.

MISHLOVE: Sure, if you talk to people in general, the consensus is very different than the official version.

MACK: So I use the word official, but even that seems to be under some assault now. But according to official reality, there are no past lives; there is no Satanic abuse; there are no near-death experiences. All of that is somehow either -- you know, the last refuge of the Western scientific resistance is to call people liars, so a lot of the abductees get called, "Well, they're just lying." Well, if you ever actually talked with them, you'd see that they're very sincere, straightforward, balanced, healthy people. I've had several of them tested psychologically; they're people of great integrity, and they don't believe their experiences any more, at first at least, than anyone else would. So they're very skeptical, in the sense we were talking about earlier. So a number of people actually, though, do report these past-life experiences. I've taken people through deaths. One, this poet, was martyred, was actually starved, and then died in an English prison, and his report of the death was as powerful as any kind of agonal throes of anything anybody would go through in this life -- absolutely convincing. And it's interesting, because we don't actually have a way of talking to someone about what happens to them when they die. So by taking someone through an experience like that we learn something about what the agonal experience of death can be like. Maybe we can learn something about that.

MISHLOVE: Well, as a therapist and a hypnotist myself, one of the counter-hypotheses that I feel I need to be especially sensitive to is the one that I may be, either through subtle bodily cues or tone of voice or even through telepathy, implanting my ideas in the minds of the people who I hypnotize. And I see that because I know some therapists who use hypnosis, all of their clients will conform to some model that they have, and another therapist with a different theoretical model seems to get patients who always come up under hypnosis with evidence that conforms to their model.

MACK: Yeah, except -- that's possible. It's possible that they're somehow reading my mind. I try to be particularly scrupulous about that, and say nothing about anything, in spite of --

MISHLOVE: Of course, but as soon as you admit the possibility of telepathy, you can't protect against it.

MACK: Well, then you get into a whole other matter of how does information come. Is it really I'm over here as the objective observer, and they're over there as the person who is or is not telling the truth? Or do we always, when we're alive, co-create, in a certain sense, our reality? So it may not be that they are like this repository of fact and I'm this neutral hypnotist or neutral interviewer who's trying to bring out the facts. You and I are creating something that never was before here, information that hasn't happened before, if we're doing our job right. And so it isn't as if one is simply dealing with the literal kind of nodule of factual experience, and that I'm taking it out like a kidney stone. It may be that there's actually some powerful core of experience, but that I am empowering in some way the person to bring that forth. Now that could be seen as distortion. It's certainly not leading, because no experiencer I've ever worked with has suggested that I lead them, and when people go in the consulting room with me, are present when this is occurring, no one has ever said that I lead people. But they do come away shaking their heads, saying, "I know this person. Something powerful happened to this person. I can't explain it, but they wouldn't be making this up. This is not following your lead. It happened." And that's how I've gotten some colleagues to join me in this and actually be available for referrals.

MISHLOVE: Now, you mentioned the physical evidence. I think that's very important, because it's one way to counter the argument that this is -- what's the term? a folie Й deux, a folly created by two people. What's the physical evidence that has impressed you the most in the cases you've seen?

MACK: Interesting twist on that -- that's impressed me the most. OK, the most striking thing to me is not the cuts, the scoop marks, the lesions on people's bodies, although those are powerfully corroborative, but the association with the UFOs. In other words, any theory is going to have deal with the UFO connection, and the way that will go often is that the person experiences the abduction, they come to you. I'll give you an example of a case that's in the book. A woman in her mid-twenties; she comes home from working as a nightclub receptionist. She finds herself drawn, compelled, to drive in a northeasterly direction from Boston, ends up in the woods. There's a brilliant light, and she's taken. There's a period of missing time, which is typical, and as we explored it there's a characteristic abduction experience that occurred. Now, the next morning -- she gets home; she didn't see a UFO or anything -- the next morning she is shocked to see on the television that the major channels reported a UFO moving in exactly the same direction she was moving -- independently viewed, in the community. And she just did not know anything about the UFO. The UFO association people just ignore, with all these fancy theories about the psyche. Children as young as two and three years old have had these experiences. How will a sophisticated personality/hallucinatory/whatever theory account for the fact of a two-year-old boy -- I'm thinking of a particular kid -- who says, "Mommy, don't let the little men take me up into the sky." He wakes up with nosebleeds from the procedures that have been done to him, recoils when shown a card of an alien being, a very simple picture of the alien being, when he's gone through a whole series of other cards, including other much more scary looking skeletons and ghosts, and he does not recoil. He points at it and indicates, says that's the one that takes him up. We have to, if we're going to discuss this, if we're going to try to explain it, we have to account for every piece of the phenomenon. We can't just take what looks psychological and deal with that. There's other physical evidence though. There's the experience of the missing pregnancies. There's the burned earth outside of the house where the UFOs are seen to be landed. There's many where -- I was working with a man who had abduction experiences from his family farm when he was a small boy. A UFO was seen by his father. It created a thirty-foot burned-earth pattern. Nothing would grow there in a thirty-foot circle for several years, and the family corroborates that. So there is physical evidence. The problem is, for the critics of this, or the skeptics -- not skeptics, the debunkers, basically -- it's not about physical evidence. It's about what I call the politics of perception, or the politics of ontology. Nothing will satisfy them. They want a dinner plate, or they want an artifact -- a piece of a wing off a UFO, you know -- something tangible, physical. But if you gave it to them it wouldn't satisfy them; they would simply question the pedigree of it: "Well, who found it? A little boy in the field? Well, maybe he made it up. Maybe he told the wrong story." If your mind is already set that things are a certain way, it makes no difference what the physical evidence is. There's a science writer in Boston, and I have had a very kind of amusing exchange -- he's probably going to add another lick to this discussion; we've been going back and forth in the Boston Globe about this. His name is Chet, and he's been trying to liken all this to medieval witchcraft and all kinds of stuff. And so I was told, after a rather debunking article in the Boston Globe, I should talk to him. I was reluctant to do it, but I did, and I'm glad I did. But he was absolutely -- it didn't matter what I told him; he knew what he knew. But finally in exasperation I said, "Chet, look," I said, "A UFO could land on the Boston Commons. All the channels could run footage about it. It could be reported in all the Boston dailies, and you still wouldn't believe that it happened. You'd still think it was a hoax." And he stopped and he was silent, and he had the integrity to say, "John, I think you're right." So in that kind of situation you're not dealing with matters of physical evidence. You're dealing with a mind set, an ideology, a world view, which has no room for this. So I guess one of the reasons I wanted to write the book was to see if I could at least make some inroads into that world view, to allow that there are other ways of knowing, that perhaps even the methodologies of knowledge, the ways we know when we're trying to look at reality beyond this physical world. Maybe Science, with a capital S, as we've known it, our kind of antiquated scientific approach, is OK for studying things which are simply in this physical world. But, as quantum mechanics is showing us, when you're dealing with complex, ambiguous realities, maybe you need something more profound, something like the whole consciousness or the whole self, an expanded ways of knowing.

MISHLOVE: I sometimes wonder, since some of these debunkers are, in the name of rationality, so clearly irrational, if they themselves aren't unconsciously a part of the very process that we are trying to study, which in some larger sense is the human psyche.

MACK: Indeed. It may be that, for example, the distinction between physical reality and psyche is not so sharp as we like to think. If you ask certain physicists, "What was there before the big bang?" they'd say, "That question is not meaningful according to the physical laws that we study." And yet what are they saying -- that the universe appeared out of nothing? Perhaps it appeared out of consciousness, out of the divinity, or the universal mind. But again, that's not physics. That's the boundary perhaps between physics and consciousness.

MISHLOVE: One of the things that you have written about is that this journey has taken you from a very respectable, and I think largely mainstream, career in psychiatry, to explore the field that is now transpersonal psychology, which deals with these kinds of questions and realities.

MACK: Well, transpersonal psychology really is kind of a fancy word, but basically all it means is that our consciousness is not simply the same thing as our bodies and our brains -- that consciousness can separate. We can identify beyond ourselves to connect with realities, with beings, beyond our own skin, so we can move -- and this is transpersonal in the sense that the psyches of the abductees, as well as their bodies, can travel into realities that are not supposed to be there.

MISHLOVE: I thought some of the most interesting cases were the ones -- and I'm thinking of one in particular that you wrote about in which a woman believed herself to be an incarnation of a being who was an alien in a past life, and was sort of sent here as like an advance scout, to be in the Earth plane.

MACK: Well, we have to back up a little about that, because there are several cases like that. A very powerful dimension of this phenomenon is what I call the double-identity aspect. When you go deeply into the experience, when you get past the trauma of the reproductive insults that are involved here, and you come to a place where the individuals acknowledge, particularly through a connection through the eyes, which is a very profound aspect of this -- the joining, the bonding, that occurs through the eye connection -- when you get past that, the experiencers, as they're called, will often experience themselves as aliens, that they have a whole other identity as an alien. And from that perspective they see, computer-like often, all of what we're doing to the earth; they may be involved in human-alien -- they being alien -- reproductive processes, creating the hybrids. And from that perspective they will often feel that that alien self represents the lost souls, in a sense, of human beings. Now, people ask, "Well, why do these aliens look so humanoid? If they're really some otherness, why do they look so much like us?" Well, one of the answers there -- and I'm not saying that it's true, but it is one of the areas where I have a fair amount of data -- is that people experience that we both began separated from a common source. In other words, there was a common ground of being where we separated, became densely embodied in the form that we are. The aliens remained less embodied; they are part of our being, but they are seen as emissaries from the Source, with a capital S, or home, or God, or divinity -- again, all these are loaded words, but we have to have some language to talk about the ineffable, what Wittgenstein called the ineffable; we don't have language for that -- and that we were split off and separated, and that one of the many, many dimensions of this phenomenon is the bringing together of our alien self, that alienated soul self, with the physical, embodied self, to become whole once again, so that it isn't really two species joining, but a completing of our own identity and wholeness.

MISHLOVE: I think there's something very profound in that. It reminds me of all of the religious, spiritual, mystical teachings around the world that suggest that ultimately we are one with the whole universe, and if that's the case then truly nothing could really be alien from our deepest nature.

