Drome's Posts (90)

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White Fire from the Great Central Sun

Beloved Rose of Light:

Precious Ones of My Heart's Flame, as We enter into the enjoyment of the evening in releasing of that Power of My Rose of White Fire from the Great Central Sun, try to feel that you are entering into the great Love that holds Eternal Happiness for all Life forever in Its Eternal, Conscious Perfection and consciously directed Victory. In the Great Powers of Life which it is Our Privilege to use, in the release of Our Knowledge of the “Mighty I AM Presence,” please feel that as you call forth those Activities of the White Fire of My Love to Life, you may compel Its Victory everywhere. And I want you to know that every Call you have ever sent in the Name of the “Mighty I AM Presence, “ or that of any Ascended Master or Cosmic Being, has gone to the Heart Center of Creation, and has drawn back the Answer instantly.

The Secret of Life which I wish to give you tonight – because It is the Magic Wand of Power – is that of your Love to your “Presence” first. As you form the habit of sending the Flame of Love from your Heart to your “Presence” in just one flash quickly before you make your Call, you will find your way opened everywhere for the Fulfillment of your Calls to come into outer physical manifestation very much more quickly than you have ever experienced in the past. The Flame of Love from your Heart, with that intense feeling of Gratitude and Love to your “Mighty I AM Presence,” Precious Ones, is that Activity of the Sacred Fire that opens the Door into Our Great Realm of Life, and draws forth the response instantly from Us, of a Love that is infinitely greater than that which you can send forth. Because as you pour your Love to Life, your own Heart's Flame expands and reaches up into our Octave; and the Flame of Love which is your own Life is the Pathway of Flame that enters into Our Octave, and on which We send back the Fulfillment of your Call.

Now since you are unascended, you have never yet experienced the fullness of what that Great Love is that is the Supreme Perfection of Our Octave, and is Our Cosmic Power of Victory. Therefore, since your Love, even the most intense Love that you can comprehend in your feeling world and send to Us, even though it is the greatest you can experience now in the outer, it is only a fragment of that which We can return to you, because We have learned to love very much more powerfully than you have. You still are struggling to pour that love to the outer world that masters human limitation, but We do not struggle in the release of Our Love. We know the Power and We feel the Power of the Sacred Fire of Our Life, and Its Cosmic Amplification which We draw forth from the Great Central Sun, through consciously directed Power. That is the momentum of Love which We have drawn forth from the Great Central Sun since Our Ascension, and that is infinitely greater Power than anything you can understand at the present time in the physical world.

Therefore, since Our Power to send Love back to you is so much greater than yours to Us, We become like a great Magnet; and through the outrushing of Our Flame of Love from Our Great Temples of Life, We unite that Flame with your Heart's Flame. Then, My Dear Ones, you can become the manifestation in the physical world of all Love you send to Us. Therefore, you may have limitless Powers of the Sacred Fire to call forth into outer Command, and to direct consciously to any person, place, condition or thing, and to hold It sustained and expanding Its Power there until the human is gone forever.

I tell you, you have not touched the fringe of Happiness until you feel the surge of that Flame of Our Love enter into a destructive condition and compel it to cease to be. That's Power – Power that mankind do not understand until they use It. They cannot know the full Happiness until they use the Supreme Power of the Love from the Great Central Sun.

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Discourse from Mary


Beloved Mother Mary:

"Blessed Children of my Heart, I entreat you into the great reservoir of Light that is within the Heart, for therein is the pathway, the open door, to moving within the Realms of Light — a Realm where you may determine, by conscious will, the Wisdom of your God Presence as the election and determination moment to moment. Within the Realm of the Heart is the understanding of what is meant by Life; how you may orchestrate that Life in accordance with that Divine Will; how you may see into the great vastness of your own coming events that are to be outplayed, for they are determined by the Heart of your God Presence, they travel on consciousness that is directed from the Presence and deposited in your mind by the Holy Christ Self. This direction allows you to understand what are the transgressions of life in which you have engaged, where you must attend to the Heart of another, where you are required to engage in an acceleration to call forth that Light into your affairs. This direction is essential to your ability to climb the ladder of Attainment; to expand the borders of your consciousness; and to become masterful over the great Elemental Forces of Nature, the Pranas of Life.

"When you neglect those areas of life where you are prompted by your own God Presence to attend, you put off many cycles that would otherwise prepare you for the coming events of the fulfillment of your Divine Plan. When that Divine Plan goes awry, when there is not remaining opportunity for its fulfillment, the Law requires that the Presence call home that one into the Heart for greater preparation so that there may be an expanded awareness on the return current into incarnation. This is not a travesty. Oft times it is a blessing to the one making that acceleration a part of their ongoing life. But it is never easy for those left behind to carry on in the absence of one who has become so familiar, so dear to the Heart.

"I speak of this, for many who are new to the understanding of the Teachings that come forth from the Ascended Masters are wont to follow all manner of negative connotations regarding the passing and transition of one’s life. When the Divine Plan is in process, when every erg of Energy streaming forth from the Presence is put to wise use, is expanded, is drawn into the affairs of one’s life, opportunity is extended — days, weeks, even years, added to one’s life in the physical octaves to continue to expand the awareness of God, the Light of God, and the fulfillment of the Will of God. This is the great Power that is held within the grasp of your Holy Christ Self, for Wisdom has imparted through Illumination's Flame the understanding of the conveyance of the Power of God to create, to heal, to use wisely opportunity.

"Merely because one may go on in the transition from the physical octave to the inner planes and Realms of Light does not always mean a neglect of the Divine Plan. Oft times, it is so one may be prepared for the right cycle to re-enter through the planes of the physical octave and begin the next course and study of the schoolroom of Earth. For cycles are set in motion not by the planets or the stars, but by the Will of the Presence, by the collective Consciousness of Cosmic Councils, by Dispensation of the Karmic Board, and by the balancing of one’s own karma. The more karma that is balanced within a given lifetime, the greater is the preparation for either the Ascension or the next lifetime. For the Cosmos and all lifestreams, both Ascended and unascended, are not stagnant in a fixed expression and vibration, but are constantly changing, responsive to the Light of God moving within the conscious direction that comes forth from the Allness of God and the awareness of the Individuality of the I AM as God.

"These are magnificent contemplations for you to begin to consider should you be new to these instructions — how you are determining the cycles of your life here and now, the choices you make, the determination that you mount, the vibration that you conduct — all this is determining your life. Your wellbeing and health are a product of the Light that you call forth into your life, of the balancing of your karma or of the karma of the collective whole of those with whom you associate. . . . "

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Discourse from Buddha


Lord Buddha on the Law of the Circle, and how to deal with your own returning energies:

"When I stood in the court of Sanat Kumara and offered to take upon Myself the necessary disciplines to become the embodiment of Love for a planet, the Angelic Host, the Devic and the Elemental Kingdom, I realized that I would have to make Sacred, through this Flame in My Heart, all of the energies that I had used in all the incarnations I had known. And when you once understand that, it becomes a joy, because you become centered in this Fire of Purification and all the energy that is returning to you through the experiences of the day you sanctify by welcoming it, transmuting it, and returning it to your Causal Body, so that it may go out no more. You do not think that was strenuous - when I chose to so sanctify the energies which were the resulting effects of previous causes sent out to the periphery of My world in ONE incarnation, when it has normally taken hundreds of thousands of centuries. Some of you have felt the recoil of this energy, and you have resented it and battled over it, and you have become depressed over it, and wept over it, when there is no need - it is an Opportunity to sanctify the energy of your Life in preparation for the days that are yet ahead.

"Oh, that wonderful Law of the Circle - the outgoing energy passing through the Secret Flame of which I spoke, taking on the quality of your various bodies through the centuries that have been, and now, by the magnetic pull of your own Higher Mental Body, being called home - not to lash, or punish, or discourage you, but because through the doors of your own heart that energy might find Freedom. From your heart it came, and through your heart let it pass back into the Great Eternal.

"Blessed souls of Light, you have lived millions of years. If I could part the veil this morning and let you see that Electronic Light flowing downward into your heart, contacting every person within this room, and flooding the city, you would have some concept of the energies that you have unconsciously passed from your body while you are at rest and at peace, not to mind when you qualify those energies with a positive and dynamic feeling.

"You have now learned not to invoke those energies to injure Life. You have learned how to become harmless. But those previously-qualified energies must yet return home. It is the law of your Life, and here is a comforting thought - you can stop it in a moment. You do not have to make the 'Great Sacrifice' as I did, if you do not choose to do so.

"You stood before the Lord of the World and said, 'I shall sanctify the circle of My Life, through Love.' May I refer for a moment to your beautiful Violet Consuming Flame. In the East we have called It the 'Flame of Compassion and Mercy'. It is of such tremendous assistance in this redemption of energy.

"I wonder if it has been pointed out to you the approach of the soul required, before the Flame is set into action! It is a Flame by which you intend to purify your own miscreations and it is joyously and vigorously employed, but first set your own house in order. Forgive and balance your energies toward Life before you use it. My Son has said, 'Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.'

"Great numbers have gathered together, and in the Power of that Flame have asked for release, but how many have first entered into the Secret Heart Chamber and forgiven ALL of Life - that is the efficacy in Its use for you, My dear and sweet and earnest, lovely flowers in God's Kingdom. It shall be done unto you according as you do unto others, and this Violet Consuming Flame has not been manifested in Its full efficacy by any of My beloved Saint Germain's children, because the lifestream has not taken time to become the Mercy Flame first in feeling and in thought.

"You see, the Law, My precious hearts, is so impersonal, and yet so practical - what you wish for others you must GIVE FIRST, and you shall receive it. You are desirous of knowing Freedom, and precious hearts, that have suffered bodily distress and mental confusion, if they could but FORGIVE LIFE, then through the use of this Flame, they could be free in less than an hour!

