For those who seek to understand the deeper meaning of light and darkness and walk the middle road between them, understanding that without one, we would not know the other. Our path is of balance between the two.
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  • well jazzy this is an interesting point, allot of people talk about light and dark but forget or don't know about the grey, the grey is an area wich is neither light nor dark but can be used for either they are just purpose!
    for example hell hounds are there to do a job, they do it well and they drag dark souls back to hell the guard hell and they also tourment dark souls, because of this and how they look they are considered dark, where as thier not they are grey and i've even had a couple of them as friends :)

    as for stepping into darkness or depth of light everything revolve's around both balance and karma, and the rule of 3, what ever you do come's back 3 fold!

    if you use/do something for the right reasons, then it's not dark, i think you can learn allot from the dark to be honest, you don't need to actually preform rituals or spells in dark magic you can study it and what not and learn from that or talk to someone who deals in the dark!

    as for most important well there really is no MOST important, each person has thier own path to lead and follow and each person has a leasson that's more important to them to learn where as someone else may have a different leasson that's more important!

    knoweledge is power!

  • Both. They're both equal.

    And there's really no limit to have far you can step into the darkness. It just depends on how you handle it.

  • So, I guess I'll ask...

    "How do you know if you've dwindled in the darkness too long?"

    Is there really any limit?  Of all the things we should learn from the Dark or Light, what would you say would be the most important?

  • there's allot to learn from this group Jazzy, just  spark up a topic on here and sure enough somebody will have a look and people will comment, very interesting group ^_^

  • Oneness is the ultimate state of being.  The true balance of light and dark.  I would like to recommend a very good book to this group, which covers more than just the balance between light and dark.  "Family of Light" by Barbara Marcenark.  VERY GOOD READ FOR ANYONE.  As this book has taught me that it's okay to learn from the dark, just to not allow myself to become enveloped in it.  Hope to learn many new things from this group!

    Love and Light to all~

  • The balance between the two is easier said than done and I look forward towards mastering my own middle ground with every day that I exsist no matter what plane I'm on. I'm glad to find a group that gets it. Love and light all.

  • *more crickets
  • *crickets
  • shifty you say, that's the name of my animal spirit guide, he's a shapeshifting comeleon as far as i'm aware the only male one left of his kind!
  • Animal Magick

    beaver_385x261-723196.jpgBeaver Spirit: balance, alterations, building, shaping

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Angels Path

 Wings of Dark and Light, Silently he descends, Feet placed upon the earth, She sighs at his touch,On heaving skin he walks,Flashes of green left in his wake,Quickly consumed by night,In the darkness he hears the cry’sOf her lost children ,Buildings lifeless,As the eyes that catch his gaze,Crystal tears fall,So simple the key,He repeats,Wake up,Wake up,Dark folds of mist consume,Oblivious are they,The hand that reaches for them,How many eons must pass,Before the passage of time ends,Rippling…

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Just a Question

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Sep 22, 2011
Lucia Revere replied to Lucia Revere's discussion Angels Path in The Balance Path (Light and Dark)
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GOOFY replied to Lucia Revere's discussion Angels Path in The Balance Path (Light and Dark)
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Lucia Revere posted a discussion in The Balance Path (Light and Dark)
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Skarrab replied to Skarrab's discussion Just a Question in The Balance Path (Light and Dark)
"Eh...I feel silly.
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GOOFY replied to Skarrab's discussion Just a Question in The Balance Path (Light and Dark)
"ah mate, that rae bird i tell ya,  i should know i dated her :P"
Jul 5, 2011
Ryuuzaki replied to Skarrab's discussion Just a Question in The Balance Path (Light and Dark)
"By all means, join, ask away. All of us(except Reikara :P) are nice and welcoming. 
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