7thedimensionenergy's Posts (79)

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You come to us
from another world

From beyond the stars
and void of space.
Transcendent, Pure,
Of unimaginable beauty,
Bringing with you
the essence of love

You transform all
who are touched by you.
Mundane concerns,
troubles, and sorrows
dissolve in your presence,
Bringing joy
to ruler and ruled
To peasant and king

You bewilder us
with your grace.
All evils
transform into

You are the master alchemist.

You light the fire of love
in earth and sky
in heart and soul
of every being.

Through your love
existence and nonexistence merge.
All opposites unite.
All that is profane
becomes sacred again.



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(message from the Inca elder, don Mariano)

The Third Phase of the Great Pachacuti!

On June 21st of 2012, according to the paqos, we entered the third phase of the Time of the New Beginning – which, for the paqos, is the time of the Great Pachacuti. The duration of the third phase is 6 months: having commenced on the 21st of June, it will culminate on the 21st of December. At this point – on December 21, 2012 - we will formally step into what the Q’ero paqos refer to as the New Kingdom, or New Realm of Energy.

Vibrations of the divine feminine constellated around the date of June 21st, while vibrations of the divine masculine will constellate around the date of December 21st. On the date of December 21st, the divine feminine and divine masculine energies will melt together, and we will formally step into the New Kingdom of Energy. For the paqos, this New Realm of Energy will be infused with an increase in consciousness and a greatly expanded, new perception.
Beloved Elder Paqo Don Mariano Quispe shares that during the span of time of the third phase (which commenced on June 21st,) we must do the (inner) work to find our path: the path of our soul. He recommends that we listen to and follow the command of our soul. He shares that our soul will guide us and will align us with who we truly and deeply are, and with what our offerings are in this world and on this planet.

Don Mariano also clearly advises that this is the time during which we must embrace the teacher within us; he recommends that we re-encounter the teacher within us and follow the counsel and guidance of our own sacred inner teacher.

According to the paqos, each of us carries within us 7 gifts. Some of these gifts have already crystallized (have adopted tangible form and expression), and some of these gifts have not yet crystallized. During this third phase of the Great Pachacuti, we are invited to step out from our own shadows and to invoke the crystallization and expression of all 7 of our gifts. The creativity within us is awakening deeply during this period from solstice to solstice, and our creativity will support this process of the unfoldment and blossoming of our gifts.

Don Mariano suggests that, during this 6 month period, we work on anchoring ourselves while at the same time cultivating a posture of openness, interest, and curiosity – so that we are centered open channels to receive pure information about our own true natures and about the expressions of our gifts. It is interesting to note that for Don Mariano, one of our gifts may be that we are a healer; and that one of our gifts may be that we are not a healer.
Don Mariano is particularly aware of the fact that many of us hide – or try to hide – our potential. He says that this phase of the Great Pachacuti demands that we no longer hide. We are being invited to align more fully with ‘knowing and showing’ who we truly and deeply are, in alignment with our souls, on the planet.

In fact, the energies of the planet and of the cosmos will not allow us to continue hiding. Don Mariano recommends that if anything comes up for us during this 6th month period, it would be wise for us to not push it to the side, but to cultivate a ‘3-D’ perspective around it – contemplating it from all angles. Shortly before the arrival of December 21st, there will be a sacred energetic doorway that opens. On 12/12/12, we will be invited to do deep personal work that will support us in our journey across the threshold of the New Kingdom.

Don Mariano will share additional information with us about 12/12/12 and our invitation to do personal work in the near future.

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Love is the answer

We all have the ability to ``channel``, by connecting with universal energy, then using that energy to help us expand from within, and as we expand to share this with others. Many have become fanatical in there beliefs about all the changes that are taking place. On Dec the 12th there is not going to be some sudden transformation that all our problems will suddenly vanish. We will still need to work on personal issues.

We were given the gift of free will and no angel, or ascended master can change that. Only we can change the path we walk through our choices and actions.


What would happen if suddenly there was a mass landing of UFO`s. A real incident that actually happened.


The War of the Worlds is an episode of the American radio drama anthology series The Mercury Theatre on the Air. It was performed as a Halloween episode of the series on October 30, 1938, and aired over the Columbia Broadcasting System radio network. Directed and narrated by actor and future filmmaker Orson Welles, the episode was an adaptation of H. G. Wells's novel The War of the Worlds.


