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Saul is an ascended Master just like jesus, Buddah, mary and many many more. BTW you are all on your ways to becoming ascended masters so stand up and celebrate your greatness.Forwarded by Steve BeckowSaul issues his invitation to let go of all old issues, old paradigms, unfinished business, etc., but love and compassion, a universal counsel to us.Interesting he conveys some of the higher beings’ sense of time: “This game, which you seem to have been playing for eons, lasted but a moment before you returned to your fully-conscious state of existence where you are eternally.”He depicts our final sprint to the finish line and our welcome among Light beings.Nov. 30, 2010 http://johnsmallman.wordpress.comExistence as a fully-conscious sentient being is a divine state; it is your natural state, and it is only when you chose to experience separation from your heavenly Father that you seemingly removed yourselves from this perfect state of existence. You have not departed from it, because there is nowhere to go that is outside of this state, you have just temporarily closed down your awareness of it while you play with the illusory state of separation, need, and lack.This game, which you seem to have been playing for eons, lasted but a moment before you returned to your fully-conscious state of existence where you are eternally. Nevertheless, you remain asleep and dreaming that you are still separated from God, and it is your task to awaken. It is a task that it is impossible for you to fail to complete perfectly and magnificently because it is God’s Will and yours that you do so.Awakening means letting go of attitudes and beliefs that cannot exist in a state of divine, unconditional Love – fear, anger, hate, judgment, resentment, condemnation, shame, worthlessness, in fact any attitudes that are not loving – because in that state there is only Love.All of you experiencing the illusion have feelings of abandonment, loss, shame, and fear for which you blame others, but because you were created by your Father in perfect, unconditional Love those feelings can only be mistaken illusions that you have chosen to experience. Because they are so frightening you project them outwards and see them as foisted on you by others, allowing you to feel helpless to change the situation.As you move towards awakening you will begin to realize that the only satisfactory way to live is as a loving and peaceful presence, and you will start to release your negative attitudes, as awareness of your Father’s eternal Love for you starts seeping into your consciousness, demonstrating that you are indeed a creation of divine Love and enabling you to begin truly loving yourself, instead of desperately seeking to be loved by others.This will lead to a great reduction in your stress levels and you will find yourself more and more at peace; and the realization will dawn on you that those who appear to be attacking you, judging you, and making you wrong are themselves suffering terribly and are also desperately seeking love and acceptance.When this becomes apparent to you, compassion for them, for all humanity, will arise within you. You will perceive that they, like you, are beings of divine Love, and your resentments and grudges will fall away, enabling and encouraging you to truly forgive them for their apparent attacks on you, as the Love within you, that envelops you and that is you, flows out to meld with that same Love that is within them and that envelops them.Truly the joy that awaits you when you awaken into Reality to find yourselves in your Father’s Presence and surrounded by uncountable other loving beings welcoming you into the brilliant Light of God’s eternal day is beyond description. You are well established on the path to awakening, and although you may still make minor deviations away from it, the destination will soon be in view, and you will pick up your feet with excited anticipation as you race forward to reach it.And the welcome that awaits you will overwhelm you with happiness as you finally understand that all the painful efforts you have made to reach your divine destination are as nothing compared to the bliss in which you find yourselves.With so very much love, Saul.
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Salusa of Sirius

Whenever I read a message from one of our Galactic friends, or an Angel, Ascended Master, God and more, they send their essence of love into my body. I physically can feel it and I feel that beings love. Now I do my protection of not allowing any beings into my aura that are not of the highest christed consciousness. Very important if you are to deal with these type of energies. This Salusa message, I could feel Salusa's love and I mean so strongly it brought tears of joy and love to my eyes. I then closed my eyees and could see this thing spinning like a fan but with wider blades and spinning slowly but felt so much more maybe like one of their ships. Enjoy this message from Salusa of Sirius and it would be great to send him and all the galactics here on our behalf much Love, honor, respect and Appreciation as they have sacrificed so much on our behalf in the name of love. Remember, love is all there is.Message from SaLuSa for 29 November 2010SaLuSa 29-November-2010Tensions on Earth mount whenever there is posturing and threats of war, and the prospects of confrontation. Naturally that produces fear, and it fuels the intent of those who are eager to create further tension. We want to assure you that minor skirmishes apart, there will not be any escalation allowed that could create the opportunity for an all out war. You the people have been seeking peace for a long time, but have lacked the leadership that could put it into being. Attempts have been made to limit the potential for a world war, but even the reduction in nuclear weapons has made little difference. The old paradigm was one that expected wars to take place, and indeed encouraged them as a means of gaining world power. However, your pleas for peace have been answered by mightier powers than those on Earth. The cycle of duality as you now know is to end as planned in Ascension, and that will take place with our help.The chaos on Earth as the changes start to take place is adding to your uncertainty about the future. It is inevitable, as the structure of your society is collapsing, as the old ways of life are undesirable and unsustainable. As you see the last days being acted out, it is causing a reaction of anger and protest amongst you. We ask as we have done so before, that you do not play into the hands of the dark Ones by becoming violent. You cannot win the battle that way and only give cause for a powerful response, and a further curtailing of your freedom. Peaceful protests are the way forward and help attract more Light to Earth, and lift the people up. In fact you have been building the Light up for quite a long time, and as a result your consciousness levels have also risen. It has enabled us to respond to a greater degree than previously, and we now have the authority to intervene more directly. We have for some time monitored your activities, and stopped any action that would have escalated into an all out war. Many times we have prevented foolhardy orders to attack another country, and stopped missiles being released. In time you will learn of the full history of how you have been deceived, and used in the Illuminati plans for world domination.We feel bound to keep you informed as to what is happening around you, as it is as well you understand that nothing is rarely like it seems. The media is controlled and you are fed the very news that will support the plan of the dark Ones, and clearly it will be far from the truth. Even with your greater powers with freedom of information, you are still denied much of the truth as you have found out. However as you do learn more, it is essential that your reaction is one of a sensible and peaceful response. It will add power to your demands for changes, without bringing the authorities down upon you as in the case of violent reactions. There is so little time left before we can get together, it is important that your energies are used preparing the way for eventual contact. When the opportunity arises talk about your expectations, and how you see the coming of your brothers and sisters from Space. We are your companions and friends dedicated to ensuring a happy end to duality. It will not be easy on you whilst the changes come in, but at least you will know all will be well in a relatively short time.However much some sources try to take your attention away from the future that is your destiny, it is becoming more obvious that you are in the midst of a great galactic change. The energies are changing on such a large scale, that they are being noticed because of their affect upon all forms of life. Some of what you may term as lower life is disappearing, and other forms are mutating. It is all part of the preparations to ensure that you are ready for the transition to a higher vibration. Within yourself it will gradually be noticed as a rejuvenation of your body, and your health will improve. Death and disease as you understand it cannot exist in the higher dimensions. If you allow for the changes Mother Earth needs to carry out to prepare for Ascension, then you will understand why certain physical changes are necessary. It is certainly a testing time, but when you are aware of why things are happening you are better equipped to deal with them, and of course we are never far away with our help.We protect you and we will continue to monitor events to ensure there is no interference that severely delays disclosure. The pressure to come out with the truth about us is mounting, and it is the official recognition and acceptance that is essential to our open contact. Much is happening in this connection and our allies are near to achieving a major breakthrough. Suddenly it will all click into space and you will have stepped firmly onto the path of Ascension. That is our main objective, and from thereon you will move very quickly into a new way of life that serves to provide you with all that has been denied you. We talk of peace and release from all that has held you back and kept you in state of bondage. You have been in it for so long that you have come to accept it as normal, whereas you should have progressed far beyond such controlling and denial of all the necessities of life. The Earth has always had an abundance of everything you have needed, but it has been exploited to feed the greed of the few who control you.You have an expression that tells you to hang in there, and that is what you need to do. Look beyond the immediate hardships to the future when all will change for your benefit. We are a massive force for good and have been assigned with your protection and it shall be so. If some areas should suffer major physical changes know that it is not a random occurrence. It is simply part of the cleansing that is necessary to help restore the Earth. It is going on all of the time, but occasionally there will be some very noticeable changes that will affect life in those areas. The sooner we can fully involve the Galactic Federation in your lives, the quicker we can make it a lot easier for you. You can be certain that we are working very hard with our allies to provide the circumstances that will get things going.I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and our position placed above your Earth allows for a close monitoring of what is taking place. Whether on the surface or below it, we are well aware of what is going on and nothing will escape our notice. We hope you will feel comforted to know we are protecting you at all times.Thank you SaLuSaMike Quinsey
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Angels Give thanks for Who You Are

