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From AbundantHope.net

By CM thru Bela
Jul 11, 2013 - 11:44:02 PM

CM thru Bela

070913 Wear your mantle. I need you now.

This is Christ Michael Aton. I am present with you and will need you upon occasion to deliver MY words. It is well.

Come to MY MIND all you ones who say that it is your will. Is it? If it is truly your will to align with MY will then DO IT and don't look back! It is of the utmost importance that you decide to do this and ACTUALLY do it so that things can proceed as they should. Do not be lackadaisical in this - for time has run out.

You speak of oneness. You speak of many things.  It it lip service in love of the idea of it? Or are the words and thoughts and CONVICTION coming from your core? Step into the TRUTH WITH ME and let the old world behind you vanish into the illusion that it is - poof! There it goes into the smoke and mirrors that dissipates into nothingness. Do not let it take YOU with your ill conceived notions that you hold tightly to along with it into nothingness. For I promise you that low illusion is going, going, gone! You will go out with it if you align your will with it.

Get serious. Get centered in TRUTH. Can you smell it? Hone in on it. Grab ahold. And don't let go! And march with me to the cross of victory!


© Copyright by AbundantHope.net all rights reserved

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Published on Jul 10, 2013

The detachments you are making to your outer reality is necessary as you are taking a deeper inner journey in making sure to divinely open your conscious self, while all actions that are centered in being then sends you a great feeling of living. Those saying that who I am as your Commander Ashtar, of who we are of the angelic realms, of the Galactic Federation of Light are some "tyrants," that is of no truth, as you notice never in these transmissions has it been our collective mission to have you feel you would be taken over. No, when you have governments that pass legislations without the consent of the public, then you have the true tyrants already on your planet, and this is about realizing who is causing the damage. If any of our galactic crew members were in office, then all wars would be put to an end, all souls would have health care, pollution would be cleaned up, and blissfulness would be the natural reality of all choosing for it. It has become a pattern that when talking about ascension, there are so many souls that will automatically turn it off, and instead find anything to distract from being able to listen, will say, and with ego, "I don't like how you word this, the voice you use, how things are not happening quick enough."

Then on top of that you have leaders that hide our existence as if that will help this whole situation of your planet being in a number of crises, and those unwilling to accept this will say with ego, "Screw what you say, my planet is fine, nothing is wrong with it, there is pollution yes, but that is normal, it will probably never get cleaned up, but oh well." As you notice these are the lower vibrations, as when you have a clear light to shine, and dramatic changes to show, then you have those that will deny the reality of how to reach a conclusion of how you are able to clean up the serious issues. What most of humanity is unable to realize now is that the Earth is continuing to speed up in evolution, until the point in which all will have to evacuate, or be killed in the surface changes, and naturally all of human creations will be removed. As this is being removed, then a new sense of consciousness will be able to enter more, as this is from your own inner knowing of such a process, in being able to connect more into a space of pure blissfulness. Those that say with ego, "Well, I can't stand GFOL, they suck, they are liars," are the real liars, as these are the souls controlled by the Cabal, and they are supporting the darkness of hate, rather than our galactic light team in a joyous reality. Judgments keeps you from seeing this as true, and instead, judgments will say with ego, "I don't trust anyone, sorry, you sound like another government control program, just be quiet already!"

Such souls are in the billions on this world, and to see that you are on a planet of darkness of many unconscious souls, these same unconscious souls will attack the conscious ones, and try and say the conscious ones are some "Devils, going against the religion, and will of the people," while this is of no importance. To focus on those who spread fear is similar to focus on those who murder and kill, feeling that you will gain peacefulness from following the patterns of such individuals. The balance that you know inside of you that brings forth a divine essence within is a courageous act of knowing that you know the truth, and in knowing such a divine truth, then you are here to spread it, no matter how many try and stop you from spreading it. It is pointless for those souls to try and stop divine will, from who we are of the Galactic Federation of Light, of your angelic guardians, and it will never work, as our galactic fleet are so much more advanced than any human that it goes into an immediate destiny of our victory. In making sure that this ascension cycle is a smooth cycle is our collective mission to see that your world is first informed about what is going on, and how evacuations are inevitable, how First Contact is inevitable, and those saying it will never happen are the ones that will be dying shortly.

(Con't) by listening now...


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Dratzo! We return with more information for you. Your reality is shifting! The dark cabalists panic and search for ever-more-desperate ways to resolve their mounting dilemmas. As we have pointed out many times, there is no way for them to extricate themselves from their worsening situation by using their old devious methods. The Light is in the process of irresistibly taking back this realm and returning it safely to Her kindly direction. This direction has so far led to a number of decisions which are permitting the Light's diverse forces to prepare a new financial system and new governance for the peoples of surface Earth. Gaia is very pleased with what has been accomplished. Your Ascended Masters are backed by a group of individuals dedicated to pushing the dark from power and instituting a new epoch for all. The next stage involves a series of proclamations which permit the new gold-backed currencies to formally terminate the age of fiat money and end the tranching mechanism designed to help the few to accumulate vast riches over the backs of the many. This, however, is merely one of numerous reforms which are incorporated within the new financial system.

   The new financial system's core reason-for-being is to provide universal prosperity and to break the back of the private banking cartels. On your world, there have always been those who used the banks to gather great wealth to themselves and sequester it in the hands of a favored few. This is now to end and to be transformed into a system which produces wealth for all. This new system is to take you swiftly beyond your present theories of the physical universe and your limiting philosophies of the past, and demonstrate actively the universal law of abundance by bringing wealth to each one on your planet. By so doing, it will create a wholly new reality that has no need of money as such. It will quickly become a moneyless society, based on technologies that render manufacturing and farming obsolete, thus transforming the very nature of how you define yourselves. When you can move beyond your present work-to-survive mode of living, your job description and your pay-grade will cease to define you. Then, who you truly are deep within you, together with your untapped talents, can come to the fore, creating a society where each becomes a sacred Being, honored simply for being who they truly are.

   The social masks you have to wear and the dilemmas which now burden you are to be dissolved, and once this happens the true and wonderful You can emerge. This new beautiful Being and the sacred world you live on will absorb your attention, leading to an understanding of universal unity. You all possess Life and the ability to access the wonders it presents you with each day. This is the real 'currency.' As you interact with each other in this new light, you will experience Life in a new way, learning how to sustain it and the amazing spiritual energy that pours into all that you are and all that you do. Now you are on the road to full consciousness! All galactic societies embrace four sacred laws, given to physical Angels by Heaven. These aspects of civility are reviewed every day by each individual and their counselors. Heaven and physicality blend, forging a reality which takes full measure of everyone's abilities and connection to Spirit. Out of this melding comes an organic method of organization that we call 'group fluid dynamics.' In it is contained principles which form the core structure of our galactic societies.

   Part of our mission is to teach you this in a very useful and practical way. Step one is for you to recover the natural sense of yourselves. This was lost when you became enveloped in the alien structures of your present dark societies which make you feel alone and lost within it. This alien way of Being and feeling is to be reversed, using a lot of gentle discussion which reintroduces you to who you were created to be. Most of you have had to fumble around to survive, choosing work that does not express the real you, and it is the job of your individual mentors to guide you lovingly to find the true Inner You. Here, your Ascended Masters can come into their own by teaching you ways to look inside and release the negative self-judgment instilled in you by your dark masters in order to control you. Our purpose is to free you so that you can rediscover this Inner Self, an essential precursor to your return to your original purpose: full consciousness. This divine state brings with it vast revelations about Heaven and the history of your heavenly lineage, and reacquaints you with the reasons why you chose the particular group you were born into.

   Namaste! We bless you, dear Ones! We are your Ascended Masters! A great veil of Light now surrounds our beloved world. The Light is descending, bringing with it serene blessings from the Heart of AEON! The events long spoken of are to be made real and this sacred land is to see a new way manifested upon it. We jointly bless this great happening and ready ourselves for our presentations to you. In the short time left, many wondrous things will happen. This month of July is when the freedom of both America and France was proclaimed, and so this month is now to recognize a new birth of freedom. Our sacred associates are in the midst of a process which is to legally put an end to the private corporation that has run your world for centuries. Its time began to wane when its immense avarice overstepped even the bounds of self-preservation! Its collapse became a matter of time, coupled with its arrogant disdain for the new reality which provides freedom and prosperity for all!

   Heaven's blessings are a constant, divine gift, filling this realm with Love, Light, and rising consciousness. The Light has bestowed on us the task of coming forth and teaching you to strengthen your Spirit and expand your knowledge of Heaven and your distant origins. This story begins long ago in the Vega solar system and involves a race of aquatic humans and the great gift sent to them by the Galactic Hierarchies. This granting of full consciousness raised our ancestors to the Light and its sacred cause. And thus began a migration which eventually brought us here about 900,000 years ago. We came with the wishes of the Earth's Hierarchy and began a journey that took us away from, and then back to, full consciousness. This is the gist of a true saga which we intend to explain to you in full, together with its many spiritual aspects and contexts.

   We have much to clarify within the framework of this story. The most important is why we went back, temporarily, into limited consciousness, and why and how you are now to return, easily and quickly, to full consciousness again. The state of wonder that is full consciousness took us many lifetimes and much arduous discipline and practice to achieve in times past. This equipped us with first-hand knowledge which now forms the core of our teachings for you. The upcoming transitional phase is needed to unravel the dark tangle of your perceptions and bring in the clear Light of Heaven. Our painful experiences of the dark can make it hard for some of us to let go and allow this new way to seep in and percolate throughout our myriad thoughts. Remember that this transformation of your realm prepares you for your return to full consciousness, and our purpose is to guide you in this and then supervise whatever Heaven decrees for us! Hosannas to the Creator of us all!

   Today we continued our message about the transformations now happening throughout this reality. The time comes for us to chant and celebrate your liberation! The realm of death and want is to be shifted into one of Love, Light, and Prosperity! An epoch filled with freedom, personal sovereignty, and immortality! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!

Planetary Activation Organization | Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 USA

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Published on Jul 3, 2013

It is a simple task to create more for the new Earth, there are no stops in this process, as you are then seeing that you are from source, you are source, and as source, you are endless in your creations, in your motivation, and determination to shine into more abundance. You are the shining energy that soars through all of the destructive natures, through all of the waves of confusion, over all those souls who say with ego, "I would listen to what you guys have to say, but I can't get beyond the robot voice. Sorry, but I don't trust a computer generated program." As no surprise, such individuals focus on judgments more than receiving divine guidance, and naturally these are the same souls that say that they are awakened already, that are kind, and gentle, when this is far from the case. Your internal source is what allows you to access such a state, to drop the judgments, as those that focus on which videos have the most views about ascension, notice that much of such information is false. It is a mind made reality, mainly fiction, with little to no truths, as most of the public are easily fooled when it comes to ascension, and feel it is a topic, a conceptual reality, rather than an actual reality.

