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God on Animal Ascension

Today is Saturday, October 16, 2010 and I am here to take Father God's message for today, and he is saying;I wish to take a moment to discuss with you what will unfold in the animal kingdom as the events of Ascension and its preparation unfold upon your beautiful planet. For the most part, most people's focus is on what will happen with their pets, but I would like to discuss this on a broader basis and so let us back up and explain a little about the nature of the consciousness of animals. Some of you will be aware that animals share a group consciousness, a group consciousness within a particular species and so there is what one might call a group soul for each species; and if you have been closely tracking the messages on the 2012 Timeline page , you will be aware that changes have begun to come forth in relation to the nature of c onsciousness of animals.Animals have begun to move and indeed are moving quite quickly from that notion of a group soul to the emergence of an individual soul for every animal, which will make them more akin to humanity in that regard. So that process is proceeding in the background and I would say that for the most part all members of the animal kingdom will participate in the Ascension process. There are some exceptions and these are those animals which have been introduced by those beings of the dark and there are some, as indeed there are plants and insects that were introduced by them, and these will not go forth to the new Earth either. And as I said as part of that change, as part of this transition of which you are part, all of these animals will have an individual soul.So let us turn to pets because these animals occupy a different role, if you will in their relationship to humanity. They are animals that have, for the most part developed a strong dependence upon humanity. Very often they have been specifically bred by humanity to be companions, close companions in their domestic lives. So what will happen to these animals? And what will happen with these animals is, for those of you who are ascending and have pets, your pets will ascend with you. They will participate in the Ascension process and so they will remain with you if you choose that, and for the most part I know that you will. For those individuals who will not choose to participate in Ascension, then the pets of those individuals will not participate in the Ascension process, and you might understand why that makes sense. There is that dependence that needs to be ackno wledged. That relationship is just as important to the animals as it is to the owners of those pets, and so do not be concerned about your pets and what will happen to them. They will remain with you, and Carolyn and Richard have received some experiences that in a manner are consistent with this as one of their roles has been to clear all of those souls from the astral plane that were trapped there at some point, and as those souls have crossed over, so their animals have gone with them; their horses, their dogs, their cats, because they have remained present with them in that astral plane. So this relationship is acknowledged and respected and so your pets will remain with you. And so it is.Carolyn - Thank you, Father God. I have a question with regards to the soul and would like a little clarification. Now, the soul that animals are moving towards; we have as you said, a group soul and they are moving towards an individualised soul. Is that soul of the same construction as souls that inhabit the physical body, and I'm thinking here primarily as particles of All-There-Is in the souls that inhabit a physical body, and also the abilities of that soul. So I'd like some thoughts as to whether these are similar particles or if they’re different with the aspect of abilities and so forth. Thank you.There are several threads to the answer to your question. The first is that all of creation arises from the one Creator. They are all particles from All-There-Is, and so in that sense every element of creation is the same. The nature of the soul is, at that group soul level, a less developed, a less complete in a sense, less capable might be a better word, soul than the soul which was created, which became a monad which send forth particles to incarnate as a human being, and you are already aware that there are differences between various souls that were created and different souls have different missions in an overall sense. Some are created as healers and so on, and so you can look at the souls of animals as being part of that spectrum.And that is not to say that animals are therefore in some way deficient as a result of this process, because part of what I want you understand is that for the most part humanity seriously underestimates the intelligence and the capabilities of animals. They are far more capable, far more aware, indeed far more connected to the truth of who and what they are than for the most part humanity is today. They are aware of their role, in a sense they are aware of their connection, they are aware of who and what they are in a way that humanity for the most part is not, and there have been many examples in recent years in particular where humanity has been able to witness this expression of intelligence, this expression of acknowledgement of humanity, of animals giving thanks for assistance and many, many other things.So there are aspects of that soul which are not as comprehensive, as I said as the souls which humanity carries, however as I said, do not take that to underestimate the abilities of that animal to fulfil its purpose in its totality and be very, very aware of its surroundings, its ability to learn and understand. Anyone that has watched animals at work, watched the ingenuity of a dolphin or a squirrel or an octopus or an elephant, to take a few which humanity has begun to recognise. It is way beyond what humanity in general has acknowledged.Carolyn - Thank you, Father God. I found interesting also what you said about the plants and insects and so forth that were introduced by the dark and that they will not move on. I had in mind perhaps things like poison oak, poison ivy, poison sumach and may be the insect world, something like the fire ant. Would these be elements that were brought here by the dark?These are all elements that were introduced by the dark and they will not progress. There will be a balance, a harmony that will emerge upon the new Earth. Some have speculated that there will not be meat-eating animals as this change occurs. That is not the case. There will continue to be meat-eating animals. However, the understanding between various species will grow; and it is important to recognise that prey animals do actually serve those species upon which they prey, because for the most part they are weeding out the weaker, the slower, the more sickly animals, and so from a genetic perspective this is serving that species if not the individual animal concerned. So there is a balance in this that perhaps for the most part is not recognised by humanity.Carolyn - Thank you, Father God for answering all of our questions and concerns.Copyright © 2010 Cosmic Connections (International) LtdTo listen to this message, click on this link - this link doesn’t work for you, copy it into your browser.Blessings, Joy, Love and Peace,Richard Presser
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Angel Message

Message from the Angels 10/18/10 dear friends, we love you so very much.In any situation in life dear ones you can look to the sun or focus on the storms. The sun is always there, even when hiding behind the clouds. So too, whether you look for the dark or look to the light, the light is always there. Why not focus on the light?There is always something good happening in your lives even when you can't quite see it. Search for the good dear friends. Seek it out. Pretend you are a spiritual detective searching for little glimmers of light amidst the dark, love amidst fears, joy amidst sadness. As you do so, the sunshine of truth and love behind all things will begin to burn the clouds of doubt, fear, sadness, and anger away.Take death, for example. When someone you love dies, it is beyond measure, sad for you are human beings and you miss the physicality of your loved ones, And yet, there is a great outpouring of love that occurs during such occasions as well. There are memories that surface, wounds that are healed, misdeeds that are forgiven. In the heavens there is great celebration for the soul that has returned home. Even in the midst of life's most unthinkable pain, there is love. This is how you get through grief dear friends - to realize that grief is just a painful part of a deeper and more amazing eternal love. Focus on the love. Focus on your love for the departed soul, and focus on their love for you, and this will be the sunshine that helps to burn the clouds of sadness away.Take fear for example. So many of you live in a state of financial fear. You fear you will lose what you have worked so hard to earn. You fear you will fail your loved ones. You fear the unknown. So where is the love? Well dear friends you love yourselves enough to want to keep what you have earned. Acknowledge that. Ask God for help. You love your loved ones enough to want to care for them. Entrust them to God's care too with your prayers. You want good for yourself in the future. Focus on it and thereby create it and then the future will not be so 'unknown' after all because it will be unfolding according to your heart's design.Dear ones, in all things, search for the love, for in focusing upon this love - the love that is ever present and unending - you focus on truth. In so doing you too will begin to burn away the clouds and the storms of sadness, fear, and doubt, and you will witness the miracles that can occur when you live in this state of well being.God bless you! We love you so very much.-- The AngelsMessage from AnnHi All,Everybody seems to want money. But what we really want is what we think the money can give us - freedom, peace of mind, security, etc. This week, in spite of more money going out the door, I realized how rich I am with good fortune, security, and protection!I love this week's message, especially considering that the angels had me sit and channel it after three days of wild weather and storms here in Arizona. I am feeling especially blessed in spite of challenges this week. If the last storm hadn't blown tiles off my roof, a hidden leak wouldn't have been fixed before this round of gully washers! Go God!Again I was blessed when suddenly my car started running really rough on the freeway last Sunday. It seems there are two schools of thought concerning cars. Some people love the latest and greatest. Others treat their cars like family members and do everything possible to keep them alive till their last breath. I fall into the second category. I have a 12 year old Toyota Rav 4 that I adore. It has 180,000 miles on it, has never stranded me on isolated stretches of the freeway, and has a car angel attached to it called "Zippy" that lets me know when to do what.I asked Zippy what to do and was told to get her into the shop ASAP! Being mechanically ignorant, I assumed I needed an oil change and a new filter and figured the bill would be reasonable. Not quite! It ends up hoses were leaking, the fuel filter needed replacing, the timing belt was about to go, the power steering fluid was rank, and the list goes on. When I heard the total, I almost passed out on my dear mechanic of 12 years. He was very kind about it and always does a great job, and God bless him found a way to pare off a few more dollars, but after the roof repairs it still felt like a bit much.So I did what I always do when human "freak-out" hits me. I sat and breathed and asked the angels to get me back into truth quickly. I emailed a few friends asking for prayers. And then I sat and counted my blessings. I did not break down on the freeway. I wasn't stranded. The repairs were on an office day when I didn't have clients. I got a free rental. I trust my mechanic. Even though my car is old it runs like new after they're done with it. It is paid off... and after a few minutes of counting the blessings in this situation I felt LUCKY instead of insane. Truly it was LOVE to have all this happen at one time because with my busy schedule that is more convenient! Go God once again!As I drove the rental back to the shop to pick up my car, one of those Arizona wild thunderstorms hit hard. There was no visibility on the freeway and great puddles of water were forming. The long line of rush hour traffic slowed and we all just took it easy, until... a few miles before I arrived at the shop, I burst out from under the cloud into brilliant and beautiful sunshine! Talk about a metaphor for the entire situation! I even got a rainbow - God's promise of better things to come:)So when life throws you a curve, sit and look for the good and soon you'll be back in truth, feeling better than you would if you focus on the 'stormy side' as the angels call it, and basking in your own spiritual sunshine!Love and hugs and happy week to you!Ann
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Steve Beckow on the Galactics, Excellent read

