Waldemar says: "It is too known the so-called" pregnancy scare of "women to extend to us a lot about the particular. Slogan the special mood agitations upon the tender fruit that is in the womb. But, uniquely, they never had enough to realize what immense importance is a psychic influence over the fetus.


And a simple suggestion of objects can result in a physical transformation of the same: thus, a woman gave birth some time ago in a Berlin hospital a monster that had ears and snout dog and animal fur. Among my acquaintances happened if frequently visiting the Zoo during pregnancy, the wife of an industrialist from Chemnitz, because he was very fond cubs lioness gave birth to a pair of twins with tawny heads and claws; both creatures were unprovided  of human intelligence and died at the ages of eleven and twelve, respectively.


Of pregnant women who had a scare mouse has often heard that the newborn had a spot or mole similar to the mouse skin, exactly in the place where his mother had taken her hand at the time of fright.


In ancient times, continues Waldemar, it extracted the corresponding result of the scare of women; It could lead to negative results, but also positive. So we manifest Oppian that women of Sparta gave birth extraordinarily beautiful and well-formed creatures because they had the view in their bedrooms the Apollo, Hyacinth, Narcissus and the Dioscuri statues, and also enjoyed during her pregnancy music harps and flutes.


It also imposed to the Spartans husbands that during pregnancy of their wives never would show a scowling or moody, but always satisfied countenance. Heliodorus tells that from a pair of hideously ugly spouses born an extraordinarily beautiful stem, because the mother always had before it in his bedroom a wonderful life-size statue of Adonis. Also the tyrant of Cyprus, poorly shaped and ugly, was nevertheless surprisingly father of cute boys, because having done adorn the bedroom with radiant figures of deities.


In the course of history it occurred repeatedly that women lifted suspicions of infidelity because of their "pregnancy scare."


The wife of dark skin also him of dark skin Hydaspo called Persina, gave birth after ten years of sterile marriage, a daughter completely white. In desperation because her husband did not believe in her innocence and accused her of dealing with a stranger, he left the creature. I called his name Charikleia, and it happened that he again found her after many years. Blissful then told his daughter at birth as you were white, the color of which contradicts the nature of the Ethiopians, I recognized myself the cause. In the arms of my husband he had seen the image of naked Andromeda when Perseus rapture her of the rocks, so you for it obtained that color. Then Persina confessed to her husband who had a daughter; he did put the image of Andromeda with Charikleia and indeed the resemblance was disconcerting. Hydaspo was persuaded admired, and the people beside himself with joy, shower the three of pleasures.


Also a critical spirit manifested as pervasive as Lesing very expressively manifest that especially the visual arts, besides the ineffable influence they have on the character of the nation, are capable of an action that requires a closer state control. If beautiful beings create beautiful statues, these act again on those and the state has to thank the beautiful statues, beautiful citizens. Among us, the delicate imagination of the mother only seems externalized into monsters. "


It is necessary to return to the original starting point singular longing and cultivate the beauty of the Spirit...


The bridal chamber should become the Temple of Art; it is itself the magnetic center of Love...


Women of the Holy Predestination should never lose the sense of wonder...


Behold O daughters of Venus! The Divine sculptures, of your room so that the fruit of your love is truly beautiful...


Create beauties I tell you in the name of Love and Truth ... Be happy beloved ones, blissful be with your creations...


The bridal chamber is the Sanctuary of Venus, never will profane with unworthy thoughts.





The Esoteric magical procreation, without seminal ejaculation procreation, the  ideo-plastic fetus impregnation, should be encouraged by the intelligent desire to seek for the offspring the best properties and the possibility of a long life full of light and life ...

The time to generate healthy and intelligent children moment is in the curve of ascending life, in which the marvelous Essence of the infant carried by the grand breath of the Sun in the jubilant subtle resurrection of the great Nature will be reincorporated in the general flowering of Universal Life.


It is written with words of fire that the Power of Action and Psychical Energy and Physics reaches magical procreation in a very special way in the first quarter of May at the hour of sunrise.


The so-called "children of the bridal night", or those unfortunates who were begotten after copious feasting and drunkenness, carry much lower soul values.


The neurasthenics, those who suffer from complexes of all kinds, cowards, misanthropes, schizophrenics, masochistic, murderers of all kinds, inveterate drunks, homosexuals, lesbians, dull, blunt, imbeciles and idiots, further add to its nauseating blemish a puny and deformed body, they come from hazardous abominable intercourse or for venereal diseases ...


The uncontrolled procreation of creatures of the moment of intoxication, unconsciousness, often under the influence of alcohol depraved, work as a curse in later generations...


Only when live Adam-Eve in a self-exalting, edifying and essentially dignifying state, this exchange of psychic forces occurs through each cell, which actually manage to engender a "Son of the Sun", a beautiful physical creature and emotionally happy. ..


