David Claros Paredes's Posts (472)

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THE ORGANIZATION OF THE PSYCHE After the blind belief, after disbelief and skepticism, many shades of false morality hide many misconceptions and false respectability, in whose shadow the Ego is strengthened. We will kick off our chair. We could call it intuition. First of all we start with the basics: the Man. Where did we come from? Why are we going? What is the purpose of our existence? Why do we exist? To where we are going? Here was a series of questions that must be clarified and resolved. A child is born and indeed the physical body receives free, obviously. A wonderful body with some 15,000 million neurons in its service. Nothing has cost. As the child grows the sensual mind is opening gradually. The latter, in itself and for itself, reports by external sensory perceptions. It is precisely with the data provided by these perceptions, as the sensual mind always draws its concepts of content, which is why she can never know about the Real. His reasoning processes are subjective, they move in a vicious circle: the external sensory perceptions, that is obvious. Now you will understand a little better what is Subjective Reasoning itself, but must be full differentiation between Subjective Reasoning and Objective Reasoning. It is obvious that the child has to go through process all educational, Kinder, Primary, Secondary, University. Subjective Reason is nourished with all the data that different institutions will contribute Scholastic. But it is true that no Educational Institute could give a child, or youth, or adolescent, accurate data on That which is not of time, about that which is Real. In truth Subjective Reason especulations coming to lead, to the intellectual, the absurd ground let´s say of utopianism. Or in the best case, the mere opinions of subjective type, but never to the Experience of Truth, that which is not of time. Instead the Objective Reasoning, which unfortunately did not receive any instruction, for which there are no schools, remains ever abandoned. Undoubtedly the reasoning processes of Objective Reasoning obviously lead us, we said, a precise and perfect postulates. But the child, from site to site, it is polite subjectively; for him there is no way of higher education. The data that the senses bring to the Subjective Mind teenager, to the sensual mind we would say, all scholastic issues, family, etc.., Are purely empirical and subjective, and that's what hurts. At first the child has not yet lost the sense of wonder. Obviously he is astonished at any phenomenon. A beautiful toy that he wakes up in amazement and the kids have fun with their toys. As it grows, as its sensual mind is receiving data from the school, college, their sense of wonder disappears and, finally, the moment comes when the child becomes a young man and the young man has completely lost that ability . Unfortunately, the data you receive in schools, in schools, in educational institutions, serve only, as I said, to nourish the sensual mind, but nothing more. In this way and with these current education systems, all that really does is forge in school, academy, college, an artificial personality. Note that really, in true , knowledge studied in Humanities, will never serve to form the Psychological Man. In the name of truth we clearly say that the matters currently studying at Teachers' Institutes have no relation to the different parts of the Self that is fit only for: First: Distort the five- cylinder of the Organic Machine. Second: take away the sense of wonder. Third, develop the sensual mind. Fourth forge in us a false personality. And that's it. Thus, it is clear that the sensual mind in any way could produce in us a radical transformation. It is useful to understand that the Sensual Mind however educated enough, can never get one out of automation and mechanicalness that everyone is everywhere. One thing is merely animal man, ie, the "Intellectual Animal" and other different thing is the real Psychological Man. include naturally women this should clearly be uderstood We were born with a wonderful physical body but really, really, need to do more. Form the physical body is not difficult, we inherited, but form the Psychological Man itself is difficult. To form the physical body does not need to work on yourself, but to train Psychological Man, if we work in themselves, that is obvious. It is, therefore, to organize the psyche that is messy to create the Psychological Man that is the Real Man in the fullest sense of the word. Master Gurdjieff said that the machine has no Organic Psychology. I have to disagree enough of it in this issue. Yes there is a Psychology in any Organic Machinne wrongly called Man, what happens is that it is disorganized and this is different. To Organize this Psychology within the "Intellectual Animal" is the urgent, the urgent, so urgent, if we truly want to create the real man is the Psychological Man. Distinguish then between the intellectual animal mistakenly called man, and the true and authentic Psychological Man. We need to work on oneselves, if we want to create such Man. However,is fight in us, the Sensual Mind is a declared enemy of the Higher Mind. The Sensual Mind identify with any environment. If for example, we suddenly find ourselves in a sumptuous banquet and identify both the foods we become gluttons and we identify both the wine we ended up drunk, if we find our way in an opposite, fascinating, interesting sex Therefore we identify with that at last we ended up in fornicating or converted simply to adulterers. In these circumstances and thus can not create the Psychological Man. If you have somewhere to start the work of creating the Psychological Man, is actually really working on ourselves, never identifying with any conditions and observe ourselves from instant to instant, from moment to moment. There are those who err the way, there are Sociaties, schools, orders, lodges, religions, sects, seeking to organize human psyche by certain maxims call ' of Gold' . Communities that claim by such or such maxim to achieve something that they called purification, sanctity something , etc.. This is urgent to analyze It is obvious that any high maxim religious or Ethical type, could never serve as a pattern for the various events of life. A Structured Maxim with Superior Logic like the Ouspensky Logic, for example, he could never really create a new Cosmos, and a new nature. Strictly subject ourselves to a maximum in order to organize our psyche, would be absurd, means becoming slaves, obviously. So it is appropriate that we reflect on many ethical and moral codes catalogs taken as "maximum gold." In addition, it is therefore to be analyzed before they can enter one in the Labor organizing Psyche, which unquestionably a demonstrative statement, for example, however rich and perfect that that was , could be false and what is worse, intentionally false. So at time we try to self-transformation, we have to become a little more individual. I do not mean selfish understood this as learning to think better and in a more independent and perfect that many sacred sentences form 'maximun gold', as I said, aphorisms that everyone considers perfect, but that might not be a pattern Measuring for a real transformation and organization of the psyche within us. This involves organizing the internal psyche and we have to leave so many rationalism of subjective type and go, as the facts are told, to the point,. Facing our mistakes as they are, never wanting to justify them, do not try to run from them, not try to excuse them. It requires us to become more serious in the analytic, we need to be more wiser, more understanding. If you really do not seek loopholes, then we can work on ourselves for the organization of the Psychological Man and stop being mere 'animals Intellectuals "as we are so far. The Psychological Self-Observation is basic. They really need to observe ourselves from moment to moment, from second to second. For what purpose?; one Which one? Discover our psychological defects. But discover in the realm of facts, observed directly, judiciously, without equivocation, no apologies, no loopholes of any kind. Once a defect has been discovered, then, and only then, can we understand it, and try to understand it we must, again, be severe with themselves. Many when are trying to understand an error they justify it or evade or hide themselves. That is absurd. There are also some Gnostic brothers discover that this or that defect in themselves start with his/her mind, we say theoretical, to speculate. That is very serious. Because as I said, and I repeat it now at this time, the speculations of merely subjective mind will lead, inevitably, in the field of utopianism; That is clear. So, if you want to understand a mistake, purely subjective speculation should be eliminated, and to be removed need to have observed the error directly; so only through a correct observation, it is possible to correct the tendency to speculation. Once one has fully Understood any psychological defect at all levels of the mind, then we can afford to break it, to disintegrate, to reduce it to ashes, to cosmic dust. However, we must never forget that the Mind, by itself, can not radically alter any default ever. Mind, by itself, can label any defects with different names, can pass a level to another, hide itself, hide it from others, but never disintegrate. I've often talked here, I told them we need a power that exceeds the Mind, a power that can really reduce to ashes any psychological defect. Fortunately that power exists in the depths of our psyche, I clearly mean Stella Maris, the Virgen of the Seas, a variant of our own Being, but derivative or derivative. . If we focus on that variant force that exists in our psyche, that force some people called it Isis, and Diana and those other Tonantzin, etc., we will be assisted; then the defect in question can be reduced to cosmic dust. Any Added Psychic, living embodiment of this or that mistake, once it has been disintegrated, releases something, it is called ESSENCE. It is clear that within any of these "bottles", it known as psychic aggregates, there is bottled Essence or Soul-Consciousness. To be broken this or that error, the percentage of Essence Bottling or deposited in it is liberated Whenever a percentage of Essence Buddhica is released, and actually increases the percentage of own right Consciousness. And so, as we're breaking the psychic aggregates, the percentage of awakened consciousness is will multiply, and when all the psychic aggregates are reduced to ashes, Consciousness also be fully awakened. If we have only broken 50% of inhuman undesirable psychic elements, obviously we have a 50% Objective Consciousness awakens. But if we get to break one hundred percent of the undesirable psychic aggregates, actually succeed in their own right, one hundred percent of Objective Consciousness. Thus, based on incessant multiplication, our consciousness will increasingly glowing, that's obvious. Achieve absolute awakening is what we want. It is possible if we march down the right path; otherwise would not be possible to achieve, that is clear. In any case, as we go breaking the undesirable psychic elements that we carry within, different SIDDHIS or Luminous Faculties will going to surfacing in our psyche, and when you have achieved the Buddhist Annihilation, then indeed have achieved absolute Lighting . This word Buddhist Annihilation ' bothers certain organizations such pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occultist. A hassling us instead of us really like that word, get one hundred percent of Conscience is something to yearn for. Many people would like the Illumination,there are many who feel embittered, suffering from the Darkness, who suffer from various bitter circumstances of life. The Illumination is very long for but the lighting has a reason for being. The reason of being of Enlightenment is the DHARMADHATU This Sanskrit word type sound a little strange to the ears of those present. DHARMADHATU comes from the root DHARMA. Could someone break down the undesirable psychic elements that we carry within, however, this does not achieve the radical Enlightenment. Here comes in what is called the Third Factor of the Revolution of Consciousness, the Sacrifice for Humanity.( At times when the V.M.SAMAEL taught this revolutionary psychology to truly awake consciousness the third factor called was Sacrifice for humanity this means to give in love to our fellow ones on planet earth sacrifice imply to let the Ego behind or reduce at cosmic dust but to those whose has wake consciousness then first worry is to help humanity, to do things on behalf of becoming a loving task more than sacrifice) If we do not sacrifice for humanity would not be possible to get the absolute Illumination because, again, the reason for the Illumination is DHARMADHATU Obviously, if disintegrate the ego, we are paid. It's true and of all truth, that if we create the superior existential bodies of the Being, is we pay. We can not deny that if we sacrifice ourselves for our neighbors we are paid, all that is indubitable. To get the absolute Illumination needs Working with the Three Factors of the Revolution of Consciousness: TO BORN, ie Create the superior vehicles of the being TO DIE, disintegrate the Ego in its entirety, and SACRIFICE for Humanity. Behold THE THREE FACTORS OF THE REVOLUTION OF THE CONSIOUSNESS But as I told you, we need to know Working on themselves, that's obvious. We need to organize the Psychological Man within themselves . First of all, before we get the absolute Enlightenment, Psychological Man must be born in us. And born in us when Psyche is organized. We must organize the psyche within ourselves here and now. If we work properly organize the Psyche. For example, if we do not waste the energies of the emotional center, if not waste the energy of Mind, or of the Motor-Instinctual-Sexual brain, it is obvious that with such reserves created or come to create, shape, the second Psychological body in us, the Body of Emotions, called EIDOLON. It is indubitable that if we liberate from the Sensual Mind we get really, in true, save intellectual energy with which we could nurture the third Body Psychological body or INDIVIDUAL MIND. At pronounce against sensual mind, I clearly understand that the brothers do not stop to recognize the usefulness of the sensual mind and we need to live in perfect balance, knowing how to handle the superior mind and how to use the sensual mind. Because if you do not know use the sensual mind, forget having to pay rent, he forgets to eat to exist, forget having to get dressed, walk the streets in complete disarray, does not meet one their duties in life. Then the sensual mind is necessary. But we must know how to handle intelligently balanced; ie, the Higher Mind and Mind Sensual be balanced in life, that's obvious. There are people that certain hermits living in caves in the Himalayas, and forget having a sensual mind are concerned only by the superior mind, for example. It requires that the sensual mind works in a balanced way to fulfill their duties in one life. The battle between Superior and Sensual Mind is dreadful. Let us remember Christ when he was in his fast in the desert. He has a demon and says, "All these kingdoms will I give you the world if you worship me." That is, the Sensual Mind tempting. He answers the Superior-mind saying, "Satan, Satan, for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only obey." Jesus don´t let dominated by the sensual mind but that does not mean it is not useful as Mind. What happens is you have to get it under control, should march in perfect balance with the Higher Mind. In trying to organize the Psychological Man obviously happen a dreadful struggle between the two minds, between Superior, Psychological and Sensual. The sensual mind does not want anything that relates to the Higher Mind. The Sensual Mind enjoys when identified with a scene of lust or when identified with a painful event in the street or when identified with a glass of wine, etc.. Psychological Mind violently opposed. I will illustrate this with an example. Was suddenly in a car, someone driving the car, checking out the left lane of a street. For the right wing, a lady was driving another vehicle. Suddenly it happens, the car he was driving the lady changes direction, trying to get a supermarket. Obviously the right was going to turn somewhere to get into it. If the store had been to her right, then he would have gotten right. But unfortunately it was on the left. And the left wing was occupied by the carriage in which we traveled. He does not care that lady definitely absolutely nothing and turned to the left and clear, coming to hit the car in which we were going. The damage was not serious, were minimal for that other car. But here comes the interesting part. Since in the car to travel in my insignificant person, the driver admitted not to blame, and indeed had not, he was not guilty of another vehicle ahead tuck him turning violently at times when he rode . Naturally claimed that the lady in question. The lady insisted on having his right, of course. His reason was manifestly absurd any expert in traffic would have immediately disqualified her. However, she insisted on calling the insurance to fix the problem. After about two hours, the insurance did not arrive, the lady insisted that he will pay about 300 pesos it cost damage, repairing her vehicle that she-herself had destroyed. The occupants of the car he was traveling and his driver, were definitely angry and greatly though any of them could pay, were not willing to do so, such was the anger that they had. For my part, I decided not to identify in that circumstance, because our psychological discipline, our Psychological Yudo, indicates that in such cases one should not be identified: it is obvious that remained serene in accordance with our Psychological Yudo. Well, but time passed, two hours and possibly many more have to wait for the insurance did not appear. At last the lady that came to me respectfully, for she saw that I was the only one who was calm. Other occupants shouted. She says, "Lord, if you gave me 300 pesos even, leave this question aside, I'm wasting my time and all we're losing." But if you look at the position where the two cars are, if you wanted to turn left, you should bring the left channel, but if you go down the right wing and yet tries to enter the supermarket, you can not enter the right lane when the left goes busy. Any expert in traffic disqualify you. "Lord, but what we wasting time, Ensurance does not come." Well, you take your 300 pesos and go in holy peace. No problem, you continue your journey. Obviously, there was a general outcry of those present were outraged not only against this lady, but against me too. Such was the state in which they found that they could not but protest were absolutely identified with the scene and of course qualified me Fool me, etc.., Etc.., Etc.. and many other herbs. Of course, one of the drivers walked straight to the ladies in order to insult, they were several, the driver and companions. I stepped forward a bit and I told the lady: You go in holy peace and ignore the insulters. Well, very happy woman away from me reached the last greeting and lost beyond the carriage through the streets of the city. I could have continued waiting three, four and six hours, and possibly an entire afternoon to night, until it was the Insurance to lead to any silly arrangement. There was really no serious problem, the damage of that car were minimal but although the crew those had money, no way they were willing to pay, they were so identified with the scene that obviously did not want, as they say, to give budge. They certainly saved a lot of details and pesky details, you possibly avoided going to the Delegation, I avoided them fifty thousand nonsense, bitterness and discussions. But they were so identified with that fact that it gave no account of the good he had done them. So people. So, my dear friends, really, really, you should understand that the circumstances identified causes problems, it is absurd to identify with the circumstances, completely absurd, the energies are spent. What would organize energies, for example, the Astral Body if we let these to carry on with those bursts of ANGER those hideous tantrums, tantrums of those who have no purpose? All for identifying the circumstances. Forces that would be a luxury to create a Mind Mind, if indeed wasted his intellectual energies, wasted on nonsense, on similar facts to which I told them? The creation of the Second Body invites us save emotional energy and the creation of a third body, I let´s called Intellectual or individual Mind, makes us understand the need to save our mental energy. Now if we do not really learn to leave the mechanical dislikes, if we are always full of ill will toward our fellow man, how then would create energies Body of Conscious Will, ie, the fourth Psychological Body? And all you have to create that set of Superior Vehicles , yes if we truly want to create within ourselves, or give shape within ourselves, or manufactured within us the Psychological man. We know that someone with the physical body, a second body Emotional-Psychological type, a third body of Mental-Individual type and a fourth Main Volitional-Concious type, you can afford to get those Psychic Principles to become Man that is indubitable. But if one truly wasted their energy, the drive, vital, emotional, mental and volitional, identifying with all the circumstances of life, it is obvious that these can never organize Psychological Bodies within so indispensable to the man himself appears. So, when I talk about organizing the Psyche, must be known to understand: we have to manage energy, knowing how to use, not to identify not waste our energies foolishly not forget ourselves. When one forgets himself is identified, and when identified, then it can not shape the psyche, can not make the psyche is structured intelligently in itself, because the energies foolishly wasted. This is urgent to understand, my dear brothers and sisters. Thus, a real man is a man who has saved his energy, which means the same has been able to create the Superior Existential bodies of the Being. A real man is one who has received their spiritual psychic principles, a perfect man is one who has disintegrated, all inhuman psychic elements, instead of such undesirable elements has shaped the Inner Man. The Inner Man is what counts, the Inner Man receives your payment, the Great Law pays ,the Inner Man is awake because the Ego has disintegrated; Real and Truly Man who sacrifices himself for his fellow obviously achieved Enlightenment. So, create the Man comes first, is fundamental and this is accomplished by organizing the Psyche. But many, instead of engaging in organizing their own inner psyche, care exclusively to develop a powers or Inferior SIDDHIS, that it is absurd. What we will start us organize the psyche or develop lower powers? What do we want? We have to be judicious in the analysis, judicious in our desires. If powers what we are looking for, we lose time miserably. I think the main thing is that we organize our lower psyche, that's the basics. If you understand it for themselves and work on themselves, them you will give shape to get the Psyche; then the Real Man, the truly Man will be born in you. Understand this: you better go looking lower SSIDDHIS or lower powers as we say, will give way to the Psyche. There is a transcendent power that comes in any man who has truly worked on himself; I mean emphatically to Intuition. I quote this to stop you covet powers. But what is this power? He has told us that is related to the pineal gland, do not deny it, but the interesting thing is to explain what their functions are. How would we define INTUITION? : Direct perception of truth without the depressing process of choice. Well, this is good way to define but I find it very incipient it use all pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occultist out there schoolhouses. But the analytical invites us to delve deeper into this subject. What is Intuition? Is the Faculty of interpretation. Possibly Hegel in his Dialectic, is define with the Chinese philosophy of the Yellow Race. A Chinese Empress not well understood this matter of intuition. A sage explained that it was the Faculty of interpretation. It is correct that definition, but she did not understand. Then the sage brought a lit candle and placed it in the center of a room and around ten well placed mirrors. It is clear that the flame of that candle reflected in a mirror, and that mirror the projected another mirror and the other mirror the projected other, and the other on that. Just noticed that the ten mirrors each light they cast on one another, a set of wonderful lights, a game interpretation was formed. The Empress understood, behold the power of Intuition. If someone has made the Buddhist Annihilation, if someone has managed to Fabricate the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being, if he truly is a Real Man, in the Most transcendental senseof the word, then the power of interpretation shall be in him a fact. Note that one is contained in the Cosmos. I said that one is a part of a whole. Micro-Cosmos man inside the lot, there is much yet all is but one part of the whole. We know that, for example, within the Ayocosmos, ie, the Infinite, is contained the MacroCosmos. Within the Macro-Cosmos which is the Milky Way, is contained the Deutero-Cosmos the Solar System. Deutero-Cosmos is contained within the Cosmic Sun, and it is contained within it, the Cosmos Earth, Meso-Cosmos. In turn, within the Mesocosmos, is contained within the Micro-Cosmos Microcosm Man and within the , is contained for the life of the infinitely small, the Trito-Cosmos. As in a Cosmos is another Cosmos and within that there is another Cosmos and there are seven whole Cosmos, one contained others. So there is within us a lower Cosmos, that is clearTrito-Cosmos and the superior Cosmos, is clear, the Mesocosmos. We are between Superior and inferior Cosmos. We are also closely related to our fathers, because we got origination ; turn us become the sons and grandsons; are all mutually inter-penetration. Undoubtedly, my dear friends, the existence of any way, his birth, his development, his death is also reflected within the True Man who has attained the Buddhist Annihilation. So it can say, "I know the history of this planet." All Mahamvantara may be reflected in the nail of a Real Man. And reflected so accurately, that the Buddha did not ignore anything. All that can happen to a nation can be reflected in the psyche of a man who has gone through the Buddhist Annihilation. And reflected so accurately, so precisely in such detail that it reaches not ignore even the most insignificant events. So you deduce and infer from what I have said what is the Intuition: Faculty of interpretation If we get the history of this Galaxy is reflected in us, something we would ignore, for example, regarding the same? Of course not. The Galaxy with all processes can be reflected in our psyche so, naturally, my beloved brethren, like that candle of example I put, as reflected in the 10 mirrors that served to illustrate the Empress. If all conditions may reflected in the psyche of a Buddha Contemplation, because it no longer has that inhuman psychic inhuman aggregates to disintegrate, then this indeed achieved by INTUITION that we could define as CONSCIENCE. Reaching enlightenment is possible. But do not forget, my dear friends, that Enlightenment in turn has its laws. The Reason of Enlightenment is the DHARMADHATU ie, the DHARMA. Samael Aun Weor: Bhudda Maitreya Kalki Avatar of the Age of Aquarius

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THE ORGANIZATION OF THE PSYCHE After the blind belief, after disbelief and skepticism, many shades of false morality hide many misconceptions and false respectability, in whose shadow the Ego is strengthened. We will kick off our chair. We could call it intuition. First of all we start with the basics: the Man. Where did we come from? Why are we going? What is the purpose of our existence? Why do we exist? To where we are going? Here was a series of questions that must be clarified and resolved. A child is born and indeed the physical body receives free, obviously. A wonderful body with some 15,000 million neurons in its service. Nothing has cost. As the child grows the sensual mind is opening gradually. The latter, in itself and for itself, reports by external sensory perceptions. It is precisely with the data provided by these perceptions, as the sensual mind always draws its concepts of content, which is why she can never know about the Real. His reasoning processes are subjective, they move in a vicious circle: the external sensory perceptions, that is obvious. Now you will understand a little better what is Subjective Reasoning itself, but must be full differentiation between Subjective Reasoning and Objective Reasoning. It is obvious that the child has to go through process all educational, Kinder, Primary, Secondary, University. Subjective Reason is nourished with all the data that different institutions will contribute Scholastic. But it is true that no Educational Institute could give a child, or youth, or adolescent, accurate data on That which is not of time, about that which is Real. In truth Subjective Reason especulations coming to lead, to the intellectual, the absurd ground let´s say of utopianism. Or in the best case, the mere opinions of subjective type, but never to the Experience of Truth, that which is not of time. Instead the Objective Reasoning, which unfortunately did not receive any instruction, for which there are no schools, remains ever abandoned. Undoubtedly the reasoning processes of Objective Reasoning obviously lead us, we said, a precise and perfect postulates. But the child, from site to site, it is polite subjectively; for him there is no way of higher education. The data that the senses bring to the Subjective Mind teenager, to the sensual mind we would say, all scholastic issues, family, etc.., Are purely empirical and subjective, and that's what hurts. At first the child has not yet lost the sense of wonder. Obviously he is astonished at any phenomenon. A beautiful toy that he wakes up in amazement and the kids have fun with their toys. As it grows, as its sensual mind is receiving data from the school, college, their sense of wonder disappears and, finally, the moment comes when the child becomes a young man and the young man has completely lost that ability . Unfortunately, the data you receive in schools, in schools, in educational institutions, serve only, as I said, to nourish the sensual mind, but nothing more. In this way and with these current education systems, all that really does is forge in school, academy, college, an artificial personality. Note that really, in true , knowledge studied in Humanities, will never serve to form the Psychological Man. In the name of truth we clearly say that the matters currently studying at Teachers' Institutes have no relation to the different parts of the Self that is fit only for: First: Distort the five- cylinder of the Organic Machine. Second: take away the sense of wonder. Third, develop the sensual mind. Fourth forge in us a false personality. And that's it. Thus, it is clear that the sensual mind in any way could produce in us a radical transformation. It is useful to understand that the Sensual Mind however educated enough, can never get one out of automation and mechanicalness that everyone is everywhere. One thing is merely animal man, ie, the "Intellectual Animal" and other different thing is the real Psychological Man. include naturally women this should clearly be uderstood We were born with a wonderful physical body but really, really, need to do more. Form the physical body is not difficult, we inherited, but form the Psychological Man itself is difficult. To form the physical body does not need to work on yourself, but to train Psychological Man, if we work in themselves, that is obvious. It is, therefore, to organize the psyche that is messy to create the Psychological Man that is the Real Man in the fullest sense of the word. Master Gurdjieff said that the machine has no Organic Psychology. I have to disagree enough of it in this issue. Yes there is a Psychology in any Organic Machinne wrongly called Man, what happens is that it is disorganized and this is different. To Organize this Psychology within the "Intellectual Animal" is the urgent, the urgent, so urgent, if we truly want to create the real man is the Psychological Man. Distinguish then between the intellectual animal mistakenly called man, and the true and authentic Psychological Man. We need to work on oneselves, if we want to create such Man. However,is fight in us, the Sensual Mind is a declared enemy of the Higher Mind. The Sensual Mind identify with any environment. If for example, we suddenly find ourselves in a sumptuous banquet and identify both the foods we become gluttons and we identify both the wine we ended up drunk, if we find our way in an opposite, fascinating, interesting sex Therefore we identify with that at last we ended up in fornicating or converted simply to adulterers. In these circumstances and thus can not create the Psychological Man. If you have somewhere to start the work of creating the Psychological Man, is actually really working on ourselves, never identifying with any conditions and observe ourselves from instant to instant, from moment to moment. There are those who err the way, there are Sociaties, schools, orders, lodges, religions, sects, seeking to organize human psyche by certain maxims call ' of Gold' . Communities that claim by such or such maxim to achieve something that they called purification, sanctity something , etc.. This is urgent to analyze It is obvious that any high maxim religious or Ethical type, could never serve as a pattern for the various events of life. A Structured Maxim with Superior Logic like the Ouspensky Logic, for example, he could never really create a new Cosmos, and a new nature. Strictly subject ourselves to a maximum in order to organize our psyche, would be absurd, means becoming slaves, obviously. So it is appropriate that we reflect on many ethical and moral codes catalogs taken as "maximum gold." In addition, it is therefore to be analyzed before they can enter one in the Labor organizing Psyche, which unquestionably a demonstrative statement, for example, however rich and perfect that that was , could be false and what is worse, intentionally false. So at time we try to self-transformation, we have to become a little more individual. I do not mean selfish understood this as learning to think better and in a more independent and perfect that many sacred sentences form 'maximun gold', as I said, aphorisms that everyone considers perfect, but that might not be a pattern Measuring for a real transformation and organization of the psyche within us. This involves organizing the internal psyche and we have to leave so many rationalism of subjective type and go, as the facts are told, to the point,. Facing our mistakes as they are, never wanting to justify them, do not try to run from them, not try to excuse them. It requires us to become more serious in the analytic, we need to be more wiser, more understanding. If you really do not seek loopholes, then we can work on ourselves for the organization of the Psychological Man and stop being mere 'animals Intellectuals "as we are so far. The Psychological Self-Observation is basic. They really need to observe ourselves from moment to moment, from second to second. For what purpose?; one Which one? Discover our psychological defects. But discover in the realm of facts, observed directly, judiciously, without equivocation, no apologies, no loopholes of any kind. Once a defect has been discovered, then, and only then, can we understand it, and try to understand it we must, again, be severe with themselves. Many when are trying to understand an error they justify it or evade or hide themselves. That is absurd. There are also some Gnostic brothers discover that this or that defect in themselves start with his/her mind, we say theoretical, to speculate. That is very serious. Because as I said, and I repeat it now at this time, the speculations of merely subjective mind will lead, inevitably, in the field of utopianism; That is clear. So, if you want to understand a mistake, purely subjective speculation should be eliminated, and to be removed need to have observed the error directly; so only through a correct observation, it is possible to correct the tendency to speculation. Once one has fully Understood any psychological defect at all levels of the mind, then we can afford to break it, to disintegrate, to reduce it to ashes, to cosmic dust. However, we must never forget that the Mind, by itself, can not radically alter any default ever. Mind, by itself, can label any defects with different names, can pass a level to another, hide itself, hide it from others, but never disintegrate. I've often talked here, I told them we need a power that exceeds the Mind, a power that can really reduce to ashes any psychological defect. Fortunately that power exists in the depths of our psyche, I clearly mean Stella Maris, the Virgen of the Seas, a variant of our own Being, but derivative or derivative. . If we focus on that variant force that exists in our psyche, that force some people called it Isis, and Diana and those other Tonantzin, etc., we will be assisted; then the defect in question can be reduced to cosmic dust. Any Added Psychic, living embodiment of this or that mistake, once it has been disintegrated, releases something, it is called ESSENCE. It is clear that within any of these "bottles", it known as psychic aggregates, there is bottled Essence or Soul-Consciousness. To be broken this or that error, the percentage of Essence Bottling or deposited in it is liberated Whenever a percentage of Essence Buddhica is released, and actually increases the percentage of own right Consciousness. And so, as we're breaking the psychic aggregates, the percentage of awakened consciousness is will multiply, and when all the psychic aggregates are reduced to ashes, Consciousness also be fully awakened. If we have only broken 50% of inhuman undesirable psychic elements, obviously we have a 50% Objective Consciousness awakens. But if we get to break one hundred percent of the undesirable psychic aggregates, actually succeed in their own right, one hundred percent of Objective Consciousness. Thus, based on incessant multiplication, our consciousness will increasingly glowing, that's obvious. Achieve absolute awakening is what we want. It is possible if we march down the right path; otherwise would not be possible to achieve, that is clear. In any case, as we go breaking the undesirable psychic elements that we carry within, different SIDDHIS or Luminous Faculties will going to surfacing in our psyche, and when you have achieved the Buddhist Annihilation, then indeed have achieved absolute Lighting . This word Buddhist Annihilation ' bothers certain organizations such pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occultist. A hassling us instead of us really like that word, get one hundred percent of Conscience is something to yearn for. Many people would like the Illumination,there are many who feel embittered, suffering from the Darkness, who suffer from various bitter circumstances of life. The Illumination is very long for but the lighting has a reason for being. The reason of being of Enlightenment is the DHARMADHATU This Sanskrit word type sound a little strange to the ears of those present. DHARMADHATU comes from the root DHARMA. Could someone break down the undesirable psychic elements that we carry within, however, this does not achieve the radical Enlightenment. Here comes in what is called the Third Factor of the Revolution of Consciousness, the Sacrifice for Humanity.( At times when the V.M.SAMAEL taught this revolutionary psychology to truly awake consciousness the third factor called was Sacrifice for humanity this means to give in love to our fellow ones on planet earth sacrifice imply to let the Ego behind or reduce at cosmic dust but to those whose has wake consciousness then first worry is to help humanity, to do things on behalf of becoming a loving task more than sacrifice) If we do not sacrifice for humanity would not be possible to get the absolute Illumination because, again, the reason for the Illumination is DHARMADHATU Obviously, if disintegrate the ego, we are paid. It's true and of all truth, that if we create the superior existential bodies of the Being, is we pay. We can not deny that if we sacrifice ourselves for our neighbors we are paid, all that is indubitable. To get the absolute Illumination needs Working with the Three Factors of the Revolution of Consciousness: TO BORN, ie Create the superior vehicles of the being TO DIE, disintegrate the Ego in its entirety, and SACRIFICE for Humanity. Behold THE THREE FACTORS OF THE REVOLUTION OF THE CONSIOUSNESS But as I told you, we need to know Working on themselves, that's obvious. We need to organize the Psychological Man within themselves . First of all, before we get the absolute Enlightenment, Psychological Man must be born in us. And born in us when Psyche is organized. We must organize the psyche within ourselves here and now. If we work properly organize the Psyche. For example, if we do not waste the energies of the emotional center, if not waste the energy of Mind, or of the Motor-Instinctual-Sexual brain, it is obvious that with such reserves created or come to create, shape, the second Psychological body in us, the Body of Emotions, called EIDOLON. It is indubitable that if we liberate from the Sensual Mind we get really, in true, save intellectual energy with which we could nurture the third Body Psychological body or INDIVIDUAL MIND. At pronounce against sensual mind, I clearly understand that the brothers do not stop to recognize the usefulness of the sensual mind and we need to live in perfect balance, knowing how to handle the superior mind and how to use the sensual mind. Because if you do not know use the sensual mind, forget having to pay rent, he forgets to eat to exist, forget having to get dressed, walk the streets in complete disarray, does not meet one their duties in life. Then the sensual mind is necessary. But we must know how to handle intelligently balanced; ie, the Higher Mind and Mind Sensual be balanced in life, that's obvious. There are people that certain hermits living in caves in the Himalayas, and forget having a sensual mind are concerned only by the superior mind, for example. It requires that the sensual mind works in a balanced way to fulfill their duties in one life. The battle between Superior and Sensual Mind is dreadful. Let us remember Christ when he was in his fast in the desert. He has a demon and says, "All these kingdoms will I give you the world if you worship me." That is, the Sensual Mind tempting. He answers the Superior-mind saying, "Satan, Satan, for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only obey." Jesus don´t let dominated by the sensual mind but that does not mean it is not useful as Mind. What happens is you have to get it under control, should march in perfect balance with the Higher Mind. In trying to organize the Psychological Man obviously happen a dreadful struggle between the two minds, between Superior, Psychological and Sensual. The sensual mind does not want anything that relates to the Higher Mind. The Sensual Mind enjoys when identified with a scene of lust or when identified with a painful event in the street or when identified with a glass of wine, etc.. Psychological Mind violently opposed. I will illustrate this with an example. Was suddenly in a car, someone driving the car, checking out the left lane of a street. For the right wing, a lady was driving another vehicle. Suddenly it happens, the car he was driving the lady changes direction, trying to get a supermarket. Obviously the right was going to turn somewhere to get into it. If the store had been to her right, then he would have gotten right. But unfortunately it was on the left. And the left wing was occupied by the carriage in which we traveled. He does not care that lady definitely absolutely nothing and turned to the left and clear, coming to hit the car in which we were going. The damage was not serious, were minimal for that other car. But here comes the interesting part. Since in the car to travel in my insignificant person, the driver admitted not to blame, and indeed had not, he was not guilty of another vehicle ahead tuck him turning violently at times when he rode . Naturally claimed that the lady in question. The lady insisted on having his right, of course. His reason was manifestly absurd any expert in traffic would have immediately disqualified her. However, she insisted on calling the insurance to fix the problem. After about two hours, the insurance did not arrive, the lady insisted that he will pay about 300 pesos it cost damage, repairing her vehicle that she-herself had destroyed. The occupants of the car he was traveling and his driver, were definitely angry and greatly though any of them could pay, were not willing to do so, such was the anger that they had. For my part, I decided not to identify in that circumstance, because our psychological discipline, our Psychological Yudo, indicates that in such cases one should not be identified: it is obvious that remained serene in accordance with our Psychological Yudo. Well, but time passed, two hours and possibly many more have to wait for the insurance did not appear. At last the lady that came to me respectfully, for she saw that I was the only one who was calm. Other occupants shouted. She says, "Lord, if you gave me 300 pesos even, leave this question aside, I'm wasting my time and all we're losing." But if you look at the position where the two cars are, if you wanted to turn left, you should bring the left channel, but if you go down the right wing and yet tries to enter the supermarket, you can not enter the right lane when the left goes busy. Any expert in traffic disqualify you. "Lord, but what we wasting time, Ensurance does not come." Well, you take your 300 pesos and go in holy peace. No problem, you continue your journey. Obviously, there was a general outcry of those present were outraged not only against this lady, but against me too. Such was the state in which they found that they could not but protest were absolutely identified with the scene and of course qualified me Fool me, etc.., Etc.., Etc.. and many other herbs. Of course, one of the drivers walked straight to the ladies in order to insult, they were several, the driver and companions. I stepped forward a bit and I told the lady: You go in holy peace and ignore the insulters. Well, very happy woman away from me reached the last greeting and lost beyond the carriage through the streets of the city. I could have continued waiting three, four and six hours, and possibly an entire afternoon to night, until it was the Insurance to lead to any silly arrangement. There was really no serious problem, the damage of that car were minimal but although the crew those had money, no way they were willing to pay, they were so identified with the scene that obviously did not want, as they say, to give budge. They certainly saved a lot of details and pesky details, you possibly avoided going to the Delegation, I avoided them fifty thousand nonsense, bitterness and discussions. But they were so identified with that fact that it gave no account of the good he had done them. So people. So, my dear friends, really, really, you should understand that the circumstances identified causes problems, it is absurd to identify with the circumstances, completely absurd, the energies are spent. What would organize energies, for example, the Astral Body if we let these to carry on with those bursts of ANGER those hideous tantrums, tantrums of those who have no purpose? All for identifying the circumstances. Forces that would be a luxury to create a Mind Mind, if indeed wasted his intellectual energies, wasted on nonsense, on similar facts to which I told them? The creation of the Second Body invites us save emotional energy and the creation of a third body, I let´s called Intellectual or individual Mind, makes us understand the need to save our mental energy. Now if we do not really learn to leave the mechanical dislikes, if we are always full of ill will toward our fellow man, how then would create energies Body of Conscious Will, ie, the fourth Psychological Body? And all you have to create that set of Superior Vehicles , yes if we truly want to create within ourselves, or give shape within ourselves, or manufactured within us the Psychological man. We know that someone with the physical body, a second body Emotional-Psychological type, a third body of Mental-Individual type and a fourth Main Volitional-Concious type, you can afford to get those Psychic Principles to become Man that is indubitable. But if one truly wasted their energy, the drive, vital, emotional, mental and volitional, identifying with all the circumstances of life, it is obvious that these can never organize Psychological Bodies within so indispensable to the man himself appears. So, when I talk about organizing the Psyche, must be known to understand: we have to manage energy, knowing how to use, not to identify not waste our energies foolishly not forget ourselves. When one forgets himself is identified, and when identified, then it can not shape the psyche, can not make the psyche is structured intelligently in itself, because the energies foolishly wasted. This is urgent to understand, my dear brothers and sisters. Thus, a real man is a man who has saved his energy, which means the same has been able to create the Superior Existential bodies of the Being. A real man is one who has received their spiritual psychic principles, a perfect man is one who has disintegrated, all inhuman psychic elements, instead of such undesirable elements has shaped the Inner Man. The Inner Man is what counts, the Inner Man receives your payment, the Great Law pays ,the Inner Man is awake because the Ego has disintegrated; Real and Truly Man who sacrifices himself for his fellow obviously achieved Enlightenment. So, create the Man comes first, is fundamental and this is accomplished by organizing the Psyche. But many, instead of engaging in organizing their own inner psyche, care exclusively to develop a powers or Inferior SIDDHIS, that it is absurd. What we will start us organize the psyche or develop lower powers? What do we want? We have to be judicious in the analysis, judicious in our desires. If powers what we are looking for, we lose time miserably. I think the main thing is that we organize our lower psyche, that's the basics. If you understand it for themselves and work on themselves, them you will give shape to get the Psyche; then the Real Man, the truly Man will be born in you. Understand this: you better go looking lower SSIDDHIS or lower powers as we say, will give way to the Psyche. There is a transcendent power that comes in any man who has truly worked on himself; I mean emphatically to Intuition. I quote this to stop you covet powers. But what is this power? He has told us that is related to the pineal gland, do not deny it, but the interesting thing is to explain what their functions are. How would we define INTUITION? : Direct perception of truth without the depressing process of choice. Well, this is good way to define but I find it very incipient it use all pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occultist out there schoolhouses. But the analytical invites us to delve deeper into this subject. What is Intuition? Is the Faculty of interpretation. Possibly Hegel in his Dialectic, is define with the Chinese philosophy of the Yellow Race. A Chinese Empress not well understood this matter of intuition. A sage explained that it was the Faculty of interpretation. It is correct that definition, but she did not understand. Then the sage brought a lit candle and placed it in the center of a room and around ten well placed mirrors. It is clear that the flame of that candle reflected in a mirror, and that mirror the projected another mirror and the other mirror the projected other, and the other on that. Just noticed that the ten mirrors each light they cast on one another, a set of wonderful lights, a game interpretation was formed. The Empress understood, behold the power of Intuition. If someone has made the Buddhist Annihilation, if someone has managed to Fabricate the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being, if he truly is a Real Man, in the Most transcendental senseof the word, then the power of interpretation shall be in him a fact. Note that one is contained in the Cosmos. I said that one is a part of a whole. Micro-Cosmos man inside the lot, there is much yet all is but one part of the whole. We know that, for example, within the Ayocosmos, ie, the Infinite, is contained the MacroCosmos. Within the Macro-Cosmos which is the Milky Way, is contained the Deutero-Cosmos the Solar System. Deutero-Cosmos is contained within the Cosmic Sun, and it is contained within it, the Cosmos Earth, Meso-Cosmos. In turn, within the Mesocosmos, is contained within the Micro-Cosmos Microcosm Man and within the , is contained for the life of the infinitely small, the Trito-Cosmos. As in a Cosmos is another Cosmos and within that there is another Cosmos and there are seven whole Cosmos, one contained others. So there is within us a lower Cosmos, that is clearTrito-Cosmos and the superior Cosmos, is clear, the Mesocosmos. We are between Superior and inferior Cosmos. We are also closely related to our fathers, because we got origination ; turn us become the sons and grandsons; are all mutually inter-penetration. Undoubtedly, my dear friends, the existence of any way, his birth, his development, his death is also reflected within the True Man who has attained the Buddhist Annihilation. So it can say, "I know the history of this planet." All Mahamvantara may be reflected in the nail of a Real Man. And reflected so accurately, that the Buddha did not ignore anything. All that can happen to a nation can be reflected in the psyche of a man who has gone through the Buddhist Annihilation. And reflected so accurately, so precisely in such detail that it reaches not ignore even the most insignificant events. So you deduce and infer from what I have said what is the Intuition: Faculty of interpretation If we get the history of this Galaxy is reflected in us, something we would ignore, for example, regarding the same? Of course not. The Galaxy with all processes can be reflected in our psyche so, naturally, my beloved brethren, like that candle of example I put, as reflected in the 10 mirrors that served to illustrate the Empress. If all conditions may reflected in the psyche of a Buddha Contemplation, because it no longer has that inhuman psychic inhuman aggregates to disintegrate, then this indeed achieved by INTUITION that we could define as CONSCIENCE. Reaching enlightenment is possible. But do not forget, my dear friends, that Enlightenment in turn has its laws. The Reason of Enlightenment is the DHARMADHATU ie, the DHARMA. Samael Aun Weor: Bhudda Maitreya Kalki Avatar of the Age of Aquarius

