FreerSpirit's Posts (6)

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8109127860?profile=originalMarch 27, 2014

Message from Peter:

Dear starseeds, bringers of light, lightworkers, light warriors, angelic humans, or however you choose to identify yourselves, this is Peter, your Pleiadian brother of light and affiliate of the Pleiadian Council of Light. I come to you now with this message of awareness, for some of you are finding yourselves feeling deceived or confused by the energies at play.

Be fully aware, now, dear ones, that ALL of the energies are very busily working their agendas. Dark. Light. A multitude of shades in between.

Yes, you are currently on a planet that engages both light and dark and all the shades in between, and, yes, as incarnated human beings, it has been your agreement to accept the challenges of being both, experiencing both, in order to know and understand duality and polarity. But remember who you are, dear ones. You incarnated on Earth at this time to help Gaia (Mother Earth) raise her vibrations. You are there to ground your light bodies (via your physical bodies) on and into her surface to help her raise and maintain her higher vibration. In order to do this, you must keep your own personal vibrations clean, clear and high.

We have talked about self love. We have talked about unconditional love. Today we must talk about wisdom, discernment and self protection.

First, you must understand that when we say ALL of the energies are at play, we mean ALL of them. You have true light energies working overtime, no doubt. You also have tons of dark and shady energies and entities at play, as well, and MANY of them are masquerading as light. Dark is dark, and we trust that you know the difference quite readily by now, but understand that there is a lot of dark out there posing as light, trying to convince you that Gaia has ascended and all is light and bright and safe and cheery on your planet. They tell you that the “cabal” or “powers that were” are in check. Then they tell you they are the new leaders of the planet and the “New Age.” Be wary, dear ones. Especially of those channels who continue to string you along regarding financial system and technology upgrades and keep saying “soon,” “soon,” for years and years on end. Be wary of those raising your hopes and vibration simply to harness your energy to keep themselves energized. Have you been feeling sleepy or exhausted lately, even though you feel optimistic? Only to be reassured that it’s simply “the energies” and “upgrades” that have you feeling lethargic? Oh, it’s “the energies,” alright, but it is not the solar flares and cosmic energies they refer to;  by “the energies,” they are referring to themselves. These dark and shady ones are definitely recharging their batteries off of your light.

You need to be fully aware of the duality and polarity that you are steeped in, dear ones. Understand that there will be no leaders or gods or deities of the Age of Aquarius, for this age is about oneness, not hierarchical systems and Pyramid schemes. It is about full equality and unconditional love.

The dark is still trying to control this new era with their layer upon layer upon layer of deception. False flag operations. Mind control and programming operations. They have even bought those who were once working for the light with wonderful gifts, such as “bestselling books” on the NY Times bestseller list. Huge web presence, including “alternative news networks” that shout and scream about conspiracy theories and those dastardly dark ones in charge who plan to disarm you and send you to internment camps. They show you all of their symbols and secrets in order to “expose” the dark and warn you about how powerful they are.

The truth is, the dark does not care whether their games (New Age or Conspiracy Theory) raises or lowers your vibration. They just want your full attention. They want to occupy your mind. For, if they occupy your mind, you will never find your heart and true soul power.

There is a theory out there that your pineal gland and chakras are “implants” for which the dark can manipulate you, and that is just what they are doing through their fake “New Age” religions.

Dear ones, as we discussed before in my very first message, YOU, the human race, created yourselves. You wired yourselves with 12 strands of DNA, and each one represents one of each of the 12 master races of the Multiverse. Consider this DNA your database. It is encoded with all of the wisdom and knowledge of the master races of the Multiverse. Your pineal gland is your hard drive, basically. If you want to call it an implant (planted there by yourselves) then so be it. It is up to YOU to protect it from malware, spyware and viruses. This requires maintenance and security checks and firewalls and anti-virus protection. Basically, you need to be responsible for what you allow in and with what energies you engage or entertain. And, no, we are not talking about your PCs and Macs. We are talking about your pineal gland and your chakras (which can be considered your browsers that connect you to all the energies outside of yourself). Remember who you are, and that YOU are ALL YOU NEED. Build your firewalls of light and surround yourself with an anti-viral mirrored sphere that deflects all incoming dark energies. That is how you avoid manipulation. Activate your pineal gland. Once it is activated, your pineal gland can no longer be manipulated, as long as you protect it and keep it clean.

Regarding wisdom and discernment with those shady energies (a hybrid of dark and light)…

Trust your body. Don’t just interpret information with your mind and ego. This is exactly how the dark manipulates and controls you. Check in with your heart/soul center and higher self. Pay attention to your physical body reactions and responses to the information. Feel a tightening anywhere? Then this information is most definitely created to manipulate and control you. Rely on your feelings and body responses MORE than your ego and mind reactions. This is how you practice discernment. If any information makes you feel uncomfortable, undecided or confused when you examine it through your heart, then it is most likely bogus information. Disengage.

These are exciting times. We understand that. Many of you are still allowing yourselves to be pulled into the drama. Remember who you are. You are not there for the drama. You are not there to engage or entertain it. You are there to ground the light. So clean and clear yourselves often, and bring in more light to ground into the planet that you have committed yourselves to save. Share your light. Spread your light through loving energy with others. Do not make attempts to expose the darkness. Just be aware of them, and work daily to shield and deflect their energies. Do not begin your day without building your safety and security shields. If nothing else, always keep yourselves surrounded with a mirrored sphere and ask your higher self for guidance and assistance with discernment. Do not rely on anyone else to tell you when all is safe and clean and clear. Make that assessment for yourself using your own feelers.