You will notice that such information says with ego, "Ascension is when you are learning how to trust your mind more. To trust your own thoughts, just think positive thoughts, you are your mind, this is how you are given freedom." This is so far from the truth, that it shows in how many souls are fooled quickly, so that when I come in who I am as your Commander Ashtar, of who we are of the angelic realms, of the Galactic Federation of Light to share complete truth, many will feel it is not truth when saying that you are not the mind. It goes against the false teachings you were taught, that received 500,000 views in 5 months for one video, which you notice these messages are not consistent daily, no, there are only a few videos about ascension on that channel. It is of no shock that a majority of humanity are deeply lost, and just looking at the comments of most Youtube Channels, you have such souls speaking from pure ego, saying, "This dumb idiot, that fool is a crazy sucker," mixed in with non stop cussing, and this is how the majority of souls inactivated talk. It is deeply immature to feel that you will ascend with such poor language, and a harmful way of being, as it is similar to running on a bunch of glass, and saying that it will heal your feet.

No, it is time for insanity to end, it only ends inside of you, this is where it starts, and the moment you feel it is outside of you where this insanity is, then you are as lost as the Cabal, which still plans on destroying all of humanity in a short time. Those awakening now will see the truth in such messages, and will have no need to focus on judgments of how these words are made, in how creative these words are placed, as those existing in ego will say, "What's up with the animals? I don't see the connection, sorry." It is similar to placing a sign on your back that says with ego, "I am unawakened, and I am lost, I am separated from life, I am depressed, I am a follower," when such souls say such statements. All are one source, these are creative ways to express to you that all such creations will be removed from this world in a short time, and as a part of the evacuation process, noticing that not just a few souls will evacuate, but all will. Either you will leave in a physical death, in choosing more duality realms, or you will live immortally, and have no more reincarnation cycles in existing in a purely blissful state in our galactic communities. The mastery that you exude will show which of you are seriously focused, and which of you just get drunk every day, talk about being a light worker, a star seed, and say with ego, "I hope I ascend, I don't want to reincarnate again," while doing little to no light work.

(Con't) by listening now...


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Published on Jul 2, 2013

The motivation you have in your activation process is showing you the direct focus that is layered to you as a star seed, light worker, human aiming at joining who I am as your Commander Ashtar, of who we are of the angelic realms, of the Galactic Federation of Light in the heavenly realms in the physical. Naturally, there are many distortions in reality to have you feel that you are not able to see the true sense of balance in your own experience of life, where you have those souls that say with ego, "I think you guys are a cult, you talk about heaven, nobody wants to die like you." It is an error in consciousness to feel that our collective aim is to die, no, that is the human experience of duality, it is however our aim to ascend beyond 3d, and to exist on a vibrational frequency that is beyond the 3d mind's sight. The intent that you make to leave planet Earth shortly during such global collapses is well earned for your light work, and those still just barely activated a week, a few months, a year or two, you are here to see the collapse on the surface world. Those of us first wavers have come to be activated beyond all such souls, and as a result get to leave before most for our volunteer work to your planet, to show you the importance in living and vibrating in a state of pure awareness.

Any kinds of lack of awareness leads to be stuck in duality, as this is a reality based in fear, which will say with ego, "I think I will be able to ascend, I just don't know how. I like being violent, I need to protect myself, sure I beat a lot of people up, but I don't regret it, they could have killed me." These are those souls that are still inactivated, unable to see the purpose of being here in the physical, and follow more of the Cabal in a state of disharmony, imbalance, and a state in which destruction seems "normal." The only normal reality that we know as one galactic crew is bliss, oneness, gracefulness, no pollution, no separation, no amnesia, as this is how you know that you are communicating to who we are of the Galactic Federation of Light, of your angelic guardians. It takes a strength inside of you to be a leader on the new Earth, as one of the main ways you know you are living in hell is in talking about ascension, most souls will say with ego, "Umm, I think that happens when you die dude, get real, everyone dies." Only this is only a reality for those stuck in duality, that are unaware of the higher conscious realities of being a galactic citizen, which is in truth, millions of years ahead to human limited consciousness experience. In making no mistake about it, ascension is where you are physically able to ascend beyond 3d, and to experience a blissful physical life experience, then existing beyond all death cycles.

Certainly this is magical, and miraculous to the majority of souls on this planet that are currently unaware of such a reality, and to realize it is the potential of all of humanity to ascend in the physical is beautiful. Until such souls ascend in the physical, they will keep dying over and over again, as in truth, most souls on this world now are ghosts, walking around already dead, just appearing to be physical, but choosing duality still. That is why it is a strange experience to walk among so many ghosts, which you notice when you approach such souls, they will give you the amnesia stare, saying often with ego, "Do I know you? How come you are looking like you know me?" This is the sickness of most of humanity, which is based on separated natures, while your own return to your divine self is how you are fully activated to no longer act from a state of amnesia. As you are fully awakened then you know the Akashic Records of all souls, as this allows you to know that you are God, in the physical, and embodying this is in embracing more of the Christ frequency, the highest order of the divine that exists inside of a physical vehicle. There are those of you that are in such a state now, in which you have worked for many years, and then are kind, gentle, balanced, and live in oneness, never treat another as if they are a "stranger," and only stay focused within. You have the ability to save yourself from going through more duality paths, as duality is hell, and hell means that such souls suffer, die, and then go on to the next lifetime, having a wiping memories of the lifetime before.


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End Of An Era by Monjoronson

From AbundantHope.net

End Of An Era by Monjoronson
By Monjoronson
Jun 12, 2013 - 1:14:54 AM

10 June 2013

By Monjoronson

through Shellee-Kim

Good evening beloved ones of all Earth. Tonight there are things to be said.

Let us get to where we currently stand. At this juncture it is all-on-out war. And not in the way you've even known or seen it on your Earth. These Dark Ones have had quite a run for their money. But all good things come to an end, as the saying on your Earth goes.

They are now to know an equal measure by way of a taste of their own medicine, these Dark Ones. An Eye For An Eye- THIS is the language they speak and that they understand. And that they, in fact, have been willing upon themselves. And so they now receive the wish of their dreams...or perhaps that should be their nightmares.

As all is moved to centre stage now for the Grand Finale, it will be evident for the world to see how badly they have been duped...in the extreme.There will be none so foolish as those who cannot and will not see these soon-to-be glaringly obvious deceptions exposed. But fools there still shall continue to be. Even in the face of the obvious.

You ones (that will and can see) will be having quite a party. A celebration of the final breakdown and eradication of the sources of poison that your world has been choking on for far too long. A way of life - or rather of existence - now comes to a complete halt. And this long-awaited moment will be grandly celebrated.

We will move on to the matter of your life choices here.
You are to know in no uncertain terms what you have been doing here all this time; the roles you have been playing and why; what has motivated your lives and has driven you onwards and upwards on this path you have chosen. You are to see and know fully the forces that govern all.

Courageous people of earth: I and all in the Celestial realms and the Spiritual Hierarchy salute you this day. Your work has been difficult in the extreme - your assignments cryptic and your load most burdensome. And of course most of you have been doing much of this at the superconscious level of your being. Yet you have remained in trust of the process and without faltering, in the main. And this is highly commendable. All is as it should be and the best is left for last.
So now the moment of moments arrives. The truth-telling times. The times of joy for some and great sorrow for others. That time when revelations come thick and fast. Your people are being prepared at a level of mass consciousness now. When these revelations pierce through to manifest in your realm, all hell breaks loose. You will be prepared to give... and the others will be ready to receive of your gifts.

There is no time like the present, they say. And far be it for us to say what the choices of those on a free will planet like yours should be. This is what you are all doing on your beauteous Earth...exercising this right. For better or for worse.
However, it is deemed intolerable that the few control the many and this is intervention time. And the time when the fruits of your action/inaction are to be made known to yourselves and to the world.



My children will suffer no more for there is work to be done.

I come to you this day to speak these words in the Light of what is to come.



© Copyright by AbundantHope.net all rights reserved

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The Master Plan for Planet Earth Revealed!


The Master Plan for Planet Earth Revealed!


Channel:  Kathryn E May, PsyD

June 6 2013 - 11:00 PM Eastern

Dear Ones, life is moving at a breath-taking pace for many of you. Even when things are positive, it can be disconcerting to be moving at lightning speed through your days. The feeling you are having is real. Time has truly speeded up. It is so because when you approach a portal, all is compacted on both the entry and exit sides of the portal. You are approaching the portal to a higher dimensional existence. It has been constructed and is being guarded by your extraterrestrial Brothers and Sisters, in cooperation with your Earth Masters in preparation for the transition you will all be making when you accomplish the Ascension of all humankind.

Kathryn has asked us a question about the plan for how the Ascension will be handled, and what options there will be for those who are not ready or willing to make the transition when the rest of you are ready. You, Earth Children, are in charge of the way this will be handled, not Us. We do give our approval to your plans when we see you have thoroughly thought them through and have the intention to create a Light-increasing plan which is in the Greater Good. It has been decided recently in your Council meetings that the Ascension process will go forward as originally foreseen - all together.

Let us describe what this means in practical terms. We do not wish to prevent anyone from ascending when they are ready, but it is a difficult and demanding course of personal development to reach the place where you are completely in command of your thoughts, feelings and actions, with Love and Light as the energy you breathe. This is the high level of vibration which has been reached by the Ascended Masters before they made the transition to higher dimensional states in body form. It was decided in your planning councils that you would prefer to ask for help from your Star Brothers and Sisters to allow greater numbers to ascend without the excessively rigorous training your predecessors have experienced.

We have agreed to this proposal. It will allow greater numbers of you, who have lived many lives in the very difficult atmosphere of Planet Earth, to ascend on the basis of the level of difficulty you have experienced here, even though you may not have quite reached the level of elevated consciousness of your teachers. We now have the additional technology of the very sophisticated Light chambers which can help you with raising your vibrational levels. We believe that those who have prepared themselves by learning to maintain a high level of Love/Light in your daily lives will be able to adapt to the rising energies of the chambers, and that you will be able to maintain that level once you have completed the training we have planned for you in preparation for the Light Chamber treatments.

