Andreana's Posts (3)

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Third Soul Insight - New Soul

Third Soul Insight

About Andreana and the insights
Andreana Ocean among other things is a soul explorer who has set out to release a set of soul insights gathered from interviews conducted with souls. Some of these are currently incarnated in physical form and some not. The information is gathered using a number of different methods including but not exclusively regression and channelling and through different sources other than her own intuition and connection.
The information produced in these Soul Insights are not the views of Andreana herself; but a portrayal of the views of different souls. She is acting as a reporter and representative for the freedom of the expression of souls both through the people they are currently sharing a life with; from the guides of those people or other souls that have connected to share their view of this time and their own unique journey.
The soul story of Suki
Many people have heard of souls but if you ask people what a soul is then sometimes the explanation can vary vastly. My interpretation is our soul is us in our purest form; it is us at the highest vibrational point we have managed to reach. Our soul is the ever evolving version of ourself that is constantly seeking to explore itself through both positive and negatively based experiences.
This exploration through different circumstances and experiences then gives each soul or pure form the chance to make choices of who they wish to be. What part of their experience do they feel represents them more accurately and where do they go on their next step to knowing themselves more? Every part of creation has choice or free will; and how we use this can shape us completely.
Every soul has completely different goals; motivations; energetic makeup and creational purposes. Each soul journey or story is completely different to the next and by taking glimpses into their journeys we can find a little bit of their truth which can hopefully lead to the questions that may show you our own truth.
Depending on your own soul’s evolvement will depend on how you resonate and interpret the information from the soul insights as well as how much you are influenced by your human based emotions or are connected to your highest pure self.
The information here will bring forward different emotions in everyone and I am in no way asking anyone to take this as their truth simply to allow themselves the opportunity to expand their consciousness through the possibilities these soul insights give.
The first soul insight was of an incarnated soul whose guide is Elyssa. Elyssa featured in the Second Soul insight and mentioned Suki who is a young soul that wishes to share her story.
These are her insights
Andreana will be represented with an AO: and the soul or pure form PF:
AO: Suki; Elyssa said you wanted to share your experiences; is that right
PF: Yes that is right
AO: How many life times have you had on Earth
PF: It was my first partial incarnation on Earth although I had a lot of support from guides who helped me hold the energy
AO: In what way did your guides help
PF: Because I have not incarnated on Earth before I was not used to merging my energy with the human form and I could not manage to do it on my own. I had two guides that were with me all the time to try and help me manage.
AO: Is the way they worked with you different to how guides tend to work with people
PF: Yes very different. They shared the lifetime with me as I could not connect on my own. They were more than guides they were a part of the person I incarnated with
AO: Why would guides work in this way
PF: Because it is important that new souls come to Earth but we cannot manage on our own, so we work with souls that are more experienced or more able to merge with the human energy patterns
AO: So both your guides are more used to incarnating or merging with human energy
PF: Yes they are, so they helped me
AO: Why did you incarnate if you knew it was such a difficult energy match
PF: It is important for souls where I come from to come to Earth, so we need to learn and then also teach others how to. One way that we can learn by sharing lives with more experienced souls.
AO: Where do you come from
PF: I am from Eden
AO: Elyssa said souls do not incarnate from Eden
PF: We do not fully incarnate no; we would only be classed as incarnating souls when we can manage to incarnate on our own without sharing the human host with more experienced guides
AO: So your incarnation will help other souls from Eden learn how to manage the energy differences and merge more successfully
PF: Yes, that is one of the reasons I agreed to come to Earth
AO: Can you tell me more about your experiences in your life
PF: I was quite well known. I suffered from many addictions
AO: Well known enough for people to know who you are
PF: Yes but who I was is not important because my story is relevant for souls who have not been known as much as those who are
AO: So you struggled in your lifetime
PF: I had many struggles and could not manage my energy well. It was like a roller coaster ride of highs and lows. I have never experienced anything like it and although I had training before my lifetime nothing prepares you for your planet
AO: Can you tell me what the energy is like on our planet for a new soul
PF: Thick: it is like breathing in smoke all the time because your air is thick with thoughts and emotions that are negative. I am very sensitive to this so although my human host did not realise it I was constantly trying to battle these emotions and this energy that is all around
AO: So are younger souls more sensitive to this energy
PF: We are more aware of it in the sense that we are not used to having to protect ourselves from it and there is so little known about energy on Earth you do not teach your children about it. On our planet some of our first lessons are about energy and so we know fully how important working with positive energy is. Your thoughts create this energy.
AO: What others ways does this experience in energy differ from where you are from and Earth
PF: We are aware of the energy of everything around us; animals and plants; each other and the energy of other Universes. We are very connected and it is beautiful and harmonious where I am from.
