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Powerful energies coming through

Today is Sunday, 13 June 2010 and I’m here to take Father God's message for today, and he is saying;
We are excited by how many people are becoming aware of the power of the energies that will be coming forth with this solstice (June 21st, 2010). It is a message that needs to be spread as far and wide as possible, so I ask you that if you have friends or lists of contacts who may be interested in understanding what is unfolding, that you share this message with them, forward this message to them so that they are aware. Point them to the message that Richard and Carolyn and have put out regarding the messages from Jeshua and Mother Mary in regard to this solstice.
And I say this because it truly is a powerful moment. As Jeshua said, the energies coming forth with this solstice are the most powerful to come to your planet since those associated with The Fall in Atlanta some 13,000 years ago. That is no small statement to make, and so you could also say they are perhaps on an individual level, the most powerful energies to come to the planet before the next time you are in alignment with Galactic centre which will be that date that you know about, that solstice of December 2012.

So it is a key moment, a key moment where the activities truly get ramped up in preparation for that moment in 2012. So take the opportunity to alert as many people as you can about what is coming. It is important. Many will be shaken up by these energies in various ways and the more that people can be prepared, the better off they will be. So I encourage you to take this opportunity and this is my message to you today. Alert those that are open.

Do not get caught in your own fear and try to, you could say ram it down the throats of people who don't have a connection with their spiritual basis, you could say. Let them walk their own paths. It's important always to do this and as you walk your journey and as you become more aware of what's unfolding, simply be the best example you can be. Know that the mechanisms are in place to alert all of humanity one way or another to what is happening. And so simply be there for them when they begin to ask. Be the best example you can be. So only share this with those who have some opening to this information. The others will awaken in due course in one way or another. So this is my message to you today.

And so it is.

Carolyn - Dear Father God, I thank you for the message that you brought forward today, and it brings up a thought that I would like some clarification on, and what everybody is saying – Jeshua, Mother Mary and you - is that the energies from the solstice are going to be very powerful indeed and you mentioned that Jeshua states that it will be the most powerful energies since Atlantis. So I would like for you to give us some input as to the effects that these energies will have upon the human body, the energy field of the body, the emotional body and I’m also sensing that it will have some effect on the mind; and if you would address that also. If people had some sense of what is before them, they would have a better understanding of what to expect. Thank you.

As Mother Mary has said, the energies that will come forth will change, to some extent the nature of all particles on the planet. These energies will reduce the denseness of matter on the planet. As you know, with The Fall in Atlantis the denseness of the, not only the human physical body, but indeed all matter upon your planet was increased to a level that is the most dense where life of the form of a human being exists, and indeed there were concerns that humanity would not survive these very dense energies. But you did and so this is, you could say a small step towards returning to the density that existed before The Fall and indeed where you will return to with the Ascension process in early 2013, and indeed the energies of the December 2012 solstice will dramatically shift this density.

And so it is from that point of view that you should look at the impact of these energies, because humanity in general does not understand what the impact of changing this density means. Mother Mary spoke about changing this density would allow more light between the particles and that it in essence is, in other words opening up the spiritual abilities of humanity, the ability to bring forth or express more of the spiritual aspects, the spiritual nature. It will trigger the reawakening of memory at a far more rapid rate. Some of you are aware that your skills and abilities that you have forgotten, both from past lives and that you possess as a soul, that those skills and abilities are connected to your memories, and so these energies will allow the reawakening of much more of your skills and abilities.

It will not be an instant thing and not all will acknowledge it; and there are some on your planet who will perhaps not even be consciously aware of what these energies are doing, and indeed there are a small few who will be so impacted by these energies that they may not survive the experience. I do not say this to create fear. I simply mention this so that you understand the intensity of them. They have been made as powerful as we feel they can be to ensure that there is an end to the interference by the dark upon your planet.

So most people will feel quite disoriented by these energies and as a I say, as the possibility of more light between the particles opens up, so it will impact the understanding of so many of humanity of who and what they are. Memories will start to return. People will begin to remember their past lives much more readily. The connection to the monad, which is the totality of your soul, if you like that was created by the Creator, that connection will open up quite significantly and relatively quickly after these energies come forth, and this is the doorway to memory and to skills and abilities. So it is primarily this change in the spacing of the particles, the density if you will, of matter upon your planet and of the physical body. That is the key change. Everything else flows from this.

And so it is.

Copyright © 2010 Cosmic Connections (International) Ltd

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Blessings, Joy, Love and Peace,
Richard Presser
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Salusa of Sirius

Message from SaLuSa for 16 June 2010

  • SaLuSa 16-June-2010

    We love your resilience in the face of adversity, and often you show the remarkable trait to be able to make light of it. We have said before that there is a place for humour, and we are no exception. However, we do not use it to ridicule or taunt another soul, as that is not our way. Sometimes your jokes are levied at people with infirmities or disabilities, and we have to say that if you understood why you would instead revere such souls. It takes a lot of courage to enter physical life with such a cross to bear, and what you see is one who has chosen the experiences to evolve. Indeed, in these special times leading to Ascension, many souls are taking on challenges remaining from previous lives. It is why some of you have had a really hard time, but remember that you chose to end this cycle that way.

    As the dark Ones gradually lose their power, so yours is increasing and you are creating the dividing of the ways between the Light and the dark. It will continue this way right through the remainder of this cycle. It hastens the commencement of the changes, that require an upliftment in the energy levels to enable them to manifest. Viewing it as you do whilst in the midst of it all, you can be forgiven for not being able to clearly see the progress being made. From our vantage point we have a picture of what is happening all around the world. We can pinpoint the areas where the Light or dark is strongest, and in the case of the latter we send powerful beams of energy to counteract it. We never stop working to raise the levels of Light upon Earth, that are necessary to pathe the way to Ascension.

    Unlike many years previously, it is noticeable that where and destruction occur there is now a warm outpouring of love and compassion that helps heal the damage done. It was quite different in earlier times when your reactions were more concerned with taking retribution, against those that were guilty of bringing it about. I speak here mainly of warlike incidents, that have plagued the Earth for eons of time and have prevented peaceful interactions between you. You were kept this way by the dark Ones until you accepted the necessity to build up your armouries, always in the anticipation of perpetual wars. Peace was never a concept that was taken seriously, and the Illuminati intentionally perpetuated conditions that led to continuous wars. It was also in their interest as their coffers filled up as a result from the trade in weapons of mass destruction.

    In your immediate future you will experience such changes, that once world peace is established there will be no return to the old ways. Permanent peace will reign, and happiness and joy will lift every soul up. The people of Earth and its energies will be used for setting up a new order, and it will reflect the new found intent to move beyond duality forever. In that respect our presence will have already been established and we will go forward together. Of this we are certain as your path has been divinely decreed, and the forces of Light will ensure success.

    You have been aware of this coming period for quite some time, but it will still surprise you if not astonish you that so much can be achieved in such a short time. Looking at where you are now and considering the promises that have been made to you, you may wonder how it can be done. It is because the Galactic Federation and other spiritual groups are involved, with highly advanced knowledge and technologies for such an occasion. We have often manifested Ascension, and our plans to achieve it are meticulous to the last degree. We have everything that can be possibly required to complete our tasks, and it will be to our great joy and satisfaction. We desire to see you all moving out of this cycle with ease and without complication.

    We feel that events are soon to reach a climax, and the opportunity to take a big step forward will present itself to our allies and us. It is a testing period for all of us but having come this far no hasty moves will be made, and the timing must be right to ensure the outcome required. We continue to monitor consciousness levels on Earth, which is a major factor in what will take place and we are pleased to register an ongoing upward swing. The awakening is being supported by the Wayshowers, who are your pioneers that came to Earth in this incarnation for that precise purpose. In the final days you will also see the Masters revealed, and they will prepare you for the quantum leap forward you are about to make.

    Keep your focus as ever on the future, and allow the old to fade away into the distance to be transmuted. Only the higher energies will travel with you from this point onwards. You can thank the old ones for having served you well, in your challenge to travel the full cycle of duality and awaken to your Higher Self. You have yet to understand its full impact upon your lives, but at a later stage you will re-appraise your path of evolution for a greater understanding. Nothing that you have experienced is without purpose or wasted, and is incorporated into your vast treasure chest of knowledge that will serve you again.

    Dear Ones, you have done so well to follow through with your personal plans, and the rewards will be immense and satisfy your yearning for spiritual progress. What else would satisfy your soul once your experiences were seen as one great journey through duality, and what more could you learn that has not passed across your path? You chose it and you have once again found the Light and emerged from the darkness that surrounded you, and clouded your understanding of who you really were. You have moved past the times of feeling unworthy, and have discovered your real purpose in life. Most importantly, you should know that you do not need to carry guilt over any experiences that taken place. If you could but see the pattern through all of your lives, you would find that everything has been orderly and progressive. It has brought you to where you are today, standing at the door of opportunity to ascend and leave duality for all time.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and see you all as the most wonderful souls who have risen above adversity, and are emerging as the great spiritual Beings you are and always have been.

    Thank you SaLuSa

    Mike Quinsey.

