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Janis writes
I share this as information you should know - and hopefully you will pass it on. Perhaps it will help change some people's perspective on President Obama.
This man will do everything in his power to uplift humanity and our planet and country to make them worthy of Ascension to the higher realms. Do share as guided.

Shared with Love,


Steve Beckow writes

Here it is, as requested.

Nancy Detweiler: Who is Barack Obama?


I first encountered Nancy Detweiler's writings when I initially learned about 2012 in 2008 and was investigating NESARA. (1)

Nancy has recently brought to my attention her collaboration with Dr. Gillian C. Grannum to produce a numerological chart (Gillian) and an astrological chart (Nancy) for President Obama.

Nancy and Gillian worked separately on their charts and then compared them after, with interesting results, as you can see.

I thoroughly agree with her when she says:

"What if President Obama is fulfilling his role in the Divine Plan and we allow the Illuminati to instill fear concerning his presidency? Don’t forget that throughout history, we Earth humans have killed our prophets."

And, of course, Matthew and SaLuSa assure us that these sentiments are accurate - that the Illuminati are attacking the President with everything they have and only his supporters stand between him and his usefulness being hampered by the Illuminati's tide of misrepresentation, which some of us unfortunately are buying.

I think we need to wake ourselves up from having drunk the Illuminati's potion on Obama and make sure that we do not lose this good man to their magic spells. To me, standing up to the Illuminati's efforts is just an act of simple maturity, no more, no less.

So thank you, Nancy, for bringing your recent work to my attention and for standing against the tide of fabrication that I too believe is issuing from the Illuminati about President Obama.


Nancy Detweiler


Who is this charismatic man who emerged on the world scene with the rapidity of a shooting star? Is he the climax to the Illuminati’s plans for a New World Order and take over of the world? Or, is he fulfilling his role in the Divine Plan for this planet to ascend to a higher level of consciousness. Is the present controversy over his identity serving to awaken the public to the matrix of lies in which we have lived our entire lifetime?

One thing about which we can be absolutely sure is that things are not as they seem. Another thing about which we can be absolutely sure is that using fear as a motivation to search for truth attracts more lies. The Illuminati (or secret world government) has used fear to exert control over us and their modus operandi is lies phrased in words that sound lofty and honey sweet.

What if President Obama is fulfilling his role in the Divine Plan and we allow the Illuminati to instill fear concerning his presidency? Don’t forget that throughout history, we Earth humans have killed our prophets. We yelled, “Crucify him, crucify him,” when Pilate asked us what he should do with Jesus. The people allowed mob psychology to control them 2000 years ago. Are we doing so again?

That each of us develop the art of discerning truth for ourselves is required in order to lift our consciousness to a higher plane. Few of us would disagree that our planet is presently experiencing the End Times. Although the End Times connotes a variety of scenarios, most agree that the end result is to be a better life somewhere. What if the enigma that President Obama presents is the catalyst for our spiritual awakening? What if concern over who he is leads us to learn to seek and find truth on our own? Has he not, then, assisted us to advance in our own spiritual maturity?

What is certainly true is that the controversy over President Obama has exposed the secret plans the Illuminati have been working on for over 100 years---the New World Order in which they are the Absolute Rulers and we the people are their slaves. Little do the majority of Americans know just how enslaved we already are … just how many lies we have been told … just how many cover-ups of truth exist … just how much we are suffering needlessly at the hands of the Illuminati.

How can we learn the true identity of President Obama? How can we get to know ourselves? With two very ancient scientific methods that the Illuminati does not want us to recognize as truth: esoteric astrology and numerology. Both sciences would yield the same patterns characterizing Obama and his soul intentions for this incarnation. These are tools the Illuminati cannot contaminate. Each of us is first and foremost a Part of the Overall Divine Plan. Both the astrological natal chart and the numerological chart reveal our Celestial Name. These charts were constructed before we incarnated into a physical body; they are how we ascertain the role we are to play while attending school on the plane of duality, Earth.

Why have esoteric astrology and numerology been hidden from us? People who know their role within the Divine Plan—who know they are a vital Part of the Whole—cannot be enslaved. That our true identities be hidden from us is vital to the success of the Illuminati and their plans for a New World Order in which we are to be slaves. Thanks in part to the controversies swirling around President Obama, the secret plans of the Illuminati have been discovered. If his presence in the White House accomplishes nothing else, he has released us from falling blindly into planetary slavery.

Because the Illuminati presently rule the world, Obama cannot avoid working with them. Did they discover and project him into his rapid ascent to the White House? He could not have gotten there without their help because contrary to what Americans are told, we the people do not determine who is President. At the very least, the Illuminati saw in Barack Obama a handsome, charismatic, brilliant young man. Can they manipulate him for long? That remains to be seen. Both his astrological and numerological charts offer real hope for the people!

Dr. Gillian Grannum, a professional numerologist, agreed to interpret President Obama’s numerological chart while I, a former professional astrologer, interpreted his astrological chart. We worked separately without consultation. Both charts should reveal basically the same life patterns.

Numerological Analysis: President Barack Hussein Obama
by Dr. Gillian C. Grannum

This brief numerological analysis provides insight into some basic characteristics found within the name and birth date of the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, born August 4, 1961.

Path of Life [2] The “2” path allows him to know instinctively how to relate well with others. He is deeply sensitive to others' feelings. He learned at an early age the importance of being a patient and careful worker, how to show consideration for others, and the requirements of being a good friend. He experienced self-denial at an early age so as to balance a propensity toward selfishness in his Expression and Personality. His primary task as a young adult was to overcome his innate shyness and deep-seated uncertainty as to his purpose in life. He also had to overcome tendencies toward apathy and indifference, both of which are closely linked to his initial uncertainty concerning what role he would play in life.

