gunner's Posts (228)

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No Nukes, No Flukes

WHAT: Noted researcher Robert Hastings, author of UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites, will moderate a distinguished panel of former U.S. Air Force officers involved in UFO incidents at nuclear missile sites near Malmstrom, F.E. Warren, and Walker AFBs, as well as the nuclear weapons depot at RAF Bentwaters.WHEN: Monday, September 27, 201012:30 p.m.WHERE: National Press ClubHoleman LoungeEvent open to credentialed media and Congressional staff only
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Commander Sohin

Great message here from the Alpha spaceship. I didnot see any comments so I thought I woild post it here. Sept. 2, 2010 Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!September opens its doors, while October will be the month in which many great things will happen in your world. We are anticipating this for you, because maybe this way many people who are doubtful regarding the veracity of our messages could then have a stronger proof that the information we are transmitting to you is authentic.October will be a month of much activity, a very ‘busy’ month -as you would say- and it will be in preparation for the following month, November, which will also be of special relevance because during the month of November new and powerful waves of cosmic energy will arrive on your planet. Their impact on the surface of the Earth will help open more and in a better way many minds to our beneficial influence, ours and that of the White Brotherhood of the planet whose Masters are doing extraordinarily beneficial work on the evolution process of the human race in these current times.The Galactic Federation joins forces with the Masters of the White Brotherhood, the pure and pristine hierarchy striving continually to overcome the darkness, not by fighting against it, as that would be absurd and useless (and they know this), but their action is concentrated on fomenting and increasing the Light from the outside, and especially from within the consciousness of all incarnated human beings. The joint action of both sides has become such a powerful astral and luminuos force that it is cornering the retrograde forces, making them recede more and more with great impetus. It is a true battle between good and evil, in order to uproot the evil for a long time at least, if not forever, from the face of the Earth.In this current battle between these two antagonistic forces whose extremes touch each other, and nevertheless, a characteristic of the Law of Polarity, their forces are assisted by civilizations from different points from this local universe, like the sublime presence of the wise Pleaidian brethren who are like your parents in regards to your origins, the powerful brethren from Orion, who are warriors without equal, the brethren from Andromeda, a very old and rich lineage of qualities, and the sweet and loving brethren from Sirius, as well as a few others.Although all of us have many more characteristic traits, it is not to say that the brethren from a constellation are the only ones who possess those qualities, but it is true that each civilization stands out mainly by one or two aspects that show up more in them than in the rest of the brethren cultures.t is so, dear brother from this small and beautiful central European country*, the Pleaidians work side by side and in a close fashion with the Orions, as well as the Sirians. We share much common work, and in fact, these civilizations share a great number of joint missions.From this fraternal union, a powerful force surges as a result of the great fraternity that binds our two peoples, and in numerous occasions we have made great advances in our mission to help you transcend the third dimension and propel you to a superior state of consciousness on the evolution scale of the terrestrial human being.We notice a feeling of very ‘heavy’ vibrations in some of you, perhaps in many of you who do not have the patience to wait for the slowly arriving moment in which First Contact will take place, since you want it now! It makes us smile because we remember ourselves millions of years ago when we were going through the difficult situation you are going through now.In those days, we were also assisted by other more advanced civilizations than ours, which we remember despite it having occurred a long time ago, and also in that occasion, our Elder Brethren asked us to be patient and to actively cooperate with them, but without losing the very commendable and honorable virtue of patience, together with another great virtue, that of perseverance.Patience, together with perseverance can make wonders happen. We invite you to develop both, making them standard for you and incorporating them as part of your own virtues, constantly active in your hearts and minds.The only result of this effort on your part, coupled with the experience we are providing you from millions of years ahead of your current evolution level, is that the Good will be victorious in the struggle against the Bad, and that you will see your efforts crowned by an unprecedented success, never before seen in your world. The moment in which the Light dethrones the regressive and dark forces that torment you will be so glorious that your consciousness won’t be able to forget it in the centuries to come.Love and peace,Source: Comander SohinChannel: Kris-Won
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The Arcturians

SEPTEMBER 21, 2010

Dear ones, all is proceeding according to plan.

You will soon see us, as well as evolved beings from many locations, make an appearance on your lovely planet earth. Be not frightened as many would have you be. We come in love and respect, with gifts of awareness and knowledge to give you. Please understand that you have been taught to be frightened of us. It is a ploy of those who gain power and control through your fear. The time has come to put an end to those who would have you in bondage to fear, to lack, to limitation. This is a powerful time on earth.

Many are feeling the energies of change and yet do not understand how things can possibly be better or different. All is energy dear ones, and the energy of the old is rapidly dissipating, allowing the new and higher to replace it. Consciousness manifests in the outer as...

Many are awakening, although it does not seem that way when you read the news. Try not to listen to all you hear on your news stations, they are being prompted by the same energies that would have you stay in the dark. Limit your reading and watching of the news if you are used to being always involved in it. Soon you will see and hear other news. We will make ourselves known to you in many ways. Your media is going to be of them, so be not afraid.. This is our biggest hesitation, we do not wish to frighten you, but to bring our help and our love at this critical time.

You who are aware of these messages, will be needed to help those who will go into a panic as their belief system crashes. Many will be unable to process this new information and will choose to leave. This is fine, we welcome all individual choices, for all will evolve at their right pace, and all will discover that you cannot die. Can Source die? Yes dear ones, you are discovering that you are a manifestation of Source. Heretofore, this realization has been called mysticism and the belief was that only the "holy " saints and gurus were mystics. You revered them and prayed to them, not knowing that you are the same manifestation as they are. The only difference is that they remembered sooner.

The realization of Oneness is mysticism. That is the new energy you are graduating in to. Hooray! You have done it, you are moving into the realization of oneness and you don't have to go to a monastery in the high mountains, or live in a cloister in Europe, or sit under a tree and starve yourself. These are all methods used by the searching souls who knew there was more, but did not know how to access it. Many times the searching soul had to enter a monastery or convent in order to seek in peace.

You are now of an energy that is able to access this deeper information. You are evolved enough to comprehend the mystical truth of Oneness and are quickly moving into it. "Ordinary" people are just as much Source in expression and any Saint that has ever been declared. Many of the structured religious and dogmatic belief systems would not believe this or have you believe it, but it is true. Where will the churces go once people realize they don't need them?

You are, as all life is, the manifestation of the One. This is the secret that only the priests and rabbis were allowed to know in the ancient times. I AM was a forbidden phrase, password, or symbol not to be shared with the "ignorant masses". It is true however, that most would not of been ready for this information and many did indeed misuse it.
However, you are ready now.

We say to you rejoice in this awareness, it has been a long time coming. The Lights of the past who knew this truth led the way with their writings and their teachings. The Master Jesus was one of these lights who always taught; "The kingdom of God is within you." He never intended to be worshiped as the only one who was one with Source. Do not ever again look to another person to worship or see as more of God than you are.

ALL are the manifestation of Source, only in varying degrees of awareness of it. That is all there is to evolution... remembering.

We love you,

Arcturian Group 9/21/10S
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Angels on choosing love

MESSAGE FROM THE ANGELSMy dear friends, we love you so very much.At any moment in time you stand with a choice to embrace heaven or hell. In any moment you can choose to believe in the love behind the situation or choose to feel separate from love.In any human interaction you can bring more love into the situation or create greater division. In any given moment, you can choose to love and honor your own heart, or to ignore it.To choose to see only love and be only love, to the best of your ability, is to embrace the truth of God’s love within you. We understand that at times, this is no small task.“How can I feel love when I have lost a loved one,” you ask us? Start by loving yourselves. Get help, seek out healthy comfort. Assume your loved one in heaven is with you for rarely dear ones, are they not.“How can I feel love when I do not know how to pay my bills, or when I am losing my house?” Dear ones, assume that perhaps God wants you to learn greater faith so you will never have to worry again. Perhaps God wants you to learn to ask for help so you learn you are not alone in this world. Perhaps God is directing you to simplify your lives so you can have more free time to do what truly brings you joy.“How can I feel loved when I feel alone?” Dear ones, you are never truly alone but we do understand the human condition. If you are feeling lonely, sit and breathe and ask God and your angels to hold you in their embrace and don’t move until you feel this peace and this comfort.In this space, ask to be guided to where you can meet others of like mind and like heart, and then as you are drawn to various activities, get up and do them. They may not look as if they are related to finding you a friend or a soul mate, but trust dear ones, trust that God knows what he is doing and did not design the human race to walk this earth without companionship.Seek love dear friends, for it is the only true reality. You were born of love. You are made of love. You swim in a reality that seeks to teach you more about God’s love. And behind even the most unthinkable behaviors of the human race are a desire for love, for even the most hurtful souls are simply, in a very unevolved way, striving to find acknowledgment and understanding in their pain.Move away from hurtful souls by all means, or change your own perspectives, but, dear ones, do not withhold spiritual love. Pray for all. Pray for your family, friends, and even those you might consider your enemies for they are in need of prayer as well.Seek love. Be love. Ask to see the love behind every situation. And in this reality dear ones, the kingdom of heaven is truly at hand.God bless you! We love you so very much.– The Angels
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Obama's Report Card