"I thank you for your thought of Me. I thank you for your extreme patience. I thank you for your Light, because it is your Light that made it possible for Me to come. Oh, you are so lovely when you are seen with the inner sight, and if I were to ask of the Karmic Board one boon, it would be that you might see each other once, and know the sincerity in the desire for service.

"When I wore a flesh body, I had found that Peace sufficiently so that those who entered My Aura experienced, for a moment, a fleeting glimpse of Nirvana. When I forfeited that flesh body, I forfeited with it the Power to so carry that Radiation, but I AM going to ask now that it be returned, and say with My Son, 'Oh children, love you one another!'

"Love Life, trying to serve in whatever capacity you can. Enter into your action of the Sacred Fire first, sanctifying yourself before your Lord, cleansing your heart and your hands of seeming injustices, and then see the FULLNESS of Its release."

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Discourse from Neptune


Beloved Neptune is Hierarch of the Water Element on our Earth. His Ray is the Fourth Secret Ray, which corresponds to the Water Element as well as to our emotional body. The color of the Fourth Secret Ray is close to what we call a teal color, a pure mix of blue and green. Here he gives some very important instruction on the Violet Flame. A must read for sincere students on the Path, and lovers of the Violet Consuming Flame.

Beloved Neptune:

" . . . Now, again I ask you to follow with Me the picture and pattern of the electrons as they exist within your emotional bodies. This picture will help you much in your visualization and in your use of the powers of the Sacred Fire to dislodge from around the electrons the discordant substance which you have drawn into your emotional vehicles by suction from the world without through indulgence in thoughts and feelings of an inharmonious nature.

"Every feeling you entertain draws unto itself through the centripetal force of sympathy the feelings of a like nature that float in the atmosphere and these, coupled with the discordant feelings that you generate yourselves in secret during your entire waking state, are drawn into the forcefields around the electrons that make up your bodies, resulting in the feelings of heaviness, depression and discouragement in the emotional body and your outer body as well.

"As the individual uses the Powers of the Sacred Fire, such as the Violet Transmuting Flame, or the Flame of Cosmic Christ Purity, what takes place? The 'wedges' of dark, heavy substance around the electrons are loosened and gradually thrown off. The vibratory action of the electron increases and it vibrates more rapidly in its orbit around the central core of each atom. Then, as you consciously call to the Beings Who represent the Virtues of a Perfect Ascended Master nature, asking Them to charge into the forcefields around the electrons, those Virtues - They will do it! Thus you build into your emotional body a storehouse of constructive energy which will act in the future as automatically as the destructive vibrations have acted in the past.

"Now, let us look at this from a scientific standpoint! Early in your instruction, the Beloved Saint Germain gave you a set of daily exercises which would be of tremendous assistance to you if you were to use them. Under the present pressure of daily living, this instruction seems to have receded into the background of your minds, but We present it to you here again. . . . "

" . . . The Beloved Saint Germain suggested that before retiring at night, you stand in your room and, calling the Violet Transmuting Flame into action, up, through, and around you, for at least nine feet in every direction. You raise your hands to your I AM Presence, asking It and Saint Germain to qualify those hands with the Purifying Power of the Violet Transmuting Flame. . . . "

"Then, starting at the head, pass your hands down over your body to the feet, taking in as much of the body surface as you can reach with your hands. Now, with the left hand, sweep down over the right shoulder, arm and hand, and with the right hand give the left shoulder, arm and hand the same treatment.

"Repeat this activity in its entirety about three times, shaking the hand from the wrist once in a while, by which action the substance is thrown into the surrounding Violet Fire.

"What is the purpose of this exercise and what happens when it is performed?

"Saint Germain has said that if you could see with the inner sight what takes place in the first part of the exercise, it is as though a close fitting garment of black substance were being removed from the body with the hands. The second time you go over the body, the "garment removed is of a dark gray substance; the third time, it is of a lighter gray color and so on, night after night, as you proceed with the exercise, this astral substance gets lighter and lighter in color and texture until it is entirely removed from the body and actual purification takes place.

"This is real substance, with actual color, vibration and feeling.

"Now, for a lack of a 'Cosmic Screen', let us use the upper figure of the chart (referring to the Chart or Portrait of the Presence) as a visual aid.

"Will you please consider this figure as a magnified electron, the beams of light pouring from it forming the forcefield of the electron. That electron may be part of any one of the four lower bodies emotional, mental, etheric or physical - each electron, of course, being composed of the natural element to which the body belongs, that is, air, earth, fire or water.

"These electronic particles have, within their center, an intelligence which is a replica of your own individualized "I AM" Presence. Countless electrons form the atmosphere of the Seven Spheres - in each one of which, these electrons ensoul the color, the quality and the nature of the Chohan, the Archangel, the Elohim and the Sphere in which They abide - so on, upward from the Seventh to the First.

"Now, the electrons which make up the atmosphere of the Seven Higher Spheres are intelligent, minute beings. They are the substance of which primal life itself is composed and actually make up the Body of the Godhead Himself. They, also, compose the substance which has been sent forth by HIM into the physical appearance world and it is from them that every manifest expression is formed.

"In each Sphere, these electrons are utilized by the Immortal Flame of God through any self-conscious being Master, Angel, or Man. When you chose individualization and your Immortal Flame descended into the Fourth Sphere where the Holy Christ Self was fashioned - elemental light (which is composed of countless of these tiny electrons) was magnetized by your own God Identity and drawn around the Flame, within your heart, by the Builders of Form.

"Because elemental life is obedient and always mirrors that which it sees, the intelligence within the electron immediately took on the pattern of your individualized thought-form (i.e., Maltese Cross, rose, star, dove, etc.) These electrons then joined together and began to move around a central core of love, forming the atoms of your physical and inner bodies. The number of electrons making up each atom was determined by the God Intelligence which created your vehicles for a specific purpose. The speed with which the electrons move in their orbits is determined by the feeling of the evolving being whose instruments these various vehicles were intended to be.

Permit Me to illustrate as follows:

"The Ascended Master Body is made up of these beautiful, electronic particles - all in constant motion, moving so rapidly that they cannot be seen by the human sight. . . . "

"The feelings of perfection within the Ascended Being make and keep the vibratory action of His atoms so rapid that they only emit light, which the outer consciousness of the majority of unascended mankind can neither see nor hear because of the speed with which they move, as well as the transcendent quality of their Radiation.

"However, the Master, being in full conscious control of the rapidity of His own electrons, can slow them down at will to a point where the Master Presence may be visible and tangible to physical sight, if at any time, the necessity should arise for the investment of such a concentration of energy.

"In every sphere, these electrons have cooperated with your individualized I AM Presence in the building of your various bodies. From the Electronic Body down to your physical vehicle, pure electronic light responded to the pull of the Immortal Three-fold Flame in your heart and fashioned for you each one of the various vehicles through which you find expression: example, the Electronic Body; the Causal Body; the Holy Christ Self; the emotional body; the mental; the etheric; and the physical form. Electronic Light circling around the central core of millions of atoms make up your flesh body. Now, what has happened to these perfect vehicles which were created to allow the lifestream the privilege of cooperation with God?

"In the upper part of the chart (which we are using for illustration of a much-magnified electron) the substance of imperfection or effluvia has been wedged in between the light rays that pour forth from central core. This dark substance looks like pie-shaped "wedges" as it has been forced into those spaces through the centuries. These spaces should be filled only with Light Substance, so that the tiny electrons might be able to spin freely around their central core. When this dark substance is present, however, it slows down the vibrations of the electrons which make up the atoms of your inner bodies as well as your flesh body. "How is that done?" you ask. By the absorption of the discordant effluvia of the outside world through individuals attention upon and the acceptance of the discordant feelings released by the mass of the people whether those feelings be fear, depression, impurity, rebellion, hate; whatever they might be!

"Into these 'wedges' is drawn the dark substance (energy qualified with too low a vibration to emit light). What effect has this on the electrons as they spin around the central core of the atoms? It bogs them down. In other words, it slows down the motion of the electrons and even as the Earth groans because of the heavy weight of man's discord which It carries as It turns on Its axis, so do the electrons in their endeavor to keep circling around the central core of each atom at their natural speed carry the weight which has been absorbed by contagion - in your feelings, your mind, your etheric body and your flesh form. . . . "

"When you call to the Powers of the Sacred Fire, (or to any of the Ascended Beings connected with that activity) you would, if you had inner sight, see that Violet Fire passing through your flesh body and the etheric garment which interpenetrates it, as well as through your mental and emotional bodies. There it loosens and throws off into Itself for purification the dark substance that is responsible for the slowing down of the vibrations of these bodies. This is the action which took place in the bodies of those who were privileged to sit within the Atomic Accelerator in Saint Germain's Retreat.

"The Sacred Fire of Purification renders the same service and makes each one of your four lower bodies lighter - Why? Because as you consciously invoke that Violet Fire and see it sweep up, in, through and around that dark, heavy substance, It instantly obeys your command and that effluvia is removed from the forcefield around each electron and transmuted into Pure Light again through the action of the Sacred Fire.

"This removal of the discordant substance allows the electrons in your flesh and inner bodies to spin more rapidly, thus making these bodies more sensitive to the Presence of the Holy Christ Self within the heart.

"Buoyancy, Joy, Love, Happiness and Light are the practical, natural, and scientific results of the use of the Sacred Fire when you invoke It with Faith. If you do not feel these results, it is because you have not consciously accepted the reality of that purifying Fire or Its ability to restore the natural rhythm of your four lower bodies.