MACK: You wouldn't think that little beings with big black eyes who, when you first look at it, are doing nasty, traumatic, rape-like, reproductive experimenting -- we don't know that it's experimenting -- would be the source of mystical openings, as you're suggesting, but in fact they are for many individuals. It may be that this is kind of hard-sell mysticism, you know. If what is occurring -- now we're really blue-skying, OK? -- If what is occurring from an evolutionary point of view is some kind of reconnecting of us with the ground of being, with Source, then it may be we can't wait for everyone in the culture to become Buddhist meditators, or discover the Source from their own psycho-spiritual opening. It may be that some kind of more intrusive, invasive hit is required -- abductions, if you will -- to open us up. It's an intervention, in a sense; it's the crossing over of beings that should stay in the spirit world, coming over into the physical world, because most of us really don't have a way to recognize anything that isn't at least showing up in the physical world.

MISHLOVE: John Mack, we're out of time, but you've put it quite eloquently. Thanks so much for being with me.

MACK: Thank you for having me, Jeff.

- END - 

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Montague's Message for Sunday, 20 March, 2011

Do not despair, they will not succeed with their Evil Plans. Their determination to create an excuse for war was so obvious. Their eyes said it all. Do they not realise that people know when they are being lied to. Time is running out for them, they face exposure. They needed a war before all the NATURAL changes that will occur to change the world as you know it today, happen. They are determined to cut the population before these changes begin. Remember, my dear, some months ago, we told you of the missiles that were launched by the US, to attack either Israel or the US, and to pretend that it was China who attacked. They fear China. China does not want the New World Order and so in their eyes will have to be dealt with. The New World Order are a ruthless, soulless group, driven by greed and control. They are different in every possible way from all of you. They control your governments. The puppets they place "in power" are spineless, weak individuals, who crave position in life. Do not look to them for help: they obey orders, or a bullet will move them on.

Send your love and prayers to the stoic people of Japan. They have learned a hard lesson. They did not want a New World Order and would not obey orders. They have paid a very high price. You have all witnessed what happened, yet why do so many of you continue to support these people. Do not close your eyes, as so many are crying out in unimaginable pain. The New World Order cannot achieve their take-over without your help. Yes, each and every one of you must look to your conscience on this matter. Ask, "What can I do?". Know that your silence is tantamount to supporting their actions. I did warn you that it would be difficult before it got better. If only you could see the changes that are happening. Many of you are aware of the vibrational changes. It is the closing of the old and the beginning of your awakening to full consciousness, when you will connect with the essence of who you truly are. Peace and harmony will replace the darkness you have endured throughout your lives. Do not be alarmed. Remember, never allow the fear that has kept you in chains, to enter your lives. The changes are God-driven. We in Spirit, are here to assist you. The people who push fear on TV and in newspapers are but puppets, reading the script laid before them. The truth is out there for those who seek it.

Amongst all the turmoil, look at the flowers, the blossoms regaling the trees as they spring into life once more, just as all of you will blossom into the beautiful Spirits that you are. We are doing our best. We have prevented many of their plans. They are a cancer that has spread into every corner of your world. But cancer is man-made and so it can be removed. Look at the children of the world. Know that through your efforts they will live unhindered in a world where love of creation and ones fellow man will be the order of the day. No other planet lives as you do. They communicate freely with each other, they share energy, etc. All divisions will go, there will be mind-to-mind communication, just as in the world of Spirit where everything is thought and light. When all obstacles are removed and you see the beauty of planet Earth in all its splendour for the first time, it will be an experience you will never forget. All that has been blocked from you will be completely restored. Think of your time on Earth as an extended visit to another planet. The body that you use for the trip is of no consequence. It is your soul, your Spirit, that is eternal. It must be nourished with love and care. Far too much emphasis is placed on the body, to take your minds off your souls, which are a reflection of the Spirit of God, the Supreme Being. Trust in his Love. Fear is so destructive. This is why it is used against you. Listen to John Mack’s words on this. He was a man of light, who is now working to bring light to your world. All the planets will be there to help Earth to restore energy and update your technology.

Remember, my dear, the Andromedans tried to assist us when I was investigating the Scole Experiments. They showed themselves, they tried to communicate, but the mediums did not have the backbone to pursue this. They refused to sit again. Your world would be in a very different position now, if they had listened to me and allowed the Andromedans to communicate and assist your awakening. They showed themselves on film. You saw it. We sat at the farm in excitement and wonderment. But the mediums were adamant, they would not sit again. Though they have been happy to live off the publicity gained from Scole, the fact is, they flunked the opportunity to rescue the world from the Dark Cabal. They put their foot in the water of contact, but withdrew it as soon as the unknown beckoned them. What an opportunity missed, to expand your understanding of the universe and restore light and peace. It takes courage to go forward, to step into the unknown even though you know it is the right thing to do. Together, you will go forward into the light. There are millions of you, now fully awakened.

Take time to enjoy the Springtime, it was always your favourite time. My love is with you, your adoring, Monty.




http://mksvenska.blogspot.com/ - SVENSKA
http://mkjapan.blogspot.com/ - JAPANESE

http://mkinfrench.blogspot.com/ -FRANÇAIS

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Hello everyone.... i was recently reading the blog post:
Get Ready for This by Sirian High Council of Light

Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/forum/topics/get-ready-for-this-by-sirian

...and i just wanted to share with you all the very last paragraph from this reading....

"We are the Sirian Council on High. Please stretch who you think you are into who you truly are. The multidimensional initiation comes in 6 weeks of your time. You must walk forward fearlessly, less the fear, no matter what. Stand tall in what you know to be peace inside of you. Hold it and protect it. It is your greatest treasure. Many will try to take that treasure from you."

I'm taking from this we shoud be looking at or around the begining of May. Here we go.....
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SaLuSa 18-March-2011



SaLuSa 18-March-2011


As the full affects of the earthquake are being felt in Japan, so it is focusing people’s attention upon it due to the vast damage, loss of life and potential for even more after shocks. It is a situation that is making people world-wide; question the sense in continuing with nuclear energy as a source of power. The more the dangers are publicized and the longer it goes on, there will undoubtedly be a groundswell against its further use. Do you see Dear Ones how eventually the truth must come out, yet regrettably it is not until a serious condition arises. There are already calls for an alternative source of power, and our allies will be pushing for free energy devices that are already available. It is sad that Man does not wake up until faced with a disaster, but if it can be a stepping stone to a new approach it might be looked upon as at least having a beneficial outcome. Free energy would solve so many problems that exist at present, and be one of the greatest steps forward in this era. The difference in your lives would be phenomenal, and put you that much nearer to what lays ahead by way of Ascension.

We monitor all major events on Earth, and as far as we are allowed are always looking for ways of lessening the impact upon you. Over a long period of time we have substantially reduced radiation levels, which have inevitably followed the testing of nuclear weapons. Without such help you would by now have been a nation of very sick people, and as you know the affects continue from one generation to another. If and when the decision is made to stop using nuclear power, we will help remove the dangerous plant and prevent it from posing a threat to you. We cannot help you unless you are prepared to help yourselves, as we must only re-act to requests from you rather than be seen to “interfere”. We would love to deal with all of your problems, but there are lessons to be learnt that mean there is a proper time for us to show up. However, we are working hard to get Disclosure acknowledged, and then we can really help you and would not delay coming amongst you.

How life can change without any warning, and so suddenly that you are often ill prepared. At least you have been made aware of what lies ahead, and with your input all will proceed as planned. You are vital to the outcome and getting an enormous amount of attention. The Universe is closely following your journey, as it is important that you reach the stage of readiness to become Galactic Beings. The cycle of duality is to all intents and purposes over, and we want as many souls as possible to return to the level that was your home in past times. Many of you know that Earth is not your real home, and yearn to return to it. It will be like taking a grand holiday in the sun, after being underground for all your life. Everything will be so bright and beautiful, the very air you breathe clean and refreshing, and an uplifting energy permanently around you. It cannot be much different wherever your home is located, as so much more perfection exists in the higher dimensions.

One day in the future you will look back and no longer feel any pain or unhappiness, because the high energies of the love vibration will have taken over. You will be in a permanent state of joy and happiness, and dark thoughts will not even enter your mind. All souls together in such energies become as one, and share a close bonding in a high state of love and Light. But for reasons of service to others, you would have no reason to return to the lower dimensions. Indeed, if anything you will move into even higher levels for the purpose of furthering your evolution. Progress is ongoing and only ceases when you fully return to the Source of All That Is.

Peace will come to Earth, so do not feel downhearted if for a time the dark Ones are able to resist change as it will only be a temporary hold up. The higher energies planted upon the Earth are so powerful that they will transmute the lesser energies. That will take away any possibility that the dark Ones had of making more mischief and soon they will be stripped of their power, and we can start our many projects to lift up Earth and the people upon it. It will happen, and then the suffering upon Earth will be dealt with quite quickly, and a happy civilization will emerge. Health will be a principle benefit upon Ascension, as in near perfection you will not experience the aches and pains of the old carbon based body. You will stay young and healthy, and in the process of Ascension will be healed of any condition that is anything less.

aff banner1 SaLuSa 18th March 2011


The dynamics of the energies playing upon Earth are setting up the grid that will bring the new Earth into being. At the same time they will uplift you also, and both will be ready for the final action leading to Ascension. It calls for more time being allocated to your personal development, so that you may take the opportunity to raise your vibrations. Meditation is most suitable and recommended; even if you can only find limited time in which to do it. At least find quiet moments when you can unwind, from what is a stressful time on Earth just at present. Being fearful will not help, and your health will benefit if you can find a little time for yourself each day. Also remember when you are in a relaxed state to send out your love to wherever you see it is needed. Perhaps you are already in a group presentation, and that will be even better and more powerful.

Money worries occupy many people, but even these will disappear in time as debts are forgiven, and wealth is distributed more fairly. Can you imagine the relief when people can start again with not just a clean sheet, but with the advantage of being funded once more. It will be but one step towards a brand new society, that focuses on sharing and works for the benefit of each other. Dealings will be carried out above board, and the authorities will show their honesty in whatever they do. People will be consulted much more than now, and have more say in matters that concern them. In one way or another the old paradigm will die away, as it has ceased to fairly reflect the needs of the people for eons of time.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and trust that the information we give answers many of your questions. They are not complete and best addressed when we can come to Earth, when we shall spend much time quickly acquainting you with all that is to follow. We send our unconditional love to all of you.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.