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Prayer for the Gulf

recieved this message from Lea and James of ECETI. Wow the adrenaline is pumping. This is the Japanes scientist I have been telling you all about for a long time now. Emotions really do alter physicality. The best part is this is not mere beliefs or speculation, we now have scientific proof of this. Dr. Masaru Emoto's Healing Prayer for the Gulf
Focusing our energies in response to the Gulf tragedy and for healing the waters and its inhabitants -
Yesterday at our spiritual center we read a letter from Dr. Masaru Emoto who many of you will recognize as the scientist from Japan who has done all the research and publications about the characteristics of water. Among other things, his research reveals that water physically responds to emotions.
Right now, most of us have the predominantly angry emotion when we consider what is happening in the Gulf. And while certainly we are justified in that emotion, we may be of greater assistance to our planet and its life forms, if we sincerely, powerfully and humbly pray the prayer that Dr Emoto, himself, has proposed.
"I send the energy of love and gratitude to the water and all the living creatures in the Gulf of Mexico and its surroundings.
To the whales, dolphins, pelicans, fish, shellfish, plankton, coral, algae, and all living creatures . . . I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you. "
We are passing this request to people who we believe might be willing to participate in this prayer, to set an intention of love and healing that is so large, so overwhelming that we can perform a miracle in the Gulf of Mexico.
We are not powerless. We are powerful. Our united energy, speaking this prayer daily...multiple times daily....can literally shift the balance of destruction that is happening.
We don't have to know how......we just have to recognize that the power of love is greater than any power active in the Universe today.
Please join us in oft repeating this healing prayer of of Dr. Emoto's.
And feel free to copy and paste this to send it around the planet.
Let's take charge, and do our own clean up!
And so it is! Pass it on.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Thank you Dr. Emoto and my friend, Joline, who sent this to me.
We wish to do all that is possible to allow the universe to know we are earnest and intent.
Love and Light, Lea
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Ann and the Angels


My dear friends, we love you so very much.

Do not judge a book by its cover dear ones, and never judge the soul you see in front of you based on his or her circumstances, appearance, or demeanor. For you never truly know a person unless you have walked in their shoes, or listened to their life's story. Each person you encounter on your path, whether you like them or not is worthy of your respect, for each person is a soul, incarnate upon the earth attempting to learn about love - love of self, love of others, and love of God. And dear ones, it takes courage to come to earth, so treat each other with kindness. You do not have to choose to remain around anyone if you don't want to be there. You do not have to change anyone. You only have to listen to yourself, speak your truth with love and kindness, and be clear about whom you wish to be around and whom you do not.

There is a vast difference between judgment and discernment. It would be our wish that you would never judge another soul. Judgment says, "This person has no right to be as they are." Discernment says, "This is not right for me." And so dear friends, by all means, discern who you wish to be around, but try your best not to judge, for every soul here upon the earth is doing the best they can, with what they were given, in that given moment.

Most importantly, do not judge yourselves, for each one of you is truly doing your best as well. You are learning, growing, and constantly expanding into greater love dear friends. You all occasionally behave in ways you are not proud of. Far better to say, "Ok I've learned," than to beat yourselves up or uselessly shame yourselves. You are perfect in God's eyes. You are students of the Divine. You are learning to be who you truly are. And if you make a so-called mistake in this school dear friends, you will not be punished, shamed, or made to feel inadequate... instead you will simply be sent more love and encouragement for in the heavens we know how difficult this school called earth can be and we love and support you in every moment of every day.

So, this week, choose to be kind to yourselves, nonjudgmental towards self and others, and see if that doesn't lighten up your hearts just a tiny bit more.

God bless you! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels


Hi Everyone,

I have learned due to my work that most of us have no idea of the beauty that lurks in each soul we come across. I will never forget my last few weeks working in engineering. I shared my hopes and dreams with managers, engineers, and techs and they opened up to me. One older manager confessed to my utter surprise that he always wanted to be a storyteller. Because he shared his dream with me, I remembered when I came across a storytellers association and was able to share the info with him. He joined and went on to live his dream!

More recently, I was talking to someone selling tours in northern, Arizona. This person was amazing and delightful and I found out that they were going to go to law school and combine their brilliant mind with their psychic gifts to help bring greater justice to the world. Another person selling tours recently quit to be a master chef. You NEVER know what is in a person unless you start to talk to them. And the world will never know what is in you unless you open up and share your heart as well.

The angels often say that God answers our prayers through other human beings. So, if you have a crazy dream, share it next time you feel motivated to open up to a stranger. You never know who or what they know. You never know how they can help. And if you find yourself with someone you might otherwise judge, ask him or her about his or her interests. People run SO deep. We judge them so quickly based on demeanor, appearance, circumstance, but there is always so much more. This week, be open to discovering more about the people you meet, and even the ones you already know. It adds depth, breadth, and color to life!

Love and hugs,

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Let it go

God said:

It is essential that you let go of your past mistakes. No matter how much you regret, no matter how careless a mistake, or how deliberate, you have to let go of it. Otherwise, you lasso yourself to the past and tie yourself there. This does no good to you or any man. Flagellating yourself is non-productive. It embeds the error. Tell the error, "Begone."
If you must be punished with the realization of the error of your deed or non-deed, you have already been punished enough. Do not keep yourself in the dunce's chair. There is no point to it. You are someone who learned something. The person who made the error and the person who regrets it are not the same person now. Regret your mistake once, and then be done.
You have to let go of the past. You have to free yourself from it. For My sake, let go of the past, and its errors.
Is it not true that heretofore you have been relentless with yourself? Now, I beg of you, let the guilt go. I exonerate you. You are all atoned for. You will not make that mistake again. Is that not good enough?
Why whip the hand, beat the chest, embed a knife in your heart again and again, to what avail?
Every time you imprint an error in your heart, you make it deeper. You make a rotogravure of it. Better to erase it. Do you see the humaneness and practicality of what I am saying? Do not keep error to you. Do not sustain it. Do not feed it over and over again. Release it.
You make no excuses, but you have to let error go. Congratulate yourself for being further along than you once were. Can you not be glad for progress made?
I congratulate you. I congratulate you for having greater vision now. I congratulate you that you are done making that error. You will not step in the same puddle again. Go ahead now, and buy yourself some new shiny shoes. Reward yourself.
You have graduated from an error. Once you were ignorant, and now you are less ignorant. Now you are wiser.
In the world, you do not have to be perfect. You are here on Earth learning how to live divinely in a human world. This is not always easy, but, dear ones, do not make it hard for yourself. There is no percentage in it, not for you, not for anyone.
When you have reached a higher rung in the ladder, you have reached it. Climb up, not down. Think of the greater good and not your penitence.
How does your sitting in a corner, chewing your nails, lashing your back, feeling regret and pain - how does that serve the world? It does not. It pains the world. Why not bless the world? Say:
"I made a mistake. I'm sorry, deeply sorry. Now I erase my mistake from the face of the Earth. I would not burden the world any longer with my regrets. I cast off this burden, from myself and from the world. I have vanquished the dragon. This dragon's term is over. And now I shall go forward on Earth and slay all the dragons of my past and leave a clean playing field for myself and for others forevermore.
"Once I was a scalawag. Now I am further along. I do not keep the dragons of my past in a cage where I can see them. I am not a taxidermist. I live life, and I serve God, not my past. This is good enough."
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Salusa of Sirius

Message from SaLuSa for 11 June 2010

  • SaLuSa 11 June 2010

    Things are still speeding up and you are in the thick of it, and sometimes it is difficult to keep abreast with it all. A series of events continue to move you forward, and they are edging towards a finale that will see some momentous changes. It all goes well behind the scenes, although outwardly you could be forgiven for thinking that there was total disarray everywhere. We continue to hold the strings that connect us with all activities on Earth. Nothing escapes our attention, and we are directing our energies towards achieving a major change that will benefit us all. More we cannot say at this stage, but the pressure is on the dark Ones to the extent that they are running scared.

    The Light is being further empowered, as the incoming energies are increasing and your consciousness levels are rising up. As you absorb them so your resistance to the lower energies is increased, and you slowly your place in the Light. It is what you have worked towards for a very long time, and prepares you for the final upliftment at . The road has been long and bumpy, but it will not long before it becomes a smooth path taking you fully into the Light. Thereafter you will be able to say that you have truly become a Being of Light, and will start a new adventure in the higher realms.

    However, the current problems need to be dealt with first, and each one of you can assist by sending out your Light to those who need help. In this way you set up a channel of Light that reaches them, and it will grow and attract even more Light. We would ask you to include those leaders who are presently in the forefront of all that is happening, and your President Obama is one who is a major player in the events taking place. You will see that he has played a patient game to take his opportunity to unseat the dark Ones, and he will use all of his authority to do so. Timing is the essence of success, and that is something we have often stressed.

    When the going becomes difficult, please do not lose sight of the fact that it will only last as long as it takes to move into a new paradigm. It will release you from the hold the dark Ones have had on you for hundreds of years. It will be the biggest and most important change you will have experienced for many, many years. Freedom is knocking on your door, and you shall have it returned to you as part of the early changes. Unnecessary controls and laws will be repealed, and life will take on a new look by granting you a say in your future. Sharing and caring will be very satisfying, and bring people together regardless of wealth, status or position. They will be recognised for what they really are as One Race, that all have a role to play in the Oneness of Humankind.

