David22's Posts (272)

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Those Who are Truly Spiritual

This is a very strong statement from William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, concerning those who are truly spiritual.

The Council: You must believe that God loves you so intently that regardless of the situation He will deliver you, He will bring you up, so He has made it as simple as is possible. All you must do is accept His Love in the way He chooses to give it to you, and to accept this without question is the ultimate situation or the ultimate existence in the physical. From that point on you have shed the material and are then in the spiritual.

Questioner: You mean after we leave the physical?

The Council: Yes. We will give you a piece of information that will not go well with many, but nevertheless it happens to be the truth. Those who have never heard of anything spiritual other than a simple understanding of God manage to leave the material permanently in greater numbers than the, shall we say, "spiritually evolved," or those who are intellectually involved in spiritual things.

Questioner: I'm afraid I didn't quite understand that.

The Council: What we have simply said is that those that are normally looked down upon as not knowing the truth or not knowing their real existence are the ones that most generally leave the material on a permanent basis than those who are spouting a lot of intellectual poppy-cock. Now, this is in reference to spiritual matters.


For more on William LePar and The Council visit www.WilliamLePar.com

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For more on William LePar and The Council visit www.WilliamLePar.com

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Recreational Drugs - Part 2


In this quote from William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, they explain why marijuana is not good for us but also give an important thought on it as a curative drug.

The Council: Marijuana definitely leaves a residue in the brain tissue. It can accumulate and can retard the chemical activities of the organ of the brain which will reduce the reception from the soul.  Now, if you deliberately take such drugs, then you are deliberately saying to yourself, "I do not want to accept my own inner guidance or guidance from above that will come through my inner thoughts." You must be in control of your thoughts; you must be in control of your body, and by taking such drugs, regardless of how you may ingest them or what have you, you are directly slapping spirituality in the face.

Now, let us take that one step further. If a physician were to prescribe a questionable drug, and in the case of marijuana for certain eye conditions can be prescribed to a patient, then this takes on an entirely different condition. Now, you may say, "How can this be?" When such a drug is used according to a prescription, according to the directions of a physician, a spiritual reverse takes place.  If there should be a karmic situation involving such a drug and which there is in a universal standard or on a universal basis, that karmic condition is reversed when a person takes it according to a physician's direction for the purpose of improving a physical condition. Now, you cannot rationalize this point. You cannot do it on your own. What happens then is the responsibility for any negative response from the physical container to such a drug does not come or does not fall then on the individual taking it.  Now, this does not mean that you can go out and commit mayhem and not be held responsible for it. If following the instructions of the physician and it is a legitimate physician, we are not referring to quacks or excessive use, then nothing will happen as an effect of taking such a drug.

For more visit WilliamLePar.com

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Recreational Drugs Part 1


Here we have a discussion of recreational drugs. William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, has some definite thoughts on the subject.

Questioner:  You said previously that we should practice moderation in all things.  I was wondering if that meant ALL things, for example, does that mean moderation in, say, drugs for recreation?

The Council:  Well, now, when we said moderation in all things, we expect you to exercise your good common sense and wisdom, natural wisdom.  If you take that approach, then it would be moderation in murder, wouldn't it?

Questioner:  True.

The Council:  So, when we advise moderation in all things, we mean what is morally acceptable in the eyes of the Divine not what may be acceptable in the eyes of man.  Now, the question of drugs, if you become more specific, then we will make a direct statement to that.

Questioner:  All right.  It seems that all the drugs that you hear about in the news and so forth have been pretty much bad-rapped and rightly so, except marijuana.  That seems to be more and more acceptable, and states are changing their laws so that it is not a crime to use it in small quantities.  Specifically, let us refer to marijuana.

The Council:  As we have said before, it is totally unacceptable.  Any drug used for anything other than medical purposes is out of the question, and to change your laws to accept such a activity is causing a karmic situation that will backfire in all of your faces in the future, as it is beginning to do so now.  So, although some of you may approve of such activities, at a spiritual level they are completely out of the question.  If the truth were known about many of your problems or drugs today, none of you would take them in any way shape or form.

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This particular quote from William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, occurred many years ago, so there has been a stretching of time for the present. Those of us who desire spiritual growth should continue to be as loving and caring as we possibly can.