Be fully aware that many once “trusted sources” have fallen into the clutch of the dark by selling out their once clean spiritual agenda for a sudden rise in popularity and success. How can you tell? They suddenly have the money to travel quite extensively to expensive vacation destinations or high-spiritual energy sites around the planet. They ask you to direct your energy toward them while they are there to assist with repairing, healing, empowering or intensifying the energy of these sites. They claim to be experts or the new leaders or are even appointing new spiritual leaders and even going as far as to say they are “taking over for ‘God.’” Some of them are selling products (usually supplements of some type) and operating direct-selling pyramid schemes. They will also claim to be some superior being, ascended master or archangel incarnated as human. They may also even claim to be guided by a once dark entity that has suddenly risen to the light. Also be wary of those who disguise or change their voices or won’t show their faces, and also of those who appear to shapeshift or “morph” into a younger or older looking being while on camera.

Do not entangle yourselves with these shysters. They are exposing themselves with their greed and arrogance. There is no need for you to do anything to further expose the truth about them. True spiritual lightworkers will never position themselves as “leaders” or members of a hierarchical system that is “above you,” dear ones. They will simply share their light and love with you. They will not push products on you or make you follow their “system” or “religion,” if you will. And TRUE light workers will never sell out to the dark for fame and fortune or power.

It is true that some lightworkers will become popular on their own, without selling out to the dark. Many already have, and they have remained dedicated to the light. Many have written books with wonderful guidance for the New Age and the New Earth. And by that, we mean the TRUE New Age – the one that is free flowing and only encourages one thing: unconditional love.

There are many cultures, traditions, philosophies and religions out there. Originally and similarly to the New Age movement, they all taught and encouraged unconditional love, but many were tainted by those with dark agendas and manipulated and used to gain power and control over the masses. Do be aware, dear ones, that this is exactly what is happening now to the once clean and pure, light-inspired New Age movement. There are rumors out there that the New Age was created by the dark. That is not true. The New Age movement, like all the rest, has been TAINTED by the dark. Do not allow your hearts and minds to also fall into this trap of deception and mind control.

Stay clean and pure, starseeds, and reserve your light and energy for those who deserve it. Shield and protect yourselves daily, and be sure that you and only you control who and what occupies your mind, heart and soul.

We surround you and your planet with our love and light, and we wish you well.


© Jen Freer 2014| | Pleaidian Message Series | All rights reserved by the author, Jen Freer, who gives permission for this blog to be shared far and wide as long as a citation is included that links back to the author’s website,

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Pleiadian Message: Go. Be. Awesome!


Message from Jen

Well, it certainly has been an amazing week. I’ve been learning new things by the hour, it seems, and I have felt an uplifting shift in my own vibration. This shift for me has not just come from doing this work with Peter, but also from the many wonderful messages I have received from some of the most kind and loving people I’ve ever encountered. I can also FEEL that the energy of this planet has shifted. Breathing is much easier. Staying in “the now” moment isn’t as challenging as it used to be. The energy in the air feels much lighter and everything looks cleaner, brighter, crisper. Have any of you noticed this as well? I don’t know about you, but I feel relieved and excited by it! We are doing it! We are raising our vibrations! And it feels…awesome!

Last night, just for kicks, I ran a Google search to see how far and wide Peter’s message has spread. I was very impressed by the number of links that were shared! Thank you very much! Peter is quite delighted, as well. I actually found a YouTube video that someone generously made that gives folks a way to listen to Peter’s message. This is another great alternative for those of you who absorb information better by listening rather than reading. Although some of Peter’s passionate emphasis is lost, the information is still being shared.

I was amazed that, while listening to this, I could barely remember writing these words. I remember the general content, but not exact words. This is good news. It tells me that yes, I really AM a focused channel. It tells me that yes, these ARE Peter’s words, not mine. And it tells me that I am most definitely tapping into another dimension of consciousness. And, after reading a little of Barbara Marciniak’s Path of Empowerment: Pleaidian Wisdom for a World in Chaos this morning, I am 100 percent convinced Peter is the real deal. Here is the passage I read this morning that sealed it for me:

As the vibration of the mass consciousness expands and matures, greater momentum and focus will be gained. The Earth feels these changes. An elevated state of awareness in the collective consciousness of humankind triggers the Earth to unlock and release more of the complete story of time stored in her being. When you are willing to know and face personal truths, you contribute to building the frequency of consciousness required to uncover and release the truth of human history.

Wow! This is similar to what Peter has been saying. Although he is focusing more on getting us to raise our vibrations and shed more light onto our planet to pull us up out of the self-deprecating lower vibrations, the end result is the same. As we illuminate ourselves and the planet with our higher vibration, all deception will be exposed, will it not? It seems like it to me. But the beauty of raising our vibrations and shining light is that the uglier parts of the truth won’t bother us so much if we maintain our higher vibration. Sure, we know some horrible shit has gone down. We know we’ve been taken advantage of by the greedy. But we also know that we entered this “experiment” fully aware of what we were participating in and why. Or we SHOULD know that by now. For those of us who are not there yet in this understanding, more inner work needs to be done. We need to get past that “why would I subject myself to this?” stage and accept that we agreed to be here to raise the vibrations, shed the light, expose the truth, and help this planet to evolve and ascend. That is why we are here. As more and more of us realize this, we gain more power. Not just personal power, but collective power. And we are here to help others break out of their shackles, as well.

