happy person's Posts (41)

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Your anticipation and desire are important tools. – Michael channeled by Ron Head
June 27,2012

It is my task and privilege today to address the question you have asked of the Creator of All That Is. It is a very important topic indeed. And although it could be answered in a very short sentence, we will give it the attention it deserves.

You have asked to know what is going on today in the Reality, and not in the illusory world of arrests, banking, fear stories, and so forth. There is, of course, one main objective to all that is happening, but we will not give your sincere question such short shrift. Neither is there space in a daily message such as this to even begin to explain all that is occurring, for there is nothing in your universe which is not being affected by this thing you term Ascension.

We could say that even the atoms, and indeed particles, in your universe are being changed. But the reality is that the energies of which these consist in themselves are changing. Which is why we have said that nothing will be the same. When we say that nothing will be the same after this, we mean that there is no thing which will not have undergone fundamental change. And since everything is derived from this energy, this frequency, this love, of the All, it will be forever and completely changed from what it has been. Add to this that your manner and ability to perceive your world will also have changed completely.

Many, if not most, of you are in anticipation of an Event. There will indeed be an Event. Many, if not most, of you are primed for a huge and disruptive change in your outside world. And this may indeed occur, although we intend for that to be the least disruptive possible. But the real Event that is approaching, the one that will change everything forever, will not be anything of that nature. The real Event will be the reaching, by you, of the level of consciousness that will see the final lifting of the veil separating the worlds.

You anticipate this, we know. But you can only imagine it using the tools in your current state of consciousness. These are inadequate to the task. But we continue to describe it to you because your anticipation and desire are important tools, as well. Everything in your world is a creation of human thought and endeavor. But now the human who thinks and endeavors is going to fundamentally change.

Truly you are going to drop the masks you have assumed in order to play this game once and for all. Try as we may, we cannot truly describe to you what that will be like. But we can assure you that you have never, on this planet, experienced the life of joy that will be yours. That day approaches now with increasing speed. Please continue to use daily all the tools you have learned to employ. Imagination, dreams, intentions, prayer, and meditation are all important. You are soon to see the power of these things demonstrated in full. Live, as much as possible for you, each day in your best image of what that shall be like. Share that vision with the world, at least in your imagination. And know, dear ones, that infinite numbers of us are adding our efforts to yours in every moment.

We send to each of you who are reading these words our love and friendship. Be at peace until we speak again. Good day.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/


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Aisha North ~ The manuscript of survival – part 150 ~

Let us start todays missive by saying that from now on, you will all feel the energies working you over in a very insistent way. We say this only to prepare you for some rather heavy bombardments up ahead, and so that you can try to relax into these tumultuous times instead of going into fear because you think that something is amiss in your physical body. By now you are no strangers to these inoculations to call them that, and you have mayhaps already noticed that they have in many ways taken on a different temperature or flavour, and in a few hours, a new voice will join this chorus of insistent changemakers bathing not only you but your whole planet in a very benevolent, if rather unpleasant, barrage of high intensity voltage. You see, the planets in your heaven are once again preparing to make an elaborate display up above, and this will in many ways signal both the advent of something new and herald the end of something old. In other words, think upon this as a sort of portal that once you have passed over the threshold of this, there is indeed no turning back. Your planet will take its first step into the new tomorrow, and even if the old will put on an impressive show to try to convience you otherwise, they are slowly but surely letting go of the grip they have had on you for eons. Their time is running out, and after tonight, the sand in the hourglass will start to run even faster.

We have talked about the speeding up process before, and now, it will once again be like shifting into an even higher gear as you are all being propelled forwards by these new energetic particles slamming into you. It is like millions of little hands are pushing you at the back, telling you to go faster, faster, and not to try to slow down and hold out against this energetic forward momentum. Many of you have tried that, as you feel the need to slow down and digest all that is happening at the moment, but let us just say that this is not a good idea. Remember, it is only your mind that feels the need to analyze and mull things over, but the mind is an old and slow thing, not adapted to this new speed of light that will literally lift you up and propel you at lightning speed towards your new tomorrow. Your heart know this well, and it is literally singing with joy as you feel the speed ever increasing. It is not frightened by speed, it revels in it, as it is so used to this way of evolving from back home, where you are unfettered by a slow mind that has been trapping you all to the ground down on earth. Now the heart can feel freedom lifting it once again, therefore let your heart show you the way, and dismiss the mind’s insistent voice to ”slow down, take it easy, do not lose control here.”