AO: So you appreciate a heightened sense of being on your planet
PF: Yes that is it exactly. I felt like I was always in a bumper car on Earth getting knocks from every side of me and not being in control of my energy at all. I didn’t like it
AO: Are you planning to come to Earth again
PF: No, I have taken the information back to my planet so I can help others to understand the energy more but I do not feel that Earth is a place that I would want to incarnate again
AO: What were your soul agreements or plans when you decided to incarnate
PF: To touch lives through music and hope that they would feel the struggles of my soul through my music. To understand that not everyone can survive this world and that beauty and great talent dies on your planet. Please help others to be more protected than I was; don’t let them suffocate or drown in the negative sea of thoughts and feelings your world creates.
AO: Do you feel that you did what you wanted to do.
PF: I hope that people remember me and what I brought; but also question why I struggled; why so many people are struggling and how to help them. If people were more connected to their soul, so many of your human problems and conditions would disappear.
AO: So you believe that it is our dis-connection from our soul that makes people suffer
PF: I know that it is, without any doubt.
AO: Do you feel in your lifetime on Earth that your life would have been different if you had known more about souls when incarnated
PF: It was what I needed but did not know. So many people do not know yet they feel there is something missing; something not right. Those feelings are increasing in people now and more people need to question their lives and find their answers. It starts with the questions though of who they are and what this existence is about.
AO: Are there souls from other Universes that struggle.
PF: Many young souls and new souls struggle and even experienced souls forget who they are on Earth and do not complete the agreements set for themselves. The souls that do well on Earth are deeply respected and there are many in awe of what they achieve.
AO: Often we are in awe of guides and Angels but are you saying that they are in awe of us.
PF: Yes because you forget who you are and all of your skills and knowledge. Yet some of you fight to remember and achieve great things. Everyone knows how hard it is on Earth and some souls keep incarnating to help it change. I know for myself now what courage that takes.
AO: Is it important that we know that
PF: It is essential. Every soul on Earth currently chose to be there for a reason. It was a brave decision and one not taken lightly. Find out what it is because you are all more powerful than you know. Stop fighting one another and help your race evolve. This can only be done through recognising your soul and being who you are.
AO: What are your plans now that you have finished your life on Earth
PF: I still believe in the importance of souls incarnating from my planet and I will help. I hope to guide other souls who will incarnate from Eden. It is our hope that soon they will be able to fully incarnate once we learn how to connect better. As your energy on Earth continues to improve this is more possible.
AO: Are there other things that will help
PF: Help people learn about their soul and connect with it. This is essential. Some souls desperately need help.
AO: You mentioned addictions but are there other physical signs that a soul is struggling
PF: Autism is one; this is a common sign and everyone with autism would benefit from soul work. Some of your mental diseases and ME are other signs. There can be many but these are prominent ones.
AO: So soul integration and education could have a drastic impact on Earth.
PF: It will have a drastic impact.
AO: You mentioned that music was part of your soul agreements. Is this part of your soul energy
PF: Yes music is part of my soul energy. I was created with music as part of me and I use it to heal
AO: In what way do you work with music and healing
PF: Sometimes we need to feel pain to heal, for when we feel deep darkness we know there is light
AO: So a type of contrast healing
PF: Yes. We must embrace all to be balanced and every energy is beautiful is used for beauty
AO: So you connect with deep emotions; both that could be perceived as good and bad
PF: There is no good and bad; only different shades. Every emotional shade is relevant and needed. The important thing is intention and what is done with those emotions. Hate can be turned into passion and used for good.
AO: And music is your tool for helping people to reach these emotions and feel
PF: Music is a wonderful doorway to the soul. On Earth you will appreciate creative energy more and more.
AO: So creative energy is one way to connect to our soul
PF: Yes; it is through your creative mind that you reach your soul. Dance; sing; paint; think creative thoughts; express yourself and you will find out who you are. There is so much beauty around but you have to see it and feel it. People are using their conscious minds to feel; that is not how it works
AO: So a better connection with our subconscious would help us live with more soul energy
PF: Absolutely it will ; to your soul and then to creation itself. You have to balance your minds more; let go of your mental limits and let yourself soar
AO: Do you feel the human race is moving towards this goal
PF: There is much to learn still but people are opening up. You are all like children ready to learn. Your education will be very different and it needs to be
AO: So there will be many changes on the types of things we give importance to on Earth and what we teach
PF: It will completely change
AO: Are there people on Earth who are ready to teach this
PF: There are some but many more will be as soon as they open their minds
AO: Will some of this information come through this year
PF: The information is already here; it is just starting to be heard and more people will connect to the truth
AO: Will you be supporting from your planet or working in this Universe
PF: Both; although I need some time to adjust from my lifetime I am almost back to strength
AO: So you needed healing after your lifetime
PF: Yes I needed significant healing although everyone always has some healing after a lifetime
AO: Who performed this healing
PF: I passed through the Angelic Realm as all souls do and received healing from the Angels and other souls in the Realm.
AO: Do the Angels do anything else after a lifetime other than heal
PF: Yes they talk to you and help counsel you. There are specialist Angels that do this. It can be very upsetting and confusing after a lifetime so they help to talk you down.