Is itself inconceivable that man, who as a farmer or gardener care with the greatest care to produce the best specimens of animals and fruits and plants most beautiful, fragrant and grizzled, by selecting and crossing the most select products and seeds, exclude usually in their own generation of its own species these precautions, diligence and attention.


Semen quality is closely associated with the imaginative power; if the crime of spilling this marvelous elixir is committed, the Faculty Creator, translucent, imagination is impoverished; then it is no longer possible to maintain the same freshness in mind any beautiful image that could be used to give life and shape to a glowing creature.


Plato, who in his "Banquet" calls the Doctrine of Beauty "Mysteries of Eros", defines love as the "Appetite Divine" suggested to man of a great universal power that manages to enthuse the heart to create healthy and beautiful children ...


It is known that during the monthly Full Moon an egg from the ovary of women is detach which cause bleeding. This is called Menstruation.


The unfertilized egg by any spermatozoon leaves after a few days the Utero, and start a new life rhythm.


It has been said that in the place where the egg came off, formed the so-called "yellow body" is, which is infinitesimal.


This is the marvelous fruit which possesses the precious substance of nervous power, which gets all its body a energizing and structuring consequence.


The bloodstream, and all vital cells are then, so to speak electrically charged again.


The more chaste the woman is, the more sublime and transmute the sexual energy, the more it occurs in a physical and mental revival...


It is indubitable that the more spasms and orgasms has, be a reduction of the structuring internal secretion.


The valuable organic nuclei of the genital glands may then not be transformed into that ethereal substance which of subtle tissue that gives to the cells of the physical body tension and renewal and will come premature aging and disease.


"Also the longer or shorter respiratory rate of mother at birth determines the quality of the first breath of the creature; with this breathing rhythm will flow into each other in the world, and return it to him, like and dislike, courage and futility."


Blind passion in the carnal act disorderly generates electromagnetic messy whirls, which as vital inherited oscillations cause a much greater dissonance in the cells of the creature, as it cannot open gap part of the positive parental influence. "


It is clear that having scientific chastity, beauty and love, will be impregnated the fertilized egg by a highly developed Essence and the result will be a son or daughter with rich Soul Values.





In the case of transcendent metaphysical experiments, it is worth solemnly affirm that I have been fully satisfied with the clever use of Eidolon...


No brag in any way with certain discoveries of esoteric order, simply, humbly, I will relate some remarkable intimate event:


It happened that one night either, finding absent from the dense form, Master Litelantes and I, we decided to contact the Temple of the Zodiac.


It is obvious and evident, and anyone can understand, to find such a shrine here in the three-dimensional world of Euclid, would be more than impossible...


It's not as something strange, unusual and rare, the fact that for this type of experimental research we used the Eidolon.


No way I want to flaunt wise, I just now propose to clarify that such contact was wonderful...


The Sancta Santorum zodiacal, virgin, shine gloriously among the fiery rhythms and MAHAVAN and CHOTAVAN that hold firm the Universe in its march.


Cosmic Temple, Basilica of Zodiacal light with twelve shrines, sidereal house of the divine ... Sublime circular church of irresistible charms, opposite sanctum that complement each other situated facing ...


Projecting into the future, beyond our present reincarnation, Litelantes penetrated resolutely in the Sancta of the bright constellation of Libra ...


On the threshold of this shrine there was an Effigy with likeness of an angel; with one hand holding the Balance of Cosmic Justice and the other wielding the Sword.


Litelantes advancing a few steps inside the sacred enclosure finally stopped standing on a venerable stone...


-¿Are you going to continue with Libra?


'But notice that the Stone of that constellation is very cold! ...

-¡No Matter! ... So answered the Initiated...


Since this lady-Adept is now preparing to meet very special mission with male body, it is obvious that the constellation of Libra will be very favorable to, especially when their work will be in the field of law...


For my part, full of deep meditation and tremendous veneration, I got resolutely into the sublime Sanctum of the Leo constellation.


The threshold that glittered shrine adorned with a pair of bright pure gold lions...


Ecstatic had to lie silent in supine position on delicious couch of kind of lion shaped whose arms glittered...


My intention was to wait within that sanctuary to the sublime Archons of Destiny...


Ostensibly, they manipulate the Antakarana (the Thread of Life) by connecting the fecundating zoosperm...


Every living Being at time to die is carried beyond death the seed atom of the physical body...


The Lords of Karma deposit this atom in the fertilizing spermatozoon so that we can reincorporate...

The end of the magnetic thread is attached to this atom ... Any creature during normal sleep leaves the body to travel often to remote distances; the thread of life stretches to infinity and always allows us to return to the physical body ...


At death, the Angels of Death cut that silver thread and then it is obvious that we can no longer return to the physical body...


I advance at the time, was not unaware of any of this and patiently awaited the Lords of Law, craved reincarnate under the constellation Leo...


But reflecting a bit, I said to myself: What am I doing here ?, I must await orders from my Father; also been told that during this Mahanvantara( Cosmic Day ) I will have not more physical body ... so Pondering I got up and left that sacred place.


