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Sunday April 19, 2015

The Ganymede Portal

The Ganymede Portal on the largest moon of Jupiter is the most important location in our Solar System.

It is the strongest energetic pathway in our Solar system which leads to the Galactic Central Sun. Sirius is a midway station between the Galactic Center and the Ganymede Portal, stepping down the vibrational frequency of the Central Sun energy to the degree that our Sol system can absorb.

There is a huge Galactic Confederation underground base on Ganymede which is a central hub for all intelligent positive races working upon the liberation of our Solar system and planet Earth especially.

That base is the main stronghold of the Jupiter Command and they are operating the portal towards the Galactic Center.

The base is located near the center of the Gallileo Regio:

The Ganymede Portal is the main beacon of Light for this Solar System including our planet. Without that portal being open, humanity would not survive the Archon invasion in 1996 and would be now extinct. Exopolitical events have much more influence on geopolitical situation than most people realize. The Archons have cleverly labeled everyone with more that a passing interest in cosmos as a »lunatic« to ensure that people would not detect the real source of the problems we have on Earth.

You can read two excellent summaries of the exopolitical background of the planetary situation here:…/true-matrix-cobra…/a-solar-system-overview-upda…/

You can also connect energetically in your meditations with the Ganymede Portal, as it is the strongest source of spiritual Light in our Solar System:

As the next phase of MOSS will be activated in May, the activity of the Ganymede Portal will increase dramatically. This portal will also be the main transmitter of energies from the Galactic Central Sun at the Event.

After the Event, members of the Cabal who do not choose or are not able to accept the Light, will be processed through a sorting facility, which is located in one section of the Ganymede underground base. Many of those Cabal members will be then taken to the Galactic Central Sun for restructuring.

The Ganymede portal is purifying the plasma accretion vortex strings (tunnels of Set) that extend from planet Earth beyond our Solar System into the Local Bubble:…/L/Local_Bubble.html

While at the same time our Solar System is entering a sector of the Galaxy that will trigger more drastic changes and much sooner than scientists are willing to admit:…/100521191114.htm

Scientific evidence is mounting about unusual activity in the Oort cloud. Astronomers are detecting radio signals which are coming from the Spheres since their arrival in 2001:…/

Powerful people with much potential positive influence upon the exopolitical and geopolitical situation are reading this blog. For this and also for other reasons I would ask people with deep intel about secret space programs to contact me at for possible future cooperation.

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SALUSA 10 APR 2015


SaLuSa 10 April 2015

From our perspective time is moving so much quicker than you experience. So whilst you have been without our messages for what seems some time, to us it is just a fleeting moment. Over a long period you have read or heard of many experiences where people have been out of the body and been “away” for days, to return and find that only a short time has elapsed. Sometimes it has only been a matter of hours or minutes as opposed to days. In such circumstances you begin to understand that everything is in the Now. You are learning that time is not constant, and it will become more apparent as you move away from Earth, into the higher vibrations.

These are times when you must keep a very open mind, as more surprises are waiting to be discovered. Things are not necessarily as you have been taught, and perhaps one of the hardest facts to accept is that you can travel faster than the speed of Light. There is much to learn that will come to you when you become fully fledged as a Galactic Being. At this time your consciousness is opening up and your vibrations are increasing, and you are on the way to returning to levels that you are in reality already familiar with. From here-on it is a matter of re-learning what you have forgotten and that will not be difficult as you will be getting much help. As we have told you previously, you are much greater than you imagine and in essence you are Gods in the making. However, there is a long way to go before you reach such a pinnacle of growth.

Around your world peace seems hard to broker, but be assured great Beings such as President Obama are busily working behind the scenes to bring it about. Naturally there are millions of souls working towards the same end, but clearly some wield more power than others. You also need a leader such as President Obama who has yet to reveal his plan to bring permanent peace to your Earth. As Souls of the Light you came to Earth at this important time to help bring about the changes necessary to carry you forward further into the Light. In the not too distant future you will rise to a level where the dark Ones can no longer be present, and the New Age will have truly arrived.

Knowing what you do you can help others through what is a difficult period. By general reckoning it is chaotic, and peace seems as far away than it has ever been. However, as we have previously mentioned, certain events have to be played out to clear long standing karma and ensure lessons are learnt where they are needed. You could correctly say you are in a very busy period where souls are taking their last opportunity to evolve, before it comes to a close. Whatever level souls are on each one will have been given every chance to move on. With all of the help that is given it would be surprising if you did not learn from your experiences. However, some souls are enmeshed in the darkness and find it difficult to move on. Be assured however that not one soul is abandoned, and great Beings of Light do all they can to enable them to rise up.

