Coralie's Posts (89)

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Psychic Circus!

The Psychic Circus LIVE! International Tele-session -  July 30, 2022  

9am (US/Las Vegas/Pacific Time)  $35  120 min

Psychic Circus LIVE! International Tele-session -  July 30, 2022  

New Federation/Ashtar Command Global Update & Reading!

Replay Available \

What is your most 'burning' psychic question?  Step right up and enter the strange and wonderful world of telepathic readings and psychic interconnections!  Join Bryan, as he powers up his psychic circuits to answer your questions, talk about many strange and unusual things that psychics experience in private and give you important insights into doing your own intuitive readings.   During this session, you will have lots of fun and receive some interesting information, as well as get some practice with some psychic exercises and a special 'psychic reading' feature Bryan will have available on the web-page.  In addition, you can email Bryan your psychic questions.  As an extra, Bryan will give you a special page of psychic reading secrets & tips you can use to do readings for yourself and for family members whenever you like.  This class will be a powerhouse of psychic energy that will leave your body tingling, your senses reeling and  your mind astounded!

For more information please visit....




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Star Temple Activation

This special ‘soul star ignition’ through the Archangels, the Ashtar Command and Ascended Masters will integrate all of your star genetics & prepare the many aspects of yourself for a multitude of interdimensional transitions coming in the near future. This ignition will create a rare ‘spirit to human’ integration of all your knowledge from Earth and of all the unique characteristics and star-coding you hold. It will also activate a smooth and effortless entry into the higher worlds and encode your 3D body with new information for any quick (or unplanned) transfer to the galactic ships and any necessary physical travel through the 5th, 6th and 7th dimensions and any star travel in emergency situations during the coming year.  The last 1/2 hour of Star Temple will be a fun, interactive follow-along creative experience, allowing your star genetics to flow through you by drawing & copying symbols and writing (& riding) the various thought-waves manifesting in your mind.

This Soul Star Adam Kadmon Ignition Activation will…

- Activate your celestial/galactic DNA strands 13 through 24 & re-tune your energy field to the new higher dimensional harmonics.

- Infuse your body with the new updated galactic codes for necessary physical travel to the ships, spontaneous ascension into the higher dimensions or emergency rescue operations that may occur.

- Activate of your personal star genetics, enhancing and expanding your human personality and unique characteristics.

- Give you access to a special new audio/visual online seminar detailing Star Genetics and how to determine where your unique genetic coding is from.  This seminars audio feature will be guided by Bryan and will be available to you for five days!

Come and receive this special activation, enjoy the beautiful music, experience the fantastic journey and feel the higher vibrations moving through your mind and body…it will be one of the most relaxing, mind expanding and easy to assimilate activation.


When the ‘end game’ is over on Earth and war between dark and light is finished, you will already have prepared all aspects of yourself with this stellar activation to cross over and manifest into the many new realities that will soon be emerging!”


For more information please visit....


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The Earthstar sessions have been a fantastic connection point and a ‘life-saver’ for many global lightworkers (including myself) who want to help the planet, keep our energy fresh, get the latest updates from the Galactic Command and exercise our metaphysical skills along with a global team of other like minded individuals who share the same desires.  Over the years, thousands of individuals have participated in and continue to attend the Earthstar sessions, because they see so many changes happening and they feel empowered to be able to assist in the global transformation…especially now, when the planet is moving through a crisis and into a great awakening.  Please join us for this special session where will focus on activating some important areas of Earth and infusing ourselves with lots of new energy!  In addition, we will also be sending healing light around the planet to assist humanity and to protect all life streams evolving here.  See you there!


For more information please visit....


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Lightwave Energy Training

Hello Galactic Brothers & Sisters!


