Darth Vindex's Posts (59)

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Have YouTubers been unable to download YouTube videos for two weeks, or is this a glitch affecting a few? It seems to be the case, that glitches or something else are causing YouTubers to have difficulty downloading videos from the platform using video downloading software. A number of YouTubers have reported parsing issues affecting all downloaders which can be explained due to such things as low quality videos. 

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There has been a lot of discussion since before 2019 and beyond on the status of childhood vaccinations in Colorado. It is debatable if they should be continued or if they should be replaced by something else. There are debates and some people want these vaccinations to discontinue, and are convinced that children who consume fruits and vegetables regularly are fully immunized.

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I want to build a new library dealing with light, physics and the study of math. Enthusiasm for researching the nature of light has increased. Have read a few articles and some books covering the topic with the intent to use this research for things such as drawing and painting. In Iceland light has become very popular as a topic in some of our communities, especially here in Reykjavik.

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 The following lecture breaks down the near future cancellation of nuclear weapons. As of 2014 and 2015, nuclear weapons have become an increasingly controversial topic with some believing that they are a hoax. A previous version of this post examined the coverage of nuclear weapons being a hoax, but did not provide any arguments for or against the topic and had to be edited and replaced with a video instead which does a better job at discussing it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQ7SuXPxt7Y&pp=ygU6bnVjbGVhciB3ZWFwb25zIGNvbnRyb3ZlcnN5IGxpdmUgZGlzY3Vzc2lvbnMgcG9kY2FzdHMgMjAxNQ%3D%3D


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Should homework be banned in Europe?

Homework has been affecting students´health for decades. Banning it has been discussed a lot in many countries against Europe. Those who favor homework bans say they threaten public health. Supporters argue that homework is critically important for education and for character improvement. One of the most powerful arguments against homework is that it is not economically feasible in the 21st century and this may be cited as a case against teaching homework in European schools and universities as part of their curricula. In order to resolve this situation European governments should consider the potential of limiting homework and making it less part of the schools´teaching environment than it has been until now.

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So you´ve always wondered what the Dorian Gray story was all about but also wanted to find out if somebody had an answer to it´s mystery. Why is it such a mysterious story and why did that painting collapse? Here is why. The painter who painted Dorian Gray´s picture used safflower oil to cause the painting to break up, becoming a disaster so that Dorian Gray would think that this was a picture of his soul. The painter then relied upon that flies would lay eggs in the oil in the painting so Dorian gray would think it was a message from Satan. See? The painter was the guy who ran the whole Dorian Gray shebang. As Dorian kept growing old while refusing to admit he´s really old everyone around him participated in his madness until he finally saw the truth. By then the safflower oil had broken apart and the painting looked like a nightmarish spider web. It´s also probable that the painter decided to paint a skeleton for a background so he could record Dorian Gray´s facial features.Safflower oil can be scary when you know how to use it to deceive the right targets...the ones who haven´t researched it.

Dorian hadn´t and most people in the party he had been invited to hadn´t either. Because the painting wasn´t overpainted it kept becoming darker and darker and more and more lifeless with Dorian thinking it was all because of his sins when it was in fact because of science. Now we know the terrifying truth about what safflower oil can do to viewers of paintings painted with impressionist colors if they aren´t careful and don´t do their homework. And remember that scene which terrified Dorian so much in the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen when he saw the skeleton of himself in the picture? That was a hypothesis on how the painter might have conceived of using the skeleton as the basis for later oil color layers to be added. He knew the transparent nature of oil and what happens when you use a combination of different oils at the same time or even deliberately decide to crack up your painting. He envied Dorian and this is how he treated him...

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Even the demons agree - ban political parties.

67% of participants in a poll on Debate.org want to ban political parties and they are right. The rationale is that they see all elections as the result of violence because to them voting political candidates is an act of violence. If this was the common practice in Hell consequently the demons would agree - ban political parties. Even in hell...

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Greece. A colosssal fraud.................

To create modern Greece, ancient Greece is required. To produce ancient Greece, the ancient Greek religion is required too. To produce the ancient Greek religion, Greek philosophy is required. For this to be an everyman´s classic, Everyman´s Classics is required. See where I am getting here? Why is it that the full testimony of sightings of modern Greece can be limited solely to 9 witnesses? Why is it that in today´s age nobody´s really interested in proving that Greece exists? Surely these legitimate questions will turn the entire academic establishment on it´s head, because claims of an ancient Greek supercivilizations are central to that establishment to continue to exist in it´s present form. But if no such thing exists as ancient Greece to begin with, what was Raphael painting up there with his School of Athens? My theory is he was simply producing the whole of ancient Greece with a little help. In other words ancient Greece was an inside job.