~~ End of Message ~~

my maroon signature SaLuSa 18th March 2011

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My hands were guided here....  wrote this 2 days ago at 4am.....  and with the help of Metatron this morning....  i finished it.  I'm to share this with you all...... for anyone having difficulty explaining what is currently happening to loved ones or anyone for that matter.....  this is for you:


When "engaging" new friends.... as we ALL know.... we put ourselves at great risk of humiliation.....  but if you're anything like me, and i'm sure you are ( lightworkers ).....  we are sooooo used to being the focal point of laughter.....right?  I, therefore, last week, directly asked for Metatrons help here.....  through osmosis, i have obsorbed foresight into this issue, and am now implementing it like that of a skilled surgeon. 


When meeting a new soul for the 1st time ( tellers, people on transit, in a coffee line up, whomever ) i start by making refference to current world events ( Egypt, Libya, Japan).  I feel their energy about these issues......  it will become OBVIOUSLY apparent if they are ready or not from this point....    if they roll their eyes and keep talking about what happened on American Idol last night, i simply say, " Cool....i check it out later".......if otherwise, and they seem depressed or anxious.....( again VERY OBVIOUS  - - it's in their eyes ) i simply ask them for their Email address.... and tell them that i would love to share with them what i have come to learn/understand.  Without question, you will find people freely giving you their address.....which i then add to my database.  Immediatley, i send them the following.... it comes with boundaries that need to be respected on both sides.....and without further ado, may i present to you all, "my" way of "enaging" :


Hello my fellow friend....


I'm so happy that you show interest in what is happening globally... i so much to share with you!!!!!


But before i even begin to take anyone on this journey of truth..... i make SURE that they fundamentally understand 4 things.  If they cannnot..... i will not proceed.  They are....

1) Understand we are NOT alone in the Universe by FAR!!!.......

2)  Civilizations have come and gone on Earth for over 800,000 years , and with that said... the Continents of Atlantis and Lumaria did INDEED exist.... 

3)  Within those 800,000 years, other intelligent beings from all points in the Universe have come and gone here on Earth....some with good intentions....some with not so good intentions.....some are STILL here....some are working with elements of the Shadow Gov't (  a whole different topic to be discussed at a later time ) that ARE NOT in our best interests.   

 4)  Religions have been designed to keep us all separated and easy to control through fear. None of our present major religions offer the 'full circle', the complete truth on the veritable nature of our reality. Each hold a piece, but are riddled with inaccurate insertions. None even acknowledge the obvious premise of humanities  true 'extra terrestrial' heritage. Most speak in skewed metaphor. Many seek control through archaic fear and reinforce mental programming that obstructs avenues of self empowerment by instilling the concept of original sin and fires of hell and damnation.  This is not to say that "true"  incarnated prophets, like that of Jesus and Allah and Buddha were not real.....they were.....they came....and they simply provided us all with a "way" of living....then they left.....it has been man that has "written the word" and constructed places of worship.

5)  Of the remaining balance of "good" E.T.'s ,  which are actually related to ALL of us  ( every various race on Earth did indeed have a non-terrestrial  origin at one point - star family ) they are here NOW to assist us ALL in the GREATEST EVENT OF HUMAN HISTORY!  Ascension!!! 


Ta Da!!!


From here...... feed them slowly and direct them to ASHTAR.....  the seed has been planted....  YOU have achieved success.....you are a lightworker!!!!

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*  New Archangel Metatron Channel * 

 Light Beings : The Nature of Angels



Lord Metatron via James Tyberonn

The Nature of Angelics & Light

Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light! We encompass each of you in a vector and field of Unconditional Love within coded light. We nurture you, we honor each of you. We know you by heart, by tone, by name. It has always been so !

And so we speak on the nature of Light and of the Angelic Beings of Light.

Currently humanity is entering an expansive stage of extra and intra dimensional access. This is due in no small part to the galactic positioning of the Earth at this time that mankind refers to as the Ascension.

The Earth, and the Milky Way Galaxy as we have shared in earlier assays, has entered an extreme illumination cycle, a 'no-spin zone' which cast no shadows. Its effusive influence is that cognition is placed in first position, an extreme thinning of the veil, so to speak. A magnification of dimensional reality-overlap is now overseen by cosmic forces that are unique to the present planetary Ascension.

 Misconceptions are being cleared away, as Humanity's Myths of Cosmology evaporate into mist. It is a time to 'get real', in your vernacular. It is the era of undiluted Truth. You are uncovering knowledge that is already within you, for humanity is a species with amnesia. Time to awaken, time to remember. And that is indeed, Illumination, and Illumination, Dear One, is all about Light....Crystalline Coherent Light. And we tell you in sincerity, you are all at source, amazing Beings of Divine Light.


The Coded Nature of Light

The Earth is diversely luminous, receiving and disseminating light in a variety of unique frequencies, formats and bandwidths, each offering its own benefits and qualities. Light contains information, codes and colors in its spectrum of varied oscillations which support the Earth and indeed, Humanity.

While the sun of your solar system is the primary source of light received on the earth, it is important to note that it is by no means the only source. Other sources include the Great Central Sun, stars, white-holes, and 'Light Beings'. In a valid manner of speaking Light Beings, those far beyond your scope of Angels, provide a light that is unimaginable to you. We add the caveat that all light from all sources have a natural filtering matrix and dimensional spectral distribution. 

Most humans are only able to 'physically' perceive quanta of light that occurs in the 'visible range' of the light spectrum. You are aware that humans require sun light to sustain healthy physical bodies, yet we tell you that the beings that live in the 'inner earth' also receive light as a necessary nutrient. (We offer an angelic wink as we give a wry notification that many of the planets in your particular corner of the Cosmos, including the earth have  more advanced  'humanesque'  life-forms internally than on the surface.)

 So what is the source of their sustaining light?  It is a polychromatic light emitted from the crystalline core of the earth, well above the 'visible' range.

Polychromatic 'Whole-White' Light works directly with the 12 chakras of the Mer-Ka-Na. It is pristine and complete, containing all frequencies, all spectra, all creation codes in both wave and particle format. Sunlight does not. You will in time inhabit the 'Inner Earth'.

The 2012 completion of the Crystalline Grid will bring changes to the way the earth and mankind will receive light. The 144-Grid will begin over the next two to three centuries to influence the direction of light waves. It will have the capacity to attract, refract and disseminate light  from one dimensional medium into another. The wave velocities received will be different from the velocities refracted. It will be capable of singular and double refraction. It will be capable of refining polychromatic light into singularly coherent factions and coherent light polychromatic. New forms of light in crystalline and nonpolar morphous will be emitted. The grid itself will breathe, and that respiration will enact even more complex geometries beyond the double penta-dodecahedron of the 144.

The physical matrix of humanity will symbiotically evolve, as a direct result, into formats that embed and spawn greater abilities to retain morphic coded light. The body will become a source of light appearing semi-translucent, less fixed in density, mass  and gravity. Humans will physically evolve from carbon based life  to silicon base.  It is crystalline  Illumination, for silicon is unique in its crystalline symbiosis to light itself.


A New Sun

 Your sun is changing. It has been a conditional sun, in aspect to the Earth. It has played an unperceived role in the duality aspect of planet earth since the fall of the firmament. When the new 144-Crystalline Grid completes in 2012, it will begin to create the seeds of the New Firmament. This will in kind allow for the sun to provide 'Unconditional Light'. The very manner in which humanity absorb light will up shift as will the ability to perceive above the current visible spectrum limitations. 

The Crystalline Transition of the Earth is the base source of the planetary Ascension. It offers greater light, more complex light to humanity. Accordingly, a greater aspect of light is becoming available to humanity, and light removes shadow, and offers greater understandings. The Angelic Realm is an enormous part of your expanded awareness in the Ascension.


The Angelic Realm

Dear Ones, the state of 'Enlightenment' is just that, it is Beingness within Light...Integral Coherent Crystalline Light. The Ascension is around the Crystalline transition of the planet Earth. In kind this crystalline transition makes available not only greater access to higher dimension, but also the shift of humanity into Mer-Ka-Na, Crystalline Light Body. The Mer-Ka-Na is able to absorb more light, you see, and thus allows you to carry greater energy as you become capable of interfacing more synergistically into crystalline dimension and the Angelic Realm.

The Angelic Kingdom is greatly misunderstood in certain aspects of its nature and core purpose.

Angels are indeed 'Messengers of God'. But what does that mean?

 Angels are Multidimensional Beings of Light that serve a far greater function than guardianship and bearings of messages. We will attempt to review the greater aspect of Angels, but before we do, we will tell you that as Beings of Light, Angels are conscious Beings of the Divine Essence of the key frequency for assisting humanity evolve...and that is Love. We add the caveat, that Love is a frequency far more complex and much much higher than the just the emotional feeling you think of as love. LOVE is a complex science.

As we have told you previously the highest form of Love is 'Unconditional Love'. And whilst Unconditional Love can be sought from the stance of the 3rd dimension, it can only be grasped from the level of the 5th dimension. That is because Unconditional Love is integral, and the 3rd dimension is a conditional (not unconditional) plane.  Those of you who achieve the initial aspects of Unconditional Love, only do so on the level of the fifth dimension, you see.


Angels As Place Holders of Physics 

You think of Angels as nurturing guardians, messengers of 'God'. We are that and more. Most of you will agree Angels are 'Beings of Light'. In the latter definition you encompass a Truth that is vastly more far reaching than the initial description. Beings of Light, Angels, are the place holders of the Laws of Physics, conscious in scopes you cannot even imagine.

 Angels have a reciprocal nature and aspect in dimensional Light, meaning that Angelics exist within the field of antimatter in Fractal Light and fold inward into physical realms in Geometric Light. In so doing they are core energetic holders that consciously hold the special laws of dimensions intact.

Angels are without form, occupy no physical space, in your terms, we have no mass. We are Divine Thought and intact in manifestation. We are 'tonal' and have a spectrum of frequency at our disposal. That frequency is LOVE.

We  tell you that there is both a plural and singular aspect within the Angelic Realm. And while it may seem paradoxical, even the 'singular' aspect of Archangels is plural in consciousness content. Accordingly individual names humanity assigns to Archangels are more to do with humanities limited concept of Angelic attributes than to an individual Beingness. You interpret Angelics and Light Beings as having 'personalities'. In  Truth we are reflections of attributes of the most powerful energy in the Cosmos, and that is LOVE. Yet our essence is received and interpreted to humanity in duality as having attributes you logically consider to be individual personalities. We are  Divine Mind with loving nurturing aspect, devoid of ego, devoid of what you term negative emotion. We support, we hold energy in place, and do so as a fundamental purpose. Love is our foundation.