    It will not be too long before life will be quite different in all aspects to what it is now, and will set the mould for what you can expect when you ascend. It will be a taste of what is to come, and that includes your bonding with us. That will come easy as you are reaching up to us now, and before long will be like us. It will not really be a strange transition as many of you were once at our level. It will be an opportunity for you to return to the position you once held, before you finally dropped into the lower vibrations of duality.

    You could say that where information is concerned regarding Ascension, you are spoilt for choice as many sources are picking up the new vibrations. However, their interpretation of them may not agree with others, and this is where your own intuition comes into play. Accept only what rings true to you, and carries no sense of impending doom or fear. The true messages that carry Light are based on love and understanding, and will speak of the opportunity for everyone to ascend through freedom of choice. The true teachings do not talk of punishment in any context, as every soul on Earth is loved and given guidance as soon as it is requested. Sometimes it is a special event in a person’s life that leads to an awakening, and it is often associated with near death experiences. When you get a glimpse of life beyond Earth in the higher dimensions, it can leave you with such a strong impression it is indeed a life changing experience.

    We know that with our coming and contact with you, it will also have an uplifting effect on you. You will see in us yourselves, and just being in our presence will allow you to experience the higher vibrations of love. We say this in no way that is boasting; neither do we consider ourselves above you. We are simply souls who are coming to you from levels that are so different to what you are used to on Earth. It is very much like the times of Jesus, the Buddha and other Masters that have walked the Earth, with auras that gave out a powerful energy of love that enshrouded those around them. You too are much the same, except your vibrations tend to be much lower and not so evident. Yet, when you meet someone who has developed a higher consciousness, you can feel the peace and love they carry with them. Developing to that degree requires dedication to keep focussed on your goal, and detach your self from the lower vibrations. There has never been quite such a grand opportunity to do so as now, with the extremely high energies being received on Earth.

    The plan has always been intended to increase the energies slowly but surely, to allow for your gradual awakening. However, it was also planned to greatly increase them after the Millennium, to help you be prepared for the last upliftment you know as Ascension. It will be the most important step you have taken since the last cycle began, and it is why so many Beings accompany you in the last stages of your preparations. Be assured that if it is your intention to ascend, you will be helped all of the way until the final great day when you will ascend. Now you will realise why we refer so frequently to your Ascension, as it is what you came into this cycle to achieve. In so doing you will have proved victorious in overcoming your perceived separation from God. You will have identified with your true Self, a magnificent Being of Light.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and it is a joy to communicate with you at such an important time in your experiences, as you are so responsive and aware.

    Thank you SaLuSa

    Mike Quinsey.

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Beloved Mother Mary

There have been other messages given concerning the solstice for this month, and we are mentioning it again today because it is an extremely important moment in Earth time. You might say that perhaps this is one of the most crucial moments upon Earth that sits on your horizon from now until the end of 2012.

You might call this the precursor or foundation where energies become the building blocks that point towards the Ascension. It is a key marker for humanity from many perspectives. This will be a moment where even greater turmoil will come into the world. It is a moment in history where you will see the beginning of the Earth changes in earnest. If you look at the weather and earthquake activity and volcanism you will see a gradual building up of intensity.

Gaia, along with advanced beings is working with the planet, intending to bring forth these changes in a balanced manner. The changes are necessary for many reasons. There are aging plates upon the surface of your planet and we have discussed this earlier. The Earth only has a few tools that it can use to clear and heal the planet and the most notable one for this is weather. The weather has been used to clear the Earth though you might not see it as such but nevertheless it is.

You, my faithful ones understand spiritual integrity and you don’t always understand the journey but you understand there is a necessity for it to grow spiritually. You are the exception rather than the rule as so much of humanity does not give spiritual information or Source its due consideration. God must be acknowledged as your Creator, and there are many who deny that.

The dark has had its way for so many centuries that humanity for the most part has accepted that God is a myth, and science and the scientific procedures are what govern the growth and evolution of humanity.

It is unfortunate but it is true humanity will be awakened to understand that they have been created by a greater force and that force lives within them. You know that force as it is called a soul. It is an insult to the Creator when an entity lives in that world that denies their soul through their actions. It is even more of an abomination when those individuals intend to control not only the planet, not only humanity, but all forms of life so that those who believe in their Maker are forced to live in abuse and injustice.

Your Creator, the one that we might call the spiritual force is patient, and allows humanity to walk those paths where they can deny their role of spiritual responsibility and progress. But as you know, or might surmise, their patience is growing thin because no matter how much time they are given, those who wish to control and those who follow their power have not changed.

These Earth changes and hardships could have been held back or at least mitigated if those who ignored their Creator would have made an attempt even, to change their direction. Greed is still a big factor in the world and those who are particularly caught up in greed intend to corner all of the assets that they can, no matter that they hold the vast majority of humanity hostage from their right to prosper.

Right now you are seeing the epitome of that attitude within your own country at that place of environmental travesty at the Gulf Coast oil spill. The oil company and your government understand the degree of damage but those who can profit from it are not coming forth and acknowledging the true depth of the disaster. Many are complaining that this big oil company is not treating them fairly, and it is true, they think more of their stock dividends then they think of their responsibility.

This is a big disaster and there is no honour among those who wish to control and dominate and who are totally steeped in greed. There is a coldness of heart and it seems like it cannot be changed. We are not singling out the oil companies though it might seem that way. We are simply giving an example of those who believe that power is king and greed is a virtue.

The Creator’s hand and heart weighs heavy as it seems that there will be no way of changing this attitude and behaviour unless it is demonstrated to people that there is a force greater than they. It has always been the way of the Creator to allow souls to follow their own path and to learn through experience, knowing that good responses will be made along with responses that are not in the soul’s best interest.

But in truth it has been demonstrated through experience that those with the dark agenda do not intend to change and those who teeter along the edge between the light and the dark are moving more towards the dark. This age has become an age where the value of the individual is judged by the amount of wealth that they hold, no matter how that wealth was obtained.

Those who have been abused and who are less fortunate than they are judged as not being worthy of the prosperity that the planet has to offer.

Your Creator holds all souls equal in their sight and abhors any of them being treated like something less than what they hold within; namely a soul reflecting the light and the abilities of the Creator.

These Earth changes of which I speak have always held a mechanism within them to change direction if civilization warranted. Your Creator has exercised much patience in dealing with the conditions on this planet, but that patience is coming to an end. Changes will become more intense, weather will become more erratic, volcanism and earthquakes will also appear to be more frequent and intense.

You will see turmoil in the financial markets and also in the currency markets. You are already starting to see this because these are places where great abuses have originated. Banks and those in the stock market who displayed enough greed to start this currency problem were given the chance. There was a bail out as you call it and to no avail. The profiteers are still harnessing the profits; they are just doing it in a different manner.

So what we are saying is chance was given to progress towards real honour and fair treatment of people but as you can see that also is failing. There will be more hardships on all levels of society and in the planet itself, and it will seem that nature has run amuck and this will continue until people start to wonder why.

Answers are not forthcoming until that “why” question is asked and that doesn’t seem to be happening to those who arrogantly intend to change the entire world to what they desire.

This is the world picture as I perceive it and I wish to say to you that you and others like you who believe in their Maker will be safe from these changes. There will be a moment when all of this turmoil will pass, but it will not happen until humanity has had the opportunity to ask that question “why” and to start to implement changes to honour their fellow human being and to acknowledge that they have a Creator and they pay homage to that Creator.

I say these things to you because you understand, but I also say these things to you to give you encouragement that you will be safe. Those who believe and stay close to their Maker will have nothing to worry about as their desires to advance and move on will bring forth the opportunities to do just that.

You are well aware that there will be great changes in the year 2012 and you have been preparing for that, and because you have been preparing for it you are truly blessed. Understand this is not a message of doom though I realize it could be interpreted as such. Rather it is an opportunity for all because there will be some who will not intend to move forward. Their soul has seen that they have more lessons to learn in a third dimensional culture and they will choose that option to incarnate in a place that offers them more choices in a three dimensional world.

Souls will also be given the opportunity to move on and advance and those who have not made their choices yet, still have time to open their minds and hearts to a spiritual life or refuse to advance at all. This is the time of great blessings as those who wish to regain their spiritual gifts will indeed do so. You might be aware that it is not possible for these greatest gifts to come forward as long as the dark is on your planet and therefore there will be a division of the ways.

This division and the opportunities given to transition to another third dimensional world ensures that every soul receives their future in a certain manner and will be given the opportunities to select their choice.

This message might not seem like a message of comfort as I usually give, but understand that is because what I am saying is that whatever is in your heart will come to pass. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity, this moment in time, for you to make a commitment to whatever desire is in your heart; and if your desire is to move to a spiritually higher plane, then this is the moment to make that decision and to bring forth your Creator into your heart and communicate that desire to them.

This will make a great difference in your life as your intention will be written in the heart of your Creator and you will receive what you are sending forth.

And now for our meditation…

Brought forth by Carolyn Evers
Hug Left Clown Panda Heart

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Crop Circles

Dear john,

Recently Carolyn and I were asked by one of the crop circle makers to bring forth descriptions of some of the crop circles. We decided to ask for a little background on them and how and why they do this work. The following is the result of this inquiry.

