Dr. SohiniBen Shukla's Posts (143)

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Dear Dr.,

The following is the content of a soon-to-be-released “Jeshua, Then and Now” Newsletter:


How does the body heal?

Da Vinci Man

There are many mechanisms at work in the human physical body to bring forth healing. There is no one simple process; rather, it depends a great deal upon the nature of the injury as to how the healing process proceeds.


Heart-centered energy image

Firstly, it is useful to look at the elements that, you might say, create the context for healing. The first of these is what you might consider a template for the human physical body - or perhaps a blueprint may be more accurate - and this is used as a reference point for that individual’s physical expression.




Secondly, it is important to acknowledge the role of the neurons, which are present primarily in the brain, and their role in commanding the cells to undertake particular processes that support, for example, the process of healing.



The third element is the hologram of an individual's physical expression, which exists in a different dimension from the one in which you exist, and this hologram is in many ways what is expressed in your human physical form; and, you might say, there is a close connection between the blueprint and the hologram because, in their own ways, they are different expressions of much the same thing.


Woman meditating

The blueprint carries the ideal form of the human physical body, to which has been added the unique elements that apply to that individual, whereas the hologram is quite specific to the individual and, in a sense, in its own way comes forth in response to that, you might say, modified blueprint.



And the final piece of context I would give you is the Kundalini energy. As some of you reading this will know, the Kundalini energy can and to some extent always does play a role in the healing process; and the more that you engage with the consciousness of the Kundalini energies and indeed see them be expressed within the physical body, travelling up that spiral channel along the spine and out through the crown chakra; if these energies are activated in the way I have described, and if intention is used, you might say, in relation to the activity of the consciousness of that Kundalini, then it will play a much more active and powerful role in the healing process.


DNA string

As I examine this subject of healing, it also leads us into the process of ageing as it is currently expressed in the human physical form, and as many of you will be aware, the key reason for this ageing process is the decay of the telomere, which represents part of the chromosome; and with each cell division, you might say, a small piece of the telomere is broken off and so, cells could only replicate themselves a certain number of times before that process stops and some of those cells begin to die off. And so this is the major driving force in what is called ageing.


Map of emotions

There is also the influence of emotion, particularly those emotions and energies that arise from past lifetimes that have not been cleared. These are significant contributors to how the physical body ages and indeed expresses illness and disease.



So, there are many factors at work here that, in a sense, create a context within which healing comes forth. When an individual is young and the telomere is healthy, the healing process is usually far more rapid and indeed far more comprehensive. If there is a significant injury to, say, a limb, that injury might be quite complex. There could be damage to bones, to ligaments, to muscle and to the skin, and all of these in their own way need to be healed; and when the body is young, these processes are much more readily activated.


Woman meditating in energy

The process of healing, as you can see, involves many variables and, you might say, the interplay of these variables needs to be managed on some level, and really this is managed between the neurons and the consciousness of the Kundalini. In particular, the neurons play this role because the focus of the Kundalini energy, primarily, is simply to see the physical body healed in any sense, including the repair of the telomere. It has no real, you might say, inherent support for that decay of the telomere. In a sense, the Kundalini energy is unchanged from before “The Fall” in Atlantis, and so its focus continues to be seeking to return the physical form to that perfected state that existed prior to “The Fall” in Atlantis; and so, you could perhaps consider that the consciousness of the Kundalini has been a little frustrated for the last 13,000 years or so, as returning to that state has not been a practical proposition.

So, you might say, the selector, the organiser of individual processes and the order in which they are executed is primarily managed by the neurons. Now you would recognise that the healing process involves, in some cases, repair to cells; in other cases it involves the change of some cells into a form that provides protection to a wound, for example, whilst the healing process proceeds, and then the discarding of those cells; and also, in some cases, the bringing forth of new cells to undertake specific functions within the body.


Femur fractures

So it is a complex process that is organised primarily, as I said, by this, you might say, conversation between the neurons and the consciousness of the Kundalini, and also the interaction with the cells and the organs, and the consciousness of those various elements of the body because, for example, let us take a bone in the leg - the femur - there is a template for that femur, you might say, or again, perhaps, more accurately a blueprint, and also there is a consciousness of that femur that wishes to see that bone returned to perfection. And so it, too, is interacting with the process to see perfection brought forth. It is interacting with the cells that make up that particular bone to see them, you might say, rationalised and reconnected in the way that they were previously, so that the bone is healed.

Indeed, as you may know, when bone is healed in this manner, actually the bone is reinforced more strongly than it was originally to, to an extent, compensate for the fact that damage has occurred in that area, so the bone as a result of the injury is very often stronger than it was before it was broken.

And I will mention that this knowledge is used by those who wish to create what are known as Super Soldiers, by triggering microscopic fractures throughout the bone structure of the body, and as a result, building a far stronger skeletal structure upon which to hang all of that function. But I do not wish to get further down that path than to simply mention its existence.

So, there is this cooperation, there is this mediation, there are these influences driving towards perfection, and you have, intermingled with this, the ageing process, influenced by the number of cell divisions and also influenced by the emotions and negative karmic energies from past lives - all of these things intermingling, you might say, and influencing in their own ways the process of healing of the body.

On a level, watching how the body heals, it truly is miraculous in the sense that, if you cut yourself, you do not even think twice about whether the body will heal that cut; rather your focus is on ensuring that there is no significant infestation of bacteria or other things that might prevent or delay that healing process. The question is not on your mind about whether it will heal, and this is perhaps a good opportunity to introduce the influence of the mind, because there are many ways in which the mind can impact the healing process.

For those who are truly great Masters, they have the ability to simply call forth the, you might say, almost immediate healing of the physical form. Indeed, there are stories told of great yogis in India who might, for example, have had an arm severed, who simply within a day put that arm back in place with no medical intervention. This is an extreme example of the power of the mind to be used in the process of healing, but there are lesser illustrations of that same process. One is to intend that, for example, a wound will heal quickly.

Something which is also very accessible is, for example, when you have cut yourself and it begins to bleed. You can just intend that that bleeding stop; and if you believe in this, it will stop immediately. There have been many examples of this kind of event occurring, particularly, for example, when a parent is speaking with a child who accepts what that parent says very freely, and that parent has some understanding and just tells the child to simply stop the bleeding, and it will stop. As you get a little older, you begin to doubt these abilities because of the consciousness you have been living in, and so it is little more challenging for most adults to do this, unless they have, for example, been students of the kind of the yoga mastery that I spoke of earlier.

So, it is certainly within the reach of the individual where they have some kind of injury or illness, or even an organ which is misbehaving in some manner, to connect with the consciousness of that organ and communicate with it and understand what its issue is, and once you understand this and why it is malfunctioning, to work with it to see it be healed, in a manner that most people do not accept as possible.


Energy dance

Again, this is interplaying with all of the other threads that I have mentioned; so you can see it is like a dance, this beautiful interaction which, for the most part will happen automatically, but which any individual can influence in a number of ways; for example, by activating their Kundalini and communicating with the consciousness of that Kundalini, by communicating with the consciousness of particular organs or a bone or even the leg if there is a major injury there and, indeed, to intend that the bleeding of a wound simply stop. All of these things are very powerful.

Indeed, you can use intention to clear the body of toxins; simply intending that the body go through a process - and this takes several days - of clearing itself of all toxins. You might wonder why this is not automatically done, but really it is up to the individual to take responsibility for the functioning of the human physical body in circumstances which are outside of what you might consider the normal day-to-day functioning; and so, these toxins can be cleared in this manner. This is but an example of what is possible.

This is, perhaps, as far as I wish to go, other than to mention that, as the rejuvenation process unfolds in the near future, you will see the complete reactivation of the telomere - much to the joy of the consciousness of the Kundalini - and also the reactivation of all of the DNA in the human physical form, most of which is currently shut down; and as this all occurs, your ability to bring forth the perfected human physical form, regardless of the degree of damage that has been done to it, either through injury or illness or disease, all of this will simply, you might say, dissolve and disappear; somewhat miraculously, including implants that may have been placed to, for example, pin a bone or other things of this nature. Indeed, even those cases where there have been broken bones; that excess strengthening, you might say, will disappear in this process of bringing forth this perfection.

So this is something for you all to look forward to because, if you are reading this newsletter, you are certainly one of those who will be participating in this process. And so, I trust this gives you a little better understanding of some of the variables in the process of the healing of the human physical body.


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Blessings, Joy, Love and Peace.

Richard Presser


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Dear Friends,

Here I have a Message from Tom Om...

For this You go with the given link....and again you have to see all the links which has been given in His Message...

This is very important link...for so many aspects of Spiritual Knowledge.....of our Lemuria....Atlantis....Atlantic Crystal Its all details....

Many videos...and lot to learn from this single link....

You will have  to go with the links of your selection of your subjects...


Hi Sohini,


My Personal Message for You:

You know that I AM always there for you, Sohini

Even you don't ask - I KNOW!

                   -Your Higher Self-


Hope you feel well and happy :)

Today I released a new series of Codes

since this energy healing modality is transmitted
 anchored by the Master Councils of Shamballa.

What does Shamballa mean?

Shamballa is a Sanskrit word (the same language we 
get chakra and kundalini from) that means "place 
of peace/ tranquility/happiness." In Tibetan Buddhist tradition, 
Shambhala (or Shamballa) is (thought to be) a mystical kingdom
hidden somewhere beyond the snow peaks of the Himalayas. 

Read more here: http://spiritualhealing-now.com/shambhala.html

Perhaps, once a upon a time gone by, the people who once
lived there knew how to access this sacred energy and brought
to earth in that place.

Shamballa is the very energy of God realization.

The very field of existence where heaven and earth are one.
Shamballa is the highest field of energy available to all humans
who has done their inner work and raised their vibration to the
point of accessing it and living within it.

This sacred energy is so special, and so incredibly potent in its
expression that it literally takes advanced mechanics to convert
and integrate them into your own energy field with ease and grace.

This energy is the true God potential in all of us.

How do we reach God realization? 

God IS Love. Pure, untainted, unbiased love. That means
you vibrate at the pure frequency of love and all that surround
you can feel it, this happens the moment you vibrate in harmony
with the Unified/Chris Consciousness.

In order to reach this level you have to prepare, clear and
re-align  all layers of your I AM existence.
To do so, the MASTERS of Shamballa which are councils of
ascended Masters offer their help to proceed further!!!

Here are the first Shamballa Master Codes, which trigger
further Clearing
 & Alignments of several issues listed below...


Also, please share your opinion:)

Your fellow traveler,




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~ A Transmission from the Elders
co-created by Anrita Melchizedek

Welcome, sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now, in this sacred month of July, as you experience the sacred Cosmic Fire of Wisdom through the Overlighting of Helios and Vesta, your god-parents and the Solar Logii for this solar system.

Sweet ones, when we talk about wisdom we are talking about Ancient Wisdom and the wisdom that you hold within yourselves; and through this, your connection to the many Masters of Wisdom, as you follow this path of Light through the Christed Timelines, in this Golden Age of Light. As you connect to the Legions of Light, sweet ones, you are imbued by the Divine Creator Rays and he Overlighting of the Ascended Masters, the Christed ETs and the many Illumined Beings of Light from On High, who walk beside you and next to you and behind you, ever guiding you upwards into the Light. And many of these Masters of Wisdom, sweet ones, who are in discarnate form, themselves passed through the lower planes and experienced Initiations of Light in both self-knowledge, and self-sacrifice, and through this it came to pass that they came together to form this great Brotherhood of the Light. And this is what you are on the lower dimensions and on this earth-plane in particular, sweet ones.

You are the brotherhood and sisterhood of the Light. And from the center of Light this sacred Cosmic Fire of Wisdom, Overlighted by the Planetary and Spiritual hierarchy, burns within your hearts as the way showers, Light workers, and star seeded ones, dedicated to serving the lower worlds, dedicated to serving Mother Earth and all Life; and imbued by the energy of the sacred Rays of Creation, and the knowing that you are here as these Flames of Divine Love, you sweet ones, make your passage through these Rays of Creation, once again becoming members to the Brotherhood of the Light, and to the Great White Lodge. As you choose to incarnate and take on your pre-birth agreements with your earthly family, and your soul family, and your star families, you move in to this solar system through the energy of the solar core and Sun, Overlighted by Helios and Vesta, and into this solar system and onto this earth plane, through the Creator Rays of Will and Power, Love and Wisdom, or Divine Intelligence respectively; and indeed as you are aware, sweet ones, it is the integration of these first three rays that create this three-fold Flame of Empowerment, of Love, and Wisdom. And as you travel as the Masters in human form, you move firstly along the timelines of the karmic contracts. Of the timelines in which you have experienced the lessons that have created the deepest challenges for you, and in some cases are still being experienced through the victim and persecutor consciousness.

And when you understand these earthly agreements formed at a soul level with the many souls that you have played out the victim and persecutor consciousness roles in parallel realities with, once again as you come into forgiveness and Love you make a deeper connection into your soul families of the Light, into this core group of twelve soul-rays of which you are one, Overlighted by your Higher Self of the Light. And within this you start to magnetize and attract those that you learn your lessons with simply in Love. It is the experience of this, sweet ones, that attracts to you great friendships or soul mates. For of course you are already Love, but the particular lessons that you have had to experience to know yourself as Love have indeed been your greatest Initiations of Light. To experience the polarity on this earth-plane, and to embrace both the shadow and the Light has amplified the Flame of Divine Love within your hearts and within the hearts of others as you understand these lessons, as you come into Love, into forgiveness, into appreciation, honoring of yourselves and others.

