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"Sighting in Houston, Texas, back in 2020."
"Sighting in Houston, Texas, back in 2020."
"News story about a possible Ogopogo sighting in Lake Okanagan back in 2022. That is a really clear photo of maybe the legendary Ogopogo. That guy who said it's an aquatic bird is out of his damn mind if he really thinks that. That looks nothing like…"
"Possible Loch Ness monster sighting back in 2007."
"Sighting in Las Vegas a year ago."
"Sighting in Weatherford, Texas, during the summer of 2023."
"Sighting in Weatherford, Texas, during the summer of 2023."
"New lawsuits against Pharmaceutical company Merck. Merck and the vaccine makers knew the vaccines they made were dangerous, but made them anyway. With RFK. Jr now officially on the Trump team we will finally get the truth about all these vaccines…"