More and more disclosure (not just about ETs/multidimensional beings, but about how these cabalists have been controlling us through religion, media, public education and more) will help the most stubborn of us awaken and ascend as well. So let’s keep doing it! Let’s rise up out of fear and just keep climbing. We’ve been taught for so long that “love hurts,” but that is SO FAR FROM THE TRUTH. We’ve been taught that love hurts in order to keep us down in lower vibration, where we can be controlled, manipulated and enslaved. When we rise up and love one another and trust one another, WE have all the power and control.

True love doesn’t hurt. Only ego attachment hurts.


Peter’s Message

Greetings loved ones! It is I, Peter, your Pleiadian brother. I have a rather important message for you today. Some of you may be very aware of what I am about to tell you. Some of you may be somewhat aware, but still on the fence about it. Others of you may not know this secret to personal power at all. If you are aware, consider this a reminder, not a nag. If you are not aware, welcome to the truth. Please hop on board and begin this practice immediately.

As you know by now, I am not one to beat around the bush, so I will just get right to the point. Many things you have been taught are purposely completely the opposite of how things actually are. Today I am going to talk to you about manifestation and your power behind it.

Too many of you are still focusing on what you refer to as “the truth” or “reality.” I am going to try to be as gentle in breaking this to you as I can, because I know I can be rather blunt at times, and that this is a sensitive subject since you have been taught to believe that you have no control over anything in your lives – especially things like your government and this ridiculous cabal.

As you know, I am not one to get scientific about this kind of stuff, either, so don’t expect that at all. I am going to keep this as simple as possible.

Too many of you have this attitude of “I will believe it when I see it,” or “Seeing is believing.” This is backwards. Believing must come before the seeing. This is how you manifest. This is how you control your environment. This is how you push change forward on your planet.

Right now there are too many doubters or too many of you sitting on the fence, waiting to “see” in order to “believe.” This is not helping you at all. In fact, this is what keeps things at a stalemate, or “status quo.”

This is why I asked you to step away from your computers. This is why I asked you to “unplug.” This is why I told you to stop checking for proof or information that the bad guys are being captured. Or for disclosure that we, your multidimensional “good guys” are in the skies.

You seem to not trust that you all have the ability to channel your own star families. You seem to not believe that you can all communicate with each other telepathically. You still seem to think that the only “reality” is what you see on your televisions or computer screens. Of course, you have been trained to think and believe this way by the cabalists. They have designed it this way to keep you in duality. As long as you are confused, bewildered, in fear or “lost,” they can continue to manipulate you and control you. But once you unplug, dear ones, and tap into the REAL energy field, you will find that your truth is awaiting you.

Everyone is different. Some may communicate with their star families through feeling and vibration only. Others may be able to hear words and have full conversations. Whatever the case may be, you have these abilities. You just think you don’t. Or think you can’t. Because you have been taught to believe that voices in your head are bad or wrong or “of the devil.” Not true. Unless, of course, the voices are telling you to harm something, someone or yourself. Then there might be some wires crossed.

Now, getting back to the brighter side of the truth and your personal power. Remember that you are all encoded with 12 strands of DNA. You’ve been led to believe that only three of your strands are activated or operational. Nonsense. There is so much power and potential within you right at this very moment that you would be delightfully dangerous to the cabal if you all believed in yourselves and your abilities.

Now, I can already hear the flood of questions. What powers do I have, Peter? How do I access them? What can I do with them? What is my mission? How am I to help? What can I do?

HERE is what you can do. And this is for ALL of you.

With RAISED vibrations (yes, you must achieve THIS first, so don’t try to skip steps) and fully present in “the now” moment (with quieted mind chatter – no thinking, ONLY feeling) you can ALL, at this point, begin tapping into your own truth. You can communicate with your own star families. You can channel. You’ve had this ability for quite some time.

Channeling energy is not always communication. It can come through as creative expression and inspiration as well. Or feeling, even. Please keep that in mind if you are not “hearing” anything and feeling frustrated. Multidimensional beings communicate in a variety of ways. SO, if you suddenly feel inspired to draw or paint, get to it! Your star families just might be communicating with you through this particular expression, and the answer you seek is in the artwork. There are many other ways as well, so pay attention to whatever you feel compelled to do once you’ve attempted to make contact.

With raised vibrations, you unlock more and more of your personal potential. Believe in yourself. Believe in your personal power. How? By loving yourself and others unconditionally. True love brings trust. Trust is key. Once you trust yourself and others, your wonderful gifts begin unwrapping themselves one by one. Your power to heal – yourself AND others. Your power to attract love, kindness, respect, abundance. Your power to communicate without phones or Internet connections. Your power to FEEL instead of think. Your power to pull others out of darkness and despair. Your power to create new, fair, loving governing systems and leadership for your planet. Your power to completely change the energy of your planet. Your power to ascend. Your power to create peace. Peace within you. Peace within your families, your social circles, your work environments, your communities, cities, countries and across your entire planet.

Sound good? It is all yours. Once you believe it. Once you commit to it. Once you walk away from ego and duality.

