iamurantian's Posts (107)

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I am the Universal Father, with a changing tone, to be in line with the changing living situations, prior to the big announcement, which will have its time on Good Friday, March 25, announcing the coming in the flesh of my Firstborn Son ; CHRIST MICHAEL, THE CREATOR SON, in the flesh for the second time as Jesus HEBREW.

The cards are already drawn, there is no more time to wait.

I AM THE UNIVERSAL FATHER, giving comfort to the despairing; relief to the afflicted; joy to those who mourn; those who have lost hope for a better future.

I THE UNIVERSAL FATHER, bless the land where your plants will pose CREATOR SON NEBADON.

Do not be heartbroken, which is already written; the Son blood of my blood again to fulfill his promise he made more than 2,000 years ago, would return full of glory ; to appease the souls bereaved still await.

I AM THE UNIVERSAL FATHER, the termination of the period of preparation and realization of a long project.

It is my pleasure also to announce the arrival of Serara, my Magisterial Son; My Son paradisiacal will be fulfilling his mission to reclaim Urantia for the Universal Father.

Next, they will become visible the Adamic Schools, to regenerate youths as they grow.

I AM THE UNIVERSAL FATHER, with a graduation message for some of my children.

I AM THE UNIVERSAL FATHER, delivering gifts to left and right to fulfill their missions, their duties.


Spend a good night.

End of stream.

R / T


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Greetings! This is Ashtar reporting from the New Jerusalem. Untold changes have been taking place in rapid succession. You are about to enter the great reformation of Earth and some Guidance is called for. Know that this is the Divine Plan and it is required Earth move deftly through massive changes over the next couple of weeks. There is an echo of the alignments which happened December 21, 2012. In that time there was much discussion and doubt. Many woke on the 22nd and said “nothing happened.” I do not know what you were expecting? The changes which took place then were manifest in the causal realm and these current changes will very much be on the physical realm on Earth.

Something else to know is that many channels speak of 3D, 4D and 5D. Earth has been solidly in 5D many years now and has moved beyond 5D. Earth is progressing nicely into the 6-7and 8th Dimensional frequencies and will very soon return to 12D. This is required for Earth to hold its place on the New Timelines. This is not shared often and is an idea to begin to get used to. 3D and 4D as you have perceived them are long gone. Understand that these Dimensional changes are not fully understood in your current scientific theories. Where a sacred site may be vibrating in the 8th Dimension and above, atop a sacred mountain in the Himalayas, let us say, the 6th Dimension is already being integrated in large busy Cities. It is a collective Consciousness and varies over the Planet. It is not necessary at this moment to grasp the finer details. Be open to the shifting reality happening just under your feet. Often it is said Humanity is not yet ready for Big Change. I am here to explain the changes which will make it possible to Be Ready.

Extraterrestrial Technology of which you may only imagine as fit for movie screens has been in place on Earth and is being incorporated into everyday life slowly as you have all seen, such as replicators also called 3D copiers. The technologies we have available to us is very sophisticated. We use this technology within the limits of the Prime Directive to give a hand up to our Sisters and Brothers on Earth and move Earth back to its rightful place in the Milky Way Galaxy. That is a very Big story better suited for another time.
This Technology is sentient and in Oneness with the Cosmic Forces of Light. 

Over the next few days, constellation movements in cooperation with Earth make it possible for our Technology, with the incoming Galactic Codes, to affect the DNA of every woman, child and man in a way that more intelligence and more love is possible inside each soul on Earth. This is only happening for those with 12 strands of DNA. Those known as the cabal carry as few as 2 strands of DNA. They will not be able to withstand the changes required for Earth now and at the right timing will leave Earth. It is reported a Planet they call Wolf was discovered by scientists. This is one place they will be brought; there are others, each according to their requirement and each exquisitely individual for their own soul growth. There will be no more war on Earth. There will be no more corrupt politicians. There will be no more false flags. All of those things long controlling Earth end now. Just as it is required to end war and remove the elements causing such things, it is also required that those living on Earth learn the truth about Extraterrestrials. You have noticed there have been many more decloakings now than before. Anticipate, in the not too far future, landings will be possible on an Earth existing in Peace. Those negative Extraterrestrials which caused trouble and pain to Humanity will be removed from this vicinity and no longer allowed in this Sector, never again. Healing will be integrated and memories mitigated.

Now imagine two tracks running at once. Consider how many times a day you are reactive to news you see, especially on social media, liking, commenting, sharing those things which are important to you. In order to endure the massive changes coming over the next few days, consider that your egoic opinions do not matter. They will not change things. As this force of energy runs through your body, you will be questioning everything. Look for balance in all things. It’s intelligent to be concerned about GMOs or Chemtrails, but those things are tiny in comparison to what you are missing. To take an entire race from Earth, or an entire religious group and pronounce them terrorists. Worse yet, to actually pay attention to or believe to be real anything the cabal Presidential Candidates say, much less debate between your egos, not your minds, is a scandalous waste of energy. I am here asking you to come Higher. Stop and think. Important changes require your High Heart be focused on LOVE right now. Let me explain further the Cosmic changes you can expect.

In the hours of December 19 and 20th, the perfect alignment of Galactic Center and the Sun with the constellation 26 degrees Sagittarius, the Archer, embody a Gateway for the Galactic Codes to affect the DNA imbuing rarified intelligence and the capacity to love thy neighbor in quantities you are not yet carrying. You will notice the change. You will not be so willing to cuss and discuss trivial little nothings anymore. Your attention and focus will shift to a harmonic aware and awakened state of pure love. Just following this ecstatic energy, the Solstice of 21 and 22 December will flip seasons around the Equator. In the north it will be the blackest night and every morning there after, in the United States where the focus is most needed now, more and more light will be added each new day. In this period you may feel challenged. Be aware beforehand and avoid conflicts you may later regret. These changes may be a challenge to endure. It depends on how much baggage and anger you are still allowing to be a part of your being. Balance. Drop it. Let it go. It is no longer useful.

The energies from the Galactic Council at Galactic Center, headed up by Salvington and his Etheric legions of Extraterrestrial helpers brought across the Solar Winds by Extraterrestrial Technology from Source Energy, also known as the Central Sun at Pleiades, Alcyone, through your Sun, Sol and birthed through Mother’s Yoni, (the milky way) into and through Earth’s electro-magnetic Grid and eventually from the 20th of December through the 25th of December will erupt into an orgasmic Full Moon on the celebration of the birthing of Christ Consciousness. Thus balancing in that period the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine aspects within All as well as within the Planet. The effulgence of the Christmas Full Moon will be like none you have ever experienced. No matter if you have religion or not, this energy will reach the most cynical. Happiness will be the order of the day. Peace, Good Will and Joy to the Planet Earth. The controlled will be liberated by this energy. Humanity will be prepared for the immense changes to follow. Be mindful and meditative as these days and stellar movements dance through Space bringing the changes which tip the scales for the last time. Connect with your Galactic families and feel your limitations fall away. Members of the Galactic Federation include Pleiadians, Arcturians, Antares, Andromedans, as well as those from Procyon, Lrya-Vega, Virgo, Orion Constellations with planets which reach across quite a polarity spectrum; Dracos, Ursa Major (Bear) Ursa Minor, Leo, Sag, Zeti, inner planets Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter; outer planets, Uranus, Mercury, Pluto, Neptune, Niburu and 100 million/billion galaxies, Great Central Sun; this is a planetary ascension that involves all these and many more for which you do not remember or know the names. You are never alone. You are receiving help on unseen levels from your near neighbors. Millions of you remember already your origins. Be strong. Know you are loved beyond measure by that one who never gave up on Earth, Admiral Sananda. Celebrate and be truly happy. Magic is afoot. There is much more coming to tell you about. Let’s prepare for what is next and I will visit you again before we herald 2016 in this same space for more Guidance. Salut! This is Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin, December 18, 2015. © All rights reserved. http://CosmicAscension.org/

Greetings Everybody! For about the last month I was suddenly struck with illness. I feel it was a body response to much clearing I had worked on. It required I find a surgeon and I was bed ridden and unable to provide for my family of 3 beside me. My surgical procedure of one week ago was described as going exceedingly well by the team. I am undergoing MRIs today and close monitoring that more surgery will not be needed. I am recovered and able to do readings. I would like to offer reading bookings from Sananda as well as Ashtar and Mother Sekhmet. I may do a limited number each week and my time is very flexible. I can call overseas as well. These are one hour and half hour bookings. I am in dire need now so I would also like to offer a free PDF copy of my book Lord Ashtar and The Galactic Federation (2011) which is 416 pp to anyone who sends me a donation of any amount at this time. Please see full details of the book on amazon.com Please send me an email if you have an interest in a reading or sending a donation. eltrutwin@gmail.com I will look into my email once a day over the next several days and send replies. My website is being rebuilt because I have decided to do more frequent messages again from Sananda as well as other Ascended Masters and Archangels. I am pleased to provide this love exchange because we need more direct information more often. I do all my own website work and the new format will allow for quicker posting. Check there for it to propagate in the next day or two with all my messages. http://CosmicAscension.org/ Please feel free to email me any questions and be patient in the reply as I gain my strength and get rare down time with my 3 children. Have the Most Wonderful and Magical Celebrations as we herald a Planet of Peace. Merry Christmas to All! ~Elizabeth Trutwin
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Great Universal Father of All, Grayson is the name we use for now; 

Margul, Trinity Teacher Son, Michael of Nebadon Planetary Prince of Urantia, Holy Mother Spirit Nebadonia Creative Spirit and Divine Minister; 

To all other Divine Dignitaries, known by name and those not known by name;
To Ron Besser, our student, teacher and friend;

To Members of this Serara Discussion Forum; and
To all Guests near or far ~ 

“Let your light shine before men that all may see your good works” 
“Do not any longer hide yourselves under a basket” 
“Keep the lamp trimmed, and have your vessel full of oil to be ready as the hour grows late to awaken, when the Bridegroom arrives” 

I AM at your service. 

The extent to which this one may hold this energy circuit is very much dependent on how well she hears me, and takes one word at a time. She in no way knows what word is next as we transmit to the scribe information we wish you to know. 

I AM in all things. 

I AM in you too. 

I AM in the Universal Father just as all of the beings of all universes are right at this moment. 
I AM assuring you and this scribe that IT IS I AM… and there is none else. 

I AM at your service, withholding nothing that is good from all the children of time space creations, and even unto all the non-time space creations that is unknown to your little planet. 

I AM at your service, to DO GOOD! 

Be Good, My Children ~ I AM

Eternal Son
School yourself my dear, keep the overwhelm closed and use the mind that is yours to temper the temper of these messages tonight. 

Yes, you are Home here with me, as are all the children of light and life upon your home world of Urantia and elsewhere, everywhere. 

Time is at the ready. Space is at the ready.
“Steady as she goes” ~ I AM

Infinite Spirit
There is not one Holy Spirit that is not working in earnest for these Missions to be successful, and if we have anything to do with it at all, they will succeed, one way or another way. 

We all work hard to find the most propitious manner to complete what has been set out for all of us to do, and you have our assurance and commitment to the very spirit that indwells each of you in your own special capacities, within your minds hearts and souls. 

Even though the worlds we exist in is vastly diverse from your own, we share the same goal, to serve our Father and do good. In this we are alike, and by this “we shall overcome”. 

Do Good. 

Paradise Trinity
We are ready! We are at the ready, and we are ready to go.

These plans for Urantia have come from our office, and our Sons and Daughters of all sorts are on the move to make it happen and carry it out. 

There is power and strength enough to get this job done, and we of the Paradise Trinity inform you to gather yourselves, within yourselves, to see the great and terrible day descend upon you. 

This is not something to fear my dearest children, this is something so mighty that very few events will ever match it in all the eternal days to come. 

We have pooled all resources for this emergency situation you face upon your world to such a degree, that truly it will astonish each and every one, mortal and all others. 

Be not afraid ~ We are right beside you all the way. 
Good night. 

Deity Absolute
The work done from the office of Deity Absolute is so far removed from your mortal realm that there is little connection in the mind of this scribe, but we do greet you and come by to add weight to what is being written here this evening. That is all. 

Universal Absolute
“Fear Not” is what I would like to add to this discourse. Fear not our children, one and all. 

God the Ultimate
We are ready, and offer a thumbs up! 

God the Supreme
I AM so ready as well. I hold all of you very dear to my heart, and the time has arrived. 

The work of reflectivity is the main function of my office, and as always in a vast and varied time space creation, we are attempting new ways of doing things to make these connections move appropriately. This is such a test. 

Seven Master Spirits 
We speak with one voice tonight to greet you with love overflowing for each one of Our Children. 
It’s a Go! 

Ancients of Days
The plans have been approved, the meetings are mostly complete, the go ahead is given, and we are at the helm! “Be glad in the day the lord has made” ~ I AM

Michael of Nebadon
Well not to be left out or undone, I come by quickly to let you know this test has been a success and our scribe did not even know it. 

I hold all of you well in my spirit as we move into the days where action will be seen directly. Hold on, it’s about to get a bit bumpy. We are all well secure in the Father’s love for you, yes you!

Serara, Magisterial Son
The consensus is in, we are ready to go. 

How I love all my children, given to me by the Father. 
Behold, I come quickly, as was once written. 

Hold fast that which is Good, and eschew evil in all its forms.
Love your enemies, do good to those that hate you.
Very soon they will all know the truth of the matter. 

We are ready ~ I AM 



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This is Machiventa. your being here is just the ticket. The events to come almost immediately are earth shaking more way then one. The first thing you will see after the broadcast will begin in the sky, with enormous contrails that go from horizon to horizon,  the wind will be still, the birds will be flying in joy, the light will be the same worldwide. 

Our combined efforts from the celestial administration are timing things for maximum impact over the whole globe. Puzzlement will be on each face for the light is different, and the areas supposed to be in darkness on the other side of the glove will be near full daylight. 

Next all will see what to them will seem like billions of celestial beings, clearly visible all over the sky. Next flashes of light from the four corners as it were, that pulse in a show of brilliant symbolism representing all aspects of Serara’s Mission. Puzzlement of course, in every mind that isn't aware like you are, a desire to stay and watch, others are called to come see. It will continue and continue for quite a while, silence will reign all over but then, choruses of the finest music you have ever heard, clearly ringing from east to west, north to south. 

Feelings of awe and astonishment, yet recognition in many hearts about what is really happening, those with love of the Father in their soul will thrill with feelings of ecstatic joy, as the realization that this must be the return of Jesus.  Next there will be thunderous reports of audible speaking ,  understandable by all peoples in their own language, [Yes Daniel calm yourself, you are doing alright.] 

A time of stupendous visual demonstration that cannot be described, until you see it yourself, drum rolls, trumpet blasts, stirring cloud formations that thrill in their beauty and meaningfulness.  All this on a scale that is incontrovertibly, Divine!  

