Commander's Posts (3)

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Book (Turkish Language)ASHTAR SHERANVIA TERRAL'enseignement Spirituel et Scientifiqued'Ashtar Sheran à l'Humanité(1968)Canalisations du Groupe Speer de Berlin (MFK-Berlin) - 1968

Les grandes religions ne savent que peu de choses sur la VERITE de ce qui nous attend. La M.F.B. (Mediale Friedenskreis de Berlin) a reçu à maintes reprises des visites de scientifiques. Leur prise de position en ce qui concerne les recherches sur l'Au-delà a été très bien expliquée dans la conférence du Dr Walter HINZ de l'Université de Gottingen. C'est ainsi qu'à l'école d'ingénieurs de Zurich, il a notamment déclaré .: "Le Dr Emil MAITISEN, dans son oeuvre de base en trois tomes, a prouvé scientifiquement la survie spirituelle après la mort". Cette opinion est également partagée par d'autres Professeurs d'université. Le matérialisme dialectique soviétique avec son enseignement trompeur et dangereux, trouble les êtres et ne leur laisse pas la possibilité de faire une synthèse par eux-mêmes.ASHTAR SHERAN, Instructeur interstellaire universel, doué d'une intelligente extra-terrestre, nous a montré à plusieurs reprises, beaucoup de nos erreurs fondamentales. Il nous semble inimaginable qu'il soit matériellement possible de parcourir la distance d'Alpha du Centaure à la Terre. Ceci est du au retard de notre propre EVOLUTION. Pour les "SATINIENS", c'est-à-dire les Extra-Terrestres, ce chemin jusqu'à la Terre n'est pas un problème. VIA TERRA est réalisable, même en un temps relativement court. Lorsque la première ligne de chemin de fer fut construite, l'humanité était effrayée par sa vitesse. Que représente, de nos jours, le tour de la terre avec nos moyens actuels, comparé à la vitesse infime d'alors ? L'étoile Alpha du Centaure se trouve à 4 années-lumière de la Terre.Les éléments ne présentent aucune difficulté à qui en possède les lois. Les SATINIENS les possèdent plus que nous ne saurions jamais l'imaginer. Il est regrettable que trop de personnes s'occupent des problèmes des OVNIs sans avoir la moindre qualification. Leur fantaisie est tellement débridée qu'elle porte un énorme préjudice à la cause. Nous avons vu nous-même des régisseurs de la télévision vouloir faire des reportages sur ce sujet sans en avoir la moindre notion. Ce qui en résulte ne peut jamais être d'une réelle valeur bien que ce soit annoncé comme tel dans les programmes. Comment pouvons-nous prouver que nos contacts avec les OVNIs sont véridiques ? Depuis plus de 15 ans nous travaillons intensément à la recherche du monde spirituel, c'est-à-dire à prouver la survie après la mort. Des résultats obtenus par le Corps Médical remplissent plus de 4.000 pages d'imprimerie. L'action des guides spirituels, c'est-à-dire les professeurs de l'autre monde qui nous informent et nous répondent pendant les séances, s'est trouvée amplement confirmée durant tout ce temps.Dans l'intervalle des dix dernières années nous n'avons pas relevé un seul cas de mystification de la part de nos aides spirituels. Il nous confirment continuellement l'authenticité de nos contacts extra-terrestres. Ils s'efforcent dans la mesure de leurs moyens, d'apporter une aide à nos efforts en vue d'obtenir une compréhension toujours meilleure avec les Extra-Terrestres appelés : SATINIENS. Il y a des années, nous avons été fortement combattus parce que nous avions soutenu que les Vénusiens n'existaient pas. Effectivement ceci est maintenant prouvé car la température de Vénus ne permet pas la vie. Ceux qu'on appelle Vénusiens viennent d'une station spatiale extra-terrestre mobile qui se trouve au voisinage de Vénus. Il a donc pu avoir confusion. D'ailleurs, nous ne désignons pas les extra-terrestres comme Martiens, Vénusiens etc... mais comme "SATINIENS". Les communications extra terrestres sont d'une quantité remarquable et ont trouvé un écho dans le monde entier. Malheureusement, les dirigeants de l'humanité n'acceptent pas de recevoir des instructions de provenance terrestre ou extra-terrestre. Il est vrai que nous ne pouvons pas juger de ces choses. Nous essayons de maintenir le contact avec ces hommes et notre méthode a été couronnée de succès.Nous recommandons à tous les sceptiques de se donner la peine de relire la Bible. Dans le Livre d'ÉZÉCHIEL ils trouveront une assez bonne description de L'Enseignement Spirituel et Scientifique d'Ashtar Sheran à l'Humanité.
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By Erol YurderiTranslated By Ebru Dengiz