I’m not really drawn to the rah-rah school of journalism, but I still agree with what Frank Schaeffer has written. I may have put it a liiiiitle differently, but no matter.From nearly a year back. Thanks to Janis.Obama Will Triumph — So Will AmericaBy Frank SchaefferDec. 21, 2009 he’d served even one year President Obama lost the support of the easily distracted left and engendered the white hot rage of the hate-filled right. But some of us, from all walks of life and ideological backgrounds — including this white, straight, 57-year- old, former religious right wing agitator, now progressive writer and (given my background as the son of a famous evangelical leader) this unlikely Obama supporter — are sticking with our President. Why?– because he is succeeding.We faithful Obama supporters still trust our initial impression of him as a great, good and uniquely-qualified man to lead us.Obama’s steady supporters will be proved right. Obama’s critics will be remembered as easily panicked and prematurely discouraged at best and shriveled hate mongers at worst.The Context of the Obama PresidencyNot since the days of the rise of fascism in Europe, the Second World War and the Depression has any president faced more adversity. Not since the Civil War has any president led a more bitterly divided country. Not since the introduction of racial integration has any president faced a more consistently short-sighted and willfully-ignorant opposition – from both the right and left.As the President’s poll numbers have fallen so has his support from some on the left that were hailing him as a Messiah not long ago; all those lefty websites and commentators that were falling all over themselves on behalf of our first black president during the2008 election.The left’s lack of faith has become a self-fulfilling “prophecy”– snipe at the President and then watch the poll numbers fall and then pretend you didn’t have anything to do with it!Here is what Obama faced when he took office– none of which was his fault:# An ideologically divided country to the point that America was really two countries# Two wars; one that was mishandled from the start, the other that was unnecessary and immoral# The worst economic crisis since the depression# America’s standing in the world at the lowest point in history# A country that had been misled into accepting the use of torture of prisoners of war# A health care system in free fall# An educational system in free fall# A global environmental crisis of history – altering proportions(about which the Bush administration and the Republicans had done nothing)# An impasse between culture warriors from the right and left# A huge financial deficit inherited from the terminally irresponsible Bush administration.And those were only some of the problems sitting on the President’s desk!“Help” from the Right?What did the Republicans and the religious right, libertarians and half-baked conspiracy theorists — that is what the Republicans were reduced to by the time Obama took office — do to “help” our new president (and our country) succeed? They claimed that he wasn’t a real American, didn’t have an American birth certificate, wasn’t born here, was secretly a Muslim, was white-hating “racist”, was secretly a communist, was actually the Anti-Christ, (!) and was a reincarnation of Hitler and wanted “death panels” to kill the elderly!They not-so-subtly called for his assassination through the not-so- subtle use of vile signs held at their rallies and even a bumper sticker quoting Psalm 109:8. They organized “tea parties” to sound off against imagined insults and all government in general and gathered to howl at the moon. They were led by insurance industry lobbyists and deranged (but well financed) “commentators” from Glenn Beck to Rush Limbaugh.The utterly discredited Roman Catholic bishops teamed up with the utterly discredited evangelical leaders to denounce a president who was trying to actually do something about the poor, the environment, to diminish the number of abortions through compassionate programs to help women and to care for the sick! And in Congress the Republican leadership only knew one word: “No!”In other words the reactionary white, rube, uneducated, crazy American far right,combined with the educated but obtuse neoconservative war mongers, religious right shills for big business, libertarian Fed Reserve-hating gold bug, gun-loving crazies, child-molesting acquiescent “bishops”, frontier loons and evangelical gay-hating flakes found one thing to briefly unite them: their desire to stop an uppity black man from succeeding at all costs!“Help” from the Left?What did the left do to help their newly elected president? Some of them excoriated the President because they disagreed with the bad choices he was being forced to make regarding a war in Afghanistan that he’d inherited from the worst president in modern history!Others stood up and bravely proclaimed that the President’s economic policies had “failed” before the President even instituted them! Others said that since all gay rights battles had not been fully won within virtually minutes of the President taking office, they’d been “betrayed”! (Never mind that Obama’s vocal support to the gay community is stronger than any other president’s has been. Never mind that he signed a new hate crimes law!)Those that had stood in transfixed legions weeping with beatific emotion on election night turned into an angry mob saying how “disappointed” they were that they’d not all immediately been translated to heaven the moment Obama stepped into the White House! Where was the “change”? Contrary to their expectations they were still mere mortals!And the legion of young new supporters was too busy texting to pay attention for longer than a nanosecond. “Governing”?! What the hell does that word, uh, like mean?”The President’s critics left and right all had one thing in common: impatience laced with little-to-no sense of history (let alone reality) thrown in for good measure. Then of course there were the white, snide know-it-all commentators/talking heads who just couldn’t imagine that maybe, just maybe they weren’t as smart as they thought they were and certainly not as smart as their president. He hadn’t consulted them, had he? So he must be wrong!The Obama critics’ ideological ideas defined their idea of reality rather than reality defining their ideas-say, about what is possible in one year in office after the hand that the President had been dealt by fate, or to be exact by the American idiot nation that voted Bush into office. twice!Meanwhile back in the reality-based community – in just 12 short months — President Obama:#Continued to draw down the misbegotten war in Iraq(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)#Thoughtfully and decisively picked the best of several bad choices regarding the war in Afghanistan(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)#Gave a major precedent-setting speech supporting gay rights(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)#Restored America’s image around the globe(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)#Banned torture of American prisoners(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)#Stopped the free fall of the American economy(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)#Put the USA squarely back in the bilateral international community(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)#Put the USA squarely into the middle of the international effort to halt global warming(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)#Stood up for educational reform(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)#Won a Nobel peace prize(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)#Moved the trial of terrorists back into the American judicial system of checks and balances(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)#Did what had to be done to start the slow, torturous and almost impossible process of health care reform that 7 presidents had failed to even begin(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)#Responded to hatred from the right and left . . . with measured good humor and patience(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)#Stopped the free fall of job losses(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)#Showed immense personal courage in the face of an armed and dangerous far right opposition that included the sort of disgusting people that show up at public meetings carrying loaded weapons and carrying Timothy McVeigh-inspired signs about the “blood of tyrants” needing to “water the tree of liberty”.(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)#Showed that he could not only make the tough military choices but explain and defend them brilliantly(But that wasn’t good enough for his critics)Other than those “disappointing” accomplishments — IN ONE YEAR — President Obama “failed”! Other than that he didn’t “live up to expectations”!Who actually has failed……are the Americans that can’t see the beginning of a miracle of national rebirth right under their jaded noses. Who failed are the smart ass ideologues of the left and right who began rooting for this President to fail so that they could be proved right in their dire and morbid predictions. Who failed are the movers and shakers behind our obscenely dumb news cycles that have turned “news” into just more stupid entertainment for an entertainment-besotted infantile country.Here’s the good news: President Obama is succeeding without the help of his lefty “supporters” or hate-filled Republican detractors!The Future Looks GoodAfter Obama has served two full terms, (and he will), after his wisdom in moving deliberately and cautiously with great subtlety on all fronts — with a canny and calculating eye to the possible succeeds, (it will), after the economy is booming and new industries are burgeoning, (they will be), after the doomsayers are all proved not just wrong but silly: let the record show that not all Americans were panicked into thinking the sky was falling.Just because we didn’t get everything we wanted in the first short and fraught year Obama was in office not all of us gave up. Some of us stayed the course. And we will be proved right.PS. if you agree that Obama is shaping up to be a great president, please pass this on and hang in there!Pass it on anyway to ensure that his “report card” gets the (we the people) attention it deserves.Share this: Share Share0diggsdiggEmailPrintPress This
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Welcome to a new and unimaginable world, taking shape before our very eyes. What world am I talking about?I’m talking about the New Age expected to begin after a planetary transformation before or around Dec. 21, 2012.Predictions of what the 2012 community calls “Ascension” are reaching us from the Earth’s own spiritual hierarchy, the star nations here to help us, Earth’s scientists, and planetary intuitives.At an early but unknown date, we can expect a world leader (probably President Obama) to disclose the fact that human beings from other star systems are here, in spacecraft around our planet – some cloaked, some in other dimensions – and that evolved life exists in many places in the universe.We’re soon to be joined by family.Following disclosure, a coalition of Light forces composed of humans from hundreds of star nations and Earth’s ascended masters, which David Wilcock playfully calls “management,” (1) will join us to address the deficiencies in the world situation caused by Earth’s former dark controllers.The dark ones, who brought us 9/11, the tsunami, earthquakes, volcanic activity, chemtrails, pandemics, and all manner of other destructive events, will find themselves held accountable.We’ll have a new “wisdom economy” or “abundance program.” The coalition of Light will give us technology that will address our economic difficulties and bring us a new lifestyle marked by ease and empowerment.The Earth will be terraformed; pollution will be eradicated; and a temperate climate will prevail around the world.The coalition of Light will equip us to “pass through the eye of the needle” in 2012, leaving our dualistic consciousness behind and sporting a new, unitive consciousness. If you’ve ever seen or heard an enlightened teacher (Eckhart Tolle or Adyashanti would be good examples), that’s how we’ll look and sound after 2012.I personally follow most closely the messages coming from channelers, but also the terrestrial commentary coming from the 2012 community of scientists, whistleblowers, and intuitives. The channeled sources already live in Fifth-Dimensional consciousness and so I prefer their version of events.You’ll notice that two themes are followed on this site: the first is the overthrow of the Earth’s secret governments, known to themselves as Illuminati, though none are illuminated, and known to others as the New World Order, the shadow state, the dark cabal, etc.That overthrow will appear to be a “time of troubles,” during which the dark will use all its technology to cause earthquakes (Haiti and Chile are examples), modify weather, sow chemtrails, start wars, misrepresent the galactics, create fear, and in other ways try to disrupt and defeat the (I’m told) “unstoppable” plan for 2012 Ascension.The dark forces are up to so much mischief that I’ve had to write two articles on this site simply listing their misdeeds: “I Accuse” and “The Black Hats Must Go.” They provide an overview of the extent of their murderous actions.The economy they created will utterly collapse, to be simultaneously replaced by the wisdom economy.The second theme is the increase in the light energy that is occurring because the coalition of Light are preparing us to open to transformation by 2012 or sooner.It may be confusing to some to see these two themes running simultaneously. Some articles will be tracing the fall of the cabal and others the rise of the new society and economy. I hope readers will be able to keep the two movements straight.A compendium of quotes on all aspects of the changes expected in the run-up to 2012 can be found at First Contact, located at the time of troubles, I’m determined to help the coalition of Light push this dark elite out of the corridors of power. Please don’t be alarmed. I’m not advocating violence or retribution. But I won’t rest until the Black Hats have left the scene or turned their hats around.Please note that I do not consider President Barack Obama to be a Black Hat, but one of the strongest Lightworkers on the planet today. He has my unequivocal support and unabashed loyalty.I draw on a background of historical, cross-cultural, and enlightenment studies, years spent as a refugee adjudicator, time spent researching life on the spirit planes, study of the space coalition’s messages, and a commitment to truth.Writing is my passion. Without your readership and the Internet, I could not be doing this.So thank you for stopping by and for opening up to the 2012 scenario. Every additional awakened Lightworker increases the ease with which the transition to Fifth-Dimensional consciousness can be accomplished.Namaste,Steve BeckowVancouver, CanadaFootnotes(1) “We are being cared for and protected by a Management team of high-level ETs. Their job is to manage the ‘illusion’ we’re all living through here on Earth, so that it will always be just as easy to focus on the positive as it is to focus on the negative.” (David Wilcock, “New Radio Show on Volcano, Disclosure, and More!” Apr. 21, 2010, at this: Share Share0diggsdiggEmailPrintPress This
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St. Germaine Salutes You