Questioner: He asked if you can give us an approximate date or time of Armageddon?

The   Council: That is somewhat of a sneaky way of extracting information. Since he is going to classify that as business and since in fact that is a very important aspect of what is going on here, although we cannot give you anything exact, we can give you possibilities. Armageddon could be within five years. Now we said it could be within five years. Then again it could be five hundred years. That we must add, but we would suggest that you all take a look at what is going on around you and we are sure that in your own conscious awareness of the situation you will begin to see that five hundred years is somewhat of a ridiculous figure. Again we state it could be within five years. We can say this, the time is very short. And that is why we are here now. We must help establish a place for those who are the children of God so that they will have a place of refuge. You are not playing games with some lowly entity in an area that is just above the earthbound planes. The sooner all of you begin to realize you are dealing with the highest possible source of information other than the Godhead and His Son, the sooner you realize that, the more you will begin to move. Now we do not want to cause any fear in any of you, when we say it could be as soon as five years. Many things must transpire between now and Armageddon, but those things can come quickly or they can come slowly depending on the consciousness of the world in general. As it is, it will come very quickly. Let us hope that raising the consciousness even if it is just a few here and there, time can be stretched so that there will be more who will have the opportunity to reach their at-one-ment or the desire to reach their at-one-ment. The desire to accept the Love of their Creator without question.

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Ancient Civilizations

Ancient Civilizations

This question for William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, elicited more than what the questioner expected.

Questioner:  I wondered if The Council could speak on what happened to the ancient Mayan city-civilizations and if anything applies from then till now?

The Council:  Ancient civilizations. We wonder how they can be so separated from today, for most of you have been part of those ancient civilizations. Ancient civilizations are no different than your modern-day civilization with possibly one exception, the ancient civilizations had far greater periods of time where they were compassionate and loving. The ancient civilizations formulated for the present-day civilization those Divine Principles that were necessary for the future to succeed in its spiritual growth. They were able, particularly in the very earliest of civilizations, when the soul or the conscious state being was not fully materialized or as dense as the physical is today, those entities still maintained or retained the Divine Principles very clearly. They still were very conscious of their divine nature. They were very conscious of what principles constituted the God Consciousness, and as that consciousness began to become more involved, through the free will choice of those individuals, into the material form then it becomes not the God Consciousness but the Christ Consciousness since it dealt with the creation of the material form. Now, in those early times before the full knowledge of their present status or state, they began to formulate those principles, and it was a matter of progression or evolvement, not in greater understanding but in terminology and application to the material form as it solidified into the future. The original touching in of entities into the material creation is extremely hard to explain in the sense that initially the entities were not involved in a physical form themselves but as they become more interested in their creations of the physical forms, then they became more engrossed or denser because of their activities. The preoccupation with their own creations led to the, shall we put it this way, a forgetfulness of their original state. The more they became occupied, the more denser they became until they developed a physical body, a dense body that was suited to the application of the Divine Principles that would restore them back to their original godly state. So, prehistory, ancient civilizations, became at times greater aware of these principles, in the original state of those people in those civilizations, and that awareness cyclically would decline. With each decline then came a denser form. Eventually you come down to the present day where things are of a much denser nature than ever before. The swings from knowing to lack of knowing are far more radical and severe. Good and what is less than good are far more separate than what they used to be. There is greater distance between the two. Yet even though man and those entities that manifest as man are more radical than what you had in the times of the ancient civilizations, he still can overcome all conditions and all situations because after all is said and done the Divine Principles are part of his very being, his very core, and it is simply a matter of choice. If it were not for the ancient civilizations establishing these principles, it could possibly have been that man would be less aware of the Divine and his divine nature. It could possibly have been that man could reach a time or a state of mind where he would consider himself no better than the animals that populate the earth, the only distinguishing mark between them and the animal is that he is able to think and make intelligent choices. So the ancient civilizations for all that they have done and undone end up leaving a legacy for the future and, that is, a permanent record of the Divine Principles that all must accept and apply to their lives.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit www.WilliamLePar.com


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A Christmas Story - The Birth of Jesus

A Christmas Story

Here we present a video from William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, on the birth of Jesus. They talk about the choosing of Mary, the conception, the star of Bethlehem and more. Much is discussed in this short video that we believe you will all find very interesting.



