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Advice that may change your life

God is always bringing us closer to Him.
HEAVEN #3414 This One Simple Advice May Change Your Whole Life, March 31, 2010

God said:

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Fault is too.
You don't like to believe this because there is validity in the fault you see. Of course, there is, yet you are the one who has seen it and thought about it.
Beloveds, let sleeping dogs lie. Let life be what it is. You are not meant to be the editor of the Universe.
If you want to improve life in the world as it is, then, without question, find that which you like. This has been said so often, and is such a simple thought that you may pass right by it.
The most valuable thing you can do today is to find something you like about something.
When you are in a good mood, this is easy to do. When you are not in a good mood, this is harder to do.
But look around you, beloveds. A bird sings every day. A bird never says: "I don't feel like singing today." A bird sings because that is what birds do.
A human being has a choice, to find joy or to find fault.
The question posed to you isn't: "What do you feel like doing today, or what do you feel like saying today?"
It is the same as when you go to work. Mostly you are not in the position of asking: "What do I want to do today?" Most likely you have to ask: "What needs to be done today? What is important that I do today?" You may not feel like adding up numbers, but that may be what has to be done.
In your life, what is optimum for you to do today? Every single day of your life, regardless of the weather, regardless of where you are, it is for you to note something you like. Even if the weather is cold and blustery.
When there is someone you see fault in, then look for something in the person that you don't see fault in. There may be ten things you don't like about the person, but will you, as a favor to me, find one thing you could like? If he is a nit-picker, perhaps like you, he may not care about what you care about, but he cares about something.
And now we come to you, beloved. If you are a nit-picker with yourself, find something about yourself that you like. Turn yourself from a nit-picker into a good-natured person easy to please yourself. Perhaps the best thing you can be today is a person who is amicable.
Perhaps you can find as many good reasons to be pleased as you used to find to be displeased.
What if a person you are dealing with now rubs you so much the wrong way that you can't, try as you may, draw a clear breath in his presence. There is not one single thing you can think of that pleases you. I will tell you what to do then. This one simple advice may change your whole life. Here is what I suggest when you are stymied and someone simply cannot please you. Here's what you do:
Think of something you can do to please the person. Can you get him a cup of coffee? Give him a stick of gum? Ask him to tell you what you can do for him? Ask him about his daughter or his dog? What would be the cost to you, beloved? What might be the reward to the person?
No matter how trying a situation with someone may be for you, you have the power within you to ease it. If you cannot ease it for yourself, then see what you can do to ease it for the other person.
Isn't it strange that I would have to ask this of you when all are your brothers and sisters, and you, theirs?
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Galactic message

Tuesday, March 16th, 2010

Inch by inch


The messages at this site are the result of between Mark Kimmel and beings who are not the indigenous humans of this planet. The communications have been verified as coming only from those who are of the highest Christ Consciousness. Messages on this site build on each other; for their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008 (archived below). They detail the situation on this planet, our place in the universe, and a positive picture for our future – if we are willing to act. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity, and a decision to join with others to create a new civilization on Earth. As always I encourage you to seek your own unique truth, and live it.

This is my 6th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2010 that involves communications with off-planet beings. It is with great pleasure that I welcome back Justine and Moraine.

Greetings our sisters and brothers. There is an incredible amount of energy directed toward Earth at this moment. It is the light of love, and the light of transformation. This light is coming from your brothers and sisters of star systems through this universe. Never before in the history of the universe have so many starships been assembled. Never before has there been this coordinated outpouring of love.

Those on the surface of the planet who are of the light know of this massive in pouring of energy. They are bathed in it each day; their lives are being transformed by it. They feel the quickening of time, the shifting of focus, and their withdrawal from things of the 3rd dimension.

The super wealthy elites of the planet may not understand the light, but they are equally aware of it. They are fleeing from the changes they see, clinging to what they know and treasure, and burrowing underground. They too are preparing for the transition, hoping to ride out the storm.

Each day the light shines more brightly. Each day it exposes more of the truth. Each day Earth embraces more of the light. Each day the darkness that has gripped the planet for thousands of years fads a bit more.

Inch by inch the light is overcoming the darkness. Each day, another inch or two is gained. Each day the darkness recedes a bit further. It is a tremendous undertaking, a battle of huge proportions. The light will ultimately ; both the forces of the dark and the forces of the light know this.