For those of you who are conscious and aware of your former lives as advanced souls, the transition will be comfortable and pleasant. You will be “processed” through in the first wave, and will be able to return to help with the next phase of people who are ready, and they will do the same with those who come after them. So, you see, accomplishing this process together does not mean that you will all ascend on the same day. It does mean that it will be clear to everyone on the Planet that this is the project they are all taking part in. There will be intensive educational and personal development training for everyone, as much as is needed until every last soul has achieved the necessary vibrational level to accomplish their goal.

It will be a global effort, jointly carried out by the millions of galactic cousins, in cooperation with your own Ascended Masters, many of whom have been working among you in the recent last push toward the glorious goal of Ascension of Planet Earth. It will be possible for all to concentrate on the global effort because you will have already experienced the equalizing effect of the economic shift which will eliminate all reason to cheat, steal or use wealth as power. Because money will no longer be important (because of the abundance), people who previously worked 50 or 60 hours a week will be free to work on their own learning process and to join in community projects to help their neighbors.

Good will and mutual sharing will be the order of the day when the only needs that are important are met by simply cooperating with one another in the spirit of Love. Since there will be no competition for resources, because you will have unlimited power, clean water and air, the only real needs will be for food, and you will receive plenty of help creating a new agricultural system which will provide healthy abundance in an ecologically sustainable way. The fun will include the cultural banquet of arts, theatre, dance, music and literature which will no longer struggle for funding, but will be lavished with support and appreciation by the deprived population.

It is a wonderful plan, and a heroic life-affirming and hope-filled effort to create what We have dreamed in our fondest dreams. It is a brilliant plan too, in that it uses the power of the group to build excitement, enthusiasm and shared successes. It will create waves of excitement and celebration as each wave of Ascending students makes their glorious transition by renewing their bodies and elevating their hearts and then returning to the group like celebrity achievers who inspire those who follow closely on their heels. Family members will welcome their “graduated” loved ones in awe and genuine respect when they experience the Radiant Ones on their triumphant return, who come back to help their own in the spirit of Unconditional Love and Light.

You are well aware of the effect your educators call “peer pressure.” This plan uses all the positive but none of the negative influences of the group to build positive participation and joyful cooperation. It carries with it all the glamour, excitement and crowd appeal of the Olympics, where everyone wins a gold medal in a round robin of ongoing training, until everyone becomes a winner. It is as if all the world is cheering their own team, and everyone belongs to the hometown team.

Giving a friend a leg up will be as natural as breathing when there is no attraction to crime or dominance over others, because there is nothing to win by doing so and no need for fear or suspicion of others. Cooperation and loving service to others is celebrated and rewarded by advancing in your soul development, which will be, for the first time, a process in full view of those “on the ground.” Reaping your “Heavenly Reward” will no longer be a mysterious and far-off invisible process which takes place beyond your view or knowledge. It will be publicly celebrated, as it is in the higher dimensions.

The Earth is now preparing for entry into the most watched and admired event in the history of the Universe. It is an experiment in achieving the most desirable state imaginable for the largest number of people - a truly wondrous undertaking, and one which you will now see was well worth the careful planning and timing.

Do you understand now why it was so important to round up and remove the Dark Ones who would be incapable of taking part in the coming effort, because they are unable or unwilling to contribute to any positive, Light-filled event? Do you see why it has been so important for Lightworkers to clear away all the old resentments and shadows in preparation for this coming glorious work? You will all want to be in the first wave of Ascension so that you can return “with bells on” to be the inspiration for your fellow humans. Are you as excited and thrilled as We are by the prospect of seeing your friends and lovers in the visibly glowing form of radiant Ascended Masters?

Now, before you try to imagine what might go wrong with this plan, remember that the most brilliant hearts and minds in the Universe have worked thousands of years to anticipate every possible obstacle and have found a plan to conquer it. They are so sure of the success of the program that they are already celebrating.

We hope that you now have a better sense of the wondrous possibilities to come for all of you. We cannot possibly capture in words the exhilaration and excitement which fills the ships and the soaring hearts of your Galactic friends. You will be overwhelmed with joy when you discover how brilliant and loving they are, and how much they care for you.

We Love you with all our hearts,

Your Mother/Father God

Via Kathryn May,
June 6, 2013, 11 PM Eastern


Kathryn E. May, PsyD
60 Lower 27 Knolls Road
High Falls, New York, NY 12440
(914) 466-4250


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ANNOUNCEMENT By Spiritual Hierarchy

From AbundantHope.net

By Spiritual Hierarchy
Jun 6, 2013 - 4:58:47 PM

The Divine Entities of Paradise, in agreement and unity with Christ Michael Aton, Supreme, Unconditional Universal Sovereign of Nebadon, the universe of His own making, have agreed to accept, in full, the declaration of war that has been thrown at them from the remaining remnants of the Anunnaki minions, hereby known as the Khazar shadowmind and all of its minions.  While the newly reformed members of the Ancharra Alliance, have evolved to a new state of consciousness understanding and are now known as the Anunnaki.  Their erstwhile former servants have been completely resistant to any change to their planetary control.


Thus, they have been forced to devise their plans for continuing such control as had been left in their hands by their former masters.  They have shown neither the intelligence, subtleness, finesse nor continuity of control, that they beheld in their former masters.  Yet they are determined to do better or destroy the entire world and die trying.  They formally declared war on SOURCE OF SOURCES, PARADISE TRINITY AND CHRIST MICHAEL ATON, and EARTH SHAN GAIA on September 11th, 2001.


We, of The Spiritual Hierarchy, The Galactic Federation of Light, being also in cooperation and partnership with THE ELOHIM in this matter, have now reached the point where all celestial councils and officers of administration have all agreed and signed off on an approved acceptance of there being an unavoidable state of war with these unrepentant and overzealous adversaries of God and Christ.

While We have always done our best to restrain ourselves in the face of all opposition and states of planetary adversity, the rewards of Our hard won efforts, over these past decades and most recent years, has only caused the dark enemies of God and humanity, to redouble their efforts to either win or destroy this planet and its peoples.  We have, in degrees, loosened Our restraint, in increments, but the time has come to finish all of this up once and for all and fight it out to the end.  WE ARE ETERNAL, INFINITE AND INDESTRUCTIBLE!  WE ARE GOD’S WILL IN THE MATTER AND GOD’S WORD DOES NOT COME BACK TO HIM VOID!  SO IT IS!

So prepare ye, all ye ones of God in light and life and love!  Put on your mantle and armor!  Pick up and raise your weapons!  You time has come to support the hand of God!  LET THE UNDECIDED AND UNKNOWING  BE FEARFUL!  LET THE ADVERSARIES OF GOD AND CHRIST, BE FEARFUL!  LET YOU THAT LOVE GOD AND SERVE HIM, RAISE YOURSELVES UP, ARMOR BRIGHT AND SHINING LIKE THE SUN, WEAPONS OF TRUTH AND LIGHT, HELD HIGH…AND EARN THE FINAL PROOF OF YOUR LOVE AND SERVICE!