Symbiotic Levels of Hierarchy

 I, Metatron exist on two separate but symbiotic  levels, the most familiar and accessible to humanity is as Archangel Metatron, yet on the higher level, I exist as Metatron ,Lord of Light, but even this analogy cannot encompass or define my nature, and is only capable of doing so in aspectual terms.

As 'Lord of Light, I am a generator of the base units of realities, and universes. This level is devoid of what you would term personality. It is analogous to an engine, a divine conscious computer, of energy intensites beyond the gamma, illumination unimaginable to you. And there are levels well beyond me.

As Archangel Metatron, I nurture life.

I communicate with the channel Tyberonn not in words, but in light code 'packets'. He receives this communication by pre-earth agreement. A 'contract', if you will of service for these times. In higher aspect Tyberonn is originally Pleiadean, and a member of the Cosmic Council of Light. We have had service together in other sojourns and dimensions. These codes are emitted from my higher aspect, transduced on the Archangelic level, and  received in his higher self, intact for interpretation and transcription.

 It can be said that on the higher aspect, I contain the plurality source, generate and emit the geometric frequencial consciousness codes of all that are transduced into the Angelic Realm of Light. As such there is both a hierarchal and non hierarchal aspect of the Angelic Realm, that is self determined by conscious crysto-light and light physics. It can be said that the Light-Beings of the Angelic Realm, in Metatronic terms are conscious units of 'Source Divine Thought' and Beyond-Thought that create Light and 'Beyond Light'.                                         

The Angelics of the Metatronic Realm generate and embellish Coded-Light. Such light  intermelds matter, antimatter, time and space. This is obviously not a conceptual view of Angelic function  that is held by the masses of humanity, much less understood. However, in this context lies the glue that irrevocably adheres the sacred scientific to the sacred spiritual aspect of reality that forms the integral unified circle key to humanities evolving beyond duality.

Indeed in the present era of Ascension, you are evolving in ability to absorb greater light, and light is TRUTH, Universal Cosmic Truth of All That Is. The enigma that has obstructed full unity of humanities consciousness in duality, especially in your present, is that science has omitted the sacred and the spiritual has excluded the scientific.

 It may then surprise some of you to know that there are Hierachies of Angelics dedicated in functional purpose to what you may term as Keepers of Physics. In that role as conscious constructs of  'Laws of Physics' that enable dimensional realities. And we realize that the idea of angels being scientists and engineers will confuse most of you. We are smiling!

We tell you that the new metaphysicians, the new 'Light-workers', and Earth-Keepers, in your vernacular, are the scientists. Indeed those you refer to as the 'Crystal Children' are the 'sacred-savant'  scientists that will in the next generations complete the circle of understanding and join the spiritual with the scientific. They will not be religious in the traditional sense, but we tell you, humanity will come closer to understanding 'God' through science than through religion. It is the missing piece of the puzzle.


Coming Full Circle

None of your present major religions offer the 'full circle', the complete truth on the veritable nature of your reality. Each hold a piece, but are riddled with inaccurate insertions. None even acknowledge the obvious premise of humanities  true 'extra terrestrial' heritage. Most speak in skewed metaphor. Many seek control through archaic fear and reinforce mental programming that obstructs avenues of self empowerment by instilling the concept of original sin and fires of hell and damnation.

All of Humanity are Beings of Light, powerful spiritual consciousness, that are sparks of the Divine. The difference between Humanity and Angels is that Humans are an aspect of the Divine that evolves back into God expansion plurality having chosen to experience free will and relearn creation through that magnanimous lens. 

Angels ARE, exquisitely and splendidly ARE, and always have been 'Keepers of Light' place holders of this space and non-space of the eternal expanding 'NOW' of Alpha and Omega.


Supreme Gestalt

We will also tell you that the religious teaching of 'Fallen Angels' is also a fear based inaccuracy. There is indeed a 'Conscious Keeper' of the specific Law of Physics that enables polarity/duality, which is the force that enables the 'University of Earth'. And within that school of the duality causal plane, humanity is able to master the responsibility of creative forces.

 There are no evil or fallen Angels! Period.

There is no vengeful  God  in the heavens. There are no Angels to fear.  Instead, it's a magnificent family partner with a hand out.

It is indeed a skewed, archaic misunderstood analogy of the duality force. The only demons, the only evil that exists in duality planes are those created by inaccurate  thought in the learning process of 'free-will'. There are no 'fallen angels'. How could a Being of Light created by Divine Source  divert from what it is?  Angels, do not have 'free-will' in your terms. Rather they have Divine Will.

The Supreme Gestalt of 'All That Is'  is the  substance of the reality that underlies all appearances and manifestations that are called Life, including matter, anti-matter, non-matter, energy and non-energy, thought and the absence of thought. And we tell you, there is that which exists even beyond this.

You may not fully comprehend this axiom from your duality perspective , or perhaps do not feel that this is within your field of conception, yet  I would tell you otherwise. But it is your discernment, ever, that must be honored in order to expand as you grow into greater awareness of your God Self.


Humanities Angelics Images

Although humanity assigns gendered names to Archangels, the Angelic Realm is androgynous, in your terms, neither male or female. Because you consider certain attributes of LOVE, such as nurturing and compassion as feminine, and attributes such as strength to be masculine, you give gender to Angelics. Gender only exist in polarity. Wee are far above polarity. We are integral. The Beings of Light that are of the Angelic Realm are plural/multi-dimensional forms of integral conscious energy. Our plurality consciousness is the reason we do not refer to our selves or relate our messages to you in the ' I ' of singular pronoun. Yet in seeming paradox, we are also singular in unification.

Humans tend to create images of Angels that are responsible to some degree for the misconceptions around their true nature. Your paintings and murals depict either muscular male figures, females with feathered wings, or a host of miniature cherubs. Angels are neither male nor female in their Beingness. Gender is an aspect of polarity/duality. And of course Angels do not have wings, feathers or even the grandiose humanesque forms.. We are by no means offended by such images, these are simply artist's mental images that replicate and reinforce some of the misconceptions.

 Many of your religious texts and scriptures tell you that 'God' created mankind in 'his'  own image. You even see 'God' as a patriarchal  male with a humanesque body.

 It is the same mental thought process that logically images Angels as having human form.

Such celestial images powerfully influence your thoughts and emotions, and thus it is natural that you create understandable images to facilitate your interfacing with the Divine.

There are myriad life forms of Divine Intelligence in the Cosmos that have 'bodies' vastly different from the forms you have on earth. These are also created in 'Gods' Image. And so understand the image of God that is life, is conscious light, is LOVE.

Throughout the eons, humanity has tended to consider Ascended Masters, Spiritual Teachers, Group Councils, Deities and benevolent Extra Terrestrials as Angels. They are not.

The Cosmic Council of Light, Ascended Masters, the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance, are unified  entities  that operate generally in Councils. These   are representative and advisory disciplines that express tenets, principles, theories and beliefs associated with a body of knowledge. The Cosmic Council of Light is composed primarily of highly advanced beings that have experienced and completed the lessons of physical duality, and have chosen to empathically assist humanity. Likewise many of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance has experienced life on earth.


Discernment is Key

 Think NOT that we desire to forcefully impose or have you change your chosen stance on God, religion or the nature of your own being. Your beliefs, values and chosen opinions are sacred  steps of your free-will and are fully endorsed  by the ' All That Is', of which you are a Divine Aspect. 

The mode and manner, the expediency and format of your evolution is your own creation, and that is by individual design. There can be no other way to complete the University of Earth. It is not the role of the Angelic, nor the Ascended Masters Councils to make choices for you, we are holders of information that you may utilize, refashion, reject or accept. It is your choice, and we tell you that each of you will graduate in time. Love is ever the key, and cause and effect are great and greater teachers that all of you will learn from. Experiencing duality and learning Mastery in route, is why you entered the course.



Masters, a beautiful completion is occurring on the Earth. It is a sacred event that all of you have co created. It is time that you illuminate to the great and greater aspect that has always been within you. The dreamer is awakening. The expansion of Light is the expansion of Truth, of Understanding and is the doorway to the return home. Like the Angels, you are Beings of Light.

 As yet, most of you have no idea how important you are, and how the evolution that you have created in your selves has expanded the Cosmos.

Before we complete, we ask you to do something very special. Take a moment, and direct your energy to feel the energy of Light, of Angels.

 Feel us.

Be absorbed in this angelic countenance of peace and well being. It is a moment of solace, is it not? It is the energy of Source, of home,  of Light,  of Love. It is Angelic, and you Dear Ones are feeling the frequency of our nature...of your source nature in Angelic Beingness of Sacred Light. It is nice isn't it ?

Every Enlightened Being who has walked the Earth in final Mastery, exuded an energy that feels a lot like what you just felt. People were attracted to them, loved them. All life responded, blossomed in their presence. They created joy, effortlessly, because that is the energy of LIGHT...and Dear Ones, you are human angels, and can and will evolve in kind as you return home.

And in that sacred path, we of the Angelic Realm honor you. We await you, and promise to leave the lights on for your serendipitous return.

I Am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved. 

And so it is...






 Metatron Channel is transmitted through James Tyberonn.  As receiver of this information James Tyberonn claims the universal  © copyright in the name of Archangel Metatron.  Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, abridged  or added to, and credit of authorship and website address www.Earth-Keeper.com  is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with expressed permission granted by email from Tyberonn@hotmail.com

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March 12, 2011

Earthquake, tsunami in Japan; collective consciousness shifts; challenges ahead; transitioning souls, personalized care; ascension pace accelerated; intrinsic values vs trivial interests; fabricated image of US; mental, emotional illness; a better world for children

1.  With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The earthquake off the coast of Japan, strategically positioned to cause the tsunami, was not Mother Nature’s doing.  Her only involvement was the unavoidable initial movements of land and water after Illuminati scientists triggered the quake. Our space family was able to thwart their goal to level cities, flood the island and kill most of its inhabitants; however, harnessing the full force of the ocean is beyond the capability of their technology. Mother Nature isn’t causing the suspicious number of aftershocks, either, and it should be obvious to your seismologists and geologists that something is horribly awry.  