ST. Germaine 9/10.10For a time yet it will appear that all is the same, but there will come an event that will change everything.You will see that this will be the crowning manifestation of the new ways.And it is our time. It is time for brethren of other realms to come and be with you; time for beings from other places, far off places to shake your hands, to embrace in oneness; you who have cleared the way for them.Greetings my Beloved Freedom Fighters! I greet you with magnificent news. The shift of the ages is marching forward and you are at the front lines, my dear leaders of Light! Our news is that we are on schedule and that all is well.I wish you to remain steadfast. Onward and upward! There is no looking back. What lies ahead is the most brilliant of Light, the most brilliant of changes accomplished. And the most brilliant of reward; the reward of knowing what you have accomplished.All that you have strived for is coming to pass. Those who would have you dragged down are no longer dragging anyone down. Change implemented years ago has come to pass and it is time for you to see more glorious change!Imagine your wildest imaginings. Do what you have to do, but most of all, dream your dream! And carry your swords high. We salute you from our side and we wish that you salute us back; in freedom, in brotherhood and in the knowledge that it is done! We march ever onwards and we urge you to do the same. Hold your heads high, for you have done all that you came to do. We suggest that you dream your dreams in living, magnificent and vivid technicolor; manifest away, with delight and in joy!You have magnificently led the way for others; and those ones are following in your footsteps. There are many, many branches and groups that will follow. These multitudes will be holding their swords high as well. There will be multitudes of new ones who come forth with new ideas. When this occurs, it will be with ease, for these ones have been led by the best of the best. You have not only cleared the way for them but you have done it in such a way that they already carry within themselves what you have learned and earned energetically. They will not have to endure what you have, for what you know lies within them. They will be able to forage anew without slogging through the trenches as you have.For this we thank you. They will acknowledge and thank you also when the time is appropriate.There will be young and old alike leading with new ideas. They will be lined up, wishing to do their part and they will do it with great delight and with the deepest of inspiration and motivation. This is part of what you have created for the others who will follow in your footsteps. You are as the professors of the highest teachings. And they are as the students who will step forth into their talents and skills with the greatest of ease; and with humility and gratitude for you who have cleared the path of freedom for them. You have given them the freedom to be! We salute you. And we commend you with the highest and greatest of gratitude.There is now a huge change in energy. This new energy has cleared and replaced the energy of old; the energy of lack, of confusion, of the imprisoned human on bended knee. There is no reason for anyone to be on their knees at this time. It is time to stand tall and to know within that you have achieved. Settle back and enjoy what is to come. Maintain your energy of achievement. For a time yet it will appear that all is the same, but there will come an event that will change everything. You will see that this will be the crowning manifestation of the new ways.You can rest assured that this is to come. You can rest assured that peace and serenity will soon become the norm. Stress no more. And relax, let your worries fall away, be worry free, for there is great freedom in this.When you dip your toe in the new warm energy of peace and abundance, it will feel like home. You can wade freely all the way in now, without worry of strong currents washing you away. For this is your time.And it is our time. It is time for brethren of other realms to come and be with you; time for beings from other places, far off places to shake your hands, to embrace in oneness; you who have cleared the way for them.Peace is coming. For all. Freedom in all aspects of earthly life is coming. It is done; it is manifest. Relax, sit back and enjoy. Enjoy your many blessings. Enjoy knowing what you have accomplished. And celebrate the greatness that you have brought. All that you have endured and sacrificed; all suffering, all heavy loads are slipping into the past.It has passed and it is time for the realization of what has happened; time to understand that you have done it, my beloved ones of Light. Together, we have turned the tide. Together we have accomplished the turning of a planet in distress, in agony of utter disillusionment of the most horrible kind into a planet that is ready to stand in the beauty and glory of Love and of Truth that is her birthright.Your birthright into the Mastery that you are and that you have worked so hard for is at hand. Dream your brightest new dreams.I Am your brother, I Am the Son of Freedom, St Germain. And I salute each and every one of my beloved, steadfast warriors of untold and unwavering strength, integrity and Love. Into the dream of freedom we walk together.Original site: Twitter Facebook
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Angels Everywhere

Angels Everywhere!by Bryan de Flores can begin with the sound of fluttering wings or a series of soft tones in your ear or the feeling of incoming grace and exaltedness all around you. When they are near, a sense of peace and tranquility overcome you and your body immediately relaxes and opens to an unseen power. Many times you will feel as if you are being lifted and drawn upward, away from all earthly cares and worries, into another level of existence where everything is lighter, more beautiful and fulfilling.These are the feelings which accompany a divine visitation. This is the frequency of the Angels, and unbeknownst to many individuals, they are everywhere, all around us, watching over us, protecting us, prompting us to make the highest choices and assisting us in making all of our dreams come true.They are the ones who bless us and nurture us in times of great challenge. They are the ones who inspire us and keep us motivated, perpetually assisting in the evolution of mankind, never faltering and always working tirelessly in divine service to God and to humanity.Who are these blessed beings called Angels? Basically, the definition of an Angel is a divine being that assists God in carrying out the Plan. However, there are many types of Angels, both physical and non-physical, with different levels of power and intelligence. In all of creation there are countless legions of God’s Angels, who are invisible to our eyes for the most part, but who nonetheless have a ceaseless devotion to every living human soul in all of God’s creations.There are Angels in every dimensional frequency and realm, on and beyond this earth. There are Angels assisting on every level of existence, some of which we will never see or meet, but nonetheless are working for us in loving compassion. Many of the Angels in the higher levels of God’s hierarchy have never been born into a physical polarity world, and have thus retained a purity that many souls strive to attain.It is this simple fact that allows them to assist us from an unbiased and more compassionate position. From their higher-dimensional perspective their guidance is always much more balanced, as they can see further down the road then we often can.What do Angels look like?Most, but not all of the etheric Angels are androgynous. They are completely balanced masculine and feminine, and it is often difficult to tell visually when you see one if they are male or female. However, the feeling of their frequency, will always announce the Angel’s primary gender affiliation.Also, every Angel has a pair of beautiful luminous wings which are tipped with different colors such as blue, gold and silver, delineating their status within the Legions of Light. Most of them are White robed, but can appear wearing various colors on occasion.Their eyes reflect the purity of the divine energy so completely, that when you look at them you fall into a trance and feel immediately the embrace of God. They also have a double-spiral energy field, which often looks like a luminous ball of fire-light dancing all around them.An Angel’s Purpose!Most of the angels have specific jobs that they attend to and have a vast knowledge of whatever and/or whoever they are working with. There are many different levels of the etheric ˜Angelic Assistance Team” including the Solar Ark Angels, Throne Angels, Principalities, Seraphim and Cherubim.There are also Angels who attend to some of the toughest jobs, such as the Fire Angels, the Destroyer Angels and the Carrion Angels; who assist in dealing with and often removing misguided soul’s and trouble-making energies from the earth plane. (Remember the shadowy characters in the movie Ghost?)Members of the etheric team rarely manifest physically. However in certain circumstances they can make themselves physical by down-stepping their frequency gradually, which often takes months, to be able to manifest in physical form.Why does this down-stepping take them so long? Because, for an Angel to down-step their frequency, they must do it slowly in order to retain and not imbalance the purity of their vibration. And even after all the preparation they may often only be able to manifest for a few minutes or hours. However, as more light pours onto the planet, Angels will be able to manifest more easily and quickly to assist us and live among us.The more physicalized manifestations of the ˜Angelic Assistance Team” (which include Devas) are the Angels of weather, such as the Snow Angels, the Storm Angels and the Angels of the clouds. Also, every ray of the sun’s light is accompanied by an Angel. There are also Angels for every aspect of the Natural Kingdom, including Angels for every animal, fish, bird, tree and flower.There are Angels who oversee each stream, river, waterfall and ocean. There is an Angel who presides over and manifests through each crystal and gemstone. There are Angels of artistry and music, architecture, justice, finance and medicine.There are also Angel teams which guide each state and country, every city and town, every hospital and home. And more importantly, there is at least one Angel that accompanies each one of us through each and every daily task no matter how mundane it may be.Connecting with the Angels!So, you may ask how you can begin communicating with our divine companions and I say, begin by acknowledging and thanking each Angel who has ever assisted you throughout your life. Then through silent meditation ask your primary guardian angel to blend with your essence and bring full awareness of themselves into your conscious mind.Next, verbally state that you give them permission, in every circumstance, to assist you in whatever way possible. This gives your Angel permission to do whatever is needed to assist you in any given moment. You see, the Angels have rules they must abide by.One of the rules is they must honor our free will and not directly intervene unless asked by a human being, unless it is an emergency situation. Therefore, your Angels can only assist you and guide you up to a certain point unless you ask them or command them to cross the boundary and make their presence known and assist you in a more physical way.At this point, I would like to say a couple of important things about our etheric companions. There are many Angels who are currently unemployed, so to speak, due to the fact that many people lack the trust and higher consciousness necessary to communicate with their divine guardians.Secondly, it is important to get to know all of the Angels and what their specialties are not just the popular Angels such as Archangels Michael and Ariel. The fact is that there is a great diversity of Angels who are extremely powerful and who can offer assistance to you in many ways. So get to know them and allow them to come into your life by connecting with them through meditation and prayer.Thirdly, gratitude to these divine beings is of the utmost importance. Of course, they never ask for or expect it. But in truth, God is always watching, and by divine law, in every situation there must be a reciprocal energy exchange, even if one part of the exchange is only a ‘thank you.’When you are connected with the Angels and speak with them throughout your daily life, you will find that every situation becomes a magical one. You will find that there is always a constant flow of joy and healing energy all around you. You will find that your personal processes and understandings of God and life are more effortless and expansive.And you will ultimately find that you too are an Angel in human form, here to assist the Plan and ground it on a physical level so that heaven can be manifest on Earth. So let your wings now expand and allow yourself to take flight in the realization that you are that which you seek.Many blessings to you all, BryanShare this:
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Message From Saul