Carolyn - First off all I would like to tell you how much I appreciate you coming forth and giving us these explanations. For a very long time I would say there is a great deal of interest being generated by these crop circles and even though the subconscious might understand, many people want to understand in their conscious mind what this means. So I think this is of great service to humanity in doing this and if this fits within your acceptance, I think it would also be very beneficial for us to understand a little bit about you, those who create these patterns, and if you're willing, I would like to know a little bit about who you are, your connection to earth, why you are enlightening us with regards to our nature and higher levels of consciousness and if you would, give us some thoughts as to how you actually create these beautiful crop circles in the crops of grain, and also why you have selected primarily these locations in England.

Crop circle poster

We are from Arcturus and we agreed a long time ago that part of our contribution to humanity would be to bring forth these patterns, that would assist the uplifting of the vibration of humanity and these are done in several ways. Firstly there is the pattern itself which I am describing to you. Secondly there is the energy that the pattern contains. Many have experienced the extraordinary changes which happen when you meditate in these patterns. So the patterns themselves contain an energy. Some have described these as like temples, and in many ways they are. And the third element is the impact upon the grain from these circles, because the grain as you are aware is altered by the energies that come forth to create these patterns, altered in a positive way. The plants grow more strongly and they carry a much higher vibration and so, if the circle is made of the plants from this and you meditate within it, it will be a meditative environment of higher vibration. Also food which is created using the grains and the leaves from these plants will bring higher vibration and in a sense better nutrition to the body. So there are several elements to these patterns, and so that broadly is there purpose. Their purpose is to assist with the awakening of humanity and to the lifting up of the vibration of the human physical body. So that is the purpose. And the reason we use this area is firstly, it is well populated and so almost all the patterns are discovered quickly after they are laid down, and also you will be aware that there is a great history of energies, telluric energies which can be worked with for these patterns, and also of humanity with the Druids in particular working in these areas of England over long periods of time and this in a sense is a consciousness that we can connect with as we bring forth these patterns. So it is a very suitable environment for us to do this work.

And so it is.

Carolyn - Thank you. I would like some further thoughts on something that you said. You mentioned that people who meditate within the crop circle find great benefits on many levels and there are many people in the world who cannot physically go there and sit within those energy patterns. Is there some way that humanity through their desire, through their drive, can access these energies in meditation without physically being there?

It's a very good question. Firstly, the actions of those viewing the patterns and meditating upon the patterns, all of this not only impacts the individual but impacts the consciousness of all of humanity. It contributes to that, you could say conscious field that surrounds the planet and so everybody benefits. The second step that can be taken is that when an individual meditates, they can visualise themselves within a particular pattern. They can intend that they be, that their consciousness join with that pattern and in doing so they will connect with the energy of that pattern. It is not as powerful as being there, but it is much closer than you might imagine and so this is a step that anyone can take. To summarise that, enter meditation and envision yourself within the pattern, and intend that your consciousness be present in that pattern and you will be in that pattern. You also asked about how we actually lay down these patterns and it is difficult to express it in simple terms here. However, what I would say is that we send energy forth and there is a cooperation between us and the elementals you might call them, those beings which husband so much of what is expressed on your planet, husband the plants and the trees and so much of nature. And so these elemental beings cooperate with us and work with the plants to have these patterns come forth. We do not do this alone. It is with their assistance that these patterns are laid down so quickly and so completely and so accurately. I know this is an incomplete answer but it is difficult for me to explain it in terms that you will readily understand.

Carolyn - Thank you. I actually find that answer much more beautiful than perhaps you might think. I'm very much aware that one of the, I don’t like to use the word duty, but responsibility, duty responsibility, actually pleasure, is that it was intended that humankind have a close connection with the elementals and work with them to help planet Earth in a beneficial manner, and this is something that humanity has forgotten. So I'm very glad that you have brought this information forth and so I would like to ask some recommendations from you, some thoughts to help direct humanity towards a more conscious cooperation with the elementals, and if you would just take a moment and explain a little bit the purpose of the elementals, how humanity could assist the elementals and how we as individuals who are so inclined might connect with the elementals to help them with their work, I would appreciate it.

As you say, it was intended for humanity to work closely with these beings and these skills and abilities have been forgotten. However it is something that can be reawakened and indeed it is being reawakened. There are some today who choose to work closely with the elementals. Their role, as I said is to husband much of nature and how it is expressed and unfolded. There is this dance which goes on within nature that most of humanity is unaware of, just as humanity is unaware that there are conscious beings who assist the planet in its unfolding, you could say. There is Gaia and there are the Earth guardians, and there are beings on many levels who assist the processes that unfold upon your planet. And in terms of the living natural plant life in particular, this work is undertaken by the elementals. They communicate with all forms of plant life and it is a connection that anybody can reawaken, if you simply acknowledge this truth and in meditation choose to connect with the elementals, and make them aware that you wish to assist them; and simply taking that step will on an unconscious level bring forth the assistance that humanity was intended to provide to these beings. And it will help to reopen these connections and as the awareness grows for humanity with the changing energies on the planet, as more and more of humanity begins to remember their past lives and their skills and abilities, these connections will grow such that when humanity ascends, this connection with the elementals will be completely re-established, and the dance of life as it was intended will be returned once more.

Carolyn - I want to thank you for that beautiful answer, and you might say bring consciousness of humanity who read this and who listen to this to a certain point that they can understand that first of all there is a grand mission so to speak, where the elementals work with humanity on a planetary level, but I also want to bring focus to how humanity can work with the elementals on a very basic singular mission. You might say where people have simply a flower garden that they enjoy or simply a little vegetable garden where they would like vegetables to grow in profusion, and so I think, just me mentioning this would get people thinking about how they can make a beautiful garden where they live, how they can grow more nutritious food; and so, if you could just comment on that. How perhaps people might meditate, work with the elementals and perform a beautiful picture of blessings in their own backyard, so to speak.

Yes, this is very possible and what I suggest people do is to meditate and to call forth the elementals and ask them to assist you with your garden. Tell them what you want, if you want a profusion of flowers, if you want very nutritious vegetables in profusion, explain this to them and ask them that they protect your flowers and your crops from illness and disease. And whilst this may not be 100% effective in all cases, it will make an enormous difference, an enormous difference. And there are many who are seeking to walk the path of what is known as biodynamic or natural protection of crops of various sorts. If they connect with the elementals and ask them to assist, it will make an enormous difference to these efforts, such that you really can eliminate all of these man-made chemicals that are so readily used in various crops. It is a role that the elementals are more than happy to assist with.

Carolyn - Thank you for bringing that forth, because maybe you realized that was the next direction that I was going was the concept of the fertilizers that humanity uses where I'm not sure is in the best interest of plant life. And so I am assuming that what you're saying is that if humanity connects with the elementals and tells them what they are looking for in their garden, that the chemicals might not be necessary to use, that the soil can be built up through the help of the elementals. Am I on the right track with that?

Yes, it's important to bring forth the alternative forms of nutrients and so on and there are a number of approaches that can be taken. However engaging the assistance of the elementals will make an enormous difference to the effectiveness of these efforts.

Carolyn - Thank you so much.

Blessings, Joy, Love and Peace.

Richard Presser

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Invitation from God

God said:

You are invited to a party I am giving on Earth for all who are here. This gala event is in your honor. It is in honor of your being alive on Earth and partaking of all the experience that there is for you to partake of. Come in. Come here with Me.
Here is your name card. Sit right where you are, or, rather, here is Our dance card. Dance right where you are. I offer My hand to you, and I say, "Let's dance." And you accept My hand, and We dance. We dance fast and slow. We dance to all rhythms. We find that We are virtuosos of the dances of life on Earth. Even the old dances are discovered anew.
We make the music. All has been tuned here. You turn the juke box on. You put the nickel in, and We dance. You are the invited and the inviter. The thing is that you dance, and the whole world is a dance. This is the party that We come to.
We encircle each other. We intertwine with all the other dancers. Our dance is planned, unplanned, spontaneous, unspontaneous. What matters is that We dance, and We dance for the joy of it, not for the complexity of it, not for anything but the joy of it. We invent new steps.
We taste the fruit of all the trees. Even the trees from faraway that we have never seen or touched, we taste the fruit of Our imagination. We name every object and call it by its name even when it has not yet been named. There is nothing that We don't live on our way in and out of Our little spin on Earth. We go around the block once or twice or more. We partner in, and We partner out. Exchanges are made.
Oh, yes, of course, you call some dances work, and some dances play, and some dances dancing. You name that tune.
All the while, you are an adventurer or Earth. You are a scout, a hunter, a barterer, a player, an Excalibur of adventure on Earth. You are lithe, and you are thick, and the Earth waits for you. The Earth doesn't mind what you are like. It offers you itself. It is your dance floor. It is the forest, and it is the lake, and it is the day bright and the night dark, and it is the calm sea, and it is the roaring seas as they enjoy their tempo whatever it may be. May you enjoy too. May you enjoy the swinging. Swing, beloveds, swing.
Life on Earth is here for naught but to be discovered, rallied around, and enjoyed. Life is for the joy of it, the fun of it, the spectacle of it, the unexpectedness of it and the expectedness of it. All is good when you are enjoying on Earth.
Enjoy the swaying. Enjoy the swinging up and the swinging down. Enjoy the highs, and enjoy the lows.
Enjoy the refreshments. Enjoy old favorites, and enjoy for the first time. We are here to enjoy. We are here to savor. Let Us savor the sweet, and let Us savor the not so sweet, and digest it all. It is on Our plate. We lick Our plate clean. We accept what We are served. We accept in good grace. We are at every instant being treated to life on Earth. Whatever comes to Us is Ours, and so we dance with First Choice and Second Choice and even Last Choice because it is what is served to Us.
We close Our eyes, and We open Our eyes. We blink. We smile. We do not frown, for We are dancing. We are dancing to the beat of Our hearts, and so We dance, and We dance until 2 a.m. in the morning, and We dance at dawn, and We dance between times. The thing is that We dance.
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Angel Aurora