The first two thirds of the 60-minute broadcast were presented as a series of simulated news bulletins, which suggested to many listeners that an actual alien invasion by Martians was currently in progress. Compounding the issue was the fact that the Mercury Theatre on the Air was a sustaining show (it ran without commercial breaks), adding to the program's realism.


In the days following the adaptation, however, there was widespread outrage and panic by certain listeners who had believed the events described in the program were real.[1] The program's news-bulletin format was described as cruelly deceptive by some newspapers and public figures, leading to an outcry against the perpetrators of the broadcast


I have never met Ashtar, Sa Lusa, Metatron or any other Ascended Master. I have experienced what I feel at an intuitive level to be there energy. That is what I trust. There is no way to confirm or deny any so-called channelings. To simply accept blindly what someone shares as the truth makes me look like the fool.


The Buddha stated very clearly. Do not believe anything but seek your own truth. At this moment there are hundreds of ``channels`` sharing information. The information shared is based on their own interpretation of the information they receive. Many will take this information at face value. It is up to each individual to gather the information themselves and come to their own conclusions, and this is done by connecting with universal energy.


No matter who you are, you are able to do this. You were born with this ability. At an intuitive level if the information does not gel with you, let it go. And then seek your own answers.


As rational beings let us for a moment consider what would happen if there was a mass landing of UFO`s. How would you react? In what way would your life change?

It would cause mass pandemonium and total chaos. Just for a moment imagine yourself as part of these Ascended Masters. Is this the result you would imagine?


We all have issues we need to resolve now, and it seems to me the biggest issue is a about fear which is ego based. I read the conversations on this site and see how one attacks another. This is a fear based reaction. We base all our decisions on two emotions. Love and fear.


At this very moment there are millions of people on this planet who are suffering beyond our comprehension. Our focus should be on uplifting the energy on the planet. What does it matter to debate if there is going to be some mass landing. It serves no purpose whatsoever. It is time that we looked deep within and decide what really matters, and in what way we can contribute to spreading more love.  


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These images were created between 26/07/12 - 28/07/12 The energy is simply amazing. Be prepared to get a buzz. For 2 days as i created these i have felt a tingling all over. Please feel free to share.

Your friend Marc

 i will be putting a pack of cards together with these 12 images.If interested please message me.

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All Rights Reserved & Copyright Michelle Manders

Channelled on Table Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa, 08 August 2006



Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you, as the information in timeless. You will energetically be linked with the Channelling Being and a similar process facilitated with you, which is just as powerful. Do not concern yourself too much regarding time lines given in the live channelling, if any. You will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan, Timing & Purpose.


You are welcome to publish an excerpt with the link to the downloadable full transcript on our website. This channelling was revised and updated by Michelle under the auspices of Kuthumi-Agrippa in July 2012.


I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the Rays of Love and Wisdom to greet  you upon this day and to bring unto you blessings of harmony, prosperity, creativity and inspiration. Greetings Beloved Ones. And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.


Beloved Ones, we celebrate the energy of the 888 Gateway of Light, for today is one of great importance in the light of all that is divine. We bring to planet Earth 12 new Christ Grids, which are the initiation of the planet as a whole consciously, through their emotional, mental and spiritual bodies to anchor Golden Age Consciousness. This begins the collective planetary initiation for Mother Earth linked to those who still linger within the realm of lower ego motivation. Bringing these Christ Grids opens 12 new Lion Gate portals across your planet. These are guarded by Members of the Light and requires that the Members of the Light connect with these portals geographically so as to integrate the energies which shall be carried cellularly and passed on to those one comes into contact with.


You are a part of 12 large groups holding the energy for the anchoring of the Grids and the activation of the Lion Gate portals. This means the Voice of Truth of the Divine within you will continue to emerge rapidly, giving birth to the Divine Feminine of the Solar and Cosmic Vibrations activating the Solar Chakra of the Crown Chakra within all who are upon the Pathway of Light. The Solar Chakra within the crown chakra is the Sun Disc of Illumination held within the core of the 9th dimension, which brings humanity into the light of realisation, facilitating the integration of all that motivates one by love - dissolving, dismantling and melting all the aspects held within self resulting in fear and lust motivation.