Looking back you might agree that your experiences have strengthened your resolve, to stand firm in the face of the delaying tactics of the dark Ones. They have tested you in some cases to the very limits of your endurance, but you have withstood all they have thrown at you. Such experiences have prepared you for greater achievements, and in the future many of you will act as Ambassadors to the Beings on other planets. Evolution is a perpetual process of learning from those who have already advanced further along the path. There is always “help” when it is needed but other souls of Light do not impose themselves upon you without receiving your call first. You have almost certainly received help along your way, but may not be aware of it. Be assured that your Guides are most active trying to ensure that you keep to your life plan. When that useful “coincidence” that is beneficial comes along it is often brought about by them. It goes as far as saving your life so that you can continue with your necessary experiences, and complete your life plan.

In the immediate future the direction you are going in will become clear, and the work put in by the Lightworkers will come to fruition. Much is happening that will ensure success and be assured that we are also giving you a helping hand. The way of things at your level, dictates that the dark Ones are allowed a certain leeway to put you to the test. However, their future is in our hands and this cycle will be the last one of this particular Age. You will soon rise up into the higher vibrations where love and peace are present and the lower vibrations non-existent. It is what you have been working towards for millennia of time, and the journey is nearly over.

The experience you have gained over many lives will hold good, and enable you to be mentors to those souls who are still making their way forward into the Light. Not every soul will progress in the same direction, as there are many varied opportunities for you to serve the Light. At your level of attainment you have a great deal of freedom to decide what you will do next, and naturally you in turn have your mentors to help you. Many of you will return to your “homeland” before deciding your next step, and the calling to do so will be very strong.

When you can look ahead rather than look back, and your consciousness grows the way forward will become clear. The times you have spent lives in the lower vibrations will soon become but a distant memory, but the lessons learnt will always be with you. Already as the level of your consciousness grows, you will find it easier to maintain it without any risk of falling back. The world can pass you by without there being any fear of being distracted from your goal. Yet you can still be fully aware of what is taking place.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and happy to be in touch with you again. We know how much you look forward to receiving our messages, and we will continue for as long as they are necessary. We send you our love and are never far away if needed.

Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey.

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David Wilcock THINGS ARE GETTING EVER-INCREASINGLY WILD ON THE INSIDE TRACK Right now there is a war going on in space, directly over our heads. It really heated up in mid-December of last year and is ongoing. That war is reaching a decisive tipping-point. It appears that it will turn out very favorably for the vast majority of everyone on earth. In fact, it appears that it is already impossible for the Cabal to win this. Time still has to play out before it is visible to everyone, but the end is almost certain. Many of the power elite groups on this planet are in a state of complete chaos and turmoil as a result. Events unfolding on earth could be seen as a "proxy war" between groups of "good guys" or angels and "bad guys" operating in, with and around Earth. "Good" and "Bad" is obviously a question of your perspective. From the elite Cabal perspective, what is happening to them is very bad. However, the people who are fighting against the Cabal do very much seem to have humanity's best interests in mind. This alliance is a combination of earth governments, earth-based factions of the space program, and newly-arrived ETs who mean business. CLOAKED SHIPS GETTING SHOT DOWN It appears that major events are about to unfold on earth, involving the exposure and defeat of the Cabal. This appears to be coming in the form of vastly greater disclosures from the Snowden documents than what we have seen so far, among many other things. The "good guy" ETs have now enforced a no-fly zone around the earth. Any high-level Cabal people who try to fly out are being shot down. Their ships are cloaked, but when one of them gets shot down, we hear about epic meteor sightings -- and then the cleanup crews rush in. There have been a number of very high-profile and unusual "meteors" lately -- including daylight-bright flashes of light, sonic booms and the ground shaking for up to 15 seconds upon impact. Divine Cosmos New York Times bestselling author David Wilcock unlocks the key to a universal life force that is influencing and guiding…

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Methodically Putin expels the dollar

- With a hero was received in Egypt Russian President
- With their currencies trade between Russia - Egypt

Apostolos Rossios
And new \ "hit \" accepts the dollar after the decision
Russia and Egypt not to use it now in between the commercial and financial transactions in general.
They are known and taken decision of President Putin for permanent abandonment of the dollar in trade with Russia the partner countries and the BRICS countries. Already a number of countries, such as China, India, Thailand, Turkey, the Commonwealth countries, jointly decided to use their national currencies in trade with Russia. Bearing in mind is the fact that the countries of Latin America now remove the dollar, one easily understands that the once so-called global currency is banished from the world trade as two thirds of the planet
do not use it! What does this mean The obvious! Huge economic losses for the US, and hit the heart of the country's financial system, with many collateral damage, should not escape our attention that the US very existence is based on hitherto strong currency unit. This course has begun to worry the Atlanticists and falcons US and is mathematically certain to seek solution for \ "export \" of their internal problem. And none other than the dynamic solution, as always do in such cases. The military intervention in Iraq (and not only), became known because Saddam Hussein had decided to abolish the dollar (petrodolario) to its trade.