"Now - those of you who are following My words with understanding should feel a tingling sensation in the extremities of your outer bodies - in your fingers and even in your toes - because while I AM speaking to you, We are dislodging tremendous concentrates of that dark, heavy substance from each one of your lower bodies.

"The substance that I speak of looks something like the sooty deposits inside a chimney that has not been cleaned for a long time, and We are extracting that heavy substance, almost by hand, you might say; it is wedged in so tightly around the electrons. As it is removed, you will feel a great sense of relief and release, especially in your emotional bodies (the one with which I AM most concerned). However, I must warn you not to draw that substance back into your various bodies again through the affinity you have for it in your feelings, having lived with it so long. . . ."

"The feeling bodies of mankind are active twenty-four hours of the day - and being literally catapulted into the atmosphere form blankets of misqualified energy which is looking for a home and for some life to sustain it. It is a vampire activity because it can live only on the thought and feeling vibrations of some lifestream who is willing to give it a home and entertain it. . . ."

"Your feeling body was provided for you for one purpose alone: to radiate, magnify, and expand some particular virtue of the God-head, and for no other reason. . . . "

"You, who with such pride have held to the purity of your physical bodies, might well think of how loosely you have governed your inner vehicles through the ages. Those inner vehicles are as much a part of the Temple of the Most High Living God as is the flesh body, and more so, because at so-called death the substance that composes your physical body goes back to the various elements to which it belongs, while your mental, emotional and etheric bodies are the garments that your soul wears when you stand before the Karmic Board, and the records written therein will comprise your Book of Life - not the flesh. . . . "

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'Beloved Lady Master Portia: "Many a salty tear has been shed, many have experienced the feeling of deep remorse that has risen within the soul when Opportunity to serve has fled. In your Earth plane, there are those you have either neglected or ignored and who are no longer with you. How often you have wished that you had Opportunity again to do for them the little things that would have made life easier, to have said the kind words, to have given them the encouragement, to have provided some comfort, perhaps of a small nature, that would have given the loved one an easier pathway through the world of form. Of all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest of all is: 'It might have been.' "Beloved ones, today is your day of Opportunity! Today you have a beating heart, beautiful Primal Life is given to you. You awaken each morning with that Life. You have enough knowledge of the law as we individually have been able to give to you and each of you have certain momentums of good in your causal body; certain understanding, certain substance of the good of this world, certain momentums of healing. "You have Opportunity without limit to assist in the Cosmic Momentum of each hour. Mankind always seems to look either backward into the glorious yesterday or forward into the shining tomorrow. They say "If I had lived in that era when that dispensation of Jesus Christ was coming to its height, I would have made things easier for that family" or they look forward into the tomorrow and say, 'When I have developed and matured my consciousness and placed my world in order and when I have done one thing or another, then I shall consecrate the balance of my life to God.' "Yesterday is gone and most of us who have lived in the yesterday, repeat the patterns again today. Tomorrow often never comes. The eternal now is that which is at hand, that which is yours to serve through the use of life. NOW IS THE OPPORTUNITY THAT STANDS BEFORE YOU. As our beloved sister has written "Coming in many disguises, not always blazing Her Light; only vibration apprises what's to be done that is right." Do you understand? "BE ALERT FOR OPPORTUNITY. Opportunity knocks at your door to help your fellow men, to help mankind at large, to help My beloved Saint Germain in this great endeavor which has occupied His Heart, His Spirit and His Prayers for countless centuries. Each day is filled with the gifts of Opportunity, and Opportunity shall ever remain in this universe. There is always Opportunity for a beating heart to progress to fulfillment. There was never a consciousness, when it voluntarily desires within itself to go forward, who is not given full Opportunity for that progress." <3 Amada Lady Master Portia: “Muitas lágrimas salgadas têm sido derramadas, muitos experimentaram a sensação de profundo remorso que ressucitou dentro da alma quando a Oportunidade de servir fugiu. Em seu plano da Terra, há aqueles que vocês negligenciaram ou ignoraram e que já não estão com vocês. Quantas vezes vocês já desejaram ter a Oportunidade de novo para fazer a eles as coisas pequenas que teriam tornado a vida mais fácil, ter dito as palavras amáveis, para ter-lhes dado o incentivo, para ter fornecido algum conforto, talvez de uma pequena natureza, que teria dado à pessoa amada um caminho mais fácil através do mundo da forma. De todas as palavras tristes da língua e caneta, o mais triste de tudo é: 'Poderia ter sido.' "Amados, hoje é seu dia da Oportunidade! Hoje vocês têm um coração batendo, linda Vida Essencial é dada a vós. Vocês despertam todas as manhãs com essa Vida. Vocês têm conhecimento suficiente da Lei como nós individualmente temos sido capazes de dar-lhes e cada um de vocês têm certos momentums do bem em seu Corpo Causal; certa compreensão, determinada substância do bem deste mundo, certos momentums de Cura. "Vocês têm a Oportunidade sem limite para ajudar no Momentum Cósmico de cada hora. A humanidade parece sempre olhar tanto para trás, para o glorioso ontem ou para o brilhante amanhã. Eles dizem "Se eu tivesse vivido naquela época em que a dispensação de Jesus Cristo estava chegando à sua altura, eu teria feito as coisas mais fáceis para essa família" ou eles olham para a frente no amanhã e dizem: 'Quando eu tiver desenvolvido e amadurecido a minha consciência e colocado meu mundo em ordem e quando eu tiver feito uma coisa ou outra, então eu devo consagrar o equilíbrio de minha Vida a Deus. ' "Ontem já passou e a maioria de nós que tem vivido no ontem, repetem os padrões de novo hoje. Amanhã, muitas vezes nunca chega. O eterno agora é o que está à mão, o que é seu para servir através do uso da Vida. AGORA É A OPORTUNIDADE QUE ESTÁ DIANTE DE VOCÊS. Como a nossa amada irmã tem escrito "Chegando em muitos disfarces, nem sempre flamejando a Sua Luz; somente a vibração informa o que está para ser feito, que é certo" Vocês entendem? "ESTEJA EM ALERTA PARA A OPORTUNIDADE. Oportunidade bate à sua porta para ajudar os seus semelhantes, para ajudar a humanidade em geral, para ajudar Meu Amado Saint Germain nesse grande esforço que tem ocupado o Coração Dele, Seu Espírito e Suas Orações por séculos incontáveis. Cada dia é preenchido com presentes de Oportunidade, e Oportunidade deve sempre permanecer neste universo. Há sempre Oportunidade para um coração que bate para avançar no cumprimento. Nunca houve uma consciência, quando se deseja voluntariamente dentro de si mesma ir para a frente, que não foi dada a Oportunidade completa para esse progresso."'

Beloved Lady Master Portia:

"Many a salty tear has been shed, many have experienced the feeling of deep remorse that has risen within the soul when Opportunity to serve has fled. In your Earth plane, there are those you have either neglected or ignored and who are no longer with you. How often you have wished that you had Opportunity again to do for them the little things that would have made life easier, to have said the kind words, to have given them the encouragement, to have provided some comfort, perhaps of a small nature, that would have given the loved one an easier pathway through the world of form. Of all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest of all is: 'It might have been.'

"Beloved ones, today is your day of Opportunity! Today you have a beating heart, beautiful Primal Life is given to you. You awaken each morning with that Life. You have enough knowledge of the law as we individually have been able to give to you and each of you have certain momentums of good in your causal body; certain understanding, certain substance of the good of this world, certain momentums of healing.

"You have Opportunity without limit to assist in the Cosmic Momentum of each hour. Mankind always seems to look either backward into the glorious yesterday or forward into the shining tomorrow. They say "If I had lived in that era when that dispensation of Jesus Christ was coming to its height, I would have made things easier for that family" or they look forward into the tomorrow and say, 'When I have developed and matured my consciousness and placed my world in order and when I have done one thing or another, then I shall consecrate the balance of my life to God.'

"Yesterday is gone and most of us who have lived in the yesterday, repeat the patterns again today. Tomorrow often never comes. The eternal now is that which is at hand, that which is yours to serve through the use of life. NOW IS THE OPPORTUNITY THAT STANDS BEFORE YOU. As our beloved sister has written "Coming in many disguises, not always blazing Her Light; only vibration apprises what's to be done that is right." Do you understand?

"BE ALERT FOR OPPORTUNITY. Opportunity knocks at your door to help your fellow men, to help mankind at large, to help My beloved Saint Germain in this great endeavor which has occupied His Heart, His Spirit and His Prayers for countless centuries. Each day is filled with the gifts of Opportunity, and Opportunity shall ever remain in this universe. There is always Opportunity for a beating heart to progress to fulfillment. There was never a consciousness, when it voluntarily desires within itself to go forward, who is not given full Opportunity for that progress."


Amada Lady Master Portia:

“Muitas lágrimas salgadas têm sido derramadas, muitos experimentaram a sensação de profundo remorso que ressucitou dentro da alma quando a Oportunidade de servir fugiu. Em seu plano da Terra, há aqueles que vocês negligenciaram ou ignoraram e que já não estão com vocês. Quantas vezes vocês já desejaram ter a Oportunidade de novo para fazer a eles as coisas pequenas que teriam tornado a vida mais fácil, ter dito as palavras amáveis, para ter-lhes dado o incentivo, para ter fornecido algum conforto, talvez de uma pequena natureza, que teria dado à pessoa amada um caminho mais fácil através do mundo da forma. De todas as palavras tristes da língua e caneta, o mais triste de tudo é: 'Poderia ter sido.'

"Amados, hoje é seu dia da Oportunidade! Hoje vocês têm um coração batendo, linda Vida Essencial é dada a vós. Vocês despertam todas as manhãs com essa Vida. Vocês têm conhecimento suficiente da Lei como nós individualmente temos sido capazes de dar-lhes e cada um de vocês têm certos momentums do bem em seu Corpo Causal; certa compreensão, determinada substância do bem deste mundo, certos momentums de Cura.