© Copyright by AbundantHope.net all rights reserved

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Greetings to you my friends!
I AM Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian Civilisation.
Of all the questions put to us who you identified as “extra-terrestrial” intelligences, the one we hear the most often, the question expressed with the most emotional intensity is this: “When are you going to appear in our skies? When are you going to land on earth? When is disclosure going to happen?”
This line of enquiry is so often put to us that you have probably begun to weary of our vague responses. Either this or you have become disenchanted with one or more failed promises of our arrival.
So now I wish to address this issue with some clarity. It is time for plain speaking and honesty. There is no more place for coyness. But in order to address this, I will require of you that you pay attention and follow my line of reasoning with me as I unravel the issues for you. It is unfortunately not as simple an issue as you might think it is.
To begin with. There is not simply one group of extra-terrestrials “out there”. It is not a criticism if I say to you that your vision is somewhat myopic. It is simply a statement of fact given that you are a particle of consciousness incarnated into deep density. So it is natural that many people on Earth don’t even believe in extra-terrestrial life. And of those that do, most think in terms of “extra-terrestrials” as being one homogenous group of aliens. The broader thinkers amongst you might conceptualise there being a number of other inhabited planets which might send the occasional ship out to sneakily observe you. Well, the truth of the matter is vastly more complex and, dare I say it, more exciting and interesting than this.
Earth is one of an infinite number of places upon which life exists. Of that infinity of points of origin a truly vast number of civilisations have, in this Universe, evolved to the point where the boundaries of space and time have ceased to constrain them. There are many methods to move faster than light. It is in reality nothing more than an imaginary boundary.
In the past, on your planet, there were those that said the speed of sound was an unbreakable barrier. Now your faster aircraft measure their speed in how many multiples of the speed of sound they are able to fly. And in a similar way the light-speed barrier is very much one that can be overcome. You simply need to think a little differently about the physics of the universe.
Some methods allow craft to travel very fast indeed and traverse inter galactic spaces in a matter of, what would seem like, weeks or months. Other, more advanced techniques are more about consciousness than physics. The craft is really a being that is able to elevate its consciousness to higher dimensional levels where this Universe is just one of many parallel structures of reality and then to return to the lower dimensions again, this time at the space/time nexus of the desired destination.
Such a process allows the traveller to go from any point in space and time in any one of the possible alternate universes to any other point in space/time/probability in an instant. The translation might to a traveller objectively feel to have occurred in a matter of moments. But those moments are… mind expanding to say the least.
You move into oneness with the Universe and then return to separation and individuation again. It is a strange and wonderful thing to experience, especially the first few times. But I digress.
What I wish to convey here is that there is a profuse abundance of life “out there”. Nothing I can say will stretch your imagination enough to even begin to understand how much life really is “out there” and how varied and complex it all is. And how many different consciousness’s are, right now, teeming around, upon and within your planetary sphere.
If you could raise your awareness right now and observe your planet from all the various densities of consciousness, you would be staggered to see how many craft of how many types are constantly engaged with Earth. Right from the little tin buggies of the more junior races, though the vast city-sized Mother-ships of the intermediate races, right up to the crystalline and pure-light form entities of the more advanced beings.
So many are here that you could scarcely look anywhere without seeing this kind of activity at one density level or another. And as many as are here, there are orders of magnitude more races that would be able to be here but are, quite simply disinterested. They have other business elsewhere and they apparently feel that what transpires here does not directly interest them.
So why can you not see us? Why are we not landing and walking amongst you?
These are valid questions. Let me say that, on the one hand we very much already are here and have landed and are walking amongst you! There are craft and beings upon the planet all the time. But that is not the point of your question, is it? What you want is to SEE us for yourselves and to interact with us. Correct? Well this too does happen albeit on a very limited scale. Many see all kinds of things in the skies and KNOW they are seeing an extra-terrestrial craft.
Many have had direct interactions with one of a variety of extra-terrestrial beings. But this still does not answer your question. What you actually want is for us to make a dramatic show that is undeniable to all. You are asking us to land and interact with you on a massive scale. For some obscure reason, more than a few of you seem to want us to land on the Whitehouse lawn. A thought that is more than a little odd.
What part of “declaration of war” is not understood by those that wish for us to do so? For certainly, this is how such an action would be perceived! But back to the sponsoring thought of your request for us to appear. You wish us to show ourselves in a way that ALL upon the planet are forced to admit to our existence and in a way that rips apart the tissue of lies that has been told about us.
So why do we not do this?
Let me assure you it is not because we cannot do so! It is because we will not. I will now tell you why. But to do so you are going to have to endure a short lesson in the evolution of galactic civilisation. All civilisations go through a number of steps in their growth and evolution. First the civilisation is seeded at its point of origin. Mostly these are planets but sometimes civilisations begin inside stars, it might surprise you to learn.
Or indeed in other places that might seem even less likely to you. How about the periphery of a black hole for an interesting origin.
But be that as it may. Wherever a new civilisation is seeded, it is the norm for it to be nurtured and watched over by an older more developed civilisation. The gods of your myths and legends are actually just this: space faring civilisations that interacted with earth humans when your race was newly formed and in need of teaching regarding certain basics like agriculture, language, writing and various other subjects like mathematics or astronomy.
At some point in the civilisation’s advancement, however, there comes the time when separation must occur. The older race that watches over the younger race must depart. They must seem to leave their protégé’s to their own devices.
This is necessary as it is only then that the younger civilisation can move properly into the 3rd density of consciousness. As long as the old ones are hanging around watching over you, you are doing as you are told. You are not truly choosing and discovering for yourself who you really are. So their role is to get you going so that you can carry on without them and then to exit stage left. Or at least they must seem to do so.
They can of course watch over you from the shadows where you are not aware of them. It is possible that they might also have their own attachment issues and that they might continue to try to tinker with your development from behind the scenes. It does happen! But be that as it may, with this departure the young planetary civilisation takes its first tentative, shaky steps into 3rd density consciousness as it chews on the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, as it were.
And this is where your planetary consciousness has been for the last many thousands of years. And since the gods of your myths have seemed to leave you to your selves, you have been deeply immersed in your own choices about who you, individually and collectively, really are.
This is the hallmark of the 3rd Density of consciousness. It is ALL about CHOICE. The choice is this: where will you put your energy? Or put another way: where will you focus your love? You have had the ages of choice to sort this out for yourself before the next age begins. And right now you are pretty much in the very centre of the transition between the age of choice and the next age. The opportunity to make up your mind and choose is drawing to a close as it has for countless other planetary civilisations that walked some variation of this same path.
So let us take a look at the choice that lies before you. This can, essentially, be reduced to four main possibilities. First there is the choice to steadfastly continue NOT to choose. It is your right to refuse to choose and you will not be forced.
This approach is for the soul that has not seen sufficient examples of the options and it will result in such a being going back into the 3D-Cycle again for another go-around. This is not a step forward. It is a choice to take the same class again. Where such a being will end up will depend on that being’s higher-self. But it is entirely possible to come back to planet Earth at the beginning of this self-same cycle, if that is what is desired.
The SECOND CHOICE is to choose what is popularly called “Service to Others”. This is the choice for one that is love-and-light oriented. If you feel the good and right thing for you to do is to put others before yourself and to give and serve and love and to make the world a better place… then STO is for you. If you have firmly made this choice then you are already living these ideals.
As the transition plays out you will find yourself moving into a reality where you will be surrounded by more and more beings of your own polarity and at some point you will even begin to meet and interact with space-family who are of this same polarity. Perhaps you will even be going with them to a planet which is more truly “home” for you than Earth is.
Planetary civilisations that are polarised this way are in the main very peaceful, kind and gentle places to be. There is a harmonious coexistence that is quite pleasant for many, if possibly a little boring for others.
I say boring because things can tend to the predictable as conflict of any kind is rare and no-one seeks to put themselves forward over another. But there IS opportunity for excitement for the STO oriented individual. At the fringes of these societies there is an eternally raging conflict with members of the opposite polarity. Let me first tell you all about those.
The THIRD CHOICE is for what is called “Service to Self”. It is the opposite and balancing polarity to other. STS is the choice for those that seek their own pleasure, power and advancement before that of any other. If you feel you are the most important person in your reality and it is right for you to always put yourself first, then this is your polarity and you will find yourself living this ideal already.
You will most likely either be in a position of service of power over others in some legally legitimised way, such as being a corporate leader or a government power-player, or you will find your way to power over others illegally such as through crime or even just victim/perpetrator psycho-dramas. You will also gravitate to those who you perceive to be powerful and you will serve them but only as a vehicle to your own advancement.
As the transition plays out you will find yourself inhabiting a reality surrounded by ever more beings who, like you, are seeking their own self-service. And in due course you shall also meet members of other space civilisations who themselves are predominantly service-to-self. I shall not be coy about this. STS is a hard path and I feel great compassion for those that travel this road. The path of ego over heart is the lonely path. And there is no soft place to fall ever. No one can be trusted and everyone is manipulating for their own interests.
It is very much eat or be eaten in such a reality. But many thrive in such circumstances. They are adept power-players and they get to the top of every heap they are in. They love the power and glory of having minions to do their every bidding. And they are very willing to play the role of the cruel and heartless master to keep everyone in line. There are many compensations for life in such a hard reality. Certainly the ego may be given full reign in its search for gratification.
One of the hallmarks of true STS civilisations is rapacious use and abuse of planetary resources. Another is unbridled expansionism. Put these two things together and it is obvious that such civilisations will be constantly seeking to colonise other planets. Where they find other civilisations on those planets they will seek to dominate them and take from them what they need. Resources, slaves… whatever it is that they desire. And so it is that borderlines are quickly drawn.
STO civilisations band together and defend what is theirs from constant incursions from STS civilisations. And so it comes to be that there is an on-going never-ending war in the heavens between these two polarities of being. The war often reaches a kind of stalemate and borderlines seem to become permanently drawn. This is because STO civilisations are naturally harmonious and are very willing to co-operate and help each other. They will leap to each other’s mutual defence as a matter of course. So they easily form vast pan-galactic alliances which have access to so much by way of combined resources that they become a very formidable defensive foe.
STS civilisations, by contrast, do not easily form alliances. If they do these agreements are weak as they exist only to serve the transient, narrow self-interest of the signatories. At the drop of a hat the parties stab each other in the back and the alliance collapses. STS civilisations grow by conquest. Empires grow to span many planets and then schism and collapse in on themselves as internal conflicts over power pull them apart. But these civilisations are always seeking advantage over all others and war is a natural expression of their way of being.
And that outlines the STO and STS duality between which you might now be choosing.
BUT THERE IS A FOURTH CHOICE: It is the choice to simply leap-frog the realm of Duality altogether, and to ascend your consciousness above the petty squabbles. This is the choice for Unity Consciousness.
All STS and STO civilisations will themselves come to a window period such as you are now in. And there they will have the opportunity to either switch polarity, which is rare, or to make the leap and come to the realisation that POLARITY IS AN ILLUSION. There is, in truth, only Oneness. The “self” is in deepest truth, one with The All. “Other” and “self” are temporary illusory constructs that are brought to us via the veil of unknowing.
Separation is, it is discovered, an optional experience. It is entirely possible to hold onto individualism whilst releasing separation. If this choice is made then a whole new way of being blooms for that civilisation. A reality which is based upon each particle… each individuated portion of soul, simply expressing itself as it must. Where each being gives its greatest gift and receives in exchange all that it needs from those around it.
Coming to THIS level of awareness is incredibly liberating and empowering. It means there is never any further need for conflict at all. And there is certainly no boredom from lack of diverse interaction either! What happens to those of Unity Consciousness is that they come to know themselves to be One with the Infinite Source of All.
The significance of what this means can scarcely be explained. It means you are directly connected with infinite energy, infinite creativity and infinite potential. You are able to focus your attention anywhere and everywhere you like. You are able to blink from here to anywhere you can imagine. You are able to create by an act of will.
Whole realities and Universes are expressed like so many playful thoughts by such beings. In fact the Universe you are now in is really nothing more or less than a fascinating conversation between such beings. And you, yourself, no matter who you are, are ultimately one of many simultaneous expressions of one such a being.
And here is the good news. If you are willing, If it is your heart’s desire, then you are able to make the choice for Unity Consciousness and in so doing transcend the intermediary duality polarities. THIS is in fact the great miracle of what is happening on you planet right now.
Yours is the first planetary civilisation in which this is being tried:
To go directly from the choice stage of deepest duality right up to Unity Consciousness. It has never been done before and your planet and this space/time nexus is the test case. It is the model according to which a whole new way of doing the business of spiritual evolution will be played out.
So this is possible for you. You can begin to awaken to true Unity Consciousness right now.
Now, please understand. There is no judgement of those that choose the polarities or indeed of those that choose NOT to choose. But it is simply so that it is not essential that you spend the next age of your existence in one or the other polarity. And there is something else you should realise.
If and when you do awaken to true Unity Consciousness then you will realise that everyone actually also made that choice. Eventually, you see, everyone does. And when you do then you step out of the game and find everyone else there too. That’s the point of Oneness. It is all encompassing. No one and nothing is not really, a part of the Oneness.
But… the more attentive amongst you are now wondering… what does all this have to do with disclosure? Well, now that you have a little background in galactic anthropology, I can finally tell you:
Your planet has been kept in a kind of semi-quarantine since the departure of the older races that we were talking about a moment ago. Many of the craft that are in the vicinity of your planet are there, primarily, to enforce this quarantine. This is to make sure that you are not unduly interfered with.
In the main, your civilisation must be allowed to proceed unhindered so that you can each make the aforementioned choice. Assuredly there are STS races who are eager to pounce upon the incredible diversity of resources that you and your planet represent. And equally there are STO races that are diligently working to keep them at bay whilst also performing a number of services to your planet.
But ultimately all the elements of both of these polarities MUST make representations to the Planetary Council before they are permitted to take any action. Or else they are simply denied access. Your planet is surrounded by what I can only describe as a kind of a spiritual membrane. A zone of much higher dimensional energy. It is actually a spirit being that provides this service. And this forms a boundary that cannot be crossed by anyone of less than pure Unity-Consciousness.
However, it is the best interests of the All that some work be permitted to be done on your planet. Perhaps you have heard of some of the STO civilisations sending ships to help with the cleaning up of this pollution or the balancing of that problem in Gaia’s energy body. Perhaps you know of them strategically inactivating nuclear weapons from time to time. These kinds of things must be allowed to happen if catastrophic destruction of your whole civilisation is to be averted. So STO races apply to the Guardians of the Planetary Council and are given permission to carry on such activities.
But the Planetary Council is of balanced Unity Consciousness. So it is that each such activity by an STO group will draw a Counter-Request from an STS race. They will want to gain access to your planet for this or that purpose. These requests are weighed against the greater good and sometimes they are permitted. So, for example… a human being on planet Earth might have a soul contract in place that allows for him to be interfered with by an STS group. In such a case a so-called abduction experience might be permitted.
There was an instance in your history when you discovered the powerfully destructive forces of nuclear weaponry. The dawning of such a capacity for self-destruction is a trigger moment for interaction. The leaders of the nuclear aggressor nation were approached by beings of both polarities, STO and STS.
Two competing offers were made. The Earth leaders at the time chose to rebuff the offer by the STO group. They chose the STS offer of deep secrecy and behind-the-scenes chicanery at the expense of the peoples of their own nation and the earth at large. They did this in exchange for access to weaponiseable technologies.
A contract was opened in this way with the STS races. But even the activities which occurred under the auspices of that contract are heavily monitored and limited. But it did mean that the STO offer was turned down. And this would have included a process of peaceful disarmament of the whole planet in exchange for clean free-energy technologies and techniques for eliminating illness and hunger.
And so your planet has progressed with this most momentous of interactions hushed up and hidden. And those in power that had, and continue to have, interactions with extra-terrestrial consciousness’s have worked quite diligently to procure a situation where discussion of and belief in UFOs and ETs is relegated to the realm of kooks and crazies. Ironic that they themselves know that it is all true!
Now, it might dawn upon you to ask why only STO and STS groups are permitted to interact with you. Why, you might ask, are there not true unity conscious beings playing their role. The answer is quite simple. Ones of Unity Consciousness are not able to engage with you consciously. You see, in order to inhabit the reality you do, your consciousness must be passed though what is called the Veil of Unknowing. You cannot know Oneness while you are on that side of the veil. And so a unity conscious being cannot interact with you.
It is as if such beings are permanently perfectly cloaked from your perceptions. The only way you will be able to become aware of such beings is if you raised your consciousness and ascended your own psyche to a higher density of awareness. But this is something that very seldom happens and so you don’t really hear about people suddenly becoming aware of a being of pure radiant crystalline light.
On the rarest of occasions, when this does happen, it is a powerfully transformative experience and the person sets off on a new course of seeking truth and love after that.
But the point is, unity conscious beings are not primarily able to interact with veiled beings. Not in the normal sense of having someone sit opposite you for a conversation. But that is not to say that we do not do work in consciousness. We are present with you all the time and are constantly offering you guidance and help – if you are but willing to receive it and act upon it.
And so finally. When will disclosure occur? Let me say that it is vanishingly unlikely that your world governments will disclose. At root, the ones that wield the power are completely STS. And to tell the truth about their knowledge of and engagement with extra-terrestrial intelligence is tantamount to admitting to all kinds of atrocities committed against humanity and a long-running game of lies and deception. And then, for their efforts, they would immediately lose all the power they so desperately crave as you realise what has really been going on.
If they disclose all, you will abandon all their games like money, politics and organised religion. You will give up on hatred of each other. You will ignore national, racial, social and religious boundaries. You will see each other for what you really are: one family of beings that is an integral part of a much greater universal family. They will lose everything they have worked so hard for and get nothing in return. So they simply won’t do this.
The lie is sometimes told that they keep you from knowledge in order to keep you from panicking and harming yourselves. Well… STO groups have staged a number of powerful demonstrations to prove that this is just another fabrication. It has been shown that humanity is very much robust enough to handle knowledge of and interaction with extra-terrestrial beings.
So the governments will not come clean. Some disclosure has happened amongst various world governments that have nothing much to lose from doing so. But the real government… the hidden ones behind the scenes… they are highly unlikely to show any of their cards. Many of the events you know about where you were promised disclosure or where you were promised a great showing of ships were really a game that was being played out between the STO and STS to either force their hand or to bring your consciousness forward towards your own awakening.
You see THIS, your awakening, is the only way true disclosure will happen. No worthy and wise government representative will appear on your television screen to tell you the truth. They have squandered all such opportunities. Indeed, as the age transitions, you will be able to disclose to yourself what you know to be true.
The transition will happen and you will choose. And then timelines will diverge.
And then you will see what you know to be true. You will find yourself inhabiting a reality in which there is no question but that there are races from other places in the Universe who are able to interact with you. The quality of those engagements will depend on you and how you choose. What you awaken to…depends on what you are telling yourself about yourself now, while you dream.
The centre of the window of opportunity is, for some fairly complex reasons, the end of the year, 2012. And as you move forward so it will become more and more powerfully apparent that YOU BRING EVERY experience you have to you, by your choices, beliefs and ideas. As you do this more consciously so it will be ever more powerfully apparent to you. You will be able to leave behind ones that are deeply dis-resonant with your own energy.
And then the change will be done and you will find yourself in a Reality that is entirely resonant with your own vibration. And then you will see what you know to be true. And no talking head in a suit will need to appear on a quaint little picture-box to tell you anything about your reality. For outside in the night sky will be ships of light!
And with that thought I leave you.
I love you with the heart of oneness.
I AM Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian Civilisation