As stated in an interview with the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is on an official visit to Egypt, already competent bodies of the two countries treat the issue of the introduction to trade national currencies of two countries. "Russia is already using national currencies in trade with the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States and in China, We are ready to move into this agreement with Egypt. The issue is discussed, given the upcoming tourist season, "said the Russian president, stressing that Egypt is a popular tourist destination for Russian citizens. About 3 million Russian tourists visited the country last year!

Prices hero Putin

It should however be noted that the Egyptian people have warmly welcomed the president Putin, with all the main streets of Cairo have been filled with posters of Vladimir Putin! All media have extensive offerings in Russia and its relations with Egypt and many headlines call "hero of our time" Russian President! The fact is that the presence of Putin in Egypt monopolizes discussions in TV panels but is the subject of discussion in all the cafes of Cairo!

Путин је методично протерала долар

- Са херој је примљен у Египту руског председника
- Са својих валута трговине између Русије - Египат

Апостолос Роssios
И нова \\\ "\\\ хит" прихвати долар након одлуке
Русија и Египат да га не користе сада између комерцијалних и финансијских трансакција уопште.
Они су познати и узети одлуку председника Путина за трајно одустајање од долара у трговини са Русијом партнерских земаља и земаља БРИЦ. Већ број земаља, као што су Кина, Индија, Тајланд, Турска, земље Комонвелта, заједно одлучили да користе своје националне валуте у трговини са Русијом. Имајући у виду чињеницу да се земље Латинске Америке сада уклонили долар, лако схвата да некада тзв глобална валута је протеран из светске трговине као две трећине планете
немојте га користити! Шта то значи Очигледно! Огромне економске губитке за САД, и ударио у срце финансијског система земље, са многим колатералне штете, не би требало да побегне нашу пажњу да САД само постојање се базира на до тада јаком валутне јединице. Овај курс је почела да брине о атлантицари и САД соколове и математички сигурно да се пронађе решење за \\\ "\\\" извоз њихов унутрашњи проблем. И нико други до динамичног решење, као и увек уради у оваквим случајевима. Војна интервенција у Ираку (и не само), постао је познат јер Садам Хусеин је одлучио да укине долар (петродоларио) да се бави трговином.


Како се наводи у интервјуу египатском листу Руски председник Ал-Ахрам Владимира Путина, који је у званичној посети Египту, већ надлежни органи две земље третира питање увођења за трговину националне валуте од две земље. "Русија већ користи националне валуте у трговини са земљама Заједнице независних држава и у Кини, Ми смо спремни да се крећу у овај споразум са Египтом. Питање је расправља, с обзиром предстојеће туристичке сезоне ", рекао је руски председник, наглашавајући да је Египат популарна туристичка дестинација за руске грађане. Око 3 милиона руских туриста посјетио је земљу прошле године!

Цене херој Путин

Међутим, треба напоменути да су египатски народ је топло поздравио председник Путин, са свим главним улицама Каира су испуњене плаката Владимира Путина! Сви медији имају изванредне понуде у Русији и њеним односима са Египтом и многи наслови зову "јунак нашег доба" руског председника! Чињеница је да је присуство Путина у Египту успоставља монопол дискусије у телевизијским панела, али је предмет расправе у свим кафићима Каира!

Методически Путин изгоняет доллар

- С героем был получен в Египте Президента Российской Федерации
- С их валют товарооборот между Россией - Египет