"Vocês têm a Oportunidade sem limite para ajudar no Momentum Cósmico de cada hora. A humanidade parece sempre olhar tanto para trás, para o glorioso ontem ou para o brilhante amanhã. Eles dizem "Se eu tivesse vivido naquela época em que a dispensação de Jesus Cristo estava chegando à sua altura, eu teria feito as coisas mais fáceis para essa família" ou eles olham para a frente no amanhã e dizem: 'Quando eu tiver desenvolvido e amadurecido a minha consciência e colocado meu mundo em ordem e quando eu tiver feito uma coisa ou outra, então eu devo consagrar o equilíbrio de minha Vida a Deus. '

"Ontem já passou e a maioria de nós que tem vivido no ontem, repetem os padrões de novo hoje. Amanhã, muitas vezes nunca chega. O eterno agora é o que está à mão, o que é seu para servir através do uso da Vida. AGORA É A OPORTUNIDADE QUE ESTÁ DIANTE DE VOCÊS. Como a nossa amada irmã tem escrito "Chegando em muitos disfarces, nem sempre flamejando a Sua Luz; somente a vibração informa o que está para ser feito, que é certo" Vocês entendem?

"ESTEJA EM ALERTA PARA A OPORTUNIDADE. Oportunidade bate à sua porta para ajudar os seus semelhantes, para ajudar a humanidade em geral, para ajudar Meu Amado Saint Germain nesse grande esforço que tem ocupado o Coração Dele, Seu Espírito e Suas Orações por séculos incontáveis. Cada dia é preenchido com presentes de Oportunidade, e Oportunidade deve sempre permanecer neste universo. Há sempre Oportunidade para um coração que bate para avançar no cumprimento. Nunca houve uma consciência, quando se deseja voluntariamente dentro de si mesma ir para a frente, que não foi dada a Oportunidade completa para esse progresso."

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St. Germain: Hold your power on the inside

Beloved Saint Germain:

I AM so happy and willing to give every Assistance to the Students, as are Others, but there are certain bounds beyond which We may not go because of the Self -Conscious advancement of the Students which they must do for themselves.

However, every one of them has everything by which to be encouraged; but again let Me urge them that at no time may they divide the attention of the "I AM Presence." To do this means that you are releasing the stream of energy and giving power to outside things and simply delaying your progress.

I speak from experience. It is not possible to divide the attention, for it must all be given to the "I AM Presence" in order to go beyond a certain point of attainment.

I do not wish to bring any shock to the Students under this Radiation, but I must speak the Truth, that if those Beloved Students who have been brought under this Radiation are not able to hold their attention entirely upon the "I AM Presence," it will close the door to Our Assistance to them for a long time. This need not be done if the Students will follow the direction, make the sincere effort every time the attention wanders off, bring it back with firm determination and say: "I give all power to the 'I AM Presence' which I AM'; and I refuse with determination acceptance to anything else ever again. "

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Ascended Master Saint Germain on Self Correction


Beloved Saint Germain:

We all rejoice exceedingly in the wondrous, loving presence of the students—for the great harmony, joy, and accomplishment that has been attained.

How mighty that Miracle-Working Presence, "I AM," can and will manifest Its Dominion if such a wonderful state is maintained; and I tell you with no uncertainty, it can be maintained, ever growing greater and greater in the comprehension of that God Presence in Its Supreme Power of Divine Love.

Every student should remember with definite certainty that in this Quickening Power of the "I AM Presence" within his Being, everything good or otherwise is stirred into action. If there is latent within the consciousness: rebellion, resentment, or the inclination to judge, it means that all this will be stirred and brought to the surface to be consumed; and I tell you with no uncertainty, unless the student consciously consumes that which is brought forth to the surface, it will consume him. If one finds himself becoming irritated, he should seize the reins, and issuing the command through the "I AM Presence," declare that this be governed harmoniously. Here let Me again remind the students that the greatest thing in their progress is Self-correction; and there is no person, place, condition or thing to blame for what they entertain but themselves. This is most imperative for their future progress.

These beloved students have arrived at a point where such subtle conditions must be made clear and thoroughly understood; otherwise they will find themselves facing conditions they are unable to govern.

I repeat again to the students to be greatly encouraged because of the strides they are making in Self-control, the fuller and fuller acceptance of these Mighty Laws of Life, and their willingness to apply the mighty whip of Self-correction; for I tell you frankly and I speak from experience, that the outer activity which we term the "human" has to be flayed with no uncertainty before it is brought under subjection to the Divine Command.
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Freedom [ENG/ESP]

Devotees of the Violet Flame, tonight I bring you a beautiful story of a presentation by your Beloved Saint Germain on Freedom. It came during a Transmission Flame Ceremony that took place during the time of the former Ascended Master Organization, The Bridge to Freedom. The setting is detailed by the Maha Chohan, after which He introduces Beloved Saint Germain.

The Maha Chohan:

Beloved Children: For Our Transmission Flame Ceremony this month, the Angel Devas erected over the beautiful Manor House in Transylvania a magnificent amphitheatre of a deep purple marble-like substance, studded with amethysts, sufficiently large to accommodate the vast numbers of visitors from the various realms (Ascended and unascended) who now honor us with their presence each month, drawn by their interest in what this Activity means to the evolution of Life on the planet Earth, and Its possibilities in hastening evolution on other stars.

The Archangel Zadkiel, in His glorious robes of royal purple, stood in the atmosphere over the structure, pouring His Radiance over the entire European continent.

Officiating as Directors of the Freedom Flame were the Great Divine Director and the Goddess of Opportunity, the Beloved Lady Portia.

Saint Germain Himself addressed the Assembly, using the amplified Energy of the Flame to project His words into the consciousness of the gathered multitude, as well as into that of mankind in general, directing it particularly to the chelas in their various sanctuaries and homes who were tuned into the proceedings.

In His Discourse He stressed forcibly the Power that lies within the Flame that beats every human heart. Give careful attention to His words, Beloved Ones, for within them is the Freedom that all mankind is seeking. Blessings and Love, Maha Chohan”

Saint Germain:

Beloved Friends, I AM THE SPIRIT OF FREEDOM! I bring to you tonight a REMEMBRANCE of the fact that you are FREE-BORN... Free-born out of the bosom of the Eternal Father, invested with the same Immortal Flame of Life which every God Intelligence that has ever attained perfection won His or Her Freedom. Within your Hearts is the Flame by which the Archangels soar in Their passage from one sphere to another, to the Realms of the Sun behind the Sun.

Within your Hearts is the Flame by which the Mighty Elohim of Creation project Their ideas into the manifest world... Within your Hearts is the Flame by which every Sun God and Goddess in the Universe create and sustain Their Solar Systems.

You are free-born, dear people, in the use of Life and Light; in the use of thought and feeling, which are your instruments of creation. You are also free to walk either in the ways of men or of angels, and to transfer through radiation and example, this freedom to others.

Through the atmosphere of Earth tonight, I CALL, in the great NAME OF FREEDOM to every man, woman and child, every Angel and Elemental, evolving in one form or another on the Earth's surface:

YE ARE FREE-BORN! ARISE NOW AND ASSERT YOUR DOMINION! Throw off the shackles of your individual imaginings! Square your shoulders! PREPARE TO WEAR THE ROBES OF FREEDOM! And give this Freedom by the Power of Radiation and Contagion to your fellowman! I CHARGE and CHARGE and CHARGE you this night with the most powerful pressure of the Freedom Flame that has never been known outside of a Retreat. Accept it deeply within the energies of your beings and FEEL that Flame regulate for you the atmospheric conditions in which you live, your personal affairs, your relationship to the Godhead and give you you the Ascended Master Consciousness while you still walk the Earth. The Cosmic Law demands that My Voice be heard now by the mankind of this planet, which is destined by Sanat Kumara as Freedom's Star, but you are also My Lips, My Message... You are My Radiation and the POWER OF CONVICTION that will show mankind, by your word and example, the Freedom that is within the Violet Ray... Upon YOU I depend for that Freedom EXPRESSED.

Now, Beloved Friends, with your permission, I will give you an object lesson on the Power of Precipitation:

First, you must realize that in order to become Masters of Energy, it is necessary to use the instruments of Power with which we were endowed in the beginning, to both draw and dispense energy. These Powers, Beloved Ones, are symbolized by the CROWN and the SCEPTRE.

The SCEPTRE is the symbol of the Rod of POWER. This is the same symbol that Sanat Kumara uses to keep this planet and its people from flying off into space. It is also the symbol of the rod of Aaron, mentioned in your Scriptures.

The CROWN is symbolical of the RAISED CONSCIOUSNESS.

Within yourself, the sceptre is your POWER OF INVOCATION... The power of concentrating your energies in mental or physical invocation on the Higher Octaves, by which concentration the currents from above are drawn down and CHARGED and CHARGED and CHARGED into the condition to be rectified.

At the same time, the heart and mind (consciousness) MUST BECOME STILL LONG ENOUGH to let the Presence of God reveal to you and through you that which should be done in the particular situation which prompted your Call.

All the Power of the SCEPTRE is worthless unless there is a receptacle (crown) into which the concentrated energies may be released, transubstantiated, and prepared for dissemination to mankind.

The Power of the CROWN is likewise worthless without the Invocative Power of the sceptre.

When you combine the two activities – the Power of Invocation (sceptre) with the quiet and reverent listening of the raised consciousness (crown), you will have a completed operation – otherwise it is only half finished; which is also the main reason there are not more satisfactory results from Calls.

You see, Dear Ones, if you are so busy with your “sceptre” that your “crown” is in a constant state of motion, making it impossible for your brain to catch the message from above, what good would you be in an emergency?