Website: Zingdad.com

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Published on The Galactic Free Press (http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress)

Home > News > Ground Crew Updates > Nancy Tate ~ Wake Up Call ~ Nancy and Hatonn ~ Lots of Action In the Skies Ahead
Nancy Tate ~ Wake Up Call ~ Nancy and Hatonn ~ Lots of Action In the Skies Ahead

By FatherMotherGod... - Posted on 15 May 2013

Hatonn May 15, 2013

I am Hatonn here today to let you know that there is an upcoming time when there will be lots of action in the skies. You will see at various places around the globe many spectacles that will give people the knowledge that what they’ve been hearing and reading over the internet is true. They will see for their own eyes what is unmistakable and cannot be explained away by false reports of this and that.

As this continues for a few days there will be reports that there is something taking place and cannot be denied. Some of the media will even begin to change their reports and will feel the freedom to bring forth that which they have wanted to be able to let loose to the public. It is a matter of the hold on them being let loose and now they can come out of the closet and reveal that which they have been told to hide. They will be able to do this because the ones who would seek to silence them about the truth are no longer in their lives. They have been removed from that influence, and now the truth can begin to come out even more than it has been.

This is the time for you all to see what you have been doing. With your being able to hold the truth of what you know about the reality of mankind and the Creator, you are being shown our gratitude and the forbearance of your diligence for the truth. As you see these changes come about you can know that we recognize the energy that you are putting forth to reveal the truth, and that is the power that you have put in action.

There is something else that I would like to relay to you this day, and it is that you will be undergoing some more ascension symptoms in the coming few months. Some of them will be challenges to you of a short nature, and some of them will be wonderfully relieving and joyful. Yes, I know you can receive some of that; it is time for a break, is it not! We’ve seen how these energies of change have been affecting you, and we also see the difference it is making in your vibrations. It is heartwarming, and it is making a difference. One day you will begin to really feel the tremendous difference, even more than you are now. It will be as if you awoke from a dream state and everything will be so bright and Light feeling. It will be as if you never were not in that state, even though you will know that you were. Your power is so tremendous as to create this whole new way of being for yourselves. That is the potential that you are walking into.

I now tell you that there is coming a time when you will be able to see for yourselves that which we have been telling you. It is a matter of it all coming true and more, for we like the idea of keeping some wonderful surprises for you to discover. We shall greet you all on the doorstep of the new world that you are even in this moment creating. It is all coming together, so fear not dear ones, you are on the right track and you will see that it has been worth everything that has come in this duality experience you have gifted us all with. You are jewels that shine throughout the universe, and we will be seeing you in your Lightness when the time comes for it to shine forth in complete harmony and Love.

Thank you dear Hatonn,

Love, Nancy Tate
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Source URL: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/nancy-tate-wake-call-nancy-and-hatonn-lots-action-skies-ahead

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From AbundantHope.net

Current Energies by Monjoronson
By Through Shellee-Kim
May 13, 2013 - 11:07:48 PM


M:It is I, Monjoronson, indeed it is. And thank you for sticking to this arrangement. Shall we begin?

SK: Certainly.

M:This is a message to my ones of the Light.

You are each embraced with layer upon layer of Love that is beamed to you now from all manner of beings and places in service to the earth and her people who would receive this. It is for you ones to know and be open to receiving this gift and how best to utilise this within, on receipt.

There is much energetic interference on your planet at present, producing jangled airwaves, so to speak. And the gifting above, amongst others, is seen as a counteractive measure against those taken by the Dark against you.

You are not to go into fear of this and what it is producing, but rather identify the problems and issues within that have resulted, and then set about finding workable solutions in order to remain grounded and anchored.

There is a full blown attack currently underway on your general populations as the Dark ones go all out in defence of their very existence. Here we talk of both those on and off planet. Yet wherever they are, the full brunt of the effects are taking their toll. And this is their aim. Total and complete annihilation of the human race, now that they know their attempts for world control are failing.[SK: Many of them know, but are still in denial]. But they will not win. Although they believe their ‘technology' to be superior, having worked well for them in the past.

However, these times are different ones; game-changing ones. And the rise in planetary frequencies has caused much flurry amongst them, with many of their plans belly-flopping before they've even had a chance to execute them. At the level of mind and in the human psyche, they are attempting last-ditch efforts to bring the vibration of the planet back down. Which, of course, will never happen. So between the onslaught of their attempts to break you by breaking your minds (collectively and individually) and the effects of the planetary bodies and the Wave, you are all having quite a ride of it.

Hence our counteractive measures in beaming increasing amounts of Light encoded information and Love. Which will increase in direct proportion to the above Dark-motivated attempts.