The energies we bring to you today further the process of assisting you in addressing your addictions. The Solar Feminine Energy is a Fire Energy, burning through those veils of illusion resulting in addictive patterns that trap you in spirals which take you in and out in a horizontal dimensional direction, rather than the vertical spiral. What I mean by this is, you move up and down through processes. However, often you find yourself with a similar process and it feels as if you are moving backwards rather than forward. The horizontal dimensions are linked to many of the parallel and alternate systems of your creation, and when you are dealing with issues that pull your energy horizontally, you are clearing the process being played out by your present self and those in alternate or parallel lifetimes. This means you, as the head aspect of your soul group, is carrying the burden, so to speak, of all those aspects of self, and you are feeling the weight – literally in some instances – of what is being cleared. Today’s activation accelerates the rate at which horizontal processing can take place, and yes, maybe you will have to get horizontal to clear it!


But know that in your sleep state, your rest state, much can be done, so therefore it is vital you listen to the body’s needs. Your addictions are many. The 888 Lion Gate energy and the Solar Flare of the Divine Feminine are a great blessing in accelerating the clearing of your addictions. Some of these addictions you may already be conscious of, but many of these addictions you do not even know you have. You may be addicted to fear, to stress and anxiety. You may be addicted to lack and loss. You may be addicted to sabotaging yourself, self-hate, criticism, judgement. You may be saying to yourself, “Now Kuthumi, what did you have for breakfast this morning for you sound delusional!” (laughter). For if you have lived a life and experienced lack in any form, it is what your body knows subconsciously and cellularly, it is what you know, even though it hurts you, it may be difficult to give it up, because what will you replace it with? what will take the place of that familiar feeling that you have learned to live with, that you in fact thrive on?


Your anxiety, fear, diseases, insecurities, and wounds make you feel alive. They remind you that you deserve to live, your anxieties “keep you going,” your fears and stress “keep you going,” because that is what you were programmed with as being your motivating force. How many of you were taught that each day you open your eyes to greet the sun is an opportunity to create Heaven on Earth? That you have the power to manifest greatness, to change the lives of people for the positive, to make a positive difference in the world? How many of you were taught this?


This is why it is so important that you are supported in creating a new system from which you draw your motivation. This motivation is love. Now I speak not of the love you have been taught is love. Believe me, true love is nowhere near what you have been taught. True love is the feeling you have in your heart when you are truly happy, when you look at your children if you have any, and you feel the joy and gratitude of being a parent. When you help someone in need, the joy and gratitude you feel because you were able to just be, give and do unconditionally, the love you feel when you look into the eyes of someone and your souls connect on all levels and you feel you are transported to another dimension and everything around you disappears because you recognize one another, you recognize the love you are created from and will share together. The deep inner recognition of one another motivates you to move in the direction of being together and exploring love even further. The ecstasy you feel because you KNOW how blessed you are to be alive. This is only an iota of the true essence of love.


Your creative spark is the creative spark inside of you which ignites the crown chakra, opening it as a portal to receive the divine inspiration and love motivation which comes from the source of all life. The 12 new Christ Grids embody these energies, and you are linked to them, and are a part of the maintenance of these Grids. Today, the Great Brotherhood of The Light will activate a unique 888 Christ Grid inside of you, linking you to the 12 Grids, in other words, the 12 new Lion Gate portals. It will activate your Solar Chakra, in other words your Solar Flare which shall keep the crown chakra active. This is the doorway in the higher worlds and opens your energy into all the higher dimensional chakras you embody.


Activated in your blueprint will be another energy linking you to the manifestation of the divine solar feminine with yourself, and the divine voice of truth which you are ready to voice. The Lion Gate energies insist the throat chakra be completely balanced in its formation, for it too, is a dimensional portal. Each of the seven major chakras of your physical body will be linked to the 12 new Christ Grids. This will filter into your energy bodies and all the other chakras that shall be activated on a planetary scale to support the planetary initiation into voicing truth, into the activation of the divine feminine, the solar flare and bringing humanity into a space where they can begin to personally understand the importance of being motivated by love rather than fear-based, lower ego-based motivations. Much of this work will also be conducted in the crown chakra itself, in England. You are also all a part of holding this energy, whether you are there or not.


Please settle your body comfortably  and begin by taking a deep breath in, exhaling fully, relaxing your body and your mind. Continue to do this, and while you breathe, inhale in the solar energy. Feel your body becoming warmer as the solar energy activates all the cells of your body. The Universal Life courses through your veins activating every cell in your body.


 Imagine yourself walking towards a Temple surrounded by twelve golden lions. Behind each of these lions is a solid gold statue of a lion. These are the Guardians of the twelve Christ Grids that are now ready to be anchored on Earth - The twelve Christ Grids of the Lions Gate portals that you are contracted to anchor through your divine and human self, and manifest the divine feminine voice of truth within self and with humanity. When you reach the Temple, ask permission from the twelve lions to enter. Pass into the centre of the Temple, where the Great Brotherhood of The Light await you.


