Galactic Federation Of Light "Melchizedek's Weekly Message" ~ May 20 -- 27, 2012.

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I am enthusiastic to be back speaking to all of you through our chosen vessel. She deserved her day off last Sunday.Headstrong and determined many of you are to find your way, to learn who you are and what your purpose is. Wonderful! Planning and organization towards any goal regardless if it is spiritual achievement or regarding personal growth, either way the outcome of your efforts is to better yourself as much as you possibly can. Each of you will fulfill your personal mission and each of you will discover the wonderful natural gift that is inside each of you. Each of you holds the key to making all your desires manifest and it begins with a strong motion to change. When you alter one aspect of yourself for the greatest of good to enrich your overall existence you have changed a possible future that was unraveling until you made a conscious effort to choose differently and change a part of yourself. Alchemy is not all about mixing potions and herbs together to make a magical elixir, alchemy is also about changing your own cycles and structures. The power of your thought and intent driven by the pure force of love is an incredible energy dear ones and not to be taking lightly. The limiting possibilities for each of you are breathtaking once you learn to tap into your full potential with all seriousness and commitment.Pay attention to the world around you. A single grain of sand to a drop of rain in the ocean all have a key role to the world, just as each of you hold an important mission that is continuously moving forward towards your eventual completion. No one thing or one person is less or more important than the other, only different and equally valuable. Your greatest gift to yourself is taking the time to learn yourself, and I mean your true self and accept all that you find. Learn to communicate effectively with every aspect of yourself and what is discovered that you do not like and wish to change – you can...

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AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
"OK thanks Drexk"
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Good news about Kash and RFK. JR. We just keep on winning :)"
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Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Gee, some swell fun .... it's time for another musical interlude, dude....Get avenging, Avengers...😉"
5 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Music for your soul.
"I Want to See You Dance, AC Soul Symphony, Dave Lee, Metamorphosis👏🏻🌞"
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Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"That will be following official disclosure, friend...The people need acclimatization will be more receptive and less fearful, when selected tourists return to their communities, to share experiences with all.....Including a media free of…"
5 hours ago