Karma's Helper's Posts (1073)

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...ALL within the UNIVERSE of 3...are now expanding and shifting and growing...Many are holding tightly on to all that has been taught in defiance of the changes that are now unfolding across and within planet earth and we ask why?...As the New Earth now begins to anchor in TRUTH then the anchors from the old earth will begin to crumble and fall, again many are looking outside of SELF for “proof” of our guidance and we guide strongly that only the changes that are made from within can be seen on the outside...the outside reflection of humanity is merely the mirror to the inside of your life experience here upon the planet earth. All are mirrors to the inner at all times YOU ARE the creators of this your reality in this dimensional space within the UNIVERSE of 3. YOU wait on you...



Greetings beloved ones we are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM and we come to guide and to support ALL as the mass movement of ALL within the UNIVERSE of 3 gets underway, for it is not only the human race that are now expanding and shifting and growing, it is ALL within the UNIVERSE of 3 in TRUTH. Mother Earth now expands her energetic signature, ready for ALL that will now unfold across and within planet earth at this moment. The heightening of energies can be felt by ALL but many are filtering these out still believing that somehow all is the “same” and nothing is happening. Beloved ones YOU ARE the creators of this your reality in this dimensional space within the UNIVERSE of 3.


YOU wait on you, do you understand our guidance beloved ones?

ALL SOULs are now stepping into place in order to guide the human vehicle that is incarnate upon and within planet earth but not all human vehicles are allowing the upgrading of their human vehicle, we guide for clarity that upgrading to the human vehicle is necessary. We ask ALL to honour the requirements of your human vehicle. The old 3d earth taught heavily about “controlling” the human vehicle, much of 3d earth reality based on controlling the weight and sustenance of the human vehicle and we ask for you to understand the reasons for this. The human vehicle was designed to be self healing, designed to be self propelling, designed to work perfectly. It is the interface between the planet earth and your SOUL and the old 3d earth knew this and began to create ways to interfere with this. Hence you have the 3d earth control paradigms around nutrition and health. The master of health of your own human vehicle beloved ones is YOU. At this time during the transition process the human vehicle is being upgraded with LIGHT CODINGS. These work to RESET the human vehicle back to its original form at cellular level. Many are filtering this out and falling to the teachings of distortion that state that the human vehicle must be kept under tight control, this is not TRUTH and is not supported under the New Earth energies.


As the vibration of the human vehicle rises then the need for fuel for said human vehicle begins to alter and this may trigger the teachings that have been ingested in relation to nutrition and health. We guide for ALL to TRUST and have FAITH in the process that is now underway. By listening to your human vehicle and honouring its need you bring it back into balance, it is not possible to achieve balance without the human vehicle being balanced for it is needed to enter the New Earth in TRUTH. Do you understand our guidance beloved ones? This is not only about aligning with your SOUL and the energy that YOU ARE in TRUTH, this is also about the human vehicle for it is needed to house the energy that YOU ARE in TRUTH.

Many are holding tightly on to all that has been taught in defiance of the changes that are now unfolding across and within planet earth and we ask why? that which is in place upon planet earth does not serve humanity, it was used to control and suppress humanity and yet humanity holds on, allowing the human logical brain to teach that there is only one way to live and this is not TRUTH beloved ones and is not supported under the New Earth in TRUTH. As the energies begin to rise once more frustration will begin to set in as a need for control is unleashed that in essence is YOU fighting with YOU. Do you understand our guidance beloved ones? For in TRUTH YOU are the only one here.


As the New Earth now begins to anchor in TRUTH then the anchors from the old earth will begin to crumble and fall, again many are looking outside of SELF for “proof” of our guidance and we guide strongly that only the changes that are made from within can be seen on the outside, for again beloved ones YOU are the only one here. Do you resonate with our words? the outside reflection of humanity is merely the mirror to the inside of your life experience here upon the planet earth.



All are mirrors to the inner at all times, the old earth taught about mirrors but taught you to mirror to the external, in essence you stand in a house of mirrors unaware that the reflection is you beloved ones.

We will guide more in due course, for the moment we wish to send out more coding's to the children of planet earth and we send out the coding's of 345 and 456. We place a white dove at the 3rd eye and we ask for all to inhale the frequencies of the colour that is known to the human vehicle as GOLD, for GOLD is the new frequency that will allow for the changes to anchor fully within the human race. The coding's are asked to be placed in the heart space for they will unlock further levels of SELF and allow more knowledge from SOUL level to filter through to waking human conscious mind level.

YOU are asked to breathe and BE beloved ones for the changes will now accelerate for the energetic signature of Mother Earth is now increasing and expanding in TRUTH. ALL are ONE and YOU ARE.


BE in peace beloved ones.

We are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM...


... and we walk with you always.

(c) Karen Doonan,

all rights reserved


Article may be reproduced in its entirety if author and authors website is clearly stated and article remains intact and in its original format which is written. No permission is granted to change this format and the article must remain free to access at all times.


( 28 September 2013 - 11:18am (11) - Nice :) )

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Those incarnate seek mostly to achieve the purpose and goals set up by their souls. It is important to accomplish, however, one must not overlook the journey when assessing the success of a life...The journey somehow is always the most interesting viewpoint in a life...how your walked the path supersedes the actual arrival...Be strong on the path and act from your soul, instead of reacting to circumstances...



A New Message From





"Those incarnate seek mostly to achieve the purpose and goals set up by their souls. It is important to accomplish, however, one must not overlook the journey when assessing the success of a life.

Being physical, one walks through many obstacles. There are failures, disappointments, and setbacks. In the afterlife, one assesses all those enactments to come to a conclusion of where to continue in their process.

While that tally of successes may seem important in this moment, we again suggest also a look at the journey. Often it makes one more successful than the achievement of the goal.


The journey somehow is always the most interesting viewpoint in a life.

So we suggest that each day you honor your actions whether they were successful or not. By making decisions with clarity and honesty, one develops the character of essence that the soul also strives for.


At the end of the day, how your walked the path supersedes the actual arrival.

Be a person of integrity.

Be strong on the path and act from your soul...


... instead of reacting to circumstances.





There is a fine line between them.


Be in line with your soul, for in that moment there is evolution.

It's not just about the physical, linear success/failure.


It's about your essence and soul.

In the afterlife, contemplation, you will ask "How and by what actions did I succeed or fail?"


That answer will define the true success of the life."



~ Channeled by April Crawford ~



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...the energies across and within planet earth (are) now increas(ing) beyond anything that has ever been experienced in this your human form upon the planet...The human logical mind will not register the LIGHT CODINGS of the past 24/48 hours in that it will not readily accept the vast changes that have taken place within the human vehicle. This may lead to much confusion for many, as the waking reality may still “appear” to be as it was previously but will FEEL completely different...the dissolving of human time will now ripple across and within the planet...time is a man-made construct, inserted into the human race in order to contain and suppress the human race...have FAITH in SELF, for it is SELF that is now creating your reality around you, through you and within you in TRUTH.



Blessings beloved ones, we are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM and we come to guide and to support as the energies across and within planet earth now increase beyond anything that has ever been experienced in this your human form upon the planet. These energies are working to break down the frequencies that have been anchored by the human race into the cellular structure of the human vehicle for aeons. This is working to help align the human vehicle WITH the energy that YOU ARE in TRUTH. For some of you this will be a time of much rest, of much anchoring of LIGHT codings and of LETTING GO. For others this will be a time of chaos as the ability for the human logical mind to overcome the force of the LIGHT frequencies at this level is slim. By this we mean that trying to logically work through “tiredness” will not work, the human vehicle will simply not respond to logic. We ask for you to rest and to honour the human vehicle at all times. It serves no one for you to “plod on” believing that you can carry on doing the things that you did previously.


The human logical mind will not register the LIGHT CODINGS of the past 24/48 hours in that it will not readily accept the vast changes that have taken place within the human vehicle. This may lead to much confusion for many, as the waking reality may still “appear” to be as it was previously but will FEEL completely different. This confuses the logical mind and may lead to the logical mind trying to convince you that nothing has happened and that you are merely deluded. We ask for you to become aware of this tendency and work to find balance at all times. This is a PROCESS that has begun, albeit the process is now accelerated beyond anything ever experienced. Mother Earth has once more shifted in her energetic signature and this has allowed for further unveiling of TRUTH to new levels.

YOU are asked to FLOW at all times but this does not equate to blindly allowing all to play out in your waking life. For that which plays out may well be the residue of the old earth. By FEELing that which is real and that which is illusion you work to find balance. Do not allow others to persuade you of anything, this is a teaching from the old earth that was used to control and suppress. Human experience is PERSONAL at all times, that is one reality is NOT the same for another. Each human vehicle across and within planet earth is at a different place in the Ascension process, as this is always guided from SOUL level this can be no other way. We ask for you to honor this when interacting with those around you, it is not TRUTH to assume that ALL have taken a huge leap in evolution, that is not possible.


Neither is it TRUTH to state that there are those who have remained at the levels prior to the last linear 24/48 hours as ALL is NOW, the dissolving of human time will now ripple across and within the planet, this may also see much shift and change in how those around you react to your energy signature and the processes that are in place at a world level in order to balance the human race as they begin to create from the frequency of the LOVE that IS in TRUTH.

We guide against assuming of outcomes, much like previous dates that have been given in a world context we ask for you to FEEL TRUTH, time is a man-made construct, inserted into the human race in order to contain and suppress the human race. Many are now in expectation and we draw your attention to the propensity of expectation to lower energetic signature.

Movement into the NOW is a blissful experience and we guide for ALL to anchor this in TRUTH. NOW is the time for ALL and we send you the LOVE that IS to flow freely around you and through you as you now begin to embrace NOW on all levels of your BEing. Balance is the key at this time beloved ones, it is not possible to continue to create and structure your human life experience as you have been taught by the old earth. It is now dissolving fully and is no longer available as a foundation upon which to build. New ways of living and BEing will now be created around you, through you and within you and we ask for you at all times to TRUST and have FAITH in SELF, for it is SELF that is now creating your reality around you, through you and within you in TRUTH.


We are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM and we walk with you always,

BE at peace beloved ones

and BE for ALL...

... is now in TRUTH.

(c) Karen Doonan, all rights reserved

Article may be reproduced in its entirety of author and authors website is clearly stated and this article remains intact and in its original format. No permission is granted to change the format of this article which is written. This article must remain free to access at all times.