We would love for you to join us for the upcoming Blue Star 'Spark of Life' Lightwave Energy Training

We will start the Blue Star Energy Training course in the morning on May 28...this will be followed by the new 2-Hour Blue Star 'Spark of Life' and 'Advanced Lightwave Commands' class which will finish at 1:30 pm.  We will resume on Sunday at 10 am with a short Live! Q & A and extended info 1.5-Hour session.  For those of you who are new to Lightwave, it is an easy-to-learn energy technique and we would enjoy having you in attendance.  And for those of you returning from previous sessions, Welcome Back!




  1. ‘Blue Star’ Spark of Life

The new Blue Star ‘Spark of Life’ activation is a fast and easy galactic technique that can re-ignite and reengage weakened (barely functioning) human body and natural Earth-based systems quickly and efficiently.  For example, this lifesaving ‘Blue Energy Magic’ can be used on many things...for example the failing human endocrine system (adrenals, hormones, thyroid) of a friend, family member or client, the brain of an Alzheimer’s patient, the debilitating eyesight of a child or young adult.  Although you can use regular Lightwave to work in these areas, the ‘Spark of Life’ contains many unseen elements that will ignite/trigger a renewal of whatever system you are targeting.  This process is similar to ‘jump starting’ a car or the ‘resuscitation paddles’ used by paramedics. This technique will work very well alongside your regular Lightwave energy pulse in many situations, is easily accessed and is critical knowledge for all Lightwave energy workers.

  1. Advanced Integrated Lightwave Class

This session will fine tune your Lightwave speaking process to ensure you are directing the energy to do ‘what you want it to do’ and to go ‘where you want it to go’. The effectiveness of you running Lightwave energy is all in the commands & affirmations you are speaking as you are running your Lightwave for healing, energizing and helping others, your pets and the planet.  In addition,  Lightwave is also about moving the energy around and the ability to extend your Lightwave to long distances.  In this class, Bryan will give many examples of how to speak an effective Lightwave command as opposed to a nebulous or confusing phrase, that may make the energy go in the wrong direction! This is very important for everyone who is learning to run energy and those who want to maximize the effectiveness of the work they are doing. In this 1 hour ‘upgrade’ class you will truly learn how to speak with power and super-charge your Lightwave!


Registration for this Lightwave Training includes a Free 'Golden Ticket' to the July 2nd....








Welcome! Come join us for this new expanded Lightwave Training session and learn one of the newest and most powerful energy healing processes on the planet! The technique was designed by the Pleiadians and enhanced through the energy of the Ashtar Command & beautiful accelerator technology of Bryan de Flores. The Lightwave procedure is easy-to-learn and produces immediate positive effects for both the beginner and advanced individuals.  Lightwave works to restore optimum health and youthen the physical body while increasing your psychic gifts, healing gifts & manifestation powers. The Lightwave technique can be used on yourself and others as well as pets, plants and other living things. This process is the perfect addition to any other transformational modality and will blend with any technique you are currently utilizing. The Lightwave method is energetic in nature and utilizes your hands as receivers and transmitters of the energy, in conjunction with your own intuition & instincts. Also, this new healing technology is very practical as it utilizes simple terminology and can be performed in any location or situation. There are a few different session options from which you can choose.


These training sessions will teach you how to transmit a multitude of high-frequency energy infusions to clear and balance your 9-point chakratic system, activate your 12-strand DNA and electron bodies for multidimensional ascension. The sessions include the new Akashic Blueprinting Technique, Bi-Location/Long Distance Healing Techniques and the new ‘channeled’ Lightwave processes for personality cloning and body re-shaping. These techniques will allow you to etherically ‘clone’ personality traits and energetically re-structure, enhance and renew desired/problem areas of your body.





The Lightwave Training class consists of 3 LIVE!  international tele-sessions that you must attend to get the initial energy activation + several web-pages.  The tele-sessions can be easily accessed through your phone, cell phone or Skype!