On the other hand, if you are busy visualizing ephemeral temples, flitting from cloud to cloud in a “personal escape” not willing to draw down the Light either from your Presence or from the Angels, you have also missed the mark. It is the MIDDLE WAY ALONE that brings results and marks a safe pathway for your journey.

I thank and bless you, each one, goodnight!


Devotos de la Llama Violeta, esta noche les traigo una bella historia de una presentación de su Amado Saint Germain acerca de la Libertad. Esta se realizó en una Ceremonia de Transmisión de la Llama Violeta durante el período de la anterior Organización de los Maestros Ascendidos, El Puente hacia la Libertad. El Maha Chohan detalla el escenario y luego presenta al Amado Saint Germain.

Maha Chohan:

Amados Hijos: Para nuestra Ceremonia de Transmisión de la Llama de este mes, el Angel Devas erigió un maravilloso anfiteatro morado oscuro sobre la bella Casa Señorial en Transilvania, de una sustancia parecida al mármol y tachonado con amatistas, lo suficientemente grande para acomodar a la gran cantidad de visitantes de diferentes reinos (Ascendidos y no ascendidos), quienes ahora nos honran con su presencia cada mes, atraídos por el interés en lo que esta Actividad significa para la evolución de la Vida en el planeta Tierra, y Sus posibilidades para acelerar la evolución en otras estrellas.

El Arcángel Zadkiel, en Sus gloriosas túnicas de morado real, se colocó en la atmósfera sobre la estructura y derramó su Brillantez sobre todo el continente europeo.

Como Directores de la Llama de la Libertad, oficiaron El Gran Director Divino y la Diosa de la Oportunidad, la Amada Lady Portia.

El Propio Saint Germain se dirigió a la Asamblea, usando la Energía amplificada de la Llama para proyectar Sus palabras en la consciencia de la multitud reunida, así como en la de la humanidad en general, en particular en los chelas de los diversos santuarios y hogares que estaban sintonizados con los eventos.

En Su Discurso enfatizó con gran fuerza el Poder que se encuentra en la Llama que palpita en todos los corazones humanos. Amados, presten cuidadosa atención a Sus palabras, pues en ellas está la Libertad que toda la humanidad busca. Bendiciones y Amor, Maha Chohan.

Saint Germain:

Amados Amigos, ¡YO SOY EL ESPIRITU DE LA LIBERTAD! Les traigo esta noche el RECUERDO de que ustedes nacieron LIBRES. Son Libres de Nacimiento desde el seno del Padre Eterno y poseen la misma Llama Inmortal de Vida con la cual cada Inteligencia de Dios que ha obtenido Su Perfección, ha ganado Su Libertad. En su Corazón está la Llama por la cual los Arcángeles se elevan en Su paso de esfera en esfera, a los Reinos del Sol detrás del Sol.

En su Corazón está la Llama por la que los Poderosos Elohim de la Creación proyectan Sus ideas en el mundo manifestado...En su Corazón está la Llama por la que cada Dios y Diosa de los Soles del Universo crean y sostienen Sus Sistemas Solares.

Querido pueblo, ustedes nacieron libres, en el uso de la Vida y la Luz, del pensamiento y el sentimiento, que son sus instrumentos de creación. También son libres de caminar el sendero de los hombres o de los ángeles, y de transmitir esta libertad a otros a través de la radiación y el ejemplo.

En el gran NOMBRE DE LA LIBERTAD YO LLAMO, a través de toda la atmósfera de la Tierra esta noche, a cada hombre, mujer y niño(a), a cada Angel y Ser Elemental, evolucionando de una forma u otra en la superficie de la Tierra:

¡USTEDES SON LIBRES DE NACIMIENTO! ¡ELEVENSE AHORA Y AFIRMEN SU DOMINIO! ¡Desháganse de los grilletes de sus imaginaciones! ¡Yérganse! ¡PREPARENSE A USAR LAS TUNICAS DE LA LIBERTAD! ¡Y den esta Libertad a sus compañeros por el Poder de la Radiación y la Difusión! Yo los CARGO y CARGO y CARGO esta noche con la poderosa fuerza de la Llama de la Libertad, que nunca antes ha sido conocida fuera de un Retiro. Acéptenla profundamente en las energías de su ser y SIENTAN que esa Llama regula para ustedes las condiciones del ambiente en que viven, sus esfuerzos personales y su relación con la Divinidad, y les otorga su Consciencia de Maestro Ascendido aún mientras estén encarnados en la Tierra. La Ley Cósmica ordena que Mi Voz sea oída ahora por la humanidad de este planeta, que está destinado por Sanat Kumara a ser la Estrella de la Libertad, pero ustedes son también Mis Labios y Mi Mensaje...Son mi Radiación y el PODER DE LA CONVICCION que mostrará a la humanidad, por su palabra y su ejemplo, la Libertad contenida en el Rayo Violeta...Dependo de Ustedes para EXPRESAR esa Libertad.

Ahora, Amados Amigos, con su permiso les presentaré una enseñanza sobre el Poder de la Precipitación:

Primero, tienen que darse cuenta que para convertirse en Maestros de la Energía, es necesario usar los instrumentos de Poder con los que fuimos dotados en el principio, para atraer y dispensar la energía. Amados, estos Poderes están simbolizados por la CORONA y el CETRO.

El CETRO simboliza el Cetro de Poder. Es el mismo símbolo que Sanat Kumara utiliza para evitar que este planeta y sus habitantes vuelen hacia el espacio. También es el símbolo del cetro de Aaron que se menciona en las Escrituras.


En su interior, el cetro es su PODER DE INVOCACION. El poder de concentrar sus energías en la invocación física o mental de las Octavas Superiores, concentración por la cual las corrientes de arriba son atraídas hacia abajo y CARGADAS, CARGADAS y CARGADAS en la condición a corregir.

A la vez el corazón y la mente (la consciencia) TIENEN QUE AQUIETARSE EL TIEMPO SUFICIENTE para permitir que la Presencia de Dios les revele a través de ustedes lo que debe hacerse en la situación específica que dio lugar a su Llamada.

Todo el Poder del CETRO tendrá valor solo si hay un receptáculo (la corona) donde las energías concentradas se puedan liberar, transustanciar y preparar para la difusión a la humanidad.

El Poder de la CORONA, de igual manera, solo tendrá valor con el Poder Invocador del cetro.

Cuando se combinan estas dos actividades -el Poder de la Invocación (el cetro) y la callada y reverente atención de la consciencia elevada (la corona), la operación se completa -si no se hace así estará solo medio terminada, razón por la que no se obtienen más resultados satisfactorios en las Llamadas.

Ya ven, Amados, si están tan ocupados con su “cetro” que su “corona” está en constante estado de movimiento, haciendo imposible que su cerebro pueda recibir el mensaje de arriba, ¿cómo podrían ayudar en una emergencia?

Por otra parte, si están ocupados visualizando temploSaint Germain:s efímeros y revoloteando de nube en nube en una “escapada personal”, sin estar dispuestos a atraer la Luz, ya sea de su Presencia o de los Angeles, también está faltando algo. Es en el SENDERO DEL MEDIO que se alcanzan los resultados, y el que marca una senda segura en su camino.

¡Les agradezco y les bendigo a todos, buenas noches!

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Archangel of Resurrection Gabriël

Archangel Gabriel:

I AM known as the Archangel of the Resurrection. It is My privilege and honor, working with the Hierarchy, to bring to Life again the Consciousness of Mastery which is the pre-ordained destiny for every man, woman and child belonging to this evolution, as well as those who are the vowed guardians of it.

Time and again, as the ages have unrolled, have I been sent forth by the King of kings to flash the Flame from my own heart through the consciousness of some seeking souls who had been caught in the meshes of human thinking and feeling and had forgotten the Dignity, the Mastery, of the God-Dominion which should be externalized by every Lifestream. When that soul in honest, earnest searching came to a point of momentum in individual application where the Father of Light asked me to give the pressure of my flame and feeling into that consciousness, ILLUMINATION took place! In India, Lord Buddha experienced it and the mental aphorisms, and truths that He had accepted in thought, suddenly flared into the Flame of acceptance and feeling, and He became a God-Free Being on that instant. He knew then, in every fiber and cell and atom of every one of His seven bodies, the full Truth that He was Himself the God-Power externalized to expand the Glory of the Kingdom, and to bring to all life more of the Opulence and Perfection, the natural Activity of that Kingdom.

Before the birth of the beloved Mother Mary, when She was given the great opportunity of accepting the responsibility of mothering the brother Jesus, She asked that after Her incarnation, when the time of Her great mission would be upon Her, that I be permitted to bring the remembrance to Her outer consciousness of that mission and the Beauty and Perfection of the Electronic Body of the beloved Jesus. The King of kings gave Me permission, I gave Her my vow, and before She took her Earth body I said, “Mary, I shall be there!”
Some years later I stood by Her side and fulfilled that promise. I said the words that have come down from generation to generation, and which form even yet a Cosmic Bond between Mary, myself and mankind who have incorporated them in their prayers. Well do I remember that hour! Well do I remember the beauty and innocence of that exquisite Lady of Light, the strength within that Lifestream, and yet the gentleness and Grace. I could say with all honesty, “Hail, thou Mary, full of Grace! The Lord is with Thee.” So I say to you today, Daughters and Sons of the Eternal God of Light: “Hail, thou children! May you remain ever in a state of grace until that hour when your FEELINGS can accept your own Divine Blueprint, your Divine image, the Glory and Perfection of your Holy Christ Self, and you can manifest that to the Glory of God and to the encouragement of your fellow man!”