AO: Who spoke to you after your lifetime.
PF: David and Zo-phia and I was healed by Raphael and Mandena.
AO: Can you tell me more about this experience.
PF: David and Zo-phia are Seraphims and have much experience. Zo-phia has incarnated many times herself and I found her words really resonated. David has incarnated although he guides more than incarnates. He has very gentle energy; very soothing. Raphael is now a Power and he works with Mandena who is female and she is also a power. They are very experienced and work with the souls that need the most energetic re-organising; which is generally the souls that are not used to coming to Earth.
AO: You mentioned that Angels incarnate; many people say that Angels don’t incarnate
PF: Some do and some don’t but you may need to speak to someone from the Angelic Realm about the specifics. I only know what I have felt and seen for myself.
AO: I can appreciate that but Zo-phia spoke to you about her incarnations
PF: Yes and she showed me them as well. I met her before my lifetime and she helped me prepare for the life. She has great experience of Earth and of the human race. Her knowledge is unsurpassed.
AO: So although she heals it is her knowledge that struck you
PF: Her knowledge is how she heals. She knows how it feels to incarnate and what trials you experience through that life. She can relate directly and it is that sharing of experiences that gives you confidence in her words and thoughts. I totally respected her wisdom without question because I could feel that she knew what I knew. Her words both heal and inspire.
AO: So you feel the very fact that she has incarnated made her who she was
PF: She is proud of her experience and so she should be. She has battled to gain her knowledge and be who she is. The Angels could not do what they do without the knowledge they hold. They could not hold the knowledge they hold without the experiences they have had. Our experiences make us who we are. Zo-phia is amazing and the fact that she incarnates should mean she is more respected not less so.
AO: I think people like the purity of the Angels and feel that incarnating is beneath them or would not make them as pure.
PF: It is an honour to incarnate because it means you are strong. To do so many times and succeed means you are a hero. The Angels are heroes and they should be respected for who they are and what they have done.
AO: I can feel your passion when you say this. Why do you feel this is so important
PF: Because the truth is important and if you want to really know the Angels and love them as many feel they do then you would want to know them as they are and know the truth. It is showing them the greatest respect to love them in their truth. Otherwise what they do is wasted as you are only loving what you want to believe and not them at all. That has been the problem on Earth and if it is to change then love these amazing beings for all that they are and all that they do.
AO: Do you believe the angels want us to know them in a different way to what we currently do.
PF: They want you to know them as they are and allow them to help you. If someone gave you the wrong phone number you would not reach the person you wanted to call. If you do not have the right information about the Angels how do you really expect to connect with them. You may get a partial connection if at all unless the connections are right through the right information
AO: So you feel that knowing the truth is essential to really connecting with the Angels
PF: Them and other guides who are not known at all and you have little chance of connecting through. The Angels are the most known about because every soul on Earth who incarnates has met them and they are close to the human race. There are many others trying to help also but they need you to know about them to help them
AO: So the information being correct helps us connect
PF: It helps them to connect to you also; it gives you the right frequency to meet their energy vibrations. New guides are helping Earth and no one knows about them
AO: Is there anyone that you feel needs to be spoken about or to
PF: David who is the Seraphim I spoke to after my lifetime. He is very significant in the Angelic Realm and I believe he would like to be better known
AO: Thank you; I will try and connect more to him and find out his insights. Is there anything else you would like to talk about
PF: Only that there is so much help for the people on Earth but please help yourselves by learning your truths and letting go of illusions. Help the younger souls and the new souls that want to come to Earth and be kinder to one another. Above all stop hurting one another and yourselves.
AO: Thank you
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The Second Soul Insights - Galactic Federation Member

The Second Soul Insight

Soul Insights by Andreana Ocean
About Andreana and the insights
Andreana Ocean among other things is a soul explorer who has set out to release a set of soul insights gathered from interviews conducted with souls. Some of these are currently incarnated in physical form and some not. The information is gathered using a number of different methods including but not exclusively regression and channelling and through different sources other than her own intuition and connection.
The information produced in these Soul Insights are not the views of Andreana herself; but a portrayal of the views of different souls. She is acting as a reporter and representative for the freedom of the expression of souls both through the people they are currently sharing a life with; from the guides of those people or other souls that have connected to share their view of this time and their own unique journey.
The soul story of Elyssa
Many people have heard of souls but if you ask people what a soul is then sometimes the explanation can vary vastly. My interpretation is our soul is us in our purest form; it is us at the highest vibrational point we have managed to reach. Our soul is the ever evolving version of ourself that is constantly seeking to explore itself through both positive and negatively based experiences.
This exploration through different circumstances and experiences then gives each soul or pure form the chance to make choices of who they wish to be. What part of their experience do they feel represents them more accurately and where do they go on their next step to knowing themselves more? Every part of creation has choice or free will; and how we use this can shape us completely.
