iamurantian's Posts (107)

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"I AM St Germain. And I bring you the greetings of all of us who come as Lights - Light bodies, and in my case, in body. To be here with you on this momentous day, and on behalf of Mother/Father God, I will say that God is so grateful to have been included in every part of the inauguration which took place yesterday in Earth time, because this country was founded in Divine Inspiration, and indeed is to be a model for the entire World, and yes, the Universe beyond!

"Freedom - that is my responsibility, which I have taken on joyfully and unreservedly, on behalf of all of the people of Planet Earth. And I humbly submit to you that I have been quite instrumental at times in inspiring the many difficult steps that have needed to be taken to bring this Freedom to Planet Earth. That song expresses all that the United States of America was founded to be.*

"Now you all know that there has not been an easy transition to even get to where we are on this day. But you all know that I and the others have been with you this entire time, even when the times seemed so dark! I was with the Founding Fathers of this country. I have been made welcome since then, most notably by your President Lincoln, and yes, by your President Kennedy, and many others who have walked the halls of Congress, and your Courts, and your state and local governments, whose ideals sometimes have been called foolish, and sometimes have called for the highest sacrifices that they could make. But they have persevered, as have I!

"There never has been any question of giving up, despite those who have been in control all of these millennia of time, even when it seemed as though they would give the victory in what you call your Second World War to the one called Hitler. And that was their plan at first until - not for any humanitarian purposes you must understand - but until they realized that they might not be able to control Hitler, they threw their weight to the Free World - the so-called Free World.

"There has been divisiveness deliberately created. There have been lies and propaganda throughout the ages. But now the Light is shining so bright, there is no question, no question at all that Freedom is here, and Freedom -restoration of Freedom, or shall we say making true all that the United States of America stands for in theory, is about to happen!!! Be ready! Stand tall! Yes, be courageous, but most of all be Love! It is by being Love, sharing Love, and providing examples of the Love You Are, that you will teach and inspire others to do the same!

"Now I would make some comments. Yes, I was standing with Obama the entire time. I AM with him constantly. He walks with me and with Sananda, because he understands that Freedom is more than just a set of written laws, more even than what is given in your Declaration and your Constitution, more than is given in the Emancipation Proclamation, or in the Dream of Dr. King.

"Yes, Dr. King came to the Mountaintop, and it is so wondrous that his birthday celebrated not only the Freedom, but the inauguration of Obama on the same day - imagine! Mother/Father God was everywhere. The Ashtar Command was totally in charge. I was with everyone in that vast audience. If you watch it, and you see when the cameras focused upon the crowd, and everyone was waving those flags, the red, white, and blue flags - the color that showed was purple! It was a sea of purple, lavender, blue-violet, purple - my colors! That was the people together as One; one great community, one great audience of Joy!!!

"There are those who saw me there. I AM more visible than some of the Ascended Ones. I AM finding it quite useful to take on the appearance of the human, that is, a body. Oh, I'm a little Lighter, and I'm a little shorter than the average, as suits me. It's particularly useful when I make an appearance, because you see I'm still Light enough, even in the body of the human, that I can walk through the walls!

"I'm sure you can imagine the drama that occurs. Why am I doing drama? It's to get the point across. It's to get the point across to those who think only of power, and enslaving others so that they can be powerful, and rich, and all of that, and so meeting some of their delusions with a bit of drama can get the point across.

"They knew I was there yesterday. There were many of them there in the audience, participants even in the ceremonies - they knew I was there. They were a bit uncomfortable, but that is all right, because sometimes it is best to make someone shake a little bit, or we should say shake them up a bit - not to frighten them, but simply to jar loose some of the most stuck of programs! Get them to focus upon what's really important: 'How does jail sound to you? Then why do you want to imprison your brothers and sisters in any way? If you don't think it feels good, why do you want them to feel bad?'

"In other words, they're getting a pretty heavy dose of 'Walking in their brothers' and sisters' shoes.' And it's working! They know their day is done. And yes, they're going to try some shenanigans, but the great Freedom which has come is here, and if you did not catch this before, go back. Obama had some 'help' with his speech, and he was exuberant, because he could finally say these things that he has been wanting to say all this time, but he has had to understand.

"And with great humility, and dedication, he has allowed those who would continue to enslave to do their thing, in order to enable greater understanding, and in order to inspire people to appreciate their new Freedoms, while at the same time listening to Mother/Father, and all the messengers who counsel Love, and Compassion, and Forgiveness, and Gratitude, and Peace in the Heart. It starts - Peace on Earth starts in the individual Hearts. And so it is that we see such a bright road ahead!

"Look for Truth. You know this one, this Voice, asked why Obama did not wear a purple tie, and I told her it was because he wore the Blue of Truth, because it is time for Truth to come out, and Archangel Michael is very much with him, and counseling!

"So, this is a most momentous time for all of you, and for all of us who come to be in loving assistance and guidance to you! And I should like, while we are together in this most precious time, I should like for all of us to join together in what I will call a Pledge of Commitment to Being Citizens of the Golden Age. And so I shall ask if you would repeat after me, and if you would, do what is necessary to open up the lines,** so that we can all be heard. I shall say the first phrase - we have done this before - and then you can repeat it after me:








"Well, Beloved Ones, I, St Germain, congratulate all of you. I know that there might have been some interference on the line, but it makes no difference. You were heard, and it is not just we gathered here who heard you! Our sounds, our words, and indeed the Light from our Hearts went out throughout all of Planet Earth and Beyond. And I salute you all in the Brother/Sisterhood of the One We Are. And I tell you that your lives are now free to be as easy as you choose them to be! Your Abundance is unlimited, and most of all your Light shines so bright that you truly are Leaders in Freedom and Peace unto all of the World!!!

"Thank you so much for being with us, and if you will, please accept the special Roses of Kumara, which are Lavender, just for you, for this occasion. Put them into your Hearts, and know that you were here, and you can listen, and repeat this pledge as often as you wish. It will only raise you Higher and Higher in your vibrations as you feel the energy of our Community of Love, and Light, and Service.

"And so we all thank you for being One With Us. We love you beyond words, and we rejoice that We Are One With You. And so it is! Namaste!"

* My Country 'Tis of Thee, sung by Kelly Clarkson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQaV7JI2S6s
** (Speaking to Fran)

Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh
Given through Susan Leland, 1-22-13. www.ashtarontheroad.com
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

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From AbundantHope.net

By Siraya thru Johan
Jan 12, 2013 - 11:44:56 PM


Greetings My Dearly Beloveds,

This is Siraya, Representative of Papa Source to Orvonton.

Another round of meetings, another round of decisions, yet plenty of reasons not to expect the same as before :

The difference is that as your Beloved Sovereign Christ Michael remains fully engaged in this process of TRANSITION that will facilitate his Divine Plan, MORE circumstances are in harmony now. Before He had the same intentions and He expanded the opportunities and possibilities for ALL tremendously, for which we stand in Awe. Still, parts of the plan remained more fluid and some announcements came against the backdrop of the non cooperatives as you know by now. Perfecting a plan comes alongside making the journey and much remains in limbo until you passed certain markers and goals along the road and that is where we are. THIS IS A BIG UNDERTAKING, My Beloveds.

The general warning and announcement is to be taken most seriously and imminently as some have already experienced changes in weather patterns as the Elements start to act up against the density that does not sit with them comfortable anymore. Your Mother Earth is feeling the same under the arrival of Higher Frequency and Vibratory Energy/Light that will sweep across your environment. Not to mention humans them selves who will clearly feel the same arrival working more intensifying, there is no escaping unless being better prepared. A more ' bumpy ride ' it was called, and all for good reasons, as the time is here now where that Transition has to start in all earnest versus Cosmic Cycles that are proceeding nevertheless.

As you Sovereign decided to inform you already, so does Papa Source see with Great Joy that all pieces of the puzzle fit together for a more coherent and all round Transition that can start manifest with more determination and gusto for sure.