Message from the AngelsMy dear friends, we love you so very much.As so many of you celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday realize that the angels give thanks for you. You had the courage to come to earth, to be the bearers of light and love and God's truth, and to strive constantly to create a kinder reality. We honor and acknowledge each and every one of you for in God's eyes, you are perfect, beautiful souls. We would never find it in our hearts to judge a single thought, word, or deed, for we know how challenging it can be to incarnate on your very diverse school called Planet Earth.And so as you look back upon your lives, give thanks for each and every experience for it has shaped you into the person you are today. Your challenges have made you strong. Abusive souls have forced you learn self love. The needy people in your life have helped you learn boundaries. The losses have taught you to appreciate what and who you have right now. In every challenge, there is a nugget of gold for the soul - a lesson, a gift, and a blessing waiting to be discovered. It takes courage to embrace such lessons. It takes fortitude, strength, and tenacity, and we guarantee that each and every one of you on this list has those very qualities, for each one of you is striving to dissolve the illusions that keep you coming to earth and to see the love beneath it all.Dear ones give thanks for all of your lives for each one of you is a precious gem, often formed under heat and pressure, carved out by life's experiences, and truly a shining and precious jewel as we gaze upon you.God bless you! We love you so very much.-- The Angels Reply to all Forward
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God Has a Message just for You

HEAVEN #3651 Consider That You Are a Tour Guide, November 23, 2010God said:A penny for your thoughts! A hundred dollars for your thoughts. A million dollars for your thoughts. Your thoughts are worth a great deal. Your thoughts are powerful, so powerful that they can build new cities, so powerful that they can topple tall buildings. Your thoughts are powerful.What are you thinking about? And what do you want to think about?I would say that you have had enough thoughts of doom. Good thoughts bring good living. Good thoughts are those that remind you of happiness.Beloved Ones, you are living in a world! Think of it. You are living in a world! It is a great thing your living on Earth. You live in the Garden of Eden and know it not. You look at wilted flowers. You point them out. All the while, the sun shines, and new flowers grow.Tend to My Garden for Me, will you? Will you take good care of this world I have given you from the fullness of My heart? I have given you something wonderful to take care of. Love the ground you walk on. Look how it supports you. Look how it grows food for you and flowers. Look at all that the world houses and all that the world has given to you out of its love for you. Know what you have received.Make no mistake about it, I gave you a great gift when I gave you Earth. And you are a great gift I positioned on Earth. Remember that you are to bless the Earth. Bless every gift given to you. Raise the world’s flag high.Be a proponent of the world. Do not belittle it. Do not worship it, yet give it credit for what it gives to you. Tip your hat to the world. Acknowledge its greatness. Thank the world for its blessings, and bless back.The world is like a cafeteria. It offers great selections. Choose what you choose. You have chosen. Keep choosing. All the treats are there. All fresh. All yours for the choosing. Pass by what you do not favor. No reason to stay in one place deciding what you don’t like and why you don’t. Don’t make a campaign of it. Simply pass it by. Do not count the items you do not favor. Favor what you favor, and be done.Point out the sights you like. There is no good reason to point out that which you don’t like. Consider that you are a tour guide. What are you going to show the people you guide? More people follow you than you know. Perhaps you have been considering yourself more than the people who follow in your steps.Be considerate of the world and those who inhabit it with you. Look where you’re going. Look where your thoughts are taking you. You have infinite choices of thoughts. Thoughts are yours for the asking. And I am asking you to think of thoughts that seed the Earth with love. I am asking you to plant a new crop of thoughts. Be more than the farmer who plants the same old crop every year.Be a pioneer. Be a Johnny Appleseed who has vision and the thoughts to make his visions come true. Thoughts are the wherewithal you need. All thoughts are at your disposal. None are out of your range.Come into My store, and pick out the thoughts that serve you and the Universe well. Search the crevices of your heart, and you will find thoughts fit for a King, or a Queen. You will find thoughts you didn’t know you could have, and you can have them. They are yours.Add Comment || Printer friendly versionPermanent Link:
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Montague Keen

Montague Keen Message: Sunday, November 21st, 2010Channeler: Veronica Montague KeenWe share your joy at seeing the awakening of the Human Race as they prepare to become fully-conscious Beings. As the Light emerges from their Souls and they tap into the Truth that was forbidden them but was always there within them. Full knowledge is deep within every human Being, it just takes someone such as David Icke to help you to open up to it and so set you free. Our friends in Holland, we had many happy times there, will soon be able to listen to his words of wisdom, to share his love of Humanity and his connection with All that Is. Remember my dear it is not going to be easy for those who are firmly locked into the control system, the illusion you were forced to believe was real. No one likes to admit that he was duped, be patient, allow them to come to the Light in their own time. Send them love and understanding. Fear of consequences has controlled so many lives, letting go of this fear and trusting Spirit to guide them will take time. Once you open your hearts to Spirit and trust their guidance it releases so much of the old belief system. We are all Spirit, you just happen to be in a body and on Earth, Spirit lives forever, it cannot die, it’s just the body that dies. tThose who are frightened of Spirit obviously do not know or understand who and what they are. Spirit is Energy. There is a New Reality awaiting you, war will have no place in it. Reach deep within your hearts, release everything negative, whether its personally experienced hurt, racial or religious wounds, the past is the past, it is time to wipe the slate clean and awaken to all possibility.Prepare to make contact with Beings from other Planets, they come in Peace and Love, their only wish is to assist you their fellow Beings to move forward into the Light. They did try to make contact some years ago when I was investigating the Scole experiments, we saw them on film, you know only too well how upset I was when I did my best to persuade those involved to continue our research but they allowed Fear of the unknown to prevent that wonderful opportunity we were given to come together back then. It will not fail this time, it is set in stone. Many of you around the world have come to know and understand these Beings, you regard them as friends, you communicate with them frequently, there is nothing to fear. Yes it takes courage to step forward and to devote your life to bringing truth and Peace to a world that is racked with injustice for so many. Learn to create an image in your minds of a world where Peace, Harmony and Love prevail, no more greed, where you will never be controlled by fear ever again.Accept the changes that must happen so that your bodies will once again have full DNA, you will experience an Energy such as you have never known. The old programming will not be able to operate, you will be free, free of control. The dark Cabal is still refusing to accept that their rule is over but over it certainly is, they have made tentative plans for their withdrawal when all else fails, they could not exist in the Light. They can only exist if you allow yourselves to be controlled by fear and violence, they need you their slaves to be their puppets and obey them. Love and Trust is all you need to move forward, come together all those who work in the Light, your combined Energy will then encourage those enquiring minds to come to you, your doors must always be open to those who seek truth. Be at one with Nature whenever possible, it links you with All there Is. Learn to think for yourselves, do not allow others to control your thinking, take responsibility for your own life, make your decisions with love and consideration for your fellow man. I recollect the words of a song I heard many years ago “make love not war” the sentiments registered. Love is the most powerful emotion there is, open your hearts to it. My love is yours, your own Monty.THE MONTAGUE KEEN FOUNDATION
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8 Keys For Maintaing Balance During the Shift

Greetings Everyone! the December 2006 Newsletter The Masters shared eight keys for maintaining balance during the shift. I have had such a huge response about this that I thought it would be helpful to publish this as a stand alone.Anyone who wishes to publish these Keys on your website may do so with proper credit to me and my web site. As always, I am honored, blessed and graced to serve you.Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D.The Masters said:"As consciousness shifts, there are certain requirements for those who choose to shift as well. Those requirements are of Universal Law, and cannot be denied. These necessities can be done only from the heart, for if from a mental nature will fail as untruth combative with perceived truth. As considered, these are also keys to the ascension process. They are not that which is new, but that which has always been. Only the perceptions of lack, of less than are new.These keys are based upon the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron, each key being a point of the star. Eight truths which are eternal. Each without the other is only part of the whole, just as you are part of all that is and has ever been."The Keys are as follows:We must acknowledgement our self perfection – We are and always have been of the One both in Source and within our Journeys.Accept the journey for which we have come – why fight the very things which we have come to learn?Maintain Personal integrity – That truth which is ours amongst all other things, that opportunity which we give ourselves to find the truth within us, not that which we have been conditioned by others to perceive.Be that which you are, not that which you perceive others would see – You are created of light, of Grace, and of that there cannot be imperfection, only that which is of Spirit. You do not need to improve yourselves, only to acknowledge that which is your God self, your perfect being.We must acknowledge our value – This is different than accepting perfection. Your value is how you fit within the world within and the exterior world in which you exist. To perceive that your value is greater than another’s, or less than someone else’s brings you to lack of everything else.Accept Your Power – You are great and mighty. True Power comes not of ego, but the collective One of our Spirit. True Power is Gentle Power. You are of the light and in its seemingly nebulous construct is the essence from which all things are made. To fear inner power is to suggest that you are less than all other things. In Truth, power is of Grace, not of abusiveness or negative use and your Grace is born of unconditionality. True Power is that which is Love, the intentional living as co-creator from within all opportunities that are offered you.Take Your value, Your perfection, Your power, Your Grace into your world – In the Now that always is, change only comes from practice of change. What this means is that to effect change we must embody it. You must walk your talk, not hide that which you know. Historically, that which is hidden is viewed as heresy in relation to the accepted norm. To change this, it is to create a new accepted norm with ease and Grace by virtue of your walking within the very light from which you are created.Love yourselves and touch everyone you encounter with love – As all energy exchanges, what will You accept from others and what will you leave behind? You can see all others as mirrors of yourselves, that their pain also resides somewhere within us, that their joy is in our hearts as well. This is why random acts of kindness make such a difference. How many times have you said “There by the Grace of God go I”? It is true. It has always been so.(And of course, as we embrace these keys, we must remember to breathe. Our breath serves more than the purpose of oxygenating our body. Our breath clears and nurtures us energetically. Each breath is a cleansing and as weare cleansed, our energy system moves more easily and with greater clarity of communication within the universal consciousness, communicating what our experience is as well as what our experience may be. When we do not breathe because we are tense, our energies compact, becoming more and more sluggish. As a result, our manifestation becomes sluggish or even stalled.)