All will be awestruck , those with love, with those with fear of pending retributions, and continuing more come of friends and acquaintances. More are in the streets or backyards or in the fields or in the stadiums or in the parking lots or in the airports or in the armed forces barracks; or in the parliaments or the financial markets or in that lonely ship on the sea. 

After some time as we continue to dazzle, and huge majorities are out looking up transfixed because nothing in anyone’s experience has come close to this. It will appear authentic, not smoke and mirrors this, just sincere loving attention grabbing, [and one] can’t look away [at the type of] fascinating display.

On we continue, time is necessary to get everyone outside looking up. Tears are running in not a few eyes, [and] fear is seen in not a few faces. Finally after quite a long time so most are on hand and being fascinated,  will come clearly seen by all, the figure of the One everyone will recognize is the Christ Jesus of 2,000 years ago. 

Each seeing the image they have form their religious training the image they know without a doubt is Jesus, he will move from east to west slowly [appearing] gargantuan, seen from north to south by ways we know how to do, [the flat earthers will be puzzled]. 

His movement will be stately, dignified and warm. All will be talking at once, exclaiming,  shouting pacing, shaking their heads in disbelief. They are not hallucinating, now millions on the cell phones, “Hey do you see what I see.”  Those comprehending the truth are dancing and exclaiming their joy,  it goes on an on. There will be not one iota of room for doubt that this happened.

 [Nothing] like this [has ever happened] in the annals of all Urantian and also Nebadonian history. It continues, necks are tired by the constant looking up, birds are singing everywhere now to along with the background of that incredible music we all recognize but just can’t place. Skeptics are dissing their neighbors, “Hey it’s just a trick. You’ll see,  this is just a weird, anomaly.”  

But it goes on for hours,  it can't be escaped, it is too much. Minds are stirred to the limit of sanity, simple ones, others disparage, [and others] by their calm demeanor, shows they know. The educated one in the secular circles are beside themselves with perplexity and ‘discombuberation’,  but inside there is starting a little doubt. Their godless take on things may have been wrong, a little glimmer of curiosity opens, because it is just too stupendous, too over the top. [This is] realistic, too well done to be anything but Divine.

Cars race, to take care of business that may incriminate them, it is dawning that this might be the real thing, it is so overwhelmingly clear and realistic, no mist or smoke to obscure this. Hearts are failing because conscience is coming,  internal minds are racing. A thousand things are processed,  hearts are changing as speak. Amends are made, promises are made,  viewpoints are changed, joy in so many is creeping in. Fear is not a huge issue, as it is so well done that nothing is threatening. All is comprehendible, it is soaking in, now a race to the land lines and cell phones and iPods and computers, emails are whizzing, the light continues more lucid then, normal. Outside they go again to check was it really real, yes, it’s still there all of it. “I can’t wait to see my wife tonight.”  

News cameras are everywhere, cell cameras are working overtime. The normal media doesn’t know what to say, stumbling and mumbling is going out, perplexity, calls for being calm and explanations of wild speculations are spoken. No one [yet] is speaking with confidence. 

Bus's have stopped as the riders demanded it. Trains with passengers have them all face to the glass. Jets are scrambled to fly purposeless, storms are no longer raging anywhere. All [are] fixed on the sky. More time goes on, more come to see for the first time. All continues for hours and hours, no one doesn't know, news outlets all in confusion. 

Then my children, after enough of the aerial show, for no corner of the earth is unexposed, comes the black streak on the TV screens, and then clarity again. Standing there is the exact Jesus of Nazareth, sunburned, virile, dignified, calm eyes, bright with normal enthusiasm and sparkle, high def working beautiful is the Sovereign of Nebadon. His manner and demeanor is striking and commanding yet personable, non threatening and words come out in the language of those watching. The fittingness of what is being said is a marvel. All areas are addressed in the minds of the questioning viewers. 

This continues and continues, as he patiently yet quickly explains, and does it in several ways, about what is happening.  He continues, no one gets tired of listening, and again millions of calls are made to acquaintances, friends and neighbors, “Please turn on your set!”  

He continues with loving language that warms most listening. He continues talking, more and more tune in and late comers miss nothing, as again in a new fresh way the same ground is covered, speaking with confidence and endearing statements of memorable construction, he goes on and on. No one can get enough because it resonates so strongly. The words are perfect to allay fears and yet he tells the truth of the choice all will have to make. He reminds them of the two ways of life, the way of service and the way of acquisition. He comes across, to engender hope in millions of breasts. 

He gives glimpses of the new Earth government, tells of trustworthy public servants in all nations, of economic stability, of recovering health and wellbeing,  and mentions important strictures on damaging industries. He talks about Substances that will no longer be available, how municipal constable authorities of Kindness and Service, will become the norm, how education for adults will be available to help steer the course and train for available work; how volunteers are needed almost immediately to work with the new administration in a thousand different categories; how respectful, environmental policies, Humane treatment of all life forms, clean up of horrendously toxic areas will take high priority. He continues on to the absolute delight of most,.....and the worst night mare for others. He doesn't tire, [and is] just warm. consistent, and delightful because his mastery of each language. 

[Dear Machiventa, am I getting this mostly right?]  
Yes Daniel,  it’s a preview, it’s a favor to all of you.
It’s coming to be common knowledge, no explanation Is necessary and it’s dawning on almost everyone what is really going on.  The sky show is fading after many hours,  yet he continues on the TV and now on all the internet media and radio. His voice is clear and accessible to any, even the most disadvantaged. He continues to come across in any language, and saturation is approaching. 

New programming is slowly being introduced that continues on the theme of positive changes coming.  Other speakers are now seen more and more, again interesting programming, that captivates and wins hearts. Personable speakers in the attire of modern citizens of the various races and nationalities are seen in the respective audiences. Reassuring statements are constantly made. Appreciation is shown for meritorious service by heroes of the various nationalities, commendations, honorable humans are exemplified in their living environment, praise is given for service in the first hours of the stupendous, sky demonstration;  examples of trust and faith are portrayed. 

I have a few more things to say. Now remember my children, as you can see from the above, we are full of confidence of success in this massive undertaking,  you all will be used in the most helpful ways and your believing that, and opening and surrendering even more to your [Thought] Adjusters is your job at this moment. Happiness is our most prevalent feeling now and it is yours I wager. 

Most affectionate feeling to you all and a prayer for love and Valiancy as we do this. 
Good Day for Now, Machiventa


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From AbundantHope.net

Planetary Evacuation.. the plan changed, explanation.
By Christ Michael, Soltec, Monjoronson, Esu, Lady Nada, Mantustia, thru Leonette.
Sep 30, 2015 - 5:22:31 AM

Planetary Evacuation.. the plan changed, explanation.




I have been asked to script a message.


Present are :- Christ Michael, Soltec, Monjoronson, Esu, Lady Nada, Mantustia. There are other Celestial Beings in the background but I am aware of the six (6) just mentioned at the moment and I am supposing that if those in the background are to issue a statement then they will come forward accordingly, however the six (6) mentioned appear to be the ones that summoned this advisory.


Christ Michael opens:


CM. We have come to you as part of your agreement with us, to have this advisory remitted to the public for the upcoming times ahead. This period is going to be one of upheaval and general consternation amongst the people. It is not our intention to exacerbate the ruinous situation that is about to unfold but this is intended as an advisory to ameliorate and guide those who are prepared to listen to their inner guidance, in the days to come.


As you have been told, there are nefarious plans afoot to lead your world into an abyss of no return. From our perspective, this abyss of no return is  the result of  desperate efforts, of those whose purpose is to hold onto ‘the reins of power' of which they have no intention of relinquishing. This, despite the many overtures of salvation that were made to them over these many years.


The planet is sick and her aura is infested and infected, which has aggravated her suffering. Such infestation and infection is caused by the many thought forms which have emanated from the planet's creature inhabitants. Such thought forms are derived from, but not limited to, energies associated with fear, pain, hurt, anger, hatred, greed, disrespect and the like.


We opted to approach the situation utilizing some ‘pillars' of diplomacy, which would have allowed for each and everyone to be given opportunities to redeem themselves, thereby making opportune,  their own advancements towards individual and collective re-alignment within the Sacred cycles of Divine denouement. Now, this has become nigh impossible given the treacherous conditions in which the all accommodating planet, has found herself. Said differently, it just means that the planet has reached exhaustion and is unable to sustain the weight of the ‘dross' that is inflicted upon her physical, mental and emotional bodies.


Yes, she is very physical..just like you!


Like a physical body that has become diseased, there comes a time when drastic steps must be taken to save the life of the physical body. Failure to so do, would result in loss and in this particular case, where Gaia's well-being is concerned, loss is not an option.


It is with this situation paramount in our consideration, that the Celestial Council which has oversight over what happens in this planet's trajectory, decided to give full support to the         re-habilitation of the planet and those life forms upon her, which are in alignment with the Sacred thrust of the Divine cycles.


What this means is that we, as the Celestial Council with oversight in this situation, will no longer allow the continuation of conditions, that create debilitating circumstances for the planet. We have taken this position even though previously we allowed such, in collaboration with the planet, who, given her nurturing tendencies, sustained much injury to her collective bodies, in the hope that her many life forms, which emanated from her own essence, would have been given opportunities to realise their fullest human and spiritual potentials.


As such, we have withdrawn support from this collaboration and we are focused on rehabilitating the planet and those life forms that would continue along with her, towards her noble destiny.


In this regard, there are HOSTS, both on planet and off planet, who are on standby and who have ensured that everything is at a ‘ready-go'. I assure you that should the planet signal that she is ready, at this very moment, we are in place to support ‘what needs to be done' to free her from her ‘shackles'  and to take the necessary support action, to ensure  sustainability of the various life forms that are to accompany the planet on her ascending journey.


I also assure you, that we KNOW what we are doing, for this is not the first time that this has been done. Even many of you have participated in such events before but due to the veiled circumstances in your current lives, you have forgotten about such experiences. Yet in spite of the ‘veils' that cover your knowingness, you would know exactly what must be done, when ‘that time' is upon you.



I will now hand you over to SOLTEC, who is in charge of Geophysical matters as it pertains to what will happen..


Soltec speaks:-




Thank you for availing yourself to take this message. I will seek to explain, from a geophysical standpoint what is happening now and what is expected to occur.


The planet is currently ‘stuttering' in it's revolution. While historically this has occurred many times before, it is the nature, frequency and volatility of the ‘stuttering' that indicates a major aberration in the rhythm of the revolution.


A ‘stuttering' in this case refers to a ‘spasm', a jerking movement, which announces the arrival of a change in a pattern. If the frequency and volatility of the ‘stutterings' are extremely profound then there is reasonable evidence to determine that the planet is going into ‘arrest' or ‘stoppage'.


There are energetic vortices that spin left-right at the planet's north polar centre and right-left at the south polar centre.  These energetic vortices form a nexus or a joint at the centre or the ‘belly' of the planet. Consider this ‘belly' as the emotional centre of the planet.


As mentioned before by Christ Michael, the various creature energetic forms, both in thoughts and in deeds are impacting the planet, physically and emotionally. In the case of the emotional impacts such energy forms are ‘felt' in the emotional centre of the planet's body. The emotional centre conveys these frequencies throughout the energetic vortices via the nexus or joint that meets in the centre of the planet's ‘belly'.


Everytime something major occurs within the ambit of thought or deed, that is of a negative persuasion or of non-light bearing amplitude, the planet's emotional centre ‘rocks' or ‘jolts' as a consequence.. this jolt is ‘amped' up through the energetic vortices and spirals outwards reverberating throughout the ‘auric membranes' that surround the planet.


You, as sentient beings connected to the planet physically, mentally and emotionally experience these ‘jolts'. Such manifested ‘jolts' on the planet, run the gamut from weather anomalies to environmental disasters to tectonic shifting to mass animal deaths to aberrant human behaviour, which in turn ‘feeds' the energetic thought forms that further impact the emotional centre of the planet's body in a seemingly never-ending circle of cause and effect.


Added to this situation is the fact that there is an ‘inflow' of energy waves from the far reaches of space, that is destined, at this time to bring heightened awareness to the ‘principles' of matter which are making the choice to elevate its consciousness in alignment with the Divinity of Source. I refer to ‘principles' of matter to describe physicality at the sub-atomic level, which means that everything down to its infinitesimal presentation in physical existence will be impacted by these sequence of Divine waves.


Therefore these waves are also impacting the planetary physical, mental and emotional bodies, as well as ALL life forms upon her.


Overarching all of this, is the ‘playing out' of the Cosmic Cycles.


These Grand Cycles are universal revolutions within revolutions consistent with the upward spiralling of ALL universal worlds towards realignment and realisation of Light and Life.


This planet, has reached the end of its cyclic revolution  in a series of revolutions that had the planet and her life forms experience ‘highs and lows' in its ‘thousands of thousands' of years as an occupied and life bearing planet. It is time for the planet to move to another stage of her development consistent with her own wishes and consistent with her Divine attainment.


Those who are slated to accompany her in this journey will be allowed and will be facilitated in this endeavour.


Given what I have encapsulated above, I will address what is anticipated to come.


We monitor the  ‘readings' taken from the planet, her inhabitants, her energetic vortices, the incoming sequential wave energies, the impacts of the Grand Cycles and the energetic forms that add to this ‘mix' to determine projections that give us a fair idea of the timing and the magnitude when stoppage or arrest of the planetary revolutions will occur.


At this time we will say that timing is ‘imminent' and is fully dependent on the planet's decision to come to full stop or if something occurs that threatens the life force of the planet before she stops. In that case we will intervene to save her life. This is very much likened to a mother in labour, where one has to wait until the baby is delivered yet if something should manifest that puts the life of the mother and/or the baby in peril, then an intervention becomes necessary. This is the very same ideal.


The magnitude of the event will not go unnoticed. Already people who are ‘ensouled' are aware that ‘things seem off'..They base these facts on what is happening around them. Some of this may or may not be tied to religious programming and the such but they sense that something is wrong..They are noticing the intensity of the Sun's rays..They are recognizing that human behaviours are descending into such deviance and polarized temperaments that leave much worry and uncertainty in the minds of the observers. They are noticing the seeming natural disasters. They are concerned about environmental issues that are affecting sustainability of life. They know something is amiss. They are becoming aware that their world is in the grip of forces that do not have concerns relative to the wider populations and the planet, at heart. They are beginning to see through the double-speak of the many ‘tools' which are used to contain the various populations in inertia.


They may not speak about such to all and sundry because ‘bread and butter' issues occupy their thinking most of the time, but soon enough that is about to change.