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We the ones you call ascended masters are here to help you in all ways possible...We understand your eagerness to help....(however) there are times when non interference is the best thing to do....You are finally reaching your new reality, your goal of many lifetimes is fulfilled now. You have entered your new reality, your new way of existence as co-creators in this grand game....On this day (  the 21st of September ) the entire grid around and within Earth will glow through the incredible influx of light being sent by all of you and all of us in the hierarchy of light...Change is now going to become extremely visible...


September 21st, 2013





This is Master Lanto addressing my people of this my beloved Earth.

We the ones you call ascended masters are here to help you in all ways possible but we also wish to acknowledge what incredible work you are all doing through your perseverance and by following the call of your heart.

We understand your eagerness to help comes from good intentions but also allow me to say that there are times when non interference is the best thing to do, and there are times when interference is necessary but only when the right understanding and perspective is acquired.


Now allow me to congratulate all those of you taking part in this day of peace. It is an incredible and amazing endeavor inspired by the good hearts of many of you wanting to manifest the golden era in your reality. We are so proud to call you brothers and sisters and we are even more proud to witness the unity you are all experiencing and your willingness to join together as one heart to invoke change in your reality. It is because of that very reason that our Heavenly Father through his divine wisdom is allowing us to take part and join you in your day of peace. What is significant is that we have been given permission to act as we see fit. Meaning there is more allowed than just what is directed. Heaven is a place of love and beauty but on this day of the 21st of September Earth and humanity will uphold and lift all to love and beauty.

Raise your hearts as one voice and united invoke the yellow flame of transmutation, call for change in your understanding of the divine mission and call forth the end of separation and the new era of unity to be manifested now.

On this day the entire grid around and within Earth will glow through the incredible influx of light being sent by all of you and all of us in the hierarchy of light. This grand event leads into the day of the equinox a day when much light will be brought forth to bless you all in your ascension. This two days are crucial as the opening of the gateway signaling the beginning of the golden era is activated.


You are finally reaching your new reality, your goal of many lifetimes is fulfilled now. You have entered your new reality, your new way of existence as co-creators in this grand game. You will no longer be spectators,  or no longer will you have a need or a desire to be rescued because you are finally realizing you are the ones you have been waiting for. It is this reason why it has taken a little bit longer, because it was necessary for you all to take this step as co-creators and as active participants in this step of steps!

I welcome you all to the new era my dear brothers and sisters and bless you for being strong and open enough to take part in this endeavor. It is from this day forth that you shall all witness the change taking place and it is all through your own doing that a new reality is finally here to be seen and to be embraced. Spread the news and spread the love, your new reality is now here. Change is now going to become extremely visible, a reality not very pleasing for those wishing to keep you in the dark ages and under their ruling thumbs. You are now free beings and as such demand the change needed in your government. Peace is what is desired by all and peace is the one priority and peace is now your new reality. Manifest it so by radiating the essence of peace from your hearts and uphold the highest thoughts.


Peace is with you all,


I'm happy to share this message with joy in my heart as I feel the yellow flame run through me.

Love, Jose




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We are speaking to you now as beings to whom you are related, through the common humanity of Lyra...New Earth is forming now. It is taking form beneath the layer of illusion that slowly, methodically, and steadily is breaking away...the option for migrating to the New Earth is one that remains open to all until the final act of event-mode is complete. At that point, there will be a distinction between old Earth and New Earth, and those of either dimension will be unable to interact with the other...we are most interested in watching from where we are in the knowledge that you are integrating yourselves into a new humanity, knowing that the world is going through the changes of light-impulsed alchemical transformation, and that everything in the entirety of what is,  is, in truth, on track for the greatest transition into light-coding ever witnessed by human eyes. We are here to be of assistance....Theo is the vibration of my name, and I speak for the group, so this is how I introduce us to you...




Greetings to you, lightworkers and dark lovers of Earth! I am of a group of high-tensegrity beings of a dimension of light who go by the name of Theo. Theo is the vibration of my name, and I speak for the group, so this is how I introduce us to you. You have our love and our light in your hearts if you are of the golden rays of the sun of Sol and Alcyone, and this describes a great many of you on the planet trying to get through the present time of acceleration in one piece. We are speaking to you now as beings to whom you are related, through the common humanity of Lyra, and of whom you will learn more in the days ahead. We have been to the planet in the ages of heroes and saints, and we will come again in the near future to regenerate the vibration of remembrance among those of you who wish to remain on the new Earth of long inception and creation. Let us ramble a bit about those things, and we shall see where we end up!

New Earth is forming now. It is taking form beneath the layer of illusion that slowly, methodically, and steadily is breaking away. New Earth will come into full form when the vestiges of old Earth in the now of time dies completely. Some people have choices to make regarding where they will be investing their energies, yet the option for migrating to the New Earth is one that remains open to all until the final act of event-mode is complete. At that point, there will be a distinction between old Earth and New Earth, and those of either dimension will be unable to interact with the other. It is something many of you are sensing, at this point, but it is also something that is inevitably terraforming within you as a people, whether you can define the sensations of change or not. When the dimensional transitionary division between the old and new is complete, so will you be as a people, at home in the spiritual garden of sun-drenched is-ness that you will instantly know as home. It is not for everyone, mind you, but it is for a great many who now live in the last days of the planet as it now is.  




Something we have let understanding take in until now is that there will be some kind of support for Earth’s population in the challenging days that are upon you. We are aware of every nuance of the problems in their multiplicity that you have been adjusting to learning and facing your fears about. They are real and they are understandably scary, especially if you are without any kind of support other than that which you have been accustomed to, and that is something else that is disappearing. We are on the next wave set to break upon the shore of your world, as soon as the dials are synchronized for starting. It won’t be much of a secret for long, dear friends! We have given a tip of the hat to you now, as our world and yours are about to become a new one altogether. In the meantime, know that we are prepared to help with new insights, new technological mainframes, and new enfoldments of understanding how to rebound from the trauma that you are now enduring to whatever extent you perceive it. When the final longitudinal axis is apart from its moorings in the matrix of time, your world will finally begin counting itself in the temporality of a new age of galactic truth and entirely new-to-you ways of being. It is our great honor to be bringing the greeting to you personally in that time, and to offer our hand in friendship and camaraderie, and to say that we are here for your world’s entry into the environment of energies and time travel, of free living and responsible loving and open learning of who we are and where you have really been all this time, of your true heritage as galactic humans and interstellar travelers. We are looking toward the time that we can reveal all the stories and truths and libraries to you and bring you up to date on what’s been happening in the stellar neighborhood that holds your planet in security and love.  




Every one of you has the right to decide for him- or herself what the future of Earth could be. We are not here to detract from that universal movement of your global population in any way; in fact, we are most interested in watching from where we are in the knowledge that you are integrating yourselves into a new humanity, knowing that the world is going through the changes of light-impulsed alchemical transformation, and that everything in the entirety of what is is, in truth, on track for the greatest transition into light-coding ever witnessed by human eyes.


We are here to be of assistance, to be of silence for now, and to be in the front lines of intergalactic community-building in the near future. We love every one of you as friends and family, and we will be in the thick of mind-released understanding as you find yourselves suddenly free from oppression and trauma-based control mechanisms. We know what you’re dealing with, even if you don’t know the full scope of it. Many of you have an idea, and many of you have already released yourselves from the worst of it. We will be happy to help you come into sensory harmonization with a new world when the time comes. Until then, know that we have the highest respect for you, and will speak with you again of greater things to come. We leave you now in peace, and with the love of our common humanity and the light of the highest source of love within our hearts and yours.



We are Theo,

and we bid you Toein Te,

the peace of Universal Harmony.

by Maryann Rada


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...the old earth paradigms have taught you to think your way through something that is actually an experience? like reading the words on a page in a book, you can think about a golden orb or you can think about a beautiful rainbow...(but they) can only be fully anchored as you EXPERIENCE them...How can 7 billion human vehicles have anything like the same experience and the same list of “happiness” rules?...there are no rules beloved ones and you are here to experience the joy from this at all levels of your BEing in TRUTH...Work WITH the moon energies beloved ones...There is now a bigger picture that is forming for ALL...



Greetings beloved ones, we are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM and we come to guide and to support ALL at this time of major transition both for the human race and for Mother Earth in TRUTH. That which has always been guided will now manifest swiftly across and within planet earth for the frequencies of the old paradigms are no longer supported on any level by the New Earth in TRUTH.

For personal transition we ask for you to BREATHE and to TRUST, holding on tightly to that which attempts to dissolve from your human life experience is to move against the FLOW of the universal energies. So long have you been taught that you must “control” all that enters and leaves your life experience that many of you cannot LET GO of the need to FEEL in control. Beloved ones, moving fully into the heart space and FEELing the LOVE that IS will allow the FEELings of peace to wash over you, cleansing the lower dimensional frequencies from your energy system and allowing you space to BREATHE.

We ask for you to go WITH the FLOW and become more mindful at waking conscious level of all that appears to be “stuck”, for “stuck” is but a mirror used by the old earth to lower your energetic signature. ALL is in constant ebb and flow like the oceans of planet earth, at ALL times. That which is perceived as “failure” cannot be failure for in TRUTH beloved ones you cannot fail in this your human life experience. There are a myriad of different options open to you at any one MOMENT, many are holding on to the teachings of the old earth paradigms that state “society has a rule”, there are no rules beloved ones and you are here to experience the joy from this at all levels of your BEing in TRUTH.


PEACE, LOVE, JOY and happiness cannot manifest in your life fully if you place definitions on these FEELings, they are to be experienced not to be thought about and referenced, do you understand our guidance beloved ones? do you see how the old earth paradigms have taught you to think your way through something that is actually an experience? like reading the words on a page in a book, you can think about a golden orb or you can think about a beautiful rainbow, the energy of the golden orb or the beautiful rainbow can only be fully anchored as you EXPERIENCE them.

Many are now holding on to the old paradigms believing that all must be “preserved” at all costs and we guide for you to look at this teaching and allow it to dissolve. ALL is not as it appears on this planet and the human race is being moved into higher states of consciousness to prepare them for the beauty that is to be revealed, the beauty that for many of you is now clearly seen and anchored. Do you understand our guidance beloved ones?