Angel Aurora: Look For The Rainbows

Beloved Ones,

I greet you this day with a message of Love and Peace for all upon your beautiful Planet Earth. As the changes continue to take place upon the surface of the Earth and within the atmosphere around the Earth, that which has been unseen will now become visible to your physical eyes. All around you there are a multitude of Beings, entities and consciousness working for your highest good and the highest good of the entire Planet. As your sight is restored to you of all that really is, you will experience a feeling of wonder and delight at what you behold, for there IS wonder and magic all about you.

We are working in unison with all the Devic kingdoms to restore the life force of all the plants and trees upon the Earth. This is done through alchemical knowledge given by Divine Creator. All are busy at restoring, rejuvenating and regenerating all of Nature according to the will of the Creator and the Divine Plan. This is a work of Love and Joy for all of us and we sing with joy and love and praise as we do our work. There are many angelic choirs that you might hear in the gentle breezes of the wind that blows softly through the on the trees. All is in the process of Awakening to the original blueprint.

We work with a rainbow of colors that make all that we touch glow and sparkle with life force and life returns to its original pristine state as existed in times before. The rainbow is truly a magical gift that is given to all and possesses many wondrous properties that have yet to be discovered by you. The rainbow indicates purity and integrity within all things. It carries magical properties within it and can create a state of peace and harmony instantly wherever it is directed. The rainbow energy is a unifying force of the highest order and you will all begin to see the rainbow colors when you look upon Nature as you commune more closely together.

Divine Mother has ordained the restoration of the magic that once flourished in abundance upon this World and this knowledge and awareness will gradually be restored to all who intend to experience it and about it. Alchemy is the way of the future for you, Dear Ones, and as you come into this knowledge yet again you will experience the Oneness that is inherent within All That Is and become happy Co-Creators working for the glory of God, for that is the true purpose of the experience of life in a physical body, to be the living Temple of God made manifest upon the Earth experiencing every facet of this thing called Life.

It is an honor to have this opportunity to speak with you and I am most grateful. I leave you with this thought; look for the rainbows all around you and feel the joy of Life coursing through your veins.

I AM Aurora from the Angelic Realms

©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff

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As the moment for humanity’s move into full consciousness approaches, be aware that this will be a momentous event bringing untold joy to all on Planet Earth. You have been hoping and praying for this moment for eons, and now it is very close. Deep within you you all know this is so. You have been struggling with the inconsistencies, the confusions, and the chaos of your illusory reality in continuing attempts to find peace, love, and acceptance there, and finally the realization is dawning that “illusory peace,” “illusory love,” and “illusory acceptance” are all that you will find there.

To achieve your heart’s true desire you must awaken from your nightmare of loneliness and separation into the light of divine acceptance, where you are one with each other and with your eternally loving Father. This is your true state of being, from which you have never departed — there is no other state.

You chose to imagine another state in which you were alone, separate, and completely unaware of God’s divine Reality — all that was, is, or ever will be — the state of divine eternal bliss in which God and His creation have their existence. That imaginary state has caused you much pain, suffering, and even despair. It is time to let it go and allow it to fade away as you awaken into the brillliant light of your Father’s Presence — God’s divine Reality — where you are infinitely loved, accepted, and cherished always, without end.

As this unimaginably exhilarating moment approaches, continue to offer your hearts to your Father, open fully to accept the abundance of His eternal Love, in order that you may receive It and be a conduit through which It flows to all those who are also open to It, so that you may experience It as a gift from and to each other, reminding you that you are all eternally One.

The wonder of this approaching moment will, when it arrives, bring you to a state of sublime awe and ecstasy, as you once more become aware of who you truly are. Even when you are unaware — due to the seductive attractions of your illusory reality — and perhaps actually unconscious of the fact that your divine Father exists, you do know and have always known at a very deep level that what you were experiencing as humans was not even the palest shadow of Reality. That is why you have always been dissatisfied, even when it seemed that you had achieved everything that you had sought.

How could it be otherwise when you can never escape the knowledge that everything for which you strive will decay and crumble? Nothing that does not last, but decays and disintegrates, can ever satisfy you — because you were created to enjoy eternal satisfaction, and you cannot completely hide that knowledge from yourself. You can disguise it by distracting yourself; you can dismiss it by denying it; but it always remains with you — a state of non-specific anxiety that you try to ignore and refuse to address.

Eventually you must address it by surrendering your heart to God and to your true Self, whereupon you will be inundated with a Love that is so full, so complete, and so all-encompassing that you will no longer be able to resist It, but will just allow yourself to sink into the depths of your Father’s loving embrace where you belong, and where you have always existed. It was only your determined resistance to that state that enabled you to convince yourself that you were separated from It — a stubborn and grumpy state of denial that you will be unable to maintain for very much longer.

The joy of your Father’s Love for you is seeping into your awareness, and your resistance is dissolving, like sugar in a hot drink, as you allow yourself once more to acknowledge that you are eternally One with Him.

With so very much love, Saul.

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Master Hilarion

June 5-12, 2010
Welcome back, Beloved Lightworkers,

So many of you are still working through "stuff" which involves situations that need to be resolved not only from your current lifetime but also from former lifetimes and timelines. It is a time of completion, of new and wondrous beginnings. It is a time of the re-evaluation of your purpose on this Earth and the purpose for which you came. There are situations in your lives that keep you tied to the old paradigm that you need to move out of.

This is of prime importance now, Dear Ones. There is a need to make a definitive choice to put you firmly on the Ascension Path and to stay firmly on this Path, no matter what transpires around you. There will continue to be many situations that arise that you may feel require your effort and input and we say to you that it is now time to lovingly detach from these and allow your loved ones to deal with their own "stuff". Your efforts each day should be focused on raising and keeping raised, your increased Light quotient. Now more than ever before, this is the effort and focus that needs to be maintained. Intend your Love and good will to each and ask that the Higher Forces help in their situations and then release and let go.

The times that are upon you require constant re-dedication to your Ascension Path. Keep this ever before you and ask for assistance each day. You have each been assigned Ascension Teams who are constantly by your side, giving you strength, courage and inspiration and all the energies and that you may require to move you forward. These Teams are able to give assistance to you in a more apparent and noticeable level if you request their assistance and if you do so, you will begin to notice that positive changes are taking place in your lives in a very real and tangible way. Ask specifically to clear away any and all illusions that you may still be living under, so that you may go forward in your life and away from any situations where you seem to be stuck.

Your Teams are ever hopeful of being called upon to be of even greater assistance to you. In these times there is a uniting of efforts on all dimensions, working in unison for the Highest Good of all and specific requests are honored so that each person can move into the higher frequency levels with greater ease and grace.

Please do call upon us as we together multi-dimensionally to raise the Light quotient of everyone and everything upon the Planet and our dear Planet Herself. We hold each of you in our hearts and enfold you in the wings of hope and unconditional Love at all times, Beloved Ones.

Until next week....

I AM Hilarion
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Angels through Ann Ambers


My dear friends, we love you so very much.

Today we wish to speak to you on the subject of impatience. Dear ones we understand that it can be frustrating when you have done everything you know to do and you are waiting for God's plans to unfold in your life. Whether you have lost a job and are searching for a new one, learned to love yourself and are waiting for the relationship to arrive, or simply wanting life to change and not yet clear on how to get on with it, it is human nature for doubts, fears, and frustrations to creep in no matter how faithful you attempt to be.

When these little demons of fear and doubt find their way into your mind, simply give them a voice. Journal them, express them to a dear friend, and then get on with it. For if you try to ignore the human voices within your own mind, they will just attempt to get louder. Everything in you, even your fears, seeks expression. If you give them a voice in a healthy way, then in a sense, you can take charge of your own reality once again. "Dear God I am frustrated and impatient. I can't wait for my dreams to come true. I don't believe today that they ever will..." so on, and so forth. Then after you have vented a bit, ask yourself, "Do I really believe I would create a life in which my dreams do not come true?" Of course, you wouldn't do that to yourselves dear friends! And so now, you have the answer. Your dreams are coming, in perfect timing, in a perfect way, and your only job is to believe in them, to believe you are worthy of them, and to act when you feel inspired to do so.

