Galactic Languages


Snapshot from Sheldan Nidle's Galactic Humans 101 Webinar

PAO update 24/6/2003:
Our spoken language is contextual in nature. For example, the word 'selamat', which means condition, precedes words in a greeting or salutation to emphasize the word or phrase that follows. 'Selamat Ja!' means 'may a condition of Joy or oneness be present'. This can be further reinforced by the word 'Jarin'. '-Rim', '-rin' or '-ran' signifies 'ultimate'. Thus, 'Selamat Jarin' means 'Blessings'. We see Joy as the natural state of all sentient Beings - in fact, the word for the Creator is 'Ja Ta' or 'Joy of Heaven'. Water is 'Wa Ta' or 'thing of Heaven'.'Sa' means 'one', both as a number and as an individual. For example, 'sa bha', 'one soul' and 'Washta sa', 'Mister Washta'. The Sirian language contains nearly the same number of consonants as do most of your Earth languages. It also contains five major vowels, which are strung together to form words. Because verbs and nouns are given equal weight, our sentence structure will seem strange to you.

These words can be broken down into a number of basic proto-words. Normally, these consist of a consonant combined with a vowel. For example, the word for the main continent of Muktarin is 'Sa-ka-ra' or 'the soul of female creativity'. 'Ra' is the principle of female creativity: 'ka' refers to the body guardian or its soul: and 'sa' denotes the entirety of anything. This same principle is found in your words. The Anunnaki realized, at an early stage, the power of language to unite or divide a population. Therefore, they scrambled their proto-word codes and made the meanings of proto-words in your many languages very different from one another. Ancient Lemurian closely resembles Sirian, as well as the language of Vega - the origin of all humans in this galaxy. The languages used by many of Earth's Pacific Ocean peoples come closest in meaning to the proto-words of galactic Sirian.


A quote from one of Drekx Omega's blogs:

Also notice how the Sirian language, as well as that of the Plejaren have a common Lyran origin. On earth, the nearest approximation is old German and it’s Saxon offshoots. The German word for bridge is “Brücke.” The modern English word evolved from the Anglo-Saxon; “bricg.” And all these subtle variations in spelling and pronunciation are related in some way or another, on and off-world.

The Sirian word for a normal bridge would be in the feminine form of “bregga” and so a letter “a.” A practice adopted on Earth from our star brethren, it’s origins lost in antiquity, as with so much Earth history. Link to blog

Sirian Dictionary

Sirius - Akonowai - The blessed path
Third planet - Atarmunk - Holy place of the Atar (eagle like bird)
Fourth planet - Muktarin; Land of the blue seas
God/Creator- Ja Ta - Joy of Heaven
Water - Va Ta - Thing of Heaven
One - Sa

Soul- Bha
Ultimate - Jarin

Bridge - Bregga
Thank you - Zazuma
Be in joy - Selamat Ja
Good Day - Jai Bashara
Rejoice - Selamat Majon

Blessings - Selamat Jarin
Welcome - Selamat Bakir

Heartfelt welcome - Selamat Balik
We come as One in the Light - Zauda Zagon
Be blessed in Love and Joy - Selamat Kasijaram
Be blessed in Heavenly Love and Joy - Selamat Kasitaram

Pleiadian (Plejaren)

Origins of Plejaren writing

The Plejaren alphabet consists of 26 letters, of different shapes and names then English letters, plus two more letters for the sounds of “ch” and “sch”. Meier copies them along with the pronunciations from Semjase's explanations. There are no umlauts or other pronunciation keys. This alphabet is 11,000 years old. It is taken from the ancestors of Plejaren scientists on Earth, who based the patterns on star formations as seen from Earth. The script is composed of circles (representing stars) and lines. Their older letters were much more complex and no longer used on Earth. But, it was in use centuries ago and often changed. Some current Earth scripts are altered forms of this Plejaren alphabet. The ancient scripts on Earth were brought by "the heavenly sons & daughters" who were responsible for the re-emergence of Earth humanity from savagery.

Sarat language and Kosan language

The name of the language that is spoken in the Pleja System is called Sarat. There is also a common inter-galactic language that is known as Kosan.

The following are words that are spoken in the native language of the Plejarens and their meanings: “Telenotical” is a type of telepathic influence that uses hypnosis and high frequency oscillations as inaudible signals into human ears, “Arimo” means to hold onto something, “Tir Nan Og” refers to green lands or a land of youth, “Geranisa” is the title for a mother-in-law, and “Spharmiddon” means the end of the Earth. In additions, “Adonis” is an ancient Greek word that means physically beautiful humans and “Senan” which is the name of our universe in Asket’s native language in the Dal Universe. Link to website

Knowledge of all Earth languages ever spoken

Semjase was able to speak the German language perfectly. It is much easier for the Plejarens to learn a new language than it is for Earth humans. They have access to every earthly language ever spoken as well every dialect and manners. Language training courses exist with language scientists and computers. Their computers have the means to transfer the information into humans during a hypnotic state where the language terms and senses are implanted in their memories. This process takes 21 days and an additional ten days to be able to speak the language fluently. Their scientists and apparatuses provide training for the correct pronunciation. This requires a total of 30 to 31 days. The language institutions on Earth use tape recorders, which is the initial way in which to construct machines like they use. Different places are already researching on how to use computers for this purpose. Link to website






