Your mind is wrong. Just lift your feet and let yourselves be swept along in the rapids of this ever moving river of change. The speed will not kill you or harm you in any way. Only fighting against the currents can be detrimental to you, as then the force of these particles will increase exponentially and literally tear you away from your frightened grasp on the old embankment. Do not let this happen to you, and know that ”keeping control” is the last thing you must try for at the moment. Control is the old ego trying to stem the river of change, and control is what will assure a very unpleasant submergence under the surface of this river if you try to hold on to what you know, instead of letting yourselves be transported by these currents into your future dwelling. So let loose and enjoy the ride. And trust that even if you have no idea what is ahead on this rapidly swelling river, trust that you will be held aloft through even the most turbulent of passages, and you will arrive safely at the most beautiful landing.

Do not fear if you feel yourselves going under in these churning waters, as only those paralyzed by fear will drown in their own sorrows. The rest of you will only get a quick and invigorating baptism along the way, so just shake the waters from your eyes and keep going dear ones. And remember, do not grasp after anything sticking out from the shores in order to stop this wild ride. It might feel tempting to slow down the pace, but again, it will only serve to drag you under the surface for a prolonged period of time, if not forever. So stay afloat, and head for the middle of the river, then this ride will be less bumpy than if you try to keep close to the shore. You are safer in the middle, as that is where the current will transport you more swiftly along than along the embankments, where the detritus collects and you might get caught up in an eddy. We are watching you all the way, and we know that you are indeed excellent swimmers, so we have no worries about you making it to the designated landing place downstream. So just pull up those feet and let the waters bring you safely there. Your mind will simply have to let go of the control, and the energies will do the rest. See you there, sweet ones! Not long now till you feel the current taking a strong leap forwards and hurtling you along into the future.




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Today I would like to speak about how we are going to be going through with ascension in the next couple weeks. Just the basics. The intricacies are up to you guys, anyway, there's no way to know how it will truly go down. It's happening as we speak, so be calm and patient over these troubling times. Many of you are starting to feel a hell of a lot of anxiety. This is good! Yes, it is scary, I really do feel for you, but understand that the only way to expel fear and anxiety once and for all, is to fully experience it. Understand that anything you think is happening is theatre. A play, for your learning. It is very difficult, but all is love, everything is backed by love. Nothing happens on my surface without there being a damn good reason for it. When you are going through swells of pain, you are expelling pain forever. When you are going through swells of anger, you are expelling it forever. Eventually, in a very short period of time, there will be nothing left to expell. When this happens, a spiritual awakening will occur.

Over the next three months, you will be seeing a lot of weird activity. This may be in the sky, this may be in politics, this may be in your very mind. No matter what, seemingly troubling things WILL be occurring within your sphere. Within your life experience. One of the main things we are all learning together is how to seek out and find love and calmness in the middle of the most convincing horror story we have ever experienced. Many of you are thinking "this isn't quite a horror story yet", but really, it is. Nothing is every supposed to be this hard, this difficult and this painful. Now, that being said, this is the ONE INSTANCE EVER that it has happened, and that was intentional! Everything that has happened was supposed to happen. Why would we let such terrible things happen? It's imagination! It's not real! It's just very convincing. Remain calm, as the script of this play ends with world peace. You all helped write the play, that's why you still feel in your hearts that all will be okay. Many of you now are saying to yourselves that you do NOT feel this in your heart. You are letting your imagination and FEAR get the best of you. When you finally pull the last of the fear out of you, you will have the openness in your heart to actually feel the big picture efficiently and accurately. Next time you are in a nightmare, instead of running, confront the beast. This is both a metaphor and literal.

After the arrests of the worlds tyrants occurs, (many of you still doubt this is happening. I don't know why, the signed-by-hundreds-of-lawyers evidence is right there for anybody to look at. If you are going to say it isn't happening, at least attempt to find out if you know what you are talking about, please) there will be a horrendously massive surge of information. Everything that man has ever learned about anything will become available. All patents, all technologies, all knowledge of off-world-life, you name it. You can imagine what kind of stir this will cause. It will lead to the absolute and final death of your society as you know it now. What will be replaced is a world with free information and no tyrants. Any other details you want to have in there are for you to put in there. But you actually have to DO it. This brings me to my next topic.