This is God's way of working in your life and it does require tremendous faith and often patience. You can always achieve your dreams the way the world teaches you to do so - through a lot of hard work - and that is fine too. However, if you are willing to be very faithful, often patient, and to embrace the life in front of you now with gratitude, then God can work miracles for you. Impatience is, after all, just another one of the many faces of fear. Impatience says, "Show me quickly now God that you are listening to me, so I do not have to fear that you are not!" If you knew, dear ones, truly knew that your dreams would come true in due time, you would simply enjoy the life in front of you now and look to the future with great joy and anticipation. If you can reach this state of being then you can trust that you truly are creating and you can truly relax and enjoy the present moment.

Life happens now, and now, and now again dear ones... Don't miss it while waiting for the future.

God bless you! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

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David Icke on 2012

David Icke on 2012

June 8, 2010 left top; FLOAT: left; WIDTH: 16px; CURSOR: pointer; MARGIN-RIGHT: 1px; HEIGHT: 16px" onclick=PDRTJS_653317_post_6569.rate(1); onmouseout=PDRTJS_653317_post_6569.rebuild();> left top; FLOAT: left; WIDTH: 16px; CURSOR: pointer; MARGIN-RIGHT: 1px; HEIGHT: 16px" onclick=PDRTJS_653317_post_6569.rate(2); onmouseout=PDRTJS_653317_post_6569.rebuild();> left top; FLOAT: left; WIDTH: 16px; CURSOR: pointer; MARGIN-RIGHT: 1px; HEIGHT: 16px" onclick=PDRTJS_653317_post_6569.rate(3); onmouseout=PDRTJS_653317_post_6569.rebuild();> left top; FLOAT: left; WIDTH: 16px; CURSOR: pointer; MARGIN-RIGHT: 1px; HEIGHT: 16px" onclick=PDRTJS_653317_post_6569.rate(4); onmouseout=PDRTJS_653317_post_6569.rebuild();> left top; FLOAT: left; WIDTH: 16px; CURSOR: pointer; MARGIN-RIGHT: 1px; HEIGHT: 16px" onclick=PDRTJS_653317_post_6569.rate(5); onmouseout=PDRTJS_653317_post_6569.rebuild();>
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“We’re entering a period of fantastic change, which is getting faster all the time,” says David Icke in this 9-minute video David Icke and 2012.

“And we have two challenges, one after the other. The first is to open our minds, start taking responsibility back, and remove this edifice of control and suppression of information which will allow the full flow of knowledge of who we are to flood into the public arena.

“Once people start to realize who they really are and the nature of life, then we can go into two which is the incredible consciousness shift that is going to happen, and is happening for many people already, but can happen for everybody if we open up to the knowledge of what’s going on and to do that the edifice of suppression has to go.

“And what I see so often in … what we call New Age movement is that they’re focusing on the second bit and they’re in denial about about the first. And the second is not going to happen for many people unless we remove the edifice of suppression cause most people are going to think what the heck’s going on and they’re going to go through this great change in a complete fog of what’s happening. …

“Two things to do here. One is to start focusing on how the world’s controlled, identify it and remove it. Secondly, then we can concentrate unhindered on the transformation spiritually that is unfolding in the year 2012 and beyond. …

“We’re at a point now where we can make incredible leaps as this 26,000-year cycle comes to an end. It’s going to be an incredible challenge.

“But no matter how challenging it gets, one thing remains constant. We live forever. We are everything and everything is us. Whatever we’re experiencing in this moment is just an experience. We live forever. We are genius. We’ve forgotten we are genius. And that’s why a few people run the world. …

“When we heal ourselves, we heal the world. When we change ourselves, we change the world. When we love ourselves, we love the world. And when we love the world, it manifests in a very different form to the one I’ve been talking about, over these thousands of years of manipulation. Freedom is upon us. It’s time to grasp it.”

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Master Hilarion

Master Hilarion's Weekly Message

May 30 – June 5, 2010

Beloved Lightworkers,

Get ready for a great increase in the downpouring energies. The next month will be filled with many changes taking place within you as you continually receive these powerful attunements and as this occurs, many wonderful will take place. It will first take place in the situations that have been taking your focus and attention during the previous months and all of a sudden, it will be as though none of it happened at all. It will leave many of you confused about what just occurred. Was what you were experiencing real or a figment of your imagination? Life will take on a surreal feeling and you will be questioning yourselves constantly. Our advice is to become still and get out into nature and just be. Allow yourself to reconnect within and breathe, and get back to the basics of who you are, at your core, the wonderful Being of Light and Love who has always cared about ‘the other’ more than about yourself.

You have been carrying a heavy load, for you have taken up some of the load of the mass consciousness grid and you have each been playing out these energies in your own lives. Many strange and puzzling things have been taking place and the more you have tried to solve the puzzle of it, the more confused things have become. The secret here is to let go of it all and take a rest from everything. If it is at all possible, find a quiet and tranquil place where you can be at peace and observe what is around you, the birds, insects, and trees, the clouds and their formations, the sun shining upon your or the rain dropping from the sky onto your face. Attune to these simple events and allow yourself to be in observation and detachment mode.

Your calmness and equilibrium is much needed at this time. Bring out your sense of humor and laugh often at any amusing thoughts that come to you. We from the Higher realms are endeavoring to bring to you feelings of joy and lightness in order to help you move beyond the situations that you find yourselves in and hopefully, break free of them. Many veils you have lived under are now being removed and your life will suddenly make more sense than ever before. You will start to remember your Higher purpose here on Earth and the role each of you have chosen to play in the Divine Plan and all the puzzle pieces will begin to come together. It is a playing out of all that is in the process of completion and you will soon find yourselves in a much happier and more joyful place. All that went before will seem to have been just a dream and as with all dreams, will fade from your memories.

We thank each of you for being willing to experience these emotions and situations in order to come to a place of balance. This voluntary service has enabled the Light quotient upon the Earth to rise to a higher level. It now remains for you to maintain this momentum and keeping it firmly anchored into the Earth’s core. Most of you now maintain your central core and meet all new experiences and changes with the greatest balance and equilibrium. We say ‘well done’ and ‘thank you’ from all upon the Higher planes. Through all your feelings of pain, suffering and confusion, you maintained the concept of the Higher purpose being at work within your lives and now, the time has come to release and let go. Laughter and light heartedness will make this process easier. Everyday, find things and situations to laugh about. Observe yourself laughing, observe your feelings and your reactions and responses and learn the difference between these. Know that at your central core, you are united with the greater purpose of Life, which is to go forth and experience all that can be experienced in order to discern all that the situations have offered you as the gifts of learning and growth.

Stay as relaxed as you possibly can in these times and just send the energies of the Love that you are to everyone and everything around you. Love will overcome all that has been presented to you. Search deep within yourselves and realize that this is your bottom line. Love conquers all else. Love is the most powerful force in the Universe. With Love all things are possible. With Love, the burdens and cares are lifted and the new day and the new way beckons onward. Many golden opportunities will present themselves to you and you will be choosing what role to step into. These times are exciting and exhilarating and ready to be explored and experienced to the fullest. Stay centered at all times. You are each loved and adored beyond measure. All will make sense as you continue this journey.

I AM Hilarion

©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.

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The Arcturians

The Arcturians: On the Cusp of Ascension

June 3, 2010

I haven’t seen many channeled messages that address the question, once we ascend to Fifth Dimension, can we return to Third and be near our loved ones?

Suzann Carroll’s channeling of the Arcturians does. Again, as always, use your discernment.

The Arcturians

Through Suzann Carroll

June 3, 2010

We wish to tell you now, you are on the cusp of ascension. This cusp is the place in-between your third/fourth dimensional reality and fifth dimensional New Earth. You may wish for us to tell you how long you will be on the cusp. However, “how long” is a time statement and “on the cusp” is a space statement.

We cannot tell you how long you will be bound by your time/space thinking. But, we can tell you that when you release the linear, polarized thinking, you will be your Multidimensional SELF.

When you are your true SELF there will be no waiting, for you will merely adjust the frequency of your consciousness to the frequency of reality that you desire to experience.

Many of our Planetary Ascension Team Members will choose to oscillate their consciousness back and forth across the cusp.In this manner, they may have the experience of Being in a fifth dimensional reality, without feeling that they have abandoned those who have not been able to remember and awaken to their Multidimensional SELF.

Often those who have crossed over into the higher dimensions via the of earthly “death,” remain close in frequency to their loved persons, places and things. Gradually, as they accustom to their new life, they choose to calibrate their consciousness to their new life more and more and their old life less and less.

It will be the same for the ascended ones of Earth. Gradually, you will become more involved in the experiences of your fifth dimensional life and more detached from your third/fourth dimensional reality.

You will also learn that when you are fifth dimensional, you can easily recreate any beloved places or things with the power of your minds. Also, everyone has a body on every dimension. Therefore, when you become fifth dimensional, your consciousness fully returns to its true fifth dimensional self.

When an earth bound one chooses to ascend across the cusp, they will instantly merge with their fifth dimensional SELF who never left that frequency. Furthermore, you will meet the fifth dimensional expressions of those in your reality who are not yet ready to ascend.

Their third dimensional experiences of SELF will then remain in the lower frequencies and their only experience of fifth dimensional Earth will be through their dreams, and perhaps, their . They may know what is happening in that “dream” reality, but they will remain as detached from that experience as you are detached from your dreams.