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It is necessary to deeply understand all the processes of the mind, all the reactions, the psychological MORE accumulating, etc.. Only then arises in us naturally and spontaneously the burning flare of INTELLIGENCE.

Well my dear brothers and sisters, we have been studying various aspects of Mind, then continue delving into the practical field of Love, interesting facts that consist in eliminating the psychic aggregates. It is indeed quite difficult, however is not all, there's something else we need to monitor. I want to emphatically refer to the REPRESENTATIONS OF THE MIND. To the world of the senses which are difficult representations are the objects around us, remorse, etc.., But there are also representations of Mind.

In the Mind there are many representations that we must consider: suppose we have in mind the representation of a friend who estimates. Someone very important friend speaks against that, all the gossip, slander, etc. arise. We give you heard all that gossip. So our image of our friend, representation, fact is altered. We no longer see in him the friendly guy who once saw full of harmony, etc, but this becomes figure in our understanding that others have given you.; possibly the bandit, the thief, the false friend, etc.., etc..

At night we dream it can happen with that friend. Already in any way we will dream harmony, we see that we are attacked by him, we see that we attack, we dream that he wields a weapon against us, etc.. Friend's image is completely altered: a representation that has been altered. It may be the case that those who spoke against our friend wrongly prosecuted, consciously or unconsciously slandered, etc.., But the representation of the Mind is altered. This is very serious because this representation becomes in fact a demon that comes to hinder our esoteric work, usually a demon come to meet us, it is a demon that is a preclude to the deeper development. Behold as the grave error: give ear to gossip, slander, to gossip, to say that being said, etc..

Obviously in our mind there are thousands of representations that can be altered if we take part in negative conversations, if we listen to slander, if we listen to says that being said, etc.. For all these and other things is not convenient to give ear to the negative words of the people, that is serious and in the background is a mistake. In the same way that not only the psychic aggregates, living representation of our psychological defects are a burden that we carry within ourselves, we should not ever forget the question of the representation of the understanding.

Hikers Path, by heeding negative conversations, being in cliques where only hear negative sentences, often deforming sometimes many representations of understanding and these, in the world of the mind, constitute true demons that constitute an obstacle or series of obstacles  to AWAKENING OF CONSCIOUSNESS. So we can cite the case of many Gnostic brethren in the evenings are usually always dreams of countless negative type, sometimes dream of killing another person, etc.. The most serious charge is such enemies within himself, in his own mind. Obviously most suitable for our negative representations is to appeal to THE SERPENTINE POWER .TO INVOKE  DEVI KUNDALINI SHAKTI  to destroy such representations of negative type.

Unquestionably  we should not have  such positive or negative representation in mind . The mind should develop certain serene attitudes   available to the Being , but this would require that the human personality will turn passive. A passive personality is a receptive personality receives messages coming from the higher parts of the Being.

Unquestionably, such messages pass through the higher centers of BEING before entering Mind. That is the advantage of having a passive personality. This, unfortunately, is controlled by heavy elements or so difficult  aggregates related to the world of 96 laws; ie Tartarus region.

The personality of the people is active because it is controlled by aggregates of hatred, pride, envy, lust frightening. Actually really miserable we are but worms in the mud of the earth. If we eliminate from our psyche so heavy psychological elements, our human personality becomes easy and the mind becomes receptive to messages that descend from the higher parts of the SER through the higher centers of our psyche.

Now you are going comprising, my dear friends, the need to eliminate those gestated elements themselves are HEAVY. With DEVI KUNDALINI SHAKTI, ie, the Igneous Serpent of our Magical Powers, we can effectively eliminate these heavy elements. Is win, because we can receive the direct message that comes from the highest parts of the BEING. So I say that we must work on himself.

We must create a receptive mind, a mind that never projected, which always receives instead of projecting. Obviously would not accept the misuse of positive or negative representations of the various funds of the understanding type; Such a Mind and bring the messages coming from the highest part of our fellows. As we continue giving food to the various representations of understanding, never mind be a prodigal, a progressive mind. Actually, really, is conditioned by time and pain. So analyzing, this way I see that we must not only eliminate undesirable psychic aggregates, but we have a very difficult problem with the issue of REPRESENTATIONS. The problem I see  difficult to interior lighting, is that we carry many representations is also inhuman psychic aggregates.

If you carefully study the life of dreams, we shall find in them many things vague and inconsistent, several subjective aspects, inaccurate, many foolish things, people, events that have no reality. The only reason to be inconsistent, we should invite reflection.

As a Gnostic, one must have clear concepts and lucid ideas, radical enlightenment without vagueness, without any kind of subjectivism. Unfortunately representations in our interior and various AGGREGATES,  condition in such form to the Consciousness, which keep into not pleasant lane of the SUBCONSCIOUS ,UNCONSCIOUSNESS AND INFRACONSCIOUSNESS. I invite reflection, I invite you to understand these things so indispensable.

In the Eastern world speaks in synthesis. For example, Zen or Chan Buddhism says to just get to the stillness of the mind, the silence of the mind in order to achieve breakthrough VACUUM ENLIGHTENING. We are told that in Satori's true happiness. You have to get into the Meditation Room of the Mind stillness inside, outside and in the middle. We are told that the mind must be absolutely still like a wall.

Well, I realized that in the Meditation Room of Japan costs for the Satori. Whether you say it costs only a few minutes at best one or several hours after the Mind returns to be as hectic as ever. That leaves one in state to face the world in happiness, happy, inebriated to fight. Sure, EGO intervenes to give a few slaps to get him out of that state, get it removed ...

If we want to be more than what can be achieved in a Zen Meditation Room or Chan, we also have to have  an AWAKENING of Mind, A receptive mind to the infinite that come from up above Sky of Urania, an enlightened mind. Would it be possible that if we  allow  the  psychic aggregates continue to exist in our psyche? Would this be possible if us to give ear to the gossip to alter REPRESENTATIONS we carry in our understanding? Would this be possible, I say to myself, and I share with you in thinking out loud, if we continued to give priority to the positive or negative representations ...?

H. P. Blavatsky has a phrase in "The Voice of the Silence” that I liked. He says: "Before the gold flame can burn with a serene light, the lamp must be well maintained, sheltered from every wind, worldly thoughts should fall dead at the door of the Temple" ... That phrase of HP Blavatsky in her wonderful work entitled 'The Voice of the Silence”is marvelous, is wonderful. Only then, I say, may indeed be the mind be still and silent inside, outside and in the middle, not for a while or in a meditation room, but continuously ...

When you go exploring the various recesses of the mind, will also realizing that the stillness and silence of the mind are not possible while the mind is occupied by the psychic aggregates ( the Egos, Selves) and Representations. It might be objected saying there are laudable, clear, magnificent representations. That means acceptable, but it is not. We, the total should be the BEING. Why we must have in our mind things that are not from the BEING ? I do not see why we are stuck in our mind intruders. I understood that the mind must just be the BEING ,that Mind must become a temple where officiate the BEING and nothing but the BEING, that's all. But while that Temple is full of strange items, things, games, giant  showcases ,representations, aggregates; it can be said that there is a deep sleep of the consciousness is unconsciousness ...

A man is known by his dreams, Plato said in his book. The day we stop dreaming, then the "cockroaches" that we load in the brain fire they become. That all these absurd inconsistencies do not exist, that all these morbid, vague, imprecise, insipid, insubstantial, toilets, states do not have existence of any kind. Happy the day when we dream no longer, they stop dreaming. When a man stops dreaming has triumphed. While there are dreams in mind while going for Psychological Space to project  inaccurate dreams , absurd Dreams Space, this indicates that we are going not well , this indicates that we have a mind full of a lot of garbage, very cheesy.

As I said, the truly enlightened do not have dreams, dreams are for sleeping ones . The truly enlightened lives in the Superior  Worlds outside the physical body in a state of heightened vigilance, never dreaming. The truly enlightened after the death of the body is awake in the Psychological Space. Therefore reflect the need to reach the stillness of the silence of the mind.

What we say here on the Three Food? I explained as we feed, which is the first food. I will not refer to anything. You also talked about the food that is second breath, more important than one that goes to the stomach. But there is a third food I told you that is the IMPRESSIONS. Nobody can live even a minute without impressions. You are listening to me here, I'm already scratching and their minds is getting a series of prints. They see a human figure dressed in a vesture of the Holy Order of the Knights of the Holy Grail. This comes across as prints or through impressions, these are all impressions for you.

Unfortunately humans are negative. What would you say, for example, now that we're in this room, if you open the door here to enter thieves? To you brethrem who join us in this discussion, do you seem right to open the door to let in the people, what would happen? However, we do the same with both, we open the doors to all the negative impressions of the world.

These penetrate our psyche and cause disasters in there, become psychic aggregates and develops in us the Negative Emotional Centre and finally, we are filled with mud. Is that right?, Is it right for a person, for example, is full of negative impressions emanating from Negative Emotional Centre, have no place among us, to open the doors to all the negative impressions of that person?

If we do not select prints, much less closed. We have to learn to open and close the doors of our psyche to impressions, open doors to the noble impressions, closing the negative impressions and absurd ones, because negative impressions harm develop the Negative Emotional Centre on us, hurt us .

You see what you do being in crowd: I assure you that none of you, for example, would dare to go outside to throw stones out there, right? However group can target someone: a public demonstration against the Government is angry arises. The crowds throwing stones and throwing stones is one, but then tell yourself: why do I cast? Why did I do that?

I know just about four years ago, when school teachers rose in many strikes, protests, demonstrations. Then we saw unusual things there. Here in the Federal District, about 10 or 15 years ago, we saw very decent, very decent, highly educated, that crowd grabbed stones and hurled glasses against  people, against whom could . These school teachers would have never done alone but in groups. In groups man behaves very differently, do things you would never do alone, what is that? Is due to the negative impressions that has opened the door; then they put him in a bad temper and is doing what they would never do alone. Therefore it is necessary that we learn to be literate citizens.

When one opens the door to negative impressions, not only alters the order of the Emotional Centre, which is in the heart, but it becomes negative. If you open one door, for example, the negative emotion of a person who is full of anger because someone caused damage then one ends with that person as an ally against the person who caused the damage and ending one filled with anger and taking part in the matter.

Suppose one opens the door to negative impressions of a drunk who is at a party and ends a drunkard accepting him a drink and then two, three, ten. And in conclusion, I drunk too. Suppose one opens the door to negative impressions of a person of ordinary sex, ends a fornicating with all the sexes. Suppose we open the doors to the negative impressions of a junkie, smoking marijuana also happend, and seed, and everything. Conclusion: FAILURE.

Here's how humans are infected each other by negative impressions. The drunk spread by drunken thieves  become thieves others, big homicides infect other, drug addicts infect others; In short, drug addicts multiply, multiply murderers, thieves multiply, why? Because always is make the mistake to open the doors to the negative impressions and that is  not correct.

Let’s Select emotions. If somebody brings positive emotions of light, harmony, beauty, wisdom, love, poetry, perfection, let us open the doors of the heart.  Beings that bring us negative impressions of hatred, violence, jealousy, drugs, alcohol, fornication, adultery, do not have to open the doors of our hearts. Shut them, close the doors to the negative impressions. When one reflects on all this may well be changed, making your life better.

We see the representation of a great friend who has always served us, kind, compassionate, wonderful. Suddenly, someone excited, full of negative impressions, coming up with such a problem. We open the doors to these negative impressions, is murmuring, is saying that our friend is a thief, a bandit, a robber bank, forty thousand things. All these negative impressions come into our mind. Such altered representation becomes a real DEMON hampering job on oneself: For all this and many other things, you will see that this to about to clean up  the Temple of the Mind is quite difficult, but not impossible.

We need to have a clear mind, a clean Temple, no dirt, no abominations of any kind. But you need to know to live, necessary is need to know to live. In practice, unfortunately, life, people do not know how to live, all blame for their suffering, their bitterness to others. And the only really to blame is oneself.

Take the case of someone stealing us a lot of money. Suppose one of you has saved for example, $ 50,000 in furniture, in a box any of your home and family from you, steals that $ 50,000. Sure suffer horribly, right? Losing is not so nice, we cause a lot of pain, cry, would go to the police, would the claim against him, perhaps not proceed to be a family, but suffering not be silenced altogether. But why suffer and $ 50,000? Since it cost so much work suffer. If you have not the Ego of  attachment to things, money, lose that $ 50,000 would be laughing, not suffer.

Let a man who suddenly finds his wife with another, a difficult case, especially if the come to find in the adultery. No doubt confused by the pain takes the gun and shot right there  him with bullets, why do that? Be justified before the authorities found in his own bed of adultery and of course I was right. That's crazy, completely crazy, because if the man does not have the I of jealousy inside, if that man does not have the I of attachements or jealousy, no one suffers. Simply turns away and withdraws, goes, live your world beyond, each one is which, feel free of that ray because she replaced him, withdrew. If not jealous no pain.

Suppose that an offender insults us. For a vile insulter us suffer horribly and answer insult with insult. But if no one hears here within, who would protest? Let the insult of 10 words would hurt his pride, but if Ego of the self-love does not exist, who suffers? Suppose that the words were intended to slander, that is, he was a thief, and suppose that we really and truly are not thieves. Secondly,  do not have the I or Ego that  love yourself, the self-love, who would suffer?

Many times someone suffers because he sees a friend who has a nice house and a beautiful wife. That's called ENVY, right? But if  do not have the I or Ego of envy, why suffer? Instead, be glad to see his good friend. So others can not cause us pain, the pain we caused by us themselves, is the raw reality of life. Disintegrating the EGO ending pain.

The root of the pain is in the Ego and when the Ego ends  remain in us only  the beauty  transformed into what is called LOVE and happiness. Then, when you get to that point Mind is still, in silence; Mind is no longer a projecting, is no longer a Mind offending, is no longer a Mind which reacts to anything. Receive messages coming from above, from the top parts of the Being, is a mind filled correctly.

I repeat: not only the psychic aggregates must be removed. It is clear that we must also eliminate Representations of Mind, both negative and positive. We need to clean inside the Mind all rubbish, we need to burn the lamp in the Temple of the Mind, we need the gold flame can burn with a serene light within the area of ​​the Temple. When the mind is quiet, when the mind is in silence, there comes the new.

We say that this path is very beautiful, but what about the concerns, what we do with suffering caused us by others? It is impossible to have a quiet mind, in silence, as we live in a world full of problems and difficulties, is absurd. Disintegrating Inhuman aggregates that  in our interior we load it , the problems and difficulties they conclude. So, what we need today, is to leave the mental laziness, work very hard on themselves. These are my words. If any of the brothers and sisters has something to
ask about the topic, you can do it with absolute freedom.

P. Master, on the stillness of the mind and stilled mind, what can you tell us?

VM-Well, of course you have to distinguish between a mind that is quiet and mind is stilled, from a mind that is in silent and a Mind that is silenced. In the name of truth, we must emphatically say that true stillness and silence of the Mind comes when the Ego and Representations  have died. The mind is rested silently Mind becomes receptive, rests with the Being and the Being  alone can.

Q: Master, which is the most practical way?

V. M. - The most practical is common sense. Although many say is the most common sense, I would say that is the least common. Of course, if a thief comes here and open the door to enter, then I make a nonsense, but if a brother comes and gives rhythmic and rhythmic beats on the door, then I will gladly open the door. Also if it comes "John Doe" and brings some negative emotions, is excited, because  happen that found a person of the opposite sex to lust for fornication and starts talking about pornography and me very happy, I open the door, I'm opening the doors to a negative emotion. If a drug addict come telling me that , he through marijuana has had such and such perceptions, which has managed to messages from beyond, and  not that, and excitedly tells me that "I One Touch 'and give me a "touch", I'm an idiot, right? I have opened the doors to a negative emotion. This is clear, no need to complicate things.

Q. Does this mean Master, you do wrong when talking about a person either right or wrong, being that picky transform these impressions not?

VM-Well, yes, one does not have to deal with people for better or worse, everyone is everyone. So better to respect the lives of others and not open the door to negative emotions, that's absurd.

P. Master, instead of negative or positive representations, what we must have to act?

V. M. - By now work, there is no choice. To Work, From now on devote to work on yourself . The day we've removed the psychic aggregates, the day you've deleted Representations Mind, then that day things will change, that day you will open your heart, that day you will receive the sparks coming from the tops of your Self, you will an honest individual. Now at Work!

P.: Venerable Master, when you are at work and have achieved certain perceptions without identifying with them, is a product of self-observation?

VM-Sense of Self-Observation develops as it goes using one. Obviously you need to use it, because body is not used atrophies. As one goes Self-By observing carefully the that wonderful sense of Psychological Self-Observation is entering activity. But one has to be, were, in mystical stalking, to search, Self-By observing one of their own mistakes. As one Self-by observe, the Meaning of Psychological Self-Observation develops.

Q. definitely should we do practices to awaken powers being so without Dying?

VM-The most important thing is the Psychological Self-Scan  to Self-by Discovering. In any self-by discovering is Self-Revelation. When ones admits to having a individual, particular Psychology start to Self-by Observing their own mistakes. When one understood one error(one Ego) might have himself the afford to reduce it at Cosmic Dust with the Help of Igneous Serpent of our Magic Powers have an error must try to understand deeply at all levels of Mind. When one has understood the error, you can afford to reduce to cosmic dust with the help of the Igneous Snake of our Divine Powers. I refer emphatically to Devi Kundalini Shakti, which unfolds and develops in the Dorsal Spine. "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, everything else will be given you besides."

Q. Can a mental representation be  a source of an Added Psychic?

VM-'s not confuse . One thing is the mental representations and the other psychic aggregates. Mental representations exist from instant  to instant from moment to moment. You yourself, right here right now, you are full of mental representations. But representations of Mind can be altered, become evil demons, but REPRESENTATIONS. No representation could give rise  to a new Aggregate, the representations are of one Mind, and aggregates are otherwise.

P.: Venerable Master, then that demon that results from representation... you need to remove it, is the same as is done to eliminate the I's?

V. M. - Of course it is. If one appeals to the Igneous Serpent of our Magical Powers to remove certain representations, we can receive it right away and these representations will be reduced to cosmic dust. The mind must be clear, free, must be a Temple without lustful stables where only burn the flame of Prajna, ie. The Flare of the BEING

Q. Master, then the representations are the product of the I?

VM-No sir, I said that we must not confuse , which  one thing is the Representation and another the  Psychic Aggregates. Just as in the world of sense objects are fundamental, because they really objects are located in the world of the senses, so there is a world of the mind. Representations in the Mind, usually, are a terrible mess ... positive or negative

Q. Master, then the representations that come to us when we are trying to make a meditation, so characters are very sacred to us, what happens?

VM-When in meditation, usually come to mind many representations, but if the question is analyzed it is found that such representations are tucked into the Mind, which have always been there. It takes us free, the mind must be clean so that instead of Representations reach us messages coming from there, through the Higher Centers of there. One thing is the message coming from there and another thing is the bad thought forms that come to mind, Representations.

Representations are one thing and the messages are another. Messages come , through the tops of Being and reach the Higher Mind to the  Crystalline Mind . They have a new flavor, they are not of time, because they are beyond time. We have to be open to new things, however Representations not ever have a new flavor, the representations are time.

Q. Master, when a representation is provided in the field but the person is not identified with it but study it, how could you explain that? What results were obtained?

VM-Well, that's always the case of Representation. During sleep, usually, there is always Representations subjective, inconsistent, vague, imprecise type. If the person is not identified or not strengthened with such representations, only the  studies and to study them, understand them and know what kind they are such representations. Usually, they are related to many past mistakes, but we must clearly distinguish between Representations and Psychic Aggregates. One can have representations in the mind of all friends of lust, these are representations that sooner or later have to be removed. Aggregates are otherwise, The Aggregates personify our defects. Representations are simple mental forms. The representation of a stone, representation of a man, the representation of an animal, are simple forms. We must to have the free mind, the Temple of the Mind must be clean, pure.

P.: Venerable Master, positive representations or positive impressions, can you do the same work that was taught in relation to the transformation of views with regard to the representations?

VM-Well is good to try to comprehend a representation before deleting similarly as with the psychic aggregates. When one understands that a representation is nothing more than a way to Mind, you must remove it, but you need to understand and then eliminate, and removed with the Fire of Igneous Serpent of our Magical Powers.

Q. Master, when there transformation of impressions, can there Representations?

VM-One can digest certain impressions but can not prevent having representations stored in the mind, no longer exist. You must try to understand and then delete.

P.: An experience in the Inner Worlds, to what extent is a mental representation?


VM- While  the EGO Subsist is not suitable for research in the Psychological Space . No one could know the inner worlds of planet Earth if we do not know their own inners worlds first. No one could know the inner worlds of the solar system if we do not know their own inners worlds first. No one could know the inners worlds of the galaxy in which we live if we do not know our own particular , individual inner worlds. Can not be suitable for psychological research into the psychological space in which we live , as it has not disintegrated EGO and  Representations emanating from rustic sensory world .

The people need above all, increase the percentage of awareness to be able to convert into real psychological space qualified researchers . Thus we need for us to be self-exploring psychologically on a daily basis to find our mistakes and reduce to cosmic dust . Only then can get really , really, SELF- WAKENNING . We need to put aside so many theories , so many vagueness , so many inconsistencies that are useless , become awakened individuals .

In the name of truth we have to say that the world of the mind is the repository of all past, present and future mental forms. The world of natural or universal mind must therefore be studied thoroughly, deeply , if we want to understand something of the EGO and Representations . Many brothers Could not happen to them clearly as the difference between EGO and Representations .

We have said emphatically that the psychic aggregates all together constitute what is called EGO , each Added Psychic is the very personification of some psychological defect . We have also said that within each there is a certain percentage of intimate consciousness. We have clarified that these aggregates disintegrating , liberated consciousness . We have given the techniques to follow, more on our discussion Add to this the Aggregate something different ; I mean clearly and precisely to this issue of Representations. What difference would be, for example, between Aggregates and Representations? That's what we are going to study on.

A person is a person, an object of the senses within the field practitioner merely life . Mental representation or mental image of the person it is something else, but it's something like the difference between a person and his photography. The person is the person and his picture is his picture , representation , representing . There are mental pictures and one thing is really a person and another is a picture of mind that the person on it.

Mental picture becomes the representation of the person. The psychic aggregates constitute the ego, but the representations perceive sense objects in the world of the senses. So it is true that there Representations Mind are.

In esoteric worlds, The inner worlds, the world of the mind, such representations  the Universal White Brotherhood called EFFIGIES. There are millions of them. Let me cite one case forming Effigies or Representations: Many years ago, still had the bad habit of going to the movies. About 20 years ago, any day, I attended a film rather lusty flavor, appeared a couple ... etc. I saw the movie and threw into oblivion, I thought no more on it  in the film. But in the world of Mind things changed. In this region I found myself in mental body in an elegant living room, I was sitting at a table in front of me  there was also a very elegant lady. It was the same I had seen in the film, its same features, the same  walk, same talk, etc.. Obviously I was faced with a representation of the figure of the screen that had been deposited in my mental body, an object, we say, with that kind of mind loving lady who was but a representation.
Obviously there was a big mistake, I had created this representation, that Effigy.

Suddenly I was forced to descend to the Astral World, I then found myself in a large Temple, before a Grand Master and a group of Masters ,I still remember that happened 20 years ago, that that Adept gave me a written note in his own handwriting. The order stated: "Leave the Temple immediately, but with INRI ..."-that is, keeping the sacred fire as they had not been properly fornication or anything like that, that's all.

Quite contrite heart I realized my mistake, I went to the front door of that Great Temple. But before leaving, I decided to prostrate on a kneeler that there was near the door and asked for forgiveness. Suddenly again advances which had brought me the note, it was nothing less than the very Temple Guardian and said, "Sir are commanded to you to withdraw, obey." Well, I said, is I want to talk to the Venerable. "Now you can not. Sir, that could be later. Right now he is busy examining some Effigies (Representations) ". I had no choice but to retire of that Temple and direcly and contrite came to my physical body.

Since the dense vehicle, I concentrated on Christ for forgiveness, I recognized the mistake of having gone to that place (the Movie). I  realized that I had fabricated  with the mind an Effigy .and begged the Merciful to repeat the test. I was listened to, because I had true understanding and the next night, in Mental Body, I was taken to the same place at the same table with the same people, with the same lady, who was only a mental representation type. When I started going to the same "busy" last night, I remembered my purpose of amendment and once I got my flaming sword and crossed with it that Mental lady. Then the disintegrated as a way because it was a thought-form; Flame Sword allowed to disintegrate, that ash is become promptly.

Concluded that work went down again to the Astral world, penetrated into the Astral Body. Already in possession of that vehicle, I found myself in a Great Temple, the same of the last night. I was then greeted with joy, celebration, welcomed me and then my  Inner Buddha or Intimate Buddha  instructed me deeply, took me on Mental Body to cinema halls to show what are these rooms. They are all full of larvae. Representations created by the same attending movies, thought forms deposited in those dens of black magic. I was instructed by the Interior Buddha on all the dangers involved in going to the cinema. He said that instead of going to the movies, I should get to review my past lives and even made me go over a few pages. Then he took a sword and so departed and said, "By this you can stay, to lose  your sword if you still attending these dens of black magic." I said, Lord, I will not return to these dens. And I never went back.

So many years passed without ever returning. I confess though, because I can not be false to myself, that once had a film about the end of the world Miguel de Nostradamus. Well, I said, it should not be bad, this is Nostradamus, about the end times, and I went. It was Nostradamus and his centuries not know if you know something about the subject. I found it very healthy, but neither on that occasion chided me about the film I went to see. And I dared not return because of me and soon I will pull the ears to be getting once the dogs mess rods.

So then so are these films 'go-go' or those of much lust or eroticism. I never went back to that, the only exception was Nostradamus. However, recognize that it is dangerous to enter these dens because there are many larvae are merely representations, mental forms of persons, bandits; that is, of all that they have seen on the screen. So in the name of truth I tell you that one thing is the Psychological Aggregates and other Representations.

The deceased, usually lose much time in Devachan. They can not deny you that Devachan is a place of happiness, delight and happiness, but the figures that make life pleasant in Devachan the living dead are mere representations of their families, relatives, friends left on the Earth. In a word, the ways of Devachan are living representations or effigies. They are of unusual nature, so I say they lose a lot of time in Devachan, but are happy in that part, they feel accompanied by the loved ones they left on Earth. They do not realize or remotely, that world of happiness are mere mental Effigies. If they realized they would lose all Devachan.

In the minds of each of us many representations of our friends, our family, our relatives, our relatives live. Clearly, if someone says something about our family, etc.., And we change our concept with respect to the latter, the figure is altered, ie, that mental Effigy, we said, is altered and altered running new characteristics of violence, theft, bad faith, anger, etc.. violently attack us becoming a hindrance to our esoteric work.

At this moment I remember Rabinil. Looks like a male name but is a lady, a woman of Tibet. She set out to create, really a representation at will, a mental Effigy and gave such a figure in the form of a Tibetan monk, until he got the crystallization and materialization of that monk. It is obvious that when touched to your door instead of going to open it, leaving the monk; was seen physically, such was the power that had materialized.

After some time, the figure, that representation intentionally created by the lady was assuming dangerous characteristics; no longer obeyed, did what he pleased, began to attack everyone, even herself. And of course, this lady was horrified. In a Monastery, together, they set out to destroy such Effigy. Was so strong materialized that even  they true experts in the world of the mind, they spent about 6 months of continuous work to disintegrate it. That is a realization of a Mental Effigy.

We must not to open our minds to negative representations, because it is harmful. We should only open the doors to the positive impressions. If we open the doors to the negative impressions, the gossip of someone or go talk to someone that we  load it here in the  mind,  the result will be fatal. The Effigy or mental Representation that we carry within us which has been talking about, can be altered just by negative impressions. Such figure assumes then hazardous characteristics, turns against us and attacks us wildly. That is clear, we load many representations and naturally altered any of them, it becomes an internal enemy over existing ones.

It is convenient siblings to reflect on this, we learn to live wisely, only then will march down the road that must lead to final liberation. Necessary is Take Care of Mind. HP Blavatsky said: "The Mind that is  slave of the senses makes soul as invalid as the boat the wind astray upon the waters ...". We need to control the senses and the mind. Many mental birds, thoughts, get into the cage of the mind,  understanding and harm us, I mean negative representations. Now you will understand better what I am saying, that we must control the senses and the mind. You go down the street and suddenly find themselves in a corner a pornographic magazine, they get to look at her with some obscenity. The result is a new creation, a mental representation. This new representation is a croaker in the cage of the Mind, to cause damage and fortify negative emotions and lust.

Therefore, the senses must be controled. Unfortunately people do not remember to control the senses and the mind, and that's very serious. Instead of reading pornographic magazines, which lead nowhere but to the creation of new mental Effigies, it is worth studying the books of wisdom, Scripture, etc.. There is no doubt that the Initiatory true Knowledge become into Fire and therefore in power. My dear brethren, the True Wisdom, the Hidden Wisdom as I said, this one becomes Fire, in Sacred Fire, Universal Fire. I want you to understand that the Fire really is a Unknown to the Intellectuals, an element that nobody knows its origin. We rubbed a match and fire occurs. One would think that it is the product of combustion. No such, before the combustion such existed, there was fire inside the arm so that he could move it, that's obvious. And after receiving combustion heat; I would say that with this match, the substance that produces the latent fire, is destroyed by destroying the packaging in which the fire is dormant and the flame comes to the surface.

For us what really interests us is not the physical Fire but the Astral Signature of the Fire , ie the Fire of Fire, the Flame of the flame. Such power igneous or Christic, we would say,  is the Solar Logos. And that's what we want. We know that true knowledge becomes Sun Fire, one more thing is the fire here in the physical world and the other is the Fire during unmanifestation or in the world of natural causes or Chaos. We met there directly with the Lords of the Flame, which are real Fire. And we find that power is in Chaos, That creator Electric Power inducing  all life in the Universe. That's what we see in the higher spheres of the Cosmic Creation. Latent Fire is wonderful.

For all these and other things, you will see the need for studies of this Wisdom or the Universal Cosmic Science, the study of Gnosis. Only this knowledge is related to the different parts of the Being, can become fire in Living and philosophical fire.

Much has been talked about the Buddhas. No doubt there are Buddhas  of Contemplation and Buddhas of Manifestation. But these are creatures that dominated the Mind, which destroyed the Ego, which had no input in their hearts to negative emotions, That not created mental Effigies in his own mind or minds of others. Recall to Soncapac, Gautama Buddha himself is reincarnated in Tibet.

Another thing is the Buddha of the Amitabha Buddha, his true divine prototype. Amitabha is the Buddha of Contemplation and Gautama, were, the earthly Buddha or Bodhisattva. We can not deny that through that Gautama was brilliantly expressed Amithaba. We can not deny that later Amithaba sent directly to Gautama (the Buddha Bodhisattva or terrestrial) to a new reincarnation. He then expressed as Soncapac. These are Buddhas of Contemplation, are Masters of the Mind, Creatures that were released from the Mind ,Lords of Fire. Clearly, all those Buddhas worship the Great Buddha, ie, the LOGOS and worship him.