Expression [1] He has keen administrative abilities and knows himself to be a gifted leader capable of thinking outside the box. This fuels his uncanny ability to achieve great success -- success guaranteed as long as he remains self-motivated, confident in his abilities and skills, and purposefully self-reliant. From an early age he felt the stirrings of ambition. He knew instinctively that as long as he remained determined and goal-oriented he could attain positive outcomes and exceedingly powerful placements in life.

His inner drive is so intense it tends to make him egotistical at times, extremely stubborn, and quite aggressive in pursuing his goals and ambitions. When tired, there is likelihood of him being bossy, selfish, and difficult to be around. This is because one of his great fears is that of being lazy or overly dependent on others, hence his unquenchable desire to succeed despite all odds.

Soul [9] He is at heart a selfless humanitarian, desirous of giving much of himself to others. He has a genuine interest in the well-being of others. He is sympathetic, tolerant, broad-minded, and compassionate. He is idealistic, affectionate with family and close friends, and innately generous. He knows if he doesn’t accentuate the positive there is a decided tendency toward his becoming selfish, self-centered, unaware of what’s actually being communicated to him, and insensitive to others’ true feelings. When uncertain he tends to adopt a difficult, aloof attitude in an effort to mask the fear of loss of affection and love.

His deepest desire is to connect in an almost mystical way with others. Because this is exceedingly difficult to do he converts this desire into humanitarian interests and ideals. He is gifted with a sharp intuitive mind and keen analytical skills. His faith in God and the future is so strong he tends to believe a little too deeply in his personal convictions. This belief in the rightness of his personal convictions, when taken to extremes, creates a tendency to dismiss reasonable objections and criticisms from his closest advisors and confidants. He sincerely believes he’s on the right track because his true desire is to obtain what he perceives to be in humanity’s best interest. His challenge is to be seen for who he is and not dismissed as a fanatic or flake by others who do not understand his deep-seated idealism.

Personality [1] His self-assured individualism is based on self-reliance and originality. He can be very persuasive in manner and is driven by strong will power. This will power would have been developed at an early age as a result of having to hold his own against what he may have perceived to be particularly domineering elders.

From his youth he would have had great difficulty accepting orders and would have likely gone against the wishes of his peers from time to time simply to assert his independence and self identity. Great inner insecurity would have been hidden behind a somewhat brash, self-assertive manner. By his teenage years he would have begun to prefer close one-on-one relationships rather than many superficial friends. While growing up a healthy self-confidence was nurtured within his family setting. Had he felt badly undermined he would have developed a somewhat passive orientation in life. With great power comes great responsibility. With this personality the challenge is to guard against becoming tyrannical with those closest to him, especially when feeling unbalanced or overly challenged by difficult circumstances.

Balance Number [7] When feeling overwhelmed by circumstances his most natural escape is into deep and real seeking of the Spiritual Presence, a desire to probe the mysteries within life, a scientifically-based curiosity concerning the Unknown, and a delight in exploring the magical hidden truths pertaining to Life. His fundamentally loving nature is deeply hurt when confronted by deceit and/or betrayal.

Cornerstone [2] When life gets tough his innate tendency is toward being a Helper, one sensitive to the situation and needs of others. He is quite self-contained and shy in certain situations and settings, and can be driven at times by an almost maniacal need to get to a place of harmonious resolution. When depressed (a condition he considers unproductive, harmful, and to be avoided whenever possible) he has difficulty making up his mind concerning how best to resolve the situation, and may become indecisive and overly emotional.

Keystone [9] He attains his greatest pleasure from sharing with others whatever is required in the moment -- time, friendship, affection, love, understanding, financial support and sympathy. He gives freely, with little expectation of return or reward. Others' needs – especially those closest to him – are more important to him than certain personal ambitions. At times he’s prompted to make a truly meaningful personal sacrifice for those he loves. He enjoys feelings of deep inner satisfaction whenever he does so.

Maturity number [3] He is blessed with the opportunity for a rich, full life, one bursting with self expression. He knows the importance of imaginatively harnessing his gifts and talents into productive use so as not to feel scattered and ill-at-ease with himself.

First vowel (A) Obama is a sensitive leader who can exert power, when required, but doesn't really desire to do so. He has his own ideas though he willingly listens to others in areas where he lacks expertise. His balanced mind prefers creative, original approaches to problem solving. He tends to wear down gradually when confronted with opposition fomented simply for opposition’s sake rather than for bringing new ideas or creative perspectives into play.

Major Challenge [0] In early years he may have had difficulty acting on preferences and taking action despite being perfectly capable of analyzing situations and coming up with realistic solutions to problems. There may have been a tendency to want to avoid personal development with all sorts of excuses and rationalizations. As he grew up he would have been challenged to choose what he perceived to be the best among various options, then acting on that choice. Once he discovered taking action on some preference proved far more beneficial than not selecting a preference he would have become increasingly comfortable with making a decision and acting on it.

Physical Attributes [9] Broad, universal contacts are extremely important to him. He has a natural tendency to color all activity with dramatic feeling. In practical matters he prefers to feel/sense the solution through intuition/impressions.

Mental Attributes [8] He is a natural executive who is very ambitious for meaningful power and position. He is results driven and enjoys being recognized for his accomplishments. There is a danger of hidden pride and egotism creeping in as a result of these accomplishments. Due to the demands of this placement it is exceedingly difficult to accumulate large sums of money for personal use as many expenses have to be met. He is philosophical about life and enjoys belonging to many diverse societies and groups.

Emotional Attributes [3] He is very imaginative and personal with his emotions both in work and familial settings. It is important to him to be admired and popular. Though he certainly ponders moves before making them he also tends to act impulsively on occasion. An innate generosity and desire to be loved fosters a tendency to scatter possessions and money as these are less valuable to him than respect, admiration, and love. He must actively control tendencies to talk too much.