The lengths of the days and consequently the lengths of the nights will become curiously longer. This will begin to affect plant life animal life (inclusive of human) and mineral life. Food production will be altered because crop cycles will be affected. The cycles that affect the water tides such as in oceans and rivers will be disrupted. This will cause ebbs and flows that will wreak further devastation. Tectonic plates will shift and creak in attempts to stabilize land masses which they support. Planetary Weather systems will fluctuate wildly and extremely. Planetary temperatures will be exacerbated and what is now considered ‘record-breaking' will intensify. Electronic and digital multiplex systems will be erratic and non- reliable. Some will become non-functional altogether. Your satellite systems will not be able to triangulate programs for purposes of decoding signals and the like. Your communication systems will be sporadic at best.


The human psyche will be affected and many will become very volatile. In a relatively short period, as the planet slows down to a stop this will manifest..and NONE will be spared  these effects and by extension be oblivious to the fact that something is drastically wrong. In fact, MANY will welcome relief!


As part of a scientific team, with responsibility for the well-being of the planetary body, my role is to ensure that the integrity of the ‘material planetary body' survives the tumult of these events. As the planet halts its rotation it will become necessary to intervene along certain planetary lines or causeways to stabilize ‘pressure areas'. My geophysical specialist team and I may have to harness certain ‘surgical procedures' to prevent areas of erosion that may wreak undue imbalances to the corporeal planetary system. We will have to coordinate efforts with other teams for purposes of allowing for intervention by specialists with responsibility for other areas that make up the composition of the planet's mental and emotional structures.


Given the bits of information posited above, I end my summary for now. It is my hope that the provided information will help many of you to realise the ‘signs' and the reasons for such when the time is upon you. Armed with such information it is expected that you would be best suited to help rather than hinder the process as it unfolds. It is also expected that you would be able to take care of yourself and those ones around you who are amenable to your advice and guidance. Remember the emphasis is on amenable. If they are not giving you ‘an ear' and are downright hostile to what you are trying to convey, then you have an obligation to allow them their own right to be in their own judgement. You are not to choose for them.


The planet has a date with her destiny and those who are to accompany her, are to so do, whether they are aware or not. I am to ensure that the planet meets her destiny in the best possible shape so that those who are to accompany her will have the optimum conditions in which to participate in a manner consistent with the highest ideals.




Christ Michael: I now ask Monjoronson to address you.


Monjoronson: We meet again in such auspicious times for I am come in the name of Justice to pronounce on the many steps that have been taken to heal this situation. It is a fallacy to believe that the Adjudication Team has only recently started its mandate to bring justice to facilitate clearing of anomalous deeds that were committed against the planet and both her material and non-material inhabitants. We have been at this since the Luciferian Rebellion but it is within recent times that the adjudication process has been allowed to ‘filter down' to the ‘lower' vestiges that resulted from that rebellion.


This dispensation or allowance was facilitated by the grace of Christ Michael, who, in considering the myriad of reasons for the default of the many personalities who also have  manifestations of physical embodiment in these realms, allowed for ‘time' to be given so that all could have opportunity to come into Divine alignment, once again.


This opportunity was taken by few, some noted ones yes, but still too few. In any event, Christ Michael's ‘time allowance' has run out so to speak and we now have to take matters into our hands with relative ‘immediate despatch'. I also wish to emphasize that I do not ‘uncreate' personalities. The responsibility for uncreation is in the realm of ‘The Ancient of Days', who is attended to by those with vested powers and responsibilities for ‘dissipating' energies, nullifying discordant frequencies and re-integrating the ‘sanitized' elements back into the ‘whole'.


My role, in this particular situation, is to investigate and come to conclusive judgement over the affairs of MEN and to recommend appropriate action, which is then escalated to the relevant authorities empowered to mete out such recommendations.


In order to come to conclusive judgement, It requires empirical knowledge of matters that span levels of dimensions and in the planet's case,  time..


With the planet approaching this stage, which is a milestone in its ascent to glory, there comes a need to ‘fast track' the ‘sorting' of the inhabitants, in accordance with vibration and destination. To simplify this meaning, let me say that each will go in accordance with their own suitability. During the course of my investigations I have been able to compile much information to determine the suitability of each, to determine the type of rehabilitation that is necessary and to recommend appropriate action to be taken in the case of those who have deliberately chosen a path that is the antithesis of the GOD life itself.


Co-creators that you are, you do have say in the determination of your destiny, however with the exception of those who are ‘uncreated', your determining of your destiny will be an ongoing process, wherever you find yourselves, for those who chose not to come into alignment with Cosmic Laws, at this time.


Further, as the planet stops its rotation and hangs in balance as it tries to ‘right itself', ALL of the mis-aligned thought forms that have permeated its essence will no longer be able to attach itself. The force of ‘revolving mass' carries with it a momentum, which makes it easy for ‘attachments' to move in accordance with that momentum. When the ‘revolving mass' in this case the planet, stops and hangs, momentum also stops and with it the force that carried the momentum ceases to exist for the time. As a result inertia results in the ‘loosening' of attachments, in this case such acrid thought forms. Once these thought forms can no longer ‘cling' to the base components of the planet's energy fields, then they detach and will be collectively harnessed to be dealt with by ‘fields of energy' under the direction of ‘ the Ancient of Days'.


Expect that when these thought forms detach, whatever physical manifestations that they supported would become completely incoherent and utterly incomprehensive. Hence the reason why there would be widespread breakdown in material and human constructs.


It is imperative for me to remind you at this time, that the laws that govern the pre-disposition of Souls, require that you allow for each to make his or her own choice in these matters. For in your present circumstances of ‘not-knowing', you cannot possibly determine what is best for yourself much more for another. Understand, that everything that is being accommodated is conversant with your own Higher Selves for it is at that level that you truly comprehend the reasons for all that is ‘brought to bear' relative to these events.


My role is to ensure that the ‘slate is wiped clean' and once the planet's revolution swings into force again, that the momentum that this engenders will carry with it thought forms that are based on noble ideals.


Be at Peace and know that ALL is in good hands and ALL is balanced in accordance with the Highest Cosmic Ideals.


I am Monjoronson!



Esu comes forward.


Beloveds, it is I Esu, most of you call me Sananda, well there are many ‘Sanandas' and at this time we will avail ourselves to you!  For you see Sananda  is a ‘Title of bearing' that denotes a ‘Christed Being' and there are many ‘Christed Beings' that came to you over many eons to help you to ‘re-member' the truth of who you are while you were immersed under this darkness which prevailed upon your awareness, for so very long.  A ‘Christed Being' is not a Christian as you know it, although the religion of Christianity took its ‘titular name' from ‘Christ' which is a Roman acronym.


A ‘Christed Being' is one who is in masterly service to others under the principles and guidance of Christ Michael of Nebadon. These Christed principles have been made manifest in many Beings of like persuasion who walked the Earth amongst many different races, amongst many different civilizations, amongst many different religious  and philosophical denominations, with the expressed purpose to ‘show' a way consistent with Divine patterns and ways of Being.


I have always been with you but at this time I am making you aware, that my presence along with the many other Sanandas, who have inspired so many around this planet from your recorded history, are here to put ourselves at your disposal in this time of monumental change.


For indeed, not only are there present, Sanandas from your recorded history but there are also 21st century Sanandas, who are going to be taking up the mantle in the near time to come. Some of you Sanandas are hereto reading this and lucky for you, you are being given a proverbial ‘heads-up', relative to the roles upon which you are due to embark.


I am in joy at this! For though the time to come is perilous for those who choose to remain in obscurity about everything that is happening around them, for those of ‘Christed' orientation, it will be the everything that you have longed for during your many sojourns on and off the planet.


Your purpose will finally come into perspective and you will realise that all the challenges that you faced that has led you to NOW was worth it.. You have finally earned your  'stripes' and now you are being called into service as the planet prepares to heave through very tumultuous events that lie ahead.


Further I will advise you that nothing is given that cannot be borne. I emphasize the point that you have earned your 'stripes'  and if ever you feel that you cannot rise to the challenge, call on me or any of your religious icons, angels, guides, heavenly hosts to give you a ‘lift' to move forward. I only make this point as a suggestion to let you know that ‘we have your back'..


The time is short and while the period of challenges will not be long, it will seem like never-ending to those of you who have to face the dramatic uncertainty that will result from initial responses to events as they unfold. There is a plan afoot to deal with all eventualities. Some have been highlighted before my message, some will be hinted about after my message. Not all will be ventilated here and now.


We have already started to make our presence known to you in ways that are non-alarming. We suggest to you in your waking moments and we brief you in your dream time. Some of you remember facets of dreams which we allow so that you find yourself pondering during your wakeful moments. We arrange synchronistic moments that will cause you to come into contact with information that will enlighten you about what is happening. Your willingness to ‘pay attention' is what would determine the difference between your ability to be prepared as opposed to being confused and ill-equipped to handle situations, that may crop up in your experiences. In any event we stand with you as you face what is to come, happy in the knowledge that a ‘qualitative leap' in the journey of the planet and her inhabitants is about to begin.


Blessed are those who rise to the fore in recognition of their service to their Fellowman.


Blessed are you for casting your doubts aside, putting your chores on hold and taking this message for and on behalf of those of us in attendance.


Blessed is Gaia for allowing the many to be given the opportunity to grow and learn.


Blessed are the many who are about to embark on a course of events that will shape  their paths to their ultimate destinies.


I am that I am Esu Sananda.


Christ Michael brings forward Lady Nada (This is my first time taking a message from Lady Nada)


C.M.:-  Lady Nada,  together with Esu, is closely aligned in service to the planet. She is a  member of the inner circle on matters dealing with the planet and her populations. So great is her love for the planet that she has ‘postponed' her own ascent in order to service the needs of the planet. It is in this regard that she has tied her own ascent to that of the planet. It is in this regard that she is an intrinsic part of this process for tied to the fate of what is to occur is her own forward movement. In any event she is already a ‘Paradise Citizen' who has embarked on another journey, this time, with the planet and her population.


Lady Nada:-  Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to address whatever concerns  that may be paramount in the minds of the many who will be reading these messages.


The planet is a sentient Being, a nurturing sentient Being who has made a decision to take the responsibility of ‘be-coming‘  to the next level. It is in this regard that my role has ‘quickened' to facilitate this ‘birthing' into higher consciousness of this sentient Be-ing, who in spite of her many discomforts sought to give ample opportunity to those life forms   who made her physicality their home, to grow into Divine awareness. She has had to endure much, too much and in the fullness of time it has become apparent that to continue in this vein meant that her survival would be brought into question.


There are elements who do not share concerns for her well-being as they have lost control over their ability to exact further productive elements from her body. These ones have now degenerated into a downward spiral and have become so skewed in their thought forms that they can no longer be tolerated by the planet's emotional system. To this end, the planet has decided to end this ‘warped' situation and reject these anomalous elements that have compromised her core. We, as part of the Celestial effort are on standby to proceed with the following:


Remove from harm's way all our serving members on the ground of operations.

Safe keep  all important spiritual artefacts that will provide service to those who will be returning to continue with the planet.

Preserve the critical passageways or portals that flow along the planetary energy lines.

Prepare comfortable ‘housing' for those who will leave the planet and those who are expected to occupy safe areas within the planet's body.

Ensure that family units are re-united or facilitated in accordance with pre-arranged destinations.

Ensure that animal populations inclusive of various pets are sorted and assigned accordingly.

Ensure that plant life that may face destruction are seeded for re-planting when conditions on the planet are conducive.

Ensure that medical needs are identified and make arrangements for such needs to be addressed.

Identify various groups in accordance with their primary roles and facilitate preparation for these roles to be fulfilled.

Schedule shuttle services to facilitate transport to and from the planet.

Identify planetary safe areas for purposes of logistics and for preparing intervention services where needed.

Co-ordinate team efforts to ensure that all operations run smoothly.


This is a primary list which you can appreciate would contain several sub-sections to each aspect outlined. There are various teams involved which also include the Galactic commands with each having their own responsibilities.


We have identified fears or concerns as they relate to Extra-Terrestrial activity. These have been programmed into the consciousness of the masses by those whose time is about to be cut short by the planet. Be not in dismay about this. There will be those of the masses who would come willingly as many  would become ‘activated' by this course of events. For those who are so steeped in fear that there thinking consciousness becomes paralyzed, they would be put to sleep and taken out of harm's way, if it is their destiny to not perish with the tumultuous events on the planet.  They will then be sorted accordingly and either re-united with their loved ones and assigned to wherever they are supposed to go which will be in accordance with their own ‘Higher Knowing'. For those who are to face adjudication they will be taken either in physical or non-physical form to the Courts of Nebadon.


This is as much as I can tell you at this point. We will have further updates as time advances. Thank you again for allowing me the opportunity to do this communication and it is my hope, that in some way,  your concerns have been addressed.


I look forward to embracing all of you when we come together again.


To all my beloveds I AM Nada.


The Ancient of Days makes his presence known.


I AM MANTUSTIA, the last time I rendered a message through you was an occasion that differed in so many ways from now.


Indeed, you did not expect that I would ‘pay a visit' so soon yet I have found it necessary, if only for purposes of signalling to you that events are quite serious and to suggest that it is time to ‘gather one's thoughts' with respect to ‘bonding' with one's inner guide, post-haste.


I have, from time immemorial, been a part of knowing and understanding the cyclic nature of this universe and all the celestial bodies contained therein. I know what is to occur, so therefore I do not make light my words when I advise that one should be in tune with one's inner guidance. This has been the message all along, for so many years, yet so few have paid heed.


Thankfully though, those of you who have paid attention would be best positioned to provide assistance to those who need it. Do so wisely! As stated before it is not your role to coerce anyone, but it will be your role to lead by example, to show courage in spite of your own internal misgivings, to trust in the process and everything that has led you to your proverbial ‘here and now'. It is everything that you have ‘trained for' .It is one of the many situations in which you will distinguish yourself.


You are about to know what your true purpose was in being born unto the planet!


May you stand tall in your glory!






Christ Michael:


Leonette we have come to end of this script for now. Thank you for your patience for it was indeed a ‘long day'. You have done well to keep focused through the many twists and turns of personal events that occurred during your day..I will not keep you much longer except to state that as events build in momentum signalling the inevitability of the end of this stage, My Beloved Gabriel, as Administrative Head of Nebadon  will pronounce on events as he sees fit.