http://johnsmallman.wordpress.comSept. 14, 2010Your divine connection is permanent, unbreakable, and incorruptible, but you can restrict your access to it or block it off completely, as the vast majority of humans have done. This results in your sense of separation and aloneness, and reinforces your sense that your illusory reality is the only reality, and that you are an individual body within that reality.This experience is frightening for you, and so you construct defenses to enable you to obtain a feeling of security, but your feelings of vulnerability and insecurity continue to haunt you, and so you continue building ever more elaborate defenses. However, within the illusion, where it seems that you have your existence, your defenses keep failing to provide the security that you seek.The illusion is just that, but as long as you believe in it and put your energy into it, it will seem very real, and it will keep on disappointing you. The only place that you will find safety, contentment, and happiness is at Home with your Father — there is nowhere else — and that is where you are in every moment of your existence. When you release your panic-stricken grip on the illusion it will fade away as you awaken into Reality, your eternal Home, where you are permanently at one with, and an essential part of, your Father.You are on course to do that and nothing can prevent you from getting there, because of course you are already there — always and in every moment of your existence. Yes, I do keep telling you this, and that is because you keep forgetting it and getting drawn back into the illusion, so you need constant reminders to ensure that you remain on your path to awakening.To awaken is your divine destiny, so you cannot fail. However, you can keep attempting to delay that moment, which is impossible, and as you do so you intensify your sense of discontentment, disappointment, and suffering. My job, and that of all your other guides and teachers, is to keep on chivvying you to ensure that you do not fall back into your deep illusory sleep, where you feel depressed, lonely, separated, and abandoned. It is a miserable dream and we are constantly nudging you and calling to you so that you have no option but to do God’s Will, and yours, and wake up.As I have said before “Resistance is futile!” You no longer really want to resist the divine Will that intends for you to awaken, but you have resisted for so long that it is hard for you to relax and allow the power of that divine energy to sweep you Home to your Father. Your will to resist is weakening as your will to awaken strengthens and intensifies, and it becomes increasingly difficult for you to remain unaware of the deep inner knowing that you have of God’s Love for you.You are going Home! You truly desire only that, and that desire is helping you to focus your intent, direct your energy, and lead you forward to that exhilarating moment, that holy instant, when you return at last to the loving embrace of your heavenly Father.With so very much love, Saul.
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8 Keys For Ascension

Greetings Everyone!In the December 2006 Newsletter The Masters shared eight keys for maintaining balance during the shift. I have had such a huge response about this that I thought it would be helpful to publish this as a stand alone.Anyone who wishes to publish these Keys on your website may do so with proper credit to me and my web site. As always, I am honored, blessed and graced to serve you. Blackburn Losey, Ph.D.The Masters said:"As consciousness shifts, there are certain requirements for those who choose to shift as well. Those requirements are of Universal Law, and cannot be denied. These necessities can be done only from the heart, for if from a mental nature will fail as untruth combative with perceived truth. As considered, these are also keys to the ascension process. They are not that which is new, but that which has always been. Only the perceptions of lack, of less than are new.These keys are based upon the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron, each key being a point of the star. Eight truths which are eternal. Each without the other is only part of the whole, just as you are part of all that is and has ever been."The Keys are as follows:We must acknowledgement our self perfection – We are and always have been of the One both in Source and within our Journeys.Accept the journey for which we have come – why fight the very things which we have come to learn?Maintain Personal integrity – That truth which is ours amongst all other things, that opportunity which we give ourselves to find the truth within us, not that which we have been conditioned by others to perceive.Be that which you are, not that which you perceive others would see – You are created of light, of Grace, and of that there cannot be imperfection, only that which is of Spirit. You do not need to improve yourselves, only to acknowledge that which is your God self, your perfect being.We must acknowledge our value – This is different than accepting perfection. Your value is how you fit within the world within and the exterior world in which you exist. To perceive that your value is greater than another’s, or less than someone else’s brings you to lack of everything else.Accept Your Power – You are great and mighty. True Power comes not of ego, but the collective One of our Spirit. True Power is Gentle Power. You are of the light and in its seemingly nebulous construct is the essence from which all things are made. To fear inner power is to suggest that you are less than all other things. In Truth, power is of Grace, not of abusiveness or negative use and your Grace is born of unconditionality. True Power is that which is Love, the intentional living as co-creator from within all opportunities that are offered you.Take Your value, Your perfection, Your power, Your Grace into your world – In the Now that always is, change only comes from practice of change. What this means is that to effect change we must embody it. You must walk your talk, not hide that which you know. Historically, that which is hidden is viewed as heresy in relation to the accepted norm. To change this, it is to create a new accepted norm with ease and Grace by virtue of your walking within the very light from which you are created.Love yourselves and touch everyone you encounter with love – As all energy exchanges, what will You accept from others and what will you leave behind? You can see all others as mirrors of yourselves, that their pain also resides somewhere within us, that their joy is in our hearts as well. This is why random acts of kindness make such a difference. How many times have you said “There by the Grace of God go I”? It is true. It has always been so.(And of course, as we embrace these keys, we must remember to breathe. Our breath serves more than the purpose of oxygenating our body. Our breath clears and nurtures us energetically. Each breath is a cleansing and as weare cleansed, our energy system moves more easily and with greater clarity of communication within the universal consciousness, communicating what our experience is as well as what our experience may be. When we do not breathe because we are tense, our energies compact, becoming more and more sluggish. As a result, our manifestation becomes sluggish or even stalled.)
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Mira The Pleidian

A Message From the Pleiadian High Council September 10, 2010Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. We meet again on the spiritual pathway of thought. We know your thoughts well. We know you for you are as a part of our heritage and we are a part of yours.If you were asked to give proof of our existence I say look to your skies. Get quiet and see what happens above you. We are here in your skies and around you as well. We follow you everywhere, in your media, movies, in your homes and offices. We are one with you. We are not spying on you we are simply a part of your everyday lives in many more ways than you realize.It is our job to be helpful during these trying times on the planet. We are here to assure you that we mean only good for you and the Earth. We have the technological means to assist you and make your lives easier. We are only a part of a team that has been assembled to help the Earth and all of life move into higher grounds. This means that you will have a new life that serves you far better than the third dimensional one of suffering and separation.Our Creator wants the best for you. This might be a new thought for some due to the religious teachings from the past. It is true however. The rampant changes that you are experiencing now are not meant to be punishment. They are intended to be the force that opens up the energies on the Earth for something that each of you deserves—a happier, more harmonious, loving life.In the Pleiades we have no need for money. We have all that we need. We are always provided for in every way. We love each other and co-operate. We don’t need laws like you have on the Earth. We abide my universal laws. They come from the Creator. These laws are how life is meant to be. You have much to learn about these laws. Some of you are more aware of them than others. You will begin to learn about the true nature of life and how simple it can be.There is great beauty in store for you. The Earth is a gorgeous compilation of plants, minerals, animals, and life from universes far beyond yours. Even though your scientists would like you to believe otherwise, your physical bodies are comprised of 250 different root races. That is why many of you feel that you do not belong on the Earth. Some of you are Pleiadians and are from other star systems too. The Earth was designed to be a “vacation spot” and will return to this state after being cleansed and healed. You are all going through this too along with the Earth.The beautiful babies and children that are being born on your planet right now know much about what I am speaking. They will teach you. They will amaze you with their intelligence and abilities. They are programmed differently and are contributors to the ascension process.What I can tell you today is that all is moving well with your planet. Even though things are challenging you will move through them and it will be well worth the adjustments and adaptations. We are with you.I am Mira, from the Pleiadian High Council.
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Questions Answered by the Masters

September 14th, 2010QUESTION: Masters, I have a partner who keeps everything in case it will be useful later. I can’t stand the pile of newspapers and all sorts of things which are reaching the ceiling. I had a chance for one week when he went on holiday. So I threw all the newspapers to recycling point, hoping he will see he doesn’t need them. Instead he was furious and lost trust in me. I just don’t want to live in the clutter any longer but he doesn’t share my view. What can I do? ~Mami, UKANSWER: You are living with a man who has a dependency on maintaining possessions. He is also paranoid, possessive, selfish, and domineering. He is creating a hazardous living condition. It is very easy for bugs and rodents to take up residence in stored, never-moved items. Paper and cloth goods piled high with no ventilation between them become fire dangers.He is showing you his unreasonable side in not talking to you about his problem. Just saying he feels he might need the items sometime in the future is an insufficient explanation. Being threatened by a partner throwing out old newspapers that are not being used is showing the degree of his psychological problem.Have you noticed that your entire relationship has become one-sided? That the only thing ever considered is what he wants? It is time to stick up for yourself. It is time to honor the fact that you are just as important in the relationship as he is. Ask: what are you getting out of this partnership? At what cost to your self-esteem?You must evaluate and see how you feel about the future with this person. Is being used and not considered important the way you value yourself? If not, find someone to talk to. Get some counseling. Talk him into counseling if he wants to save your relationship. You both need to get an outsider to look and tell you what neither of you can see or will admit.Posted in Relationships | Add your comment »Total ConfusionSeptember 14th, 2010QUESTION: I am so drawn to metaphysical sciences that all this knowledge confuses me. I find myself connected to angels and have done courses to gain more knowledge. Along with my starting my own business I want to be able to help others and myself through metaphysical sciences. I have tried to do pendulum as well as angel card readings for friends and family but I am not sure of the accuracy. I don’t want to hurt anyone by giving the wrong message. Please guide me as to what I should do. I am doing a course in angel therapy in September. Please tell me when should I quit my current job to start my business? ~Puja, IndiaANSWER: There are hundreds of different applications of physical tools that can be used to understand and bring through metaphysical information from the non-physical aspects. The use of each comes with the accuracy level of the practitioners. If the users are open and have no pre-conceived notions of what the results should be, they have the option of receiving accurate information.Those who are using any of the various psychic tools should not be concerned with the answers or material that comes through, because it should not be coming from them but from the Other Side. Only if they are influencing the results in some way, as with their own beliefs, should they worry about what they are saying. The reading can only be what the energy is tending toward at that moment, and if people change their direction, either out of choice or after hearing the reading, the results will change. That is not the “fault” of the psychic and does not make the reading incorrect at the time it was given.Information that comes through should be used for advice only and not as the definitive word on the issue. Freedom of choice should still be used by all. You should always follow what feels right under the circumstances. It is best to stick with one or two methods since ease of getting the messages comes with continued use. As with any activity, whether it be accounting, cooking, or an athletic sport, it is necessary to practice to become perfected in the art.Practice at every opportunity, even asking yourself yes and no questions about who is the next to call you, or what the weather will be like. You have to become tuned into the energy in order to read it. You will be ready to move on when you feel comfortable with change and a new endeavor. Don’t try to rush things.Posted in Personal Problems | Add your comment »Not what I wantedSeptember 14th, 2010QUESTION: Masters, I lived more or less happily for many years in a foreign country, then from 2006 all kinds of sad events made me depressed. I separated from a partner; my work environment became hostile and I had to resign; my mother died—she was practically my only family. Then I started a difficult relationship with another partner, and from the beginning we were stalked for nearly 2 years: my partner was victim of a murder attempt. We were obliged to move far away in a small city. I feel like I was obliged to make uncomfortable choices only to save my life, a life that I don’t like anymore. On top of that, I always get physical discomforts. I often feel that what I live is not what I want to live. Is this going to change? How? ~Maria, ItalyANSWER: Change will come when you make the effort. You have been riding along on the events presented to you and saying there is nothing you can do. Once you get depressed you bring more negative energy and events to you because the universe says, “Oh, she likes to be sad and feeling bad; let’s give her some more issues to work with.”Once you start in a situation, even if it is terribly uncomfortable to you, you stick around rather than making a move. After you separated from the first partner, you mentioned you felt so bad about yourself and why he had left that you blamed yourself for the breakup. You moped around until your employers had enough of your negativity and made things so unpleasant for you that you ran away.From the beginning, the relationship with your new partner should have sent you screaming away from him. But for you, he was someone who was there. He was using you and you allowed it. His troubles became your troubles and you still stayed around. Even violence didn’t give you the idea to move on to some more positive place. You listen to others instead of making any decisions yourself.If you begin to accept that you have the right to be as happy as the next person, and not be used or abused by anyone, you will be able to move on. Do not let anyone tell you what to do. Do things only when you feel like doing them. You don’t like your life anymore because you don’t like yourself. Take the things you can’t stand and start replacing them, one at a time. Give yourself permission to be happy. Allow your life to change into one where you can feel safe and comfortable. Get help from the various women’s organizations out there that can help you get settled into a new life style. It is never too late.Posted in Life Lessons | Add your comment »
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Angelic Message