The forces of the dark are resisting mightily. Their media would convince you that nothing is changing, but the stories are less convincing. Their religions preach dogma despite the light and the truth of the larger picture. Multi-national corporations continue to churn out goods and services, for people are still buying what they produce. Governments continue to function, but not quite as well for the light is invading structures that operate from self-interest. Black operations pollute the skies and HAARP transmits its messages of discord. The off-planet agents of darkness engage in futile efforts to block the light from their nefarious activities.

In the midst of this great battle the mass of people sleep. They do not sense the light nor do they see the darkness. They merely sleep. Yet, inch-by-inch their lives are being transformed. At some time, very soon, each will awaken to the realization that there is a new Earth being born, and each will be given the chance to accompany her, or not.

This is the wondrous picture we see from the starship Athabantian. This is the moment for which we came to vicinity of your planet. We are here to assist with the transformation of Earth and her people. We are your brothers and sisters, whether you realize it or not. We love you enough to journey from our home planets to be present at this moment of change.

Journey well our brothers and sisters of Earth. We will be with you soon.

Thank you Moraine and Justine for these inspiring words.

In Truth, Love and Joy,

Rev. Mark Kimmel


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Arch Angel Gabriel

are beyond the time of slow evolution because the planetary needs
are too great. That is why the Archangels are here at this special
time, bringing forth miracles and healing separation. As people have
turned toward the Light, the planet is vibrating to a new frequency of
energy. The miracles will be apparent as this energy unfolds bringing
forth a peaceful presence in the world.

We have not come this way before. The Archangels have not been
directed toward an active participation on the earth on a daily,
personal basis until now. It’s as if we lead the way to freedom for
each person through the parting of the seas of lower consciousness. We
come to humanity and say you are pregnant with the Divine Presence.
Birth a new consciousness on to the planet. Sing praises to God and
know these gifts are available to all who are sincerely seeking a life
of Peace, Unity and Love.

Divine Love is beyond separation into race and religion. It is this
energy of Wholeness and Unity that the Archangels bring to earth at
this time. Raising the collective consciousness will bring about
miraculous change. It starts in the heart of each person who lets go
of separation within their being, and embraces the totality of their
beauty and connection to the God Source. It begins in the moment when
choice is made for Peace, instead of pride and arrogance. It begins
when the good of your planetary home takes precedence over momentary
greed. It begins with the desire for Peace awakening within each
person on earth.

Many already believe this way. Let those people hold the flame for
miracles. Be a courageous spiritual warrior holding a vision of God’s
Love and Light within each person and the collective consciousness. Be
the one who believes in miraculous transformation of all that would
destroy the beauty and sustenance that the earth offers. When many
minds hold the thought of miracles as the natural order of things, it
will be. Truth resonates in the light expanding through the minds of
all beings. There are many hearts longing for Peace and this
collective calling will bring forth harmony between all peoples on

There is another force of good awakening in the world. It is the Force
of Unity – the power generated by the gathering of souls together to
honor the Divine Presence. A new interest in the aspects of ceremony
and a rekindling of the ancient ways of worship is coming forward,
striking a chord in the heart of people everywhere. When souls gather
in sacred ceremony a new energy emerges. There is a true focus toward
Unity and each person is forever changed when the energy of Divine
Light is generated within. The power of ceremony will bring that
energy into the collective consciousness, and will create a new
resonance with God inside each person who participates with pure

Gather together in harmony with this miraculous intention for creative
solutions everywhere. Harmonize yourself with the One Mind of the
Creator, no matter what name is called. Visualize together the
strength of Divine Light empowering the earth and know the presence of
the Archangels enfold the planet in Love. Call forth God’s Grace and
be willing to have miracles bless all in a new wave of loving
existence. Join together in Unity by holding the vision of Peace
awakening in the minds of the world’s leaders. Know that miraculous
solutions are available when many beings collectively turn toward the
Light of the One Heart.