Any definition that you care to place on an experience will begin to contain the experience, the old earth teaching that in order to “allow” yourself to be happy you had to tick off a list of objectives in your human life experience. Beloved ones there are so many millions of realities open to ALL that this could not be. How can 7 billion human vehicles have anything like the same experience and the same list of “happiness” rules? we ask for you to meditate on this and allow your heart to show TRUTH. That which makes your heart sing IS your happiness, defining it any further may lead you back into the frequencies of the old earth. Who sits in judgment of this your human life? for ALL ARE ONE and none are above the other. We ask for you to anchor this fully and allow ALL TO FLOW.


We send out the coding's of 444 and 22 once more to those who are the portal keepers of Mother Earth, we place the golden ankh in the heart space of our children who have taken human form and we send much LOVE to ALL upon and within planet earth at this time. By reaching out to each other and by anchoring the LOVE that IS you are creating the FLOW of the LOVE that IS at human conscious waking mind level, this is now altering the reality of the “majority” on planet earth and we guide that this is something that many are filtering out. Perception is a tool of the old earth beloved ones, FEEL TRUTH and experience your happiness, that is the key to transformation of ALL in your human life experience.

As you go through the TRANSITION process into the new earth you will no longer be having a human life EXPERIENCE, you will move into a human life JOURNEY. The vibration and frequency of both should not be confused. When you entered into your human form upon planet earth you incarnated in order to EXPERIENCE your human life and all that was playing out in the dimensional realities into which your SOUL incarnated in order to learn and grow. The old earth knew this and the containment and suppression that was wrapped around both the planet earth and the human race prevented this growth. What transpired was that you incarnated into a human form and then proceeded to go around in the “karmic” circles of containment, unable to grow and to expand due to the heavy energetic frequencies that had been placed upon your human form and your human dimensional timelines.

These dimensional frequencies were further contained by the universal planetary frequencies that were placed upon the planet and the human race by the lower dimensional BEings from many planets. Soon planet earth gained a reputation for being almost impenetrable. Hence the incarnation of many BEings from across the universe INTO human form in order to move the human race out of the containment and suppression. This is the process that you in your human form call “ascension”. This in human terms is the universe moving you back into the evolution that you would naturally have progressed through had the containment not been applied. The intensity of the initial parts of your “ascension” are the re-alignment that is in process. Once this is completed then ascension becomes like breathing as it is to ALL in the universes.


We ask for you to nurture and be gentle with all especially SELF for the next linear 24/48 hours as Mother Earth once more comes back into balance and harmony. Anchor fully into Mother Earth for she has gifts for you beloved ones, you have been taught to protect your Mother by taking on the responsibility of her pain, this is not TRUTH. She is now able to BREATHE and BE, set free from her containment by the New Earth frequencies and her new dimensional space within the UNIVERSE OF 3. Now she gifts this freedom to her children in TRUTH. She will help nurture you in this your human form and she will re-vitalize and strengthen your human vehicle.

The physical birth of the GOLDEN AGE OF HUMANKIND is almost upon you beloved ones, this will see your dreams become your waking reality and this will see the shackles placed around the heart space dissolve and be replaced with the GOLDEN SHINING LIGHT OF LOVE in TRUTH. ALL now gather for this momentous occasion and many are now both able to see and hear their universal families in TRUTH. Communication will now expand and deepen as the energies now heighten. Work WITH the moon energies beloved ones, for the heightening frequencies are flowing rapidly to CLEANSE your very BEing. LET GO and TRUST in the process for at all times this process is overseen by your SOUL.

There is now a bigger picture that is forming for ALL in the UNIVERSE of 3, as you move through the next 24/48 hours in your linear human context many will be able to see, note and anchor this bigger picture in TRUTH.


We send you the infinity symbol and ask that you place this firmly in the heart space, allow the energies of the UNIVERSE OF 3 to flow through you and back out into the waking reality into which you have incarnated and interacted with and through.



We are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM and we walk with you always.

BE at PEACE beloved ones, for the birthing approaches in TRUTH.

(c) Karen Doonan

...all rights reserved

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if author and authors website is clearly stated. No permission is granted to change the format of this article which is written and must remain free to access at all times. Please include link backs and this copyright notice at all times.


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We acknowledge the intensity of energies that you are experiencing...We gently remind you once again that you are here on purpose, you are here to anchor these changes, and you are here to transform disqualified energies...You are powerful multidimensional beings of consciousness having a very human experience. You are energy beings of light dwelling in the dense physical form...Your physical body is the vehicle in which you feel the vibrations of everything surrounding you. Your body/mind registers these vibrations or feelings and translates them into what you call emotions...As you read our words and experience the energy transmission we are offering, may you step more fully into the realization of your extraordinary potential as a transformer of emotional energy...



Message from the 'team'






We are here embracing you with our love and gratitude. We acknowledge the intensity of energies that you are experiencing. We acknowledge the courage you offer in the face of the incredible changes occurring within your personal life as well as the global unfolding.

We gently remind you once again that you are here on purpose, you are here to anchor these changes, and you are here to transform disqualified energies. We are inviting you to acknowledge yourself as an energy being as well as a physical being. You know how to take care of the physical body and we are inviting you begin to take care of your energy body.

You are powerful multidimensional beings of consciousness having a very human experience. You are energy beings of light dwelling in the dense physical form.


As you read our words and experience the energy transmission we are offering, may you step more fully into the realization of your extraordinary potential as a transformer of emotional energy. We continue to encourage you to use your physical body as the powerful chalice of transformation that it is. When you are in willing partnership with your divine awareness and intention, all dense emotional vibrations and experiences can be transmuted, uplifted and healed.

Your physical body is the vehicle in which you feel the vibrations of everything surrounding you. Your body/mind registers these vibrations or feelings and translates them into what you call emotions. In the process of your development and maturing you have labeled these feelings as either good or bad.

Many of the experiences you have labeled bad or unpleasant have been repressed. These repressed emotions or experiences get stored within your circuits, systems, cells and the tissues of your body.



You are aware of this.

It is common knowledge as you evolve that there are aspects of your personality, your energy field, your subconscious that you have put aside or chosen to ignore, and pretend not to see. This is a process and teaching that has been offered to you by others who were doing the same as they suppressed what they were unwilling to acknowledge, clear and transform.

We invite you to realize that you have the opportunity and the responsibility to shift this pattern within yourself. The energies that are being offered by your galactic family of light are encouraging you to take this action. The galactic vibrations are stirring these dense vibrations within your body/mind. We know you are feeling these activations and when you clear the denseness of repressed emotions these activations will feel delicious, expanding and wondrous. You will be opening the door allowing more and more light frequency to dwell in your physical vessel.


We have shared with you many tools that enable you to clear old emotional experiences and patterns. We once again remind you of the power of your imagination. We invite you to become the explorer of your inner landscapes. Imagine as an adventurer you could travel time and revisit experiences that were painful, embarrassing, and scary, the times in which you felt lost, abandoned or disempowered in some manner.

In your imagination see yourself with supernatural powers of transformation. Imagine that you rescue the aspect of yourself that has been harmed in some way. Use the power of your awareness and the energy tools to clear, to express all that has been suppressed. Allow yourself to bring healing to this experience, to this aspect of yourself that has been hidden, limited and bottled up deep within your subconscious.

In your imagination offer love, understanding as well as empowering gifts to the small child who was frightened, unloved or abused. It is within your personal power to transform and heal any condition of your life. Remember that these aspects of self are still very energized in their timeframe and affecting your current now more than you realize.

Be gentle with yourself as you continue to clear your emotional storage; take your time and consider this as a powerful gift you are giving yourself as well as others. Remember when one is healed, all are healed.

This is the work and service that we are reminding you that you came here to do. Each time you discover and clear an old emotional injury you can welcome more light consciousness within your physical form. Each time some part of your body releases what it has been storing for you, it takes on new, revitalized life-promoting energy. Each time you use your imagination to defuse and dissolve old emotional memories you are allowing more of your true multidimensional gifts to come forward.


We also invite you to find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed and again, using your imagination, see or sense or imagine healing energy entering your physical body. Make this experience as real for yourself as possible. Allow the energy vibrations to fill you with life sustaining well-being. Imagine that this strengthens your energy body as well as your physical body. Make an agreement with self that you will offer this kind of conscious energy connection each day.

You can also use the power of color vibrations. Imagine your body filled with the color red; now invite any aspect of your physical body that needs this red vibration to absorb all that it might need and any aspect of your physical body that has too much red vibration to release it. Then allow the color red to dissipate and repeat the process using all the colors of your earthly rainbow. We invite you to incorporate this exercise into your practices of well-being.

You can simply imagine that you are drinking in the energy of the new dawn, allowing your body, your life, to be renewed in ways that are astonishing. Imagine that the vibrations of trees and all green and growing things can be taken in as energy nourishment. Imagine you can breathe in the energy of the night sky, the stars and the galaxies. Imagine allowing energy to flow into your pineal, heart and solar plexus chakras filling you with renewed life and expanded awareness strengthening your energy body as well as your physical body.

Do not underestimate the power of these processes. Remember that energy follows thought so when you focus your imagination on some aspect of your physical body and imagine beautiful energizing vibrations bathing the cells and tissues, it is occurring and is very beneficial. When this is practiced consistently you will begin to experience the results.


The value of your conscious use of your imagination is phenomenal. It offers unlimited potential in creating your health, your prosperity and your total fulfillment. Own your ability to envision a life that is safe, fulfilling and joyful

We invite you to practice these skills of creating with your awesome imagination. There are no limits; when you engage your focus, your passion as well as your imagination, you are tapping into the quantum field of all possibilities.

Visualize a reality that is life sustaining for all. Imprint the quantum field with that possibility. Visualize and imagine a world in which all peoples are honored and respected. Visualize a world in which nature and all living things are honored and respected. Each time you imagine these realities with passion and focus you are imprinting the quantum field.

We are always available to support and assist you in your processes. We acknowledge you for your willingness and service. We acknowledge you for the powerful beings of energy and light that you are.



The 'team'

©2013 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address:



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Our suggestion is instead of trying to hang onto ( time ) as if it is a static thing just like the mountains around you, you might view as static or the planet you're living on as static, in that you can always count on it to be a certain way.  What we encourage you to understand is that as you're moving to these next dimensions as the planet itself is shifting, the known's that you have in your life are shifting and changing with that...so instead of feeling frustrated by time, in that it's working against you for some reason, play a game with it, be lighthearted about your perception of time these days...Celebrate your awareness of the shift, celebrate the shift in your dimensional reality, that you observe through your experience of time.