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A Prayerful Life

All actions that are necessary within the family should first be born in prayer. That does not mean we spend all day praying, but if you simply ask for guidance, very quickly and simply, in a split second that a thought takes, to act in God’s will, in whatever situation you find yourself. We are all creatures of habit, so, to get into a better relationship with God, make it a habit of saying quick little prayers. All you have to do is make a simple thought statement such as, “Lord guide me. Lord let me do your will in this situation.” It takes time to say those words verbally, but it takes a split second to think of that request. This is what is called a prayerful life. So, when you leave the house whether it is for work or for some activity, simply think, “Lord, let this be an opportunity for your will and your glory.” What you have done is make every action in your life an action of prayer. It is very easy to have a prayerful life if you want it.

All of us have a point that decides whether we are with God or away from God. We all have that pivotal point or breaking point. That point can either be used to bring us closer to God or drive us away from God. Since habit is part of our being, why not turn that into something that is constructive as much as we can. Getting into the habit of living prayerful life is one of the ways to take that habit or that weakness, that part of our being and make it a productive situation. Admittedly, at first, you are going to have to put out some effort to think to do that. After a while, you won’t be thinking, “I have to do that,” because you will be thinking, “It is what I want to do.” Each time you do that you chisel away a little of the exterior granite that you built up around you. You polish that exterior just a little more so that it becomes transparent and in that, God is more likely to flow through you and shine through you. So, a habit that can be used to our detriment can easily be turned around and used for our growth.

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Seeing the Goodness in People

Here we have William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, telling us how to treat people we meet.Questioner: William LePar said that spiritually successful people can look at anybody and see some goodness in them. And sometimes you look at somebody and you know in your mind that you are both made by the same Creator, but beyond that there is nothing to see.The Council: Well, if you can see that, that is a start. There are some individuals it is very hard to see any good in them. There are some individuals other than just knowing that they were made by the same Creator that made you is the best you can do. From that point on it is positive thinking or hopeful thinking. Do you understand?Questioner: Yes, kind of.The Council: Sometimes it is necessary to give a person the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes it requires a number of times, but the thing you must remember is when you give a person like that the benefit of the doubt, you may be surprised one of these times they may prove that they were worthy of your benefit of the doubt. There are some people that just takes a little longer to get started. Then, of course, there are always those that will never get started. With those, move on.For more on William LePar and The Council visit www.WilliamLePar.com
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Council's Opening Message - Lily Dale

The Council’s Opening Message – Lily DaleThis message comes from William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, and was given at his Lily Dale, New York Trance.The Council: May the Peace and the Joy of the Infinite Father be upon you all, and may His Light shine down upon you and around you and within you.Who are we? What is our purpose for being here? Why have we chosen to touch in with mankind in this manner? We come from what we have called the God-made Heavenly Realms. We reside in the Celestial Level. Our next step of advancement or growth allows us then to merge directly with the Godhead or the God-Force. We still maintain our unique identity, but in that total immergence with the Godhead, our personalities are magnified tenfold times ten. We have gone through the Man-made Heavenly Realms. We have reincarnated many times, but we have finally achieved success in our spiritual growth, thus we needed not to reincarnate again. This made us eligible then to enter into the God-made Heavenly Realm.The God-Made Heavenly Realm was originally intended for your use, your spiritual growth, your reawakening to your true godly state. But over the eons of time those who did not accept their positions were given the ability to create whatever they so chose to create and along with creating the material manifestation, or your world, your universe, the cosmos, you also created an artificial heavenly realm. This was out of a need or a necessity because those souls who did not choose to utilize their maximum potential were forced then to constantly reappear in the physical dimension or manifestation that they created. In other words, they had to continue to relearn the lesson or attempt to relearn the lesson. Thus, this temporary way station or waiting place or place of re-evaluation of self is referred to as the Man-made Heavenly Realms. We have gone through that and finally achieved, as we said, the maximum spiritual potential we could achieve in a material form, thus making us eligible for what was originally intended for the creations of the Divine, the children of the Divine, and that is the God-made Heavenly Realms. This level of being or information, for we are in fact beings not just a source of information, has never before contacted the material manifestation. Upon the passing of this one, we will no longer speak to mankind. The purpose of this level in speaking to mankind at this time should be quite obvious to all of you. Not only are we attempting to reawaken the spiritual quality that you all have, we are also charged with trying to get you to begin to think for yourself. Rely on the Divine that lies within each one of you. Begin to appreciate the quality that the Divine has created in you. In other words, it is our purpose to attempt to get you to think and to get you to begin to love yourself. Your world is in the condition it is in because the souls or mankind has forgotten how to love himself, how to appreciate the god that he truly is. In the very beginning when those souls left the Divine Source to discover themselves through themselves, this Divine Presence or God issued forth an essence of form. That essence of form was for you. This essence of form is what you created all that exists from.
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Physical Life is Communal Life

