His Twin Flame's Posts (2)

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Day of Rest - A Message from Archangel Michael/Ashtar Sheran

(as received by Ariel DeAngelis on December 3, 2011)

You may had heard of the flood that has come to Mother Earth; a deluge so far and wide that none will be left unaffected by its swath. And yet in its wake will be left Joy and Abundance for All. This flood is not a flood made of waters resultant from the pole shift that so many are still predicting, and which because of the timeline we now inhabit, will not happen. Instead, a shift in consciousness has happened and the resultant deluge is, in fact, a flood of Conscious Awareness; a knowingness that the illusion which the citizens of Earth have been so deeply steeped in has come to an end.

The creators of this illusion however are still caught up in their own creation, believing that their tactics are keeping the population at large in a state of fear. And while some indeed still are [in as state of fear], many more are not, and one by one are assisting those who still fear to awaken to the truth that the chains they thought controlled them were no chains at all but for what they imagined them to be as such deep within their minds. What is called for here is to allow the mind to wander out of the head and into the heart where the subsequent connection will break the illusion. Break the illusion, and break the chains. Break the chains and all control by those who hoped to hold it unjustly is also broken. The result is total freedom regained; the return of your authority over yourselves.

Even now in certain parts of the world, certain ordinances have been “said” to have been put in place; the reporting of such by main stream media and innocents who are innocently spreading this “news” in the guise of a warning as to what one might expect to have happen to them should they set up résistance, are intended to keep you in fear. In reality they are but a ruse, a façade, an illusion created by the masters of illusion, once again with the intension of keeping you in fear, keeping you controlled, keeping you in chains. Many of you already know however that the only ones the alleged “controllers” are fooling are themselves. This is how far and wide the flood of Conscious Awareness has spread; it covers the entire globe. For those who have awakened to this truth, who have broken through the illusion, broken the chains of perceived control, you now ride on the surface closest to where the veil is thinnest. More follow you as one by one they break free and float upward. Some remain still entangled in the illusion they created, chained far from the light, which although has always resided within them, is still covered over by the illusion.

When we receive fully the Light that resides within us, we receive warmth and comfort into our lives; Love and Compassion now reside within the Human Heart. In your Northern hemisphere, many are now suffering through bitter cold. Some undertake this suffering willingly in an effort to spread the Light and warmth of Love and Compassion there, dispelling the last of the perceived darkness and fear from the lives of many. These Lightworkers often go unnoticed and so seemingly does their work, because there is no physical “proof” of what they have accomplished, and yet what they have accomplished in raising vibration alone reaches out far, to vast distances around them, piercing the darkness with Bright Radiant Light that permeates all receptive hearts with warmth and comfort, Faith and trust. Each of these Lightworkers labors diligently “round the clock” and yet not a one of them is ever alone in their endeavors; each being assisted by an “army of Angels” sent here to assist as much as possible. Some are incarnate on Earth as Earth Humans where they can have the highest impact on the “physical world”, and some work within the higher dimensions affecting energetic vibrations as they come to Mother Earth in order to optimize and maximize the anticipated positive outcome. We each have our roles we play in this great production, even and especially YOU. And perhaps you are wondering “What could I, one person, possibly do that would make a difference; a positive change toward breaking the bonds of this illusion?” The answer is simple though will require due diligence in its execution:

Just Stop!!


Stop and rest for one day. It may only take one day to make a difference, if every man, woman and child just stopped for 24 hours. If upon stopping you find that you like the feeling of total repose, you may decide to “just stop” for 2 or 3 or more days. And if so, so much the better!

In fact, Thursday, December 8, 2011 sounds like a good day to begin a long, long weekend. (smile)

Better yet, take a week’s worth of days of rest and see how easy it becomes to refuse to go back to the old way of doing things. See how easy it becomes to refuse to continue in the illusion.