It is time to awaken to the power of Divine Love and the Light
available for life on earth right now. Allow the Archangels entry to
your open mind and heart. Call in the Christed One. Know the stillness
of the Buddha prevails within you and the sustaining presence of
Vishnu exists in the world. Let Allah be praised, and invite the
Divine Feminine to flow into minds that have been hardened. The
worldly powers of man’s government do not hold a candle to the radiant
presence of the Archangels and the Divine Grace that can harmonize the
minds and hearts of all who live on the planet earth.

Believe. Have Faith and know all things are possible when you stand
together in the Light of God’s Grace and Love.

And so it is.

Archangel Gabriel
Through Shanta Gabriel
Copyright: March 10, 2010


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ET call for our assisstance

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Stay the CourseShareThis

The messages at this site are the result of between Mark Kimmel and beings who are not the indigenous humans of this planet. The communications have been verified as coming only from those who are of the highest Christ Consciousness. Messages on this site build on each other; for their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008 (archived below). They detail the situation on this planet, our place in the universe, and a positive picture for our future – if we are willing to act. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity, and a decision to join with others to create a new civilization on Earth. As always I encourage you to seek your own unique truth, and live it.

This is my 1st posting to Mark’s Corner for 2010 that involves communications with off-planet beings. I welcome back Adrial, a celestial of this universe.

You will look back on 2010 as a year of great change. Do not believe the media reports that everything is returning to normal, that the economy is recovering, or that that people are satisfied with their conditions. Beneath the surface much turmoil exists. We who observe you from starcraft in orbit about your planet see this underlying shift and see the panic of the controllers as they scramble to retain their ill-gotten power and wealth.

Stay the course as we have described it to you. Prepare for the collapse of your manmade institutions. Observe the changes in your planet’s weather. Note volcanic and earthquake activity. Stay alert to the energies coming at you from beyond your planet. Much is happening; much is at stake in your individual responses to the changes.

Those of you who appreciate what is happening will soon be called upon to explain to the many what is occurring. Be prepared to provide this service. You who understand are to be the bulwark of our appearance to help the many to understand that we come in peace, that we are here to assist the positive transformation of your planet.

We have not abandoned you, just because we do not communicated for a short time. Much has been communicated in our previous messages; review them. Much is available from other sources. We are patiently waiting for the moment when we can meet with you as brother and sister, as fellow beings of this universe, and as allies with God.

Enjoy this time of waiting, for you will look back on it as a moment of relative peace and calm. Enjoy your fellow men and women. Enjoy Earth in all her beauty, even as she struggles to cope with the presence of your fear-based civilization. Enjoy what you can of your current lives, for much is about to change. Enjoy and stay the course.

I will now respond to questions from those who read these communications. The axis of the Earth is gradually being corrected to vertical. You may not feel it yet in your lives, but some evidence is forthcoming. Scientists are measuring this, but attributing it to the ‘”wobble” they have previously detected. It is not wobble; it is your space sisters and brothers exerting force to return the axis to vertical.

Yes, your planet is hollow; almost all planets are not solid masses. There is much more life within than on the surface of most planets. This is true of Earth also. You have fellow beings within the hollow of your planet. They are of a type that can live deep within the hotter core. They have a civilization that is much advanced from that which dwells on the surface.

Oneness with all in creation is what is asked of each of aspect of creation. Oneness means seeing all others of your species as equal, not different. Oneness means seeing the consciousness in animals, plants, and rocks, seeing them as creations of God. Oneness means appreciating all in the universe as your brothers and sisters, as part of a vast creation, as part of the grand drama.

The period of the transition in which you find yourselves at this moment is the downward spiral as all that was created in fear, all that was used to control you, and all that was for the benefit of the few deteriorates and collapses. This will be followed by a period of rebuilding from the level playing field of love and oneness. The collapse will take but a few more months; the rebuilding will be a prolonged effort taking many years. You may think of the collapse as the end of the 3rd dimension; the rebuilding will take place in the 4th dimension. There will be no instantaneous transformation from the 3rd to the 4th. Although this could happen, if all on your planet were to so desire, there are far too many who cling to their current lives. We will have more to say about this in future communications.

When the moon is removed from earth’s orbit, women’s menstrual cycle will no longer be regulated by it, but will return to what it was before the moon was placed in orbit as a control mechanism over this and much more.