“Greetings Dear Ones,  

We are the High Council of Orion.  


Today's topic is TIME, for time is getting very unusual on your planet, or we should say, your experience of time is getting very unusual on your planet at this time.  For how many of you have felt like a day has gone by in an instant, where you look at the clock and you can't believe it's mid afternoon, for you feel like you just got up and maybe two things have been accomplished or completed or done, and it feels like the end of your day already.  


And then there are other times where the moments seem to string on for infinity, and you wish they would end and yet the clock seems as if it has stopped moving.  You are all experiencing the breakdown of time in your reality.  


Our suggestion is instead of trying to hang onto it as if it is a static thing just like the mountains around you, you might view as static or the planet you're living on as static, in that you can always count on it to be a certain way.  What we encourage you to understand is that as you're moving to these next dimensions as the planet itself is shifting, the known's that you have in your life are shifting and changing with that.  




So instead of trying to grasp on to time as if it will act the way it did five years, 10 years, or when you were young ago, allow yourself to be in observation about the time, allow yourself to not have judgment about the time. Open your mind to even say “Isn't it interesting how time is shifting and changing in such a way, that I don't even know how to predict it anymore.”  


Many of you know that in the realm beyond your third dimension, time and space don't exist.  So as you are transitioning to new dimensions would it make sense that time and space would seem to be shifting and changing?



Kind of exciting isn't it!!


What you're seeing is evidence of shifts and changes, so instead of feeling frustrated by time, in that it's working against you for some reason, play a game with it, be lighthearted about your perception of time these days.  


Stop trying to hook it to productivity and results and the way you've always done, like I'm working for eight hours a day and in this day I need to get these things done, and you feel thwarted by time.  We encourage you, instead of moving to the energy of feeling betrayed or thwarted by time, say “Oh my goodness look at time is changing, this is evidence of our change on the planet!”  



It's exciting!!!!


As you do that your human expectations of what life will be and what you “Can accomplish,” will shift and change.  For your not trying to hold time static, the truth is in this time of Ascension, in this time of shifts and changes on the planet, this would be one of the things you want to see changing.  


Maybe you can even ask yourself, I see time changing, so what can change about my perception of time?  For it will not behave the way it has in the years in the decades prior to now.  Celebrate your awareness of the shift, celebrate the shift in your dimensional reality, that you observe through your experience of time.  




Be Blessed.  

We are the High Council of Orion.”






Channeled Ascension Message from the High Council of Orion September 15th 2013.  

 © 2013


Audio file is available at http://www.akashahealingstudio.com/high-council-of-orion-channeled-message-15th-Sep-



Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood


Transcribed by Paul Marwood


Copyright Soul Genesis        




This channeled message may be reproduced in it’s entirety provided it is kept in it’s original form and not altered or changed in any way, with the Author and website clearly included.

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Being in physical reality, there is often a disconnect from the soul that occurs while attempting to move through the denseness...If you find yourself detached for whatever reason...Start by focusing on what you know to be true within...All of the outside input that has driven you off course should be reconsidered...Expect it to take some time. It took a length of time to disconnect. A proper reconnection will also take some moments...Leave the opinions and exchanges of energy with those who would disconnect you behind...They are the past. You are the now present, enabling yourself to connect soulfully within...







"Being in physical reality, there is often a disconnect from the soul that occurs while attempting to move through the denseness.

Outside input can cloud a clear perspective of self that is so necessary for growth.

If you find yourself detached for whatever reason, it is important to take steps to reconnect internally.


The soul provides support continuously, however, in a separated mindset the abundance of that support is often diminished. This can leave the individual uncertain of his/her individual connection with just about everything.

Start by focusing on what you know to be true within. If you are off course, use your truth as a compass to guide you back to your true North.

All of the outside input that has driven you off course should be reconsidered. Expect it to take some time. It took a length of time to disconnect. A proper reconnection will also take some moments.

Be clear everyday of your focus with your soul and spirit. Look past all the lies, while establishing again your truth. It's really the best path. Not a smooth one, but a necessary one.


Imagine an extension of the God energy into your heart. Leave the opinions and exchanges of energy with those who would disconnect you behind.

They are the past. You are the now present,  enabling yourself to connect soulfully within.

Imagine the warmth as it embraces your physical.



The magic has begun and it will make a difference."


~ Channeled via April Crawford www.Inner Whispers.org




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~ZERO POINT - For what you are about to experience is the inversion of your systems, the inversion of going from ALL to NONE, from ZERO to INFINITY....in the next 3 weeks of your time there will once again be an energetic restructuring of your bodies.  The creative forces within your spherical creations that you call the human bodies is going to be unleashed to such a degree that it will then become possible for all of you to truly manifest that which you wish to see into your reality!...allow yourself to purge all the remnants that are no longer, positively serving you. Simply stated FORGIVE. LET GO. ALLOW. ~ 



Dearly beloved children of the Sun, the Moon and the Stars, we come to you now in order to inform you in the next 3 weeks of your time there will once again be an energetic restructuring of your bodies. 

Re structuring of the human vehicle is about to start yet again. Many of you will once more begin to experience a variety of ascension symptoms and we ask that you completely and fully let go of fear and fully allow the integration of crystalline that are being brought to you from the sun at this moment in time. For the next three weeks of your earthly time is the crystalline energy invocation period, and those of you who are ready to experience the upliftment of energies should allow your vessels to open to the divinity of what you hold within. 

In order to partake of the invocation period that is sweeping your planet in the 3 week window, you need to fully and completely open to the source within your vessels, to your own HEART CODE, and once you open up to the heart code it is then that you will be able to fully integrate the crystalline energies that are traveling to you from the cosmic gateway of the sun and through the core of the earth energies that you have anchored into the heart of GAIA. 


And when you do find yourself in a meditative state and allow the energies to enter your spherical bodies you shall experience a tingling sensation at the very top of your head. Allow these energies to move past and through to your entire being, cleansing everything that no longer positively serves. Do not be frightened when you begin to experience the pressure upon your crown chakra, but simply allow the energy to seep through you, gently vibrating each and every cell of your body, gently cleansing out all the remnants of everything left behind from the time no longer relevant to your being.

Allow the warm sensation to envelope your whole mind structure and fully and completely integrate the new energies. Some of you will begin to feel sleepy, others will feel the need to go into a meditative state, yet others will joyously continue along their day. Remain calm and enjoy and embrace these energies that bask you in loving light of the prime creator.  And as you allow these energies to pass through you, think thoughts of love, light, peace, bliss and happiness, think of everything that you wish to welcome into your life, and of everything that you wish to let off, allow these energies to pass through you releasing you from everything that no longer works for you. Know and understand that it is your HIGHER SELVES that are sending you these energies from the ALCYLONE SUN of the Pleiades But Let us explain to you in “scientific terms” of your time what is about to occur on your earthly planes of existence. 

For as many of you are aware the sun is shifting its frequency and the sun’s magnetic poles are merging and shifting into a new reality, and we do understand that the scientific community of your time is going to brush it off as something insignificant, and many naysayers are going to emerge that will argue the validity of the information that we are about to present to you herein. Nevertheless, we wish to take a moment and explain to you what is about to happen to your bodies and your minds. 


For what you are about to experience is the inversion of your systems, the inversion of going from ALL to NONE, from ZERO to INFINITY. The creative forces within your spherical creations that you call the human bodies is going to be unleashed to such a degree that it will then become possible for all of you to truly manifest that which you wish to see into your reality! First step however, in this restructuring process is, that every single cell in your body is going to shift from the type of cellular and tissue structure that your science currently understands into that which your scientific community cannot possibly comprehend. 

For as the sun’s shifting poles will shift and affect your bodies completely and utterly, you too will begin shifting and changing, not only in your consciousness, but also in your holographic experience. 

The cellular structure of your body is about to undergo a major advancement in the creative processes of your holographic self. Many of you are feeling tired and exhausted beyond your current level of perception. 

To help you understand this process, we wish to explain to you the theory of relativity, not as you presently understand it to be, but as it really is. The cosmic theory of relativity states that any celestial body that is undergoing a major event of magnificent proportions, that is directly linked to any “holographic” vehicle (body) currently occupied by consciousness of Prime Creator (souls), is thereby in direct alignment with the changing energies and is thereby greatly affected and is linked to the cosmic gates of existence, and is directly linked to specific organs and cellular structure within the body is thereby effected to a high degree. 

Let us explain this to you I so that you can understand that which we mean. As you have been foretold your earth is indeed changing. And in order for safe passage through this dimensional frequency it is highly advisable for each and every single one of you to begin the allowance of interplanetary frequency change to take hold of your earthly vehicles and to allow the necessary changes to take place within, and in order to do so, we ask that you simply allow yourself to purge all the remnants that are no longer, positively serving you. Simply stated :





Please remember dear ones that ALL or NONE can occur within your vessels and within your psyche, for only WHEN you are ready to proceed shall the energies begin to work with you. For those who are not yet ready, the energy will as if, be frozen in time, until such moment that they truly and fully are ready to embrace the eternal OM, the eternal truth, wisdom, understanding, love and light within their hearts. 


We love you.

We are with you.

Goodbye for now.

Pleiades High Council - Channeled by Anna Merkaba – Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL:




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Merging Dimensions ~ Peter Phalam - Sept, 2013


As the Universe contracts, the dimensions begin to overlap and interact with other. We are in such a contraction at this time which will last for thousands of years with each successive year being more critical with greater intensity...a separation exists here as older souls seek to gain access to higher dimensions instead of concentrating on the physical plane...you will be repelled from dense 3rd-dimensional aspects and your emotional and mental sensitivity to the physical plane will go through a finite catharsis...



Just as we and every other creature on Earth breathes in and out so too does our Universe. Though our breaths and many others have different cadences and depths, the Universe breathes far slower, far deeper and has many ramifications. The expansion of the Universe on an in-breath allows separation of dimensions and the independent activity within each. As the Universe contracts, the dimensions begin to overlap and interact with other. We are in such a contraction at this time which will last for thousands of years with each successive year being more critical with greater intensity. The last contraction occurred midway through the Egyptian Dynasty era and the expansion started 100 years after the birth of Jesus.