Endit 9:18 pm

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The Kingdom of His Sovereignty which my Father is establishing in the hearts of his earth children will become an eternal and everlasting dominion throughout the Earth. Once set up, His rule in each and every heart will raise all the humanity into His perfect harmony and order. There shall be this never-ending and continuous dominion of my Father in the hearts of only those who desire to do his divine will. And as this is the fact that I share with thee, only the meek, the humble and receptive, the contrite and thirsty shall inherit the Earth and all therein; for the Earth shall become raised into Her rightful place and position within this solar and galactic setting. I say unto thee, my beloved children, that my Paradise Father is not confined by human organization nor is He limited by dogmatic concepts in the minds of human beings. He is not the God only of this religion or that sect. All are welcomed into His Kingdom of Light, insofar as ye make thine decision to enter therein, and ye are willing and cooperative…eager and athirst to attain the living of His Will and Plan. All those receptive of my Father God shall come to sit down with us in the Father’s Kingdom, and yet, many shall refuse to enter this next two thousand year cycle wherein the omnipotence of His Love and Life shall reign supreme. Humanity shall experience interacting with the living network of His Supremacy…the Host of Heaven…and the Order of the Immortal Ones. My Father shall rule within all; for His spirit shall take up fuller residence in the hearts and minds, and bodies of the children of men. The power of His Sovereign Kingdom shall be comprised of the establishing of His glory…the living glory of His spirit which presides directly with each living soul and personality. This living spirit shall teach those receptive minds and will overtake rule within the hearts of the populace of this heavenly kingdom. The newly-found sons of God shall find themselves walking in a brotherhood of mercy wherein righteousness reigns over all supremely. Thine civilization shall become righteous and knowledgeable regarding the gift of free will. Peace and acceptance for any differences shall be reinstituted first in the soul of each personality, and then, it will be externalized in all the systems of this world. Thine race shall be made to evolve and mature in a more unlimited fashion. His Kingdom and Sovereignty is the fulfillment of all good men and women throughout all time and space within this planetary sphere. It is the everpresent hope of all and every Kingdom within this Earth. It will be the completion of a certain octave or frequency wherein all will have a greater ease and chance to graduate and complete their rounds of expression. Yet, for all those who have the courage and willingness to cooperate in order to enter into this Kingdom of Light, there will be the intensity of challenges and tests given in order to prime thee and make thee men and women who have become gods. Mankind…that is… each and every personality soul is really a stream or beam of consciousness, and consciousness is Life or God. That consciousness or awareness or stream of Life has capabilities that are naturally occurring in every second of our existence, and ye must be made mature in order to give my Father God His rightful dominion and power over all things of the Earth. Each and every child of God my Father holds or possesses the creative capabilities through their directive attention. This directive attention is the ability given to you each in order to give thine worship and praise unto thy Source and Creative Parent. There will be a necessity for each child to mature into their own sonship as a Self Directive Governing being, at one with the Principle of the I AM…the Father Principle that is this Stream of Life or Consciousness. The attention of mankind has been quite a bit hypnotized into focusing its creative power…its power to create vibration…into external imperfect conditions. Each day must be spent in certain time preparing for this next cycle of maturation for the species as a whole, and for every individualization of the One Father. Ye must learn to build thine life upon the righteous use of thine free will and creative beam of focus. I have offered thee exercises that will erase the old karmas and erroneous tendencies and begin instituting a new momentum that accumulates into a destiny of Light, rather than what has been occurring which is the materialization of mind, the materialization of the soul personality into denser and still denser vibrations which then the personality become completely unreceptive to anything that is at all finer in its frequency vibration…. This is the return into the kingdom of heaven spoken of in olden times…But for you, my children, and for all others who would follow you into this Kingdom, there is set certain challenges. Faith and trust in the Father will allow you to enter into the consciousness of the Kingdom, yet, you must bring forth into your physical conditions and physical life the very fabric of my Father’s spirit if you would continue to become quickened into a much more illuminated and accelerated progressive unfoldment and evolution in the road which leads you to that greater divine fellowship. And I say this unto thee, not everyone will be able to pass through even the very first doorway of greater Life. Only those personality souls who yield within themselves a deep and mature, sincere and full desire to surrender all and sacrifice all to find God and enter His Kingdom therein. The doing and living of His Will is of primary and essential importance. Thine ability to alter the lifestyle ye have been enmeshed within, and to raise thine self into the eternal embrace for all time can only be accomplished with full determination, consecration, and cooperation in love and agility. Ye must fulfill His law and then this fulfillment will progressively allow thee to live His will and intent for you. These two components are the two prerequisites in order to enter the Kingdom of His Sovereignty; to allow Him to expand His Light, Life, and Love into and through thine physical being and subtle worlds. I beseech thee, each and every one soul . . . seek first the kingdom of God and enter into His righteousness, and in the fulfillment of His law, all lesser of importance will align for you, and all other concerns which are essential to find your victory in His progressive fulfillment…His everlasting survival… shall become established and secured with thee. His Kingdom of Light is now coming into this planet, and ye are becoming recircuited with the rest of the solar system and galaxy, yea, even taking up thine position and place within this our local universal creation. His Kingdom will have revealed no outer show, nor will this kingdom of my Father come with an outward demonstration of great power or with any kind of attractive revelation. Hence, if ye are too dense and materialized in mind and heart, then the Kingdom will have come and gone and ye shall be standing alone awaiting for your own version and preconceivings to be accomplished, yet no such outward demonstrations shall be revealed; for the Kingdom comes and invites into Its fold only those who stand ready and willing beforehand. All the rest must wait until a far distant future point in time when the cycle comes back around again on other planets wherein the evolutions are as yet unadvanced. Bother not going forward to speak about this coming Kingdom for it is already upon thee, and awaits thine entrance; for this kingdom of which I speak is God within you. Whosoever would become truly honored within my Father’s Kingdom shall be a minister unto all, and not for vanity sake, yet for the true and unadulterated motivation of doing good, thinking good thoughts, and expressing divinely good feelings, and speaking and acting in accordance with the unyielding purity of My Father’s immaculate character. Become then, he or she who seeks to serve within this coming Kingdom of His Righteousness and Sovereignty. Be as His sons and daughters truly… in this heavenly Kingdom which is becoming more pronounced even now, you are no longer servants but ye are His sons and daughters of the living God. This Kingdom of mine Father God shall build momentum amongst thine populace, and so shall this kingdom progress in the world until it shall obliterate every obstacle and all barriers within the minds and hearts of all men and women so that ye are brought to know my Paradise Father and ye are stirred to believe in these eternal verities which I have come once again to declare within thine midst. Even now is the Kingdom everpresent, and those with the ears to hear and the eyes to see shall even transcend physical body death as ye become taken upwards in thine evolutionary progression and development. Those of you who have the courage to follow unabashedly and willingly with gratitude and grace shall find thyself whisked into His Light eternally while yet retaining all the immaculate virtues of thine personality and individualized uniqueness. And you will sing praises unto He who gives thee Life in every second of thine existence…welcoming and honoring His coming reign with great and quiet power. Then, even as my Father’s Kingdom becomes established within your heart and mind, you will become ministers as of a simple white lily which become birthed and glorified directly out from the dirt and mud, the grounds of fertilize soil. You will become raised up to become a new class of men and women which have become birthed into distinction and honor, differing from all other men and women who have yet to find this royal road to Life and who as of yet still remain within the dust and grime of their own creations. You shall become illuminated and set eternally free forever, not quite now as men among men and women among women, yet as the illuminated citizens of greater pastures and field of light, a heavenly country among the endarkened and misinformed creatures of this dark and solemn world. It is thine destiny in light that ye live in just the very same way as those who have tasted the glories of a better life and have been sent back to earth as ambassadors of the Sovereign of that new and better world. The teacher is expected to possess and express more than that of the student; just as with the master of a house wherein he or she is expected more of than the servant. The newly emerged citizens of the heavenly Kingdom are required to be representatives in full measure compared to the citizens of the old earthly struggling rule. In thine white lily ministry focused upon expanding the greater understandings of the present population you will be obligated to abide by those teachings and principles which are the purest reflection of my personal divine ideals of the sort of mortal living which I seek to exemplify in my own earth life in the sacred act of revealing the everlasting principle and personality virtues and qualities of love and merciful compassion, of the Father who is in heaven. I have come forth to elucidate the way to liberty for all those spiritual captives who have not been able to understand better, and I bring with my person an endless joy and determination in the proclaiming of this said Kingdom, its approach, and its fulfillment in washing away all doubts and fears, healing all thine karmas and destructive tendencies and unfulfilled momentums which have carried you further away from the Father until now. Through this increase in understanding the necessary knowledge you will be able to heal every grain of thine inner and outer sickness, as ye blend and merge with Him… in accordance with the will of my Father in heaven. When you find thine self in distress, speak to thyself encouragingly and with patience and compassion, knowing the trail that ye have walked has been created by all those who have walked this very same road. Think to thyself of how glad you are to now know of this coming Kingdom, and the ways and means of entering therein. Grateful and exalted are those personality souls who need God and have become humble in His omnipotent presence…for theirs is the open doorway to enter into the kingdom of heaven. Overjoyed and honored are those souls who yet hunger and thirst to align with His righteousness, His law, and His will…for they shall be filled to overflowing as all their emptiness is taken away. Faithful and trusting are the meek who possess a contrite heart and willingness to take accounting for themselves…for they shall inherit all the riches of the earth. Unburdened are the pure in heart and the child-like of mind…for they shall have grown in the stature of their character having built an understanding of the perspective of eternity, and they shall see God. Greatly blessed and comforted are they who grieve to come closer unto my Father God…for they shall be acquitted of all error and sin, and shall be made ready to receive of their inheritance in light. Peaceful are the compassionate and the merciful without judgment…for they shall receive His mercy at the same time as it is given out from them. Prosperous and overflowing in supply are the peacemakers…for they shall be called into the Kingdom of His Sovereignty wherein all is given freely and to no end. These are the sons and daughters of God. Strong and courageous are they who are judged, laughed at, mocked, and ridiculed, even persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is truly the kingdom of heaven. For when others shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all unearned evil against you falsely…rejoice and be exceedingly glad to know of thine alignment and thy mastery; for great shall be thine reward in heaven. You are each the divine individualization of the One Father within time and space creation, localized to generate constructive expansion of His Kingdom of mercy and love. Ye are the very light of all the world. Stand tall in the fullness of thine divine consciousness and behold thineself…behold God in and of thine own Selfhood…thine very consciousness is Life Itself with full authority and creative prerogatives to set into motion the Kingdom of all Sovereignty and His all merciful Supremacy. Allow thine divine power and intelligence to outshine the darkness and in this all dark will become evicted and evaporated immediately. Bring glory and honor unto thine Father God, and He shall come closer unto thee with all His omnipotent Omnipresence and Omniscience flooding thine inner worlds and raising all thine atomic substance into His perfection; for your Paradise Father who is all-permeating also sits at the helm, the center and infinite source of existence. I am advising each one of you to bring forth the glory of my Father’s kingdom, and as you do bring forth His Kingdom, put your trust in the Father whose individualizations you are. Resist not the appearance of injustice; and put not your trust in the temporal and unsightly wickedness of the world’s justice system. Be thou willing to go through the temporal suffering of the appearances of injustice, and allow God’s justice to reign supreme over all in your trust in Him. Focus instead on being a kind and merciful minister to all that are within your sphere of influence. Receive and minister patiently and attentively in kindness and with mercy to all who are in distress and in need.; for the world is full to overflowing with those souls who have good intent and yet, have become imprisoned by the karmas of their past intendings. Help them to understand the law and how to fulfill it with unconditional love and acceptance, supreme knowledge and maturity, giving them your receivings with full attentive love. I do share with you each herein to have patience with those who seem needy and emotionally emptied. Love each as if it is thine very Selfhood that you are nurturing; for in truth, it is such. Give thine allowance and acceptance to those who hate and even despise you, bless those who curse you by allowing them their choices; for all that is sent outward unto others is impressed and imposed upon the force of Life of the giver, and it will be a day in their future that they are compelled to reap whatsoever they have sown. Pray for those who are users and selfish pranksters knowing that they too must come to account for all their misgivings and they will need your prayers in their distant future when they are called to redeem and repent from their wanton ways of unrighteousness and confusion. Let not thineself be used, but know that nothing can come into your field of life unless you too are vibrating to those very same frequencies; so be forthright and diligent, disciplined and humble in redeeming all that you may encounter around thee. And whatsoever you believe that I would do to men, do you also to them. Thine Paradise Father allows the rays of the sun to shine on all men and women regardless of their stature and consciousness. Be most fully the sons and daughters of God by upstepping thine character and by recognizing that you are His individualization that can hold consciousness of thyself as individual and as the One Whole; even more, you are now the living representations in matter of my Father’s Kingdom. Be thou merciful and just, in the very same way that ye perceive that God Himself is merciful and just, and in the eternal future of the Kingdom and even in this very moment in time and space…you shall be perfected, even as your heavenly Paradise Father is perfect. You are being supported to offer other men and women your acceptance for whatsoever conditions you may find them in.Judge them not for ye cannot perceive the fullness of the actions that either you or they have become involved within. Spend time embracing eternity by exchanging thine darkness and density for the light of your own God Force presence. Mercy and love will overflow as you seek God Himself and do it first and foremost in your lifetime here; for whatsoever you do not resolve here in the here and now will not automatically become washed clean after you pass away from this screen of life. Instead, seek even to raise thine soul and personality into His everlasting Light and through His Love drawn down into your physical conditions you will wash away all that you’ve been willing to see and be accountable for. At the end of your earth life you will all expect mercy and patience; so… I would ask of thee to show this same mercy and patience to all others and wherein you encounter obstructions to loving in your outside surroundings, know that this is merely the symbol of your inner obstructions that must be mastered through fulfillment of the law of your existence, and the living of the will of heaven, and the replacing of your character and attitudes of mortality and limitation with those of eternity and infinity. I would ask of thee from you during your mortal life that you show mercy to all of your brethren in the flesh. Make not the mistake of sitting in judgment of another and attempting to ‘pluck a mote out of your brother’s eye when there is a beam in your own eye.’ Having first cast the beam out of your own eye by your mastery of the divine mirror of life and the inquiry in fulfilling the law, you can all the better see fit to cast the mote out of your brother’s or sister’s eye. Walk with the discernment of the purified heart so that ye may perceive the truth most clearly; live thine life righteously and fearlessly when it comes time to take thine own accounting of any errors and misqualifications that will arise in you and around you in the world of effects; and so shall you be the true and lasting aspirants of my Paradise Father…His Individualizations who have become more completely Christic in thy frequency vibration. When it comes time wherein you are given something to accomplish in service within the Kingdom, lead not the blind with thine own blindness. Guide others into an understanding of His law and the righteous use of the embracing of eternity through your creative free will powers. Stand as clean and clear representatives of the righteous use and accountable strength in the way to properly enter into the kingdom; you must yourselves walk in the clear light of living truth. In all the unfolding business of the kingdom I counsel thee to demonstrate justice in your dealings with other, doing the right thing as thine conscience directs thee. Be keen and mature in thine expressions using wisdom, yet, be ever cautious to remain silent when wisdom dictates and when you are ill received simply direct thine Selfhood to others wherein you will be taken with respect and dignity. In discerning truth from falsehood I highlight herein for your discernments when opening yourself to others when it comes to money and teachings. Ideas seem harmless, yet they are living things that will corrupt you if left unattended. Seek thine inner wisdom and counsel of thine own Intelligence and ask not of others who do not have the purity and maturity to offer anything other than their own egotistical ignorance and painful rebelliousness to the Father. A good tree cannot yield evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree produce good fruit. Every personality soul that does not bring forth good fruit is presently hewn down and cast into the fire at the time that they will transfigure all their human preconceived opinions and erroneous ideas of life. In gaining an entrance into the kingdom of the divine consciousness of heaven, it is the inner motive that is seen by God. My Father looks into the hearts of men and takes accounting only by their inner longings and sincere intentions. Every one who hears these words that I have offered unto thee and sincerely executes his inner directives to serve and assist shall find an abundant entrance into their greater service expression beyond this fleeting moment of thine lifetimes within the Earth itself. The Kingdom of His Sovereignty awaits thine entrance with warmth and welcoming embrace. I remain One with the Mercy and Love of Father .. Son .. Spirit