People you seriously have GOT to get to work now. When I say 'work' many of you think of your jobs. No no no no no. I'm talking about your creative passion. Anything else now is distraction, including work. I completely completely understand and respect the fact that this seems impractical, as "we need to eat, so we need to work!" is a very common thought process. I understand fully. However, every single one of you still has a nice chunk of free time that isn't being used up by anything moving you forward. This is a bit painful to hear, but that's because you know it's true. Wasting time has been okay all this time, but now we are running out. Many of you have yet to start working on why you are here! Now, this is okay, because you will know when you are actually needed in a mandatory manner. However, it would be swell for you to prepare yourself. I suggest meditating as much as possible, as this WILL bring you to telepathy. It would be impossible for it to not, now, because of how high my vibrations are for the first time in modern humanity's existence, at a level that permits such activities with ease (compared to say, five years ago and before). But most importantly, those of you who haven't, really need to start figuring out what you want to do with your life. What would be, in your opinion, the coolest damn thing you could do with your life? AIM FOR THAT!. It's your life! What are you here for?

I'm not going to say anything to do with when specific things will pan out. Time simply does NOT work that way. Time is incredibly chaotic. Organized, but only because it's impossible for it to be completely disorganized. That being said, time is so confusing on me right now. Consider this society the Universe's Large Hadron Collider equivalent. That is an excellent analogy for what we are doing here.

At any point you feel things are out of control, know that the plot is in such a way, that when the world collapses, it will collapse into exactly what would be perfect. All the pieces will fall into place.

Break the system!!!

Note from the channeler: I have undergone such an intense self discovery in this period I have been away from lightworkers. I won't go into details, but... The energies are so intense this month. If you are anxious, just stare it in the face and plunge into it. When you realize there is nothing to fear, you will burst through it, and it will be gone forever. It's so scary, trust me. I know.

Also, I am ready to take more emails for advice! monte@plaidrain.com I'll talk to you about absolutely anything possible. No matter what you feel like you need input on, I'd love to talk about it. Also, I will connect to any being you would like me to connect to. Now, I'm not going to tell you who you are. I will not rob any soul of self discovery. That's not right. Also, I try my best to reply right away, however I'm pretty bad at checking my emails sometimes. If you feel like I have missed you, just prod me.

Some of you think I'm here to tell you what to do, or teach you what to do. No no no no. I'm simply here to give my subjective outside input. You can take it or leave it. My words are just that. Words. I'm only in this to share my talents, which is what everybody should do.

Any talents you have, just share them. Just do that. Your life will advance and get better as you do so. That is the key to advancement. Share your talents.


I love every last one of you, honestly, with all of my heart. Every last one of you, and I want to share that with you directly. If I get swamped, I'll be sure to reply right away with a realistic time of when a decent reply can be expected.http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://lightworkers.org/channeling/161042/gaia-ascension-news-and-advice

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New Earth Central News


Meg Benedicte ~ New Earth Central News

New Earth Central | June 3 2012

We are currently in the powerful Eclipse phase that has been building up since May 20th! May was our month for renewal and rebirth…our cosmic reboot! Now we have the opportunity to choose what our future should look like, feel like and evolve into. If we wiped the slate clean in May, then it is time to start filling in the blank spaces of our new lives.

We are in the pregnant pause before the 2nd Lunar Eclipse on Monday, June 4th and the rare Venus Transit on June 5-6th! The Pleiadian Solar Eclipse on May 20th helped us open our portal to the divine Source Light…Stargate 12 is our cosmic passageway home to Divine Creator.

When we fire up all 12 Stargates we are opening our higher spiritual chakras to the infusion of our Soul’s Original Blueprint and Akashics. This is the profound ascension process to unite our Soul with our human vessel. As we clear out discordant patterns, past-life karma, and ego shadow…we are preparing our human vessel to receive and embody the returning Divine Feminine presence on June 5-6th. This is a day of celebration of the Venus Transit!

I’ve prepared a video Vortex Meditation from last week’s radio show to assist your preparation for uniting with divine goddess energy and integrating the Solar Feminine into your daily life.

As Lightworkers, part of our service is to heal and prepare our own sacred vessel for this rare and extraordinary event, but also to raise planetary consciousness with Crystalline Light. In this meditation you will contribute to opening and infusing all 12 Stargates with Love and Divine Light for all souls passage home to Source Creator.