Seeing things from this angle, from this point of view, we come to understand more and more how to liberate the mind, learning to live wisely, if we really, want, become Buddha Contemplation. That is obvious. We need to feel the necessity  for the final release; otherwise would not be possible RELEASE.

In the name of truth we have to say as we be slaves to EGO and Representations of Mind, the final release will be more than impossible.

Disembodied Why waste time? Again, by the representations. These accompany them in Devachan and be given an apparent happiness, are obviously losing miserably time, humanity loses much time with the Ego. All this is more bitter than gall.

Now the time has come to understand that  the Uncreated Light is essentially,  the desire towards life becomes uncreated light . This uncreated light emerges from the darkness of the background arise from the darkness of Not Be.We should all yearn for Real Light and Work in order to be born sometime in the Uncreated Light.

Currently there are many Bodhisattvas in the world. It happens that in the past our planet Earth during the Age of Gold, Silver and Copper, many entered the Mysteries, adepts were made. In other words, they became Buddhas. But when Kali Yuga Age arrive, Ego took a terrible force, took hold in all those ancient Initiates because they knew not live, succumbed to temptation. If not, would have not emerged in them the  Ego. Today walk the face of the earth many fallen Bodhisattvas. If they take care over Mind, disintegrate the Ego and proposed not create more mental Effigies, resurface victorious.

What is a Bodhisattva? Its just a seed, a germ. A seed with a microscopic etheric body that can develop itself a Celestial Being; more if they do not, this seed does not develop, the opportunity is lost. Glorious beings who lived in the civilizations of Egypt,and Babylon, etc.., Are now dormant seeds that in some subjects is stored within their sexual endocrine glands.

If this seed with an etheric body got develop, these beings would be in full possession of his body and would be a boon to mankind. More unfortunately, the worst enemy they have all these fallen beings, all those adepts dethroned, is Mind.

That is why I insisted so much on the need not to open the doors of our mind to the negative impressions that may alter some representations that hinder progress inward and upward. That is why I have insisted too much on the need to disintegrate the dear EGO.Is that the Ego and the Being are incompatible, that's obvious.

Well, I hope you have been able to understand what are the Effigies or Mental Representations  in the world of the Mind. Before I finish this chair I give free speech so that those who have not understood and can do wonder, as I said, with confidence.

Q. Returning to the Effigies with the Ego or return with the  Personality?

VM-The Effigies can be kept for some time until they are weakened gradually. Sometimes they return, not all times and will weaken gradually. When you lose interest in this or that Effigy or representations, they can no longer feed and go dissolving.

Q. Master, one makes  good and bad representations ,The good representations form Effigies?

V. M. - Of course, there are good. There are positive and negative representations or effigies, but are mere mental forms. When you learn to live from moment to moment, the possibility of creating such forms disappear, but if you continuously over time, the Effigies also continue to be created over time.

Q. These positive Effigies, do you also would have to remove them?

VM-Both kind are mere fleeting,  figures, which have no true reality and therefore is better disintegrate.

Q. So the negative Effigies are the ones we are hurting.

VM-Obviously this is, are the most harm us. It could happen that a positive Effigy, suppose on a friend, for giving out adulterated heard for example, a tidbit on it. Then, since altered this Effigy, she assumes the new form that we give it and clear, becomes an internal enemy that attacks us and we can make up to fail.

Q. The difference between the representation and the Ego is that the Ego has a lot of bottled Essence and  representation has not?

VM-is correct, in the Representation there is no Essence bottled

P.: Venerable Master, vanity of believing to be one good Gnostic is a  representation?

V. M. - Well, that changes things. If one has a vanity  to belive to be a good Gnostic that is due to the I of VANITY, no effigy, no representation. Simply feel the 'chicks mom' and 'dad Tarzan', that's all.

P.: The method of removing the Ego we will assimilate daily practice, but to eliminate the Effigies, what method is required?

VM-For, as above, so below: through the flaming weapons of Vulcan, can we disintegrate an Ego that is so heavy, governed by 96 laws a few, about 48, of 24, of12, also Egos of 96 by 1, by 2, by 3, by 4. by 5 by 6 by 7 by 8 by 9. Yet disintegrated by the intense work at the Forge of the Cyclops in the Flaming Forge of Vulcan . How much of Representation! Breaking it does not need much effort would suffice with a little attention and one only work in the Forge to disintegrate an Effigy .

Q. What about those who have Effigies from childhood?

VM-Well, looks like you're confusing the Teleoginoras Tapes with the Representations. And if the representation of a movie you saw in childhood, the procedure is the same used to disintegrate the ego, will not need much work to disintegrate a Representation.

Q. In consequence of what the representations are formed, will it be by the Ego, state which is our mind?

VM-Well, to the senses, it is clear that the shapes of the senses penetrate through the senses and that are deposited in the form of representations. A Buddha is a creature that does not have representation, so it is a Buddha, because no load Representations in Mind, neither positive nor negative, why is a Buddha, is integral, unitotal illuminated. He has developed, in itself, the uncreated light, has self-realized itself.

P.: Venerable Master, a positive representation can be used to cure a person?

VM-Well, that representation is used to cure she is a positive representation, but after using it to cure that person must disintegrate, otherwise there is bothering Mind.

P.: Venerable Master, has anything to do with representations of Mind mechanical imagination?

VM-When representation arises mechanically is related with  mechanical imagination, but when intentionally arises, undoubtedly it is the conscious imagination has taken part in shaping the representation.

P.: Representations we can make from other people, but what we can really create representations of ourselves?

VM-One can create as much representation will, and that the lady who created the Representation of the Monk and took six months to disintegrate.

P.: Venerable Master, I could give an example of a representation that we could create?

VM-Well, you'd think you're a Superman full of power and make a representation of yourself. One can create with your mind positive and negative representations.

Q. Master, Incubus and the subcubes are a variety of effigies?

VM-Well, says such incubus and subcubes are variety of effigies, but I would go further. I simply think that these subcubes and incubus are  psychic aggregates  created at will by vice of its progenitor. So who could be named incubus subcubes aggregates in the human psyche, that's all. Steal part of the Consciousness of his progenitor or progenitors, so they are not mere representations.

Q. These incubus  Aggregates and subcubes aggregates also require a special form of destruction, a special technique?

VM-As I have been reflecting now see the need to disintegrate the same disintegrating any Psychic Aggregate, Aggregates are created by those with such a vice.

Q. We help cleaning this?

VM-only thing that matters here is the Lance and a firm working with the Divine Mother Kundalini in the Forge of the Cyclops. That is not worth cleaning, psychic aggregates are not removed by cleaning.

P.: Venerable Master, The Essence outside the body ,of the affections, desires, would you see things through the representations in more complicated way?

VM-No, would see crude realism within, because if you, for example, within the Samadhi, gets to live in that world Atman, or the region in which Atman is expressed with all his power, he discovers that there all is joy sees nature as it is, and how it was. One thing is to see the photo of one thing and another thing to see a picture of nature as it is, and another thing to see the picture of that Nature. In this case the picture is the representation of that picture of nature.

Q: A person is dead in itself (at Ego) even having the physical vehicle through a window which looks out to the physical world, is going to see things how they are?

V. M. –As they are in themselves. We must distinguish between things and things. This is already well settled by Emmanuel Kant, the philosopher Konimberg in the 'Critique of Pure Reason. "

Q: Master, at time to  not transform the impressions do we form new psychic aggregates? and to live by the philosophy of momentariness do we let our mind penetrating Representations?

VM-When one lives according by the philosophy of momentariness, clearly makes no representations because they live from moment to moment, that's obvious, so dissolve the psychic aggregates is better to learn to live from moment to moment. As one goes eliminating psychic aggregates is learning to live from moment to moment.

Please note that psychic aggregates is time, EGO is time, it is a book of many volumes; But if we disintegrate to EGO THE I, disintegrate Time. Obviously, learning to live from moment to moment be performing slowly, as one goes eliminating PSYCHIC AGGREGATES: that is, as it will eliminate the time, as he eliminates the Ego. He has told us that Geopash is the worst tyrant is true. Geopash is time, and time in us is the Ego. Dissolved the Ego has been destroyed Geopash. Then the time no longer exists, so we learn to live from second to second.

Q. Master, recommend a Representation to remove Ego?

VM-Well, that is, we said, a contradiction. In common sense, it would be like starting a car putting the brakes. Obviously the car would not work. Representation to dissolve the Ego does not work, because to dissolve the Ego is the only thing that serves fruitful work on the Forge of the Cyclops.( Sexual Magic)

P. Master, to see things for yourself what we are achieving in as we going dying ( dissolving the Ego), so we've heard yourself. For the Ego in itself, not a representation of the Ego, Ego not a nonexistent, imaginary, no, but as it is; that is, to see it with the Superior Emotion, that's the only way the Ego really die. The practice of Ego Death becomes sterile at the same time we do not see the Ego as it is, if not a representation of the Ego.

VM-Well, this is simply because, we said, a play on the psyche because really, , can not truly  see the ego in itself if you have not developed the Sense of Psychological Self-Observation. Only by developing this sense it is possible to see the Ego. See the Ego as representation would fall into a vicious circle, a form of self-deception.

We want to dissolve that we are feeling, that you are thinking of us at any given moment, that at one point is offending another, why in a moment feeling lust, why in a moment is burning meat of lust, that is what we must disintegrate. We need to be practical. This is not to form representations of the Ego, but psychologically in order to observe themselves and disintegrate.

Q. Speaking of self-observation, is this related with the Higher Centers of the organic machine?

VM-Well, obviously the higher centers of the human machine are precisely distorted by the Received Education. So these centers of the human machine and have to debug why it is so difficult precisely the job of the Intimate Self-Realization of Being There are two things that are hurting us, that prevent someone Self-Realization.

We refer specifically to the false education received during school age and heredity. Our earthly father, our earthly mother had certain habits, certain wrong habits or wrong, but they had. They, in turn, that the inheritance had had in the genes, inherited from our grandparents had. Our grandparents had the same customs because they had inherited from our great-grandparents and so on.

So due to the inheritance in our genes, there is a tendency to repeat certain mistakes as our ancestors, and are so ingrained in us that we do not even realize it. So why the lousy education received during school age is an obstacle to self-realization of the Being

Q. Master, the Mental representations are always mental ones or are Effigies of emotional, instinctive, sexual ones?

VM-All Effigies are mental, because after all they are the world of the mind. Mind is the Mind and Being is the Being Astral World is just condensed Mind and the physical world is nothing but condensed Mind. So we think that the effigies are mental, that's obvious.

Q: When we listen to someone and pass a representation by us, what do we do?

VM-Well if you are having full attention they need not expect to get these demonstrations. But if you do not have the full attention when you are listening, for other things, negative thoughts, memories arise in Mind. If one is fully focused on natural, spontaneously  there impossibility of such negative thoughts or memories arise. If emerge is because it is with the focus on himself. So you have to pay more attention.

Q: When you're working with imagination, how do to know that is not forming mental Effigies?

V. M. - As the asleep, is asleep. What is going to know! Wake up and then you'll know: this is the stark reality of the facts. A sleeping asleep is, what ya know! We must awaken.


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It is urgent to understand the true joy of the tranquil heart is not bought or sold, and only arises in us with complete naturalness and spontaneously when we have thoroughly understood the same causes of discontent : jealousy, envy, greed, etc ...

Obviously should make a full difference between  voluntarily directed imagination and what the mechanical imagination is. Unquestionably directed imagination is the Conscious Imagination ; to the wise-man toimagine is to see  . Conscious Imagination is the means translucent reflecting the sky, the Mysteries of Life and Death , the Being.

Mechanical imagination is different, is formed by the debris of memory, is fantasy. Should investigate deeply. Obviously people with your fancy, mechanical imagination , do not see themselves as they are, but according to their fancy shapes . Various forms of the same ; unquestionably one of them is precisely that of not see oneself as it is . Few people have the courage to see themselves , in their raw realism.

I am absolutely sure that those present have never seen themselves as they are : mechanical imagination makes them confuse cat by hare seen with shapes that do not match reality. If I actually tell each one of you as certainly , which is its distinctive psychological characteristic , I am absolutely sure that they would be injured . Clearly you about themselves have a wrong concept , have never seen themselves . Their shape makes them look fancy like .

Speaking allegorically , nice, only try to psychologically roughly exploration without mentioning names or surnames, using symbolic names and that everyone understands : What should we say for instance, Cicero ? What a great man , strut , who would deny it , great, eloquent as any terrible lapidary, we are sure that everything in it is "benevolence" . Reflect , if we said the severity of his fantasies would be hurt if we pointed you protest violently , never killed Poppaea , we leave that work to Nero, made ​​his heart bleed Poppaea , he in no way really feel alluded.

Us to this fact we feel kindly , that our tour would feature the wrongly seen through the prism of extraordinary benevolence, that's obvious.

And what we would say for example,about that one longing for the Light of the Spirit fail in their base? Do not say Icarus soared to heaven with wings of wax is melted , then was precipitated into the abyss? However, he does not think of himself as well , supposed to be faithful in the ranks , is sure to march for the right way, that man is none . Continuing down this path so , what would be left for Icarus , after rushing to the underworld ? Do not say that Ganymede up to Olympus to see the end ? But Ganymede also be thrown into the bottom of the cliff .

The disciple , call it now Justiniano , as symbolism , how many times has justified itself? Is convinced that running 'very good' , perhaps in recent times it has improved somewhat , for did has not protested at certain times ? Has he not protested to the Altar of Sacrifice ?

But he is sure that he has never complained ; everything has always done for the Great Cause , never fail. In the name of truth , even if it seems to you a little bit difficult, rare are those who have seen exactly as they are .

Aristotle again and again in his philosophy , convinced that his wisdom is formidable, it has more useless , has made ​​ suffer ; but he lives convinced that he has ever done wrong , it is sure to be gorgeous, gracious , sweet, etc. .

In the name of truth I could tell you this: There is only one person who has seen itself as it is, nothing more than one among all present , a single . The others all have about themselves a fantastic image ; mechanical imagination makes them look not as they are but as they are apparently. So my dear friends , I invite you to reflect. If  you have been seen  as you  are.

Historians , for example , what have they written ? Fantasy and nothing more. What they say about Nero ? , I was a homosexual and that got to marry another homosexual. Where did that historians got that ? , Did it evidence about it perhaps ? In the name of truth I have to say I was reincarnated in the time of Nero, and that nothing had about  homosexual . Many times I saw him walk out the doors of old Rome , sitting on his bunk on the shoulders of their slaves. Man broad forehead and strong body Herculean . Not so say historians , they emphasize the idea of ​​a poet abominable . Rather than seen lounging surrounded , as many believe gay people, on the contrary, I met him always surrounded by women . I lived in the time of Nero and I testify of it , historians have distorted the truth about this man.

Do not accuse anything to Maria Antoinette prostitute , adulteress and who knows what else ? Everyone knows about a great scandal at Queen necklace , jewel she had given to help others . But that, that she has been unfaithful to Louis XVI is a great distance : we tested in the higher worlds and was terribly caste entitled to use the White Robe . I saw her heroic pass through Paris ; had nothing , had nothing to fear . He gave his life for France, he never has been able to truly appreciate it .

Much has been written in history , is deformed and not worth studying history, dates are hardly the only useful there. And that does not always , because, how absurd to us that we accept the date of 1325 or so, as the founding principle of the Empire of Anahuac , that in the year 1500 and many disappear under the boot of Hernán Cortés and his henchmen. Do you think that in two centuries had erected a powerful civilization as the great Tenochitlan if to lift a single pyramid spent generations ? Do you believe such a powerful civilization is to be lifted in two centuries ? And historians adulterate dates, falsify ; why is that in historical matters must be very careful .

You understand the mechanics of memory and memory Gnostic Esoteric Work . The mechanical memory leads one to erroneous conclusions. Do you remember your life surely as it was  ? I'm not asking them for their past lives, but for the present . Impossible, there are things that appear disfigured in mechanical memory. If a small , though born in a middle class, has lived at least clean, neat , surrounded by bread and clothing and shelter , home has been a few coins. It may happen that at the turn of the year  save some deformed in its mechanical memory.

As children, few bills seem billion, some small pines in our garden, or near our window may seem colossal . I would say that our body is small , it would not be surprising that large and we say, " a kid , a boy, lived in some place else my house was beautifully arranged, with large parks, which table so precious , how much money " . Is the mechanical memory , is absurd ; so, the only real memory is the work one .

If  through the  retrospective exercise we remembered some part , we would see that this house of boys of the middle class was not the palace that once thought it was, but a humble dwelling of an honest work  father. These fabulous sums around us were just small sums to pay the rent of the house, to shopping . The mechanical memory is more or less false. If a group of you makes a trip to Yucatan and look exactly the same monuments and tombstones , returning here each of you give a different version. What does that prove ? the mechanical memory is unfaithful .

To you has known many times often  as well , have had a story , I have said this or that to a friend, who in turn told another , but the count and added more , and took a little while, and is not the same story , which has disfigured. And that other in turn tells another and then the story is still more disfiguring and ultimately yourself or know the story has been so disfigured that bears no resemblance to what you reported .

So that is the  mechanical memory , and is not used so that  in the mechanical memory there is fantasy. Mechanical memory and fantasy are closely associated . How to control it fantasy ? There is but one way to control it: Memory Labour . The mechanical memory makes us see our life is not, as it has not been . Through Labour let butchering our own lives and we come to discover as it is . So what does this mean? What we keep in memory after the Work done fantasy is possible to control , eliminate it. And remove it radically , yes.

It is therefore desirable to eliminate this mechanical imagination, because in no way allows us the esoteric progress. Look at the lady who looks  at the mirror, her large dark circles painted, the eyebrows thins , huge false eyelashes  , lips stained with the red painted. See it wearing the latest model , how she  looks herself  in the mirror , in love with herself ; is convinced that it is beautiful . If we told you that is hideously ugly wound would feel in his vanity , and deadly . She has a terrible fantasy, fantasy shape makes it look like it is not .

Then everyone has on itself a misconception , totally wrong , that's terrible. One can feel great, able to dominate the world , sparkling intellectuality , is convinced of its capabilities. If you understand that what you have in your own personality is not own but alien that his ideas are not proper because read this or that book , which is full of terrible moral evils . But there are few who have the courage to strip themselves to be as they are.

Each one projects a form of fantasy about itself and is thus how reality has never ever seen. And that's terrible, awful.

Thinking aloud , to share with you will say that while no one is going dissolving forms of fantasy, remain far from the Being . As one disintegrate all forms of fantasy , Being will manifest more and more self .

When one delves into what is life , the world, discovers that frankly has not seen the world as it truly is , as seen through the forms of fantasy , nothing more. Mechanical imagination , how serious it is. Fantasy dreams , because sometimes in dreams is silent , other times talk about it and other times you want to  them put into practice . Obviously in the third case the issue is serious.

When a dreamer wants to bring their dreams to life, commits appalling follies , for your dreams do not match the mechanics of life . The silent dreamer spends much vital energy, but not as dangerous. Whoever talks dreams , wildest dreams , can infect others psyche , others ; but the third, who wants to turn their dreams into francs facts of life , that is well lead the mind is crazy, that's obvious. Following this exposure , we clearly see that the mechanical imagination or fantasy, keeps us far from reality, the Being , and that is truly unfortunate .

The people roam the streets dreaming, go into their ghosts, dream work , get married dreaming, dreaming live a life and die dreaming. In the world of the unreal , they never saw themselves , ever ; always viewed a form of fantasy. Remove this form of fantasy is frightfully strong . There are several ways of fantasy naturally ; so that each of us has an Ego fantasy, a  person fantasy does not match reality. The person you fantasy has been around since the beginning, and if you are now convinced that person fantasy is reality and it is not, behold how serious .

Again , how to control the fantasy? There is but one way to control : Working Memory , be honest with yourself, work to rid themselves of undesirable elements we have. And as you are eliminating , we discover an order in the Work. Who comes to set the order in Esoteric Work ? : The Being . That Working Memory allow us  remove the fantasy , your fantasy person .

There are rare moments in life, very rare, in which one gets to see his own foolishness , moments that  able to perceive the Ego ( I ) fantasy, your fantasy person . When that happens , there is a deep moral pain, but then comes the dream again , looking for a way to right the wrong and end consoles fifty thousand ways , forget the subject and the world is "at peace" as always .

Worth us to be honest with ourselves . Self-knowledge is about if we really want to  make manifest the Being that we carry within, if we really aspire to reality and nothing but reality, without an atom of fantasy. We need the courage to tear us apart , breaking that fantasy person that does not exist.  but one believes exists.

Of course you need to use the scalpel of self -criticism , otherwise would not be possible criticism. If we do so , we will break the I ( Ego) fancy , we will destroy it , reducing it to ashes , to cosmic dust . Objective: To discover the BEING dwelling in our depths ; But I ( Ego )fantasy eclipses the BEING, keeps one in himself so fascinated with what is not real, do not let one discover the BEING.

Do not you forget , my dear brethren , that the Kingdom of Heaven is within us , that has different levels , and the Earth Kingdom is here in us and the highest level of Earth realm does not give you feet to the smallest living in Heaven. But how to get out of the various levels of the Earth, to even get into the lower kingdom of Kingdom of Heaven ? The first climb  of the Kingdom of Heaven is within us , not outside us. The Earth has different levels , some more high, more refined ; but the more refined levels of the Earth is not the Kingdom of Heaven.

To move from the highest echelon  of the Kingdom of Earth at the lowest echelon of the Kingdom of Heaven , a change , a transformation is needed, rebirth of water and the Spirit takes , it takes split into two:The earthly personality  and the  psychological man , the Inner Man .

How could this occur splitting in two? Interior earthly man placed in ordinary level and another at a higher octave within himself . How indeed could result in us that separation of these two types of men ? Do you think this would be possible if we continued to this  unrealistic personality we believe is it true and  is not? While one is convinced that the way you are seeing is real , won´t be possible the psychological unfolding , not be possible for the Inner Man  be separated from the outside one  , it will be not possible to enter  at the first step of the Kingdom of Heaven .

Obviously fantasy is that humanity has sunk to the state of unconsciousness in which it is. As long as the fantasy, continue consciousness asleep : we must destroy the fantasy.

Instead of fancy we must have the Working Memory. So who practicing the retrospective exercise to review your life , just finish with the  mechanical memory and establishes itself within the Conscious Memory, Working Memory . So with the retrospective exercise we can remember past lives , we finish  with the fantasy ; in that way Working Memory and Imagination Aware allow us to get on the path of self-discovery. These are my words, if any of you have something to ask , you can do so with absolute freedom.

Q. - Master, what could be the best exercises to develop either the pineal gland ?

VM- Since the Conscious Imagination is directed imagination , undoubtedly they must learn to direct the imagination. For example : relax our body and then focus our attention on the process of birth and death of all things : Conscious Imagination will develop.

Imagine the seed of a rose , for example, as it will germinate , and then it will grow the stem, as will throwing spikes, branches, leaves and flowers. Consider then the reverse process , in involution : dozing as the petals are , how they fall leaves and the rose is at last become a pile of logs. It is a wonderful exercise that development positively Imagination is achieved.

Q. - How to Eliminate Fantasy us?

VM- simply , first of all , at I (ego)fancy. We must begin to see ourselves as we are, not as we apparently or as we think we are ; is difficult to see each as it is. One usually sees as not normally  according with your fancy . That way one has to begin to break your fantasy.

When you have really seen as you are , in its stark realism ,commonly is suffer  terrible disappointment  of onself  , a dreadful disappointment . If you end up with mechanical memory and sets the Working Memory , as it eliminates the fantasy, because in the mechanical memory there fantasy.

I told the ones for historians of our story is pure fantasy. Were the historians ? Perhaps present in the French Revolution? , ? They met Carlos V of Spain , Philip the Fair ? They write versions disfigured by time , product of fantasy . If we instead of mechanical imagination , which is pure fantasy, establish the Working Memory , work on ourselves , dissolving the undesirable elements that we carry , obviously acquires Conscious Memory, Working Memory .

This Conscious  Memory or working memory is wonderful, and when applied to world history allow us to study different things , the harsh reality of the French Revolution, Marie Antoinette , or any page of history in general.

So the Concious Memory applied themselves, get us very far ; applied to the universe , lets us know in the Akashic Records , any event in history. Thus, as one goes eliminating everything that has fantasy, Conscious Imagination will become more and more active.



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Understanding every single defect  separately, just studying, watching directly, not only in the intellectual region, but also in all levels of the subconscious mind, is disappearing each defect, we will die from moment to moment. Still only way we will achieve the disintegration of self. Ego

The important thing is to crystallize Soul in  us. What is meant by SOUL? By  Soul  is  meant by Soul
 that set of  bodies ,attributes, powers, virtues, qualities, etc. means., Underlying the BEING . The Gospels say, "In patience possess ye your souls." Today we do not possess our souls; rather, the soul possesses us. We are a heavy burden on what is called  Soul, a bale really overwhelming.

 Come to possess Soul is a longing , owning our own Souls is tremendous; indeed, the very physical body must become transformed in  Soul.

Who owns your soul has extraordinary powers. Those who have come to Crystallize Soul, have become for that reason absolutely different creatures. This is written as a witness in the Holy Books of all religions of the world. But we know that if the NO BOILING WATER A HUNDRED DEGREES, not crystallize what must to crystallize, does not disintegrate what to disintegrate; so in any case you need the water boils at one hundred degrees. Obviously, if we not go through great emotional crises, we can not crystallize soul either.

For radical in-human  psychic aggregated  dissolution  necessarily entail very serious emotional crisis. I have known people able to go through such crisis. I am reminded of the case of certain Gnostic sister of the Patriarchal Seat of Mexico, who went through horrific tribulations, moral crises by horrible blunders remembering their past lives. People like, with that tremendous capacity of remorse, such people, as able to pass as very serious emotional crises obviously can crystallize Soul.

What interests us is just that: the crystallization of all psychic principles within ourselves, HERE AND NOW.

In the East there are instructors who, unfortunately, have not eliminated that whole set of undesirable elements carried in the psyche. For your information  those elements in Tibet are called psychic aggregates. Actually, such aggregates  are the EGOS  that personify our errors. When an instructor of those who have not yet removed the psychic aggregates, is in charge of a group of disciples, unquestionnably, they have to have great patience to put up with all day the lout instructor. The disciples or chelas look so surprised that such psychic aggregates continuous procession go by the personality of the instructor. There will be a moment at the end where the procession will end, and then can be expressed the Master to give the  Teaching.

That's the reason why disciples of any instructor of those who have not yet removed the EGO, have high patience to the maximum. This kind of chelas have to endure, endure and endure because at any moment the Master, at last, take possession of your vehicle and gives lessons.

It's nothing good  be holding all day  insults of the instructor  being a victim of all their patanerías; but at last the Master comes and that's what matters. Bodhisattvas are, they and must  be hold until you reach the Master and teaching. Just think all those Tibetans chelas or disciples.

Continuing, we say that each Added Psychic is like a person within us. There is no doubt that these aggregates have three brains: the Intellectual, Emotional and Motor-Instinctual-Sexual; that is, each I or Added, which is the same, incidentally, is a whole person. Each EGO , each Aggregate, has his individual discretion, have their ideas, concepts, desires, performs certain acts. Comes to have each Added to enjoy some autonomy.

Things look  from this angle, deeply study  we arrive at the logical and inevitable conclusion that within our person many people inhabit. The worst is that they all quarrel among themselves, they fight for supremacy, each wants to be the master, sir. What our home interior look like? I tell a gruesome mansion where servants were many and each lord you feel.

Clearly, such a house look in the light of these reasoning it is frightening and unusual. The odd thing is precisely the concepts that are forged each of the lords of the manor. One says: "I eat, I have hunger". Conflict enters a second and says, "to hell with the food, I'm going to read the newspaper." Surge beyond a third party to the conflict and irrevocably, says: "what food or what reading, going to the house of my friend so and so." It says these words, all incongruous. Human personality moved by this intimate spring, leaves as the abode to go by, those streets.

If we could see the whole body, as we are before a mirror, I can assure you that we would be perfectly crazy. We are all full of horrifying contradictions. This is bad for everyone, there are no real actual existence.

At birth we are all beautiful because we have a percentage, 3% free Consciousness, as I said in my work entitled "Treatise of Revolutionary Psychology". The remaining 97% is locked between the multiplicity of the Ego. That there free item, pervades the fertilized egg comes into being reinstated again. So the newborn child that has just 3% of free consciousness, not sandwiched between any Ego. The percentage of Essence is manifest in the child SELF AWARE.

How would a newborn to adults, parents, siblings, relatives see? In the same way as you would a drug addict. But see you as adults feel up with authority to educate the child, they believe they can educate. The child, in turn, feels completely wrong, victim of such who want to teach. He sees from his own angle, awake, perceive the psychic aggregates of relatives, siblings, also displayed their own aggregates entering and leaving the premises, turning the crib. Sometimes the visions are so appalling that the child can not but mourn terrified. So parents do not understand these occurrences infant. Sometimes go to the doctor, in the worst case go in search of some spiritualist or medium of ominous and manages to "fix" the case.

That's the unusual state in which humanity lives asleep. In any case, the poor child is a victim of all these follies of the elderly. He patiently  must to bear  to endure the lash of the executioner: that is the stark reality of the facts. Later, when the human personality is formed indeed begin to enter the infant's body all these inhuman psychic aggregates that you own. Then changes are noted in the creature, it becomes annoying, jealous, angry, etc.., Etc.., Etc.., And many other things. It is unfortunate that, right? But in the end, it was the child turned adult.

Things changed, it is no longer the playful child, self conscious of other times. Now is the Knave of the canteen, the merchant, the lustful, the jealous man, etc., And finally, it has become that the  child watched in horror. It is clear that the creature was horrified to see the adult. Now the child has become an adult and the worst part is that  has slept  his  Conscience . No longer able to look with horror himself.
Actually really brothers and sisters , each of the psychic aggregates that arises in us has certain commitments. We can say without exaggeration that the thief, for example, carries within it a den of thieves, each with multiple commitments on different days, times and locations. The unrepentant fornicator load inside to top it all off with a brothel. The killer obviously has in his psyche a club of murderers. Well, each one of these in the background wearing their commitments: the merchant takes a place at the bottom of the market.

More how weaves and unravels our own destiny? . Much Gurdjieff, Ouspensky, Nicoll, etc said, such aspects reviewed the Law of Recurrence; but we, in the field of research have gone further, know thoroughly the mechanics of living the Law of Recurrence. This is very important.

An X subject, for example, in a past life was, were, adulterer and had left his wife for another lady. It is clear that at time to reborn  brings in his psyche to I OR EGO of Adultery, to commit the same crime. This can not be expressed in the early years of childhood, impossible, as if the event was at the age of 30, for example, the I of Adultery undoubtedly await at the bottom of the psyche within the realm of the inhuman, in subjective areas, to reach the usual age of the famous 30 years. When reached that age, that I will emerge with great force, seize the intellect, the emotional center of the Sexual Instinct-Motor and machine, to go find the lady of his dreams. Before it will be put in telepathic contact with the ego of this lady. Possibly even had gathered in the city somewhere, perhaps in a park or at a party. Obviously that comes after the reunion.

But it is interesting to see how that Ego can pull the Intellect,to move to the  Emotional  and  motor centers of the machine, and to take the machine just to be where needs to meet the lady of his dreams. Inevitably, the same process is performed on her,and the scene is repeated again as it happened.

Suppose a gentleman XX, in a bar, he fought in the past existence with another person, with another man for this or that reason. Do you think the fact that the physical body ceases to exist that I go away? No, simply continue in the Twilight Zone. But the Ego reborn, returning, returning to take up a new body, will arrive the moment come when he can become active, await the age at which the incident occurred in the past existence. If  was at  twenty-five await the usual twenty-five and remain at the bottom of the Psyche in the meantime and when the time came, obviously will take over the centers of the machine to repeat the feat. Before, it will be put in telepathic contact with the other guy and ZZ have gathered possibly in another cantina. There, look, are recognized, they will hurt each other with the word and the act is repeated.

You see underneath of our conscient  area and our reasoning ability  various commitments are made. This is how the Law of Recurrence works, that's the mechanics of such a law course is that things looks so, so, not really what we could call total freedom free will. Very little margin we have free will, is very little leeway we possess. In truth, we are tucked into the mechanics of the Law of Recurrence and this is unfortunate.

If a man  does not works his own life, that man is wasting his time miserably. In what way can we free ourselves from the Law of Recurrence? For working in our own lives. Unquestionably one's life consists of comedies, dramas and tragedies. The plays are for comedians, dramas for ordinary people, and tragedies for the wicked. In the mysteries of the past are not accepting any tragic knew it was punished by the Gods, and obviously the Guardian rejected him with the tip of the sword.

That we need to dissolve the Egos? That's logical, these are the actors of comedies, dramas and tragedies. Could  perhaps be a comedy without comedy? Could it be a drama without actors? Do you think that could develop at any stage in the world some tragedy without tragics, without actors ? Obviously not, right? So if we want to change our own lives, what should we do? No choice but to dissolve the actors of comedies, dramas and tragedies. And who are these actors? Where do they live?, Why?.

I tell you in truth that these actors are the time. In fact each of these players come from ancient ages. If  we say that the Ego a book of many volumes is, we are ensuring a great truth. If we say that the Ego comes from many yesterdays, it is true. Then the Ego is time, while  Egos embody time, are our own faults, our own errors in the clock of time, are the dust of ages in the very depths of our psyche.

When one knows the precise Teaching for the disolution of these undesirable elements that we carry within, gets unusual progress. It is essential, urgent and pressing to know exactly  the Teaching. Only then the disintegration of these undesirable elements carried inside becomes possible.

On occasion a child was born in Atlantis. This operated in a home where only reigned delicious harmony, wisdom, wealth, perfection,and  love. It's time that this man through various techniques and disciplines the mind got the Auto-Discovery. Then, with horror, he realized that was within himself  abominable elements; realized that he needed a special gym, a psychological fitness. Clearly, in this environment there was no such perfection gym.

He had no choice but to leave the parental home and lie around in the suburbs of any Atlantean city. It is self-created psychological fitness, fitness that allowed him the Self-Discovery of his own shortcomings. Sure, the psychic aggregates disintegrated and freed.

Truly my esteemed brethren, that the worst adversities we provide the best opportunities. Constantly reach me letters different brothers MGI Some complain about your family, your dad, your mom, your siblings; others protest against women, against children; those speak with horror of her husband, etc.. And of course take a balm to soothe his aching heart. So far, among many cards, I have not even seen a someone who is so happy with such adverse situations. All protest, and that's what hurts. They do not want the Psychological gym, rather, would run himself  and me, as an instructor, can not give me less than pain. I say poor people do not know to take advange  of the psychological  gym, want a paradise, will not understand the need of adversity, do not want to take advantage of the worst opportunities. Truly not want the Self-Discovery.

When one wants Self-Knowing, is  in those gyms  of pain where one carries hidden defects that inevitably emerge. Defects discovered in such situations should be worked deep into all levels of the mind. When in truth he has understood this or that psychic type error is certainly ready for the desintegration.

You can appeal to God Mother, Stella Maris, Our Lady of the Sea, to that living and philosophical fire is latent in all organic and inorganic matter: they call Kundalini in Hindustan. If one appeals to that type of energy, if it concentrates his heart, his mind and the deepest feelings in she, will be assisted. I'm sure that igneous power may be reduced to ashes, to cosmic dust, the Psychic Added concerned.

However, note that the annular  serpentine power  that develops in the body of the Ascetic Gnostic, multiplies its power in the forge of the Cyclops. Then only  is need the proper concentration in Devi Kundalini , it is the Holy Cobra of the ancient mysteries, it can really kill, pulverize, reduce to ashes very quickly, any inhuman Psychic Aggregate  previously understood.

In any case my honorable brothers and sisters, first of all you need to discover the defect that will be reduced  at dust; such defect could not be discovered if we did not use THE  SENSE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SELF-OBSERVATION.
Any adverse situation offers delicious opportunities. Unfortunately, people want to escape from adverse situations, protesting instead of giving thanks for such brilliant occasions. That psychological fitness is very difficult, impossible or nearly impossible. But the more difficult the gym, the better for the SELF-DISCOVERY.

Suppose you had to go through a delicate situation: suddenly find his wife talking very softly, very softly at any corner of the house with another subject. Nothing as nice, but that game really magnificent for Self-Discovery. Possibly for the fact not only jealousy arise, possibly there was anger, warnings to women, despite perhaps a self-love I could feel hurt, offended. Anyway, what to do?

Very quiet at night, lying in our bed in the supine position, ie, face up, with the body relaxed, eyes closed, breathing rhythmically, you must rebuild the scene as it happened. Viewing will gather psychological data, we find the I of jealousy as the primary cause, the second the tremendous anger, third to the mortally wounded pride. Discovered that these three scene into action, now have to dissolve. Once included no choice but to reduce them to ashes. It will come to work in all cases immediately. It is clear that at the time nobody wants to Work, is offended. The only thing you should be a good bathroom and throw kilos of soap, to see if it goes well.