On you day(s) of rest do not do anything except rest and relax; sleep 12 hours if you like. Don’t go to “work”; don’t go shopping; don’t bathe; don’t get dressed; don’t even eat unless you want to. Do ONLY what YOU really want to do- any activity of leisure and relaxation that doesn’t require that you “go somewhere else” in order to carry it out. Stay at home if you have one, or simply stay in one place if you can. Those of you with homes can make this easier on those without by opening your hearts and your homes to them as you feel comfortable and learn to key into the intuitive guidance of your Higher Selves.

Imagine how the illusion will crack and break apart, disintegrating once and for all if the whole world simply stops!! Stop playing the game; stop paying into a failing system with illusory moneys that the system does not even recognize as legal tender itself anymore; stop paying attention to fear tactics which are as illusory as the moneys which were used to “build” them in the first place. Stop playing into the hands of those who would attempt to control you.

And while you are stopped, begin again to make that all-important connection to Heart and to Love, for once you are again connected to your hearts you re-member your connection to one another, and how, through Love, the interconnectedness of All That Is can again take precedence in your Unified Consciousness, and you will re-member and know how it is that what affects One, also affects All, and vice versa.

Also while you are stopped , and all the walls of illusion that have been built around you come crashing down, do not fear, do not be afraid, for this is to be expected, and I want to assure you that all your extended Galactic Family, your Brothers and Sisters of the Galactic Federation of Light and Ashtar Command are standing at the ready, waiting in the wings, to rush in and assist you in this grand transition from fear to Love. We have waited a long time for this, but it will take each and every one of you who can, and your realization of your own self-worth, Love of self, and Love for each other to start that final stumbling block to tumble out from under, allowing the whole infrastructure of the illusion to crumble once and for all.

I implore each and every one of you who read and/or listen to this message to spread it far and wide, even in your own words if you feel it will have bigger impact. Let it spread like a wildfire out of control so that it reaches as far as it can, and the highest number of Earth citizens as possible can take action to effect this change for the better! Do not fear retribution, for that is nothing but a lie, a figment of imagination. Remember that where many stand together the resultant masses cannot fall. All for One and One for All.

So Stop!! Take a day off; a Day of Rest. Take many days of rest! The Source of All That Is knows that you deserve it!

I Am Archangel Michael, incarnate as Ashtar Sheran - Know that your day of deliverance to freedom is close at hand.

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Listen With Your Hearts”
A Message From (the REAL) Ashtar Sheran
(received by Ariel DeAngelis, October 25, 2010)

Dear Beloved People of Earth!

I come to you in this great time of Joy and Light to bring you an important message, one that you are waiting to hear about an important time in your history coming up. So many of you have worked so hard to get to this moment, this moment of paramount importance. This is the linchpin, the cornerstone, the foundation of what is to come and culmination of many years of toil spreading Love and Light in order to dispel the darkness.

Many of you are looking forward to, and in fact more than likely expecting some sort of grandiose announcement that will set the world on its ear. Well, an announcement of such magnitude is long overdue even and especially by our standards. You also know that everything must happen in its own time. Many have awakened and are in the process of awakening to this idea of Unconditional Love as being the New Way, though many still have yet to begin the awakening process. Those of you who are the Lightworkers, the Wayshowers are doing a superb job of bringing understanding and enlightenment to your brothers and sisters and it is important at this time to commend all your efforts! Congratulations on a job well done! Keep up the good work!

In light of the announcement that is quickening and on its way, we of the Galactic Federation and Ashtar Command feel the need to bring to your attention information which some of you might not be aware of, and that is quite simply that you are not alone. Yes, you are quite right, you’ve known that for some time now, that you indeed are not alone in the Universe, but as you have Brothers and Sisters out here amongst us with the Federation outside of Earth’s atmosphere, in orbit around Earth and far out in the reaches of your solar system, so do you too have Galactic Brothers and Sisters there in amongst your ranks on Earth’s surface, living out a day to day existence just as you yourselves do. They come in many forms; some have been born into and live out their lives in Earth Human bodies in ways nearly identical to your own. You are aware of this; many of you who are Lightworkers and Wayshowers have opted to come to Earth at this time to be born into Human bodies so that you might assist those follow behind in the awakening process.