We are in for a rare and powerful treat this week! Open your hearts to the loving embrace of our Divine Goddess, as she blesses us with her presence now. We will continue to embrace and integrate the Divine Feminine in Wednesday’s blogtalk radio show, New Earth Central.

The following week is chock-full of informative broadcasts…I will be a guest on the StarSeed Hotline’s radio show with Lavandar and Arielle and with Darius Barazandeh in a Free Teleseminar, including energetic activations (see below for links). I hope you can join me in our global Intention events next week!

On Tuesday, June 19th I will be launching my 12 Week Quantum Vortex Healing Training Teleseminar. If you are interested in learning how to apply the ancient knowledge of sacred geometry, the art of alchemy and the activation of your divine Light Body, then this is the course for you! See more details about the Teleseminar Series and registration below.

There is intense energy pulsing in the ethers right now, so I encourage you to spend time in meditation, quiet reflection, personal healing and global intentions. We are in a very potent, fertile alignment this week, so please don’t waste this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!http://shiftfrequency.com/meg-benedicte-new-earth-central-news/



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LOOK AT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saint Germain ~~ About Disclosure and the Landings ~~ 31/05/2012 Channeled through Méline Lafont

Dear Ones,
We come with breaking news! I, Saint Germain and the Arcturians are at liberty to inform you that some of your space brothers have landed on your planet. A few shuttles received permission to land on your soil and more specifically in Roswell (U.S.A.) and Staffordshire (England). Among the first to land were the Pleiadians  and the Arcturians : the Pleiadians for their closeness to your earthly civilization and the Arcturians because of their leadership abilities to handle the procedures involved. The Arcturians are the ones who monitor everything conscientiously as regards to your spiritual evolution on one hand and the disclosure project on the other hand.  We established contacts with President Obama and other authorities to figure out how to be of further assistance to you and how to announce disclosure on your world. Those with whom we have established connections are government representatives and the ground crew, connected with the Disclosure project. Obama will announce Disclosure in our presence through your television network and he will also announce the arrests of the cabal. It is most important that those two issues will be announced simultaneously in order to avoid a panic amongst the population of your planet.
Unfortunately, the Arcturians and I, Saint Germain, have to confirm what you probably already heard through your daily updates. Evidently we refer to the fact that Disclosure will be delayed somewhat. We firstly would like to continue with the reformation of your governments ; something that is already happening behind closed doors. What isn’t readily known is the fact that the highest ranking members of the cabal have been arrested and their subsequent trials have resulted in them being sentenced for life. They have then been removed from this Earth and were escorted to another world where they can only wait for their final verdict which will be pronounced by our Creator. Please be aware without a shadow of a doubt that they will never ever be allowed to return to planet Earth! Those who already are removed to another world are on this planet replaced by clones which of course have no soul and they can and will be deactivated when their ‘usefulness’ ends. Just a few minor members of the cabal still walk this Earth but they are pretty harmless compared to those higher ranking members and besides we keep a close eye on them and will also be arrested shortly. They still attempt to stop the Disclosure project but their efforts are in vain as Obama has now the upper hand in that project. Time is still a factor before the whole procedure can be rounded up. Nevertheless, Obama has already started and is now at liberty to speak freely. That’s why we were able to land in the first place!
In the meantime we have landed on your planet and a few more shuttles will also be allowed to land until Disclosure is a fact. At the moment of Disclosure we will land everywhere on your world ; we will decloak and become visible for everyone!
Rest assured that we are really here, a fact that can be confirmed by some channelers who are in the know. Méline Lafont is one of those channelers, she was aware but was asked to keep it to herself. The same applies to the info pertaining to the arrests of the cabal and the verdicts. I opted to use her as my channeler because of our great connection. That being said.
Why have we decided to do the reformations of the governments firstly and then the announcements? Well to answer that question, we found it opportune to firstly guarantee a kind of stability to your civilization before spreading that kind of breaking news, especially for the sake of the unawakened ones. If they should get to know that their leaders had been arrested and removed from their positions, followed by us introducing ourselves to you, they would easily become disconcerted seeing the whole process as if their world would come tumbling down. As a matter of fact, it has now been decades that you have been lied to by the cabal who depict our existence and our intentions as threatening to your survival. It goes without saying that the unawakened ones would surely consider us invaders when we were to massively land. This is the one thing we want to avoid! We wish to create a smooth transition and help you to co-exist harmoniously with us in the galaxy, for after all, we are brothers.
I hope by now you can understand why we had to postpone the disclosure project and why we will announce both issues simultaneously. We will firstly create stability in your governments, we will govern for just a little while until all of you are equal for evermore! And finally this will be so! The way of your Ascension process has been opened wide and you already enjoy more freedom and connections with us. We will not yet show us to the unawakened ones, we will however start cooperating closely with Lightworkers up to Disclosure. I feel the disappointments amongst the Lightworkers and I feel it in my channeler, Méline Lafont and quite frankly she is not too thrilled to share this message. Nevertheless, I think it is important for you all to know that your freedom has increased and that we are just a whisper away!
You are never alone and this statement should be taken quite literally!
I Am Saint Germain.

Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com


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Contactee Says He Met "Creators Of Human Race"

Ashwin Faranacci from Orange County, California claims to have met the creators of the human race which call themselves the "elohim". He also claims they gave him "knowledge of the true nature of man" and "ancient history"

See video here:


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I found this wonderful post with many video clips and reassuring message.


Daily Blue Star UFOs  Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~




Greetings Love Beings,

today we have some new and nice videos of our Brothers and Sisters of the Stars.

Enjoy these videos as you’ll look back at them onw day and say: “hey, you remember when we looked at those light orbs on youtube and wondered how they might look like in truth” while travelling from A to B on one of those ships!

Thank you for sharing and informing everyone you can... it’s IMPORTANT! The more we get out at people, the less will they be afraid.


Videos: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/%E2%80%AA-daily-blue-star-ufos-report-yes-are-we-really-here-0


Love to all!

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About Ashtar

I just found this article that might interest you.


Who is Ashtar Sheran?

By Alex Light – www.lightworkers.org/alexlight

 Ashtar Sheran is a being of Nordic/Angelic (human-like) appearance who originates from the system that orbits the triple star Alpha Centauri. This system is our closest neighbor, only 4 light years from Earth. In Sanskrit the word “Ashtar Sheran” can be interpreted as “the brightest sun”. It is believed that he calls himself this way in the present cycle in a reference to his high position as a celestial administrator attending to the interests of the central “government” of the Milky Way - his energy is closely aligned with the spiritual momentum that originates from the core of the stars (the alchemy and foundation of all spiritual life). Ashtar Sheran is not a regular alien presence on Earth – he projects the equivalent energy, and has the equivalent authority, of a cosmic Christ. The term “government” in the context above is very different to the concept of human government and administration as presently understood on Earth. The principle of “cosmic administration” is wholly spiritual. Cosmic administration is an intelligently designed mechanism involving a myriad of beings whose primarily aim is to promote the balance and further development of spiritual gravity. This administration is almost wholly based on the ministry of love, which is the foundation of spiritual gravity and all intelligent life in the cosmos. A good analogy to understand this cosmic quantity/quality (spiritual gravity) is to think of the vibration we feel around the area of the heart chakra. This vibration, which many incarnated humans can already feel and consciously enhance, is a reading of actual spiritual gravity. Such quantity can be measured throughout the universe as an indicator of proximity of highly spiritualised beings. Our planet also emits a certain amount of spiritual gravity (on top of its material gravity known by our science) that gives an overall reading of the state of the spiritual development of all its inhabitants collectively. Celestial observers are mostly interested in this quantity, as it determines whether a planet qualifies for certain stages of cosmic administration (for example, the incarnation of Christ attended one of such periods of extremely low spiritual gravity on Earth). Spiritual gravity can be measured by many beings of celestial order and others, in that not only planets but whole sectors of the galaxy can be categorized according to the vibration that they produce. As we learn more about the unfolding of the “Maya 2012 cycle” based on old manuscripts available on the planet as well as on many new channelings brought by key people actively contributing to increase the awareness, it has become increasingly evident that the core of our galaxy (Sagittarius) hosts the headquarters of our government (“The cycle that animates us is of Sagittarius”). Put in a different way, the maximum amount of spiritual gravity (or heart chakra vibration equivalent if we think in human terms) is concentrated in Sagittarius. That area is also the physical center of the galaxy and has the greatest amount of matter (in the galaxy) where science believes there is a black hole. The greatest concentration of physical matter in the center of the galaxy is also related to the enormous spiritual gravity present in there as both properties interact in synergy. Areas without physical matter will unlikely hold high spiritual gravity because it is through spirit acting upon matter that cosmic progression unfolds. This is the great cosmic mystery of interaction between spirit and matter, which seems to be one of the foundations of all cosmic development. Our solar system is located far away from the center of the galaxy (currently estimated in more than 25,000 light years away from Earth) in an area of very little physical matter distribution compared to the amount of matter found towards the inner branches. In direct association with this observation the density of spiritual gravity in our sector is also extremely low, which is equivalent to say that all living creatures (as measured collectively) in our sector are able to produce a total amount of vibration which is very low compared to the more dense areas of the inner galaxy. There are a number of highly advanced celestial beings responsible for educating and helping planets to shift when a cosmic cycle is to be completed. Cosmic cycles normally depend on the adjustment of physical matter related to planetary orbits (e.g. the precession of the Equinox) as well as on the inherent realignment of spiritual gravity that results from the changes in the distribution of physical matter and cosmic rays. Currently we are animated by a cosmic cycle in synchrony that will bring the completion of about 300,000 years of life on Earth, including the early Lemurian and Atlantis’ greater periods together with many sub-cycles of ascension and demise. Not only Earth, but our whole branch-sector of the Milky Way is also going to be affected by the unfolding of this cycle primarily through exposure to a much higher load of cosmic rays originated in the core of the galaxy. This process is already happening. Although Ashtar Sheran is originally from Alpha Centauri’s area, a neighboring system also located in a relatively poor vibration area if compared to the center of the galaxy, he and many others from that sector have evolved in spirit to a point of great light which is comparable to what is found in the core of