Hydra.Helix's Posts (2)

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It started with spots of indigo light, but now I see bright indigo fractals and sacred geometry at night when I try to sleep. These shapes are accompanied with understandings and wisdom i can't begin to describe in words. I'm also able to see geometric grids overlayed on objects at will.

I can also hear music when the images are the most intense. Sometimes I hear voices, see faces, and once I even saw the after image of a word (sadly, I can't remember the word except that it was 4 letters long and started with an "S")

Other times I feel my frontal lobes vibrating, as though they are numb or asleep, as I enter deeper subconscious states. I also feel head pressure in between the brows, on the crown, and in the back notch of my skull. I've also noticed I can see auras more clearly, as well as my room while my eyes are closed. I can even see studs in the walls.

What kinds of symptoms have you been experiencing? Do you see the geometry too?


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Do you ever miss being asleep?

Don't get me wrong, I will continue to seek enlightenment all my life, but do you ever miss the times when everything seemed simple?

In this increasingly complex world, I feel unable to connect to anyone these days. I feel disconnected and adrift. I feel peace, but I also feel incredibly alone. I feel unable to recognize when others care about me. It sometimes feels like I'm not even here anymore.

I'm glad the changes are occurring, but it's difficult not to feel depressed and insecure. Past traumas I thought I had dealt with keep rising to the surface. Does anyone else feel this way?

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