In other words, “nothing is lost and nothing is gained” for those who choose to continue to remain grounded in the third dimension. Reality is a house of mirrors in which there are many reflections of the same experience.

(The Arcturians, “On the Cusp of Ascension,” June 3, 2010, through Suzann Carroll, at

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Message from Ann and the Angels

heartMessage from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

Allow yourselves to enjoy your days dear friends, for so much time is wasted on worry and fear. When you reach our side someday you will see that life is meant to be lived very simply, one moment at a time, trusting in God, trusting in your own hearts, and knowing that all is in right order. "But how can life's challenges be in right order?" so many of you ask.

Dear ones, earth is a school and these challenges are simply lessons that your soul has created for yourself. When you walk in faith, knowing that in the end you are eternal beings and surrendering to the lessons in front of you, then the challenges become less challenging. Instead of wasting time on worry and fear, you free up your energy and your mind to receive the guidance that can get you through the challenges more easily and help you understand the lessons. Instead of wasting your energy on worry and fear, you direct it towards loving and creative solutions.

We know you have made fear an acronym on your planet for "False Events Appearing Real," and that is true. We would also offer you this definition:

Resisting Your Heart

For when you remember you are eternal beings here in the school called earth, suddenly the big problems take on a new and become simply lessons and challenges to be resolved. When you surrender to your heart in the present moment, then all of the sudden you free up your energy and you open yourself up to new solutions.

Dear ones, try not to give into the very human temptations of worry and fear. Try to remember the truth - that you are loved, guided, supported, and gently assisted in all your lessons, and that when you let go of fear, and embrace the truth of God's love your life can transform rather magically.

God bless you! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

heartMessage from Ann

ann5.jpg Hi Everyone,

This week it occurred to me to ask myself, "How would my life be different if I had no fear?" I posted the question on facebook and the results were heartwarming. I don't think the big fears are what really drag us down. I believe it is the little tiny insidious fears that yak, yak, yak in our minds on a daily basis that are the soul sucking culprits that rob us of our energy and ability to truly be the love that we are.

I've faced most of my big fears, but it's the little ones I want to sort through and get out of my life and my mind. For example, earlier in the week my girl dog snarfed down the other dog's medication on top of her own. I raised my voice in fear, "NO!!" She ran off because I scared her. I settled down and realized that all I had to do was tune in and see if she'd be ok. She was. I had needlessly reacted. I had to get out of the fear to figure out what to do.

Fear blocks the guidance we could get otherwise. Once my other dog ate a wooden basting brush. It was Sunday and only emergency clinics were open and there was my dog filled with wood splinter that could kill him. For a moment, I freaked out. The I settled down and had the thought to google "My dog ate splinters"... well from there I found the "Cotton Ball remedy." which worked like a charm. (Take several 100% cotton balls, and rip into tiny pieces. Dip them in milk or cream and feed to the dog. They wrap around the splinters and escort them out safely. Dog was fine and I was more peaceful.)

There are times when fears keep us from speaking up and letting others know how much we care. Fears stop us from sharing our thoughts and feelings, and in reality that stops us from authentically connecting with others. I disagreed with a dear friend this week and almost chickened out of sharing my feelings. When I kindly shared my thoughts, we had a great discussion and our friendship deepened. If you fear that you will lose someone by being yourself, perhaps you are losing yourself.

There are times when fears keep us from admitting what we are good at and this keeps us from starting a business or sharing our talents. In the past when someone has asked "What do you do" I replied, "Oh counseling." Now I tell the whole truth, "I talk to angels and dead people." It either scares people away or we find a wonderful and meaningful connection. Truth sorts life out. Fear keeps us in the generic, bland, and illusory "safety" zone where we can please the majority of people but have to give up who we really are.

Fear also prevents us from really enjoying our lives. I haven't been to this one hiking spot in ages because it's a little climb and a little scary but I love it and know I'm safe, so this weekend I climbed up on an extinct cinder cone and had the best meditation I've had in ages, centered between earth and sky. Silly little fears had prevented that experience for years.

So this week, join me in this experiment and ask yourself... "How would life be different today if I had no fear." Don't worry about the big fears, and don't abandon discernment and common sense. Just notice the little fears that creep up and see if you can act as if they are not there... always with love, kindness, and a willingness to be who you really are. I bet it will free up more of your energy and makes room for more joy!

Love and hugs,

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We donot need oil

The gift of free-energy technology is part of a much wider revolution that will take place
We have seen, above, and will see, below, that our space family promises to help us clean up the effects of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. SaLuSa says:
“The call for us to arrive is growing stronger as each day passes, as the threats to your environment pose great problems for your future.” (18)
Helping us switch from fossil-fuel to free-energy technology will rid the planet of pollution. Says spirit teacher Saul:
“With abundant free energy readily available wherever needed, coal mining and oil 'harvesting' and exploration will first be greatly reduced and then finally cease, as the industries that require that kind of energy become obsolescent.
“Cleaning up and repairing the damage that those basically barbaric industrial conglomerates have caused will be a major task in the next few years, and much, in your terms, technologically very advanced assistance will be provided to ensure that this is done cleanly and efficiently.” (19)
In fact, these developments will be part of a revolution in Earth's society. SaLuSa tells us:
“Reliance upon oil will be replaced by the many free-energy devices that are already designed for your use. You will no longer be captives of the few who have ruthlessly controlled your lives through such resources. There is so much waiting to be revealed and released to you that will have an immediate effect upon you.
“All areas of your lives will be changed for the better and it will commence once we can walk and talk with you in complete safety [SB: it is our safety he has in mind]. That which has been hidden for so long will be revealed, and you have much to learn from us. We are your willing and loving mentors who will soon become an important part of your lives.” (20)
The program to clean up the Earth, often called “terraforming,” is far-reaching, Matthew Ward says.
“The wanton destruction of your environment through oil and gas extraction, mining, logging and their resultant pollution will cease and all types of toxins in the atmosphere, soil and water will be eliminated. Forests will be restored to the levels required for the balance of Nature, and the need is great as well to preserve and expand habitats where animals have been reduced to countable numbers, just as the oceans must be returned to health so marine life can flourish instead of disappear.
"There are plans to achieve those goals as well as keep pristine land areas free of concrete incursions [i.e., urban construction] and implement alternative power sources.” (21)
The Gulf of Mexico oil spill will be cleaned up
To return to the question on everyone's mind, will the Gulf of Mexico oil spill be cleaned up?
SaLuSa says that it will and the clean-up will be part of the general preparation for Ascension on or before Dec. 21, 2012.
“We know that so many of you are tired of the old ways and the degree of pressure you suffer simply to survive. It is therefore [welcome] for us to be able to inform you that such experiences are coming to a close. The help we are offering you is needed more urgently as so many problems pile up.
“The Gulf of Mexico oil leak is proving to be a monumental disaster, and is just one pressing problem that is environmentally threatening. Weather changes are becoming another annual problem, and the food chain is suffering as a result.
"Financial changes are necessary to overcome the possibility of a large scale collapse, and in all of these cases we can give you guidance to help find the solutions. ...
"Naturally these problems are high on our list of projects, to reverse the damage that has occurred. ...
“The Galactic Federation is geared to provide you with all the help you need, and not just for the problems we have referred to. There is a long standing plan to restore you and the Earth in preparation for Ascension. We await our official acceptance and invitation to meet you and it really cannot be put off much longer as we all need to get started.” (22)
As SaLuSa reveals: “We are your mentors and protectors and have the appointed task of restoring Mother Earth.” (23) He reassures us that “the physical changes are totally under our watchful eye ... as part of the cleansing and restoration of Mother Earth.” (24)
As we sit here naively watching such misinforming programs as The Nostradamus Effect or waiting for SETI to hear a signal, GF spokesman Ker-On of Venus assures us that no such destruction awaits the world.
“Let me be quite clear that the Earth will not be destroyed and there will be no mass deaths that will decimate the population. This is where the Galactic Federation comes in as your guardians and protectors, a responsibility that has been theirs for many thousands of years.
“Our presence is your assurance that there will no major destruction in your time, beyond that which Mother Earth sees as necessary to cleanse the planet.
"We are here to see you safely ascend and with as little inconvenience as possible. You will understand better when the time soon arrives and through open contact we can talk with you about the plans for Earth and its survival.” (25)
Rather than watching the world be destroyed, the star nations will be returning it to its original pristine condition.
Says SaLuSa, “we ... help prepare Mother Earth [for ascension] and remove all vestiges of the damage brought about by your demands upon her. You are to ascend as One and that will fulfil the Creator’s decree for the end of this cycle of duality.” (26)
According to Matthew Ward, the transition from oil to free-energy and the pollution clean-up will not take a long time.
“Technology exists that will make even the 'long' transitions quite rapid, such as energy sources for transportation changing from oil-dependency to alternate fuels that are pollution-free and with greater mileage efficiency.
"Health care, for instance, will change considerably faster than transportation modes, as regulations prohibiting the widespread use of known cures, both products and therapies, are struck down. Ridding the planet of pollutants, including the toxins of weaponry, will happen quite quickly as well, as cleansing technology also exists.” (27)
Our space family agrees. SaLuSa:
“The lost years will be made up to you in next to no time. The Light is bringing back balance and, once the power and influence of the dark forces is overcome, you shall see great changes come in quick succession.” (28)
Once the Earth has ascended, pollution will no longer be possible, Matthew says.
“In the higher frequencies where spiritual clarity reigns, there will be no new ... toxic pollution of air, water and soil, which ... is man-designed [i.e., Illuminati-designed] for the purpose of causing sickness and death [i.e., decimating the population]. And the effects of radioactivity, which even now are being alleviated by the technology of your extraterrestrial friends, no longer will affect Earth and her life forms.” (29)
All of this will help prepare us for Ascension in 2012. According to SaLuSa:
“The mood of the people will change dramatically once they are informed of our mission. We offer you release from the thralldom of many centuries of persecution, poverty and wars that have kept you in the control of the dark Ones.
"That alone will bring joy and hope to those who are still experiencing such conditions and the prosperity program will address many current issues. We will be more involved in the bigger ones that have beset your whole world.” (30)
"The changes will not be imposed for the sake of it, but are part of our plan to bring you the comforts and protection that will lift your experiences to a new level and bring you joy and happiness.
"Following that you will be in the right frame of mind to apply yourselves to the business of preparing for Ascension. That is the ultimate goal." (31)
In closing, let me say that the Illuminati's main strategy has been to engender fear. Not only should this be plain from film and TV representations of all space beings as deadly predators when they are not, (32) but it should also be clear from the many films and TV programs that represent Armageddon and the Apocalypse as happening in 2012, when no such thing will occur.
The Illuminati still control the mainstream media, which, at present, publish very little of the truth of what is happening today on this or many other topics. Gradually its Illuminati owners have eliminated the mainstream media's investigative reportage as respected journalists like Dan Rather have acknowledged. People are starting to awaken to the manner in which they have been manipulated for so long.
None of the information conveyed in this article probably would have been available if not for the Internet.
Our space brethren are regularly communicating with us at this time. There is no reason to be ignorant of the magnificent events that 2012 promises.
Moreover, there is no reason to fear our future. We can safely look upon it with relief and excitement, as this article seeks to demonstrate.
We looked here at the manner in which the Illuminati have withheld free-energy devices which would free us from our dependence on oil. We saw the way in which oil dependency fits into the cabal's plans to dominate Earth, depopulate it, and enslave the remaining population.
We heard both space brothers and spirit teachers say that, following ET/UFO disclosure, these and other beneficial technologies will be released to Earth's population, relieving us and the planet of much suffering.
This information can be placed alongside that emanating from the press, TV, Hollywood, and the Internet which portrays extraterrestrials as malevolent. It should at least start people thinking about the truthfulness of those portrayals and the reasons for propagating misinformation such as this.
Most importantly, it demonstrates that the answer to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill is linked to disclosure of the ET/UFO presence. If you wish to see the Gulf cleaned up, make your voice heard to end the truth embargo on the galactic presence.
There are hundreds of sources on the ET presence who affirm what is said here. Google David Wilcock, Project Camelot, Steven Greer and the Disclosure Project, Stephen Bassett, the X-Conference, Drunvalo Melchizedek, David Icke, or any of the sources on The 2012 Scenario for more information.
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Galactic Federation of Light