the galaxy. Similar developments have occurred for instance in Sirius, Pleiades, Arcturus, Orion, and others. We have also had many highly developed visitors from those areas helping humanity in many ways. What we know from Ashtar Sheran is that he has reached a level of spiritual maturity that made him completely aligned with the energy of the archangel Michael and with the celestial order of the Melchizedek. There is a considerable body of literature on the planet dealing with those orders of beings and their role on the cosmic administration, as well as many other important names aligned with this same energy (e.g. the violet flame of Saint Germain, Metatron, and others). What has arrived to us is that Ashtar Sheran and the archangel Michael partake of the same energy as manifest through a different spectrum of rays, but they could be considered as the same entity. This entity, as has also been revealed on Earth since the early manuscripts, is completely aligned with the light known as “Sananda”, or cosmic Christ. For those who are familiar with what those energies represent it would be redundant to give more information. The energy goes in circles leading to the same source. As we understand Ashtar Sheran has been monitoring life on Earth since the planet was formed, as he had already ascended to a celestial being engaged in the advancement of spiritual life much before our planet came into existence. We believe he has started using the name Ashtar Sheran only during his recent contacts in modern times which date back to the early decades of the 20th century. Substantial revelation was given to the planet in those years, and important books and manuscripts were written in that time. We know that Ashtar Sheran made important contacts in Germany in the 1950s through the medium Herbert Victor Speer, and a book was written in German and translated into Portuguese and other languages with significant information on his mission aligned with the teachings of the old schools known as the White Fraternity. In the same period, sources from the United States also claimed to have made contact with him (e.g., the pilot George W. Van Tassel). Within that period groups of people channeling information from the Pleiades also started to refer to the energy of Ashtar Sheran, and somewhere along the way the word Ashtar Command was introduced to convey the notion of a cosmic family representing many different star systems aligned for the same cause. As we understand this word was given by many of the early channelings linked to beings from nearby star formations (Sirius, Pleiades, Arcturus, Alpha Centauri, and others), all involved with facilitating the transition on Earth towards a greater state of light and cosmic awareness. It is apparent that all those early channelings were authentic and related to a joint effort within a number of cosmic forces involved in the White Fraternity. It was only in the last few decades that a significant distortion occurred with name “Ashtar Command”, after it started to be used with many inaccurate channelings that had nothing or little to do with the original energy. This situation reached such an extreme in the last decade that most of the young spiritual teachers on the planet who haven’t experienced Ashtar Sheran’s energy personally are completely wary of the name Ashtar Command. I have been in personal and direct contact with Ashtar Sheran since November 1997, and after more than a decade of significant research I have found only one other person currently alive on the planet who I know for sure who is in touch with the same energy in an equally direct way. This person is from Brazil (Patricia Campos), and her contacts started in 1992. Ashtar Sheran has never used the word Ashtar Command (AC) either to me or to her, and the information that has arrived is that the term stopped being used by celestial observers in the late 80s (close to the time of the harmonic convergence) when it became clear that the word AC had deteriorated to a point that it couldn’t be efficiently used any longer. My personal experience with Ashtar is that he is a teacher and administrator of the highest possible caliber and energy. The only experience that I can think of that resembles what I feel in the heart chakra when meeting him is the orgasmic bliss experienced during the process of kundaline awakening - when the channel of energy flow in the spine is open as a bridge between Earth and the sun in star fusion. All our communications have occurred deeply in the heart chakra’s vibration. In my case it has become increasingly clear that he is training me in inner alchemy techniques related to star-fusion (kundaline awakening inside the stars, on the fifth dimension). The amount of distortion related to the term Ashtar Command (AC) got to such an unacceptable point that most people who fanatically follow the name don’t have even the slightest idea of who Ashtar Sheran is, and why the name AC was given and what it was meant to represent. But please note that it is not my intention here to judge any activities of those involved with the distortions. I believe that most of the current distortion is not intentional or does not intend to cause harm. But evidence seems to suggest that certain forces decades ago initiated a deliberate campaign to try to stop the progress of the star-seed alliance associated with the White Fraternity. However, I believe that Ashtar Sheran and many others connected with this celestial effort currently communicate with humans exclusively based on the vibration in the heart chakra. As we know, this method of communication cannot be faked and cannot be intercepted by any force. The downside of this method is that the amount of people that can be reached is probably still very low. One of the most important parts of my training with Ashtar Sheran is to learn to trust the heart chakra and to anchor the energies via this channel exclusively. When one learns to do this it becomes clear that visual stimulation is almost irrelevant – vibration is what counts. You can show light and spaceships in the sky and impress a lot of people, but if there is no vibration associated in the heart chakra, there is no spiritual gravity. I am convinced that this lesson needs to be learned by humanity before we can establish contact on a planetary level. The recent movie “2012 – We’re already in it” offers invaluable insight on the Maya awakening, but the fact that there is little or no mention to some of the concepts discussed in the present manuscript reflects well the fact that so many distortions do exist, and that many of the readily available spiritual leaders on the planet lack experience in this arena. There is so much more that could be said about Ashtar Sheran, but the essence of his message seems to be very