In this quote from William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, they tell us how we are to interact with others.

The Council: You as conscious state beings or souls were not created to exist in an isolated environment. You were created to exist in a giving and communal environment. Just as you exist in the All-Presence of God, each of you must exist in the presence of others, because it is only through this giving and taking, this sharing, this respect for one another that you find true joy and happiness, that you find your own spirituality, that you find your own godliness. Learn to see the goodness in yourself. Learn to see the goodness that exists in others. Take on the responsibility of yourself and your conduct. Don't do things that will hurt other innocent people. If by chance you do then be willing to accept the responsibility of such actions and make amends to them. Do that through caring about the harm or hurt you have brought to others. Most beings in the physical form are not guilty of serious atrocities against their neighbors or friends or families. They are guilty of the little things, the inconsiderations, the disrespect. To many of you this may seem trivial, but your worst karmas are made up of a collection of these little things. Your heaviest karma is made up of collections of these little things.

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Hell on Earth?

William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, gives us a different perspective on Hell.

Would you please explain the concept of the Devil and Hell, and if they are really real?

The Council:  Well, we might say this that you are in your hell right now. As far as hell and its traditional picture or symbols used, it doesn't exist. Hell is now. The equivalent of that in the hereafter comes through the process of this life and that is the turning away from your own spirituality, from your own godliness, turning away from the Divine Source of life, and in this respect then you turn away from God and look into the darkness of your own shadow. This can be understood as hell, for in that darkness then you must find that spark of God within you and desire it strong enough so that you can again turn to the Light, and in so doing then the Light flows into you, fills you, and then you become a beacon of God or God's Light.

In relationship to the symbolism used for hell, the fire, what have you. During that period when you rediscover the light that lies within you, during that period when you are looking into your own darkness, you begin to realize what you have done in the previous lifetime, what you have set aside, and a hunger grows within, a hunger that is so strong that it becomes a burning passion, and again we are not talking about burning in the sense of fire, but the zeal necessary to return to your original state, the acceptance of what you have done to yourself, the distance you have placed between you and the Light, and so this hunger to return to your rightful place drives you with a great passion, a burning passion, so that you eventually begin to turn back to the Light. This process happens as one is willing to accept those actions that one is responsible for that demean them as a god, that insulted their own godliness.

Worry not for fire and brimstone. As possibly a tongue in cheek statement, more than likely you will wish that fire and brimstone did exist as opposed to what you will experience. It hurts deeply when you realize what you were, what you allowed yourself to become. It is an insult to self. Yet, regardless of how far we have moved away from the Light, regardless of how dark our own shadow is, we all can turn around and face the Light once again. Once one has done that, then one is ready to begin the review in full understanding, and after that review then the decisions are made in respect to what you will choose for a next lifetime.

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Predestination versus Free Will

Predestination versus Free Will

 The Council has stated many times that we plan our entire lives in detail before we are born. In this exchange, William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, gives us insight into our life planning and the part that free will plays as we progress through that life.

 Questioner:  If all things are preordained, if all of our lives are laid out in lessons to be learned before we come back or even as we come back, then all the struggle that we have in this life to change something that we already are or that we do not want, doesn't mean anything?

 The Council:  Oh, but it does.

 Questioner:  What does it mean?