Alongside each member of the Great Brotherhood of The Light is a golden lion and a white lion, all of them looking at you intently. You begin to feel your body filling up with the power of the energy present within the Temple exuded by the members of the Great Brotherhood of The Light and the regal creature of the feline kingdom you recognise as white and golden lions.


Inhale this energy and let your body become accustomed to these vibrations.  In your mind, close your eyes and feel the energy. Allow your body to respond, feel what your physical body is feeling right now. Imagine these gold and white lions begin purring softly. Feel the vibration of their purring penetrating your defences, your fears and all the lower ego-created illusions, penetrating your core, true self.


Now imagine the purr becoming deeper, verging on a roar. These vibrations filter into everything around you, penetrating another level of your defences, your fears and your lower ego-based illusions, entering into your core, true self. Open all your chakras to receive this energy as the lions begin to roar with full force. It is not a deafening sound, it is a sound that shatters all of the illusions you have created as a result of your fears and what you have been exposed to. See the energy flying off in all directions and disappearing into the light as the roar of the lions shatter all illusions, and penetrate your core, true self.


The roars continue, reverberating through all your bodies, reaching the very core of all your chakras. The vibration of their roar begins the activation of the code within your blueprint that brings life to your voice of the truth of the divine, and breaks open the shell embodying your divine solar feminine. Allow your imagination to visualise the scenario of the shell breaking open, and as each crack opens further, and each piece of the shell falls away, golden light pours from you. The roars continue, creating ripples of energy, moving through you – horizontally, vertically and  spiral around you, in through the front of your chakras, out through the back of your chakras, recalibrating your entire system. Breathe in fully, exhaling fully as your blueprint absorbs the vibrations of this code, unique unto you.


The roaring begins to ease until the lions are purring again.  Focus on your crown and throat chakras, feel the sensation in the base of your throat chakra similar to what it must feel like for a lion about to roar. This is the energy build-up of your Roar of Truth. This is the sensation of the voice of the true divine being activated in your throat chakra. If you feel any need to roar at any time today, we suggest you do this. It will allow the energy to move and continue the alignment of your energy systems.


Three white lions make their way toward you. Two take their place on either side of you, and one stands in front of you with its back to you, sitting right at your feet. Visualise your spine aligned with the spine of the white lion in front of you. Lean forward and place your right palm upon the head of the white lion. Ask permission to place your body upon this creature’s body. The moment permission is granted, place the entire length of your body upon the lion’s back. Wrap your arms around its neck and lean into the lion’s body.


The lion will now crouch down, and just allow your full weight to lie upon it. With your ear on the lion’s body, listen to its heartbeat, and again the purring begins and the sound of this creature’s purring activates another wave of clearing inside your body. This purring activates the twelve codes of light inside of you and merges with the twelve Christ Grids along your spinal column. Feel the softness of the lion’s fur under your skin, the warmth of its body warming your body, completely safe and secure to place your entire weight upon it with no negative reactions from this creature.  The two white lions that stood on either side of you, stand up and walk around and stand in front of the lion you are lying upon. They begin to purr in perfect unison with the lion upon which you are lying. Three golden lions now make their way toward you. Each of them circle  you and the three white lions twelve times. Six in a clockwise direction and six in an anti-clockwise direction, creating the golden spiral that shall keep the life force flowing through the twelve grids and your personal Christ Grid of manifestation, prosperity and creation.


Take a moment to connect with the experience and allow your imagination to guide you through what is happening.


Breathe in, exhaling fully as the energy increases in its velocity. More and more quotients of light are fed into your chakras. The Great Brotherhood of The Light now asks you to pose to them any question you may have. If no question, you may now put forward a request for specific addictions to be released, which they will personally overlight and supervise the healing of.


When you have finished communicating with them, lift your body and remain seated upon the white lion. Imagine your base chakra opening to receive a powerful force of energy emitted from this white lion, which courses up your spine into your brain and explodes out of your crown chakra, filling your energy fields with this powerful white lion energy, which embodies the divine solar feminine of the Christ Grids. The golden lions represent the divine solar masculine. Each of the golden lions that have created the spiral around you walk up to you now and place their nose in your neck and rub their face up against you acknowledging their love for you and their faith in you to serve alongside them in the full anchoring of the twelve new Christ Grids. They now move back to the Great Brotherhood of The Light. Stand up, move back. The white lion stands up, turns around and faces you and telepathically gives thanks to you for your choice to be here today. If there is anything you wish to communicate to this lion, do so know.