Message from the Angels 9/11/10 dear friends, we love you so very much.Understand that your earth is very shaky right now dear ones and so many of you are feeling this. The times you live in are causing a lot of old fears, anxieties, frustrations, etc. to rise up within you. And yet, dear friends, truth remains constant. You are eternal beings. Your souls live forever, and no matter what you experience on this earth, it is a temporary adventure.So when life around you begins to stress you out, stop, breathe, and see if you can adopt a more detached perspective. Allow yourself to ‘back up’ from the situation a little bit. Ask yourself, “How does my soul see this situation? What can I learn from it?” The search for external fixes for your problems will never truly create a solution. Instead bring love into the situations in your life. If your finances are tight, of course take steps in your outer world as you are guided, but also go deeper. Look inside. Where are you not allowing yourself to feel the abundance of God? What parts of you do not believe in this? Stop, and take time to enjoy the sunrise, your relationships, and all the good that you do have. Send love to any parts inside yourself that do not believe in the goodness of the universe and in the eternal and unending nature of God’s love.So many times we hear human beings say, “God has forgotten me!” “Where is God?” “Where are my angels?” We are always here dear friends. We always love you. We always strive to guide you into greater love. Instead of asking these questions, ask instead, “Where am I?” “Are my words and actions consistent with what I truly want in life?” “Do I even know what I truly want in life?” “Am I expressing myself honestly and lovingly?” “Am I constantly taking care of others but not myself, or vice versa?” “Where can I bring greater truth into my life?”You are never ever abandoned by God and your angels, dear friends. You are instead at times, allowed, by your own free will to make less than loving choices for yourselves. But as you choose to express your truth, your love, your gifts, your talents, and your real desires in life, then you come to the surface once again and we are allowed to step in and mirror that all back to you in your outer lives.God bless you! We love you so very much.– The Angels
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Arch Angel Michael-Forwarded by Steve Beckow