Stop waiting to see it to believe it. Waiting for it will only prolong it. Being in a state of wait repels everything you wish to “see.” You have to believe it in order to achieve it.

Remember, belief comes FIRST. Believe you can achieve a fifth-dimensional existence by living it NOW. Live in LOVE, with no fear. Just let go. Yes. Let go! Let go of your fears that you will “crash and burn” if you fly too high. Let go of your fears that you will be hurt if you allow yourself to trust and love. Let go of your fears that you will lose others or leave them behind. That is not possible. Remember that love vibes are contagious. And SOMEONE has to lead. Why not you?

Remember who you are. Remember why you incarnated at this special time on this amazing planet. Remember that your ascension depends upon YOUR vibration. Begin loving. Begin trusting. Begin raising your vibrations and living as if you are already fifth- dimensional beings. Begin blazing new trails for others to follow. And most importantly, BELIEVE everything you want and need is already yours or has already happened. Will it into action, and bring it to fruition for yourself, your loved ones, your country, your planet.

I am Peter, your loving Pleaidian brother.

Go. Be. Awesome!


Please feel free to share this far and wide, but please reference and the channel Jen Freer in case anyone has questions for Peter or Jen. Thank you! 



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Pleiadian Message: Bounce, bounce, bounce!


Message from Jen

Wow, wow, WOW!!! I am floored by the overwhelming response from readers all across the Internet to Peter’s “It’s GO Time!” message. Ariel DeAngelis contacted me one day after publication and told me the message had gone viral in less than 24 hours. Amazing! Thanks to all who helped to spread this message far and wide! Peter and I are both feeling the love vibes freely flowing at this very moment!

In her note to me, Ariel also said: “Please know how very deeply appreciated your efforts as a Lightworker are!! We (GFOL and Ashtar Command) are so proud of the awesome job that you and your colleagues are doing!! Keep it up and these raised vibrations will have reached critical mass in a matter of days...and then who knows what wondrous things might follow!!! We feel the change in vibration very distinctly and profoundly! It's wonderful!! Thank you again with all our hearts!”

Keep the love vibes flowing, my friends! You’re doing most excellent work!

Peter has a new message for you all today, so take it away, Peter!

Message from Peter

Congratulations are in order for all of you who worked so hard over the past couple of days to help raise the vibrations on and around your amazing little planet! This is a wave we need to keep going, my dear ones! Doesn’t it feel good to be joyous? Doesn’t it feel good to be loving? We applaud you for your efforts in pulling yourself up out of the doldrums and rising to the occasion. This is not a one-time request, however. This is how it ALWAYS needs to be! It is challenging, is it not? Maybe not for a select few, but we do know that some of you are still struggling. So we want to try to help simplify things -- especially for those who have a hard time unplugging or turning off their minds to “meditate.”

My dear friends, meditation does not need to be so difficult. Let’s break it down to three elements. In order to meditate successfully you must:

  1. Be in love or joy.
  2. Be in “the now” moment.
  3. Stay focused on “the now” moment and allow your vibrations to flow.

I know, I know. You are now going to say, “But HOW do you MEAN, Peter?” Or, as Jen calls me, “Pita!” (I am not a flatbread, Jen.) Oh, I can already sense it. How does Peter know what flatbread is? Do Pleiadians eat flatbread? What DO Pleiadians eat, anyway? Oh, but I digress!

Are you laughing now? You should be. Because that is how we express joy. Do Pleiadians laugh? YES, WE DO!!! We laugh long, loud and often. Why? Because we LOVE life! And loving life is joy and laughter. Which is what you all need to be doing MORE of, my dear loved ones! 

Just as the dark ones feed off your fear, Mother Earth, Gaia, is energized and rejuvenated by your love and laughter. So this is all we are really asking you to do. Focus on the funny. Focus on anything that makes your heart melt. Puppies. Kitties. Bunnies. Children. Whatever it is...yes, even sex! As long as it’s GOOD, healthy, loving sex...the kind that makes your heart sing and keeps your face cracked open in permagrin. Hey, why not? As long as you’re staying focused on the FEELINGS, you’re good. If you’re thinking, “Oh, God, when is this going to END?” then it is most likely not good sex anyway, eh?

Separate the good from the not-so-good and the bad. If there is any thinking going on that doesn’t pertain to the happy-joy-joy you’re supposed to be focusing on, guess what? You’re not doing it right! For example, if you are playing with your kids or your pets, your focus should be right there, and only there, in “the now” moment. Once you’re there and really focused, you will know. Because nothing else exists. And time really flies, too, does it not? What is the saying? Time flies when you’re having fun? Yes. Yes, it does. And this is how you will know you just succeeded in sending out love vibes to Gaia and her people. Good work! That is what we call meditation. Whatever brings you absolute joy! 

Consider this your new job. Go ahead. Call into work joyous! “Sorry, boss, can’t come in today. I’m too joyful to concentrate on anything mundane. Nobody can stop my love train!”

But, seriously, if you MUST still go into work until your new financial system is available...we are sorry.

All kidding aside, though, see if you can somehow maintain it. The love vibes. If you love the work you do, then that is an added bonus! No worries! Keep your spirits up as much as you can. Enjoy whatever you’re doing. This is how you take your power back. If someone or something lowers your vibration, you just focus on your happy-joy-joy know, puppies, kitties, bunnies, children...or maybe it’s music. Maybe you have a favorite song that can help you raise your vibrations again? Listen to it, and bounce right back up. Bounce, bounce, bounce!!! Tell the soggy wet blankets to ride YOUR train for once! After all, you have every right to be joyful if you choose. 