Soul, being timeless and placeless presence, cannot be understood and interpreted with our senses. Because it is not something to hold or see. From that manner, any definition about the Soul will be incomplete and insufficient. Soul can only be known with its impacts and manifestation. To give an example, we cannot see the electricity but we do know its effects as heat and light. Likewise, we cannot see the soul, but we do know its effects which give vitality and consciousness to the body.Soul is created by God as a perfect “essence”. It is immortal. It has the godlike knowledge, but it is not God. It is a reflection of God. From its essence point of view, it has the infinte power; this power cannot be decreased or destroyed. Consciousness, will and imagination are soul’s attributes. Soul is not limited with five senses, but has infinite senses and abilities.We all have “essence soul”, and “holy soul” sides.Essence Soul; is our godlike side. It is perfect. Essence soul has wisdom. And it develops by gathering information.Holy Soul on the other hand; is our side which has to evolve. At the beginning, we may see this side of ours as ego. The side in which selfish wishes and desires exist.The main goal is to discipline the holy soul with the advanced intelligence in the essence soul, and transform it into a feeling heart. When the essence soul matures the holy soul and transforms it into a feeling heart, those two becomes One. We may also refer to it as “making our mind and heart One”. A mind that works with the heart in balance, is extremely important for spiritual developement.The goal of the soul, is to evolve in material and spiritual worlds, i.e. develope itself, and lead to its source. Eventually, to reach the One, the Only, the Creator.Soul can manage the material, like it can manage itself. Material world is the masterpiece of the soul. Soul is a presence that has to have infinite actions. Soul which has will and power, continuously gives form to the material, and prevents it from falling apart. Body is also soul’s work of art. Soul does all those actions in accordance with certain universal principles. God creates; soul, on the other hand, gives form to the created.Before borning into the earth, soul is in the place so called other world or soul world. This world itself has a particular material structure. It is constructed from energies that vary from dense to subtle. Souls have presence in that other world accordingly with their maturehood. That is to say, every soul has its place in that world depending on the level of maturity. That world’s has its own specific time and material. Soul presences continue their evolvement in that world too. Life there, is diffent from life in our world. In that environment, imaginative action is valid.A soul which decides to born into earth in order to evolve (incarnate), makes up all its programme in that world. Soul incarnates in line with its programme, into the most appropriate environment for its evolvement.Human come into existance from soul and body and presents an integrity. Therefore, human has material and spiritual characteristics. Human’s superior and supreme side is the soul, while body is only a temporary tool. Soul is what keeps the body alive and it dominatines the body. To give an example, we may resemble the soul as a car’s driver, and body as the car. Without soul’s effect, the body will never work. So, human is not a body which has soul, but a soul which has body.Soul also is neither in nor outside the body. Soul is the mechanism which fills the body and dominates the body with its energy. They are continuously in contact. The goal of the soul is to enlarge its knowledge by having many experiences in material and spiritual worlds, and consequently become mature. Earth is a place for maturity as well. It uses a body for that reason.Our body and consequently our five senses, are the soul’s windows which open to the earth. Spiritual developement is achived by the harmony among body and soul. That is why we have to use our five senses well. Because, all the impressions gathered with five senses in the body, are sent to soul via mind. Also all command of the souls are conducted to the body via mind. Many people think of the mind as the soul itself. Mind is in no case the soul, for the mind has something which manipulates and transforms the thoughts. It is the soul that makes it happen. Eventually, the mind and the body are vehicles of soul’s expressions.Soul, by using the body, gains knowledge and performs its duties on earth. Then by seperating from the body, returns back to the other world (soul world). The absolute detachment of the soul and body connection is called death. Death, is a natural principles as much as birth and only valid for the body. Not for the soul. The soul is immortal.Commander(Kaynak: Ruh ve Madde Yayinlari - Soul and Material Publication) (1.issue)
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Nothingless Carries You to Wisdom