Every soul has completely different goals; motivations; energetic makeup and creational purposes. Each soul journey or story is completely different to the next and by taking glimpses into their journeys we can find a little bit of their truth which can hopefully lead to the questions that may show you our own truth.
Depending on your own soul’s evolvement will depend on how you resonate and interpret the information from the soul insights as well as how much you are influenced by your human based emotions or are connected to your highest pure self.
The information here will bring forward different emotions in everyone and I am in no way asking anyone to take this as their truth simply to allow themselves the opportunity to expand their consciousness through the possibilities these soul insights give.
The first soul insight was of an incarnated soul whose guide is Elyssa. After making a connection in the first insight we are now going to connect with Elyssa to discover more about her soul story and the information she wished to bring through.
Andreana will be represented with an AO: and the soul or pure form PF:
AO: Can you confirm your name please
PF: Elyssa
AO: and are there particular subjects you would like to talk about
PF: Yes, my role within the Galactic Federation and the struggles of younger souls on your planet Earth
AO: OK thank you. Can we look first at the Federation. Are you a member of the Federation
PF: Yes I am
AO: and the Federation is made up of souls from many Universes
PF: Yes, and the numbers are growing from the original ones that formed the Federation. My Universe was one of the first to Universes to form the Federation and I have been part of it since its beginning
AO: Are you not from this Universe then
PF: I am from a planet called Eden, which is hosted in another Universe. Currently Eden souls do not incarnate on Earth
AO: Is there a reason souls do not incarnate from Eden
PF: The energy is very different on my planet and it is a difficult connection with the human energy vibrations as they are currently
AO: You say the human energy vibrations currently; are souls from Eden hoping to incarnate here at some point
PF: That is one of the things we are working towards; both the Federation and also other souls are helping to make that possible
AO: Is their incarnation on Earth important
PF: It would drastically improve the energy of Earth as well as uniting my Universe with this one. We have always hoped to come to Earth but the time has not been right
AO: Can you tell me more about the Galactic Federation; and your part within it
PF: The Galactic Federation are a group of souls from many different Universes and Galaxies that are dedicated to the development and evolution of creation. It was created to allow souls from other Universes to converse and help one another within set guidelines and regulations
AO: So there is an order as such to the energy movements between Universes
PF: There has to be and to make sure that everyone knows what is being done for the highest good and uniting our energy. In this way what we can achieve is magnified and we can all progress together
AO: I have heard of the Galactic Federation but some people I know find it a bit too star trek to believe in. Can you explain more about it
PF: Star Trek is a good interpretation of the truth. The things in your reality come from a greater truth. Is it so hard to believe that there are many life forms and that they would come together and form an organisation that wanted to unite all the Universes
AO: No I guess not and it sounds logical that it would be needed. Can you tell me more about the Federation and their work
PF: We work on many planets and within different Universes for different reasons but always with the highest good in mind for all. Sometimes we would be involved if relationships between species on a planet become hostile or we once went to a planet where many trees had been destroyed and these trees held memories; we needed to retrieve those memories and help that race find hope again.
AO: So does the highest good mean an outcome that is positive not just for that planet or Universe but for the whole of creation
PF: It does, and also that within different planets all species are treated equal. It is never acceptable for one to flourish on a planet at the expense of another.
AO; Do members of the federation have to train to be able to work across many Universes because energetically I would imagine that would not be easy
PF: A soul normally knows quickly if the Federation is for them and would base their development on this mission to be part of the Federation. Most see it as a calling and feel connected to this calling as early as they remember.
AO: Do Federation members incarnate
PF: It is rare for them to do so because it interferes with their ability to travel to other Universes. Our strength comes from our soul energy; incarnating can be damaging to this energy.
AO: So if you incarnate too much it is more difficult to travel and connect energetically to other planets and universes
PF: It can be yes and we get our strength from the amount of souls in the federation that do not incarnate. Our space travel is possible because we are all connected and our energy feeds one another and creates a strong force to be able to move across all time and space.
AO: When are the times that Federation members would incarnate
PF: On Earth now there are more than ever incarnated; although these numbers are still very low. They have very specific roles. One of them to create a better understanding of who we are and what we do so that humans can accept our help and also discover many truths that have been hidden from them
AO: So they are incarnated here because people struggle with the concept of the federation
PF: Yes, at the right time they will remember or help to be reminded who they are. Their stories are important. You cannot find your truth if you cannot accept the truth. The Galactic Federation exists and we help in more ways than the people on Earth can ever imagine.
AO: So you believe that it is important for people to believe in the Federation
PF: At least to know what we stand for and not fear our role or dismiss it for now
AO: How would you describe what you stand for
PF: We stand for freedom and equality among all life forms
AO: Has the Federation had to fight for that belief
PF: It is something all in the Federation feel very passionate about and we do have warriors who have had to battle when needed
AO: You are guiding a soul on Earth at the moment and he is working with animals both in helping their spiritual development and also in our connection and development concerning animals. Are animals part of the Galactic Federation
PF: Yes; there are many species and life forms; it is essential that all are represented through the Federation
AO: So is one of the key things about the Federation their diversity of life and pure forms
PF: Yes it is; that forms the foundation of who we are. No one is above another
AO: What are some of your key roles within the Federation?