And this is, ultimately, what will get you to 5D. Making the choice to change the channel from drama to comedy. From tragedy to triumph! 

Have you ever noticed that love vibes are contagious? When you see someone smiling, does it not make you smile, too? When you hear laughter, aren’t you curious? Don’t you want in on the fun? How about when someone has a case of the giggles that wont quit? Are you smiling now? Good. Keep it there.

Meditation is simply focus. Focus from the heart. It does not have to be serious or silent in an uncomfortable position chanting “ohhhmmmm.” 

Again, we are just asking for raised, loving vibrations in “the now” moment (no interrupting gloomy thoughts or guilty feelings) as often and frequently as possible. In short, we are asking you to be serious and strict with yourself about being loving and joyful as much as possible. Consider it your new assignment. You must now do what you LOVE. No exceptions. How do you like OUR rules? 

Yes, your mission, should you choose to accept is to be loving and to be HAPPY. We’re serious. It will completely suffocate what is left of the cabal. Now isn’t that WORTH it?

As the hipsters say, “Peace. Out. Duuuude.” As Pleaidians say, our love and light to you, dear ones. And now Jen is saying we should take the sex references out, but we are telling her that she is being a fuddy duddy. And there is just simply no room for fuddy. Or duddy, for that matter. 

Smile! It really IS contagious, dear ones.

Please feel free to share this message far and wide, and please reference in case anyone has questions for Peter or the channel, Jen Freer. Thank you! 

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8108766653?profile=originalThe following is answer I channeled from Peter in response to questions asked by a reader in the comment section of "It's Go Time." I felt his reply could apply to many of us eager to find the same kind of answers, so I have decided to publish it as a blog. Here is Peter's response:

You all have been receiving upgrades in a slow, gentle manner while you sleep. The key to activating them is to activate the light body by moving up out of the lower fear vibrations. You’ll know you’re still in them when you catch yourself judging. Not discerning, but judging. Especially others. You will know when you’re operating from a higher vibration when you can look at EVERYone with love and feel love for everyone and everything. Yes, you will still be able to wisely discern between higher and lower vibrations. Anything that feels as if it is pulling you downward into the lower vibrations again can be rectified by sending love and light to it. Once you are able to stay in the higher vibrations for longer periods of time, you will notice your upgrades assisting you. You should no longer be operating from the head/mind. You must operate from the chest/heart. You must no longer think. You must FEEL. Doing so will fire up those upgrades and enable you to use more of your personal power. Everyone ascends at different rates because many still have lots of lower energies they must clear from their auras and chakras. Once you’re spending more time sending light and love than you are checking for “good news” on the Internet, you will being your ascension. At this point, many of you are still doubting your own abilities as light workers. Dear ones, you ARE the “good news.” You are the ones who accepted this assignment. You are not there on Earth for yourselves. You are there for the planet and everyone on it. You are there to bring the light, share the light and spread the light. Remember who you are and why you are there! It is not about just you. It is about ALL of us. Limit yourselves to one hour of check-in time. The rest of your free time should be spent raising your own vibrations and sharing and spreading the light. If that means you channel or do readings to help heal others, then that is what you do (in addition to your personal meditation and self work). If it means you teach others Yoga or heal people with Reiki energy or any of these things, then that is what you spend more of your time doing. Earth needs healing. Her people need healing. You are there to channel these healing energies. If it means you do it through song and dance or caregiving, then that is how you do it. To revise Gandhi, “Be the LIGHT you wish to see in the world.”

Now, as far as the “ploy by the cabal” goes, could you please expand on that, my brother? We wish to know exactly what you mean by this so we can help clear up any confusion or fear.

If you are speaking of folks like Kerry Cassidy and George Kasavalis who are saying that the GFL is planning to “harvest souls,” we assure you that no soul can be “harvested” (whatever that means) unless it CHOOSES such action. No one will ever be forced by the GFL or Ashtar Command to do anything he or she does not agree to. We are still not sure what “harvesting” means, and we do NOT believe in slavery. That is the very thing we are trying to help free you from, is it not? (If you’re still wondering, yes, it IS what we are going to free you from!)

Jen asked me today about the latest channels who are saying that ships will evacuate people from the planet. I told her, “Yes, in some cases, this may be true. For islanders in the middle of the ocean who have no hope of surviving if a tsunami hits, we will be there to assist. But no one will be forced to join us. If a being chooses to stay on an island in danger, then that is the choice of the soul. Every soul chooses when it wants to exit the body and become a light being again. We honor all of those decisions by each soul/light being. There is no need for sadness in this case. Ultimately, your light being chooses its own experiences and destiny. No light being or soul dies. They simply ‘choose a new model,’ so to speak. The body is a vehicle for the soul to experience life. Much like an automobile. When you’re done with the sports coupe, you may want to try out a sedan or truck. The freedom of choice is yours. And we honor ALL choices. Have no fear. Fear is just ridiculous at this point!”

The way we feel about Kerry and George is that they are not fully or truly remembering who they are or what they agreed to prior to incarnating. Once they ascend, they will remember, and the fear they currently cling to will all be “water under the bridge” as you say.