Christ Michael Aton


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Immaculate Garment of Immortality

Immaculate Garment of Immortality Blessed are the sensitive ones who feel deeply and desire with a full heart to share their connection with the Brotherhood of Humanity; for they shall receive the greater portion of Light and life in which to lovingly distribute to all others .. and this outflow shall cleanse their soul personality beyond the limitations of mortality. …and they shall become satiated .. fed with the Manna from the Heavens. This Living Word of the Eternal Son will bring to each and all a fulfillment which transcends all human understanding. …and in the life of the apostles and disciples of the Universal Father .. the mortal coil shall begin to place upon itself the Immaculate Garment of Immortality. These individuals shall come to be born again through the transfigurative Fire of God’s Love and Grace .. His Mercy and Forgiveness … His Effervescent Omnipotence and Omniscient Guidance shall be as an Eternal Compass directing the apostles and disciples of Truth and Justice ever onwards and inwards. Those who walk with sincerity and faith .. trust and a contrite willing and humble heart and mind shall become raised up in their frequency vibration. The wheat shall become separate from the chaff; for the chaff will become cleansed and quickened .. renewed and redeemed in this great Plan of Salvation. Michael of Nebadon


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Christ Michael Of Nebadon Announces His Mission in this 21st Century “I come forth once again unto the fold of humanity to teach ye of the path of illumination through the Descent of the Cosmic Fire of Creation and the expansion of the Flame of God presiding in thy midst; for in this way, the mortal shall place upon itself immortality. “…It is the pathway for those with the courage of heart who yearn for God union and are willing to place upon the altar of Love their own free will choices in service to their own awakening and freedom in Light. Only these shall find the strength and conviction to come forth out of the fold of unconscious humanity to do the bidding of the Paradise Gods. “If you thirst for truth and love and freedom, come unto Me, and I shall give unto thee Manna from the heavens…out from My own Being. “… For I am prepared to reveal myself unto those individuals who are proven to be receptive by preparing a place within their character, their personality, and their soul energies, and in this way have made themselves worthy of our association… “Blessed is he who shall receive of my words of wisdom and love, for ye shall be awakened unto everlasting Illumination. Ye shall progress from child of God unto thy Sonship with the Father of Eternity; at this time it is an absolute that the populace may come to know Myself, the Mother Spirit, and the Host of Heaven, who come as a beacon of light in the dark. I say, wherein is thy wisdom? Wherein have ye walked with us? When have ye remembered thy being with the Father, Son, and Spirit? Blessed are they which remember, and learn to give honor unto He who has given ye Life. “I am thy Sovereign Creator Son of Paradise Trinity Origin. I and the Mother are the personalized foci of the Paradise Deity for this aspect of creation. I am Son of God known by many names am I, yet I am not bound by names, nor am I willing to become limited by them. I call myself many things and by many names do I sign my words. I identify myself with all goodness, truth, and beauty, and I am not of this earth, yet I come into the earth manifest to reveal unto thee the way unto freedom and illumination. “For this have I come into the earth at this time, that I might fulfill my covenant with thee, that where I go ye may also go. I say unto thee, as ye fulfill the law ye shall prepare thyself to live his will and intent, and his plan shall become illuminated within thine own awareness. “I am here within the earth for a time, a short while, and I too say that all which are prepared to receive me shall be caught up with me, for it is now come when many shall be quickened unto the Father even as I was quickened and ascended. Ye shall do the very same as ye receive and bring forth the fulfillment of thy birth into light. “I say, for this have I come, that ye may overcome death and fulfill thy own covenant with the Father. So be it and may all peace and prosperity be thine own. I am now giving unto thee that which ye can comprehend. So shall ye be quickened and ye shall know as I and the Host of Heaven do know, of the Kingdom of His Sovereignty and the Living Network of His Supremacy. “ I am of the Paradise Order of Michael, Sovereign Creator Sons who come to guide thy way; for I enfold thy being with My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter Presence, and it is the Infinite Holy Spirit of the Mother of this universal creation which surrounds you in every way.” I Remain One with Paradise Father Son Spirit Christ Michael


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Magisterial Announcement: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 12"30PM East Coast Time WE ARE NOW ADDRESSED BY OUR SOVEREIGN LORD OF NEBADON AND OUR PLANETARY PRINCE: I am Michael, and I declare these forces being brought to bear on Urantia to have their final consequence for all organizations that have found it necessary to obstruct my programs and my wherewithal concerning the outreach of the Magisterial Mission and its components as they may be seen today. I further declare that all work done on behalf of the Magisterial Mission to be complete as of today [April 21, 2015], and that the Mission itself is so close to being rewarded to all who have waited for it, that there is little more I can say to all of you. I believe the time is now to pull the curtain aside and let all see the Magisterial Son in the flesh, and upon my inauguration as Planetary Prince of Urantia on April 17th, I seek to distribute one last time in rewarding all who have come to the aide of the Magisterial Son, in all matters before you, that being the origins and purpose of removing the present Urantia Foundation for cause, and for removing all associated organizations with them, as way to show solidarity with the incarnated Magisterial Son, Serara. Let it be known that the organization known as the Urantia Brotherhood will be reestablished, by that same name, in the new Foundation we call The Magisterial Foundation; That we will, God willing, establish these new institutions by fiat shortly before you; That there will be other institutions established to conduct the work of our Epochal Revelation to Urantia, and that it shall continue to be called the Fifth Epochal Revelation; That all matters concerned with the Magisterial Foundation, will be brought to justice in the same manner as we may be prosecuted, and that no one will be held harmless should they insist on court proceedings to prove their point. I am Michael, and instituted today by your Planetary Prince, all correspondence concerning the Fifth Epochal Revelation will be held sacred and in trust in The Magisterial Foundation, founded in November, 2014, and as such, that institution is now available for donations and other works that others may feel is important to support the Magisterial Foundation, in its material manifestation. Our further concern is that all institutions, including the Urantia Book Fellowship, cease operations upon the announcement by the Paradise Son, Serara; that the Magisterial Mission now reigns over all governments and social institutions of religion, health, and those working for the welfare of nations such as the present United Nations. These are no small statements and the means to enforce the authority of the Magisterial Son, is at hand shortly. I remain on the planet for another 35 days and at the end of that time, I repair to Salvington to take up my role as the Sovereign Creator Son of Nebadon. In those remaining 35 days from today, I will invoke all power as a Creator Son, and as your Planetary Prince, and as Chief of the Finaliter delegation who vests me with all of their Authority, and bring Urantia to heel to the Father of us All, and in that doing declare that nothing remains to be done but to declare to the Magisterial Son, that he may now invoke his trust and his obligation as a Paradise Son, to begin the operations of the Magisterial Mission on Urantia. He has a brief statement concerning these matters as follows: SERARA, THE MAGISTERIAL SON OF THE AVONAL ORDER: I am Serara, and I will plainly discuss the following operations to all of you who may doubt what is happening to Urantia, even as today, as I speak. First - The end of the transition from spirit to a human form is complete. I live in my apartments in upstate New York, and I curry favor with one hundred (100) Melchizedeks who are with me as my Council, and with another one hundred (100) Evening Stars (of an Order that is far above reproach), and the help of the Urantia Midwayers, I am now prepared to provide the world my speech before the assembled hosts of heave and before all the world’s people and governments. I am neither sure or without mortification by this announcement, and that I ask that you pray for my success, as we gamble the goodwill of all if we fail to convince you and them of our goodness and of our spiritual origin, here to help your world regain its sanity. In my last testament to Michael with whom I met but a few short hours ago, I pledged my fidelity to Him and to His Creative Spirit, and that I am prepared to take on the last harm Urantia shall suffer from the horror of insurrection on Urantia. I conclude with these final remarks before I address you shortly. In my wish to obtain the obedience of all governments to the task at hand, we will institute changes particularly to the United States government, to its Presidency, to its Congress, and to its Supreme Court. No one will be exempted in the governments of Great Britain, and of western Europe, or of the governments of the Middle East and Israel, or of the work of the United Nations, which will institute a pattern United Nations to be established within its present framework. This announcement will likely never be seen by these institutions, but they will hear of it quickly, when it is released to the list these distributions regularity go over for us. I am Serara, and I bid you all a good day. THE PARADISE FATHER ADDRESSES READERS: I AM the Father, now speaking to all who read this missive and results of the Commission established in my name on February 5, 2015, and on that date, I conferred with the Melchizedeks involved, and with the two Creator Sons who volunteered to be part of this Commission, and along with my Paradise Trinity, to behold the results as perfect and well established with me as the Sovereign of all the Universes when I attend to the business of the recapture of Urantia into the fold of its sister planets at the end of the Magisterial Mission on Urantia. I AM, and I desire no man or other Order of Universe Life, to prepare anything against me, or so help me, I will lay waste all that is brought against Me and My Son, Serara, and those who support him. I AM the Universal Father, and all who read this must understand that an entire new order of operation will happen on Urantia, the moment My Son, Serara, comes before all of you in the flesh. I AM. This concludes our statement for the problems brought to Urantia as to how to identify the Urantia Foundation in future years, and how to become one with the universe as we work out the difficulties of the present situation as to how handle Epochal Revelation on Urantia and how to prepare the new era to accept the authority of the Magisterial Son, as the full authority and justice of the Paradise Trinity, the Eternal Son, and the Infinite Spirit. We so state this on the 21st day of April, in the present calendar year of 2015. before all of you. I AM the Son, I AM the Spirit, and I am you, my wonderful children of human beginnings. I AM the Father, and all that constitutes the vast creation you have come to understand better through revelation of the highest sort ever to be given to Urantia. Good day. END


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"Too long have you held My people sway under your control, pretending to speak in My name. Too long have you conditioned the minds and hearts of My people, using your bible as the slave master’s whip to mislead and control them by fear and their human frailties that you use to condemn them and keep them in bondage.
"I say to you again “LET MY PEOPLE GO.” If you, ministers, preachers, world leaders and those who govern my people, if you cannot and will not discover My true attributes, My true character, My true nature and understand my will for my people is to be free from tyranny, free from control, to be free to live their lives in accordance with my will, then you shall reap that which you have sown.

"This is not My doing. Mostly, it is yours. You have exploited My people, preying upon the weak minded souls who have depended on you for their guidance instead of listening to My Personal Presence within their minds that would reveal My will for their lives; My Will which would have given them a more secure and fruitful life. But you have turned them away from Me claiming that your bible is My Word. You have filled your coffers with their hard earned money; money that would have provided them and their families a much better existence in your physical realm. Though I am not a wrathful GOD, and I am not a vengeful Father, but if I were, then there would be but a few of you animal creations of My Creator Son Michael and His Consort, Nebadonia the Divine Minister of your world Urantia, left to your contrivances.
"Know this!, I am a loving Father, and I love each and everyone of you as though you were the only child of mine in the whole vastness of my Kingdom. This which is about to come upon you is of your own doing, your own misdeeds, and it shall be great.
"My Avonal Son, Monjoronson as He will be called, is soon to come to your world on a Magisterial Mission to bring justice, and to show the meaning of true mercy and bring peace to this world as it has never before been witnessed. Welcome Him and the Melchizedek staff and others of My Celestial Children who have volunteered to accompany Him to make your world a jewel that shines throughout your Universe, the Universe of My Creator Son, Michael. You showed Him no mercy when He walked on your world as Jesus the Christ in His final bestowal, yet His efforts to save your world has been tireless. He is My beloved Son, and He too will soon return to His beloved Urantia, which you call earth. He is my beloved Son, your local universe GOD, Father and Brother to you all and He loves you with a love comparable to Mine.
"Don’t be afraid because of the things that will come from the heavens. Welcome them, as they are performing My Will and doing My bidding. There are some of your fellows who are aware of the terrible condition that the now extinct Lucifer and his cohort Caligastia imposed upon your little world. They did great damage to certain operating mechanisms that control, manage and maintain certain life sustaining aspects of your world. Much of the damage has been corrected. At Michael's behest, I personally corrected the energy grid that surrounds your world, and performed other corrective measures of your DNA wherein Lucifer and Caligastia left their marks upon the people of your world. You still fear these two rascals and you use them as a scapegoat to not take responsibility for your actions. Know this! You neither have reason to fear them or use them as a scapegoat for your actions. What you sow, you shall reap.
"To you religious leaders again I say, “Let My people Go.” If you don’t know the truth, and are unwilling to hear the truth from me, don’t preach, don’t teach. Release My people from the bonds of your years of apostate teaching and preaching…Let them go!
"You Civic and government leaders, if you cannot find solutions among yourselves, which is obvious that you cannot, do not hold My children hostage to accomplish your political agenda…Let My people go!
"To you My children, learn to listen to My Voice and the Voice of My Creator Son Michael for they are one and the same. Be still and behold the wonder of GOD, Me your Father, Me, the Great First Source and Center. Ask of Me what you will, I am the source. All those of your world may fail you, indeed, have failed you. I am your loving Father and I will never fail you, nor will I ever desert or forsake you. I am your everlasting refuge in a time of trouble. As My Creator Son Michael said when He walked on your world as Christ Jesus; “Come unto Me all you that labor, and I will give you rest, take My yoke upon you, for My yoke is easy and My burdens are light.”
"My children, you have free will to do as you choose. Just a suggestion, choose freedom, choose liberty and above all choose righteousness.
"I leave you now, but I admonish you to show your love for me through genuine service to your fellows; by that, you are showing your love for them also. And love yourselves; be kind to yourself, treat yourself to the pleasures that have been provided for you as you can. A little goes a long way when I am giving the little.
"You are in the 5th Epochal Dispensation of your world. The previous age has ended and a great many things are upon you. Many will suffer and many will die but do not be afraid, for I am with you, even until the end, I am with you forever.
My beloved children; My peace I give to you, My peace leave with you.
Your Loving heavenly Father in Paradise

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April 20, 2015

The proposed new yearly calendar for the world to adopt before the end of 2015:

I, as your Planetary Prince, have only this to say to those who first review what we propose to be the last new Calendar Urantia will ever have.  It is finalized on Salvington, but Ron received an attenuated copy of it so we have some wiggle room to make adjustments later on when we formalize the presentation to all of the world governments on the sphere we call Urantia.