The three white lions now take their place with the Great Brotherhood of The Light once more. Take a moment to feel your body again, breathing in deeply and exhaling fully. The Great Brotherhood of The Light acknowledges you for your choice to be present today and in so doing, honouring your contract with the divine in anchoring the twelve new Christ Grids and thus, the twelve new lion portals. You have been given a unique Christ Grid code which shall be revealed to you over the next twelve days. This unique code is linked to your gifts you were encoded with, therefore it may come through your healing practice or  through whatever work you are involved in, your personal psychic clairvoyance and spiritual strengths. You will feel it without a doubt, however, do not give your lower ego the power to analyse it away.


Give thanks now to the Great Brotherhood of The Light for agreeing to assist you in the healing of whatever addictions you have presented to them, or whatever question you have asked, and trust that the healing and answers will come. Give thanks to all the lions that have been present and who have facilitated your activation. Your energy will remain within the sacred Temple for the next twelve hours, facilitating the complete anchoring of the twelve grids. When this is complete you will integrate all this energy completely into your body and you will be allocated a specific lion guardian. Their energy will support, protect and guide you and keep you linked to the Christ Grids. If at any time you find yourself falling back into the patterns of your addictions, or being motivated by fear, remember the roar of your lion, feel it reverberating through your body and see all those illusions being shattered by the voice of truth of the divine. You have the power to overcome these addictions - these illusionary self-sabotaging patterns that leave you feeling helpless, hopeless, faithless and disillusioned. This is the time that you will see just how empowered you are.


Draw your consciousness back into your physical body, giving thanks to the twelve golden lions who have held your energy in the Temple, knowing that their energy will remain connected for the next twelve hours.


Take another deep breath in, exhaling fully. Ground your consciousness back in your body, knowing that your energy is still connected to the sacred Temple, and root yourself back on earth. When you are ready stretch your legs, rotate your ankles, rotate your wrists, your neck, and shoulders.


These twelve new Christ Grids consist of very specific energies. All of them working with 6D energy and above. They are being created with the Fluid Love energy that you were introduced to not too long ago. The 8D and 9D energies are the frequencies that shall maintain these Grids until the new energies come. This means your entire energy system will operate from the 6D and upward, which is why it will make it difficult for you to live life if you continue to draw your motivation from 3rd & 4th dimensional paradigms of consciousness. The 5th dimension is for you now a kind of a station where you move into at times of recess. And this particular point in time is a kind of rest space. Look at what causes you harm, let go of what brings your energy down. The energies in the Christ Grids represent prosperity, abundance, manifestation, miracles, laughter, joy, unity, communication, trust, integrity, faith and divinity.


These are being linked to the twelve strands of DNA which forms part of our project anchoring the true Camelot back on Earth, representing the anchoring of the true Holy Trinity.


You have journeyed far along your personal path to be receiving what you have opened yourself to receive. Give thanks and celebrate this day, for you are, in your personal capacity a lion roaring your truth. You have given up your sheep’s clothing. No longer are you just one of the flock. You are a leader, therefore lead by example. Live an empowered life, live truthfully. Perhaps it is a good idea to define truth for yourself. Being true unto yourself is what is important, bearing in mind that two people may live truthfully, yet their truths may be very different. Do not judge the truth of your fellow brothers and sisters, for they too are honouring the truth; the truth of their path.


A new wave of consciousness is reaching out to you. This comes from the very depths of the Universe in which the Galaxy resides. We are bringing energy to all of you that will blow your old mindset. Don’t say you didn’t ask for it! You are ready to receive these truths, to see deeper into the truth. At times this may result in you feeling more separate than ever before, simply because the world you live in seems so alien, because you will see the illusion they live in.


Beloved Ones, you are a community of light. Support one another. You are of like mind, like heart and like consciousness. You are not separate, you are connected. In the very depth of your being you are one, which is why we say no man is an island unto himself.


We are aware that those working with Mother Earth are currently working with the “island consciousness” again. This is part of the transmutation of separation consciousness, bringing the realisation that on the surface you appear separate yet beneath the water you are connected, therefore beneath your destructive emotions you are one. Do you understand? So allow the healing of island consciousness to take you beneath the surface to the realisation of at-one-ment.