Additionally, sweet ones, you start to bring a deeper focus to the contracts with the star-families of the Light through the core group of 144 souls, of which you are one, Overlighted by your Beloved I AM Presence. It is this star lineage that activates through the original divine eight-cell blueprint, too, to take you into deeper levels of your service work. To take you into deeper understandings of your soul purpose, of your passion, and to bring together the core groups that you can work with, sweet ones, on this earth-plane, in creating your own Lodges of Light, your own ashrams.

Through this three-fold flame of Power, Love, and Wisdom, you further travel as you lift yourself in Cosmic Consciousness awareness, initially into the ashrams of Light within Shamballa, housing now all twelve Creator Rays. And as you experience a greater level of empowerment in aligning your will to the Divine Will of Mother/Father God as this Flame of Divine Love, you are lifted into this second ray Ashram of Love/Wisdom into the knowing of the energy of the Divine Mother, into the Pathways of Light that you create for yourself and others through the embodiment of the Divine Feminine, and from here, sweet ones, you lift yourselves once more into the Divine Mind of Mother/Father God through this third ray ashram of Divine Intelligence.

And as you increase in Cosmic Consciousness awareness, you are invited once more to become a member to the Great White Lodge. For this Pathway of Discipleship leads to the wisdom of the Higher Mind, through your connection to the Mind of God, and you start to unveil the mysteries of the Universe, in humility, in commitment, in dedication to the Truth, in standing unwaveringly in the Light regardless of what is going on around you, sweet ones. It is to recognise that you are the adepts, the Initiates of Light, and you have passed through, or continue to pass through many of your own challenges, your own Initiations of Light, in becoming that which you have forever been, Solar Christ Conscious Being of Light, these sacred transfiguring flames of Divine Love, leading the way in this Golden Age of Light.

As you lift the mind through the energy of Divine Love, you experience a deeper connection through this first Lodge, through Shamballa, to the Ascended Masters, to the experience of your own extra-sensory perception gifts too, imbued by the Light of the Masters. You develop a deeper level of your own telepathic connections in communication and these gifts deepen in creative understandings and inspirations through your art, or your writing or your poetry, your music, and through this a deeper level of knowing yourselves through the Cosmic Heart of All Creation. You may further develop the gifts of clairvoyance, or clairaudience, or clairsentience, or a deeper understanding of the Akashic Records, being able to view many lifetimes that you have experienced in these parallel realities ~ those that impact you in this Now, those that come through in the future, those that are experienced Always and Eternally, through the Christed Timelines.

As you spread your wings in freedom and knowledge, the wisdom of the universe unfolds and opens for you, sweet ones, and this second level of connection that is then experienced is often through the Great White Lodge in the etheric of Sirius. The Great White Lodge in the etheric of Sirius works with the Patterns of Perfection, and the many programs of Cosmic Consciousness awareness ~ primarily through Light shells of photons and anti-photons, and this Light continuum within the universal field allows for the interconnectiveness of all levels of Cosmic Consciousness, through the oscillation of cosmic rays in all directions to be experienced through various inter-dimensional wormholes, establishing a perfect balance of Cosmic Consciousness at each dimensional level through the ring-passeth-nots or dimensional walls.

And as you access this information, sweet ones, you step into a deeper level of knowing of yourselves as the adepts of the Light, moving through this training ~ often in your dream state, initially, and as you awaken more the DNA Codes of Light into the memories of your highest potential, into the timelines of self-mastery. You further activate deeper levels of your service work, and from here may choose to connect into this third great Lodge, this Ashram of the Order of Melchizedek ~ this primary Ashram, this central Ashram existing in the Kingdoms of Light in Orion, under Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, Lord Michael, and the Universal Council of Twelve, who implement these programs of Cosmic Consciousness awareness.

As the wise teachers to this earth-plane, sweet ones, you are now at a place where you can create your own Lodges of Light. Your Lodges of White Light, on the lower worlds, on this earth-plane, coming together more now with your soul and star family and friends of the Light. For you are moving deeper along t he Christed Timelines, while honoring the lessons, your deepest challenges, as your greatest Initiations of Light. And as you passed these tests, sweet ones, through acknowledging that you have chosen these lessons, and you have chosen these roles, to know yourself fully in your magnificence and Light, you let go of blame, you release the shame, and you embrace the pain. The veils of illusion lift as you see clearly through the Christed Timelines in the co-creation of Heaven on Earth, as you join together as these Legions of Light, the physical vessels of Light on this earth-plane with your brothers and sisters of Light that are working from the inner planes with the Masters of Light. As you lift yourselves in Cosmic Consciousness awareness, sweet ones, you are indeed embraced within this sacred Cosmic Fire of Wisdom, and with the knowing that you are indeed Melchizedek Ambassadors of Light.

So let us now come into a deeper experiential experience of this sacred Cosmic Fire of Wisdom. Wherever you are in your sacred space, breath deep into the body ~ expanding the lower abdomen as you breath in, contracting the lower abdomen as you breath out. As you ground into the crystal heart of Mother Earth and you feel this connection in Light, you have a sense of your energy field expanding now through the beautiful flame of Divine Love, this diamond, golden and white Light, that expands f rom the heart chakra. This spherical flame moving around you, through each sub-atomic particle in your body, moving upwards, outwards, connecting now into the Unity Grid of Divine Love, within you and around you ~ having a sense of connecting to the Lightworkers, the star seeded ones, the I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light. The collective Higher Light of all humanity, awakened in the knowing of the Truth of Creation, in the Higher Mind teachings through Divine Love. And from here sweet ones, have a deeper sense of your connection to the many Beings of Light from On High, to the Ascended Masters, and the Ray Masters ~ El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion , Sananda, Saint Germain and Lady Portia, Lady Nada, Mother Mary, Allah Gobi, Quan Yin, and Pallas Athena. As you deepen this connection have a sense of your star lineage, of the many Christed ETs that are here, assisting in the forward evolution of all humanity, of your service work, sweet ones, t hrough the Overlighting of the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans, the Arcturians, the Antarians, and all other Christed ET Beings you acknowledge, and of the Light. As you lift yourself in Cosmic Consciousness awareness you connect into the angelic realms, to the Archangels ~ Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Zadkiel, Jophiel, Chamuel, Uriel, and their Divine Feminine Counterparts. Ever expanding, you connect into the Elohim, the Creator Gods of Light. You experience too this deep cosmic embrace of Lord Buddha and now Sanat Kumara as this Bridge to Solar Christ Consciousness, Helios and Vesta, wrapped now in these beautiful copper-gold and pink-gold flames of the sacred Cosmic Fire of Wisdom.

And experiencing now sweet ones, the energy of the Melchizedek Brotherhood, Lord Melchizedek, Melchior the Galactic Logos ~ expanding ever deeper in Consciousness and Light ~ to your soul family of the Light, through the Overlighting of your Higher Self, expanding ever further to your multi-dimensional selves on these parallel realities that have achieved an equal level or a greater level of Light and knowledge, and wisdom. And now to your star family, and a deeper understanding of your service role as you merge now with your Beloved I AM Presence ~ the Highest Light that you are within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. You experience this deep embrace and integration with the Mind of God, the Cosmic Heart of All Creation, through the Overlighting of Mother/Father God, wrapped now in the beautiful lavender, white and golden flames of the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis. You have a sense of this cosmic map of creation, moving through the Fibonacci ratios and the spirals of Creation, outwards, upwards, through these torroidal formations of Light that create a deeper sense of the geometries of the Light that are activated within you and around you through the Unity Grids of Divine Love, at each dimensional level.

You now take on a deeper level of the fractal geometries, the numerologies, the key codes, activating the dormant DNA now, to the maximum Cosmic Law will allow, as you experience yourself with the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. You are this Flame of Light, an Initiate of Light, ever guiding and leading others in this Golden Age of Light, sweet ones, and you do this through embracing your own shadow and Light ~ in finding the balance between the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine, in finding this balance through the shadow and the Light. As you walk the planes of polarity, you walk too in the dimensions of Light. And for some this is indeed a challenging time, often experienced as lonely, isolating, or deeply challenging. Walking between dimensions is indeed about lifting the veils of illusion, and seeing all those around you in Divine Love and Unity Consciousness. And this is what you feel now, sweet ones, as you expand your heart through the Cosmic Heart of All Creation and the Flame of Divine Love. You know that you are not alone, you are in a Creation of Light, and you feel this and you know this, and you allow this to be your reality, in the One Reality of All That Is. You move beyond separation, beyond illusion. You see clearly through your Master Eyes at all of Life around you, understanding creation, the cyclical nature that leads you ever upwards into the wisdom of the Higher Mind, as these Flames of Divine Love.

You experience yourself now, being imbued by the energy of the Ascended Masters and Ray Masters in Shamballa and traveling in this external Merkaba Vehicle of Light you are lifted through the New Earth Templates, the rays of stralim radiation, into Shamballa, and in particular into this first ray ashram of Will and Power. You see the lessons that you have chosen in this lifetime, regardless of the role, choosing victim consciousness, choosing to be disempowered, giving your power to others, or not experiencing the utterance of your spiritual reality, a sense of disempowerment, and perhaps the abuser who becomes the abused or vice versa, is experienced through the freewill blueprint ~ but you understand clearly, sweet ones, that these lessons have been about the experience of coming in to your power; of wielding power rather than submitting to it, of experiencing the Will of Mother/Father God. As you trust and surrender to Creation, this pathway before you flows with ease and gentleness, acceptance and peace, and above all in Love, sweet ones. And if there are still any lessons that you may need to experience with regard to your power issues, or what you are not seeing, or roles that you are still playing, you allow the Ascended Masters in this first ray ashram to imbue you in their Divine Body of Light, so you may see clearly through the timeline of what it is you may need to shift and change in this Now.

As you experience this second ray ashram of Love and Wisdom you feel this flame of Divine Love deep within your hearts, and a deeper expression of your creative gifts comes upon you and activates the dormant DNA to the knowledge of these many gifts that you have, sweet ones, that are expressed in your writings and your teachings, in your art, in your poetry, i n your musical creations ~ your soul note, your dance of passion and Divine Love. And in this sacred space, deep within your Heart's Temple, you see that you are surrounded by your soul and star family and friends of the Light and you have acceptance and understanding ~ you are moving into greater levels of Cosmic Consciousness awareness, as you now experience yourself within this third ray ashram of Divine Intelligence, and as you link your mind to the Higher Mind, to the Mind of Mother/Father God, you receive these impressions in scrolls of Light of your many Initiations of Light. And as this re-calibration takes place too through the pituitary, the pineal, and hypothalamus glands, we speak in tongues ..... You are given the visions through the Christed Timelines as the veils of illusion are lifted and you see clearly through your Master Eyes to these various timelines of your highest potential, of yourselves as Initiates of Light, in ancient Egypt and Atlantis, Lemuria, the Mayan and Aztec cultures, the Native American cultures, perhaps in now moments through the Essene Brotherhood, through the Christed lineage, through the Royal House of Avalon, the Divine Feminine, star seeding the Light of Creation in Divine Love. You recognize yourselves, sweet ones, as the High Priests and Priestesses and you allow this knowledge to be further activated as you have a sense of the inner plane ashrams and schools of learning that you journey to, to come into a deeper level of wisdom. And in this knowing you realize that you are working with the Great White Lodge, the Brotherhood of the Light. And you are lifted in soul consciousness now, in this external merkaba vehicle of Light, into the Great White Lodge stationed in the etheric of Sirius. You are welcomed and greeted as this Initiate of Light into this magnificent multi-coloured City of Light. The Patterns of Perfection within this multi-colored City of Light appear to constantly change, reflecting the many programs of Light and Cosmic Consciousness awareness.

These Beings of Light, the Awakened Masters, Sages, Ascended Masters, Masters of wisdom, invite you now to experience a deeper level of your service work. They offer to place you in this Metatron Activated Chamber of Light ~ in reading the energy harmonics of your original Divine eight-cell blueprint relative to the multi-universal blueprint you will feel and experience the electron-positron pairs within your body spinning in increased Light frequencies relative to your level of Cosmic Consciousness awareness. As this Metatron Activated Chamber of Light comes in, Divine energy transmissions powered through the electron pour into your physical energy body, bringing integrated concepts that you may potentially manifest on this physical earth as Initiates of Light, as Melchizedek Initiates of Light. You are given information in these Light Codes, as to how you may best be of service, sweet ones.

And now as you prepare to leave this Light Chamber, the Brotherhood of the Light members that have welcomed and greeted you to the Great White Lodge telepathically link you to members of the Order of Melchizedek, of the Great White Lodge on this earth-plane who are involved in similar service work to yourself. You are putting out a call to magnetize and attract into your reality those of a similar service work ~ you are calling upon, sweet ones, your star families of the Light. Additionally you are activated in frequency to be able to receive transmissions of Light from the Great White Lodge, so you may be guided intuitively in making the appropriate decisions in your service work, in your co-creation of Heaven of Earth.

Lastly, sweet ones, you are now lifted in soul consciousness to the Cities of Light in Orion, to the central ashram of the Order of Melchizedek. This great ashram brings through many of the wisdom teachings that are now activated for you as you are lifted in soul consciousness into this Temple of Light, to this ashram of the Order of Melchizedek that brings through primarily a deeper level of understanding of all the Initiations of Light. And you glimpse now, through this pyramid of Light that surrounds you, into the Akashic Records ~ your own records, and now into the future of yourself and others ~ of seeing yourself co-creating Heaven on Earth, as these Flames of Divine Love; of deepening your service work, of understanding the laws of creation, of understanding the many contracts that you make on these various levels, with your earthly family, your soul family, your star family, sweet ones. You have reached this level of understanding because you have experienced many lifetimes, to get to this point, to this Now, and it unfolds for you graciously, and harmoniously, and gently, for this is what you are co-creating, this collective Flame of Divine Love, and in this month of July a deeper level of Wisdom and insight and understanding, through this sacred Cosmic Fire of Wisdom.