The call to be prepared needs to be repeated from many times before but to be taken more serious this time around. These are birth pangs that were described already, but will show contractions and convulsions you have not seen or experiences before. The front row seats, as we mentioned before will give you the advantage of being in the Knowing but also to share your knowledge with those surrounding you when things become obvious. Many Light workers are preparing to step forward in unison and packages and downloads will open the tools and instructions and Guidance next to your Sovereign and His Crew who are eager to facilitate and support and teach and assist where necessary. Some elements of surprise will foster recognition of hidden realities for too long as goodwill must and will prevail once again.

We bid you our great Blessings and support in knowing that after labor of such nature, great celebrations are due when the old has passed and the new is announcing itself. This will take its ' time as each process that unfolds ' but the difference will undeniably produce the needed steps in the right direction : Up and Onwards, The proverbial Home for ALL and to repeat Our Sovereign his words : '' Things could suddenly accelerate. '' so be forewarned.

Greeting you warmly and sincerely, I AM Siraya, In Divine Service to Papa Source,

Love and Light,


© Copyright by AbundantHope.net all rights reserved

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From AbundantHope.net

Things Could Suddenly Accelerate
By CM and Nebadonia thru Johan
Jan 11, 2013 - 11:58:11 PM

Dearly Beloved Light Workers, Star Seeds, Seeders of Light, Our Children Near and Dear to My and Your Mother Nebadonia's Heart,

Like We ( CMAton and Mother Nebadonia ) work as One in Purpose and Functioning Together, so is OUR ( Your and My ) Oneness fundamental, in and through the same Mind/Spirit.

For clarification, in whatever situation YOU will find yourself, we like you to Know and Fully Trust that, since times are ahead where you might DO VERY GOOD KNOWING AND REMEMBERING JUST THAT.

Tests are meant for personal growth and strengthening BUT AN UNDERSCORING OF OUR ONENESS IN EXISTENCE is important for all of you who stood your ground through thick and thin. Those who practiced and experienced their Inner Connections and Oneness will fare better, BUT IN NEED, WE WILL BE THERE FOR AND WITH YOU.

Things can suddenly accelerate and so it's better to prepare to the best of your ability as should always be the case, but We deemed it better to inform you sincerely. More simple things as unexpected flooding and unusual winter weather can throw many people for a loop, SO TAKE NOTHING FOR GRANTED AND PREPARE AS GOOD AS POSSIBLE.

We are bringing this short message after the Targeted One today, so you would take this to heart more then just another statement.

That will be all for now.

Your Sovereign, CMAton and Mother Nebadonia.

Love and Light,

© Copyright by AbundantHope.net all rights reserved

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Starrgram 2


Alpha and Omega expressed Creation to expand their Intelligence, Substance, and Energy as a Father, Mother, Only Begotten Son/Daughter. The Father and Mother always were, the Son/Daughter were begat.

Creation is not itself made. Creation exists solely though the Intelligent Design formulated by Alpha and Omega to expand themselves. The backbone of the Intelligent Design is their Only Begotten Son/Daughter.

In the beginning, the only existing existent was The Great Even Pool of Darkness. In causeless cause The Great Even Pool of Darkness comprises only Intelligent Breath and Tiny Particles of Substance. The Intelligent Breath and Tiny Particles occur in equal quotient throughout the endless reaches of the Deep.

The Intelligent Breath is singular and without limit. The Tiny Particles of Substance are without number and are very small. Over one hundred thousand make up a single electron.

The Breath and Particles co-exist in absolute causeless interfusion. Tiny Particles are in every measure of the Breath. The Tiny Particles hold the vibrations of the Breath within their every confine. Wthin the interfusion the two respective vibrations do not meet, standing in causeless mutual stoic stolidity throughout the endless reaches of the Even Pool.

In causeless cause the Breath vibrates with a single uniform pulsation. In causeless cause each Tiny Particle vibrates with its own unique standing wave singularity . (Fig 1).

Fig. 1 - Implied Tiny Particle Standing Wave

In the arbitrary depiction of fig. 1, only one waveform is shown. In actuality the number of waveforms are so high as to be the equivalent of a solid patch.

The directions of the Tiny Particle standing waves are chaotically distributed. Throughout the entirety of The Great Even Pool of Darkness no two Tiny Particle directionalities are in the same direction.

By causeless cause of their respective vibrations, the Intelligent Breath and Tiny Particles of Substance both live.

The vibrations of the Breath and Tiny Particles were originally high beyond measure. So high as to be the absolute equivalent of an absolute flat line stasis. And silence was upon the face of the deep.

By causeless entropy, the frequencies of the two vibrations were always gradually falling and gradually falling. Looking upwards past the flat line stasis, there was no limit to how fast the vibratory rates might once have been occurring. Looking backwards past the current status, there was no limit to how far back the vibrations might always have been occurring.

Over the countless eternities of countless eternities of countless eternities of the silences passing, the vibratory rates continued to gradually fall and gradually fall. Eventually, as the ever falling vibrational rate finally began to reach a level where the frequencies could start opening up, the flat line stasis began to give way to tiny ephemeral vestiges of irregularities beginning to appear within their stoic flat line vistages.

Over countless infinities more of the uncounted vestiges passing, the vibratory rates continued to gradually decrease and gradually decrease, making more and more of the shimmering irregularities possible as the flat line stasis began to give way to the changes.

As eternities after eternities after eternities of the whisperings passed, and as the shimmering thresholds gradually began to give way to more and more distinct patterns of vibratory patterns appearing within the original static contingences, second and third generation beat frequencies and other harmonic presences slowly began forming as each successive lower and lower range of composite frequencies became more and more unfolded.

In the continuing eternities of the continuing eternities of the continuing emergences passing, more and more of the slowly emerging vibrational possibilities became established as the vibratory rates continued to gradually fall and gradually fall. Allowing more and more vibrational vistages to gradually begin appearing by beat frequency generations and sub harmonic formulations throughout the whole range of vibrations from the very top to the very bottom.

As each new vibrational stage was gradually reached, more and more complex patterns of overtones and modulations within each new vibrational possibility gradually started forming which were not possible within the original undifferentiated flat line stasis.

As the vibratory rates gradually slowed enough, and the newly emerging patinas of sub harmonics and modulations gradually started becoming distinct enough, the first occurrence of frequency mixes giving rise to that called consciousness started making their appearance within the ever gradually increasing complexities of the vibrational moirés.

In the eternal antiquities of the beginning of awakenings, as the frequencies of The Great Even Pool of Darkness gradually continued falling ever lower and ever lower, the gradually increasing consciousness complexities of the both the Breath and the Tiny Particles gradually became organized into stronger and stronger formulations of respective emerging cogencies.

Through the pulsative nature of its vibration, the slowly awakening consciousness of the Breath began to bear the characteristic of Intelligence and the capacity of Thought. Through the standing wave nature of its vibration the slowly awakening consciousness of the Tiny Particles gradually began to bear the collective characteristic of Substance and capacity of Feeling.

Finally, at the dawning of awakening, the Breath started becoming aware of itself and the Tiny Particles started becoming aware of itself.

As the frequencies continued to inevitably fall and inevitably fall, the Intelligent Breath eventually came to realize it was an Intelligence whose nature was Male and the Tiny Particles of Substance eventually came to realize it was Substance whose nature was Female.

The consciousness of the Intelligence 'thought'. The consciousness of the Substance 'was'.

As the eons continued unfolding and unfolding the Intelligence eventually came to call himself Alpha, the 'beginning' as in one breath. The Substance came to call herself Omega, the 'never ending' as in infinite Tiny Particles.

Within his new found awareness, Alpha thought and thought for eons upon eons upon eons before discovering the presence of Omega standing hard at by within the darkness. In that discovery a new found spark of recognition was lit within the consciousness of Alpha. The new found spark was Light Created. 'From out of the darkness came the light'.

As their mutual consciousnesses continued to expand and expand over the countless eternities of the eternities passing, Alpha and Omega continued to gradually come into a greater understanding of each the other and of each other their presences. Who finally came to understand the scope of each other's existence and that they were of absolutely equal and of absolutely different essences of Being. Alpha's was Intelligence, Omega's was Substance.