PF: The key areas that I specialise in are making alliances and agreements between Universes. I also work with developing souls that wish to incarnate or move between the Universes. My current mission is concerned with helping young souls on Earth and in preparing for new souls to come to Earth.
AO: So can you tell me more about these souls and what the details of your work with them involves
PF: Many souls struggle when coming to Earth and for younger soul’s incarnations can have devastating effects on them. Your planet is not a very nice place for a pure form
AO: In what ways do they struggle or what do younger souls find hard about being on Earth
PF: It is currently a very negative planet and the way that you treat one another is harsher than on any other planet. There is a lot of brain washing and sub-conscious programming that limits what people can do and over all it is a very oppressive society
AO: Wow; is Earth viewed like that from many souls
PF: There are many who will not incarnate on Earth or who have incarnated and cannot imagine being able to again. Your current energy crushes the soul and you do not let people on Earth grow and flourish. You exist within bubbles of ignorance and try and crush anyone who dares to speak out or move against your set beliefs; most of which you borrow from society, your parents or other means; they are not your heart felt believes. Most people never discover their soul or live with that energy. It is suffocated within you and for many souls coming to Earth is very har
AO: I can feel your passion about this subject; I can also feel sadness
PF: It is devastating for some souls that come to Earth yet Earth desperately needs new souls with different diverse energy to lift her. We do not want to encourage these souls to incarnate just to see them struggle and then to feel that they have failed
AO: What struggles do younger souls tend to go through; or how do these struggles show themselves in human traits
PF: They are more prone to addictive behaviour especially habits that allow escapism such as drugs and alcohol. Many will not live long lives on Earth
AO: So if the soul is struggling then the person can live a shorter life than a soul that flourishes with their human host
PF: Yes; and yet these souls if helped could thrive and live wonderful lives; bringing with them gifts of knowledge and amazing energy. You are missing the most astounding gifts from creation in the form of these souls because you do not allow or help them to show that part of themselves
AO: So is it the lack of spiritual education on Earth that causes some problems
PF: That is one of the reasons yes. It is also your limited minds and aggressive behaviour. Souls do not experience these negative emotions in the quantities you have on Earth and it is a shock to them. In pure form every soul is nurtured and guided; encourages evolving and becoming the best version of themselves. They are always loved and feel this in abundance as well as acceptance for who they are above all
AO: So the negativity combined with lack of spiritual guidance means that younger souls get lost within their human life
PF: Yes
AO: What do you believe needs to happen to prevent souls and people from suffering
PF: Understanding of your spiritual self; nurturing and encouragement to express and an expansion of consciousness so you have answers to your many questions as a race
AO: Are we moving more towards that on Earth now
PF: Slowly, yes it is changing but people must keep pushing forwards to allow this change and break free of your chained minds
AO: You mentioned souls from your Universe Eden. Are there plans for more souls to incarnate from Eden in the future
PF: It is essential that they do
AO: Are they hoping to come here soon and what can be done to help them
PF: There are immediate plans for some souls to start incarnating from Eden. We are hoping to choose hosts that are more likely to discover about the soul so that they can receive help connecting with their host
AO: So for these souls to incarnate successfully it is essential they know about their soul
PF: Yes; it is important for everyone and would benefit everyone but for these new souls it is essential
AO: So have they been waiting for a time on Earth when there was more spiritual knowledge and acceptance before coming here
PF: We have all been waiting for the right time and now Earth is moving forwards as she should be, it is soon time
AO: Are we going to see drastic changes on Earth now
PF: The next three years you will experience things you never thought possible; the veils of the illusions are lifting; it is time to take off your chains as a race and begin to break free of the mental controls forced on your society. In three years time your planet will not be anything like it is now
AO: As well as Eden souls coming to Earth are there any other changes or information you would like to express
PF: Just to find your soul; learn about this part of yourself and how to live with that part of yourself. It will change your life beyond what you can imagine. Start living and not existing
AO: Are there souls that you know would like to connect and share their stories and views within the insights
PF: Yes; David is a Seraphim and he wants to connect, there is also a young soul who has just finished an incarnation. Her name is Suki and I would like her to share her experience so you can understand firsthand what her struggles were and how we can avoid this in the future
AO: Thank you for sharing your energy and information with us
PF: You are welcome
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Soul Insights

The First Soul Insight

Soul Insights by Andreana Ocean
About Andreana and the insights
Andreana Ocean among other things is a soul explorer who has set out to release a set of soul insights gathered from interviews conducted with souls. Some of these are currently incarnated in physical form and some not. The information is gathered using a number of different methods including but not exclusively regression and channelling and through different sources other than her own intuition and connection.
