10 Knowledges are acclaimed to personify in 10 Personalized Forms of the Goddess. Through Mantra and Yantra these forms can be realized and contacted.

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10 Mahavidyas -10 Great Knowledges of the Goddess-Feminine Nature


There are 10 spiritual division represented by the 10 directions.The 10 mahavidyas
is a way of focus and meditating on the Goddess -- feminine nature who surrounds us like a womb.It is within this womb of the feminine that the divine spirit of the soul can take birth.


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  • nectanebo_ii_sarcophagus_bm.jpg

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  • four hours to go

    to get ready to see the surgeon

    I think the foot looks better

    only a tiny slim ulcer left the birtter end


  • tap tap tap

    is this mike on?


  • There should be 7 actually

    reprsenting the seven rays

    all these teaching join at many points

    bhakti is he 6 th ray

    and ceremonial magic is the seveth ray


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Angel School--Class ONE

That's what I need clearing their dark angelsClarion AngelsACCELERATED DRAWING PROGRAMSACCELERATED PROGRAMSConnection to the virtuesspontaneitystimulate the spiritRelax and reach your real facethe language of the angelsHow many people are connected to their guardian angelyou are becoming a GALACTIC HUMANthe pattern by lynn Claire dennis90's bookschooled by native americansgalactic beingstheatans-----What do angels look likesometimes male female both Downstep as lightseven years to manifest for…

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8 Replies

Prayers to the Herbs

This is from the rig veda praising the quality of the nature of herbs-- HYMN XCVII. Praise of Herbs.1. HERBS that sprang up in time of old, three ages earlier than the Gods,— Of these, whose hue is brown, will I declare the hundred powers and seven. 2 Ye, Mothers, have a hundred homes, yea, and a thousand are your growths. Do ye who have a thousand powers free this my patient from disease. 3 Be glad and joyful in the Plants, both blossoming and bearing fruit, Plants that will lead us to success…

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Spaceman replied to Spaceman's discussion Angel School Class Three in Mahavidyas Goddess Dakinis Unite
"angel templating process
angmany human planets
1/2 angels look like clouds no heads
Aug 3, 2013
Spaceman replied to Spaceman's discussion Angel School Class Three in Mahavidyas Goddess Dakinis Unite
"fire sign keeps energy moving

need passion in voice to inspire people
super angels
Aug 3, 2013
Spaceman replied to Spaceman's discussion Angel School Class Three in Mahavidyas Goddess Dakinis Unite
"notify angels for parking 20 minutes ahead
invisible etheric ramp parallels highway
Aug 3, 2013
Spaceman replied to Spaceman's discussion Angel School Class Three in Mahavidyas Goddess Dakinis Unite
"living sseraphim angel
theme from city of angels
sarah McLaughlin
important to have a good voice…"
Aug 3, 2013
Spaceman replied to Spaceman's discussion Angel School Class Three in Mahavidyas Goddess Dakinis Unite
"call on angels for the sake of the p-lanet
magic house
template your heart and your house
Aug 3, 2013
Spaceman replied to Spaceman's discussion Angel School Class Three in Mahavidyas Goddess Dakinis Unite
Aug 3, 2013
Spaceman replied to Spaceman's discussion Angel School Class Three in Mahavidyas Goddess Dakinis Unite
"Spirit watches you how your giving money
angels watch every continent
zillions of angels
Iraq aND…"
Aug 3, 2013
Spaceman replied to Spaceman's discussion Angel School Class Three in Mahavidyas Goddess Dakinis Unite
"angels of finance
old ways you wean yourself off== more spiritual spending spree
be very giving to…"
Aug 3, 2013