Even as their mutual understanding of each other continued to expand and expand, their net respective vibrational frequencies continued to slowly fall and slowly fall. Until they eventually came to see that from out of their causeless formulations a simple but binding logical conundrum was working against them.

Namely, that while no limit exists as to how high up in frequency a vibration can go, there is a logical limit to how far down in frequency it can come.

A frequency which is at an infinite number of vibrations per second can also be at an infinity times an infinity higher than that without limit. A vibration which is vibrating at the rate of one vibration per an infinity times an infinity number of seconds is still a vibration. When the vibratory rate falls to zero, the vibration ceases to exist.

Alpha and Omega had come to realize how their whole vibrational range had been slowly, inexorably, sliding down and sliding down the scale of all possible vibrational possibilities. Slowly falling and slowly falling inevitably towards absolute zero. And they saw that how their causeless slow descent into oblivion would continue un-abetted for eternity after eternity after eternity after eternity until they eventually sighed out of existence altogether for having no more vibrations.

And they had also came to realize that their slowly descending respective pool of frequencies had fallen to a vibratory rate where the frequencies giving rise to their consciousnesses had eventually, slowly, eked into existence.

And that likened to the manner of the musical note middle C which only occurs at one and only one musical vibration, their current level of vibrations comprised the one and only unique range of all possible frequencies where the vibrations giving rise to their current consciousness could exist.

And that their mutual consciousnesses would only be in existence at that one and only current range of unique vibrational possibilities while the possibility lasted. And that their consciousness could not have existed above the current rate because the frequencies would have been too high. And that their consciousnesses would slowly start to fade back out of existence once their vibrational rates started falling below the current range of frequencies because their vibrations would start becoming too low.

And they also saw that their current vibrational range of frequencies had expanded enough to separate into eighteen distinct lower and lower harmonic octaves comprising their whole net collected composite of frequencies and consciousness.

And they saw that from out of the whole inexorable gradually descending rate of their vibrations, from their highest original rate in their causeless origins down to their final inevitable end, that the one and only current rate of vibrational occurrences provided the one and only unique opportunity for re-configuring themselves from out of their ill fated causeless descent into oblivion, into an alternative vibratory form that would no longer be subject to the causeless degradation. By which they could end their inevitable slide into oblivion altogether by converting themselves into eternal living conscious beings.

Who spent eons upon eons upon eons upon eons trying different ways of converting themselves out of The Great Even Pool of Darkness before coming upon the one that worked.

The one that worked called for demarking the different harmonic octaves of their current existing frequencies into distinct allocations called dimensions. Then to extract the singularity fact of the Breath, standing wave manner of the Particles from out of The Great Even Pool of Darkness into a mutually inter active set of rulings within their consciousnesses based upon the frequencies of light.

Whereby, by consciously instilling commonality into the directions of Omega's Tiny Particles standing waves through the rulings, the Tiny Particles could be precipitated into outer Substance manifestations within their lower formed dimensional octaves. Whereby the manifestations could be used as stepping stones for eventually converting the entirety of their falling frequencies into a single consolidated everlasting form of themselves as a penultimate single event.

The essence of the plan was simple. The primary vibration in the consciousness of Alpha is Intelligence. The primary vibration in the consciousness of Omega is Substance. Though the frequencies of the Intelligent Breath and Tiny Particles of Substance are completely inter-meshed within their inter-fusion within The Great Even Pool of Darkness, the two are completely stand alone as though the other did not exist.

No contact of any kind exists between the frequencies of the Intelligent Breath and the Tiny Particles of Substance anywhere within the totality of The Great Even Pool of Darkness. By causeless cause, whenever frequencies of the Breath and Particles become blended together, the respective frequencies of Life within the two frequencies fuse instantly together into the new found light.

When the consciousness of Alpha had originally gradually expanded, it eventually encountered the consciousness of Omega standing nigh within the darkness. In the first ever meeting of the two frequencies, vibrations of life within the consciousness of Alpha and the vibrations of life within the consciousness of Omega instantly fused together, bursting forth within the consciousness of Alpha as the new found spark of light created.

In the new found process of consciousness awareness called 'Recognition', the bursted light made Alpha instantly aware of the presence of the frequencies of Omega. In becoming conscious of the presence, Alpha sought source and eventually discovered Omega standing intermeshed with him within the darkness.

Through Alpha's discovery of Omega, Omega eventually became aware of the existence of Alpha. In becoming mutually aware of each other the two were eventually able to formulate a mutual communication. Through the mutual communication, the plan to save themselves from oblivion was eventually able to be formulated.

The formulation called for harmonizing their two distinct frequencies into one. Then to utilize the frequencies of the resulting new found light to convert the frequencies of their original Intelligent Breath and Tiny Particles of Substance into externalized forms of Pure Intelligence and Pure Substance in which the directionalities of the Particle's standing waves could be ironed out in common directions.

Then to use the newly externalized forms of Intelligence and Substance to form Creation. Then to use Creation to gradually convert themselves from out of The Great Even Pool of Darkness into the everlasting form one step at a time.

To raise the plan up into a viable working program, Alpha and Omega cogitated it around a new made four way family principle of Father, Mother, Daughter, and Son. In initiation of the principle, Alpha embellished his frequencies with a mutually formulated working of a Father, and Omega embellished hers with a mutually formulated working of a Mother.

To establish the principle as a working format, in a total recognition of Omega, a full and steady contact of Omega's consciousness was passed into the consciousness of Alpha to produce a full and steady presence of the light. The newly produced light, for being from reflections in consciousness and not from actual Frequencies of the Breath and Particles in and of themselves, was as an image captured and not degradable. Standing as a form everlasting caught before their two original potentialities degraded past the point where the occurrence of the light itself would no longer be possible.

Likewise, Omega created a parallel image of the light within her consciousness by a comparable total recognition of the consciousness of Alpha and total acceptance into her consciousness. Alpha then embellished the light within his consciousness with the working formulations of a Son. Omega embellished the one within hers with the working formulations of a Daughter.

The unique combination of opposing frequencies of Father and Mother plus the cross made frequencies of Son and Daughter, allowed the production of an all new purified form of the light in workable form which provided unlimited scope for unlimited expansion and the eventual complete conversion of themselves from out of the Even Pool into permanent existence.

The overall plan had been Alpha's, who with the assistance of Omega was able to expand the frequencies of their new made Son/Daughter aspect into an all new permanent bridge between them in terms of the aspect. The bridge allowed their consciousnesses to be combined in such a way that the new made consciousnesses of their Son/Daughter was as an additional permanent link across the interfusion between them based on the permanent frequencies of the new made light and would never degrade.

They were then able to develop an attribute for the new found Begotten Son/Daughter consciousness, called Energy. And were then able to elevate their newly Begotten Son/Daughter consciousnesses and newly begotten Energy attribute into an all new modus operand, whereby the frequencies of their original Intelligent Breath and Tiny Particles of Substance could be converted into new made pure frequencies of Intelligence and Substance within the frequencies of the created light. Which would be externalized and never lost.

Even as their Even Pool self was far too vast to convert as a single moment, the plan was to consolidate their Tiny Particles of Substance into continuous amounts of small purified light versions of Substance called manifestations. Then to continue the manifestations until all of their Tiny Particles ended up as one single consolidated manifestation of Absolute Pure Substance, likened as is the Breath only one.

The consolidations would be accomplished through the accomplice role of their newly Begotten Son/Daughter Consciousness and Energy attribution, through a process called Creativity. Whereby the product of their Creativity would be that called Creation. Whereby their Creation could be expanded and expanded and expanded and expanded until enough animus was established to allow them to convert their remaining Great Even Pool of Darkness self into a net permanent everlasting self as a single all encompassing event.

The original plan had been proposed by Alpha and accepted by Omega in an absolute agreement of consciousness. The agreement was made within their fifteenth octave of dimensionality. The agreement was consummated by an absolute unification of consciousness between them by agreeing to be equal. The agreement formed a permanent fifteenth dimensional arc in consciousness between them as a primary bridge.