Now, to recap, no one will be forced to board ships. No souls will be “harvested.” This is not possible. Are there still “bad guys” out there? Yes. But they play in their own space, just as Earth beings have, and they learn their lessons just as you do. Can they come get you? Absolutely not. Are we going to make you promises of a wonderful new world? Yes. But it takes your participation to create it. If you choose not to, then you can stay in the lower vibrations. That is your choice. Look, Earth is not going anywhere. Ascension is energetic vibration. Beings do not need to leave your planet to ascend. Most of you can stay put. Those of you living near temperamental faults, volcanoes and low land near the sea coasts MAY need to evacuate at some point. You can go with us or you can go with your military rescue. Neither are going to harm you. Most of the people who were planning to harm you are now incapacitated. Those who are not yet incapacitated don’t have the power to harm you.

Let’s move away from this fear-based stuff now, shall we? It is time for you, as light workers, light warriors, wayshowers…by whatever name you resonate…to begin the LIGHT WORK. Please, let us commence, so we can begin this ascension process and avoid things like the need for evacuation. It is, after all, up to each and every one of you.

Obama IS of the light, and you will soon understand this to be true once the big secrets are revealed. Do know that NDAA was signed to basically arrest and detain those responsible for 9/11. The latest bill signed that gives Obama absolute power is for you protection against things like losing your property (if the government owns it and Obama has the power to administer a financial “reset,” then no lender can fight this, and your property will remain yours). He knows what he is doing. Try to see the brighter side of things once in a while. As I said before, you ARE, after all, LIGHT workers. Are you not?

Let’s go to work. All our love to you, always, with absolutely no ill intentions. Your brother, Peter.

PS: In answer to ... which areas to focus, Peter says: Do not what you feel you are best at, but that which brings you the most JOY. ;)

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Pleaidian Message: It's GO Time!

8108767497?profile=originalI channeled this message from my star brother Peter, of the Pleiadian Ring of 500 on Sunday, April 1, 2012. Please share far and wide and reference in case anyone has questions for the channel (Jen Freer) that can be directed to Peter for further insight. Thank you! Peace, love and light to all!

Greetings and hello to all our Earth being family members! This is Peter, once again, from the Pleidian Ring of 500, and my crew and I are orbiting your planet, serving as intel for the Pleiadian Council of Light, The Galactic Federation of Light, and Ashtar Command. What we do, in a nutshell, is a lot of “real-time research,” if you will. Basically we intercept all kinds of information from various satellites (yes, especially the “top secret” kind, which we decode and decipher for our allies in the skies. Our ship crew is made up of a diverse group. We’re not all Pleiadians. We have Sirians, Arcturians and Andromedans aboard as well.

We group together in small teams, and we work together in various categories. For example, my small group works on the political scene. I cover what is going on in the U.S. while others in my group focus on other countries. We do conduct our investigations on our assigned country, and then come together to update one another and cross reference any suspicious movements. Then we gather with the larger group and discuss our findings with those who are strictly monitoring your global finance sectors, military sectors and other things such as healthcare, media, and natural resources.

We keep our eye on what you have been referring to as the cabalists, New World Order, old regime, Bilderburgers, Skull and Bones Secret Society, mafia and more. The good news about these groups, which many of you already know, is that they are pretty much incapacitated at this point. Our ground crew (special ops teams) is taking care of them quite nicely. Arrests are being made. April should shape up as a fairly productive month for all of you, and we do mean on a global scale.

The cabalists are fighting amongst themselves, turning on one another, and cutting each other off financially. One prime example is JP Morgan closing the financial door  on the Vatican. It is quite amusing to watch from here. We get a good chuckle now and then as we observe these antics. Not that any of what they have done to you is a laughing matter, of course, but what they are currently doing to each other in their fear and panic is very entertaining. We hope you can find a way to laugh at all of it as well, because the higher vibrations from all of you are very, very necessary at this time.

Do know that NO ONE will suffer from the consequences. A new financial system is already in place. It is NOT the BRICS one you are reading about. There is a higher evolved group that has put this one together. They are based in Switzerland at the moment. NO ONE knows about them. Not even Ben Fulford. So don’t worry about whether his system will work or any of the others that are being talked about on this site or that site. Forget the chatter. All those folks are still operating from ego. Yes, they DO have inside information. Yes, most of it IS correct. But the final solution is still extremely top secret. It will be unveiled soon…after all governing houses are thoroughly cleaned.

For those of you hanging on Ben Fulford’s word about everything, please stop and think about it. Why would a group of nations who still have cabalist minions working for them be told of ANY new financial system? This is not to discredit Ben in any way. He does great work. He has been monumental in this shift. And his information about countries/nations in alliance with one another and supporting the BRICS new financial system is not incorrect. They are doing that. They are working on it. But their “solutions” are still very 3D and set in the old ways. Don’t waste any of your energy thinking about it or worrying about it. Think of it as a “decoy.” It’s not the real plan.

Now, recently, Archangel Michael has been channeled by two different reliable sources – his twin flame Ariel DeAngelis and Ron Head – as Ashtar Sheran of the Ashtar Command telling you that their restrictions for helping the people of Earth have been lifted and all systems for both Ashtar Command and Galactic Federation of Light are GO. And that is what is happening now. Ground crews are on the move, making  arrests and containing military movement in all countries.  Do NOT worry about things you have been reading from your still corrupt media such as “Martial Law.”