Perhaps the most immediate impact begins with the inner dimension of Earth and the inner dimensions of our light body. We have a vague sensitivity to the 7th dimension which is becoming more relevant, but we have far less sensitivity to the 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th dimensions. This is not our fault; the Elohiem within the 7th dimension tend to function in an anonymous manner as well as the Silent Watchers in the 8th dimension and the Creator Gods in the 9th dimension. However, the Elohiem have had higher interaction with the more sophisticated psychics in our realm and this contraction will make many more entities available for psychic interpretation. The outer dimensions will condense but the only evidence of this will be available during the Aurora Borealis phenomenon.




The northern latitudes and those living above 9,000 feet will be able to witness both the Photon Belt and starships from the Ashtar Command.

The critical phasing of the inner dimensions is already in progress. The main emphasis of this piece is the discussion of what is taking place within this phasing. The 1st dimension is our internal magma field whose electromagnetic field is strengthening in intensity. This results in more earthquake activity as the magma field draws into the 2nd dimension of sub terrestrial environments such as Shambala. The 3rd dimension draws closer to its immediate environment with the emphasis of self and existentialism. Hand-held devices and social media have allowed this intricate weaving of souls for the emphasis of this contraction. However, a separation exists here as older souls seek to gain access to higher dimensions instead of concentrating on the physical plane.

The 4th dimension, which has been identified as the Astral Plane, is a very intricate matrix of 12 different harmonics, many of which are dedicated to processes within the dream state. The first three harmonics are dedicated to the intuitive sensitivity of guides and angels. The next six harmonics serve the dream state and the vibrational level of thousands of soul groups. The upper three harmonics serve as the vortex areas extending downward from the 5th-dimensional earth grids. Also present are the portals to the 5th dimension serving the expansion of spiritual vibrations within many diverse souls groups. What is most important at this point is the merging of the lower three harmonics of the 5th dimension with the upper three harmonics of the 4th dimension.

The enlightened vortex points that illuminate the upper three harmonics of the 4th dimension now extend into the dream-state harmonics creating a far more vivid array of dreams. Souls at this point have the choice of entertaining this new phenomenon or drawing closer to the lower astral harmonics, keeping their 3rd- dimensional ideologies in place. Guides and Angels become more involved in the intuitive sensitivity of all souls where manifestation plays the most crucial role. What you harvest and where you dedicate this new energy is either more physical or more spiritual and this division has become quite obvious in our current culture. Existentialism and communalism are at the center of this phasing where he who dies with the most toys wins versus he or she who serves the needs of others wins.


The 5th dimension integrates the lower three harmonics, bringing the middle six harmonics more into play. Here we have global access for Archangels and Ascended Masters who can bi-locate freely to all parts of the Earth for aid in various crises. Also, in these harmonics are a variety of holographic stages and suites that function as symposium stages for many light beings who wish to share thoughts with those who manage to advance to this vibrational level. They also function as safe havens for the Crystal Tribes and Indigo Tribes from ancient soul groups who have to function in our physical plane but need solace in the effort. The upper three harmonics now integrate with the time-plane emphasis of the 6th dimension. Older souls have the ability now to travel in time - both into past-life scenarios and future hypothetical time planes.

The most interesting phenomenon occurs when the 7th dimension enters the 6th and this strong vibration permeates through the 5th dimension. What was once a privilege among a very few souls now becomes widely available. The Elohiem channels at one time were one-in-a-million but this is no longer the case. My most recent (and upcoming)channeled messages create The Elohiem Vessel and The Elohiem Domain, which are two circle meditations that heal the entire DNA culture in our bodies. The expansion of Elohiem channels will rapidly evolve the conscious spiritual community. The existing experienced channels now have access to the Creator Gods who actually planned this free-will experiment. There are environmental Creator Gods who have created most of the futuristic time planes in the 6th dimension and who understand Earth changes on a very sophisticated level.


My final segment deals with the effects on the light body. The emotional and mental templates become far more sensitive and the astral template obtains 5th-dimensional energy. The upper Etheric Template takes on 6th-dimensional energy and both the Celestial Template and Ketheric Template entertains 7th-dimensional energy. What this means is that you will be repelled from dense 3rd-dimensional aspects and your emotional and mental sensitivity to the physical plane will go through a finite catharsis. This gradually alienates you from the vast majority of the third dimension and brings you closer to your true spiritual self. The integration of the light body and Merkabah becomes far simpler and our ability for greater dimensional versatility takes place. Our service ethic now becomes more global as we follow Archangels and Ascended Master in greater numbers toward chaotic areas.

Understand this simple universal law: when we allow 3rd-dimensional emotions and mental attitudes, prejudices and anxiety to enter our energy fields, the octahedrons centered above the kundalini pool and thymus area stop spinning; the Merkabah disengages and we have no dimensional access beyond the astral plane. During the full moon and new moon we are allowed periods of release but if you are engaging in negativity outside of these boundaries, you lose access to your Merkabah. So view this life as more of an illusion than real and understand that fear and guilt are the main illusions you deal with.





For more information,




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SaLuSa ~ Message ~ Via "Wally" - Sept. 2013


Many of the things you feel are of great significance and importance in your life have grown to be unhealthy obsessions getting you so preoccupied with them you fall into emotional imbalance and you need to pry and prize them off you, to then open yourself up to peer and peep into spirit which is your greater unbounded self...You have done very well and we salute you with praise for over coming the deceit and cunning of those who have tried to dull and weaken your light and in response you have caused to come into existence a new and powerful beam of light which is shining a clear pathway for all mankind to be guided by....we are here for you and we hear you calling to us, as you who by your very nature are birthing the New Age.








September 5 2013.


Using your own ingenuity and resourcefulness you may solve many problems in your life and also turn your problems around so you can see them from a different angle, also see that many facets of your personality are circular, as many times you are simply repeating patterns already experienced so this then becomes the framework and backing to support the new you. Many of the things you feel are of great significance and importance in your life have grown to be unhealthy obsessions getting you so preoccupied with them you fall into emotional imbalance and you need to pry and prize them off you, to then open yourself up to peer and peep into spirit which is your greater unbounded self.

We see your many protests and demonstrations around the world in your refusal to accept that which is on offer and placed before you, as you can not let evil and corruption go unchallenged as this would lead to a dark and cold time. Dear ones we wish to gently and lovingly assure you that we are here for you and we hear you calling to us, as you who by your very nature are birthing the New Age.


The Age of Pisces was marked with many excesses of money, power and control, illusion and superstition, hidden and secret mysteries, impractical will fullness, and the like, this has been very difficult and troublesome time for Humanity, but this New Age of Aquarius will be very different and depart from such and in contrast become a happy and easy-going time, this has long been promised and foretold and also that we your Star Families would come back and become as one with you. Distinguish and discern if what we say resonates with you. This Age marks the end points for so many agendas and a time of celebration and festivity and is expected in a reasonably short time frame. We know that many view this with incredulity and skepticism but take this information and store it away somewhere safe as you may need it in this time of transition and restructuring.

A decriminalization and legalisation will be made of the use of substances to expand your senses and perceptions so that your sight is not blocked by the veil of illusion which has been placed in the way and which blocks and inhibits your vision of higher realms beyond your current reality. And we are assessing and evaluating you to see how well you will do in the ethereal and non-physical realms without freaking out or going into a flurry of hysteria. We have had some success in curbing this human instinctual drive to fight and flight when in higher realms and other dimensions and persuaded the Sirian Council of Light to conduct initial tests but further testing has stalled until you can peel back the layers of the onion and get to the core and center of psychological hang-ups with this issue which if unresolved would be to your disadvantage and detriment and once this has been done you can get fully on board with us and be completely integrated into the Galactic Federation of Light.


We will converge our ships at sea in specific areas where the oblivious and unenlightened are neglecting and disregarding ocean environment in which Dolphins and Whales are suffering which is prohibited by Universal Law as these are Sovereign Sentient Beings and Actionable measures will be taken with respect to the Younger Brother.

You have done very well and we salute you with praise for over coming the deceit and cunning of those who have tried to dull and weaken your light and in response you have caused to come into existence a new and powerful beam of light which is shining a clear pathway for all mankind to be guided by.

Many are paid insufficiently low wages and have to work very hard just to keep their head above water and you would view with irony and sarcasm that you are those very ones which create the wealth in the first place and are the supporting shell that holds up the economic system and new legislation and regulations will be made to bring this to full resolution and remedy.


Unrestrained and rampant speculation in the markets will be instigated by agent provocateurs which will spread at an increasingly gathering pace causing injury by devaluation and depreciation of currency and financial instruments which is only made possible by a sickness in the Justice System. The public will be told half truths and lies of why this has happened and all the while squandered opportunities continue. Many who will suffer have consented to these traumatic experiences at a deep level of consciousness, but this discomfort will only be for a short time as a discovery will be made in subatomic particles physics that will usher in a boom time with a great flowering of your economy and society and this new energy system will be modular so as to give you independence so that you will not have to be connected to the grid. The production of energy from fossil fuels will then wane off as trade in this business will move into a less active phase. The monopoly and dominance of petrol chemical industry over energy production has at many times been enforced by violent and brutal means and these hostilities will come to a ceasing halt.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and while I am not here with you in the physical I am always with you in Spirit and we admire your strength and persistence in your ability to hold your ground and overcome minor difficulties and problems and we celebrate and honor the lightworkers and all those who work toward a better future.

We are aware of a tendency by many to suspect us of exaggerating and overstating our claims and are viewed by many as a strange spectacle but this is ill-fitting and inaccurate as our Arrival and appearance amongst you is assured.


Thank you SaLuSa.






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All Means All ~ Brenda Hoffman - Sept, 2013


...for the most part, you continue to put one foot in front of the other with little difference in your life. Many around you are touting the glories of the new earth/New Age. You wish to believe, but...You feel as if they are making up stories to get you through the day. We beg to differ....It is time to change your perceptions. You are no longer of 3D no matter how diligently you try to believe you are. You are a Lightworker. Accept that title and all that entails. It is time...to stop playing new earth victim and claim your right to be in all your glory...You are a Lightworker!




Dear Ones,

Maybe a couple of unexpected pieces have occurred for you the past few months. But for the most part, you continue to put one foot in front of the other with little difference in your life. Many around you are touting the glories of the new earth/New Age. You wish to believe, but your life is not at all as various channels and seers excitedly proclaim is the new reality.

You feel as if they are making up stories to get you through the day.



We beg to differ.

All who wish to be part of this transition and resulting new earth will be. That statement does not mean everyone but you. All means all.