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Welcome to our Wake up Call email list.You may also access the Wake up Calls by going to note; this is a One-way List, so Do Not Reply to it.Hi Everyone,Today I bring you Hatonn with a 'timely' message. First a gentle rememinder of the Unified Heart Readings for this month. You may go to for information on ordering and payment.Now here is Hatonn and his wonderful message.Wake up Call: Hatonn Nov 17, 10There is a time for all of you to get together and shine your light, and that is now. Now is the time to show who you are and what you can do. With all that is taking place in the world and all that is on the cusp of great things, you are in a position where you can emerge and bring forth all that you are, even if it does not seem so at the time.There is a tremendous amount of energy in the world today that represents the very core of Spirit. It is emerging forth from so many of you and it is what is called the ‘hundredth monkey’ of change. Yes, dear ones, you have reached that place within where your hearts are fully combined and your will is evident in how you live. It is imperative that you now begin to live more fully who you are and that will bring you to the place that you now see as where you want to be.You can be there my dear ones. You are there; all you need do is see it from your vantage of being the awakened Spirit Light that you are. Do you see it in your neighbor’s eyes? Do you feel it in your beloved’s heart? Do you live it in your every choice for living in the Now? It is time for you to look inward at the new you, that is really the old new brought into today’s timeliness.It is all about what you choose to do in this acceleration of power that you have awakened. It is all about the part you play in this reality that you have created through your inner urgings and the answers you have given them. You are so capable of creating your world in the peace joy and freedom that is yours that all it will take is your recognition of that, and your walking forward in it to create the fullness of what you know to be true.I am here, as are all of the others of your family to walk alongside you and to comfort you if you slip a bit. We are here to cheer you on and applaud your moves of power and might. You are so in tuned with yourself now, as you have not been since you began this walk through duality. You are so ready to have this play over and that is where you are headed right now.Take my hand dear ones; take the hand of all those who walk with you and know that the energy of Oneness surges through us all through the joining of hands. We all do this, and we all dance through the process that is upon us. That is singing through the universe of the triumph over what had befallen us on Maldek. We are all in the driver’s seat and it is asplender with Light from all sides, because the Creator is beaming the love that has been all around us for all time. The difference now is that we see it.You see it, don’t you? You see it in all of the truths, all of the fabrications, and of the cover-ups that have been hidden for so long as they come forth and decorate the headlines every day. As these reports come forth and interrupt the goings on of those would seek to rule you forever, you are realizing that you have the power to create your world as you see it to be for the benefit of all, rather than for a small group of ones who seek to dominate and make the world around them only theirs.As you enlarge the picture of what can be, and for whom, you will be casting your light on all of humanity. As that happens those who can withstand the light will gather around and walk with you. Those who shrink from the Light will find their own little corner of their world and continue their play as long as they can manage to keep themselves in the dark. Then one day, they will turn around and see the truth in the Light that never went out for them. Then they too can return to the truth from which they came, and you will be there to welcome them back to the world of Love and Light, which is the only Truth that there is.It is time, dear ones to walk that road and to put behind all that has hindered you. Know that as you do this you walk in the refreshing energy of who you truly are and what you can do with that Truth. You are about to emerge in full consciousness and then you will see the grand parade of angels and masters who have always been right here with you. You will know then that you have never been alone and that all is well in your world.That time is now. That is all you need know. Now is the word for what is said about time, and soon, and at some time. Now is what is meant, for time does not exist in the real world it is a matter of what you do and the events that spring forth from the choices that you make. That is what is meant by the use of those words that you have come to deny in our reports. When you see one of those words, realize they translate to the choices that are made in the Now of timelessness.I am Hatonn and I say in closing that it is so wonderful to be back though this one and delivering the song of Always to you, my dear family of Truth. We go now in support of freedom and love, and we dance forever in the light of Truth, for that is all there is.Thank you dear Hatonn,Love, Nancy Tate
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The Arcturians

NOVEMBER 9, 2010Greetings to all from the Arcturian Group.We are here today to tell you that much is taking place on your planet that you are not yet seeing. It appears to you as chaos, but it appears to us as deeper movement into the Light. Many are awakening at this time, and many are giving up their old ways of seeing and believing; allowing in the energies of change. Many are starting to see that the old no longer works as it once did, and are beginning to understand that a new paradigm, with new ways and new energies is the only way for earth to succeed and not implode upon herself.This is a time of healing for many, a time in which you are reliving the past in order to let it go. Do not claim past mistakes back in to yourself with guilt and sorrow. The past is the past, it is simply old energy. All learn by mistakes in the third dimension and so you are learning. Remember back to your state of consciousness at the time of those events that you now feel guilty about. You were doing exactly what you felt needed to be done according to the state of consciousness you were in at that time. Honor that, you were being who you were at that time. If you were to do those same things in your new and more evolved state of consciousness, then that would be error. You see, all are simply living their truth as presented through their state of consciousness. Let the past go and do not claim it back in as your personal burden. Send light to those you have offended or let them how you feel if need be, but then release the past from yourself for this is how the new and higher can come in. We are not saying that you must forget, or deny certain events in your experience, we are saying that it is time for you to give permission with intention that this old energy be released, cleared, and that it no longer hold you in bondage.You are beginning to understand yourselves from a higher perspective, one that knows the truth of being, and understands the journey of awakening. This means that you are now ready to go deeper and release all that has held you in bondage for centuries; in past lives as well as this lifetime. This often means the ending of certain pleasures, friends, work, or even favorite volunteer projects. Do not feel guilty or confused about this, simply understand that your energy is changing, and you are no longer resonating with these things. Others will move up in their journey fill your place as you in turn move on to new ways of serving, being, and enjoying life.This is why many are suddenly finding themselves in jobs that they hate. They no longer resonate with the energy of their work as they once did. In these situations, it is ok to change jobs. If one leaves a job as a means of escape, they will simply find the same situations in the new employment, but when one chooses to leave a job freely because it no longer resonates with them, then they will find work closer to their level of resonance. Many are finding that their work is expanding into new and heretofore unknown directions. This is the new energy bringing in new ways of seeing and doing. Nothing stays the same, that is evolution. Holding on for dear life to that which is already known, is stagnation.Fear is rampant on earth right now. Try hard not to accept into your consciousness the pictures of fear being presented to you at this time, coming in from all directions.Trust your intuition and state your intentions to your Higher Self and your guides. Because all are free will beings, it is important that those helping and guiding you receive permission through your stated choices and intentions; that way you open the door for help and guidance on a deeper level. Be careful that your statements are not; "I hope, I want, I wish" because you see, that then is what you are creating. Your words and thoughts are powerful and creative.Be open to change. Be open to the changes that may present themselves to all aspects of your life; this way your work and your interests will evolve becoming more and more refined. Those who refuse any change, saying, "this is the way we have always done it", are going to be left in the dust as the world evolves into a higher energy.Let go dear ones, this is our message, let go of the past, and all that was a part of it. This does not mean that you must forget, this simply means that you choose to break any heavy bonds of attachment to persons, places, and things. Bonds of attachment only serve to keep you in connected to the old energy, the past, and those places you have outgrown.We see many are now experiencing this energy of release and it is manifesting in their everyday lives as a desire to get rid of "stuff" and the need to simplify. Allow this process. You will feel lighter, less burdened and more alive. Allow yourselves to once again enjoy simple pleasures like being in nature, having fun with your loved ones, watching a funny movie, or playing- becoming a child again. Do not allow society's promotion of material goods as your means to happiness, fool you. That is simply another ploy toward keeping you unawakened. Most of you have already tried it and found that it has not worked.Man can only be fulfilled through the realization that he already is fulfilled because of his Oneness with Source. That is the journey of evolution, dear ones, and that is what you are doing.We thank you all.Thank you Arcturian Group 11/9/10-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Personal messge from Marilyn;I would like to recommend a powerful book by Christine Day.( book is "Pleiadian Initiations of Light" and comes with two CDs from which you can work. This is not a read and put aside book, it is a working book; one track at a time for those serious about their spiritual journey.
