Allies of Humanity 1 - 17

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Important message from the allies of humanity, more information in what I know, I believe this information most accurately portrays the current galactic situation we face.Some people that are not in harmony with themselves (i.e. ignoring the existence of darkness) may find this information disturbing. This is okay :) This happens whenever our paradigm is challenged.Remember we are at a mixed phase in our development, where we are advancing both spiritually and technologically. Which direction we take as a species will our determine our immediate future. Ignorance is a tool for manipulation that that has always been used against us, by those on the outside, and those within.Many of the greater galactic and universal community of beings have already made a choice as to which path they will travel. I think both types have visited us, but those that are technologically orientated likely seek to only benefit themselves from such a contact.The message represented in these videos actually made me feel like I was maturing spiritually (through wisdom), by being aware that some of the ETs visiting us may even be less spiritually evolved than us (yes you heard right), though far more technologically superior.I found this message to be quite profound in a different way to the usual unbalanced dross in spiritual circles. This universe is fundamentally based on duality, and we forget this at our peril, which is easy to do as we focus on seeking balance within ourselves.Sure some off-world civilisations may have a good balance between both paths, but I suspect that those that have reached such a balance are rare because it is truly difficult.Fluffy bunnies (gods/GFL/ascended masters/angels etc.) aren't going to make everything right for us, and if fluffy bunnies appear we should see them for what they are....beware of strangers bearing gifts.

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AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
"OK thanks Drexk"
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Good news about Kash and RFK. JR. We just keep on winning :)"
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"Gee, some swell fun .... it's time for another musical interlude, dude....Get avenging, Avengers...😉"
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Drekx Omega left a comment on Music for your soul.
"I Want to See You Dance, AC Soul Symphony, Dave Lee, Metamorphosis👏🏻🌞"
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