The information produced in these Soul Insights are not the views of Andreana herself; but a portrayal of the views of different souls. She is acting as a reporter and representative for the freedom of the expression of souls both through the people they are currently sharing a life with; from the guides of those people or other souls that have connected to share their view of this time and their own unique journey.
The soul story of An-da-raous
Many people have heard of souls but if you ask people what a soul is then sometimes the explanation can vary vastly. My interpretation is our soul is us in our purest form; it is us at the highest vibrational point we have managed to reach. Our soul is the ever evolving version of ourself that is constantly seeking to explore itself through both positive and negatively based experiences.
This exploration through different circumstances and experiences then gives each soul or pure form the chance to make choices of who they wish to be. What part of their experience do they feel represents them more accurately and where do they go on their next step to knowing themselves more? Every part of creation has choice or free will; and how we use this can shape us completely.
Every soul has completely different goals; motivations; energetic makeup and creational purposes. Each soul journey or story is completely different to the next and by taking glimpses into their journeys we can find a little bit of their truth which can hopefully lead to the questions that may show you your own truth.
Depending on your own soul’s evolvement will depend on how you resonate and interpret the information from the soul insights as well as how much you are influenced by your human based emotions or are connected to your highest pure self.
The information here will bring forward different emotions in everyone and I am in no way asking anyone to take this as their truth simply to allow themselves the opportunity to expand their consciousness through the possibilities these soul insights give.
Andreana will be represented with an AO: and the soul or pure form PF:
AO: Are you male or female
PF: I am male
AO: What is your soul name?
PF: An-da-raous
AO: Are you known by other names
PF: Some have nick names for me so I can be known be many different things. The way souls use their names is different to how people do
AO: In what way
PF: Some souls gain names almost like titles if they achieve something so they can be known as many different things to many different souls
AO: So if you have more names does that sometimes mean that you have achieved more
PF: It can do yes. We are always evolving and our names can evolve with that change. You will always have the name you were created with but some now use other names
AO: What would you prefer to be known as here?
PF: Raibo
AO: Can you tell more about your soul energy Raibo; how it feels and if you can your creation purpose
PF: I was created with the elements of high energy manipulation; a sort of healing energy as you would know it on Earth and also with the energy of animals
AO: The energy of animals; what do you mean by that
PF: Every soul is connected to animals in some way but it was part of my creational energy because of the purposes that I was created for
AO: Can you tell me more about the purpose that you were created for
(Every soul when created is formed from a part of consciousness of all that is and with a purpose and intention that fits into the larger picture of the whole)
PF: I was created to help restore peace on Earth and unite energies
AO: When you say unite energies can you expand on this for me please
PF: The human race sees themselves as singular, even those who know they have a spiritual purpose forget that creation involves many things and everything
AO: When you say many things can you be more specific
PF: Animals; plants even the air around you is all energy and connected and in forgetting any one aspect of this you in turn forget and are disconnected to yourself
AO: So if you are here to unite energies are there specific areas that your soul has decided to work with
PF: Yes with animals and their connection with people
AO: What kind of connection are you talking about
PF: A connection that is based more spiritually and that helps in the spiritual progress of both humans and animals
AO: So do animals have soul agreements and plans in the same way that humans do
(Soul agreements are made before each lifetime and can span many lifetimes. They are a set of objectives and goals that the soul wishes to complete successfully. These can be personal goals but many souls also have goals that involve a much bigger picture of evolution)
PF: Many of the animals have far more important tasks than many human souls
AO: Why is that
Pf: Because animal souls were created before human souls and also because they remain more connected with their soul during lifetimes
AO: So do animals remember their soul histories
PF: Yes they do
AO: Are there circumstances which would cause them to forget
PF: Abuse can cause them to disconnect and also their spirituality being ignored
AO: So are some animals here for very specific reasons
PF: Most are here for very specific reasons and this is especially true of certain species
AO: Which species are here in particular with a spiritual purpose
PF: Horses are one of the chosen species
AO: Horses have been very prominent in human history and helped with our development in many areas of industry and even war. Have they always been here to help spiritually as well, or is that just now because of this time
PF: They have always been our spiritual partners even though we may not have seen it like that. Their involvement in our spiritual evolution now needs to increase and be understood
AO: Is your soul here at this time to help with any part of that understanding
PF: I am here to help the spiritual development of animals and increase people’s awareness of our connection with them and how we can advance through understanding and working with them more
AO: is this an area your soul has worked on in other lifetimes
PF: Yes
AO: How many lifetimes have you incarnated on Earth
Pf: 32 times on Earth
AO: and have you incarnated on other planets
PF: Yes on three others in this universe
AO: How does incarnation differ on other planets both in terms of physicality and the purpose of incarnation on those planets
PF: I incarnated on other planets to prepare more for my lifetimes here. The level of physicality depends on different planets but you retain your full memories of who you are. The idea of these planets is that you get to explore an aspect of physicality to get used to how to remain connected to your soul and you can also choose to work on other developmental areas that are specific to you
AO: Are there areas that you chose to work on during incarnations on other planets and if so what were they
PF: I wanted to work on my ability to manipulate energy more so that I could become a stronger healer on Earth. I also wanted to learn more about different energy dynamics such as working with darker or dense energy
AO: So is it much harder to work with energy on Earth than on these other planets
PF: It is hard in the sense that so little is still known about it so you are not taught during lifetimes how to and also because the energy is harder to interpret because we become disconnected with our own life force; our soul
AO: Do you feel this is something that can change on Earth
PF: It is something that must if you are to gain a better understanding and appreciation of life.