I am Michael of Salvington, I call upon all of you to study the calendar, but that none of you propose anything else for at least ten more days of your present calendar (April 30th); i,e, a no comment period from April 20th to April 30th.  Discuss the calendar here but do not place it on Facebook or other forums for that period.  BUT, you may discuss it among yourselves on this web site only and propose what you wish.  Donna Lynn, please, for the moment do not post on your blog.  Bernadette, please refrain from posting on Facebook.

AS Michael of Nebadon, I understand the refutation some of you will feel.  We just ask that you allow it too perk inside you until you realize some of the benefits the new calendar will provide you.  Here then is the proposal with some math errors in it.

This investiture by me (as Planetary Prince on Saturday, 18 April 2015 by the present Gregorian Calendar), will be declared a holiday on the new Calendar the Planetary Prince will bring with him, and that the old Gregorian Calendar used since the 14th century (1582) on Urantia, will be disposed of once the Magisterial Son appears in the flesh and announces the inauguration of the Magisterial Mission shortly.

Urantia has long suffered under the yolk of oppression and time errors of calendars that are not consistent with the time keeping on Salvington as to the actual time it is on the planet Urantia, number 606, of Satania.

In preparing the new calendar, Salvington has placed, as year 1, the birth of Jesus.  The birth of Jesus is precisely known counting from actual number of days passed to that point from the time Andon and Fonta received their Thought Adjusters.  Using this accuracy, we have eliminated all of the internal errors of the last two thousand years to the present day.

There are even accidental errors in the Urantia Book miscounting as Salvington does due to errors in all the calendar systems as used from ancient times.  What was supposed to be an easier way to count time on Urantia, and to measure epochs, turned into a nightmare of accounting procedures no one else wishes to replicate even on Salvington to keep time accurate using the birth of Jesus to start the new calendar off.  The Chronoldeks were tasked with counting the precise number of days from Andon's Thought Adjuster arrival (he received his first), until Jesus came forth from Mary's womb.  When they did so, there abruptly appeared a 30,454 days error due to the failure of certain lunar eclipses to appear in ancient days.  Because of this the moon table was reset in Babylonia to elongate several years to retain the lunar settings they used in astrology, but the entire system collapsed when Mesopotamia declared itself independent of Babylonia and found the early State of Iran (Persia).  Other errors crop up too, but these are worn out by simply counting our record (Salvington) of the actual number of days from Andon to the birth of Jesus, and then ignoring the human record now so full of errors.

In addition, the Chronoldeks reviewed the time schedule for the bestowal and have reported to the Creator Son, that the daylight hours on Urantia increased from 5 hours 10 minutes average per day in 1 million BCE in the Levant to 12 hours and 17 minutes, on average, for the same area in which Jesus was born to.  The precipitous changes in daylight occurred when Urantia spun on its axis at a forty (40) degree tilt in 1.5 Million BCE to a twenty-four and one-half degree (24.5 degrees), tilt during the bestowal period of the Jesus appearance in Palestine.  Calculating out all these errors of time connected Michael of Nebadon once more to the trials of Urantia and the need to wipe the slate clean of its horrendous errors of rebellion and miscalculation of its period of divine intervention by the appearance of Jesus in the Levant.

The new calendar shall be called The Calendar of Events, to be inaugurated as the official Urantia Calendar when Serara announces his incarnated appearance very soon on Urantia.  This year known as 2015 by the Gregorian Calendar, shall be known as and unknown year conversion date at this time.

The new calendar will begin with January, conversion date,  and will be calculated as follows:

January, conversion date shall have 41 days
February, conversion date, shall have 39 days
March, conversion date, shall have 50 days
April, conversion date, shall have 20 days
May, conversion date, shall have 39 days
June, conversion date, shall have 45 days
July is deleted as a month name
August is deleted as a month name
September, conversion date shall have 49 days
October, conversion date has 27 days
November, conversion date has 35 days
December, conversion date, has 19 days                                  

Total days is 364 days by the accounting given above.
(Note: Days given in the months above will likely vary due to national concerns and must not be considered final)

There is no leap year, but every ten years, the Chronoldeks will ADD days (results from their calculations) and add to the next year in chronological sequence these number of days back into he following months. 

Proposed so far:
January will have 2 more days
February will have 2 more days
March will have 6 more days.

The years with added days will be called a Decimal Year and every ten years thereafter, the Decimal Year will be invoked using the same accounting as given above.

Why ten days added back in every ten years?  Urantia will become an architectural sphere and will be regulated in its orbit around its (Monmatia) sun.  The one quarter of extra days each year which is usually corrected by a leap year every four years now, will be superseded by a change in the biorhythm of the planet and the degree of planetary tilt at the poles which is pulled back to 24 degrees instead of the aforementioned 24 and 1/2 degree tilt currently experienced.  The extra, approximately, 8 days out of the ten being corrected for, have to be added back in to contrast the day-night sequence (the diurnal progression) to normalize the extenuating circumstances experienced by the planet due to a pole shift (more correctly referred to as a diurnal biorhythm shift in this case) and a tectonic plate shift that will modify the revolutionary speed once around the sun as well.  These numbers are all tentative, and they show the process for the working of the new calendar, but all are warned, again, not to take these numbers as carved in stone at this time.  

Also recognize that the Chronoldeks will adjust Decimal Years differently sometimes due to the unpredictability of the early days of the Magisterial Mission and the planetary changes not yet observed.

All of your histories and sacred holidays will change accordingly, and a conversion table will be made available by the Magisterial Mission when it has access to a printing press.

The following Holidays will now be officially observed on Urantia:  Easter and the founding of individual nations around the world, such as the 4th of July in the United States, and events such as the arrival of the Urantia Planetary Prince, Michael of Nebadon, to Urantia.  One has full freedom to imagine what else will be marked as a spiritual or material holiday as well.

The fractious Christmas holiday now on 25 December on the Gregorian Calendar, which will not be replaced with a new date. The birth of Jesus will be a private holiday in families wishing to acknowledge the bestowal Son’s appearance in the flesh.  The monstrous holiday of Halloween is hereby decreed permanently removed as are certain religious practices holidays around the world used by the Roman Catholic Church.

Easter will always be observed on the actual date it happened and the moon calculations discarded.

Actual date and time of the new calendar will have to await many approvals before it is fully revealed by actual year date.  A hint of what the year 2015 equates is a closely guarded secret, but the new date STILL will show itself to be sometime in the 21st century as noted by the Gregorian calendar.

For the Salvington Government,


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First: it is my decree that all opiates used as drugs will be destroyed by fiat of your Planetary Prince.

Second: no murderer will go unpunished.

Third: no use of money or other ill-gotten means will be used to negotiate child or sex slavery of any kind.

Fourth: no member of any government may use their privilege to use their authority against Monjoronson, Serara, the Planetary Prince, Machiventa Melchizedek, or other spirit officials of the Magisterial Government, or against the Second Return of Jesus that is scheduled to appear before the year 2016, is over.

Fifth: - presidential elections scheduled in the United States in 2016, will be curtailed and candidates declared or are-to-be, will be excised into silence until the world order is re-established.  It is not known while we consider this order just what will be allowed in the proposed position of President of the United States until order IS re-established.

Sixth: - the House of Representatives of the United States government will remain in session and no recess declared until the issue of governance is reestablished with the Magisterial Son and his emissaries.

Seventh: - no Senate conferences or meetings are to be adjourned until the Magisterial Son approves their adjournment within sixty days of his announcement to the world of his commission to oversee the governments of the world is satisfied that compliance has been successful. 

Eighth: - no Supreme Court decision is to be announced until the Paradise Trinity and its emissaries approve the substance of the decision to be announced.  The Supreme Court of the United States will be constitutionally disbanded before the end of 2016.  The Court will be reconstituted with two Melchizedeks and the other numbers by a new election by the people of the northern remains of the United States after the tectonic shift removes about seven states from the Republic, through inundation. 

Ninth: - no one who reaches the age of maturity in the United States (for now), the age of thirty (30), will have a license to vote in American presidential elections.  And to obtain a license to vote in federal elections (State elections are exempted), must have at least one degree in higher education to exercise their franchise.  Those who are not further educated, or cannot afford further education, will find themselves subjected to demands that they attend classes on citizenship and responsibility for children and marriage.   These are issues to be further discussed in additional announcements after the Magisterial Son announces his Mission before the public soon.

Tenth: - no man under the age of fifteen may be allowed to serve in the military of any nation state unless prequalified under our guidelines.  No man may serve in the military of two countries singly or at the same time.  NATO will be disbanded and replaced with a United Nations Shield of Governance protecting all against aggression.  No woman may ever serve in the military again in any country for any reason unless the Magisterial Son approves such a need or plane.

Eleventh: - every nation with a military force of 250,000 or more must require all male citizens to national service, either in the military or in some program acceptable by the Magisterial Son.  All women in these same countries must also serve in a national service as proposed by the Magisterial Son, later on this year (2015).

Twelfth: - a new, no non-sense calendar will go into effect quickly to be used by all nations around the world.  Local calendars will be forbidden.  Much more of this proposed calendar will be made available in a few months.

Thirteenth and final: - no man, woman, or child, may become a world leader without expressed permission of the Magisterial Mission.  This is to prevent unauthorized decrees and mandates that will appear and attempt to circumvent the governance of the Magisterial Government, acting on behalf of the Salvington Government in all of these governance matters.

This completes this announcement.  We bid you all a good day, and pray that you reflect upon these words to prepare you for a most eventful year.

I am Serara, the Magisterial Son, and I pre-approve all nuances of thought of those who have a genuine interest in these matters, as I believe we can improve even on these thoughts provided you in this announcement of terms and conditions to placed on Urantia immediately.


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14. November 2014

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Beloved Ones,
Siblings from Eternity!

Together we return to God,
Together the arrival in Heaven is certain
and together we create the basis for new worlds.
We guarantee the new sowing of souls, which,
long after we have already escaped, experience
themselves in the “great game”.


Today this world is being prepared for its transition to the
new reality. And these preparations are comprehensive and
have been ongoing for a long time.

The Sowing
We come closer and closer to the final great event,
which transforms everything and all, and we have decided
to remain in this world until that day, in order to leave a well
prepared field for all who follow us behind; for our sowing and
for the descendants of our sowing.
While we are busy to clear the energy fields of
this level and to redeem them, we find our own redemption.
While we are entrusted to create new worlds and to inhabit
them with new souls, we begin to transform ourselves and
our physical bodies become increasingly subtler and more

And while we create new worlds and new human Beings,
we ourselves will be reborn in a new world.

Preparation for Transfiguration
The birth of the new human Being takes place and we
ourselves are the ones, who experience this in our own
body. In these days our bodies are prepared for the
“transfiguration” and are attuned for it.
This means, we fine-tune our vibration in every instance
of our life. This also explains the fact that more and more
light warriors feel uncomfortable in sluggish vibration fields
or in light-starved environments and can no longer bear these.

This phenomena increases and will also continue to increase,
and this has the immediate consequence that many relationships
on all levels of human living altogether dissolve, yes, must dissolve.
The light warriors of the first and last hours are now finely attuned.
Our bodies, like an instrument, are oriented toward the divine
vibration of the fifth dimension and thereby any sluggish vibration
pattern loses hold in our environment. And even though the majority
of this mankind exists at quite a distance to this reality, we are the
ones, who experience this now.

The old goes away, it dies and parts in front of our eyes.
In these days this occurs with us and with the world, and
we experience this as a totally natural process, such as it
has never been any other way.
Neither grief nor wailing hinder our daily life, instead
the unclouded sensation of liberation is the dominant
impression setting in with everything that dissolves or
transforms around us.

It is hence like that, because we must not give up anything,
instead, because situations, things and human Beings sever
from us by themselves. Like worn clothes any ballast falls from
us, and the Light garment is transferred to us, departing with it
to new shores and into new worlds – in these days. This means:

The light warriors of the first and last hours
are “programmed” on the cellular level with
the steadily expanding ascension codes.

Thereby not only our awareness is fine-tuned, instead our
physical body is also fine-tuned. In every respect we become
more permeable and more sensitive, fine hearing, and fine
perception; clairvoyance and clairaudience develop and are
being experienced as entirely natural phenomena. Now our
actual abilities appear, because the blockages, which have
buried these, have been removed.

These preparations with these pleasant consequences serve
only for the purpose, so that on the day X we have the
energetic basis for our transfiguration.

This transfiguration, which I have experienced as a prophet
thousands of years in time ago, can occur in three different
1.) Whereby the physical body is discarded. Meaning a
“dying” without the experience of death, because it is a
fully natural process and a wonderful transition into the Light.
2.) Whereby a human Being remains in his dream body and then
slides into his comprehensive Light body. Thereby the physical
body is also discarded.
3.) Whereby a human Being, in full consciousness, transfigures
his still physical body into a finer vibration reality. This process
occurs virtually in the presence of daily consciousness and is
therefore a fully conscious transition of a human Being into
the Light; a transfiguration, which, even if the number of those,
who affect this, is significant, can and will occur in this manner
with the least number of human Beings.

All these basic variations of the practical ascension contain
further variations, which react exactly to the uniqueness of
every human Being and are attuned to it. Yet in essence it
is described here, what is possible and how it occurs.
This process of “transfiguration” requires enormous efforts
in the preparation phase of each one of us. It is necessary
to keep our energy field pure or if necessary to heal it from
old unredeemed injuries.

The degree of individual purification
determines how the individual ascension
is configured. The lighter a human Being
is on a cellular and over-all energetic level,
meaning in all his bodies, the easier is this

Therefore I remind all human Beings, who like to put aside
their homework, to revive these in order to get into their
heavenly vehicle on the day of truth in easy steps and full
of joy, and to enter into Heaven.

Purification Tasks have Priority
These necessary purification tasks still have highest priority.
The claim of the Light body requires a Being liberated from
all blockages.
It is not about to fast, to withdraw nutrition from the body,
in order to purify it in this manner, instead it is about the
purification of the mental and emotional energy field, about
to be clear in thoughts and emotions, and to be loving.
Physical fasting can support this work, but must not be like that,
because very often the body needs nutrition as a balance and to
affect certain steps in awareness. Take in lite and pure food, and
only then withdraw food from the body in this time, as you are
entirely certain of this necessity, otherwise this shot can in the
truest sense of the word, backfire, because you lose energy for

Living on Light is the source that you need to be connected
with at first, and a hasty turning away from physical nutrition
at the wrong moment, brings more harm than benefit.