That means there is no such thing as ancient Greek wars, as ancient Greek philosophy and therefore a modern Greek culture. Remove the ´r´and all you get is geek. You then get Geece. Amazing isn´t it? Because for years and years we´ve all been taught the lie of ancient Greece. It´s about time the veil got lifted and somebody proved they´ve been to Greece so we can have confirmation that witnesses to Greece´s existence are more than just 9. Otherwise we´re gonna have to stick to the number 9 unless somebody rich enough can provide us with proof positive. ´But you can buy an air ticket to Greece´somebody´ll immediately tell me. Ok where can I do that? If the vast majority of tourists are going someplace else than Greece how can I buy an air ticket there? What´d happen if we´d realize that modern Greece is a fabrication? It´d mean that the Greek Economy Crisis doesn´t exist because there´s no such thing as modern Greece. It´d mean that the Greek Golden Dawn has got no headquarters because it´s a manufactured threat. It´d mean that everything we´ve ever been told about ancient Greece as a fabrication points to modern Greece being the mythical equivalent of that particular piece of Geek claptrap. It´s about time we stopped letting such bullshitters and liars tell us distortions, fabrications and lies about ancient cultures which have never existed. Ok what is the language known as Greek then? Seems to me that the language known as Greek is a modern deriative of the Celtic language. Because if Greece doesn´t exist how can Greek exist? See where I am pointing my fingers at? The very faces of the idiots who keep telling me that Greece exists but can´t provide me with a single piece of evidence to support their nonsentse. Doesn´t mean I´m going to throw away my Icelandic books on ´ancient Greece´though. It´s just gonna mean people´re going to have to prove to me that Greece exists and that therefore Greek culture must be real, because if they can´t it means the joke is on them.

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Tonight I dreamt I had met another time traveller. Anybody who knows me knows that sometimes when I ´fall asleep´I wake up in another time period and bring back information from it. The time traveller in question was a woman. She was younger than me and possibly someone I´ve talked with on chat - and possibly someone who knows already that she can travel through time. Once she saw me , for her it was so disturbing it was like meeting Hell´s Executive. Why is this so? Simple reason. Time travellers are often asked by hapless persons they visit to do stuff for them which they regret in the period they´re being visited in. And the time travelling itself is quite simple. You simply ´fall asleep´and then wake up. But for someone like me there´s no difference or at least very little between a wakeful state and a dream. What´s one of the scariest facts about time travel? The one that no single time traveller is ever in control of his time travelling experience simply because time is not linear. And because it´s not linear none of the time travel experiences are ´per ce´time travel - they´re just visits to different periods in time which are practiced by simply moving through it.

So we chatted and for some reason the more frightened she became until she started to cry and couldn´t keep her hands off her face - as if she didn´t want to see me. What if these ´time travelling´experiences notify us that we´re already dead according to the ´we´re already dead´theory? And what if some of us don´t have to be dead but could actually be what some have called the you know stuff found here - like acrons, demons, etc. Haven´t you noticed how few people you´ve been teaming up with lately? And haven´t you noticed how many people don´t seem to react to you? Doesn´t that leave you very unnerved? And haven´t you noticed too how many people here seem afraid of responding to your quieries? Well maybe they´re not supposed to because ´you´and ´me´are called upon - by living people. Like magicians. What if that time traveller was actually summoning me? And what if she didn´t want to look at me because there is no official recollection of my birth - only two or three very convincing witness accounts? Now it starts to become a little bit more frightening. Because this is a very politically inaccurate time travelling experience because you want to be the one in control of your time travel - when the fact is that during time travel the laws of physics don´t break down but are instead reinforced. And the more reinforced they are the more you realize why you´re subject to them. Which brings us to global warming.