Intuitive Attributes [8] He enters higher realms of power with a perfect sense of belonging. If he had not entered politics he would have found much inner satisfaction in the organization of philosophical societies as well as spiritual, environmental and cultural groups. He has, over the course of this lifetime, learned the importance of making use of intuitive knowledge and understanding. He enjoys research and historical investigation and knows the importance of using spiritually-derived knowledge to attain meaningful material accomplishments.

Concluding remarks Numerology is an ancient science rooted in mathematical principles related to harmonics and vibratory patterns. It is uniquely personal due to the fact that numerology includes the name as well as the date of birth in the analysis. While there is much more that can be written concerning President Obama this, in my opinion, provides sufficient insight into his personality, soul, characteristics and traits to provide you, the reader, with basic information concerning innate factors which contributed to his rise to the American presidency. He is in office at a particularly critical time in the history of the United States of America, and for humanity globally. This admittedly cursory examination tends to suggest he is uniquely qualified to navigate the difficulties that lie ahead, though support from Congress and the citizenry are most assuredly needed if he is to succeed.


This analysis was done without reference to numerological source material. It is derived from numerological information carefully sifted and collected over the course of more than 25 years.

Gillian Chabrol Grannum, Ph.D.

by Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

As stated above, the astrological natal chart is our Celestial Name (Dane Rudhyar). It reveals our Soul’s Road Map for this lifetime. Freewill is always in charge—we can choose to allow life to simply happen to us or we can choose to fulfill the celestial instructions found in our natal chart. The goal is to perfect the lessons that can best be learned on Earth’s 3rd dimensional plane of duality so that we can ascend to higher planes of consciousness.

Obama’s Saturn is retrograde in Capricorn, indicating that he is a spiritually mature soul who incarnated to get things right this time. The Soul is not allowed to take on more than it can successfully accomplish in any one lifetime. Saturn retrograde reveals that this time Obama chose to take on the equivalent of two lifetimes of self-growth. Only a mature Soul is allowed to do so. Saturn—our disciplinarian--works well in Capricorn, leading Obama through his initiatory process into higher consciousness. The 3rd Ray of Active Intelligence is especially potent with Saturn in Capricorn, granting Obama astute mental abilities and a very strong, dynamic magnetism. Saturn in Capricorn presents a choice: will he orient his goals toward personal prestige or toward serving others?

Saturn retrograde located in the 12th house serves as an additional reminder to Obama that his Soul wants to get things right this time. We always bring in exactly what is needed to accomplish our Soul’s intentions. Thus, Saturn conjunct Jupiter retrograde in the 12th house grants him the ability to be disciplined, systematic, and thorough as he works long hours and keeps track of many details at once. Jupiter is a most benefic planet and will bless Obama’s recall and use of his past life talents. Saturn retrograde tells us that his talents are already well-developed. Nevertheless, with Jupiter retrograde, he can experience inner doubts, which may express in a desire to plan and re-plan.

Obama’s 12th house configuration marks him as “one who serves”—the humanitarian. Jupiter in his 12th house indicates he is blessed with extra spiritual protection and invisible helpers who will assist him whenever needed. He is striving to gather the facts and think through potential problem solutions while balancing his desire to be with family.

Family plays a large role in Obama’s life. Venus in Cancer gives strong ties to his family, especially to his mother; Venus in Cancer in his 5th house means he is deeply attached to his children and rejoices in seeing them realize personal fulfillment. Moon in Gemini in the 4th house reinforces the powerful influence of his mother as they shared a thirst for knowledge and exploration. Obama is warm-hearted, witty, and charming. He does not like arguments and may therefore tend to tell people what they want to hear, rather than being completely honest. With Pluto in his 7th house of relationships square his Moon in the 4th house of family, Obama is challenged with controlling and transmuting any emotional turmoil that might lie beneath the surface. Experiences in his life have taught him that he cannot totally trust those he loves. At the bottom of this lack of trust is fear that he will be rejected as unworthy.

His Soul (and God) perceives his needs before he does. Therefore, Obama’s Soul incarnated with Jupiter trine his Moon, indicating that his Soul developed the art of balancing his emotions in a previous lifetime. He has only to recall this innate talent. In so doing, he gains self-confidence and loses the fear of revealing himself as he truly is. He knows how to laugh at himself and to see humor in the worst of situations. He possesses a strong desire to see people move forward in life.

Jupiter in Aquarius in combination with an Aquarian Ascendant proclaims that Obama’s potential for achieving his Soul’s desired expression in this lifetime is very strong. The Ascendant reveals how Obama will be perceived by the external world. His Ascendant in Aquarius indicates a “friend to the world”—one who has a vision of a better world for all people. The symbol for Aquarius is the Waterbearer pouring out water to the planet. Obama’s Sun is in Leo in the 6th house of healing. Leo demonstrates strong leadership qualities; its symbol is the Lion. His Sun is conjunct his Mercury in the 6th house granting him intelligence and wit. He has excellent teaching skills and ability to communicate his ideas. Sun conjunct Mercury can mean high-strung energy that demands a physical outlet.

The house in which the Sun is found indicates where the positive energies of the Sun Sign is to be used. With his Sun in the 6th house, Obama’s life work is to include some facet of healing. With Cancer on his 6th house cusp and Cancer ruling the United States of America, Obama has the capacity to bring healing to our nation. As a Leo, Obama possesses a flair for drama, easy creativity, good health, ambition, dignity, affection in love relationships, and a generous spirit. There is a strong will in both his Leo Sun and Aquarian Ascendant. A Leo cares deeply how he is perceived by those close to him and in the outside world. Because Leo is ruled by the Sun, Obama can light up the room when he walks in.