In the U.S., recent acts and bills signed by President Obama have NOT been put in place to detain or confine the American people. This “lockdown” has been put in place basically to detain/confine the cabalists in that country. You have been told by others that the American military will not turn on its own people. That is true. Unless, of course, you are somehow affiliated with the cabalists and assisting them in any manner. If you are, then you will be rounded up and sent to the very camps you created to hold American citizens.

Everyone who assisted in the attacks of the World Trade Center in New York City on September 11, 2001 will be rounded up as well. You have not gotten away with anything. Even though years have passed, enough evidence against you has been gathered, and you will not escape your consequences for this heinous, murderous crime, not only against your own people, but against many foreign representatives who died in that tragedy as well. That was no small operation by any means. MANY people were involved in that plot. And all of it was about MONEY. Gold that was being stored in the basement of one of the towers. MANY security personnel guarding that gold died that day. The planes hitting the other towers were just a distraction from what was really going on.

Gold and money have been the main source of all dastardly deeds on your planet. Wars have never truly been about religion. They have always been about money, which, on your planet, is what gives a false sense of power and control. So we say to you, again, THINK ABOUT IT. Why should anyone with this false mindset have the power to create a new financial system? It won’t work. You will only have more of the same. Until the mindset shifts into a more evolved consciousness regarding the true nature of abundance, and what abundance really IS…then you will only have more of the same.

We ask you now…all of you who are reading…to envision a world where all resources flow graciously, to everyone, FOR everyone…without lack. Imagine there IS no money. Everything you want and need is yours, and it is plentiful. The sky is the limit. No one is hoarding anything. There is no need to hoard. Everyone shares. Everyone helps one another by sharing talents and skills. No one needs to be paid for their services. Because love is the most valuable energy exchange. What does that look like to you? Utopia? Just know that this is possible. WITHOUT “money.” But it is up to all of you to reach that vibration. Just because the cabalists are being rounded up does not mean the end of your problems. It means less fear, of course. Which helps lift your vibrations. But it is only one small step. A new financial system that is fair will help a little. But it is still not the end of your problems. It is only a bandage. Without healing ointment. You vibration is the ointment. Raising your vibrations is what will heal your planet. And there is no reason you can’t start now. Because money isn’t going to solve your problems. We know it is one way to assist in raising your vibrations. But, as the old saying goes, money cannot buy happiness. It only buys material things. Materialism will not help you evolve. Materialism is a 3D habit. “Stuff” does not buy you happiness. Of course, it is important to be comfortable. It is important to not live in a fear-based world. And we know that, right now, money brings food, shelter, warmth and comfort. And having money will allow you to focus on other things. The more important things in life. Like LIVING. Traveling. Socializing. Meeting people of other cultures. Exploring other cultures. Finding your roots. Remembering who you ARE. WHY you exist. THESE are the important things. And this is how you step out of your boxes – your comfort zones – to discover that you – that WE – are all ONE.

We’re willing to wager that most of you have not taken the opportunity to swim with dolphins or get up close and personal with a primate. We’re willing to bet that the majority of you have not been to more than two other countries than the one you live in now. And we know the reason. Lack of money. Because, right now, in your world, EVERYTHING that should be free costs way more money than the majority of you can afford.

So what if the sky really WAS the limit? What if you really COULD just pick up and head to a tropical seacoast to swim with dolphins on a whim? Or, better yet, what if you could do it without having to pay a dime? Would you do it? Would you visit the places you’ve always wanted to see but never had time or money to do it? Would you try all the things you always wanted to try but could never afford? What if you could build the house of your dreams in your favorite location without signing your life away into slavery to pay the mortgage?

We’re telling you now that ALL of these things and MORE are possible. With NO LIMITS. All you have to do is raise your vibrations. Rise ABOVE it. Stop sitting around reading blog after blog about cabalist and unleash your energy to the Universe. We need your love vibes. It is now safe for you to raise you vibrations and send them out and around your planet. Stop waiting to see if the bad guys have been captured yet. Stop waiting for a new financial system. Those things are in the works, and they are inevitable, but we need YOUR vibrations to help it all come about faster. We need you to be joyful and grateful that you are FREE. Because you really are. Once you raise your vibrations, you ARE free. Once you live in light without fear…you are free. But it is up to YOU to begin doing that…without conditions.

Forget the news. Forget the channels. Just push on up and out. Unchain yourselves from your laptops and mobile devices and go LIVE. Be FREE. THAT is what we need YOU to do. You can check in any time once you raise your vibrations. And you don’t need a laptop or smartphone to do it, either. Just FEEL the air. Tap in, and you will know. You should already be able to feel progress right now. But you don’t need to read about it. You have the power to check in at any time by just stopping to relax, breathe, center into your heart chakra and FEEL what is going on.

We need you to stop taking the shortcuts. We need you to channel your energies into the planet now. Plug into a NEW source. Unity consciousness. We need you to all work together WITHOUT your computers. WITHOUT the Internet. You can do this. You have the tools. You have the skills. You no longer need your training wheels. If more of you begin this practice, you will begin to lift one another higher and higher with your love vibrations. If you all took the time you spend surfing the Internet and reading article after article (that only LOWERS your vibrations) and put it into meditative time, we could definitely reach our goals – and yours – much MUCH faster.