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Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much. 8th, 2010As you examine your lives, realize that each and every action has merit. Each and every word you utter can be uttered with love and consciousness, or uttered carelessly. Like the leaves drift on the wind to land in places the tree may never see, so too your words, deeds, and actions will land in various ways that you cannot imagine. Send beauty out into the world dear friends. Send love.It is not the scale of your actions that is measured when you look back on your life, but rather the authenticity with which you act. If you give huge sums of money and yet hate your neighbor, you are missing an opportunity for love. If you teach the masses, and yet forget to live in balance, you are missing the point of your own life. If you serve your family tirelessly and yet do not give yourself the courtesy of some care as well, there is no balance.Dear ones, include yourselves and your own hearts in the equation of life. Realize that a simple act done with love is grander than a public display done for other reasons. Do not judge your lives by their scale but rather by their sincerity. For the smallest act, done with great love and sincerity is greater than the most magnificent sum of money donated to the masses if not given with a sincere heart.This week take time to acknowledge yourself for the "small" acts of love and kindness that you perform, often without ever taking time to acknowledge yourselves. And then ponder, imagine, the ripple effect of that one action as it spirals out into the world. You may never truly know the gifts you have given until you are able to witness them through the eyes of God.God bless you! We love you so very much.-- The Angels
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St Germaine has a mission for us all

St Germain speaking through Susan to Fran and Elise - 11-1-10:"We have a new mission for you, and with it you might think that putting the Light on all the candidates is going to end on the day of the election. Not so. We have much more for you to do, so we ask that you keep the Light on them, but also that you turn the focus on the creating of visions for the New America and for the world. "And so we shall put out the call for people from all over the world, and when we say 'New America,' we are saying to them, 'Where do you want America to go in the leadership of the world? We know what you see in America now. What is there that you want to empower? What is there that you want to transmute? Just use the violet ray for that, and go on to send in what you create which resonates with you.' "We are asking you to publish these visions and invite people to come to the website to read them. It is to be interactive, an invitation to them to send in what they envision for America's leadership, for joining in with the world community on a higher plane. Right now the world community does not see America as shiny bright, so we're talking about creating shiny bright visions of the New America!"This is about asking people what they want America to stand for, to represent, and about how America can help the rest of the world. It's about asking people what role they will create for themselves as part of their visions. It is very important to get momentum for this going now. The results of the elections won't stop our forward progress - let's empower it at warp speed! "The main vision to create is a world of Peace. Then, how will people be in that Peace? How will they help? How will America help to create and maintain the Peace, not only in the world, but among individuals? Laying down the guns of war will be the easy part. How can Peace be created among the different tribes? Among the different religions?"We are asking people to send in their visions for Peace and for Being in a peaceful world.* And we are asking that all who read these visions empower them with their own Lovelights, and they, in turn, shall be further empowered. This is how we can move into the momentum of warp speed, and to heal the wounds of war and divisiveness. This will further empower the readiness for the Announcements which are to come, and which will provide the directive for worldwide stoppage of war, so as to create the opportunity for world healing and Peace to come into being. And we (the Galactics and Ascended Masters) do promise solemnly and faithfully that we will do our part to participate in the warp speed momentum. That is Truth, and it is coming from the highest levels!"Please urge everyone who is inspired to participate to send in their visions before the 11-11 Exercises** begin, for that will be most auspicious in contributing to the empowering energies. However, the visions will add to the momentum if sent in after, as well. Be sure to post the information about the 'Great Rolling Meditation'** on your website, and to let everyone know that you at Ashtar on the Road have signed up to participate. These visions which are posted there will contribute exponentially to the success of the Exercises,** and the Exercises** will contribute exponentially to the manifestation of the visions!"And so we thank you for accepting this latest mission, and we thank all who participate. Namaste!"Given through Susan Leland, November 1, 2010. © Ashtar on the Road Publications 2010. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted. **After sending in your visions to Fran at, please view the information at the link below for the 11-11 Global Rolling Meditation** and sign up to join lightworkers around the world and beyond for your 11 days of committed focus:** **
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Masters of the Universe

November 2nd, 2010 Masters, in recent years I’ve learned a lot about astral projection, meditation, spirit guides, and psychic abilities. I tried to contact my spirit guides, but didn’t meet them consciously. I meditate every day, but my mind and my heart are too restless. It’s hard to have a clear and empty mind when your heart is broken. It’s almost impossible to find true love. Girls are looking for money, not for love. I’m in love with a very beautiful girl, she cares about me. I don’t think I can make this girl mine. I tried diets to help me raise my vibrations. I need help from my angels and my spirit guides. How should I meditate to meet my spirit guides? ~Adrian, RomaniaANSWER: What you need above all else is to love yourself and have confidence in the decisions you choose. Everything in the universe is energy and energy is everything. If you don’t love yourself you put out a message in your energy that you do not think you are good enough to do what you want to do. If you have doubts about your abilities you put that out in your energy. You need to start thinking only positive thoughts so that your energy turns into positive projections.Getting in contact with your guides will provide you some suggestions, but the guides are not allowed to make decisions for you; they can only advise. You are too occupied with thinking about what you do not have instead of starting to manifest what you want. Anytime you think you cannot get your girlfriend to love you, you are broadcasting that you cannot. See yourself, exactly as you are now, in a firm relationship with her. This is loving and having faith in yourself.There may be certain personal characteristics you currently have that you would like to change. Do not “hate” them, because that means you hate yourself and cannot possibly love yourself. Love everything about yourself, and then love changing those things that are not just right for you into things that are perfect for you. Take total responsibility for what is happening in your life.Take baby steps to change the world you have now for a positive loving one. Banish any negativity as soon as it pops up. Replace those thoughts with positive ones and your world will change swiftly as you modify your attitude toward it.Posted in Relationships | Add your comment »Compelled to returnNovember 2nd, 2010QUESTION: Masters, I´ve been living in an on/off-relationship. What is this power bringing me back to this man? I am so happy living by myself, and after a few months living with him I feel that I have to go away. I´ve learned a lot of things with him, mostly with tears. We are as different as can be. He is a workaholic entrepreneur. I feel and hope that my lessons with him are over but still afraid to leave him if this on/off is going to continue. What is this attraction–only something with egos and lessons, or something more like soul mates? ~Heidi, FinlandANSWER: You have total freedom of choice. You are compelling yourself to return time and time again to this relationship because you know what will happen within it. Knowing that takes all the fear out of starting a new relationship. As long as you feel that there is a connection between the two of you, you will be unable to stop this cycle. Working together further complicates your situation.It is not wrong to continue on with this “on-again-off-again” routine if you choose. It is time to ask yourself: what are you looking for? Are you looking for an abusive relationship where your partner is in total control and does not share anything with you? Or are you ready to find someone who can share your life and the decision making with you?You were correct to assume that the past has been an indication of lessons that you chose prior to incarnating here. One of your life lessons is to have faith in yourself and your decisions. You need to realize that you are as important as he, and you are right to have a say in day-to-day operations. He has a way of convincing you that you need him, and your lesson is to see if you really do need him or if the decision to leave him is the completion of that lesson.There are no invisible ropes binding you to him, as some people feel souls have between them. He is definitely on a mission to learn all about ego and control. You have assisted him and you can now decide to let him go his own way or continue to be of assistance at the risk of not completing your own lesson.Posted in Life Lessons | Add your comment »Urantia BookNovember 2nd, 2010QUESTION: Masters, there is a book called the Urantia Book that no one is clear on when and where and how it appeared. It outlines the life of Jesus on Earth. But it is not a Christian document. Its foundation is in Chicago. Can you tell me anything about the history of Urantia? ~Geri, USAANSWER: The word “Urantia” is used by the writers of a collection of papers, which have been collected into the Urantia Book, Urantia being their word for your planet Earth. While the papers were written by beings on Earth, they are about their understanding of Earth deities, the composition of non-Earth beings and their hierarchies and the origin, and the cause and activities of recognized Earth deities’ sojourn in human form.In addition to the section you mention concerning the life of Jesus on Earth, the book also chronicles the master spirits and all the “super-universe” beings that comprise all existence—in the opinion of the writers of these papers. Historical research from biblical writings and early documentation is interwoven into the fabric of this book.The Urantia Organization even admits that the writings are a “retelling” of this information, based upon Urantia (Earth) recordings. In other words, they did a book report from all available materials. The writers say their purpose for this book is to assist humans with their understanding of terms such as God, deity, divinity—things normally within the purview of religious organizations.As with all materials on your planet, and coming from other sources, we encourage you to read all with an open mind and heart. Do not accept anything as truth until you take it into your heart and see how it feels to you. Does the material resonate within you? If it does, then accept it as your reality until something that resonates more strongly comes into your awareness.
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The Arcturians on Contact

This wasn't a good connection and I lost contact a couple of times but here is the message that I hope helps to answer the question of why they are still not landing and when it might be:Thank you John,Pam (daughter of Blackhawke just put up a good channel she just received from the Arcturians 9:53 PMI should point out the that the connection was very strong at the outset but began to fade in and out all the way through. I had to ask the same question several times before I could understand and hear the answer. It was like trying to tune into a radio that was out of frequency.We are from the galaxy past the mily way. (I am being shown a red planet) We bring you greeting and ask for your communion. Will you speak with us?Yes. What is it that you wish to tell meWe bring news of our arrival. We ask all not to be concerned with the display of lights you see in your skies. This is but a small display of our party? What do you mean by partyOur group. All of us. Who come .Why are you coming here?We bring with us great medicines for healing. We have the power to help you remove the debris from your planet and replant the seeds of the future.There are many great things in store. We do not come to try to change your way of life but only to let you know there is a better way.I don’t see that there will be everyone rejoicing at your coming. Many will be fearful and many will want to fight you.We cannot be harmed and are in no way concerned about this. We will bring about change gradually and by thought not power. We will assist those who are fearful and take up arms against us to see that we are not the enemy but the friend of the people of earth. Our purpose is bring you wisdom. While there are those that would cause you harm we are not of that kind.The ships we see are varying styles. Are they all yours?No, they are not. They are others who come to help you too. We have been watching and waiting for the right time to come to you. we have the knowledge to help your world rebirth.How long will it be before you come really?Many months. We must first make sure that you are comfortable with us in your skies. The more sightings the more comfortable your people will be.Do you look like us.Not really. But others are similar. We are not scary, we will not alarm you. we are both male and female, there are no differences between us. We have evolved into a being of one power.What will you show us?Many things. How to control the weather without using chemicals for one. How to purify your waterways. How to grow crops without modifications and more chemicals. How to eat without killing. We will bring you medicines to stop the cancers. We will help those who are not evolved to evolve.What if they dont want to.That is their choice, but they will not keep up with the evolution of the kind on your planet and they will fall by.There will be many who will still not believe.This is so and unavoidableWill you help with the economy?What economy? You do not have one. You use the wrong methods to give your people the power to make choices. In fact they have no choices, they are controlled by means of the false economy that your powers have conjured up to make you believe you have choices. We will teach them about this and they will understand the errors and make the changes when they see how necessary this is for your survival on this planet.What