This is an important message from AA Michael because it describes the process of enlightenment associated with Ascension. It also states that the process of completing our issues, which he calls “healing your past,” will occur naturally as we venture further into the Ascension process, which I consider to be great news.He discusses the manner in which the divine alchemy occurs and what the divine elixir consists of. (I won’t spill the beans ahead of time.) This “elixir” is what will heal our past and transform us.I have never heard these matters discussed before, even in mystical texts about transformation such as The Most Holy Trinosophia of St. Germain or the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. (1)I’ve been wondering how we will accomplish healing our past with such a short period of time remaining before Ascension and here is the answer. I feel an amazing burden lifted hearing this.He talks about integrating the right-brain functions. I’ve appended Dr. Jill Bolte-Taylor’s video, “A Stroke of Insight,” to the bottom of this message to illustrate what that means and looks like in real life.Study this message carefully. It’s definitely a keeper.Shine Your Light – Share Your VisionSept. 2010 masters, during these times of accelerated transformation and chaotic change, two major, distinctive groups have formed among the races, religions and cultures of the world. These two factions are very distinguishable from our vantage point in the higher realms.Those who have faith in the future, and are striving in every way possible to make a better world for themselves and others have auric fields gleaming with Light, which extend outward in ever-widening circles, thereby affecting everything and everyone around them. Many of you have become power transformers and sentinels for the influx of Divine Light that is seeking an anchoring source upon the Earth.As we have said many times, the powerful, transforming, full-spectrum Light is the Sacred Fire energy needed by the Earth and humanity to successfully transition from the dense / broad-spectrum duality of the lower dimensions into the Lightness and expanded freedom of the higher fourth and fifth dimensions.Miraculously for you, the faithful Souls who have your eyes and hearts focused on a bright, new future, your visions and dreams are coming true more quickly than you could ever imagine. Your intuitive abilities are becoming stronger and more accurate, and you are swiftly becoming proficient at mind-to-mind communication with your guides and teachers in the higher realms.Your manifestation skills are improving, for you know that you must faithfully adhere to the universal laws of supply: first, you must have a concise, clear seed thought of what you desire to manifest (this is accomplished by using the attributes of Divine Will, the First Ray from God, the Father); second, you must solicit the assistance of your Higher Self and angelic helpers by stating, “I ask for this or something better for my greatest good and the most beneficial outcome for all. You must also add the emotional, heart-felt fuel to your seed thoughts (this activity draws upon the attributes of the Second Ray, love and wisdom from our Mother God).Third, you must take the action needed to bring your dreams to fruition (this is applying the dynamic attributes of the Third Ray), thereby taking advantage of all the qualities, attributes and virtues of God Consciousness of the Third thorough Seventh Rays.Fear is the predominant emotion of the masses who are still stuck in the maelstrom of negativity within the mass consciousness belief structure. Fear of the future, fear of scarcity, the government, corporations, other religious beliefs, different cultures/races, and even fear of God’s wrath. There is dislike and fear of those who look, think and act differently, and most of all, there is fear of change.They fear, therefore, they criticize, judge and lash out in anger and frustration, thereby creating an even greater / stronger thought form of negativity and fear around them. These poor, disillusioned Souls are creating a stronger, ever-expanding vortex of negativity around themselves and their loved ones, thereby drawing to them those things they fear the most. They are caught in a web of self-fulfilling prophecy that reinforces their beliefs and keeps them shackled to their illusionary world of suffering, scarcity and chaos.One day, they too will lift their eyes and hearts to the heavens, and they will answer the whisperings of Spirit as they turn inward for the comfort and guidance of their Soul Self. However, as you are aware, a grand cosmic cycle is swiftly coming to a close; and the Earth is spiraling into a new position within the solar system regardless of who is ready to ascend with it or who is not.And so, my beloved Light Bearers, this is where you come in. This is your grand opportunity to SHINE YOUR LIGHT and SHARE YOUR VISION.Yes, we hear and understand your protests. You think you are not good enough or wise enough to teach. It frightens some of you so much that you want to withdraw and no longer make an effort to expand your awareness and claim your mastery. This message is to assure you, beloveds, that you are already a teacher for those around you. You are teaching by example. You are teaching through your words and actions. You are teaching with every word you speak and every thought form you send out into the ethers. Your auric field affects the people around you in either a positive or negative way.Are you radiating Love, faith, hope and freedom? Perhaps you are not adding to the fear and negativity; however, let us assure you, you cannot remain at a status quo or in the inertia of non-action. Universal law demands that in order to maintain a constant influx of Creator Love/Light, it must flow into you and then radiate out from you after you have taken the portion you need. This is an immutable, infallible law.In past messages, we have explained to you how the Avatars, Ascended Masters, the Angelic Kingdom and the great Beings of Light, along with a swiftly expanding number of earthly Initiates on the Path, will be working together under the guidance of the Cosmic Council of Light to bring forth the advanced wisdom teachings for these unprecedented times of transformation and ascension.Make no mistake, all of you who are on the Path are teachers, whether in a formal manner or just by example, and what is needed most of all is your radiance.Remember, you magnetize energy to you and radiate energy from your Solar Power Center (front and back). As your Energetic Signature becomes more refined and is attuned to the higher frequencies of Light, you will still draw forth a portion of the half-spectrum, Primal Life Force substance as long as you are still in a third/fourth-dimensional environment.However, it will mix and meld with the higher frequency Adamantine Particles of Light and will be automatically transformed by your loving intention into higher frequency energy as you align your free will with the Will of our Father/Mother God.You are the ones who must be the receptacles and transformers of the Divine Light from the Supreme Creator which is filtered down to you from our Father/Mother God. Just as our beloved universal parents reduce and filter the Creator Light out into the galactic suns and it is then transduced down through the suns of your solar system, you are needed to filter the Light through yourselves. You must then activate it with your unconditional love and radiate it out into the world.The only way you can become pure receptacles of the Light is to become Self-masters, and the only way you can do that is to become “en-Lighten-ed” via the wisdom teachings you have been offered. This requires that you integrate these cosmic principles into your lives so that you may become living examples and guiding Lights.In order to become a living tributary for the River of Life, you must prepare yourselves to allow the Essence of Life to flow into and through you. You must use what you need and then allow the remainder to flow forth, ready and available to be molded into wondrous new creations. In this way, you will become Bearers and Servers of the Light. This is the ultimate message of all the teachings we have given you over these past years. This is the goal of Self-mastery. This is the way of ascension.Allow us to give you more thoughts to contemplate until we come together again next month:* The enlightenment process begins when you shift your ego personality and outward-focused, left brain consciousness to incorporate your right brain, (2) inward-focused intuitive consciousness and you begin to listen to your Soul Self.* New pathways in the brain are opened as you begin to unlock the light packets of wisdom and your history stored in the higher-dimensional levels of your Sacred Mind. The old pathways and painful memories of your third- and fourth-dimensional past begin to fade, and you will find that it becomes more and more difficult to remember the failures and suffering of your past lives.Have we not told you that you are healing the past as you spiral into the future? You will remember who you are and your history, but only the positive, harmonious events. (3)* The moment of awakening is when the Kundalini fire ignites in the root chakra and moves up the spine through the chakra system, opening the Seven Seals of Higher Consciousness. The medulla oblongata or the Ascension Chakra, which is sometimes called the Mouth of God, is activated and the pineal gland begins to pulsate and function as it was originally designed to do.This in turn opens the crown chakra or the lotus of en-Lighten-ment at the top of the head, thereby connecting with the shining column of Light, which ultimately leads to your God Self or I Am Presence.Once you make this connection you are forever changed. The empowerment of Spirit begins to flow through you as you begin to reclaim your mastery of Self along with the godly gifts of your Divine heritage. (4)* You are returning to your natural state of Being, and you are reclaiming your cosmic consciousness as you refine and prepare to be the new prototype “Adams and Eves” of the new Golden Galaxy of the future.* You must seek to align with the many facets of your Higher Self and always strive for the greatest good. You are no longer just an individual focused on your own welfare as you move deeper into the Oneness of Spirit. As you move into a state of harmlessness, you also move into a state of grace, and this is when the magic begins. There will be neurobiological restructuring of the brain, and you will eventually achieve an irreversible state of Cosmic Consciousness. (5)* Be assured that enlightenment of the masses is possible in this lifetime, and each of you has an integral part to play in this grand drama.* The Age of the Seventh Ray and the Violet Flame is a pivotal point within the process of evolution, whereby the Threefold Flame of God Consciousness dramatically accelerates its direct influence upon the Earth and humanity.As it accelerates, it spins or spirals downward via the Seventh Ray, upward from the great, ageless Violet Fires within the Earth, and outward in frequency from within the heart centers of you, the en-Lighten-ed Light Bearers around the world.This Divine Elixir of Cosmic Fire is created by the merging into oneness of the Blue Flame of Divine Will of the Father with the Pink Flame of Divine Love of the Goddess, along with the radiant Golden Flame of Divine Wisdom.This spiraling action brings a blending of the Pink and Blue Flames with a core of Golden Fire, thus creating the Sacred Violet Flame. (6) This creates a Divine alchemy whereby all discordant or inharmonious energies can be transmuted or transformed into positive Life Force substance. It contains all the gifts and blessings of our Father/Mother God and makes them available to you, their Solar sons and daughters or “Suns of Light,” which were born of their sacred union.Beloveds, in the future it will be normal to live within the auric field of a master, a distinguished Being of Light, or on rare occasions, an archangel. You, the aspirants on the Path are building a bridge between the material world and the world of Spirit. The Light of the intellect and the Light of reason bring wisdom and understanding, for they supply the mental nature with the fuel that enables you to comprehend and master the world of form.Before you incarnated, you agreed to Light the path and show the way for those following behind. You must be diligent in your search for the truth, and you must have an intense desire and willingness to serve if you are to join the ranks of the masters.You are now in the process of adjusting to higher frequencies of electromagnetic Light currents. The Soul Self encourages you to become consciously aware of the universal laws so that you may take full advantage of your God-given creative abilities.Brave hearts, we enfold you within our auric field of protection, and we radiate to you the eternal love and gratitude of the Cosmic Council of Light. We are with you always.I AM Archangel Michael.Transmitted through Ronna Hermanwww.ronastar.comFootnotes(1) Most Holy Trinosophia of St. Germain:; Emerald Tablets of Thoth: If you’d like to see a sterling example of someone who did this spiritual integration using a stroke, watch Dr. Jill Bolte-Taylor’s “A Stroke of Insight.” Doubleclick on video to see remaining part.(3) “Healing the past” is a good way of saying “completing your issues,” which is a topic we’ve discussed a number of times. Notice how AA Michael refers to it too, as do so many master teachers. Notice that AA Michael says that the memory of our hurts from the past will recede as the Ascension process deepens. I’ve been noticing recently that my issues have been lifting.If this were to occur, this is good news. It would mean that a natural process is at work which will assist us in dropping our old baggage. If so, then not only would our karma be forgiven us by the Law of Grace but the Ascension process would have a built-in component that would alleviate our unhealed past: this in fact means that we don’t have to worry, as Saul and SaLuSa have told us many times.(4) AA Michael has just described the process of enlightenment to the level of the Seventh Chakra, which is called by sages “Brahmajnana” or “God-Realization.” This is not the level at which liberation from birth and rebirth occurs, which is sahaja nirvikalpa samadhi and occurs when the spiritual heart or hridayam opens permanently, but I presume sahaja happens upon Ascension. But Brahmajnana will indeed change us forever.(5) “An irreversible state of Cosmic Consciousness” would be sahaja nirvikalpa samadhi.(6) Here is the secret of the efficacy of St. Germain’s violet flame. It is an alchemical energy produced by “the merging of the Blue Flame of Divine Will of the Father with the Pink Flame of Divine Love of the Goddess, along with the radiant Golden Flame of Divine Wisdom.” Will, Love, and Wisdom – the divine alchemical triad.
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September 4th 2010 MESSAGE FROM THE ANGELS dear friends, we love you so very much.So many of you, dear friends are experiencing the same pressures and releases as your Mother earth. Be gentle with yourselves. It may seem at times as if there are several of you living inside one body and vying for the control of one mind. There is a YOU that is the real you. This is the part of you that believes in God's love, knows yourself as a powerful creator, and wants to be kind and loving to yourself and others. Then, within each of you there are energies from the past that are angry, sad, fearful, or mistrustful. So many of you are experiencing the surfacing of these other parts of yourselves, as they come up for love and healing.If you are fearful, take a deep breath, close your eyes and ask God and the angels for assistance. Ask inside of yourself, "Who inside of me is fearful." Allow an image or a feeling to come up. Talk to that part of your spirit - the one that is lost in fear. Imagine giving it a hug, reassurance, and comfort, and sending it into the light where it will be eternally safe and cared for.If you are angry, again take a breath, close your eyes and ask us for assistance. Ask inside of yourself "Who inside of me is angry?" Allow an image or a feeling to come up. Talk to that part of your spirit. Let it know that you understand its anger and yet you are in charge now and you want to create a better life. Negotiate and tell this part of yourself it must go into the light now or leave you alone.If you can't quite find faith in God's love again go inside and ask, "Who inside of me does not believe in God's love?" Dialog with this part, comfort it, and ask it to go into the light.Dear ones, it is a time on earth where doing this work is imperative. You want to free your souls from the bondage of those bits and pieces of yourself that remain lost in fear, anger, and illusions. You want to be the angel to yourself. You want to be the parent you never had, the kind friend you always wished for, indeed the very love of your own life. If you are willing to take the time to go inside and love those parts of yourself that did not receive love, to comfort those parts that did not receive comfort, to validate the parts that didn't receive validation and weren't allowed to have their own voice, then dear ones, you become the healing light of God for yourself. This is self love at its deepest forms, for if you can love and comfort, and work with the darker parts of your own soul, you need never fear the darkness of the world around you, for indeed energy is energy, and you are all truly one. Heal yourself and watch your life begin to transform.God bless you! We love you so very much.-- The AngelsMESSAGE FROM ANNHi Everyone!I have seen people resurrecting their inner 'demons' from the past so much lately. It seems anger is going around, as is fear. I've been coaching people non-stop on working with their inner children, their past selves, and the parts of themselves that they would rather hate and push away. Pushing away anything within ourselves is pointless. The angels often say, "Would you tell a child crying in fear to shut up and get over it?... Never. Would you allow an angry tantrum throwing child to take over your life? Not at all." And so, the angels say, "Why do you allow these parts inside of yourself to control you? Why do you hate them, push them away, and withhold love?" If you do the exercises they have given above, diligently, they really work.
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Salusa of Sirius