 The Council:  You have laid out a life plan.  You have predestined yourself to an experience, but it is not a permanent predestination.  It is only an agreed-upon situation that can change according to what you at a soul level determines as each experience comes your way or as each day passes.  Do you understand what we are saying?

Questioner:  Our soul, once we are here and faced with these situations, our souls can make these changes?

The Council:  Oh yes, yes.  You, as a soul, you, the real you, the highest part of you, is in constant control.  It will determine moment by moment whether it will keep its spiritual contract that it has made with others that are part of your life, it determines moment by moment whether it will keep its agreement.  If not, then truly you would be predestined; even though it would be your own choice, you would be predestined and nothing is predestined.

Questioner:  How would you be in contact with your soul?  How would you know?

The Council:  Well, at a conscious level, you will not.  It is not for you to know at a conscious level.  You are to work from all that is built up in you through your conscious level.

Questioner:  How do you become aware of that then?

The Council:  Well, there is only so much, as we said before, that you can become aware of.  After a certain point it overwhelms you and you become incapacitated, would probably be the closest word one could use, you could not function.

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Being Equal to God in Quality

Being Equal to God in Quality

 William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, gives us some insight to our relationship with our God.

 Questioner:  Is it good to say then that when we consider ourselves as part of God's being or plan that we are the reflection, reflection is a good term to use for that part of God that is in us?

 The Council:  Well, yes, but that only tells part of the story.  You should be a reflection of God in the world.  You should be a reflection of God inside of you.  You are a part of God, and you are like Him. The difference between you and The God is that your potential, your potential is for quality but not quantity.  Do you understand that?

 Questioner:  Yes.

 The Council:  Unfortunately, people, souls, individuals, entities, have made the choice not to be like God.  They have chosen to be the way they think it will be better.  They have chosen not to move in the ways of the Great Creator or the Infinite Father but to move in their own ways, which is less than He, consequently, it is not whole, consequently, it does not work.  Does that make sense to you?

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The First Commandment

William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council has talked often about the value of the Ten Commandments as a source of positive guidance in our lives. The following gives their thoughts on the first commandment.

The Council:  All of Creation is based on those Ten Commandments or ten principles of the Divine.  They have been reduced so that they can be applied by individuals to individual situations, but all that is necessary to begin to comprehend the magnitude is to allow those principles to expand a little bit more with each time that you meditate on them.  And if you are a proficient meditator, it will not take too long for you to begin to realize the immensity of those ten simple statements, the magnitude that lies within their meaning.  Take, for instance, what is the first Commandment?

(pause)  Well, please do not overpower us with your knowledge.

Questioner:  "I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have strange gods before me."

The Council:  What does that say?

Questioner:  There is only one God.

The Council:  That is about what it says in the other forms.  Someone repeat the first Commandment, so that all can hear.

Questioner:  "I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have strange gods before me."

The Council:  Very well.  What is the first segment of the Commandment? Repeat it, please.

 Questioner:  "I am the Lord thy God."

The Council:  Very well.  Now, think, all of you, think.  "I am the Lord thy God."  Is that stating that an outside source is making that statement?  Or is it stating that an inside source is making that statement?  It is stating both.  Once you recognize that there is an outside source of Creation, and once you accept that as a truth, then you will begin to realize that there is also an inside source. So the first principle, Divine principle, is that you must recognize that outer Divine Source, but you must also, to complete that, recognize that inner divine source.  Now, would you please continue with the rest.

Questioner:  "Thou shall not have strange gods before me."

The Council:  Ah.  "Thou shalt not have strange gods before me."  The outer source is saying to the inner source, "Do not have those things before you, those gods before you, that are not the same as you." If you do not worship an outside source that is alien to THE Creative Source, then there will be no alien source or alien god in you.  Does that make sense?  In actuality, what it is saying is that this Divine Source, this Divine Creator, is instructing you in the awareness that you are also divine, but in order to maintain that divinity you must not worship any other god.  Because once you worship another god, then you are no longer a reflection of that Creative God, because that Creative God IS the source of all that is, and once you turn your back on that, then you become less.  We could go on and on and on to explain it, but that is just a small, little hint of what it is saying beyond the words.  Thank you for your assistance. 

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