Saturday, Session 1: Lightwave Basic Energy Training - 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM - Las Vegas (Pacific Time)

Includes: Basic Lightwave Training Instruction, Full Color Lightwave Manual, Follow-Along Web Pages & Videos and Lightwave Practitioners Certificate. This Live! international tele-session with Bryan will teach you the Lightwave energy technique & process. This session also gives you a full explanation and experience of the Lightwave process and the beautiful full-color Lightwave manual, which contains all the processes & accelerators and a full list of the frequencies that you will be accessing and transmitting. In addition, this class includes the easy, follow-along web page/tutorial videos and your Lightwave certification.


Saturday, Session 2:  Spark of Life & Advanced Integrated LW Class + Re-Attunement Activation - 11.30 AM to 1:30 PM - Las Vegas (Pacific Time)

Saturday All Access:  Lightwave Master Class - Etheric Temple Building - Galactic DNA Infusions


These 3 training sessions will be available to you 24-Hours a day at-your-convenience from 6:00 PM Saturday, May 28  to 6:00 PM Friday, June 3 .  You may take these training sessions whenever you like (and as many times as you like) during those 6 days. The unlimited access sessions (which includes a beautiful follow-along web page) will allow you to assimilate the information at your own pace and time.


The Lightwave Master Class will reveal the latest techniques and methods for transforming the energy matrix within our home, templating your dream state, strengthening your love relationships & friendships, magnifying your financial wealth, 'magifying' your neighborhood & surrounding area, supercharging your food and beverages & enhancing your pet’s health and happiness etc.


Etheric Temple Building is a process that will allow you to create invisible power structures with Lightwave energy.  The structures which can vary in shape and size help to anchor the higher cities of light from the etheric realms and to create healing, peace and energy movement in locations that need assistance.


Galactic DNA Infusions will recode your genetic strands to create the new Galactic Superhuman Blueprint! This series of Lightwave frequency codes will speed up the DNA reassembling process, increasing your Avatar abilities, advancing your consciousness more rapidly and allowing your body to youthen and heal much more quickly. These infusions will also enhance your long term memory and increase your mental capacity to hold complex levels of information and data coming in from the galactic realms.



Sunday, Session 1: "Live" Session with Bryan + Special Lightwave Classes All Access Discussion! - 10:00 am - 11:30 AM - Las Vegas (Pacific Time)

In this session, Bryan will talk about all the amazing and unique advanced Lightwave processes listed below, answer all of your training questions and give some of his unique Lightwave accelerator combinations that will give you a boost of energy and a BIG upgrade!

Sunday All Access:  Gold Star Lightwave - Color Spectrum Therapy  -  Lightwave Teleportation 

These advanced training sessions will be available to you 24-Hours a day at-your-convenience from 11:00 AM Sunday, May 29 to 6:00 PM Friday, June 3.  You may take these training sessions whenever you like (and as many times as you like) during those 6 days. The unlimited access sessions (which includes a beautiful follow-along web page) will allow you to assimilate the information at your own pace and time.


Gold Star Lightwave is a faster form of Lightwave that that accelerates the Lightwave that you are running through your hands.  The Gold Star contains superluminal light and energy that will supercharge your ability to transmit energy and light wherever it is needed.


Color Spectrum Therapy The new Lightwave 'Color Spectrum' Therapy process combines very specific hues of color within our expanded spectrum of light to create positive and powerful changes to the human body, mind and energy field. This technique has been developed by the Pleiadians, who have recently identified very specific hues of color for healing the various human organs and body systems.


Lightwave Teleportation will enable you to create an etheric transportation pod with Lightwave energy.  The purpose of this technique is to expand your multidimensional perception, enhance your energy skills and psychic abilities.  Additionally, it creates great meditation focus and is an exercise that upgrades your consciousness exponentially.  In short, this will allow you to travel freely wherever you want in the universe without leaving home!  Enjoy!


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EARTH STAR – There are places you go…

LIVE! International Tele-session -  April 30, 2022

9am (US/Las Vegas/Pacific Time)  $35  100 min

AC GLOBAL UPDATE & Bryan's 'Psychic' Celebrity Insights 2022 will receive Bryan's new 'Starpower Energizer' digital accelerator for free with your attendance!