Lord Melchizedek comes forward to embrace you now, in his Body of Light. As these memories are fully activated for you, sweet ones, you take a moment once more to experience many of these Initiations of Light that you have undertaken, not only on this earth-plane but in sister dimensions, other dimensions of Light, that connect you too now to your dimensional selves on every dimension of Light.

Wonderful, sweet ones. You now come back into your sacred space as you hold the energy and magnificence of yourself as a Melchizedek Initiate of Light. We let you know that July the 7th is a good day to deepen the experience of these Initiations of Light, for it is known as the Day of Sirius, as Sirius is sighted rising before the Sun, and it is also a 7:7 number of Light, that allows you a deeper level of access through this Gateway of Light into the higher dimension. And as these cycles of seven may appear in your Life in different ways, it is also the knowing that this is a time of new beginnings, sweet ones. On July 8th as you experience the Cancer New Moon come into reflection, come into a deeper understanding of what you are still shifting and changing, and as you experience the Full Moon energy on July 22nd and 23rd, if you choose, sweet ones, you may experience an Initiation of Light into the Order of Melchizedek.

Additionally, sweet ones, in this month of July there is a planetary alignment that greatly benefits you. This is the Grand Trine of Water signs, of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, through Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune, respectively. This takes you deeper into a spiritual alignment of Light, focusing on family and home, and the releasing of karmic contracts, and experiencing deeper levels of soul contracts. And indeed too, sweet ones, of your ability to deepen your service work through the Light of God, and connect to greater levels of your soul and star family and friends of the Light. As you align now into the Inner Earth Sun, to the Sun within your hearts, to the Sun, the Central Sun, and the Great Central Sun in this alignment of Light, and surrounded once more in these beautiful copper-gold and pink gold flame of Helios and Vesta, and this sacred Cosmic Fire of Wisdom, know indeed sweet ones, you are becoming these masters of Wisdom and Light.

Grounding once more into the energy of Mother Earth and keeping this connection of Light open to the Company of Heaven through the Unity Grid of Divine Love you experience this deep sense of One Unity Consciousness.

We thank you for your service work, sweet ones, and with this we bid you a most magical day.

Transcribed by Eadie Miller

~ Join us for an Online Healing Retreat
with Anrita Melchizedek

Actualization of Our Crystalline Sun DNA Templates

In The Crystalline Sun DNA Templates Actualization process, Overlighted by the Beings of Light from On High, we focus primarily on the axiatonal lines through the twelve main meridian lines in the body. We activate these axiatonal lines interdimensionally, from the third to the eighth dimensions respectively, through the related wormholes or portals, as well as downloading the related chakras, with the last DNA Actualization integration process taking place on the ninth dimension, the highest dimensional frequency we are now able to experience in this Golden Age of Light.

The axiatonal lines lie along the acupuncture meridian lines and connect into twelve spin points of sound and color frequencies found along each meridian line. The activation of these 144 spin points at each dimensional level creates the appropriate sound and color frequencies necessary to actualize the DNA as well as connect us to our multidimensional Selves. Further to this, the axiatonal lines at each dimensional level not only links us into the Christ Consciousness/Unity Grid of Divine Love, but also assists in the regeneration and rejuvenation of the physical body. A dditional, the chakras start to merge in One unified column of Light and a deep sense of interconnectiveness and unconditional Love is often experienced as we move more into the fifth dimension and the New Earth Templates of Light.

We travel to Lord Buddha's Ascension Seat in Shamballa, Helios and Vesta’s Ascension Seat in the Solar Core, the Ascension Seat in the Pleiades, the Ascension Seat in Sirius, the Ascension Seat in Andromeda, the Ascension Seat in the Kingdoms of Light of Orion Overlighted by the Order of Melchizedek and finally through a portal of Light in Alpha Omega into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. At each dimensionally level, we anchor the higher chakras, merge with our multidimensional Selves at these dimensional levels, including our multidimensional Selves through our your past lives/parallel realities, sister dimensions and alternate realities, and finally actualize the Crystalline Sun DNA Templates through activating the related frequency axiatonal lines, and through this, actualize the DNA in the full remembrance of our magnificence and Light as these multidimensional Master Beings of Light and sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.

Primarily this is frequency integration to the higher dimensions and the stabilization of our individual frequency into Solar Christ Consciousness occurs in this DNA Actualization process.


A deeper sense of trust and surrender to the Divine.
Knowing that the Pathway of Divine Love is your birthright, and the ability to flow into the Center of Divine Love and the Cosmic Heart of All Creation.
A deeper more integrated connection to your Beloved I Am Presence and God through the recognition of yourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.
A greater sense of joy and peace.
Releasing of old false beliefs and judgments, victim/persecutor consciousness, disillusionment and separation.
Moving more into detachment while experiencing a greater flow and depth of all emotions.
A greater number of synchronistic events start to occur in your everyday lives as the veils of illusion lift and you see clearing through your master eyes knowing that we are Divinely guided in this Golden Age of Light.
Perception shifts and the ability to read the energy of others more clearly.
A sense of no-time, no space ~ linear time dissolving into a more multidimensional time frame of simply being in the Now.
Bringing in of multidimensional memories of your Highest Potential in parallel realities through the merging of your multidimensional Selves.
Experiencing increased creativity and a greater color spectrum.
Increased ESP gifts such as telepathy, clairvoyance and clairaudience.
Increased abilities to manifest and magnetize all that you need in any given Now moment.

An eBook will be provided for the Crystalline Sun DNA Actualization process, and it is suggested you view the eBook prior to the telewebinar to have a sense of the meridian lines activated at each dimensional level.

So come join us on Healing Retreats, hosted by Lauren Galey, in this incredible actualization of our Crystalline Sun DNA Templates, facilitated by myself, Anrita Melchizedek of The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network. We look so forward to having you onboard. Namaste.

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 Acting AS IF (Awakening with Suzanne Lie)


Acting AS IF
You ARE an Ascended Master

Dear Arcturians,
I do not know where to start. There is so much that appears to be going on inside of me, but the outside world appears to be the same. I feel a deep transformation occurring within me, which is mostly experienced as resistance to all third-dimensional tasks. Fortunately, or unfortunately, I have discovered that when I feel the familiar overwhelming sense of exhaustion I can close my eyes and shift my attention from the outer world and into the inner world of my multidimensional SELF.
When I take a short moment to turn around my attention to go inside myself, I am able to consciously experience an instant flow of peace, joy and unconditional love. However, I eventually must open my eyes and return to the dramas and challenges of the physical world. Fortunately, I am also beginning to understand that my earth vessel holds the key to my transmutation into Lightbody.
It is the combination of surrendering into the frequency of my inner SELF and acknowledging the vast knowledge and quantum connections within the subconscious and DNA of my earth vessel that is the key to ascension. I have discovered that I need to go inside to surrender to my every feeling of resistance/ fear while also honoring my physical earth vessel. Therefore, I am asking you to assist me to remember to surrender to resistance/fear while honoring my physical form.
The act of surrendering is a fifth dimensional behavior and the keynote for the inter-dimensional travel of ascension. Once you surrender into that which creates even a hint of fear within your consciousness, you expand your consciousness into the fifth dimension. From that higher perspective, you can perceive yourself as the Ascended Master, which you are when you are within that frequency of your Multidimensional SELF.
Once you hold the SELF concept of being an Ascended Master you perceive your body as a physical form you are wearing. Then, any fear within your physical life is perceived as similar to an infant's cry. Would you run away from a crying infant or get angry at the tiny baby? No, you would realize the infant needs you comfort. Crying is the infant’s only form of asking you to figure out what he/she needs.
In the same manner, the cellular mind of your earth vessel can only communicate with you via physical sensations and emotions. Once you have remembered to connect your multidimensional SELF to your earth vessel you have the option of experiencing your physical reality through the perspective of your Ascended Master SELF, who resonates to myriad realities in the fifth dimension and beyond.
New Earth is on the threshold of the fifth dimension and serves as the portal between the third/fourth dimensional worlds of time, illusion and separation and the timeless worlds of unity and unconditional love. It is on New Earth that your multidimensional memory will return because you will not be plagued with the many fearful challenges of physical earth.
However, if you have not mastered your heart/mind, your thoughts may create a fearful challenge and fill it with a fearful emotion. This fear-based thought-form will instantly return you to the third/fourth dimension. This relocation of your primary consciousness is not a punishment. It is merely that you create the resonance of your reality with your thoughts and emotions.
Your human form has a long time habit of creating a fear-filled physical reality. You will need to totally release this habit in order to be the Master of your energy field. As we have said, you do not release 3D habits by judging yourself. The final statement of one of your Earthly ascended ones was, "Forgive them for they know not what they do." This forgiveness stems from surrendering into a frightening process. Once you surrender into fear, it is revealed as a third dimensional illusion because your act of surrender has activated your fifth dimensional perception.
From a fifth dimensional perspective you can view the frightening situation as a crying infant. There is something about this situation that is calling for your attention. If you look at the situation as an enemy or something that you dread, you will not give it your attention. You have likely made this choice because you do not believe that you have the ability to deal with this issue in an effective manner.
The truth is that your earth vessel self may not have that ability. Hence, your best choice is to surrender into the situation so that your fifth dimensional SELF can assist you with this earthly challenge. Once you begin to establish this kind of ongoing relationship with your Multidimensional SELF, you begin the process of mastering your energy.
The key to gaining mastery of your energy is in knowing that your physical self cannot master many 3D/4D issues. Therefore, in order to successfully meet the challenge of mastery, you will need to raise your attention, consciousness and perceptions into a higher expression of your SELF. The sequence for this "changing of the guard" from third dimensional to multidimensional is:
·           Consciously acknowledge that this issue is beyond the ability of your physical self to resolve.
·          Surrender into the issue, which shifts your consciousness into the fifth dimension
·           Place your attention on the peace, joy and unconditional love of your fifth dimensional consciousness AND ground it in your physical form.
·          Maintain this state of consciousness with thanksgiving and unconditional love.
·          Perceive the issue through this perspective so that you can remember that every challenge is a component of ascension.
·         From this perspective of your higher expression of you SELF attend, not to the situation, but to the cause of the situation.
·         Surrender into the cause to find the message it is giving you.
·         Listen and act upon that message. 
In this manner, you own that you are the creator of your life. The "crying infant" is your lowest expression of SELF who needs the assistance of your higher expressions. It is through this process of surrendering into a challenge by surrendering into your ascended SELF that you can alter your life.
Most important, you have called to and merged with your own higher expression to identify the cause. Then, acting as your Ascended Master SELF, you unconditionally love the crying "infant" inside the earth vessel and deal with the situation from a higher dimensional perspective.
We will now address a challenge that all of our wondrous and brave representatives in human form are facing, the transmutation of your physical forms.
Consciously acknowledge that this issue is beyond the ability of your physical self to resolve…
Surrender into the FACT that you are not your physical body. You are WEARING your physical body.
Surrender into the issue…
Close your eyes and turn around inside your mind to connect with your High Heart and FEEL the peace, joy and unconditional love.
Place your attention on the peace, joy and unconditional love of your fifth dimensional consciousness…
Ground this feeling into your physical and planetary body.
Maintain this state of consciousness with thanksgiving and unconditional love…
Repeat as many times as you need “Thanksgiving for the substance at hand will duplicate the substance indefinitely.”
Perceive the issue through the perspective of your fifth dimensional Ascended Master…
Repeat again and again “Every challenge is a component of ascension.”
From this perspective of your higher expression of you SELF attend, not to the situation, but to the cause of the situation…
Surrender into your Ascended Master SELF and as for multidimensional cause of this issue.
Surrender into the cause…
Allow the message within the cause of this situation to be revealed.
Listen and act upon that message…
Release all fear-based emotion and act “as if” YOU are an Ascended Master!

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From: geniusbr@host.ascensionhelp.com
[mailto:geniusbr@host.ascensionhelp.com] On Behalf Of Ascension Help.com ::
Cameron Day
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 12:34 PM
Subject: Upcoming Opportunity to Choose Heaven on Earth: June 21, 2013

Please come to the blog to comment: www.ascensionhelp.com/blog/?p=324

If you have been on my mailing list for a while, this message will look very
familiar, but please read on and participate if you can. :-)

Our next big "window of opportunity" to empower a positive reality for
humanity is the Summer Solstice, June 21, 2013.

December 21, 2012 was just the beginning of the process of transforming this
world and restoring the light of freedom to Earth, NOT the end.

If you have felt discouraged that "nothing happened" on 12/21, please
understand that the millions of people focusing on a better world on that
day created significant shifts in 4th density that have been effecting 3rd
density in numerous ways. Old power structures are crumbling rapidly, and
more people than ever before are "waking up" to the world that has been
pulled over their eyes as a result of these energetic shifts.

The power of collective focus on a single objective is more powerful than we
can currently comprehend. In the energetic realms, "many hands make light
work" just as in the physical world, and it is up to all spiritual beings,
meditators and people who simply want to live in peace to come together and
focus on peace, freedom, abundance, evolution and wholeness being restored
to humanity in order for this reality to manifest. We could truly pick any
day to focus our collective will on freeing the world from its current form
of slavery, but more energy is available for us to work with on solstice and
equinox dates.

The "negative elite" know about the increased energy available on these
dates to empower their focus, but have kept that knowledge largely obscured
from the world while performing abominable rituals in secret to empower
their dark agenda of keeping humanity ignorant and enslaved. When we focus
our energy on the goals of true freedom for humanity, we change the 4th
density environment to match those goals and thwart the dark agenda.