Chiron retrograde in his 1st house and conjunct his South Moon Node reveals Obama as a Wounded Healer from the past. With South Moon Node in Aquarius in his 1st house and North Moon Node in Leo in his 7th house, Obama brings into this lifetime memories of having been a leader, but one who placed his personal desires before those of the people he led. Now, in this lifetime, he is “to get it right” by placing the needs of the people before his own needs. This fact is reinforced by Pluto in the 7th house in opposition to Chiron in the 1st house. As the planet of transformation, Pluto in opposition to Chiron will assist Obama in exploring his subconscious mind while Chiron incorporates use of the Higher Intuitive Mind. This powerful opposition is found in the natal charts of healers. Obama’s energy field is permeated with the power to heal others by his presence with them.

Chiron’s presence in Pisces indicates Obama as one who is sensitive to other planes of existence. He knows there is more to life than meets the eye. With his Aquarian Ascendant, he desires to share all he knows with the world. Neptune rules Pisces. Located in Scorpio in Obama’s 9th house, the desire and talent for sharing his knowledge with the world is reinforced. The 9th house is the house of higher education, foreign travel, and the Higher Intuitive Mind. On the personality-centered level, Neptune rules alcohol/drugs. Obama admits having experimented with these substances while in college. However, with Pluto sextile Neptune, he easily moved beyond the need for mind-altering drugs. Cigarettes, also ruled by Neptune, have been more difficult to overcome, even though the Pluto sextile Neptune gives him the ability to successfully kick the habit.

Chiron in Pisces in Obama’s 1st house renders him a true leader of consciousness unfoldment. Neptune in Scorpio in his 9th house and operating at the soul-centered level is the most mystical of planets leading him toward achieving a higher consciousness. Obama feels a tremendous need to serve others, to recognize people all over the world as the One Family of God. If he is not already aware of our galactic brothers and sisters, he will grow into that awareness.

With his strong Leo/Aquarian influence, Obama is functioning on the 1st Ray of Will/Power and the 5th Ray of Concrete Knowledge. The energy of the 1st Ray is that of breaking up the old conditions so that the new may emerge. A personality-centered 1st Ray individual can appear aloof, detached, and have trouble listening to others. However, by lifting his focus to the soul-centered level, Obama can demonstrate tolerance, compassion, and humility.

The energy of the 5th Ray is the expression of the 2nd Ray Love/Wisdom energy through the intellect. Aquarius operates solely on the 5th Ray of scientific, mathematical, and metaphysical research and experimentation. Aquarius is the idealist, the visionary; the 5th Ray is the Ray on which esoteric knowledge/wisdom is actualized. The contributions that a 5th Ray individual can make to the world can be without limit. Again, like the 1st Ray, the 5th Ray person may tend to be detached and more focused on bringing the ideals of the abstract world into concrete form in our physical world. For this reason, the 5th Ray person is likely to be out of step with the mundane, status quo world while he analyzes and searches for Truth.

For Obama, his Venus in Cancer in his 5th house acts as an energy of balance between detachment and devotion to others. Children are to play a major role in his life, keeping him in touch with his love nature. With his planets’ placement evenly distributed in 5 positive (masculine) sign energies and 5 negative (feminine) sign energies, he is well balanced as an individual. With Leo on his 7th house cusp and Uranus in the 7th house, he would naturally chose a marriage partner who is also a strong, independent, forward-thinking individual—one he can admire and feel proud to have by his side. Together, Barack and Michelle will meet and become friends with a variety of people.