There are some places you go where the energy spontaneously ‘opens’ for you to experience many things, including good luck, new ‘aha!’ ideas and connections with like-minded people or a sense of profound peace or excitement you are looking for.  This could be in a local coffee shop, a vacation spot, a supermarket, a park, a gym or even convenience store where things are ‘supernaturally shifted’ in your favor.  Similarly, you may encounter locations near you or distant locales where the energy is not in your favor and where things (and situations) seem tense, stressful or uncomfortable.  This interesting phenomenon happens everywhere all over this planet and is different for each person.  What causes this and is there something you can do about it?  Join Bryan and the Ashtar Command as they answer these questions and discuss this fascinating subject!


 For more information please visit....


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9am (US/Las Vegas/Pacific Time)  $35  100 min



Since the pandemic ‘illusion’ began, the acceleration of time and the layers upon layers of strange multidimensional happenings, shocking sex scandals and often laughable political manipulation...all combined with and unbelievable amount of dark force activity is revealing many things that most humans living on this planet are barely able to keep up with and comprehend.  But, through all this, humanity is awakening at a rapid pace and we are setting ourselves free after a long, self-imposed slumber and state of denial.  During this session, Bryan and the Ashtar Command will reveal many strange and unusual facets of this awakening…including the levels of multidimensional infiltration, bizarre supernatural activity in specific areas of the planet and the demise of the infamous ‘Men in Black’…all this along with Bryan's personal insights of some odd and revealing activity and perceptions he is experiencing.  Also discussed will be a linking and awareness process you can use to investigate any odd activity you, yourself are experiencing. In addition, we will also be sending lots of healing energy and light around the planet to humanity and all life streams evolving here.  See you there!


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7 Planets Star Alliance Galactic Activation



7 Planets Star Alliance  Galactic Activation

5D Paramagnetic Alignments


The Merpeople – Butterfly Guardians – Exotic Bird Races – Super Angels Connecting you with the new diverse groups of extraterrestials that are currently assisting in transforming the global situation here on Earth.

 LIVE! International Tele-session with Bryan -  March 12, 2022

 9am (US/Las Vegas/Pacific Time)  $75 100 min


Paramagnetic Alignments 2022

This galactic session will commence with a unique set of four paramagnetic alignments given directly to you by Bryan and the Galactic Command! This infusion will create a dramatic realignment and activation of your four lower bodies (mental, physical, emotional and spiritual). During these alignments each individual will experience personal healings, inner initiations and massive soul retrieval. The alignments include:


Mental Body Recalibration….which releases confusion and conflict patterns within the mind, allowing the higher mental body to operate without interference.


Emotional Body Realignment…which will clear and stabilize the feeling and desire bodies & assist with emotional detachment and compassion. You will also learn how to clear and release instantly & permanently any lower emotions such as hate, anger, fear, stress, depression and anxiety.


Physical Body Realignment…which is a series of healing energetic infusions, designed to upgrade the current condition of the physical body and clear any limiting patterns currently being experienced.


Spiritual Body Recalibration…which is an activation of the Golden Christed ‘Angelic Shield’ and ‘light language’ force-fields in, through and around the body. When operational, this protects you from distortional energies and external programming.


Additionally, during this activation, the new Star-Alliance group will come forward and make a connection with you, giving you new powers and insights to upgrade your levels of energy and  status in the Earth community.  This connection will super-activate your galactic DNA strands and your entire energy system!


All in attendance will receive Bryan’s ‘NEW’ Digital Accelerator: Quantum Leap!


For more information please visit....


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Energize My Life - Lightwave Healing

We understand how busy, challenging and stressful life can be.... especially as the energy continues to fluctuate on the planet during these post pandemic times. If you feel you need extra support, we are powerful energy healers who offer a service called "Energize My Life" where we send energy and healing into all aspects of your life...your health, prosperity, home, family, relationships and any special requests you may have.  We have been offering this service for many years with wonderful results and testimonials.   Our desire is for you to experience joy, magic and miracles in your life. If you are interested in this service, please go to the Stargate shop & scroll to the bottom of the page.