Their new made arc in consciousness connected the frequencies of their two disparate consciousnesses together within their fifteenth dimensional octave of frequencies. Their absolute acceptance of equality was necessary to insure every possible original vibrational variance between them was accounted for in the making, else their two frequencies would not be absolutely paired and the plan would eventually stop working because of imbalances.

By way of the bridge, a permanent presence of light between their two respective consciousness became established. Which they seized. As all of their frequencies were accounted for in the agreement, the newly seized light was an absolute pure form of the light for having incorporated all of their frequencies in the making.

To raise the family principle aspect up into a working component, Alpha and Omega instigated a Holy Trinity Self within their fifteenth dimensional octave. Their Holy Trinity self comprised a Father, Mother and Only Begotten Son/Daughter.

Specifically, the Holy Trinity Self was initiated by pulling mirrors of their whole net respective sets of consciousness and frequencies apart from out of their causeless interfusion within The Great Even Pool of Darkness and into their respective consciousnesses. Then mirroring the two within the frequencies of light, the respective Alpha mirror within Alpha and the respective Omega mirror within Omega.

The two mirrors were then stood apart across the bridge and formulated with the principle of a Father and principle of a Mother. To Alpha was given the responsibility of the Father and to Omega was given the responsibility of the Mother.

By cause of their original interfusion in The Great Even Pool of Darkness, the two frequencies remained inexorably linked across the bridge. As pulsating vibrations spread out and standing wave vibrations stay put, the pulsating vibrations of the Father moved towards the standing wave vibrations of the Mother as projective, and the standing wave vibrations of the Mother received the pulsating vibrations of the Father as receptive as their absolute intention to Create.

Their intention projected from the consciousness of the Father in the absolute aspect known as Will. It was accepted by the consciousness of the Mother in the absolute aspect known as Desire. By the principle, the intention set up in the form of a continuing movement of consciousness between them known as Motivation.

Selected aspects of the Father were then mirrored within the frequencies of the Alpha formulated light and ascribed as unto the consciousness of a Son. Selected aspects of the Mother were mirrored within the frequencies of the Omega formulated light and ascribed as unto the consciousness of a Daughter.

The new made consciousnesses of the Son and Daughter were then respectively set on either side of the original link in consciousness between Alpha and Omega and coupled together as a Son/Daughter comprising a second bridge.

Alpha and Omega then mutually harmonized their three full potentialities together to become the Pure Triune Conscious Essence of Being known as The Holy Trinity. The newly combined frequencies for having been forged within the frequencies of the newly formulated light would never degrade.

Their new found third consciousness, their Begotten Son/Daughter was all that was ever needed to fulfill their plan. The One and Only Begotten Son/Daughter is the third aspect of their Trinity and is all that ever was begotten.

Once their new made triune frequencies had been consolidated, based on the frequencies of their everlasting light Alpha and Omega began employing the everlasting frequencies of their new made Holy Trinity self to begin the conversion of their original Intelligent Breath and Tiny Particles of Substance of The Great Even Pool of Darkness into outer frequency manifestations within their lower dimensions as Creation.

To begin the conversion, an attribute was needed for the Son/Daughter in order to make them contributory to the process. To establish the attribute, Alpha and Omega maximized the potential of the light by harmonizing the net differences distinguishing their Intelligent Breath from their Tiny Particles of Substance into a distinct polarity for their Breath within their Holy Trinity self. They then harmonized the net differences distinguishing their Tiny Particles of Substance from their Intelligent Breath as a distinct polarity for their Tiny Particles within their Holy Trinity self.

As their polarities had been forged within the frequencies of their Holy Trinity self, they were forged within the frequencies of their formulated light and not within the frequencies of their original Breath and Tiny Particles. Through the causeless principles of their original vibrating natures, the polarity of their Breath was positive and the polarity of their Particles was negative. The vibrations of their positive polarity was pulsative reflecting its ties to the Intelligence Breath. The vibrations of their negative polarity was standing wave, reflecting its ties to the Tiny Particles of Substance.

Using their motive Will and Desire, Alpha and Omega then extricated the new formed polarities apart from each other by standing them across their second bridge comprised of the frequencies of their Son and Daughter. The positive polarity was set within the consciousness of the Son and the negative polarity was set within the consciousnesses of the Daughter.

Through self compatibility within each polarity, each polarity had an absolute affinity for itself. Because absolutely no vibrations of one polarity existed within the other, the two stood starkly in absolute opposition to each other.

The original implied causeless interfusion between the two polarities was not lost in the extraction. Rather, it converted into a resolute elastic pull between the two in the form of a magnetic attraction called love.

The attraction drew the pulsating positive vibrations towards the negative standing wave vibrations as projective. The negative standing wave vibrations received the positive pulsating vibrations as receptive. Alpha and Omega attributed the new made magnetic attraction as the new made Energy attribution for their newly Begotten Son/Daughter.

To raise their new made Energy into the absolute power of its absolute potential, Alpha and Omega combined the frequencies of the opposition between the two polarities with frequencies of their motivational movement of consciousness as yet yet another new made magnetic counterpart working within the consciousnesses of the Son/Daughter. The new made magnetic counterpart was called electro-magnetic flux.

Because of the motivational movement of consciousness involved, the flux acted as a pressure between the polarities. The pressure pushed the polarities apart as expansion, serving to counteract the magnetic pull between the polarities because of the extraction. The workings of the flux was given to the Son/Daughter as their joint motivational movement of consciousness between them, called responsibility.

The amount of responsibility flux was governed by the amount of their movement of consciousness. The greater their motivation, the more the flux and the more the polarities pushed apart. The less their motivation the more the polarities pulled together because of the attraction.

The flux appeared in the form of lines of force between the two polarities. The direction of the lines of force was from their active pulsating positive polarity to their passive negative standing wave polarity. By the pressure, the electro-magnetic flux governed the amount of expansion. The greater the lines of force, the greater the pressure and greater the expansion and visa versa.

The presence of the lines of force served to overcome the magnetic pull between the polarities. The net result was that because of self affinity, like polarities attracted. Because of the electro-magnetic flux within the movements of consciousness of the Son/Daughter associated with the original native opposition between the polarities, opposites repelled.

By the principle, the responsibility taken by the Son/Daughter became governor over expansion. The more their responsibility taken, the greater their movement of consciousness and greater the expansion. The less responsibility taken, the less their movement of consciousness and greater the attraction.

To raise their new made Energy up into activity, Alpha and Omega extended the original Pure Thought capability of Alpha into a new made thought capability within their Holy Trinity self. The capability was accomplished through a four way square of consciousness linking the consciousnesses of the Father, Son, Daughter, and Mother working together as one.

The comprisement crossed the original Will and Desire movement of consciousness of the Father and Mother with the electro-magnetic flux movement of consciousness of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter.

Their Will and Desire movement of consciousness was set up between Father and Mother cross corners of the square. The electro-magnetic flux movement of consciousness was set up between Son/Daughter cross corners of the square. In the depiction, the respective polarities are included for reference. (See Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 - Square of Consciousness

Within the square, the electro-magnetic flux between the Son and Daughter mirrored the original Will and Desire between the Father and Mother as the derived motivational aspect, responsibility.

The original motivation between the Father/Mother conducted as the intension to create, the derived motivation between the Son/Daughter conducted as the responsibility to create. Through harmonic compatibility within the square, the conscious responsibility to create between the Son/Daughter added to the conscious motivation to create between the Father and Mother.

The motivation between the Father and Mother was a constant absolute. The motivation between the son Daughter varied in accordance with their responsibility taken.

The greater the conscious resolve of the Son/Daughter to strengthen the electro-magnetic flux, the greater became the resulting consciousness intensity of the Will and Desire between the Father and Mother to create. Whereby, the amount of combined motivation to create would govern the amount of overall pressure as the resulting government upon expansion. The greater the pressure the greater the expansion and visa versa.