Message from SaLuSa for 08 September August 2010SaLuSa 8-September-2010You have climbed the mountain and are now ready to step onto the summit. The journey of life in the lower vibrations has all but finished, and that means for every soul that is presently on Earth. By your actions and deeds you have reached a certain pinnacle in your evolution, which now requires you to move onto yet another cycle of experience. You will commence it with all of the spiritual knowledge gained as it remains with you forever. Those who remain in the 3rd. dimension are no lesser Beings than any other soul. It is simply that there is still more for them to learn, before they choose to move on. You should not therefore try to coerce others into following your path if they are not ready. All will eventually reach their goal, and your paths will often meet on that journey.The bonding that has taken place between many of you will ensure that you can always reach each other, regardless of the level of consciousness that you have achieved. Beyond your present dimension you will be able to use your power of thought to contact another soul with distance as no obstacle. For the same reason, you will also be able to move from one location to another instantly. Gone will be all of the time consuming efforts you have to put in on Earth to achieve the same results. Already some of you are developing your telepathic abilities, and as the vibration increases you will find it becoming more commonplace. Dear Ones, you are returning to a state of being that is yours by rights, one that you left to enter the present cycle of duality.It must seem like a dream when you learn of what lies ahead, but the dream is the one you are leaving which is the world of illusion. It is your creation but was never going to hold the higher vibrations for any length of time. There have been phases of both darkness and Light, and you are just leaving the Dark Ages that have taken you to levels almost devoid of Light. The dark Ones are now having to relinquish their power in the face of the changes that are restoring the Light upon Earth. You will find the blossoming of the first real signs of change, although in reality it has been slowly taking place for a very long time. It has been about raising the Light levels to release you from the hold the dark Ones have had on you. That has been remarkably successful, and clearly helped by those souls of the Light incarnating upon Earth. Spirit does not fall asleep and allow the darkness to totally control you. So you can be sure as now, that there is continuous help being given to you.The Galactic Federation has been instrumental in helping you along for a long time. It is because you are approaching the end of the cycle, that our presence has become more evident and that indeed was our intention. We are an important part of your awakening process, and here by divine decree. It has meant that your ideas of life beyond Earth have had to be thought out again. The dark would have you believe that there are no benevolent Space Beings, and that there are only aliens that pose some threat to you. The truth is that it is the dark Ones who have colluded with the aliens – specifically the Greys, and together they have brought about the near prison conditions that you are experiencing. Before you ask the question, let us say that we could not interfere with that liaison, because the aliens took advantage of the Law of Attraction. Nevertheless, we are allowed to ensure that there is no interference from other civilisations with ulterior motives for visiting Earth. Often in the distant past it has been to mine your gold and other precious minerals that are not readily found on other planets.You have no reason to know how much attention has been given to you and your Earth. Be assured however that your evolution has always been closely monitored, to ensure that you were able to reach the end of the cycle as planned. You were not simply left to your own devices or the attention of other Beings. However, within the context of allowing you freewill you have created the conditions for your own experiences. It has been the lack of Light that has allowed your descent into the dark realms. Thankfully, the plan to lift you up has been successful, and today you have brought the Light to your Earth to the extent that it is well grounded.So as we review your situation, we can say that all proceeds well to achieve the intended result at the end times. No matter how many beautiful experiences you may have had whilst on Earth, they will pale into insignificance once you take your place in the higher dimensions. Beauty is in your mind but on Earth it is not always possible to express it, as you would wish. Yet when your powers to create are restored, the perfection as visualised by you will manifest. Nothing is flawed in the higher dimensions, and beauty and harmony will be all around you. With it comes the most happy and contented feeling, as you bask in the Light.When you despair at the many obstacles in your lives, switch tracks to what the future holds for you. Live the future now as far as possible and when you meet people who would pull you down, let their comments or actions leave you unaffected. They will soon get tired of your refusal to respond to their negativity. As time goes by you will find more and more you are drawn to people that are similar to your own vibrations. Soon you will only move within a specific circle of friends that share the same interests. It does not mean that you ignore others, as they may benefit from your help. Be on hand if you can share your knowledge with them, and measure it so that it meets their level of understanding.Remember that you are sailing in the same boat, but when the winds of change come some will have to change course. Your destination depends on how well you have prepared for the changes, but not everyone will move on to Ascension. The process has been in place for a long time, but now that it is speeding up you cannot lag behind if you are serious about Ascension. After all you have been through it is well worth every effort you can muster to cross the finishing line.I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and hope we have inspired you to boldly go forward without any hesitation. We love you all and each of you are dear to us.Thank you SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey.
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Galactic Federation Update with 911 Reference

Galactic Federation Update for 07 September 2010 by Sheldan Nidle11 Chicchan, 7 Zip, 7 IkSelamat Jaran! We return with more information about your world, Mother Earth, and your ascension into full consciousness. In our last few messages, we focused on the history of the UFO cover-up and the Anglo-American contingent of the dark cabal. We talked about how this group, whose ultimate intention was to become the favorite of their Anunnaki overlords, was following a grand scheme hatched several decades ago. This scheme was to reach maturity in the mid-1990s, but the abrupt switch of the Anunnaki to the Light astonished and shocked the cabalists, compelling them to come up with a new plan to secure a global position of preeminence. After a series of setbacks in the late 1990s, the American election at the millennium gave these power seekers the supremacy they sought, quelling all remaining opposition in both the US and the UK. A new joint policy was now possible. The grand plan also called for a drastic large-scale domestic terror strike as a first step on the road to global domination, and so this was duly carried out.In recent decades, the oil industry saw much nationalization and this change in ownership deeply worried the Anglo-American energy cartel. Inroads into the Middle East were required in order to reassert the necessary strong-arm dominance needed for future regional negotiations. The same held true for Asia, the Americas, and Africa. Oil was a convenient global industry that could be used to re-create the power networks abandoned by the Anunnaki, and the dark cabal moved swiftly to execute the strategy drawn up in the final years of the 20th century. At the same time, we were strengthening our relationship with the groups and individuals that were quickly becoming our Earth allies. Together, we gathered the intelligence that illustrated how the dark’s grand plan was to unfold. We positioned our craft around New York City and watched the first horrible step of this plan manifest. This ‘incident’ involved both known and secret technology and was a dry run for an ‘event’ planned for later in the same decade: a holographic space-invasion display using technology gleaned from their former dark off-world allies.The technology used on the World Trade Center was masked by the spectacle of very realistic 3-D airplane holograms (but without the telltale light sources). The effect, though primitive, was enough to fool those not familiar with this technology. This was coupled with a series of doctored videotapes constantly aired by the major TV networks. The use of particle-beam weaponry and preset explosive devices completed the theatrical display, and all went off with only minor glitches. We could see that their level of technology had not progressed much beyond that used in several attempts to stage false UFO invasions in the 1990s. We advised our Earth allies of this and put into effect the means to prevent them from using this technology in the future. After several botched attempts to use holographic technology, the cabalists turned to nuclear conflict as a means to achieve their ends. They focused on the flashpoints in Asia and the Middle East, and so we sent our liaison personnel to these regions to preempt such insanity.Needless to say, we spent this decade reiterating to the major nuclear powers that such dangerous weapons are not an option. Nuclear arsenals must be abandoned across the board! You are entering an age of peace and prosperity and this requires a global dedication to disarmament. Those now in power represent the tail end of a dark age of violence, fear, and constant deceit and mendacity! They are reeling in disbelief as their supposedly unchallengeable empire crumbles and their wealth, for so long squandered on their every whim, vanishes. The new governments are set to prosecute them and return the mountains of wealth to the people. The dark cabal’s dominion is inciting a final spasm of chaos around the world, just like any great dying empire of the past. New ways and attitudes are blossoming; opportunities for a new reality are starting to materialize; and our Earth allies are preparing to broadcast some truly startling announcements!Your world is poised on a precipice! The dark intends to take you to the very brink of extinction. They are a severely mean-spirited bunch, and dealing with them is like working with a gang of spoilt and malicious 5-year-olds who intend serious, grievous harm. It takes a process of stick-and-carrot, outright threats, and the judicious use of ‘cattle-prod’ incentives to get their attention. They have been notified, time and again, of what is expected of them by the Federation and by Heaven, but most of it seems to go in one ear and out the other! In this event, we instruct our teams to render inoperable the particular proscribed part of their nuclear or secret-weapon ordnance, and these demonstrations seem to get the point across for a short while. Then their national cliques do something utterly scandalous again and the above cycle repeats itself. At times, we dearly wish to do something to tip the balance in favor of our Earth allies!Heaven has decreed a timetable and this time crunch is almost upon us. Each day we stress this fact to the cabal. We also point out that a nuclear action on their part precipitates an immediate first contact, and this knowledge has indeed deterred many of their most horrible plans. Each of the major militaries of your world possesses some type of craft weaponized to varying degrees, and these dark governments have deployed these craft against us, both manned and unmanned, with no success, thus further emphasizing what we tell them. Indeed, it seems they relish these weekly cat-and-mouse games, which is another reason to remove them from power. They are truly amoral, and we have advised our Earth allies of their unreliability and sincerely suggest that they never be placed in any position of consequence.The present time is one of negotiation and preparation. What seems insuperable today will be gone in a twinkling tomorrow. Your global society is ready to implode; economic difficulties are not going away! In fact, they deepen by the day. The ill-gotten gains of the dark are evaporating, and the reign of fiat currencies and its electronic wealth is ending. True-value, hard currency is the bridge to a time of abundance. The prospect of this, coupled with the new transparent banking system, makes the dark cabal cringe. For your part, be of good cheer! The Light knows what is to be done, and all you need is to be patient a bit longer. A great movement, with us at its back, is sweeping over your globe and will snuff out the cruel activities of the dark. The collapse of this world is imminent; the economics alone guarantee the cabal’s waterloo!As you know, Mother Earth is preparing the preliminaries to the locking of her tectonic plates and this is causing a number of large earthquakes. This upgraded seismic activity also results in more volcanism, most of which, but by no means all, is confined to the seabeds. The ‘ring of fire’ that encircles the Pacific Ocean is becoming more active and the number of eruptions is set to nearly double in the next few months. These eruptions are affecting your atmosphere and are changing your planet’s climate. We observe that your weather patterns are becoming more extreme, as highs and lows in temperature and amounts of precipitation are increased. This is another sign that you are in a time of transition from one reality to another.Today, we talked about the developments that are bringing you closer to a great time of peace and prosperity. You are also on the verge of a grand first contact with us. We look forward to our joint celebrations and to mentoring you through your final journey to full consciousness. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
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Salusa-One of his best messages to date and so loving