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Live Tele Session

Plus….Bryan & the AC’s new psychic personal health tips that will truly amaze you, keep you in perfect health (perfect teeth, perfect hair & perfect skin included)

…and save you lots of money!

LIVE! or Replay!  International Tele-session with Bryan

February 26, 2021  –  9am (US/Las Vegas/Pacific Time)  $35 90 min

Each time you pass a bed of blooming roses, a field of lavender flowers or open a jar of cinnamon or spices, your senses are awakened and your body begins to addition, memories begin to stir in your mind from childhood and even a past life in Atlantis, India or Persia.  But what about the magical, tantalizing smells of Belgian chocolate, Arabian coffee, a French bakery or the refreshing scent of a waterfall or redwood forest.  Enter the Ashtar Command and Ascended Masters, who in this session, will unfold many of the secrets of the ancient world and the ethereal healing formulas created in these lost civilizations.  The will also give all attendees a list of ‘magical formulas’ to use for yourself to keep you happy, give you energy and promote restful sleep and good dreams!  A new and exciting session format….come join us!


For more information please visit....

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Channel Me A Spirit LIVE! or International Telesession

February 12, 2021  –  9am (US/Las Vegas/Pacific Time)  $35 90 min

Imagine yourself sitting in an outdoor café having coffee or tea with Princess Diana, Mary Shelley or Marilyn Monroe…or sitting in your living room or private study discussing the mysteries of Earth, historical anomalies or current political perspectives with the Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln or the Egyptian King Akhenaton…or taking a morning walk or a  long drive in your car with Nostradamus or the famous psychic Edgar Cayce.  You will receive all this and more through a special Earthstar process that will elevate your awareness and enhance your connection to Spirit.  This session will connect you with someone famous of your choice,  who will hang out with you, accompany you on your errands and give you new perspectives on life for one week.  This unique connection process will open up a new opportunities and be a very exciting and interesting experience for you!   Join us the hear the new Ashtar Global Update! and send healing energy and light around the planet to humanity and all life streams living here. See you there!


For more information please visit....

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Come join us on this fascinating journey into synchronistic magic, blessed intuitive purchasing and the energy of good luck.  During this course, you will receive 3 important activations that will greatly enhance your good fortune, trigger interdimensional intuitive navigation in your mind and help you to spot that special item that others are not allowed to see!  This  fun filled, easy course including Angelic lucky charm infusions and remove personal blocking mechanisms will give you the constant feeling of being lucky, a heightened mental awareness when miracles are around you and the physical sensation of buying a blessed object.  A new and wonderful addition to your spiritual treasure chest  of enhanced abilities!


Full course notes are included with your registration!


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January 15, 2021  –  9am (US/Las Vegas/Pacific Time)  $35  90 min

Join us as we start the transformational and lucky 2022 with the collective in the planetary dream field to expand and create some new amazing, inspired potentials and possibilities for humanity.  Many tantalizing ‘higher time-line’ scenarios have been given by channelers and people from around the world and we will weave them into the planetary dream field for the greatest potential and reality shift to manifest.  We will also be joining together to send healing energy and light around the planet to humanity and all life streams living here. See you there!



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As we commence the celebration of almost 2 decades of amazing Lightwave Energy, get ready to receive the new Angelic ‘Diamond Star Celestial Power Matrix’ download, which will give you the power of a thousand Angels to transform, transmute, awaken and energize anything, anywhere at any time!  To use this power, a special sealed template will be downloaded, opened and activated during the first part of the session that will be personalized to you and merged with your original Lightwave matrix.  The special skill, details and steps to use the ‘Diamond Star Power’ will be given to you during the course of the session, so that you will feel confident and ready to go with this divine power.