There are some who will not join you in the child-like joy you are experiencing or about to experience. They may have 3D issues they wish to sift through before they transition – or die in your terms. Others may wish to transition to return to earth shortly with a clean new earth slate. Why they are not as fascinated by the possibilities of the new earth as you is not important for anyone but them. This is an individual transition to a common goal.


We are addressing those of you who want to believe, who want to be part of the new earth, who are excited by the possibilities but are afraid the truth is something others can hope for, but is not a possibility for you – or maybe anyone.

If any transition materials spark your interest, you are indeed part of this transition. You just need to shift your belief patterns.

Maybe you feel you have addressed your belief patterns over and over. Or that your beliefs have little to do with your inability to shift into joy.


We beg to differ.

You solidified your 3D earth belief patterns in ways you did not imagine possible when you volunteered to assist with this transition. It is a bit like that Chemistry class you thought too difficult – only to discover you could learn the necessary concepts once that class became a requirement to graduate.

Maybe you have forgotten so many of your spiritual/transition skills that you are not creating as rapidly or in the way you would like. That is to be expected. It is indeed difficult to live eons within the heavy 3D earth environment and immediately become someone of the 5th or beyond dimensions.

But then, many channels are moving quite rapidly to and through the dimensions for they are the heralds of the new earth. Channeling, sensing, seeing and believing is not that unusual for them. Perhaps they entered earth in this lifetime with less density to move through or into a family who helped them remember their skills. It does not matter why – merely that they are flexible enough to accept and relay the messages they access. They are not different from you in any aspect other than they believe they can receive or access.

It is time to change your perceptions. You are no longer of 3D no matter how diligently you try to believe you are. You are a Lightworker. Accept that title and all that entails. It is time for you to stop fooling yourself into believing you are not worthy, capable or wise enough to be a Lightworker. That all the riches – spiritual, emotional and physical – outlined the past few years are not available to you.

That last thought is directly related to your self-worth. If you believe you cannot do something – you cannot. It is as simple as that – and as complicated.

Perhaps you are screaming that you believe. That you have attended conferences, read books, tried to channel or joined new earth groups to no avail. Hogwash. You would not have searched for new earth information if you were not a Lightworker.


You are a Lightworker!


You have the same creation capabilities as any channeler/seer/new earth teacher. This is not an Age in which some have abilities and others do not as was true in 3D earth. This is an event of huge proportions in which everyone starts with the same skill set including channeling, creating and transporting. But then, not everyone is interested in the same skill set.

Some of you wish to channel and transport. Others to create. Still others will emphasize different aspects of the new earth skill set. You are individuals with unique interests and roles to play in this wondrous transition. But you will do so with the same skill set. Similar to everyone receiving an iPad with all possible applications (apps). Some of you will use a few apps over and over. Others will experiment with them all.

You are not less skilled than anyone.


You merely believe you are.

It is time to stop playing new earth victim and claim your right to be in all your glory. You have the skills. You have the intelligence. You have the abilities.

It is up to you to turn on your iPad and decide which, if any, of the apps you wish to use. It is as simple and complicated as that. Some of you will pine for your old computer. Others will note the fun and excitement of discovering new iPad capabilities. Others will put their new iPad in the closet and allow it to collect dust as they contemplate if they will ever have the courage to power it up.


Which one are you?!


So be it.


Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Summary of Brenda’s August 31, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: Perhaps you believe you haven’t created anything in the past few days. Review your perceptions. All received the creation piece. As a child you believed anything was possible. But in your 3D maturity you deleted belief in your creation skills. It’s time to return to a more child-like belief in creation.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “Dare to Create NOW!”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.



If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:




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8108995479?profile=originalGreetings....I am LYRA from the Pleiades and I come to speak on behalf of my peoples. At this time upon and within the planet Earth many are in transition and moving into balance and wholeness, we as your fellow brothers and sisters of LIGHT now speak directly to you and with you....the old "3d" earth frequencies worked against our children in their human form and saw many fall to the emotions of those around them...For they walk in the LIGHT of TRUTH at all times and the old earth has sought to prevent them understanding why they are here and what they are here to BE....We draw your attention to the consciousness of your fellow human beings, we draw your attention to your ability to FEEL and to KNOW and how these levels of frequency have now heightened...



Greetings beloved ones, I am LYRA from the Pleiades and I come to speak on behalf of my peoples. At this time upon and within the planet earth many are in transition and moving into balance and wholeness, we as your fellow brothers and sisters of LIGHT now speak directly to you and with you. More will now unfold upon and within planet earth that will begin to support ALL that has been guided through our channel, for many are still not accepting of their stellar origins. We embrace the New Earth energetic frequencies that now exist around and through you and we send you much love at this time. For ALL will unfold and ALL will now begin to manifest in TRUTH as you begin to work and align with said New Earth energetic frequencies.

For our children incarnate into human form the New Earth energies will allow them to BREATHE and to BE, the old "3d" earth frequencies worked against our children in their human form and saw many fall to the emotions of those around them. As the heart space begins to repair and strength returns to the human vehicle then the blossoming of our children in human form will begin to manifest. For they walk in the LIGHT of TRUTH at all times and the old earth has sought to prevent them understanding why they are here and what they are here to BE.


Other members of the Galactic Federation of LIGHT will now step forward to share messages through our channel as their introduction to their children in human form and as an introduction to the FAMILY OF LIGHT IN TRUTH. For you in your human form have never walked alone and this will now be shown to you in Technicolor. We guide for you all to connect at heart level and to understand that the process that you now move into is guided from your SOUL. Many of you are directly aligned with our planetary system even though you are not children of the Pleiades and many of you have spent many lifetimes incarnate on our planetary system. The memories that sit at SOUL level will now begin to unfold and to flow into your human conscious waking mind. This is the process that will see you begin to anchor TRUTH to new levels of your BEing and understand who you are in TRUTH.

You have moved from a dimensional reality in which you were prevented at all times from freely accessing the help and support that is available to you in your human form upon planet earth. The transition into the New Earth energetic frequencies will see vast changes in the way that you live upon planet earth within the human vehicle. We send much love from our planetary system to you in your human form and we ask for you to understand the need for this process to unfold naturally. A "ripping away" of one reality too quickly for the human vehicle would cause harm to the human vehicle, that is of no service to anyone and is not supported within the New Earth frequencies.

As our channel now aligns fully with her SOUL purpose here in her human form upon planet earth then more information will flood through and into the waking realities in which she walks in her human form. We ask for you to understand that in her human form she has a process to unfold as you are in a process and we guide for you to understand her need at times to rest and find balance. The letting go and shedding of the need to align fully with her human aspect is now dissolving and this process will complete soon. This is process that many who are here to work with her and support her also go through. Many of those you term "channels" upon planet earth will follow a similar process for the information required by the human race now alters and expands and deepens.


We understand fully the need for the questions, the need for answers and the need to know however it serves no one if these are not allowed to form freely and naturally. This is a celebration of the human race ascending into TRUTH and ALL are now preparing for the changes that affect ALL for much as the birth of a child is an addition and brings changes to a family so too does the addition of the human race and their consciousness to the FAMILY OF LIGHT IN TRUTH.

We draw your attention to the consciousness of your fellow human beings, we draw your attention to your ability to FEEL and to KNOW and how these levels of frequency have now heightened. We will now step forward to those who have chosen to have contact with us in our physical form, this will be in various stages as guided by your SOUL. We understand that for many of you in your human form the need to SEE is paramount and yet we guide that the human vehicle itself has to be prepared to anchor to the levels of TRUTH needed in order to accept another form in the physical waking reality that it inhabits. Again this process is a process that will unfold with the support of the New Earth energies and the support and guidance of your SOUL.


ALL ARE ONE and ALL JUST IS, I am LYRA from the Pleiades and I speak for the peoples of the planetary system of the Pleiades at this time. BE at peace for ALL IS NOW and the miracles that you have dreamt of in other realities will now birth fully into your HUMAN waking life reality on planet earth in the UNIVERSE of 3 in the human linear year of 2013.


333,  22(2),  444 Star Gates are now open and fully activated and can be accessed by ALL with the relevant coding and frequency.

Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved



Article may be reproduced in its entirety if author and authors website is clearly stated and this copyright notice is clearly visible. No permission is granted to change the format of this article which is written.



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Many of you are now more than aware of the changes to your dimensional realities and are now working to align your SOUL with your human vehicle...the old 3d earth reality is now folding in on itself. No longer supported by the energetic signatures of those who are alive upon the planet earth as ALL now move into the dimensional timelines requested...the dimensional reality that was referred to by many upon and within planet earth as 3d earth is no longer available. The dimensional space has now been dissolved from the consciousness of PLANET EARTH....WORLD events will now unfold that reflect the dimensional reality in which the planet earth now resides and we guide for ALL to understand the need to familiarize the human mind with OTHER RACES and BEings is part of this process...AA Gabriel now sounds the trumpet of TRUTH



Greetings beloved ones, we are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM and we come to guide and to support as you now move fully into the spaces that your SOUL has asked for in preparation for the unfolding of the GOLDEN AGE OF HUMANKIND. Many of you are now more than aware of the changes to your dimensional realities and are now working to align your SOUL with your human vehicle. This is a process that will now begin to accelerate for ALL upon and within planet earth at this time. The movement of ALL out of the lower dimensional spaces is NOW beloved ones for the old 3d earth reality is now folding in on itself. No longer supported by the energetic signatures of those who are alive upon the planet earth as ALL now move into the dimensional timelines requested by SOUL expansion.

To clarify to you at this time beloved ones, the dimensional reality that was referred to by many upon and within planet earth as 3d earth is no longer available. The dimensional space has now been dissolved from the consciousness of PLANET EARTH. The dissolving of the consciousness of this reality from the human vehicles that exist upon and within planet earth is now underway and many of you may now FEEL the movement at waking human conscious mind level.


Those who chose to live in the 3d earth reality will be moved to the dimensional reality that appears to exist around them reflecting this but in TRUTH they are cushioned from the barbarity of the frequencies associated with this dimensional reality. As human consciousness moves and expands they will slowly move into a parallel reality that help them align with the higher dimensional realities that now are open and fully available to ALL. This is a process that at human conscious waking mind may try to tie your logical mind in knots and we are reticent to go into too much detail at this moment. KNOW beloved ones that as human conscious now expands and deepens then the KNOWING will begin to anchor deep within your waking conscious mind and reality.