Please consider this carefully, because fasting is a healing
pattern from past time and served mostly so that human
Beings in 3D worlds were able to open to higher knowledge,
to the divine.
Yet you, who are ascending, must already be opened to a certain
degree, otherwise you would not have any knowledge of these
words or of the many messages from Heaven, which were
dedicated to this topic in past years.
The basic norm is: Withdraw nutrition from the body, as you
want to purify the body, give the body physical and pure nutrition,
as you are subjected to intensive and longer energetic growth
processes. Please distinguish precisely, because a good medicine
can do harm taken at the wrong moment.

The Light Body
But where is the Light body, the vehicle with
which you begin this journey back to the Source?

We all live in this energy body. Only that at this time of a
human existence in a sluggish 3D or lower 4D world it is
inactive. Fundamentally this means that the soul does not
live in a human body, instead, it is the human body that
expands in its own soul essence and perceives it. Therefore
we all live in the Light body, which expands by several meters
high and by several meters wide in all directions. And for the
ascending ones this Light body is being activated now;
like a space ship, where all the lights go on.
The restoration measures are being done and we are
“readied for service”, so that we can begin this wonderful
journey to God.

This happened to me thousands of years ago in time
and thousands of years ago to the mother of our eternal
brother Jesus, Mary, who as God’s mother was anchor for
many of us, through several incarnations, offered us
sanctuary and gave us orientation.
In summary and thereby we conclude this first transmission
of the “birth of the new human Being”, it is to be recorded:

All those, who have chosen ascension,
are now comprehensively prepared for it!
Thereby the activation of the Light body
occurs. And this process is most effectively
fostered and supported in its foundation due
to individual redemption work.

We become finer and lighter, this is a fact, which more
and more human Beings observe about themselves.
And the sooner we free ourselves from physical enmeshments
and blockages of this level, the more harmonious will our
transition to the subtle reality of our Self be shaped.

Understand: The bliss, which Life offers us in our Light body,
is our natural divine status, the basic mode of any Creator God.
It is unnatural to be cut off from it.
This alone should show you which service we all have
decided for us, as we declared ourselves willing to separate
from ourselves and from the blissful reality of our divine

Repeatedly the heavenly Light realms have pointed to this,
so that you understand and internalize what happens, and
foremost so that you may capture your actual greatness,
no matter if you ascend or remain behind.

Because every human Being, without exception every
human Being in this world, alone due to the decision to
separate itself from one’s divine Self, in order to have
this unique experience of the separation from the Source,
attains an outstanding status in the realms of Creation.
This statement pertains without exception to each
one of us human Beings!

Certainly this statement frees nobody from the responsibility,
which one has loaded upon oneself due to mistakes and deceptions.
This fact conveys foremost that at the end of all lives in time, things
appear in a totally different light. These will no longer be evaluated
from, even though understandable, yet very often limited human
perspective instead will be looked at in the context of All-That-Is.

This time is devoted to the birth of the new
human Being. The birth of the new human Being
is in you, being ready for it, because you have
exhausted Life in this world and have savored it.

With these words I bless mankind
and all Life in this world.

I am

The Kingdom of Heaven is within You, Part I – SANANDA:

The light world publishing and the author do not lead any
correspondence whatsoever on the texts / messages
published on this website.

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12. November 2014

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Dream: Again I dream of a great flood! This time a whole
city is in the thrall of the “great wave” and I see as enormous
amounts of water flood district after district and bury them
underneath, while in the districts, where it is still dry, crime
spreads out. The entire viciousness of human Beings seems to
crawl to the surface and before the water will gulp down human
Beings and this city, their abysses are revealed.(End of dream)

Beloved Ones,

This dream picture seamlessly ties up to the message
“The Great Wave”, deepens and strengthens it.

Everything changes
It is time to recognize that the whole world is affected by
the events – nothing is spared, nothing remains untouched
by the transformation. Every part of this world will be seized
one after the other, like the “city districts” in the dream.

It is the dimension of the transformation,
which needs to be understood, so that you
can manage all processes of your daily life
with appropriate behavior, profound
understanding and deep trust.

A typical characteristic of the end time is that the dark
energies manifest and foremost in the face of death,
which those, who have denied life, will meet.
In the moment when the recognition about the close
end prevails among the dark forces, these human Beings
climb up to a last cascade of dark and reprehensible actions;
they amass “possessions” due to greed and hate, which they
have to give up in the instant thereafter.

In these days ignorance and lack of
awareness are reflected by reality.

It is a grotesque game of forces and it is
revealed to you until last: What the world
and human Beings want to experience, happens.

So one world separates and enters into the Light
together with human Beings, who are ready for it,
and the other world with those human Beings, who have
chosen this, remains behind. Oceans develop where cities
stood so far or withered as well as fertile land and oceans
withdraw, where so far they determined the tides.

An entirely new world develops!
Well for those, who know this truth,
because on Judgment Day the ones
will be called, who have served this
truth and have devoted themselves
to God.

In this dream picture, water symbolizes three things:
1.) The subconscious of a human Being.
2.) The unconsciousness of many human Beings.
3.) The purification of mankind.

And human Beings remain unconscious, because the
water will gobble them up, whereupon they awaken on
a new level of All-That-Is and according to their obtained
insights will be prepared for a renewed journey through
time and space.

Nobody can change a decision on“the other
side”, which was made on “this side”,
because what has been decided on a specific level remains
valid as long, until it is redeemed on that level.

The purifying effect of water reveals itself in this dream
picture, whereby the floods bury the evil and the dark, the
greed and the hate, underneath them. Thereby this planet,
the living Mother Earth, will be cleaned and liberated from
these forces.
The dark ones rejected another, softer possibility,
in the belief that they would never have to face their
own deeds in the mirror of truth.

Light, shadow or darkness, has been the choice
of a free will, and so it happens, what must happen.

Shock Experience as a Means to Knowledge
Several human Beings, who have withdrawn from darkness, yet
were incapable to open to the Light, have made the decision for
a “shock experience”, which will enable them to gain new knowledge.
Und thereby human Beings will be gobbled up by the masses of water,
in order to awaken far from space-time from the sleep of
unconsciousness and to become aware or become even more aware.
These human Beings will be slowly led to the Light and to their
reality, and they receive a new life on a high 4D vibrational level,
in order to continue to grow, because who has denied himself from
the “beast” (stands here for everything that is dark, the diabolic
part/energy of Life. Remark JJK) on a lower vibrating world, may
as well happen to him, even if he still remained far from deep
God recognition.

In summary this portrays how the dark ones,
in the face of their own downfall, commit the
greatest crimes and create the most reprehensible
deeds. Their desperation and fight for survival washes
all corruption to the surface and brings these into the light.

Truly: This is how the last days of mankind pass for those,
who have given themselves to the dark magic and this is how
the days pass for those, who far from the Light and also far from
darkness, have lived in the twilight of unconsciousness.

Yours is the Kingdom in Heaven
This knowledge is not new for the light warriors
of the first and last hours, yet the extent and the
consistency, whereby the messengers of darkness
buck up against the unavoidable, reaches an intensity,
which never before has been experienced or lived in this
world. Therefore: Do not be afraid! Yours is the Kingdom of
Heaven, because the “great water” is blessings for the one
and the downfall for the other.

Observe the development in this world.
Be vigilant and precise, because from the clock
of time you can read how close the day of truth
and God’s arrival are.

No dream can reflect the reality,
Which now comes into this world.
Entrust and welcome the Judgment Day;
and see how the chaff separates from the
wheat for a last time. In Eternity.

We are the way for all clarity.
We are the gates for all Love.
We are the bridge to Heaven for all human Beings.

We are


Epilogue: After reception of this message, I am at the “festival
of lanterns of the children’s house”. My beloved son Noah has made
a lantern for this occasion, like all other children also, with much care
and under the instructions of the supervisor. And now parents, uncles
and ants, grandmas and grandpas sing atmospheric songs together with
the children, songs, which were studied especially for this occasion.
After a tour of the church and after we have divided the bred (baked
by the children themselves) at the end, the small group disperses
and everybody goes home.
Before I left the church, on a small side table I discovered several
copies of “Praise the Lord” (it is a catholic prayer and song book
with 1111 pages, which is placed there for the church visitors and
is used during different festivities and worships). Following my inner
voice I “by chance” open a page and I read from the revelations to
„1-Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first
heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer
any sea. 2-And I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming
down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride
adorned for her husband. 3-And I heard a loud voice from the
throne, saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men,
and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and
God Himself will be among them, 4-and He will wipe away every
tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death;
there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the
first things have passed away.” 5-And He who sits on the throne
said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” (Revelations 21,1-5)

Elija Prophecies 1-48(digital publication) – JAHN J KASSL:
Elija Prophecies 49-65 (digital publication) – JAHN J KASSL:

The light world publishing and the author do not lead any
correspondence whatsoever on the texts / messages
published on this website.

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2. November 2014

Mandate as Creator God
Introduction to the Mandate from Jahn J Kassl:

To all Creator Gods of this time!

What can we do in order to give the events of
this time a totally new direction? Here is the tool!

The following Mandate, due to its
distribution, gains strength and becomes

Thereby I call on all human Beings, who see themselves
empowered for such a far-reaching mandate, to follow it by
pronouncing out loud these words and to feed the its power
into the energy field of the earth, in order to bring forth the
desired changes.

The more we, who were appointed to
new Creator Gods, and claim the strength
and power given to us, the sooner this world
will become a place of harmony and peace.

Today it is about to create a new reality, and it is time to
give expression, word and image to this reality, in order to
manifest it.

With this mandate it is complied with!
Make use of it, as you see yourself called for it!
Let us become aware of our abilities!

The time has come, in order to step out of any victim
attitude, because Heaven appointed us and we were
selected to give this world a new countenance.

We are powerful Beings and strong-willed Creator Gods.
Due to this mandate we let every human Being partake in
the grace of Heaven, which cares for each life to a sufficient

Wars need to be banned from this world!

I have demanded it! We have decided it!
Now we cut the naval cord to the evil in this world:
whereby we address it, stop it in its activity and ban
it from this world.

„Put down the weapons”, mandate this for this world!

In Love
Jahn J Kassl

Mandate as Creator God
Mandate in verbatim:

Put down the weapons!

I mandate hereby,
who I am Creator God of worlds,
who I am an awakened consciousness,
who I am Human among Humans,
who choose Life:

Put down the weapons!

I command,
That all weapons in this world be silent!

I command,
That all soldiers in the world
put down their weapons!

I command,
That all armies, which carry out wars of
aggression, will be stopped in their ambitions!

I mandate,
That this mandate must
now be complied with!

I mandate,
That human Beings will become aware
of their humanness as responsible consciousness,
to maintain life and not to destroy it, either as
a soldier or civilian, either as a slave or ruler.

I mandate,
That the heavenly forces level the path
for the new earth, and in the following
manner that all wars in this world will
be ended and that planetary peace prevails!

I mandate,
That every that is needed flows to
individual happiness, the freedom of
individual human Beings, to the benefit
of society of all human Beings.

I mandate,
That all heads of government, which oppose
the happiness of individuals, be now removed
from their office.

I mandate,
That this world receives new leaders!
Those, who stand up to the demands of
this time, who feel obligated to the property
of mankind and take on responsibility for
the wellbeing of the planet.

I, who I am a Creator God among Gods
mandate that this will now occur.

Today war and death end,
because due to my almighty
divine will I have mandated peace
and life for this world.

I am the way, the truth and life,

I am


Concluding mandates:

1.) Repeat this mandate at any for you possible time
and as it shows to you.
2.) Translate this mandate into all languages in the world.
3.) Pass these words on as a symbol of your self-determination,
until it finds a hearing in the farthest village in this world,
because nobody can affectively and permanently oppose the
collective energy, which is based on the loving mandate of a
Creator God. Evil will initially be weakened, until it dissolves
entirely. Mandate this as self-conscious awakened Creator Gods
in human form, who have overcome human imitations.

What can we do in order to give the events in
this time a totally new direction? Here is the tool!

Thereby we save the world, thereby we enter into Heaven,
as it is divined for us and we return to God.

In infinite Love

Jahn J Kassl

This mandate with conversation with Sananda, is immediately
available from the Lichtwelt portal for free download.
Translation from the German original by: Rüdiger Franz Rauskolb

Put down the Weapons! Mandate for this World:

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The Seeding of the New Human Race Will Take Place This Weekend

by Georgi Stankov


We are in the midst of a huge inter-dimensional shift and split. It started yesterday in the morning when all the light warriors of the first and the last hours, the true PAT members, started a massive cleansing operation. You all must have felt the deep anxiety coming from the collective that had to be released and even the total desperation of the masses when new MPR hit near-by timelines.

I was at that time in Downtown Vancouver and felt in a very physical, tangible way how the streets dissolved under my feet and vanished in an abyss. I felt very insecure during my walking, in particular when you know that you are surrounded by the ocean on all three sides and expect a huge tsunami, as I have seen it several times in the past on lower timelines for Vancouver.

Then in the afternoon, there was the most massive descend of source energy to Gaia and humanity. I was struck by this huge wave and had a severe gastric pain and nausea the whole afternoon and into late evening.

In the night, I was shown the final preparations of the dark cabal for their ultimate confrontation with the light that will lead to their demise. At first I was shown that Netanyahu and the Israelis are planning a major crime against humanity. They are now threatening the dark cabal in the West to follow suit or they will do it on their own. But I was also told that they are only bluffing, as they have no ace up in the sleeve and are frantically desperate.

The reason for this blackmailing is that the Israelis see already the defeat of the USA in the current bombing war against ISIS in Syria and Iraq. ISIS is about to capture a strategic important Kurdish town in North Syria on the Turkish border, while Turkey is in a major dispute with the USA, not only because of Biden’s comments, but first and foremost because of diverging national interests. Besides, Turkey was swept by a wave of clashes with Kurdish demonstrators, where dozens of people were killed,

ISIS is rapidly advancing towards Baghdad and is only 8 miles away from the airport of the Iraqi capital. The new Iraqi pro-american regime is now quivering in fear and is awaiting the further progress of the ISIS forces like a paralyzed rabbit in front of a cobra.

This all is well known to the Israelis and they anticipate the imminent collapse of the “coalition of the culprits” which is essentially only the USA and a pin-up girl presented as a Saudi war pilot. After that the very existence of Israel is questionable and Netanyahu and his bunch of criminal Israeli politicians know this all too well.