Galactic Federation Update for 1 June 2010 by Sheldan Nidle

  • 3 Manik, 10 Pax, 5 Caban

    Selamat Balik! We return on this day to talk with you about a number of events that are close to happening. Every day for years, you have waited for the prosperity funds to finally arrive at your door. Every day, you have been disappointed when this did not occur. Our Earth allies have worked hard to make this manifest for you, and as we watched this situation, we noticed three predominant obstructive factors: first, the institutions that control and heartlessly manipulate your world were operating at full throttle; this is no longer the case: your governmental, political, and economic spheres are in disarray! Second, your various military and international enforcement institutions had not as yet made up their minds about the best direction for your world to take. These organizations have since made this decision and now whole-heartedly support change. Third, the underlying attitude of the world’s people was largely indifferent to any drastic altering of their realty, and this too has now changed: the level of anger at the state of global affairs and of longing for a new direction has reached critical mass.

    These pivotal collective decisions, coupled with the great longing of the world’s people, are at last in alignment with the grand transformations espoused by our Earth allies, and so Heaven has acceded to our demands for a deeper involvement in your affairs. Until now, we had merely cajoled the dark cabalists and had not firmly convinced them of the urgent need for immediate surrender. They took advantage of our indirect stance to intensify the disaster growing in the Gulf of and had asked their minions to prepare a full doomsday scenario. We watch this in horror and are most relieved by the recent decrees from Heaven. Our task is to employ our personnel and ships in such a way as to force an end to this heinous activity. To this end we have had several sincere talks with Earth’s Spiritual Hierarchy in order to get the go-ahead for our diverse strategies. These are designed to push the dark out of the way and ensure the swift rise of our Earth allies. Accordingly, we have asked that all the teams, waiting in the wings to be the transitional regimes around the world, now make themselves known to us.

    In this regard, we have provided these critical personnel with a series of lectures, followed by an open session of questions and answers concerning our mission to bring full consciousness back to this reality. During our recent set of talks with Earth’s Spiritual Hierarchy, it was made crystal clear that the present level of earth-changes activities such as earthquakes and volcanism was to continue on an ascending scale over the coming months. We are subject to a timeframe which behooves us to ensure that the requisite changes to your world happen now and not later. We have noticed the massive upwelling of magma throughout your planet. Tectonic-plate action is likewise increasing, and it appears certain that what we were told to expect is currently happening. Consequently, we have had many serious meetings with those who are to be in charge of the military and civilian government ministries in the transitional regimes. In a nutshell, we have initiated a plan whose purpose is to divest the dark cabalists of their present seats of power.

    At the same time, we are to ensure that the prosperity programs, which are the final link to this transition, are delivered to their recipients. The purpose of this change is to replace your present illegal regimes with properly established de jure governments. Without Disclosure, our tasks are harder to perform successfully. Nonetheless, these divinely ordained activities must take place in the proper and agreed-upon ways, and to this end, our diplomatic and liaison forces are carrying out our plans according to the agreed legitimate format. We are busy making sure that the old regimes resign at the time jointly agreed to. To date, all is well. The dark understands what we need, and it is grudgingly complying. For our part, we are monitoring the activities of each group of dark minions as we fully expect some form of shenanigans. The secret-government elements behind some of your major governments have indeed put obstacles in our path, and we have responded by limiting the effects of these dirty deeds.

    Mother Earth wants you to know that the present pace of earth changes is to accelerate, making the disaster in the Gulf even more of a threat. This situation is an incentive for all to do their utmost to remove the dark from power. It is no longer an option for these unrelenting ones to remain at the helm, and it is time that they meet with their just deserts. Your global societies need fundamental economic reforms backed by people-oriented government. Our direct intervention is also necessary because these regimes need considerable reliable oversight. Your world, for far too long, has looked to the dark, devious, and controlling ways of the Anunnaki’s minions for guidance, which is why some degree of initial mentoring is indicated. Also required is close interaction by each of you with your respective regimes. A cornerstone of galactic society is government that is fully responsive to an aware, informed, and dedicated body politic.

    The old ways are to be transformed by an abundant and fearless populace. You need to regard yourselves as the “owners” of your local and national governments. Those put into power, even in the most propitious circumstances, can falter and require the people’s due diligence. We are here to be your mentors; to transform your consciousness; and to reconnect you fully with the Divine. As this happens, you will acquire new and inspiring areas of responsibility. This means you are to step outside your present “box,” thereby gaining access to a more responsive and knowledgeable you, and we will encourage you every step of the way. Higher consciousness naturally brings with it more wisdom, more connection with the Divine, and more sacred responsibility, building to the moment when you actually achieve full consciousness.

    Our task is clearly defined. What you have made of yourselves is no longer sufficient, which is why Heaven embarked on her program of moving you up to full consciousness. This jeopardized everything in your environment as this reality can no longer sustain itself. The chain of life that supports you is badly crippled and cannot be repaired. This pushes you to the next level, and indeed it is only higher-level technologies run by higher-conscious Beings that can restore viability to your reality. This new, transformed reality is to be home to fully conscious Beings; and these Beings are of course to be you. They will require mentors only in the beginning; then their own wisdom can propel them toward their divine destiny. This destiny includes the forging of a new star-nation and becoming an important part of the Galactic Federation of Light.

    Your world is to see this happen now! We are moving forward with our pieces of the puzzle and are ready to make it all happen. The dark sees its nemesis looming and knows its time has come! The reins of power are to pass to our Earth allies, and the first items on their agenda are the new economic-financial realities and a reversal of the catastrophe forming in the Gulf. This leads to the end of the UFO cover-up, which permits us to intervene in a more public way. Central to this is the open acknowledgment of the partnership between the Earth allies, the people of Earth, and the first contact team. This partnership is to clean up your planet, start you on the road to full consciousness, and allow you to become accepted citizens of the Milky Way Galaxy.

    Today, we brought you up to date regarding what is happening on your world. Your reality is more than ready to be transformed by Heaven, by you, and by us, and all in a very short period of time. We look forward to the grand reunion and to helping you complete your transformation into fully conscious Beings. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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