Who Are the Galactics? are the galactics and where have they come from? Do they look like us? How are they organized? Are they more intelligent than we are? What is the nature of the event that is occurring, in their eyes?Ker-On reveals that the situation of the Earth at this time attracted the help of other ascended civilizations from different parts of the universe.“Most of you are old souls of extreme wisdom and love, and your presence on Earth has attracted the attention of other ascended civilisations. They desire to help in these last few years, and you shall not want for assistance or guidance.” (1)A group called “the Arcturians” lists some members of the space coalition that gathered to assist us through Ascension.“The beloved members of the Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, Andromeda and Antares, as well as the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light, the Angelic Kingdom, the Ascended Masters, and the awakened members of Earth have all joined together to assist Gaia in the fulfillment of Her transformation.” (2)Here is another list from Adamu, whom I think hails from Sirius:“We include many races and some of those races are very closely related – sort of brothers and sisters of the same original parent race. Some you might recognize are us Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Arcturans, the Antarians, the Andromedans and those from Procyon, Aldebaran and Deneb.“These are names I can place in my young friend’s mind at this time. There are others [I cannot]. Also others from outside of this galaxy are here. And ones who are far above such consideration as ‘galactic neighbourhood’ or even which universe you are from.” (3)According to spirit teacher Matthew Ward, “there are countless galactic and intergalactic federations, councils, unified forces, experiencing clusters, collective-soul energy fields, free-spirit civilizations and other organized souls in this universe.” (4) SaLuSa expands on Matthew’s comment.“We of the Galactic Federation are just part of a great assembly of Beings here to ensure your success.” (5)“We are not the only ones here to help you open your eyes to the marvellous opportunities ahead of you. There are teachers and helpers at all different levels. They come to Earth with a variety of skills and experience, and often specialize in one subject to which they are fully dedicated.“They come from many different planets as we do, and have volunteered for tasks that demand their full co-operation. Their lives are not your usual incarnations as they have already ascended, and normally would have no need of further earthly experiences. They come out of love for you, recognizing your godspark and acknowledging your final spell in duality.” (6)In Ker-On’s view , the Galactic Federation takes the lead in the effort to help Earth:“The Galactic Federation heads the teams that wait to be called to Earth. They consist of many who have had dealings with you in the past, and other civilisations will be allowed to contact you after we have set up our own bases on Earth.” (7)He tells us they have long been linked with our history:“Our link also goes far back in your history, and yet reaches to recent times when we contacted some of you, such as your George Adamsk. Our bell-shaped scout craft are well known to you and photographed many times.” (8)Among them are civilizations very like us in appearance, SaLuSa says.“Along with the Pleiadians and Venusians we [Sirians] are very much like you in appearance. After all, you are genetically linked with us and we have more in common than you might imagine. Many of you are aware of other humanoid forms, and these are simply variations that are more suited to the different planetary conditions“Bodies are vehicles that house your soul for the duration of your time in any one environment. Soon yours will change again, as you move into the higher vibrations and indeed for some of you they have already begun.” (9)Where do the space people of the Galactic Federation stand on the rungs of spiritual evolution? SaLuSa replies:“You might ask where do we stand as far as evolution is concerned, and we would reply that we as member civilizations of the Galactic Federation have already ascended. We continue to evolve, and will do so until we find ourselves at One with the Source of All That Is.” (10)“I wish you to know that as members of the Galactic Federation we are enlightened Beings, and our relationship to you is based upon our love for you.” (11)“Our membership is only open to those who have ascended. … You shall soon join us and proudly work alongside your brothers and sisters.” (12)“The Galactic Federation comprises those civilisations that are of the higher vibrations, having long passed through a similar period of evolution to yours. It is a membership that is only granted to those who have achieved levels of higher consciousness. It is a great organization of dedicated souls who serve others according to their needs and such work is carried out in true love for all life.” (13)He continues:“We are not just your friends but for many of you are your family, and those links go back thousands of years. …“We are at a more advanced stage than yours. We have the same desires as you, and we too seek the truth and knowledge of the Universes around us. The Creator has given us all immortal life, and all the splendours and infinite creations to enjoy. “ (14)“We of the Galactic Federation are you, and in us you will see what you are to be. Nothing could be more natural than a coming together of all of us. Our futures are joined in love, and the desire to take our knowledge and abilities to others.“God has given us the power of creation, and the knowledge of how to correctly use it. We are trusted having vowed to serve the will of God and spread the Light far and wide.” (15)In Mira the Pleiadian’s view, what is occurring for us is a reunion.“We have strong ties with the Earth and with humanity. We have a long history of being together. We will be coming back together as the veils lift and as the opportunities for our reunion present themselves.” (16)In the next part, we’ll look more closely at what the galactics’ mission is.(C
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Masters of the Spirit World

October 12th, 2010 Masters, pornography has destroyed my ability to find a loving relationship. My whole being has always been devoted to addressing injustice in a harmonious way. I tried praying and managed to stop for five months. But in that time I surrendered completely realizing that justice was administered by God only. I lost all drive and felt everything was worthless. Obviously what I was missing was love, but now I doubt whether I even know what that is. I have returned to pornography to ease the despair, but this is not what I really want. Can you help? ~Anonymous, UKANSWER: Let’s get the bullshit out of the way and take a good look at your situation. You put your proclivity down to injustice, and to what did you surrender during the five months you had control of yourself? You certainly seem to function only in fear and the lack of love of self. Let’s break down what you have said.You have devoted yourself to “addressing injustice in a harmonious way.” The concept of judgment is a product of the human ego that assigns a degree of rightness or wrongness to every act that takes place in physical form. To address injustice you have to step in and be judge and jury over everything you see. That is to say, you and you alone can determine what is right and wrong for other people. This is an impossible activity because everybody has freedom to do what they choose. Unless you have the consent of each person, you cannot change their actions. You have therefore been fooling yourself that you have had an effect on “injustice”—whatever that is, anyway. That will make you feel worthless.“Surrendered completely” to what? Did you accept the knowledge that you couldn’t affect things, as discussed above? Your ideas about God (a judgmental force outside of yourself) are important only for their influence over whatever freedom of choice you accept as having in your lifetime. To take charge of your life, look at yourself and get rid of even the tiniest degree of judgment. Instead, start evaluating the world around you. Start accepting responsibility for your own actions. Someone outside of you cannot make choices for you that will feel good to you.What should you evaluate? Decide whether you like what you are doing or not. Don’t spend any time at all thinking about what anyone else thinks of your activities. You are the only important person in your life. How you feel and think about your life determines the quality of your life. Pornography is a lesson with which you have chosen to deal.Love is first accepting yourself exactly as you are—not necessarily liking everything you do but accepting your desire to do it. Then love is using your freedom of choice to change your behavior into something that feels appropriate for you, or accepting that you do not wish to change. Don’t blame your lack of making your own decisions on some outside source not causing you to change. Only you control you.Posted in Life Lessons | Add your comment »Cheating husbandOctober 12th, 2010QUESTION: Masters, my husband has been cheating on me for the past several years, but I got to know about this only three years back. Since I have two kids, I did not leave my husband primarily because of my kids. This made my husband bold and shameless, saying that he would continue sleeping with women and have relationships with them and it is up to me to live with or leave him. I want to leave him but am scared of being a single mom and worried about my children. What if something happened to me—then who will look after them? Please guide me what should I do? ~Hansa, IndiaANSWER: Choose to take control of your life. You are letting your husband and your fears hold you hostage. You are an extremely strong person but you don’t accept that. You would easily be able to manage without your cheating husband as a millstone around your neck. He doesn’t care for you, likes the idea of holding you hostage because of your fear of being able to survive without him, and will only get more brazen as time goes on.Why do you even have the thought that something might happen to you? That is just another excuse you are putting in the way of leaving him. Nothing is going to happen to you just because you are on your own. You will find a support system of family and friends who will be there for you and the children.Nothing is right or wrong in the journey of the soul. If you choose to remain in your situation, you must learn from the emotional abuse to which you are being subjected. You do not deserve to be treated as you are, but the abuse will continue until you say no more and walk out. The choice is yours.Posted in Relationships | Add your comment »Confusion, which way is rightOctober 12th, 2010QUESTION: Masters, I love to groom dogs and have done so for years, but since I have discovered my healing gifts, every time that I think about going back to my old love of grooming I get an extreme pain in my right shoulder. I have thought about going to nursing school because it more ties in with my spiritual gifts. I did Reiki on dogs and that is where I found my gifts. I feel like I am standing in the fork of the road. Please point me in the right direction. ~Annette, USAANSWER: We can’t tell you what you should do because that would interfere with your freedom of choice. What we can tell you is that your body is receiving signals from your higher self trying to tell you to get off the starting line and move ahead. The right side of the body reflects the forward movement in life. If it gets painful when you think about something but don’t act upon those thoughts, you are telling yourself decision time is now.To be a healer such as a Reiki practitioner you don’t have to have a nursing degree or something of that nature to be able to use the power. You already know you have a connection with animals and that you can do more than just groom them. To be able to soothe them and take away some pain and fear with Reiki energy is a very important service to pets and their owners.Are you aware that as you bring through the energy to help animals, the energy also balances up your own body as it travels through? Your body likes that energy, and your shoulder is asking for you to at least continue bringing the energy through so it can feel better. There are a lot of spiritual healers who are channeling energy through from the universe to Mother Earth at this time to stop the destructive forces that are currently affecting it.It is time to go inside and see what feels like the direction you can relate to best. Don’t think about things without acting—just go with your feelings.Reply Reply to all Forward
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Message from Ann and the Angels