Ostensibly Masters can choose at will the zodiac sign under which they will be reincarnated...


In the Zodiacal Temple in the Sancta chosen await the Initiates to the Lords of Karma in order to interact psychically with the fertilizing zoosperm that navigating between the waters of life, must lead to the physical world under the regency of the constellation chosen.


For BUDDHATAS (Essences) unaware of the painful valley of Samsara, everything is different, disembodied unknowingly and automatically reincorporated under any sign...


About the return there is no injustice; Masters of Karma choose the zodiacal sign of those who sleep...


When we breathe for the first time, we become intimately impregnated by the star that govern our new existence...


In the wonderful book of the Zodiac is written the fate of every creature that returns to the world...


"Karma is pay not only by the wrong done, but for the sake that you stop to do when you are able to do it"...


Every bad action is a signed letter to pay in the subsequent life...


The Law of Action and Consequence governs the course of our various existences and every life is the result of the previous...


Entirely understand the basis and "modus operandi" of the Law of Karma is essential to guide the ship of our life in a positive and uplifting way...


A great Master of the Good Law, dressed in white linen vestment dawn, approaching very softly gave me the following instruction:


"When an inferior law is transcended by a superior law, the superior law washes away the inferior law."


During the initiatory esoteric processes of fire, I had to understand in top form the following assumptions:


"The Lion of the Law is combated with the Balance".

"Whoever has capital to pay, pays and does well in business";

"Whoever does not have to with to pay,

“Must pay with pain”

"Do good deeds so that you pay your debts ..."


It is possible get credits with the Masters of Karma and this is something that many ignore...


However, it is urgent to know that all credit must be canceled with good deeds or with supreme pain...


I owed Karma from previous lives and was forgiven. I had already announced a special encounter with my Divine Mother Kundalini. I knew very well that upon reaching certain esoteric degree, I would be brought to her presence.


And certainly the long-awaited day arrived, and was driven to her, an Adept of the Occult Fraternity took me out of the physical body in the Eidolon and took me to the Temple...


I saw on the wall of the Sancta a mysterious obelisk in which shone a terribly divine Madonna: it was my Mother...


Kneeling, prostrated in tremendous adoration, I cried, I clamored I begged...


That Madonna came off the obelisk and came to me as wonderful synthesis of Wisdom, Love and Power...


Impossible to explain in human words what in those moments of ecstasy felt; it was represented the best of all those beautiful beloved mothers I've had in my several reincarnations. But ... it's obvious that she would have gone further because of its infinite perfections.


In a couple of comfortable chairs sat facing closer together, son and mother ... something had to ask and spoke with a voice that surprised myself.


'I ask you to forgive me all my misdeed committed in previous lives, because you know that today would be unable to fall into the same mistakes. "


I know my son, my Divine Mother answered with the voice of paradise, filled with infinite tenderness.


Nor for a million dollars I would repeat those mistakes, I continued...

What is that about dollars, my son? Why do you say that? Why are you talking like that? ...


-Excuse me Mother, what happens is that there, in that vain and illusory physical world where I live, it is talk like this...


I understand my son, my mother said, and with these words of the adorable I felt comforted...


'Now, my Mother, I ask you to bless and forgive me, I exclaimed full of supreme bliss ...


Terrible was the moment when my Mother, kneeling, kneeling, with infinite humility, blessed me, saying:


My son, you are forgiven...


Permit me to kiss your feet, Mother, I exclaimed. Then, Oh God! At time to deposit the mystic kiss, in their divine plants, I discovered a certain symbol equivalent to that sacred washing of the last supper.


It is ostensible that I caught intuitively the deep significance of such a symbol...


I had already dissolved the pluralized Ego in the mineral regions of our planet Earth, more should continue to dying in hells of Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune...


Later, after investigating some very unfortunate mistake of my past reincarnation, I was about to be hit by a car in Mexico City, it is unquestionable that if previously I have not been forgiven Karma would have gone to the cemetery or hospital...


When I had in my hands the book of my own destiny, because each person has his, I found their blank pages; outstanding bills had been erased by my Divine Mother Kundalini: only certain page I found the name of a mountain where later I'll have to live.


'Is this some Karma? I asked the Lords of Law.


'It's not Karma, I was answered. You will go to live there for the good of the Great Cause. But the latter is not mandatory; it gives me freedom of choice...


I do not owe ordinary human Karma, it is clear that I must to pay tax to the Lords of Law. Everything has a price and the right to have a physical body and to live in this world must be paid. Adepts of the Occult Fraternity we pay with good deeds ...


Negotiate with the Lords of the Law is possible through Meditation: pray, meditate and concentrate in Anubis, most exalted Regent of the good law ...


"For the unworthy all doors are closed, except one: that of repentance" ... "Ask and you shall receive, knock and it shall be opened."

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