if they don’t, what will happen to the people and the planet?This is your choice. The people will decide what is best for them. When they see the falsehoods, they will make those choices.Our purpose is not to bring more fear in but in fact to take it away. But uncovering the truth behind the falsehoods, the people will see that have been hoodwinked and will know what to do for their higher good. Its in their best interests so why would they choose otherwise? We have great faith that you will make the right choices for yourselves and your home, your planet, Earth as you call it.You said you come from a place past the milky way. Do we know this planet?Yes, you do. We have been here before.Oh, who knows this? (the connection at this point is getting weaker)Your govts know this. They keep it from you. they want to keep the power and if you know there are others with greater power, then they loose theirs. Its simple thinking and not evolved. If they were to understand that working with us to gain our knowledge was more beneficial for everyone, they would make different choices and disclosure would have been effected before. But now you wait until they are ready to tell you about this.Soon?Oh, yes, very soon. They have no choice, we are in your skies, we have been seen and often. How can they deny us anymore?Do you have cloaking methods?Yes we ‘cloak’ to avoid detection.Is this not hiding from us? And if so, isn’t that deceitful?Good question. We have no wish to frighten or put fear into your people. We are here only to observe at this time. Your people have not been ready in the past to greet us with the warmth we desire. So we wait. When the time is right, the time is right. Look to the skies often, you will see us there. There are so many sightings right now that its commonplace and people are starting to say, hey, yeah there’s another one and so the wonder and excitement is waning. This is good for our arrival. No surprises. Everyone is waiting and ready for us. Do you see?YesCan you tell me the name of the place you come from?Yes we are the Acturians.I have heard of you. who else comes with you.Many nations that we have treaty with.Do you have a name?Lost contact……………….3/11/2010 10:19 PMNot knowing much about this race, after the reading I did some research on the Arcturians and I found this information that I feel supports my connection with them was indeed real. (I found this group on here AFTER I researched! LOL)The ArcturiansThe Arcturians originate from a crystal blue planet orbiting the star Arcturus. Arcturus is a red super-giant located in the constellation Bootes. (Boötes Dwarf Galaxy (Boo I dSph) is a faint, satellite galaxy of the Milky Way located in Boötes about 197 000 light-years (60 kpc) away from Earth.)Arcturus is also the brightest star in that constellation and it lies 36 light years from Earth. The "handle" of the big dipper points to the bright star Arcturus.Arcturians are the most advanced 5th Dimensional beings in this galaxy. They operate under 5th density mostly. They give us an idea of what our future will be like. They are to us, spiritual, mental, and emotional healers for all of humanity. They believe love is the primary element of life in the 5th density. Their ships are the most advanced in this free-will universe. We have not been hosts to a violent extraterrestrial attack here on Earth because most civilizations fear the advanced Arcturian ships. The Arcturian civilizations are governed by ‘elders’ who are the wisest and highest in the spiritual ladder. Arcturians range from 3 to 4 feet tall and are generally slim. The Arcturians have a greenish hue about their skin and have very pronounced, almond shaped eyes. They have the ability to move objects with their minds and are highly telepathic. Their hands, unlike human hands, have only 3 digits. They have brown and sometimes black eyes, but they rarely use them, they see telepathically. They can live to the age of 350 or even 400 years. They age slowly and do not fall prey to sickness, this was eradicated long, long ago. In the Arcturian civilizations, professions and life’s paths are chosen by one’s spirituality level. This is used to decide which female is suited to give birth. The birth process is unlike that of ours, it consists of a female and male mentally bonding and thus a clone of the bond is produced as a result. Arcturus evolution is based on teachings of spirituality, and thus as one evolves, one becomes more spiritual, if one fails to reach his allotted goal, that individual is then tutored more so the individual can succeed. The arcturians ingest energy instead of eating like us. They also live off little sleep, they rest only once a week. They can also ingest knowledge therefore they can intellectually advance faster than any human. They are here on Earth on a mission to educate humans and help us cross over to the 4th
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Awesome Salusa Message

Message from SaLuSa for 3 November 2010SaLuSa 3-November-2010Many different messages confirm that you are great Beings and we cannot emphasise that fact sufficiently, to convey to you that you are far more than you appear to be in your physical incarnation. Your view of yourself, has been clouded by the veil that has covered you in the lower dimension. It has not been helped by those who have controlled you, and kept the truth from you. You have been led to believe that you are lowly Beings when in fact you are sovereign Beings, and should be treated as such. You are the equal to every other soul wherever they are in the Universe. Some religious teachings have claimed that you are born with sin, whereas you carry no such burden. You have entered each life you with a clean slate, to make good any mistakes from earlier lives. That is the result of fair and just laws that do not punish, but allow for the experiences you have chosen using your freewill.Your purpose in duality has been to experience whatever you desire, and in so doing bring through your Light and Love. Many of you have now been successful in overcoming the negative aspects of duality, and are ready to ascend. This in no way reflects upon those who have not yet reached such a level, as you have always been given as much time as you needed to evolve. The only factor that affects you are the periodic cycles such as the one you are now completing. It is the end of a cycle, and a new one commences that will last thousands of years before it also ends. Nevertheless, it is possible for a soul to ascend at any time, but it will not be as easy as the opportunity that you now have with mass ascension. It is a unique occasion, and completes not just a solar cycle of over 26,500 years, but also a greater Galactic cycle.Dear Ones, the Creator is in your way of thinking the consciousness of All That Is and contains all life within. Your Mother/Father God is the creator of your Universe and has the responsibility for all that occurs within it, but bear in mind it is what you would call an experiment in Freewill, and you too have your own responsibilities. We know that many souls cannot understand why God has not intervened on Earth, to stop the dark Ones from abusing you and Mother Earth. It comes back to freewill and the Law of Attraction, and God cannot interfere with what you have brought upon yourselves. God will certainly protect other planets from your actions, such as the activation of nuclear weapons. Indeed, we of the Galactic Federation have been given that responsibility to contain the result of your tests, by protecting you from the radiation and nuclear fall out. You will know by now, that we have also prevented nuclear war and the possibility of the Earth being destroyed. Yes, we have done a lot of work on your behalf that you are totally unaware of, and that is the nature of our service to mankind.Our role has been one of ensuring that you safely reach the end of this cycle, and that you all have the opportunity to ascend. The dark Ones would go to any lengths to stop you, as their agenda is to take over the Earth and enslave you. However that is not to be because the Creator has commanded that Ascension goes ahead, and is not to be interfered with in any circumstances. Rest assured we have carried out our responsibilities in this respect, and you are about to see the full extent to which we have planned to accompany you through to the end time. The energies that accompany disclosure have increased tenfold, and it is forcing the issue so that it must come out very soon.Like you we can get excited, particularly as your achievement in having come so far is quite remarkable given the opposition you have encountered. Levels of consciousness continue to rise, and that means that more people are awakening to their true selves. Not only that, they are demanding a better government that truly carries out its duties and responsibilities to the people. That will in fact come into being, but first events must enable the old government to be removed. It will then be possible to bring in those souls who are here for that purpose, and in many cases have already made themselves known.Deep within you know that success will be yours, but you still have to work at it by bringing to Earth as much Light as possible. The going may get tougher but as we take pains to point out, it will all be turned around much quicker than you can imagine. It was never intended or envisaged that you would have to suffer right to the end of the cycle. In fact, it has always been known that you would be released from the control of the dark Ones, well before the final days. Matters are coming to a head now, and once the ball starts rolling there will be no stopping it. At times you will find your heads spinning as you absorb the information that is to be given you. It will cover your history and our involvement with you, and the path we shall take to ensure Ascension takes place as planned. Some of you will be joining us, as others take their ordained paths that will take them into the higher dimensions. You could say that the end of this cycle is in fact more a beginning of something entirely different to what you have been used to. It is desirable and merited by your perseverance and determination to see out duality successfully. Those who are not ready for Ascension will take the benefit of their experiences with them. It means that they will have a head start in the next cycle of duality, which will take place on a planet similar to Earth.Evolution never stops, and it is paced according to your desire and intent to progress through the higher dimensions. You choose how quickly you proceed, and will find that you always have an inner urge to keep moving forward. At present that same urge pushes you onwards, as you have your sights set upon taking the opportunity to leave duality. When the hard lessons have been learnt, there is no need to prolong your stay in the 3rd dimension, and you look for new challenges in the higher ones.I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased to be associated with the Human Race. You have shown great courage to experience the lower vibrations, and enormous faith in the Creator to plan for your release and Ascension. I bless you all and send my love to uplift you wonderful souls.Thank you SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey.
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The Arcturians

Arcturians: Standing up for Your Future As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthanby Yesika Pleiadian on Tuesday, November 2, 2010 at 8:56pmSubject: Arcturians: Standing up for Your Future As received by Gillian MacBeth-LouthanWe herald from the star system of Light known as Arcturus. Your bodies were formed from the stars and thus on occasion they yearn to go home. Allow us to lift you back into the stars while your feet are still on the earth. Allow us to stretch your humanness beyond its boundaries, complications, angers and its sadness’. Allow us to retrieve for you the knowledge that you seek, the answers that you need. See us as a cosmic search engine of sorts.We stretch ourselves to answer what needs to be answered. We are not Gods. We are not grander, we are your potential, as you are our past. Strive to become more and in that striving, you will expand your consciousness and your ability to perceive worlds beyond worlds. see us as those that come to help you heal. We ache as we watch you trip upon your own shoe strings.It is time to heal. It is time to release the pain in your heart. It is time to let go. It is time to forgive. It is time to love, deeper, fuller, more beautifully than you ever have thought. The Time Gates have held your thinking in a formatted structure that has served humanity up until now. As long as you had the security of the four walls and the ceiling to rely upon, you were not afraid. As the constructs of invisible walls and ceilings are released from you emotionally and mentally, you are then free to fly home into your original source thought.The walls in your heart, the walls in your life, in your thinking – have all served you. They have lovingly served and limited you. They have kept you looking at the same scenarios over and over again, never refreshing what you thought in the past, always bringing it to the future, to the now, chewing and re-chewing what you created as truth.Imagine a world where you own nothing and yet you have everything. There is never envy or jealousy towards another — for each individual has the same inherent ability to create. A place where each passing thought creates whatever you need. Imagine a world where nothing is concealed and all is seen. Imagine a world where you as a community decided upon the weather patterns, where you as a community decided upon how crops, trees, flowers would grow and what elements would be inherent within them. This can be your future if you choose wisely.Imagine a world where with a single thought, you could create any healing action that you needed or wanted. Imagine a world where you could see your past/present/future in one sitting. See all the expressions of yourself, all loves and angers time after time. This Gift would Enable you to choose with full knowledge, at a place of full heart.You have forgotten the declaration, “We the People.” You the people of earth must stand up for your future. Stop bending to the needs and the wants of a world that manipulates you on every level. Receive your power. This time, this day, ask to be empowered with your divinity, with the pinnacle of your humanness, and the star that lives within your heart. Do not let others decide your future.Your earth declares its vulnerability. Earth is open for all to enter her because she is not healed within herself she is falling apart as are you. You are not together in your hearts. You are not together in love, and you are not together in peace as a world or as a family. There is separateness, as a state as a country as a continent, and as a world; there are great deep crevices of separateness. That is what draws others to earth to take her over, to use her. If you stood together as a planet, this would not happen. Unite in your effort, continually with each other. Take that extra step toward a neighbor, toward a friend that has betrayed you, towards a family member that disagrees with you. Take that extra step. We are the Arcturians. Call upon us to assist you in healing. You are blessed. Live that!