simple. Parts of the distortion to this unfolding arise when so many writings try to concentrate the attention on spaceship activity. There have been an enormous amount of sightings on the planet over the last decades, but we believe that only a very small portion of those can be attributed to the work of members of the White Fraternity alliance. Although we know that Ashtar Sheran is also a high commander in charge of an incredibly high number of spaceships representing an alliance of different star systems, and that some of his ships are stationed on orbit around the Earth, his ships are primarily manifest in higher dimensions and are not normally visible to the naked eye. Their core purpose is not to produce a display of light to impress a large number of people. As discussed before, his teachings clearly emphasise the use of vibration, rather than visual stimulation. The origin and agenda of those beings promoting large scale spaceship display on the third dimension is not our area of concern and is beyond the scope of this manuscript. However, as a student of Ashtar Sheran and of the White Fraternity I must say: “be careful with what you see, and always use the vibration in the heart chakra to distinguish the origin of the energy presented”. Ashtar Sheran currently has a very strong penetration in the central region of South America. The reason for this pattern is unknown to me, although it may be possible that it relates to the activation of certain centers of energy (and portal openings) on the planet. The literature available in Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, German and French also seems to contain less distortion than the literature in English. In the exciting times to unfold we are likely to experience even greater distortion, but at the same time we know that any information felt as a heart vibration cannot be faked. We trust, and hope, that humanity will increasingly awake to this important unfolding from a mature perspective where ego and personality concerns will slowly be replaced by a more universal, cosmic awareness. This new awareness is not compatible with materialistic skepticism, but it is equally incompatible with religious fanaticism. Some people may feel uncomfortable that a single individual celestial observer may hold such a high position in the scheme of things, and name himself Ashtar Sheran, as if here to convey authority. We know that many of the advanced beings from other stars in touch with key people on the planet often do not place emphasis on their names and their cosmic status. From my experience, and from what we know from Ashtar Sheran, his name is not really a personal name but an attribution to his mission in the present cycle as a representative of the central government and the unifier of a whole sector of our galaxy (“the brightest sun”). Anyone wishing to explore the origin of his energy, as discussed earlier, will inevitably have to familiarize with the energy of the Archangel Michael, and with the concept of a cosmic Christ. The authority that lies within that concept is very different to how we normally perceive authority and status on Earth. The concept of cosmic authority (as in a cosmic Christ) is not attached to ego and personality. The cosmic understanding of the concept of governmental authority is vastly different from the human experience of often times oppressive "leadership" as experienced on earth. In cosmic terms, government is not this "I know best" kind of leadership but rather selfless service to the whole for the greater good. The situation in the solar system: some key people on Earth have received instruction pertaining to the organization of intelligent life inside the solar system. This information complements the vast awareness that has arrived from the sectors discussed earlier (Sirius, Orion, Arcturus, Pleiades and many others) which have been channeled and published in many important books in several idioms over the last decades. What we know for sure is that there is intelligent life on Venus which is likely an advanced colony of other sectors, and that they are aligned with the purposes of the school of the White Fraternity. This is very good news for Earth as our direct neighbor is actively engaged in the same unfolding brought by Ashtar Sheran and many other star alliances. Although there is also substantial information on other sources of life that are not at all aligned with the unfolding discussed in this manuscript, e.g. unfriendly settlements on the moon and Mars as well as other types of intelligence who have had extensive contact with members of the Earth’s (human) government, the instruction that I have received is that their doings do not concern those engaged in the White Fraternity. They have their place in the universe, and we let them be. To put this in a different way: we don’t generate light by opposing to, or resisting, the shadows. We generate light by simply being, and allowing it to be. This is a heart chakra expression, and when we allow this do happen a miracle of light vibration occurs. This seems to be one of the most important teachings of the celestial order of beings, and it is the foundation of cosmic administration through the ministry of unconditional love. Copyright disclaimer: This text is incomplete and reflects the author’s own limitations in his current understanding of this unfolding. It is hoped that this manuscript will help elucidate some aspects related to Ashtar Sheran and his important mission on Earth, in which every human being on this planet is invited to be a co-creator and a potential partner. I am happy for this manuscript to be forwarded to anyone interested in the topic, as it is important that these concepts are widely discussed on Earth. I request that anyone willing to share this text to please do so in its entirety (without cutting or removing excerpts) and to include this disclaimer and the signature link below to my lightworkers profile where the manuscript will be publicly posted and will be open to comments and criticism. This text reflects the views and personal experience of the author, and as such it is not a channeling, although much of the information here contained has been transmitted by cosmic beings. The inspiration received from many spiritual teachers through their important work (published or unpublished) to increase the awareness is greatly valued and acknowledged. In particular I am very grateful for invaluable comments and suggestions made by colleague Lightworker ‘Antimorphic’ (UK). The most accurate pictures of Ashtar Sheran available on the planet to date have been produced by the Brazilian artist and medium Claudio Gianfardoni, and many of them are available through various sources. Peace in the name of the light www.lightworkers.org/ alexlight