Ever noticed how global warmers complain about as if they´re in Hell while global warming skeptics define global warming as paradise? It´s a truly scary thought isn´t it? Because in reality if Hell doesn´t exist and all that exists is heaven and things like the world of the living, etc. then how can we assume that we are in fact not dead? Why are so many girls around me avoiding to have sex with me? It´s not as if I look terribly. In fact I´m a really handsome guy. Another reason they don´t want to have sex with me? Why is it that all our homes have got a Bible? When you really begin to think about it - it becomes quite scary. The unnerving feeling of coming across a Bible that shouldn´t be there. Your conviction that you bought a Bible which you may never have bought to begin with (I did ´buy´mine - don´t worry). Your money. Your credit cards. The fact that people like me ´write the laws´which politicians then decide whether or not to enact. The fact that unofficially - I´m an executive. And why do all the computer games we´re playing today look like the afterlife? Why don´t they look like ´computer games´as they called them in the 1990´s? Bad graphics? I don´t think so. Why have all the TV shows started to revolve around the idea that we´re already dead and no longer revolve around reptilian or government conspiracies? And why have they become so convincing? Seems to me that large numbers of people are interested in me who according to some shouldn´t be. Why are people in Ethiopiea sending me msg´s on Facebook telling me they´ve seen my face looking at them through their computers? Knowing that someone can do something like this - is knowing terror.

Knowing that an Ethiopean can contact you and tell you that your face just popped up in their Windows might be even scarier. Why are ghost investigators offering field trips in our neighbourhoods we´re not seeing ourselves? And why are so few people meeting up to team up with them? Isn´t that ultra scary? It´s not supposed to be like that! Ghosts are supposed to be very interesting to much larger numbers of people than they officially are. Why don´t we ever get to see the hunters killing the game animals we get told are being killed? Why do so many animals in zoos ignore us? Another potential clue. Why do so few of them notice us? Yet another potential clue. Yet my little note isn´t an attempt to threaten anybody. Because in Hell it´s illogical to threaten people because since they are supposed to be in Hell why should anybody want to threaten them? Same with Heaven. Why is it that most of the chat rooms ignore you and you´re only allowed to visit chat rooms run by people who believe in an afterlife? I mean an afterlife shouldn´t even have to be the reason to kick somebody out of a chat room. Seriously. Suddenly you begin to rethink everything you´ve been told before about Heaven and Hell and the nature of reality and how much freedom you experience once you´ve begun to critically think - especially the freedom to think critically. Which brings us back to the time travelling woman. What if she wasn´t being a time traveller at all but is actually being alive? Suddenly the human mind becomes vastly more intriguing after you begin to seriously ponder questions like these - which´ll usually turn you away from things like fundamentalist Christianity, fundamentalist Islam, the New Age, etc. Suddenly your soul becomes your IP and no longer something to merely fantasize about. Once that happens it´s value increases to you and thus your value to yourself increases and your self - image starts to improve. Which probably explains why she had such a high sense of self worth that the fear of losing her soul if she´d fool around with whatever she had summoned became so great she feared the consequence of looking at it. Of looking at ´Hell´s Executive´ and finally seeing a real demon.

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Atheists still don´t know churches are taxed

Independent of country atheist groups have not known that churches are taxed and so are mosques. Tons of requests by mindless atheist groupie drones on youtube, facebook and elsewhere indicate that teachers do not inform their student in state run schools that churches are in fact taxed and are therefore not excempt from tax collecting. Since as a pyramid scheme, atheism relied heavily on tax collections like most other pyramid scheme do this is why so many educated people have been staying away from atheism since the founding of the colonies Americans wanted to win from the British following the War for Independence.

With that war however not having been won successfully we are still seeing examples of fake British and American actors being put in charge over numerous American colonies with the intent to transfer taxpayer money illegally to the British Isles, using such things as atheism to justify the transfer and this is why you hear complains over church tax issues from so many online atheists. In fact we can reasonably conclude that church tax is one of the most important reasons many dwindling atheist organizations survive today despite all their silly Bible thumping. We know that although atheists are famous for Bible thumping they are nonetheless famous for other things too and particularly for being johny come latelies when it comes to important discoveries. They´re therefore far, far more concerned with outlawing Ray Bradbury and eventually with outlawing science itself (which always begins when you try to outlaw UFOlogy as a topic) than they´ll ever be with their own survival which can help tremendously to explain atheism´s collapse in 2013.