But nevertheless manages to have some autonomy to work, the better, that is to proceed. Invoke precisely Kundalini Shakti, beg first remove that disgusting monster of jealousy, second after having worked in the background of jealousy must beg to destroy the monster's wrath, the third self-love.

Certainly people want too herself, that I self-love is deeply rooted in the world. If we get two pats on the shoulder smiled deliciously, but if we say a humiliating  little word we become serious  and terrible. That self-love Ego must be annihilated, is the third to have to charge the full power of the Divine Shakti. What comes in the following days and times is the same job until the three "colleagues"  of fatal scene were annihilated.

Obviously, in practical life is where we get the material for the dissolution of the ego. People have a tendency to escape from practical life, wish to dissolve the Ego fleeing practical life which is manifestly absurd.

I remember when I was at work dissolving the Ego, who once my child committed an absurd mistake, which was the run over with his car to someone else, a worker. Certainly cost me certain sum, 2,000 pesos for the wounded and other such amount to keep that poor boy was going to end up in prison.

But there ends the matter. The reality is that when I had to go to pay off the debt, the son that instead of thanking protested with some violence. He was not agreed that I would give those 2,000 pesos to the poor and unhappy worker. But to me it seemed fair to give them, I gave them. The protest was no words, but by less than grotesque character, yes ungrateful. Anger did not feel due to the fact that it was dissolved. Some pain in the heart itself.

I immediately gave the meditation to know what was the pain I had felt in my heart and I could clearly verify the harsh reality of a self-love that Ego had been wounded. However it Sense of Psychological Self-Observation I have well developed, it was not difficult to perceive that I or Ego directly. He immediately threw a transcendent sexual electricity charges against the unfortunate, I worked for a few days and finally was reducing gradually to take the form of a child. And it continued to fall to become cosmic dust.

This is how it works, my honorable brothers and sisters. But where I got to work with the material? It was a specific, clear and definitive fact, but people tendency is to flee from the practical facts of life. And that is absurd, completely ABSURD. On another occasion (and I like to quote vivid examples of collective orientation purposes), I am very concerned with some irritability, by words of that son who, incidentally, were not beautiful. Always kept control over my mind and never exploded, never tore my clothes. Truly this was a win, but there is no doubt that some reactions stopped anything not nice in there, deep inside, occur.

When I explored with the Sense of Psychological Self-Observation with amazement discovered a stocky, sturdy EGO, indeed quite chubby, hairy as a bear walking down the hallway of my old manor house. Ah, how were hidden, condemned, I said. Now I'm going to eliminate you can not with me  no more. Conclusion: I appealed to Devi Kundalini Shakti. As it worked because the monster was losing volume, it was as didactic  dwarfing, dwarfed as it is also embellished. This seemed like a very beautiful child. Until one day the Divine Mother Kundalini , beheaded. Subsequently reduced to dust, I was nothing thereof; but, yes, I devoted myself to finish you work day and night, every day and every moment, until I ceased to exist.

The Meaning of Psychological Self-Observation develops and will be developed in each of you as you go using. Do not forget that sense is not used, it atrophies. A day will come when the Sense of Self-Observation in you will have developed in such a way that may be perceive to such psychic aggregates; further, they may realize the result of Labour on such aggregates.

In the name of truth I have to tell them and there in the sky there is a moon, so my dear friends, within us there is a psychological moon. Just as the moon shining in the sky has two sides, the one seen and unseen, and also within us Psychological Moon has two aspects: it is visible to the naked eye by the Sense of Self Psychological observation, and one that the eye is not visible: hidden, unknown, incognite. However, the latter becomes visible when the psychological sense has developed to the maximum. I think you then come to understand all these things.

Now they have to throw the entire burden against psychic aggregates the visible part of Psychological Moon. Much later in time, they will have to throw against the undesirable elements of the Black Moon, those that at first glance do not look. Many saints were able to annihilate the psychic aggregates of the visible part of their psychological moon, but never knew anything about the undesirable elements from the other side of the moon, and although immersed in Nirvana, in the Maha Para-Nirvana, had to return more Later, continue your work with the dark side of the Psychological moon.

In any case, concerned the merely visible aspect of the psychological moon or hidden one, items for the job we have to find them on the specific facts of practical life. So I do not run away, do not try to escape from real life, you must be more practical if  you  want to really disintegrate the Ego. As they go by, as the Added Psychic go spraying, Essence contained therein will be emancipated. That is the way to crystallize in us that which is called Soul.

They must all pass you by great moral crisis. Is not this a matter of mere intellect, no. This is not mere demagogy, idle talk, talk ambiguously, no. I repeat what I said and I do tiring though: if the water does not boil at one hundred degrees, not cook what to cook, not   disintegrate what must to disintegrate. So if you do not go through appalling emotional crisis, those EGOS  do not disintegrate. When I saw that the very self that was hidden in the folds of my deepest psyche, felt great pain, he had to pass through great emotional crisis. I suffered a lot, yes, very much. And I really regretted. Then I got to Devi Kundalini Shakti pulverized such undesirable element.

When I discovered that there were around a very evil demon who felt anger that came from very ancient times, suffered terribly, I went through horrible emotional crises, I felt ashamed of myself, I got that Kundalini Shakti pulverized such abominable psychic element. So, do not escape; undesirable elements you find in the field of practical life. All you need is to be alert and vigilant as the watchman in wartime.

We are talking yes, we're talking about, but perhaps what words I'm saying? So we must be vigilant with our words. We have emotions  yes, we have. What kind of emotion? Maybe we are excited when we hear some music  for ex. Some song of some one What kind of emotions we feel?, Are they good?, Are they bad?, Will they be high  emotions

or, just lower? That leaving a party driven by lower emotions, dancing something merely profane what is indicating?

So the facts is in practical life we ​​find and to work with the lower emotions. They accuse indicate, Egos to be less emotionally  they must to disintegrate. If we do not cut off the roots, do not bleed with the knife of self-criticism the lower emotions, not be possible to develop in us the Higher Emotional Centre is so necessary to precisely to receive the messages that come from the higher worlds. So it is in life where we Self-discover, we must be stalking our own words, our own thoughts, our own ideas.

Suddenly comes to a lustful thought Mind, a morbid scene, do you think that will come just like that, What does this indicate? There is no doubt that after this disastrous film Mind behind the procession of morbid forms, some Ego lust is active. If Egos of lust and seize those rolls we store in the brain, pictures of memories, passionary pictures and shapes, then projects such cinema screen rolls on mind. If you identify with these morbid scenes also fortifies such Egos. So if in a moment of those we are assailed by thoughts of this kind it is essential to invoke the Divine Kundalini Shakti for his flamboyant extraordinary power, reduced to powder such EGO.

If not proceed well, if rather identify with the same, if we love scenes of lust, then instead of being dissolved, such Ego  will be strengthened enormously. Each of us has the Conscience bottled among all those characters of different dramas, comedies and scenes of life. Each of us has the bottled the Consciousness  among EGOS. To reduce the Ego at dust, and Consciousness is free. A Free Awareness is an enlightened consciousness is   consciousness that can see, hear and feel the great realities of the higher worlds is an omniscient and divine consciousness.

The day you have annihilated the ego in its entirety, the last thing is what should annihilate: EGO seeds. EGO are dead germs are terribly evil. These seeds must also be disintegrated, reduced to ashes.

We need to take possession of themselves if they want to be Kings and Priests of Nature according to the order of Melchizedek. And we could not take possession of themselves as continuing the drawn the Conscience  among various undesirable elements of the psyche.

Consciousness has taken possession of itself is a free Consciousness, a Consciousness that has taken possession of itself is admitted to the Order of Melchizedek; is an illuminated, perfect consciousness. That's what we need.

The day that you have taken, enlightened consciousness, the day you have made truly free, that day will also crystallized what is called  Soul and  Soul will be all. Even their physical bodies will become  Soul will be loaded with attributes and cosmic powers, powers which deify.

I have taught you today, as a practical Teaching through a final Dialectic. And at this moment we will go into meditation. But first, we need to know what will work on it otherwise it would not make sense what we will do. Since you are people fighting for self-discovery, it is obvious who will be working on this or that psychological error. Are there any of you who do not yet know what will Work? Is it possible that this group exists here a brother who is not engaged in any defect disintegrate? If so, I'd like to meet. Which one?

V. M. - On what are you working on you?

A. - I was trying to work in meditation on lust, anger, fear, and then one can get confused.

VM-But what are you working on specifically? I see you are a wise man and, therefore, you have already specified your job.

R. - I've wanted to work on lust.

The VM-lust is working capital and throughout life, for there is original sin, the root of all defects. But Ego always have to work associated with some other defect.

That anger is work, but lust continues; that envy is working, but lust continues; pride to work, but continues to lust. That's capital.

Q. - That is, in a meditation. Doing all that Ego remember of?

VM-That reminds of what sounds inconsistent, vague, imprecise, odorless, tasteless, pointless, colorless. Consider exactly what just discovered flaw in practice. If you are alert and vigilant as the watchman in time of war, you have to be found a defect.

What you've just discovered? What progress have you seen now gone? Did you have any words of anger? Did you have any lustful urge? What was the last to find out? In what situation? Was it at home, in a bar? What happened while you were sleeping?

R. - Anger.

V. M. - A fit of rage. I like that you're honest, you know? All right. Well that's what one has to do, live alert and vigilant as the watchman in wartime. Where was the anger? What was the point? Can you visualize the instant you feel anger? Can you do it? Can you visualize, remember what was the thing?

For now we will work on that. It is colorless, tasteless, odorless, unsubstantiated facts. Come from concrete, clear and definitive facts, let's be practical on a hundred percent. Rebuild, displays of anger that scene, and that you'll Now Work in Meditation.

Q. - Master, which happens when you discover a defect that is attacking, such as anger, and one begs his Divine Mother would help eliminate ...

V. M. – From what situation you felt? When did this happen? What street, what house number? I want facts, I do not come with vagueness.

R. - It happened just yesterday, when in a fit of anger, because I wanted to go to hear his lecture. That longing that I have felt hurt because my wife did not want to go, then I raged, but at that moment begged my Divine Mother. And I accused him, but do not know if I achieved something.

V. M. - Let us be more practical. You rage against your poor wife, but what you already know why you rage?

A - Because not let me go to the conference.

VM-So there was anger and not let you go to the conference. What was hurt at the time you?

R. - The pride.

VM-Then there are two shortcomings: there is one, anger, and another pride. On these two selves are you now Working specifically, practically.

The request you made at that time was okay but a bit lightly. Already reflexionaste about that? Already reconstruiste the scene? How many hours were you in your bed with your body relaxed, making you aware of what happened? Could you point me to say exactly? For it is very lightly and need to be deeper.

Running water is turbid shallow water, we need water much background. The wells were, with little depth to the wayside, dried under sunlight and become marshes full of rot. But in the deep waters inhabited by fish and  life, are different. We need to be deeper. How many hours in meditation you remained reconstructing the scene?

Q. - I would like to know about the Main Psychological Trait.

VM-Yes, it is essential Main Feature Psychological, because when one knows what works, and then it becomes easier disintegration of EGO. But I will tell you a great truth: before the Principal explore ourselves for Psychological Trait, we have worked hard, about five years, at least; because it is not easy discover  the Major Psychological Trait.

Indeed, one of his own personality has misconceptions. One is through fantasy, one always thinks about himself in the wrong way. Rather others can sometimes see one better about yourself but you have misconceptions. No one could discover its Principal Psychological Trait removed until it has a good percentage of inhuman psychic aggregates. So if you want to know the Principal Psychological Trait, who work at least five years.

After five years we can afford to use the retrospective system to apply to our lives today both present, as our previous lives. Then we will see with amazement that again and again make the same mistake. Discover a key mistake that all existence has always made the worst mistakes, and that is always specified for a given crime and has been the focus of all our previous existences.

But obviously, to practicing with some clarity that retrospective exercise must clear many selves. No way could I believe that one could discover the Fundamental Psychological Trait if you have not used the retrospective system intelligently. To use it with true clarity, we also need to be honest. When the Conciousness is to deep into Egos there  is no clarity. Then the retrospective exercise in these conditions is preliminary, if not fantastic or wrong. That's because my concept.

Q. - In the morning I felt some reaction, more then another reaction due to another  EGO In Meditation will I need to devote to both or just one?

VM-Well, Meditation must dedicate one at first. Later do you do the other. Now, for purposes of job, devote yourself to the first.

Q. - That which  EGO left out of meditation, not coming to gaining weight?

VM-You leave it for another event, but if you don´t want to it not fattening, do not give more food and see that it becomes skinny.

Q. - Master, you have taught us a work order. But during the day  is manifested  to one many flaws, so maybe there was a misunderstanding in our search for the Psychological Trait. How can we understand this, and what should Work?

VM-We must have order at Work, of course yes. And I agree. But when night your body relaxed, you will have to practice a retrospective exercise on your current existence or previous lives, at least on the day itself. Then you go to view, to reconstruct the events of the day. Now rebuilt, numbered, classified properly, proceed to do the job. First an event you can devote 15 or 20 minutes, another event that you can spend half an hour, another event 5 minutes. Everything depends on the severity of events. And so, as ordered, you can work them into the night quietly and in order.

Q. - And to remove them?

VM-also in order, because each work on this or that event fall factors discovery, trial, and execution. Each element will apply the three moments. Discovery: you discovered. Understanding: when you understood you. And elimination, with the help of the Divine Mother Kundalini.

So it works, because if you go to work one by one, think how you are going to put the thing. Are you going to get very "up" because in truth I tell you, or I'll repeat yourself, it phrase of Virgil, the poet of Mantua, in his divine Aeneid: "Even if we had a hundred tongues to speak and palate steel , would not reach fully enumerate our shortcomings. "

So if you would only resolve to Work a default two months, another default two months and if they are thousands when you're going to remove them all? In addition, a defect is associated with another, and the other is associated with another. Rarely a defect appears along , always to a defect is associated  with another .So you have to work them in order but properly classified. Daily, to succeed.

Q. - You talks about the mess in the house. G. Master-talks about the mess in the house and talks about an internal Butler, and on which a EGOS  who like to work and EGOS  not like a job. To form a permanent center of gravity, how can we understand this?

VM-Well, frankly that such a "butler" as quoted by Nicoll, and G. and Ouspensky, since it seems silly. It has no value. For my part, ever, or rather  this one that is within that dissolved the Ego, honestly, never used that of the "Butler" system.

One day a friend told me that he had a pants factory there in El Salvador: "Master, if I broke up the useful Ego that makes pants in my factory then who will continue to make pants, Will you fail me factory? "Do not worry, I said good friend, if you disintegrate that I, a portion of which covers all types of arts Being, will handle the task of making pants. And it will do better than you. My friend was pleased and continued their charge.

Good EGOS do good works, but they know not to do good works. Do good when it should not do. They give alms to a pothead to go to buy more marijuana, give alms to a drunk to keep getting drunk, give alms to a rich man begs for money, and so on. The I's of good can not do good.

In, we ultimately we have to fight against good and evil. Frankly, in the final synthesis we have to go beyond good and evil and wield the Sword of Cosmic Justice. At the end of the day, what do we call good? Aware of what we call well let us. Well it is all that is in place. bad is what is out of place.



For example, fire is good but what if curtains  burn or toast to you live , how they appear , would you like feeling turned into firebrands ? ? I see none , right? .

Now the water : in that glass is fine, still in the kitchen for washing dishes . But what about the water flooding every room ? It would be bad , right?

A virtue , however holy it is, if it is out of place , it becomes bad . To you, what you like and give as Gnostic Teachings Instructors in some cantina ? You, as Gnostic Instructors , would you go to a brothel or a brothel ? , Would you like ? I believe not. And if they like it, they do not recommend it , because that would be wrong and absurd.

So what good is in place and what is bad out of place. Then, after all , the little words are inadequately marked , out of use. Rather we could say right and wrong. So what
is important in life , is to dissolve EGOS , good or bad , does not matter.



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Understanding is something immediate , direct , something we experience intensely , something we experience very deeply and inevitably comes to become the true intimate SPRING of the  conscious action.

First of all I think it is necessary to change , we must leave the state in which we find , this urges a total transformation within  oneself .

Undoubtedly no change is processed without special " shock" . Obviously the seven notes C, D ,E ,F ,G ,A B are all related to life events . C,D,E, , indeed involve a series of events . But you that between E  and F observe there really a pause . Thus , F,  G, E, are the following notes . Between A, and B  there is another pause .

If one sets out in life to make a program, you will inevitably start with the note C , continue with the C and come to the note E . In reaching this part has difficulties , drawbacks : it is a pause between the note E and the note F. Then the Sound Current tends to return to the original starting point .

As a consequence or corollary , it is normal that the initial effort , the project was launched , capsizing . But if you launch a new effort to break through , it's obvious , just normal that will remain straight AND IN ASCENSION   the momentum that started and  the business succeed.

Following this, we see that then come the F, G,E, notes, but between E and B  there is another  pause . If the original impulse is not strengthened , the Sound Current will return to the original starting point and fail the company , project or business. So it is very important that the seven notes of the musical scale , is formidable this issue of the Sound Current .

Give him a " shock " to the sound between E and F notes and other  between  A and B . You always need a " shock" which allows one to exist , for a change, a transformation .

 A child is born , comes into the world . The first " shock" that perceives is the air HE/SHE breathe , THE INHALE AIR . By the air, to receive for the first time , the child lives. So we need that " shock " to exist merely physical . It is also true that if, for example, instead of breathing us oxygen, nitrogen , etc. . , Breathe carbon monoxide , would take the " shock" but would not be received by the body, the body does not accept the " shock" and would death .

As for our vaunted modern civilization , it happens that would require a " shock" to not die , not to be destroyed. This " shock" could only be through another civilization far superior to our own, only then could this civilization did not die. It would have to invent the kind of " shock" to give to this dying civilization , but has not been invented that kind of " shock" to enable and transform civilization exist. Obviously , this civilization will die for lack of the " shock" , that is clear.

Moving forward , we will contemplate the man in the light of Genesis, and understand just what kind of " shocks " would lead us to the Intimate Self-Realization of Being What Genesis says, He says : "In the beginning  God created   Heaven and Earth ... " the ignoramuses assume that refers exclusively to the macrocosmic heavens and merely physical Earth, this Earth we live .

I do not deny that it also covers , among other things, but he is referring specifically shaped concrete to Microcosm Man. Skies are states of consciousness within ourselves, within man himself . As for the Earth, is the physical body of man, the Philosophical Earth cited by medieval alchemists , the Philosopher Earth. So in the beginning God created the heavens , the higher states of consciousness of Man, and Earth, the physical body.

Genesis adds : " The earth was without form and void , and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters ... " . What you are referring here? Just the biped three-brained or tri-centered  mistakenly called man , the " Intellectual Animal " which is formless and empty earth , which has its mind in complete disorder . It is a mess that only believe what they tell you the five senses, living in the world of animal passions , who knows nothing about the real, about the Esoteric , which is absolutely ignorant, who has never received a ray of light , etc . It is the common man , the man of the market, the man in the public square , the common man of the earth, and gross type sensual . That's the average of human life , the average of all the millions of humans or humanoids currently living on Earth.

But how to get out of that state? Imagine for a moment that we got on a tower to watch the human multitudes , how to do to break out of that state they are in ? There is no doubt that every one of those people that usually make up the crowds is formless and empty earth , that's obvious . How Do I? You need a special " shock " could just as well be the case that would change , only then is it possible that " shock" .

Genesis says that God created the light and said, " Let there be Light and Light was made ... " Light and Darkness separated . What refers Dark Genesis? Well of Darkness that are within oneself, within this Philosophical Earth . But what kind of Darkness are those? For those Dark constitute inhuman psychic aggregates that personify our psychological defects , ANGER , GREED , LUST , ENVY , PRIDE , LAZINESS ,GLUTTONERY , etc. . , etc. . , Etc. . Well, I have cited only the seven deadly sins , they are multiplied by seven , and many others, more and more , are legion.
. In fact
Consider what are the psychic aggregates . And Virgil , the poet of Mantua, said: "Although we had a thousand tongues to speak and palate of steel, would not reach to fully list all our faults ." They themselves are the Darkness that we carry within .

Separating the Light of Darkness, it is very difficult. That Light is the superlative consciousness of the Being , we must wrest from the  Darkness , thereby removing it from every inhuman Psychic Added implies terrible super-efforts to be made in oneself  and within oneself , here and now.

Rip off the light to the  darkness ! , That means destroying all those receptacles within which this tucked  the Essence , to  disintegrates those aggregates, pulvorazed them , so that essential light becomes free . That's what is meant to separate the light from the darkness. And he called the light Day , and the darkness of ignorance and error he called night . Need to  know to understand , I think the brothers are reflecting .

So in order to transform men made ​​in the image and likeness of God, we need a " shock" , i.e of the Occult Esoteric Knowledge . Obviously, to become living Men need a third special " shock". Let´s specify : for there existence of the physical man , we need a physical " shock" , which is the air you breathe at birth.

In order for the man made ​​in the image and likeness of God , we need another " shock " which is defined with words that say, " God said, Let there be light , and light was made , and separated the light of the darkness . " The ignorant man needs a special " shock ", needs someone to take the knowledge , needs someone to take the Teaching, needs some who leads them  to receive Esoteric lights , that it produces a "shock " special. Only that special " shock" can transform later to convert it, were, in what is called "Man made ​​in the image and likeness of God" on the sixth day .

On the seventh day and things change . To become a Living Man , a Man of the seventh day, a very special last " shock" is needed. A sixth day man is a man made ​​in the image and likeness of God , but not a Living Man , you need a third " shock" to become a Living Man . If a sixth day man made ​​in the image and likeness of the Lord, wants to become Living Man , should be resurrected . It could not be resurrected without a special " shock " needs to descend , descend into hell worlds, the ninth sphere , disintegrate  the Darkmoon  demons.

I have explained to you many times that the psychological moon has two faces, the one seen and the unseen one  Just as the visible moon has two sides, which looks and hidden , which is the other side , so I have to say that the psychological moon within ourselves has two faces that is , ie , defects who appear to the naked eye and unseen , the hidden .

Many saints who progressed too , were stuck believing that had destroyed the Ego . Yes, they had destroyed many inhuman elements of the visible part of the psychological moon , had not disintegrated over the inhuman elements of the dark side of the  Psychological moon. Were absorbed into Nirvana or Maha - Paranirvana convinced that the undesirable elements of his psyche had been disintegrated , pulverized . Later they realized that they had not yet reached the goal, ran out many undesirable elements in the hidden part of the psychological moon .

Within us are the 12 powers, are the 24 Elders are the 4 elements , etc. . The Being of each of us seems an army of innocent children, infants. Each of the parts of Being enjoys Autonomy, Self-Awareness and Self independence.

That we need to perfect each of the parts of Being, and that's true of all truth. But that is only possible by eliminating the subjective elements of perceptions.

Refiny the superior part  of Being  it is very difficult. Who manages to refine the top of his own Being  received the grade of ISMESH  . Few people get to that point . We must begin to create within ourselves MAN made ​​in the image and likeness of the Creator. This man could not come into existence without a special " shock" . This " shock" is the Gnosis , is the Light , that is going to take the chaotic state and it will become a Self- Made Man .

But if we would there , would walk bad , we need to create , bring forth in us the Living Man of the seventh day. For that you also need a special " shock" that the ignoramuses do not understand . When an Initiate , which is a man made ​​in the image and likeness of the Creator, is becoming a Living Man , is not understood . Now you will understand for what reason the 12 Apostles are slandered .

The slander "virtuous " the slander "priests " of the temple and slander "elders" . Who are the " virtuous "? Who are the "priests" of the temple? , Who are the "elders "? Worth explaining that  .

The " scribes " ,the intellectuals, who are attached to many stale and rotten codes , these are false Virtuous condemning the Initiates . Who are really the "elders "? Quite simply very full of people tense experience " very judicious ones " never understand the Initiates . Finally , who are the "priests" ? The people of every cult.

So the 12 Saints , 12 Powers, the 12 Apostles are often maligned , but they march towards where firm must march .

So , my  beloved brothers and sisters you see , those " ' shocks '" received are necessary for transformation, are vital.

Returning to Genesis, we say it is a Work that we do not understand . The Bible begins with Genesis and ends with Revelation. Who understands Genesis? Who understands the Apocalypse ? Nobody . Some authors assume that all Genesis relates exclusively to man. Do not be exaggerated , we exaggerate the note, is also related to the universe.

When someone is creating within himself the man made ​​in the image and likeness of God , is obviously working with the same force with which God created the world . It's like a little piece of the world within which it has to be done a  Creation . Here is how one comes to know how God created the world . Thus Genesis is applicable to microcosmic , but symbolically , allegorically .

Nobody could understand the Genesis if not Alchemist . Alchemists know that this is so. For example , to create man made ​​in the image and likeness of God necessarily need the Salt, Sulphur and Mercury, and this happens up there in the macrocosm .
From the endless space arises the ARCHEUS  compound of Salt, Sulphur and Mercury, and from that ARCHEUS  emerge a new Cosmic Unity , a new solar system. Down here you must create within ourselves an ARCHEUS  with Salt, Sulphur and Mercury to that ARCHEUS bud, not a new Cosmic Unity , but a man made ​​in the image and likeness of the Creator.( Will be explain a few about the transcendental Alchemy ahead)


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Cultivate the capacity and efficiency without understanding life, unbeknownst to himself, without a direct perception of MYSELF process without consideration of own thinking , feeling, willing and acting, only serve to increase our own cruelty , our own selfishness , those psychological factors that produce war , hunger, misery , pain.


First of all you need to know the laws of the Gnostic Esoteric Work , if you really really want a radical change and concious one.


In the name of Truth will say that if we have somewhere to start working on themselves , it must be in relation to the mind and feeling.


It would be absurd to start working with the Motor Centre , for example , which as you know are related to habits , habits and actions of such Center; obviously this would be as absurd to start as  fakirism . And speaking of fakirs in India there are fakirs , for example , raise one arm and hold it indefinitely, until it comes to be rigid. There are others who stand in one place for 20 to 30 years to become real statues. And after all , what do they get those fakirs ? Develop a little willpower and that is obvious. We can not think they are going to create the Body of Conscious Will, it is clearly not .


You can not create any body outside the Ninth Sphere( the sexual magic) . If would be  possible to create a body in the absence of the Ninth Sphere ( the sex), we would have been born then,from air, some lake,between a rock, we would not be children of a man and a woman. But we are indeed children of a man and a woman . Then creation is done at the Ninth Sphere,( the sex) that is obvious.


Thus, no fakir could create the Body of Conscious Will away from the Ninth Sphere . Nothing is gained for those devoted to fakirism , except that they develop a little willpower , Start the work with Motor Centre would be  absurd. Start working with the Sexual Center without proper information of the body Gnostic Doctrine , even more , because starting in these conditions does not know what he is doing , has no clear awareness of the Work in the forge of the Cyclops , may fall it is obvious, in serious errors .


Remember that first is the Intellectual Center , the Emotional second , third Motor, Instinctive fourth , fifth Sexual . There is also the sixth Higher Emotion, and the seventh is the Higher Mental . But if in truth we started the work with the lower centers of the human machine , would fall into error.


First of all , these studies must begin with Intellectual and Emotional Centers . We need to really change the way we think , otherwise we may walk in the path of error .


What would , for example, that you attend these lectures and will not change the way you think ? Here are given esoteric exercises , directing them doctrinally , but unless you change your thinking , what serves them all they say is here ?


They are told that we must dissolve the ego, you have to sacrifice for humanity , they are told they have to create the superior existential bodies of the Being ; but if you continue to think as before, with the same mental habits of the past , what good is all you are hearing here ? They are told they have to disintegrate the ego but you continue your old mental habits, with their obsolete systems and ways of thinking, then, of what use is the information that is being given ?


In Scripture speaks very clearly and precisely what the " old wine and new wine " ; that no one would , for example , says the Christ "new wine in old bottle " , because the old wineskins break . So, that new wine needs new wineskins . Also Great Kabir Jesus says that no one would patch or patches put on old clothes with pieces were, new clothes. Ungrateful , for example, breaking a new suit to patch an old one. That would be absurd , right?


Well this new teaching is like new wine needs new wineskins. What is this WINESKIN ? Mind, if we do not abandon the outdated ways of thinking, if we continue thinking habits before we simply are WASTING TIME .


You need CHANGE the mindset. For new wine , new bottle is needed. So we need to completely change our thinking in order to receive this education: that's the major point of the question . Because if we receive this Teaching and add it to the old way of thinking that we had before, our old mental habits are doing nothing . What we are is fooling themselves.

To want to engage " The "car" of the Gnostic teachings to our old " car " , all damaged by time, full of rubbish and filth .


Takes  primarily to prepare a container for wine of Gnostic teachings . That vessel is the MIND . As well , a new container , processed, can be received the wine Gnostic teachings . And that's what I want you all brothers and sisters comprising go .


We need that negative emotions are removed from us because these negative emotions do not allow for a substantive change . It is impossible to transform us if we still have negative emotions within us . We have to eradicate from our hearts the emotions of negative type , which are truly harmful in every way. A person who is carried away by negative emotions, liar becomes in a hundred percent, so that the negative emotions turn us into a liar. Pay attention to how you lie ,throwing false judgments and later regret . But it's too late .


So we must remove our nature negative emotions, the LIE is certainly a false connection because we deplete the Father Energy , The life of the Ancient of Days, ie our Inner Being Deep flowing through the Inner Cosmic Organization  till reach the Mind. If we make a false connection, then can no longer flow that Energy . It's like the electric wire was cut , then the power does not reach the bulb to illuminate us .


So the lie , I told you and I repeat, is a false connection. When young one is filled with negative emotions, becomes a liar . That is the stark reality of the facts. If we truly understand this, and we begin to change our way of thinking and feeling , very soon this will be reflected in our person.


Once one has changed their way of thinking , feeling and acting , then you are perfectly ready to start work in the mysteries of sex . Be committing a grave mistake if we allowed people to begin once work in the Ninth Sphere without even knowing the Body of Doctrine . That's absurd , because people who have not changed their thinking , they continue with their same habits , people who have the same way of feeling, who are victims of negative emotions , do not understand these mysteries of Being without destroying them . So why not insist that science is known first and then go to work in the Ninth Sphere ? is right in this Philip Theophrastus Bombasto of Hohenheim , Aureolo Paracelsu .


Let's start by changing our way of thinking, feeling . Many receive esoteric teachings but if they continue to thinking as they thought 20 years ago  What do you expect then? We 're wasting time . If you have been given the people the teachings to be Self -Realized , to change thinking and if they continue as before , it is obviously going very wrong.


I know of some people who are 20 or 30 years in the Gnostic teachings . And still think as they thought 20 or 30 years ago . Very illustrious , yes, handle very well the ideas but if one carefully examines them all their customs , see that they are the same as they were before. I know others until very judicious , achievers of their duties, who talk very well about love, handling the body of doctrine extraordinarily , but I've been watching and acting as if it were not Gnostics. They act as they acted years ago, the old ways have they had when they knew nothing about these studies , continue with those same old ways , what these people are doing , then? Obviously are self- deceiving  miserably , that's obvious .


So we must begin by changing our way of thinking and the way you feel after , have the new wine, the wine in new bottle Gnostic , not in old bottle .


A decrepit Mind, full of old habits , habits of 20 and 30 years ago , is not ready to receive the wine of Gnosis. A mind necessarily need to go through a total change , otherwise , you're wasting time miserably.


In the eastern world does not ignore that the people are asleep , everyone knows , but in the western world, people think  are awake nevertheless  does things that want not to do . They rush to war , but not want to go to war, but always go though not wanting why? Because they are HYPNOTIZED . You know that if a hypnotized subject , for example, ordered him to go kill someone goes and kills him. That is already provided for in the Penal Code in all countries of the earth. So it is with the people of all latitudes , are HYPNOTIZED but believe they are awake.


If they are said to be the time to go to war has arrived, go to war , do not want to go but go . Why? Because they are hypnotized . This is very serious , extremely brutal . What we need to get out of the hypnotic sleep ? True, but let's see how we get out of the hypnotic dream? If we are happy with our mental habits , our system of reasoning, our emotional habits, our habits and customs acquired by inheritance and by the family, then, although we hear the Teachings simply , we are wasting time.


Ask yourselves , why are you here? , What purpose received Teachings ? If they are gathered here out of curiosity , is worth more than they had not come . If you really have been born to them the desire to change, but still are very happy with their old ways of thinking simply are self- deceiving .


If you want to engage the "car " of Gnosis to your old codices time -eaten and rotten to the marrow of the bones , then, are doing a very silly game , which leads them to nothing . Thus, we do not deceive ourselves. You want to change , I know ; begin to change our thinking .


Everyone has their way of thinking and everyone thinks the way you think is correct . Actually , really , different ways of thinking of each or all together, have nothing correct , because they are hypnotized. How can a hypnotized person thinking correct ? But you think they are thinking correctly . Behold his mistake.


Mental habits not work. If you really want to change , here is the new education , here is the wine of Gnosis. But please , bring new bottles for the wine, not old wineskins ; because the new wine bursts the wineskins .


I am interested Teaching them clear to the brothers and sisters, but seriously give it, and so I invite you to change your thinking .


Have you thought anything about what is Consciousness ? Is that anything could compare Consciousness ? But there is a little light that goes from one place to another , that's obvious .


Consciousness must learn to take it where it should be placed . Where is our consciousness , there can be us . You listen to me right now, but are you sure that the awareness of each of you is here ? If is here I am pleased , but are we sure he's here ? You might be at home, in the canteen , it may be the supermarket and here we are just seeing the personality of this or that brother or sister.


So, where consciousness is, there we are. What you need to do is learn to intelligently take advantage of where it should be placed . If we place our consciousness in a bar , will be processed under the cantina ; if you put in a brothel , processed there; if we put in a market , we will have a good market or a bad market . Wherever consciousness is, there will be us.


Consciousness is unfortunately bottled . And a lust I(ego) can bring to our consciousness to a brothel ; an I binge , it may lead to the canteen ; greedy I will take it there, some market; a holiday I will take it over there to the house of a friend, etc. . Did you feel like it right not to know guide Consciousness ?


I have understood that it is absurd to take it to places where it should not be , and that is obvious. Unfortunately , again, our consciousness is currently engrossed and bottled within various inhuman elements that we carry within .


We need to break all the undesirable elements within which consciousness has been bottled . But tell me, that if we do not change our CHANGE THE WAY OF THINKING, if we are thrilled with our old outdated and untimely habits we have in Mind ? , We should  worry about to awake Consciousness ? Clearly not .


If you want to change we will change from now to change our mental habits , our thinking . When one really changes , causes internal changes. When you change your thinking , then you can completely change inside.


How can one say that it will cause a change in his inner consciousness if you leave it out to where I's want? We do not really know to use it and that is truly unfortunate . If we want change , but bottom line , we should also be learning to know that this thing is called Consciousness.


In the Eastern world has been told that before the birth of the Bodhisattva must exist in us the Bodhisitta . But before all, what 's that thing called Bodhisattva ? Some of you know and some do not.


Madam H. P. Blavatsky says that once is possess the  Causal , Mental , Astral and Physical bodies  he is a Bodhisattva . The Human Soul , Soul Causal dressed in such Bodies , is a Bodhisattva, is the human soul , coated with the superior existential bodies of the Being


In Mahayana or Mahayani Buddhism not recognized as Bodhisattva but to those who have sacrificed for humanity through successive Mahamvantaras.(Cosmic Days).


There are two kinds of Bodhisattvas says Mahayana Buddhism . First, Prayetas Buddhas , or rather , aspiring to Buddhas Prayetas . These are not sacrificed for Humanity never , never give his life for his brothers , and of course, never incarnate the Intimate Christ. The others are truly Bodhisattvas , those who have renounced happiness of Nirvana for love of humanity , in different Mahamvantaras those who have given their blood for mankind. Preferring to live happily in Nirvana , have waived any happiness for their brothers and sisters on Earth ; They are the only ones who can truly incarnate Christ .


But back to this the Bodhisitta . What is Bodhisitta ? Consciousness awake , developed , converted into the Golden Embryo . It is therefore true silvery armor that can protect us from the powers of darkness and giving us the Wisdom and Experience .


Before the Bodhisattva arises inside someone emerges the Bodhisitta ; that is to say , the enlightened and developed Conscience. See  then, how much is this gift called Consciousness. It is a pity that mankind has bottled Consciousness within the EGO . It is clear that while people continue to think as they think , feel as they feel and with the  same old stale habits may not awaken consciousness , continue it hypnotized. And as a consequence or corollary then we say that the Bodhisitta never arise .


When the Bodhisitta , which is developed and awakens consciousness arises in one, in the aspirant , then soon the Bodhisattva appears . Obviously the Bodhisattva is formed within the psychological climax of the Bodhisitta . It's great the Bodhisitta .


Actually , really, my dear brothers and sisters , is great when one really change their thinking , because then , and only then , will work to raise awareness. Then, and only then make a serious job that leads to the birth of Bodhisitta ; before  is not possible.


Unfortunately live in a painful world , you are all full of pain , suffering . Happiness does not exist in this world , it is not possible. While there  is EGO , there must be pain .


