light.worker.29501's Posts (7)

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475924_3275368236028_1022104571_3047191_445003293_o.jpg?w=191&width=191By the power of our Creator, and all forces of love and light in the Universe, we, the people of Earth, hereby decree the following:

  1. We are so happy now that the civil authorities have arrested central banking criminals, such as the Rothschilds & Rockefellers.
  2. We are so happy now that the civil authorities have arrested cabalists, like Henry Kissinger & George Bush, Sr.
  3. We are so happy now that the world is finally free from financial tyranny/slavery.
  4. We are so happy now that all of humanity has a bright new future.
  5. We are so happy now that all of humanity has a new and fair financial system.
  6. We are so happy now that all debts are cancelled with the new financial system.
  7. We are so happy now that all of humanity is receiving prosperity funds for humanitarian projects.
  8. ascension1.jpg?w=300&width=240We are so happy now that all of humanity is receiving advanced technologies, like free energy & anti-gravity devices.
  9. We are so happy now that our ecosystem has been healed.
  10. We are so happy now that all of humanity is free from oppression.
  11. We are so happy now that the darkness in our universe has been banished, returned to the nothingness from which it came.

And so it is.

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Things seem like they are finally starting to move. So, there are a number of blogs and web-sites around the Internet that are scheduling group meditations/visualizations for tomorrow, April 22, 2012.

It seems our galactic friends are encouraging us to speed things along by collectively focusing on what we want to see happen this year. So, even if you don’t meditate, when 11:11 AM rolls around, tomorrow, take a few minutes to focus on what our new world will be like, knowing that other awakened souls are focusing on the same thing.

I realize places like Australia are 14-16 hours ahead of us, so it is the time that is important (11:11 AM) and the group activity.

I’ll see if I can locate more information on groups involved in getting us all together, and post it on this blog.


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Earlier today, I came across an interesting article at, where theologian Martin Palmer is interviewed.  He offers a fairly simple world view, where sustainable agriculture and impending ecological collapse are concerned.

In a nutshell, he says the flying food in from other places is not sustainable.  Hmm...  You know what?  He's right!  The problem is, these days, most of us city-dwellers give little thought to how our food came to be at our grocery store.  The Archbishop of Canterbury during WWII is quoted as saying, "We're only three meals away from anarchy."  Hmm... I would have to agree with that one, too.

Anyway, where I am headed with all of this is Martin Palmer's notion that we live our lives as part of a narrative.  He further presents evidence that each time we stop believing the current narrative, our societies collapse.  In the past, it took 200 - 300 years to create a new narrative.  This time, we simply do not have that amount of time.  We need a new narrative, now.  If you're reading this, chances are that you are already feeling this.  After all, it is 2012--the Era of Ascension, right?  The multitude of Occupy movements across the planet are attempting to create our new narrative--one that is all-encompassing and embraces us all, not as masters of the universe, but as part of something much, much bigger.  

Take a look around you.  Read a newspaper.  Check out your local TV news.  So much of what we see no longer makes sense. The old narrative in which we have been living no longer fits--we no longer believe in the story that we have been told about how life works.

What is the story in which you wish to live?  One where there is peace, love, and abundance for all?  Where we are part of a galactic society, where we are all citizens of this planet?  Where we have renewable resources that do not cause illness or pollution?  Where we are all caretakers of the planet, able to feed and clothe every single soul on this planet?

Now is the time to focus on the kind of world in which you wish to live.  The Occupiers are out there, spreading the word, but it is just the beginning.  We all need to do our part.  Refuse to focus on disease, lack, poverty, and suffering.  We have been doing that collectively for far too long.  The new narrative also has a new theme, as the universe prepares to stop expanding from the Big Bang, and begin the Great Collapse, the dominant energy is shifting from masculine to feminine.  Essentially, this means we no longer need to "make things happen".  Instead, we need to "let them happen".

Food for thought.

Originally posted at

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99% Spring in the USA

This is exciting news, received from via Email...


Imagine if, this spring, we saw hundreds of bold, creative, compelling direct actions peacefully confronting the corporate money flooding politics, the big companies paying no taxes, and all the other attacks on the 99%—just like Occupy Wall Street or the massive protests in Madison, Wisconsin.

Imagine the biggest wave of progressive direct action in 50 years refocusing the conversation onto America's skyrocketing inequality instead of the Republican primary (or the latest reality TV show).

Imagine Wall Street banks and right-wing politicians finally on the defensive, and a real conversation starting about how to make the economy work for most Americans. We saw glimpses of this last fall thanks to the bravery of thousands on Wall Street and around the country. We need to do it again—but even bigger—this spring.

That's the vision of the "99% Spring," and the good news is, dozens of groups have begun to work together to make it happen. At MoveOn, we're making it a top priority, and we're putting everything we have into it.

We and our allies have big plans—to train 100,000 people in the history and practice of nonviolence; to organize major 99% actions in hundreds of cities; to create a massive tax day outcry for taxing the 1%; to provide help and support to thousands of inspired young folks who are ready to put their bodies on the line but need resources to pull off their plans.

MoveOn's over 5 million members have a crucial role to play—together our community has a critical scale and unique reach. So we're asking every MoveOn member to dig deep and help us raise the $500,000 it'll take to make all this happen. Can you chip in $5?

Yes, I can chip in $5 to launch the 99% Spring. 

In the last few weeks, we've seen an amazing response to this idea. A huge army of volunteers from unions, community organizations, and environmental groups, alongside local MoveOn volunteers, are preparing to host trainings in hundreds of cities and planning massive protests nationwide. Students are organizing for spring mobilizations on campuses everywhere.

We've got a plan to help make sure all of this happens at a scale that's impossible to ignore. We're working with movement leaders and cultural figures to spread the word online and in the media. We're recruiting everyday people, who have never done anything like this before, to join trainings in union halls, churches, living rooms, and community centers all over the country. We're mobilizing nationwide to bring big new crowds to campaigns everywhere using nonviolence to confront corporate greed, fight back against the foreclosure crisis, and more. And then, on Tax Day, we're ramping up fast for a huge day of direct action all across the country to send an unmistakable message to Washington.

From Occupy Wall Street to the most important moments of the civil rights movement—the freedom rides, the Birmingham bus boycott, the lunch-counter sit-ins—peaceful direct action has turned the tables on the powerful and changed the course of history. This spring, millions of us could do it again. But we need your help to lay the crucial groundwork over the next few months.

Can you chip in $5 to help launch the 99% Spring?  

Thanks for all you do.

–Lenore, Robin, Marika, Joan, and the rest of the team

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