Let´s face it atheist retards. I don´t care about 2 or 3 polite atheists on youtube. And I don´t care despite the number of polite atheists in the world is probably just 9. I care that you guys leave these social networking places you despise so much the fuck alone if all you can think of is attacking people who´re discussing domestic defenses simply because you don´t like domestic defenses being a topic. And domestic defences are a matter of fact. And that is why atheist groups dislike that people talk about defending their country. And this leads to more people refusing to listen when an atheist calls for taxing churches and denies other atheists the right to exercise their freedoms. Consequently we´re in a situation where atheists still don´t know that churches are actually being taxed. Which is in fact the case and has been the case since 1776. In fact I know of only one religious organization in America which actually isn´t being taxed and that organization is called the Cult of Cthulhu and they aren´t Christians.

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In the 2000´s we all had contacts with admins who possessed the ability to click on videos in chat. Today admins are informing me they´re no longer willing to do this. Trying to ask them to click on videos about how English became a language is impossible since a)they´re being admins who´ve lost the desire to click on videos and b) despite most of them know English most of them haven´t got the vocabulary required to communicate information effectively in English. And if you think the lack of ability to click on videos in chat isn´t disturbing enough then realize that the reason you can´t find an online chat which ends with some other letters than ´us´or ´uk´is because there probably isn´t any. In other words you´ll probably never get to see Danish, Norwegian, Finnish, Farose, Turkish, etc. chat and even if you do chances are that chat ends in ´dot.com´or ´dot uk´. Even the MIrc is not defined officially as chat but rather as an internet relay system which connects with chats. Sometimes people want something so badly which they refuse to realize requires evolution to come into being that they simply wish it´s there and wish for it to be there so badly that if they don´t get it right away they have to make up stories to get it.


For decades people got told that Satellites are orbiting the Earth and everybody tried to find 55,000 pieces of space junk. When no piece of space junk got found atheists blamed religious people and Satellite researchers realized no Satellite has ever orbited the Earth. In other words the nonsential idea that Satellite technology is a globally available thing is as intelligent as the nonsential idea that a social networking admin is likely to click on a video in chat any neartime soon.


There is a simple reason computers don´t get viruses and that is that there probably is no such thing as a computer virus. ´Viruses´as they call them are simply malware.  What people get which they assume are being computer viruses is therefore actually a form of malware. You just need one program to remove malware and that program´s name is Malwarebytes. Forget about avg, forget about panda, forget about Norton. Those are not malware removal tools and are therefore not able to remove malware as effectively as Malwarebytes does. Who knows. Maybe some genius might be smart enough to know how to create a computer virus but since the threat of computer viruses doesn´t exist anymore than the threat of nuclear weapons does there are no effective virus removal tools, just programs which people got told are being effective virus removers. But if computer viruses don´t exist then why do we need a virus removal tool? I can just as well ask ´if Malwarebytes works so well why do I need ANY other effective malware removal tool?´


We´ve all been hearing nonsense on the radio about intergalactic fleet and interstellar fleet nobody else sees but the radio guy who keeps talking about them. We all remember that David Wilcock dude. Trust me folks. There´s no such thing as an interstellar fleet made by people on Earth. In that case why hasn´t any of their supposed spacefleets been videotaped?


There are no religious chat rooms I am aware of. I´ve met one guy online who invited me to visit his chat and he told me that I was being invited in Jesus´name and I declined his offer. Maybe that´s the only religious chat room which has ever been used despite all that nonsential b.s about religious chat rooms being removed in 2010. Inevitably Iceland got blamed for the religious chat room myth and people thought that we had kicked them all out in 2010. But if religious chat rooms don´t exist - just religious people in a chat room then how can we remove them?


Antigravity does not exist since you can´t cancel the forces of gravity. What you can do is you dan damp or reduce gravity.


Remember that famous Zero Gravity airplane? It´s just an advertisment. Since you can´t make the forces of gravity cancel each other out you can´t produce Zero Gravity. You can just reduce the effects of gravity. It´s like reducing the effect of wind. We know that there is this thing called Dead Calm. But we also know that when that´s going on there´s still a bunch of wind in it.

8. AI

AI is actually an oxymoron because artificial intelligence is not real, practical intelligence. You can´t replace wisdom with artificial intelligence. Therefore ergo sum. Skynet is not smart.


No nuclear weapon has ever been designed because that is a practically impossible thing to do. The appearance of nuclear weapons can be produced but no actual nuke.


If the Moon exists - then we can reasonably assume that if it doesn´t have any atmosphere there are no cities on it. If it does have an atmosphere there are still no cities on it provided it exists. But if we´ve got no proof that the Moon exists in the first place - and if nobody´s ever landed there how are we in any position to confirm that there are cities on the Moon? About time people stopped believing in these silly things unless somebody can find me a finnish chat. Even then I´ll still refuse to believe in Moon cities.