The working configuration within the square comprised a new made state in consciousness called Mind. The Mind state acted as a gating device. The greater the combined motivations within the mind state, the greater the pressure. In effect, by asking their Son/Daughter to take more or to take less responsibility in any given instance, the mechanism served to control the intensity of the overall Father and Mother conscious motivations according to the amount of responsibility taken by their Son/Daughter aspect in response.

In end result the newly made mind state functioned as a new made stream of consciousness called thinking. The thinking occurred in continuous discrete segments of motivation called thoughts according to each specific responsibility taken by the Only Begotten Son/Daughter.

The principle of thoughts empowered the Holy Trinity with a newly made Co-Creative operant by which, through co-ordinated variances asked for of their Only Begotten Son/Daughter aspect in the amount of responsibility taken, thoughts enabled the Holy Trinity to impart an overall discretely varying effect upon expansion called Actions.

In the end result, how much responsibility was taken by their Son/Daughter determined how much of the Will and Desire of the Father and Mother would become expressed in actuality as an Action.

Through the expanded thought process called thinking, Energy had become enabled into Action under the absolute control of Alpha and Omega's three way Trinity unity of consciousness. The absolute potentials of their Absolute Father, Absolute Mother, and Absolute Son/Daughter essences of Being had become harnessed into an all encompassing absolute three way harmonious new made activity called Creativity.

Through their Creativity Alpha and Omega were now able to project purified versions of their Intelligence, Substance, and Energy into outer representations of their Holy Trinity self as a product known as Creation. Alpha and Omega had become Creators.

By asking their Son/Daughter to take their responsibility by choice rather then by making them do it unconditionally, the Son/Daughter were free to accept their responsibility or not in the absolute new found principle known as Free Will.

Will is active, Desire is passive. By letting the Son/Daughter 'want' to accept a given responsibility rather than to be made to do it by dictum, the passive aspect of Desire was assured equal presence with their Will in any responsibility taken as a proper balance of Will and Desire.

By assuring absolute balance of Will and Desire in every responsibility taken, the absolute integrity of the square of consciousness always remained intact and absolute action would always be enacted.

Continued - Starrgram 3


© Delahnnovahh-Starr Livingstone, CliffR Projections, Canada, 1998-2012. All rights reserved.