There is no planet X that will approach Earth at this time, nor will a period of darkness envelope the planet. All shifts of the planet will take place gradually as they are within the control of your space brothers and sisters. There is time of alignment with the center of the galaxy. That will occur during 2012, but more import is the devolvement of your artificial structures and the shift from fear to love as a basis for your new civilization. To the extent that all people of your planet focus their attitude on love and turn from fear, the shift to a love-based civilization will be accomplished with a minimum of dislocations. As long as a majority cling to fear, the transformation will be more difficult.

You who read and understand these words have an opportunity to assist the transformation, a responsibility if you will. If you are reading these words, hold an attitude of expectation of the joy that will accompany the transformation. See the energies changing, feel the changes in your bodies, and hold fast to the knowledge that all can and will be beautiful, joyous, and loving after the time of transition. Hold fast to the light of the Creator. Do not despair as events swirl about you. Stay the course that we have outlined for you. We are here to assist. Together we will create a new civilization on earth.

I am Adrial, a celestial of this universe. I bid you adieu until we communicate again.

Thank you Adrial.

YOU MAY COPY AND DISTRIBUTE THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER ( Please do so in total, preserving all notations, attributions, and announcements.

In Truth, Love and Joy,

Rev. Mark Kimmel
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Angels everywhere

This is one of the great, concise, and very easy to understand message from the angels I have read. They give me so many signs it is un-believable. Remember to invite them into your lives and remember when dealing with other worldly beings it is good advice to only allow beings of the christ lighted consciousness to assisst and communicate with you. Now after you invite them ask for a sign and you will recieve many. Just know that there are no coincedences in life. A lot of people recieve subtle signs and just shrug it off as a coincedence. No Way Jose. You know i thank my dogs angels everyday for looking out after their health and safety and when i do this I could feel the angels dancing with joy. Can you imagine the love i felt when i had the 2 litters one for 7 and the second with 13. My house was filled with angels. So take a little break today and fill your house with angels. They love to help but need your permisssion due to the fact we were all given the gift of free will.January 5, 2010Angel Tana: We Are Ready to ServeBeloved Ones,I come to speak with you this day about the great amount of energy that is being directed to each of you upon the Earth from the Angelic realms. Know that we of the Angelic Kingdoms have been amassing upon the Earth in order to be of assistance to Humanity in this great time of change and transformation. We are eagerly awaiting your requests for assistance and do require by Universal Law that you ask for our assistance. We will gladly surround each of you and will accompany you throughout each day and night, as once the connection between us is made, we are then assigned to you to work closely with you at all times.Each of you have Guardian Angels and many Guides and Teachers and now the Angels have been assigned the task of coming to your assistance to help each of you integrate more fully with your Higher Self and we can act as intermediary between these aspects of yourselves. We stand ready to manifest your calls on behalf of the Earth and Humanity, the various Kingdoms upon the Earth, and those that concern your personal lives. We are very capable of performing these tasks on behalf of our Creator, whose Will we follow with utmost devotion and Love.This New Year of 2010 brings many more of us to work with you as we have been assigned to see to your every need. Nothing is being spared by Prime Creator in ensuring that each Beloved Human upon the Planet is given every opportunity to Ascend with the Earth into the Higher Dimensions. There is literally, armies of Angels everywhere, joyfully and lovingly ready to be of service. Do call upon us and we will come immediately.How do you know we have come when you call us? Watch for subtle signs, signs such as the shapes of clouds in the sky, a light touch upon your head, a slight breeze around you, tingling in your crown chakra, triple digit numbers, being led to websites or blogs where you will find the answers you have been seeking, people who will tell you that which you needed to know and become aware of, a feeling of joy and lightness of heart. These are all ways that we Angels make contact with you. We are rarely dramatic in our approach to you but are rather subtle and delicate in our contact. There is the need for each of you to cultivate this awareness as to how we approach you in particular, as this will then be a clue for you to know of our closeness to you.We can help you with healing, guidance, knowledge, wisdom, awareness, protection, and just about anything that you desire. If your personally assigned Angels do not have the expertise to give the assistance you require, rest assured that we will contact the Angels who can. We are very meticulous in performing our tasks and work to ensure that we always fulfill your requests, so please think carefully about what you desire to ask of us and make a list of all your requests so that you can then have a record of remembrance when what you have asked for has come about.We are all Light hearted and love to laugh and play and we have a wonderful sense of humor. We dance and sing and do everything we can to uplift you when needed and we are your constant companions on your journey through life and will be with you until we are no longer needed. As your spiritual growth takes place, you might be assigned different Angels, who are able to take you to your next level of growth and awareness. Our greatest joy is to be of service to Creator and to Humanity at this time of great Awakening.It fills us with joy to be called upon and recognized and once you learn how to perceive our presence in your lives, you will be given our names, if you ask. We are Beings of unconditional Love and Light and we know of nothing else. Each person upon the Planet is deeply revered and Loved by the Angels and indeed, by Creator. Our sole function is to minister to those who call and request our presence. Know that this is always available to you and that there are no judgments from us on any part of your earthly life for we know you deeply as the true Beings of Light that you are. It is our greatest desire to serve you during this and the coming years of transformation.I AM Angel Tana©2010 Marlene Swetlishofftherainbowscribe@gmail.comDistributing this message in other forums, blogs, etc. is encouraged, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and website www.therainbowscribe.comThank you for including the website link when posting
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Message from El Morya