WORLD events will now unfold that reflect the dimensional reality in which the planet earth now resides and we guide for ALL to understand the need to familiarise the human mind with OTHER RACES and BEings is part of this process. The movement of ALL into the WAKING REALITY of the family of LIGHT IS NOW. This is an unfolding that will be moved through with grace and ease as human consciousness and human expansion now walk hand in hand with LIGHT and the LOVE that IS in TRUTH.

We ask for ALL to become aware of the need to find and maintain balance at a human conscious waking mind level and to BREATHE for ALL IS and YOU ARE beloved ones. That which is referred to as "miracles" by the human race now prepare to birth around and within the human race for as the boundaries begin to dissolve the KNOWING will begin to anchor. NOW is the time to embrace the New Earth for you have each incarnated upon and within this planet in order to experience ALL that will now unfold around YOU and through YOU at ALL levels of your BEING.


We are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM and we walk amongst you in human form, this will be shown to ALL in TRUTH as the races that share the universe with the planet earth now begin to make themselves known, both by their children in human form and in TRUTH. That which the old earth sought to teach you to FEAR is TRUTH and we ask for you to process our words through your heart space. ALL ARE ONE and ALL JUST ARE. The human race now birthed into a new waking reality and a dimensional space that supports them on ALL levels of their BEing.

The LOVE that IS now intensifies across and within planet earth as ALL now take their positions to birth into the new GOLDEN AGE OF HUMANKIND. You do not walk alone beloved ones, you have never walked alone and now your human vision will begin to clear to new levels and you will now FEEL and SEE those who have shared this dimensional space with you as you have adjusted to your new "home" in the UNIVERSE OF 3 in TRUTH.

TRUST and FAITH in SELF beloved ones will see you expand beyond wherever you have gone before, no longer limited by frequencies that kept you in vibrational prisons, walking blindly around a planet kept in darkness. NOW you are free to SEE clearly, to FEEL clearly and to dance as the children that you are in TRUTH of the New Earth.


AA Gabriel now sounds the trumpet of TRUTH and asks that you listen closely on the inner planes of your BEing, for the angelic realms call to ALL just NOW, BE at peace beloved ones, for you now birth into a new way of living and BEing in this your human form, upon planet earth, in the dimensional space of the UNIVERSE OF 3 in the linear human year of 2013.

333, 444, 777, we guide for ALL to look and SEE and acknowledge the message that this codings brings to ALL at this time upon this planet. The keys have been turned in the doorways, the doorways have opened and the LIGHT streams across and within the planet earth and her children in TRUTH.

We are the Archangeloi and we are here with you as you begin your walk in PEACE, LOVE, TRUTH, HARMONY, JOY and SERENITY. Clear signs and symbols will be left in your outer waking life experience in order that you may anchor our words fully at human conscious waking mind level. The work done on the higher dimensional planes will now manifest in TRUTH in the physical reality of the human life experience.




DREAM and BE beloved ones for YOU ARE.

Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved


Article may be reproduced in its entirety if author and authors website is clearly stated and article remains in its original format which is written. No permission is given to alter or to change the format of this article and the copyright notice must be stated.




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You have tried to find answers, explanations upon earth and beyond earth, in the physical and spiritual...yet that oneness has always somewhat remained outside of you....What if the oneness you are seeking is just to be, to feel that you are both spiritual and physical?...In reality you are all separate souls, separate beings floating in this immense energy that you can call source, or universes, any name, in reality it doesn’t matter and never has...So many are awakening to a spiritual reality that seems more like a dream than reality as the vision they have is limited by the outside reality as well as their understanding and knowledge of the physical and spiritual reality both...



The sphinx speaks Oneness is the greatest diversion from Oneness    


It is what you are seeking and have been seeking for all this time, not just this lifetime but many times before.  


You have tried to find answers, explanations upon earth and beyond earth, in the physical and spiritual.  


All these answers seem to have led you upon a path of oneness sometimes, yet that oneness has always somewhat remained outside of you.  


What if the oneness you are seeking is just to be, to feel that you are both spiritual and physical?  




You will say, you know this, this is what you feel, but the oneness is only there sometime, not all the time, as the reality remains of the physical body in every way seems to be separate from the spiritual.  


The physical body is perceived as physical, no matter what you think, what you do, and what you see within.  


The physical body feels physical, and the spiritual reality seems to flee away from you at times when you are physically going through the motions of the realities and experiences upon earth.  


The logical mind, the intuitive mind and the knowing that is present, tells you that you are so much more.  


Yet, many seek this so much more, to be confirmed by beings like angels, mother God, and father God, guides, Ascended Masters and Galactic beings that seem to not be defined by a physical body.  


What if it is really simple all a diversion, the oneness you are being told is that you are all one great being. A representation of this one great being, God, the Creator.  


What if it is as simple as each being is this god, this creator, and each being has their own path, but inherently inherited all these powers you now assign to a being that seems to be and overseer, a creator, someone in charge besides you?  


Plain and simple, you are not all one, but the oneness you seek is the oneness, the full oneness of being able to be, to stay within that oneness, to be that oneness of the physical and spiritual parts of you.  




In reality you are all separate souls, separate beings floating in this immense energy that you can call source, or universes, any name, in reality it doesn’t matter and never has.  


What if each being, each soul is there to just experience what is possible, and at this time you have chosen a separation of oneness by descending into a reality that can do nothing but promote oneness, yet never allows it.  


How do you move beyond that?  


The reality is that your knowledge of spirit is limited; you can see with the physical eyes, you can see with the inner eyes, yet both visions are limited.  


Some have been able to see beyond the veil into different dimensions, different realities, different universes, yet their visions are not clear enough to fully see.  


Some see the spirits still present upon earth, yet even that vision is not fully operational.  


You are looking far and wide, within and without, not yet finding that specific place where the vision of the physical and spiritual reality becomes one.  


The one thing that is preventing you many will say is the physical body, the reality around you, it just is not conducive to a full vision.  


And here is where you rely upon a partial vision. Feelings that somehow can explain at times what you are seeking, what you are feeling.  


Can you fully rely upon those, can you actually rely upon anything you see or feel as your vision is not fully capable of seeing?  


You rely upon some beings out there, the ones that say they are one with you, yet if they are one, why do they have separate names? One explanation could be that they are names given to parts of you, does that make sense? As many times it feels like their energy is coming from outside of you, not from within you, so why would it be part of you?  




Maybe the problem is within the translation of the message of each being, as you are seeking oneness, you are seeking to not feel separated from within your own being, you are seeking confirmation that oneness exists and the translation of each message reflects what you are seeking.  


Sometimes just energies you feel around you, these energies are being translated as a being outside of you, wanting to be one with these energies, energies that you consider to be a being.  


Some will say I have been contacted by angels, or any other being, and they tell me we are one, they tell me they love me, they are guiding me now, I would like to share their guidance.  


Many times these are not messengers, but just energies the person contacts as they are looking for an explanation, an explanation of what is happening, what is reality, what is that feeling within that is seeking oneness but cannot find it.  


Many start to rely upon these beings, these energies, to give them the oneness feeling they are seeking.  


Others invite certain beings into their life, as they are seeking answers.  


The reliance becomes more than just reliance; it becomes a friendship, a relationship that transcends the physical and spiritual and gives the person a feeling of more control. Yet it is just a feeling as the control is limited by the reality that surrounds them.  




So many are awakening to a spiritual reality that seems more like a dream than reality as the vision they have is limited by the outside reality as well as their understanding and knowledge of the physical and spiritual reality both.  


Sometimes, in fact many times the message comes from within and is not related to any being, yet a name or explanation is found to rely a message that seems to be coming from somewhere outside instead of realizing it is coming from inside.  


The message seems to be coming from another being as the energy felt is not familiar, yet you seem to know the energy.  


As each human is more looking outward than inward, the most logical explanation is used and a name is given, angel, ascended master, galactic.  


It doesn’t mean there are not some really receiving messages from these beings, there are some that have found their way to those beings, to connecting with them.  


Yet, the vision and veil of the human does not allow for full understanding of many of the messages as they are coming through in ways that contain more spiritual realities than physical. Since the human has a limited understanding of both, the message is translated in this limitation.  


This means that the human will translate according to what they can see and feel limited by their human existence and limited by their understanding of the physical and spiritual reality.  


Some will contact beings that are closer to earth, and find that, or think that they have found beings that can assist them in what they are seeking.  


Many of these beings are in many ways also limited in their vision, in both realities, physical and spiritual. They will focus on your spiritual reality, but mostly physical reality and divert your attention to anything that can divert you from what real oneness means, as they themselves in fact have not found their own real oneness within.  


At this moment it all seems to be a great experiment of how to find oneness.  


And the experiment is not moving as fast as many would like, but this is more related to your reliance upon an outside god, outside creator, any outside being that is diverting your attention from oneness within to oneness outside of you.  


Now we cannot blame all of this on the beings guiding you as there is a personal responsibility for each of you as well. You allow diversion, you allow yourself to be diverted as you are looking for more than just oneness.  


Many feel disheartened at times by the world around them and their way to find relief from this is by seeking or feeling oneness and knowingness that this reality is not real, each being is inherently not bad, each person is love and you look for the oneness within the love feeling.  


The feeling good feeling that so many humans are in need of as they find themselves limited in their knowledge and vision of the physical and spiritual reality.  


Are their solutions? Ways to find the oneness without distraction?  




Yes, of course, but us explaining and giving you the path to follow would not mean you will find it. Us giving knowledge and full disclosure of the physical and spiritual reality would not give you solace.  


If oneness is within you, it is for you to find, yes we can give guidance, and we can challenge your mind, your heart to begin the journey and to follow the path.  


Real oneness however cannot be taught, it has to be learned, found and understood by each being.  




From one source to another

August 30, 2013

Petra Margolis




www.thesphinxspeaks.org www.ascendedmasters.org

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...there is a tremendous transition going on as we are all very aware of it right now...Your love and light have been instrumental in transforming a planet swamped in darkness... you have ( faced many ) trials and tribulations during this incarnation...we must leave behind our old programming based on separation and fear...Many blessings to you all and my love goes out to you within the words of this message...



Beloved brothers and sisters, there is a tremendous transition going on as we are all very aware of it right now.


My desire is to express my sincerest and deepest gratitude for all the hard work accomplished so far.


Your love and light have been instrumental in transforming a planet swamped in darkness.