Breaking separation consciousness will bring the realisation that the voice of the true divine is the one voice speaking through all of you, the true voice of unity,  verbalised in many different languages, very different connotations and many different levels can be one truth, one voice. Open your mind to look beyond the constructs of your definitions of what life is all about. So if you feel separated, alien and disconnected, get together with your fellow brothers and sisters walking the same path as you. Keep unity consciousness alive. You are a part of the creation of the universal voice of love. Move beyond your fears of judgement, ostracisation, rejection, criticism, and choose to experience unity, acceptance, love and mergence with the divine within all you interact with.


If you are in conflict with yourself or with another, find a way, through the voice of love, to heal your differences. You will know it is important to heal a situation if you find yourself constantly thinking about yourself or the situation. If the contract has ended with someone or a situation, very seldom will it cross your mind and very low energy investment will be necessary. But those who plague your mind are the ones who need attention, need love, need healing. Put your false pride in your pocket and choose love motivation. Heal your differences, bridge the gaps and manifest unity consciousness.


Last week I spoke of a very important subject, which I will bring up again because you are a large number today. It is very important for all to bear this in mind.


Many people upon the pathway of light are spiritually highly advanced, yet psychologically still in kindergarten. This has posed a great problem on many levels. For it is the psychologically immature that have created politics in the field of “new-age” that out-shine the corporate politics of your world, even the backstabbing of your political world.


The Great Brotherhood of The Light and Masters of the various Councils of the systems of light, have now set a very definite boundary. No longer will such behaviour be tolerated amongst Lightworkers.


Lightworkers are the leaders of the New World of Golden Consciousness. If any Lightworker insists on playing ego games, using the Masters’ names to manipulate, saying the Masters have given information which is not true, or use information to manipulate others or hurt them in any way, the consequences will be dire. And I say this not to scare you. I tell you this to inform you of where we are at. Lightwokers have undergone and completed many initiations, therefore psychological immaturity will not be tolerated by those who have agreed to walk the cosmic path. That in itself is another initiation – growing yourself up, transparenting yourself by being transparent with yourself about your jealousies, your envy, insecurities and the fear that there is not enough, and that someone might be better than you.


I repeat, we will not tolerate such behaviour amongst Lightworkers. If the politics amongst the workers of light is worse than what we see in corporate worlds, and even the politicians of your government, believe me, serious action must be taken, and that is what has been done.


Lightworkers have chosen a very important role. It is time to live up to it. We have spoken about Lightworkers having to take responsibility. This means on all levels. Psychologically immature behaviour can and will undo work you have achieved spiritually. That is one of the new Laws the systems of light have implemented to ensure that Lightworkers take their role of service on responsibly, especially when it comes to ego dynamics, backbiting, gossiping, psychic attack, projections of negative ego-based fears and illusions. You are no longer players in kindergarden, you are now swimming with the “big fish” so to speak. If you do not want to be caught in the net, best you be alert! These will be the trappings of your own insecurities.


The Great Brotherhood of The Light and all the Lords and Ladies of the light and systems of light within this Universe have also said, any Lightworkers choosing to involve themselves in the lower vibrational dynamics will result in whatever projects they are working with, not coming to fruition. We the Masters will withdraw our support from these projects. We will not withdraw our love for you, our protection and our guidance, but we will not under any circumstance invest any energy in the building of any project that involves any lower based ego energies.


This is information that needs to get out. Share it with fellow Lightworkers. It is vital that this be overcome if you want to stop the war in your worlds. Lightworkers must “come to the party” completely, and either join in fully, or not join in at all. No sitting on the fence, no contemplating whether you will be devoted to the healing of your life path or not. It is because of separation consciousness and the lack of the voice of the divine truth that your world is at war. All the energies that have been emitted and prayers to end the violence have been heard, which has resulted in this very strict action, which has now been taken by the Grand Masters of your Universe. It is one of the only ways right now that we can overcome this energy at an accelerated rate. So, if firm boundaries are in place, it will be easier to contain the energies you are working with. We believe this is called zero tolerance, yes?


So, Beloved Ones, you yourself, need to be vigilant and discerning. If you witness such behaviour, withdraw yourself from it. Speak your truth! Convey to these what we have conveyed to you, and move away! There is no need for you to be involved in whatever negative energies they pull to themselves. It is vital you keep yourself surrounded by positive energies, positive people, positive thoughts, actions and words.


We love you very much, I hope you know this! And it wasn’t a scolding, it was simply the presentation of information vitally important to all of you right now. You are our voice, our eyes and our hands in physical body on Earth. You can use your power to heal and create, or to wound and destroy.