AO: So are you saying we must understand energy more to understand and evolve ourselves and as a planet
PF: That is one of the things yes
AO: you mentioned dark energy; just what do you mean by that
PF: Dark energy is like strong emotions; some that can be considered bad but it is only ever the use of things that is bad and not the energy itself
AO: Can you explain more please
PF: Anger for example can be changed to passion and drive and put towards a good purpose or it can be used to be harmful to yourself and others. Ignoring these emotions and not understanding them does not change that they are there. I wanted to learn more about how to work with them especially because Earth has so many of these dark emotions and energies that need to be used for good and not destructive purposes
AO: In this lifetime are there other goals and ambitions you set out in your soul agreements and if it is appropriate can you please tell me them
PF: Within this lifetime I wanted to complete a mission that I signed up for not long after my adolescent stage of soul development. I wanted to come to Earth and incarnate until mankind is free of negative outside influence and they are able to experience free will in the form it was meant
AO: Do you not feel that we express and experience free will on Earth
PF: You feel that you do but so many of you are not free mentally and are controlled by so many factors that it would be impossible for you to make a decision based on your own consciousness and choice
AO: Do you feel that in order for people to be truly free then that they need to free their minds and raise their consciousness
PF: It is essential
AO: Are there other souls that you are working with to achieve this
PF: Yes there are many; some that incarnate and some that support. Some of these souls have been working on this mission long before my creation and involvement
AO: Are you saying that not all souls are created at the same time
PF: I do not have full knowledge of other souls creations but I only know that there are souls that are older than mine especially those out of this universe
AO: So there are other Universes
PF: I am not the best soul to talk about these things as it is beyond my access level for my stage of development
AO: So I would need to talk to either an older soul or one with a higher level of access
PF: Yes that is correct
AO: ok… thank you for clearing that up for me. Can we talk about the kind of relationships you have experienced as a soul
PF: Yes
AO: Have you had partners or girlfriends on a soul level and how many
PF: I have had five partners in pure form
AO: Are you currently with a partner
PF: No I am not
AO: Is there a reason that you are not with a partner
PF: My personal development is not complete and at the moment it is not a suitable time for me to be concentrating on romantic connections because I have a task to do
AO: So for you are you saying that your soul agreements and the mission on Earth is more important at this time than any romantic connection
PF: Yes it would be too distracting and I have allowed that to happen before
AO: Can you explain what you mean by that
PF: I was at a really crucial part of my development and I became attached to another younger soul. There was a strong energetic attraction that you would experience as sexual attraction and it meant that my energy field was weakened in other areas and it blocked my progress. It also had a negative impact on her energy field and development
AO: So souls do experience a type of sexual energy and connection
PF: Yes but it is so much more than that. It is a much higher frequency than you know on Earth and far more powerful. You have to connect to them in other ways and your soul energies must match in other ways. I am not an expert in this field so I may struggle to explain
AO: ok but you are saying that the expression of sexual love is more complex energetically than it is on Earth
PF: It is more complex on Earth but you understand so little about energy interactions you do not always see the damage it can do or the way to use it so that it is a more positive connection
AO: Can you explain a bit more please… even if it is just from your perspective about the relationships you experienced that you feel had negative implications for you and the other soul
PF: I had incarnated with a female soul and we had shared a lifetime in Africa on a mission to help preserve an animal species. We had been romantically connected in that lifetime and when we came back to pure form it meant that our energies had become more suitable for sexual activity and connection. This does not mean that it is always right and she was a younger soul than me and not as adept at controlling her energy. When two souls connect it is best when both are of very similar and matched frequency so that the two benefit and one does not drain the other or both drain one another. Unfortunately we both pursued the connection and once souls connect in this way you merge with one another; it is the most entwined of ways and it can be difficult to disconnect.
AO: thank you for sharing that… it was very interesting and I am understanding more about the complex nature of energetic interactions we experience in pure form and on Earth. Do you mind me asking what the outcome was for you and the female soul
PF: We were both unable to incarnate due to our connection and I missed a very important lifetime with other members of the mission. Her development was also delayed and our interaction left her quite depleted on a soul level because she was not used to this level of energetic connection.