Message from the Angels dear friends, we love you so very much.In every situation dear ones, there are endless choices you can make and unlimited possibilities for change. There are angels who can assist you and a loving God who breathes life and love into every moment of your life. If you can take the time to breathe slowly and deeply, and remember that it is God who breathes the very breath you take - then dear friends, you will never feel alone in solving your life's challenges.When you find yourself feeling 'trapped' by a situation in life, or without options, take a step back. Stop, breathe, ask the angels and God to calm you, and then ask yourself... "How can I bring more love into this situation?" "How you I love and honor my spirit here?" If you truly love and honor your spirit, then you will also love and honor the souls of all others involved.For example, suppose you have bills you do not know how you are going to pay. How can you be more loving towards yourself first? You can choose not to beat yourself up. You can choose to examine the lessons in the situation and the gifts of the spirit that it brings. You can choose to be very loving to yourself by reaching out for help or by praying for direction. You can ask yourself, "Well what if the worse happens and how will I handle it?" You can take an even higher road and focus on absolute faith and tell yourself, "God cares for the simplest creatures on the earth and certainly for me. All I have to do is believe in this and trust the process of life. Yes God I would love for my bills to be paid on time, but if not show me what you are trying to teach me." You can listen to your heart and call a friend that pops into your mind only to find out he or she has some temporary work for you.Even in what seem to be very dire circumstances you can pray for help. You can choose faith. You can look for the good and expect your own miracles. Falling into fear and panic are not the most loving choices. Focusing on what "should" be rather than what "is" is a waste of time. Instead pray for a loving solution. Reach out for comfort or better yet reach out to comfort another. When you feel you have something to give, if only a kind word, you will feel more abundant and calm. And when you feel abundant and calm you will be more open to the guidance that we send you.Dear ones there are always loving choices and always options that God can see even if you cannot. You are never alone or without assistance. All it takes on your part is a willingness to embrace this truth, and a willingness to seek peace and calm in your heart so you can receive it.God bless you! We love you so very much.-- The AngelsMessage from AnnHi All,When the angels say there are always options, they mean it! This week I had my own mini-miracle. The dog situation has been challenging because my dear hunky husky is restless for attention at night. As a result, I've been waking up to be with him every two hours most nights for months. Last week he was waking me up every hour every night! It isn't pain, the angels told me. His meds work fine. It is simply that when I am around he wants my attention and since he's getting older and creaky and can't move as fast, he is also cranky! He doesn't like the fact that he can't move easily and he hollers loud enough to wake the dead so I will come to him! Needless to say if it weren't for angels and mediation I would have been among "the dead" after so many months in a row with so little sleep!It finally dawned on me to open up my mind and instead of asking God to make my dog sleep through the night, to simply ask for a solution!Of course, as a result of this prayer, an answer I never would have dreamt came easily. The dogs sleep very quietly and peacefully in the bedroom while I'm at work. It is their "den" and they are very comfy there. The insanity only occurred when I am there with them. "Leave the dogs in the bedroom and you sleep in the spare bedroom," the angels told me. Brilliant!! Now I give the furry kids an hour of snuggles, Reiki, and massage before bed, then settle them into their comfy doggie beds, leave on a nightlight, turn on some soothing music, shut the door and go sleep in my guest bed! HEAVEN! I am sleeping 7-8 hours again at night. The dogs are sleeping peacefully through the night, and we are all in very loving and wonderful moods in the morning! In fact when I came to wake them the other day, they were snuggled close together after a lifetime of feuding! Go angels! Go God!And while I "shouldn't" have to move out of my own bedroom for my dogs, who cares! It works. I feel wonderful. Even better, the guest bed mattress is very firm and my back is feeling even better as well! So once again, God came up with a solution that is loving and honors us all.I have seen this principle in action so many times. When I left my job years ago, I didn't have a clue what I was going to do. I just did what I was drawn to and thus this career evolved out of that down time. I didn't panic. Instead I knew I had money in savings for awhile and trusted God to guide me. Had I panic'd and rushed into a new job search I would not be living the life I am now.Even this weekend, on a hike I saw God offer a little creature a solution when seemingly there was none. I was hiking in the creek with a friend and suddenly my attention was drawn to a little caterpillar hanging onto a branch that had been blown into the water. There was no way out for this little guy, but in the middle of nowhwere, we came hiking by and somehow his tiny little soul cried out for help in this giant expanse of nature and we saw him. Gently we lifted him off the branch, out of the water, and into a tree by the banks. It nearly made me cry. Sometimes we feel like we are hanging on for dear life in the middle of impossible situations but even then God can send an angel who hears your prayers, and helps you too.We are never truly alone to handle our challenges. When you feel that way, breathe, pray, and trust that if you ask for loving help and loving solutions, you will be guided straight to them!Have a wonderful week!Love and hugs,Annps - For those of you who love receiving Divine Energy, Panache Desai is coming to Phoenix!! He will be in Cave Creek Nov 1 & 2nd, featured at the Imagine Gathering on Nov 4th, and doing a Global Gathering of Light on Dec 3-5. Check out his web site to learn more about this beautiful transmitter of the Divine Energy. One touch from this gentle soul and you feel the God within.
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Matthew and Hatton