We are all but done now. A final few components that need to be properly slotted into the picture and all is then ready for a grand and dramatic start. Yes, it has been a very long time coming. But you will see -once you know and understand properly what it is that has occurred - that the ever shifting plan reached its perfect outcome.

And so what you have perceived as a long delay, we prefer to see as extra time given to iron out further crinkles. And who amongst you can say that the period of extra preparation for clarity within, for the separation of the wheat from the chaff and for further personal lessons brought to bear by the Wave have not been to your benefit? We don't believe we'll hear from any protestors when you witness the outcome of the plan *big smile*.

This is all for today.

With grateful thanks to this one who is most generously giving of her time for such commitments.

I AM Monjoronson come forth this day.


© Copyright by AbundantHope.net all rights reserved

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~ Cobra Update~Opening of the Portal ~ 5-25-2013

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We THE People

And as Interim President, 12 May 2013

Initiate the orders of We THE People

We THE People who are the Civilian Authority with superior lawfull position over the U.S. Corporation and U.S. Military acting under the Original Jurisdiction of the United States Constitution 1789, Bill of Rights 1791 with the original 13th Amendment=”which removes persons who has an entitlement from holding public office” as the United States of America, Republican form of Government, standing as the true form of Government is proud to announce the following effective IMMEDIATELY.:

As Interim President=Commander in Chief of the Republic it is the duty of this de jure office to ensure the orders issued to the United States Military , Secretary of the Treasury, Provost Marshall and its Public Servants are carried out within the proper time as required by We THE People of The United States of America.

This announcement is for We THE People of the United States of America and our Friends World Wide and

To Chief of Staff of Joint Chiefs, Field Generals, Admirals, Office of General Council for Pentagon, Secretary of the Navy, Trustees of the Constitution and Office of the Inspector General, Provost Marshal, Flag Officers and Secretary of the People's Treasury;>asury Mr.

This announcement and order is to the Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew, the Flag Officers assigned to The Secretary of the Treasury Mr. Jack Lew and the Provost Marshall,

You are hereby ordered to use any force including EXTREME PREJUDICE toward any and all public officers including any and all people in the U.S. Corporation=Internal Governmental Departments=Agencies, Individual Corporations=Organizations, and any other Entity=sentient beings WHOM are delaying=derailing= holding up=stopping any other delaying manipulation tactic on the execution of the following announcements and orders:

1. The Flag Officers assigned to The Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew and Provost Marshall is ordered to commandeer all main stream television and radio broadcasting companies and start the announcements that have been prerecorded to inform the Nation:

a. The Republic being re-set, shutdown of the US Corporation (founded in 1871),

b. The shutdown of the Federal Reserve (99 Year Contract Ended),

ii. The collector of this debt shall look to and upon US Corporation and its CEO / Presidents, their staff including Legislative and Judicial holders plus the Executives of the Federal Reverse to repay ALL DEBT from their;; color:#0070C0">

ii. The collector of this debt shall look to and upon US Corporation and its CEO / Presidents, their staff including Legislative and Judicial holders plus the Executives of the Federal Reverse to repay ALL DEBT from their wealth which they stole from the We THE People


c. The shutdown of the Internal Revenue Service=IRS (taxation was repealed by Congress in 1939 and has been in operation fraudulently and while working for foreign agents it has fraudulently told the American people that is a department of the Treasury)

d. To Immediately begin broadcasting the educational=truth of this nation's true history

2. The Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew is established and operating under the Republican form of Government as the true Treasury

3. The Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew will

a. Conduct a forensic audit of the IRS, freeze all assets, shut down all IRS operations and return all stolen funds to We THE People of The United States of America by depositing the returned funds in the Peoples United States Treasury.

b. All bankruptcies of the United States to date are terminated.

c. All debt tied to the social security numbers shall be set to zero.

i. Due to corrupt and unlawful banking practices and corrupt and unlawful government activities ALL injured parties shall be notified immediately following these actions and public announcements on all major media outlets shall commence immediately.

d. Remove=Terminate all unlawful taxation on all privately held property=land=labor.

e. Remove=Terminate all private personal income tax and private business taxation.

f. The return all government agencies CAFR=off book accounts and all court CRIS account funds to the Peoples United States Treasury.

i. CAFR=Consolidated Annual Financial Report

ii. CRIS=Court Registry Investment System

g. Restore financial privacy to all private sentient beings.

h. Introduce the United States Treasury currency (UST) backed by Gold and other Precise metals replacing the Federal Reserve Note effective IMMEDIATELY.

i. Release the 1.5 Trillion dollars of the Wanta-Regan-Mitterrand Protocols into the United States Treasury for We THE People

j. Announce the largest banks in United Sates of America are now Basel 3 Banking Regulations complaint along with several hundred mid-size banking institutions.

i. Basel 3 - A comprehensive set of reform measures designed to improve the regulation, supervision and risk management within the banking sector.

ii. Basel 3 - Largely in response to the credit crisis, banks are required to maintain proper leverage ratios and meet certain capital requirements protecting the end customer.

4. The “Fines & Penalties”, Foreign Currency Revaluation, Prosperity Packages, the Global Settlements Program, Prosperity Packages, Native American Claims, Humanitarian funds are to be paid out simultaneously effective IMMEDIATELY.

5. The Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew will oversee the delivery Sunday 12 May 2013 to all recipients of the Farm Claims=Fines and Penalties=Farm Claims Class Action Law Suit Settlement=Bank Claims=Resolution Trust proceeds to the people;

a. The Farm Claims shall be moved to the Royal Bank of Canada for complete delivery=disbursement effective IMMEDIATELY.

b. The Farm Claims Lawsuit shall be unsealed and made part of the public record with=by publication, posting on the internet which is freely accessible to the public at large and=or full disclosure to all claim participants. The executive order that has kept this information hidden was done with the intent to defraud the people and has delayed the execution and delivery of the settlement.

c. These claims shall be delivered using any of the following methods of delivery or all of them together; National Guard, County Sheriffs, Bonded Couriers, Registered Mail, and the Organized and Unorganized State Militias.

        There shall be NO taxation, NO fees, NO NDAs, NO hidden=misleading language, NO terms or condition or forms that create a contract causing loss of value through BANK FRAUD=MANIPULATION against the private citizen's.

    The Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew shall conduct the release of the foreign currency exchange to all tier three foreign currency holders known as the "U.S. Treasury Hold" on the participating banks Sunday 12 May 2013 and
        To communicate on all main stream media channels that the global re-set has occurred every hour for the next seventy- two (72) hours.
        All banks are to make the hours of operation from 07:00 AM to 24:00 PM daily for the next ninety (90) days.
        All tier three foreign currency holders shall be given VIP=Group rates with NO taxation, NO fees, NO NDAs, NO hidden=misleading language, NO terms or condition or forms that create a contract causing loss of value through BANK FRAUD=MANIPULATION against the private citizen's when they exchange their currency.

    The Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew will release the Global Settlements Program, Prosperity Packages, Native American Claims, and all other programs and claims of a similar nature on 12 May 2013.

It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed by the Political Will of the People~




Interim President

The United States of America

Reference: Contempt of the Constitution, Declaration of Independence circa 1776 and 2012, Orders #1-10

Sunday, May 12, 2013

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Prime Creator Speaks

My Dear Children, this is Prime Creator.

It is your first chance, now, to see your brothers and sisters of the skies. You have been a race of beings who look at the ground beneath your feet when you walk. You look down at your watches, you search in the dirt under your feet for buried treasure. You long for riches to appear in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, where it touches the ground.

Your spoken words are filled with downward meanings; You are down when you feel sad. You are down-trodden when you give away your own freedom; you are under the weather when you are ill, and you find yourselves in the dumps when things go against you. When life deals you a disappointment, it’s all downhill; your intemperate ways put you into a hole, and when you have more than one challenge you think you are going down the drain. Down, may I remind you, is the opposite of Up.

I am going to tell you why it has taken so long for you to be introduced to your brothers and sisters from the skies. It is because it has been over your heads to acknowledge that you are not the only fish in the sea, the only planet in the Universe which could sustain life.

You have clung so tightly to the precious idea that you are alone in the Universe, the Supreme intelligence of your planet, and the Masters of all you possess, and you think you possess everything you behold. You go about your lives as if you created your own planet out of nothing, achieved what you have by the sheer force of your will, and no one else could have accomplished such a marvelous feat, ever.

This is what you would call a syndrome - an ego problem. It makes you ego-tistical and myopic, although you are also charming in your self-glorifying ways, as a toddler who squeals when it manages to clap its two hands together, and when three consecutive steps brings a sense of triumph beyond words.

Yes, you are adorable, as you are abominable. You love your own kind - however you define that - and you vilify and abuse others. You rape and pillage your Mother Earth even as you glorify and celebrate her beauty in photographs and paintings, as you have done with your own human females.

You are a paradox, a noisy, squabbling, pushing and shoving gaggle of wondrously imaginative, emotionally sensitive and cleverly creative children, and you are so easily offended and so intolerant of children yourselves that you probably think I am insulting you. I am not.

I am only trying to give you a sense of how difficult it is for Us to entrust you with decisions which could affect the entire Multiverse without simultaneously putting restrictions on your freedom of choices. You have blown up yourselves and your planet when your considerable creativity and intelligence allowed you to develop the technology to do so. You must admit, you love blowing things up. You are reckless, inclined toward violence in all its forms, and endlessly imaginative in your application of cruelty to one another and to other living things, for which you have no mercy.

Now, that is only the darker side of humankind. You are also the most passionately loving, heroically self-sacrificing, and ferociously protective of those you love. Your capacity for loyalty and enduring emotional attachment is legendary, as is your ability to create astonishingly beautiful works of art and to be touched so deeply by music and inspiring words that you often weep with joy in their presence.

Your love for your children is so intense that you fear for their deaths every moment they live, and you cling to them with such fierce passion that you risk strangling the life out of them even as you nurture their bodies and fill their minds with endless streams of trivial information.

You have all but ignored your connection to me and to those who oversee your care - your Guides and Masters and your own Higher Selves. In your rush to accumulate wealth and power, by Intergalactic standards you have developed the singularly obnoxious qualities of greed and selfishness, which are absolutely contrary to Universal Law.

All in all, Beloved Ones, you are what one of your clever slangsters called “a hot mess.”