Here is nother channelled message from el Morya an ascended master on the christ level. This is channelled through none other than the great Natalie Glasson bringer of hope and much love to all sentiment life. She is a great warrior of the light and I wish to send thanks to her and all the beings coming channelled through her. Well enjoy the message but read it deeply as it contains wisdom of the ages. Everything has a Purpose by Master El MoryaChannelled through Natalie GlassonIn last week's message, I spoke of your spiritual abilities and experiences acting as a pathway to lead you closer to the Creator's soul. It was my wish to help people understand that their abilities as light workers do not define them but are simply stepping stones of learning and acceptance of the Creator. I reminded all that their ultimate goal and focus must be to embody the light of the Creator and to integrate with the soul of the Creator once more. I feel that this was a beneficial message that touched the hearts of many so I have been allowed to come forth once more with another realisation that I believe humanity should be aware of.As chohan of the first ray of light of a red colour, translator and sharer of the will or divine plan of the Creator I feel a deep connection with the Creator soul, consciousness and thoughts. I strive to ensure that I decipher the will of the Creator in the purest way so that the truth of the Creator may be expressed to souls on the Earth and the inner planes, offering essential guidance. We have a team of light beings, angels and ascended masters working within the First Ray Ashram and the Planetary Logos Ashram of Lord Buddha to decipher the will and consciousness of the Creator as it flows within sacred and pure light from the higher planes and levels of the Creator's universe.The light flows from the solar level into the planetary level, anchoring into Lord Buddha's ashram and the first ray ashram. Many souls gather to sit before this constant flow of light which is akin to a pillar of ever glowing light holding divine and new consciousness from the Creator's soul. One can visit either Lord Buddha's Planetary Logos Ashram of the first ray ashram to meditate before the will and guidance energy of the Creator to bring greater clarity and understanding to their current role, whether it is on the inner planes or the Earth and to guide their divine purpose forward. This is something that you may request to experience during your sleep state or meditation by simply asking and holding the intention of which ashram you wish to visit and allowing yourself to breathe in the light of the scared pillar of will from the Creator's soul.The Planetary Logos Team and First Ray Team who are appointed to decipher the will of the Creator and to distribute consciousness, enlightenment and guidance to where it is needed, have been working together for much time and understand the Creator's energy to accept the truth. It is akin to taking messages from the Creator's soul for humanity as a whole and individually. We then pass these messages onto the guides of the souls or the people they are intended for. Their guides accept the message and share it with the person they are assisting in the most appropriate way for them to understand and use as guidance to take action in their life. With this method you would perceive that every soul on the Earth and the inner planes would understand the message that they receive in the same way creating a united consciousness with a united understanding of all that is the Creator, whether the guidance flows from the Planetary or First Ray Team, through their guides or their divine connection with the Creator. There are so many aspects of the Creator's soul which have extended from the Creator's soul existing now as angels, ascended masters, light beings, humans and many more. Each aspect of the Creator is unique and different, meaning that they interpret the consciousness of the Creator differently. We alert souls to the will of the Creator, we are sharing information that is needed now that will make changes to the Earth and reality of many, information that aids the ascension and development process, but every soul has their own ability of accepting and deciphering the will of the Creator and are doing so constantly to carve their path forward. It is the acceptance and interpretation of the Creator's consciousness that causes great controversy on the Earth, and you may not realise this, but also on the inner planes.Controversy occurs on the Earth between religions, people's beliefs and current understandings but this doesn't mean that some beliefs are correct and others are false. We must realise that every belief or faith has a purpose of leading us along a path that will offer us greater understanding or clarity as to