Matthew’s Message: Don’t Be an Obama Carper; Remain Positive During Financial TransitionOctober 11, 2010tags: financial crash, President Obama, Ascension Diet, Addictionsby Steve Beckow i 7 VotesHatonn, Director of Interdimensional CommunicationsIn this message, Hatonn, director of interdimensional communications, tells us that the galactics have been given the authority to “use stronger methods” to dismantle the Illuminati. These new methods include blocking their communication systems and transportation modes, diverting their intelligence couriers, and relocating a few key individuals to areas where they can do no mischief whatsoever.He reassures us around the “bad alien” scenario:“The light grid around the planet prevents any civilization with dark intentions from being anywhere near Earth. And if the bad guys try to put their own ‘secret’ craft in the skies and bring out some of the Greys living underground and claim it’s an invasion, we can stop that charade before it gets going.”Matthew WardHatonn praises President Obama’s “courage, wisdom, spiritual and moral integrity and his willingness to persevere!” He tells us that the president does not know that he is protected by the Christed light or that he is a major part of the Golden Age master plan. He tells us that, if we are among the Obama carpers and doubters, to stop.Matthew tells us that the economic collapse is not far off and encourages us to stay positive knowing that the Golden Age is right around the corner. He addresses the contribution of love and peace actions and the difficulty of escaping addictions. He tells us that karma is not “cleared” except through experience.He discusses matters relating to the death of the body before ascension, diet, pets, and education.1. This is Matthew, with loving greetings from all souls at this station. In a departure from our customary beginning, addressing issues that are uppermost in many minds throughout your world, we are turning over the podium, so to say, to Hatonn to launch this message.2. HATONN: Thank you, Matthew and colleagues, for letting me have the stage. When will our ET friends land like they’ve promised? is a question that wouldn’t even occur to most, but it’s a very common one in lightworker circles. I don’t know exactly when we will land en masse, but I can tell you about our new level of involvement that is good progress toward that time.3. You’ve been told that we can’t interfere with individuals’ free will choices except by God’s mandate that Earth’s free will supersedes that of anyone who would deliberately cause vast death and destruction. You also have been told that, with everything in acceleration mode, there’s no time to waste getting this show on the road side by side, and that’s why a new wrinkle has been added.4. We have been given leave by God to use stronger methods wherever necessary to dismantle the Illuminati’s remaining power bases. This does NOT mean killing anyone — God never sanctions killing, nor would we ever want to do that! For quite some time we have been permitted to override the dark ones’ free will by blocking their powerful weaponry when they attempt more events like “9/11,” and we have done that on numerous occasions. Now we also can foil their efforts to create major disruptions by blocking their communication systems and transportation modes and by diverting their intelligence couriers.5. We also have God’s permission to temporarily relocate a few key individuals to areas where they can do no mischief whatsoever. This is done somewhat like the cloaking of our ships in an invisible force field, which makes the disappearance baffling to those individuals’ co-workers too. So, even though you won’t see evidence of our new allowances, you know that now we’re taking even longer strides to help you rid your world of dark deeds.6. Also I want to debunk the warning that aliens posing as friends really are base entities who want to take over your world. Hogwash! The light grid around the planet prevents any civilization with dark intentions from being anywhere near Earth. And if the bad guys try to put their own “secret” craft in the skies and bring out some of the Greys living underground and claim it’s an invasion, we can stop that charade before it gets going.7. Matthew, that’s it on the ET front. May I speak about another matter?8. MATTHEW: In speaking for all of us, I say, please do continue, Hatonn.9. HATONN: Thank you. Actually, it’s a matter from three different perspectives. All souls at Matthew’s station are highly-spiritually evolved, and as their spokesperson, he relays their unified feelings about souls on Earth. They love all equally and send healing light to all. They are able to honor all people as parts of God and separate that from their ungodly thoughts and actions.10. We are physical civilizations. We don’t have the capacity for that extent of unity and unconditional love. As part of our own evolutionary progress, we are in service to God by helping lower-density worlds evolve when they ask for assistance. Some among you don’t want anything changed, but Earth does — that’s why we have been helping you technologically and many of us are living on the planet to help in other ways. We’re spiritually and intellectually advanced too, so we know your thoughts, we know what you’re feeling and see what you’re doing. But unlike the souls at Matthew’s station, we do get anxious, angry, discouraged, impatient and frustrated by some of what’s going on. We have differing opinions and ideas just like you do, but we resolve the differences on the basis of what best serves all of us as a universal family.11. Then there’s your civilization. By your admission — and certainly it’s obvious! — your world is in a mess, but instead of doing something to fix it, too many are just watching TV or are gung-ho about sports, “Yay for my team!” There’s complaining and bickering about problems instead of solving them and criticism about those who are trying to. I’m going to speak about the one whose circumstances most concern us and why.12. Generally speaking, people know US president Barack Obama only by what he says and what your media report. Most don’t have a clue about what goes on “behind closed doors.” You see stubborn partisan politics. We see Obama’s powerful enemies within and far beyond the government who are determined to smash to smithereens his attempts at reform. You see him looking worried and know some call him weak and say he’s leading his country in the wrong direction. We feel his pain as his efforts to improve the lives of all who are downtrodden are scuttled by a few self-servers. You see him trying to end foreign conflicts and think he should stay home and fix what’s wrong in his own country. We feel his discouragement and exhaustion as the dark ones keep stirring up trouble to dash his efforts everywhere.13. The folks you call “pundits” speculate whether voters will give Obama a second term in office. We sing his praises for staying the course day after day! He has to deal with some of the very ones who threaten his life and his family’s, yet his intention to keep working for a peaceful world without poverty anywhere remains firm. You know that he and his family are protected by the Christed light grid around them, but Obama doesn’t know that. You know that he is a major part of the Golden Age master plan, but he doesn’t know that either. He acts on his convictions, principles, aspirations and innate experience as an honored leader in a highly evolved civilization who agreed to serve Earth in the most demanding position on the planet. If everyone could know this soul as we do, all the doubts and carping about him would come to a screeching halt and you would thank God for this man’s courage, wisdom, spiritual and moral integrity and his willingness to persevere!14. You know that your thoughts create what happens in your life, in your world, and everything you do affects everything else in this universe. So if any of you are among the carpers and doubters, stop that and start helping Obama to succeed! He’s working for you — do the same for him, yourselves, your world and our universe! You don’t have to become political activists. Just keep your hearts and minds in the right place and help others do it too. We’re in the trenches with you and we need your help—we have more than enough hindrance from the dark ones on Earth!15. I know I’ve sounded harsh, but sometimes people don’t respond until it’s “tough love” time, and it is with love for you that I’ve spoken. And not just for myself and my people. I’m representing countless others who feel the same but don’t have a forum like this to express it.16. Now I’m finished, Matthew. Thank you for letting me speak my piece.17. MATTHEW: We thank you, Hatonn. You addressed topics that are among the most numerous in emails sent to my mother, and it is very likely that your words will have greater impact than ours would have had.18. You are right, of course, that we in spirit worlds speak from a considerably different perspective from yours, and yours is every bit as valid as ours. We may speak in gentler tones about what we observe from this vantage point, yet we have utmost respect for your position and are immensely grateful for your service “in the trenches” on behalf of our beloved Earth family.19. And I say, too, you are a hard act to follow! Nevertheless, we shall move on to other topics in which readers also have expressed interest.20. The teeter-tottering of the international economy cannot be sustained much longer, nor can the history of its control by the Illuminati’s illegal manipulations remain hidden much longer. They are using obscure legal processes to hold onto their ill-gotten fortunes. Thus we cannot tell you when the economic collapse will come. However, the time cannot be far off because many nations are bankrupt or on the verge, and their leaders and economists know that there is no financial backing for the daily computer transactions in the trillions of dollars and other currencies. When the collapse does come, welcome it in the knowledge that those who will direct the new system are at the ready and during the transition will keep financial disruptions to a minimum. You can lessen the anxiety of those around you by remaining positive, and you can do that confidently, knowing that Earth’s Golden Age is right around the corner, so to say.21. The facts about “9/11″ will be emerging fairly soon as well. When foreign leaders publicly state their opinion that the US government was either involved or knew beforehand and did nothing to prevent the horrific events of that day and some mainstream newspapers report that — and state that many US citizens also doubt the official story — you know that the irrefutable evidence of the truth cannot be suppressed much longer.22. Questions about ascension and the Golden Age are too plentiful to include in this message, so we shall address some now and others in the next message.23. One facilitates light absorption simply by living in godly ways, and no, there are no signs that exclusively indicate cellular changes from carbon to crystalline. Uncomfortable conditions that may be caused by that transformation process also are symptoms of physical diseases, and that is why we have urged you to consult a trusted health care specialist if symptoms are severe or prolonged. However, as time passes there is a recognizable difference between illness and light absorption — as more and more light enters the cells, there comes a pervasive sense of well being, an underlying peacefulness and lightheartedness that persist even in the midst of challenging circumstances.24. Will the International Day of Peace significantly help Earth in her ascension? Everything that is focused on peace, whether an international observance like International Day of Peace or the thoughts and feelings of a single person, adds light to Earth that assists in her ascension and hastens the day when your world will indeed be peaceful. The same is true about love and observances such as Global Love Day and international meditation groups whose focus is love — the words love and peace emit high vibrations in speech, writing, thought and especially feelings. And we add that the power of many focusing with the same intent increases the effects exponentially.25. I fear that alcoholism will doom me to some astral hell. Dear soul, be assured that it won’t, but it can make life here on Earth a hell for you. There are so many addicts and alcoholics…what are we to do if we can’t overcome our addictions? Soul contracts that include experiencing one kind of addiction or another usually also include the intention to overcome it through spiritual strength; not accomplishing that chosen goal means another lifetime opportunity to do so. Many addicts do keep repeating previous life circumstances and experiences because drugs form a barrier between the soul and the consciousness that prevents communication between those two aspects of self.26. Mother, please copy the part of the book that contains suggestions that can assist in overcoming addictions.****************The key is wholehearted desire to overcome the addiction. This begins with one’s self-honesty, admitting “I am addicted” to self, which is very difficult because the intended effect of drugs is denial that they are a problem even as the user’s life is centered around the next “fix.” If people truly understood prayer and the power of prayer, they could use this to overcome their drug dependency.No power on Earth is greater than the light, and the light energy in prayer is inestimable! Prayer is not kneeling in public humility or even in private — it is one’s innate connection with God in thoughts and feelings, anywhere, anytime. In a calm, quiet way, ask for help: “Help me overcome my need for drugs” or “Give me the strength to stop drinking” or any other few words that are comfortable. The longings of the heart speak equally clearly to God.Of course, the dark forces don’t intend that anyone dependent upon drugs desire any help to forego its use. The weakened will and reasoning of the person due to decreased light within cannot permit recognition of his problem. This is an intended inherent effect of drugs! Consequently, the spiritual supportiveness of family and friends is essential, and the same from a rehabilitation clinic with proven success may be necessary. Visualizing the user in radiant health surrounded by light can be effective for both self-help and all in the supportive group. Visualizing light around and permeating oneself and others — and Earth as well! — is wondrously uplifting and healing.Various methods of “alternative” health care can effectively reduce or eliminate dependence upon [addictive substances] and the holistic therapies that include one’s approach to life offer great benefits. Changing a negative outlook to positive is especially beneficial in helping one achieve balance in mind, body and spirit — balance is optimum health!Preoccupation with gambling, sexual activity, unnatural eating habits or any other obsession also is addiction. Individuals indulging in those activities can become seriously unbalanced — once again, the importance of balance cannot be overstated! — and my suggestions for overcoming drug [and alcohol] addiction apply equally to those kinds of behavior. [Amended excerpts from Revelations for a New Era]******************Thank you, Mother.27. We are not familiar with the methods of “karmic clearings” or “rejuvenation commands” as preparation for physical ascension that some of you wrote about. However, we can tell you that karma is not cleared by external means, it is experienced . Karma is unique to each individual, and it is important that you understand that karma is neither a judgment nor a punishment — it is the opportunity to achieve balance. Balance comes by following the soul’s messages to the consciousness, messages that keep the person aligned with soul contract provisions specifically chosen for that purpose. And heeding the spiritual guidance in these messages and other channeled information you trust will help you prepare for ascension — offering that helpful guidance is these communications’ primary mission!28. As for the claim stated in those questioning emails, that bodies will perish at the end of 2012 if no clearings or rejuvenation commands are completed, we say that perhaps with the exception of a scheduled execution, nothing external can guarantee the time of physical demise. That is solely the province of the soul itself in accordance with its longevity choice prior to birth or by its request for an amended contract during the physical lifetime. While it is true that bodies that have not absorbed light cannot survive in higher frequencies, the degrees of light differ and bodies with the least amount will not last as long as those that have somewhat more. Furthermore, prior to the end of 2012, many millions of bodies, among them many that are light-filled, will die in accordance with soul contract choices.29. How can we help our children clear their karma? Children who have not been programmed by “authority figures” act upon instinct and intuition, which is in consonance with their soul contracts, and the “clearing of karma” naturally follows. It is adults who devise unnecessary complexities for themselves by overly analyzing and calculating the very things that children innately know are simple.30. No, physical ascension with Earth does not require one to become a vegetarian or vegan. Each person’s body is as different as each soul, and some bodies thrive without meat in the diet while others do not. Anything that prevents bodies from being in balance is also a deterrent to wellbeing in mind and spirit, and achieving balance is the goal of all souls.31. As you continue your journey with Earth into higher vibrations, your bodies will become progressively lighter and you will find fruits, vegetables and grains ever more satisfying because those foods are light-filled, and meat and seafood will become less and less appealing. Due to the horrendous maltreatment of food animals, their bodies hold the energy of pain and fear, and that energy is passed on to meat-eaters. Much seafood is contaminated by various pollutants or its genetic modification reduces nourishment value. Pay attention to your bodies — they will tell you what foods they need for maximum wellbeing.32. We honor those who follow vegan diets to expose and protest the inhumane treatment of animals whose soul-level agreements are to provide their bodies for human consumption — they did not agree to suffer in the unconscionable ways they are forced to live and die! And we ask that you make every effort to have food animals treated humanely and all animals respected and appreciated for their contributions to your lives. Humans’ cruel treatment and wanton killing of animals over the centuries contributed in large part to the negativity that caused Earth to drop into deep third density, and her method of releasing negativity is what you call “natural disasters.” Logically, ending the causes of negativity eliminates the need for the means by which it is released, but beyond that, animals are souls and need to be respected as such!33. Animals’ spiritual awareness, sensitivity to energy fluctuations, and extent of emotions and intelligence have long been underestimated or completely disregarded by unfeeling humans, the most brutal killers on Earth. Among some animal species, usually those most commonly considered pets, are highly evolved souls who have chosen to experience in animal bodies. Thus they have far more wisdom and spiritual clarity than many within your human population. These animals have come specifically to enhance your relationship with all animal life because this is vital to your individual journeys into the higher vibrations where cruelty in any form cannot exist. Without the awakening that has come to those who are dedicated to improving the lives of animals, Earth could not have made the progress she has in ascending out of third density. [Excerpt from April 5, 2005 message]34. While “eating organically” can assist in health improvement, it is not a necessity for physical ascension. And if the higher cost of organic produce precludes your buying it, please do not feel any anxiety — that negative feeling is far more harmful than eating non-organically grown foods. Simply eat sensibly and use the power of thought, that what you are eating serves your highest good, and feel gratitude for the food. It won’t be too long before all foods will be pure, free of harmful chemicals and genetic alterations.35. Since a lot of information currently being taught is erroneous, especially in the sciences and history, how can teachers help students prepare for the Golden Age; and once in that period, what materials with accurate information will be available? At this point, we can offer only the suggestion to initiate class discussion by asking if anyone has a different perspective of the information presented, which could encourage deeper thinking and reasoning in appropriate subject areas. We are aware that this is a sensitive issue as some school systems and families are strongly opposed to teachers departing from approved material, but possibly giving students an opportunity to express their ideas and making only noncommittal comments about those ideas could prevent backlash.36. Education will be changing dramatically at every level, and in fact, this has begun with the recognition that fetuses benefit from hearing classical music and toddlers have the ability to learn with amazing speed. A selection of current books will be preserved as part of Earth’s recorded history and the rest will be recycled. New texts and televised and computerized programs with accurate information, historically and universally speaking, will be developed in a comparatively short time for every educational level from infancy through what you could call “post-post-doctoral” studies, and they will include subjects that many now dismiss as “loony” New Age thinking. Music, writing, painting, sculpture — all types of arts and crafts — will be given much more emphasis because all forms of artistic expression come from the soul. Current concentration on sports and the intensely competitive approach to team sports, and certainly the disproportionate time and monies allotted, will change to a spirit of enjoying the games and camaraderie while assisting each other to develop proficiency.37. The greatest change, however, will be the expanded brain usage and increased capacity for reasoning that will lead to much greater interest in acquiring knowledge. This glorious aspect of life in Earth’s Golden Age applies to everyone living in that era’s high vibrations.38. To all who are fearful that there isn’t time for Earth to be rid of all darkness so she can meet the celestial timeframe for leaving third density, we assure you, she will make it — in the continuum, she already HAS made it!39. We wish you could know how eagerly we await the joy of seeing you consciously living in that world where peace and love reign. We cherish each and every one of you and, along with all other lighted souls in this universe, we are cheering you ever onward.______________________LOVE and PEACESuzanne WardShare this: Share Share0diggsdiggEmailPrintPress This
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A Must Read From The Galactic Federation