2.  The peak members of the Illuminati know that their economic empire is shattered, and before the last shreds of their once impenetrable global network are completely gone, they are trying to generate a mass of negativity through creating chaos, destruction and high death toll wherever they can. For all the devastation in the ocean’s path and the damaged nuclear power facility, compared to the Illuminati’s intent to utterly destroy Japan, it was a shallow win for them. There was minimal damage in Tokyo; the quake, aftershocks and tsunami released a large amount of negativity on the planet; off-planet technology is lessening the effects of radiation from the power station; and other civilizations are beaming intense light, adding to the outpouring of prayers for the Japanese people, whose resilience and resourcefulness and the assistance of other countries will restore that nation.   

3.  With the light continuing to intensify, the Illuminati’s unconscionable acts cannot much longer plague Earth. Just as you and we are seeing the undeniable evidence of massive shifts in the collective consciousness, so are they, and they know that this will end all darkness on the planet. The light in expanded consciousness has led long-oppressed peoples to raise their voices for freedom, and that cry will be echoed over and again until all peoples throughout your world are free.

4.  Eventually hard-won victories will come in Libya, other countries in the Middle East and nations in Southeast Asia and Africa. In countries where political groups with different ideologies oppose each other without violence, extremist positions will give way to unified administrations that serve the needs of the masses rather than the greed of the elite. However, it would be folly to expect swift capitulation by tyrannical rulers or completely smooth transitions as the settling in of new national leaders will be amidst varying degrees of unrest and at different paces.  

5.  Sorrow and hardships will befall the families whose beloved members pay with their lives for reformed governance or who were caught in the line of fire.  We devoutly wish that all could know that every person who leaves this lifetime by either original or amended soul contract is thriving in Earth’s spirit world.  Please join lighted beings throughout the universe in sending forth prayers for the highest good of all.  

6.  I believe this is an appropriate place to answer a reader’s question, Does the soul vacate the body without fear?  There is not an iota of fear connected with the soul and the etheric body leaving the physical body, but the psyche is another matter entirely. While the soul is liberated, so to say, the psyche of the person—as well as the beliefs, characteristics and memories—arrive in Nirvana exactly as they are at the moment the body dies.  If someone has experienced a fearful lifetime or the dying process was in fearful circumstances, that fear is ingrained in the psyche. Those persons arrive at special portals where specially trained transition teams boost the etheric body’s strength and take the person to a tranquil place where constant attention and customized treatment are given. 

7.  Mother, please copy the book section where I described this exceptional healing process using the example of a soldier who died in combat.  The same tender care would be given to all persons who died in fear of the earthquake or the tsunami—knowing this could give a measure of comfort to all who love them and are mourning their loss.

[Excerpt from the chapter “Transitioning Souls” in Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven.] 

     I'll give you an actual example of how we treat a traumatized arrival.  You are seeing a wounded soldier in combat uniform sitting on a cot, in heat-of-battle anger, fear and fighting forcefulness, and someone who is gently trying to soothe him.  Just as in the image I'm sending, the soldier's body appears here to be solid, like Earth flesh, and the cot also appears to be solid. That is an illusion we manifest because it is necessary at this stage of his acclimation to this realm. 

     Soldiers in combat have to balance the reality of death with a sense of their own invincibility so they can focus on survival. This difficult psychic maneuvering, plus the shock of battle and the horror of being surrounded by dead comrades and the screams of the wounded, has put this man in an extremely agitated state.  It's necessary to let him realize that this is a change from his last Earth surroundings, which we do by easing the battlefield conditions in which he had been living and dying.  Little by little his last memories are eliminated by that gradual removal of the scene around him until he is able to accept that he has left his Earth body and has entered this new life. The transition must be slow and realistic to him or his psyche will be shocked into a state where healing is a major repair.  Not that the assistance already needed and being rendered isn't of major significance, but I am speaking relatively.

     Matthew, it would seem that realism for that soldier would mean having acres of fighting around him. Can he see his dead comrades if they're receiving the same kind of treatment nearby?  Well, since you've said every soul arrives separately, I suppose he's alone with his medical attendant in a battlefield atmosphere.

     No, Mother, he's not the only soldier there. I just sent you a close-up image so you could clearly see the solidity of his body and the cot.  Yes, he can see some of his "dead" comrades nearby, and that is at once helpful and a hindrance because of possible confusion, as other men he just as recently had seen are not there.  Grouping these men at this stage is not in conflict with our treating each arrival individually in accordance with specific healing needs.  To avoid further psychic damage, it is essential that their dying environment be portrayed accurately, and their comrades' presence is part of this realism. 

     This group of men who were killed almost simultaneously numbers about ten, with varying attitudes regarding death and Heaven. They arrived at stations where their soul level energy permitted and their psychic adjustment can best be served, the initial stage of which you just were viewing.  Each in the group has his own energy attunement to follow from this point forward.  Some of these men may be quite advanced in soul evolution and very soon be aware of their entry into the spirit realm.  We have seen newly arrived soldiers with such advanced evolvement that they knew instantly where they were and quickly helped others nearby accept their transition. Others in this group may have very serious review ahead.

     As for the image you saw, yes, it was only a small portion of a reenacted battle environment, minus the deafening sounds and the gore of Earth reality.  However, "acres of battle" would not have been an accurate image to send you because we don't see that, either. What we see is more like flash scenes in a movie, where viewers have a glimpse of one character and his situation, then another character and his, and so on.  Even though a little time is spent developing each vignette, viewers are meant to understand that all of the developments are happening simultaneously. 

     We see glimpses of individual souls in varying stages of comprehension and needs for transition assistance.  We're led to the place where we need to be by the energy connection that is established. I know you're wondering how the differentiation can be achieved in that chaos, and I don't know how to explain this to you, Mother, but I can assure you that it works to perfection.

     As I've mentioned before, our primary healing mechanism is vibrations, which is why music is so essential.  Healthy individuals here have a vibratory rate between two definite points, allowing for some variation corresponding to rising or falling enthusiasm, excitement, or whatever emotion causes a rate change.  Since we have no fearful or angering circumstances to deal with, a rise from the normal rate is only for positive reasons.  Arrivals have a much different set of rates, which are geared to their belief systems throughout life on Earth and the circumstances of physical life and death.     


8.  Thank you, Mother. I wish to add something that isn’t in that excerpt, but is mentioned earlier in the chapter. Every person who makes transition is greeted by name and receives whatever individualized care may be necessary.  If they are quickly aware that they have returned to this realm, they’re greeted by family, friends and animals with whom they are bonded in love and are assisted in finding satisfying housing and settling in.  

9.  As I explained to my mother, I used the impersonal word “arrival” only to differentiate between souls who departed Earth lifetimes and the many others who come from spiritually advanced physical civilizations. Because Nirvana is well known for the customized care and healing of damaged psyches, some people come to rest and be rejuvenated after a series of traumatic lifetimes. Others come to teach advanced courses in the sciences, but most are here simply to visit. The higher levels of this world are widely known for their exquisite beauty and diversity, and it is a popular vacation spot for persons whose energy is compatible with those high vibrations.

10.  Although I haven’t been a resident for a dozen years or more, Nirvana still is my home, you could say. I return briefly between my calls to service, helping other civilizations in this part of the universe assess and upgrade their spirit havens that are their people’s equivalent of Earth’s Nirvana.

11.  Now then, for some time we and other messengers of the light have been alerting you to the tumultuous times ahead.  Now we say, they are here. Until recently Earth’s journey out of deep third density wasn’t at all apparent to the uninformed; now that she’s nearer to the doorway of fourth density, you are on the fast track to world transformation. The planet is accelerating its travels into the energy planes where interaction with other celestial bodies will assist in the rapid uprooting of negativity, and everything based in dark intent will be exposed. Through the end of this calendar year and well into the next, Earth’s energy field of potential will be rife with combative activity until the momentum of the light overcomes the last shred of darkness. 

12.  Because of all that commotion, it is not possible to determine exact timing of events that must and shall come to pass before the dawning of the Golden Age at the end of 2012. Especially the lightworker community, where the presence of our universal brothers and sisters is known, is eager to hear when those among you will introduce themselves and those above you will land. We don’t know when that will be because they themselves do not, and they are as eager as you for that day to come.  Do not doubt their vigilance and sound judgment as to the right timing, and until then, be assured that they are serving you in the same indispensable ways they have been for many decades.

13.  During these final stages of Earth’s journey to fourth density, stay steadfast in the light. You are innately prepared to handle the changes that will be difficult for those whose closed minds have kept them stuck in third density’s limited mentality and lack of spiritual clarity. Enlighten those who are searching for answers and are receptive, yet be mindful that it is each person’s choice to “see the light” and respond positively or not. 

14.  As we have said in previous messages, many will choose to leave this lifetime rather than accept the light that would enable physical survival and many others will leave in accordance with soul contract choices.  Neither they nor you will consciously know which circumstance pertains. Remembering that every soul is an inseparable part of the Oneness, rather than sadness because many will be departing, prayers for their highest good are the most beneficial for all souls.

15.  With everything in the universe in acceleration mode, it is time to separate the wheat from the chaff, so to say. Recognize what is worthy of your thoughts and attention and what is trivial and doesn’t deserve it. Embrace the intrinsic values in life and shed whatever is not serving you spiritually,such as pornographic “entertainment,” killing animals for sport or giving credence to rumors of dire happenings. Use your time, energy and other resources wisely. If you can physically or financially assist where help is greatly needed, do so; if that is not possible, support with positive thoughts the efforts of individuals and organizations working toward reforms in governments throughout the land and preservation of the environment.  

16.  The culture of acquiring more, bigger, newer certainly is not limited to people in the United States, but they are pummeled with advertisements and the implication that it is their responsibility to buy so as to get the economy moving. That cannot work for them or anyone else any longer. The collective consciousness is moving away from the illusion that monetary wealth, possessions and social status are measurements of success.  

17.  Just as the Acquisition Culture isn’t limited to the United States, neither are the Illuminati’s activities, as so recently proven in Japan. However, the US has been their base of international operations, which includes creating the perception that the United States is a kind of utopia—the strongest and richest country of all, the model of true democracy in accordance with voters’ wishes and with altruistic motives in intervening in the affairs of other nations. This not to say that the citizenry is complicit or that the government does no good for them or anyone else in the world; it is that the illusion of utopian life, rule by the people and for the people, and pure altruism is fading fast, as well it should.