our path to the Creator. Numerous people channel every day or connect with the Creator's soul bringing forth wisdom and enlightenment from the Creator's soul to the Earth, each piece of information is needed on the Earth because every person's needs are different. We must remember that the consciousness of the Creator is vast and many light beings on the inner planes align with the will and wisdom of the Creator, interpreting it in their own way then sharing the wisdom that they have understood with like minded people or souls on the Earth. It is akin to streams of energy and consciousness flowing through different routes into the Earth, in order for consciousness to be deciphered and united, assisting in the truth prevailing within all of us and creating a united consciousness that is so diverse and knowledgeable.Many souls on the inner planes also have different beliefs and understandings of how they can help the Earth and its humanity, and how they can be of service for the greater integration of all with the Creator. This is because we hold different qualities of the Creator's soul and have different backgrounds through past life times which shape our thoughts and understandings, as well as the way we convert the consciousness of the Creator into guidelines that we may use to help others. Some wish for all to take a simple path way of love while others wise for a diverse path way to the Creator that allows much growth and self realisation to occur. As guiding lights to the Earth, we then mentor souls who have similar believes to us but we all unite in our passion for the Creator's soul, our ability to experience and accept the love and light of the Creator and our belief in the presence of the Creator. The way that we teach others to activate the Creator within them or to achieve their spiritual growth process doesn't really matter because the truth of the Creator will always be shared, whatever path way we guide you to take to achieve unity with the Creator's soul. What must be realised is that there are many staircases that lead from the Earth to the Creator and you will be guided to the most appropriate staircase to gain the most appropriate mentor, consciousness, inspiration and the most essential qualities of the Creator's soul. If you choose a staircase and find that everyone else has chosen a different staircase or path to the Creator, you must continue with honour and bravery, knowing and understanding what is correct for you. It is essential to realise that while you are all on the Earth to learn and discover yourself and the Creator you are also learning the ability to accept the consciousness of the Creator.Acceptance is a difficult lesson especially when there are so many people with different beliefs and faiths, but acceptance allows us to adopt the consciousness that we need from others and to let people and souls be; to allow them to exist as the Creator consciousness and link that they hold and represent. Even on the inner planes we are learning the ability to integrate with all aspects of the Creator, this takes time, patience and a strong inner faith, while ensuring that you are open minded and accepting of all Creator aspects, manifestations and souls. We must realise that every soul whether on the Earth or the inner planes is bringing forth a consciousness and understanding from the Creator that has a purpose and a meaning. Through our judgments, inability to accept or closed minds we are missing out on so many experiences of growth and integration with souls all around us. Remember that consciousness is not true or false, good or bad but it is needed, it has a purpose and allows us to discover more about ourselves and the Creator, through the process of understanding the wisdom that is needed and not needed in our reality. What you cast aside as unneeded understanding, beliefs or faith may be the truth to others and may allow many to Creator within them a complete quality from the Creator's soul.I hope that you are able to grasp the insights that I am sharing with you. Please realise that different teachings come from different inner plane souls, guides and mentors because every soul holds a different connection with the Creator and has a different interpretation of the Creator's will. When we peel back the layers of all teachings we see the same glimmer of truth within all, this is the soul of the Creator. Both the Earth and the inner planes are working on achieving the same lessons of acceptance and integration, we are helping each other.Let us take a moment to send a blessing of peace, harmony and integration for all on the Earth and the inner planes.With many sacred blessings and the richly flowing will of the Creator extending to you,I am Master El Morya
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God said