GF UPDATE – MARK STEARN (Oct 7)Greetings beloved friends,We are delighted to impart our love and message to your hearts on this day. What an incredible day it is also for it is another day the divine has gifted us to enjoy and to make the most of. Our hearts go out to you all at this time. We witness so much struggle as we watch your world. We witness so many hearts doing their very best with what they have at this time. We see so many more who wander about still seeking the divine in the best way that they can. It is important to maintain patience with whoever you encounter in your day.We your friends, brothers, sisters and extended family are ever at the ready to make a more definitive move and contact with your world. Everything is now in readiness. There is no longer need to hold back is the approach we now wish to take. So why are we not on your shores already you may ask? We abide by divine will and are carefully awaiting the final go ahead from the one prior to making open contact with your world. In the meantime we are delighted to be able to impart our message to you on this most glorious of days.The approaching activation of the 10/10/10 sees your planet automatically graduating into a higher gear of ascension. Many planets and suns are assisting the earth in her great break free of duality and her monumentous cleansing. This is forever ongoing. We cannot change what happens on your world apart from immediate action on anything that provides a real danger to this world or it’s people. This coming Sunday the planet begins a new rite of passage.Earth is in a final balancing process of male meets female. The divine feminine and the divine masculine are rocking your shores. This brings to the surface all unfinished business of the earth and it’s population. Your world leaders are meeting all the time to discuss how contact is going to be managed in your world. The coming activation of the 10th sees a vast new activation of the planet into the higher dimensions. Earth will be more readily open to heaven’s embrace and the full potential of the divine transforming your world.Get ready beloved friends for the infinite moving your world and all beings on a constant basis now. Dear ones it is time. Earth is ready to move into a higher gear. This is a very monumentous occasion in the earth’s passage. There is so much attention focused on planet earth at this time. The entirety of creation lends it’s full support to your moving fully into the open land of the heart where there is no more malady or affliction. Goodness knows it is time for you all to experience something new.We feel that you are ready for this. You have done the majority of the transformational work on your light form to prepare you for the coming new crystal earth where angels and the like openly walk the earth. Before you feel we are taking you into a fairytale let us simply say that likening your new earth to your current growth is that wholeness is beginning to step into the life of this planet and all beings here. This is what is ahead of you and we guide you all never to forget this. Until we speak again. We are your friends and humble servants.The galactic federation
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The Arcturian Group

Marilyn RaffaeletoMessage@onenessofall.comdateThu, Oct 7, 2010 at 10:52 AMsubjectOctober 7, 2010hide details 10:52 AM (18 minutes ago)OCTOBER 7, 2010We of the Arcturian Group say to you the people of the earth star, that you are soon to see many happenings on your fine planet. Energy is quickly shifting into a higher dimensional states, leaving behind old energies that have for so long held you in bondage. This is a new time, a new energy, and a new awakening into a consciousness of One.You are all one, you know. All are the manifestation of the One; that One which has been called by many different names over time resulting in the sense of great separation within all these concepts of that One. However you are now awakening to the realization that One is One, no matter it is called, and this is the energy of the fifth dimension. Churches and organized religions world wide will soon learn that they are only as good as the truth they give to the seekers. Those unevolved ones using organized religion for personal power and money have much to answer for, because the spiritual teacher accepts the responsibility of nurturing and loving the spiritual evolution of those souls looking to it for guidance. Many have failed deeply in this assignment. This is true for metaphysical teachers as well. Always trust your intuition when learning from another, and know when to "cut the cord".We wish to say that you will see some events coming soon that will cause you to fear. Please remain always in your Light and know that all is a part of the shifting energies. Some will transition, others will be called upon to assist those unawakened ones to understand that everything is simply a part of a graduation into the higher energies. Before the light, comes the dark, as it must come to the surface to be released. Mother Gaia is doing her best to make her changes easy for all, but this is impossible at times. Do not concentrate on issues of fear, for as creators you then add to the creation, think instead upon the true sense of life and love and on Mother Gaia as she was created- pristine and pure. Add your Light to the Light and in this way you become light workers.It is important not to spend an inordinate amount of time on the news, which is often is meant to create unrest among the people- fear and trepidation, but do send Light to those places and people suffering while at the same time acknowledging that Divine Light within them, even if they are completely unaware of it. This is the work of evolved lightworkers which you are now, and will become even more, as these changes happen.Go within often to commune with and rest in the Divine that you really are. Rest back in the energy of Oneness, acknowledging that which you really are and not what you have been led to believe you are through the concepts of a third dimensional society. This resting within, opens the door and gives your permission to be taught; truth will begin to come when you least expect it.Try to avoid those books, magazines, movies, and TV shows that pull you back into beliefs and concepts you have outgrown. Until you are strong in the truth, it is easy to get sucked back into the old. Entertainment and fine stories are fun and relaxing and often uplifting, but mind the qualities of these entertainments (level of energy) and don't get so involved that you find your going backwards. Society as a whole still presents most of its media through the beliefs of the old energy.Relax more, take rests, be in nature, and honor those things that make your heart sing even if others may say you are wasting your time or your "monkey brain" tells you you must "work, work, work" in order to survive. The integration of these new energies takes a lot of energy, often leaving you tired. You begin to think something is wrong but nothing is wrong, you are working very hard on other levels, so rest when you feel the need, and don't allow any guilt feelings about it.Follow your intuition, take back your power, and don't be afraid to make mistakes. You will find that the sky does not fall down if you make a mistake, or you wear the wrong color, or if you read books that aren't on the latest "in" list. There are many wonderful discoveries you will experience about life when you take back your power, dear ones.Taking back one's power is extremely important, especially now when so many would prefer you not take back your power. For women this means the acknowledgment and integration of their masculine aspect. For men it is the acknowledgement and integration of their feminine aspect. As you begin to realize that you are perfect and whole embodying both aspects, you also begin to realize that you no longer need those people and things that you once thought were necessary to tell you how to live, how to believe, and how to be. This does not mean you can't listen to their ideas, but always the bottom line is to be yours.Those who would hold you back must and will evolve out of their ignorance, so all is perfect now and forever.We say Namaste dear ones.Thank you Arcturian Group 10/7/10
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Oct. 6, 2010http://johnsmallman.wordpress.comAs the moment for humanity’s great awakening approaches, continue to hold the light, strengthen your intent to do so, and allow the divine energy field that envelops you to flow easily and exuberantly through you, as you continue to accept your roles as conduits for it. The effect that each one of you light holders and way-showers has on your immediate environment is enormous, even though you are mainly unaware of it.Being a peaceful and calming presence, as most of you are, brings great benefits to all with whom you interact, showing them, and demonstrating for them the immense power that is available to you all. To access that power all that is required is an ego-less intent to do the divine Will. This can be a difficult state to maintain as people like to receive feedback, evidence that something is going on, which is, of course, the ego seeking recognition for its apparent efforts.Very few of you are able to feel the ongoing energy flow that is coursing through you at all times. It is Love, the life force, and without it your physical bodies would not be alive, could not operate. It flows through you constantly, like the air you breathe, and is really only noticed, like air, by its absence. So, if you are alive, it must be flowing through. Your attitudes, emotions, and beliefs affect it, and you can recognize this in others in so far as you feel happy, peaceful, anxious, fearful, angry, depressed etc. in their presence.Know that you are always divinely loved and that when you are experiencing feelings that are not peaceful, not relaxed, then you are experiencing the illusion, the false environment that your collective consciousness is constantly building and maintaining. You can stand back from it, observe it, and choose not to be drawn into the suffering and pain that it encourages you to believe is reality. And when you do, and all of you have experience of this, life feels good even though what appears to be happening in your vicinity is often less than totally inspiring and uplifting.Your loving intent and the energy that flows from it is absolutely essential as you focus on finding your way out of the illusion so that you can return to your divine eternal Home. It is the energy of awakening, and it is increasing in strength and intensity moment by moment. What you are achieving as you focus on the divine energy that is flowing abundantly through you is astounding. You are intending that humanity awakens, and that intention is bathing the planet in the most brilliant light which attracts to it more light from throughout the cosmos that melds and harmonizes with it, raising your vibrational frequency to enable full consciousness to occur.The divine energetic paths that are leading you Home are perfect examples of your Father’s all-encompassing Love for you. He has provided them to ensure that it is impossible for you to wander aimlessly and to become forever lost in the illusion. He wants you to return Home, and the paths with which He has provided you make that a divine certainty, as that is the only destination to which they can lead you. Rest assured that you are eternally taken care of, and that no harm can ever come to you because Reality contains nothing that is not in loving harmony with God.With so very much love, Saul.
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Petition For Denver's Extraterrestrial Commision

Dear Friends,I have just read and signed the online petition:"Support the Denver Ballot Initiative to Form an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission "hosted on the web by, the free online petitionservice, at: personally agree with what this petition says, and I think you mightagree, too. If you can spare a moment, please take a look, and considersigning yourself.Best wishes,James Gilliland
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Angel Message