Right now, the 4th density environment of planet Earth is still quite dark
in many locations, but there are also areas that have been restored to align
with the incredible love, light and freedom of the Infinite Creator. This
restoration needs to be done to every "square meter" of Earth's 4th density
environment, because 4th density contains the templates for energetic
expression in 3rd density.

There are many areas below ground, especially in cities, which are still
heavily burdened with the infection of darkness and its ankle-biter minions.
Nonetheless, the progress we have made in the 4th density clean up over the
last two and a half years is tremendous. I hope someone on 4th density is
taking before and after pictures. :-)

This Solstice is Especially Challenging

In addition to the negative energy that the "nefarious-elite" will be
pumping out via their dark rituals on June 21, we also have a "super moon"
on June 23rd. The moon is still being used as a broadcast station for
negative frequencies, so we need to be extra vigilant during a full moon.

Because of this added challenge, I am asking all who can participate at this
time to do so for FOUR consecutive days. Each day on June 20th, 21st, 22nd
and 23rd, at any time of day or night, please take 30-60 minutes to sit in
meditative focus. Connect to your Higher Self, Earth's core, and the
Galactic core. Once you're connected, state your intent that you want to
serve as a Galactic Conduit to anchor as much transformative Galactic energy
as possible into the planet in order to facilitate the clean-up of 4th
density, and to help free all of humanity from its bonds of slavery.

Next, state your intent that the "dark forces" be contained in reflective
spheres of light so that all of the dark energy they are attempting to
broadcast will be reflected instantly back upon them. Let them experience
the repercussions of what they have been creating.

Then focus on the most ideal world that you can imagine where humanity
utilizes technology for the good of all, free energy powers our lives,
humans are connected to the earth, our food is grown consciously and
harmoniously with nature, everyone lives in good health, experiences true
freedom, has only peaceful interactions, operates from Service to All, and
embodies truly Ascended consciousness.

Thank you for being a part of true change and freedom.

Much Love,
Cameron Day

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From: geniusbr@host.ascensionhelp.com
[mailto:geniusbr@host.ascensionhelp.com] On Behalf Of Ascension Help.com ::
Cameron Day
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 12:34 PM
Subject: Upcoming Opportunity to Choose Heaven on Earth: June 21, 2013

Please come to the blog to comment: www.ascensionhelp.com/blog/?p=324

If you have been on my mailing list for a while, this message will look very
familiar, but please read on and participate if you can. :-)

Our next big "window of opportunity" to empower a positive reality for
humanity is the Summer Solstice, June 21, 2013.

December 21, 2012 was just the beginning of the process of transforming this
world and restoring the light of freedom to Earth, NOT the end.

If you have felt discouraged that "nothing happened" on 12/21, please
understand that the millions of people focusing on a better world on that
day created significant shifts in 4th density that have been effecting 3rd
density in numerous ways. Old power structures are crumbling rapidly, and
more people than ever before are "waking up" to the world that has been
pulled over their eyes as a result of these energetic shifts.

The power of collective focus on a single objective is more powerful than we
can currently comprehend. In the energetic realms, "many hands make light
work" just as in the physical world, and it is up to all spiritual beings,
meditators and people who simply want to live in peace to come together and
focus on peace, freedom, abundance, evolution and wholeness being restored
to humanity in order for this reality to manifest. We could truly pick any
day to focus our collective will on freeing the world from its current form
of slavery, but more energy is available for us to work with on solstice and
equinox dates.

The "negative elite" know about the increased energy available on these
dates to empower their focus, but have kept that knowledge largely obscured
from the world while performing abominable rituals in secret to empower
their dark agenda of keeping humanity ignorant and enslaved. When we focus
our energy on the goals of true freedom for humanity, we change the 4th
density environment to match those goals and thwart the dark agenda.

Right now, the 4th density environment of planet Earth is still quite dark
in many locations, but there are also areas that have been restored to align
with the incredible love, light and freedom of the Infinite Creator. This
restoration needs to be done to every "square meter" of Earth's 4th density
environment, because 4th density contains the templates for energetic
expression in 3rd density.

There are many areas below ground, especially in cities, which are still
heavily burdened with the infection of darkness and its ankle-biter minions.
Nonetheless, the progress we have made in the 4th density clean up over the
last two and a half years is tremendous. I hope someone on 4th density is
taking before and after pictures. :-)

This Solstice is Especially Challenging

In addition to the negative energy that the "nefarious-elite" will be
pumping out via their dark rituals on June 21, we also have a "super moon"
on June 23rd. The moon is still being used as a broadcast station for
negative frequencies, so we need to be extra vigilant during a full moon.

Because of this added challenge, I am asking all who can participate at this
time to do so for FOUR consecutive days. Each day on June 20th, 21st, 22nd
and 23rd, at any time of day or night, please take 30-60 minutes to sit in
meditative focus. Connect to your Higher Self, Earth's core, and the
Galactic core. Once you're connected, state your intent that you want to
serve as a Galactic Conduit to anchor as much transformative Galactic energy
as possible into the planet in order to facilitate the clean-up of 4th
density, and to help free all of humanity from its bonds of slavery.

Next, state your intent that the "dark forces" be contained in reflective
spheres of light so that all of the dark energy they are attempting to
broadcast will be reflected instantly back upon them. Let them experience
the repercussions of what they have been creating.

Then focus on the most ideal world that you can imagine where humanity
utilizes technology for the good of all, free energy powers our lives,
humans are connected to the earth, our food is grown consciously and
harmoniously with nature, everyone lives in good health, experiences true
freedom, has only peaceful interactions, operates from Service to All, and
embodies truly Ascended consciousness.

Thank you for being a part of true change and freedom.

Much Love,
Cameron Day

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Please go with the given links.....


Hi Sohini,
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Please SHARE this Master system with your friends;)

See you on the INSIDE:)
Love & Peace,
PS. This Is Most Effective Chakra Enhancement System Available.
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New-Free Distant Healing

Saturday June 15, 2013 6-7pm Pacific Time (Los Angeles)

Dear Dr. Sohini,

I'm doing another no cost distant energy healing for everyone who wants to join and all their friends, families and anyone else who reads this. The main healing session is

on SATURDAY JUNE 15, 2013 from 6-7pm Pacific Daylight Time or same as Los Angeles, (7-8pm MDT), (8-9 CDT), (9-10pm EDT-same as New York).

You can join this fr'ee distant energy healing session by using your intention to be included. If you wish to join, just close your eyes for a minute when you read this and mentally say that you intend to join the session and want to be included. That is all you have to do to connect with the energy and you don't have to do anything else. Healing energy can begin to flow to you once you do this as many people who have done this before have reported.

There will be unscheduled daily energy adjustments leading up to the main session. You can receive a lot of healing energy before the main session on JUNE 15.

For those who want to know more about this work you can read the website http://www.QigongEnergyHealing.com

I was the past Secretary of the International Tibetan Qigong Association and found I had a gift for distant energy healing after recovering from a spinal cord injury.

This is not a telephone or Internet session. All you do is just relax and sit or lie down during the session and notice what is happening in your body. Even if you are busy you can still get good results. Because there are many people in the session, I please ask you don't email to join. I wouldn't be able to handle all the email unless it's done this way.

You join simply by using your intention after reading this email. Also because this is a big group I won't be able to answer questions before the session and you'll get the details you need in this email. Please feel free to email your experiences afterwards.

Besides the main healing session there will be daily unscheduled energy adjustments leading up to JUNE 15 for those who intend to join before the main session. You can begin to notice effects of the energy adjustments soon after intending to join. Sensitive people can feel the effects of this adjustment period strongly before the main session. Here are comments from people who felt the energy working soon after intending to join.

M, "This is my first experience with this type of healing and I was skeptical. I am sensitive & from the time I joined I have felt this flow of energy and coolness. It's quite interesting."

Hi, "just the minute i intended to take part, while reading the e-mail, i could feel the energy! i felt waves and waves of energy. thanks so much for sharing this blessing with us!" anna

"I just joined for the session and soon I started to feel tingling sensations in my upper arms and legs. And when I set back in the chair, it encompassed my entire body." Linda

Michael, "Shortly after I signed up, I started to feel some tingling sensation around my feet. The vibration got stronger and started to work its way up into my ankles, calves and thighs. And now 24 hours later, I'm still feeling the effects of it. If this is what you call unscheduled intermittent adjustments WOW. I can't wait for the main session to start. Thank you very much" Verna

The energy works on many levels, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Even though it's a group healing, the energy works with everyone individually. The energy is intelligent and knows best how to work with your energy system. The energy infuses light and energy into your energy field and can help clear and balance the acupuncture meridians, chakras and other energy channels. The energy won't weaken with a large group and can even get stronger with more people. Distance isn't a problem and you can receive this energy anywhere in the world.

This is not a telephone or Internet session. To receive the energy you just sit or lie down and relax on SAT. JUNE 15 from 6-7 PM Pacific Time-same as Los Angeles (PDT) or 9-10pm New York Time (EDT) and receive the energy. Even if you have to be active during the session you can still receive great results. People in other countries can use: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html . Use Los Angeles as the city of origin. You can also use -7GMT to convert the time.

I ask for your help and please forward this to anyone you think may be interested. Anyone can join even if they haven't done this work before. You can post this wherever you think it would be helpful, message boards, blogs, Facebook and other social websites, chat rooms, Twitter, etc.. It's better to copy and paste this email into another email rather than forward this email because others can unsubscribe from this newsletter for you if they receive this original email. You can also just give them this blog url. http://qigongenergyhealing.blogspot.com/

To get notices on Twitter: http://twitter.com/QiEnergyHealer

You can help many people by forwarding this email. Because we are in a time of major transformation predicted by many different ancient cultures, it is easier than ever to transform negative beliefs and energy patterns.

Many spiritual traditions teach that we are all connected and now some Quantum Physicists are saying the same thing. These ancient teachings often mention the most important thing we can do is help others. When we help others we are also helping ourselves because we are all connected.

In Chaos Theory there is a term used called the butterfly effect. It proposes that small actions or variations in a system can affect giant and complex systems. It suggests that possibly a butterfly flapping it's wings in one part of the world over time could create a tornado in another part of the world or change its direction. If you send this email to others we don't know how it will affect the bigger picture. You could send it to your friends and they could send it to their friends and it could affect hundreds of people or many people could read it on a blog, message board, other social media site etc..

Once someone has received energy from the free session I'll be able to send energy to them if they're in a disaster area to help them get through difficult times. I'm only a conduit for the energy and not the source and give all credit to the Divine, Universe, Spirit or whatever term one wants to use. The energy helps people to adjust their energy field so they can heal themselves. I believe all healing is self healing. I'm very grateful for this gift and happy to share it.

I liken this to the transmitting antenna of a radio station. I'm not the source of the energy and just the conduit for the universal energy and frequencies. When you use your intention to join the session it is like a radio tuning into a radio station. When you post and email this to your friends then you are transmitting the healing energy to them. We will all be broadcasting healing energy to many thousands of people all around the planet. Letting others know can help enhance your session.

"Hi there my brother sent me the email about (the free) distant healing an as i closed my eyes i felt energy come into my head ....and then each time i sent the email to someone else the energy intensified and continued for sometime...thank you...absolutely amazing!" kind regards, Marie

A few other people wrote these comments after sessions.

Maureen Moss is the Executive Producer and host of World Puja Network, which is one of the oldest and largest holistic global Internet programs. She is the author of several books and wrote this about Michael's work; "The power of his work has continuously astounded me and shifted me! Michael Mohoric is one of the best energy healers I have ever had the pleasure of working with in my life... Michael is a Master Conductor of Energy!"

Sandy Johnson is the author of "Mystics & Healers, Travels Into The World of Mystics, Shamans, & Miracle Makers", a book about healers with unusual abilities including John of God. She wrote about this energy work after the book was published; "Even with all my exposure to healers of all types, this work leaves me amazed."

Ingrid Bacci has authored best-selling books, CD's and DVD's on self-healing and is a respected healer. She is a former professor and graduate of Harvard and Columbia Universities. Ingrid wrote the following about this work.

Hello Michael: "I want to thank you from my heart for the session Wednesday, the first I have experienced with you. As a 'healer', or facilitator of energy flow from the Universe, I recognized immediately the purity and effectiveness of your work. Before the session started, on Wednesday morning, I could feel some old emotional toxins come up and then clear. During the session itself, I felt first some 'kriya' spasms, then very strong images of gushing blue water, and then felt the energy working to open up my entire cranium and rebalance me at a deeper level in that area.

I am well aware that the more 'open' our system, the more energy we can both receive and transmit, and your work felt truly profound. I also found the work very 'instructive' in the sense of guiding me to where I need to work within myself to receive at deeper levels, and a higher energy for helping others heal. Feel free to share these comments if you like. I look forward to working together more with you. Blessings, light, and many thanks," Ingrid
You can include other people in the session by following the instructions in this letter. You can print this out and mail it to friends who don't have email to join the session. You can also read this to people over the phone if they don't have email and they'll get the energy when they use their intention to join.

For those in foreign countries you can translate this into your native language and send it to your friends to include them. Just try and stay as close and true as you can to the meaning of this email. This could be a great service to your countrymen. You can leave out the testimonials in your translation and just copy and paste the first sentence of this newsletter to the bottom of your translation.

How to Include Others

If you want to include other family members living at home in the session then just write their names on a piece of paper and put "Energy Healing" at the top of the page. Leave the paper out in the open on a counter or desk. Please don't send me their names in an additional email. You should get other adult's permission to be included (don't tell me). You don't need to get your children's permission. Anyone else outside your home will have to join by reading this email and using their intention to join. You can also include your pets by putting their names on the paper. Animals love the energy and respond very positively.