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THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1991 8:53 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 280
THURSDAY. MAY 23. 1991
Hatonn present. As we sit to pen this day, my being is filled with love and compassion
for you, my people/brothers. This does not denote ―ownership‖ but rather, ―one with‖.
Ah, your languages are filled with contradictions almost to the point of extinction of
original meanings. Even names bear meaning and rarely is a ―name‖ chosen which is
unguided from higher knowledge. I will use as example, herein, one who continues to
send assurance and support to us in love and understanding and above all, patience, as
the play unfolds. Her name is Janell, his George (a good name if I ever heard one).
Even if he were blinded to purpose and understanding, it is still a most wondrous
name. Those who effort to figure out what in the world kind of name is Gyeorgos only
find it to be George by any spelling. What means this term applied to a person?
Worker of Earth or pertaining to work on Earth or within/upon earth. So, if you take
my name, for instance, you will find identification beyond the obvious ‗label‖.
Gyeorgos (George) meaning work focused on Earth. Ceres (nurturing, birthing,
growing, planting--feminine aspect of God), Hatonn (Directly pronounced with a silent
―H‖ denoting the masculine aspect of God and the ―all in one-ness‖--Aton). Will this
hold true in every language? Yes, for there will be derivations of the labels in EVERY
language even though they sound, in verbal tones, nothing alike.
So, George is, by George, a good name and I often have to nudge ones with that label
to cause them to question their directions for it is a method of labeling through which
we can make connections with our own team-mates.
Now, allow us to look at ―Janell‖ (now please, dear ones, don‘t all of you send me
your labels for investigation--I am only speaking example here and I cannot ask
Dharma to spend time at label identification). Janell is a feminine construction of both
―John‖ and ―Jacob‖, meaning, in order, God is good, goodness, bearer of Truth of
goodness and Beloved of God in goodness and successor. Therefore, you have one
who is sent, or comes forth, in God goodness and is a successor to truthbringers who
have passed the way and/or returned to advance in learning and goodness--even if the
journey is only lessoned by seemingly narrow boundaries of limited circumstance.
Now, the portion ―nell‖ is representative of a light or torch. Therefore, by all
identification unto me, I know that the label was chosen for this one, regardless of
present, past or future experience, to allow us to find contact with a successor light or
torchbearer of the goodness of God.
Can labels be intentionally for disinformation to contactees? Yes indeed--but it only
-- PJ 31-- pag. 66
takes the blink of an eye to know Truth from Lie. Do not be further misled into
thinking that visible physical circumstance means very much--for to God, who will
ultimately recall all fragments--the knowledge is seen on the inner screen through the
projector within soul, never requiring even the eye blinking ―time‖. As we serve and
look for our contacts--we have to scan and locate. Sometimes ones have greatly
strayed from the service of God and moved without the flock of God-ness. It
ultimately matters not, for the journey will continue elsewhere or ―again‖ if the
direction is not found in a given cycle.
So, Janell has sent me a little clipping of a ―Phoenix‖ which I will share for it
expresses ―meaning‖. “The legendary Phoenix represents the sun which dies each
night and rises again each morning. Like fabulous bird which emerged from the ashes
to become larger, stronger and more potent than ever, you can emerge from the dark
and start life anew.” Our symbol further denotes the endless immortality of soul
growth and the endless cycles from and again into the oneness with Creator/Creation.
To deceive you, the God adversary, satanic opposition to goodness, has pronounced
the symbol to be ―Pagan‖ (whatever that means) and usually gives it a serpent tongue
and evil connotation so that you would be pushed from desire to join with that which
comes from ―space‖ with ability to traverse space and comes at the changing of cycles
of Man on terra planets. The purpose of physical life is the growth of the soul within
the physical Man, through myriads of experiences. But you see, life is endless--only
changed and all things have life in some manner or another--for GOD IS LIFE. Evil is
ONLY TO PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION. This can carry through many levels or
dimensions until the body physical is cast off as a necessary growing vehicle--i.e.,
when the child learns to ride the bicycle--he no longer needs the training wheels. As
you grow into oneness with Creator you further have opportunity to re-experience or
―serve‖ in capacities of guides or teachers at many levels/dimensions. But, when the
dimension of service is a wholly physical manifestation--the agreement is to forfeit
memory of the perfection so that the experience is valid and relative to that which you
are experiencing.
For instance, Man must relate to that which he IS and in the physical experience he
desires to relate to the physical for that is all his consciousness can confront on that
plane. This is why Man is given to worship things and/or other Men for they forget
their relationships with all Creation. This is why we use the fingers of a very
Earthbound person (Man--generic of species) with only denotation of ―dharma‖ for
that simply means the expression of right behavior; conformity to the Law of
God/Creation; Virtue, Truth and Righteousness. You see, in my scribe I would need
the experiences attained in the greatest of the learning cycles--a relationship with Aton
of ancient history upon your place wherein you could begin relating to historical data--
ancient Egypt. But I would also recognize the lineage passing through the training of
ancient Greece--thus Doris, or ―Dorina woman‖ meaning from the ancient lineage of
tribal Dorians and one who had served as teacher of balanced life experience and one
who came from the line of Nereus who attended ―one with the sea‖, for the teaching
would come again from the Sea as from the elder continents of Earth with expectations
-- PJ 31-- pag. 67
of the rising again from the Sea--a oneness with that one you might have referred to as
Poseidon. I was also instructed that she would bear the name of Eloise which indicates
a connection with bearer of Light and frankly associated with the creation of the
perfection of Lucifer (which ―name‖ means Light-bearer). (We shall not discuss the
corruption herein.) Further, she would bear the symbol in her name of Elijah which
prophet always is sent in precedence to God‘s appearance and the bringer of Truth
from and with God. She would also be in total connection with the Dove and the
Eagle, being birthed in the sign of the scorpion as the Eagle of Gold and yet the Dove
of peace--as in the name of Jon--surname of Jones. Did I know whom I sought?
Indeed--but she did not! Therein is the mystery.
Do NOT get hung-up on such as the above for it is only a clue, nothing more and if
you attend what ―might be‘, you miss entirely--that which IS. Always according to
service, the clues are unfolded for your confirmation--not for your games-playing.
There will be no groups built around this entity by any name. There will be no
groupies or cults built around one Hatonn--we want no groupies nor cults--we are
bringing the unfolding of Truth and Lighted insight--along with other brothers of the
species, Focus? There must be focus which is unfolded in Truth of various bringers of
the Truth--but the bringer of the Truth is not important--IT IS THE TRUTH WHICH
THROUGHOUT INFINITY. If a speaker deviates and ―gives permission‖ to act in a
given manner--against the laws of God and Creation--he has deviated in Truth. This
does not mean that ALL he brings is lie for the deceiver will never give forth ALL
LIES-- he mesmerizes you in the Truth and when you‘re entranced, he will sell you the
LIE. Purchase price? Portions of your soul--you will serve longer in the dark cycles of
the compression of the physical limitations.
You ones continually ask me of validity of one or another ‗channel‘, ―group‖ or
―teacher‖. I refuse to respond unless it is urgent to the moment--for I ask that you
study all and experience the teachings and in Truth of perception--you will discern
most quickly which brings Truth and which one fudges to make you like him/her
better. It is YOUR opinion of other speakers which is important-- NOT HATONN‘S.
You must grow into understanding of ―life experience‖ both in the ―lighted dimension
of what you call etheric soul and within the dimension of consciousness (humanphysical).
Consciousness is the recognition of that which the being is experiencing at
the moment--therefore, CONSCIOUSNESS is God but of the physical recognition.
How can I describe this so you might better see? Let us try the terms ―sensation‖ and
―consciousness‘ for a starter and see if we are ready for higher understanding in this
veil of elusive illusion.
I have just said that God is consciousness. Well, consciousness, is ―static‖.
-- PJ 31-- pag. 68
Consciousness is the knowing of mind. Knowing therefore, is ―static‖.
Consciousness is the spiritual awareness ―Being‖, of all-knowing, all-power and allpresence.
God‘s thinking is expressed by two-way moving wave extensions from consciousness,
like a lever swinging upon a fixed fulcrum, or like waves extending from the calm sea.
Thought expression is dynamic. Thinking belongs to the electrically sensed and
conditioned vibrating universe of motion. Thinking is the motionless principle in light
which creates the illusion of motion.
The ―Self‖ of Man belongs to the static, invisible, conscious, unconditioned universe
of KNOWING. We express knowing in the dynamic, visible, electrically conditioned
universe of sensation.
Sensation is the electrical awareness of motion simulating the spiritual QUALITIES of
the One Idea by creating imaged QUANTITIES of separate forms which seem to have
Consciousness is REAL. Sensation simulates reality--through motion of
interchanging lights, but the mirage of a city is not the city it reflects.
Confusion and misunderstanding as to whether you are thinking consciously from
knowledge or sensing electrically from memory records stored in your brains have led
you to the necessity of distinguishing between the two by the common usage of such
terms as ―the human mind‖ and ―mortal mind‖. You know full well, while using them,
that there is but the ONE MIND OF THE ONE LIVING GOD OF LOVE.
The universal Mind centers every particle and mass in the universe; animal, vegetable
or mineral, electron, atom or sun.
Man is the only unit in creation who has conscious awareness of the Spirit within him
and electrical awareness of duality conditioned light acting upon his senses. All other
units of Creation have electrical awareness only.
Man alone can be freed from body to think with God, to talk with God and be inspired
by His centering Light. All other units of Creation are limited in their actions to
automatic reflexes from sensed memories built up through ages of sensing and
recording such sensing as instinct.
Likewise, the same confusion leads you to the adoption of such terms as ‗subconscious
mind‖, and ‗superconscious mind‖. However, there is but ONE Mind functioning
universally within all creating things, and that ONE Mind is not stratified nor divided
-- PJ 31-- pag. 69
into the more or Less. There are no differing conditions of the ONE Mind, nor are
there different kinds of minds. I did not slip when I said ―creating‖ vs. created in the
above statement. You now have ―developed‖ imitations of ‗creating‘ beings
functioning among you on Earth and the difference is great indeed, but that is for
another subject, please.
God is the imaginer of HIS ONE IDEA. ALL imagining is God‘s imagining. Al
creating forms in this thought universe of God‘s imagining are built in the image of
His imagining, creating ―in His image‖.
All forms in this creating universe of imagined forms are but electric recordings of
God‘s imaginings. They have no existence. Records of idea are not the idea they
They have no substance. They are but black and white lights of sun-centered wave
fields of space assembled in vibrating systems to simulate substance in an objective
universe which is not, but seems to be.
Gods imagining never began and will never end. It was not ‖ created‖ at some remote
past time by some vast cosmic event, as commonly believed. Nor is it condemned to a
―heat-death‖ by expansion into nothingness.
This is a creating universe, not a ―created‖ one. God did not begin to imagine at some
―fixed‖ ―time‖, for time does not exist. This light-wave universe which records God‘s
knowing by His thinking and imagining is as eternal as God‘s thinking is eternal.
Inspiration is the language of Light which Man uses to talk with God. Inspiration is
that deep awareness of the consciousness of Being which differentiates the genius or
mystic from the being of average intelligence.
Inspiration in man is accompanied by an intense mental ecstasy which is characteristic
of all who become intensely conscious of their closeness to God.
Inspired geniuses forget their bodies while deeply conscious of their existence as
wholly Mind. Their bodies, thus forgotten, act almost automatically in obedience to
instinct and cell memory reflexes--just as ―dharma‖ responds through reflex movement
of her fingers as I dictate data. She is totally aware of the consciousness of Being in
my presence as well as receiving intonations for translation. Is she a genius? Who
cares? She is in service and her service is unto God/Creator/Creation--and brother
being. Moreover, greatness and genius are often utilized as sameness--nay, nay--not
so. Although there is little discernible difference in one who is great and a genius. This