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Message from the AngelsMy dear friends, we love you so very much.As your seasons change, remember that change is the natural order of the universe. When you were born your soul confined itself in the beautiful form of a baby's body. As you grow, you leave behind who you once were and mature into someone you never even imagined you could be. When you were a child did you imagine you could look as you do now, live where you do now, do what you do now? Some of you would say, "Yes," and yet so many more had no idea who they could become.Likewise, right now, no matter what age you are, you still are in a process of ever unfolding expansion. You are still learning more about who you are inside, how much you can love, what you can accomplish here upon the earth. Over time you will continue to see brighter, more loving sides of yourself, more creative, abundant, and joyous. For this is the growth your soul came to do.And while it is human nature to want to cling to life as you know it, be willing to open up to change dear ones. If you want your dreams to come true, things must change within your mind and heart to allow for them. If you desire more, you must let go of less. If you want to be healthy you may have to let go of certain habits that no longer serve you. If you want love you must let go of old pains. If you want abundance, you must let go of any focus on lack.Just as your seasons change, dear friends, letting go of once was, to make room for what will be, so too you must examines your minds, hearts, souls, and lives and be willing to change, to let go, and to reimagine what you wish to create. It is a wonderful season for going within, diving deep into your hearts, and searching for the dreams that lie within. Let your hopes and visions for the future be your catalyst for change right now. In this moment, how would you change your life, given the means, resources, talents, and people you have right now, in order to better prepare for the future of your dreams. It is fine to dream of the future, for it will change the way you act you right now. And change, dear ones, is good.God bless you! We love you so very much.-- The AngelsMessage from AnnHi All,Last autumn the last bits of fall color were just dropping from the trees and the chill of winter was beginning to set in. This year the summer seemed to last longer, the trees took longer to change, and I'm preparing for a big conference more often than frolicking in the woods! Everything does change. And while it is hard sometimes to give up what is good, being in the moment with life and loving where you are today, gives you a much happier experience.I'm VERY excited about speaking next week. I hope to share so much more that I've learned this year in my seminars. And even though I've taught them before, they will be new, changed, and updated because I have changed. In a way, teaching a seminar is MY graduation from a lot of growth that always goes into its preparation. I can't wait.This year has been a huge year of change for me. My body broke down for awhile, things broke around the house, I've released a lot of old stuff, my dogs are aging and declining, and yet it is all ok. I've been made new, my appliances are working like a charm, my dogs, although their bodies are aging, have spirits that are shining more brightly each day as they surrender more and become even sweeter.Truly everything does change, but whatever breaks down makes room for greater order. Whatever we give away makes room for things that suit us better. And most importantly the beliefs that we release, make room for greater truth. In a week I will speak at a big conference and then the week after I'll be back, playing in the woods, dreaming up new things to share with the world. Change is truly, a good thing!Have a great week!LoveAnn
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Galactic Federation Update for 26 October 2010 by Sheldan Nidle8 Ix, 12 Tzec, 7 IkSelamat Jarin! We return with more to tell you! Over the past few weeks, the last dark cabal has been forced to make a number of concessions. These open the way to new monetary policies, a new financial system, and a much-needed series of regime changes. At present, we are working in step with our Earth allies to manifest what has been agreed to by the dark cabalists, who continue to squabble amongst themselves which further fractures what little unity remains within their ranks. As a result, we can report that the process of transforming your world is once more back on track, and we are expecting the appearance of those events that have taken so long to come about. Our Earth allies are in the process of assembling the various individuals who are to head the numerous departments of the new US government and are putting the final touches to the long-awaited announcements. Barring sudden delays, we expect the changes to begin at any moment and have consequently increased the number of our ships presently flying over several capital cities.The reason for this is to secure these areas from rogue craft belonging to the secret government. We are on full alert status and have put cloaked defense ships on constant patrol above their bases. So far, our units’ patrol schedule has been undisturbed. The last thing we want is for any ‘incidents’ to mar the smooth procession of the announcements that are to be made by the new caretaker governments. These new regimes have enough to do without contending with a premature display of any of the new technologies that are weeks away from being formally presented to the world. Our role is to keep the lid on any preemptive use of esoteric devices before they are unveiled. These formal unveilings are to include the range of technologies that we wish to provide you with. Until then, our Earth allies wish to concentrate on the more immediate global issues: introducing the new hard currencies; debt forgiveness; abolishing income tax and disbursing income-tax refunds; the reformation of the banking industry and related financial services; and the restructuring of all corporations.Then there is the introduction of Common Law and, in most cases, reestablishing true de jure constitutional government. These diverse operations are expected to be among the first matters to be tackled by the new governments. Also at the top of the agenda are the cessation of conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan and the signing of agreements enabling the return of armies to their respective homelands. The restoration of many foreign military bases to their original owners also comes under this heading. This is a time to emphasize global peace and cooperation, and in pursuance of this, a full-blown nuclear disarmament is expected of all nations. Once this is in place, we intend to neutralize all nuclear weapons and reactors. This will dovetail with the deployment and activation of regional zero-point energy generators which will replace all nuclear reactors currently serving electrical power grids. In a matter of months you are to move along your path to full consciousness in a series of great leaps!Moving your world quickly from its present state to something rather more civilized is a truly gargantuan undertaking. Your society is characterized by illiteracy, dogmatism, xenophobia, and a general disinclination to accept new concepts. As we watch this, we see just how challenging our task really is. We have sent observation groups into your myriad cultures and are well aware of the differences and entrenched hostilities that will need to be overcome. Our medical teams have observed the damage and violence that have been imposed on most of you, and these traumas are used to engender a whole range of perceptions that your former ‘masters’ have used to control and manipulate you. One of our jobs is to help you heal these assorted wounds as you prepare for the final stages of full consciousness. The Earth’s Spiritual Hierarchy, too, envelops you with messages of Grace and Love in order to quicken this transformational process. We greatly look forward to the potential of the post-mass-landing world.After the mass landings, we can easily work with you one-on-one and get you to focus on those areas that need it. Our counselors are well trained in the special requirements that will get you to full consciousness quickly. The procedures are complex and designed to open your perception to new realities. Right now, a very small number of you exhibit some of the characteristics that are dormant in most of you. We intend to fully explain these abilities to you and then help you bring out similar capabilities that you have long suppressed. The purpose of all this is to begin an awakening that will allow you to at least glimpse what you are capable of. We wish to peel away the layers of suppression that were imposed on you in early childhood, which can hopefully put you on a level where we can begin a dialogue that is to end with your return to full consciousness and the abilities that you abandoned long ago.Returning to full consciousness is of course the primary reason for first contact. Everything else we do is simply to aid and abet this necessary transformation. In the same vein, Mother Earth wishes to progress beyond the reality she now occupies, and this desire was made clear to us before we formed this special first-contact mission. Spirit, too, dearly wishes to manifest the stipulations of the Divine Plan. For all this to happen, two components are required, of which we are the physical branch. Our task is to use all the resources at our command to get this mission completed successfully within the timeframe given to us. So far, we have achieved most of the protocols required. Everything is in place and we have kept meticulously abreast of the changes each of you is going through. Now what remains is an official contact with you.We are waiting for the next steps planned by our Earth allies. As stated in last week’s message, we have informed them that we are prepared to complete on their behalf whatever is necessary to get new regimes into power and to deliver the prosperity programs to each of you. To this end, moves are being executed according to the stipulations of our Earth allies and us. We wholly intend to carry out whatever can accelerate the necessary changes. Many of the dark-controlled regimes are still cooperating with the dark cabal, and we are expecting some degree of mischief on their part as our plans begin to manifest. This is why we are monitoring their secret underground bases and associated surface facilities so closely. These dark ones still persist in their recalcitrance, but any form of delaying tactics on their side will be preempted by us.The cabalists know what the consequences of their dirty deeds will be and they do not like what is to happen to them. We have seen signs of their apprehension when discussing certain issues with them. We are constantly scanning their inner thoughts and predilections, and understand just how fractured their formerly solid bulwark has become. This last remaining obstacle is crumbling fast and everything else is pretty much in place. Our Earth allies and their friends have done great work in setting up the structures needed to implement Heaven’s decrees. Now we are literally on the brink of realizing something wonderful for you, and within this context we hope that our presence will be seen by you as truly beneficent. This next period in your history will see the revealing of who and what you really are!Today, we talked about how close you now are to achieving your true destiny. First contact is just one of the ‘vehicles’ being used to get you there. We are most proud of you and look forward to celebrating this magnificent future with you. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
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Masters of the Spirit World