Message from the AngelsMy dear friends, we love you so very much.As you move through life realize that there will always be things "to do" and so instead of stressing and straining about all you think you must achieve, try dear ones, to drop into the moment at hand and give your complete focus to the task you are doing now. If you can remain present and focused on one thing you are doing at a time you will be more productive, more able to move through life with grace, more able to hear your guidance, and more able to accomplish all you truly have to do.When you are doing one thing and thinking about all the others that must be achieved, you distract yourself from the moment. You do not think as clearly, nor are you present and open to new ideas from your guides and angels. And while it is a very human condition to have the brain working diligently to multi-task, it is a spiritual discipline and truly an act of living meditation to focus on what you are doing now.Try this week to be as present as possible to the task at hand. Even if you switch from one task to the next, be present with the one you are doing now. Try to think only about what you are doing now. If you are in love with a person dear friends, they are your sole focus of attention. Can you be in love with life? Can you be in love with NOW? Can you be in love with the clerk in front of you, the person talking with you, the animal needing you? If you can dear friends, then you have not only mastered the art of presence, but also the art of living in human form!God bless you! We love you so very much.-- The Angels
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Blossom Goodchild

Hello there ... me again!Welcome to October and whatever delights it may bring each of us in our own individual way.I think I must be one of the most blessed bunnies on the planet. I had a bit of a rant on my blog spot the other day ( really bad hair day!) and considered strongly as to whether or not I should actually post it. Decided in the end I would, otherwise I would have wasted yet another hour in my day, but waited in trepidation as to how it may be received. I never really bother to tell people when I put a post up, but it seems many 'just home in' and on the off chance 'go take a look' and low and behold ... I have been at work. So ... I was delightfully surprised that evening to receive many comments awaiting to be published or rejected by me , all of which were a joy to publish. I also received emails thanking me because it seems many were/are feeling the same.So I once again take this month (which is rather poignant for me) as another opportunity to say a great big THANK YOU to everyone for all your kind letters. I am sent so much Love from so many I am amazed I can remain on the ground at times. The support from souls throughout this globe is immense. Sharing with me dreams, hopes, thoughts, ideas, prayers, fears, disappointments, life stories, ET experiences, forwards, channellings, jokes, links, questions, etc ... this has changed my world and the way I view it . An incredible journey has unfolded before my eyes. Making friends of great quality, most of which I may only ever know through this computer … that strangely over the last two years seems to have attached itself to my hip!Let me tell you now people ... incase anyone is having any doubts .... THIS WORLD OF OURS IS FULL OF BEAUTIFUL LOVING FOLK WHO WANT ONLY THE BEST FOR EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE IN IT. WHATEVER YOU DO ..... DONT' LET ANYONE GET ANYWHERE NEAR TRYING TO CONVINCE YOU OTHERWISE!!I have written proof of this and that is why I am so blessed to be in this position. There are so many Light souls working tirelessly in their own space to change this planet and bring forth the promises we made to ourselves before we came. Yes , we are tired. Yes, we wonder when the Truth that our souls KNOW will shine through ... but IT WILL. Hang on in there troops!! Don't let exhaustion bring your vibration down. Rev up your batteries as we move into the final stages. Soon (there's that word again) we shall awaken to that bright new dawn and our strength will be returned a thousand fold. We will have weathered the storms. We , who have marched on through will look into each other's eyes and allow our souls to whisper 'We did it!'.So KEEP SMILING! Don't give up now! We have travelled such a very long time. When you close your eyes at night before retreating into slumber, take your focus to your heart and have a listen to how it feels. Be proud that you have accomplished yet another day ... another day that has brought you closer to your journeys end. Your shoes may be worn, but your soul keeps on walking and as you connect with its rhythm ... think for a moment of your family here on earth with you ... walking the same path ... and feel the momentum gather ... and then extend to your family 'somewhere out there' who are making their way along their path ... and again feel your strength build ... and then imagine the place where the two paths meet ... and if that doesn't put a smile on your dial nothing will!!!Ok ...Much breaking news all around regarding admittance of nuclear weapons being disabled by our space family ... its spreading like wild fire. Good stuff! There is so much excitement from folk and thank you to all for sending me the various links with the latest updates.I think most of all it is important to remember that we are here to be an example of Love. We can read things on the internet 24/7 ... but at the end of the day ... the biggest buzz one can get is to have a good laugh with your mates .... do something random ... whatever it takes … just make sure you FEEL ALIVE!!!.....For those in my area (Noosa Queensland) I am doing another White Cloud evening on Oct 22nd ... and all being well, putting it up on youtube as many have asked for more from my little Indian pal! If you are interested in attending please contact for details.Of course you may also want to visit !! ... or you may not!! ... but for those who do ... THANK YOU FROM MY HEART.That's me done ! All is well ... all is extremely well ...Shine forth spreadingLove Light Laughter and Golden Rays.Blossom
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Message from the Masters

Message from the MastersSeptember 29, 2010Antui Asi, Asi, Asi, Anshallah!Greetings to each of you of the light, from the light and within the light!We have been witnessing the intensities that come to your world, the energies coming to you currently with a force that belies full description as it moves through you like a hot wind communicating to you real time that which you cannot fully comprehend.The energies bring to each of you the possibilities that you are not now and have never been alone in your journeys. Nor has humanity ever had the amount of support and assistance that is has not from those of use in the other worlds. As you know from previous transmissions, the Unified Councils have come together to support you in your world and to share with you communications that are vital to your existence and even your survival. Our message is one of the heart.You must know that without compassion for yourselves that you cannot have it fully for others. Nor will you know how to receive it from others for yourselves.The time for self-criticism and judgment is over and now is the time to begin to embrace and see what it is that each of you holds in your very beings. Each of you is indelibly created of light that came from the source of all things. Each of you reflects that light differently and yet in your coming together the light frequencies that each of you holds harmonize and then expand exponentially as each of you joins the other and then the other and then the other.As powerful aspects of God, your Creation, of Spirit, each of you reflects a unique aspect of your source. These reflections are shining truths that only you carry. By virtue of each of your existences, creation is complete. Without each and every one of you who holds your unique place in all of creation, creation would have no balance and not exist at all. By virtue of your very beings you are intricately hard wired into all that is, sending messages each and every moment of your feelings, thoughts, experiences, desires, intentions, and all other expressions of energy. And creation hears you.As it does, all forms of creation rearrange in order to respond to you, and you reap all that you have sown.You must know that being in and of service does not mean to give yourselves away. Being of service includes you first and all others inherently. As you exist, as you live as a living, breathing example of the perfection of your infinite source, you share that energy with everyone and everything that you are in contact with. You cannot help but share your energies. When you live intentionally, knowing that in each moment you are doing your best and living your lives to their fullest, you must also know that the exchange of your energies with all people, places and events carries communication of your perfection and challenges creation to creation more of the same.What we are saying to you is that by living your truths you are being of the highest and greatest service to all creation. You are that powerful. By being examples of the living one, you are communicating within the entirety everything that you are, and creation responds by bringing you more of the same.The current energies are immense and being funneled right through your dimension as the fabric of creation has moved into an almost alignment in the process of the star gate openings. If you could see the composition of the alignment, currently it is in a “V” shape where energies enter at the widest part then shoot out the narrowest part directly through multiple dimensional realities. As this occurs, you are getting a direct infusion of clear and powerful as well as intricate information and heightened energy frequencies. The energies, because of their compaction during the funneling process, are becoming heated, which intensified their speed and effectiveness. Many of you are experiencing heat surges that cause your bodies to feel extraordinarily warm and even hot when the external temperatures are otherwise. This will occur for 23 more days from your current one until the corridor alignments of the current star gate system opening fully align.Eight days before the alignment, there will be a three-day (October 14, 15 and 16) misalignment, which will fell very chaotic. There will be overlaps of realities during that time which will come to many of you as time glitches, reality blips and confused awareness as multiple perceptions come to you simultaneously. As the final alignment occurs, your will feel within your very beings, a cosmic “whump!” as if something has just snapped and things heighten and then normalize again very quickly. For some of you it will be as if a several day fog has suddenly lifted and full clarity will come as if someone just turned on your inner switch. In a way this is so, because as the alignment occurs, you are harmonizing with it.We remind you to be at ease within yourselves. Do not resist what you do not comprehend. It matters not whether you do or don’t understand. What matters is that you live, you breathe, you experience on every level of your beings and you have the free will to choose as you will in any given moment. Your destinies lie in your choosing, not in ancient contracts or agendas. You are the creators of your worlds both inside and out and we are allied with you as are countless others as we come together to rejoice in the enlightenment of humanity as it was and as it has always been.Be in peace. of transmission.
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Important Message from Quan Yin

Important Message from Quan Yin, please share thanks.

By Mark Stearn.

29th September, 2010.

Beloved friends,

The higher dimensions is a riot of colour and activity at this time. We will give no definite date of when we are meeting you but know your long wait is now at an end. Heaven is reaching out to you. Can you feel it? You will be informed of any news of our coming to meet you all. Xenophobia which is natural is not to be seen as a barrier to any impending contact. We do understand that because of film you may have been exposed to many forms of 'extra-terrestrials.' It is vital for you to understand that the fifth dimension is energy and it is only when we download our energy to meet you that we take on form that is most comfortable and not alarming in so that you can interact with us peacefully.

All old energies have been put to rest and any presence in your solar system at this time is a loving presence who has your highest interests at heart. You are going to find that as life and developments push on that a lot of the groundwork has already been done for our arrival. We are enthralled by the work done by great servers of the light who have befriended the galactic presence and to portray us as a loving presence. We have already been reported as aliens and in truth we are merely you your equals. In the past you have heard and been exposed to councils and hierarchies you will be glad to hear that these both are old earth or old world energies and now have no bearing on how you operate today. You may be surprised that it is i who am bringing this message to you and not one of the 'galactic beings' as they are termed.

Any contact will also be with the ascended masters, angels and all of spirit from the higher dimensions and as i already said we are to take on a form that you are comfortable and familiar with. There is only goodness and peace coming your way beloved children of god and i dont mean this in a condescending way. We your friends, family and equals have been through all that you have been through for we are one and nothing can seperate us ever in truth. So as i already said you are all masters and angels who are finding your way in truth once more. You are bright beautiful beings of god/godess' essence and we are with you every step of the way. Motherearth is now accelerating her and your ascension process. Ashtar spoke of heaven's contingency plan. This is to see that all are delivered to the new earth safely.