is not relative to intelligence or education as in the ―great genius‖ of Man‘s ego
-- PJ 31-- pag. 70
projection. The one desires to be as a humble servant--the other wishes control through
his prowess and self-perceived greatness. One is so humbled by the presence of God in
that which they seemingly ―produce‖ that they are selfless--the other is ―self‖ oriented
and most often deletes God totally from the equation.
Inspired geniuses translate God‘s knowing into words of man for the soul of man.
They uplift all mankind by reinspiring all who listen to their ecstatic words and
rhythms. He who attunes his heart to the messages of genius purifies himself. No
impurity can there be in heart for verily he then is in communion with the Holy ONE.
First, don‘t go crazy at what I am next going to express for I shall use terms which
denote a different meaning for the terms used relative to this dissertation. I speak of
―mystic‖ and ―mystery‖ but they will be relative in correctness of the meaning of
mysticism vs. mystery. Beyond the genius as we have defined above, is the mystic.
The Mystic is one who has attained cosmic consciousness by a complete severance of
the seats of consciousness and sensation. He is then almost totally unaware of his body
and is totally aware of the Light of God centering him.
Now, in your terminology when you refer to a ―Mystic‖, does it fit this definition
above? No, for the one you go to as a ―Mystic‖ is most identifiable by the very
clothing and body consciousness projected by the ―self‖ individual. In other words--
there will be total consciousness of the colors on the body, the food intake, the money
you will pay, the charts and codes and numbers, etc. Totally focused on the immediate
accoutrements will be your erstwhile ―channels‖, ―seers‖ fortune-tellers and mystics.
You will even note that the garb is most important in the synagogues and churches.
The minister will usually wear a robe (black, yet) and adornments of scarves, ribbons,
and stripes to denote importance. A true speaker of (not ―for‖) will take no note of
―self‖ other than to be acceptable and pleasing to the purpose of the scene and serve as
unnoticed as is possible to allow the speaker to have attention and not the ―self‖
mouthing the verbiage or ―garbage‖ as is most often the case. The problem being that
most often the garbage is spoiled and becomes poison to the growing consciousness--
thereby killing or mutating and/or stunting growth.
Omniscience comes to him in that timeless blinding flash of light which is
characteristic of a complete severance from physical ―self‖ and a relinquishing unto
higher being. Often this is slow in coming but at some moment the inspiration is
intense and comes to any man in a partial illumination for inspiration is illumination
opened up to flow freely in fullness. Inspiration is the manner in which new
knowledge comes to man from the cosmos.
The ones you have called Christed are outstanding examples of all time. They are the
ones representative through history to have known complete cosmic-conscious unity
-- PJ 31-- pag. 71
with God. The Truth of the teachings refers to cosmic-conscious experience as ‖the
illumination‖ or ―being in the Light‖ or ―in the Spirit‖.
There arc indeed few cases of partial cosmic consciousness known in all of your
history and only one or two anywhere nearly approached the complete state of
illumination experienced by the beloved Nazarene.
Cosmic consciousness is the ultimate goal of all Mankind. All will know it before the
long journey of Man is finished, but there are many in this new age just dawning who
are ready for it in part, if not fully--else we would not be here. However with the
readiness also comes the barrage of the impacting negative desperation as the
adversary pulls the shroud ever closer across thine eyes.
Many desire it fully, but it is best that it come bit by bit for the complete severance is
very dangerous and presents an ultimate lie in most cases--for the understanding does
not fully accompany the moment of inspiration. The ecstasy of this supreme
experience is so great that one does not wish to come back to the necessary conscious
reality of experience. The power of severance of soul from body is within easy
accomolishment, but to step back into the body is often very difficult. This very thing
is what often is found present if you have ongoing coma circumstance. The etheric
being has separated and often will not return to the body and the body is not in lethal
termination so you have a body which is physically functioning--still attached--and an
entity unable to sever the attachment and yet unwilling or unknowing how to return
into physical housing.
To attain cosmic consciousness requires intensifying one‘s conscious awareness which
requires self-inner aloneness and companionship with God while manifesting Him in
every moment and every task of your physical life as you move through the
Moment-by-moment companionship with God brings with it so great a realization of
Oneness with Him that the transformation into that full realization of unity is apt to
take place at any time. It is not connoted by a pious face-mask or squiggly hands--it is
simply acceptance and recognizing that you take God with you everywhere you go and
you tend to shape up your activities when that realization strikes the consciousness.
The deterrent to cosmic consciousness is the feeling that God is far away instead
of being within, and that you can reach that far away God only through sources outside
of self.
Inspired Man alone can create enduring things. To create you must first ―conceive‖.
To conceive you must stop thinking and KNOW. All sensing must cease. There is no
power in thinking. Thinking but expresses the power which lies in knowing. You must
project your Selves into the still Light of KNOWING to commune with God. You
must become one with God to conceive an idea in order to produce the form of that
idea. A concept must precede its manifestation in form.
-- PJ 31-- pag. 72
The culture of the entire race is given to it by the few inspired ones who know God in
them. They alone know immortality.
The art of a civilization long outlives the civilization. The pyramids of Egypt still
speak of the creation of a race which is long gone from the face of the earth. The
sculptural and architectural beauty of Greece still tells you of a type of creative genius
which has never been excelled. The great in the arts are few. ―Art alone endures. All
else passes.‖
Great art can be created only by working moment by moment with God as co-creator.
When man and God thus work together they commune one with the other as One
Person. The language of their communion is the language of Light which man calls
When man works alone, his works are as the winds which blow. When man works
with God as co-creator, his works are forever enduring.
Every great genius manifests this law: that he is One with the God-Mind, that God in
him is the source of every thought and that he is inspired by that omniscience and
omnipotence within him which make his work enduring.
Let us look herein, again, at ―dharma‖. What will endure? You who recognize the
connection with God know that it will not be someone who hardly any of you even
knows--not even the name as listed on some ―birth‖ certificate. But will her work
endure? Even if the pages are ALL destroyed and erased from the face of the Earth--
her ―Art‖ shall be forever--for it expresses the source--God as He sends Truth unto His
creations. What of her ego in this experience which is measured by ―things‖ and
―doings‖ and ―recognition‖? What of it? AS she serves and moves again into the
ONENESS with God/Creation--will it not be HER WORD? Can you see, precious
ones of God--you are an expression and can be no less than the expression chosen but
always--greater, for ultimately the ONENESS is again with God/Creation. But you
must all be given guidelines by which to measure growth for all knowledge exists. All
knowledge comes to Man in its season and sequence. Cosmic messengers periodically
give to Man such knowledge of God /Creation cosmos as Man is able to comprehend,
but that which he can bear is like unto a thimbleful out of the mighty-ocean, for man is
but beginning to comprehend. When Man KNOWS Light then he will know NO
LIMITATIONS, but Man must know the Light for himself and none there can be who
can make words of it, for Light KNOWETH Light and there need be no words.
Knowledge is cosmic. It belongs to the still Light of the positive principle. It never can
become a property of the two negations which constitute the mirage universe of matter
of motion.
-- PJ 31-- pag. 73
To ―know all things‖ means to have all knowledge of the Whole One Idea of the
cosmos as CAUSE. It does not mean knowledge of created things which are EFFECT
of CAUSE. The whole Cosmic Idea is simple. It can be known by any one of average
intelligence. Its bewildering complexities lie in effect of cause.
Man cannot know transient effect. He can KNOW cause only. He can but comprehend
effect. Man cannot know a sunset sky, for example, but he can comprehend it if he
knows its cause. Knowledge is, therefore, limited to ‗cause‘.
All knowledge exists. All mankind can have it for the asking. It is within man,
awaiting his awareness of its all-presence.
Knowledge cannot be acquired by the brain from without, it must be ―recollected‖
from within the consciousness of self. Gradually dawning conscious awareness is but
gradual recollection of the all-knowing which has always been within man.
Man cannot acquire knowledge from books or schools. He can but acquire
information that way, but information is not knowledge until it is recognized by the
spiritual consciousness of man, just as food is not nourishment for the body until it
becomes a part of the blood stream. Information gained by motion of the senses must
be returned to the stillness of the Source before it becomes knowledge.
For the same reason man cannot acquire knowledge from the so-called ―facts of
matter‖, for there are no facts of matter in a universe of transient matter in motion. All
matter in motion is but a series of illusions which deceive man into drawing wrong
It is impossible for man to draw right conclusions from his observation of matter in
motion until he has acquired the ability to translate dynamic effect back to cause.
This he can do only through decentration to the One Light of his conscious awareness
of the Source of all knowledge. Until he knows the WHY of effect and its deceptions,
he has no knowledge whatsoever upon which he can rely. He has naught but unreliable
Information concerning the body, for example, does not give knowledge concerning
cause of body, or of the body‘s relationship to the universe. Information of birth and
death of the body, on the assumption that the body is SELF, never can lead to
knowledge that body is not Self, or that Self is immortal.
Nor can information concerning the material body alone, its chemistry and its
functionings, heal the body. Bodies manifest life, but life is cosmic. Life is not in the
body. Life is spirit, and spirit is still. Life is not chemistry or germ of matter. To heal
the body so that it can manifest life of the spirit Self of the body, one must give the
unbalanced body the balance of the spirit. Knowledge of the Light can alone do this.
-- PJ 31-- pag. 74
All the information in the world will not heal a body unassisted by the Light in him
who heals and in him who is being healed.
As Aton of the ONE LIGHT I can say to you that I am LIGHT, but the Light which is
ME is not the sensed Light of the sensed universe of My creation. I, the Creator,
think. I think in two lights extended from the ONE Light of Me, yet those two lights
are not ME, nor is My thinking ME.
So I say, I give of Me and I take away; for I am the Imaginer who builds image forms
to tear apart to build anew. So I give unto those who serve in intent of Truth safety and
as I Image the net of safety--and they heed My notice, so none can harm them while
they remain in My requested attention. As I image security and safety so is projected
that security and safety and the KNOWING of safety is absolute. Do I allow for
dalliance and fragmentation? Of course, for you are the projected image of human
experience and can only act in that projection until the imaginings are changed. At this
time I choose this image and I further choose the image of reversal of the plagues and
horrors perceived upon Earth, therefore, it MUST COME TO PASS--unless I change
my imaginings. Fickle God? No, but never boring, beloved ones, never boring.
Boredom is not of God.
I am thinking Mind, forever thinking the changing image of My unchanging self. My
image changes ever with the changing of the two lights of My thinking, though I,
MySelf, change not. All things change, and their changing still images Me, yet they
are not Me.
You, Man, are bounded to the illusion of My dual thinking, for Man‘s sense-seeing
with his eyes is the binding. I but build illusion with My dual thinking for your sense
seeing. Sense-seeing binds man to ―forms‖ and ―things‖ , while Mind-knowing opens
doors of glory to the opposed threads of Light with which I weave all idea of Mind
into forms of many moving things. Mind-seeing decentrates unto the farthest reaches
of My universe of Me, and sees all forms as One.
With his seeing eyes Man sees Light as matter energized, but senses not that the
energy of matter is THE LIGHT of My divided thinking. With Man‘s unseeing
eyes of spirit he knows the Light of Me, the Source, and knows that he is bound in Me
as One, and I in him.
Behold in Me thy God of Love, the One, inseparable!
May the Truth and Light of that which you are, come into thine comprehension for it is
time to gather my thoughts unto Me and bring them home--I would like your company
on this journey--if you can remember from whence you came.
-- PJ 31-- pag. 75
So be it.
Make a good day of this that ye have been given--for ye know not but what it may be
thine last. Saalome‘.