We are all guilty of thisInboxXReply|john gunshefski to ashleyk625, chris, christine, david, JamesG, jesse, lisa, na, Om, patty, samantha, torres, walter, yumishow details 2:47 PM (0 minutes ago)I always get these reminders from god or angels or et's to appreciate the good things we have in life. God is so right that 10 good things could happen and all of a sudden that one bad thing and the day is ruined. For some reason I had a feeling this would be one of those special messages that I really needed to hear at this point. Hey TGIF HEAVEN #3353 And the Sun Came Out, January 29, 2010God said:The theme of opposites runs through your life. You have happiness and unhappiness. You have confidence, and you have fear. You have gain, and you have loss.What is this power you give to whatever opposite there is that disturbs you. Ten wonderful things happen in a morning, and then there is one inharmonious incident, and your morning is ruined. The incident may plague you all morning or all day, maybe even for a week. I wonder why you would allow one incident to take precedence over all the loveliness? It is simple mathematics, beloveds.Back to My question, why does the negative take such a big chunk out of your life? Certainly ten to one is good odds, so why do you let one incident disrupt your happiness?If you had ten dollars in your pocket, and you lost one dollar, you would still have nine dollars, and you would be glad for that. You wouldn't spend all day moaning about that one dollar. Or you might if that were your last ten dollars. Even so, what good would that do you who so wants good in your life?So I come back to My question, why does one inharmonious incident in life seemingly weigh so heavily on you? Well, never mind, why. Rather, let Me ask you what can you do so that an unhappy incident doesn't run off with your happiness?You already know the answer. I have said it at least ten times. Never mind the one unpleasant incident. Focus on the nine respectable ones. Is it habit that you don't already? Habits can be changed. Habits of thinking can be changed. Your life can be changed.So, beloveds, get on the wagon of focusing on the good stuff, and get off the wagon of focusing on that which is not happy for you. Write off the distaff. Shrug your shoulders. Let go of thinking how faulty someone else was or you were or about what you could have done better if only you had thought. Beloveds, desist from thinking so much.And if you must think, think of all the lovely things that lifted your heart in the past hour. You got up. You walked downstairs. You ate today. You received a fine email or two. You went outside. You caught a bus or a train or drove your car. There were no accidents on the way. You got to work on time. Someone smiled at you. You got some work done. Lunchtime came, and you ate again. More people smiled at you. And the sun came out.Be good to your heart. Give it its true calling which is to be delighted for all the blessings you receive, big and small. And don't take to heart whatever you don't see as a blessing.Do you choose moseying along, or do you choose a traffic jam in your heart? Attention on what is negative to you is not the best use of your time nor is it the best use of your heart nor is it the best use of your life, your life, beloveds, this life I give to you to do as you will and as I will.Add Comment || Printer friendly versionPermanent Link:
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URGENT CALL TO THE LIGHTWORKERS OF THE WORLD FROM ST. GERMAINJanuary 14, 2010Hello and greetings,Saint Germain asked me to send this message to everyone.Please share it with all of your friends, as well.Blessings, SoulsI ask for everyone to send the Violet Flame to Haiti -- NOW!Send the Violet Flame every day, as many times a day as you can.The calls must be made from the earth plane.Ask the Violet Flame to transmute all pain, suffering, fear, andother negatives into HOPE, LOVE, MIRACLES and BLESSINGS for all ofHaiti. Please remember the animals, too.Ask the Violet Flame to purify ALL who crossed-over so that they mayreceive their Ascension.Be of Service to the earth and ALL life forms, for we are all ONE.The ascended masters can not intervene unless you ask for our help.Ask us and we WILL respond.Blessings to AllI AM Saint Germain============================================================Invocation for Divine Interventionfor our Brothers and Sisters on HAITIBeloved I AM Presence of all humankind, Infinite Mighty I AM Presence from the Great Central Sun, All Great Cosmic Beings and Legions of Light, All Ascended Masters, and All Angelic Host, Lady Althea and your Legions of Angels, the Universal Energy Medical Teams, the Acturian Healers, and all the Galactic Healers.We invoke your Divine Intervention NOW and call upon the Violet Flame to transmute all pain, suffering, fear, and other negatives into HOPE, LOVE, MIRACLES and BLESSINGS for all the people and animals of HAITI.Manifest now! Manifest now! Manifest now!WE ask that Violet Flame to purify ALL who crossed-over so that they may receive their Ascension.Great Ascended Host, we thank and bless you for your immediate assistance and divine intervention on behalf of the people of HAITI in their great need.We give thanks! We give thanks! We give thanks!
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