18.  A few months ago Hatonn spoke with great passion about the powerful opposition President Obama is dealing with and the need for your supportive thoughts and prayers for him and his family.  Still, my mother is besieged with emails asking why the president is taking one action or another that maintains or worsens the very situations he was elected to remedy. The questioners, who may be attributing more authority to the office than the constitution does, are not recognizing that this government has long been the Illuminati’s bastion and their purpose in creating the misconception about the country. Their hold on many members of Congress still is strong, and only after that control ends will Obama be able to guide his administration toward national reforms and the peaceful world he is dedicated to achieving.  

19.  Meanwhile in that country, citizens and elected officials in some states are fighting changes that dilute or eliminate some employment benefits. This heated opposition exemplifies the duality that polarizes philosophical stances and those get played out in the political arena. This is not limited to the United States, of course—the duality affects all countries where there’s a semblance of civil governing and growing dissatisfaction among the governed. Thus, worldwide many profound changes and challenges are ahead.  

20.  We know your minds and hearts, therefore we know that one challenge for many enlightened individuals is developing discernment about all information, asking within for answers instead depending on external sources, and recognizing messages from the soul to consciousness. Always there is the choice to ignore those messages, but be aware that what comes as intuition, instinct, conscience and so forth is the soul’s method of keeping one on track with the provisions chosen in the pre-birth agreement. 

21.  Discernment is more than a mental exercise to determine information’s validity or lack of. The written word imparts energy, and your sensations much more than analysis can ascertain what is truth and what is falsehood. If the energy flows smoothly within you, the information is aligned with your soul’s knowingness; if you feel resistance, the opposite is so. Also, it is not necessary that messages from light sources be identical in terminology or details—the importance lies in the sameness of their essence.    

22.  Because there is no more time to waste in those respects of development and heeding, you will welcome knowing that in the higher vibrations Earth has reached in her ascension course, discernment is easier to master and intuition is stronger. We mention as well that if you can obtain monatomic gold, it will help to enhance your clarity.   

23.  Another indication of raised consciousness is differentiating between curiosity about mundane issues and seeking information that is important for spiritual growth. Furthermore, it is all right if the latter doesn’t produce answers to all your questions. If particular information is essential for your progress at the moment, it will come; if it is not, you will receive the answers when you need them. 

24.  Some of you are asking how to recognize physical symptoms of cellular changes and others want to know how to alleviate them. Since several previous messages have addressed this, I asked my mother to list dates of a few for so that readers who want to review that information can easily find it. [March 1, 2004; March 23, 2008; March 10, 2009; August 13, 2010.]

25.  As for mental and emotional illness, the cause may indeed be a karmic choice, but that is not necessarily true of the severity—the toxins that are polluting every aspect of your world are exacerbating all conditions in areas of bodies’ vulnerability. And yes, those kinds of illnesses, like all other diseases, will be gradually cured as Earth reaches higher, then higher vibrations in fourth density; however, journeying with her depends upon both the longevity clause in persons’ soul contracts and how closely their free will decisions have adhered to the contract.      

26.  The questions about “twin souls” show the confusion between “soulmates” and “twin flames.” Mother, please insert the date of the message wherein the difference is explained. [March 4, 2007]

Thank you. 


27.  Would it be true that all accomplishments originate first outside of Earth and the geniuses and prodigies we credit for their marvels have intuition or ability to communicate with the souls who originated the advanced ideas?   That’s close, but not exactly the way it happens. Although everything known on Earth already is in the universal mind, the accomplishments of geniuses and prodigies don’t come automatically by tapping into that information. First, when those souls are in Nirvana and choose their next lifetimes, they select parents for genetic inheritance and other reasons such locations where their minds and talents can be developed, sufficient financial means for education, and supportiveness in their pursuits. Once embodied, your foremost scientists, for example, receive ideas as well as knowledge to develop them via a filtering process from scientists in advanced civilizations.  However, music comes from the soul, and that powerful inner creating force motivates these uniquely talented individuals to overcome all obstacles so they can express their art. 


28.  If humans didn’t kill sick wild animals or thin herds, would Mother Nature handle illness and overpopulation?  If humans didn’t interfere with Mother Nature in any respect whatsoever, everything in your world would be in harmony and balance as it once was—and shall be again!


29.  Please tell me how to help make the world a better place for my grandkids I’m helping to raise. Your very desire to help is helping by generating light, and you can do much more too. Visualize Earth in golden light as brilliant as the sun, then “see” your grandchildren in settings suitable for their ages and interests. It may be a schoolroom where they show their eagerness to learn or a sports field where they are happily at play with their peers. Or maybe running through a meadow abloom with wildflowers or swimming in pure waters or practicing music lessons or caring for a pet. See them glowing with health and joy wherever they are. 


30.  Talk with them about your spiritual beliefs and knowledge at levels appropriate for their ages. By example, instill in them compassion and honesty, generosity, kindness and respect for animals and for Earth herself. Encourage them to think independently, make wise decisions, look at a situation from others’ perspectives, be of good humor and sensitive to others’ needs.  Above all, let them feel secure in your love.  


31.  Those suggestions may seem simplistic, no more than any nurturing person would do for a child, and you may be doing all of that and more.  If so, you are helping beyond measure to make the world a better place for everyone!   


Once again we say farewell in message form only, as eternally we are with you in love.  





Suzanne Ward


[The February 13 message is beneath January’s.  So far my webmaster hasn’t been able to find the glitch in the program software that caused that error.   


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 March 13-20, 2011
Beloved Ones,
We ask that you continue your invocations on behalf of the people of Japan on a daily basis as we do require your requests each day to continue in a more tangible way. This we are doing as you call upon us and much is being done to give assistance on the etheric levels. Many are being found that would not have been otherwise. 
The World continues to move into the New Earth Reality with each wave of energy that moves upon the surface. Your news media has now been publicizing the fact that each earthquake and tsunami that has occurred recently has been shifting the Earth’s axis by degrees. The World is being nudged slowly and as carefully as possible into her new position in the Heavens in alignment with Galactic center. This is an incredible feat that is unfolding before your very eyes.
Hold fast to your intentions and beliefs in the emergence of a better World and a better way, for as you do this, Dear Ones, it is created and manifested. If you find yourselves reeling from the changes taking place all around you, go within and reconnect with your Higher Self. You are all being guided and are in the correct places for you to be in these most crucial times. Know that you are always guided and protected in all your activities, even those that take you away from your home. You never walk alone.
Beloved Ones, as we have told you before, there will be many changes taking place in this year and in 2012. You will be amazed when you look back at 2011 at the sheer magnitude of the happenings that have occurred and the changes in attitudes and perspectives that have taken place in the people of the Earth. Gone will be the old stubborn, opinionated ways of the human ego and in its place will be the sweet Spirit of Oneness, willingness and cooperation, putting the highest good of all as the number one priority.
Come into your power now, Beloveds, and command the Forces of Light to do their magic upon your Planet. We stand at the ready to restore and renew everything upon and within your Planet. Mother Earth is shifting, changing and birthing anew, like a phoenix that rises from the ashes, to lift into the higher dimensions that are in closer alignment with the Ascended realms of Light and Love, and, in symbiotic empathy, so too will Humanity rise right along with Her.
As the outpouring of Love to the people of Japan and all other areas continues, it changes the entire atmosphere around you and as a consequence, ALL is lifted up…this is the positive outcome from the personal and national tragedies that now befall the people of Earth. Send energies of Light, of Love, of Healing and Blessing, even as your Soul’s cry tears of empathy for your brothers and sisters who are caught in the most mighty changes that Humanity has ever experienced while still embodied upon the Planet.
This is a time that can only be experienced deeply…there will come a time when the records of this incredible period will be brought forth accurately and will be made available to every Being in our Universe and beyond, giving honor to the courage and tenacity of the people of Earth, who rode the waves of Cosmic change in such majesty and victory and endurance. We praise the Human Spirit within which lives the glory and majesty of the Creator of all that is.
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
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Emergency Broadcast - World Wide Revolution Imminent - March 11, 2011 The Decree was officially sent ( see Metatron Message March 10, 2011 ) - It Is Time - Rise Up - Wake Up!!!

Folks, the revolution is definitely coming to you and your part of the world.   The happenings in this video ( see my most video post ) occurred just a few days ago, but you won’t hear this news on the mainstream news because it is a manipulated vehicle for the ‘Grand Deception.’

But people are getting mad. Look at Egypt and Libya. People are frustrated. People can only take so much. We’re not bottomless pits of money, strength and with no feelings. On the contrary!!! Basta! It really is time for us, as this video says, to go beyond our complacency and delusions.

The video is very interesting because it calls for people to stop paying their mortgages on 26th March 2011.

Now if you think that’s a foolish thing, then here are the facts:

Mortgages are fraudulent
Taxes are fraudulent
Loans are fraudulent

If when reading that, you have thoughts like ‘What? But you HAVE to pay your dues, you should pay what you owe’ etc, then let me suggest that that is what you have been brainwashed to believe. Noone is saying you don’t want to pay your dues, or pay for the dustbin men to clear the rubbish, etc, it isn’t about that. That comes later. First the fraudulent foundation has to be outed. It isn’t about your integrity. Ask yourself: can integrity be based upon anything but the truth? If the foundation is a lie, then how can integrity flourish there?

Anyway, let’s come back down to earth…

The Freeman movement is all about how taxes and mortgages are unlawful. What is a Freeman? Well I’m no expert, but firstly it isn’t about living outside the law, as noone is outside the law. But it IS about what laws are lawful. Common Law is there to protect human beings, but the statutory laws that are used to take money from people, ie mortgages, council tax, even loans, interest, are actually unlawful. It’s to do with what a natural person is, as to whether you are the fictional name (in the legal world) or whether in fact you are a living, breathing human being (which Common Law states) as indeed you are. It’s about the slavery of the masses under the financial con.

Maybe it’s confusing but basically statutory law makes you into a fictional person (strawman) and then forces you to do things like pay taxes. However we are not fictions, we are real people, thus the only lawful laws are those that apply to humans rather than fictions. And Common Law is actually very simple, it’s to ensure people do not harm, kill, or injure others. Simple laws like that. Common sense. In the current status quo, you can, if you know what you are doing, prove you are not that fictional identity and thus you do not permit statutory law to have jurisdiction over you.