October 26th, 2010 Masters, my world is going upside down at the moment. Should I listen to my inner self and do what many think is wrong? Or should I do what is appropriate? My inner voice is blocked by something or someone. Why is it this way? Have I made up my mind correctly—even if I will hurt many people whom I care about? I´m lost! ~Niina, FinlandANSWER: The question to ask yourself is whom do you want to be responsible for your life and the way you live it? If the answer is anybody but you, and that “they” know what is right for you better than you could possibly know, then you will listen to all those “other” people. If you are concerned with living your own life, following your own life lessons, then only your inner self can provide the answers for you.Your inner voice may seem difficult to hear because you have your ears trained on all the people around you, and it is almost impossible to filter out their voices to be able to hear your own. You were raised to listen to parents, teachers, and authority figures; then you began soliciting help from friends, resulting in a pattern of living your life by committee. To advance along your path you must step up and assume total responsibility for your decisions.It is a fact of the universe that people can be hurt only if they allow themselves to be hurt. Your friends will only be hurt if they have expectations based upon what they want you to do. That’s their problem, not yours. You are not responsible for their unreasonable desires. Your life is your responsibility; their disappointments are theirs alone.Your friends are going to react, whatever you do. The important thing is that you feel comfortable with your decision, based upon your internal senses only. If anyone complains about your choices, explain that is exactly what they are—your choices, and you have done what you feel is best for you. No one can argue with your feelings because they cannot get inside your body and feel what you feel.Posted in Personal Problems | Add your comment »Should we just sit back?October 26th, 2010QUESTION: Masters, if I have understood your teachings right, and the Earth is specifically created as a realm in which to experience the negative, is there any use for human beings to try to improve conditions here, by dedicating their life, for instance, to removing the suffering of others, since this would appear to be going against the very reason for their and the Earth’s existence in the first place, and would negate their purpose for being here? ~David, UKANSWER: There are all different kinds of lessons that a soul may choose to experience on Earth. Yes, Earth is the only planet that has a dual energy setup, with both negative and positive conditions. Our lessons appear as negative energies and it is for the soul to determine how to deal with those situations and make them into positive experiences to learn about themselves and their issues—if they can.Taking your question, it would seem, for example, to imply that even a soul who chooses to be a doctor is interfering with the patient’s life lessons. But life is much more complicated than that. The doctor cannot go out and drag in patients off the street and force them to receive medical treatment. All healing has to do not only with the actions of the healer, but with the intentions of the patient as well. If people do not want to be healed they will find a way to remain out of balance or at dis-ease with their body. Part of their lesson may be to acknowledge that they need the help of another. So, if people realize why they are suffering from a condition, they can go and seek out a healer who can assist in remedying the state.In another example, good Samaritans might go to countries and help bring clean water to the people. After they leave, the inhabitants must maintain the water system; their lesson may be to take care of themselves.Only in a situation where people are trying to force their beliefs and lifestyle on others can there be a case of interference. But don’t forget freedom of choice—the recipients can always ignore the offered help. In a case where souls may be diverted away from their lesson by the assistance of others, they will have the ability to try again to learn the lesson in that same lifetime or another.Posted in Life Lessons | Add your comment »Death, Hell, and GodOctober 26th, 2010QUESTION: Masters, many spiritual people talk about the place we go when we die as a sort of spiritual “refuel and refresh” stop before moving on to our next lives. I’d like to ask if in fact there is a hell and, most importantly, whether a single, omnipotent “God” entity exists. ~Zoe, MalaysiaANSWER: Your questions show a state of confusion as the first two are contradictory. By religious definition hell is definitely not a place for rest and relaxation. But is there a place called hell? No. Is the description of hell synonymous with a condition wherein a soul feels tormented and inconsolable? Absolutely! And where such a place exists is none other than the planet under your feet.Earth is a place of duality, where everything has a polar opposite. For every fantastically marvelous feeling there is an equally strong negative feeling of devastation and suffering. Once the soul leaves its body here (or, in other words, dies), it leaves this negative space and enters a place of unconditional love where no negativity exists. A soul may experience what has been referred to as hell while living on Earth, but once it leaves Earth it has a place (that some call “heaven”) where judgment does not exist and where everything is unconditional love.The term “God” has become associated with the image of a man dressed all in white with long hair and a beard who is the arbiter of judgment for all souls. Judgment can only exist in a place where there is right and wrong or positive and negative. Since those conditions only exist on planet Earth, a god could only exist there.Is there a single divine entity? No. Is there a force in the universe that is omnipotent? Yes. This is the universal energy that encompasses all that is. You and all individual souls broke off from this energy, remain a part of it, commune with it, and re-unite with it when desired. This can occur at any time the soul is not contained in a body shell.
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Galactic Federation of Light

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation1 Manik, 5 Tzec, 7 Ik Balik! We come again with more to discuss with you. At present, we are engaged in talks with our Earth allies concerning how best to expedite their various agendas. We have suggested to them that any remaining hurdles or complications be left for us to take care of. We intend to get these last difficulties out of the way by using policies first outlined some six years ago. Furthermore, Heaven has given us a specific timetable. Mother Earth is now in the midst of changes that require us to make a more open appearance in the coming months, and to do this we need Earth's governments to be more cooperative than they are at present. The only way to obtain the requisite level of cooperation is with regime change and so we intend to quickly remove any remaining obstacles. We no longer have time to massage egos or nurture anyone's feelings of self-worth. Our liaison personnel are advising our Earth allies of this shift in approach and we fully expect positive replies. We have also instructed our ambassadors to deliver a series of specific messages to several of your governments.These messages address the need to enforce a legal regime change. It is high time to bring about the conditions that are prerequisites to first contact. We have little patience for yet further delays and dearly wish to get on with the schedule that we promised Heaven would be completed by this time. Sadly, your governments feel that unreasoning obstinacy is a valid raison d'阾re and are carrying on relentlessly down the path to global destruction. We strongly disagree with their goal and have expressed our displeasure at their intractability. Therefore, we have put into play the means to achieve a legal regime change in many major governments. This meets with the approval of our Agarthan cousins, and our Earth allies, too, seem ready to follow our lead. A series of moves are now underway which will manifest the prosperity deliveries and allow the overdue regime changes to take place. Our advanced technologies are in place and we are in a position to help our Earth allies de-claw the last ruling cadres of the dark cabal. Once this is done, we can soothe Mother Earth, thus preventing a series of natural catastrophes.Mother Earth is moving into a new phase of her transformation from a limited to a fully conscious world. This change requires a substantial weakening of her geomagnetic and gravitational fields. Once a specific point is reached, she can calibrate her next moves with the Sun's. This allotted time of joint calibration is presently occurring, which explains the additional light coming from the Sun. This light is full of information that Mother Earth needs in order to set up the shift from a bipolar to a monopolar state. Your scientists quite misunderstand what is happening, but are correct about the effects arising from this shift. Consequently, we see an urgent need to intervene on a much larger scale than at present. Our scientists are asking us to do so and we have informed all those concerned with your safety to be aware of what is close to happening. The ominous potential in many on-planet situations, coupled with the accords arrived at with the dark cabal and our Earth allies, demands some decisive action at this time.Our fleet is daily setting the stage for these dramatic events. We have told many on your world why there is a need for our direct intervention. There is also the imperative of divine time. The divine plan clearly states that we need at this time to show our ships to you in great numbers, and this we intend to do quite shortly. Such a revelation needs to be carried out with some degree of discretion and decorum and so we are creating the means to safely do so. Our purpose is to come in the light of our benevolence which can permit you to see us as the concerned and compassionate prototypes that you are to become. We do not wish to frighten you or be seen as some sort of celestial bogeyman. We are your space family and we are here to transform your suffering into joy and your difficulties into comfort and ease. The final stage of first contact will accomplish this and change your world very much for the better, where you can achieve your true and heart-felt objectives with glee. We welcome you to your new reality!This fast-approaching world is one you can barely imagine as full consciousness must be experienced to be believed. In this state, interaction with your environment happens on many levels simultaneously. The amount of information you can process each second is immense! Another revelation is the huge amelioration in the way you interact with your fellows; and again, this occurs on many levels. You are veritably bombarded with data both from various physical realities and from the innumerable spiritual realms you inhabit. You are both a physical and a spiritual Being of immense talents and capabilities; however, in any particular lifetime you choose one of these realities as your principle focus. Thus you are born into a specific clan, having carefully chosen your parents and the podlet community they live in.This fully conscious world nurtures you even before your birth. As a newborn you have the ability to be telepathically connected to your entire community and, in comparison to your present abilities, your learning capacity is prodigious. You discover how your segment of galactic society operates and what to expect as you go through a prolonged learning-process that takes you through the first seventy years of life. You learn about your chosen talents and how to work with others to hone your skills. You find out how to make your own unique contribution to solving the challenges your podlet may face. You bask in your sovereignty and explore your responsibilities to enhance your community and expand your potential. You are in a constant state of joy which you express gracefully with all those around you. This zest for life motivates you to explore who you are and to contribute your best to your podlet.As you grow toward adulthood, you become more and more acculturated into your society. You start to travel both to other parts of your home world and to the other worlds that make up your star-nation. You participate in the rituals that are a sacred aspect of your daily life. You learn to interact with the different ecologies that compose the inner and surface realms of your home world, and these excursions bring you into contact with the many clans that make up your galactic society. This helps you appreciate fully the multiple complexities that conjoin to form the organic whole that is your home world's galactic society. This nurturing web can then be extended to include the entire star-nation. It forms a fulfilling holistic bubble around you, graciously demonstrating the fully conscious way of life.When you volunteer for duty with a Galactic Federation Science & Exploration fleet, you do so in order to extend your knowledge of this galaxy and to mentor others on their journey to full consciousness. Many star-nations that are accepted into the G.F. are either on the verge of full consciousness or have just become so. These moments are special and treasured opportunities for the fleet to experience with these newly accepted members the joy that is full consciousness. In your case, we have come under entirely different circumstances. Nevertheless, we come, as always, to mentor you, and to share and enhance your path to full consciousness. This mission has taken longer than expected, but the time now comes to complete our tasks and lead you all into your new fully conscious realm!Today, we talked about what we are now doing to manifest your new reality. This S&E fleet is more than ready to usher you into the magnificent realms of full consciousness. The time draws near for all of us to celebrate our many successes together! Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)To print this update formatted for fewer pages: Click
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The Galactic Mission

