Humanity expressions

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CCTV is back and here's their message :"As the pace of change in the world accelerates and more and more people are waking up in a spectacular global awakening out of the illusion thrust upon us since birth, we may find that some people are too far gone down the false-rabbit hole consciousness to ever truly wake up. So many of us work for the powers that be; so many of us consider ourselves the resistance. There will be friction, but good always wins in the end over tyranny. Never lose the belief that what we are doing is right. We must wake up as many people as possible. Nothing is more beautiful than the truth.FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHTMan's struggle for freedom is one of the greatest tests and gifts we have as a sentient species.Nothing feels as good as fighting the good fight.Some things really are worth life itself. An ideal, a belief, and a love.The resistance is now. You are free."

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  • That Guy is Brave...yes it is TIME for ALL Of US to WAKE UP!!!

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AlternateEarth commented on Malcolm's blog post Health Care / Medical Astrology: a look at the important role of the Sun and Black Moon Lilith. Elizabeth Taylor, George Harrison, and Stephen Hawking.
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