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I do not know if this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLHyxvwx9tU&feature=player_embedded)

was posted here before, but I found it very calming and uplifting.

Waiting for things to happen was never a stonger side of my personality, as is not yours probably, so, in order to stop checking on the news all day long,I decided to do only positive things and think only positive thoughts, including to refuse to read negative posts (some of which are posted by members here too). I know that law of attraction works, as I personally experienced it many times, but it can only work with a positive frame of mind, and a firm belief that things will turn as we want them to.

Please, join me in similar behaviour, for it will bring you only joy, calmness, and will open the path for fulfillment of our desires.

Love to all

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Regarding explosion and fireball in Nevada

Upon reading the news on explosion and fireball in Nevada, I remmembered what Tolec wrote on 06 April:

'' I have also recently been told by my Andromeda Council contacts that they are awaiting a cosmic event ... an Earth based cosmic event... yet still a cosmic event that will be a serious, psychological "wake-up call" to the people of Earth, to trigger the complete destruction of this final undersea base.  Why will it be a 'wake up' call?   Because the location of, and cause & effects of this specific cosmic event, the 'popping' of a volcano & a subsequent earthquake, will  be  so  out of  the  norm  people  are going to wonder, "... what is really going on here?".   As soon as this happens I will release the complete written reporttas well as video documenting this extensive 'police action' to finally rid this planet of what can easily be called a long standing, very manipulative, dark & malicious Reptilian menace.''


Could this be ''that'' event? What do you think?

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