This is not a phone session. You can be anywhere and receive the energy. Your intent to join is the connection. You could be in your car or on a plane and still receive the energy. It's best to try and be quiet during the session on SAT. JUNE 15 and just notice what is happening in your body. You can sit or lie down. You can still be active and get good results during the session but best results are obtained by being quiet during the session.

It is ok to sleep during the session. It's helpful to not bathe right after the session, wait until the next morning. Try to avoid cold drinks the night of the main session & the next day. It is also good to take it easy the next day after the session and if you exercise do it very moderately. It is best to use the energy for healing and not for a lot of activity. The energy can continue to work in your body several days or more after the session and some people can continue to see changes weeks after the session.

I like to hear from people afterwards. Please feel free to email me your experience.

If you are not on my email list and would like to receive notices about other free sessions and the monthly newsletter then you can sign up through the website. You don't have to be on the email list to receive the energy. http://www.QigongEnergyHealing.com

If after the session you would like to do more intensive work with me then you can sign up through the website. You can get a monthly healing program for $99.

There is no set time for the unscheduled adjustments before the main session on JUNE 15 and you can receive this energy at any time. The unscheduled adjustments before the session can be a very powerful time. You may notice many things before, during and after the session. Some people may feel peaceful, energized, centered, balanced and sleep better. Others may be more emotional, restless and lethargic as they detoxify, which is very good. There can be a lot of purification happening on many levels during this time, emotional, mental and physical.

Before and during the session people can feel different energy sensations working in their body. Some of these feelings can be tingling, electrical, vibrating, heat, coolness, cold, pressure, lightness and other things. If you feel very cold then this is a sign that old negative energy is leaving your system. Try to stay warm if you feel very cold.

It is ok if you have to be active during the session. Many people have to work or take care of their families during this time. It can still be very beneficial if you aren't able to be quiet. It reduces the effects some but it can still be very effective. You can also sleep during the session. Sleeping is good way to receive the energy because you are very relaxed.

Try not to work on anything during the session, just be receptive and let the energy do its work. The energy knows where to work where it is most needed in your system. Thousands of people have done this and I get many reports from surprised people when the energy often finds their blockages even though they haven't told me their symptoms.

Usually a great majority of people have very positive results. Some people are more sensitive and can feel a lot of energy moving in their body. Others may not feel the energy but will notice good effects. After the sessions people can feel calm, centered, energized and balanced. They can also feel their pain greatly reduced or eliminated. Like any modality this won't work for everyone but most people see significant results.

Don't worry if you feel odd pains come and go leading up to the main session. This is good. As the energy clears the blockage in an area it can result in temporary pain. Also people can feel extra emotional during this time, which is also very good.

From a Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medical perspective much dis-ease is caused by emotional repression. The energy from these repressed emotions get stored in the organs and tissues of the body. The energy from the sessions can help to release these stored emotions. When we release repressed emotions then we can bring about deep healing. It takes a lot of energy to hold down the emotions and when they are released we can have much more energy available to us.

Sometimes people can have very beautiful and peaceful dreams during the sessions. Others can have some strange dreams. This is also beneficial. The sessions can help people to release old negative energy. The energy works like a virus detection program on a computer and can neutralize negative energy patterns, beliefs and programming.

Some people will notice some of their old negative ways of thinking will simply be gone and sometimes addictions fall away. Don't worry if you have scary dreams during the sessions. As one releases old repressed fear out of their energy field then the mind can give it a symbol. The symbols and fear are coming from your own mind. The energy work isn't causing anything, only helping to release old energy and emotions.

The energy helps to purify, cleanse and detoxify the body and mind. As the energy works through the energy blockages it can cause toxins to be released that are stored in the area. Some people may feel achy or tired at times leading up to the session. This is good and very, very helpful in the healing process. Feeling unusually tired is a sign that the body is using a lot of energy for healing.

Many modalities recognize the positive effects from detoxification. You may also find that you have to go to the bathroom more as you release toxins. During the purification process your organs of elimination will be energetically supported to help them release the toxins. I have done this process with thousands of people and the energy always works for people's highest good. If you don't feel good some of the time, try and hold the thought that you are healing.

The time leading up to and a little while after the main energy session can be a little bit like a roller coaster ride. You can feel very energized one day and then tired the next day as you release more toxins. Just realize that every time you don't feel good that it is a powerful time for healing and that you are raising the vibration of your energy system. It is good to stay hydrated and drink extra water (warm not cold) during this time.

I am very grateful for this opportunity to work with everyone.


Disclaimer: I, Michael Mohoric, am not a medical doctor and do not practice medicine. I don't diagnose, heal, cure, prevent or treat disease. I recommend people continue to see their medical doctors and follow their advice. My spiritual work is a complement to conventional medicine. I'm a minister and this spiritual energy work is not a substitute for conventional medical treatment of any kind, physical or psychological. For such issues you should seek the proper licensed physician or health care professional. This energy work may help the bio-field to come into energetic balance. Qigong theory believes when one's energy field is in balance, the body's latent healing ability can heal itself. I make no promises or guarantees about the results of this work.

Michael Mohoric
Qigong Energy Healing

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What can Sacred Flames Reiki do for you?

Like any other form of Reiki, Sacred Flames Reiki (SFR) is a practice of spiritual healing. This powerful and effective system was compiled by Allison Dahlhaus, by using different resources from the physical as well as spiritual realms. Actually Sacred Flames Reiki is a suite of guided visualizations and meditations that are designed in a way to help the body, mind and spirit heal on their own. Moreover, it helps to maintain equilibrium, both physically and energetically, within the systems of body. The great part is that there are no symbols or difficult techniques to learn in this form of Reiki.

Reiki Practice of Sacred Flames brings into use simple, yet really effective, methods. As we all know, the universal life force energy comes from the same source and it entirely depends on us as how we bond with it, making it different from others. This practice of healing respects your beliefs and religion, and by every means, encourages you to honor the Divine source with which you're familiar. It is important to give due importance to the aspects of the Divine to seek their guidance and support, while practicing Sacred Flames Reiki.

This healing system works with the contributions made by the fire in the metaphysical sense. However, the contributions can be made in the physical sense too. Casually thinking, what all fire can provide is protection, nourishment and light. Nourishment in the manner as it can be used to cook meals and thereby satisfy hunger. In metaphysical terms, the element of fire is used as a safeguard from negative energy. Strength, protection, purification and faith are all the positive attributes of Fire.

The spiritual hunger - the wish to grow and increase awareness, is also satisfied by Fire. It burns within all of us. The exercise of body is necessary to keep it fit and likewise, it is important to exercise the mind and spirit to retain health. Fire is a gift of nature and its elements offer spiritual light, so as to make our soul's path discernible to us. If you know a little about meditation, then you must be knowing that sometimes candle light is used during meditation to do healing at mental and emotional level.

It has been said and experienced that our minds connect with fire in a special manner. Somewhere in mind, realization dawns upon, making us to realize the importance of fire in ancient times. There is something special about this force, which cannot be described in words. The element of Fire is graceful and powerful as well. During the process of attunement to Sacred Flames Reiki, your channels will be gradually cleared by Masters and Archangels. And with this, your vibrational level will be raised.

The Seven Sacred Flames of SFR are supported by the Seven Chohans: Ascended Masters El Morya, Lanto, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Lady Nada, and St. Germain.

Some others adding to the power and force of each Sacred Flame are: Archangels Michael, Faith, Raphael, Chamuel, Charity, Gabriel, Hope, Jophiel, Christine, Uriel, Aurora, Zadkiel and Amethyst. Mother Mary, Ascension Master Maitreya, Ascended Master Buddha, Goddess Isis, Quan Yin, and the Goddess of Prosperity.

We all have access to these aspects of the Divine, but in receiving the attunement to SFR, you will be clearing the channel to these Masters and Archangels, who anxiously await the chance to raise the vibration of humankind.

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When You Believe




Years ago two great artists Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey sang a powerful song together entitled “When You Believe”. I often remembered the words to that song when I felt I had lost my way or began to feel overwhemed with chllaenges I was facing. Whenever I questioned if what we were doing could be making a difference those words would come into my consciousness.



I share the words, as this seemed to be the reason we had found ourselves here in Tibet at the time of the WESAK Full Moon.


Many nights we prayed 
with no proof anyone could hear.

In our hearts a hopeful song 
we barely understood.

Although we know there’s much to fear, 
we were moving mountains 
long before we knew we could.

There can be miracles, 
when you believe.

Though hope is frail 
it’s hard to kill.

Who knows what miracles you can achieve
 when you believe.

They don't always happen when you ask, 
and it’s easy to give in to your fear. 
But when you’re blinded by your faith, 
can't see your way clear through the rain,
 a small but still resilient voice
says hope is very near.

Who knows what miracles you can achieve when you believe.





I knew we each played a role in making a difference. None of us could do it alone, we needed each other. It would not be a grand event it would be small acts of kindness. It would be continuous prayer by thousands. Each person doing the best they could each day. I believed with all of my heart that if just one light continued to light the heart of another, we would fulfill the dream of creating a new world together. Even though the prophecized 12:21:12 had come and gone, and it may appear nothing has changed externally in our world, we are really just beginning. China and Tibet were holding ancient wisdom, not just within the temples, but within the land and in the nature. With prayer, focused intention and love, we were being embraced and allowed into sacred places to anchor this light. Miracles were occurring.




On this very special day, the holy day that belonged to all faiths and all religions, WESAK, our group journeyed to the Potala Palace in Lhasa and was escorted through by the leading government official. To me we were somehow bridging politics and religion; we were bridging the East and the West.




It didn’t matter that MingZi needed to translate because we came from different cultures and spoke different languages; a miracle was taking place this day. We were speaking the universal language of love.




We were walking the same steps that the Dalai Llamas of the past had walked. Another door had opened with the golden keys that MingZi’s father held and we were allowed private access on to the palace roof for ceremony. As we each envisioned light replacing the darkness that still moved across the earth we joined hands and prayed.




We passed the andara crystal and each of us held it over our hearts as MingZi explained to the government official that this was a stone of unconditional love that had been held over the hearts of thousands all over the world in countless ceremonies to pray for peace, pray for forgiveness and to send love into the dragon lines.




My heart was filled with such joy as I saw the government official place the andara crystal over his heart and pray with us. It was true, no matter where we had journeyed we all wanted the same thing. We wanted peace, we wanted to heal the mistakes of the past and to create a new dream.




We sent our prayers through the sound of the singing bowls. They seemed to vibrate at a higher frequency than I had every felt before. I knew we were truly sending the sound of love through the cosmic spider web


Later that day we returned to Jokhang Temple, considered to be the ultimate pilgrimage destination for Tibetan Pilgrims. The High Llama had invited our group of spiritual pilgrims to attend the fire ceremony that occurred only at this time of the WESAK Full Moon.




As we entered the Temple, the ceremony was just beginning. After the ceremony we would collect our sacred artifacts that had been with the Buddha and the praying llamas for the last 24 hours.




The Statue of Sakyamuni, the first Buddha,
 is considered a rare treasure. When Sakyamuni was alive, he disagreed with the idea of 'personal worship' and did not allow likenesses of himself to be created. Only three statues were permitted to be sculpted during his lifetime. The first is a likeness of him at age eight; the second shows him at age twelve when he was still a prince of India; and the third is of him as an adult. The statue kept in the Jokhang Temple is the statue of Sakyamuni at the age of twelve. There is an energy of love, compassion, and strength that one can receive if they stand within this sacred place with an open heart.




When the fire ceremony was over I took the andara crystal from its pouch and shared it with the High Llama as well as the obsidian stone being.







Both the government official and the high ranking religious leader would hold the andara crystal over their heart and the obsidian stone being as we prayed to heal the lands and bring love into the dragon lines.




Under the brilliant full moon we came together once more to receive the blessings offered this very special night from the Buddha and all Master teachers of all faiths through the celestial waters. I could feel thousands of lights join us as those all over the world sent their prayers.






Just after midnight I would collapse into bed, knowing in my heart something grand had occurred. In our small way we had anchored the prayers of thousands into the lands of Tibet. It is with heartfelt gratitude I acknowledge each of you who joined with us in prayer and ceremony to anchor the light and activate the dragon line.


Join us tomorrow for our final day in this magickal land as we journey to the sacred lake where the Dragon Spirit lives and the message of the Masters was revealed.


Love and rainbows, Robbyne


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Written by Dr Joshua David Stone

It is extremely important to understand that everything in life happens for a reason and there are no accidents! Everything in GOD’s infinite universe is governed by laws! If something happens in life, be it positive or negative as you interpret it, it has happened to teach a Spiritual lesson. In truth, everything that happens is good. To even look at something as negative or bad is an interpretation of the mind. Everything is good in the sense of everything being a Spiritual lesson and Spiritual test! It is certainly okay to have preferences for certain things to happen and this is as it should be, and you should go after your preferences with all your heart and soul and mind and might. However, the lesson is to be happy whether you get it or not! Happiness then becomes a state of mind, not anything outside of self!

Now, it is a fact that very often in life no matter how dedicated, good, pure, Spiritual or even Christed we are, things in life will not go according to our preferences. This can be caused by personal factors that we set in motion in this life or past lives! There are also many things that happen that do not meet our preferences that are caused by other people, for we are not alone in this world. There are 6 billion other souls in this Planetary Mystery School called Earth. Certain things happen because of personal karma and certain things happen because of group karma. There are other things that happen because of Planetary karma or Historical karma. Why something happens, in truth, does not matter, for if it happened, the fact is you needed that lesson! The cause of why it happened is unimportant. One cannot cry over spilled milk! It is spilled and nothing is going to change that! Many times things will not go according to our preferences because we have made mistakes. Sometimes we make very big mistakes and there is great karma to pay! This is not a judgement and is not bad, just a statement that certain mistakes have greater implications than others. Everything is, of course, forgiven and everything is a lesson, so in truth, forgiveness is the healing balm that heals all!