As we continue with our stale way, we can not be happy. While we are victims of negative emotions , any kind of happiness is impossible. We need to really get to Happiness.


We could not get that achievement if we don´t awake the Consciousness up .And we would wake Consciousness  if we continue with the way we currently think. It is therefore appropriate to see how we are thinking, change that old way of thinking and prepare us new wineskins for new wine which is the Gnosis , and work really well .


The world stands with the Laws of Cause and Effect , which are the Laws of Karma. They are also called , action and consequence : such action, such a consequence . This is a complex world is a world of associations , multiple combinations and endless chasms , fight of opposites, etc. . In these circumstances it is not possible to exist in this world Happiness.


Each of us has to pay his Karma , we are full of debt. Karma That obviously brings a lot of pain , a lot of bitterness , we are not happy.


Many think that we could get to Happiness through the mechanics of evolution. It is a misconception , because the mechanics are mechanics. The Law of Evolution and Involution also constitute the mechanical axis of this machine called Nature .


There is Evolution in germinating grain , 0n the ground that  develops and finally bears fruit . There involution on the ground which enters decrepitude and finally becomes a pile of logs. There are evolution in the child being formed in the womb , in the baby is born, it grows, it develops and lives sunlight . Over there is the involution in aging humans , decreases, goes into decrepitude and finally dies. That is completely mechanical .


Mechanics is also the Law of Karma in a sense, viewed in the light of the twelve Nidanas . What we need is to free us precisely from the Law of Karma ; We need to free ourselves from the mechanical movement of Nature . We need to become free, and can not be possible by mechanical evolution .


Mechanical Evolution is processed in accordance with Law of Cause and Effect , the Law of Associations and Multiple combinations,etc . What is a mechanic mechanic is. We need to free ourselves from the law of Evolution and Involution , we need to take a big leap to fall into the Illuminating Void .


Obviously then, there is an antithesis between the theory of Relativity of Albert Einstein and the Illuminating Void . The relative is relative, the machine of Relativity works with the Law of opposites. In the struggle of the antithesis there is a pain, and that is not happiness. If we want true happiness we need to get out of this mechanical law of relativity.


Hardly have been about 18 when I wanted to take the great leap, go beyond time and show that it is not the time, that we might call the experience of Prajna Paramita in the crudest realism. Not to emphasize other to you the news that such experiences had to repeat three times.


In the Illuminating Void there is no conceptual dualism of any kind ; Relativity machinery would not work in the Illuminating Void, The Law of the Mutual Combinations of Mechanical Associations is not possible in the Illuminating Void . All Relativity would be destroyed in the Illuminating Void .


Undoubtedly, the experience of the Illuminating Void is only possible in the state of Samadhi , or as they say in Hindustan also of Prajna Paramita .


In the Illuminating Void there are no forms of any kind. Arguably there one passes beyond the Universe and the Gods . In the Illuminating Void could be a right answer to that that " if the whole universe is reduced to the unit , what the unit would be reduced ? "


Such a response is not possible for Logic Mind, or at least the mind that operates according to formal logic . In the Illuminating Void such a response is not required but admits itself a powerful reality. "All things are reduced to the Unit , and the Unit also reduced to all things." Then it enters that state of Maha - Samadhi let say is live in all things devoid of all, and this, in itself , is already great, sublime and ineffable .


The Illuminating Void is only possible through the big jump , provided they have passed through the total Buddhist Annihilation otherwise not be possible.


At that time I had not yet passed through the Buddhist Annihilation , and obviously , as I approached the Great Reality , Consciousness expanded inordinately . Obviously, in this situation, not having gone through the Buddhistic Annihilation  felt unspeakable terror, which is why I returned to my universe of the  Relativity of Einstein. Repeat  I experimented three times for the Illuminating Void .


There is an intuition of transcendental type , because in the field of intuition , or the World of Intuitiveness , there are different degrees of Intuition . Unquestionably, the highest degree of Intuitional is the philosophical- religious or mystical philosophical minds , is the kind of intuition which corresponds to the Prajna Paramita .


This faculty then allowed me to go beyond the Illuminating Void World, the Great Reality .


I want to affirm them to you emphatically that this road of Gnosis leads to the Great Reality , is beyond the universe of Relativity ; ie beyond the mechanical laws of relativity , beyond , far beyond the Illuminating Void . Meanwhile, we need to go through a supreme Annihilation so that Consciousness converted into Bodhisitta , wide awake , can take the plunge into the Void Brightening .


Now I say: we need to start by changing our thinking to work properly on themselves. We could not conceive the Awakening of Consciousness, Bodhisitta development , if we do not change our way of thinking.


You need to know Meditating understand what Meditation Technique is, the Object of Meditation . Which is what we want through meditation ? No one could have his mind on holy peace with that outdated and untimely think charging . No one could have peace in his heart, but had himself previously removed the negative and harmful emotions.


When a Gnostic Arhat immerses itself in those moments gets to work on some inhuman element that has been discovered by self-observation .


Let's assume that discovered Wrath. Then you get in to understand the psychic aggregate of Wrath with the help of his Divine Mother Kundalini , you can invoke to help you once discovered psychic aggregate . She then propose to  disintegrate that aggregated to come in replacing Love


As are disintegrating such inhuman psychic aggregates that we carry within , the consciousness will awaken .


Much has been said in Gnosis on sex , but we must first change our thinking so that we become more aware of Teaching . Only then will work successfully in burning Forge of Vulcan.



                    Samael Aun Weor:


                  Buddha Maitreya Kalki Avatar of the Aquarious Era

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Mindfulness excludes what is called Identification . When we identify with people, with things, with ideas, is the fascination , and the latter produces

This theme is the transformation of oneself . In past conferences we discussed the importance of life itself . We also said that a man is what is your life and it 's like a movie . When we took her disembodied retrospectively to live in the Astral world and to bring us back again to project it on the screen of the physical body

It is clear that the Law of Recurrence exists and that all events are repeated, that all really happen again as it did more good or bad consequences . It is clear that the transformation of life is possible if one proposes deeply.

Transformation : It means that one thing changes in something else. It is logical that everything is subject to change.

The Alchemists of the Middle Ages spoke of the transformation of lead into gold . However, not always alluded to merely physical metallic matter . Normally wanted indicate that word processing Lead Gold Personality of the Spirit. It is therefore appropriate to reflect on all these things.

In the Gospels , the idea of ​​comparable earthly man with a seed capable of growth, has the same meaning . As also has the idea of ​​rebirth : a man who is born again. Obviously, if the grain does not die, the plant is not born .


The Gnosis consider man as a three-floors factory that normally absorbs three foods :

. 1 - Common Food . Usually correspond to the lower floor of the factory, the issue is the stomach,

. 2 - The Air. It is on the second floor , which is related to the lungs.

. 3 - Impressions . Undoubtedly they are closely associated with brain or third floor.


The food we eat undergoes successive transformations . This is unquestionable. The process of life itself , by itself, is transformation. Each child of the universe lives by transforming one substance into another . The plant , for example , transform the air, water and land sales in new vital substances, vital to us ( fruits, etc. . ) So all is transformation.

By the action of sunlight vary the ferments of Nature . It is unquestionable that the sensitive film of life that usually extends over the face of the earth , leading to all Universal inward force same World Planetarium . But every plant, every insect, every creature , the same " intellectual animal " mistakenly called man , absorbs , assimilates certain cosmic forces and then transforms and transmits them to the inner layers unconsciously Agency Planetarium . Such transformed forces are closely related to the entire Planetary Body economy in which we live . Undoubtedly , every creature after his kind, transforms certain forces which then relayed into Earth for the world economy . Thus, each creature has its existence fulfills the same function .

In any transformation exists . Thus, the epidermis of the Earth is a organ transformation. When we eat a food so necessary to our existence , it is transformed , of course, at stages to stages. Who carries within us the process of transforming their substance ? The Instinctive Center , this center is so wise , it really is amazing the wisdom of the Centre. Digestion is transformation itself . The food in the stomach , ie at the bottom of the mill three levels in this human body undergoes transformations . If something gets in without passing through the stomach , the body can not assimilate its principles vitamins or proteins. That would be just indigestion. Thus, as we will reflect on this issue , we understand the need to go through a transformation .

Of course the food (physical ) can transform . But there is something that invites us to reflection, and is suitable Transformation of the Impressions . For the purpose of nature itself , there is no need for the " Intellectual Animal" Impressions transform itself . It would be to gorgeous to transform the prints . Most people as they see the field as practical life , believe that this physical world is going to give them what they want and crave. Really this is a tremendous mistake. Life itself enters into us , in our body in the form of mere impressions. One could not really transform your life if not transform the impressions that come to mind.

There is really no such thing as the outer life . We are talking about something very revolutionary , because everyone believes that the physical is real . But if we go a little further, what we're really getting at every moment, at every moment , they are prints . If we see someone we like or dislike , what we get are first prints of that nature. Life is a succession of impressions. Not as many ignoramuses believe a natural type thing exclusively material.

The reality of life is their Impressions. Of course, the ideas that are emitting are very difficult to grasp, to apprehend . The person sitting see , for example, in a chair with this or that color dress , one that greets us , that we smile, etc. . , Are real things for us , right? But if we meditate deeply on all of them , we conclude that the real are the impressions . These naturally come to the mind through the window of the senses. If we had no sense , for example, eyes to see, ears to hear , no mouth to taste the food , would there be for us what is called physical body ? Of course not, absolutely not. Life comes in the form of impressions and that is where there is the ´possibilities to work on ourselves…
First of all , what should we do? You have to understand the work that we do. How could we achieve a psychological transformation in themselves ? For effecting a Job on Impressions we are receiving every moment, every instant. This first work called First Conscious Shock . This is related to those impressions , which are all we know of the outside world that we are receiving . How big are the real things or real people ? We need to transform every day internally. Wanting to transform our psychological aspect , we need to Work on impressions  entering us.

Why do we call Work on the transformation impressions the First Conscious Shock? Because the shock is something that could not be seen in purely mechanical way. This could never be done mechanically , is need a self conscious effort.

Clearly, when you start to understand this work , you begin to stop being mechanical man that serves the purpose of Nature . And this goes against our intimate self-realization . You then begin to understand the meaning of all that I say now . If you think now about the meaning of all as they are taught here by way of own effort , starting with the observation itself, you will see that in all the esoteric practical side is closely related to the transformation of energy and what is naturally thereof.

Work for ex. such as negative reactions on states of mind annoying, on the issue about the  identification on self-consideration , on successive selves or egos , about lying , about self- justification on the excuse on unconscious states that we are related to the transformation of the impressions.

So somehow agree that the job itself is compared to the decision in the sense that a transformation. It is necessary, therefore, to reflect on this, you understand what the First Conscious Shock . It is necessary to form an element of change in the place of entry of the impressions. Do not forget !

Through Understanding the work itself , you can accept life as a job really . Then you will be in a constant state of self-remembering . This state of consciousness itself take you to the terrible realism of the transformation of the impressions.
The same impressions theirselves  or supra- normally we say better, take them to a better life in what regards to you naturally . And life will not work more on you as it did before. They will begin to understand and think in a new way . And this is , of course , the beginning of its own transformation . But as you continue to think the same way , it is clear that there will be no inner change. Transforming impressions of life is to transform oneself . This entirely new way of thinking can be effected .
Course you will understand : React continuously . All these reactions form our personal lives. Changing one's life does not really change our own reactions . But outside life comes as mere impressions  forcing us to react.

Life consists mainly of a succession of negative reactions that occur as the incessant reaching answers to the impressions that comes to the  Mind response. Then our task is to transform impressions of life so they do not cause such a response . But to achieve this it is necessary for us to be Self- Observing from instant to instant , from moment to moment . It is urgent , therefore, be studying our own impressions.

You can not let the impressions come from a subjective , mechanically way. If we do , is to start life , to start living more consciously. The individual can afford to reach the imprssions  mechanically , but does not make such a mistake , if it transforms the impressions then begins to live consciously , for it is said that this is the First Conscious Shock . Such First Conscious Shock is to transform Impressions arriving at the Mind at the time of entry , you can always work on the result thereof. Of course it expire without mechanical effect , which usually always be disastrous inside our psyche.

A definite  vibration of the work, an assessment of the education , means that this Gnostic Esoteric Work must be carried to the point where they enter the Impressions and are mechanically wrong distributed by Personality reactions to evoke the ancient reactions

I'll try to simplify this : For example, if I throw a stone at a Crystal Lake , occur in it prints , and the answers to those impressions provided by the stone manifest in waves ranging from the center to the periphery , right ? Well, now this example. A Mind, let us imagine for a moment like a lake , suddenly the image of a person appears . That image is like the stone of our example into the lake of the mind , then the mind reacts Impressions , right? ; say , in the form of reactions .

Impressions are those that produce the image that comes to mind , the reactions are responses to such impressions. If you throw a ball against a wall, the wall receives the impression . Then comes the reaction , which is to return the ball to the mailer . Well, it may not come directly but still bounces the ball and that's Reaction .

The world therefore consists of impressions. For example , we get the image of a table to the mind through the senses. We can not say that it has reached the table or the table has gotten our brains , that would be absurd . But the image of the table is stuck on . Then our mind reacts immediately saying this is a table, which is made of wood or metal, etc. . Well, now, there are impressions that are not pleasant , for example the words of an offender , right? We could transform those words of the insulter . Words are like . So what can we do? Transforming Prints we produce such words . Yes , that's possible.

The Gnostic Education teaches us to crystallize the 2nd power of Christ in us by a postulate that says: " MUST TO RECEIVE WITH PLEASSURE THE UNPLEASANT MANIFESTATIONS OF OUR FELLOW ONES" . Here is the way to transform the impressions they make on us the words of an offender . This postulate will lead naturally to the crystallization of the 2nd power (Christ ) in us, cause (Christ ) comes to take shape in us. It is a sublime , esoteric postulate a hundred percent.

If the physical world we know only the prints , then the physical world itself is not as foreign as people believe . With Emmanuel Kant rightly said : " The exterior is the interior" . So, if the inside is what counts , we must transform the interior. Prints are indoors. Thus , all objects and things , everything we see exists within us as Prints vibrating incessantly within our psyche . The result of such mechanical Impressions has been all these inhuman elements within us and that normally have called,EGOS  which together constitute the Self .

Suppose, for example , that an individual sees a provocative woman and do not transform your prints . The result will be that them , of course lustful type , produced in him the desire to possess it. Such desire is to be the result of mechanical Imprint received, and crystallize and  , takes shape in our psyche. It becomes an added plus ; ie in an inhuman element in its entirety is the EGO .

We will continue to reflect it . Anger exists in us , Greed , Lust , Envy , Pride, Sloth , Gluttony .

Anger. Why? Because many impressions came to ourselves and never transformed . The result of such mechanical  impressions of Anger shape the  , Egos that exist and, living in our psyche and constantly make us feel courage.

Greed . Undoubtedly , a lot of things woke in us Greed : money , jewelry , material things of all kinds, etc. . These things , these objects came to us in the form of impressions  , in something else , an attraction for beauty or joy , etc ... Such  untransformed impressions naturally become EGOS of Greed .

Lust . I said that various forms of lust came to us in the form of impressions , ie , arose within our mind , images of erotic type , whose reaction was Lust . Since we do not transform those lusty waves, these prints , that lustful feeling, that unhealthy eroticism , of course the result was immediate . Was completely mechanic, new EGOS born inside our psyche , morbid  EGOS.

No one could say you are watching a tree in itself, is seeing the image of the tree but not the tree . The thing itself , as Immanuel Kant said , no one sees : the image is the thing; ie the impression arises in us on a tree on one thing and these are internal. The mechanical result is not left waiting. It is the birth of new EGOS coming to further enslave our consciousness , which come to intensify the dream we live .

When you really understand that everything that exists within oneself , in relation to the Physical World, are just Impressions  , also understands the need to transform those impressions. In so doing, the self transformation occurs . There is nothing that hurts more than words or slander of an offender . If one is able to transform  Impressions  to produce such words as these are worthless ; ie , they are like a bad check . Certainly the words of an offender have no more value than it gives them by the insulted. So if the value does not give them by the insulted , I repeat, are like a bad check . When one understands this, then transforms Impressions  of such words , for example, something other , in love, in understanding for the insulter . This naturally means Transformation . So , we need to be constantly transforming  Impressions  not only present but also the past .

Within us there are many  Impressions that   made ​​the mistake of not transformed in the past i . Many mechanics results thereof are such those EGOS that must to be disintegrate so that Consciousness is free and awake. Things , people , within you , within their minds. If these Impressions are transform your life transform . When there is one , for example, proud of its social position , their money ,but if that person thinks, for example, that their social position is a purely mental thing , which is a series of impressions  that have reached their mind, Impressions of their social status , when you think that such a state is nothing more than a mental issue , or when discussing the question of value, comes to realize that his position there in your mind in the form of Impressions . That Impression bearing the  money and social position , is merely internal Impressions of Mind. With the mere fact of understanding that only prints the Mind , by transforming them , then the Pride itself decays , collapses, born naturally within us humility .
Continuing these processes and the transformation of the Impressions , we continue with something else. For example : an image of a lustful woman reaches Mind. Such an image is an impression , obviously. We could transform this lusty Printing by Comprehenssion . Suffice to think at that moment that this woman has died and that his body will decay in the grave . Would this be more than enough to transform it that lusty printing into Chastity . If not converted , would become Egos Lust .

It is therefore appropriate that by understanding we transform the impressions that rise in the mind .I think that you´re understanding that the outside world is not as foreign as commonly believed . Inside is everything that comes from the world. They are nothing more than internal prints . Nobody could put a tree in his mind , a chair, a house, a castle, a stone. Everything comes to our mind in the form of Impressions , that's all .

Impressions of a world we call outside and it really is not as foreign as you might think . It is therefore that we transform Impressions by Understanding. If someone greets us , praise us , how would transform Vanity flattering that this or that could result in us? Obviously praise, flattery , are just Impressions that reach the  Mind and it reacts in form of Vanity . But if these are transformed Prints Vanity becomes impossible. How do you transform therefore the words of a flatterer ? THROUGH COMPREHENSION

When one really comprehend that  it is but an infinitesimal creature in a corner of the universe , in fact transforms itself such Print praise, flattery , something different. Impressions makes such as they are; dust, cosmic dust. Because comprehend  its own position. We know that our planet Earth is a grain of sand in the area . Consider that in the galaxy we live in, comprised of millions of worlds , what is the Earth ? It is a dust particle at infinity and us, we said , we are a micro - organisms within the particle. So what? If we comprehend this when we flatter , we do a transformation of the Impression  relating to flattery and adulation or praise, and as a result would not react as Pride, right? The more we reflect on this, we see more and more the need for a complete transformation of the Impressions .

Everything we see outside is inside. If we do not work with the interior are on the path of error , because then we change our habits. If we want  to transform Completely . If we want to transform we must to transform integraly . And if we want to transform , we must begin by transforming Animal Prints , bestial elements into elements of devotion. Then arises in us the sexual transformation , the transmutation .

Unquestionably, this thing of Impressions deserves to be analyzed in a clear and precise . Personality that have received or acquired, receives the impressions of life, but that does not make them practically dead thing. If the impressions fall directly on the Essence , obviously would be transformed because in fact she 's deposited in the appropriate Human Machine Center .

Personality is the term applied to everything we adquire . It is clear that translates all prints all sides of life in a limited way and almost stereotyped according to their quality and association  . In this regard, the work is sometimes compared to the  personality as a lousy secretary who is in the room opposite , which deals with all the ideas, concepts , beliefs , opinions and prejudices . Has many dictionaries , encyclopedias of all kinds, reference books, etc. , and is incommunicable in all three centers , ie . Mental , Emotional and Physical Centers . And as a consequence or corollary , it follows that is communicated almost always wrong centers. This means that arriving Impressions are sent to the wrong places , ie , to centers that do not belong and occur naturally wrong results .

Let me give you an example that you can understand me better. Suppose a woman attends with consideration and respect for a gentleman. Sure, the Knight Impressions  is getting in his mind are received with the Personality and sends it to the wrong Centers . Normally sends the Sexual Center . Then this gentleman come to believe strongly that the lady is in love with him and , of course , does not take much time he rush to make insinuations loving type hints. Undoubtedly, if this lady has ever had that kind of concerns about the gentleman , it does feel very surprised right. That is the result of a terrible transformation of impressions.

You see how bad secretary is the  Personality. Undoubtedly , the life of a man depends on this secretary mechanically seeking transformation in their reference books , not understanding at all what it really means , and transmits consequently no worries about what might happen , feeling only that he is doing his duty . This is our internal situation .

What is important to understand in this allegory is that the human personality that we acquire must acquire and begins to take over our lives. This is too important , unquestionably is futile to imagine that this happens to certain people and certain , it happens to everyone , whoever he is .

Obviously, these reactions to the impacts of the external world , are our own lives. Humanity in this sense , we can say emphatically that it is completely mechanistic . Any man in life , has formed a number of reactions that come to be the practical experiences of its existence. Clearly, as every action has a reaction , certain actions are to produce certain reactions and such reactions are called Experiences .

Important thing is, for example , better understand our actions and reactions , to relax the mind. This mental relaxation is superb. Lying in bed or in a comfortable chair , relax all the muscles patiently and then empty the mind of all the thoughts , desires, emotions , memories. When the mind is silent we can better know ourselves . In such moments of stillness and silence of mind is when you really come to directly verify the harsh reality of all actions of practical life .

When the mind is in complete rest we will see many elements and sub ​​- elements actions and reactions, desires and passions , etc. . , As something alien to us. But expect to perform precise control over ourselves about our personality instantly. Here is the reason why it is worth the silence and stillness of the mind. Obviously the relaxation of the mind, in the fullest sense of the word, leads to self-knowledge individually.

So lifetime , ie , the outer life , what we see, hear and live is for each person 's reaction to the Impressions that come from the physical world . It is a great mistake to think that what is called life, be a fixed , solid thing ; the same for anyone . Certainly , no one person having the same prints that, with respect to life exist in the human race, are endless.

Life certainly are our Prints about her and  is clear that we can , if we want to transform such impressions. But as stated, this is a very difficult concept to understand because it is so powerful hypnotism sense . Although it seems incredible , all human beings are in a state of Hypnotism Collective .

Such hypnosis is produced by the residual state of the abominable Kundartiguador organ. When t removed from  the human being, left the various inhuman psychic aggregates or elements that together constitute the Myself , the Self . These elements and sub ​​- elements , in turn , condition the consciousness and kept in a state of hypnosis. Thus, there are collective hypnosis . EVERYONE IS HYPNOTIZED .

The mind is so engrossed in the world of the five senses , which hits not understand how it could become independent . He firmly believes that it is a God. Thus, our inner life , the true life of thoughts, feelings , remains confusing to our conceptions merely reasoning and intellective . However, while we know very well where we actually live , our world of feelings and thoughts . This is something that nobody can deny . Impressions are our life and these can be transformed.

So we need to learn how to best transform the Impressions . But it is not possible to transform anything in us if we stuck to the world of the five senses.

As I said in previous discussions , the Work teaches you that if the work is negative, due to own fault. From the sensory point of view is that this or that person from the outside world , whom you see and hear through the eyes or ears , is to blame. This person , in turn , say that we are the culprits. But really, the blame is on the impressions we have about people .

We often think that when a person is perverse that person in the background is a meek sheep. It should be much learn to transform all that we have print on life. Learning to receive , we say welcome , the unpleasant manifestations of our fellows. Scientifically speaking on Impressions coming to us and how to transform , say the following : Impressions are coming to us to Hydrogen 48 .





                       SAMAEL AUN WEOR




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The temple is holiday, on the altar burns a beautiful lamp.

A victorious tricolor flag flutters in the sacred enclosure at that flag glows blue of Father, Son, yellow and red of the Holy Spirit. Inside the chamber of reflection await the three wise men, who came to the guidance of the mystic sun temple, the star of Bethlehem. Jesus the sublime Bodhisattva has sat before the altar and is dressed in white linen tunic and covering his head with white mantle. The sky is full of dark clouds and no rain in abundance. So it is written by the prophet: 'And you Bethlehem the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel. " Here is the shepherd attending his spiritual birth, this is the Christmas heart. The Good Shepherd is now up and going to a sacred temple grounds; dreadful lightning shines in the darkness, this is a terribly divine lightning. In these terrible moments, the internal master entered his Bodhisattva, this was already up his first snake on the pole; Bodhisattva Jesus was prepared.

The three wise men came to worship the infant man, whose name is Jesus Christ; this is the birth of the teacher. This is Christmas Heart "The sons of God are not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God."

The three Magi worshiped Jesus in the temple; Jesus said things sublime. Oh Lord! OMG that terrible was that lightning fall from heaven. Jesus had gone to a mysterious temple precinct, this lovely venue was surrounded by beautiful balustrades.

The teacher took off his robe and sat on a chair, at the time the beam fell from the sky and your inner being entered into him.

What is born of flesh is flesh and what is born of spirit is spirit. Jesus was born in spirit and in truth. A choir of angels sang joyfully and the three wise men worshiped the good shepherd.

"Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth to men of good will."

Jesus is a man of medium height, swarthy sunburned face. Jesus had short black hair and also black beard. Jesus' eyes were black and piercing, had broad forehead, aquiline nose, thin lips and strong. The mystic birth of Jesus, is the first initiation of Major Mysteries.


Having Jesus born in Bethlehem of Judea, as the prophets had said, the school started in Herod's palace, in a large hall of the palace in order to tell the king the spiritual birth of the Savior of the world met.

Herod was a man of medium height, slim and slender body, ruddy, boyish face, dressed in a tunic in the style of the time, and covered his head with bright helmet warrior.

Herod sitting at his desk, heard the report of the initiates of the temple, but did not believe in him, did not accept that Jesus was the promised Messiah and full of arguments indignantly rejected the report of the initiates.

Jesus said to Herod; "You're Justiniano, you're right, what happens is that you never liked me." Wrathful Herod spoke to Congress saying: "Do not eat the moon." By this I mean that Herod should not leave the moon worship.
All religions are lunar race, the Jewish religion is lunar.

Herod was totally conservative and as such defended the Conservative Jewish tradition. Herod defended the old priestly caste of the people of Judah. Herod rejected the savior of the world.

This meeting in Herod's palace was momentous in that initiatory congress, the new period of development Christic Solar World was announced. Herod being manifestly conservative clung to the lunar past and the prejudices of race, and would not accept that Jesus was the Savior of the world. This conference was a failure initiators. Herod ordered the killing of the initiated, ordered his soldiers to kill children; initiates are called esoterically children as well as children are initiates who did kill Herod. The soldiers walked through the streets of Bethlehem killing initiates; "; Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted because they are no voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation large, weeping and wailing" and the prophecy of Jeremiah, who said came true. Jesus was saved and then fled to the land of Egypt, this was in the winter and raining hard; Jesus tube heroically withstand inclement weather. When this happened because Joseph and Mary were elders, they suffered much for his son Jesus. The Holy Family traveled by land and water to get to Egypt.


In the land of Egypt Jesus entered as a student of mysteries in a pyramid, and a vestal white tunic, handed the early papyri to study.

Trees of Eden are two: The tree of knowledge of good and evil, and the tree of life. The tree of knowledge of good and evil is sex; the tree of life is Being All true cultural doctrine has to carefully study these two trees, because the study of a tree with forgetting the other, gives an incomplete and useless knowledge. What good is studying to be if you do not know the sex? What good study sex without knowing the Self?. Both trees are from Eden and even share their roots.

These are the two great torales columns of the White Lodge: Wisdom and Love Wisdom is the tree of knowledge of good and evil and love is the tree of life. In Egypt thoroughly studied the doctrine of the two trees. The fatal shadow of the tree of life is self. The fatal shadow of the tree of knowledge is fornication. People take the shadows for reality.

Whoever finishes with the process of self, takes the Being itself.

Whoever finishes with fornication becomes a Christ. Jesus went through terrible purification in the temple and a teacher instructed him daily. One day to go down a ladder, was tempted by a woman; Jesus was victorious because overcame temptation. The teacher was tested often struggle with was terrible. The Bodhisattva had fallen in past incarnations, Jesus had to raise his 5 snakes falls. The sixth and seventh snakes are the master.

No teacher is dropped, falls down is the Bodhisattva.

The Bodhisattva is the soul will (human soul). The human soul is clothed with the four bodies of sin, which are physical, etheric, astral and mental. The snake of each of these four bodies of sin was falling and Jesus had to lift them.

The fifth snake is the human soul was also falling and had to lift it. There were reincarnated thousands of times in our land and talking down. The son of God was glorious, but the son of man was fallen and rose. The Son of God is the Christ of every man that cometh into the world.

Jesus studied in the school of initiates. A dark shadow character made war initiates of Egypt at that time, but the initiates were firm in the LIGHT.

An instructor taught Jesus the great mysteries of sex.

Inside the pyramid had a royal bridal chamber, that chamber of the temple Jesus practiced sexual magic with his wife, the woman priestess was a white woman with blond hair and beautiful soul, who was a high initiate of the temple. Jesus was a man and a God; as man was full and had his wife.

During the trance of sexual magic Jesus vocalized sacred syllables in the following order: In ... rrrrriiii; In ... rrrrreeee; On ... rrrrrooooo; A ... rrrrruuuuu; W .. rrrrraaaaa.

The teacher vocalized sound holding these syllables long on each of the letters of the syllables In-ri, En-re, On-ro, A-ru, An-ra, prolonging the sound of each letter. The mantram INRI awakens the sixth sense located between the eyebrows, then the man can read the thoughts of others, and see all things in the internal worlds. The ENRE mantra awakens the magic ear, then the man can be heard thousands of miles away and can hear the voices of the inner worlds. Onro The mantra has the power to open the intuition in the heart; Intuition is the seventh sense and resides in the heart and in the pineal gland, this is the voice of silence in the heart, in the pineal gland is Polyvoyance, or intuitive insight, intuitive all-seeing and all-knowing, is omniscient, is powerful. The mantra Unru awakens our sense of telepathy, and then we can perceive the thoughts of the people at a distance, is located above the navel in the solar plexus. The mantra ANRA pulmonary chakras awakens us, with which we remember our past reincarnations. These senses seem lotus flowers in the astral body.

Jesus turned these lotus flowers during sexual magic.

At that moment the man and woman united sexually are full of electricity and cosmic fire; this is the moment to awaken the Kundalini and the chakras spinning discs or magnetic wheels of the astral body. With sexual force we can awaken all the powers of the astral body.

With sexual strength we become Angels. Also vocalized master the great mantra AUM, this mantra is vocalized esoterically AOM; Opens mouth with the A rounds with O and ends with the M. Everything is generated with A, is being developed with the O and M. born with birth Whosoever has to enter the womb of a woman entitlement to birth.

Each letter of the AOM must lengthen steadily. The mantram IAO was also sung by the Master Jesus during the trance of sexual magic. Jesus knew when to quit to avoid seminal ejaculation and woke all the hidden powers.

The IAO mantram is vocalized, long articulating each vowel separately, without joining them. IAO has the power to awaken the sacred serpent. Jesus knew how to love a woman and so aroused the holy fire of the Spirit, and toured the 33 sacred chambers of the temple. God shines upon the perfect couple. There is nothing more beautiful than women; the joys of love make us gods. When a woman knows how to love becomes Goddess. When man becomes known worship God.

The carnal passion stains the aura of a Mudblood color, and then when we master passion is transmuted into that color pink flesh.

It is better to love than theorize; is much better worship, love and kiss to read complicated theories. But slay the "Satan".

Goethe said: "All theory is gray, and green is just golden fruit tree that is life."


Existed in Egypt some underground passage had 33 cameras. Each of our spinal vertebrae, are related to the corresponding chamber of the temple. In the internal worlds these vertebrae are called "guns". The serpent rises through the spinal canal, from cannon to cannon. With a single ejaculation of semen snake down one or more guns, depending on the seriousness of the offense, the reconquest of these lost guns is extremely difficult.

Christ our Lord told us: "A pupil must not be dropped because it has dropped after much struggle to recover what was lost."

Sexual magic can only be practiced between husband and wife in homes already built. One who practices sexual magic with different women, no adulterer or adulteress and adulterer gets nothing.

There are men and women who commit adultery with the pretext of practicing sexual magic to help others; use this knowledge to justify adultery is a terrible crime against the Holy Spirit; the adulterer sinks into the outer darkness where only weeping and gnashing of teeth are heard.

Sexual magic can only be practiced within the properly constituted and organized homes; wretch who use sexual magic to justify adultery.

In Bethlehem, Jesus was born mystically lifted because the first snake (the physical body); Egypt began its work with the second snake (the etheric body). Thanks to the priestess could work with the second serpent; as this snake was going up by the bone of the etheric body, the teacher was going from chamber to chamber through the underground passageway.

Each vertebra has its special features, its virtues and its trials, temptations and dangers. The tenebrous attack us in each vertebra. In each of the 33 chambers of the temple, Jesus studied received the terrible mysteries and secret powers. When the snake reached the etheric body brow, the sun shone from the Father through the rain of the night, and the star of initiation with an eye in the center perched on the head of Jesus of Nazareth. The Church of Philadelphia in the brow became like the sun shining in all its beauty. He dressed in a robe of white linen and started it up over his head a blanket of whiteness Immaculate.

An ineffable cosmic party made the glory of the temple and delicious symphonies of cosmic joy filled the starry heavens of the spirit shine. Thus ended the Bodhisattva Jesus recapitulation of the second initiation of Major Mysteries; and received his second birth; the second snake opened its 7 churches in the etheric body and totally wonderful vehicle that shone with glory.

With love and women get all this; blessed be the woman; blessed is the man who knows how to love wisely.

"All ye shall be gods if you leave Egypt and come across the Red Sea." When man Christifies his etheric body, enters and becomes Edem Edem dweller. The etheric body is Christified the wedding garment of the soul, the golden body. The second snake opens the powers of the etheric body, and gives us the power to travel in the etheric body. Woman get all this endorsing sex drive and avoiding spillage of semen. Man gets all this, knowing when to quit to avoid seminal ejaculation. Here's how the Kundalini evolves develops and progresses within the aura of the Solar Logos. The etheric body of Jesus was crucified and received five stigmas. In every great initiation have to live all the drama of Calvary; the etheric body of Jesus Christ was made. The 7 Churches of the etheric body of Jesus shone full of glory



Finished his work with the second snake, the teacher began work with the third fire serpent, which belongs to the Astral body. Working with each of these snakes is very long and difficult. The Kundalini has to rise slowly through the central canal of the spinal cord, this work is slow and laborious.

Each of the 33 vertebrae is filled with terms and moral requirements of sanctification, this is terror of love and law. The rise of each snake means full years of work and sanctification.

Winning is one thing vertebra heroes. The third snake opens the chakras of the astral body, and up the central canal of the spinal cord in the astral body; This fiery serpent opens the 7 Churches in the astral body and the astral body of the teacher was totally transformed. The third snake reaches the heart following a secret path to the third frown sacred heart center; the heart has seven centers. In this secret path to the heart frown, seven terrible cameras; this is terror of love and law. When the third serpent opens the Church of Thyatira in the astral body, then the initiate is provided with two small wings Igneous; these wings give us the power to instantly penetrate any plane of cosmic consciousness. The spirits of the movement teach us to handle the astral body and

 teach us the laws of cosmic movement.

When the snake came third heart, Master Jesus entered a large bright living room of the temple and was walking full of glory; shined the teacher full of majesty and power, his astral body sparkled full of divinity. In his astral body the master Jesus went through the initiation process of death, resurrection and ascension.

The astral extract by fire extract a psychic is the conscious soul (the concientivos Sephiróticos securities or astral) that looks like a beautiful child. For 3 days this beautiful child remains in his holy sepulcher; the third day resurrects and fuses with the Intimate or inner Self. After this esoteric resurrection, Jesus descended into the atomic infernos of nature.

Among the abyss we have to recapitulate all the evils of our past incarnations. Master Jesus was forty days between the abyss. Before ascending the door of the abyss located in the lower abdomen is opened; before the ascent we examined fire, and teaches us the inner zodiac. Our evolution began in the constellation of Leo and ends in Leo.

During these forty days, in a closed temple sing the sacred language teachers to help us let go of the abyss; the power of the verb is terribly divine.

In the abyss we give the last farewell to the darkness. During these forty days the initiate abstains from sexual intercourse, after they return to their rituals of sexual magic. Since I departed from Eden, all human beings we sink into the abyss, and we do not realize that dwell there but when we are out of it. All religions and modern spiritualist organizations are the abyss. . Theosophy, Rosicrucianism, Spiritualism, acuarianismo, etc, all that is of the deep; this is painful to say, but it's true.

