pabisc's Posts (1)

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Two encounters

On September 2nd, around 9:30pm, we were traveling from Kalamazoo, MI to Allegan, MI, when we saw a bright, white light in the sky in front of the car.  It flew in front of us for a good three to four miles and turned nearly at the same time we did toward the west (which would direct us toward Lake Michigan).  Then it disappeared.

Then, last night I heard a commotion in my front yard.  It was loud, but I couldn't see anything due to having no outdoor lighting save a porch light that doesn't go far enough beyond the porch itself.  That was around 11:30pm.  Then, at 4:30am, I awoke to hear footsteps on my roof.  It moved from the peak of my roof toward the eaves where the windows of my bedroom are located.  The footsteps were measured like a human's footsteps, so it wasn't an animal - it even sounded too heavy.  The footsteps moved back up to the peak, then down a short ways and across toward my living room before they just stopped. 

I just spoke with my sister tonight and she was telling me how she and her boyfriend were chasing UFO's around this area about an hour before I heard the commotion on my front lawn.  That couldn't have been a coincidence.

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