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As I look back on my life now from 2005, I never would have thought I’d be doing soul retrievals at the age of 62. Shoot, when I was a kid I figured out how old I’d be when it turned 2000, which was 60 and didn’t think I’d make it because the adult life span was somewhere around 60 years. My life was not easy as I suffered/stuck out a 28 year marriage with 28 years of physical, mental and emotional abuse.Why didn’t I leave? Back then, 1959, wife beating wasn’t the common headline that it is these days. I was too embarrassed to tell anyone. I’d been brought up with the idea of ‘what will people say’. Because I kept it internalized I suffered from agoraphobia for many years. The dictionary defines it as a fear of open spaces. That doesn’t begin to tell about it. Needless to say, it got pretty bad. I couldn’t go anyplace unless accompanied by someone and then the panic attacks were still almost uncontrollable. Gradually, over the years, I met the fears and embraced them and started to get better. These days it’s called ‘social panic disorder’ among other names.In 1987 my husband died. He really didn’t have a chance because of genetics. He was 51 when he passed over. His father died at age 48 and his mother at age 45, both with ‘bad hearts’. My husband did suffer for 13 years with a heart attack, stroke, seizures, diabetes and other associated diseases. The last year of his life I rushed him to the hospital 4 times because of congestive heart failure. The last time he walked in on his feet and 10 minutes later he was gone.Then I was free, free to live my life. Oh I grieved and wondered at the time why I was grieving, but it is a natural thing to do and I was glad for it. I felt it showed to myself that there was love there at one time. But now that I was free, I didn’t know what to do. I had been interested in the Native American culture for awhile so I decided to learn all I could. And what I learned created such a rage in me regarding what the white man has done to all native people in all lands.I set out to atone for all white men, but found that it’s a difficult, nearly impossible process. No one wanted to know or seemed to care. Nevertheless, I moved to Flagstaff, Arizona where I would be among native people and close to several reservations. This lasted a year and a half when I met someone I ‘clicked’ with and we moved to the far Northeast corner of Washington state. Evidently I had the word ‘victim’ written across my forehead because it wasn’t too long until this man beat me up worse than my husband ever had. He left and I was left to try to decide what to do with the rest of my life.I had several years of self pity and more lessons to learn. Eventually, in November of 1999, I happened to buy three books by Bruce Moen. This was the start of a whole new life for me which continues until this day. Bruce’s books told of a place called The Monroe Institute in Faber, Virginia, where Robert Monroe came up with a process of bringing the left and right hemispheres of the brain together known as hemi-sync.Bruce Moen wrote of taking the Gateway Voyage at The Monroe Institute (TMI) and of later taking the Lifeline program three times in which he learned to do soul retrievals of people who have passed over but don’t realize they are dead. In his first book, he tells of retrieving several people at the Oklahoma City bombing site. I was hooked. In one moment I realized that this is my purpose in life, at least in the life I have left. I took the Gateway Voyage in September of 2000 and arranged to take Lifeline in June 2001. But I was in a hurry to start doing retrievals. So with what I had learned from my experience at my Gateway Voyage and help from Bruce Moen’s website, specifically the Conversation Board, I started attempting to do retrievals in February 2001.I say attempting because once I’d decided to try, I lost any self confidence I might have had and was so afraid I wouldn’t ‘see’ anything that I almost backed out. Then I decided I might as well try. So I put on my headphones and turned on the hemi-sync tape. When I got to the proper ‘focus’ level, I asked for a Helper to take me to someone who needed to be retrieved. Of course all this was said in my mind. Immediately I was walking down a hospital corridor and looked in a room and saw a man looking at x-rays. I ‘felt’ he was dead and didn’t know it. So I asked him what he was doing and he said he was trying to find out what was wrong with him. I asked his name and he said Emory. I also asked what year it was and he said 1953. Then I told him that I had a doctor with me (the Helper who I felt was behind my right shoulder) who would tell him what he needed to know and to take him where he needed to go. With that a doctor walked over to him and off they went. I had no emotion whatsoever. I didn’t use imagination or visualization. The whole scene played out in front of me with no help from me. I thought no, that was just too easy. It’s all in my mind. I made that up.So I decided to post the so-called retrieval on Bruce’s board and see what he said. Well, to my amazement he said it was a classic textbook retrieval. He also said I should follow them next time to see where the Helper took him. I couldn’t believe it, even though he said so. So I wrote to my friend Gordon and he confirmed it too.I had found since then that beliefs are the hardest thing for a person to give up. We all have belief systems that we’ve been accumulating since the day we were born. It took a few months for me to be rid of the belief that these retrievals weren’t real.About a week later I decided to try again. Sometimes it’s hard to stop the mind and nothing seemed to be happening, so I decided to just sort of float. Then I asked for a Helper and then saw a man a few feet away from me and it looked like he was playing to an audience. His hat was in his hand and he was waving it and he said something like “that’s it for now folks, or that’s my contribution” or something similar. So I wondered if he was dead. I asked his name and he said Livingston or the Great Livingston. I asked the year and he said 1923 and when asked where we were, he said New Orleans. Now all this time my mind is saying “I KNOW I’m making this up.” I just knew it couldn’t be. So I decided to finish and told him that this Helper would take him where he was supposed to go and to my surprise he smiled and said “Okay”. I remembered Bruce saying I could follow along so I did and when we were flying above the Park, I thought no, I’ve imagined this so many times from Bruce’s books that there’s just no way it can be real. We landed and some people came over and he was doing his act for them and everyone was laughing. I shook my head in wonder. Is my mind making all this up or could it possibly be for real. Whatever it was, I was really hooked. This was fun and if it was real, I was doing a service for people who didn’t know they were dead. Dead – what a word. If all this were real, then there really is no death, only wearing out of the body we’re in.My daughter was working for a man whose son had taken a rifle and put it to his head and pulled the trigger. I had been thinking of him for quite awhile, thinking that if this is all real, I should try to go and get him. So one day I asked for a Helper to take me to Jeff. Almost right away I was in front of a man kneeling and huddled in a dark place. I knelt down and tried to talk to him but I couldn’t get any response out of him. So I left.The next day I went back and the Helper took me right to Jeff again. I told him who I was and that he knew me and my daughter, Teri. I told him he needed to come with me to be healed. It took quite a bit of talking to persuade him but finally he got up and seemed to be not quite so cloudy. I explained to him that suicide didn’t kill the soul and that