AO: Was this her first sexual experience with another soul
PF: Yes
AO: As the older or more experienced soul do you feel that you should have tried to stop the connection
PF: It would have been very difficult but yes I feel that would have been best as it resulted in not only both of us being affected but my team needed me on Earth and my energy was not as it should have been so I had to support in different ways instead
AO: Do you not feel that you were as useful as a guide or support
PF: No I am a front line soul not a supporter
AO: Is there a difference and what is it
PF: Some swap between the two roles others take one or the other. I am a front line soul and incarnate to get the job done… I don’t like to support
AO: your energy is very strong as you say that, it feels like something you are very passionate about
PF: All souls work hard but front line souls sacrifice a lot and risk a lot to do the role they do. I was very proud when I was asked to work within the team of souls I do and I felt that I had let them down and most importantly myself
AO: Were any of the souls in your team angry with you
PF: I was angry with myself; most of them are very progressed souls so they would not get angry; it’s sort of below them. That’s not to say they are not passionate but there would be nothing to be gained through making me feel any worse than I did.
AO: In this team of souls are they from this Universe
PF: Some are but more are not; they are from more advanced Universes
AO: Are you able to tell me more
PF: It is not my place to talk about them or those Universes or the right time… people need more understanding
AO: ok… I understand that different souls have different levels of access and are only allowed or wish to speak about the things that are within their understanding. Is this so that the information is not mis-represented
PF: that is one of the reasons; a more experience soul with a high level overview would do the questions and information more justice.
AO: Is there anyone that you feel would be relevant to talk to about these things
PF: My guide would be able to talk more
AO: Who is your guide
PF: The more relevant one is Elyssa
AO: Thank you I will connect to her on a separate occasion. Can we return to some more information on animals and their souls
PF: Yes I would like that
AO: Were animals ever created to be eaten by man
PF: No
AO: Are animals happy to incarnate on Earth
PF: Many animals will not incarnate on Earth; it is a very harsh planet for animals even though they have been essential to man’s development and survival
AO: Does eating animals negatively impact on a person’s spiritual evolution
Pf: On theirs and that of the planet as well
AO: Do you think people will be upset by this information
PF: Many will not accept it but for those who can, great progress can be made in their development
AO: Do all souls have soul guides when they are in incarnation
PF: Every soul is connected to animal energy even if they are not created with it, but not all are supported by animal guides during incarnation
AO: Is there a reason for some people not having animal guides
PF: Animals have a choice who they work with; some people do not deserve the attention and energy that animal souls and guides can give
AO: Can you explain what you mean; do animal guides work differently to other guides
PF: Animal guides merge with your energy to enhance your abilities; they give you strength when you need it and they can choose to give you their energy if they feel you deserve it
AO: So you mean they join with you as such… do other guides not do this
PF: They can lend you their energy but would not join and merge with your own… the way animals can use their energy is unique and wonderful
AO: It sounds amazing. So it’s a good thing to have an animal guide
PF: Yes
AO: What are the qualities that animals look for in people then; both souls and in physical form
PF: Respect, equality and freedom in that order
AO: Are animals treated more equally in pure form by other souls than on Earth
PF: They are equal and many of them are far more advanced than humanoid souls
AO: Again your energy was really strong on that point; is this something that you feel strongly about
PF: It is something many feel strongly about and a point that so few people understand on Earth
AO: Can you explain more so that I understand exactly what you mean
PF: On Earth animals are used for the betterment of mankind with very little regard of what that animal wants from their existence. We forget how much of our own survival has depended completely on animals and have lost sight of the higher meaning of our relationship with them
AO: Are animals on Earth happy
PF: Many are not but how could they be. Even those who do not mean to be are cruel
AO: What do you mean
PF: They humanise the animal and don’t think about their needs as that species or they think of them as a lower life form that is there just to meet human needs like slaves. We finally understood that treating other people as lower life forms is wrong based on differences such as colour or sex. The final awakening will only come when we see ALL life as equal
AO: So are you saying that in treating animals as lower than us we are being abusive
PF: Not so much that in itself is an abuse but often we don’t take into consideration the emotional needs of animals let alone their spiritual or developmental needs. Animals differ just as people do. Not every horse wants to be ridden but then again not every horse wants to stand all day in a field eating grass. They are all different and need to be treated as such. Equal but individual and most of all as highly spiritual beings that have as good if not better reason for existing here
AO: I am not sure we are even very good at understanding individuality amongst people let alone animals
PF: There is a way to go but it starts with thinking about these concepts and asking yourself questions
AO: So the questioning of how and why is the start to opening our minds and increasing our frequency
PF: Exactly
AO: And in doing that do we become more connected with creative consciousness
PF: It is the way that it starts. Do not accept things because they have always been that way; question why things are done and if there is a better way; a more enlightened way. You don’t need to have all the answers but the questioning is the start and important
AO: Thank you for that insight and the others that you have given; is there anything else that you feel you need to share
PF: Only that people need to know more about who they are as individuals and then the larger picture of how they fit into the creative cycle of existence. Now is the time for knowledge and understanding
AO: Thank you again
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