Please consider it. We are depending on you to begin doing ACTUAL LIGHT WORK.

Go into meditation. Find your happy place. Focus on it as LONG as you can, then send the high loving vibrations out around the planet. Imagine the light you’re sending out is enough to surround and embrace the whole planet. Send gold and green healing light. Send pink loving light. Send whatever color light you feel is necessary.  FEEL. Don’t think. Just FEEL. Love. And send.

Thank you! We love you! And we continue to send you love and light as well. Let’s get this planet rockin’ with love vibes. We know you can do it. It is, after all, why you signed up for this gig. Tell your friends. Tell your neighbors. Spread the love. Spread the light.

Peace, love and light to you all. I am Peter, your star brother from the Pleiadian Ring of 500. Nemaste.

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Original blog link

The original message from Peter came through on February 28, 2012, but I was hesitant to share it until I saw a video this morning that proposed something similar. After further discussion with my Pleiadian brother Peter, I agreed to record his telepathic message on the subject. Although this message leans more toward Americans, I do think it can be applied globally.

Hello, Jen, it is I, Peter, your Pleiadian brother from The Ring of 500, Affiliates of the Pleiadian Council of Light. We are so pleased to hear from you how many people have delighted in our first message through you. We thank you and your friends who helped spread the message across your Internet system. As you stated to some of your friends, our first message was, yes, basically geared toward the newly awakened souls of your planet. We apologize for its length, but we felt the need to cover a lot of ground quickly. Jen, you have wondered about taking questions from people, and that would be fine, although we do not wish to wear out our channel too quickly! We have lots we wish to share with you, as you know, and several others within our group are very eager to talk to you and through you, as well.

The hot topic of the moment, as we are well aware, is the financial situation. I spoke to you last night about making the suggestion, and I know you were a bit nervous with the subject matter, but now that you have seen the video about the “I don’t pay” movement that is quickly sweeping your way in the United States after kicking off quite successfully in Greece, you have communicated to me that you feel more comfortable with the subject matter we discussed last night, so let’s get down to it.

Although you are witnessing many big bank CEOs resigning left and right across the globe, you need to know that those of you who are still cruising along with the “business as usual” attitudes, dutifully paying your bills and your taxes there in the United States of America…you are the very people who are keeping the financial elite alive and hanging on by a thread. Okay, maybe more like a pretty thick rope. You see, even though some of them have been cut off by larger, international lending institutions, their bread is still buttered by the profits they make from the money they have lent you and are collecting monthly – with interest. Yes, we are speaking of loans and credit cards. Those bits and pieces – mere scraps, mind you, compared to what they WERE hoarding for themselves in stolen, fiat money – are what continue to support these thieves who keep all their riches to themselves.

Now, if the money were real – backed by something substantial such as gold and precious metals, or gemstones, even, then we would hesitate to suggest what we are about to, be it considered a  somewhat unethical tactic. HOWEVER, if you have been paying attention and doing your homework, you know that most of the money that is loaned out by the Federal Reserve to the hardworking citizens of your country doesn’t even exist in most cases. So…that being said…and given what these immoral scoundrels have done to keep the majority of you in lack for centuries, we feel no guilt for what we are about to suggest. But, of course, it is going to take the majority of you to pull it off.

Here’s our suggestion. Cut them off. As much as you can. We’re not suggesting you put your home ownership on the line, of course. But, if you can get by without a credit card or two…or three or four…then stop paying them. Especially those with the highest interest rates. Student loans are another one to sacrifice. After all, they cannot repossess your education.

 If this is absolutely out of the question for you, then consider filing bankruptcy on credit card debt if you are able. Although, do know, most big lending houses are insured for this sort of thing. But, again…insured with fiat money. But, still, somehow it continues to have value.

These are the small steps you can take right out of your very own home without having to spill into the streets or subject yourselves to tear gas at an Occupy event. And it will free up more cash for the more important things in life – while your cash still has any value, that is.

If enough people participate in this “I don’t pay” movement, you will see those with all the power crumble much, much faster. Again, it is a suggestion. Do know that a new financial system is on its way. There is nothing to fear in empowering yourselves in this manner. You will not be penalized for doing so with the new financial system.  The only folks who will be penalized are the elite families who kept so much from you for so long.

Remember, none of you were ever meant to experience such lack. No one was ever meant to live in poverty. Your rightfully entitled abundance has been stolen from you by a group of cold, senseless beings . It is entirely up to you whether or not you reclaim it.

We will continue to brainstorm on our end new and creative ways to assist you in reclaiming your financial abundance. We are still running numbers and other detailed scenarios on what a complete and total global work stoppage might accomplish for you. We realize it is extreme and radical, but so is creating $16 trillion out of thin air, if you know what we mean.

We wish you all the best, and, of course, to “live long and prosper.” Ahh, but we jest. In all seriousness, we do wish to let your audience know that, despite what you see as a dismal outlook for your financial sector, we truly do see brighter days ahead for you all. We can be a playful bunch at times, and for this, we do apologize, if any offense is taken.

Love and peace to you all. This is Peter of The Ring of 500, Affiliates of The Pleiadian Council of Light, signing off until next time. Nemaste, our brothers and sisters.


You may share this material, but please credit Jen Freer as the channel, and please reference as your source so any questions can be directed back to the channel and Peter. Thank you.

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