Let us also now give you the location for the twelve Christ grids, so you will know what to link up with, and if you find yourself drawn to a specific area you will know why.


We are anchoring the first Christ Grid in Johannesburg.

The second one is in the area where the Bushmen walked in the Karoo.

The third one is the Drakensberg

The fourth one is in Jerusalem

The 5th one is Turkey

The sixth one is Cyprus

The next one is in Spain

We anchor the next Christ Grid in Glastonbury in England

The Black Forest in Germany

Montreal in Canada

Moscow in Russia

And the Taj Mahal in India


A collective grid for the planet, embodying the thirteenth vibration of unity consciousness will be anchored at Mount Sinai linking to Mount Kilimanjaro, holding the vibrations of masculine and feminine. This will then be linked to Table Mountain which holds the Golden Child Consciousness for this project specifically.


Thus, these hold the twelve Christ Grids and the new Lion Gate Portals. All of you will on some level or another feel the connection to either one, or all of these places at some time, and some of you will travel to these places physically.


Beloved Brothers and Sisters thank you for your presence here today, for being a part of the anchoring of these very powerful, very precious energies, ones that change the direction humanity has chosen to walk, by the conscious choice of making an effort to change. You are the courageous souls who have chosen to awaken consciously to your destiny and your purpose, and the energies we have brought forth today will continue to assist you and support you. We bless you with light and love, and increase our blessings ten-fold to you for your dedication and devotion to the pathway of awakening, to the courage it has taken to face your addictions, inner demons, wounds, pain and suffering and overcome the negative constructs in the mind that have perpetuated pain and suffering.


Spirit showers you with love, and opportunities to liberate yourself from all that which keeps you bound to anything no longer serving your journey forward. Therefore continue to trust, have faith and believe in yourself and the many invisible arms that hold you, carry you and comfort you.


I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom and I greet and bless you in love. Adonai.


In order to properly integrate this teaching please answer all the questions posed in the channelling itself.


If you have access to Face Book, you can join our Palace of Peace Group for guidance and support from the community. You can also join our Thrive Hive - Abundance Mini-Course Support Group, Aquarian Rising 2020 – Earth Grid and Portal Activations Worldwide Group, or visit our website www.palaceofpeace.net for more teachings and messages such as this one to help you along. We also have many free channelings available in our Free Channellings section of the website.


Copyright Notice - We ask that you honour the Laws of Trust and Integrity and acknowledge that none of this information may be used for monetary gain, be altered, translated, reproduced, digitally recorded or deleted in part or whole or built upon in any way whatsoever. The Palace of Peace has assigned translators for the channellings and may not be translated by anyone other than these people. Please contact us michelle.palaceofpeace@gmail.com if you would like this channelling in another language, or if you would like to translate this material into your language. This information remains the sole intellectual property of Michelle Manders at all times.

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The Fisher King

There was once a king. As a boy he needed to spend a night alone in the forrest,to prove his courage, so that he could become king. While in the forrest that night, he is visited by a sacred vision. Out of the fire appears the holy grail, a symbol of Gods Divine Grace. And a voice said, `` You shall be the keeper of the grail, so that it may heal the hearts of men.`` But the boy was blinded by greater visions of a life filled with power, glory and beauty.And in a state of radical amaizement, he felt foe a brief moment not like a boy, but invisible like God. So he reached into the fire to take the grail, but the grail vanished leaving him with his hand in the fire, to be terribly wounded. As the boy grew older, his wounds grew deeper, until one day, life for him lost its reason. He had no faith in men, not even himself. He could not love or be loved, he was sick with experience. Slowly he began to die. One day a fool wandered into the castle and found the king alone. And being a fool he was simple minded. He did not see a king. He only saw a man alone and in pain. He asked the king. ``What ailes you my friend`` The king replied, `` I am thirsty, i need some water to cool my throat.`` So the fool took a cup from beside his bed, filled it with water, and handed it to the king. As the king began to drink, he realised his wound begin to heal. He looked into his hand and there was the hole grail, that which he had saught all his life. He turned to the fool and said with amaizement `` How could you find that which my bravest could not`` The fool replied `` I dont know. I only knew that you were thirsty.

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Leftfield 21 Century Poem

How many bridges can they burn, till we turn?
How many lives can they take, till we break?
How many dreams tells lies, till we rise?
How many visions will they burn, till we learn?