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Jefferson, Thomas - Declaration of Independence-New - Dec 20, 2012 - Drafted by Thomas Jefferson with the help of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock and John Adams - Monjoronson.com

Document Originators: Jefferson, Washington, Franklin, Hancock, Adams

New Declaration of Independence for the Whole World

T/R: Felix Caro

Location: Everett, WA

December 20, 2012

Forward By Michael of Nebadon:

(T/R: Aronolac)

Michael of Nebadon

This document belongs to the people of Urantia; not just the United States for whom it was originally written. The document is written so that it includes all people of all classes of governance. They belong to God just as all Americans belong to God.

People have inalienable rights, but they do not have license to kill or maim their fellow countrymen regardless of their thoughts or deeds that lead them to feel they are owed vengeance. Our work on Urantia commences December 31, 2012 right after the Declaration of Independence is read to the world via a television circuit that all will see on their televisions that day, sometime after noon New Year’s Eve.

Hold these truths to be self evident: Nothing on Urantia remains sacred anymore except that which the Father has decreed in its place. Bring to the New Year that which will sing and that which shall be lasting unto the Christ Child of Glory on High.

The New Declaration of Independence:



The Unanimous Declaration for the Mortals and of the Ascending Mortals of Urantia

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for the God-believing people to dissolve the physical and spiritual bonds which have them connected with those in control and positions of power who have shunned Divine Mercy and rule with greed and self-contemplation, and the evil that they embrace and is the center of their lives. This action is absolute and rightful and holds no consideration for whatever ideas of equality the oppressors of rights and liberty may be embracing.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, in spirit and matter, that they are endowed by the Eternal God with His Divine Representative to guide them and certain unalienable Rights that are His gift to every mortal creature in the entire Grand Universe, that among these are a Life to live as the mortal chooses based on his free will, the Liberty to do and live as he wishes, and the pursuit of Happiness based on his personal desires and goals, while experiencing life in the flesh or during his ascension career.

That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men that are destined to serve as much as to lead, with love and humility, with the consent of those that have chosen them to perform those roles. That whenever any form of leadership becomes destructive and obstructive to the Divine Right to live free and in peace, it is the Right of every mortal on Urantia, with the Eternal God’s permission and His assistance, to reject the evil that drives the oppression and to eradicate the system that perpetrates it, and to institute a new form of Governing system that will ensure that Men can Live Free to make their own decisions as to how to better do God’s will while respecting the free will and decisions of their brethren.

The Rights of Men are absolute and no tampering by the established Government shall be allowed, as the obvious intention of said action is to be construed as contrary to God’s mandates and in detriment of the equality of every mortal. In order to avoid establishing problematic forms of Government in the terms just mentioned, their systems will be supervised and advised by celestials, with the oversight of the Magisterial Son present, until such time that Men themselves can be trusted with the Government with minimum supervision. Any attempt to mislead or oppress by any form of established Government will be summarily terminated, with the possible extinction of those responsible. The mortals of Urantia have suffered long enough under the yoke of tyrants and oppressors which sought only power and self satisfaction regardless to the consequences to those that they were entrusted to lead and protect.

The Sovereign Son of this Local Universe, Michael of Nebadon, does not recognize the “divine right to rule” of the “royal families” now in existence on Urantia, and so their reign will be terminated as an initial step towards equality and true justice. The Free Men of Urantia will no longer be “subjects to a crown” or to any mortal family for that matter, only to the Eternal God and the hierarchy of Divine Parents that exists from Jerusem to Uversa.

The history of the present Presidents, Kings, Queens and Dictators is a history of repeated abuse, oppression and injustice towards the God-believing and spiritual-living mortals of Urantia, as well as a history of willing obstruction to the mandates of the Eternal God and the establishment of fair rule centered on spiritual principles. To prove this, let facts be presented as evidence.
They have directly worked to undermine rules established to guarantee equality and the good of the common citizen, regardless of race, creed or belief.

They have directly influenced the creation of laws in order to further agendas that will only benefit them in terms of increased control and power over the population.

They have worked to instill fear into the hearts and minds of the population so that they are deceived to willingly relinquish their freedoms in favor of a non-existent desire to provide them with Liberty or Security.

They have incarcerated and killed many who dared to question the evil Governments, and established laws to prevent denouncing said Governments.

They have conspired to destabilize populations and entice them into wars based on their racial differences and their beliefs, with the intention of appear on scene as the “saviors” and be allowed to establish Governments sympathetic to those that secretly instigated the wars in the first place.

They have used scientific and medical knowledge in detriment of the well-being of the people, with the intention of enriching those that control the applicable agencies.

They have lived with evil in their hearts, in memory of the great deceiver Lucifer, and continue to guide their existence based on his tenets of sin and iniquity, while rejecting the Eternal God’s Mercy.

In every stage of these Oppressions, the rightful mortals of Urantia, as well as celestial messengers, throughout history have Petitioned for the respect of Rights of Men, their Liberty, as well as for the acceptance of God’s Mercy, but this has been answered only with more abuse and injustice. Said Governments and ruling classes are not recognized by the Eternal God or the Sovereign of this Local Universe, and thus are unfit to continue in existence on Urantia.

They have been warned time and time again, and solutions have been sought to try to solve the spiritual problems faced by Urantia, but the persistence of evil and sin forced the Eternal God’s hand and has now caused His direct intervention to eradicate evil from its root, with the disruption of normal evolution of Man on Urantia as an important consequence.

We, therefore, the Representatives of the Ascending Mortals of Urantia, assembled with permission of the Sovereign of Nebadon and with the Eternal God’s blessing, Declare in His name that Urantia is to be forever free of evil, sin and iniquity, as well as of the rule and abuse of oppressors and tyrants. That no more shall the Eternal God’s plans and decrees be disrupted, and that the memory of the grand deceiver Lucifer, be forever confined to oblivion, as well as the deceiver himself already has been. We have prepared this Declaration for the good and well-being of all mortals on Urantia, and in recognition of the Eternal God’s Love for all of them.

Drafted by Thomas Jefferson with the help of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock and John Adams.


Copyright 2013 Teaching Mission Archives. All rights reserved.

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