I have much love for all, as I have faced,  as you have,  my very own trials and tribulations during this incarnation.


Always remember...


... we are all one.


This is very important going forward as we must leave behind our old programming based on separation and fear.


Deep down we are all the same, beautiful sparks of the creator.


Magnificent light beings perfect as we are.


The days ahead brings the promise of a new day.


The love of our Divine God father and God mother is here to stay forever...not to mention all the love from all the beings of light in other realms.


Let’s continue to fill up our hearts with the love of the creator and share that love with the world.


Many blessings to you all and my love goes out to you within the words of this message.


Love is oneness always.




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By controlling the light you are creating within, darkness appears to illuminate what you are controlling...There is a joint effort to bring to truth what has been hidden, but sometimes the truth cannot be found unless it is illuminated by the darkness that surrounds the light...When you try to control the energy around you with the light you create you are controlling what is the natural flow within all that is and has been created in the past, as well as the present and the future...The world that is already around you has yet to be discovered in the darkness beyond the timeless space of many dimensions that are now melting together as one...Unity is found within all that exists no matter if it is a high or low frequency



The sphinx speaks controlling the light  


By controlling the light you are creating within, darkness appears to illuminate what you are controlling.  


Light is something that many see as perfection of who they are, yet perfection is not the light created within that is controlled through the human mind.  


When you allow a natural flow of energy to become controlled by light the darkness that is one and the same but not acknowledged will show itself within each and every one that created that light.  




There is a joint effort to bring to truth what has been hidden, but sometimes the truth cannot be found unless it is illuminated by the darkness that surrounds the light.  


Many times a being that creates light will fall for the light and see light as more important than what is in reality truth within the soul.  


To see the heart the darkness is illuminated with light that creates the ability to see in the dark, but the light is not what is there to see, it is the darkness that holds the truth within it, only to be seen when illuminated by the light.  


To see within your heart you need to create a light, as the truth within is not readily available; sometimes the light that is created to see within the darkness of the heart becomes more important than what is within the heart itself.  


When the light becomes more important than truth you have relinquished your power to what is in reality only your own creation or experience of light.  


When you try to control the energy around you with the light you create you are controlling what is the natural flow within all that is and has been created in the past, as well as the present and the future.  






When you are afraid of the dark you will never find the truth that can only be found within a world that goes beyond time and dimensions as this world cannot be changed into what you see as yours to hold and control.  


The world is changing into a world where light is only used to really illuminate the darkness that lies within all that is still unseen through the physical eyes but is yet not clear to the inner eyes.  


The inner eyes can penetrate the darkness just as easy as they penetrate the light that is created to hide the fear of finding yourself within a reality that you cannot control on the human level and sometimes spiritual level.  


The world that is already around you has yet to be discovered in the darkness beyond the timeless space of many dimensions that are now melting together as one.  




Spaces in time and light are where this new world that you so anxiously seek is hidden beneath the light that you have created to be able to see with only the human eyes.  


All the emotions that have made you create the light to ignore the fear of darkness within are becoming null and void at times where you are being confronted within this reality and beyond. The love that you think you have found within the light is only there to find your way through the real dark night of the soul. The energies that contain love are not yet fully functional as you are controlling the light that you yourself have created within.  


The heart that you have filled with your creation of love and light is just another corridor that has been closed by your control of the love and light created through the human mind, not the soul.  


Your universes and galaxies are the expression of the darkness and light that have become one unity moving in unity as they flow at their own pace without the control of anyone besides their own.  


The new energies that are now arriving are the ones that can bring unity within each being as they allow their fear of the darkness that they control by creating light be relinquished to the flow of perfect harmony through unity of the darkness and the light to become one.  


From that space of being within,  you can see the unity that is neither dark nor light but just is. The control that is being used to contain the flow of unity within is expressed through controlling the unity outside.  


The free flow is being controlled by the human mind as the human finds ways to control their own creation of light and to exert this control upon others.  


We see how many are now showing their true darkness of truth that is illuminated by their own light created to become the higher without being comfortable within the lower frequencies.  


Unity is found within all that exists no matter if it is a high or low frequency, no matter of you see it as dark or light, love or hate.  



Unity can only exist when it is all one.      



From one source to another

August 23, 2013

Petra Margolis


www.thesphinxspeaks.org www.ascendedmasters.org




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Australian Government charged with Treason...The prosecution was brought against Rudd and Abbott as well as the Australian Electoral Commission by Brian Shaw after the Oath of Allegiance and reference to the British Crown were removed from Australian laws...He also alleges that all birth certificates in Australia are turned into Bonds ( Birth Certificate ARE copied and sent to The Vatican - Where YOU ARE worth $$$ - "Bonds" issued in return from Vatican Bank ) which are traded on the global stock market, a form of Human Trafficking according to the affidavit.....And so The Dominoes' Continue to Fall







Submitted by admin on Mon, 08/05/2013 - 01:27           


High ranking members of the Australian Government including Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott are facing charges of treason in the Australian Federal Court.


The prosecution was brought against Rudd and Abbott as well as the Australian Electoral Commission by Brian Shaw after the Oath of Allegiance and reference to the British Crown were removed from Australian laws.




"Mr Kevin Rudd did have actual knowledge of the fact that the Crown and Monarch had been removed without any referendum whatsoever and that Julia Gillard and others had been charged [with treason]."


"The defendant (John Howard) within the Commonwealth of Australia during the period 1st January 2004 up to and inclusive of the present date did commit the offence of Common Law Treason..."


Mr Shaw alleges senior Australian Politicians and Judges committed or concealed treason, particularly related to the removal of reference to the Monarch in Western Australia.





He also alleges that all birth certificates in Australia are turned into Bonds which are traded on the global stock market, a form of Human Trafficking according to the affidavit.


 See more at: http://dnews.co.nz/node/26#sthash.Eq8jUF4r.dpuf










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As Mother Earth now has begun to find her balance and remembered how to breathe then she is able to provide the stability required of the host planet...As you release and let go of the 3d earth paradigms and the frequencies that have kept you chained to the lower dimensional timelines then you gain access to these new higher dimensional timelines and realities...you are...physically adjusting to being in a new vibrational space...This may be reflected in your outer waking reality as others becoming more supportive.... or moving from you. There will no longer be any middle ground as the frequency ranges are now too far apart to accommodate this...(there are) astrological alignments that are due to take place in your waking reality and we draw your attention to the sacred geometrical shape of METATRONS CUBE...



Beloved ones we are here with you as you now move into position in order to walk through the gateways that are now opening, these gateways are the dimensional timelines that are accessible through the UNIVERSE of 3 in TRUTH. As Mother Earth now has begun to find her balance and remembered how to breathe then she is able to provide the stability required of the host planet. This stability will see that which is often termed "Impossible" begin to unfold around you and through you. For you are VAST BEings of LIGHT.

As you release and let go of the 3d earth paradigms and the frequencies that have kept you chained to the lower dimensional timelines then you gain access to these new higher dimensional timelines and realities. We guide for clarity that this has never been attempted before in your human physical form in your waking reality. Many of you may be experiencing various physical symptoms and we guide for you to allow all to flow. Do not allow the logical human mind to try to teach that you are ill or that all is not well, you are merely physically adjusting to being in a new vibrational space.

The connections to those around you will now intensify and it is vital that you begin to find balance and to detach from the lower dimensional timelines fully. This may provoke many reactions from those around you who are unaware of the vibrational changes that are now anchoring upon and within Mother Earth, trying to re-adjust to their lower energetic signatures is of no servitude for this will prolong the "leaving" process that many of you are now entering. The walk through the new dimensional timeline doorways at all times is guided by your SOUL. Some of you may go into various different dimensional timelines that overlap briefly with what is dissolving. This is to ensure the smooth "TRANSITION" from one reality to another, this is needed at a human conscious waking mind level so as to cause as little discomfort to the human vehicle as possible. This may be reflected in your outer waking reality as others becoming more supportive or moving from you. There will no longer be any middle ground as the frequency ranges are now too far apart to accommodate this.


For those of you who are on accelerated ascension timelines in order to further help from within the human race you will now find the expansion of ALL to be of benefit. Viewing the world as the frequency and vibration that it is in TRUTH will allow you to circumvent many of the holding patterns that are available as a respite from the acceleration. Let us confirm this further for you at this time. There are many different 3d overlays that are created at this point, all 3d overlays work to serve those around you and not you necessarily. This is to allow for the flow of those who are here to serve at higher levels to move into place. So very human scenarios are created around them in order to allow them to be in certain places at certain times. We wish for ALL to become more mindful at human conscious waking mind level of the 3d overlays in order to help them make sense of all that now unfolds around them and through them.

ALL is in TRANSITION at this point, there are no "final" resting points to be established until transition fully to the new earth and the chosen dimensional timeline has been reached. This may show as chaos or upheaval and we guide for you to find and maintain balance as much as possible, viewing everything beyond the human experience is the key to working with these energies.

At a human society level there will be announcements that can only be made now that Mother Earth has achieved her balance in the UNIVERSE of 3 in TRUTH. The disclosure process will now expand and deepen as ALL now move into place and begin the process that will see the human race reunited with ALL in TRUTH.

We draw your human conscious waking minds to the astrological alignments that are due to take place in your waking reality and we draw your attention to the sacred geometrical shape of METATRONS CUBE. We ask for you to anchor this shape in each energy centre within your human vehicle to allow the unlocking of further coding that you birthed INTO and WITHIN upon incarnation into the human race. These codings will become fully active and "live" over the coming linear days in your waking reality.


We place the coding of 333 within the heart space of ALL at this time and we ask for the cellular memories to be reset to the ORIGINAL BLUEPRINT of the human race. As you work to come into balance you are now preparing to receive the coding that will be unveiled upon the planet by our human emissaries who are being energetically prepared to activate these new codings and blueprint.

All is not as it appears to the naked human eye upon planet earth and we guide that you are now in the process that will see you understand your origins and your creation in TRUTH.





We are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM...

....and we walk with you at all times, we have always walked with you and now our human emissaries will begin the work to align heaven on Earth...

... as Earth as in heaven...

... for ALL ARE ONE...

.... and ALL ARE in TRUTH.

Copyright Karen Doonan

all rights reserved


www.crystalline-sanctuary. com

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if author and authors website is clearly stated. No permission is granted to change the format of this article which is written. Freedom will now flow across and within the human race from cellular level outwards.



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