“This gift to bring the powers of heaven to Earth comes with great responsibility and a huge amount of energy…

but it also arrives with the ability that few humans have ever been given!"  The Ashtar Command

Also includes the latest October 2021 'Updated' Ashtar Command 'Virus Shield' that helps to deflect illnesses and protect you wherever you go!


Transform Yourself into a Magical Energy Master with this Easy-to-Learn will give you the Ability to Upgrade, Energize, Heal and Protect Yourself & Others!

Welcome! Come join us for this new 'accelerated' Lightwave Training session and learn one of the newest and most powerful energy healing processes on the planet!  The technique was designed by the Pleiadians and enhanced through the energy of the Ashtar Command & beautiful accelerator technology of Bryan de Flores. The Lightwave procedure is easy-to-learn and produces immediate positive effects for both the beginner and advanced individuals. Lightwave works to restore optimum health and youthen the physical body while increasing your psychic gifts, healing gifts & manifestation powers. The Lightwave technique can be used on yourself and others as well as pets, plants and other living things. This process is the perfect addition to any other transformational modality and will blend with any technique you are currently utilizing.


The Lightwave method is energetic in nature and utilizes your hands as receivers and transmitters of the energy, in conjunction with your own intuition & instincts. Also, this new healing technology is very practical as it utilizes simple terminology and can be performed in any location or situation within hours of learning the technique. These training session will teach you how to transmit a multitude of high-frequency energy infusions to clear and balance your 7-point chakratic system and activate your 12-strand DNA for multidimensional ascension. This course includes the beautiful full-color 'Basic' Lightwave Instruction Manual, training videos and completion certificate!


Saturday December 18,  2021

9:00 am to 11:30 am (2.5 Hours)

Lightwave Training - Live! International Tele-Session

Includes a special "follow along" webpage with images and videos!

These Lightwave training sessions can be accessed from all countries around the world through your phone, cell phone or Skype.


New Lightwave Practitioners

Welcome!  If you are attending the energy training for the first time, it will be $195 (for the Basic training) or $240 (which includes the Lightwave manual).  Firstly, this training includes access to the LIVE! 2 ½-hour Saturday class/tele-session with me and the new ‘Diamond Star’ Activation.  Your training registration also includes all 'Basic Training' videos, the Basic training web-page and 2 extra special Lightwave technique tutorials for 7 days.  As an additional option, you can get the full color 'Basic' Lightwave manual if you like….just make sure to choose the $240 option if you want that.


Welcome Back Lightwave Re-Attunement Energy Workers!


Welcome back!  For all of  you have attended a previous Lightwave energy training, the cost of this class will be $65....this includes access to the LIVE! Saturday class/tele-session with Bryan, New 'Diamond Star' Activation & all Basic Training videos and web-page.


For more information please visit....


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Live! International Tele-Activation

Saturday December 4, 2021  9:00 AM (Pacific Time) - $35

Join us on this magical journey to learn about the amazing abilities and gifts of multidimensional little people who exist and travel between many realities, including our own.  These beings work tirelessly to beautify and correct natural imbalances within the realities, while freely giving gifts to humans, animals and birds that live around our planet. Additionally, I have recently been made aware of a group of extra-terrestrials with light-green skin and optimistic personalities  who are quite gifted at monitoring, stabilizing and correcting timeline anomalies and interdimensional interference.  Please come to receive the gifts of the little people and share in the knowledge of those who have come from the stars to assist us!


For more information please visit....  



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Magical Matrixes and Ashtar Command Crystal Activation

Magical Matrixes and Ashtar Command Crystal Activation 


Live! International Tele-Activation with Bryan

Saturday November 20, 2021  9:00 AM (Pacific Time) - $35

 Magical Alchemy Light Matrixes: Plants and Crystals…Combinations to enhance your youthful vitality, prosperity and good luck!