Now the question is, how does one turn something negative that has happened into a positive? Certainly the first way is gaining the “Golden Nugget of Wisdom” from what happened! Also, one can make a specific Spiritual vow to oneself and God to never let this happen again!
So let me review. The first thing that turns every situation of life that is not your preference into something positive is looking at it as a Spiritual lesson and Spiritual test. The second thing that causes this Spiritual alchemical process is forgiveness and unconditional love towards self and others. The third thing that turns any negative into a positive is the “Golden Nugget of Wisdom” learned from your mistake or the mistake of others and/or the Spiritual tests you get to practice! The forth thing that turns it into a positive is just recognizing that everything works for the good in GOD’s infinite universe and that GOD always makes good out of everything! We have all used the expression this was a “Blessing in Disguise”! Very often, if not most often, those things that we thought turned out to be the worst turned out to be the best!

A person gets cancer and they think this is the worst thing that could happen. The cancer turns out to be the Spiritual teacher that sets the person on a Spiritual journey they would have never gone on if it weren’t for the cancer!

When I write books, it is my life experience that I use very often for the chapters I write. It is the insights I have about myself and what I observe in my students, friends, and colleagues that serve to be the grist for the mill for ideas for my chapters. Whole books and book after book have been written in this manner. So what at first seems terrible turns out to be the idea for a chapter. This very chapter I now write is an example of this. Something occurred in my life that was not according to my preferences. However, I was very taken by how I turned this experience into a positive. That insight was the inspiration for writing this chapter! That which could have been interpreted as a negative has become an inspiration chapter to help others!

My Beloved Readers, what I am trying to show you is that everything works that way, if you will just see it as such! Job had everything taken away and it turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to him! He got to take the supreme test of faith and righteousness in GOD, and passed.
A person may have a relationship end, which seems like the worst thing in the world. Twenty years later it is seen as the best thing that ever happened! A person may get a terrible health crisis, which seems like the worst thing in the world. They may not be able to work, change professions, take years off work, and GOD only knows what else. If the person has the “proper” attitude, which is the key to what I am talking about, they can look at it as a Spiritual test and focus on what they can do instead of what they can’t do. This situation may force them to become more Spiritual. It may force them to meditate more. It may force them to become more inner-directed. It may force them to develop in other areas that they never would have ever developed!

So Spiritual alchemy will take place in every aspect of your life if you have the philosophy that GOD would have you think with, which is how can I make good out of this! So it is this set of attitudes and this last one I just spoke about that is the key to turning any negative situation into a positive one! Whatever the catastrophe, maybe you are supposed to learn about that and be the crusader on Earth to prevent this from happening to others!

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Step Into Your Power as a Divine Changemaker
- Working with the Current Energies -

by Selacia
You live in times when the unusual can happen so often, it seems to sit side-by-side with the usual. It's not only the external things like dynamics within relationships - it's often internal and very personal.

External oddities can include things like going to a place where people don't usually speak to strangers, and someone you never met strikes up a rather private conversation with you. Unusual things may occur in the workplace, too - like when normally well-mannered colleagues begin quarreling like siblings. At family gatherings, issues that no one would openly discuss before can suddenly become hot topics at the dinner table.  

Personally, too, wide fluctuations of happenstance can occur. You sometimes may feel full of energy and like nothing could hold you back. In other moments, perhaps within the same 24 hours, even things you normally like to do seem to be too much effort. You might simply lose interest in something without knowing why - perhaps not even caring about the reason. Short bursts of self-doubting can come out of nowhere as well, making you question if you are on track.

The current energies - impacting you and everyone you meet - certainly can stir feelings of anxiousness, self-doubt, restlessness, and irritation. To be sure, your ongoing challenge now is to find your center, discover clarity, and stay in your authentic power. This is easier said than done when so much is happening so fast and you're adjusting to a new reality that's more quantum and less definable.


Divine Changemakers and Power


As a divine changemaker, you are alive now to help birth a more loving world. A chief way you do that is by mastering more self-love and by learning to house true or authentic power.

True empowerment is based on spiritual power - not ego power or worldly force. You are encoded at a DNA level to wake up to what true power is, and to move out of your conditioning that causes you to seek power in the world.


The only true power you will ever have is sourced from your connection with the divine. You find it inside of yourself, in a step-by-step process.

Right now, within these current amplified energies, you have grand opportunities to address power themes and to become more empowered in your life. You experience this in all sorts of situations - some showing you where you have given your power away and others showing you the fruits of acting with authentic power.

In order to move out of disempowerment, you must become awake to it in your own life. You must become skilled at seeing beyond the obvious, looking deeper. As you are seeking self-understanding, avoid the temptation to blame or judge others. Blame and judgment will color what you see and block your progress in developing compassion. Remember that everyone is in the same boat, conditioned to view power in dysfunctional ways.

Disempowerment is such a dominant force within humanity's mass consciousness that it will not be erased overnight. Each person on the planet carries this energy, some of it from the person's own experiences and some inherited in the DNA from ancestors.

As you move into your authentic power as a divine changemaker, you are a potent force in shifting the old patterns. If you've wondered what you can do to change the world, begin with this issue of power.


An End to War


Consider this: when people across the world learn to embody authentic power, there can finally be an end to war and oppression.


You want a different world. How can it change, though, without you being active at the forefront of change? Being at the forefront is not always easy, but that's the path of divine changemakers. If you relate to this role, you know it's your destiny to help create a more light-filled world. You intuitively know that every rock in the road you face is worth the treasures you find on the path.


Copyright 2013 by Selacia -

(Note:  You are most welcome to publish these articles on your website, blog, and social media - as long as you provide the source - Selacia - http://www.Selacia.com,http://EarthsPivotalYears.com. Thank you for sharing these articles and for your connection and feedback over the years. May light shine on you and your path!)  

Ascension Butterfly
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Spiritual Substance brings You Growth and Blessing

“Every time you spend time in prayer with God there are some spiritual substances that you take in. Prayer in the spirit world is like breathing oxygen. That is why I say prayer in the spirit edifies you. And every time you pray there is an impartation of actual substances coming into your spirit man. That causes your spirit man to grow. And it is important to have those spirit substances in order for our spirit man to grow.

Remember my first statement all growth is caused by spiritual substance that comes into our being. It is not just an attitude of mind and we grow. There is an actual impartation or transportation of spiritual substances from God’s realm into our spirit man. And in order to grow we need to continue to receive those spiritual substances from God. You never waste time when you spend time with God.

Every time you spend time with God whether your mind or your body knows it or not, there is something that has taken place that changes you. You will never even leave a 5 minutes prayer the same. You have taken in extra substances from God. It is not the instant growth that we are looking for. You don’t feel it but something is happening. Those of you who have been spending time in prayer, spending time in prayer meeting and in private, every second you spend time in God something has dropped into your spirit.

Reading the word is also another realm. You never ever pick up the bible and read it without having some substances imparted into your spirit man. Something always gets into your spirit. And when it gets there it can remain there permanently. Even if you read only one verse before you go out in the morning there is a substance imparted.

If we want to be somebody in God there are spiritual substances that we must acquire. It is not just knowledge (Awareness) that you need to acquire. It is a spiritual substance (Alignment) that you need to acquire between who you are now (physical reality) and where you want to be in God (vibrational reality).”

- Peter Tan (Spiritual Substance)

READ the FULL Article here:
=> http://www.greatgenius.com/spiritual-substance-brings-you-growth-and-blessing

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Morpheus Sirius ArchAngel
www.facebook.com="" morpheus1111?hc_location="stream">

The Crystalline Realms ~

The Crystalline Realms (or Spheres), in one sense, defy physical
description. Their scope and diversity are awesome. However, a simple way of
beginning to imagine these Crystalline Realms is to visualize them as a
series of different colored Light Frequencies, somewhat similar to the
Aurora Borealis (The Northern Lights). If each of these shadings across the
Full Spectrum of Light Frequencies were hugely magnified, then this would
give an idea of what the Crystalline Realms can house.

These Light Frequencies are Pure Crystalline, and the different colours
Reflect the different Crystalline Frequencies; Emerald Green will reflect
one expression of Crystalline Light, while deep Magenta and Indigo will
reflect another. Perhaps what is Most Important is the Feeling when
Connecting with these different Frequencies.

An initial starting point can be to Infuse your bones with a chosen
Crystalline Colour, feeling it Expanding throughout your Physical Body and
on into your Crystalline Light Body. The experience of an Emerald Green
Crystalline Frequency will be very different from that of a deep Magenta
one. The feeling and sense of beauty are tangible as the different
Frequencies are Accessed.

The Crystalline Frequencies that can be Accessed are like a gigantic
Kaleidoscope of different colours and energies, each with its own Frequency
Bandwidth and Resonance. Feeling a Connection with a column of Crystalline
Liquid Light can be utterly exquisite and will present a different sense of
WHAT IS, and what is not, REAL.

These Deeper Connections will help to build up a Reservoir of Crystalline
experiences that can help to mould the Crystalline Light Body and provide an
increasing Trust and Sureness in working with Crystalline energy.

The Crystalline Frequencies and Worlds are true Portals into different
Realms and part of the unfolding process will involve Feeling how the
Physical Body Responds to these Connections.

You may find that a certain Distant Memory or Deeper Feeling may be
Activated, rather along the lines of a cascading waterfall. One impression
Opens a Doorway which then leads on to Another Doorway, and so on and so on,
in a Crescendo of more powerful Feelings and Vibrations. This is akin to
Unlocking the Doorway into the Past, or into a Timeless Present that you can
directly Key into through Accessing the Crystalline Doorways within your

This Cascade and Re-Emergence of Memories or feelings is part of the Process
of Recognizing the Ancient Crystalline Heritage within you ... It is an
Essential Element to Awakening, and Accessing, your Crystal Consciousness.

Building a Crystalline Light Body ~

There is much written about the Crystalline Light Body and how to work
towards Building and Developing it. There is a school of thought which
teaches that there are twelve distinct levels of attainment in order to
complete our Light Body. There are other teachings that state that the Light
Body will Manifest only to those ready to Ascend.

Whatever different ideas and teachings there are out there - one thing is
for certain . Building the Crystalline Light Body is an Essential Process in
the Awaking and the Experiencing of the full potential of your Crystal

It should also be noted and understood that ANY form of Journeying or
Travelling within the Crystalline Realms will act as Re-Inforcement and
Nourishment toward your Crystalline Light Body - no matter what stage of
development it is at. Good News!

In essence, a Daily Meditation with one or more of your Crystal
Consciousness Carvings from CrystalsWork will enhance and help Build Up the
Illumination of your Crystalline Light Body!

Please see our Unique range of Crystal Consciousness Carvings by visiting
our On Line Shop.

In other words, the pure fact that you are Meditating with your Crystal
Consciousness Carvings, embarking on Journeys and Travelling to the
Crystalline Realms with your Selected Meditation Pieces, will be enough to
Nourish and Fortify your developing Crystalline Light Body. It does not have
to be a hard Crystalline work out! A gentle Daily routine will suffice.

The Crystalline Light Body is a Frequency Resonator which surrounds and
cocoons the Physical Body. It is a Vehicle Of Consciousness, and has a
separate reality and composition from the Physical Body. In appearance, it
is shaped very much like the Human Body but it extends to several inches
larger, all the way around.

The Light Body is made up of an absolutely Exquisite intermeshing of
Crystalline Frequencies, representing Previous Incarnations with Crystalline
Light, as Manifested in those different Past Incarnations. It provides a
Reference Point for the new wave of Crystalline Frequencies entering the
Planet. EVERYONE working with Crystalline energies WILL develop a
Crystalline Light Body - the formation of which will depend upon the
individual's Intensity of Focus and Access to Crystalline Frequencies.

The Broader and Deeper the Connection, the more Intense will be the
Crystalline Light Body. The formation of the Light Body will take time; it
will be established over months and years of Intensive Work with Crystalline

Once a basic pattern for the Crystalline Light Body has been set down, it
can function in a number of different ways. It will Pulse and Glow in
response to varied inputs of Crystalline energy, which will wash through the
Crystalline Light Body and become Absorbed within it.

The Frequency Level will alternate in response to the Degree of Refinement
or Type of Incoming Crystalline Frequency.

High Frequency Crystalline Light will only be Captured by a very refined
Crystalline Light Body, one that vibrates at a high enough level to contain
such frequencies.

The Crystalline Light Body will act as a Tuning Fork to different
Crystalline Vibrations, and it is the Scope or Flexibility of the Light Body
that will Determine the Types of Frequency that can be Held or Attained to.
The Greater the Scope, the more Varied the Types of Crystalline Frequency
that can be Absorbed. The Narrower the Focus, the more Specialised the Light

By Building and Connecting with the Crystalline Light Body, it will be
possible to Feel one's increasing and growing Awareness as a Crystalline
Being. The feeling is one of deep quiet, depth, peace and stillness, which
Radiates or permeates through the Crystalline Matrix of the Light Body. By
becoming aware of this Light Body you can directly access Higher Crystalline
Frequencies and Raise your Vibration to match those of the Mental Planes.

The Crystalline Light Body will also have a feeling of liquidity and
coolness, so that your Awareness permeates it, and it is possible to Scan
for areas of Slower Frequency, or those that need to be Flooded with
Crystalline Light.

Connection with the Crystalline Light Body can form the basis for Accessing
a Diversity of Frequencies, so that Each Frequency is Downloaded into the
Light Body, it can be lived or experienced within a Crystalline medium. This
also provides an Alternative Reference Point to the normal Physical Body,
where a Crystalline Body can be experienced as something separate yet
equally REAL.