It arrived 40 days past the ascension master, ascended to the Father and received the Holy Spirit. In the temple 4 Angels play their trumpets announcing the ascension of the initiate. The white dove of the Holy Spirit with its majestic head elder, awaits us; then enter the temple full of glory and happiness; the Holy Spirit fills us with power, wisdom and majesty. Jesus entered the temple and received the third initiation of Major Mysteries. The altar was adorned with all kinds of flowers. Teachers attended wearing their white linen tunics covering their heads with immaculate white robes reaching to the feet. The majestic cosmic music resonating between the sacred areas of the temple; the Initiation ceremony was majestic. This is how Jesus ended the recapitulation of the third great Initiation of Major Mysteries. In ancient ages and eternities ago vanished worlds, the Christ-Jesus had gone through all nine major initiations of Major Mysteries, however he had to recapitulate all; Bodhisattva had fallen in past incarnations and had to regain what was lost. These great initiations are received in the internal worlds. Listen brethren, whatever things are achieved by love; behold the ineffable things women love.

The third great mystic birth of Jesus was accomplished through the priestess of the temple. The 7 words are received in the third Initiation. Sexual magic is the Great Arcanum, the secret of love.

Do not be swayed by retardant or hinder by the fearful. Reading anything conseguiréis theories; spiritualist schools are full of fearful theorists, do not let them convince you, huidles are dangerous.

Practise sexual magic and you will become gods; This is the doctrine of the Aquarian era. This is Gnosticism, this is the Fifth Truth, this is the doctrine that Jesus taught in secret to his 70 disciples.

The secret of all secrets is in the Shema Hamphoraseh stone. That is the cubic stone of Yesod. That is the philosopher's stone; that is sex.

That is sexual magic; love; blessed be love.

The Bible tells us that when Jacob awoke from his sleep, consecrated the stone, anointed with oil and blessed. Really from that moment Jacob began practicing sexual magic; later incarnated your inner teacher, your Real Self is the Angel Jacob Israel. Jesus became powerful with stone "Shema Hamphoraseh".


When the teacher sparked his fourth snake, struck three times in a door and entered a room full of ineffable light music and delightful flowers. Four teachers on two rumps received it; those teachers glowed full of majesty, and each had in his right hand the sword of cosmic justice; they supported the hilt of the sword on the heart, bare backs rose full of terrible power. Master Jesus was placed between two teachers, while an ineffable music echoed in space. Snake mental body of Jesus woke practicing sexual magic intensely with the beautiful temple priestess. Without women nothing is achieved and the woman without the man gets nothing; with sexual magic is achieved all, no love like this. Then the teacher came in study hall, all the disciples sat at their school desks, there's wisdom is studying the cosmic mind; Jesus humbled entered that room as a student more.

The mental body is the donkey that we ride to enter the heavenly Jerusalem (upper worlds) victorious, there we were received with palms, raves and parties. The mental body is a material gross body. The 4 bodies physical, etheric, astral and mental, are material sin. The mind is the most unruly animal we have inside, and we have that mind crucified on the altar of sacrifice. The mind is the lair of desire and evil.

If we throw a stone on a lake, we see waves going out from the center to the periphery, these waves are the reaction of water by the impact of the stone; so is the mind, she lives constantly reacting against impact from the outside world. If we want to stick insult; if we react tempt filled carnal passion; if we praise split smiles, if we revile answer with evil. The mind is like a donkey if you're stuck walking faster, but slower. Krishnamurti speaks both of the mind, has failed cristificarla; 33 cameras spinal Krishnamurti mental body are full of darkness because he has not raised the fourth snake lacks the sexual magic. All desires, selfishness, crimes and perversions live in the mind of man, only Fire burning slags.

The reason is a crime of high treason against the "Lingerie". Often the Innermost Being, gives a command and the mind rebels with their reasoning. The Intimate speaks as hunches or thoughts; reasoning mind is revealed and compared.

The reasoning is based on the opinion, in the struggle of antithetical concepts in the process of conceptual choice, etc.. A divided by the struggle of the reasoning mind is a useless tool for Being, for Lingerie.

The voice of the heart is the voice of Lingerie; Lingerie is the voice of intuition. Action without reasoning is right action. The action is fairly intuitive, straight and perfect. Humanity aquarium be intuitive. Intellectual culture is a purely animal ego function. Intellectuals are full of pride, arrogance and sexual passion. The intellect is based on reason and the reason is Luciferian and demonic; some believe that through it can know God; we say that only God knows himself.

It's best practice internal meditation, to waste time reasoning; with internal meditation we can talk to God, the Innermost Being, the Almighty. So we can learn the inner teacher; so we can study the divine wisdom at the feet of the master.

The intellect is fed from external perceptions, as the source of information are the external senses; this source of information is useless because the external senses are totally deficient, with poor microscope can not be studied microbes and poor telescope can not study the stars; must awaken all senses we have 12.

The thought must flow silently and fully, without the battle of antithesis that divide the mind between opposing concepts; fractional mind, can not serve as an instrument to Lingerie.

We must end the reasoning and awaken intuition, just so we can learn the true wisdom of God, and only the mind is in the hands of Lingerie. The real positive function of the mind is the art, beauty, love, music. The mystic art of love; of divine architecture, painting, song, sculpture, art in the service of man, without selfishness, without malice, without hatred, etc.. Intellect is the negative function of the mind, is demonic.

The fourth snake transmutes the mind-matter-Christ in mind, this serpent rises up the spine of the mental body. Jesus went into each of the 33 chambers of the mental world, as its fourth snake was up from vertebra to vertebra and transmuted his mind-matter in mind Christ. No fire is impossible christify fire mind and just wake up with magic and sexual love.

The human mind is controlled by the guardian of the threshold of the mental body; this demonic creature is the mental self. In this test we have to evict guardian and throw off the mental body; this is Satan in the mind and intellectual and arrogant, and intensely reasoning person and fornicator. Now we understand why the human mind is perverse. The most dangerous demons have minds of bigots and the cast of saints.

Jesus triumphed in all tests and defeated Satan Mind.

Jesus spinal lit its 33 cameras with fire of the Holy Spirit, and in each studied the terrible divine wisdom.

In the mental world dwell the most dangerous black magicians of the cosmos, are sublime appearances, speaking ineffable, beautiful things, and then advise on very subtle ejaculation of semen; this is how they fall to the great initiates. In the mental world, are the evils of mankind. We should not divide the mind between superior and inferior. The mental body is such a physical body; if we put in the hands of Intimo we become Gods, and in the hands of Satan we become demons.

You have to dominate the mind with the whip of willpower, we ride that donkey to enter the heavenly Jerusalem; only then we become worthy to receive the body of the release made with the purest atoms. The body of Christ has release the aroma and appearance of perfection, this replaces the physical body; It is made of meat, but meat does not come from Adam; That is the heavenly body of men; This body is subject neither to disease or death.

When the fourth snake Jesus came to the fourth heart center there was a party in the temple; all teachers wearing their robes and white robes took their chairs and conferred him the title of Buddha. Before entering the temple, Jesus was in a beautiful sanctuary; He was dressed in a tunic and white mantle.

So thanks to the love and sex magic, Jesus could free himself from the four bodies of sin; sexual charm thanks to became a dragon 4 truths, a Buddha. The fourth snake opened its 7 Churches fully in the world of the cosmic mind. The cosmic celebration of this event was great: the pyramid on a beautiful lamp burning. There was a great procession through the streets of the city with flags of victory. The excited crowds of Egyptian mystical enthusiasm, victoreaban perfect. The guards of the city street did honor to the parade and had to struggle to maintain order in all movement stops and the excited crowds.

Today in our time when the disciples received the degree of Buddhas, the Blessed Mother Goddess of the world presented in the temple of the mind saying, Behold my beloved Son, here is a new Buddha; she then puts on his son Shiva diadem and mantle of the Buddhas; Sanat Kumara then exclaims: "You have freed the 4 bodies of sin and have you entered the world of the Gods, you are a Buddha, when man is freed from the 4 bodies of sin is a Buddha, you are a Buddha" ; and gives Imperator balloon above his cross.

The party is so solemn in the higher worlds; Egypt these Initiatory ceremonies were performed in the flesh, had not yet been closed Initiatory schools. The celebration of Jesus, the new Buddha was solemn, sacred land of the pharaohs shuddered old glory; the solemn procession was tremendous.

Jesus led the parade carrying on their shoulders a great cross, the cross really belongs to the great mysteries.

All the drama of the Passion of the Lord stood before Christ in the mystery temples, Jesus represented the drama in the temples. Later he lived painfully in the beloved city of the prophets.

The first teacher was Jesus Elchanam, the second was Rabbi Ben Jehosuah Perachiah, these were his teachers in Palestine. Now the victorious Buddha carried his cross on Egypt, had surpassed his former instructors, had become Buddha.

Mental body of a psychic extract merges with the Inner extracted; this is done in the temple. So Jesus victoriously ended her fourth initiation of Major Mysteries. The sexual fire burns terribly in the temple of the mind.


Master Jesus went into the wilderness; It was winter time and cold towards Egypt; there was an old temple of mysteries, Solitude and demolished. The teacher walked into a room and knelt before the great elders called humbly the entrance to the terrible mysteries of the fifth fiery serpent.

The great Egyptian sages accepted, the teacher left the room and entered a small temple shrine solitaire. It was winter time and teachers are protected from the cold by wrapping it with religious robes of white and blue colors. That was how the teacher entered the mysteries of the fifth serpent, which ascends through the central canal of the spinal cord of the soul will. We said that we have two souls Lingerie, soul-will and soul-consciousness. The sixth snake is the soul-consciousness; Lingerie is the seventh of the same; is 7 snakes, two groups of three with the sublime coronation of the seventh tongue of fire that unites us with the One, with the Law, with the Father. So the Intimate with twin souls is pure, ineffable spirit. The 4 material bodies are the temple of the spirit eternal Triune. Paul of Tarsus said: "Remember that your bodies are the temple of the living God, the Most High dwells in you"; Lingerie is the Most High in us. The testament of wisdom says: "Before the false dawn appeared on earth, those who survived the hurricane and the storm, praised the Lingerie and to them were the heralds of the dawn."

Human personality is the chariot, the mind is the animal that pulls the carriage, the coachman's Intimo, the reins are the conscience and the will whip; Ay! Coachman who knows not handle their reins wo Coachman who can not handle the whip because it will stay with whip and reins in hand without being able to use; the beast will drag the car out of control into the abyss, then the Lingerie lose your car. Currently there are many evil people separated from Intimo are multitudes who follow a terribly sinister developments in the abyss; all these people have horns on his forehead, those are the demons; many prophets and avatars are declared, spiritualists founded schools and endowed with sparkling intellectualities, some have fine manners and exquisite culture. Among the upper classes of the aristocracy there are thousands of elite, educated, intellectual and even as entirely separate mystical customs Intimo people, these souls have horns on the forehead are dark demons, these people have only the 4 bodies of sin (physical, etheric, astral and mental) The Triune immortal spirit, unfortunately no longer dwells in them and while living in the physical world and live internally in the "pit."

You have to whip the mind with the whip will have to learn to handle the whip. There you will christify soul, transmuting the human will in Christ will; These are the mysteries of the fifth snake.

Will Christ only knows how to do the Father's will be done on earth as in heaven, and has all the majesty of Beethoven's nine symphonies; Christ's will is ineffable music and reflects the majesty of the Word.

Men put their will to serve the beast and why they fail. The Divine Master said, "Father, if it is possible take this cup from me, but my will is done, not yours." Thanks to the Divine Master priestess could lift his fifth serpent on the pole. The initiate enters the temple when the fifth serpent awakens, then the altar is adorned with the sacred cloth of Veronica. The Divine face with the crown of thorns is the living symbol of Christ's will, which is total sacrifice for poor suffering humanity.

In the world of Will started all carry their cross.

The Christ will only know how to obey superior orders, respects the free will of others, does not exercise coercion over others even by game, because that's black magic. In the world of the soul will be crucified to save mankind.

The rise of the fifth spinal cord snake soul will is very slow and difficult. When the fifth snake reached the fifth sacred heart center, enter the Buddha Jesus of Nazareth in a sanctuary; initiated a large Egyptian said: "The teacher would fight a lot." Truly my brothers all sects, religions and schools would fight a lot.

Then came the Master Jesus in a great hall of the temple; there were several elderly teachers, practicing sexual magic with their wives, fought heroically struggling to lift his fifth serpent, great Hierophant smiled watching the venerable elders. Sexual magic is the untold secret of the Great Arcanum.

In Egypt those who dared to divulge the great arcanum were sentenced to death; were beheaded, were torn heart, and his ashes were thrown to the 4 winds.

In the Middle Ages those who divulged the Great Arcanum were dead, and by Nessus shirts, dagger, poison or the scaffold. We deliver great arcane publicly to start the new Aquarian Age, the Great Arcanum is sexual magic.

To fully lift the fifth serpent because Jesus rose was fallen.
The Initiation Party Buddha Jesus was great; sacred dancers dancing happy in the temple. The music and sacred dances contain immense hidden power keys.

Women worshiping, loving and practicing sexual magic with her as the soul was Jesus arose in Egypt. The sixth and seventh snakes did not need to lift them because those are the inner teacher and he never falls, who falls is the human soul, or Bodhisattva teacher; in this dark age there are many fallen Bodhisattvas; one of them is the Andrameleck become horrible demon that is now embodied in Chinese. These Bodhisattvas are ordinary men, many of them are now full of vices and evils; Javhe the evil genius is a fallen angel. Bodhisattvas are constantly reincarnated paying karma, suffer and enjoy, they are all men; naturally they can not enter the inner teacher until they rise from the dust of the earth. They are down Daniel, Solomon, and many others.

This age of Kali-Yuga was fatal to the Bodhisattvas who are worse than demons fallen; an Archangel pitied a whore and wanted to help the weak Bodhisattva fell with her, lost his sword and sank in the mud of the earth; naturally this Bodhisattva was separated from the Lingerie and only after many painful reincarnations rose again and was finally able to re-merge with your God.


After having lifted its 5 snakes falls, Buddha Jesus shone with glory; and it was not necessary but the coronation. The crown of Jesus has a more ancient than the world history; truly said, "Before Abraham was I am.".

Revelation says: "Be faithful until death, and I will give thee a crown of life"; The crown of life is the Being of our being; is the true and legitimate "I Am." No need for me to Die Being born in us, later receives the Crown Being of life that is shining and I'm divine. The I Am is so different to me, as the night the day, as the winter to summer, as God and the devil. Those who speak of a lower and an upper, is what they are looking for loopholes to circumvent the process of self. We, the Gnostics do not seek loopholes because we know that is horrible larva threshold and we want to end this larva Ser; Only then can we receive the crown of life, incarnate in us the resplendent I Am.

In Egypt the teacher learned to Astral Body vocalizing the PHARAOH, thus leaving at will in the astral body; the teacher was sleeping in his bed in exactly the same way that the Aztecs representing Chac Mool god of rain. Rested his head on a pillow and dozed vocalizing the mantram PHARAOH. To vocalize this mantra is divided into three syllables; the first is the FA that resounds throughout nature. The second is the Egyptian RA. The third is ON reminiscent of the famous mantra OM of Hindustani.

The teacher dozed vocalizing the mantra, so out in the astral body at will; it is important to extend the sound of each of the letters of the mantra PHARAOH.

The physical body sleeps and the soul goes to the inner planes with awareness and travel in astral body at will. The Pharaoh of Egypt gave Jesus a sacred esoteric award which consisted of a small wings symbolizing the igneous wings, this decoration was placed over his heart.

At that time there was an initiate in Egypt was straying, he tried to mislead Jesus but failed in their efforts; Jesus admonished the man but it was useless and was very wrong.

This is the hidden wisdom that we are spreading the Gnostic Aquarian Age to start, because we are the initiators of this new era. "But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory." "Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known, they would never have crucified the Lord of Glory." "But God hath revealed them unto us (the Gnostics) by his Spirit: for the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God" (verse 6, 7, 8 and 10, chapter 2 Corinthians.).

All religions and schools of this century worship and exploit the human person of Jesus, and reject the secret doctrine of the I AM; nobody wants to look internally to its shiny and bright I AM. That was the doctrine that he taught us but people reject these teachings because, "The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness, and can not understand them because they are spiritually discerned" (verse 14 Cap . 12 Corinthians). "Howbeit we speak wisdom among the perfect and wisdom not of this world, nor of the princes of this world that come to naught" (verse 6 cap. 2 Corinthians).

After these things the teacher Jesus rode his camel and walked away from the pyramids; then it was in the sacred land of Hindustan; in eastern Tibet, and entered the mystery schools.

The teacher made great prophecies in India and Tibet.

In the snowy summits Tibetan teacher entered a temple of mysteries where there were large gatherings of teachers.

Jesus is a true hierophant of the mysteries. After this visit he returned to the Holy Land; by that time Herod was dead.


The Great Buddha Jesus of Nazareth returned to his homeland to meet the greatest mission ever. However it is very true and every truth that no prophet has no honor in his own land.

To the carnal birth of Jesus holds a painful moral tragedy. The Sepher Toldos Jeshu said that a man named Joseph Panther forced and raped a virgin named Mary and thus was begotten the body of Jesus. When this happened, Mary loved a young man named Jochanam, which filled with deep pain went to dwell in Babylon. Painful tragedy of Jesus begins from the moment of conception. Los Angeles attending this conception suffered terribly. Who can redeem us from sin, but the sin who knew?

He rose from darkness to light. He went through all human pain and therefore, He is the one who can redeem us from human suffering.

The people of Israel were chosen to surround the teacher and redeem the world so that we can understand why so many people had so many prophets and saints. On the walls of Zion undefeated shone the glory of Solomon son of David king of Zion. On the walls of Jerusalem shone the face of the Lord. On the roads of Jerusalem Light shone full of Isaiah, Samuel, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and many others; that was chosen to accompany the people to the Lord.

Unfortunately, in the supreme hour of the final test freed Barabbas and crucified Christ, their promised Messiah. When the people had to choose between Christ and Javhe, crucified the Christ and worshiped Javhe, who is the head of the black lodge. Javhe is a fallen angel, the evil genius, a demon terribly perverse.

This is how the people of Judah crucified their promised Christ; and failed the people of Israel; that's how I sank into the abyss the people who had been chosen to spread the wisdom Christ across the face of the earth, now that people continue to Javhe and totally failed; These are the people who betrayed his master and crucified him. If the Lord had been crucified had been another lucky the Western world, now would sublime preaching rabies illuminated by all parties Christic esotericism.

The Christic esotericism, the secret Jewish Kabbalah and alchemy santa states, have illuminated and transformed the world completely.

The mysteries of Levi had shone with the Light of Christ. Gnosis had shone brightly everywhere.

The world had not fallen into the dead then Christianity Roman Catholicism. We could have saved from the horrible darkness of the dark age. Unfortunately failed the chosen people and all humanity sank into the abyss.

Terribly the earth trembled and the veil of the Sanctum Santorum was torn in two. So the ark of the covenant was visible to all as the only hope of salvation; the ark represents the sexual organs within which this great Arcanum. Sexual Magic; the supreme key to redemption.



The Buddha Jesus was full of majesty, the only thing missing was the coronation. Jesus went to the Jordan, there dwelt John, had his temple and the officiating: John is a great teacher of the White Lodge. At the door of the temple, John put an inscription that read "profane dances are prohibited." John was a man of medium stature, venerable old man with a white beard; when officiating in the temple was clothed in his priestly robes regia.

Outside the temple dressed simply wrapping his body in a camel skin, and so naked, this venerable old man was full of majesty and all respected him. Its full of strong muscles body and broad forehead reflected the majesty of his resplendent Being John had to live up to the arrival of the Messiah. Juan had to be the major initiator of the Buddha Jesus and it was written in the book of fate. Jesus entered the temple and Juan ordered off the garments; John was clothed in his priestly robes; Jesus only covered his naked genitals with a white cloth, then left the hall and went into the sanctuary. Juan anointed the Lord with pure oil and poured water over his head. At that moment three star shone in the sky internally Spirit: the third star was red as fire alive; then descended from heaven, the Spirit of wisdom.

That was the supreme moment; the spirit of wisdom came into Jesus by the pineal gland. Father did not come in those moments within the body of Jesus, only assisted in his royal chariot of fire, visible only to the eyes of the Spirit; so was the coronation of the Buddha Jesus. Revelation says: "Be faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life" Jesus was faithful and so received the crown of life, which is the eternal breath to himself unknown, a habit of all of us, that pure where each man emanated the same ray Lingerie; Atmic thread of South Asians; our I Am. "As you know, the word gives power, nobody spoke, nobody act but who has incarnated." He starred in baptism.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God and the Word was with God"; "This was in the beginning with God"; "All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing being done was done"; "And the light shines in the darkness the darkness knew not."

The Orientals call the Cosmic Christ the Christos; the Egyptians called Osiris; the Indos Vishnu; Tibetan Kuan Yin The Melodious Voice; the army of the Voice; the great breath, the central sun; the solar Logos; the Word of God.

After baptism Gnostic Jesus Christ shone glorious, with immaculate white light, divine, radiant as the sun.

This is how Jesus incarnated his resplendent and luminous I Am. From that moment the Buddha-Jesus Jesus Christ called.

"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth." "That was the true light that enlightens every man was coming into the world."

In it there are no hierarchical differences, we are all One in Him John testified about Him and cried out, "This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me, that is before me."

"And of His fullness we have all received, grace upon grace."

Everyone who embodies your inner Christ will also HIM.

In the past several as embodied in the future many will incarnate. No one may receive the crown of life without having lifted its 7 snakes on the rod. Anyone who says: I received the crown of life, he lies; the recipient does not say, only known by his works; Crown of Life is a terrible secret.

We have become abodes of the Lord "as Moses lifted up the serpent on the pole in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up." We have to embody Christ in us to climb the Father. Christ is not an individual, is the army of the voice. The Word of God. No one comes to the Father except through the Son; in Christ we are all one. In the Lord there is no difference between man and man, for in Him we are all ONE. In no individuality; which is then He incarnates. HIM. HIM. "Variety is unity."

We must end the personality and the self to the Self is born in us; We have to end individuality.

If a mystic ecstasy abandons all 7 bodies to investigate the life of Christ, then see himself represented in the drama of the Passion of the Lord, doing miracles and wonders will be killed and resurrected on the third day, take that mystical the place of Christ and He is in those moments. HIM. HIM. Because in the world of Christ there are no individuals; in Christ there is only one Being, which is expressed as many. When finished with the self and individuality, values ​​are only consciousness, which are the attributes of the eternal absolute abstract space. Only He can say "I am the way, the truth and the life." I am the light. I am the life. I am the good shepherd. I am the door. I am the bread. I am the resurrection. Being gets to be your Self, the I AM, that breath of the great Breath in each of us, our particular ray. HIM. HIM. HIM. The I AM is the Christ of every man, our divine "Augoides" the Logos. The one receiving the Crown of Life has the right to say, I am He, I am He, I am He.

A Theosophists we tell them that He is not the Monad, but that He leaves the Monad; He is our particular ray, the ray is a perfect triad, only He frees us from the law of karma. He is the Logoic ray of every man. The purpose of the law is Christ.

The law of karma is just the stepmother, the healer who heals us, that's all. In Christ we are free; Christ is the Logos, the Word; He makes us free and powerful kings and priests. The one receiving the Crown of Life is liberated from the law of karma.

He is the host of the Voice, our resplendent Dragon of wisdom. He is the Crown of Life, Faith, the Word, the Crown of Justice, the Christ. In the law we are slaves, in Christ we are all free for the end of the law of karma is the Christ.

"Faithful unto death and I will give is the Crown of Life." The attributes of the eternal I AM is the Army of the Voice. Abandon all your idolatry, religions, schools, sects, orders and lodges, seek your resplendent and luminous I'm dwelling in the depths of your Being He's only Savior.

Christ is the Army of the Voice, which is the only Being; the Being of all Beings; the sum total of all the attributes of eternal absolute abstract space; Total cosmic Christ, impersonal, universal, infinite ... Christ is a multiple unit. The light shines in the darkness but the darkness did not know him.

Christ is the Solar Logos. The Army of the Voice is a multiple, eternal, unconditional and perfect unity; He is the creator Logos; He is the Word of the first instant; He is the great emanated from the bowels of eternal absolute abstract space breath, is the army of the word. The eternal absolute abstract space of the Self is the Self of all beings, the Absolute, the Nameless, unlimited space. Everyone who embodies his Christifies Christ and enter the ranks of the Army of the Voice. In Egypt, Christ called him Osiris and who embodied was a Osirified; Among the Aztecs the I Am is Quetzalcoatl.


The Crown of Life has three aspects: first the Ancient of days, the Father; second, the beloved Son of the Father; and third the Holy Spirit, very wise. Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the perfect triad within the unity of life; this triad, plus the unity of life, is the holy four; the four eternal carpenters, four horns of the 4 winds of the sea; the holy and mysterious Tetragrammaton word whose mantra is: IOD HE VAU HE, the terrible name of the Lord.

Every man has his own original crown, which is the proper beam that connects us to the Absolute; Lingerie is the beloved son of the Crown of Life. From our original Corona emanated throughout the theosophical septenary; she is the I Am that Theosophists do not know.


The Ancient of Days is original in every man, and is the Father; there are as many Fathers in Heaven as men on earth. The Ancient of Days is the hidden occult; mercy of mercies; the goodness of goodness; the root of our being; "Great wind." Scalp of the Ancient of Days has 13 loops; 13 beard strands.

Only beating death we can incarnate the Ancient of days. The funeral Arcane 13 tests are more frightening and terrible what the abyss. The Arcanum 13 is the Ancient of Days.

We need a supreme death for entitlement to incarnate the Ancient of days, only one who embodies internally entitled to wear the hair and beard of the venerable Elder.
Only in the presence of the angels of death after emerging victorious from the funeral tests we can incarnate the Ancient of days. Whoever plays is an oldie more in eternity. The Ancient of Days is the first divine emanation terribly Absolute Abstract Space.


The Ancient of days emanates the divine couple, who is Christ and his virgin wife, the Holy Spirit, who looks like a woman in every man ineffable; this divine mother dresses white robe and blue cloak; the blessed Goddess Mother of the world holds in her hand a beautiful lamp. The divine man looks a whole Christ, and is symbolized by the phallus in erection, the scepter of power on high, the tower, stone and sharp throughout the robe of glory; He is the Divine origin.

The woman is an ineffable divine virgin, this divine mother is among the Aztecs symbolized by a mysterious virgin; observing the lamina are illustrative in his throat a mysterious mouth is really the throat is the womb where the word is brewing; The Gods created the larynx; In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. "

The Holy Spirit is the maker of light: "And God said, Let there be light, and light was made"; the esoteric meaning is: "Because I was told."

The Aztec virgin has 4 hands, its meaning is: she receives the father's life and gives life to the Word all things. She is the mother of the world. Two strange coiled snakes are a rare head, these two snakes are the two sympathetic cords of the spinal cord, between the two channels up our sexual energy to the brain, those are the two witnesses of Revelation, the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth, that the two olive oil out of themselves as pure gold, the two snakes entwined around the caduceus of mercury.

The arms of the Goddess are the two snakes: Edem Temptress and brass sounded the Israelites in the desert.

The skirt of Aztec virgin consists snakes chest has a meaning death, we must die to live, you have to lose everything to gain everything. In the temple of snakes, called Quetzalcoatl, worshiped the Holy Spirit; Before sunrise, a priest tunic and mantle of white, black and red, threw burning coals between snails powder used for this white, black and red snails, white is pure Spirit, the black symbolizes the fall of Spirit into matter, and red is the fire of the Holy Spirit, in which we return to the pure whiteness of the Spirit; This incense rose to heaven, the priest prayed for life and blooming plants, because the Holy Spirit is the sexual fire of the universe. The rite was verified in the temple of Quetzalcoatl before sunrise, because the Holy Spirit is the maker of light; locates the priest mantra IN IN.

Jonah the prophet, also checked the rite of the Holy Spirit exactly the same as the Aztecs and used to do the same robes and incense.

Also vocalizing the mantram IN ON when casting incense in the fire. This rite should be established in all the Gnostic sanctuaries. Snails are related to sea water and water is the interior of the fire of the Holy Spirit. Thus marine snails are the perfect incense of the Holy Spirit. Mother or Holy Spirit gives us power and wisdom.

The symbols of the virgin mother are: Yoni, the Grail, the robe of concealment. By not ejaculate semen, total sexual force of the divine couple returns to its origin, awakening and opening centers igneous terribly divine powers. Moses on Mount Horeb managed to portray the mother and was illuminated. Other embody the divine couple, very few manage to embody the Ancient of Days; these are the 3 aspects of the Crown: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Trinity in the unity of life.

Before Jesus received many Buddhas Crown of Life crucified and died; Jesus after we have received some and many will receive in the future. The spirit of wisdom always crucifying lives in the field to save the world.

The saint 4, the Tetragrammaton, is symbolized by the 4 fangs of Aztec virgin, the IOD HE VAU HE. Divine I Am. In Kabbalah Kether is the Father, the Son Chokmah and Binah the Holy Spirit; this is the Sephirothic Corona, Crown of Life. This triad is the most holy unit 4, the holy and mysterious Tetragrammaton, the IOD HE VAU HE.


The 7 columns of the temple of wisdom are double and are burning fire. Those are the 7 degrees of firepower, 7 snakes. After receiving the Crown have to get up twice each column, which are 7 snakes Light I Am.

We need to become abodes of Lord igniting our 7-arm candlestick. Christ is born in our hearts as a child of Bethlehem, the baby Jesus. Uselessly Christ born in Bethlehem will be if not born in our heart too. In vain will have been crucified, died, and rose again the third day from the dead, if not crucified, dead and risen in each of us. The I'm born in us as a small child and has to grow slowly, because nature does not jump.

The birth of Christ in us, is the Christmas heart.

Before Jesus embodied what many initiates, after what some have incarnated Him and many will incarnate in future.

The spirit of wisdom always born in the manger of the world to save mankind.

Jesus Christ had to patiently lift each of the 7 snakes Light; there are 7 snakes of fire and light 7.

The rise of each of the snakes of light is very arduous and difficult, it truly is terror of holiness, love and law

Jesus began to lift the first snake of light that is the physical body; each vertebra virtues requires difficult and frightening sanctities; this snake makes us kings gulf is one of the 7 Untold secrets.

As the first snake of Light is coming to each vertebra we enter each of the 33 sacred chambers of the temple; completed the ascent of this snake is the first initiation into the mysteries of faith and nature, these mysteries belong snakes Light 7. These are the 7 eternal shrines.

When the initiate awakens the second Snake Light, then you can only practice sexual magic once each week; Started much later becomes sexual, and that is hard to enjoy the delights of love without sexual contact, and then we are omnipotent Gods; These laws are inviolable. Friday is the day of sexual magic. With this second snake absolutely Christifies the etheric body and returned to Eden, where we receive the Lord God and so we become inhabitants of Eden.

The etheric body is the body Christified gold, the wedding garment of the soul, with this costume can go into any department of nature, and can travel to serve in the Great Work.

The wedding dress of the soul like water is crystal clear, this is the Soma Puchicon, seems made of pure glass and gives us the continuing consciousness is governed by the rays of the moon and appear ineffably girl.

The third snake transfigured the astral body of Jesus, and shone like the sun, in the mount of transfiguration, in the majesty of the I Am.

The fourth Snake Light Christifies absolutely mind, then we have the mind of the Lord and when He expresses through this ineffable Gods mind us, we shine like Christ.

The fifth serpent becomes the soul will, in an ineffable Christ, then we have the will of the Lord.

The sixth Snake Light Christifies consciousness, then we have the consciousness of the Lord. The seventh snake Christifies absolutely the Inner Light, then we say: Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit, that is the seventh word, then we are the Christ, ineffable, powerful and divine; these are the 7 golgothas terribly divine. These summits will get loving wife, loving her.

Men and women have the same rights.

These seven serpents of light are the 7 seals of Revelation, only the Lamb, the I Am, can unleash. Love is the greatest joy of the Universe; love makes us Christ. The Gnostics homes are full of chastity, love and beauty.

In the courts of Aztec temples, men and women stayed for months loving and sexually connecting without ejaculating semen, that was how men and women were made. This is the doctrine that Christ taught in secret to his 70 disciples, this is the holy doctrine of the I Am. "I am the bread of life I am the living bread." Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and I in him, "" He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood will have eternal life and I will raise him up. "

We must eat the flesh and blood I'm to become Gods.

We know all those Super transcended spiritualism, Theosophy, Rosicrucianism, etc..; know that all these people have great pride and believe that everything in life is like blowing and making bottles. No wonder this book come to be profane, for now these will result transcended Super supposedly receiving the crown of life; now increase abusers everywhere and Christs appear and harvest Galore Super crowned; very carefully, "For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs of wonders to deceive if it may be made by, even the elect" (v. 22 cap. 13 frames).

Be vigilant, "For many shall come in my name saying, I am Christ, and shall deceive many" (verse 6 cap. 13 frames).

Even within the Gnostic movement appear false Christs.

There will be no spirit medium for her hobby of receiving the crown of life.

We the inhabitants of Holy Island, we make these warnings so do not be fooled by the antichrist. "Then if anyone says here is Christ, or there, believe not" (verse 23 chapter 24, Matthew.).

With this book began the Age of Aquarius, but we know that humanity is not yet ready to understand this book, therefore caution danger lest we fall into the abyss of perdition. With this book they will abuse worse than with the Bible. Seek your resplendent and bright I am, practice sexual magic and fully sanctify.

"Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words shall not pass away."

Now the two witnesses are killed by fornication and you must resurrect; the bodies of the two witnesses are lie in the street of this Sodom. When your two witnesses are resurrected with sexual magic, the dark shall be troubled, "If any man will hurt them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies."

Be careful now because as the two witnesses are dead, not yet disponéis Christic your powers, and therefore the dark can easily deceive you, beware of false Christs. Beware of the Theosophists, Rosicrucians, acuarianistas, spiritualists, etc., these people say they are the Christ, but in reality still is a "divine" impostors do not even know what it is Christ, none of those dark know is I I am.

The divine teacher said, "I am the way, the truth and the life," but these people do not understand that, and instead of looking inside themselves to its glittering and bright I am, prefer to walk behind his sublime impostors and supposedly follow Christ, what a cynical!, what pigs!, my God.

Abandon its resplendent I Am and then we come up with the sophistry that there are many ways, and either way you get, what cynics! The Master did not tell us so many ways, He only said: "I am the way, the truth and the life."




Principio del formulario


The first miracle Jesus did was to transmute water into wine, this is the first miracle that our pupils have to do, there is entered in the initiation; this miracle Jesus did in Weddings.

It is also true that within marriage through sexual contact have to transmute water into wine, we have to transmute the water (semen) in wine Alchemist of Light; sexual magic is the way. Jesus Christ opened the path of initiation publicly for all suffering humanity, started for teaching sexual transmutation, sexual magic. The Jesus Christ represented in the flesh all the drama of initiation which begins with sexual transmutation; with sexual magic we become Gods. When spouses are raised to the status of gods, and only then can enjoy the delights of love without sexual contact, that is a thing of Gods.

When we study the Akashic records of nature, we see a large wooden palace. The weddings were lavish of Canaan; The bride was a young nobleman of that old castle, swarthy face, snub nose, protruding upper lip, body of medium height; wearing the white bridal dress and on her head a crown of flowers; Baby Jesus was solemn and attended her. Suddenly the wine is finished and all looked at each other as if to say this is over; Jesus crossed the room and went to a corner of the lavish palace, there was a barrel full of pure water, it was square and floated on water some olive leaves; The Jesus Christ stretched out his right hand on that pure water of life and then transmuted water into wine, all rejoiced and continued the party.

With this miracle publicly taught sexual magic; we have to transmute the water of life (semen) in Light of the Alchemist wine and awakens the sacred fire, so our spinal fires develop.

Do not forget that within every plant, animal and human seed lies the Cosmic Christ.


"At that time the disciples came to Jesus saying it came: Who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven"; And Jesus called a little child and set him in the midst of them and said, Verily I say to you unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. "

"Therefore whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven" (chapter 18 vers. 1-2-3-4, Matthew).

Those who tell their followers not want to follow his example, no one wants to become child now.

Popes, cardinals, archbishops, bishops and priests of the Church of Rome dark, travel in luxury cars, full of pride and arrogance, even remotely feel like turning children; are full of intellectualism, senior titles have enormous wealth. The pastors of the various religious sects of this barbaric age enjoy the title of pastors and full of arrogance and pride they feel happy with their bows entertainments and ignorant sheep; not have wanted to be children.

By this time everyone wants to be a gentleman and sit in the first chairs in the synagogues, everyone wants to be great Avatars and grandmasters, nobody wants to be a child. Everyone knows too, that teaching the preach but do not apply; none wants to have a child's mind, do not like. Siblings of different schools, orders, lodges, etc.. are bookworms: they think they know a lot and that kids seem to become even ridiculous, but such self-declared only for pride, that is the present humanity; All famous reincarnation say, nobody wants to be stocky, neither wants to be the last of all.

To receive the crown of life is to have a mind of child.

We must free ourselves of intellectual pride, end fear the Theosophist and Rosicrucian with intellectualism, liberate ourselves from the spiritualists aberrations, clean the understanding of all kinds of intellectualism and theories of political parties, concepts of nation and flag, schools, etc..

We must practice sexual magic and kill not only the desire but the desire to know it.

We must end the reasoning mind to have a child, the child does not reason, sense, know instinctively not covet money, no fornication, no adultery, nor murderer.