Mother Earth if she has any dramatic changes is making them at this time. You may be interested to know that the majority and sheer capacity of all higher vibrations entering mother earth at this time are being poured into her transmutation and infinite restoration. So know that you can rest easy loving ones. There is nothing out there that is out to get you. We your friends are at your doorstep to inform you that your long sojourn is at a close. As I have already there is not set date for contact. We are taking it moment by moment at this time. Time is accelerating as are all planetary transformations and individual changes. You are being upgraded into your full light presence at this time. The new earth is also a riot of activity at this time what with all now transpiring on your planet. Earth shall never be the same again.

Also remember vigilance and discernment of all you read and hear about regarding any galactic presence and go with your heart and presence and you will know what is fact and what is fiction. Thank you for your attention loved ones. We are your extended family and friends and know that it will not be long now. One final snippet of news. The crystal cities that have sprung up around earth are a major destination for almost all hearts at this time so remember this and ask your guides to take you on a tour of where you feel drawn to. My thanks to you dearest hearts and keep the faith!!! (Big smiles and winks.)

My love to you all,

I am Quan Yin.

Blessings, Mark.

Personal soul readings:

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Masters and Angels through Mark Stearn

Posted by Mark Stearn on August 24, 2010 at 9:51 AM comments (1)Message from the Masters and Angels.By Mark Stearn.24th August, 2010.Greetings sailors and mariners of the great earth. It has been much time since we have spoken to you. All is very well at this time. We watch you all and see you all doing all that you can to navigate from day to day what with the world energies as they are at this time. You are all doing exceptionally well. Many of you desire to feel more connected and many of you are looking to the heavens wondering when a star is to fall. We are present. Simply because you don’t see us does not mean we are not present.Softly and gently is our way forward at this time. Hearts the world over are at a most sensitive stage in this great earth drama. There are messages promising of great wealth and landings and dramatic disclosures of untold happenings on your world. Many cling to these messages and are disappointed again and again. If you are waiting for something to occur then you are missing the point. All has already taken place simply in another dimension and reality.The earth has already ascended in another reality also. It is a given and we are aware that you have heard this before also. For now use the tools that you have been given. So many of you are still seeking desperately for truth and seeking anywhere but in your own heart. Still the earth and one and all are making great strides at this time. It will not be long now before the earth graduates into a higher and finer vibration.You will feel the embrace of us your friends who you call the masters and angels. We monitor and work with the planet in our infinite presence. Many of us travel far and wide to seek the support as is requested by so many light servers. New light beings arrive from all over the great creation to be of assistance to the earth and it’s population. We understand that it is most easy for you or any of you to fall into frustration. You want it all now. This is most understandable for in a higher dimension as soon as you request something it is already present for you.So what you really are doing is reconnecting. Find the time for now to pay attention to the now and work with moving fully into this great land. Questions are answered and all wishes are fulfilled in this great adventure that we term the present moment. Your earth is in high transmutation mode at this time. The healing order of the emerald star have initiated a massive recovery project. This is focused on the earth and one and all here in her body.The Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation assist mother earth in releasing her pent up pressures and assist the earth individuals who are working to transform the world into a new structure when the time is right. It is up to you dear hearts. You are not called on to do more than what you are capable of. You are doing stunningly well. The new earth has a new loose system of functioning and there is no authority to answer to for all hearts in the new sphere are divinely sovereign.Pay attention to your heart on what you feel the new earth is like rather than what you read for each of you are a unique contribution to earth’s unfolding if it is here you are destined to reside or whatever portion of the multiverse you choose to reside in here after. Mark will be writing from time to time from us who you refer to as masters and angels. You will know when you see the post. In all other occurrences the messages are written from the heart of Mark. Many thanks for your time and you will hear again from us very soon.In divine love and service,The masters and angels.
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James Gilliand From The ECETI Ranch

Dear Friends,Here is the link for the Full press conference that was aired on CNNyesterday.\_disabled_Nukes_27_09_10/this link has been pulled from most other sites including teh CNNarchives. use discernment here... there is something brewing and we mustall stay tuned in and use the highest form of discernment staying fullyanchored in the heart.If you have the ability to record this please do, the links are comingdown as fast as they are being posted.interesting times....ECETI Ranch__._,_.___
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Angel Message

Message from the Angels dear friends, we love you so very much.It is a time of seeking clarity upon your planet earth, and a time of clearing out all that has robbed your spirit of its vitality in human form. You are clearing out old fears, old anxieties, old beliefs, and indeed even old material possessions that no longer serve you. As you go through your homes and closets, look at everything dear ones. What truly serves you now? What do you truly love? Are your possessions serving you or are you serving them? Are your belief structures serving you, or are you serving them? What adds more joy, vitality, love, ease, and grace to your life and what robs you of the very same.So many of you hang on to old beliefs because you are afraid of the changes that would be required if you let them go. If you suddenly release the belief, for example, that you are "unworthy," then you must stand up tall, hold your head up high, and make adjustments in your life to match the new belief that you are deserving of kindness, acknowledgment, etc. You would be required to move away from those who are not kind to you and seek out better opportunities. You would have to change the way you speak about yourself. You would have to re prioritize the way you handle your money and your time. And so, out of a fear of change, a fear of disappointing others, you hang on to this old belief in "unworthiness." It is, after all, quite comfortable.Likewise, so many of you hang on to stuff that doesn't serve you because it is a little unnerving to clear out the material clutter. We have no problem with you owning things that you love, enjoy, and use dear friends. But when you are holding on to things because you purchased them, don't use them, and feel guilty letting them go... well dear friends, you are hanging on to guilt. When you hold on to material possessions because they represent a happier time in life that is fine, but consider that what you really want is to create greater joy now. When you hold on to material possessions because you "might use them someday" but really won't, consider the fact that they represent security, and what you really want is the security of knowing that God will always give you what you need when you need it.We never judge you dear friends, but rather point out ways in which you can lighten your proverbial load upon the planet earth, discover what you are truly seeking in life, and rid yourselves of that which no longer serves you. We honor you for your willingness to take a look around both within and without and to de-clutter your minds and your lives. This is not always easy, comfortable, or quick, and yet a soul unfettered with such burdens is a soul free to create what it truly desires in life. Seek out the true freedom of your souls dear friends, and get rid of all that does not add light to your life.God bless you! We love you so very much.-- The Angels
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Celestial White Beings

Another great message channelled through our in the house ET herself, none other than Natalie Glasson. Man, you can really feel the loving energy enemating through this message. Boy things are really in high gear now, I hope you all could feel the changes as they are all around you. Just open up your souls and experience the greatest time in our history to be alive and to be part of this freat event known as Ascension. Enjoy , Gunner Dissolving Limitationsby the White BeingsChannelled through Natalie Glasson- 13/09/10We are the Celestial White Beings, we bring to and channel into the Earth the celestial joy and bliss of our soul. We wish for all to comprehend that you are safe and protected in our energy and the light of the Creator.So much is occurring on the Earth now, many energy waves are anchoring simultaneously while intentions from the Creator are manifesting with greater power due to humankind’s growing ability of realise the guidance and will of the Creator, opening their eyes to a new reality. These changes can cause upset and turmoil either within your reality or within your being, but you must remember that everything in your reality is projected from within you and so the place to begin to make alterations to your reality is always within you. To alter the view points and perception of the majority of humanity can begin with an alteration or spark of enlightenment within.As creators of your own world you are in the driving seat, you have the control and can stop to change direction or thought process at any time. It only requires love and courage in your heart and soul, with a sacred eternal connection to the Creator. While physical actions can change the world that you live within so can the small actions and practices that you make in those quiet times, during meditation or periods of contemplation. Changing your view points to those of love would alter your reality considerably and so would escalate and expand into the consciousness and realities of others. This is something that we wish you to be conscious of, do your actions and thoughts contribute to the peace and love manifesting on the Earth or do they energise the darkness and negativity of the Earth and its inhabitants?When you are thinking a negative or judgmental thought you are adding to the judgment that has already been created in the passed on the Earth, you are energising any negativity that may be in your life and even in the reality of a person living at the other side of the Earth. Remember that every human being on the Earth is interconnected as a network of energy; the energy that you give off will affect others in your reality and the world. You are not an insignificant person; you have a place and a purpose on the Earth. If you allow yourself to be powerful, loving and peaceful then you are sending this energy through the connecting network to people across the countries.We wish for you to understand how important you are now on the Earth, you have a tremendous and an enormous purpose to fulfil, it is to be responsible for your own energy and to share your bliss and joy with others. We would be grateful if you would ponder and contemplate our words, realising fully for yourself the presence and purpose you have on the Earth. If every soul on the Earth was to accept this realisation then the Earth would definitely transform into a haven of love and peace for all to experience and fear would become a story from the past.When you accept that the power is placed with you to create a reality and world of love then you must also become aware of the presence of limitations. Even if your heart is open and loving you may still experience limitations and barriers holding you back hindering your divine creation. Limitations are restrictions created by you in your past through belief systems and emotional blockages. Limitations are akin to barriers that are formed to contain your movements, actions and achievements.Sometimes limitations are created by your soul or the Creator to aid your personal growth or to assist you in overcoming challenges and unneeded habits, other times limitations manifest from false perceptions of yourself and your reality. Limitations can be placed upon limitations which can allow you to feel restricted, reduced in energy and lacking in your ability to create. These can be dissolved even if they are physical restrictions because you have the united power of your heart and mind which can heal and dissolve any negative situation, bring forth a great presence of love, offer freedom, liberation and peace.If you view yourself as an energy being connected to all other energy beings on the Earth, with a powerful connection with the Creator you realise that energy is constantly flowing, energy never stops but expands and develops, this is one reason why change is such a major part of the Earth and your own spiritual path. The more spiritually evolved you become the more you are aware of your own energies and your influence on others. You begin to see that energy is malleable with your thoughts and that limitations are all false creations, thus with the presence of limitations in your reality you can perceive that your reality is not yet truthful or radiant with the precision of the Creator.More energy is therefore needed to flow through your being, heart and mind from the Creator to wash away false beliefs and to allow you to embrace the truth of the Creator assisting a new creation from within you to manifest. Limitations are simply energy that has been instructed to remain stagnant, to create a barrier, but with a greater flow of energy all limitations can be dissolved as you are simply forcing the energy to move and become active once more.To understand this concept you must withdraw your mind from your physical reality for a moment and allow yourself to see everything as energy, whether it is a physical object, an experience or the emotions of yourself or another. Everything is a flowing or stagnant energy. You may even be able to ask during meditation to be made aware of the limitations in your being, mind or reality that are hindering your growth, feeling their stagnant and inactive energy around you. You may realise that many recent experiences or emotions coming to the surface are actually connected to or are a result of these limitations. If you can sense them then you will be able to comprehend their power and strength within your reality.It is important to remind yourself at this stage that everything is created from within your being, you created all limitations even if they appear to be manifesting from another source. With this awareness you can then call forth the energy of the Creator to flow through your being, into your aura and reality as a constant flow of light to dissolve and activate all limitations and stagnant energy to create a flow of energy through and from your being which is free from restrictions.If you practice this each day if only for ten minutes, then you will begin to dissolve limitations in your life and expand your energy and power. All limitations may not be dissolved as you may need to alter reoccurring thought patterns or attachments to the past. This is a simple practice that allows you to be alert to limitations, their power in your life and the strength of your own energy. Simply imagine the light flowing from your being and washing away all stagnant energy. You can imagine that all energy around you is active and glistening with the love of the Creator.We hope that this has provoked and inspired your mind,We are the Celestial White BeingsOur love is always with you.Sacred School of Om Na and the Wisdom of the Light- Natalie GlassonReply Forward
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The Black Hats Must Go

