



Kingston, NY


January 14

About Yourself

Love and unity.

Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration

I learned a lot from the Galactic federation of light. pleiadain teachings, just being near ones farther along on the path.

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  • Love and light brother. Thank you for showing me unconditional love in action
  • Hi malic, thanks for your msg. :) Here is the link you asked for:


    and please subscribe! love  ♥

    Star -Expansion - YouTube
    ♥ A family channel dedicated to the Awakening and Expansion!♥ I am a GALACTIC Soul. Sitara in sanskrit means "Star"♥ I've travelled to 4 continents A…
  • Malic, where can I found your music?, what another kind of art are you doing?

  • When I started to feel good I could hear music, before  I felt guilty to hear it. After this I could go out from home because before I had agoraphovia. Then I started to think that  nothing could heal me but Jesus, later I studied the meditation technique but I had to go accompanied by a friend. during the course of meditation I experienced physical healing.  The healing process took seven years and finally I love and adore to God and I feel his conscience into me and some times his very warm love.

    I have written a book about all this.

    Take care.

  • By the way, I meditate I hour each day and focus on up emotions like love, compassion, gratitude and praise to God. Anyway some days I feel down so I say: Father thy will be done and I just wait to the next wave to ride again.

    What do You think about all this?

  • Yes Matthew more or less. I was going and coming with different persons to tray to heal the terrible depression I had. Some days I prayed to God to finish my life. nothing and no one made ​​sense to me. After two horrible years I was diagnosed and was prescribed antidepressants. Now the most of the time I feel happy, plenty of love and adoring God.

    If he had sought professional help from the start I would have avoided a lot of suffering.

    This is my story, Maybe You could do a similar thing. bring wellness to your life again, by the way, tell me anything you want, I've seen almost everything. Trust my discretion.


  • Matt, I don't need to understand you, I just want you to feel good and beloved. I just want that you have a beautiful human experience. I fight  every day for to feel happy, although now is not a hard fight, now its easier. Ask me how.

    Take care man.

    P.S. What kind of dog do you have??

  • Hey Mathew. Happy new year!!

    Im very well thanks god, I´ve learned new things about the new cycle for human race. Last very large cycle finished in December 21/1012. But nobody here understand what I say. They must think That Im insane.

    Thanks for to be there.

  • Hey Man where are You??

This reply was deleted.
malic replied to Goddess of Beauty's discussion Be honest, are you really 'ready'?
"we are the shift. I'll never be ready and I'll always be ready ;) look not to the sky for the ones you wait for are very much already here. ( some of us are not as veiled in forgetfullness as we pertend to be ;) all of u r loved."
Apr 23, 2013
malic left a comment on The Prayer Temple
"I pray to all the parts that make up the one. Watch over my step son."
Apr 22, 2013
malic replied to Love and light forever's discussion Anunnaki Gods Good or Bad?
"Bless every situation ;)"
Apr 22, 2013
malic replied to Michael's discussion First Signs of Police State in America ~!~
"We know. It's mostly the older folks here that buy what ever there told. I raised an indigo kid in the states and learned they don't really take sides, when something sad happens the focus seems to be on helping the wound, not revenge or fear."
Apr 21, 2013

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