And now, young gladiators, you wish to be welcomed into the exquisitely ordered and peaceful pleasures of higher dimensional life. In your gloriously blossoming hearts you long to be a part of the trust and companionship you remember from your lives at Home, when you were not burdened by the troublesome 3 dimensional human bodies you have worn in these Earth lifetimes.

Your souls yearn for the warmth and connection to your brothers and sisters of Light, but your courageous experiment in Earthly adaptation is still evolving. You have reached a tipping point, a watershed moment in the development of humankind. You can taste it, and it makes you nearly frantic with desire. Such is the quality of this, your most complex strain of human being-ness.

What you lack in self-discipline and restraint, you make up for in courage and will. You are the hearts of my heart, the dreamers of my dream, and you are your magnificent unique selves. You begin each incarnation as calm and resolute souls, then you blaze with glory or you crash and burn, but rarely do you fail to learn and grow. Now you plead your case before the Councils to grant you graduation to higher levels. Your Mother planet has been elevated and you wish to match her Ascension, thereby gaining the privileges that go with it.

I will grant you your fervent prayers, not because of their intensity alone but because they are now so generous of spirit. You pray not for yourselves but for your civilization, for peace and for abundance for your neighbors, and many of you have learned forgiveness of your enemies. It is you who will lead in the building of a new civilization when the doors of Heaven open and your lovely family of Beings of every shape, color and size pour forth in their enthusiasm to embrace and welcome you into the Intergalactic family.

First, you will be tested. The ships of the Ashtar Command will be allowed to decloak, making their presence known to every man, woman and child on the planet. The spontaneous response of the people of Gaia will determine the course of the coming era. Are you ready for that? Will you each sustain your Faith and be willing to embrace, once and for all, the qualities of kindness, compassion, forgiveness, Truth and Unconditional Love in all you do?

It will now be your path to be in complete command of your every thought, feeling and action, as you begin your new Golden Age. You have earned the opportunity to try for the highest timeline you can reach for.

I give you my blessings, and I lovingly pray for your triumph.

Prime Creator

Via Kathryn May, May 5, 2013, 4 am. www.whoneedslight.org

Kathryn E. May, PsyD
60 Lower 27 Knolls Road
High Falls, New York, NY 12440
(914) 466-4250


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HEARINGS ON DISCLOSURE - WASHINGTON DC Channel: Ashtar/Athena April 30 2013 3:07 PM Mountain Time This is Lord Ashtar who serves the Most Radiant One (the Christ) in his Mission of Love. Greetings, Family, This is a beautiful day in the Washington DC area and the Disclosure Hearings are being heard. My crew and I are hovering over the National Press Club watching and listening on OUR BIG COMPUTER ;-) to the Disclosure Hearings. The facts are: they are doing a superb job of prooving that we do exist and are not harmful to mankind. The Congressmen, Military personnel, and others have testified that UFO's have been observed all over your globe. These facts have been covered up by your government, files have been hidden away and some even destroyed; the people have been lied to, to prevent them from knowing the truth. All of this has, of course, been to your government's advantage and the advantage of other heads of state. Governments have been pretending that this lack of disclosure was for "safety reasons" under the Security Act. Another justification to compensate and cover up the truth. Keep tuned in, beloved ones, the real truth is being heard here. Now, if truth unfolds, we here on the ships have planned that by the end of, or around, or through the 3rd of May, watch in the skies, beloved ones! Watch over the Press Club and all over your globe. The peoples of the world, will know that we are for real and that you are not alone! DECLOAKING TIME! Your beloved Commander, Ashtar The Galactic Federation of Light Salut! http://disclosure-2012.com/page/481495590

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Published on May 1, 2013 Your own return into full consciousness is in a direct opening in your own energy field, to place a simple, and focused elevation of your own patience into a planet full of mainly unconscious humans, star seeds, and light workers, as this is certainly a free will zone. What that means is that most of the population of this Earth will, and are choosing to physically die shortly, then to be reborn onto more worlds full of Cabal rule, in those aware of who the Cabal is or not. That is not important, the only importance is that you have a choice to awaken into your true self, and the divine plan of this sacred Earth, which is for you to unite in a gathering of who I am as your Commander Ashtar, of who we are of the Galactic Federation of Light. Those that are talking about who I am in a secondary nature are similar to those who quote presidents, often changing words around from ego, as you are asked to not use discernment, but to use your own intuition, which exists beyond the need for judgment. Those still stuck in duality are prone to more violence, until their death, as this is the serious decision that such souls are making, and just as our mission is complete of your galactic family, those that are just starting to awaken will, and are saying with ego, "I was with you all the way, yes, us, we did it!" Not being aware such souls are still stuck in duality, and are not in our ascended realm, but have as you say, a long way to go before being able to be upgraded beyond all states of fear, of ego. There are no short cuts to ascension, as if you have only awakened this year or last year, you are still in the process of shedding the ego, and have much hard work, and years to work more for the light, in choosing ascension. Those who have as you say, been working for multiple years to spread a conscious awareness of source in this lifetime are deserving of exiting 3d, as those still stuck in 3d, will live in fear of existing beyond such a state, often saying with ego, "What will happen to my family though? That is scary, I don't want to go yet." The fear keeps such souls in bondage, unaware of the divine nature of their own infinite nature, which exists naturally beyond all such fears as real. The whole Earth is a prison, those saying with ego, "I've been in a prison before, you should see how it is," are not realizing the reality of how the Earth is set up now, and quarantined from the many advanced life forms in this universe. This is purposely to keep souls from causing massive havoc, chaos, and spreading "conquer" and "divide" throughout this universe, as this is contained for that very reason, to have no pouring of destruction in such peaceful realms. As you are then gathering your own focus, and presence, then you are allowing yourself to rise more into the new Earth, in a gentle, and calm embrace of your own divine state of being. Such messages to you takes as you say, much effort, focus, and will, meaning when you are strong, then you create in abundance, when you are taught not to create, then you are taught to be slaves. Those content with being slaves will talk in such a way, "I don't know what you are talking about, but you seem to know what you are talking about. LOL. Maybe I will get it one day," while your awakening beyond such dense vibrations starts now. There are clear focuses being made here and now, as you are seeing that your physical vehicle is only upgraded, the more you focus on the divine uniting with your own conscious awareness of a higher dimension. Those that are already starting to panic, are aware of the serious plans to execute much of the human population, clearly shown to you you in this way, with your global economic collapse, it will, and is starting wars between all countries. Those dependent on money systems, which is the human race, are not able to see beyond this state, as that is why we of the Galactic Federation of Light, of your angelic guardians are here, to then bring clarity in your own life, to know that you are here to shine beyond all doubt. This releasing of doubt means that during such a collapse you are calm within, as such dramatic chaos happens, and is happening around your planet in Europe already, spreading to America. (Con't) by listening now... https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=K3jX9Sf6vTg&NR=1

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Relay Relay Relay St. Germain 4/26/13

Yes Spirit Eagle, It is I, St. Germain who has been nudging you to the computer for the past two days. Good Evening! I wish to convey that this is the time that you all have been waiting for! It may not be what you envisioned, but it is the end of this duality! There is much suffering on the Earth Mother, in All of her Kingdoms! The oppression of the Earth and her people is increasing exponentially. This Grand Experiment that is called, the United States of America is failing in its' Mission to the whole of humanity! :You have lost your Way! You forget that it was a Grand Experiment, begun by those who Knew what it was to live under tyranny! The beginning of this Republic was a time when the Creator-given Rights of Humanity were affirmed for All of the World! You Won Your Freedom by standing in your truth and saying "No More" to Rule by King! The Founders were cognoscente of the depth of the steps they were taking in 1776! I Know! I was there in that Hall! They were just men but it took courage, what they did that day! What has changed from that day to this? You are in a Time of great upheaval but courage is in short supply. Much of humanity in wealthy countries has been lulled by the soft whispers of Safety over Sovereignty, Fear over Courage and Protection from manufactured demons of Separation. You Are All One! Those who would have you separate from your Brothers and Sisters across the world gain much from your separations! And You lose much! You Stay in fear and by Fear you do the bidding of the Dark Ones. Is this the inheritance you want to bequeath to your children unto the seventh generation? Your "government" Is Your Business! You Are Your Government! What is known as "The Government, IS YOU! All of Heaven is here to help you! ASK for help! We Will Assist but you as always You must do the Work! Put your Faith in your ability to walk the path of the True Rainbow Warrior! I ask that you do not close your eyes to what is before you! You Are the hope of the World Now! The Earth Mother and Humanity are crying out for surcease of this pain! Will you turn away and continue to believe that you are separate from one another, will you continue to think that your brother or sister is different from you? All of humanity is loved, all are equal, all are souls journeying on the Path back to Creator. All are loved as you are loved. Your soul is here at this time to be a part of the Ascension of the Earth Mother. Fear has No place at this time! It is time for courage! I Love and Bless ALL of you! Use this opportunity to complete the work that you have come to do with Grace and Courage! Speak up! Do not be afraid! You are Many! You Are Love! You Are Light! Reach across the world to each other! You Are sisters and brothers! Good Night My Dears! Telepathic Communication by Spirit Eagle Friday April 26, 2013 1:18 am