I ask with all the Power of My accumulated Momentum of Light through the ages that there be resurrected within your consciousness this day, the memory of the Powers which are yours to use in expanding the borders of the Kingdom of Heaven!
I dwell within the Fourth Sphere, and I work with the great Serapis and the Holy Christ Selves of almost the entire human race. I AM, therefore, well acquainted with the Divine Perfection for every Lifestream belonging to this evolution. I worship in the same Temples. I stand side by side with your Christ Selves day after day. I AM well equipped to convey to you the FEELING that it is time that you open the doors and windows of your soul to the reality of that Exquisite, Majestic, Divine Presence, made in the image of the Father and the Mother of this System which it is your duty and responsibility to externalize!

For this were you born not once, Beloved Ones, but millions and millions of times! For this have the forces of the elements given up their Freedom and made for you body, after body. For this has the ceaseless Stream of Electronic Light flowed from the Heart of the Sun, sustaining your Consciousness and Individuality. For this has the Sun shone in the Heavens, and the green harvest produced for you the sustenance for your bodies. For this does Aries fill the atmosphere with an air to animate our lungs. For this does the water element provide for you refreshment and purification. All this exists for no other reason than for you to achieve God mastery, to externalize the nature of your own Father, your own Mother, to move forward in the dignified Perfection of the Princes and Princesses in the House of the Lord, until your Pattern, your manifest example of Serenity, Poise and Dignity, Opulence and Beauty, Perfection and Balance, shall raise all mankind by that very example.

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The Temple of Transmutation over Cuba [ENG/PT/ESP]


Beloved Holy Amethyst:

"Beloved ones, the magnificent etheric Temple of Our Lord Zadkiel remains today over the isle of Cuba as a great Focus of Transmutation. It is, of course, most regrettable that conditions below on that beautiful island should be so much the result of mankind's desecration of the great Light of God that beats and sustains their Hearts. I trust that you will understand that the Angels of the Violet Fire are very active throughout the world. Yet, due to the misuse of human will, We have not been able to free the people of Cuba from the intensity of the crystallized control of the communist forces which today black out almost completely in the minds of the Cuban people the true understanding of their being.

"Mankind today have demonstrated entirely too much apathy and lethargy concerning this desecration of Light near the bastion of Freedom in America. It is also regrettable that the karma of this apathy must descend upon the innocent. And we hope, therefore, that mankind and especially those enlightened chelas of the Ascended Masters will awaken before it is entirely too late and use with greater intensity the Violet Flame from Our Temple upon the Cuban people. This action is so needed, beloved ones. It is so necessary to have advocates in human form who will faithfully make the calls for the release of that energy to dissolve and purify the recalcitrant energies which would thwart every Holy Purpose.

"We have enough Energy in Our Focus and Retreat, beloved ones, to release the people of the whole Earth, if it were called into action. Do you not think it lamentable, beloved ones, that mankind do not call the Light into action enough? The calls for the Violet Flame, invocation after invocation, made by those blessed ones who hear My Voice are so much appreciated. Beloved ones, it is necessary that the number of individuals be increased who will give these Decrees rhythmically, faithfully, and sincerely to the Light of God for the release of that Energy that will free the world from all the oppression of the ages. . . . "


Amada Holy Amethyst:

“Amados, el maravilloso Templo etérico de Nuestro Lord Zadkiel permanece hoy sobre la isla de Cuba como un gran Foco de Transmutación. Por supuesto es muy lamentable que las condiciones de abajo en esa bella isla sean tanto el resultado de la profanación de la gran Luz de Dios que palpita y sostiene sus Corazones. Confío en que entenderán que los Ángeles del Fuego Violeta están muy activos en todo el mundo. Sin embargo, debido al mal uso de la voluntad humana, no Hemos sido capaces de liberar al pueblo de Cuba de la intensidad del control cristalizado de las fuerzas comunistas, que hoy oscurecen casi completamente la verdadera comprensión de su ser en las mentes del pueblo cubano.

“La humanidad ha demostrado hoy total y demasiada apatía y letargo en relación a esta profanación de la Luz cerca del baluarte de la Libertad en América. También es lamentable que el karma de esta apatía tenga que descender sobre los inocentes. Por lo tanto esperamos que la humanidad, y en especial aquellos chelas iluminados de los Maestros Ascendidos, despertarán antes de que sea totalmente demasiado tarde, y usarán con mayor intensidad la Llama Violeta de Nuestro Templo sobre el pueblo cubano. Esta acción es muy necesaria, amados. Es muy necesario contar con seguidores en forma humana que realicen con fe los llamados para la liberación de esa energía, y así disolver y purificar las energías recalcitrantes que impedirían cada Propósito Sagrado.

“Amados, tenemos suficiente Energía en Nuestro Foco y Retiro para liberar a las personas de toda la Tierra, si se le llamara a la acción. ¿No creen que es lamentable, amados, que la humanidad no llame la Luz a la acción lo suficiente? Los llamados a la Llama Violeta, invocación tras invocación, realizados por los benditos que oyen Mi Voz, son muy agradecidos. Amados, es necesario que aumente el número de individuos que hace estos Decretos a la Luz de Dios rítmicamente, sinceramente y fielmente, para la liberación de esa Energía que liberará al mundo de toda la opresión de las eras...”


Amada Holy Amethyst:

"Amados, o magnífico Templo etérico de Nosso Lord Zadkiel permanece até hoje sobre a ilha de Cuba como um grande foco da Transmutação. É, naturalmente, muito lamentável que as condições abaixo nessa bela ilha devem ser o resultado da profanação da humanidade da Grande Luz de Deus que bate e sustenta seus corações. Eu confio que vocês vão entender que os Anjos do Fogo Violeta são muito ativos em todo o mundo. No entanto, devido ao mau uso da vontade humana, não temos sido capazes de libertar o povo de Cuba da intensidade do controle cristalizado das forças comunistas que hoje ocultam, quase completamente das mentes do povo cubano, a verdadeira compreensão de seus seres.

“A humanidade de hoje tem demonstrado demais apatia e letargia a respeito desta profanação da Luz perto do bastião da liberdade na América. É também lamentável que o karma desta apatia deve descer sobre os inocentes. E esperamos, portanto, que a humanidade e, especialmente, esses iluminados Chelas dos Mestres Ascensionados vão despertar antes que seja tarde demais e usar com maior intensidade a Chama Violeta de Nosso Templo em cima do povo cubano. Essa ação é tão necessária, Amados. É muito necessário ter defensores em forma humana que vão fazer os apelos fielmente para a liberação dessa energia para dissolver e purificar as energias recalcitrantes que impedem cada Santo Propósito.

"Nós temos Energia suficiente em Nosso Foco e Retiro, amados, para libertar o povo de toda a Terra, se fosse posta em ação. Vocês não acham lamentável, amados, que a humanidade não chama a quantidade suficiente da Luz em Ação? Os Apelos à Chama Violeta, invocações após invocações, feitas por aqueles abençoados que ouvem a Minha Voz são muito apreciadas. Amados, é necessário que o número de indivíduos seja aumentado para fazer estes decretos ritmicamente, com fidelidade e sinceridade à Luz de Deus para a liberação dessa Energia que vai libertar o mundo de toda opressão de todos os tempos..."

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Ascended Master Terminology: I AM

Dear Students, today we have more about the Ascended Master Terminology:

"I AM"

For thousands of years the inner understanding of the Name of God and the Creative Words — "I AM" — had been restricted to the Retreats of the Great Brotherhood of Light and given only after a three year probation. However because of the urgency of the hour and the urgent need for humanity to have greater Assistance, the Dispensation was granted Saint Germain for this Teaching to be given to the outer world. In The "I AM" Discourses, Saint Germain explained that the Words "I AM" release the full Power of God in Action. They are the first expression of every self-conscious Being. "I AM" is the purest and highest Principle of Life, of the Individualized God Presence, of the Universal Intelligence that is ever endeavoring to bring forth the Manifestation of the Original Pristine State of the God Source.

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Ascended Master Saint Germain: The source of happiness

Saint Germain gives a tremendous Dictation on the Octaves of Thought:

The Only Source of ALL Happiness

Happiness is the Great Boon every individual is seeking. We find some orientalists saying that bliss is the Ultimate State. It is only another expression for Happiness, but is not nearly so potent to the Western mind. To the Western mind happiness is "God in Action." To be conscious of seeking happiness is to be conscious of seeking God.

No permanent happiness is ever attained except through the adoration of God, the "Mighty I AM Presence." which is within, above and around the individual. HAPPINESS IS A POWERFUL ALCHEMY. IT IS ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL PURIFIERS OF THE HUMAN THOUGHT, FEELING, MIND, BODY, AURA AND WORLD OF THE INDIVIDUAL. If the student but believed and would experiment with himself and herself, he would find that he can generate happiness at will.

For instance, suppose that an outer thing draws the attention and causes some phase of unhappiness. Knowing that God, the "Mighty I AM Presence," is the ONLY SOURCE of happiness, then the student's first move would be to turn the attention to that GIVER OF ALL HAPPINESS and thereby he would tune in to the ONE SOURCE from which he is certain to receive.

The idea for the individual to follow is, that when he feels some kind of disturbance and wants to turn to God, he may do the following and get great help from it. Get up and go through the motions of taking off a garment that one does not want and, as he would hold the discarded garment in his hands, drop it into the Consuming Flame, and know that the disturbing element is consumed.

Then fix the attention on God, the "Mighty I AM Presence," with the Joyous Consciousness of FEELING and RECEIVING the Current of Happiness and Peace filling his mind and body. With a little practice in this manner, the student will soon be able to come to to the point where he can draw this great happiness consciously and at will.