Also, and it is necessary for you to know this now, there are those of your Galactic Brothers and Sisters who were born and have lived elsewhere other than Earth all their lives, who are living amongst you as we speak. They have been arriving a few at a time over the last two years effectively so that when the time was right they would already be in place to help usher in the beginning of the new era after what you refer to as “disclosure” has taken place. We use the term “disclosure” loosely as you well know that disclosure it will be none of the sort given the number of Earth Citizens who already have at least an inkling of what has been going on in recent decades. It is really more a matter of formality. We have, as we are sure you have been wondering for some time who your Earth governments think they are kidding – especially that of the United States of America – by withholding this information from you.

Many who still may live in doubt and fear can have their fears be greatly assuaged by you who have gone before them, and by your Galactic Brethren, both native and foreign, who live amongst you. Naturally we have anticipated your possible nervousness at learning that “off-worlders” walk amongst you. It is only natural given your conditioning over millennia that you fear the unknown. But let me bring to your attention that you have nothing to fear by asking you; if you discovered that your loved one who you had always known to speak perfectly in your native tongue, had in fact been born and raised in a country far away from the one you were raised in yourself, would you love them any less? How about your neighbor – if you found out that the person you’d invited to your home for backyard barbecue on numerous occasions was from a foreign country even though they first presented to you with no discernable accent, and had not had the opportunity to share that information with you, would you think any less of them? It is the same with your Galactic Brothers and Sisters – you have been interacting with them all along and have formed beautiful friendships, and yes, even intimate relationships with them and you have loved them and they have loved you! Will you chance to love them all the same when you discover their true nature? How about when you discover your own true nature? For this I tell you and I mean it in all seriousness that we are All Children of the Stars.

For the most part your Brothers and Sisters have not yet revealed themselves, except for those of you who were born into Earth Human bodies and have lived out the extent of your lives to date on Earth; you have been sharing amongst yourselves of your true nature, and most are accepting of it embracing it for the beautiful thing that it is. Those of your Brothers and Sisters who were not born on Earth have also begun to reveal themselves – yes you’ve seen it; in a furtive glance, and chance meeting and an open smile which incites a wonderful feeling of warmth and love inside of you that you cannot fathom where it came from. This is Love! This is the feeling that sets all others apart. This is how you can tell that you are in the presence of the Everlasting and Unconditional Love that is so endemic of the Galactic Way of Life. It is the One Commonality that we All hold to, and the One thing that holds us All and Everything together. When speaking of Adamantine Particles and the Gravity of Spirit which holds Everything together much the way that Physical Gravity holds you to your Earth, Love is the Key! Love is the Light, the Truth and the Way. So be conscious of the fact that when you see that stranger looking at you from across the room, or across the street and they smile at you, and you feel that wonderful glow inside of you, dead-center of your chest, right where your Heart Chakra is, know then that you have just made contact with one of your Galactic Brethren, AND THEY have recognized YOU. No words are necessary. You will find these instances of recognition happening more and more in the days to come. Welcome the experience with open arms and open hearts, for this heralds the beginning of a whole new era for Earth and Her Inhabitants.

In the days to come it will become obvious to you that no announcements will be needed to tell you of impending events. The Love feeling inside each and every one of you will tell you everything you need to know about exactly when we are about to reveal ourselves. Yes, there may be some preliminary and very late announcement made at the last moment by those in your governments who realize that they are at the point of no return and that revelation of the existence of Extraterrestrial and Extradimensional Life and Civilizations will happen. Some of you have been having a feeling of anticipation that something HUGE and WONDERFUL is about to happen, and you are very correct. And perhaps the rest of you believe that we are being inconsiderate and perhaps a bit deceitful even, for keeping the exact date of our “unveiling” a secret, but keep in mind that there is a reason for everything, and everything happens for a reason, and it is VERY important for the success and prosperity of All that you LISTEN WITH YOUR HEARTS in the days to come. If it doesn’t ring true deep within you, then it probably isn’t.

I AM Ashtar Sheran, and I so look forward to the day when we can All meet face to face and share Joy and Peace in Eternal and Unconditional Love. Blessings to you All!!
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