Within the Process of Crystallization, the Chakras also have to change, and
to become Doorways for Crystalline energy. Just as the Light Body must be
Cleansed and Purified of Slower Frequencies, the Chakras must go through a
similar process of Dredging and Releasing the Old Frequencies. Once cleansed
to a reasonable degree, each Chakra will provide in itself an Access Point
to Crystalline energy.

For most Light Workers this will focus primarily through the Third Eye and
Heart Chakra and to a lesser extent the Throat Chakra. However, it is
important not to forget the Lower Chakras, for the Solar Plexus, Sacral
Chakra and Root Chakra centres will all play an important role in acting as
a Platform for the higher energies.

Clearing these Lower Chakras is important since they will provide a strong
Balancing Mechanism for the holding of the Higher Frequency Energy. It is
important to remember that clearing the Chakras will require multiple
sessions, since Residues of Old Energies will be Retained from multiple Past

Once this process is complete, it will be possible to start working with the
Crystalline Light Body in new ways. At one level, the Crystalline Light Body
is a Vehicle Of Consciousness and Experience, and can be Projected through
Intent and Focus to different places both on the Inner and on the Physical

In particular you can develop your Crystalline Light Body as a Parallel, or
super-charged version of the Astral Body. Whereas the Astral Body allows
Primary Access to the Astral Planes and cannot travel up into the higher
ones, the Crystal Light Body has Direct Access to the Mental Planes and can
be used as a Vehicle Of Higher Consciousness.

Within the Physical, the Light Body can be Invoked to Resonate with High
Vibrational energy spots on the Planet, such as Sedona or Mount Shasta.
Connection with these High Vibrational spots on the Planet act as if dipping
into a kind of Liquid Energy pool of Super High Frequency Energy.

On the Inner Planes, conscious Projection of the Crystalline Light Body into
the Mental Planes and into the Crystalline Spheres (another name for the
Crystalline Realms) can open up new Doorways to different Worlds. By
Resonating at the same Frequency within the Crystalline Light Body as that
which can be found in the Higher Mental Planes, different degrees of
Energetic Merging can take place, such as with Crystalline Guides, with the
Crystal Skulls, or with other Crystalline energies.

The Greater the Merging - the More Energy is Downloaded - the Higher the
Vibration that is Embedded Within the Crystalline Light Body.

The process for Downloading and digesting Higher Crystalline Frequencies
will directly Impact upon the Physical Body, as appearance, organs, body
shape and bones will begin to reflect the new Crystalline Patterns.

Within the Physical Body the Bones represent the most Direct Connection with
the Crystalline Light Body. Bone is made up of a Crystalline Matrix, and can
be used as a Starting Point physically to Connect with the Crystalline Light
Body. As this is Cleansed and Cleared, so the bones are Purged of their
Lower Frequencies. Patterns held within the Crystalline Light Body can be
Downloaded into the Bones as Crystalline Reference Points within the

This is the Literal meaning of 'Earthing The Energies'.

At its purest, the Crystalline Light Body is a Holographic Representation of
Crystalline Energy seeded from the Higher Planes. As a Tuning Fork of
exquisite sensitivity, the Crystalline Light Body can bring through and
Radiate a host of different Crystalline Frequencies, and can also form the
starting point for housing much more Substantial Crystalline Energies within
the Physical Vehicle, a process rather like Trance Channeling.

The beauty of Higher Crystalline Intent and Love can be housed directly
within the Light Body, and Radiated to those around us. In a very real way,
the New Crystalline Frequencies can thus be Birthed into the Planet and
Reflected Outwards to other people and life forms that are Willing,
energetically, to Receive them.

As the Vibration of Crystalline Frequencies ascend, the depth and breadth of
the Crystalline Vibration will become clearer. It is a Direct Feeling of
expansion, clarity, purity, love and light, which will Not Tolerate any
slower frequencies in thought or in form, and which will quite literally
strip away any such residues. As the Crystalline Frequency of the
Crystalline Light Body ascends, the Focus will Increase, and the housing
mechanism of Crystalline Light will Expand to Galactic Proportions.

The Building of a Crystalline Light Body is only the Beginning of the
process of Raising our Vibrations to Resonate with the Crystalline Realms,
and of our Discovery of our Inner Heritage of Love and Light, as expressed
within the framework of Crystalline Divinity.

As we have already said, it is obvious to those Sensitive and Open to
Vibrational Change, that the Crystalline Frequencies now entering the Planet
represent a New Era in Energetic Manifestation.

The new Crystalline Frequencies are a Manifestation of Unique and Specific
Light Frequencies which have originated in the Higher Planes. We refer to
these 'Higher Planes' when meaning the Fifth, Six and Seventh Spiritual

Now is the time for these Crystalline Frequencies to be Re-Activated ...To
be Remembered.

Crystalline Frequencies represent a unique Matrix of Alignment. This Matrix
is supported and held in place by our Human Will and Intent.

This means that with the Projection of our Will (which fuels intent) we can,
when fully focused within the Crystalline Realms, facilitate the Unlocking,
and the subsequent Opening up of new Doorways to Crystalline Frequencies.

This is what we term as Accessing Our Crystal Consciousness.

By Accessing our Crystal Consciousness in this way we are able 'Tap Into'
these new Crystalline Frequencies of mass diversity, and exquisite beauty.
These new Crystalline Frequencies, which contain within them a substantial
Source of Information on ALL matters Crystalline and on their relevance to
our Planetary Evolution at this time, represent a significant opportunity to
Re-Open Old Doorways, and to build major new Portals of Light - to Shine on
and to Illuminate the whole of Humanity.

The Absorption of these new Crystalline Frequencies into the Planet is now
Connecting with and Activating, those Light Workers who have a Resonance,
and a Sympathetic Alignment with these new Crystalline Frequencies. For
these Light Workers can recognise the Crystalline Song, and can respond to
its tune by receiving it within their Awareness, and subsequently then
Earthing these new Crystalline Frequencies within their own bodies - to
create a Crystalline Light Body.

This Frequency Recognition can be born of Past-Life work with Crystalline
energy, which for many Light Workers dates back to Lemurian and Atlantian
time periods, as representations of the Third and Fourth Root Races

The full extent of the Crystalline Realms and their frequencies is utterly
staggering. In order to quantify it - to understand it with some perspective
- it is necessary to go far beyond the scope of normal limitations of the

The Crystalline Frequencies cover a quantum vastness of frequencies in
Multi-Dimensional Inner Space. This Infinite Range of Frequencies spans the
Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Planes . And beyond.

These Crystalline Frequencies are accessible from Journeying into the Higher
Planes, namely the Mental Planes and above. Journeying with one or more of
our Selected Meditation Pieces will ensure a Crystalline Connection of
purity and intense clarity.

Please see our Meditations Section for a list of Crystal Meditations.

Whole Crystalline Worlds exist in different Dimensions - Crystalline Life
Forms and Intelligences can be observed where Solid and Liquid Crystal are
fused together to form Crystalline landmasses and oceans . These Crystalline
Worlds are creations of the most profound and exquisite beauty.

These Worlds can be Explored and Accessed through working with your
Crystalline Guides and through Journeying with one of more of our unique
Crystal Consciousness Carvings.

Our Crystal Consciousness Carvings are essential tools for Accessing Your
Crystal Consciousness safely and swiftly. Our Consciousness Carvings will
facilitate your Access to experiencing the Higher Realm Crystalline
Frequencies and the Wisdom contained therein.

When Journeying with your Crystal Consciousness Carvings - be it a Quartz
Sphere or a Crystal Skull - either Ancient or Contemporary - you will be
presented with the Keys to unlock new Dimensional Doorways to Other Worlds.
You can chose to explore these New Worlds, these Crystalline Realms of
Wonderment, or you may chose just to observe them - to gaze upon their
beauty and wonderment and take Inspiration and Peace from that experience.

You may then, In Time and when you Feel Ready to do so, wish to Re-Visit and
go further within the Crystalline Realms and to experience the feeling of
true Crystalline Mergement . a Melding of the Human and Crystalline

A Truly Enlightening Experience!

These new Crystalline Frequencies will Illuminate beyond any Dimensional
Knowing you have experienced before. You will find that your Consciousness
Opens and Expands to a new Macro Cosmic level of Understanding of what we
are and where we have come from ... - with K.H Yap
www.facebook.com="" k.h.yap.75=""> .

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Realms ~

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My Beloved Readers, as the Universal Mind said through Edgar Cayce, “Mind is the Builder!” Sometimes in life it seems like one is not Spiritually growing, for it seems things work slowly.
However, the key to success in building your Spiritual temple, or New Jerusalem, or climbing your personal Mount Everest or climbing your next Spiritual mountain or climbing the Spiritual ladder, is to make steady progress each day! Each day may not seem like that much is getting done.
However, if this is done over weeks and months and years it really begins to add up! Every thought you think, every feeling you create, every word you say, every deed you do, is building this structure. It is built into your Aura, your causal body, your Chakras, your Light Quotient, your Lightbodies, your consciousness, your service work, your Spiritual Earthly legacy. Be not concerned with perfection; be concerned with any Spiritual progress and learning from any mistakes that are made. It is like a contractor who is building a building or seven-story house! Each day another aspect of the building is built. That is very much how it is in your Spiritual life.
Everything you study, every book you read, every meditation, every Spiritual practice, every journal writing session, every affirmation, positive thought, channeling, piece of service work, insight, relationship encounter, meal, dream, the passing of every Spiritual test and lesson adds another piece to the foundation and to the house. Over 20 or 30 years you will build a fitting church unto the Lord, or a lower-self abyss!
The most important thing is to be focused, dedicated, persevering, relentless and unceasing in your efforts to grow to your highest potential. It is no easy task making it to the top! The higher you go the more that is expected of you. Then one day you will break through to the top, and the Fruits of the Spirit will be given unto thee! You will see a Crown of Life instead of a crown of thorns! Your Father/Mother who art in Heaven will say, “This is my Son or Daughter with whom I am well pleased!”
Life is a battlefield! Life is a Spiritual war! Life is a battle of Armageddon! Life is a Jihad or Holy War! Life is a marathon run! In this world there is a great deal to overcome. Even the theme of our universe is courage. In truth, all who make it have to fight their way to the top. If you love God/dess like a drowning man wants air and make this your only focus to your highest potential, it will be easier. The most difficult path is the conflicted path. This is why the Master Sananda/Jesus said, “I did not come to bring peace but a sword.” There are many things we must give up if we are going to put our Creator before creation. Only a handful of Souls each life wave make it. Be one of those handfuls. The Universal Mind through Edgar Cayce said, “Righteousness in the eyes of God is trying.” God/dess is not looking for perfection; S/He is looking for right effort. Seek and ye shall find! Knock and the door shall be opened! Amen!
My Beloved Friends, after channeling and writing this chapter I asked Spirit and the Masters what they thought of the finished product! The Universal Mind stepped forward and most kindly and graciously told me S/He really liked the chapter and lesson a lot! S/He then suggested that I might consider adding one insight. So this is what the Universal Mind had to say in terms of one final thought to properly close this chapter! I loved His/Her insight and idea so I wanted to share this with all of you!

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My Beloved Readers, as the Universal Mind said through Edgar Cayce, “Mind is the Builder!” Sometimes in life it seems like one is not Spiritually growing, for it seems things work slowly.
However, the key to success in building your Spiritual temple, or New Jerusalem, or climbing your personal Mount Everest or climbing your next Spiritual mountain or climbing the Spiritual ladder, is to make steady progress each day! Each day may not seem like that much is getting done.
However, if this is done over weeks and months and years it really begins to add up! Every thought you think, every feeling you create, every word you say, every deed you do, is building this structure. It is built into your Aura, your causal body, your Chakras, your Light Quotient, your Lightbodies, your consciousness, your service work, your Spiritual Earthly legacy. Be not concerned with perfection; be concerned with any Spiritual progress and learning from any mistakes that are made. It is like a contractor who is building a building or seven-story house! Each day another aspect of the building is built. That is very much how it is in your Spiritual life.
Everything you study, every book you read, every meditation, every Spiritual practice, every journal writing session, every affirmation, positive thought, channeling, piece of service work, insight, relationship encounter, meal, dream, the passing of every Spiritual test and lesson adds another piece to the foundation and to the house. Over 20 or 30 years you will build a fitting church unto the Lord, or a lower-self abyss!
The most important thing is to be focused, dedicated, persevering, relentless and unceasing in your efforts to grow to your highest potential. It is no easy task making it to the top! The higher you go the more that is expected of you. Then one day you will break through to the top, and the Fruits of the Spirit will be given unto thee! You will see a Crown of Life instead of a crown of thorns! Your Father/Mother who art in Heaven will say, “This is my Son or Daughter with whom I am well pleased!”
Life is a battlefield! Life is a Spiritual war! Life is a battle of Armageddon! Life is a Jihad or Holy War! Life is a marathon run! In this world there is a great deal to overcome. Even the theme of our universe is courage. In truth, all who make it have to fight their way to the top. If you love God/dess like a drowning man wants air and make this your only focus to your highest potential, it will be easier. The most difficult path is the conflicted path. This is why the Master Sananda/Jesus said, “I did not come to bring peace but a sword.” There are many things we must give up if we are going to put our Creator before creation. Only a handful of Souls each life wave make it. Be one of those handfuls. The Universal Mind through Edgar Cayce said, “Righteousness in the eyes of God is trying.” God/dess is not looking for perfection; S/He is looking for right effort. Seek and ye shall find! Knock and the door shall be opened! Amen!
My Beloved Friends, after channeling and writing this chapter I asked Spirit and the Masters what they thought of the finished product! The Universal Mind stepped forward and most kindly and graciously told me S/He really liked the chapter and lesson a lot! S/He then suggested that I might consider adding one insight. So this is what the Universal Mind had to say in terms of one final thought to properly close this chapter! I loved His/Her insight and idea so I wanted to share this with all of you!