 A new, fun and unique session that will help you to easily create physical light matrixes around your home…on kitchen counters, coffee tables, bedside nightstands, bookshelves, garage work tables etc. This class will give you the different personalized combinations that include specific ‘easy-to-care-for’ life-giving plants and all sizes of crystals that will enhance your life, enchant your holiday’s and empower your home/temple of light.  All the combinations are quick to set up, change and easy to maintain…and are sure to be something that everyone will enjoy!  Set up one, two or three in your home and let the magic happen!

 For more information please visit....  


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Saturday October 23, 2021  9:00 AM (Pacific Time) - $35


Included the latest Ashtar Command Planetary Update!

Earthstar: I fight the darkness!…Breaking the Spell that Binds Our Reality: Join us as we create a powerful force of light to institute the latest upgrades from the Ashtar Command necessary to release our planet from the spell that hold our world in a position of manipulation, control and fear.  For eons, those that hide in the shadows attempt to bind our world in the lower frequencies where the dark astral forces hold sway over the population…but these new infusions, which you will participate in and be empowered by, will break the dark energy matrixes and lift the planet into the higher timelines of light and ascension.   This will be a magic session where as you give, you shall receive the many gifts of Spirit!  In addition, Bryan will report on the latest AC global update!


For more information please visit....  


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Saturday October 9, 2021  9:00 AM (Pacific Time) - $35

Plus….the latest Ashtar Command Planetary Update!

 Throughout the universe there are many unknown mystical, magical forces that assist us through life and connect us with our hopes, wishes and dreams! These powers of  light can show up when you least expect them and create amazing situations that puzzle the mind and excite the spirit. Through signs & synchronicities they work…to bring new meaning and new people into your life, to connect you with new opportunities and to bless you with the gifts you only dare dream of.  In addition, highly evolved ET’s & multidimensional beings of light utilize the magic of the universe to help us as well…come join us for this cosmic activation which will trigger more synchronistic  alchemy in your life. Not to be missed!


'New' Replay Session Available

For more information please visit....  


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Saturday September 18, 2021  9:00 AM (Pacific Time) - $35

Earthstar: How to Make Your Business and Spiritual Work Pop & New Ashtar Command Planetary Update!


Come hear the latest Ashtar Command Planetary Update for Sept 2021…and join us for a fun information based look at how you can make your existing business and spiritual work POP! and attract lots of new customers.  Whether you work with flowers, business consulting, healing energy, own a restaurant, sell spiritual products or sell your artwork/jewelry at psychic fairs or online, these amazing integrity-based principles and ideas are sure to attract and excite the masses on a global scale.  In addition, you will hear the latest Ashtar Command planetary update and join together with a large group of global Lightworkers to send healing energy and awakening light to the Earth!


'New' Replay Session Available


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Saturday & Sunday September 4th &  5th,   2021, from 9:00 AM - 12:30 noon each day!   


Intuitive Signature Training

In this part of the course, your psychic journey will continue with a fun and easy tutorial on how to follow and connect with the many different intuitive and instinctual signals you receive every day.  These range from cosmic, extra-terrestrial telepathic transmissions, to finding missing people/children/animals to simply navigating through daily complex legal, medical, financial documents/processes and to the best personal options and healing formulas throughout your week.  Whether you are a scientist wanting to build an anti-gravity spaceship, a historic researcher looking for an elusive sacred object, a conspiracy theorist looking for hidden clues regarding government cover ups or a mother or of three small children looking for natural alternatives for health and wellness for her family…this course will fulfill these desires and more!


The Psychic Nutritionist

This session will give you an extra boost of psychic energy by transforming you into an excellent and innovative ‘food intuitive’ and teaching you the secrets of how to eat anything you want without any problem…even if you have certain food allergies or are on a low-cal diet!  It will show you new psychic information tricks of how and when to prepare all types of food, so you can enjoy an abundance of savory delicacies and decadent sweets without suffering any negative consequences….basically you will be able to have your cake and eat it too!  Your friends and family members will be amazed as you give them amazing new recipes & help them quickly and very magically overcome their food intolerances and ‘social situation’ food fears and subsequent avoidance of so many enjoyable foods.  FYI….this has little to do with clearing your food with energy!