Ok, now that’s probably explained very poorly, so I’ll just let this video below speak. This is John James Harris, a courageous man who has formally declared himself a Freeman of England within Common Law…

The ‘law’ is a Grand Deception folks (capital letters because it is HUGE)….since the laws are not in fact there to protect you but to rip you off and enslave you

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A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared for President Medvedev by Russian Space Forces (VKS) 45th Division of Space Control says that an upcoming WikiLeaks release of secret US cables details that the Americans have been “engaged” since 2004 in a “war” against UFO’s based on or near the Continent of Antarctica, particularly the Southern Ocean.

According to this report, the United States went to its highest alert level on June 10, 2004 after a massive fleet of UFO’s “suddenly emerged” from the Southern Ocean and approached Guadalajara, Mexico barely 1,600 kilometers (1,000 miles) from the American border. Prior to reaching the US border, however, this massive UFO fleet is said in this report to have “dimensionally returned” to their Southern Ocean “home base”.

The fears of the Americans regarding these Southern Ocean UFO’s began, this report says, during the unprecedented events of July 11, 1991 (referred to as 7/11) when during the Solar Eclipse these mysterious aircraft appeared by the hundreds over nearly all of Mexico, even their Capital city. Most notable about the events of 7/11 were that as millions of Mexicans were watching on their televisions the National broadcasts of these UFO’s over Mexico City, the American media refused to allow their people to view it.


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Since 2004, this report continues, fleets of Southern Ocean UFO’s have continued to emerge from their bases, with the latest such event being this Friday past when another of their massive fleets was sighted over the South American Nation of Chile.

The “immediate danger” to our World when these massive UFO fleets emerge from the Southern Ocean, this report warns, are the massive waves caused by their sudden eruption from what are believed to be their underwater base, or bases. In the past week alone, the Clelia II, an Antarctic cruise ship with 160 people onboard, was nearly capsized when hit by waves generated by these UFO’s emerging from the Southern Ocean, and just today the Number One Insung has been reported sunk with only 20 of its 42 member crew said saved due to the same cause.

Interesting to note in this report is its confirming our October 14th report US Shuts Down New York City Airspace Over UFO ‘Threat’ that these same Southern Ocean UFO’s were responsible for the closing of the airspace over New York City this past fall (October 13th) when they “appeared” openly and were witnessed by tens of thousands of people, and which, coincidentally, occurred during the same time frame as the mysterious Crystal Skulls of the ancient South American peoples were being exhibited there too.

Even more interesting to note is that the mysterious earthquakes being reported in the Gulf of Aden (where another “extraterrestrial” event is currently ongoing and we had reported on in our December 1st report Mysterious ‘Vortex’ Warned Is Creating Global Weather Catastrophe) are now being reported occurring in the Southern Ocean too.

This report goes on to state that after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange warned last week that he would begin releasing secret US cables relating to these Southern Ocean UFO’s, and the Americans “war” against them, he was immediately arrested by British Police on trumped up charges issued by the Swedish government which in our December 8th report, Global Rebellion Erupts After “Unprotected Sex Meets Disrobed Governments”, we noted were engineered against him as a “classic” CIA “Honey Trap”.

Note: Since our last report on the EU-US frame-up of Assange it is now being reported that one of his two accusers, Anna Ardin, has fled Sweden and is now in hiding in the Palestinian territories.

To if Assange, or his WikiLeaks website, will survive to see the whole release of these Southern Ocean UFO files it is not to our knowing, nor does this report say.

What is in our knowing, however, and when coupled with the information we reported on in our December 10th report Massive Earthquake Fears Rise After Mysterious Object Moves Nearer To Earth, suggests that the timing of these events, as we near the December 20/21 Total Lunar Eclipse, and as Mercury turns retrograde and joins Mars as it forms a conjunction with Pluto, that the ending of this year, 2010, truly marks the ending of this age as prophesied by the ancients.

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Zoom in
Members of a group calling themselves "Topple The Tyrants" shout from the rooftop of a house belonging to Saif al-Islam Gadhafi, the second son of the Libyan dictator, Moammar Gadhafi in Hampstead Garden Suburb, north London,Wednesday March 9, 2011. The group said its members entered the house in solidarity with Libyans trying to oust the Gadhafi regime. Several climbed onto the roof and unfurled a banner showing Gadhafi's face and the words "out of Libya, out of London." Spokesman Montgomery Jones said the squatters, who are not Libyan, would stay "until this property can be returned to the Libyan people.". (AP Photo/PA, Dominic Lipinski) UNITED KINGDOM OUT NO SALES NO ARCHIVE  
The Associated Press  Mar 09, 2011 14:55:57 PM

LONDON - Activists on Wednesday occupied a London mansion owned by a son of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, and said they hoped Libyan refugees would join them.

A group calling itself Topple the Tyrants said its members entered the house in solidarity with Libyans trying to oust the Gadhafi regime. Several climbed onto the roof and unfurled a banner showing Gadhafi's face and the words "out of Libya, out of London."

Spokesman Montgomery Jones said the squatters would stay "until this property can be returned to the Libyan people."

"We don't trust the British government to return the house to the Libyan people, to whom it rightfully belongs," he said.

He said the group hoped Libyan exiles would come join them at the eight-bedroom Georgian-style house, which has a swimming pool, hot tub and sauna

"We are not going to leave until we have a 100 per cent guarantee that this house is going back to the Libyan people," said Belkasem Alghiryani, a 34-year-old squatter, from Manchester, England.

He said the occupants would not disrupt local residents. "We are going to be better neighbours than Seif himself," Alghiryani said.

The house is reportedly owned by Seif al-Islam Gadhafi, a graduate of the London School of Economics. It had been on the market for more than 10 million pounds ($16 million), but was withdrawn from sale last month.

The Metropolitan Police said officers were monitoring the situation and no arrests had been made. The force said it was treating the occupation "as a civil matter."

Squatting is not a criminal offence in Britain unless force was used to enter a property, and evicting squatters can be a lengthy process.

The British government has seized more than $3.3 billion in assets belonging to the Gadhafi family and associates as part of international sanctions against the Libyan regime.

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Melchizedek 2011 March 8-15



Melchizedek 2011


March 8-15, 2011


Beloved Ones,

In this discourse I wish to talk to you about the need for understanding the transition that you are all going through in the next few years.  As most of you already know, there looms before us the Ascension of Planet Earth which means the Earth is moving into a higher vibratory frequency and is in fact, becoming a radiant Star in the Heavens. The Earth will be doing this regardless if Humanity is prepared for it or not, as she has, for eons of time, lovingly, patiently and with great compassion, given of Herself in order that Humanity might awaken to the realization that they were much more than they had been taught and led to believe that they were, and that what one Human does as the co-creator that he/she actually is, affects everyone and everything.

It is now in these Awakening times that are now come upon your Planet,  that Humanity is beginning to understand their role in the coming Ascension to higher dimensions and that a relatively small group of Humanity CAN effect great and powerful positive changes by coming together in Unity to serve the greater purpose of existence upon this Planet and working to achieve this purpose for the highest good of all and for the highest outcome. This you, Beloved Ones, have been accomplishing in your steadfast way for much of your lifetimes upon the Earth. This has been a much broader and more comprehensive Plan for each of you and one lifetime is only a small facet of your work in this regard.

For many lifetimes, you have been carrying the seed of Divine Light and of Divine Love and the time is now ripe with incredible possibilities that lie before you in the next several years. Each of you have come upon the Planet agreeing to go through the process of forgetting your true Divine origins and becoming fully Human, one that was totally immersed in the experiences that living on a dualistic Planet which provided such great opportunities for the incoming Souls. Duality tests the Soul in a way that enables the Soul to understand the great opposing forces that exist side by side and that are a part of the flow of life in the Cosmos. This was supposed to be a term of shorter length than actually transpired however, and due to certain Souls who desired to establish and maintain control of this Planet by subversive means that have not been apparent to the masses living upon Earth, this control has extended the duration of the experience of duality many millennia beyond the allotted time for this experiment.

Humankind has come to this same place of highest potential many times, and many times has failed to progress and move forward in their evolutionary journey into greater Spiritual understanding and awareness. It was decided that this time around the Great Cycles in the Cosmic evolutionary pattern, that there would be only those who were qualified to bring about these positive changes who were able to incarnate upon this Planet to bring about this most needed and desired state of Being for your dear Mother Earth and all upon and within Her. Through the most testing and trying of conditions and situations, each of you have held to that spark of Divine Light and Love within you and no matter what happened in your outer lives, you believed in the goodness of Life, the goodness of your fellow Human, the goodness that prevails in the Universes in your Galaxy and you have maintained this inherent belief throughout the ages as they came and went.

The times that are now upon us are what you all have been working for eons of time and you are succeeding with every breath you take. Know that your powerful dedication and your willingness to partake in Worldwide meditations and any opportunities you have to come together at high spiritually powerful days to effect positive and loving changes upon this Planet is helping very greatly to accomplish this. This is happening now, Beloved Ones, it is not at some time in the future; for time itself is coalescing into oneness, and it is becoming clearer and clearer that time and space is folding in within itself and something new and wonderful is about to be birthed. As this is taking place the consciousness of the telepathic ‘web’ of Humanity as they interconnect with each other through their individual energy fields is growing by leaps and bounds. It is likened unto a domino effect, for as one Being lights up from within and connects with their inner goodness and begins to desire a better way and a better life for themselves and their Loved Ones, their individual goodness and Light grows, it expands outwardly in great concentric circles of influence to connect with other like energies.

This is what is happening now in concert with the untold legions of our Galactic brothers and sisters of the Light who have been assisting in this Great Work. You are not alone in this endeavor. Each of you is surrounded and assisted in every conceivable way, both seen and unseen, to enable you to Ascend into higher consciousness and you in turn, assist and enable your brothers and sisters around you to do the same. Soon the Light and waves of Love inundating this Planet will affect everyone with loving energy that will release so much of what Humanity has had to endure for far too long and a great peace shall come upon the Earth and a new way shall be born from this. Take heart, Dear Ones, keep on keeping on, for your combined energies, will and power is growing into an incredible mighty force for good. Stand tall and proud of your accomplishments, Beloved Children of the Light!

And so it is!

I AM Melchizedek

©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included. www.therainbowscribe.com


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If true an unprecedented release of UFO related information is about to happen. Thanks to the eternal vigilance of Wikileaks a large announcement in regards to alien visitations to earth, a intergalactic war that we have been waging since 2004, and much more.

