obi's wand's Discussions (13)

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the Illuminiti connection to satan

12 part 2 hr. show, let me say that I feel the truth is even the lower than 33 degree masons are being used and that if there are evil alians there must also be good ones and we sure can use a little help rite now, but thought I would see if anyone h

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Rainbow Bridge of peace

Rainbow Bridge the BRIDGE of PEACE long prophesied that will permanently connect the third-dimensional Earth with the fourth and higher dimensions assuring a peace and harmony that will not be able to be broken


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Electric power

"Electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels."
--Nikola Tesla, (1856-1943)
"Science Is Just A Perversion Of Itself Unless It Has,

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