he lives forever. He looked puzzled but came with me. We took him to the Health and Rejuvenation Center. The last I saw of him he was in bed and everything looked very white and clean.A few days later I again asked to be taken to someone needing to be retrieved. Then I was in an office building and saw lots of desks and lots of files and paperwork. There was a huge pile of folders on a desk close to me. Then I saw a woman (white, I think) saying she had to finish her work because it just keeps piling up. I kept looking around for someone dead. Then I thought since I didn’t see anyone else, it might be the woman. I asked her what her name was and she said Cathy Grant. That sounded like a made up name – I must have made it up. She said she had to get her work done but the pile of folders never went down. I asked her where we were and she said Bangladesh. Well, right then I knew I was imagining it. For one thing, a white woman in Bangladesh with the name of Cathy Grant just seemed too far out. I asked her why she had to get the work done and she told me to look around. As I did, I saw that unlike before, there was massive damage from what must have been an earthquake. I asked her what year it was. When she said 2014 I knew I was making it up. Then the voice on the tape called me back.The next day I asked to be taken back to her and then I was there. She was still trying to put the paperwork away. I told her that she was not doing any more paperwork because she was through and I was taking her someplace. When we got to the Reception Center, I felt a tap on my shoulder, turned around and there was Kenny. My mouth dropped open and I clicked out and came back just as Kenny was saying goodbye and we’ll meet again.I came back to physical consciousness and was overwhelmed. Kenny was a man I had worked for for four months. He was a quadrapelegic and had died about two years before. I had thought a lot about trying to find him sometime but here Kenny found me.The more I thought about it, the more I realized I couldn’t have made that up. I mean, he tapped me on the shoulder. I think then I finally started to believe that these retrievals were real. And Kenny was walking. At his memorial service, all his friends were saying that Kenny’s running now, and I guess he sure was.One day I decided to see if I could go someplace and find it. So I went to the Park and ran barefoot through it first. I always seemed to do that whenever I was there. Then I found MIT which stands for Monroe Institute There. I found it and dropped down through the roof into the dining room where I know there is a huge crystal. I hugged the crystal and then thought that it sure would be nice if I could see Bob Monroe as I’d read others had. I turned around and there he was, this man who was a pioneer in developing hemi-sync and The Monroe Institute and all these wonderful programs. The emotion was too much and all I could do was hug him, sob and keep repeating ‘thank you’ over and over. He sort of patted my shoulder. I would imagine he gets a lot of this treatment from other ‘voyagers’.The next day I decided to try another retrieval. After asking for a Helper to take me to someone needing to be retrieved, nothing happened for a long time so I just floated and enjoyed the peace. Then all of a sudden I was looking at the very blue sky through a lot of trees. I saw a shed or small building. There was a little girl under it and I felt she was dead. There was absolutely no movement or communication. While thinking of what to do, the name Mary Rose went through my mind. Then the voice on the tape said it was time to go back to C1 consciousness so I had to leave her, but knew I’d try again.The following day I asked to be taken to Mary Rose and was immediately there. She still didn’t move at all. So I lifted her out of her body and carried her over my shoulder. We moved on and I knew the Helper was to my Right but couldn’t see it/her/her at all. Leaving Focus 23 I saw a hand reach up so I grabbed it but whoever it was dropped off somewhere over the Belief System Territories. The Belief System Territories are the areas where souls go when they have such a strong belief that they resonate with others with the same belief – like attracts like.When we were above the Park, I saw the place to take Mary Rose. There were lots of children playing and a very large building for those who need care from the trauma of their deaths. We landed and I saw her mother come running to her and pick her up. By then Mary Rose was more aware and asked me if I was an angel. I told her I was a friend who brought her there and that I’d come back to see her again. I asked her mother where they had lived, and I thought she said Montrose, Vermont. Then it was time to go. I checked my road atlas but couldn’t find Montrose, Vermont.By now I had finally begun to really believe that these retrievals were real. Almost. Of course doubts always pop up, but not as frequently as before. Sometimes I would post retrievals on the Conversation Board as people’s comments always seemed to help me to believe more. And of course I always send the retrievals to Gordon who confirms every single one of them.I’ve just come to realize recently that Gordon was placed in my path for a specific purpose and I believe that purpose is to help me learn as much as I can about so many things metaphysical – retrievals, exploring, healing, past life regressions and probably much more. Sometimes I think he sends me silent messages and I pick up on them.The next retrieval was kind of interesting to me. The Helpers always take us to people they feel that we can help for one reason or another. This time I was in an ancient stone-type building. There was an old lady laying on a stone bed or platform. She just laid there, no movement at all. I started talking to her and told her I was going to stay until she responded to me. I just kept talking to her and telling her I could help her. Finally she said, “what do you want?” I told her I was going to take her to where there were people like her, her friends and all would be well. I got the impression that she was a ‘witch’ and had been killed for her activities. I told her that they don’t kill people they think are witches anymore. I also told her that what I do and was doing right then could be considered by some to be ‘witchcraft.’ That made her smile and she said she’d come with me. I had a Helper on my right but couldn’t see him/her as usual. I grabbed her hand and then decided to put my arm around her and hold tight because I felt I might just lose her over the Belief System Territories. Above the Park I looked down and saw a group of women that I knew were ‘just like her.’ I asked her where we’d been and got the impression of England or the British Isles. Also the year was 1240. She landed and they greeted her like old friends.I didn’t always succeed in finding someone. Once I saw a piñata all by itself and once I was in a huge round room with seats with the Senate, Congress or the United Nations, but nothing happened. One time I heard a boy’s voice say ‘please help me find my dad’ but I couldn’t see or feel a thing. Then there was the time I ended up at a carnival. I saw a man running around and running through people trying to scare them. I asked him what he was doing and he said, “you must be dead too because you can see me.” I told him no, that I was non-physical at the moment and was there to take him to a better place. And he proceeded to tell me “no. I’m doing what I want to do”. And then he ran off. I perceived the place as Indiana and the year as present (2001).Another time I found myself in a subway in New York. I was in some out of the way place where street people sleep. I saw a little girl superimposed over bones. I tried talking with her with no results. There were other ‘dead’ people there too just watching. I couldn’t get through to her at all so I just pulled her up and held her tightly. There was a woman there who I understood to be the mother. I asked what happened to her and ‘saw’ the most horrible death a little girl can have. She was raped and brutally murdered. Her mother had been trying for years to get her. I asked the Helper to take us to the Reception Center. I held the mother’s hand and held tightly to the girl, whose name I got as Mary Margaret Humphrey and the year 1932. When we got to the Health & Rejuvenation Center, I didn’t want to let go of her. They had to pry her out of my arms. By that time I was sobbing and then I realized she was me from a previous life. I came back down to C1 consciousness almost immediately. But the emotion was gone. I don’t know how to describe the feelings I had. I had read that we sometimes retrieved ourselves from previous lives and sometimes parts of ourself that we have spun off during difficult times in the past. I was so happy to have found her and brought her to the Light. I knew intuitively that this retrieval was good for me, now in this lifetime.I decided to go back to the carnival and see what I could do with the man that was running around trying to scare people. Well I found him and he told me his name was John. I decided to play along with him so started running with him through people and trying to scare them. I still didn’t know how to get him to come with me. Then I remembered reading about someone visiting the Humor Center. So I told him I could take him there where he would learn all kinds of new jokes and tricks and that afterwards he could come back if he liked. So he agreed. I took his hand and off we went. The last I saw of him the Helper was taking him into the Humor Center and he looked happy as can be.Talk about doubts creeping in again. This next one really had me wondering. This time I was in the Coliseum in Rome. There were about 50 ‘dead’ people there, men, women and children, all waiting to be taken to God. They had been killed by the lions. I thought, now wait a minute, this is just too far out to be real. The retrieval from the future was pretty far out too, but the movie “The Gladiator” had just come out, but I hadn’t seen it. So I decided to go along with it, just in case it’s real. I asked them why they’d been waiting so long. One of them, who appeared to be a spokesman, said that it wasn’t long. They had just been killed. I then remembered that there is ‘no time’ in the afterlife so they would feel like it had just happened. So I asked in my mind for a bus that looked like a chariot and here it came, just as I’d asked. They all got on and off we went with me driving and the Helper leading the way. As we came into the Park area, I could see many more people dressed the way these people were who were there to greet them. As always, Gordon confirmed it for me and told me to stop doubting and have faith in myself.In Robert Monroe’s books, he referred to his soul group as his I-There. Bruce Moen refers to them as a Disk. They are each and everyone connected to a person by means of a filament of awareness. The next paragraph introduced me to some of my Disk/I-There.The next time I laid down to listen to a tape I found myself sitting on a bench in the Park. My Guide was to my right and just behind my shoulder (same as the Helper). I got the impression I was to go to my place that I’d created so off I went. Most people who do this retrieval work create a place for themselves where they can just go and relax. Since it’s so easy to create with thoughts, I had made myself a treehouse just like the Swiss Family Robinson treehouse at Disneyland. When I got there, there were several people sitting in a circle under my treehouse. I sat down with them and never asked a thing. I didn’t even think to ask anything. I got the feeling that these were members of my Disk/I-There. Then I got the feeling that I’m to leave retrievals alone for awhile and concentrate on learning other things which will help me open up and perceive better. There was no feelings of emotion at being with members of my Disk/I-There.The next time I set out to do a retrieval, I found myself kneeling down on the ground over a grave/place in the ground and there were several boys kneeling down too. Something slid back and I could see a boy laying in there. I realized the boys kneeling were from the past and had put the boy in there to die and had watched him until they closed the opening. The boy came out and seemed happy to see me – he was smiling. I asked his name and he said Alan and I felt the year was 1902. I felt huge old buildings around. He and the boys I’d seen were wearing clothes that looked like they were from a boy’s school of that period. I asked where we were and he said Glastonbury, England.The next retrieval really threw me for awhile. I was in a jungle setting with a river full of crocodiles. I found a little boy wandering around. I tried talking to him but he couldn’t understand me. He was smiling and seemed happy. I KNEW he had died and had been eaten by a crocodile. I asked in my mind where we were, the date, etc., but got absolutely nothing, but then Amazon sort of popped into my head. I picked him up and off we went, but landed in another jungle setting. I thought this was very strange. Then people came running to us and greeting him and led him off. And he was very happy to see them. Then I realized we were in F27 but an F27 he would recognize, not the place we normally go with the Park and Reception Center. I think this was chosen by the Helper to show me there are all kinds of situations and all kinds of places in F27 for all life styles and cultures.A few days later I asked for a Helper to help with a retrieval. Felt a lot of energy in hands with crystals I always hold, one in each hand. It felt like I was floating. I saw a man on a steep mountainside trying to climb up. It looked like all dirt, not rocks,etc. I floated over and told him I could take him up with me. He just looked at me and laughed. He said he had climbed almost all the way before and had fallen way down to the bottom and since he didn’t get hurt, he was going to continue on his own until he made it. I looked down and saw it was a long ways down, then asked him how he kept from getting hurt. He said he didn’t know, but knew he wasn’t hurt because he had climbed back up this far. So I told him he had been hurt, in fact he had been killed and I was there to help him to the top. He looked doubtful but was taken by surprise and took my hand and up we went. A Helper was there and I told him to look at the Light. He did and his mouth dropped open and he said “mother”. The Helper left with him.I thought that was so easy and fast that I’ll try for another one, so I asked for a Helper again and here came the same one. I don’t know exactly how I knew he was the same one, but he was. I asked to please go to the BST and the next thing I knew I was kneeling down by a man who was absolutely filthy, had filthy blankets on him and there were others laying on the ground as filthy as he was. The surrounding area was extremely dirty and rundown. I asked him if he knew where he was and he said yes and for me to leave him alone. I told him I could take him someplace where it would be different and he would be clean and he told me no, that he wasn’t worthy of it. He said that when he died, he knew he couldn’t go to heaven and that was why he was there and again that he wasn’t worthy. So I told him that everybody is worthy to go where I wanted to take him andthat if, after going, he still felt unworthy, he could come back. Finally he said okay but was not too happy about it and the Helper took one hand and I took the other. When he saw the Light, he said no, I can’t, look how filthy I am. I told him to look at himself and see that he was now clean. He did and starting crying. He went with the Helper and the last I saw there were several people greeting him. I didn't know that it was a matter of asking to go to the Belief System Territories or I'd have tried long ago to do a retrieval there.An add on from this year:A couple of weeks ago I went to Haiti to see what I could do. I went directly to the mass graves that I had seen on TV. I hovered above them and then 'saw the dirt and rubble not there' as Bruce Moen teaches. I started to call out to all I saw and told them to come to me. As I said this, I saw something in the sky which turned out to be a stairway going up into a huge bright light. As they kept coming, I saw that there were more and more Stairways to Heaven popping up and I noticed that the people didn't climb, they glided up.I left there and went above the streets where there were bodies and did the same thing. Then I came back to C1.LoveLight, Marilyn
