



Raleigh, NC


December 19

About Yourself

i believe there are as many paths to "god" as there are people to take them. the journies are very different, but the ultimate destination is the same. for myself, i belive that we are connected to the entire universe and that finding the answers depends upon how well we listen to the "voice within." there is so much more, but that is a good start.

Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration

i would like to think that everything is my teacher - from the rock, to people, to spirits, to animals and to the things we can only imagine.

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  • aloha "nighteyes"

    yes - this is enough information! 

    ...processing takes maximum of 21 days! (lightbody coding) base-golden-dawn system

    --> the emotional response level is balanced (aspects of golden dawn) 

    my insurance: AE Metatron

  • Thank you nighteyes - I look forward to meeting with all - Love & Light, Shaman

  • Hi nighteyes,

    thank you for your kind message. i nearly bought this kitten when we were looking for a kitten girl (yes, sadly it was HE). i still love this cute face, so I used it without a permission from the owner. funny you said about american natives. i was told years ago that there was a american native indian as my guide. xx

  • Thank you, nighteyes, much appreciated

  • You are right... it's a challenge. But we must constantly remind ourselves that we are more than all this 3d world. And prepare ourselves for the world of love and peace of 5d.

  • Thank You! I think for sure, I have no new plans to jump again:):) It was a misunderstanding, which I have fixed now. :)

  • Thank you very much. It is an honour to be your friend too :)

  • Hello! Thank you very much. This is a good site and I hope to get a good and instructive exchanges here. I is also available on The Federation of Light in my name, where I have spent a lot of photos that I have taken of UFOs, clouds and so on, feel free to go there and look. I was here for a short while, but closed down and started over again. There is very little here that is interesting and instructive. I will also write a section in my blog. Au revoir. In love and light, Lennart Strandesjö. Sorry for bad translation

  • This is a great group! Thanks for the welcome. I have a lot to learn. I really do not know what is going on. 

  • Thanks ! I really like your thought about healing. I feel the same way. But sometimes I am so caught up in my own problems that I forget sending healing thoughts to everyone...

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nighteyes left a comment on Ancient Civilizations
"hey darling!  great to see you're still around!  sorry I fell off the face of the earth after my trip.  that's a whole story unto itself - the trip story- but i'm back.
looking at your inca videos.  I always wanted to go to Macchu Picchu.  but after…"
Jun 12, 2017
nighteyes commented on Meindert Arends's blog post 25 Characteristics You May Find In Those Who Are Awakening
"holy cow!  you hit another homerun.  your timing is perfect meindert!  and thank you Athena, i'm finding it has similar effects on me, but I don't usually have a problem the next day.  the other thing I have going on is that my body thermostat is…"
Jun 4, 2015
nighteyes commented on Meindert Arends's blog post Humanity Healing: Ascension Symptoms: DNA Upgrade
"i'm experiencing some nausea as well jim.  but the thing that aggravates me the most is my thermostat.  I have been through the "hot flashes" of menopause, but what i'm experiencing now is different.  now, these heat episodes come on more gently…"
May 1, 2015
nighteyes commented on amparo alvarez's blog post WHAT A SHAMAN SEES IN A MENTAL HOSPITAL...
"i have long had an interest in this topic.  i have often wondered if indigenous cultures have a much better grasp on mental illness than western medicine.  at one point, i was contemplating going back to school for my phd and studying this issue.  i…"
Aug 25, 2014

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