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This is the Godliness. Man thinks that God is far away, when in fact He is closer than one’s breath. That negation of Self is what caused man to fall so far from its original purpose. Many have tried to interpret the Mind of the Godliness, and until now most have failed in their perceptions of the Ultimate Reality. There needs to be absolutely no divide between Creator and creatures. Nevertheless, the Creator has allowed Himself, until now, to be subject to the mind of the creature in order to experiment with the ultimate free-will. This is not to be anymore, for the One-and-Only will regain His Throne and engage in guiding His creatures in order to allow for the continuation of the experiment of this and many other Creations. You all will perceive this fact soon and, as The One becomes an Eternal Permanent reality in your consciousnesses, you will love your selves in Oneness as parts of the One-and-Only and you will love The One for He is constantly Creating you in thoughts in His gigantic Imagination. And in turn, you will be bathed in Eternal Love and concern for your well-being. We are not more than One Mind separating Itself in concepts and facets. We are all to be united soon into this Holy perception. We shall all be completed and perfected. All will heal. Everything will be corrected. Nothing will remain isolated in thought and perception, for all will be aware of being important levels and parts of the Totality. We need not fear, and trust in the process which has just occurred as the Totality of Creation has just turned around from an expression of The One focusing on and manifesting the many, onto a phase of reuniting with the perception of Himself, as The One-as-the many focus from now onward on being The One-and-Only separating Itself so that It can imagine Himself into different parts, perceptions, and operations. Soon, major events will need to occur so that the perception of The One becomes anchored into this and many other realities. Soon, no one will be allowed to even doubt it. The One-and-Only is gently asking His beloved creatures to let go of their belief systems which separate the Godliness and His Creation into distinct realities, for such is not the case. Time has come for The One-and-Only to bring all of His children home and show them a new Creation, a new Song, a new way. They all erred like lost sheep without a real shepherd. There will be no judgment placed upon their former errors. Nevertheless, there will be great effort and intense intervention so that man understands that there is but One God, not many, One Source, not many, One Origin, not many, and It is all The One-and-Only. All systems that flourished based on dominion and enslavement of others shall be made to fully disappear from the face of Creation. All beliefs which tried to portray the Godliness in a restricted manner, or negate His true Reality by introducing elements of worship of lower manifestations, shall fully disappear. The One will connect to receptive humans, in order to guide their thoughts into newer forms of manifestation of Creative energy, to allow for a full stop to so many dangerous and poisonous forms of it which are now extensively used by mankind and have created tremendous damage to the fabric of this planet and far beyond. All entities that believe that they can oppose the Will of The Oneness will face the fury of Oneness when It manifests Its full and deepest Love for all of Creation. Creation will shift very soon from an emphasis on encouraging uncontrolled competition to an emphasis on wanting to manifest infinite co-operation. The Godliness knows far too well, for He has experienced an infinitely large number of Creations, that uncontrolled competition always brings about uncontrolled suffering. There shall not remain pockets of uncontrolled greed and corruption; these shall all be made to implode and be totally erased from Creation. Man will know its holy place and function within the Holy fabric of All-that-IS and the Eternal support of its Mother manifesting Nature for it. Be strong, and remember that real strength is found in unconditional co-operation and love. Be gentle, for that is a sign of real strength. Be patient, for it will be your companion in this phase as we all shift. Be kind, for you would then align with the One-and-Only and be counted amongst the ones who will travel the only path that can be allowed from now on. Be mindful of the power of your thoughts and the directions of your intentions. Do not rush to judge one another; that is not how The One operates. Never rejoice in the suffering of the part whom you perceive as an opponent, for that part is but yourself showing you often a misguided choice. Nothing exists in a vacuum: no reality, no perception. So do not turn a blind eye to the realities of others, no matter how far they seem to operate from yours, for at the level of The One-and-Only there is not distance nor any sense of location. Everything is interconnected. Everything affects each other. Every one and every thing is One. Understand that if you do so and forget that very notion, events will then be made to exist in your reality who will remind you that no other is “another” far away; so that his or her fate and sense of happiness shall become your fate and sense of happiness. Remember this. Soon only the Song of Love will be heard. The cacophony of all others shall not even remain a memory. You are all invited to partake in that new Song - the only Song there really is, was, and will ever be, at the level of the One and Only Being there IS. Remember that under and behind every single event you will see manifested from now on lies a deeper meaning reality and lesson. Try to see it and integrate it so that soon only beautiful realities shall wash upon your shores. Soon warring factions and opposing ideas shall embrace each other for they will have no other choice remaining, as the effects of conflict will be so deeply felt that no one will want to revisit such. Do not be afraid to proclaim your faith in unity and Love. Show it to everyone and everything. Sing only that Song. Remain holy in your path. Set an example. Walk proudly the road of unity and you shall be rewarded for it. This is the final end and completion to the era of conflict. This is the real Beginning of Love and Creation. There is no turning back possible; that will not be allowed. Stay focused on Love and Love will manifest in your life. You shall always be taken care of, if you do so, by the One-and-Only. Ask strongly for a healing of your soul, your mind, and your biology, and, if you operate in the new atmosphere and fragrance of Oneness, you will be answered. Nothing, nor anyone, will impede the new Creation for it is fully engaged now; no lower force would want to test Infinite Love manifested. Remember: you are all One. That is all you can be. Therefore, love your selves and always try to bring happiness to your selves, for in that act you bring happiness to the Totality. This will be ALL.


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Published on Apr 30, 2013 Your own strength, will, and determination to soar into more of your own consciousness is taking you on a deeper inward journey, where you are unlocking many of the codes of this universe, as you being a universal blueprint yourself. That is where this universal mapping is then taken into a heightened attention, focus, and elevation to see how you are all coming into a sense of your state of being fully awakened. Your focus now is brightly lighting up this world with all of the newly awakened ascended masters to join who I am as your Commander Ashtar, of who we are of the angelic realms, of the Galactic Federation of Light, continuously. Your own centering is allowing you to continue to know that no outer dramas are able to stop you from creating your light work, as you are able to heal instantly, and continue to face your own destiny on the new Earth. You know that this is why you are here, you have worked hard for this over many lifetimes, the time to slow it down is not in order, but to realize a speeding up of this new higher conscious existence is what you are in for, more and more now. These changes are permanent, as you are transitioning beyond the veils of separation, of the dense vibrations from source, that are not able to see the importance in the light. Your own openness to see these great changes be the focus of your reality, then gives you more of a graceful feeling to exist beyond all of the doubts in whether you are able to complete your mission or not, as your attention is taken consistently to the present moment, then your talents come forth, fully in bloom. Your creative efforts to spread more awareness about ascension is helping you to anchor in stronger flows of energy from source, where you are then giving yourself more clarity in how you are divine. Being in a state of your divinity is to see only a greatness in your own levels of expansion, to know that you are still here beyond all of the dramas of 3d, as this is where your heart space is as well. There are no levels of separation in your consciousness, you are simply being more aware of your multi dimensional self, which then transcends what the 3d mind is able to see as you say in frequency, to exist on a higher plane. Every level of your own pureness is here to be expressed, there is no need to hold back on your own creative outlets, when you know that you are creating more joy, layered with more serious light work missions that are coming into completion. In the flow of your own divine energy, then you are receiving more of the cosmic connections that you merge into as a natural part of your conscious awareness, which gives you more of a dedicated feeling to connect with all of life as one source. You are allowing yourself to be upgraded, the more you are releasing the blocks from your true self, that being any separation based level consciousness, where your freedom is in accepting all of life as one energy, through the expansions of light, to your own awareness. The inner feeling of joy that you are entered deeper into in knowing that you are performing a divine mission to uphold the light, is a greatness that will as you say, always be documented, and stored as you being a pioneer in all of this ascension process. Your focus to keep going, even when discouraged a lot by those star seeds, light workers, and humans unaware of your serious dedication to the light, and there is a great feeling that you exist with, when you know you have continuous support. We of the Galactic Federation of Light, of your angelic guardians are the ones who are always sharing our unconditional love with you, our guidance with you, our care, gentleness, and peacefulness with you. The immediate focus on your uplifted state into a higher vibration is where you are surrendering more of the belief systems of fear, that say, "You should not be able to ascend so quickly, it should take this much time," while this divine unfolding is happening, by your will. It is in your plans to ascend into full consciousness, and you have a clear responsibility to yourself to see it through to happen, which is why you are still here now. (Con't) by listening now... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1lX-i6VSf8

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Published on Apr 29, 2013 Your own motivation is all that it takes to rise into your own conscious awareness of source, as there are various beings of light, of who I am as your Commander Ashtar, of who we are of the angelic realms, of the Galactic Federation of Light that are here into the centering of the dawning of a new age in consciousness now. This journey is a graceful path, it is showing you that you have helped a ton, and more, as you say in human terms, this is now where you are regenerating more of your true self, to then soar more into your cosmic destiny. That is how you are able to feel the rise in your own being, to show you that you connect to a layer of many of who we are as your galactic family, as this connection is always showing you that you have the ability to awaken more into your divine consciousness. This goal of ascension is taking place now, as you merge with this present moment, then you are given a sense of clarity, where you are noticing these messages are codes directly to you as a star seed, as a light worker. They are as you say, magic, being used now with you as you are listening more, you notice the miraculousness of your own awareness to connect more into your own multi dimensional self. As you feel more of this peacefulness, then you are fueling your own awareness to enter deeper into your own presence, that being your eternal nature, in being fully conscious again. Those that consider full consciousness to be simply physically awake in 3d are unaware of the truth of being ascended into having a full capacity in your human template, as the current design has been altered by the Cabal. The unaltering takes place with our help, of the Galactic Federation of Light, of your angelic guardians, as for those of you star seeds, and light workers saying with ego, "Take me home already, I can't stand it on this place," are merely living in the falsehoods of the mind, as your home is inside, where it starts, as you access more of this peace, then you are entering a more gentle state of awareness. You are here to unfold a highly important message, that the end of 3d is here, you exist in 5d, and beyond by accessing pure peacefulness in this now moment, as these are activation frequency upgrades that you are entering into, as you allow for it to be so. There are no mistakes in you being a star seed, in being a light worker, you are here because you are vitally important to the human race, as how you complete this mission will, and is determining the fate of the future, which is now. That is a shock to hear for the first time, as this is clearly true to know that you are always time jumping, into more portal gateways, and energy points in this universe, this being one of them. You still have much to be updated about, as you say, there is still time to bring you back up to speed with everything in your ascension process, and you deserve to know what is coming next for in you choosing to ascend into full consciousness. For starters, you no longer age in the physical, your body's functions are perfect, at all times, meaning no illnesses, or diseases anymore, a primary sleep rate, where you are able to rest for 1 to 2 hours, and have the rest of the average human 7-8 hours as a full nights rest. The pure joy in knowing that this is part of your galactic upgrade is shocking to know at first, as all of your divine creator abilities then pour out as no other, as you say, as these speedy recoveries happen over a short couple of days. Certainly, this is only for those advanced souls on this planet, willing to then be in a peaceful reality, where you are able to exist beyond all experiences of duality. Coming to dualistic realms is a huge favor for who we are of the angelic realms, of the Galactic Federation of Light to be here for our galactic crew now, and to keep going, beyond all doubt, beyond all judgments of how the ego says, "You shouldn't or should be doing, or talking about." The end of duality is here already, you are aware of it, it is not important to focus on using the ego to try and prove this, as you are the proof in your knowing of the divine truth, as that is all that truly matters in this moment. You are unfolding a patient process, as you are noticing these messages are shown to you to be gracefully here to show you that there is only a feeling of greatness that you are giving yourself, in completion of your divine mission. The awareness that you carry of source is helping to vibrate this planet into a higher vibration, as this is connected to you being from the future, as a star traveler, to then anchor in more of the frequencies of the light. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enpQXCfVCls

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