Message from SaLuSa for 01-September-2010 by Mike QuinseyWe know that these messages are received mainly by the converted, which have stirred within and sensed the importance of these times. Others take a passing look but if it does not fit in with their present mindset, it will remain outside of their thinking. However, nothing that you read or hear is without its value, and a new idea can lay dormant for a while and then come to life. This is where you all come in, as without being seen to try and impose your views upon others, both your word and actions are subconsciously noted. With the nearness of the end times, such contacts are so necessary to awaken those who still live in the lower vibrations. There is of course the greater awakening that is affecting the Human Race as a whole, but the energies being beamed to Earth take time to lift people up. Before long we will be amongst you, and before our arrival you will have been given much information by way of an introduction to us. This will be yet another means of reaching out to you, and it is difficult to see very many people not responding to the idea that we are All One. Having said that, it will be time to embrace the fact that there is only the one Omnipotent God within which every soul exists. Whatever name you use to call God is unimportant, but there must be a coming together of the different religions. You have much in common, and it will help immensely if God is seen as All Loving where every single life form is concerned. It is only Man who separates and divides, and those differences must be healed.If souls still have the desire to remain as separate entities, then that choice will be theirs and accepted. However, it will hold back their evolution, but since life is infinite they will still advance on the path of their choosing. Help will be given to them as all other souls until they have ascended. You are in fact never alone even within the depths of the lower vibrations, although it may seem otherwise. You are never without God at your side, and you often walk in God’s footsteps, and if you deny God it makes no difference. When matters get out of hand, God is still there with you trying to lift your spirits with the Love that knows no limit. In the present times you need your faith more than ever to carry you through them. It will be rough for some people, but whatever your experiences they will not remain for much longer.We are God’s emissaries and messengers here for your awakening, and bound to see that you safely step upon the path to Ascension. Nothing else is really as important to you, and it will fulfil your expressed desire to leave the cycle of duality. It is to be a journey of much excitement and discovery, when at long last you come to the true realisation of who you are. Happiness will return so that eventually all of those sad and painful memories may be put behind you. Knowing this should give you the strength to come through this remaining period unscathed. Believe it to be so as you have overcome such tests many times before, We tell you often that you are powerful Beings, and we mean it. You have power beyond your imagination, and the potential to achieve anything that you want.We know what is happening on Earth and whilst it seems to be quiet in some ways, out of sight there is plenty happening. We are always working to give strength of purpose to our allies, and they are responding well. All that you have been promised is coming your way, and with it so many problems will be swept away. You will feel more than compensated for all of the hardships and troubles experienced. Can we say again that you are not the victims of the circumstances, as you all knew that this lifetime would test you to the limit. You came into it because you wanted to be one of those who had the opportunity to experience the end times.When you are prepared in advance for what is coming up, it enables you to set your mind to taking it all in your stride. You do not have to worry about your future as given the choices you have now, you can set your sights upon the one you have chosen. If that is Ascension, then you will try to live the vision of what you see ahead. That way you help bring it into being and there is no more that can be asked of you. We make it sound simple because it is, and it is normally Man who unnecessarily makes things complicated. Be Love in all you do and think, and let that energy accompany every act that you are involved in. Of course it is hard, but that is the challenge you came to Earth to face. You can do it because you have been there before, and you will achieve success.When we arrive on Earth we do not want to be treated as superior to you, even so that our spirit levels are much higher. We see you as equals and will treat you as the sovereign Beings that you are. Status bears no relation to your spiritual level as any soul can make rapid progress on Earth, particularly at this time. You are seeing the whole world in upheaval, and millions of people have varying needs as a result. That is also one of your main challenges to see if compassion and love rise up, and whether the wellbeing of others can bring it out. So far the response of the people has been overwhelming, and that is a most positive indication of how much the new vibrations have brought a change of heart. It shows that you are beginning to accept the Oneness of all life, and that is what we would expect from those souls who have become enlightened.We feel within our hearts a great yearning to make your acquaintance, as we want you to know just how much we care for you. What you are and what you may have done is of no concern to us, because we see your Light and know what you have been through in the cycle of duality. You are brave souls, and ones with the confidence to overcome all adversity, and indeed you have done that in many lifetimes. Your strength lies in your self-knowledge that you can take on any problem that comes your way, and that approach has seen you become leaders. Man needs such souls, and your history shows that when needs arise so does the hero of the day.I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and the Galactic Federation will greatly benefit from having Hu-Man as its new member. You have honed your skills in the fires of Earth, and you are now the warriors that carry the Light and fear none whatsoever. Yet you are Love incarnate and therein is your great strength. You will harm no one and take them to your heart in their times of need.Thank you SaLuSaMike Quinsey.
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The Masters Answer Your Questions

September 1st, 2010Question: Masters, I am having a hard time discerning my soul journey. I was offered a job to teach in Boston for 6 months and while it sounds great, there’s a part of me unwilling to commit. I can’t tell if it’s my fear of commitment (something everyone says I have) that makes me not want to stay in Boston for that long or if I’m tuning into my own truth. ~Catherine, USAANSWER: Your life journey is the path you are traversing at any given moment. It can vary from day to day depending on what you need to experience. Stop trying to over-think what particular lessons you set up for yourself. Just deal with them as they appear.You have chosen a series of lessons that deal with everyday life and accomplishing something you have started and for the completion of which you have taken full responsibility. You fear that which you do not understand or know. You will not easily enter into anything unless the outcome is pre-determined. This is the result of a lack of confidence in your own feelings about things.You listen to others because it is easier to follow their opinions than to assume responsibility and make the decisions yourself. You go back and forth, and that is why you have the reputation of not being able to make a commitment.Your lack of decisiveness is nothing but fear. Face those fears. Ask what is behind them, and get rid of it. Mostly you will find a lack of self-confidence hiding in the background. Let yourself recount everything you have successfully completed, and know that, if you put effort in to it, you can do anything.You need to start trying new adventures to learn more about your own abilities. Should you go to Boston? That is for you to decide with your freedom of choice. But stop selling yourself short just because you haven’t tried something before.Posted in Life Lessons | Add your comment »Being manipulated for sexSeptember 1st, 2010QUESTION: Masters, I was in a relationship with a man in 1999. We separated when he left the country. Even though we were no longer together, we continued to holiday together once a year till 2006. He is now in a relationship with a woman who will be moving into his house in two weeks. This is a big move for him as he has never lived with a woman before. He wants to go for a last holiday with me. Why does he want to go on a holiday with me? To say goodbye? And risk losing his current partner for a few days with me? I am confused. I love him and I could sense his love for me. I want to marry him and have been willing to move to his country. But he seems happy with his current partner who is from the same city. I felt that he abandoned me even though I was pregnant in our past lives and we have unfinished business in this life. How would a holiday, after he and his partner moved in together, help us finish business? I love him, want to be the mother of his child, and his wife. ~Bintang, SingaporeANSWER: This man is a manipulator, a liar, and a cheat. He is very charming and can seem to be devoted to someone—the one he is with at that moment. Since he left eleven years ago he has had a steady stream of women in and out his door. He loves variety and diversity so he maintained contact with you for that reason. Your holidays together were a no-commitment—on his part—way to sustain multiple relationships. You are not the only one he has such an arrangement with.The years between 2006 and today were filled with other women. Some have caught on to his supposed commitment to a single partner and have told him to be gone and not try to trick them anymore. He has come back to you because he is aware that you are unfamiliar with his activities in the intervening years. He has a very high level of sexual need. He satisfies this with the use of multiple partners. He has contacted you again to replace those women who have left him.You have done this with him in a past life. He was the same type of scoundrel then as he is now. He ran off when a child would have caused a commitment. Your unfinished business in this lifetime is to see what he really is and stop trying to imagine him to be loving and caring toward you. He does not want to marry you and definitely does not want to have a child with you.He sees you as a love object to play with. There are no right or wrong actions in your soul’s journey, so you have freedom of choice as to your next move. You may play his game, but please consider honoring yourself. Stop the cycle of use and abuse that this relationship has been and go on with your own life.Posted in Relationships | Add your comment »How did present day man come to be?September 1st, 2010QUESTION: Masters, there seems to be different schools of thought regarding the origin of humans on the earth. One view (Darwin’s Theory, Science) asserts that the humans are the result of gradual evolutions from various living species. Bible and other scriptures assert that the humans have been created by God directly in the form they are now. Other theories assert that the humans are on earth to experience the duality. What is correct? ~Diwakar, IndiaANSWER: The reason there as so many different stories of the origin of man is that no one who was around during the beginning took notes. Science has used the evidence it has found around the world in skeletal remains, variations within a species which differ based on the diverse environmental influences, and experimentation with plants and animals to support the theories it espouses.The religious account comes from bibles and scriptures which were created at the earliest in the 2nd millennium BC, beginning around 1400 BC. Science has proven that man was on the planet thousands of years before that. In fact he had been on Earth for tens of thousands of years. Survival was the only thing of importance, and just like a baby cannot tell you how he got to Earth, man is unable to tell you how he got to his present state.The materials that are used by religions today tell the story they want the people to believe. Some have in fact come from us on the other side, but like with all messages from here they are subject to the degree of expertise the translator has developed in interpreting our vibrational speech. What this leaves modern man with, in order to understand the reason he appears as he does, is guesstimation.The reality is that Planet Earth exists as a duality. It is a place of polar opposites of right and wrong. Souls come to Earth to learn lessons that can only be experienced where they have a freedom of choice. Even the scriptures had this theme with the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve had a choice between good and evil and chose evil to experience what they were not.Souls have chosen, for the duration of the planet, to come to it to have the experience of the evolutionary process. They learn to make decisions and create the material they need to accomplish their desire. To answer your question, based upon the last statement, all of the things you have read can be possible in different souls’ choices.Posted in Planet Earth | Add your comment »
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Angelic Message of Love

Message from the AngelsMy dear friends, we love you so very much.So many of you want so much more in your lives and dear ones, that is fine, but realize what your soul wants, always and forever more, when you are on this earth and beyond, is to experience an expansion of God's love flowing through your existence. Everything you want on earth, at its deepest level, is an expression of that desire. Everything you want is something you think will give you a greater experience of love. And this dear ones, is what all souls crave.So if you find yourself in circumstances that feel less than loving, ask yourself, how can I bring more love into this situation? How can I bring more positive thoughts, a more cheerful outlook, a kinder way of being. For in being more loving, you will start to see yourself as the loving being that you truly are. You will increase your self worth and self esteem if you are being loving for the sake of being who you really are. And as you continue to love yourself more and more, and acknowledge the loving truth of your being, you will be more willing to release less than loving circumstances and attract better.We are not saying that should be more loving and expect others to change, although they often will. We are not saying "Be a better person to get a raise," because sometimes that will not occur. We are suggesting that if you truly BE the loving soul that you are, YOU will feel better. You will see yourselves differently, and in that acknowledgement of self love, that dear ones, is where you begin to attract goodness, miracles, kindness, joy, and opportunities that you would have otherwise not been able to attract.Dear ones, love for the sake of loving. Be kind because it feels better. Choose positive thoughts over negative ones because they will uplift and inspire YOU. When you need to cry, by all means be kind to yourselves and cry. When you are upset, by all means, acknowledge your own feelings and allow the upset to flow through you in a healthy way. But then dear ones, dry your eyes, breathe through your upset, and choose love once again, because in the end, this is what you crave more than anything else on earth, and this is what will draw good to unto you.God bless you! We love you so very much.-- The Angels
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