Continued from part 2 at Is Their Mission?Speaking through Mike Quinsey in mid-2008, the ascended master, the Comte de St. Germain, revealed that a divine plan existed to lift us out of the Third Dimension.“There is an immutable plan that is well advanced for your final experiences, that shall lift you out of duality fully into the Light and Love that knows no equal or limitations. Your future is assured amongst the dimensions of Light, and every step you take is nearer to the Source of All That Is. The Angels sing their praises for you and Heaven awaits your return at last.” (1)The galactics have come to help with that divine plan, SaLuSa says.“As you must know by now we are not here in great numbers by chance. It is to fulfil the Creator’s Plan for this Universe. Nothing can prevent it manifesting in Ascension.” (2)“You are to ascend as One and that will fulfil the Creator’s decree for the end of this cycle of duality.” (3)“The grand plan for Man is perfect in its concept and whatever path you take, it will always lead to your goal.” (4)“The coming Ascension has been the subject of many teachings and messages for a very long time, as the end times have been clearly defined since this cycle began so long ago. It is the whole purpose of everything that has been taking place, and the plan has been played out so that you have gained the maximum benefit from it. (5)The galactics will remove all obstacles to the plan being realized.“We come to offer you solutions to your myriad problems that have threatened to destroy you and your Earth. We do so by divine decree.” (6)“The Elders have ensured that there is no shortage of attention to your needs, and the end times are meticulously planned for total success.” (7)“There is a clearly-defined plan for your future, but we can easily accommodate any changes necessary. We follow all events taking place on Earth, and as a result can adjust our actions accordingly. However, there is a core plan which shall manifest and take you through to Ascension as intended.“The path to Ascension is to be cleared of any attempts to prevent it from manifesting, and be sure, Dear Ones, that when a divine edict is given it is the Law of the Creator.” (8)“We have a mission that regardless of any interference carried out will proceed as planned, and we are motivated by our love and service to Mankind. You are for the moment like our children, but you will grow up at an exceedingly fast pace. The more you move into the Light, the more you are reaching up to the levels that we are from. It is our place to ensure that you travel the path to Ascension, and that all preparations are completed in time to include Mother Earth.” (9)They are not a band of marauders here to see that the forces of darkness win out. Says SaLuSa:“You will understand that the Galactic Federation is not some marauding group of Space Beings. We are organized to police the Universe helping young civilizations evolve without interference. We carry out the bidding of those who have the ear of God, and carry out his plans for evolution.” (10)“We are all to be the warriors of Light for the benefit of all other souls.” (11)They are here to carry out the wishes of the Creator.“Beloveds, we carry out the wishes of the Father/Mother as we are dedicated to the Will of God. We are therefore dedicated to your well-being and success.” (12)“We recognize and accept the existence of the Creator of All That Is, and, in that, we are aware that our source is the same as yours.” (13)In fact we could not have survived the efforts of the controllers to depopulate the Earth and enslave us. As Ker-On says: “In the greater scheme our help has been essential.” (14) Terrestrial spirit teacher Matthew Ward agrees with Ker-On.“Those individuals are way off track by not acknowledging that without many other civilizations’ immeasurable help that started about seventy years ago, none of you would be where you are because the planet would have died. And we assure you, your space family’s continued help will be welcomed by all except the ones who are fighting mightily to prevent reforms anywhere. (15)He contextualizes the contribution of our space family.“To those who want proof that extraterrestrial sources are assisting you in the creation of a better world, first I shall put this into a context of what Earth’s peoples are doing: demanding truth, not lies; peace, not war; health care and higher education for all, not only the rich; expanding efforts to end impoverishment, end exploitation of planetary resources and destruction of the environment and disrespect for human rights. Without decades of intense light-beaming from powerful celestial sources, none of that would be happening.“Instead, the dark forces would have continued to control the planet through their puppets whose oppression, lies and violence resulted in fear, ignorance, apathy and spiritual dimness within the masses; and the relentless barrage of negativity would have destroyed Earth.“It is not that your universal family’s help can be proven only after they alight from their crafts, roll up their sleeves and get to work. Their light and advanced technology started helping you well over sixty years ago when Earth was in death throes that her planetary body is alive and you are living on it is proof!” (16)SaLuSa discusses their roles.“Our presence is twofold. Firstly we approach you as your brothers and sisters because we are one family of Light. Your future is bound with us and many of you are from one of the many civilizations that comprise the Galactic Federation. Secondly, we are your mentors and protectors and have the appointed task of restoring Mother Earth.” (17)“We of the Galactic Federation have several roles all connected with restoring your beautiful Earth, and enabling a smooth transition for all living forms.” (18)Their most important role, SaLuSa says, is to help us through the process of Ascension.“We of the Galactic Federation are charged with looking after Mankind, and your upliftment and safe journey through to Ascension.” (19)“We will, along with the Masters, set the scene for enlightenment once we can openly come amongst you.” (20)“We are your mentors for the time being, but soon you shall stand along side us and together we shall explore the realms beyond us. We walk in love with you now, and you do not see us but even that will change with time.” (21)To see us to Ascension, they must overcome the resistance of the dark controllers of the planet to our transformation and the return of abundance and freedom to the planet. Says Atmos: “We represent your release from the last gasps of the dark forces.” (22) Says SaLuSa:“We are here to ensure that no outside influence or actions prevent you from ascending.“It will take our coming before the truth will be known of how these last years will affect Mankind, as your authorities know of the imminent changes but as usual prefer to keep you in the dark.“Knowledge is power, and the dark have systematically kept you from knowing the truth because it would diminish their hold over you. They would prefer to keep you in a slave mentality, whereas you should be realising that you have every right to re-claim your sovereignty. “(23)They are also here to terraform the Earth and return it to its original pristine beauty. Says SaLuSa: “We … help prepare Mother Earth [for Ascension] and remove all vestiges of the damage brought about by your demands upon her.” (24) Diane of Sirius, another colleague of SaLuSa’s, gives us an idea of the tremendous changes that await us.“There is nothing yet that can fully prepare you for what is coming. We try to convey a picture of what is to be, and we leave you with an impression of activity on a vast scale that will surprise you. Because of our resources which are virtually unlimited, we can dedicate our Galactic members in such a way that every country in your world is served according to their needs. Wherever you are in the world, or as you call them Third World countries our plan to bring you into the New Age will operate quite speedily.“Most of our technologies are simple and easily installed, and allow for much more independence than you have now. We shall set high standards where your daily needs are concerned, and bring you all into systems that are self-supporting. This is essential in locations where people are away from the main areas, and tend to be isolated.“It is a matter of equipping you in such a way, that your standard of life is immediately improved. A clean supply of water and an ample supply of free energy will overcome many health problems, whilst at the same time giving you heating and lighting where conditions warrant it. Housing can be lifted to a level where it affords adequate protection and comfort from the elements, and constructed from pre-formed sections of material that is eco-friendly and recyclable.“These will be produced conveniently near the sites, and require little labor because of automation. We can also employ robotic help that has the capacity to make decisions within its role as overseers, and these will be pre-programmed. Computers much more advanced than you are presently use will control all operations in such plants.“We want to quickly bring you up to our level of understanding so that you can quickly adapt to a new way of thinking. You have good ideas of how to overcome your problems, and all you lack are the tools to do it. We can help you eliminate your dependence on chemicals, and for example show you other ways to clear your polluted areas.“Much of what we are capable of can be carried out without the need to land on Earth. In fact, over many years we have done just that to keep a check on air and sea pollution.” (25)The Galactic Federation has vast experience in this process, SaLuSa says.“We have been chosen to assist you through the various stages of its process, because we have had immense experience in helping civilizations do so. You are in any event intended to join us so that we may continue the journey together, into the glorious dimensions of Light. We are One and it has always been so, and as time progresses we will come even closer together. We can tell you that we are your true family, and many of you are directly linked to civilizations in the Galactic Federation.” (26)They are bringers of light and love, SaLuSa assures us.“We of the Galactic Federation are the bringers of Love and Light, as that is our way and consistent with our more enlightened spiritual approach. You are as much a part of us as we are you, and undeniably connected through eons of time. We recognize and accept the existence of the Creator of All That Is, and in that we are aware that our source is the same as yours.“We may have travelled different paths and exist on a higher dimension than yours, but on another level we are all together in the Now. We are on a journey through creation, and soon you will recognize and accept your own place within it. We are One and always will be, and it is time to lift up out of the darkness that has dulled your senses and caused you to forget your divine birthright.” (27)They have helped us in the past at various stages of our evolution, SaLuSa says:“You will find that Galactic Federation members are no strangers to your early evolution, and in fact have had more than a hand in it. There is more of a connection between us than you might imagine, and we have had a part to play in your genetic engineering resulting in what you are today. When you get to see the various types of Beings in our Federation, you will marvel at how many have a close resemblance to how you look now.” (28)Mira the Pleiadian tells us that “our ships surround the Earth.” (Mira the Pleiadian, March 18, 2010.) Their presence guarantees our release from those who have meant to control the Earth for their dark purposes. Says SaLuSa:“The armada of Spaceships bring you release from your oppressors, and immense love for your well being and happiness.” (29)Ela of Arcturus tells us that “collectively we can deal with absolutely any problem presented to us. (30) “Success may still feel as though it is far away,” SaLuSa tells us, “but with the full co-operation of the various councils that oversee your evolution, it is much nearer than you could imagine.” (31)The galactics who are here model our future selves and show us avenues to our own galactic service, according to SaLuSa:“We of the Galactic Federation are your future selves and in us you can see the levels of attainment that are open to you.” (32)“We are what you are to become, Cosmic Beings who have ascended and have the freedom to travel throughout the vastness of your great Universe. You are already members of the Galactic Federation, and may wish to serve others through our organisation. There are also other Councils and Federations like ours dedicated to doing the work of the Creator and opportunities abound to follow your hearts desire.” (33)This then is an introduction to the space brothers and sisters. They are here on a divine mission to help us prepare for Ascension in 2012. They came at Heaven’s request in answer to the cries of Mother Earth. They comprise a vast force from numerous planets and stars. They are here to subdue the forces of darkness and lead us into the New Age.Footnotes
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