 The Alphabet above has a lot in common with Hebrew:


On the FIGU website (which is the official website of Billy Meier, a Pleiadian contactee,
I also found this alphabet. Perhaps this is "Sarat", but I'm not sure. Link to Website


Amual abaktu baraka bashad - May the Universal love and blessings be.
There is also a Venusian script that can be downloaded here

Agarthan (Inner Earth)

Quote from one of Drekx' blogs: The oldest language on earth is spoken by our Agarthan (Ag = Inner, Artha = Earth) brethren and is based on Lemurian, which in turn has Lyran origins, as do the languages of the Plejaren and Sirian peoples. Link to blog

The texts above are mainly copied from Cortex' blog (thanks :-)


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  • I'm planning to rewrite the Sirian dictionary so it will be in alphabetical order.

    I find Ja Ta the most awesome Sirian word 🙂

    Ja Ta - Joy of Heaven: God/Creator
    Va Ta - Thing of Heaven: Water

    Do Sirians both use the V and W or does it depend on the pronunciation?

    I think that Sheldan's videos are great to pick up some Sirian words and Sirian Joy. He's got the vibe 🥰

  • Great blog Ivy! Never saw this, I will have to study some Sirian words now. I don't think I pick up languages easily, but Sirian is a language I would like to master one day.

  • I hope you are OK, Ivy.....Maybe speak to you again, soon..?? Now I have been asked by my dear contact, Mikala, to elaborate upon a persistently unexplained story, anent the Dogon tribe of west Africa...And so, have informed ACC of the facts, distributing copies of my comments, plus an interesting Dogon video, for your perusal, too...Hope you enjoy it, on your wall...

    And here, on this splendid blog I would like to present a new name for a planet and it's Sirian language roots....The single waterworld that orbits Sirius C, the red dwarf star, is named "Watarindan."

    The "wa ta" pertains to water (a thing of heaven, also) with "rin" meaning the ultimate and "dan" the representative....A most apt name for a waterworld that orbits a small red star, possessing an ocean across it's surface, with no land mass continent...Only the inner planet has a continent...

    Another name which the Plejaren were unable to explain to Billy, but which we can, is the "nommo" people....They are mukadeem sea guardians of the dolphin family type, albeit with great intelligence, for animals...And thus, a "Sirian people," in their own right...They appear as silvery dolphins and were mentioned as salient Sirian beings, to the Dogon tribe, centuries ago...

    That story of the nommo had to be clarified, at last.....Hope you find it of benefit to know...

    Cheers, Drekx x

  • Beautiful 🥰

  • The Sakaran noble hirscobar, was and still is, a beautiful animal, that roams the wilds of surface Samanet....Modern hunting is not permitted, but in ancient times, was....

    From what our friend describes (and he sent me a cool image,) it is really very much like a larger version of the African gazelle, or impala antelope.....About two thirds bigger in mass...on average, for the males and females..


    Impala Harem - Free Stock Photo by Nicolas Raymond on




  • Oh yessss, the old Lyran dialect used by ancient and modern Germans...Vash, we luv ya bro...!! Great to know these Sirian variation words, based on Lyran...🛸🛸🛸🤩


  • Interesting. Hirsch is German for deer 🦌

    Thanks Vashtar! 🤩

  • That naming of the deer, was something Vash wanted me to add as well to this comment...The hirscobar...

    This animal is a type of gazelle and wild game meat...HIRSCOBAR...A very fine flavour and high in quality amino acids...

  • The Sirian word for "always" is amtmo....For the file, as per wall message:

    Now that you're an honoury funksta I thought you could do with this nicely smooth, holiday groove....Selamat ja, amtmo..! (Be in joy, always.)

  • Just a reminder that Sirians refer to planet Earth as "Terra," in very much the same way, as those comrades of common Lyran ancestry, from the Plejares...

    🛸🛸🛸Ja ta vin terra.....!!❤️🌍

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Justin89636 replied to Ivy Ivy's discussion Galactic Languages in Starseeds from Sirius
"Great info Drekx thanks for posting :) The Sigma's must be off the charts tough to take down a…"
Jul 14
Drekx Omega replied to Ivy Ivy's discussion Galactic Languages in Starseeds from Sirius
"A question from friend Justin, was about the preferred meat consumed by sentient reptillian…"
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ET Hugger replied to Ivy Ivy's discussion Galactic Languages in Starseeds from Sirius
"I may start a new blog I can update and add too. So far I have a Plejaren dictionary, a Sirian one…"
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Drekx Omega replied to Ivy Ivy's discussion Galactic Languages in Starseeds from Sirius
"Good in the movies, though......!!"
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Drekx Omega replied to Ivy Ivy's discussion Galactic Languages in Starseeds from Sirius
"I don't believe that Venusians speak an Arabic type language....More like the Lyrans, who speak a…"
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Drekx Omega replied to Ivy Ivy's discussion Galactic Languages in Starseeds from Sirius
"Ivy, maybe you won't have to update this blog....It's fine as it is....We are building upon it in…"
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ET Hugger replied to Ivy Ivy's discussion Galactic Languages in Starseeds from Sirius
"The text below I found years ago on the website of Omnec Onec, a lady who claims to be from Venus.…"
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