How many homes set alight, till we fight?
How many futures must we dream, till we scream?
How many sins must they repeat, till we're beat?
How many?
How many times?

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Over the past few days i have felt a huge shift in the energy, especially when creating my art. In my gut i feel the coming month is going to be so amazing with so many opportunities coming along for all of us. The process i go through when creating. For about 15 minutes i will do some very deep breathing and just be in the moment. I have no idea what will develop. I simply go with the flow and my intuition. I am never sure which energy i will connect with. It may be Metatron, Ashtar, Melchezedick. These particular images i created with the energy of Melchezedick. Who ever i do connect with i always give gratitude and thanks and always remain humble when sharing my gifts with other. It is my desire that as you view each image you feel the love i experience as i am creating and that in some small way it brings pleasure into your life.

If you look to the stars tonight, you will see me there smiling down at you. And you will know at the deepest part of your soul you are loved. Let us dance with the angels and celebrate a magnificent future that awaits us. I send an ocean of love to each and everyone of you.

Your friend in light8108816490?profile=original8108815896?profile=original8108816692?profile=original8108817485?profile=original. Marc

The hero is the one who kindles a great Light in the world, who sets up blazing torches, in the darkest streets of life for men to see by.
The Saint is the man who walks through the darkest paths of this world- himself a light.

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You are an amazing soul

Fear is a state of being just like happiness, or joy. Through our thoughts we experience that state of

Being. Like any emotion it helps guide us on our path. Far too often we are so hard on ourselves trying to walk the perfect spiritual path. Its okay to be human and make ``mistakes``. There is no judgment. We are here to experience what it means to be human, and this includes fear, love, happiness and all the other emotions that make us human. If you feel fear coming up, take your attention to someone else who has less in life. And there are many who need your blessing and your love.

The Egyptian Book of the dead states, that when you die you will be asked two questions. Did you bring joy into other peoples live, and did you bring joy into your own life.

Now as we move through all these changes it is going to become essential to let go of the things that no longer serve you or it will become extremely difficult, and life will become very unpleasant. This is not a bad thing as we need to be totally honest about what we need, and as we start walking the path we were born to live.

You are a Light Master, all you need do is open your heart and let your light shine. Focus only on building others up, and your problems will become less and less.


You are an amazing soul. BELIEVE.  8108808097?profile=original8108808286?profile=original8108809068?profile=original8108809452?profile=original

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Part of the changes that we are experiencing is that we are moving from 3d to 5d, and with these changes we are holding onto 3d issues and emotions. Have you felt that there are days when you just want to scream, then other days where everything just flows for you. Mood swings like a roller coaster. How to overcome this and find more balance and move more into the flow is to become like water. If you pour water into a jug, it takes the shape of the jug. As water flows down a stream it takes the shape of the river. If you encounter constant obstacles, the universe is trying to tell you something-let it go. If you are in the flow it means you are walking the path you were born to. At the deepest part of you, what do you really want? Take some time out and let the universe show you. How you will know is through your emotions. Pay close attention with each experience you have. If there is confusion between your thoughts and emotions your thoughts are lying to you. If you are constantly thinking about the past or future bring your focus back to the present.

A few more images to share with you. May you find the rainbow to the life you deserve.8108811676?profile=original8108812058?profile=original8108811287?profile=original8108811697?profile=original

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Over the past few weeks the energy has been very intense for alot of us, feeling like being thrown in a washing machine. Many past issues coming to the surface, wondering what is going on. Issues of needing to let go. These images carry a very powerful energy and will assist you to ground, and find some balance. Metatron is the energy source for these. As i was creating these i constantly needed to go into my heart center, and JUST BE in the moment. If you find past issues coming up, try not focus on them but take your focus back into your heart center. One of the reasons you will feel drained is when you hold onto any issue that builds up as energy in your system. It needs to be released. What these images will do is assist you with letting go.

With infinite blessings of love, i wish for you a magical return to The Divine.


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When you buy from and independent artist you are buying more than just a painting or a novel, or a song, You are buying hundreds of hours of experimentation and thousands of failures. You are buying days, weeks, months, years of frustration and moments of pure joy. You are buying nights of worry about paying the rent , having enough money to eat, having enough money to feed the children, the birds, the dog.
You aren’t buying just a thing, you are buying a piece of heart, part of a soul, a private moment in someones life. Most importantly you are buying the artist more time to do something they are truly passionate about; something that makes all of the above worth the fear and the doubt, something that puts the life into the living.

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