In the republic of Colombia during the political violence, the priests paid murderers to kill citizens; these clerics can even remotely be children, but not children be murderers, that's the truth; How can you kill children?, How the child may be stealing?, How the child can be immoral? three doors entering the abyss: anger, greed and lust.


In the fourth initiation of the greatest mysteries initiated nirvana win, enters the world of the Gods where happiness reigns alone without limits. Arriving at the fifth initiation higher, you get to the mountain of the Gods, which has two paths leading to the summit. One is the spiral path circling the mountain takes you to the top; other is the path of duty, long, bitter, narrow and difficult that leads directly to the Absolute.

Max Heindel speaks of the mountain men, but do not know the mountain of the Gods; Mountain men also has two paths where the spiral goes all mankind, and rectum, narrow, narrow and difficult transited initiated; the top of this mountain is Nirvana, and to get there you have to cross Nine Initiations of Lesser Mysteries and five majors.

By the initiated to the top of the mountain men, is facing two paths, Mountain Gods, there a terrible guardian appears to the initiated, which shows the spiral path Nirvanic and says this is a good job, the initiate sees the infinite space worlds, suns that roll through eternity, the Gods of Nirvana filled with happiness, happy in his ineffable dwelling havens; then shows the narrow and difficult path of long and bitter duty that leads directly to the Absolute and says: This is a superior work, you have to resolve which of the two roads going to go now; started trying to think if this guardian says: do not think, say it now.

This is a terrible moment, because it determines the fate of many eternities; this is the most terrible moment of our cosmic evolution. The initiate who renounces Nirvana for the sake of humanity, is confirmed honored three times and after many eons of Nirvanas won and lost for the sake of humanity, finally won the right to enter the Absolute; the spiral path of Nirvana have periods of activity and periods of rest between Nirvanic deep happiness, are reincarnated in the worlds only through lengthy intervals and immersed again for eternities between the infinite happiness of the spheres.

4 used as the bodies of sin, enjoy unlimited happiness between the music of the stars; and through eternity without limits, slowly, very slowly reaching the Absolute, this path is extremely long. The February 19, 1919 at 3:40 pm Nirvana became active and now nirvanic hierarchies are fighting for the return of the evolution to the higher worlds.

There Nirvanis laden karmic debt, the pay during their cycles of cosmic manifestation. The great danger in reincarnation for teachers, is the drop in Bodhisattvas, currently on the thousands of Bodhisattvas fallen world in which teachers can not incarnate. The falls are due to the soul's will is not well developed and does not grow as long as the desire in the astral body, there is the desire to kill.

A teacher may be very shiny in the "glory" but with the fallen Bodhisattva can not serve suffering humanity, it means suffering horrible for the teacher.

The teacher and Bodhisattva are double Mysterious individuality; Bodhisattva who renounces Nirvana for the sake of humanity, is entitled to ask the elixir of long life with him can keep the physical body during long eternities, who wants all the time.

The Count of St. Germain currently lives with the same physical body he had during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in Europe.

Zanoni lived thousands of years with the same physical body.

Megnour held thousands of years with the same physical body.

Sanat Kumara is currently living in the same body he had in Lemuria, 18,000,000 years ago; the great masters of the guardian wall that protect humanity, living with the same bodies that took millions of years ago; Teachers Kout Humi, Moria and many others maintain their bodies for thousands of years, unable to overcome death, and thus have avoided the danger of reincarnation, after falling Bodhisattvas exposed to environmental temptations to inheritance, etc.., only those of iron will never fall.


In the fine arts building in Mexico City, found a sculpture of Aztec Bat God, (see picture) we'll talk about it although we slander and qualify dark black magicians. This sculpture is a beautiful Aztec symbol of one of the main leaders of the death. Angels of death, working under the influence of Saturn and discarnate souls according to the law of Karma, as symbols have the bat, the owl and the sickle; they draw the soul from the body and break the silver cord that connects the soul to the body.

The souls during sleep can travel anywhere and return to the body through the silver cord. The Angels of Death when officiating assume skeletal appearance, after work take beautiful presence, really are angels.

The Bat God dwells in the center of Eden. It's an Angel of Death, and it has the power to kill, also to heal.

The Aztecs formed a horseshoe-shaped string to invoke; the links in that chain were loose, no one touched the hands and body and opened the sides of the altar, the rite remained attendees full of respect, squatting, crouching.

ISIS The mantra was sung by everyone in two syllables and lengthening the sound of each letter as well: Iiiii Ssssss Iiiii Sssss, holding the sound of each letter as much as possible; the S sounds like cricket (grasshopper), or as the bells of the snake, so sacred among the Aztecs, that is the subtle voice to do signs and wonders; the mantra was vocalized many times in a row. The priest threw an incense stick bracero between marine snails reduced to white powder; snails and the sacred fire were associated internally. The bracerillos were placed on a table at the altar burned two lumbres symbols of life and death; The priest turned his face to the audience blessed with a sharp knife, and his heart called the Bat God; well attended Hierarch of the terrible death: this rite can be practiced today in Gnostic sanctuaries.

The Bat God can heal the sick if the law of Karma permits, any group of people can practice this ritual to heal seriously ill. This rite practiced by the Aztecs in a temple of solid gold which exist even jinn.

At funerals tests Arcane 13 assists bat God; when Jesus came to the Arcane 13 wandered among the graves of the dead, the terrible specters of death assailed him from the terrors of the horrible night, ghosts cadaveric death reminded him horrible things of the past. Jesus had to overcome the Supreme Council of the Angels of Death, the fight was terrible but he overcame, had no fear; Then the Ancient of Days came as a terrible blow to him, and the Son and the Father are one, this is done in the arcane 13; This process is the same in all who receive the crown, this belongs to the second initiation of the mysteries of faith and nature.

"I praise you Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them unto babes." "So Father, for so it seemed good in thy sight."

"All things are delivered to me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son but the Father, neither knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal."


Really the elixir of life is a very white, electropositive and electronegative powerful gas. When the calls started the elixir of life enters the temple of Sanat Kumara which reads to initiate all conditions and requirements sacred; Sanat Kumara is the founder of the school of initiates of the White Lodge, lives in an oasis in the Gobi desert, with other lemurs started, all retain the same body for over 18,000,000 years; Sanat Kumara congratulates started saying you are a more immolated on the altar of the great sacrifice, then blesses the initiate.

After that you will enter another temple of the inner worlds whose cover is an inscription that says: Gnostic Temple of lengthening life; the initiate attends these temples in the astral body; received during a ceremony there, the elixir of long life.

That gas is deposited in the fund vital later be overcome death in Arcane 13 tests, which are truly awful, very few human beings have so much courage to face them successfully; who emerges victorious is warned that always has to die, really die but not die; On the third day after death, the astral body Initiated approaches his grave to invoke your body, help keep this work moving spirits, angels of death and other hierarchies.

The body obeys and rising from the grave completely penetrates the supersensible worlds, then the holy women treated with certain drugs and divine hierarchies infuse life and movement, then obeying supreme orders, the body enters the initiate by the pineal gland; this gland is the lotus of a thousand petals in the astral body, the crown of the saints, the diamond eye. Here's how it is raised from the dead.

All teachers who have risen living with their physical bodies through millions of years; Zanoni made the mistake of taking woman after he had risen from the dead, so he lost his head in the guillotine during the French Revolution.

At such heights the initiate lives only to direct the stream of life for centuries, and women no longer need, this is the gift of Cupid; the body of the initiate is in a state of Jinas. However it is visible and tangible where you want and works in the physical world according to the White Lodge; since then manages the Great Life; has power over Fire, Air, Water and Earth, the whole nature kneels before him and obey him; You can live among men and man is God. Naturally it is essential to pass the tests of the Arcane 13 to reach these heights.

The body is embalmed for death, dinner Bethania corresponds to this event Arcane 13. After embalming the body to death, is subject to special developments for the tomb, which develops inside the numbers 30 and 35 which together give the Arcane 11: "The Lion tamed"; have to tame and conquer nature. When the body is ready for the grave, are the processes of death and resurrection; Angels of death in this case do not break the silver cord and dies but dies. The physical brain of the initiate undergoes a special transformation, becoming more subtle, delicate and radiant.

Dinner Bethania corresponds to these processes in Jesus Christ. "And Jesus came was in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, to him a woman having an alabaster glass of very precious ointment, and poured it on his head as he sat at the table"; "Which his disciples saw it, they had indignation, saying, Why is this waste, because this could be sold for much and given to the poor?"; "Jesus understanding, said: Why do you trouble this woman for she hath wrought me good work?", "Because I always have the poor with you, but me ye have not always me", "that poured this ointment on my body, to bury has done "; "Verily I say to you, wherever you this gospel is preached throughout the world, will also be told in memory of her what she has done" (v. 6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13 , ch. 26, Matthew).

The mysteries of death are great; Jesus met the lovely goddess of death after climbing the Jordan, in the desert wilderness. Mother Goddess death is known among the Aztecs with the name Mictecacihuatl; She is the supreme head of the Angels of Death.

She's the one who has redeemed us from the pain and bitterness.

She takes us out of this vale of tears, a million times, always full of immense motherly love, full of charity, adorable and good.

The three key pain are: the moon, whore woman and murky waters, it's all the horrible reign of St. Mary, the abyss.

The holy goddess of death is love and charity; represent the Aztecs with a diadem of 9 skulls, 9 is the initiation.

The arcane perform 13 totally free; it receives and, for that was depicted with 4 hands.


Ehecatl Wind God among the Aztecs, intervened in the resurrection of Jesus Christ; Day 3 entered the tomb of Jesus and cried with a loud voice Jesus Rise from your grave with your body.

Ehecatl induced in Jesus' body activity and movement.

Ehecatl is a beautiful angel and spirit of the movement: the lords of motion governing all activities of the cosmic movement; The Aztecs worshiped Ehecatl (see Plate). "And the first day of the week, at early dawn came to the sepulcher the holy women (astral body) bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them."

The physical body of Jesus was immersed in the inner worlds, was in a state of Jinas; the tomb was empty. "Peter ran to the tomb, and stooping down, he saw the linen cloths lying alone and I was wondering what had happened." The body of Jesus was treated with spices and ointments sacred, then penetrated the pineal gland astral teacher and was resurrected with his body, that state of Jinas could become visible and tangible to the disciples of Emmaus. "And it came to pass, as he sat with them at table, he took bread, blessed and broke and diols". Were opened their eyes, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight At eleven it seemed impossible that Jesus had risen, and when he stood among them and said to them "." Peace be with you. But they were terrified and amazed thought they saw a ghost ", simply because it seemed impossible that a body might have life," he said to them: "." Why are you troubled, and thoughts arise in your hearts Behold my hands and my feet , that I am; Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have ";" to finish and prove that he had flesh and bone ate with them at the table. "

Later the teacher was for eastern Tibet.

He taught and showed mankind the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead. Practicing sexual magic, worshiping women wanting knowing every human being can reach the loftiest heights of resurrection.


The Schambala a secret country of eastern Tibet, there is currently living Jesus Christ with the same physical resurrected body; there is also the temple of mysteries; this country is in a state of Jinas, there exist major monasteries of the White Lodge.

There are many teachers whose bodies date back to ancient ages live, and are in a state of Jinas. When Jesus walked on water carrying the body in Jinn State, any disciple can fly in the same manner. The disciple numbs slightly, then full of faith will rise from his bed like a sleepwalker maintaining sleep, then given a jump with the intention of plunging into the supersensible worlds, jumping float in the air, that's called Jinn State and are floating in space and walked on the water, some succeed immediately, others take months or even years.

In every corner of the world there are monasteries of the White Lodge do Jinas state. In astral body or Jinas, our disciples Schambala can visit and talk to the Christ; A way out of the northeastern city of Gandhara down to the rivers Bhastani Sita and after these two rivers are sacred 2 columns; then there is a lake where an elderly walker started guide to the secret country Schambala; this country will never be given the profane; for he is very hidden.

Jesus Christ will return at the zenith of Aquarius with the same body that was raised and still has state of Jinas.

Later the teacher returns to the Antarctic continent, to enlighten the sixth race of Koradhi.

Much later return to instruct the seventh race.

He is the Savior of the world, really the only thing that can save us, is resplendent and luminous I Am. Jesus Christ brought the doctrine of I AM and so He is the Savior. The Roman priests the secret doctrine of the Lord was stolen.

Any mystical state of ecstasy be seen in all spiritualist school, religion or sect, Christ tied to the column where you got 5,000 and lashes.

All these schools and religions are whipping the Lord daily.

Theosophists still believe about Jesus Christ there are more higher beings.

Those poor lost it wrong, because Jesus Christ is the Absolute Paramarthasatya who resigned to come to this valley of tears.

Jesus Christ is the head of all souls, an inhabitant of the Absolute.
The acuarianistas have made the mistake of joining a wicked French engineer, who poses as Jesus Christ, a certain Laferriere, an evil; this horrible larva is already separated from Intimo is an evil demon of the abyss.

Impostor that monster will be punished, those are the dogs that will not enter the heavenly Jerusalem; in war traitors shoot them in the back.

What punishment due to those who betray the Chief of souls?, Will those changes to Christ by an impostor? "Father forgive them for they know not what they do".

All our tickets and he who becomes a disciple of a demon, the abyss will go to keep her company her adorable demon Guru.

                                                        SAMAEL AUN WEOR :

                                                       KALKI AVATAR  BUDDHA MAITREYA OF THE NEW AQUARIOUS ERA


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In any case, you should know that all humanity is terribly mechanistic, one hundred percent.

Obviously, such mechanicity originally comes from the satellite orbiting our Earth and Moon called.


We need to liberate ourselves from the purely automatic life mechanics.


And you may set free ourselves if we create within ourselves if we create a Moon of psychological type.


While we can create such Moon, how important would be to eliminate from our human personality all these, clumsy, heavy elements that control it.


I want to emphatically refer to the psychic aggregates of pride, conceit, Vanity, of hate, of Arrogance, of Jealousy, and so on.


If we succeed in eliminating such aggregates, will be established in our psyche CENTER OF GRAVITY PERMANENT a Conscious Center of Gravity.


Unquestionably, this Center is what we call strongly PSYCHOLOGICAL MOON. Obviously, this Moon comes to give continuity of purpose. So no longer will walk adrift on issues Work on themselves. They have promoted an extraordinary change.


But that's not all. It is necessary to progress further. We need to create a PSYCHOLOGICAL SOLAR SYSTEM within us. To do this you go down to the Ninth Sphere, the Ninth Circle Dantesco, the Lit Forge of Vulcan, which is sex.


Unquestionably, any creation within themselves is possible by SALT, SULPHUR and MERCURY. If you want to create a solar system within itself, a Psychological Solar System, enabling them to live freely throughout the Solar System, to work intensively with the Salt, Sulphur and Mercury of the Wise. This fact implies great super-efforts.


Begin by knowing a little alchemy. You need to know that everybody talks MERCURY Alchemists is the metallic soul of the sacred sperm.


We must prepare that Metallic Soul of the Sacred Sperm. This is a matter of laboratory. If one does not prepare Mercury, Whit what will make the Great Work? To accomplish the Great Work, it must prepare the Mercury of the Wise.


And how prepared the Mercury of the Sages? By "SECRETUM SECRETORUM" of Alchemy. It's a simple trick, artifice that you already know: the connection of the Lingam-Yoni without the ejaculation of the Ens Seminis, because within the ENS SEMINIS is all ENS VIRTUTIS of Fire. It is simple that Secretum Secretorum of the Holy Alchemy.

At first, the Mercury is black and filthy. That is, initially Waters are black. When the Alchemist starts working, or better said, when the Gnostic couple begins to work, he is represented with Black Crow Alchemy because their Mercurial waters are black.


They say the Alchemists, very friendly and symbolically, that among these black waters pull out the White gelatin. You mean that black waters be transformed, becoming crystalline, white and pure water.


It is possible that refining the Sacrament of the Church of LOVE. The Sacrament of the Church of Love is sex, it is in the sex. If is refine the sacrament of Love, then, Black Waters, turns white.


If you say that in principle we have to work with the Black Crow or Raven need to launder all said the same thing again to turn the black waters in white, transform, by REFINING.


The big problem I'm seeing in all the Gnostic Brothers and Sisters men and women many marriages in general, is not concerned with refining the Sacrament of Love, and are much lingering in the awakening of Kundalini. There are couples who have ten, fifteen, years working in the Ninth Sphere and still have not received the Fire. That is not correct. The fire must receive it fast. The culprits are those same couples, because it is not refine the sacrament of the Church of Love. Perform the Lingam-Yoni connection in animalistic way we may say. The chemical copulation process it in too brutal, animal way. The waters remain black years and years and years on end and then stagnate. They are stalling for that reason. But if the sacrament of the Church of Love is refined, if done intercourse, as St. Augustine said, a form of prayer, black waters turn white.


At that state, then, was received in the Sacred Egypt the Ptah tunic, or Chastity, white tunic,of white linen.


Black Waters has been symbolized, again, with the Black Crow. But White Waters have been symbolized, or allegorized to speak more clearly, with the White Dove of the Holy Spirit. Then, convert the white water in yellow because the true color of Mercury is yellow. So the planet Mercury would always represented by the color yellow.


At that stadium is said that the waters have become the Yellow Eagle, or are allegorizes with Yellow Eagle.


Yellow Waters receive Always the Sulphur. So what is the Sulphur? Sulfur is the Luciferic Fire, Sacred Fire. That mixed sulfur mixed with the Mercury plus the Sublimated Salt rising therefore from the bottom of the Airtight Glass Background constitute itself the VITRIOLO of the Wise ones.


The word Vitriolo worth analyzing: VISITA INTERIORA TERRAE RECTIFICANDO INVENIES OCCULTUM LAPIDEM: Visit the Interior of the Earth that rectifying find The Hidden Stone. What kind of stone? It is the Philosopher's Stone. What stone is this? The Philosopher's Stone is himself Carbuncle Red, is the Interior Magnes Crestos coated with the GOLD BODIES. That's the Philosopher's Stone.

But we must rectify into the bowels of the Earth, search and re-search through this, flexible, malleable liquid glass to manufacture the Stone.


So once with Mercury already prepared can create the Existential Superior Bodies of the Being.

In an octave higher on this Mercury serves to make the Astral Body.


In a second octave give us a base to manufacture the Body of Mind.


In third octave could give us a base to manufacture the Body of Conscious Will, or Causal Body.


Created those bodies is receive the Psychic, Spiritual or Buddhic principles that make us men indeed, in the fullest sense of the word.


That is, with such bodies have we actually already created the solar system in miniature, within ourselves, here and now. We became a miniature solar system, microcosmic, to be exact: microcosmic. We have created the Psychological Solar System and created the Psychological Moon.


Who owns the Psychological Solar System within himself is a man of truth. Before owning one Psychological Solar System within himself, before he had created, not man; even if you think it is, it is not. It's Intellectual animal, but not man.


Best Sages have suggested, but dare not say; do not dare for fear, fear, fear of ridicule. They fear the reaction People are embarrassed, do not say; imply, but nothing more.


To me frankly think we have to put the cards on the table, telling the truth with courage, whatever the cost. While you have not created the existential superior bodies within himself, not man. It is intellectual animal.



It really is because you have not created the existential superior bodies of the Being, but so that they can create, prepare the Mercury of the Wise.


So, once you have created a psychological Solar System within himself and Psychological Moon if who advance further has to be defined, and are presented to one TWO WAYS to reach that stage of Being; the one, the Nirvanic Spiral Path ; It is a good job. The other, Direct, the direct path that leads one to the Absolute, is a superior work.


Many are defined by the Nirvanic Spiral Path; as its fruits are smaller, sufferings are also lower.


Those are defined by the Direct Path suffer more because the wins are larger and therefore the pain is tremendous.




So that's the harsh reality of the facts. Now, the advantage of those who follow the Direct is that we become solar men. But to become solar men, we have to manufacture a Psychological Sun within ourselves, here and now. That is obvious, the Psychological Sun.


But how do we create the Psychological Sun within ourselves? You may create. But by eliminating the Dry Mercury and Arsenic Sulphur. And what is the Dry Mercury?


- The psychic aggregates are formed by Dry Mercury. As for Arsenic Sulphur, who tells me?

- The sexual fire inverted.

 The fire of lower atomic infernos of man, the fire that becomes from the abominable organ Kundartiguador. That must be eliminated. If one eliminates the psychic aggregates and Sulphur Arsenic, manufactures Gold, Gold of Best quality, more perfect than exists anywhere on Earth . To have Gold within ourselves, is clear that a great architect, a great hermetic artist is needed. I want to refer clearly to ANTIMONY.


Antimony is not a substance merely, as claimed by many. In Alchemy, Antimony goes further. It is one of the self-conscious of our own Being, autonomous parts and since our own Being has many autonomous parts and self-conscious. Antimony is one of them. It is an Alchemist. That part works actively fixing the Gold in Mercury.


We said that our bodies are made ​​up of Mercury sulfured plus some sublimated Salt. But to fix Gold at that Mercury is important.


As we go eliminating, for example, the psychic aggregates or Dry Mercury, related to the Astral Body is clear that the Antimony is setting the gold in that body, and there comes a moment that truly the Sidereal Body or Astral, the Eidolón famous, becomes a pure fine gold vehicle of the highest quality. In reaching this stage, the Serpent devours the Astral Body, he swallows. And then we go to enjoy the power of the chakras.


Before that not. Because one thing is to awaken the Serpent, put in activity, and another is to enjoy the chakras. To enjoy the chakras, you need indispensably have been devoured by the Serpent. After the Astral Body has been swallowed by the Snake, is working with the Mental Body. Many can progress to the Astral. When you get to work with the mind fail. The mind is very difficult. You know what that means making your own mind in a Gold Mind in a Divine Mind? The mind is very difficult, and make it of Gold, how difficult it is to turn the mind of gold. Many go so far and then fail, hence not pass.


In my present existence, when I got there, I was warned. They told me: So far they have come many, but from here to there is difficult for them to pass. I just said: Well, I'll try, and I set to work to eliminate the Dry Mercury Mind. I got through supreme sacrifices, great. And after that mind took gold in a vehicle, was swallowed by the Snake. Then my mind was happy.

In third octave, we have to work with the Causal. It seems incredible that even in the world of natural causes have Dry Mercury and we have it. Eliminate Dry Mercury in the causal world is very difficult because, usually, the psychic aggregates of Causal World or the Causal Body are linked to KARMA. That is serious. There must be negotiations to eliminate certain aggregates, super-efforts horrific beyond normal, terrible regrets; that's where we have to wash our feet with the blood of the Lamb.


All this is very serious. When has managed to eliminate the psychic aggregates of Causal, and Gold has been completely fixed thereon and Snake can swallowed. Then it is admitted into the world of natural causes such as Adept Qualified, and received it in the Temple of causal world as Qualified Adept.


Much later, then, we must labor with the Buddhi, the Buddhic body or Intuitional, as sung by many authors, and is called the Valkyrie, the Beauty Shulamite, the wife of Solomon-King, the Beauty Helen of Trojan, etc.  Convert that vehicle in a vehicle of Gold is not as easy. To achieve this we must eliminate all those atoms that were, we say, deformed by our mistakes. Each atom of these implies a different atomic consciousness deformed. That is we find there, we said malignant intelligences. Not really in the Buddhi, but its counterpart par excellence.


This implies therefore some descend at the Infernal Worlds so terrible to remove gruesome inhuman psychic aggregates that are relate to consciousness.


Once that has been achieved since the Buddhic Intuitional Body shines with the Gold of the Sages.


Finally comes the work of Atman, the Ineffable. Atman become a Gold Vehicle one remains firmly established in Isis. You can say, I'm a snake, I'm a snake.


All this work which they have been talking to you is done in the Ninth Sphere, in sex. Because it is in the Ninth Sphere where have one to wield the Spear to disintegrate the inhuman psychic aggregates that we carry within.


It is in the forge of the Cyclops where Divine Mother Kundalini Shakti grasps the Arms of Vulcan to destroy all Dry Mercury.


So after a man has managed to fabricate gold within himself, he is ready, he is prepare, so the resurrected Christ in him. The Intimate Christ must resurrect in the heart of man and once risen, He will wear those bodies of gold, which together constitute the To Soma Heliakon the Solar Man. Coated him, coated with the metal casing, of pure gold, coming into manifestation to work in the Great Work of the Father. It is therefore vital to reach the Resurrection, and it is possible if you work like it should work, in the Ninth Sphere. So we need to create a Psychological Moon. And if we need to create a psychological solar system within ourselves, we also need to create the PSYCHOLOGICAL SUN within ourselves, THAT IS THE SOLAR MAN.


But that's not all. Do you think that because a Solar Man is such should be stalled as such? The Solar Man has the right to become GALACTIC MAN has the right to march toward SIRIUS. The Ray of the Revolution of Consciousness leads to Sirius, to the Central Sun Sirius, the capital of the Milky Way, around which millions of constellations spin around.


If a Solar Man wants to become a Galactic Man, need a PSYCHOLOGICAL GALAXY within itself inevitably created. To create it will go down again to the Flaming Forge of Vulcan, working there with the Water and Fire. You will need to work in the Forge of the Cyclops, create those finest vehicles of NIRMANAKAYA, and the SAMBOGAKAYA which has three degrees of perfection more than NIRMANAKAYA, the ADICAYA, and the DHARMAKAYA: vehicles that allow you to exist as Galactic Man, or in the Galaxy, and live on Sirius.


For it must come down, to Create the bodies needed to become Galactic Man. No one could be a Galactic man if not possessed the FOUR KAYAS OF ALCHEMY. Once one has created becomes a Galactic Man. So on occasion certain Adept Lady in Sirius wondered: Could I reincarnated here in this world? The answer was: Impossible, you're nothing more than an embryo. To live on Sirius is very difficult. Yes, there can only live Galactic Men/Women, nothing more. Note that Sirius is the capital of the Milky Way. Now, the inhabitants of Sirius, the Galactic Men, to speak more clearly, would they have right to progress more? I say yes. They are entitled to become INFINITE MEN. To qualify to become Galactic Men A Psychological Galaxy have to be created, and also to have the right to live around the Infinity we know, the infinite I would call the Infinite Einstein - since he said that infinity tends to a limit, space is curved - To qualify to live in this infinite in which we exist, we need to create a new PSYCHOLOGICAL INFINITE appropriate vehicles.


To do this, you go down to the Forge of Cyclops, the Lit Forge of Vulcan. Then a man Galactic is also obliged to descend to the Ninth Sphere, if he is to become an inhabitant of this whole infinite.


This perceptible Infinity with the most powerful lenses may have an average, I mean no detailed an overall average of a hundred thousand galaxies with a few hundred thousand constellations; It is a widespread average because it is impossible detailed.


In any case to have the right to live in all this endless need to create the appropriate vehicles.

Beyond this there is an EMPTY SPACE infinity and beyond this empty space ANOTHER INFINITE opens. In the Pistis Sophia talking about VARIOUS skies. Jeshua Ben Pandirá ( Jeshua Ben Joseph ) - Jesus - could penetrate other Firmaments, that is other Infinites.


The several Infinites have hidden documentation; are the Several Firmaments of the Pistis Sophia.


Q. This relates to the aeons?


Well, this goes beyond the simple state of Aeons. The fundamental Aeons are thirteen; Aeons below this, then, the submerged region is, we say, World of Pluto, Tartarus. Beyond the thirteenth aeon is the Cosmic Common Eternal Father.


But let us part for a moment of the Aeons and think in Various Infinite. Support mathematics. If given with the number eight lying to the horizontal and we add we have the following result:  infinity plus infinity is equal to infinity; or infinity minus infinity is equal to infinity; or infinity multiply infinity is equal to infinity; or infinity divided by infinity is infinite. Supports four operations. Supports addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of infinite.


So those Various Infinite may exist due to the Infinite that sustains all. But if a man who created the Psychological Infinite and can live freely in any world in this Infinite, be King and Lord in any world in this infinite, wishes go to the next Infinity, need down to the Forge of Cyclops to create in his/her intimate constitution the necessary conditions to penetrate the other Infinite.


So, whenever one tries to enter a new firmament, must descend to the flaming forge of Vulcan. That is the harsh reality of the Facts. Every time you try to move to a new higher level should be down to the Lit Forge of Vulcan.


Q. Master, and the entrance to the Absolute, what?


Well, the Father is the one to define this, not the Son. For example, as regards myself would gladly go, go straight to the Bosom of the Cosmic Common Eternal Father, that is, the Absolute, the Bosom of the OMNIMERCIFUL, OF THE INFINITY THAT SUSTAINS ALL. But could perhaps decide that? Obviously not because the boss is the Father, not me. He is a COSMOCRATOR, IS THE REGENT OF THE PLANET MARS. Could I go to ordaining him? Saying, Lord, I go to the Absolute. Your stay here. He would tell me: Rude Boy, why disrespect me: With good reason. Know what he will do. You cannot command the Father; the Ancient of Days, the Ancient of Centuries, knows his stuff. To us we have no choice but to bow reverently before the Father's Will. It is the harsh reality of the facts. What He says. What can we say, if He's the boss? It is the top of the BEING. How could we command to him? So those who follow the Way of the Cosmocrators we have no choice but to go to  firmament to firmament.


Q: Master, the Hours of Apollonius are twelve or thirteen?


Okay. The hours of Apollonius are twelve, the twelve æons. And who wants to goes through the THIRTEEN AEON must leave the physical body, then you can no longer serve Humanity. He will live in the Thirteenth Aeon, which is REGION OF ATALA, speaking in pure Sanskrit, preparing to enter the Absolute, the Unmanifest. But if you want to serve humanity, must remain in the Aeon Twelve. It is obvious.


Q: "And in that Aeon Twelve is where all infinities are?"


Well, each INFINITE has its Aeons. So our Infinity has its Twelve Aeons, Thirteen too. The following Infinit has its Twelve and Thirteen Aeons too, Infinite Each has its Aeons.


We really are too far from the HOLY SUN ABSOLUTE. Hardly come the radiation of the Sacred Sun Absolute( This lecture was given time ago from the actual Divine Happenings that are occurring on these days and forward that most know about the coming energies from the SIRIUS Central Sun of our Galaxy and mostly through the Core of Pleiades)


Q: "The moon that we have created, such Psychological Moon, is not a negative factor to our Lunar situation ?"


Well, today we are mechanical beings, ruled by the rays of the moon. Hanemann put a principle that is basic: "Similia Similibus curantur". The simile with simile heals. The Intellectual Animal mistakenly called "man", strictly depends on the Moon; is a lunar creature. Well you should, if you want to free themselves from the moon, created within it a Psychological Moon, so that the principle Hanemann is met.


After that takes the next step: the creation of Psychological Solar System; then continue with the creation of the Psychological Sun; much later, with the Psychological Galaxy; finally, with the  Psychological Infinite.


In reaching these heights, will be defined between entering the Bosom of the Eternal Father Cosmic Common or move to the next Infinity. But Father decides, not us.


Now, if the Father has put us on this road for all of us, is for us to work on themselves, so that we achieve the Intimate Self-Realization of Being. But you have to make creations. We must also eliminate what does not work, you have to remove all the Dry Mercury and Arsenic Sulphur.


The foundation of the whole work of the Great Work is in this simple device that constitutes the Secretum Secretorum of Alchemy, in this simple formula: Lingam-Yoni connection without ever spilling the Cup of Hermes Trismegistus, the Three-Times-Great God Ibis of Thoth. That's where the formula is.


That's the formula throughout the Cosmos.


If one tries to penetrate an unknown Solar System, to become at an inhabitant of the same,to get a report on this solar system bodies know what or what vehicles, what special conditions are needed to enter it, be prepared to be eligible to enter, then prepares one in the Forge of Cyclops, must come down to create what you need to enter this new Solar System.


Q: Have always to be with the Priestess?


Always. Because a single force cannot create. Three forces are needed: You need the Holy Affirmation, the Holy Negation and Holy Conciliation. But if not working with the three positive, negative and neutral force cannot perform any creation.


Q: "Master, You being the fifth of Seven and one that has suffered, is a sign that has come down several times to work with the Three Mountains?" (Each Mountain has its own Initiations Process those are the: Initiation, Resurrection, Ascension.)


Okay. Inside me is the fifth of the Seven is the BEING. He is the fifth of the Seven. I consider my insignificant person is worthless; not worth "five cents" - five cents. What matters is the BEING. The BEING is what counts, what counts, not our people who are worthless( the multiple Ego who always break the Divine Law, human personality, the lower vehicles, the lack of the Creation of the AUTHENTIC SUPERIOR BODIES OF THE BEING, walking dreamers, etc.)


Q: Master, which of these stages is achieved transcend the Zodiac sign, the planetary influences? Because there is a stage where it will stop and the sign you have, or the planetary influences can be neutralized. Already with Psychological Moon is achieved that?


No. Not with the Psychological Planetary System that is achieved either. But is achieved when one becomes a Solar Man. One has to create the Psychological Sun within himself. Created the  Psychological Sun within himself, can become independent of the Zodiac.


Q: You mean the Zodiac system first?


It refers to the entire solar system, all the Zodiacal system in which we live, because the Zodiacal system in which we live is like a big matrix within which many solar systems are conceived. If you want to free themselves of the zodiac need independent, and can only be by creating the Solar Man. The Solar Man is King of the Zodiac, can rule the entire Zodiac. But for independence Zodiac has to create within oneself the Psychological Sun. And if you want to go further, it has to become a Galactic Man. One cannot become a Galactic Man if Psychological Galaxy creates within itself. We must create new vehicles have to create the four KAYAS. If you did not create the KAYAS, how can you afford to become an inhabitant of Sirius? The inhabitants of Sirius have four KAYAS mentioned in the Sanskrit Esotericism.


Q: "Venerable Master, wants to testify in a more affordable way what do you suppose the four KAYAS itself to our understanding?"


These four vehicles of gold are of higher order. For example, the NIRMANAKAYA: the who has renounced Nirvana for love of humanity, and after many wins and losses for the sake of humanity nirvanas says Blavatsky, earns the right to live in a world of SUPER-NIRVANIC happiness.</</body>

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In any case, you should know that all humanity is terribly mechanistic, one hundred percent.

Obviously, such mechanicity originally comes from the satellite orbiting our Earth and Moon called.


We need to liberate ourselves from the purely automatic life mechanics.


And you may set free ourselves if we create within ourselves if we create a Moon of psychological type.


While we can create such Moon, how important would be to eliminate from our human personality all these, clumsy, heavy elements that control it.


I want to emphatically refer to the psychic aggregates of pride, conceit, Vanity, of hate, of Arrogance, of Jealousy, and so on.


If we succeed in eliminating such aggregates, will be established in our psyche CENTER OF GRAVITY PERMANENT a Conscious Center of Gravity.


Unquestionably, this Center is what we call strongly PSYCHOLOGICAL MOON. Obviously, this Moon comes to give continuity of purpose. So no longer will walk adrift on issues Work on themselves. They have promoted an extraordinary change.


But that's not all. It is necessary to progress further. We need to create a PSYCHOLOGICAL SOLAR SYSTEM within us. To do this you go down to the Ninth Sphere, the Ninth Circle Dantesco, the Lit Forge of Vulcan, which is sex.


Unquestionably, any creation within themselves is possible by SALT, SULPHUR and MERCURY. If you want to create a solar system within itself, a Psychological Solar System, enabling them to live freely throughout the Solar System, to work intensively with the Salt, Sulphur and Mercury of the Wise. This fact implies great super-efforts.


Begin by knowing a little alchemy. You need to know that everybody talks MERCURY Alchemists is the metallic soul of the sacred sperm.


We must prepare that Metallic Soul of the Sacred Sperm. This is a matter of laboratory. If one does not prepare Mercury, Whit what will make the Great Work? To accomplish the Great Work, it must prepare the Mercury of the Wise.


And how prepared the Mercury of the Sages? By "SECRETUM SECRETORUM" of Alchemy. It's a simple trick, artifice that you already know: the connection of the Lingam-Yoni without the ejaculation of the Ens Seminis, because within the ENS SEMINIS is all ENS VIRTUTIS of Fire. It is simple that Secretum Secretorum of the Holy Alchemy.

At first, the Mercury is black and filthy. That is, initially Waters are black. When the Alchemist starts working, or better said, when the Gnostic couple begins to work, he is represented with Black Crow Alchemy because their Mercurial waters are black.


They say the Alchemists, very friendly and symbolically, that among these black waters pull out the White gelatin. You mean that black waters be transformed, becoming crystalline, white and pure water.


It is possible that refining the Sacrament of the Church of LOVE. The Sacrament of the Church of Love is sex, it is in the sex. If is refine the sacrament of Love, then, Black Waters, turns white.


If you say that in principle we have to work with the Black Crow or Raven need to launder all said the same thing again to turn the black waters in white, transform, by REFINING.