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Predictions for 2013
a message from The Council of 12 channeled by Selacia
5 January, 2013

Once in a while, there is a marker time point that people experience as the line between one thing and another. As 2013 begins you will be sitting at that juncture. How will it look and feel, and what will it mean?

To be sure, the year 2012 will be seen in hindsight as a time of unprecedented revolutionary changes, countless unanswerable questions, and multitudes of people waking up from a very long sleep to discover a world in chaos. It will also be noted as a key tipping point - humanity coping with extensive and continuous dismantling of unworkable systems, and people everywhere learning to live on the edge.

From Endpoint to Starting Point

The Earth's ancient wisdom keepers described the December 21, 2012 Solstice as an endpoint in a long evolutionary cycle, when humanity could take a giant leap forward and create a light-filled existence. That endpoint, in fact, is more than one linear date, for it relates to a quantum cycle that is vast and multidimensional. Still, for people conditioned to focus on specific dates to mark progress, the 2012 Solstice became a focal point that helped catalyze an accelerated waking up and an intense desire for a brand-new type of world.

Did you know that at a DNA level, you are encoded to wake up to your divine nature and to endlessly seek to co-create a loving world, until it becomes a reality?

In fact, it is hard-wired within you to awaken during the Earth's pivotal moments, remembering more and more of why you came and seeking to serve in the highest possible way you can. Most likely, you have been on your path for a while, and the past year or so has been a huge testing of your resolve.

During the moments when you felt blocked to serve, you may have experienced a deep unexplained sadness, as though you couldn't really do what you were encoded to do. Even if you didn't have the specifics of what that mission was, you just knew that it was different than what you felt able to accomplish.

Your DNA Encodements in Action

Yes, this DNA encodement within you is so much a part of your core, and such a mega driving force, that once it has been catalyzed, your path changes. With this encodement active, you become increasingly aware of your true nature, which is divine.

You also become aware that you have an inner guidance and a spiritual guidance team, always right there by your side. With this awareness, you naturally seek training in how to work with your spiritual guidance.

As part of that, you learn how to differentiate your inner voice from your ego, and how to discern meanings and applications of the messages you are receiving. This happens in a process over time, in stages that are typically outside ordinary awareness. What's important is not the linear stage you are at but the multidimensional big picture - your growing increasingly intuitive and more able to detect and dispel fear so you can get to the truth of subtle messages received.

Your True Power to Change

Your true power to change what you experience on Earth comes from accessing and living as your multidimensional and intuitive divine self. This is the key to 2013 and what comes next.

Do not let self-doubt get in the way as 2013 begins and the world isn't yet as you want it to be. Do not let anyone tell you that you are not equipped for the challenges of living now. This is nonsense. How could a divine changemaker like you - encoded from the beginning of time to help facilitate humanity's mega shift - not have what it takes?

Do not discount your extensive preparations for being on the Earth now. Your multidimensional divine self, knowing in advance what set of circumstances and abilities you would need for this life, set in motion an orchestration that would become the divinely timed juxtaposition for these moments. From spirit's perspective, there are no accidents and no mistakes. Any challenge you still face is part of your puzzle piece. Likewise, positive qualities like kindness that you embody now were long in development to help you in this life. You are indeed right where you need to be.

Understanding Energies of 2013

As you move through 2013, you will discover familiar themes continuing from recent years. The planet's grand reconfiguration will continue, and things will sometimes seem worse even as they are getting better. It will take a trained awareness and a regular big-picture focus to have a true picture of happenstance. What seems the same is not.

Creation is a messy and often violent process. As it occurs, from a quantum perspective, there are countless behind-the-scenes pieces coming into play. From spirit's perspective, things are seen on a need-to-see basis and known on a need-to-know basis. That's how the world of spirit operates. The pieces that need addressing most urgently come to light first - like the need for love. That includes self-love and loving interactions between people - neighbors, co-workers, friends, loved ones, and strangers.

The mechanism for mastering love is relationships. Everyone around you is now challenged in some way by relationships as people relearn what it means to love. You don't need to be in a "relationship" to be impacted. Nearly everyone has neighbors, phone calls with others, and interactions with people on the road or in the market.

Do not allow yourself to become discouraged by the seeming lack of progress - remember that you are wired to be a part of solutions needed for a more loving world. Do not look away from what is right there in front of you. Dysfunctions must be brought to awareness before they can be healed. If the world's attention was not focused on the state of unloving co-existence within families and groups of people, the collective effort to change things would not be underway.

The creation of a brand-new Earth based on love is indeed happening, but it is a joint effort that takes time. The collective needs to be brought in sync, and this is no small step. No one person can remedy the dysfunction, but each person is responsible for his or her own energy - every moment of every day. That takes skill and unflinching persistence, continually coming back to the higher view of spirit.

Your Choice, Your Path

Trust that you are intricately and intimately involved in the most adventuresome dance of creation ever seen on Earth. You chose to take part a very long time ago - no, you cannot change your mind now. If you think you can, this is your ego having a futile moment of resistance! Your empowered divine changemaker self is the one truly at the helm. That's the part of you fueled by spirit - willing to be at the forefront of change and to courageously do what's needed each step of the way. This is your path.

Your heartfelt desires for change and a more loving world are a magnetic energy that goes out into the world and connects you with a similar vision held in the collective. Do not underestimate the power of this positive magnetic force. You create more of it each time you are kind. There is a bonus effect, too, during those times when you are extremely challenged to be kind. When you meet these challenges and respond with kindness, the positive magnetic energy is magnified. This field of energy is real - moving out into the collective and uplifting humanity. Being mindful of this energy, even if you cannot physically see or touch it, helps you to progress spiritually.

When your life becomes complex or you simply feel on overwhelm, come back to this simple idea. Remember the importance of being kind. Do it even if no one else is kind. When others are unkind, they are expressing ordinary, reactive consciousness. You are not ordinary, you are divine.

Your Multidimensional Self

As a divine changemaker, a key focus for you in 2013 will be discovering how to skillfully move through changes with a lightness of being. This means refusing to go along with crowd mentality involving anger, judgment, or black-and-white perspectives. Those approaches are old paradigm, and limited. What you want instead is to be at the forefront of the dimensional shift into higher consciousness. It is quantum, multidimensional, and vast.

Higher-frequency energy helps you to join with your multidimensional self.

Everything has a frequency or vibration - including thoughts and emotions, foods, media messages, and personal energy fields. Frequency is not static - it can shift in a flash when your mood changes from happy to angry or when you move from self-appreciating thoughts to self-doubt. Frequency, then, is an energy that fluctuates. The higher frequencies you want to connect with are faster-moving fields of energy. You can influence your own energy with this simple frequency-raising process - creating and maintaining a high frequency.

Frequency-Raising Process

Each morning set your energetic tone for the day with a positive thought or feeling of gratitude. If you wake up in a sour mood or catch yourself worrying, change the channel inside your own mind and, with conscious intention, state something positive. Expressing it out loud can amplify the benefit.
During the day, be mindful of when your energy drops or your mood changes. Practice paying attention the moment you shift into a lower frequency, noticing what changed. By tracking your own energy this way, you can determine whether your frequency fluctuation was due to thoughts, emotions, nutritional intake, the news, spending time with an angry person, or other factors.
Intend regularly throughout the day that you will be present and conscious, regardless of how crazy things get. If you find your mind wandering into the past or future, or feel you cannot focus on what someone is saying, come back to the now.
Learn about your own DNA and old dysfunctional patterns still residing there. The more you understand about the past limited conditioning recorded in your DNA, the more quickly you can clear it and become free from its effects.
Discover how the unusual planetary patterns of the next few years impact your own astrology. You do not have to believe in astrology for planetary energies to affect you. The challenging aspects lining up between 2013 and 2016 have not been experienced before on Earth. Self-understanding can help you navigate the changes and manage your frequency at the same time.
Before sleep each night, intentionally disconnect from humanity's fear matrix - the field of fearful energy humanity has created over time. You sleep then can be more productive and more peaceful.
Consciously and regularly invite spirit into your life, asking for a higher view and for the patience to be kind.

As you continue the journey of discovering your divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12.

Copyright 2012 by Selacia, Channel for The Council of 12 * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com

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December 17, 2012
Is Someone Else Getting Your Blessings?
Jelaila Starr

Video Link: http://youtu.be/5SEP9A7pfUo

Hey Sohini,

Thanks to all who resonded to last week's message about this phase of soul growth being over. Guess I'm one of many who received the same inforamtion during sleep. Don't ya just love the way guides work?

Now on to this week's message. Is s omeone getting your blessings? What I'm talking about is the blessings you receive from doing your own emotional clearing. Since beginning this final push a couple of months ago, I've often received a lot of resistance from lightworkers...and starseeds...and walk-ins on the need to do emotional clearing. I understand the desire to avoid it; emotional clearing is not fun. Yet, if we choose to do it anyway, the blessings more than compensate for the pain. So this week I'll address a few more questions:

Why is emotional clearing so important?
Isn't it enough to just focus on love and light?
Can I have someone else clear my emotional blocks for me? Will that give me the same results as having done it myself?

I've decided to address these questions in this week's message because I realized that doing so may help those of you who are still on the fence about emotional clearing. Maybe you are just waiting for that confirming sign to get moving, bringing you into closer alignment with the future you want to see. So here goes...

Why is emotional clearing so important?

The emotional field contains both positive and negative energies created during our current life along with those that we brought forward from past lives. Negative energies set up disruptions in the flow of energy through the physical body because the two are connected by energy portal or conduits known as the chakras. If left in place, these disruptions create physical problems resulting in illnesses some of which could become fatal (examples: cancer and heart disease). Emotional clearing is the process of working through and clearing out those negative energies.

Isn't it enough to just focus on love and light?

I have to chuckle on this one 'cause I know from experience how much I tried to make this true. I tried focusing on just loving others and sending them loving energy and light; did it during the first years of my mission-to no avail. The issues with those individuals with whom I had conflicts and was trying to clear did not go away. The minute I stopped focusing on the "L & L", the pain would surface and I'd be right back in the thick of it all. My anger towards the individuals would rear its ugly head and I'd find myself once again unable to focus on anything else due to the ongoing argument in my head.

Looking back I see that my guides wanted me to understand that I was avoiding the pain and only by going into it-and seeing my part in creating it-would I ever be able to truly clear it. So is Love and Light enough? Doesn't appear to be, does it?

Can I have someone else clear my emotional blocks for me? Will that give me the same results as having done it myself?

Again, if this were effective, I'd be the first one in line. In fact, I tried several modalities that offered to relieve me of the need to do it myself. What I found was some did nothing at all while others seem to give relief. Yet those that gave relief did not completely clear the issue. Before long a new situation would occur that triggered the old pain and added another layer. For example, the money issue that seemed to be clearing up would return-and with a vengeance. What money did come in would quickly be spent to fix things that suddenly broke (the toilet, that new hole in the roof, a flat tire). Lord, help me!

I finally realized that my soul wasn't going to accept anything less than full self-clearing. She wanted to learn the lesson, not have it taken away. Again, my guides had pointed the way to these well-meaning healers because they wanted me to recognize this truth for myself. So can you have someone else clear your emotional blocks for you? Sure you can...but don't expect to receive the blessings that come from it or your soul to be satisfied with the results.

When you clear your own emotional baggage, you gain the benefit of having faced the old pain. If you continue, you'll also discover the dysfunctional believe through which you created the issue/conflict that caused the pain and be able to change it once and for all. I gotta say that there is nothing more satisfying, more life-affirming and empowering than discovering that belief. Yep, it's an amazing, incredible, wonderful, and awesome-you can conquer anything-feeling. Wow!

But that feeling pales in comparison to the wonder-struck feeling you have when you see your reality quickly shift. The person that you wanted to smack just hours before, the one who was making your life miserable, the one about whom you kept thinking, "If only he/she would change my life would be better," suddenly changes. Now you want to hug them. Know why? You released them from the role they had been playing for you. You released them because you GOT THE LESSON! Hurray for you! You recognized that they were playing a role to mirror back the behavior that you were doing to yourself (your Inner Child) but could not see, (How others treat you is how you treat yourself/Inner Child).

So, do you still want someone else to clear your emotional blocks and baggage? Do you want them to get all the blessings?

If you decide after reading this message that perhaps it's time to do your own housecleaning, but you need a little help, I and many other teachers, who have also discovered this truth, are here to help.

Emotional clearing will continue after this phase it over, but as I said in last week's message, though it will be more intense due to the higher frequencies, the result will be even more life-changing. Clear on, my darlings, clear on...the best it yet to come.

Until next week....

Jelaila Starr
email: ncstarr@earthlink.net

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My X-mas Message for You:

There is Nothing More That You Should Fear more than FEAR!

This is Simple but true, Sohini

-Your Higher Self-

Hope you feel well and happy :)

21.12.12 is rising......

The Opening of Transformation PORTALS - the Change of AGES!

This day is awaited for so long - and you know it all.

What else is left to do?

Are you READY for Transformation?

Join in the Angelic 21.12.12 Alignments NOW...

Also, please SHARE with your favorite social community:)

Your fellow traveler,

PS. Also get in contact with your PERSONAL Angel
----Free Manual & Attunement Included.....

Affirmation for this week:

"Creator/Spirit please offer the most soul developing 21.12.12 alignment
energies that are aligned with my highest good at this time to the highest level
aspect of my BEING for full integration! Thank you; transmit NOW!"
(Then give the command ACCEPT - ENTER and feel your focus quickly
and easily moving upward your spinal column from the base of your spine,
up and out the top of your head. It should take no more than a second or two)


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