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The Fish, The Pelican, and The Nature of RealityBy Matthew Joyce there was a little fish who lived in the sea. It swam with agreat school of other fishes, living, loving, and learning in aseemingly endless expanse that provided for its every need.The fish was happy enough. But sometimes it struggled to find foodand always it swam in fear of bigger fish—or worse the white-wingedcreatures that plunged down upon members of its school when theyleast expected it. For this reason the school of fishes swam closetogether, mirroring each other's movements and not daring toventure off on their own.But even the safety of numbers was not always enough.Such was the case one afternoon when the school swam about in theshallows where food was plentiful.Without warning, silver streaks of bubbles and birds darted intothe center of the school of fishes. The fishes scattered away. Butthe little fish was not so lucky.A pelican's beak gripped it firmly around its middle. Escape wasimpossible."Please!" cried the little fish. "Have pity and release me!""Indeed," said the pelican, clamping even tighter onto the fish.With a powerful thrust of its wings the pelican stroked upwardtoward the surface.As the silvery mirrored surface raced ever closer, fears of deathswam before the fish's eyes. Soon the little fish saw its ownfrightened reflection, as well as the reflection of thewhite-winged angel of death bearing it to its doom.Then, in an explosion of liquid light, the barrier shattered andthe little fish was surrounded in radiant light more brilliant thanit could have ever imagined. It gasped for breath in a breathlessworld and marveled as it looked down upon the receding watery realmthat it knew as home."Climb inside my gullet where you will be safe," said the pelicanas it released its hold on the fish.Too shocked to struggle, the fish complied and discovered it couldbreathe comfortably while observing this miraculous new world. Asthe fish looked about, it saw white-winged creatures soaring oninvisible currents between the roiling blue of its home below andan infinite blue stillness above.It saw white ships hauling in nets filled with fishes. It saw puffywhite shapes billowing and floating on the horizon, and in thedistance it saw a beach of sand that glistened like diamonds in theradiant sunlight.Filled with awe at this new world, the fish had no words—and indeedfew concepts—with which to describe it. So the fish remained silentas the pelican wheeled about in the sky and dropped toward thesparkling beach.The bird came in fast and low. Its wing tips hovering just inchesabove the water. And then as the sand rushed beneath its wings thepelican pulled upward, stalled, and dropped onto the shore wheretwo- and four-legged creatures lazed and frolicked about.Finding words at last the fish said, "This is truly another world.""Now that you know it exists, it is time for you to return home,"said the pelican. With a mighty flap of its wings it leapt from thebeach and returned to the invisible currents of the air.As they climbed to the heights once more, the fish said, "I had noidea any of this existed. I was so afraid.""Now you are truly free," said the pelican."How can I ever thank you?" asked the fish."No thanks is required," answered the pelican. "But havingexperienced this greater reality, it becomes your task to share itwith others of your kind that they too may know this freedom.""And how do I do that?" asked the fish."That is not for me say. Each must figure that out on our own.That's what keeps the message alive," said the pelican as it begana graceful descent toward the ceaseless waves below.As the fish neared the froth and foam of its former existence itgazed about in profound silence, striving to capture and retain itsimpressions of this greater reality. Then with a simple splash thefish plunged back into a sea of shocking density and limitedperspective.It gaped and gasped as the sea flowed through its gills once more.For a few moments it lingered there beside that mirrored surface,looking at its own reflection and knowing that so much more awaitsbeyond that translucent transition zone.Then with a flick of its tail the fish swam for the depths to findits school and begin its new task.Upon the fish's return, its friends marveled. "You're alive!" theycried. "We thought you were dead.""So did I for while," said the little fish. "But I survived and I'vecome back with a message of a greater reality that awaits youif only you have courage to seek it."The other fishes listened with polite interest as the little fishtold of the white-winged angels that soar in the invisible realmbetween the ceaseless blue below and silent blue above. Theynodded as the fish told of the boats, clouds, people, and dogs thatit had seen. But most of the fishes found the story difficult tobelieve."The sea is all there is," they said. "And we are masters of it. Wecan go anywhere we please.""Indeed you can," said the little fish. "And much farther than youever dreamed. All it takes is a flick of your tail to break thatmirrored surface and you can experience the greater reality beyond.""This is enough for us," said the school of fishes as they swam away.As the little fish watched them leave it felt that it had failed in itstask. But then it heard a small voice at its side."I want to learn," said a young fish."Me too," said another.And so began the teaching of the fish, the pelican, and the greaterreality.Are you ready to explore a greater reality? If so see our offerbelow.Matthew============================================This Issue's Product Offer============================================Meditation takes time and practice because teachers and books tellyou what to do. They can't show you how it feels when you do itright.In one weekend, you can learn to easily access different states ofawareness by using sound technology to expand your consciousnesswithout any prior training or experience.On May 23-24, 2009 you can experience and learn* How to shed stress and completely relax in just minutes* 10 exercises to shift and expand your awareness in daily life* How to deal with distracting thoughts and emotions* 3 ways to Improve mental, emotional and physical well-being* How to access guidance and solve problems with one breathTo learn more visit us today at
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I was just surfing the internet when a male voice came over my speakers. He would talk quite awhile, then it would fade out, then he was back again. He was talking to someone about researching the paranormal, namely ghosts and where he was going next. I think he said Sau Paulo or San Paulo. I kept surfing and the voice stayed.The only thing I can come up with is that someone on an airliner was talking on his cell phone to someone else. Has anyone ever had this happen before?It didn't scare me or anything, just took note of it.
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