Every time he does this CONSCIOUSLY, he will find that he is gaining strength in the accomplishment and will realize truly, that he has the ability to reach into the Heart of Happiness and there absorb its Fullness. This practice is always followed by an expansion of consciousness which is its natural result.
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Jesus: One mighty energy

Beloved Jesus:

Every individual's first duty is Adoration and Love to the "One Mighty I AM Presence," which is everywhere present.

Do you not see how in this, it is a joyous privilege to love your so-called enemy, because: " 'I AM' the only Real Presence and Activity anywhere!" If the ignorance of the outer activity of the mind seems to have created disorder, pain and limitation, then you know that the miscreation has no power of its own. There is nothing but the wrong belief of the individual to sustain it; consequently, it has no Selfsustaining power.

If you have been unfortunate enough to create in-harmony, disorder, limitation, then can you not see that you alone, through the Power of your "I AM Presence," the Consuming Flame, must consciously call on the Law of Forgiveness, consume through that Flame of Life which you are, everything in your world which you have wrongly created?

This should easily make it clear to you how you set about to cleanse your world of its disorder and its mistaken creation. Then you stand forth, clothed with the Sun, the Light of Eternal Life, Youth, Beauty and Opulence, holding within your hand for instant use the Scepter of Power of the "I AM Presence," which you are.

It is important to know that this One Mighty Energy does all things according to the quality you give It, or the wish you want fulfilled.

One thing students should be intensely conscious of, and that is: " 'I AM' the Eternal, Harmonizing Presence and Activity everywhere I move, and of everything to which my thought is directed." This, constantly used with the feeling of Its Invincible Power, will keep the atmosphere of your world purified, harmonized, and held in readiness for any conscious direction to go forth with great speed to its accomplishment.

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Buddha on returning energies

Lord Buddha on the Law of the Circle, and how to deal with your own returning energies:

"When I stood in the court of Sanat Kumara and offered to take upon Myself the necessary disciplines to become the embodiment of Love for a planet, the Angelic Host, the Devic and the elemental kingdom, I realized that I would have to make Sacred, through this Flame in My heart, all of the energies that I had used in all the incarnations I had known. And when you once understand that, it becomes a joy, because you become centered in this Fire of Purification and all the energy that is returning to you through the experiences of the day you sanctify by welcoming it, transmuting it, and returning it to your Causal Body, so that it may go out no more. You do not think that was strenuous - when I chose to so sanctify the energies which were the resulting effects of previous causes sent out to the periphery of My world in ONE incarnation, when it has normally taken hundreds of thousands of centuries. Some of you have felt the recoil of this energy, and you have resented it and battled over it, and you have become depressed over it, and wept over it, when there is no need - it is an Opportunity to sanctify the energy of your Life in preparation for the days that are yet ahead.

"Oh, that wonderful Law of the Circle - the outgoing energy passing through the Secret Flame of which I spoke, taking on the quality of your various bodies through the centuries that have been, and now, by the magnetic pull of your own Higher Mental Body, being called home - not to lash, or punish, or discourage you, but because through the doors of your own heart that energy might find Freedom. From your heart it came, and through your heart let it pass back into the Great Eternal.

"Blessed souls of Light, you have lived millions of years. If I could part the veil this morning and let you see that Electronic Light flowing downward into your heart, contacting every person within this room, and flooding the city, you would have some concept of the energies that you have unconsciously passed from your body while you are at rest and at peace, not to mind when you qualify those energies with a positive and dynamic feeling.

"You have now learned not to invoke those energies to injure Life. You have learned how to become harmless. But those previously-qualified energies must yet return home. It is the law of your Life, and here is a comforting thought - you can stop it in a moment. You do not have to make the 'Great Sacrifice' as I did, if you do not choose to do so.

"You stood before the Lord of the World and said, 'I shall sanctify the circle of My Life, through Love.' May I refer for a moment to your beautiful Violet Consuming Flame. In the East we have called It the 'Flame of Compassion and Mercy'. It is of such tremendous assistance in this redemption of energy.

"I wonder if it has been pointed out to you the approach of the soul required, before the Flame is set into action! It is a Flame by which you intend to purify your own miscreations and it is joyously and vigorously employed, but first set your own house in order. Forgive and balance your energies toward Life before you use it. My Son has said, 'Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.'

"Great numbers have gathered together, and in the Power of that Flame have asked for release, but how many have first entered into the Secret Heart Chamber and forgiven ALL of Life - that is the efficacy in Its use for you, My dear and sweet and earnest, lovely flowers in God's Kingdom. It shall be done unto you according as you do unto others, and this Violet Consuming Flame has not been manifested in Its full efficacy by any of My beloved Saint Germain's children, because the lifestream has not taken time to become the Mercy Flame first in feeling and in thought.

"You see, the Law, My precious hearts, is so impersonal, and yet so practical - what you wish for others you must GIVE FIRST, and you shall receive it. You are desirous of knowing Freedom, and precious hearts, that have suffered bodily distress and mental confusion, if they could but FORGIVE LIFE, then through the use of this Flame, they could be free in less than an hour!

"I thank you for your thought of Me. I thank you for your extreme patience. I thank you for your Light, because it is your Light that made it possible for Me to come. Oh, you are so lovely when you are seen with the inner sight, and if I were to ask of the Karmic Board one boon, it would be that you might see each other once, and know the sincerity in the desire for service.

"When I wore a flesh body, I had found that Peace sufficiently so that those who entered My Aura experienced, for a moment, a fleeting glimpse of Nirvana. When I forfeited that flesh body, I forfeited with it the Power to so carry that Radiation, but I AM going to ask now that it be returned, and say with My Son, 'Oh children, love you one another!'

"Love Life, trying to serve in whatever capacity you can. Enter into your action of the Sacred Fire first, sanctifying yourself before your Lord, cleansing your heart and your hands of seeming injustices, and then see the FULLNESS of Its release."

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Beloved Saint Germain:

The free will of the individual still binds and limits the outer sufficiently, so there will be many individuals and conditions in which it will be as though they were being run through great rollers in which all undesirable qualities are pressed out, and by the power of the Consciously-directed Flame, are consumed. The Mighty Radiance, consciously directed by the Great Host of Ascended Masters from the Great Central Sun, is not only having tremendous effect on the minds and feelings of mankind on the surface of the earth, but far within the crust of the earth itself.

Hence it has been possible to avert many great disasters. Here I want to say in Great Love, Gratitude and Blessing to the hundreds of students who have been projecting the Mighty Love, Wisdom and Power of the "Mighty I AM Presence" into the mental and emotional world, and assure them that a gigantic work has been accomplished; for if mankind and the beloved students can once understand that all cause rests within the mental and emotional worlds, then they will have reached a point of understanding wherein they know with complete assurance that the outer activity of mankind must and will come into Perfect Order when the only cause — the mental and emotional activities—are corrected and held in subjection.

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El Morya: Truth and the Will of God

Beloved El Morya:

"I must give that Will to all who stand innocently before me, hopefully raising the cup of their consciousness and timidly invoking that Will and yet always holding back just a little. But I can hold nothing back when I AM called into action. I live but to externalize that Will and as the water runs impersonally through the channel that is opened to it, so does my Conscious Self rush to and through the Life Streams who in the silence of their own chambers make the great surrender, a surrender of self and pride and purpose and who say not without deep subjugation, "Thy Will be done."

"Beloved friends, in that hour when you invoke the Sacred Fire of God's Will and I the servant of that Fire respond, I can but promise that after the surrender is accepted, you will find that the Will of God for you is much more harmonious and comfortable than that which your fondest dreams could depict as your own human will for yourself.

"Truth and the Will of God always go hand in hand. This is our year. It is to be a year of great Light and yet a year of great discipline for those who have stepped forth upon the path. In friendship may I say that I will soften as much as it is possible according to my nature the flow of those energies into your experiences.

"Sanat Kumara... His Love even the Masters Themselves can scarcely comprehend, nor His Patience when He has looked upon the sleeping race, all potential Light Bearers, choosing to slumber on while He gives His maximum Radiation to keep Earth which is their home in the chain, not for a century or two but for millions of years! Earth is a small revolving orb which in this galaxy is not more than a speck of dust and whose light if snuffed out would scarcely make a flicker in the radiance of the whole. Yet it is the planetary home of ten billion Life Streams who could only find mastery if Earth were sustained as their cradle.

"Each one of you when you wear your Immortal Garments, when you have accepted the invitation of your God-Presence, and when you stand God-free in blazing Light, you will stand there only because Sanat Kumara believed enough in your Light and Life to do for you what you should have done for yourself for countless eons of time. If He had not, the evolution would have passed into the second death and as an individual consciousness you would have been no more. Is that not a debt to be paid best by becoming wherever you are a focus for the expansion of the Light through every soul you contact?

"You are paying for your own Life in your service to Him. You are paying for your immortality all down through the eons of time that have not yet been unfurled, when you will have being because of His Love. Every sunrise you see, every flower that gives of its perfume, every friend and loved one that warms your heart you enjoy because you have Life, which is the Gift of His Patience and His Service in sustaining It.

"Think about it! Someone has loved the universe enough, someone has loved you enough to meet your obligations and wipe them off before the Karmic Board year after year, embodiment after embodiment and century after century. You know the gratitude you feel in the world of form when an individual will meet your obligation and relieve you of that pressure just once!

"Lemuria was an age of tremendous Illumination and Perfection. In Atlantis thousands of Life Streams were able to emit Light, to precipitate, to levitate. Angels and Masters walked visibly by the side of unascended beings. Sanat Kumara, Full of hell ope, saw the close of His exile. He was thinking of Venus, His Heart burning with Love for His Home, the Sacred Fire visible upon the Altars. Here on Earth sickness, death and desolation were wiped out. Folding His Garments about Him, He was ready to let the dust of Earth fall from His Presence. Then back through the centuries fell the race! Back into exile came Sanat Kumara!