According to the online publication “European Union Times”,

A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared for President Medvedev by Russian Space Forces (VKS) 45th Division of Space Control says that an upcoming WikiLeaks release of secret US cables details that the Americans have been “engaged” since 2004 in a “war” against UFO’s based on or near the Continent of Antarctica, particularly the Southern Ocean.

This report goes on to state that after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange warned last week that he would begin releasing secret US cables relating to these Southern Ocean UFO’s, and the Americans “war” against them, he was immediately arrested by British Police on trumped up charges issued by the Swedish government which in our December 8th report, Global Rebellion Erupts After “Unprotected Sex Meets Disrobed Governments”, we noted were engineered against him as a “classic” CIA “Honey Trap”.

The report is alleged to include information on several high profile UFO cases. It purports to have information on the June 10, 2004, UFO flap that ran from Southern Ocean to Guadalajara, Mexico and the July 11th solar eclipse event in which millions of Mexicans witnessed the strange crafts. US media refused to air the videos mainstream. More cases are covered but information is sketchy on the details.

This could be what all of UFO fandom has been waiting for. Proof that we are being visited by intelligences not of this Earth. Or it will be a big waste of time. If we are at war with the E.T's it has been a real quiet one. They could have at least vaporized Ottawa and Washington D.C. to make things interesting.

Keep an open mind this could be the big alien disclosure moment. Your grandchildren may ask where you were when you heard the news that we are not alone in the Universe

Continue reading on Examiner.com: Wikileaks To Release UFO Bombshell - Canada ufo | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/ufo-in-canada/wikileaks-to-release-ufo-bomshell#ixzz1FvjpZ5qb
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WikiLeaks to publish files on aliens, UFOs

WikiLeaks will publish more secret US diplomatic files relating to aliens and unidentified flying objects (UFOs), said the founder of the whistleblower website Julian Assange and claimed his life was at risk after the recent expose.

Assange revealed he would publish classified US files about aliens and UFOs.
According to the Daily Mail, none had so far satisfied the twin publishing criteria for WikiLeaks: that the documents are original and not self-authored.

But he said: "It is worth noting that in yet-to-be-published parts of the cablegate archive there are indeed references to UFOs.""Many weirdos email us about UFOs or how they discovered that they were the anti-Christ whilst talking with their ex-wife at a garden party over a pot plant," he was quoted as saying.

The reclusive Australian insisted he had received death threats after disclosing more than 250,000 confidential US embassy cables this week on his website, which caused serious embarrasment for the US government.

The website first sparked fury by publishing US Army logs from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that suggested soldiers were complicit in murder and torture."The threats against our lives are a matter of public record, however, we are taking the appropriate precautions to the degree that we are able when dealing with a superpower," Assange said during an online question-answer session on the Guardian's website Friday.
In a clear warning to the authorities, he said the leaked American diplomatic cables, along with "significant material from the US and other countries", had been copied to more than 100,000 files.

"If something happens to us, the key parts will be released automatically," he said.
Assange said his decision to dump top secret US documents on its website was revenge against "abusive elements of the United States government".The former computer hacker is wanted by Swedish prosecutors on suspicion of rape, sexual molestation and unlawful coercion.

The allegations surfaced in August when two women in Sweden made complaints to police. Assange, 39, said he has been the victim of a smear campaign and has vowed to fight any extradition attempt.

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Libya’s secretive sovereign wealth fund has $32 billion in cash with several U.S. banks each managing up to $500 million, and it has primary investments in London, a confidential diplomatic cable shows. The cable, obtained by WikiLeaks and revealing the details of a January meeting between the head of the Libyan Investment Authority (LIA) and the U.S. ambassador in Tripoli, comes as the United States and European governments explored the possibility of freezing assets belonging to the Libyan government.

LIA, the umbrella body for Libya’s sovereign funds managing oil windfall revenues, is estimated to manage assets of around $70 billion with stakes in European bluechips such as Italian bank UniCredit and British publishing group Pearson .

LIA’s Mohamed Layas told the U.S. ambassador at a Jan. 20 meeting that the fund operated with high liquidity and was not concerned about the volatility in the oil market.

“We have $32 billion in liquidity, mostly in bank deposits that will give us good long-term returns,” the cable quoted Layas as saying at the meeting at LIA’s office overlooking the Mediterranean Sea.

It was not immediately clear whether $32 billion represented the fund’s total assets under management or its cash component.

The cable said of Layas: “He explained that several American banks are each managing $300-500 million of LIA’s funds … He noted that the LIA’s primary investments are in London, in banking and residential and commercial real estate.”

LIA is one of the most opaque sovereign wealth funds in the world, with strong links to the government. In a rare annual report in 2009 it said it had more than 78 percent in “short-term financial instruments abroad”.

Layas said that LIA preferred doing business in London than in the United States due to the ease of conducting business and a relatively uncomplicated tax system.

LIA, through its African investment arm, has placed several hundred million dollars of its assets with London-based FM Capital Partners, created by former Merrill Lynch and JPMorgan asset manager Frederic Marino in 2009.

The cable said that LIA controlled at least seven subsidiary operations.

The United States and European Union governments are considering possible sanctions against Libya that include asset freezes.


Layas said LIA was interested in attracting more U.S. businesses to Libya and believed the United States could play a major role in the oil producer’s development.

He met a number of U.S. company representatives, as well as the Export-Import Bank during a recent visit to Washington, the cable said.

“Some of the advantages that Layas saw the U.S. having over European competitors for contracts in Libya are the weakness of the dollar compared to the euro, as well as U.S. access to more advanced technology,” it said.

Layas said the LIA was entangled in a legal disagreement with Lehman Brothers “due to a major investment that was ‘mismanaged’”.

He also denied LIA had investments in schemes run by jailed financier Allen Stanford and fraudster Bernard Madoff.

“Stanford had approached the LIA in the middle of his crisis, offering a 7-8 percent share in his investment scheme, but Layas had refused. Layas also mentioned having been previously approached by Bernard Madoff about an investment opportunity, ‘but we did not accept’,” the cable reads.

LIA contributes to a strong balance sheet of Libya, which has net foreign assets at the central bank and the sovereign wealth fund, totalling $152 billion at the end of 2010, almost 160 percent of gross domestic product.

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A Call for a "March of Millions" in Washington

March 6, 2011


by Steve Beckow

The Founding Fathers of the United States recognized that, in the course of human events, a time arrives for a people to throw off the chains of tyranny.  The truth of this was held to be self-evident. Inalienable rights were at stake.

Much time has passed between then and now and it’s no longer necessary to overturn a government.  The United States still has political and other institutions that function and can take corrective action without bloodshed or violence.

But it’s the time nevertheless to remove from the neck of the American people a destructive force that has corrupted and controlled those institutions and enslaved them for centuries.

I’m not an American but a Canadian and can make this call but then can do nothing else. It’s up to you to take it up and see it through.

Were I an American, I would certainly organize and lead what I propose. I’m certainly an American in sympathy, an American as John Kennedy was a Berliner.

I address you here for this purpose: I call for a "March of Millions" in Washington, D.C., on March 6, 2011.

The function of this march is to serve notice on the elite group which has held the reins of power in the United States for centuries that their time is over and that they should leave their positions of power and influence or be removed.

This elite group has been called by many names. A few of them are the Military-Industrial Complex (President Eisenhower’s name for it), the secret state, the “New World Order,” the Illuminati, the Rockefeller faction, the bloodlines, the 13 Families, and numerous others. Their ranks have included Presidents, generals, judges, senators, representatives, and many, many others in positions of power and influence.


They effectively control the United States through organizations like the Center for Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission,  the NSA, CIA, and other intelligence agencies, the national-security apparatus, Northern Command, Southern Command, Central Command, NORAD, and other elements of the military, the FBI, the police, the civil service, the top echelons of many business and financial organizations, educational, medical, religious, and other institutions and associations and many other individuals and organizations whose identity is unknown.


They have been wholly or partly responsible for every war that has been fought, every financial crisis, every pandemic, natural disasters, false-flag operations, and a broad range of other attacks upon the American people for most of their history.

They control most of the wealth of the nation, have a plan in place to reduce the population of the globe through pandemics, chemtrails, weather warfare, martial, law, nuclear war, and other means, have prepared safe places for themselves in deep underground military bunkers, have prepared FEMA camps to incarcerate or kill dissidents among the population, have purchased and deployed weaponry of unimaginably-deadly force in space, on land, and below land and sea to effect control of the world.

But they cannot stand up to an aroused population. I propose that the sovereign citizens of the United States, on March 6, 2011, send this cabal a message they cannot ignore that the citizens are aroused and aware and demand that they leave the seats of power or be removed and put in prison.

The first step to the restoration of a working democracy in America, to financial health, to honest elections, and to the reconstitution of an uncorrupted executive, civil service, legislature, judiciary and military is the unseating of this dark cabal. Following the example of the courageous people of Egypt, I call upon the American people to take back Washington and show in strength the corrupt and immoral clique that their rule, their dictatorship, is at an end.

I don’t suggest that the marchers call for the overthrow of their government because enough elements in it, in my opinion, are honest that a transition from the present-day situation to clean government can be accomplished without the need for revolution.

I consider President Barack Obama to be an upright and courageous leader, with the resources and wisdom to clean up government, if he had the support of the people rather than their opposition.

I declare it to be my belief that the dark elite has labored, through its control of the press, disinformation sources such as the CIA black ops unit, and the elite’s willing friends in the media, politics, and religion, to create public distrust and opposition to President Obama.

I submit to you that the President is, in fact, a spiritually-evolved human being, much maligned, but fit to lead the United States out of its enslavement to the cabal. Though surrounded and hampered by the cabal, he is not a member. I suggest the President be the keynote speaker before the "March of Millions" and that Americans watch what he can do when he has, and knows he has, the support of the people.

I call upon all freedom-loving people to come to Washington on March 6 and make their voices known in an orderly and peaceful way. I call for America to restore herself to her once-accepted role as the respected leader among nations, dedicated to individual freedom, human dignity, international harmony, and world peace

I ask that this message be mounted to Facebook, Twitter, petition sites, and every other resource available on the Internet. I ask you to forward it to your friends and associates. I ask that it be posted everywhere.

It’s time for the peace-loving and upright citizens of the United States to throw off the chains of the “New World Order” and return American life to the values enshrined in its Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence.




Steve Beckow
Vancouver, Canada

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