By Erol YurderiTranslated By Burak UçkunThere are two magical words, which will make the man ready for the consciousness level that is beyond time. Love and goodness. However in addition to these there is one more word which is harder to reach. NOTHINGLESS.The feeling which love and goodness will bring it to us. What is Nothingless? What kind of a feeling is it? What do we understand from the word nothingless? Let’s start with feeling nothingless in the material world. What kind of an answer would you give, if one day you had to describe the place you live to an alien? Maybe by basing on scientific data you would say; “We are creatures living on the third planet of a small solar system which exists out edge of a magnificent galaxy called the Milky Way”. Yet, this answer would not make any sense with the alien. Because the Milky Way galaxy is formed of 300 billion sun (solar systems). And in universe, there are billions of other galaxies like ours. Like the one we exist in, lots of solar systems gather, and altogether they form a galaxy. When billions of galaxies get together, they form a universe. Think about many universes in the infinity and from out of those, think about yourself! This feeling will absolutely carry you away to nothingless.

One spiritual information explains this infinity like this: “You have the dimensions which you don’t know the width and, can not think about the length of yourself. And know that even on this moment, the place you are present at, is limited inside another vast place. And know that widths and lengths are extended just like that. And know that, on top of the place you would have never guessed and never seen, there is only Him, only His order. And now you see your smallness, think about what it is like to doubt of Him, His order”.Infinity! Let’s think of our solar system, our galaxies, and our universe as infinity! All of us are the elements of infinity. Although we, human beings, are not even a little spot in the infinity, all of us have a position on universe. And as a spiritual being, by maturation through this infinite journey, we are moving towards God.In this journey, there are two big combinations. These are, “certain infinity” and “unconditional love”. Because the ways that human beings and the whole spiritual beings will walk and the evolutions that they will experience, continuously cross with these two combinations.Certain infinity is a geometrical shape. And there is always a movement upwards. There is always a need of progress. And it is infinity which never allows any suspicion. Unconditional love is a geometrical shape as well and again there is an upward movement in it. There is always a need of progress and is infinite. We should not forget that infinity is also a spot and can exist only with GOD. But for our evolutions, the combination of these two shapes is must. Because rising, finding self is possible with this combination. Certain infinity and unconditional love. However to live this, to perceive this and being aware would bring people out to the required consciousness and consciousness level. Our universe is also formed of a huge consciousness. And we can experience it only inside ourselves. We can make it live only in our consciousness. But the important thing is, to find out Its light, knowledge inside ourselves and in our consciousness! And to feel this deep inside. To love this feeling and conscious, unconditional.There is a hierarchic order in universe. Various orders and plans take part on us. These orders and plans had always existed and are always going to exit. There are plans which arrange the maturation level of all living creatures. The ones, who exist in these orders and plans, had reached there by making progresses in their own spiritual evolution, by passing through specific gates. All of these orders and plans are the circles of spiritual evolution chain and they are clamped together. The existence of these orders had reached a particular level of spiritual evolution on mind, goodness, information and on love. Even they see themselves as a spot on infinity. Because they have seen, information and love of God is infinite and they have experienced awareness of themselves’ smallness. And this has created the feeling of “nothingless” inside.In terms of spiritual meaning, this is the description of nothingless; “Nothingless is, the experience of self awareness in seeing your smallness in front of God’s highness and information.” In nothingless, there is huge humility, which information brings out. Nothingless is, at the same time, a great wisdom. Besides, the mood of knowing one’s place exists in nothingless concept as well.Yes, life is infinity. Wish we all know it one day! If we could have rescued ourselves from our fears, controls and feelings which we start with “I”. If we could have firstly loved ourselves, then everybody and lastly loved nothingless! If we could have got became as small as nothingless and got to that spot! If we could have seen where we could approach, what would happen at that time! If we could compare this, to our condition at the moment!We are creatures proceeding toward this way. All these psychological works take us to self and God. But firstly, those works make us to take huge steps towards wisdom. At this point, the place we should find and reach should be “nothingless”. This nothingless, just this nothingless takes us to wisdom.Let’s turn back to infinity. Infinity, endless infinity! We are just a spot in infinity, a tiny little spot that would not be seen, just like thoughts. just like information. Think about it! The hugeness and power of God, information and think about love.!.. The whole information we learn is just a tiny little spot. Let’s increase these spots together and enlarge it as if it is an avalanche. Because this is the growth of information and love. Let’s become conscious about this all together. Because the time is the real time, awakening time. Let’s experience this awakening all together. Let’s catch this light! The way of this is the way true. God’s, hymn’s love’s way. The way of being human, the way unity. And the most important information in here is, “nothingless”. The way of reaching God and unity crosses through nothingless. Let’s never forget this! (second issue)
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