's Discussions (40193)

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Where is peace? Think about it for a little bit. Is it something to be achieved? If you believe that then you necessarily put it outside of yourself. What makes you feel like you aren't already at peace? Is it because you're still searching for all t

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Might want to chek what George Kavassilas has to say on u-tube from june 5, 2009.Just tought it might be interesting.It is called our journey&the grand deception. I have to agree with him,the info has come to me to in the past 15 years i just had a h

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There is a small something i do not really get,and that is the soul part of al the things i have learned about.If the soul is eternal and we have al the power of a soul why do we keep getting stuck in this 3D matrix.i have had numerous out of body ex

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