The big problem I'm seeing in all the Gnostic Brothers and Sisters men and women many marriages in general, is not concerned with refining the Sacrament of Love, and are much lingering in the awakening of Kundalini. There are couples who have ten, fifteen, years working in the Ninth Sphere and still have not received the Fire. That is not correct. The fire must receive it fast. The culprits are those same couples, because it is not refine the sacrament of the Church of Love. Perform the Lingam-Yoni connection in animalistic way we may say. The chemical copulation process it in too brutal, animal way. The waters remain black years and years and years on end and then stagnate. They are stalling for that reason. But if the sacrament of the Church of Love is refined, if done intercourse, as St. Augustine said, a form of prayer, black waters turn white.


At that state, then, was received in the Sacred Egypt the Ptah tunic, or Chastity, white tunic,of white linen.


Black Waters has been symbolized, again, with the Black Crow. But White Waters have been symbolized, or allegorized to speak more clearly, with the White Dove of the Holy Spirit. Then, convert the white water in yellow because the true color of Mercury is yellow. So the planet Mercury would always represented by the color yellow.


At that stadium is said that the waters have become the Yellow Eagle, or are allegorizes with Yellow Eagle.


Yellow Waters receive Always the Sulphur. So what is the Sulphur? Sulfur is the Luciferic Fire, Sacred Fire. That mixed sulfur mixed with the Mercury plus the Sublimated Salt rising therefore from the bottom of the Airtight Glass Background constitute itself the VITRIOLO of the Wise ones.


The word Vitriolo worth analyzing: VISITA INTERIORA TERRAE RECTIFICANDO INVENIES OCCULTUM LAPIDEM: Visit the Interior of the Earth that rectifying find The Hidden Stone. What kind of stone? It is the Philosopher's Stone. What stone is this? The Philosopher's Stone is himself Carbuncle Red, is the Interior Magnes Crestos coated with the GOLD BODIES. That's the Philosopher's Stone.

But we must rectify into the bowels of the Earth, search and re-search through this, flexible, malleable liquid glass to manufacture the Stone.


So once with Mercury already prepared can create the Existential Superior Bodies of the Being.

In an octave higher on this Mercury serves to make the Astral Body.


In a second octave give us a base to manufacture the Body of Mind.


In third octave could give us a base to manufacture the Body of Conscious Will, or Causal Body.


Created those bodies is receive the Psychic, Spiritual or Buddhic principles that make us men indeed, in the fullest sense of the word.


That is, with such bodies have we actually already created the solar system in miniature, within ourselves, here and now. We became a miniature solar system, microcosmic, to be exact: microcosmic. We have created the Psychological Solar System and created the Psychological Moon.


Who owns the Psychological Solar System within himself is a man of truth. Before owning one Psychological Solar System within himself, before he had created, not man; even if you think it is, it is not. It's Intellectual animal, but not man.


Best Sages have suggested, but dare not say; do not dare for fear, fear, fear of ridicule. They fear the reaction People are embarrassed, do not say; imply, but nothing more.


To me frankly think we have to put the cards on the table, telling the truth with courage, whatever the cost. While you have not created the existential superior bodies within himself, not man. It is intellectual animal.



It really is because you have not created the existential superior bodies of the Being, but so that they can create, prepare the Mercury of the Wise.


So, once you have created a psychological Solar System within himself and Psychological Moon if who advance further has to be defined, and are presented to one TWO WAYS to reach that stage of Being; the one, the Nirvanic Spiral Path ; It is a good job. The other, Direct, the direct path that leads one to the Absolute, is a superior work.


Many are defined by the Nirvanic Spiral Path; as its fruits are smaller, sufferings are also lower.


Those are defined by the Direct Path suffer more because the wins are larger and therefore the pain is tremendous.




So that's the harsh reality of the facts. Now, the advantage of those who follow the Direct is that we become solar men. But to become solar men, we have to manufacture a Psychological Sun within ourselves, here and now. That is obvious, the Psychological Sun.


But how do we create the Psychological Sun within ourselves? You may create. But by eliminating the Dry Mercury and Arsenic Sulphur. And what is the Dry Mercury?


- The psychic aggregates are formed by Dry Mercury. As for Arsenic Sulphur, who tells me?

- The sexual fire inverted.

 The fire of lower atomic infernos of man, the fire that becomes from the abominable organ Kundartiguador. That must be eliminated. If one eliminates the psychic aggregates and Sulphur Arsenic, manufactures Gold, Gold of Best quality, more perfect than exists anywhere on Earth . To have Gold within ourselves, is clear that a great architect, a great hermetic artist is needed. I want to refer clearly to ANTIMONY.


Antimony is not a substance merely, as claimed by many. In Alchemy, Antimony goes further. It is one of the self-conscious of our own Being, autonomous parts and since our own Being has many autonomous parts and self-conscious. Antimony is one of them. It is an Alchemist. That part works actively fixing the Gold in Mercury.


We said that our bodies are made ​​up of Mercury sulfured plus some sublimated Salt. But to fix Gold at that Mercury is important.


As we go eliminating, for example, the psychic aggregates or Dry Mercury, related to the Astral Body is clear that the Antimony is setting the gold in that body, and there comes a moment that truly the Sidereal Body or Astral, the Eidolón famous, becomes a pure fine gold vehicle of the highest quality. In reaching this stage, the Serpent devours the Astral Body, he swallows. And then we go to enjoy the power of the chakras.


Before that not. Because one thing is to awaken the Serpent, put in activity, and another is to enjoy the chakras. To enjoy the chakras, you need indispensably have been devoured by the Serpent. After the Astral Body has been swallowed by the Snake, is working with the Mental Body. Many can progress to the Astral. When you get to work with the mind fail. The mind is very difficult. You know what that means making your own mind in a Gold Mind in a Divine Mind? The mind is very difficult, and make it of Gold, how difficult it is to turn the mind of gold. Many go so far and then fail, hence not pass.


In my present existence, when I got there, I was warned. They told me: So far they have come many, but from here to there is difficult for them to pass. I just said: Well, I'll try, and I set to work to eliminate the Dry Mercury Mind. I got through supreme sacrifices, great. And after that mind took gold in a vehicle, was swallowed by the Snake. Then my mind was happy.

In third octave, we have to work with the Causal. It seems incredible that even in the world of natural causes have Dry Mercury and we have it. Eliminate Dry Mercury in the causal world is very difficult because, usually, the psychic aggregates of Causal World or the Causal Body are linked to KARMA. That is serious. There must be negotiations to eliminate certain aggregates, super-efforts horrific beyond normal, terrible regrets; that's where we have to wash our feet with the blood of the Lamb.


All this is very serious. When has managed to eliminate the psychic aggregates of Causal, and Gold has been completely fixed thereon and Snake can swallowed. Then it is admitted into the world of natural causes such as Adept Qualified, and received it in the Temple of causal world as Qualified Adept.


Much later, then, we must labor with the Buddhi, the Buddhic body or Intuitional, as sung by many authors, and is called the Valkyrie, the Beauty Shulamite, the wife of Solomon-King, the Beauty Helen of Trojan, etc.  Convert that vehicle in a vehicle of Gold is not as easy. To achieve this we must eliminate all those atoms that were, we say, deformed by our mistakes. Each atom of these implies a different atomic consciousness deformed. That is we find there, we said malignant intelligences. Not really in the Buddhi, but its counterpart par excellence.


This implies therefore some descend at the Infernal Worlds so terrible to remove gruesome inhuman psychic aggregates that are relate to consciousness.


Once that has been achieved since the Buddhic Intuitional Body shines with the Gold of the Sages.


Finally comes the work of Atman, the Ineffable. Atman become a Gold Vehicle one remains firmly established in Isis. You can say, I'm a snake, I'm a snake.


All this work which they have been talking to you is done in the Ninth Sphere, in sex. Because it is in the Ninth Sphere where have one to wield the Spear to disintegrate the inhuman psychic aggregates that we carry within.


It is in the forge of the Cyclops where Divine Mother Kundalini Shakti grasps the Arms of Vulcan to destroy all Dry Mercury.


So after a man has managed to fabricate gold within himself, he is ready, he is prepare, so the resurrected Christ in him. The Intimate Christ must resurrect in the heart of man and once risen, He will wear those bodies of gold, which together constitute the To Soma Heliakon the Solar Man. Coated him, coated with the metal casing, of pure gold, coming into manifestation to work in the Great Work of the Father. It is therefore vital to reach the Resurrection, and it is possible if you work like it should work, in the Ninth Sphere. So we need to create a Psychological Moon. And if we need to create a psychological solar system within ourselves, we also need to create the PSYCHOLOGICAL SUN within ourselves, THAT IS THE SOLAR MAN.


But that's not all. Do you think that because a Solar Man is such should be stalled as such? The Solar Man has the right to become GALACTIC MAN has the right to march toward SIRIUS. The Ray of the Revolution of Consciousness leads to Sirius, to the Central Sun Sirius, the capital of the Milky Way, around which millions of constellations spin around.


If a Solar Man wants to become a Galactic Man, need a PSYCHOLOGICAL GALAXY within itself inevitably created. To create it will go down again to the Flaming Forge of Vulcan, working there with the Water and Fire. You will need to work in the Forge of the Cyclops, create those finest vehicles of NIRMANAKAYA, and the SAMBOGAKAYA which has three degrees of perfection more than NIRMANAKAYA, the ADICAYA, and the DHARMAKAYA: vehicles that allow you to exist as Galactic Man, or in the Galaxy, and live on Sirius.


For it must come down, to Create the bodies needed to become Galactic Man. No one could be a Galactic man if not possessed the FOUR KAYAS OF ALCHEMY. Once one has created becomes a Galactic Man. So on occasion certain Adept Lady in Sirius wondered: Could I reincarnated here in this world? The answer was: Impossible, you're nothing more than an embryo. To live on Sirius is very difficult. Yes, there can only live Galactic Men/Women, nothing more. Note that Sirius is the capital of the Milky Way. Now, the inhabitants of Sirius, the Galactic Men, to speak more clearly, would they have right to progress more? I say yes. They are entitled to become INFINITE MEN. To qualify to become Galactic Men A Psychological Galaxy have to be created, and also to have the right to live around the Infinity we know, the infinite I would call the Infinite Einstein - since he said that infinity tends to a limit, space is curved - To qualify to live in this infinite in which we exist, we need to create a new PSYCHOLOGICAL INFINITE appropriate vehicles.


To do this, you go down to the Forge of Cyclops, the Lit Forge of Vulcan. Then a man Galactic is also obliged to descend to the Ninth Sphere, if he is to become an inhabitant of this whole infinite.


This perceptible Infinity with the most powerful lenses may have an average, I mean no detailed an overall average of a hundred thousand galaxies with a few hundred thousand constellations; It is a widespread average because it is impossible detailed.


In any case to have the right to live in all this endless need to create the appropriate vehicles.

Beyond this there is an EMPTY SPACE infinity and beyond this empty space ANOTHER INFINITE opens. In the Pistis Sophia talking about VARIOUS skies. Jeshua Ben Pandirá ( Jeshua Ben Joseph ) - Jesus - could penetrate other Firmaments, that is other Infinites.


The several Infinites have hidden documentation; are the Several Firmaments of the Pistis Sophia.


Q. This relates to the aeons?


Well, this goes beyond the simple state of Aeons. The fundamental Aeons are thirteen; Aeons below this, then, the submerged region is, we say, World of Pluto, Tartarus. Beyond the thirteenth aeon is the Cosmic Common Eternal Father.


But let us part for a moment of the Aeons and think in Various Infinite. Support mathematics. If given with the number eight lying to the horizontal and we add we have the following result:  infinity plus infinity is equal to infinity; or infinity minus infinity is equal to infinity; or infinity multiply infinity is equal to infinity; or infinity divided by infinity is infinite. Supports four operations. Supports addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of infinite.


So those Various Infinite may exist due to the Infinite that sustains all. But if a man who created the Psychological Infinite and can live freely in any world in this Infinite, be King and Lord in any world in this infinite, wishes go to the next Infinity, need down to the Forge of Cyclops to create in his/her intimate constitution the necessary conditions to penetrate the other Infinite.


So, whenever one tries to enter a new firmament, must descend to the flaming forge of Vulcan. That is the harsh reality of the Facts. Every time you try to move to a new higher level should be down to the Lit Forge of Vulcan.


Q. Master, and the entrance to the Absolute, what?


Well, the Father is the one to define this, not the Son. For example, as regards myself would gladly go, go straight to the Bosom of the Cosmic Common Eternal Father, that is, the Absolute, the Bosom of the OMNIMERCIFUL, OF THE INFINITY THAT SUSTAINS ALL. But could perhaps decide that? Obviously not because the boss is the Father, not me. He is a COSMOCRATOR, IS THE REGENT OF THE PLANET MARS. Could I go to ordaining him? Saying, Lord, I go to the Absolute. Your stay here. He would tell me: Rude Boy, why disrespect me: With good reason. Know what he will do. You cannot command the Father; the Ancient of Days, the Ancient of Centuries, knows his stuff. To us we have no choice but to bow reverently before the Father's Will. It is the harsh reality of the facts. What He says. What can we say, if He's the boss? It is the top of the BEING. How could we command to him? So those who follow the Way of the Cosmocrators we have no choice but to go to  firmament to firmament.


Q: Master, the Hours of Apollonius are twelve or thirteen?


Okay. The hours of Apollonius are twelve, the twelve æons. And who wants to goes through the THIRTEEN AEON must leave the physical body, then you can no longer serve Humanity. He will live in the Thirteenth Aeon, which is REGION OF ATALA, speaking in pure Sanskrit, preparing to enter the Absolute, the Unmanifest. But if you want to serve humanity, must remain in the Aeon Twelve. It is obvious.


Q: "And in that Aeon Twelve is where all infinities are?"


Well, each INFINITE has its Aeons. So our Infinity has its Twelve Aeons, Thirteen too. The following Infinit has its Twelve and Thirteen Aeons too, Infinite Each has its Aeons.


We really are too far from the HOLY SUN ABSOLUTE. Hardly come the radiation of the Sacred Sun Absolute( This lecture was given time ago from the actual Divine Happenings that are occurring on these days and forward that most know about the coming energies from the SIRIUS Central Sun of our Galaxy and mostly through the Core of Pleiades)


Q: "The moon that we have created, such Psychological Moon, is not a negative factor to our Lunar situation ?"


Well, today we are mechanical beings, ruled by the rays of the moon. Hanemann put a principle that is basic: "Similia Similibus curantur". The simile with simile heals. The Intellectual Animal mistakenly called "man", strictly depends on the Moon; is a lunar creature. Well you should, if you want to free themselves from the moon, created within it a Psychological Moon, so that the principle Hanemann is met.


After that takes the next step: the creation of Psychological Solar System; then continue with the creation of the Psychological Sun; much later, with the Psychological Galaxy; finally, with the  Psychological Infinite.


In reaching these heights, will be defined between entering the Bosom of the Eternal Father Cosmic Common or move to the next Infinity. But Father decides, not us.


Now, if the Father has put us on this road for all of us, is for us to work on themselves, so that we achieve the Intimate Self-Realization of Being. But you have to make creations. We must also eliminate what does not work, you have to remove all the Dry Mercury and Arsenic Sulphur.


The foundation of the whole work of the Great Work is in this simple device that constitutes the Secretum Secretorum of Alchemy, in this simple formula: Lingam-Yoni connection without ever spilling the Cup of Hermes Trismegistus, the Three-Times-Great God Ibis of Thoth. That's where the formula is.


That's the formula throughout the Cosmos.


If one tries to penetrate an unknown Solar System, to become at an inhabitant of the same,to get a report on this solar system bodies know what or what vehicles, what special conditions are needed to enter it, be prepared to be eligible to enter, then prepares one in the Forge of Cyclops, must come down to create what you need to enter this new Solar System.


Q: Have always to be with the Priestess?


Always. Because a single force cannot create. Three forces are needed: You need the Holy Affirmation, the Holy Negation and Holy Conciliation. But if not working with the three positive, negative and neutral force cannot perform any creation.


Q: "Master, You being the fifth of Seven and one that has suffered, is a sign that has come down several times to work with the Three Mountains?" (Each Mountain has its own Initiations Process those are the: Initiation, Resurrection, Ascension.)


Okay. Inside me is the fifth of the Seven is the BEING. He is the fifth of the Seven. I consider my insignificant person is worthless; not worth "five cents" - five cents. What matters is the BEING. The BEING is what counts, what counts, not our people who are worthless( the multiple Ego who always break the Divine Law, human personality, the lower vehicles, the lack of the Creation of the AUTHENTIC SUPERIOR BODIES OF THE BEING, walking dreamers, etc.)


Q: Master, which of these stages is achieved transcend the Zodiac sign, the planetary influences? Because there is a stage where it will stop and the sign you have, or the planetary influences can be neutralized. Already with Psychological Moon is achieved that?


No. Not with the Psychological Planetary System that is achieved either. But is achieved when one becomes a Solar Man. One has to create the Psychological Sun within himself. Created the  Psychological Sun within himself, can become independent of the Zodiac.


Q: You mean the Zodiac system first?


It refers to the entire solar system, all the Zodiacal system in which we live, because the Zodiacal system in which we live is like a big matrix within which many solar systems are conceived. If you want to free themselves of the zodiac need independent, and can only be by creating the Solar Man. The Solar Man is King of the Zodiac, can rule the entire Zodiac. But for independence Zodiac has to create within oneself the Psychological Sun. And if you want to go further, it has to become a Galactic Man. One cannot become a Galactic Man if Psychological Galaxy creates within itself. We must create new vehicles have to create the four KAYAS. If you did not create the KAYAS, how can you afford to become an inhabitant of Sirius? The inhabitants of Sirius have four KAYAS mentioned in the Sanskrit Esotericism.


Q: "Venerable Master, wants to testify in a more affordable way what do you suppose the four KAYAS itself to our understanding?"


These four vehicles of gold are of higher order. For example, the NIRMANAKAYA: the who has renounced Nirvana for love of humanity, and after many wins and losses for the sake of humanity nirvanas says Blavatsky, earns the right to live in a world of SUPER-NIRVANIC happiness.</</body>

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                                           GNOSTIC SEXOLOGY

Normal sexuality. Infra-sexuality. Supra-sexuality. The Five Centers The Human Machine Temperaments. The Human Brain. The Creative Energy. The Sexual Transmutation.-


Certainly we can study the SEXOLOGY for two complete different angles. The one from the ­ merely official point of view, as taught in medical school; the other, from the point of Gnostic view.


We gone deal sexology in light of UNIVERSAL GNOSTICISM.


First of all, GNOSIS MEANS KNOWLEDGE. The word Gnosis comes tam ­ also in the official science "diagnosis", "diagnosis". Gnosis you see there on the etymology. In any case, the defined Gnostic currents know thoroughly sexology.


In the name of truth, I must tell you, Sigmund Freud, with his Psycho ­ analysis began an era of extraordinary transformations in the field of Sexology. Sigmund Freud was an innovation in the field of medicine, know that all who have studied Freud.


Agler was certainly one of his best disciples. Disciples of him were Jung, and many other psychologists, psycho ­ analysts and parapsychologists.


The Sex itself is the center of gravity of all human activities. Around of (sexual) center turn all social aspects of life. Take, for example, a dance, a party; Sex tour around the whole party. In a cafe, everything revolves around Sex.


Nowadays, sex begins to be studied by some Wise ones with transcendental purpose. Unfortunately, and it is true, very abundant pornography ­ which deflect Sex merely towards purely sensual activities.



There are several kinds of Sex: there is an ordinary NORMAL-SEX, there is a INFRA-SEX and there is SUPRA-SEX.


What is meant by Normal Sexuality? Understood by Normal Sexuality, the  sexual activity leading to the reproduction of the species.


The Infra-sexuality is different, and there are two kinds of Infrasexuals. In terms of Kabbalah, it is said, for example, that Adam had two wives: Lilith and Nahemah. Lilith represents one of the Infrasexuals areas; find in it the pederasts, Gay, Lesbian, etc., etc., etc.


Nahemah side, we find sex abusers, pornographics, those who give of full to the lust ­ therefore not unbridled lust of any kind, or control; is two spheres of  the infra-sex.


Thus, Sex Normal, leads to the reproduction of the species. Regarding Sexual Pleasure, in itself, is a legitimate enjoyment of Man. Who consider Sexual Pleasure as a sin, those who qualify him some taboo, or who tend to regard embarrassment, dissimulation, etc., are totally wrong ­. The Sexual joy is a legitimate Enjoy of human being. No way could be neglected or underestimated, or qualified as taboo. It is entitled, by nature, Sexual Pleasure.


But let us now to SUPRA-SEX, the Supra-sexuality. Unquestionably, the Supra-sexuality is for Geniuses, for Transcendental Men ­ dental, Ineffable Women, etc. Supra-sexuals were a Jesus of Nazareth, a Buddha, Hermes Trismegistus, a Mohammed, Lao-Tse one in China Quetzalcoatl, Pythagoras, etc.


How could we enter the realm of Supra-sexuality? But I say, to enter the realm of the Supra-sexuality, in the field of Supra-sexuality at the sphere of the Supra-Sexuality, require is Normal Sex, The infrasexual, for example, lesbians, homosexuals, pederasts, masturbators, are not prepared to enter the Kingdom of the Supra-sexuality. The infrasexual, first of all, if you want to regenerate start achieving Normal Sexuality. Once achieved, you can enter the full path of the Supra-sexuality.


It is difficult for gays and lesbians, who belong to the sphere of the infrasexual, regeneration.



You see how awful is the way of degeneration, the infra-sexual way! But they are not only infrasexual , the lesbian, homosexuals, masturbators, the pederast; no, infrasexuals are also abusers of sex, such that each is ­ second are changing lady, those who copulate to ten and fifteen times daily ­. And no, I know Subjects like that and undoubtedly are degenerate, infrasexuals, but created very macho, but what they have is that they are degenerates ­ . Let's now on the road thus Normal Sexuality.


The Normal Sexuality itself is so beautiful: man united to his wife, love, reproduce their species, living a moderate life, etc. Live, yes, according to the interests of Nature, according to the economy of nature. Each of us is a little machine, that we cannot deny that captures specific types and subtypes of cosmic energy.


Every little machine, that is, each of us, after capture those types of cosmic or universal energy, energy transforms such automatically, sub-consciously, and relays to the previous layers of the Earth. So the Earth is a living organism, an organism that lives in us.


Do not want to tell you that plants do not meet the same function; is clear each plant, after their kind, captures these or those types of cosmic vibration which then transforms and relays to the previous layers of the Earth.


As for the bodies of animals, is the same. They capture these or those types of energy transform them ­ and relayed them to formal layers of the planetary organism. Total, the Earth is a living organism.


We reproduce unceasingly with Normal Sexuality. This is necessary for the economy of the nature. Furthermore, Sexual Pleasure, is a legitimate joy of the man and the woman, not a crime, not felony, as assumed by many prudes, many fools, many pietists, etc. But today, we, with our Normal Sexuality, live according to the economic interests of nature.


Another thing is the SUPRA-SEXUALITY; that is definitive.


Enter the field of Supra-sexual, is to enter in the way of the Extraordinary Transformations.


Friedrich Nietzsche, in his work "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" free speech about the Super-Man's mind says, "when the Super-Man has arrived. The Man is but a bridge between the animal and the Super-Man, a dangerous step towards a a dangerous looking back. Everything about him is dangerous. The Super-Man time has arrived.


Well, Hitler interpreted Nietzsche in his way. During World War II, even the most insignificant German police was a Super-Man; no one felt tiny in the time of Hitler in Germany, they were all super-Men.


It seems that Hitler, even with good intentions, he failed to interpret Nietzsche.



You can get up to the Super ­ Man, but that is only possible through the TRANSMUTATION OF THE SEXUAL ENERGIES, and that ­ belongs to the realm of SUPRA-SEXUAL


In any case, in humans there are FIVE FUNDAMENTAL CENTER: First of all the intellectual, which is the most used all of you to study. Second, Emotional, we have it in the heart. Third, the motor, which is at the top of the spine. Fourth, the instinctive center which is at the bottom of the Spine ­ salt. And the fifth itself, Sexual. Intellectual, Emotional, Motor, Instinctive and Sexual; five centers. Overall, these five centers are fundamental for all human activities.



Regarding Sexual itself, is the Centre therefore around which all human activities are.


Thinking apparently is very fast, but unfortunately it is very slow. If you are driving a car, for example, and suddenly, in a moment of danger, analyzing get to do this or that, forward or backward or turn left or turn right, comes therefore collide and have a­ catastrophe.


The Motor Center is faster. One, when you are driving car, no have much time to think, act quickly and out of step. But if at that time thinking works, then collide.



The Emotional Centre is also fast, but no faster than the Sexual Center Number. One as man sees a woman, in milliseconds you know if it is complemented by one or not, if exactly agrees with the wave that carries one or not. This is a matter of milliseconds; you young know: you are face to face with a girl, but instinctively know instantly whether you agree with his wave, or not; it is very fast. So it is a center that allows you to check rapidly with unprecendented speed the other pole. It is the fastest Centre we possess.


But go into a little more detainees factors.


Many a man lives happily with his wife, love her, however you notice that something is missing. Certainly it can happen that the woman you are, do not feel full. It may be that it fills the activities of the emotional center, but may not be supplemented with one mind, or perhaps sexually may not be supplemented with one, and to find one around another lady, it may happen that this one if it is supplemented with one  vise-versa and then comes what is called adultery.


No I come here to praise the adultery




Often one partner fails supplemented in the Five Centers totally, then possibly find completion with another person, and that would be what is called adultery.


Say a man emotionally complemented by a woman, but not sexually. It may be the case that you find a lady that complement each other sexually. Suppose ­ a man complement with a woman mentally, but emotionally not. It may be the case you find a lady that comes to complement emotionally.  ­ happen in the world of the habits a man not complement with his wife.


It may happen that you find ­ also in the world of habits related with the Motor Center, another woman to be complemented yes, with which it has affinity. This is the intrinsic cause of so many adulteries that give rise since the divorce.


As I say, we do not come to praise the adultery because it would be absurd, and. Only here with you, in fellowship, we are studying the sexual matter. We could not to overlook the issue of adultery.


I think the best thing for one, as a man, is to find a woman that complements one in the Intellectual, as Emotional, in the Motor Center or world of habits, in the center of the Instincts and Sex, that is, the ideal couple, the perfect couple. And I think, in turn also, it would be ideal for a woman to find a man that is complete her, then would truly happiness.


Another serious reasons, so that there cannot be happiness, is the question of temperament.


A Burning Man temperament ­ cannot possibly be happy with a woman who looks like a mass of ice ­; not simply.  


It is also very true and all truth, that there is bilious temperament, heavy, awkward people. One woman, for example, heavy character, awkward in his movements, cannot possibly be understood to be a man of nervous temperament impossible. Now, it is also impossible that a man of nervous temperament can understand a fully passionate woman.


So the question of temperaments is very important. Not only is need to be correlation between the various centers of the organic machine: Intellect, Emotion, Movement, Instinct and Sex but has TEMPERAMENTS RELATED. Only then, having related and perfect temperaments and perfect Inter-relationship among the different centers of the machine, it can then have a real affinity, which would give Happiness.


However, I am speaking hitherto normal sexuality.


SUPRA-SEXUALITY is different, my friends. To enter the field of Supra-sexuality, it is necessary first of all to know transmute the CREATIVE ENERGY.


But we should think about sex not only as physiological question.


It should be known that in sex exists Energy. After all, Einstein said: "Energy equals mass multiplied by the speed of light squared." He also said: "Energy is transformed into Mass, the Mass is transformed into energy ". Is it possible to transform mass in energy? Of course you do!


You see a water well on the road, on the road; with the sun's heat evaporates the water. Finally it becomes cloud, and final synthesis, energy, clouds, lightning, thunders. All waters of the seas, rivers, become clouds and finally lightning and thunder, that is Energy.


And the same happens with the ENS SEMINIS. What is meant by Ens Seminis?


The Entity of Semen! That is, the Sacred Sperm.


Today it has a tendency to consider the sperm simply a substance that our sexual endocrine glands secrete.


The word "Sacred", adapted to sperm, appears as “out of touch” "However, if you study carefully the psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud, see what he says if ­ follows: "The religions in last synthesis, have sexual origin." We agree with Freud, in that sense If you agree, fine, if not, well, we for one, are.


When you look at indigenous religions, for example, the religions of the various tribes of Indo-America or Africa, or Asia, you can, see, evidence directly and by themselves, that in all these religions in all these cults, there is a mixture of the sexual and the mystical, that is the religious with the erotic.


Gods and Goddesses have been in posture of erotic mating type, and most interesting is that these postures are sacred in the Land of the Vedas. They are properly classified, and in one or another way, contribute beautifully with Eros in erotic to Freudian, or merely, were, lustful, but contribute.


Crete had great processions, in which the priestess were with enormous Phallus ... and they surrendered true worshiped. Also was surrendered true worship to the Yoni, the female sexual organ.


There is no doubt that the lance, with which Longinus wounded Side of the Christ, is but a living representation of the phallus. No doubt also that the Cup or Chalice or Holy Grail as they say, by which fought all the Knights of the Middle Ages when they left for the Holy Land during the time of the Crusades Eucharistic represents the Yoni feminine­, the eternal feminine.


Certainly the Knights of the Middle Ages were looking for the Chalice in which Christ drank at the Last Supper, symbol of the Yoni; never found, obviously.


Castilla genuine legends like that of Alonso VII ripped from the hands of the Moors from Almeria the famous Bowl or Grail or Cup carved in a huge Emerald and it was said to be used by the Great Kabir Jesus at the last supper is terribly Divine.


Ancient legends say that Josheph of Ar-i-ma-thae-a collected in that Cup at the foot of the Cross in the Mountain of Skulls the blessed blood that emanated from the wounds of the Adorable.


Such Vessel was gifted by the Queen of Sheba to King Salomon: the Solar King and was according to others patrimony of the TAUTHA OF DANNAT JINAS’S race of the Gaghil (Galicia)


Sheba Queen to King Salomon subjected to many test before making such a Relic Depositary


It has been said that the Great Chalice was held by Abraham,it is said that MELCHIZEDEK THE GENIUS OF THE EARTH of Changam as is called too, it took it from the country of Semiramis to the fecund lands of Chanaan, this happened in those times when our Planitary Regent start some duties in the blessed place when later was Jerusalem the Beloved City of the Prophets.


Ancient Traditions that are lost in the mists od Ceturies affirm that MELKISEDEK Liturgically used when celebrated the sacrifice when they offered the bread and wine of the transubstantiation in the presence of ABHAHAM and it left it to such Patriarch.


Some very old legends say emphatically that such Divine Vessel was also in the Noah Ark.



It is well to ensure that this Venerated Relic was taken to Egypt and that Moses possessed.                                                                           


The Great Kabir Jesus the Christ had it in his power when celebrate the Last Supper and in such Vessel drunk the Wine of the Holy Eucharist.


The Roman Senator Joseph of Ar-i-ma-thae-a at the foot of the Calvary gathered up in that Cup the Purpurin Drops from the emanating blood of the woods of the Adorable.


Traditions say that the mentioned Senator which none intelligent and wise knew secretly keep such precious Treasure.


The Price of hi Holy zeal proved very expensive for the man refusing to give at the Roman Police the Sacro-Saint Glass and the Longinus Spear was then taken prisoner.


Many years later Joseph of Ar-i-ma-thae-a already free, carrying the holy Relics went to Rome in search of Christians but watching the persecution that existed there he  continue his way for  the Mediterranean Regions.


Ancient scriptures say that one night in a dreams was visited by an Angel who says him: “That Vessel has a Magnetic Power so bigger since there is contained the blood of the Redeemer of the World, bury them over there”




Josheph of Ar-i-ma-thae-a conclude his terrible mission keeping in such Temple those Archaic Relics.


What happen then after……. The Initiates know; Now the Castle of Monsalvat in which is the Temple and part of the Mountain of Monserrat went into JINAS STATE are hiding at the Profane eyes.( The Student can visit such Temple either in Astral Projection or either in JINAS STATE( THIS IS TO TAKE AT THE UPPER DIMENSIONS THE PHYSICAL BODY WITH INSTEAD OF ASTRAL PROJECTION BUT THOSE MASTER IN ASTRAL PROJECTION CAN INVOKE FROM THE 4TH-5TH DIMENSION THE PHYSICAL BOBY THE ONE WILL ENTER AT THE ASTRAL BODY OF THE STUDENT THROUGH THE PINEAL GLAND)










But as memories of that time and the search for the Holy Grail, and the fight against the Moors, it was the Cup of the Olympics, Cup which is given to the winners at the Olympic Games.



Thus, in the realm of the Supra-Sexual, Chalice and the Lance, are sacred. The Sperm is Sacred, because is contained our own personality.


The Esoteric Christic Lance the Holy Grail and the pagan horn of the Magic covenants, held by Wotan, is a very holy sacred pica held by all peoples since ancient times.


Be in truth, have a phallic and symbolic character of virile sexual power, whether for being archaic combat weapon in the dawn of life could imagine the man, it is true that the Roman pole was, as is well known, something like the Scales of Justice, presiding over all legal transactions of the primitive quiritarious rights or spear (Kyries), and especially to the nuptials, including the right of citizenship enjoyed, indeed  very precious


Medieval Alchemists saw in the sperm to VITRIOL. Indeed, this word is broken down as follows: " Visita Interiora Térrea Rectificando Invenies Octultum Lapidem". Visit the interior of our Earth to rectifying will find the hidden Stone, about what Stone precisely the­ Medieval Alchemists refer to? At famous PHILOSOPHER'S STONE.


Such Stone has to be fabricated.


By the sacred sperm and its transmutations is possible to achieve the Philosopher Stone.


The transmutation of sexual libido, convert the Sperm in Energy, is possible when the key is known; the important thing is knowing the key.


If with the Ens Seminis we can give life to a son if with the Ens Seminis we can reproduce the specie, if with the Ens Seminis we can fill millions of human beings a world, it is true, and all truth, that with the Ens Seminis, ie, with Semen Entity, can give life to themselves and become true Super-Men in the fullest sense of the word.


Now, the important thing would be to achieve the transmutation of sexual libido. By transmutation we can brainize the semen and to seminize the brain. It is necessary seminize the brain, gentlemen; because it is known by scientists today that not all areas of the current brain ­ are working.


It is known today, in medicine, that only a fraction of our brain is currently performing its funtions. Unquestionably we have many areas, inactive parts of the brain. If the bit of the brain that is active, we have created atomic rockets traveling to the moon, we have managed to create atomic bombs with which cities like Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed,we have achieved  supersonic aircraft traveling at an extraordinary rate. What if we regenerate  the brain, if we put in activity all parts of the brain? If the whole brains work? Then we could transform this world, change it, make it wonderful. But we must hold must Seminize. Brainize Semen and seminize the brain, here is the key. You may seminize the brain.



Great musicians of yesteryear, Beethoven, for example, Mozart, Chopin, or Liszt, Bach, Mahler etc. were men who had very seminized brain, men who gave their brain extraordinary abilities, who used the highest percentage of areas.


But today, things are very different; the human brain has degenerated too much and do not realize it.





Simply because the brain is degenerated. There are certain areas that they cannot appreciate good music. Why has degenerated brain? It has degenerated simply because we, for centuries have been extracting from our body the Semen Entity. We have not extracted only to give life to new creatures, no; we have extracted because we liked it because it is a great pleasure; that's all.


With that we have become comfortable in lust, in beds of pleasure enjoying a great time, but who pays the consequences was the brain; that is, he is the one who has had to "pay the piper". Now it happens that many areas are not working.


It is possible to regenerate itself, but to regenerate must transmute the Entity of Semen, turn it into energy; just so we could brainize the semen.


What missing here in this talk that is how. The ARTIFICE I'll teach you, so they taught men of modern science, as Brown Sequard in the United States; taught by Dr. Krumm Heller (HUIRACOCHA); teaches­ Jung also; it also teach by the Eastern Asia schools of the Oriental Tantrism ( White - Tantrism)


The ARTIFICE is this:


CONNECTING Lingam-Yoni (Lingam and you know that is the phallus, Yoni already know that is the female sexual organ of women) WITHOUT EJACULATION OF THE SEMEN ENTITY!


Dr. Krumm Heller, gave Latin formula saying:


"Inmissio menbri virilis in vaginam sine ejaculation Seminis".


Some modern scientists have accepted.


The Oneida Society in the United States experimented with that formula. The Oneida Society, came about 25 couples, men and women, to work with sex. For a time they were ordered to copulate, but without the ejaculation of semen entity. They are then subjected to clinical trials, and managed to observe the complete seminitation of the brain, increased hormones in the blood, improves the entire body, fortification of sexual potential, etc., and many illnesses disappeared.


When scientists solved the need to create children, then gave the Oneida Society, freedom to copulate with seminal ejaculation. So many experiments were made ​​in the Oneida Society.


Anyway, the interesting thing about this fine Artifice constitutes the Secretum Secretorum of medieval alchemists, is that never degenerate sexual glands.


You know very well that when the sexual glands degenerate, also degenerates Epiphysis, and degenerate the­ Pituitary glands, and all the glands of Internal Secretion degenerate, all the liquid of the nervous system goes through­ process to degeneration, then comes decrepitude and death.


Already is known that is an aging Gene as well as is time to know also that at time to go into decrep

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