"What Consciousness would stand with the fall of every golden age before the Karmic Board and say, "I renew my vow, I shall remain. They will yet arise. They will yet emit Light!"?

And the Karmic Board more than once counseled Him to linger no longer, that the Mercy of the Law had exhausted itself, that Divine Justice would no longer accept a sacrifice of such tremendous proportions, of such tremendous Love. I have stood there, you have stood there as that great dignified Lord of Life quietly and firmly said, "I shall remain." and the Light of Venus dimmed in His eye and the thoughts of home receded from His sweet Consciousness lest the very pull of that Love would weaken His resolve.

"I have stood on Venus by the side of Sanat Kumara's Beloved and saw Her filled with increasing Hope as the hour of His exile neared completion, and then I have seen Her turn and walk back into the City of the Sun with Her shoulders squared, Her eyes facing the Heart of the Presence. For another million years Her loved one would be doing the work of others.

"That, my children, is Love. That is what fires me with enthusiasm, with determination to find among the Sons and Daughters of men some who would Love as Venus has. That is the inspiration that brought me to the side of Raios De Luz Saint Germain when He stood among the ruins of His last endeavor. That is the Fire that took me into the very Presence of Helios and Vesta themselves and asked for an opportunity to reach those chelas who had served with me in many a tight corner through the ages. That is the Fire that beat within my Heart as I stood before the great Maha Sahib [Editor: Maha Chohan] and in the face of His great Wisdom made me say, "I believe I can find men and women to hold this Bridge, to fan the dying embers of truth, to stir the souls of men and to set these God-beings free."

"Justice and right must prevail. Men and women have benefited by the Patience and Love of this God-being and yet refuse to serve when they know what He has done! This is a crusade, my dear ones, in which my Spirit, my Soul, the Fire of my Being is vested, and before I AM through there will not be one incoming soul who will not kneel before His Light. I asked the Lords of Karma to withhold a physical body from any Life Stream who is to come through the gates of birth until that soul agrees to use its energies to emit the Light which sets that great Being free. This is a dispensation that has not yet been granted.

"I AM a man of Determination and Purpose. It is the Will of God that the men and women of Earth give forth the Light to make this star shine. At inner levels it is a disgrace to look upon the sweet Earth, to hear it groan and cry and squeak upon its axis, and to witness the effluvia from the hearts of men that the blessed elementals are forced to clean. Come forth now, my friends, and let us be about our Father's business. I thank you..."


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Constancy is a Divine Quality

Constancy is a Divine Quality and is one of the Virtues of the Christ. It falls on Fifth Secret Ray. On this Ray, God Tabor is the Chohan, Regulus is the Elohim, and Archangel Shaddiel.

Constancy is a very important Divine Virtue to anchor into your world, as it carries you on the necessary rhythmic cycle of application until the appointed hour has come. What if the Elemental Kingdom did not bloom, or produce fruit and vegetables at the appointed hour? What if the Sun did not send Her Light and Love through the Rays constantly, unending, until the time came that the Earth and planets were drawn back into Her Heart?

Just as a point of instruction, if the Elementals did not purify that out-breath from our bodies, or the thoughts and feeling we sent off, we wouldn't be able to survive in outer physical embodiment for more than a few minutes.

So Constancy is very important for your resuCONSTANCY IN SERVICElts on the Path, whether Decrees, manifestations, attainment, mastery. Here I am sharing a Decree just for Constancy. There are many students who can benefit from this. With Love heart emoticon

In the Name, Love, Wisdom, Power and Authority of my own Beloved Presence of God, "I AM," I call directly to the Beloved God Tabor, the Mighty Elohim Regulus, and the Beloved Archangel Shaddiel to answer this call for me. Intensify it without limit every day, until I AM wholly Ascended and Free:

Make and keep me constant
Beloved I AM, to Thee!
Grateful for Thy Violet Fire
Whose use now sets me free.

Make and keep me constant,
In my willingness to serve.
With oceans of Forgiving Love
Held always in reserve.

Make and keep me constant,
When the human wants to quit.
Make me strong, courageous,
And master over it!

Make and keep me constant,
To the very best in me,
Giving Joyous Service
In Freedom's buoyancy.

Make and keep me constant,
In Faith, dissolving fear.
Let me live in "Listening Grace"
And feel the Master near!

Make and keep me constant,
From Love no more to roam;
Until my task is finished
And my Presence calls me Home

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Sanat Kumara: Forgiveness sets us Free

Beloved Sanat Kumara:

Don't you see how wonderful is the Great Cosmic Law of that “Blessed Mighty I AM Presence” in providing the use of the Violet Consuming Flame? It has given you the action of the Forgiveness of the Sacred Fire. I think you have scarcely ever realized or recognized that when you call on the Law of Forgiveness, or that the Forgiving Love of the Sacred Fire is the Purifying, Releasing Power that again establishes balance within your own world, and when that balance is maintained and your attention goes back to your Source, there is no need for the return of the discordant reactions of your former mistakes.

Once you have learned the Law of Obedience and Forgiveness and Love, and are sending it back to your “Presence” and to Life everywhere, then the Great Cosmic Law is not concerned with retaliation. The Great Cosmic Law of the Sacred Fire contains within Itself no desire for retaliation or revenge. The Law of Compensation is absolute; but when you have forgiven and acknowledged the Purifying, Forgiving Love of the Violet Flame, and you call forth the Victory of that Love of the Sacred Fire to take the place of all your mistakes, you are automatically rebalancing your world back to Life.

Oh, you could be free so quickly if you will remember that when you call on the Law of Forgiveness for all you mistakes and those of others, and you demand that you never make any more, but that you give back to the Universe a thousand times more Blessings of the Victory of Love of the Sacred Fire in order to make your balance back to the Universe. Oh, Dear Ones, you can have Help that very next instant when you are willing to make your balance back to Life by sending out so much greater good than your mistakes have produced discord. The Cosmic Law takes you at your word, sends you those who can assist you, releases through you and enfolds you in the Honor Flame of the great Love, the Victorious Love of the Sacred Fire, and makes you Its Presence in Action. Would there be any reason in all Eternity for imposing discord upon you when once you are willing to give Obedience to the Law, make your amends to Life by sending forth Infinite Blessings to bless the rest of the Universe, and continually forgive the shadows?

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Mighty Arcturus:

I AM Arcturus, Elohim of the Violet Fire of Mercy and Compassion in which you have found some interest and solace throughout this embodiment and with which you have experimented under various gurus and Masters, Ascended and otherwise, in ages that have gone by. I Represent the Power of that Violet Fire of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness that can, an actually does, change the vibratory action of the electrons that make up the substance and the form of any created thing.

Beloved Ones, this is as much a science as any of your sciences manifested in the world of form. This Violet Fire is a Created Activity that is Intelligent and can be drawn by anyone. It can be drawn in, through and around the physical or Inner Bodies, as well as, around homes or affairs of a worldwide and Planetary fashion. The Violet Fire together with Its Directors will go into action and render the assistance of Changing the Quality of Energy INSTANTLY!

If the Inner Eye were opened you would be able to see the Activity of Purification of That Flame as It passes through the substance of your flesh body, cleansing as it does the accumulations which you have drawn around the electrons that have shut in your Light and have made you temporarily less Self Luminous. If you could see That Action and really notice the difference in the amount of Light that is released through your physical bodies after the use of That Violet Fire, IAm sure that even as sincere as you are, you would become more confident in Its Efficacy, Power and Use.

“In the Name and by the Power of the Victorious ʻPresence of Godʼ ʻIAM.ʼ I do Consciously Invoke and Direct into the Emotional, Mental, Etheric and physical bodies of Mankind everywhere the Violet Fire of Mercy and Compassion to raise the vibratory action of those Inner and physical bodies to a point where the veil of maya no longer remains. Where they may see their ʻPresenceʼ face to face; walk and talk with the Angelic Host, the Ascended Masters and the Cosmic Beings. Where there may be restored to the Earth the Beauty and Perfection which She knew before the veil of maya was created. To this end I have been sent forth this day by Cosmic Law.”

“I speak to the waters of the Earth; I speak to the substance of the Earth itself; I speak to the atmosphere of the Earth - In the Name and by the Power of That Violet Flame shall you know Freedom from the accumulation of the ages of discordant effluvia and you shall know that Freedom in Harmony. From the greatest Undine and the most developed Salamander, the most developed Gnome and Sylph, I ask in the Name of the ʻIAM Presenceʼ Obedience to the Law of Peace, the Law of Balance, the Law of Cooperation with Harmony in this Universe. I speak to the Sylphs of the Air and ask the continued Obedience to Harmony, so that We may again create a Glorious Garden of Eden on this Earth. Beloved Beings of the Elements and Your Mighty Directors, as the Representative of the Seventh Ray, as the Superior to the Chohan of the Seventh Ray, I ask for added assistance from Your Realms in, through and around the Earth and all Mankind and the Great Invisible Realm that surrounds it, to Hold the Peace! Peace on the waters! Peace on the Earth! Peace in the air! In the Name and by the ʻPower of Godʼ “IAM.”

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Ascended Master Terminology: Human Creation

Blessed Hearts, today, we have the explanation of what is "human creation" according to the Ascended Master Terminology:

Human creation

Human creation is that mis-creation which human beings create through a consciousness of being separate from God Perfection - separate from Divine Ideals and Inspiration. It is limited creation that is the result of carnal and mortal motivations, with a tendency toward human equations of desire, egotism, self conceit or self concern. There may be subtle vanity, or pride, or prejudices inherent within the thoughts and discordant feelings. The result can be creation of imperfection which the Ascended Masters have termed "human creation".

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