



Winfield, IL


November 25

About Yourself

I am an artist and a student/teacher of mysticism. I have always been highly enthused by our history...each day my intuition becomes a little stronger, which can get a little frightening in this world seeing through the veils which protect our evolution in many ways. I was raised a Christian, and now consider myself a follower of all the Ascended masters and the unity of God in general. I pray to my spirit guides for strength and surround myself with healing energy and crystals (lemurian seeds, atlantean seeds, blue kyanite, selenite etc). I have seen too many miracles to fall back into complete ignorance.

Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration

Many artists, philosophers, Jesus, students of mysticism, CC Zain, Edgar Cayce, my parents, H.P Blavatsky, my spirit guides.

kyle macary commented on cosmicwarrior's video
"Reminds me of the movie "Men who stare at goats". Great Video, if you haven't seen the movie and this interests you I suggest you watch it. "
Sep 5, 2013

Latest Activity

Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Thanks for saying so and keep up your good contributions to this thread.....👍🏻"
1 hour ago
Edward posted a status
Nice to meet you, again..
How are you doing?
Have a nice week ~~~

-- Edward Paul Lee
2 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Welcome back Drekx. Good to see you friend :)"
4 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Some news on the BRICS nations here and what has been going on with BRICS. https://youtu.be/PjelBJK-tgM?si=GeZTXNuI0MqI8H8C"
4 hours ago
rev.joshua skirvin posted a blog post
| SourceJune is named after the Roman Mother Goddess, Juno, the Queen of Heaven and the consort of Jupiter, the Father God. In Anglo-Saxon, June was known as Aerra Litha,  meaning before Litha, or Midsummer; in Welsh, Mehefin, or Midsummer; and in…
7 hours ago
rev.joshua skirvin commented on rev.joshua skirvin's blog post A message from Source: You ! Channel: Aluna Joy .
"''A tribute to God the Father on Fathers day;''.

I walk with God in perfect Holiness.
I will step back and let him lead the way..
Into his presence I would enter now..
God is but Love therefore so am I.

The Father and the son are one..
I am the…"
7 hours ago
rev.joshua skirvin commented on rev.joshua skirvin's blog post Archangel Michael: Solstice Energies; Channel: Ailia Mira.
"To God the Father on Fathers day.
God is but Love,and therefor so am I. The power of Decision is my own. In my defenselessness my safety lies. I am among the Ministers of God the Father.. We are all one in the Family of God. So be it and so it is ..…"
8 hours ago
rev.joshua skirvin posted a blog post
| Source Divine Ones,We greet you, in love.We are happy to connect with you now, in this way and we offer to you, today, an invitation to join us for a Solstice Celebration — a live global event, in which we will share transmissions and activating…
8 hours ago