And if anybody thinks the elite are paying me to distribute this information they´re wrong.

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Facebook God hoax explained

Facebook God is the latest anti csi webpage put to distract public attention from important csi cases, such as the Boston Bombing and Baltimore Shooting hoaxes, the MH 370 hoax and the Lafayette and Aurora theatre shooting hoaxes - all csi events believed to involve the use of fake actors according to those who have investigated them. Conspiracy theorists however had long held that those events were being for real despite everyone knows that they have been dismissed as nothing more than just another psyop. So once Facebook God saw that everyone was turning away from him because they were being busy watch-8109286267?profile=original

ing videos exposing these hoaxes he got mad because csi costs money and he wants that money to go directly into his pocket. These conspiracy theorists kept calling everybody else who disagreed with them a conspiracy theorist and they had Facebook God´s backup.

But then Facebook God cracked and began attacking anyone who isn´t behaving as if they´re on meth. He became famous for comments he tried to make into his like ´religion flies people into buildings´despite no religion has actually managed to do that. And out of his nonsense grew all kinds of urban legends, such as the age - old bullshit that religious people are evil just because they´re religious. No. Religious people who use religion to justify stupid behavior are stupid but not because they´re being religious. And if anybody pointed this out Facebook God´s army of ever ceasing supporters got mad. Another feature of Facebook God which eventually got researchers to conclude that he´s nothing but a typical anti cis hoax was all that claptrap about people having to vaccinate their kids. I have to admit I had real fun with the guy and we had a fun conversation on in6d but sooner or later the hoax was bound to become obvious. And here´s why. Guys like Facebook God just don´t care. They don´t want to listen to any news which challenges their world - view. And above all they want to be God. That´s why he called himself God. Not because he´s actually God. Because if he was God he´d probably be a loving and kind one.

And once I saw that the page was nothing more than one of those pages made to look like a hoax is soemthing else than that - I gave up on supporting it any further because I honestly thought for a while that this guy would make any difference because he had at least one good side - he loved helping people who thought of killing themselves. Facebook´s strategy lied in other words in relying on mass support from many enough people who´d be foolish enough not to see through him. And we´ve seen it happen since time immemorial. And the final nail in FB God´s political coffin was of course that funny Reddit interview where he tried to trash talk people who lost items asking him for help trying to find them. Sorry mr. Fake God, you don´t strike me as being any more divine than that apple I tasted last time and I must admit that apple was truly divine in comparison with your psychosomatic, political b.f.s.

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Should wolf haters have the right to vote?

Wolf haters have been in the news during the past several years and I have received so many complains about their activities that it´s time to stand up and tell my opinion. I totally support responsible management of wolf population.  This means in my vocabulary allowing the wolves to decide their own population policies. We´re therefore simply not in a position right now to determine the fate of Wyoming or Yellowstone´s remaining wolf population. And a wolf population of 50,000 to 150,000 strong is being considered less of a problem than it´d have been if I had been writing this blog in the beginning of the 20th century. And since when has there been such a thing as a wolf population that´s out of control? Usually not in the USA since the world´s top 10 seriously out of control wolf populations are usually located in Russia or in the Middle - East. Certainly not in the USA or in Mexico. ´But what about the ducks´? will the typical wolf hater ask. ´Well ducks are rarely, if ever mentioned as casualties of out of control wolf populations´I say because I´ve not seen any pro wolf hunting group discuss duck or wetland animal casualties on their facebook web sites and I have only been to a few such websites as I find such groups´activities on Facebook to be distasteful.

I do agree nonetheless that wolves don´t speak English and you can´t read Immanuel Kant before a wolf and expect the wolf to understand every chapter. We need to keep approaxing wolves from a realistic perspective and consequently the right to vote is a recent add to the controversy of managing wolf populations. In other words - should we allow wolf haters to continue to exercise the right to vote? It´s not easy to simply say yes or no to such a controversial question and on youtube people have told me that if you take the right to vote away from wolf haters you´ll take it away from everybody else. Once I realized that I seriously understood how sensitive the right to vote actually is, such as my right to vote in my native Iceland. And all wolf haters are simply wrong in saying that removing wolves from places where they have already been present in the ancient past is going to help restore balance in nature.  I therefore support that wolves manage their own populations in the countries where they are in the best position to do.

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