meno28's Posts (1)

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Strange Beginnings..

Hey guys, first post here. Hope you all are great and hope this brings you a smile.  I had a question and I was hoping someone out there had an answer (as corny as that may sound). But for some reason I also want to share my past few months as well.

Three moths ago, knowledge of this whole wikileaks scandal sparked an interest in the truth through the internet when I heard them mention 'UFO references'. I dove head first into what first was a tornado of knowledge involving 9/11 conspiracies, evolving slowly into alien conspiracies, which then led me to the knowing of the Galactic Federation. Further study into the Galactic Federation led me ultimately here, to where I have read many of your posts and am happy you have all shared your experiences with me, as they have helped me understand a little bit more each day about this strange world we live in.

All the while, during the investigations I was also increasing in my meditations and really getting into this spiritual stuff. I have been studying ACIM since September '10, read The Disappearance of the Universe, and am now experimenting with the ancient technologies of stones, crystals, and pyramids. I have also been reading the law of one study guide in David Wilcock's site and am also reading one of his ebooks, The Divine Cosmos. (just as a reference of what I know). Everything was pretty much staying the same until about 2 weeks ago, when I noticed that my field of view had expanded right after I had stretched in the Upward Dog position. At first I didn't know what was wrong, but I knew that something had changed about the way I was viewing the things around me. I thought I had become too flexible and actually got a little spooked when I turned my head, I thought my neck was twisting too much because I could see down a portion of my back that I knew I couldn't see before! I reasoned later due to some self tests, that I had increased my peripheral vision. The only physical evidence of this was that my pupils seemed to have dilated during this time.  It later went back to normal and ever since I had wanted it to come back, and have somewhat succeeded but only briefly using the upward dog stretch. This was the first 'non-normal' experience I have had and I have no idea what it was or what it was for.

So finally, (and thanks for bearing with my story!! :D),  if anyone could help me with much needed wisdom, I would greatly appreciate it. I have been looking for some type of guidance as to what to do before all of this disclosure stuff happens and I hope to find some answers here. I also hope that this may help other people who may be experiencing similar things and are asking similar questions as to when this veil of shadow will finally be extinguished by the light inside all of us. These conflicts occurring in the Middle East, the massive earthquakes happening by the day, all representing the massive upheaval that the planet must undertake in order to come out anew, and indeed these truly are times of great change! But still I wait for disclosure everyday, constantly checking news networks, wikileaks, ufo sightings ( is a great site!) and still I meditate everyday, getting closer and closer to recognizing my true self and I hope I am doing what needs to be done.


Thanks for reading, may you all be filled with peace and love my friends,




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