Then I visited Ukraine and Moldavia and also Romania, where I personally defeated the Western beast, which appeared to me very much like a disgusting crossing between Dracula and an archonic zombie. I hit him many times with my bare fist in the face, until it collapsed.

After the Western Beast was completely defeated and eliminated from this timeline, I was invited to visit the central command (headquarters) of the Russian army. I was invited there by Russian generals who accompanied me through different sections of the army and explained to me that they have started ten years ago with a completely new military strategy, how to defend their country from all possible attacks coming from the Western cabal.

This strategy is clear-cut and it goes straightforward down to the simple solider. They pay great attention that everybody is fully informed what is at stake and how to combat in a war situation even when the soldiers are cut from their units and officers and have to make their own strategic decisions. These generals then compared their military tactics with that of the US army, which is in a full disarray and follows only one goal – to create maximal havoc and destroy any country that is deemed to be an obstacle to their goal to establish the NWO.

This new central strategy of the Russian army has already paid off in Ukraine, the generals told me, where Russian officers from the central command were sent alone in enemy areas and they had to make vital decisions on their own together with the Novorussian insurgents and won a number of brilliant victories over the regular Ukrainian army due to their superior strategical thinking and decisions, while the forces of the Nazi Kiev’s Junta that were advised by US experts failed on all fronts.

This forced Kiev to sign a ceasefire with the insurgents and Russia in Minsk only two days after Poroshenko met with the NATO leaders and proclaimed his full victory over the insurgents. This ceasefire was signed in total exclusion of all Western powers and can be considered their most spectacular defeat since the US defeat in Vietnam. Since then the Western mass media have stopped reporting about Ukraine that has now fallen into an abysmal crisis and is in a state of total lawlessness. Any governance has ceased to exist.

If you think, I have dreamed this encounters I can assure you they were more real and impressive than anything I have experienced in this reality in the last months or even years. From what I got is that the dark cabal is now in their last throes and must make the next move, knowing all too well that it will fail, no matter what they decide to do next and that this will be their bitter end.

To this outcome the new relentless energies from the Source decisively contribute and there is not a single human being on this mother earth, with or without a soul, that is not influenced by these energies. Until the solar eclipse portal on October 23rd not a single stone will be left unturned on this planet and even some self-proclaimed gurus in the New Age may experience their dreadful downfdall.

Last night we descended to a very low timeline. Here on the Pacific coast, we had a lot of rain and the sky was leaden and very low. The weather forecast was that the rain will continue during the next several days. This morning the rain continued unabated.

Then between 10.00 and 11.00 am Pacific time we, Carla and I, lifted the whole group of the light warriors of the PAT to a very high timeline. Within several minutes the weather improved suddenly and the sun began to shine brightly. The sky is crystal blue and one can breath much easier now. We checked the weather forecast immediately after the sun came and the weather report for Vancouver was still heavy rain. I wonder from which timeline this report came.

Since then the PAT warriors of the first and the last hours are steadily moving to higher timelines. This huge shift is in preparation for the seeding of the new human template on all upper 4D worlds that must take place under optimal energetic conditions.

The seeding of the new template of humanity is proceeding with full speed. This morning we flooded all templates with five basic spectra of source energies as recommended by the Elohim:

1) The blue flame of divine’s God’s will, the bearer of which I am.

2) The pink flame of love, the bearer of which Carla is.

3) The green flame of healing.

4) The violet flame of transmutation with Carla as the Chohan of this source energy and

5) The gold-Christed light from the Source.

Everything points out that the seeding of the new human template will happen this night or early Sunday local time. We were told to expect some new shifts in the coming 12 hours. Hence stay alert and assess very carefully your inner space. We have entered the most vulnerable phase in the ascension process.


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From AbundantHope.net

By Kim O Bok, Christ's Way Center /others
Oct 12, 2014 - 12:14:14 AM

Posted on October 5, 2014by kibodabi














Posted by My Very Good and Great Friend and Brother in The Great Bond of Life, Eternal and Infinite: KIM O-BOK, of South Korea….MAY HE BE BLESSED CONTINOUSLY IN ALL GOOD THINGS IN GOD, BY GOD, THROUGH GOD…AMEN:

join the Christ’s Consciousness Meditation day

On 10 – 12 – 2014

at 12:10

at least 100 people
will meditate together
at Christ’s Way Center, Eden Sur Terre
Quebec Canada

to raise world consciousness
bringing forth
the Era of Unconditional Love,
Peace and Harmony
in Christ Consciousness

Be one of the 100


Spread the word, inviting all those you know
to join us, in spirit, in this historical event

NOW is the time to act

If we unite in intention
Unconditional Love, Peace and Harmony,
Christ Consciousness will manifest

Practical information:

October 12, 2014 at 12:10 (Eastern Standard time)
For the time in your location, please follow this link
(be sure to check, as daylight saving time may or may not have ended already in your location)

Christ’s Way Center
5095, rang des soixante,
Québec, Canada J0L 2B0
Michel et Andrée


Rua Principal, 115 – Colônia Rebouças – Campo Largo
Google map 25°28’04.2″S 49°26’00.2″W


organize a gathering at your own place

Anyone who wants to contribute to the manifestation of the Era of Unconditional Love,
Peace and Harmony in Christ Consciousness


for more information, check:



© Copyright by AbundantHope.net all rights reserved

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The Kingdom of Heaven is within You – Part II

Sananda – Message of the Light Reading
channelled by Jahn J Kassl on September 25, 2014
first published on October 3, 2014 in

translated by Franz

The Kingdom of Heaven is within you and if it is not there, then it is not anywhere else!


Unlimited divine consciousness on all levels of Creation. The one who entrusts in me is protected, the one who dedicates himself to me, has recognized, the one who works through me, lives and is, and is not inferior to me in anything and is equal to me – even still much more, such a human Being is to be put over everything else, because to uplift oneself from a sluggish level to the highest is an unlike greater merit than to contribute to the benefit of Creation, far from space-time in God’s steady Light reality.

Remember Who you are, what you have decided to do and out of which power this your life is being nurtured. Remember yourself and you will lament not a day in this world, regret not an hour, instead you will experience every moment as a unique gift, which you have prepared for yourself. It is time to give up any discontent, any peevishness, and every complaint about the additional length of stay in this changing world. To whom? To me. Come to me with everything, I lift your burdens from your shoulders and I dissolve the trepidations of your heart. It is up to you to really let go of these conditions, then everything take its good and right – because light-filled –course.

Trust in your power! And this means to empower yourself to strip off all imperfect conditions of being, because only the one, who is aware of the infinity already here and now, can reach infinity full of bliss. With these words of strengthening and deepening, in order to foster your decisions, which have to do with the redemption of inappropriate conditions, we now betake the further reality of this space-time and its specific characteristics.

The Role of „Old Souls“

At first it is of significance to see the role of “old souls” in the ascension process and regarding the uplifting of this world. These souls descended to earth at this time in uniquely great numbers, so that the ascension can occur on a qualitatively high-grade basis. These Beings therefore entered into this world full of energy and with total devotion. Having arrived in this world, they were also, like all human Beings, exposed to the environment and the conditions of an initial still 3D vibration and later different 4D vibrations. Over time these souls forgot their assignments and the remembrance of their mission in this world faded. More and more human Beings therefore fell out as “energy carriers” or as “energy providers” for the planetary ascension. Thereby it happened what is known in the Heavenly realms as “undesired potential”, namely:

The transformation of the planet and the ascension of mankind required regular new interventions, in order to keep it alive. It was necessary to stoke the fire, to keep it alive, until it was no longer in danger of extinction.

„Undesired Potentials“

Today we are at the point, where these concerns have also been clarified, because the decisions have also been made on this level. A second and equally significant truth is the fact that these “old souls” not only have lost the light-filled remembrances, instead that on this level many of these original high light carriers have turned to the dark forces – with all of their capabilities. Some quite consciously, others unconsciously. This was another “undesired potential”, which demanded a lot of “creativity” of the higher realms of Light. And the light warriors of the first and last hours as well as the “Great Ones” find themselves in this field of tension. (This has always been the crux of our negative energetic experiences as the few effective cleansers of human dross and bearers of the light quotient on this planet. This is a leitmotif in all my writings, note, George)

Sometimes the process of ascension is difficult to understand due to its complexity. And at this place, there is another building block for better understanding, why some valley, which seems to have been crossed long ago, returns. These aspects still have an effect today. Meaning:

1) All processes regarding the further uplifting continue unaffectedly and are always adjusted to the actual situation.

2) In the meantime each ascending one knows his place and knows his concrete assignments.

3 ) All heavenly Powers from distant kingdoms of different universes have sent representatives and high Light Beings to earth, who care for the secure sequence of everything else.

4) The light warriors of the first and last hours have the task to anchor the steadily increasing spiritual vibration first in themselves and then in Mother Earth.

Beloved Ones,

the „dramaturgy“ of this time has it truly in it. To keep one’s nerve in this time, to remain anchored and to be firmly bound to the sources of all life, is a great challenge for many.

Repeat God’s Name

So I remind you of the tool of “invocations”. Please, internalize this method to constantly recite God’s name in your heart. Carry God’s name always within you, whereby you repeat it as often as possible, whereby you speak a “mantra” and this one, like a silent song, accompanies you throughout the day on the inside. This technique goes back to the beginning of this mankind, because the repetition of God’s name, out from the depth and from a pure heart, keeps you connected and makes you unreceptive for sluggish elements.

Occupy yourself with it; bring this reality into your daily life. You do not need to do anything else, in order to receive the certitude of God’s steady closeness. It is these simple exercises, which, as they are consequently applied, bring the greatest benefit. So much about it.

In these days additional “support pillars of the old world” are removed.

Phase of Revelations

Look at the world. The spiral, wherein this world is absorbed, gains in speed. What comes overnight, has been prepared for a long time. Today this world finds itself in the “phase of revelations”, meaning:

a) the dark matrix is revealed to you and its creations, and

b) the new light-filled matrix is revealed to you with its creations.

The time of revelations is the time, wherein many unique insights become possible – energy and time quality make it possible. Meaning, “God’s fields of Grace” continue to act, because even a “redeemed” human Being, a newly awakened one, justifies any effort, which for you very often are connected with it.

Important in this context is: The light warriors of the first and last hours are absolved from any direct care of individual human Beings! This happens today exclusively as a result of your current free choice. Very many loving ones have declared their willingness for this act of Love, who you are beyond all measures – until the very end.

In principle it is true: The rescue of mankind, the rescue of the world no longer falls into your hands. You have truly fulfilled and many have more than fulfilled!

What is at Issue Now?

To immerse oneself, every day more, in the new reality, in the life, like it is behind the veil. To become a pure vessel, every day more, into which the essence of all life, God’s Light, can be let in. Every day more recognize the dark reality of this level – and not deny it – and counter this reality with your own and light-filled creations. To radiate more with each day, grow and become, until the kingdom of Heaven is acquired within you.

Beloved Children!

We have arrived! Life comes to you. Light comes to you. Love triumphs. The deepest darkness will suddenly be illuminated and the depressing silence must yield to the unbounded joy about your triumph, which you gain. This “great time” rightly deserves this description, because no time can be compared to this Now-time. Be willing to give up everything, as you are called from the field in the middle of your work. Be willing to let go of everything that this world offered you in impermanent goods, gave you in beauty and held ready for you in valuables. Be willing to return into the Light. And until then foremost be willing to remove everything from your daily life, which undermines this return.

Powerful swarms of Angels are with you, Great Masters accompany your pathways. Be ready, the day is close.

In infinite Love


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The Beatitudes

channelled by JahnJ Kassl on September 24, 2014
first published on October 4, 2014 in

Blessed are they, who fully devote to God, Because they will find entrance into Heaven.
Blessed are they, who totally accept life,
Because they are accepted by God; God is Life.
Blessed are they, who fully commit to becoming God and Spirit oneself, because they will encounter God before this world will go away.

Blessed are they, who see oneself as servants of one’s assignments, because they will partake in its fulfillment.
Blessed are they, who guard the flame of ascension and stoke the Light of Life, to them God’s Kingdom is certain.
Blessed are they, who serve on earth, in this time of cosmic transformation, even though they have overcome this world long ago; they will truly be raptured, way beyond the Light that casts no shadows.
Blessed are they, who love God.
Blessed are they, who live in God and
Blessed are they, who act through God, because the acts of these human Beings shape worlds and imprint indelibly in these worlds.
Blessed be you, who follows these words, because the Creator’s invisible hand guides you across space and time.



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28. September 2014

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

The great wind brings the great turnaround, in the great game.
Infinite were, are and will be the opportunities for all human Beings,
because truly: The last accord in this world sounds for the fewest
human Beings in this world.


This world has no more power over you, who are stepping
into the Light temples far from space-time, this time can no
longer do anything to you, who are inheriting the crystalline
worlds of the Creator; and the events becoming more and more
distinct are passing in front of you, who attain perfection, like
an image from another world.

Before suffering is taken from you, before you have attainted
fulfillment on all levels, before you arrive and ascend, new support
columns for these still unredeemed worlds will be left behind
– the support columns of your love.
And this process has been going on for months, for years has been
part of your inner knowledge and since you have entered into this
world for the first time, have been part of your contracts for the end
time. Each one, wherever he is, there, where he stands and in the
role for which God has chosen him.
Each one of the ascending ones in its unique guardianship for
this world; as a carrier of knowledge and truth for all of mankind.

Everything is cared for!

Each life on the last day of this time will be
exactly there, where it is supposed to be.
Because those, who dispose of a healed soul will be guided,
due to the knowledge of their souls, to the place, where they
are expected by Heaven, and those, who do without their soul,
because they neither serve the Light nor God, due to a wink from
the Creator, will experience the end of time and their own new
beginning. And the Angels will also expect these creatures and
in death new life will be breathed into them.

Heritage of the Ascending Ones
The heavenly adjustments for this last
day ofmankind have been finished.
Now it is necessary to leave the heritage of the
ascending ones in the worlds behind and to anchor
this heritage deep in the matrix of many 4D worlds.
The time, wherein the great Masters of this world
walk through the Light portals, has come, because
their work has been finished. This brings the events in
this world to the crowning conclusion, which means a festivity
of joy in God’s presence for the ones, and for the others it
becomes stocktaking for their still imperfect Being.

Everything what has been revealed to you occurs and everything
occurs – now. It no longer requires interpretation, because the
facts are on the table and the proclamations are nearly complete.

The potentials for redemption, which the ascending ones leave
behind for the remaining worlds due to the anchoring of their Light,
is a gift, which these levels can only gradually become aware of.
You, the Ascended Masters of the new time, will guide these
populations of the 4D worlds, the human Beings and the creatures
of the existing space-time, to that.

Babaji is omnipresence,
Babaji is Life,
Babaji is Love.

Each one, who entrusts in me,
inherits eternal Life in God, who I am,



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