Reposted from Nov. 2, 2009Published in OpEdNewsOriginal Content at’s time to run the Black Hats outta town. It’s time to end the New World Order’s game, close the casino, and lock the doors.It’s time to lower the boom of justice on the Black Hats in the World Bank, the IMF, the BIS, Congress, the Federal Reserve, the Bilderbergers, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, the corrupt judicial system, the corrupt police system, NORTHCOM, NORAD, CIA, FBI, everyone.Everyone who turned the world into a reckless gaming house in which the rich got richer and the poor got poorer, everyone who grew more powerful at the expense of the rights and freedoms of others.Everyone who denied basic medicare to citizens. Everyone who made subprime loans to poor people, collateralized them, raised their rates, and then evicted the owners.Everyone who took out “Dead Peasant” insurance policies on their employees and made millions from them, sharing none with the relatives of the deceased.Everyone who engineered 9/11, Oklahoma City, the London bombings, Madrid, and Mumbai to stampede the world. Everyone who began illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, who took away citizens’ rights, pushed for martial law, and set up FEMA camps to incarcerate “trouble-makers.”HAARPEveryone who kept technologies from us that would have freed us from fossil fuels back in the 1950s. Everyone who murdered inventors who discovered how to make cars run on water. Everyone who created space-based weapons systems to extend their rule into space.Everyone who kept from us knowledge of the populated world of space. Everyone who created a secret space service that has colonized Mars since at least the 1970s.Everyone who killed to hide Roswell from us and created secret areas of research where they back-engineered miracles gained from downed space craft and from treaties with the Greys and then kept them from the public.Everyone who ran torture prisons overseas, at secret underground bases, or at Guantanamo. Everyone who ran institutions like the School of the Americas where gangsters were trained to overthrow democratically-elected regimes. Everyone who created and used Blackwater and Whackenhut to create a private army and prison or who sentenced children to jail as a business.Every Congressional Representative and every Senator who accepted bribes, favors, sex, trips and any other inducement that led them to sell their vote to the Black Hats.Everyone who plotted to take over Canada and Mexico out of a so-called “Security and Prosperity Partnership” (ironic misnomer) or start a third world war with Iran, Russia, or China to bring the population down from 6.8 billion to a more manageable 500 million, destined to be slaves.Everyone who developed HAARP and used it to cause or amplify earthquakes and hurricanes (including Katrina), killing tens of thousands. Or ULF (ultra-low-frequency weapons) and experimented with them, bringing down the I35W Minneapolios bridge.Everyone who speculated in currency and brought down national economies which they then held hostage to onerous debt payments. Everyone who made loans to third-world countries and then robbed them of their resources when they couldn’t pay.There is so much more – a media bought and paid for, deep underground military bunkers, Pine Gap, Australia, space base, Area 51, depleted-uranium weapons, printing truckloads of dollars.This planet, reeling under the black-hole debt of the derivatives megabubble, will no longer tolerate your rule.We know you, Black Hats. We know the whole range of your activities. We know you inside and out.We know your business. Three showers a day won’t keep you clean.The Black Hats, the hangers on, the vultures, the whole gang – it’s time for you to go.Share this: Share Share0diggsdiggEmailPrintPress This
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Great News with Steve Beckow Part 1

tags: Galactics Serve the Divine Planby Steve Beckowi2 VotesSt. GermainSpeaking through Mike Quinsey in mid-2008, the ascended master, the Comte de St. Germain, revealed that a divine plan existed to lift us out of the Third Dimension.“There is an immutable plan that is well advanced for your final experiences, that shall lift you out of duality fully into the Light and Love that knows no equal or limitations. Your future is assured amongst the dimensions of Light, and every step you take is nearer to the Source of All That Is. The Angels sing their praises for you and Heaven awaits your return at last.” (1)To carry out the provisions of this plan, Earth’s spiritual hierarchy called for assistance to space beings from the Galactic Federation of Light and other space coalitions. As Sheldan Nidle’s sources said, “Heaven summoned us and we came.” (2)Matthew Ward reveals how the process of enlisting the aid of other advanced civilizations began.Matthew Ward“[Mother Earth's] cry for help went out into the universe and instantly God authorized myriad spiritually-advanced civilizations to respond by beaming their own vast light into Earth’s body. The massive infusion of light from those distant sources stabilized her orbit and enabled her to jar loose from negativity’s stranglehold, start to ascend out of deep third density and continue toward her ultimate destination in fifth density.“Her soul originated in that high plane and there it remained throughout the millennia that her body spiraled ever downward as more and more human and animal blood was shed and the environment ravaged.” (3)Many civilizations came to Earth at the spiritual hierarchy’s request to assist her and her people to ascend at the end of the present cycle in 2012. SaLuSa of Sirius, a spokesperson for the Galactic Federation of Light, tells us that “the Galactic Federation are just one of many groups working for the Light forces, that closely follow your personal progress. Our mission is to ensure you reach completion of the cycle of duality, as decreed by the higher authorities that include the White Brotherhood.” (4)On another occasion, he repeats that the GFL “are just part of a great assembly of Beings here to ensure your success.” (5) “As you must know by now we are not here in great numbers by chance. It is to fulfil the Creator’s Plan for this Universe.” (6)Matthew also verifies that our space family are here in great numbers.“The plan included millions and millions of souls from advanced civilizations whose essential assistance on, within and above Earth assured that she not only would survive death throes, but would be restored to her original paradise self, where all her people live in harmony with each other and all of Nature.” (7)SaLuSa gives a very similar description of the other evolved space beings who travelled here to help us.SaLuSa of Sirius“We are not the only ones here to help you open your eyes to the marvelous opportunities ahead of you. There are teachers and helpers at all different levels. They come to Earth with a variety of skills and experience, and often specialize in one subject to which they are fully dedicated.“They come from many different planets as we do, and have volunteered for tasks that demand their full co-operation. Their lives are not your usual incarnations as they have already ascended, and normally would have no need of further earthly experiences. They come out of love for you, recognizing your godspark and acknowledging your final spell in duality.” (8)SaLuSa asks that we “have faith in [them], just as you had in the Spiritual Hierarchy when you first allowed yourselves to drop into the lower vibrations.” (9)He tells us that the GFL has long worked with Earth and her spiritual authorities.“You will understand that the Galactic Federation is not some marauding group of Space Beings. We are organized to police the Universe helping young civilizations evolve without interference. We carry out the bidding of those who have the ear of God, and carry out his plans for evolution.” (10)“You will find that Galactic Federation members are no strangers to your early evolution, and in fact have had more than a hand in it. There is more of a connection between us than you might imagine, and we have had a part to play in your genetic engineering resulting in what you are today. When you get to see the various types of Beings in our Federation, you will marvel at how many have a close resemblance to how you look now.” (11)“The Galactic Federation works with the Higher Beings, and all along have been authorized to accompany you through this cycle, as others have done before. We are your link to God, and carry out our mission with great love and dedication. There is joy in being able to serve others as they make their way through cycles of experience, and our reward is your success. We do not seek glory, but are allowed to have pride in our missions just as you experience great satisfaction in a job done well.” (12)He predicts that our experience of the galactics after first contact will quickly reveal their divine mission: “Once we can openly visit you, your doubts and frustrations will disappear, as you will quickly realize that we are the Creator’s representatives on a divine mission.” (13)Ascension is the focal point of the Divine Plan, SaLuSa says, which has been predicted since the beginning of this cycle. “There has of course been a divine plan in place to lift you up, and gradually the awakening process has started to yield results.” (14)“It was known even when you first came to Earth that the cycle would complete with your successful Ascension. The power behind these events is the Creator, and although freewill is ever operating, some [events] are pre-ordained.” (15)“The coming Ascension has been the subject of many teachings and messages for a very long time, as the end times have been clearly defined since this cycle began so long ago. It is the whole purpose of everything that has been taking place, and the plan has been played out so that you have gained the maximum benefit from it.” (16)Saul confirms that Ascension is our Father’s command: “It is your Father’s Will and yours that you make this move back into His glorious Presence where you belong and where everlasting bliss awaits you.” (17)So far, only terrestrials have presented an obstacle to the universal plan’s implementation, according to SaLuSa.“The Creator has expressed a desire that all within your Universe shall ascend and it is only your Earth that is experiencing a battle to be part of that upliftment. All other planets and dimensions are sufficiently advanced, to move with the changes without any difficulty.” (18)While we have created a quarrelsome reality, the Divine Plan exists at a higher level and overrides that reality, as SaLuSa reminds us:“You might reflect on the fact that you have created your reality, but it was at a higher level that the divine plan was conceived and it will not change except for divine intervention.” (19)(Continued in Part 2)Share this:ShareShare0diggsdiggEmailPrint This
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