Psychic Medium Course 1 - Saturday

Come join Bryan for this exciting 'do-it-yourself' Psychic Medium course! Bryan has over 20 years extensive experience as a medium, psychic and channel for Spirit.  He has done thousands of personal sessions, group channelings and tarot readings for people all over the world and will teach you how to how to easily embody the gifts of a true psychic medium.  This training class will give you the power to do accurate readings and channel messages from those souls who have crossed over, both for yourself and others. In addition, Bryan frequently makes connections with and brings messages through from both living and departed famous mediums and celebrities, which he will demonstrate in this fun and amazing psychic adventure.

Talking to Departed Love Ones

In this session, we will begin with the history of psychic mediumship and explore the fascinating world of mediums, how they work and the various methods of communication used to connect with the departed.  You will learn simple, unique processes to help you easily establish strong connections with your own loved ones & others who have crossed over, as well as be able to offer comfort, guidance and support to your family and friends.  During this fun training, all of your psychic gifts will be activated, allowing you to receive clear and specific messages from the other side.   Additionally, we will discuss some of the fascinating elements of the journey of soul's crossing over and answer many questions about the afterlife.

Tarot Card Reading

In this session, you will learn the basics of giving accurate, exciting and insightful tarot card readings.  We will also discuss how working with Tarot cards will strengthen your intuitive abilities as well as bring you insight into the many aspects of yourself and others.

Pendulum Divination

In this session, we will explore the many ways to utilize a pendulum for guidance, information and forecasting.   We will also discuss the proper steps to receiving direct confirmations and options for personal growth & empowerment.

Crystal Healing

This session will teach you how to utilize the power of crystal energy to enhance your psychic abilities,  increase your spiritual healing powers and help you to establish a strong etheric connection with the other side.

3 Psychic Activation's for Strengthening your Mediumship  Abilities

In these activation's, all of  your telepathic centers and psychic circuitry will be turned on and any blockages, fears and limitations regarding utilizing  your natural abilities as a medium will be cleared....and open you up to new possibilities and opportunities to be of service, comfort, assistance and an inspiration to others.


Psychic Medium Course 2 - Sunday

String Magic: The Magical Art of Magnetizing Your Dreams Into Reality!

This is a Magical tool that has been used for thousand of years by psychics, mediums, wizards and magicians to locate missing items, pets and people.   It utilizes etheric energy and a golden key to make connections that will trace and/or attract money, happiness, dreams & wishes, new connections with people, a new home, business opportunities, a new job...the sky's the limit!

New expanded Psychic Symbols & utilizing the “Psychic Signpost”

This includes some new, exciting picture symbols that enhance the psychic dictionary,   as well as taking you deeper into answering the many aspects of a psychic question and setting up your personal psychic signpost to receive clearer messages.


Intuitive Signature Training & The Psychic Nutritionist



This unique accelerated psychic medium training gives you the tools to easily, effectively and accurately access the spirit realm!  

You will be able to amaze your family and friends with your new-found ability!


These classes will include written course materials, a certificate of completion and an easy-access dictionary list of
symbols for connecting with souls who have crossed over.


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Saturday August 21, 2021  9:00 AM (Pacific Time) - $35

Traitors and Allies…Patriots and Political Criminals…New Connections and Broken Friendships, Oh My!  Global Crisis situations trigger and create challenges for everyone and everything living here on Earth. These events, although rare, bring to the surface all that is out of alignment with the plan of  Spirit and prompt many individuals into spontaneous awakening, global service and group assistance….or into patterns of brainwashing, denial and negative control patterns against others. However, many awakened people emerge as heroes including whistleblowers and those who fight to expose the truth. In this category are many Lightworkers and celestial teams, guided by the Ashtar Command, The Federation and the Spiritual Hierarchy to combat and defend the planet during these times of need. In addition, we will also be sending lots of healing energy and light around the planet to humanity and all life streams evolving here.  See you there!


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