Apostolos Rossios
И новый \\\\\\\ "\\\\\\\ хит" принять доллар после решения
Россия и Египет не использовать его сейчас между коммерческими и финансовыми операциями в целом.
Они известны и приняты решение президента Путина на постоянное отказа от доллара в торговле с Россией стран-партнеров и стран БРИКС. Уже ряд стран, таких как Китай, Индия, Таиланд, Турцию, страны Содружества совместно решили использовать свои национальные валюты в торговле с Россией. Принимая во внимание тот факт, что страны Латинской Америки сейчас снять доллар, легко понимает, что когда-то так называемый мировой валютой был изгнан из мировой торговле, а две трети планеты
не используйте его! Что это значит Очевидно! Огромные экономические потери для США, и попал в сердце финансовой системы страны, со многими сопутствующего ущерба, не должна избежать нашего внимания, что США само существование основано на до сих пор сильную денежной единицы. Этот курс начал волновать атлантистов и США ястребов и математически определенный искать решение для \\\\\\\ "\\\\\\\ экспорта" их внутренние проблемы. И никто, кроме динамического решения, как всегда в таких случаях. Военная интервенция в Ираке (и не только), стало известно, потому что Саддам Хусейн решил отменить доллар (petrodolario), чтобы его торговли.


Как заявил в интервью египетской газете президент России Al-Ahram Владимир Путин, который находится с официальным визитом в Египет, уже компетентные органы двух стран лечения вопрос о введении в торговле национальных валют двух стран. "Россия уже использует национальные валюты в торговле со странами Содружества Независимых Государств и в Китае, мы готовы двигаться в этом соглашении с Египтом. Вопрос обсуждается, учитывая предстоящий туристический сезон ", сказал президент России, подчеркнув, что Египет является популярным туристическим направлением для российских граждан. Около 3 миллионов российских туристов посетили страну в прошлом году!

Цены герой Путин

Следует, однако, отметить, что египетский народ тепло приветствовали президента Путина, со всеми основными улицах Каира были заполнены с плакатами Владимира Путина! Все средства массовой информации имеют обширные предложения в России и ее отношений с Египтом и многие заголовки называют "героем нашего времени" президента России! Дело в том, что присутствие Путина в Египте монополизирует обсуждение в телевизионных панелей, но предметом обсуждения во всех кафе Каира!

Metódicamente Putin expulsa al dólar

- Con un héroe fue recibido en Egipto el presidente ruso,
- Con sus monedas comercio entre Rusia - Egipto

Apostolos Rossios
Y el nuevo " golpeó" aceptar el dólar después de la decisión
Rusia y Egipto no lo usan ahora en medio de las transacciones comerciales y financieras en general.
Ellos se conocen y toman la decisión del presidente Putin por abandono definitivo de dólar en el comercio con Rusia los países socios y los países BRICS. Ya varios países, como China, India, Tailandia, Turquía, los países de la Commonwealth, decidió conjuntamente para utilizar sus monedas nacionales en el comercio con Rusia. Teniendo en cuenta es el hecho de que los países de América Latina quitan ahora el dólar, uno fácilmente entiende que la otrora llamada moneda global es desterrado de comercio mundial como dos terceras partes del planeta
no lo use! Qué quiere decir esto El obvio! Pérdidas económicas enormes para los EE.UU., y golpearon el corazón del sistema financiero del país, con muchos daños colaterales, no debe escapar a nuestra atención que los EE.UU. existencia se basa en que hasta ahora fuerte unidad monetaria. Este curso ha comenzado a preocupar a los atlantistas y estadounidenses halcones y es matemáticamente cierto para buscar una solución a \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ "exportación \\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\ "de su problema interno. Y no es otro que la solución dinámica, como siempre se puede hacer en estos casos. La intervención militar en Irak (y no sólo), se hizo conocido porque Saddam Hussein había decidido abolir el dólar (petrodolario) para su comercio.


Como se ha dicho en una entrevista con el periódico egipcio presidente ruso Al-Ahram, Vladimir Putin, quien realiza una visita oficial a Egipto, cuerpos ya competentes de los dos países tratan el tema de la introducción al comercio monedas nacionales de ambos países. "Rusia ya está utilizando monedas nacionales en el comercio con los países de la Comunidad de Estados Independientes y en China, Estamos listos para entrar en este acuerdo con Egipto. El tema se discute, dada la próxima temporada turística ", dijo el presidente ruso, haciendo hincapié en que Egipto es un popular destino turístico para los ciudadanos rusos. Alrededor de 3 millones de turistas rusos visitaron el país el año pasado!

Precios héroe Putin

No obstante, cabe señalar que el pueblo egipcio han acogido calurosamente al presidente Putin, con todas las principales calles de El Cairo se han llenado con carteles de Vladimir Putin! Todos los medios de comunicación tienen amplias ofertas en Rusia y sus relaciones con Egipto y muchos titulares llaman "héroe de nuestro tiempo" El presidente ruso! El hecho es que la presencia de Putin en Egipto monopoliza los debates en paneles de televisión, pero es objeto de discusión en todos los cafés de El Cairo!

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